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Unit 3
Methods, determinants of promotional mix, promotional budget; overview of
personal selling, advertising, direct mail, journals, sampling, retailing, medical
exhibition, public relations, online promotional techniques for OTC Products
Presented By
Assistant Professor,
Department of Pharmaceutics
• Pharmaceutical promotion refers to the marketing
and advertising activities carried out by
pharmaceutical companies to promote their
products to healthcare professionals and the
general public.
• This includes various tactics such as direct-to-
consumer advertising, sponsoring conferences and
educational events, providing free samples to
physicians, and engaging in sales visits to medical
• While pharmaceutical promotion can be
informative and helpful in raising awareness
about new treatments and medications, there
are concerns about potential conflicts of
interest, bias, and the ethical implications of
pharmaceutical marketing practices.
• Some argue that promotion can unduly
influence prescribing practices and contribute
to the over use or misuse of certain drugs,
while others maintain that it plays an important
role in advancing medical research and
improving patient outcomes.
• Regulatory bodies such as the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) have established
guidelines for pharmaceutical promotion,
including requirements for disclosure of
potential conflicts of interest, accurate and
balanced messaging, and limitations on certain
types of promotion.
Methods used in Pharmaceutical
1. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Advertising:
• This involves promoting prescription drugs
directly to patients through television, radio, print,
and online media.
2. Sales Representatives:
• Pharmaceutical companies employ sales
representatives to visit healthcare professionals,
provide information about their products, and
offer samples or promotional materials.
3. Continuing Medical Education (CME):
• Pharmaceutical companies sponsor CME
programs, conferences, and seminars to educate
healthcare professionals about new medications
and treatments.
4. Sponsorship:
advocacy groups, and conferences to
• Companies sponsor medical journals, patient
awareness and promote their products.
5. Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs):
• Companies collaborate with influential healthcare
professionals to endorse their products and
influence prescribing habits.
6. Free Samples:
• Companies offer free samples of their
medications to healthcare professionals to
encourage trial and adoption.
7. Patient Assistance Programs:
• Companies offer financial assistance or free
medications to patients who cannot afford
Determinants of
Promotional Mix
• The promotional mix is the combination of
various promotional tools and strategies that a
company uses to communicate with its target
audience and promote its products or services.
• The determinants of the promotional mix
depend on various factors, including:
1. Marketing Objectives:
• The promotional mix is determined by the marketing
objectives of the company. For example, if the
objective is to increase brand awareness, the company
may use advertising, public relations, and social media
to achieve this goal.
2. Target Audience:
• The promotional mix also depends on the
characteristics and preferences of the target audience.
• For example, if the target audience is young adults,
social media and online advertising may be more
effective than traditional media.
3. Product Characteristics:
• The nature of the product, such as its complexity,
uniqueness, and value proposition, can also influence
the promotional mix.
• For example, if the product is complex, the company
may use personal selling and demonstrations to explain
its features and benefits.
4. Competition:
• The promotional mix may be determined by the level of
competition in the market. For example, if there are
many competitors offering similar products, the
company may need to use aggressive advertising and
promotion to differentiate itself.
5. Budget:
• The promotional mix is also influenced by the
budget allocated for promotional activities.
Companies with larger budgets may use a
combination of advertising, personal selling, and
other promotional tools, while smaller companies
may focus on a more targeted and cost-effective
6. Legal and Ethical Constraints:
• The promotional mix is also influenced by legal
and ethical constraints, such as regulations related
to advertising and promotion, and ethical
considerations related to transparency and honesty
in communication.
• Advertising in media is particularly effective in:
Creating awareness of a new product
Describing features of the product
Suggesting usage situations
Distinguishing the product from competitors
Directing buyers to the point-of-purchase
Creating or enhancing a brand image
Techniques of
sale promotion
• Sales promotion is a marketing strategy that involves
using short-term tactics to stimulate consumer buying
or encourage product trial.
• The following are some common techniques of sales
1. Coupons:
• Offering coupons that provide discounts on a product
can encourage customers to purchase the product.
2. Rebates:
• Offering cash back or rebates on a product can
encourage customers to purchase the product and
provide an incentive for repeat purchases.
3. Free Samples:
• Providing free samples of a product can
encourage consumers to try it and potentially lead
to future purchases.
4. Contests and Sweepstakes:
• Running contests or sweepstakes that offer prizes
can generate excitement and encourage customers
to purchase a product.
5. Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO):
• Offering a free product with the purchase of
another product can incentivize customers to
make a purchase.
6. Point-of-Purchase Displays:
• Creating attractive displays in-store or online can
grab the attention of customers and increase sales.
7. Loyalty Programs:
• Offering rewards or discounts to customers who
frequently purchase a product or service can
encourage repeat purchases.
8. Bundling:
• Offering packages that bundle multiple products
or services together at a discounted price can
encourage customers to purchase more items.
9. Price Discounting:
• Reducing the price of a product for a limited
time can encourage customers to purchase the
product while the discount is available.
10. Product Demonstrations:
• Providing live demonstrations of a product can
help customers understand its features and
benefits and encourage them to make a
• A promotional budget is the amount of money
allocated by a company to cover the costs of
advertising, sales promotion, personal selling,
public relations, and other promotional
• The promotional budget is usually a subset of
the overall marketing budget and is determined
based on various factors, including:
1. Marketing Objectives:
• The promotional budget is determined by the
marketing objectives of the company.
• For example, if the objective is to increase brand
awareness, the promotional budget may be
allocated towards advertising and public relations.
2. Competitive Environment:
• The promotional budget is influenced by the level
of competition in the market.
• Companies operating in highly competitive
markets may need to allocate more funds to
promotional activities to maintain their market
3. Product Life Cycle:
• The promotional budget may also be determined
by the stage of the product life cycle.
• Products in the introduction and growth stages
may require higher promotional spending to
generate awareness and build customer loyalty.
4. Target Audience:
• The promotional budget is influenced by the
characteristics of the target audience.
• For example, if the target audience is primarily
online, the company may need to allocate more
funds towards digital advertising.
5. Media Costs:
• The promotional budget is influenced by the costs
of advertising and other promotional activities.
• Companies need to consider the costs associated
with various media channels and select the most
cost-effective promotional mix.
6. Available Resources:
• The promotional budget is also influenced by the
resources available to the company.
• Companies with limited resources may need to
focus on lower-cost promotional activities such as
social media marketing or public relations.
An overview of Personal Selling
• Personal selling is a
marketing strategy
that involves direct
between a salesperson
and a potential
customer with the
goal of persuading the
customer to make a
• It is a face-to-face interaction between the
salesperson and the customer, either in person,
over the phone, or through video conferencing.
• Personal selling is typically used in industries
where the products are complex or expensive,
or where the buying decision is more involved.
• The key components of personal selling
1. Identifying Prospects:
• The first step in personal selling is to identify
potential customers who are likely to have an
interest in the product or service being offered.
2. Building Relationships:
• Personal selling relies heavily on building
relationships with customers. Salespeople must
establish trust and rapport with the customer to
make the selling process more effective.
3. Conducting Needs Analysis:
• Once a relationship has been established, the
salesperson must conduct a needs analysis to
determine the customer's needs and identify
how the product or service can meet those
4. Presenting the Solution:
• The salesperson then presents the product or
service as a solution to the customer's needs,
highlighting its features and benefits.
5. Handling Objections:
• Customers may have objections or concerns about
the product or service being offered. The
salesperson must be prepared to address these
objections and provide satisfactory solutions.
6. Closing the Sale:
• The final step in personal selling is to close the
sale. The salesperson must ask for the sale and
use various techniques to overcome any
remaining objections or doubts the customer may
• Advertising is a form of marketing
communication that involves promoting a
product or service through various channels to
reach a target audience.
• The primary objective of advertising is to
create awareness, generate interest, and
persuade potential customers to purchase or
use the product or service being promoted.
• Advertising can take various forms, including:
1. Television Commercials:
• Television commercials are short advertisements
that air on television to promote a product or
2. Print Advertising:
• Print advertising includes advertisements that
appear in newspapers, magazines, billboards,
brochures, and other printed materials.
3. Online Advertising:
• Online advertising includes various forms of
digital marketing such as display ads, social
media ads, search engine marketing, and email
4. Radio Advertising:
• Radio advertising includes audio commercials
that air on radio stations to promote a product
or service.
5. Outdoor Advertising:
• Outdoor advertising includes billboards,
posters, and other outdoor signage used to
promote a product or service.
• The process of creating an effective advertising
campaign typically involves several stages,
1. Market Research:
• The first step in creating an advertising campaign
is to conduct market research to understand the
target audience, their needs, preferences, and
2. Developing a Creative Strategy:
• The next step is to develop a creative strategy that
includes defining the advertising message,
identifying the channels to be used, and setting
the budget.
3. Creating the Advertisements:
• The creative team develops the advertisements,
including visuals, copy, and other elements based
on the creative strategy.
4. Testing and Refining:
• The advertisements are tested to gauge their
effectiveness and refine them as needed.
5. Media Planning and Buying:
• The final step is to plan and buy the media space
or time needed to reach the target audience
through the selected advertising channels.
– News value and immediacy
– Area and ethnic selectivity
– Wide market coverage
– Advertisement flexibility
– Allow long message
– Moderate cost
– Publication with pictures possible
– Continuous publication
– Casual readers not reading the whole magazine or
– High cost of brand usage
– Little demographic selectivity
– Short message life
– Suitable only for educated class
– Poor quality of printing creating readers aversion
– Lack of faith in what appears in the Press.
Direct mail
• Direct mail is a form of advertising in which
companies send promotional materials, such as
brochures, catalogs, flyers, or letters, directly to
potential or existing customers via postal mail.
• The primary objective of direct mail is to reach a
highly targeted audience and generate a response
or a sale.
• The process of creating a direct mail campaign
typically involves several stages, including:
1. Identifying the Target Audience:
• The first step in creating a direct mail campaign is
to identify the target audience. This can be done
by using customer data such as demographics,
past purchase behavior, and interests.
2. Creating a Mailing List:
• Once the target audience is identified, a mailing
list is created.
• This list should be accurate and up-to-date to
ensure that the materials are sent to the correct
3. Designing the Direct Mail Piece:
• The direct mail piece should be designed in a
way that is visually appealing, informative,
and persuasive. This includes creating a
compelling headline, using images, and
incorporating a call to action.
4. Printing and Assembling the Materials:
• Once the design is finalized, the materials are
printed and assembled.
• This includes printing the letters, brochures, or
catalogs and stuffing them into envelopes or
5. Mailing and Tracking the Response:
• The direct mail pieces are then mailed to the
targeted recipients.
• Responses are tracked using various methods
such as unique phone numbers, coupon codes,
or landing pages.
• Advantages:
– Possibilities of covering a wide
– audience
– Economy
– Flexibility
– Easy to answer Personal Touch
• Disadvantages
– Difficult to obtain the right mailing lists.
– Possibility of misleading information
– Frequent changes in mailing list
• Journals can be used as a means of promoting
products in various industries, including
pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and
• Pharmaceutical product promotion through
journals typically involves advertising, sponsored
content, and product reviews.
• Advertising involves placing ads for
pharmaceutical products in medical journals,
which are read by healthcare professionals and
researchers in the field.
• Sponsored content is another form of promotion
used by pharmaceutical companies, in which they
pay to have an article or editorial published in a
medical journal.
• The content is typically written by the company
or its representatives and is designed to promote
their products or services.
• Product reviews are also commonly used in
pharmaceutical promotion through journals.
• Reviews are typically written by experts in the
field, who provide an in-depth analysis of a
particular drug or treatment.
• In addition to pharmaceuticals, journals can
also be used to promote medical devices and
• For example, medical device companies may
place ads in journals that target healthcare
professionals who specialize in the use of their
• Technology companies may also use journals
to promote their products, such as software and
electronic health record systems.
• Pharmaceutical retailing refers to the process
of selling prescription and over-the-counter
drugs, medical devices, and other healthcare
products directly to consumers.
• Pharmaceutical retailers include pharmacies,
drug stores, and other specialized retailers that
cater to the healthcare needs of consumers.
• Pharmaceutical retailing involves several key
activities, including:
1. Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug
• Retailers sell prescription and over-the-counter
drugs to consumers, ensuring that these products
are dispensed in a safe and appropriate manner.
2. Medical Device Sales:
• Pharmaceutical retailers also sell medical devices
such as blood pressure monitors, glucose meters,
and other healthcare products to consumers.
3. Health Services:
• Many pharmaceutical retailers offer additional
health services, such as vaccinations, health
screenings, and medication counseling to help
consumers manage their health.
4. Inventory Management:
• Pharmaceutical retailers must manage their inventory
effectively to ensure that the right products are
available to meet consumer demand, while minimizing
inventory costs and avoiding stock outs.
5. Sales and Customer Service:
• Retailers must provide excellent customer service to
attract and retain customers, including offering
assistance, answering questions, and handling
6. Marketing and Advertising:
• Pharmaceutical retailers use marketing and advertising
strategies to attract customers and promote their
products, including promotions, discounts, and loyalty
Medical exhibitions
• Medical exhibitions are events where healthcare
professionals, medical device manufacturers,
pharmaceutical companies, and other healthcare-
related organizations come together to showcase
their products and services.
• These events are designed to provide an
opportunity for professionals in the healthcare
industry to network, learn about new products
and technologies, and stay up-to-date on
industry trends.
• The benefits of attending a medical exhibition
1. Networking:
• Medical exhibitions provide an opportunity to meet
with other healthcare professionals, exchange ideas,
and develop new business relationships.
2. Education:
• Exhibitions offer educational opportunities, such as
seminars and workshops, that allow attendees to learn
about the latest trends and innovations in the healthcare
3. Product and Service Showcase:
• Exhibitors showcase their products and services,
allowing attendees to learn about new medical devices,
pharmaceuticals, and healthcare services.
4. Market Research:
• Attending medical exhibitions can provide
valuable market research information for
healthcare companies, allowing them to
understand customer needs and preferences,
and develop new products and services to meet
those needs.
5. Brand Exposure:
• Exhibitors can increase their brand exposure
by showcasing their products and services to a
wide audience of healthcare professionals.
• Sampling is a promotional technique used by
pharmaceutical companies to distribute free
product samples of their prescription drugs to
healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, and
• The purpose of sampling is to provide healthcare
providers with the opportunity to try the product
and evaluate its effectiveness and safety before
recommending it to their patients.
• There are several types of sampling techniques
used in the pharmaceutical industry:
1. Personal Sampling:
• Pharmaceutical representatives visit healthcare
providers in person to provide product samples
and promotional materials.
2. Direct Mail Sampling:
• Samples and promotional materials are sent
directly to healthcare providers by mail.
3. Internet Sampling:
• Samples and promotional materials are distributed
electronically through the internet.
4. Patient Sampling:
• Samples are provided directly to patients by
healthcare providers as part of their treatment
Public relations (PR)
• Public relations (PR) is the practice of building and
maintaining relationships between an organization and
its stakeholders, including customers, employees,
investors, and the general public.
• In the context of the pharmaceutical industry, public
relations plays an important role in managing the image
and reputation of a company, as well as promoting
products and services to the public.
• Some common public relations activities in the
pharmaceutical industry include:
1. Media Relations:
• Pharmaceutical companies work with
journalists and media outlets to generate
coverage of their products and
• This may involve press releases, media
interviews, and other forms of media outreach.
2. Crisis Management:
• In the event of a product recall, safety issue, or
other crisis, pharmaceutical companies must be
prepared to respond quickly and effectively to
minimize damage to their reputation.
3. Event Management:
• Pharmaceutical companies organize and
sponsor events, such as medical conferences,
product launches, and community outreach
programs, to build relationships with
stakeholders and promote their products and
4. Corporate Social Responsibility:
• Many pharmaceutical companies engage in
charitable and community outreach initiatives
to demonstrate their commitment to social
responsibility and improve their public image.
5. Advocacy:
• Pharmaceutical companies may work
patient advocacy groups and
stakeholders to promote awareness of health
issues and advocate for policies that benefit
patients and the healthcare industry.
Effective public relations
pharmaceutical companies build
can help
trust and
credibility with their stakeholders, promote
their products and services, and manage their
reputation in a positive way.
Online Promotional Techniques for
OTC Products
• There are several online promotional techniques
that can be used to promote Over-The-Counter
(OTC) products:
1. Social Media Marketing:
• Social media platforms, such as Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram, can be used to promote
OTC products to a wide audience.
• Companies can create social media accounts and
post engaging content, such as product
information, reviews, and testimonials, to attract
and engage potential customers.
2. Influencer Marketing:
• Influencers with a large following on social media
platforms can be engaged to promote OTC
products to their followers.
• Companies can collaborate with influencers to
create sponsored posts and product reviews,
which can help increase brand awareness and
drive sales.
3. Search Engine Marketing:
• Search engine marketing (SEM) involves using
paid search advertising, such as Google Ads, to
promote OTC products to consumers who are
actively searching for related products or services
4. Email Marketing:
• Email marketing involves sending promotional
emails to customers who have opted in to receive
marketing messages.
• Companies can use email marketing to promote
OTC products and offer discounts or coupons to
encourage purchases.
5. Online Coupons and Deals:
• Companies can offer online coupons and deals on
their websites or through online coupon sites to
encourage consumers to try their OTC products.
6. Affiliate Marketing:
• Affiliate marketing involves partnering with
websites or influencers who promote OTC
products to their audiences in exchange for a
commission on sales generated through their
7. Content Marketing:
• Companies can create informative and
engaging content, such as blog posts, videos,
and info graphics, to promote their OTC
products and educate consumers about their
benefits and uses.

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  • 1. Unit 3 Promotion Methods, determinants of promotional mix, promotional budget; overview of personal selling, advertising, direct mail, journals, sampling, retailing, medical exhibition, public relations, online promotional techniques for OTC Products Presented By M. BALASUNDARESAN Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics
  • 2. Pharmaceutical Promotion • Pharmaceutical promotion refers to the marketing and advertising activities carried out by pharmaceutical companies to promote their products to healthcare professionals and the general public. • This includes various tactics such as direct-to- consumer advertising, sponsoring conferences and educational events, providing free samples to physicians, and engaging in sales visits to medical practices.
  • 3. • While pharmaceutical promotion can be informative and helpful in raising awareness about new treatments and medications, there are concerns about potential conflicts of interest, bias, and the ethical implications of pharmaceutical marketing practices. • Some argue that promotion can unduly influence prescribing practices and contribute to the over use or misuse of certain drugs, while others maintain that it plays an important role in advancing medical research and improving patient outcomes.
  • 4. • Regulatory bodies such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have established guidelines for pharmaceutical promotion, including requirements for disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, accurate and balanced messaging, and limitations on certain types of promotion.
  • 5. Methods used in Pharmaceutical Promotion 1. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Advertising: • This involves promoting prescription drugs directly to patients through television, radio, print, and online media. 2. Sales Representatives: • Pharmaceutical companies employ sales representatives to visit healthcare professionals, provide information about their products, and offer samples or promotional materials.
  • 6. 3. Continuing Medical Education (CME): • Pharmaceutical companies sponsor CME programs, conferences, and seminars to educate healthcare professionals about new medications and treatments. 4. Sponsorship: advocacy groups, and conferences to • Companies sponsor medical journals, patient raise awareness and promote their products. 5. Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): • Companies collaborate with influential healthcare professionals to endorse their products and influence prescribing habits.
  • 7. 6. Free Samples: • Companies offer free samples of their medications to healthcare professionals to encourage trial and adoption. 7. Patient Assistance Programs: • Companies offer financial assistance or free medications to patients who cannot afford them.
  • 8. Determinants of Promotional Mix • The promotional mix is the combination of various promotional tools and strategies that a company uses to communicate with its target audience and promote its products or services. • The determinants of the promotional mix depend on various factors, including:
  • 9. 1. Marketing Objectives: • The promotional mix is determined by the marketing objectives of the company. For example, if the objective is to increase brand awareness, the company may use advertising, public relations, and social media to achieve this goal. 2. Target Audience: • The promotional mix also depends on the characteristics and preferences of the target audience. • For example, if the target audience is young adults, social media and online advertising may be more effective than traditional media.
  • 10. 3. Product Characteristics: • The nature of the product, such as its complexity, uniqueness, and value proposition, can also influence the promotional mix. • For example, if the product is complex, the company may use personal selling and demonstrations to explain its features and benefits. 4. Competition: • The promotional mix may be determined by the level of competition in the market. For example, if there are many competitors offering similar products, the company may need to use aggressive advertising and promotion to differentiate itself.
  • 11. 5. Budget: • The promotional mix is also influenced by the budget allocated for promotional activities. Companies with larger budgets may use a combination of advertising, personal selling, and other promotional tools, while smaller companies may focus on a more targeted and cost-effective approach. 6. Legal and Ethical Constraints: • The promotional mix is also influenced by legal and ethical constraints, such as regulations related to advertising and promotion, and ethical considerations related to transparency and honesty in communication.
  • 13. • Advertising in media is particularly effective in: Creating awareness of a new product Describing features of the product Suggesting usage situations Distinguishing the product from competitors Directing buyers to the point-of-purchase Creating or enhancing a brand image
  • 14. Techniques of sale promotion • Sales promotion is a marketing strategy that involves using short-term tactics to stimulate consumer buying or encourage product trial. • The following are some common techniques of sales promotion: 1. Coupons: • Offering coupons that provide discounts on a product can encourage customers to purchase the product. 2. Rebates: • Offering cash back or rebates on a product can encourage customers to purchase the product and provide an incentive for repeat purchases.
  • 15. 3. Free Samples: • Providing free samples of a product can encourage consumers to try it and potentially lead to future purchases. 4. Contests and Sweepstakes: • Running contests or sweepstakes that offer prizes can generate excitement and encourage customers to purchase a product. 5. Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO): • Offering a free product with the purchase of another product can incentivize customers to make a purchase.
  • 16. 6. Point-of-Purchase Displays: • Creating attractive displays in-store or online can grab the attention of customers and increase sales. 7. Loyalty Programs: • Offering rewards or discounts to customers who frequently purchase a product or service can encourage repeat purchases. 8. Bundling: • Offering packages that bundle multiple products or services together at a discounted price can encourage customers to purchase more items.
  • 17. 9. Price Discounting: • Reducing the price of a product for a limited time can encourage customers to purchase the product while the discount is available. 10. Product Demonstrations: • Providing live demonstrations of a product can help customers understand its features and benefits and encourage them to make a purchase.
  • 18. Promotional Budget • A promotional budget is the amount of money allocated by a company to cover the costs of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and other promotional activities. • The promotional budget is usually a subset of the overall marketing budget and is determined based on various factors, including:
  • 19. 1. Marketing Objectives: • The promotional budget is determined by the marketing objectives of the company. • For example, if the objective is to increase brand awareness, the promotional budget may be allocated towards advertising and public relations. 2. Competitive Environment: • The promotional budget is influenced by the level of competition in the market. • Companies operating in highly competitive markets may need to allocate more funds to promotional activities to maintain their market position.
  • 20. 3. Product Life Cycle: • The promotional budget may also be determined by the stage of the product life cycle. • Products in the introduction and growth stages may require higher promotional spending to generate awareness and build customer loyalty. 4. Target Audience: • The promotional budget is influenced by the characteristics of the target audience. • For example, if the target audience is primarily online, the company may need to allocate more funds towards digital advertising.
  • 21. 5. Media Costs: • The promotional budget is influenced by the costs of advertising and other promotional activities. • Companies need to consider the costs associated with various media channels and select the most cost-effective promotional mix. 6. Available Resources: • The promotional budget is also influenced by the resources available to the company. • Companies with limited resources may need to focus on lower-cost promotional activities such as social media marketing or public relations.
  • 22. An overview of Personal Selling • Personal selling is a marketing strategy that involves direct communication between a salesperson and a potential customer with the goal of persuading the customer to make a purchase.
  • 23. • It is a face-to-face interaction between the salesperson and the customer, either in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing. • Personal selling is typically used in industries where the products are complex or expensive, or where the buying decision is more involved. • The key components of personal selling include: 1. Identifying Prospects: • The first step in personal selling is to identify potential customers who are likely to have an interest in the product or service being offered.
  • 24. 2. Building Relationships: • Personal selling relies heavily on building relationships with customers. Salespeople must establish trust and rapport with the customer to make the selling process more effective. 3. Conducting Needs Analysis: • Once a relationship has been established, the salesperson must conduct a needs analysis to determine the customer's needs and identify how the product or service can meet those needs.
  • 25. 4. Presenting the Solution: • The salesperson then presents the product or service as a solution to the customer's needs, highlighting its features and benefits. 5. Handling Objections: • Customers may have objections or concerns about the product or service being offered. The salesperson must be prepared to address these objections and provide satisfactory solutions. 6. Closing the Sale: • The final step in personal selling is to close the sale. The salesperson must ask for the sale and use various techniques to overcome any remaining objections or doubts the customer may have.
  • 26. Advertising • Advertising is a form of marketing communication that involves promoting a product or service through various channels to reach a target audience. • The primary objective of advertising is to create awareness, generate interest, and persuade potential customers to purchase or use the product or service being promoted. • Advertising can take various forms, including:
  • 27. 1. Television Commercials: • Television commercials are short advertisements that air on television to promote a product or service. 2. Print Advertising: • Print advertising includes advertisements that appear in newspapers, magazines, billboards, brochures, and other printed materials. 3. Online Advertising: • Online advertising includes various forms of digital marketing such as display ads, social media ads, search engine marketing, and email marketing.
  • 28. 4. Radio Advertising: • Radio advertising includes audio commercials that air on radio stations to promote a product or service. 5. Outdoor Advertising: • Outdoor advertising includes billboards, posters, and other outdoor signage used to promote a product or service.
  • 29. • The process of creating an effective advertising campaign typically involves several stages, including: 1. Market Research: • The first step in creating an advertising campaign is to conduct market research to understand the target audience, their needs, preferences, and behaviors. 2. Developing a Creative Strategy: • The next step is to develop a creative strategy that includes defining the advertising message, identifying the channels to be used, and setting the budget.
  • 30. 3. Creating the Advertisements: • The creative team develops the advertisements, including visuals, copy, and other elements based on the creative strategy. 4. Testing and Refining: • The advertisements are tested to gauge their effectiveness and refine them as needed. 5. Media Planning and Buying: • The final step is to plan and buy the media space or time needed to reach the target audience through the selected advertising channels.
  • 31. Advantages: – News value and immediacy – Area and ethnic selectivity – Wide market coverage – Advertisement flexibility – Allow long message – Moderate cost – Publication with pictures possible – Continuous publication
  • 32. Disadvantages – Casual readers not reading the whole magazine or newspaper – High cost of brand usage – Little demographic selectivity – Short message life – Suitable only for educated class – Poor quality of printing creating readers aversion – Lack of faith in what appears in the Press.
  • 33. Direct mail • Direct mail is a form of advertising in which companies send promotional materials, such as brochures, catalogs, flyers, or letters, directly to potential or existing customers via postal mail. • The primary objective of direct mail is to reach a highly targeted audience and generate a response or a sale. • The process of creating a direct mail campaign typically involves several stages, including:
  • 34. 1. Identifying the Target Audience: • The first step in creating a direct mail campaign is to identify the target audience. This can be done by using customer data such as demographics, past purchase behavior, and interests. 2. Creating a Mailing List: • Once the target audience is identified, a mailing list is created. • This list should be accurate and up-to-date to ensure that the materials are sent to the correct recipients.
  • 35. 3. Designing the Direct Mail Piece: • The direct mail piece should be designed in a way that is visually appealing, informative, and persuasive. This includes creating a compelling headline, using images, and incorporating a call to action. 4. Printing and Assembling the Materials: • Once the design is finalized, the materials are printed and assembled. • This includes printing the letters, brochures, or catalogs and stuffing them into envelopes or packaging.
  • 36. 5. Mailing and Tracking the Response: • The direct mail pieces are then mailed to the targeted recipients. • Responses are tracked using various methods such as unique phone numbers, coupon codes, or landing pages.
  • 37. • Advantages: – Possibilities of covering a wide – audience – Economy – Flexibility – Easy to answer Personal Touch • Disadvantages – Difficult to obtain the right mailing lists. – Possibility of misleading information – Frequent changes in mailing list
  • 38. Journals • Journals can be used as a means of promoting products in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and technology. • Pharmaceutical product promotion through journals typically involves advertising, sponsored content, and product reviews. • Advertising involves placing ads for pharmaceutical products in medical journals, which are read by healthcare professionals and researchers in the field.
  • 39. • Sponsored content is another form of promotion used by pharmaceutical companies, in which they pay to have an article or editorial published in a medical journal. • The content is typically written by the company or its representatives and is designed to promote their products or services. • Product reviews are also commonly used in pharmaceutical promotion through journals. • Reviews are typically written by experts in the field, who provide an in-depth analysis of a particular drug or treatment.
  • 40. • In addition to pharmaceuticals, journals can also be used to promote medical devices and technology. • For example, medical device companies may place ads in journals that target healthcare professionals who specialize in the use of their devices. • Technology companies may also use journals to promote their products, such as software and electronic health record systems.
  • 41. Pharmaceutical retailing • Pharmaceutical retailing refers to the process of selling prescription and over-the-counter drugs, medical devices, and other healthcare products directly to consumers. • Pharmaceutical retailers include pharmacies, drug stores, and other specialized retailers that cater to the healthcare needs of consumers. • Pharmaceutical retailing involves several key activities, including:
  • 42. 1. Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Sales: • Retailers sell prescription and over-the-counter drugs to consumers, ensuring that these products are dispensed in a safe and appropriate manner. 2. Medical Device Sales: • Pharmaceutical retailers also sell medical devices such as blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, and other healthcare products to consumers. 3. Health Services: • Many pharmaceutical retailers offer additional health services, such as vaccinations, health screenings, and medication counseling to help consumers manage their health.
  • 43. 4. Inventory Management: • Pharmaceutical retailers must manage their inventory effectively to ensure that the right products are available to meet consumer demand, while minimizing inventory costs and avoiding stock outs. 5. Sales and Customer Service: • Retailers must provide excellent customer service to attract and retain customers, including offering assistance, answering questions, and handling complaints. 6. Marketing and Advertising: • Pharmaceutical retailers use marketing and advertising strategies to attract customers and promote their products, including promotions, discounts, and loyalty programs.
  • 44. Medical exhibitions • Medical exhibitions are events where healthcare professionals, medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and other healthcare- related organizations come together to showcase their products and services.
  • 45. • These events are designed to provide an opportunity for professionals in the healthcare industry to network, learn about new products and technologies, and stay up-to-date on industry trends. • The benefits of attending a medical exhibition include:
  • 46. 1. Networking: • Medical exhibitions provide an opportunity to meet with other healthcare professionals, exchange ideas, and develop new business relationships. 2. Education: • Exhibitions offer educational opportunities, such as seminars and workshops, that allow attendees to learn about the latest trends and innovations in the healthcare industry. 3. Product and Service Showcase: • Exhibitors showcase their products and services, allowing attendees to learn about new medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare services.
  • 47. 4. Market Research: • Attending medical exhibitions can provide valuable market research information for healthcare companies, allowing them to understand customer needs and preferences, and develop new products and services to meet those needs. 5. Brand Exposure: • Exhibitors can increase their brand exposure by showcasing their products and services to a wide audience of healthcare professionals.
  • 48. Sampling • Sampling is a promotional technique used by pharmaceutical companies to distribute free product samples of their prescription drugs to healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. • The purpose of sampling is to provide healthcare providers with the opportunity to try the product and evaluate its effectiveness and safety before recommending it to their patients. • There are several types of sampling techniques used in the pharmaceutical industry:
  • 49. 1. Personal Sampling: • Pharmaceutical representatives visit healthcare providers in person to provide product samples and promotional materials. 2. Direct Mail Sampling: • Samples and promotional materials are sent directly to healthcare providers by mail. 3. Internet Sampling: • Samples and promotional materials are distributed electronically through the internet. 4. Patient Sampling: • Samples are provided directly to patients by healthcare providers as part of their treatment plan.
  • 50. Public relations (PR) • Public relations (PR) is the practice of building and maintaining relationships between an organization and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the general public. • In the context of the pharmaceutical industry, public relations plays an important role in managing the image and reputation of a company, as well as promoting products and services to the public. • Some common public relations activities in the pharmaceutical industry include:
  • 51. 1. Media Relations: • Pharmaceutical companies work with journalists and media outlets to generate coverage of their products and positive services. • This may involve press releases, media interviews, and other forms of media outreach. 2. Crisis Management: • In the event of a product recall, safety issue, or other crisis, pharmaceutical companies must be prepared to respond quickly and effectively to minimize damage to their reputation.
  • 52. 3. Event Management: • Pharmaceutical companies organize and sponsor events, such as medical conferences, product launches, and community outreach programs, to build relationships with stakeholders and promote their products and services. 4. Corporate Social Responsibility: • Many pharmaceutical companies engage in charitable and community outreach initiatives to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and improve their public image.
  • 53. 5. Advocacy: • Pharmaceutical companies may work patient advocacy groups and with other stakeholders to promote awareness of health issues and advocate for policies that benefit patients and the healthcare industry. Effective public relations pharmaceutical companies build can help trust and credibility with their stakeholders, promote their products and services, and manage their reputation in a positive way.
  • 54. Online Promotional Techniques for OTC Products • There are several online promotional techniques that can be used to promote Over-The-Counter (OTC) products: 1. Social Media Marketing: • Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, can be used to promote OTC products to a wide audience. • Companies can create social media accounts and post engaging content, such as product information, reviews, and testimonials, to attract and engage potential customers.
  • 55. 2. Influencer Marketing: • Influencers with a large following on social media platforms can be engaged to promote OTC products to their followers. • Companies can collaborate with influencers to create sponsored posts and product reviews, which can help increase brand awareness and drive sales. 3. Search Engine Marketing: • Search engine marketing (SEM) involves using paid search advertising, such as Google Ads, to promote OTC products to consumers who are actively searching for related products or services online.
  • 56. 4. Email Marketing: • Email marketing involves sending promotional emails to customers who have opted in to receive marketing messages. • Companies can use email marketing to promote OTC products and offer discounts or coupons to encourage purchases. 5. Online Coupons and Deals: • Companies can offer online coupons and deals on their websites or through online coupon sites to encourage consumers to try their OTC products.
  • 57. 6. Affiliate Marketing: • Affiliate marketing involves partnering with websites or influencers who promote OTC products to their audiences in exchange for a commission on sales generated through their promotion. 7. Content Marketing: • Companies can create informative and engaging content, such as blog posts, videos, and info graphics, to promote their OTC products and educate consumers about their benefits and uses.