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Development Project 
Need: Flip Charts 2-3, Marker pens 
Print: Basic Cycle slide 8, List of stages slide 17, (Included in 
handouts doc) 
Problem Tree, Stakeholder grid 
Overview of this session 
 What is Development Planning? 
 Project Cycle Management 
 Planning Tools 
 Comments on Project Planning 
“If you don’t know where you 
are going, any road will get 
you there” 
Development Planning Theory 
Some of the principles 
 What ‘just happens’ vs. intentional acts 
 Development as Vision 
 Positive or Negative 
 Development Administration/Management 
o Structure 
o Agency and Agencies 
o Institutions 
 Trusteeship 
 Reductionism: power and capacity 
Structure: the pattern or framework of relationships between 
social institutions such as markets, families, classes and 
political factions. It includes rules of behaviour associated with 
moral norms and hierarchies 
Agency: actions of individuals or groups and capacities to 
influence events Institutions: laws and codes etc. 
Trusteeship: acting on behalf of others to promote 
improvements – to “develop” them 
Reductionism: An attempt to explain complex phenomena or 
structures by relatively simple principles Power: control of 
resources, physical and cultural Capacity: western view vs IP 
Plans, Programmes, Projects 
 Plan: a statement of forward looking 
decisions, how they work together and the 
criteria used in making them 
 Programme: usually a long-term series of 
interventions, sometimes with no defined 
end point 
 Project: a discrete activity aimed at a 
specific objective with a defined budget and 
limited timeframe 
Plan Millennium Development Goals Programme: DFID, EU, 
Project: Novelty, Finite Duration and Budget, Clear 
Objectives, Some Complexity 
Aspects of 
Project Cycle Management 
 Credibility 
 “Ownership” 
 Efficiency 
 Monitoring and control 
 Formal contingency planning 
 Despite talk…the approach requires 
some form of “blueprint” to ensure 
adherence to budgets and timeframes


‘Reductionist’ Project 
 Scientific Management 
o Simplifies and reduces management to a series of 
inter-related and quantifiable components 
 Inputs 
Defined processes and relationships 
 Has serious flaws, 
but used in all development work 
Generic Project Cycle 
Implementation & 
Negotiation and Approval 
Generic Project Cycle 
Exercise: Who does each stage? 
Implementation & 
Negotiation and Approval 
Group Discussion 
Some examples of project 
cycle methods 
Here we have a generic project cycle, but this version shows 
some iterations of steps – feed back lessons learned, 
modify to suit the situation 
Asian Development Bank Asian Development Bank Project Cycle


World Bank World Bank Project Cycle 
International Fund for Agricultural Development 
International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentAWP&Bs = 
Annual Work Plans & Budgets MTR Mid-term Review 
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal 
Logical Framework Approach 
 ZOPP (Zielorientierte Projektplanung) 
o GOPP- Goal Oriented Project Planning 
 Planning, by a participatory process, 
 aimed at the needs of target groups, 
 the key parts of a project are agreed with 
those concerned 
Developed by USAID in 1960s to be developed by various UN 
agencies, then adopted by GTZ in 1980s but now optional. 
In widespread use by the larger donor organizations, 
partially because of the orderly structuring and documentation 
of information and its demand for more skill in use DFID 
require it 
Logical Framework Approach 
 Use a planning matrix – the logical 
framework – which: 
o summarises the main parts of a project, and 
o highlights logical linkages between 
 intended inputs, 
 planned activities and 
 expected results. 
ZOPP and the Project Cycle 
GTZ - 5 ZOPP Stages 
1. Pre-project planning 
2. Starting Appraisal 
3. Partner Negotiation 
4. Plan Finalization 
5. Implementation and Monitoring 
6. Evaluation 
Ex-Ante Appraisal: A. Outline funding mechanisms and 
budget B. Define project PRINT THIS 
C. socio-economic context of the intervention D. 
Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and 
threats E. Take account of the success / failure of the past 
programmes F. Means to attain the Objectives 
G. Assessment the rationale and overall consistency of the 
H. Quantify objectives (Output, and Impact indicators for each 
1. Pre Project Planning: 
 Identification 
 Problem Analysis 
o Stakeholder consultations 
 Preliminary feasibility study 
o Identification of funding agencies 
o Consideration of possible approaches 
o Site consultation 
 Possible outputs 
o Concept note/paper 
o Proposal 
o Preliminary feasibility report


Pre-project planning 
 In-house exercise by agency 
 Situation Analysis 
o Problem Identification: Problem Tree 
o Stakeholder Analysis 
o Objectives Analysis 
o Alternatives Analysis 
Problem Tree The technique is an integral part of the ZOPP approach 
assists in analysing an existing situation by identifying the 
major problems and their main causal relationships 
Becomes: Objective Tree 
Funds Best Practice Water 
Low Rate Disease 
Low Infant 
All Houses 
High Productivity 
Adequate Clean 
Sufficient Funds 
Good Water 
Best Practice Water 
Low Rate of 
Low Infant Mortality High Productivity 
High Incomes 
If necessary, revise statements, delete 
objectives that appear unrealistic and add 
new objectives. 
Stakeholder Analysis 
1. Consider appropriate level for analysis 
2. Identify key stakeholders 
3. Analyse interests characteristics, 
4. Identify patterns of interaction between 
5. Assess power (influence) and potential 
Internal and External Primary and Secondary 
Stakeholder Analysis 
Influence Participation 
on project 
Importance to 
May also use a ranking exercise 
Stakeholder Analysis 
Influential stakeholders but with 
less importance for achieving 
project purpose and outputs. 
They affect outcome of activities 
and need careful management 
The interests of these 
stakeholders should be 
monitored to ensure that they 
are not adversely affected 
Project Managers will need to 
develop good working 
relationships with these 
stakeholders to ensure effective 
mobilization of support for 
project activities 
May need special project 
initiatives if interests are to be 
projected. The Target Group 
should be in this category 
Low Influence 
High Influence 
High Potential/Significance/Importance 
Low Potential/Significance/Importance 
Primary stakeholders will usually be found in top two boxes 
and secondary in lower two


Exercise: Problem Tree 
& Stakeholder Analysis 
• Choose a problem in Ratanakiri 
• Divide in 2 groups 
1. Do a problem tree 
2. Do a stakeholder analysis 
2. Starting Appraisal: 
 Appraisal (ex-ante) 
o Full feasibility study 
o Baseline study, needs assessment 
 Possible outputs 
o Needs assessment report 
o Baseline data 
o Detailed set of indicators 
o Amended proposal 
o Project plan, Gantt chart etc. 
o Project Planning Matrix - Logframe 
Ex Ante – before the event 
Gantt chart – bar chart showing project schedule - see next slide 
Gantt Chart 
Project Planning Matrix (PPM) 
 Logframe, Logical Framework (Analysis), 
 4x4 matrix 
o Ensures clear statement of objectives 
(distinction between purpose and objectives) 
o Introduces indicators of progress 
o Focuses attention on the assumptions and 
risks involved 
Helps to control scope creep 
Activities Milestones 
Means of 
Objectively Verifiable 
More detail in the Logframe session 
How do you fill in/prepare a logframe? This is the first 
style of Logframe – activity oriented. Then introduced 
results oriented


3. Partner Negotiation: 
 Negotiation with finance provider 
 Possible outputs 
o Project memorandum 
o Signed contract 
4. Plan Finalisation: 
 work plans, 
 staff structures, ToR’s 
 budgets 
5. Implementation and 
Monitoring : 
 Team selection and startup 
o Person specification/job allocation 
o Interviews and selection 
o Terms of engagement 
o Lines of responsibility 
o Briefing 
5. Implementation and 
Monitoring : 
 Do the work 
o Implementation of project management 
o Regular reports, meetings, workshops 
o Monitoring: systematic documentation of 
performance - indicating whether project is 
performing as intended 
(Performance Measurement ) 
 Monitoring 
o Inputs 
o Outputs 
o Outcomes (Results Based Management ) 
o Logical framework approach 
 Tools: 
o Progress reports 
o Team meetings, team briefing reports 
o Mid term review 
Focussing on the PROCESS


(Performance Measurement ) 
 Levels of Indicators 
o Strategic 
o Sustainability 
o Attainment 
o Performance 
Quality, Quantity, Time 
Focussing on the PROCESS 
6. Evaluation and Closure: 
 Obtain “sign off” from project participants 
 Project evaluation (Ex-post ) 
o When possible to assess full effects 
o External evaluator may be 
o Record lessons learned 
o Formulate recommendations for next phase 
 Submission of completion report and evaluation 
o Donors may reserve right to demand concluding 
External evaluator may be necessary (for donor) / 
appropriate (for objectivity) 
Impact Assessment 
 Approach 
o Baseline and End of Project 
o Impact from beneficiaries’ point of view 
o What do they think is significant? 
o To whom is it important? 
 Criteria 
o Efficiency – relate inputs to outputs 
o Effectiveness- extent to which achieved objectives 
o Consistency- methods/approaches with objectives 
o Impact – change to lives/environment 
Focussing on the IMPACTS At evaluation level a 
social cost-benefit analysis as well as cost-benefit 
analysis is useful 
Roche’s model assumes sustainability – generic 
indicators Rights, Livelihoods, Knowledge, 
Evaluation: Feedback 
 Lessons Learned 
o Used to replan the project 
o Used to plan the next project 
 Most useful in development of LFA 
Limits to Rational Planning 
and Systematic Management


Trade Offs: Too much project 
Amount of planning 
Too little planning costs, too much planning costs 
Things that Limit using the 
 Costly and ineffective analysis 
 Full planning vs. flexible interaction 
 Inflexibility and unnecessary constraints on managers, 
 Delegation to experts and inappropriate intervention 
 No involvement of intended beneficiaries in planning 
and management 
 Reluctance to engage in evaluation and error detection 
(that limit effectiveness) 
 Difficulty in precise definition of objectives 
and goals 
 Lack of appropriate or adequate data 
 Not understand social and cultural activities 
 Weak ways to guide behaviour 
 Low administrative capacity 

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3 proj plan notes

  • 1. Development Project Planning Need: Flip Charts 2-3, Marker pens Print: Basic Cycle slide 8, List of stages slide 17, (Included in handouts doc) Problem Tree, Stakeholder grid Overview of this session  What is Development Planning?  Project Cycle Management  Planning Tools o STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS o LOGICAL FRAMEWORK ANALYSIS o MONITORING & EVALUATION  Comments on Project Planning “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” Development Planning Theory Some of the principles  What ‘just happens’ vs. intentional acts  Development as Vision  Positive or Negative  Development Administration/Management o Structure o Agency and Agencies o Institutions  Trusteeship  Reductionism: power and capacity Structure: the pattern or framework of relationships between social institutions such as markets, families, classes and political factions. It includes rules of behaviour associated with moral norms and hierarchies Agency: actions of individuals or groups and capacities to influence events Institutions: laws and codes etc. Trusteeship: acting on behalf of others to promote improvements – to “develop” them Reductionism: An attempt to explain complex phenomena or structures by relatively simple principles Power: control of resources, physical and cultural Capacity: western view vs IP Plans, Programmes, Projects  Plan: a statement of forward looking decisions, how they work together and the criteria used in making them  Programme: usually a long-term series of interventions, sometimes with no defined end point  Project: a discrete activity aimed at a specific objective with a defined budget and limited timeframe Plan Millennium Development Goals Programme: DFID, EU, HU Project: Novelty, Finite Duration and Budget, Clear Objectives, Some Complexity Aspects of Project Cycle Management  Credibility  “Ownership”  Efficiency  Monitoring and control  Formal contingency planning  Despite talk…the approach requires some form of “blueprint” to ensure adherence to budgets and timeframes
  • 2. ‘Reductionist’ Project Approach  Scientific Management o Simplifies and reduces management to a series of inter-related and quantifiable components  Inputs Outputs Outcomes Defined processes and relationships  Has serious flaws, but used in all development work Generic Project Cycle Identification Appraisal Evaluation Implementation & Monitoring Negotiation and Approval PRINT THIS AS HANDOUT Generic Project Cycle Exercise: Who does each stage? Identification Appraisal Evaluation Implementation & Monitoring Negotiation and Approval Group Discussion Some examples of project cycle methods Here we have a generic project cycle, but this version shows some iterations of steps – feed back lessons learned, modify to suit the situation Asian Development Bank Asian Development Bank Project Cycle
  • 3. World Bank World Bank Project Cycle International Fund for Agricultural Development International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentAWP&Bs = Annual Work Plans & Budgets MTR Mid-term Review PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal Logical Framework Approach  ZOPP (Zielorientierte Projektplanung) o GOPP- Goal Oriented Project Planning  Planning, by a participatory process,  aimed at the needs of target groups,  the key parts of a project are agreed with those concerned Developed by USAID in 1960s to be developed by various UN agencies, then adopted by GTZ in 1980s but now optional. In widespread use by the larger donor organizations, partially because of the orderly structuring and documentation of information and its demand for more skill in use DFID require it Logical Framework Approach  Use a planning matrix – the logical framework – which: o summarises the main parts of a project, and o highlights logical linkages between  intended inputs,  planned activities and  expected results. ZOPP and the Project Cycle GTZ - 5 ZOPP Stages 1. Pre-project planning 2. Starting Appraisal 3. Partner Negotiation 4. Plan Finalization 5. Implementation and Monitoring 6. Evaluation Ex-Ante Appraisal: A. Outline funding mechanisms and budget B. Define project PRINT THIS AS HANDOUT C. socio-economic context of the intervention D. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats E. Take account of the success / failure of the past programmes F. Means to attain the Objectives G. Assessment the rationale and overall consistency of the strategy H. Quantify objectives (Output, and Impact indicators for each measure) 1. Pre Project Planning:  Identification  Problem Analysis o Stakeholder consultations  Preliminary feasibility study o Identification of funding agencies o Consideration of possible approaches o Site consultation  Possible outputs o Concept note/paper o Proposal o Preliminary feasibility report
  • 4. Pre-project planning  In-house exercise by agency  Situation Analysis o Problem Identification: Problem Tree o Stakeholder Analysis o Objectives Analysis o Alternatives Analysis Problem Tree The technique is an integral part of the ZOPP approach assists in analysing an existing situation by identifying the major problems and their main causal relationships Becomes: Objective Tree Funds Best Practice Water Administration Low Rate Disease Low Infant Mortality All Houses Connected High Productivity Incomes Adequate Clean WATER Sufficient Funds Good Water System Best Practice Water Administration Low Rate of Disease Low Infant Mortality High Productivity High Incomes MEANS DESIRABLE STATE ENDS If necessary, revise statements, delete objectives that appear unrealistic and add new objectives. Stakeholder Analysis 1. Consider appropriate level for analysis 2. Identify key stakeholders 3. Analyse interests characteristics, circumstances 4. Identify patterns of interaction between stakeholders 5. Assess power (influence) and potential (importance) Internal and External Primary and Secondary Stakeholder Analysis Primary Secondary Influence Participation on project Importance to Project Key Interests Stakeholders May also use a ranking exercise Stakeholder Analysis Influential stakeholders but with less importance for achieving project purpose and outputs. They affect outcome of activities and need careful management The interests of these stakeholders should be monitored to ensure that they are not adversely affected Project Managers will need to develop good working relationships with these stakeholders to ensure effective mobilization of support for project activities May need special project initiatives if interests are to be projected. The Target Group should be in this category Low Influence High Influence High Potential/Significance/Importance Low Potential/Significance/Importance Primary stakeholders will usually be found in top two boxes and secondary in lower two
  • 5. Exercise: Problem Tree & Stakeholder Analysis • Choose a problem in Ratanakiri • Divide in 2 groups 1. Do a problem tree 2. Do a stakeholder analysis 2. Starting Appraisal:  Appraisal (ex-ante) o Full feasibility study o Baseline study, needs assessment  Possible outputs o Needs assessment report o Baseline data o Detailed set of indicators o Amended proposal o Project plan, Gantt chart etc. o Project Planning Matrix - Logframe Ex Ante – before the event Gantt chart – bar chart showing project schedule - see next slide Gantt Chart Project Planning Matrix (PPM)  Logframe, Logical Framework (Analysis), LFA  4x4 matrix o Ensures clear statement of objectives (distinction between purpose and objectives) o Introduces indicators of progress o Focuses attention on the assumptions and risks involved Helps to control scope creep Logframe Purpose Outputs Activities Milestones (Inputs) Assumptions Risks MOVs Means of Verification OVIs Objectively Verifiable Indicators Goal More detail in the Logframe session How do you fill in/prepare a logframe? This is the first style of Logframe – activity oriented. Then introduced results oriented
  • 6. 3. Partner Negotiation:  Negotiation with finance provider  Possible outputs o Project memorandum o Signed contract 4. Plan Finalisation:  work plans,  staff structures, ToR’s  budgets 5. Implementation and Monitoring :  Team selection and startup o Person specification/job allocation o Interviews and selection o Terms of engagement o Lines of responsibility o Briefing 5. Implementation and Monitoring :  Do the work o Implementation of project management regime o Regular reports, meetings, workshops o Monitoring: systematic documentation of performance - indicating whether project is performing as intended Monitoring (Performance Measurement )  Monitoring o Inputs o Outputs o Outcomes (Results Based Management ) o Logical framework approach  Tools: o Progress reports o Team meetings, team briefing reports o Mid term review Focussing on the PROCESS
  • 7. Monitoring (Performance Measurement )  Levels of Indicators o Strategic o Sustainability o Attainment o Performance Quality, Quantity, Time Focussing on the PROCESS 6. Evaluation and Closure:  Obtain “sign off” from project participants  Project evaluation (Ex-post ) o When possible to assess full effects o External evaluator may be necessary/appropriate o Record lessons learned o Formulate recommendations for next phase  Submission of completion report and evaluation o Donors may reserve right to demand concluding activities External evaluator may be necessary (for donor) / appropriate (for objectivity) Evaluation: Impact Assessment  Approach o Baseline and End of Project o Impact from beneficiaries’ point of view o What do they think is significant? o To whom is it important?  Criteria o Efficiency – relate inputs to outputs o Effectiveness- extent to which achieved objectives o Consistency- methods/approaches with objectives o Impact – change to lives/environment Focussing on the IMPACTS At evaluation level a social cost-benefit analysis as well as cost-benefit analysis is useful Roche’s model assumes sustainability – generic indicators Rights, Livelihoods, Knowledge, Resources Evaluation: Feedback  Lessons Learned o Used to replan the project o Used to plan the next project  Most useful in development of LFA Limits to Rational Planning and Systematic Management
  • 8. Trade Offs: Too much project planning? Amount of planning Cost Too little planning costs, too much planning costs Things that Limit using the process  Costly and ineffective analysis  Full planning vs. flexible interaction  Inflexibility and unnecessary constraints on managers,  Delegation to experts and inappropriate intervention  No involvement of intended beneficiaries in planning and management  Reluctance to engage in evaluation and error detection Constraints (that limit effectiveness)  Difficulty in precise definition of objectives and goals  Lack of appropriate or adequate data  Not understand social and cultural activities  Weak ways to guide behaviour  Low administrative capacity Rondinelli