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Day SALES Plan
Prepared by:
Prepared for:


Company Orientation
Review Strategic Plan
Begin Tactical Plan
Meetings in Territory
Working top 20
Secondary Accounts
Continue Pipeline
Generate pipeline ?x
Refine Daily Tactics
Begin to establish
long term sales plan
Manager Review
Overview 30-60-90 Day Action Plan
30 Day Plan 60 Day Plan 90 Day Plan
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.”
Abraham Lincoln


 Orientation
 Market strategy, company processes,
and products and services
 Master relevant subject matter
 Learn about primary competition
 Learn procedures for paperwork,
reports, e-mail
 Review Strategy & Tactics
 Meet with Manager to
prioritize what is expected
 Begin calling territory and meeting prospects
First 30 Days 30Day Plan
Learn, Plan
Company Training, Strategy, and Tactics
Goal: Find, Rank and Map target customers with highest probability of closing.


 Continue to Schedule Meetings in Territory
 Refine strategies for continued pipeline management
that began in first 30 days.
 Process
 1-on-1s with manager for pipeline coaching, review goals, opps
 Learn how to work with alliance partners if applicable
 Learn more advanced activities of sales process such as POCs
 Complete mastery of unique insights of products and services offered to
differentiate the company.
 Products
 Mastered Sales Pitch and Presentations
 Mastered Price List and Discounting Policies
 Celebrate Successes
First 60 Days 60Day Plan
Goal is to optimize the sales plan based territory coverage and sales/channel capacity.


 1-on-1s for Deal Level and Skills focused coaching
 Mastery of forecast management
 Refine Tactical strategies
 Always be closing for next step until it’s a Sale
 Consider lower-priority products or
services to build revenue
 Implement new procedures, techniques,
or plans to further creative ways to
grow company presence in the industry.
 Close (How Many?) deals
 Review past 90 days with Manager
 Celebrate Successes
First 90 Days - Close 90Day Plan




90 Days60 Days30 Days
Historical sales analysis
Perfect customer model
5 customer interviews/
Rank and map targets
Capacity model and plan
Coverage gap analysis
Quantify key sales metrics
Deliver quota attainment plan
Execute call campaign
Deliver 30 day update
Deliver attainment plan
Launch email campaign
Live sales event
Deliver pipeline plan
Key tasks to complete for 30,60,90 day plan.
Deliver attainment plan


Key Questions for Developing Sales
Action Plan
 What is the biggest challenge facing the organization in the next 6 months or
 How is this role expected to address this challenge facing the company? (Or is
 What does he or she absolutely need you to accomplish in the first 90 days?
 What would he or she like you to do beyond that in the first 90 days?
 What is the most promising, yet unexploited, opportunity for growth? Why
isn’t the company pursuing that opportunity right now?
 What is the biggest problem you need solved by (this job title) ?
 Is this position focused on new projects, turnarounds/realignments, or
sustaining success?


Mapping the Complex Sale
Courtesy of Brian Burns. From ‘The Maverick Selling Method: Simplifying the Complex Sale’
*Created using MindNode Pro


Prepare for the First Call
 Warm up Exercises: Source
 Reframe Exercises with downloadable worksheet from above Source
 15 Science Based Tips for Better Sales Calls on the Phone
 Pre-Call planning ideas
 Preparing for the Sales Meeting
 Basic Preparation with video on the future of meetings using AI
 Sales meeting planning Guide


Goal Setting and Action Planning Worksheet
Income Analysis
What is the OTE
What is the base salary?
What is your average commission rate?
What is the average size sale?
How many Meetings to make a sale?
How many calls to schedule a meeting?
Total Annual Sales Volume Required for Goal Attainment:
Total Monthly Sales Volume Required for Goal Attainment:
Number of Sales Required per Month:
Number of Meetings required per Month:
Number of Meetings required per week:
Number of Prospecting Calls per Month:
Number of Prospecting Calls per Week:
Number of Prospecting Calls per Day:
Total Addressable Market Used to Attain Quota


Understanding Personality Types
Know Yourself Know Your Customer


Personality Profiling - DISC
 DISC Personality Types:
 D = Dominant (Active, Task-Oriented)
 I = Influential (Active, People-Oriented)
 S = Steady (Passive, Peope-Oriented)
 C = Conscientious (Passive, Task-Oriented)


The Color Code Personality Profile
One of the most powerful tools you can use in sales, or in any
form of communications for that matter, is to understand yours
and other personality types.


Personality Profiling – Merrill/Wilson


Competitor Analysis Framework
Best Practices Research
Competitor Name:
What is:
Customer Reputation:
Pricing Strategy:
Background of Key Execs:
Technology Perspective:
Core competencies/capabilities:
Recent moves/changes:
Product positioning:


Sales Methodologies to Consider
 Rating Sales Methodologies
 Link to ratings: https://now.iseeit.com/the-8-best-sales-
 More sales methodologies described: Hubspot
 Overview of two popular methodologies
 MEDDIC methodology for large complex deals: Overview
 Sandler Sales: short to long term sales cycles: Overview
Every organization must develop its own unique sales process based on
its market, vertical, products, and industry position. What works for one
company will totally flop for another.
All different types of teams, on the other hand, can implement
the same selling methodology.


Accurate Sales Forecasts
Improved Conversion Rates
Manager’s Perspective

More Related Content

Updated: 30 60 90 Day Sales Action Plan Updated Version

  • 2. Company Orientation Training Review Strategic Plan Goals Begin Tactical Plan Meetings in Territory Working top 20 Accounts Secondary Accounts Continue Pipeline Build Generate pipeline ?x quota Refine Daily Tactics Begin to establish long term sales plan Manager Review Overview 30-60-90 Day Action Plan 30 Day Plan 60 Day Plan 90 Day Plan “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” Abraham Lincoln
  • 3.  Orientation  Market strategy, company processes, and products and services  Master relevant subject matter  Learn about primary competition  Learn procedures for paperwork, reports, e-mail  Review Strategy & Tactics  Meet with Manager to prioritize what is expected  Begin calling territory and meeting prospects First 30 Days 30Day Plan Learn, Plan Goals Apply Company Training, Strategy, and Tactics Goal: Find, Rank and Map target customers with highest probability of closing.
  • 4.  Continue to Schedule Meetings in Territory  Refine strategies for continued pipeline management that began in first 30 days.  Process  1-on-1s with manager for pipeline coaching, review goals, opps  Learn how to work with alliance partners if applicable  Learn more advanced activities of sales process such as POCs  Complete mastery of unique insights of products and services offered to differentiate the company.  Products  Mastered Sales Pitch and Presentations  Mastered Price List and Discounting Policies  Celebrate Successes First 60 Days 60Day Plan Goal is to optimize the sales plan based territory coverage and sales/channel capacity.
  • 5.  1-on-1s for Deal Level and Skills focused coaching  Mastery of forecast management  Refine Tactical strategies  Always be closing for next step until it’s a Sale  Consider lower-priority products or services to build revenue  Implement new procedures, techniques, or plans to further creative ways to grow company presence in the industry.  Close (How Many?) deals  Review past 90 days with Manager  Celebrate Successes First 90 Days - Close 90Day Plan
  • 7. 90 Days60 Days30 Days Plan Historical sales analysis Perfect customer model 5 customer interviews/ Rank and map targets Capacity model and plan Coverage gap analysis Quantify key sales metrics Deliver quota attainment plan Execute call campaign Deliver 30 day update Deliver attainment plan Launch email campaign Live sales event Deliver pipeline plan Key tasks to complete for 30,60,90 day plan. Deliver attainment plan
  • 8. Key Questions for Developing Sales Action Plan  What is the biggest challenge facing the organization in the next 6 months or year?  How is this role expected to address this challenge facing the company? (Or is it?)  What does he or she absolutely need you to accomplish in the first 90 days?  What would he or she like you to do beyond that in the first 90 days?  What is the most promising, yet unexploited, opportunity for growth? Why isn’t the company pursuing that opportunity right now?  What is the biggest problem you need solved by (this job title) ?  Is this position focused on new projects, turnarounds/realignments, or sustaining success?
  • 9. Mapping the Complex Sale Courtesy of Brian Burns. From ‘The Maverick Selling Method: Simplifying the Complex Sale’ *Created using MindNode Pro
  • 10. Prepare for the First Call  Warm up Exercises: Source  Reframe Exercises with downloadable worksheet from above Source  15 Science Based Tips for Better Sales Calls on the Phone  Pre-Call planning ideas  Preparing for the Sales Meeting  Basic Preparation with video on the future of meetings using AI  Sales meeting planning Guide
  • 11. Goal Setting and Action Planning Worksheet Income Analysis What is the OTE What is the base salary? What is your average commission rate? What is the average size sale? How many Meetings to make a sale? How many calls to schedule a meeting? Total Annual Sales Volume Required for Goal Attainment: Total Monthly Sales Volume Required for Goal Attainment: Number of Sales Required per Month: Number of Meetings required per Month: Number of Meetings required per week: Number of Prospecting Calls per Month: Number of Prospecting Calls per Week: Number of Prospecting Calls per Day: Total Addressable Market Used to Attain Quota
  • 12. Understanding Personality Types Know Yourself Know Your Customer
  • 13. Personality Profiling - DISC  DISC Personality Types:  D = Dominant (Active, Task-Oriented)  I = Influential (Active, People-Oriented)  S = Steady (Passive, Peope-Oriented)  C = Conscientious (Passive, Task-Oriented)
  • 14. The Color Code Personality Profile One of the most powerful tools you can use in sales, or in any form of communications for that matter, is to understand yours and other personality types.
  • 15. Personality Profiling – Merrill/Wilson
  • 16. Competitor Analysis Framework Best Practices Research Competitor Name: What is: Customer Reputation: Pricing Strategy: Background of Key Execs: Technology Perspective: Core competencies/capabilities: Recent moves/changes: Product positioning:
  • 17. Sales Methodologies to Consider  Rating Sales Methodologies  Link to ratings: https://now.iseeit.com/the-8-best-sales- methodologies-for-closing-complex-deals/  More sales methodologies described: Hubspot  Overview of two popular methodologies  MEDDIC methodology for large complex deals: Overview  Sandler Sales: short to long term sales cycles: Overview Every organization must develop its own unique sales process based on its market, vertical, products, and industry position. What works for one company will totally flop for another. All different types of teams, on the other hand, can implement the same selling methodology.
  • 18. Accurate Sales Forecasts Improved Conversion Rates Manager’s Perspective

Editor's Notes

  1. Tailoring a business plan to a specific employer will take research — and a lot of it. For your plan to be effective, you will need to understand the company’s products, corporate values, major problems, and market. Your research should aim to discover the employer’s strategies and top initiatives. You can’t just find a template and fill in the blanks — creating a business plan takes brainpower, time, and detailed research. The plan should speak to the company’s needs, products, specific market, and values. A template shouldn’t dictate what you include in your plan. Don’t get so wrapped up in your research and crunching exact numbers that you forget the purpose of your business plan. It needs to answer a very basic but important question — will you make money for the employer? When it comes down to it, the hiring manager only wants to know what you will be able to do for them. How will you make their life easier and how can you solve problems the team faces? Hiring Managers There are three reasons to use a 30-60-90 day plan as part of the hiring process.  First, it allows to you observe the candidate’s approach to creating a plan for themselves.  Second, it gives the candidate very clear goals for their first three months in the role.  Third, it gives the hiring manager a blueprint for onboarding the new employee over the first three months.   When do you ask the candidate to build a 30-60-90 day plan? The ideal time to ask for the candidate to create a plan for their first three months is immediately following your final interview step.  When contacting them after the interview here’s what you’ll want to say: “[Candidate name], I really enjoyed our discussion.  Based on what we covered, I’d like to move forward with the final step of our process; that final step is for you to build a plan for your first three months on the job.  The reason that we want you to take a crack at this plan is 1) so you have an opportunity to think through how you’re going to accomplish the goals that we discussed throughout the interview process, and 2) so that we’ll have a roadmap to make sure we’re on track for your first quarter in the role.”   What do you ask the candidate to deliver when they build a 30-60-90 day plan? You’ll email your candidate a template of the plan to get them started (after all, you’re looking to gain insight into their planning and goal-setting process, not their ability to create forms from scratch!).  You’ll instruct them as follows: “Based on the specific outcomes we discussed for your first year in this role, I’d like for you to think about the first ninety days on the job and what things you’ll need to accomplish during that time to make measurable progress and generate momentum towards the yearly goal.  Please write down the specific, measurable and actionable outcomes that you’ll accomplish at thirty, sixty and ninety days on the job.  When you’re done, save the file and email it back to me, and we’ll set up a time to walk through your plan.”   How do you review the 30-60-90 day plan with the candidate? The most important dynamic in this discussion is that the candidate is the one doing the talking.  This is your opportunity to listen, observe, and coach with targeted questions.  Let the candidate take you through the details of their plan, and withhold your desire to interrupt with feedback.  At the conclusion of their presentation, ask questions to vet their assumptions.  If they’ve made incorrect assumptions about the tools or resources that they’ll have at their disposal – and they inevitably will – let them know exactly where they missed the mark, and ask them what if anything they’ll want to do differently given this new information.  Add any ideas or thoughts as you deem appropriate, but remember that this approach works only if the candidate comes away feeling like it’s their plan.   How do you utilize the 30-60-90 day plan to onboard a new employee? The payoff from this effort comes into plan on day one of the new employee’s tenure on the team.  On the first day, sit down with your new team member and let them know that you’re going to review the plan they created.  Reconfirm the thirty, sixty and ninety day outcomes to which they have committed. Ask them if there’s anything in the plan that they’d like to discuss or change before they commit to moving forward.  Modify as appropriate.   What happens is the new hire misses the goals that they’ve established? Through this process, you’ve obtained your new hire’s commitment to achieving outcomes and a plan that they themselves created.  If they don’t deliver, it’s on them.  It’s their plan, and it’s their commitment.  This approach takes the emotion out of giving performance-related feedback to a new hire who’s struggling to meet goals. If the candidate misses their thirty, sixty or ninety day goals, the coaching conversation is fairly simple and straightforward: “Help me understand what led to your being unable to achieve the goal and plan you set for yourself.  Was it resources?  Was my direction clear?  Was there an unforeseen obstacle?” “What are you going to do differently to get back on track for the next thirty days?” “How are you feeling about the plan you’ve created?”   Parting thoughts The 30-60-90 day plan is a simple and powerful tool. It aids in employee selection, and it’s the roadmap for the new hire’s onboarding program.  When using this approach, it’s nearly impossible for your new hire to be surprised by your expectations of them.  More importantly, a failure to achieve the desired outcomes falls on their shoulders, not yours.
  2. Your philosophy should be to run a territory as a self-contained business within a business. In doing so, expectations are set early and results tracked. Strategic Plan: The core strategies will be the primary way to ‘close the gap’ between today and our desired future vision Includes steps to accomplish overall objective of the business, to bring territory to #1 revenue producer. Define target market profile. What sectors already have greatest credibility, testimonials. Understand measurements of Sales success and milestones. Identify ‘low-hanging’ fruit. Tactical Plan: Understand sales activity required to achieve sales targets. Includes KPI’s such as the number of cold calls made, the amount of Sales Pipeline activity, time-to-close, etc. Know Values of Opps in Pipeline, Key Account Management Activity, sales achieved, profits achieved, etc. Source Prospects; begin process of cold calling- qualifying; meeting; closing Identify and profile best fit customers based on attributes, needs & sales data. Interview 5 profitable customers Analyze historical sales data for patterns Build “perfect customer” profile Rank and map high value customer targets
  3. The effort to study and learn the internal lay of the land as follows: First Week: Attend and complete company training on sales strategy, processes, CRM, and products. Complete all necessary paperwork for HR. Set-up home office to maximize productivity.   Bring the mission statement and vision to life and discover the plans the company abides by to reach its core values. Understand Company & Hiring Manager expectations of the position. To include: What is absolutely needed to be accomplished in the first 90 days? What would he or she like you to do beyond that in the first 90 days? What is the most promising, yet unexploited, opportunity for growth? Measurements for sales success. Begin forming professional relationships with coworkers. Understand or develop content that supports the Value Proposition the Company. Learn about Company clients, and their needs that led to past successes. Understand the collaboration between Company - Sales and Marketing. Learn about the competition. Second Week: Initiate Tactical plan to include lead gen; emails; cold calling; appointment scheduling
  4. Key strategies for effective pipeline execution: Clearly define lead & opportunity stages: Define not only the stages your prospects go through (from the very beginning, nurture stages through to the sale), but also define your communication strategy at each stage – what do they get, how often, in what format, etc. Defining this up front will make decisions and actions both faster and more successful as you execute (especially if you have a team where common definitions are critical). Focus on great content: Be remarkable. Be educational. Make yourself required-reading for your prospects. Teach them how to do their jobs better. Great content, especially in today’s information-overload world, can be a powerful differentiator and attractor of new business. Make it easy for prospects to move forward. Additional thoughts for first 60 days: Schedule Webinars and Product Demos Schedule first speaker/presentation program Plan and/or attend relevant tradeshow/industry events Deliver a sales plan that deconstructs and models quota attainment for the year. Breakdown quota attainment by: Product Channel Segment Model sales coverage and gaps Quantify key sales metrics
  5. Additional thoughts: Building pipeline and/or developing accounts. This part of the plan is about showing actual sales momentum in the territory vs. spending the first 90 day planning. Show that you take ownership for your own pipeline vs. relying on partners or marketing to build it for. This shows maturity and that you’ll take accountability for your business. Demonstrate you understand the mechanics of a sales funnel in terms of leads, pipeline and sales. Identify some specific territory building activities that have worked for you e.g. direct calling, email, live events. Determine sales cycle to determine the number of deals to close.
  6. Note: You or your manager should provide some form of task list to understand key milestones to the plan. The key here is to keep it simple. I try to stick to no more than 3-4 tasks for each part of the plan i.e. 30, 60, 90 day. And then identify some important dates or deliverables a manager can focus on rather than micro manage all the tasks. If you find yourself needing more than 9 tasks then you are probably getting too detailed.
  7. Other questions: What do the most successful new hires do in their first 3 months? What metrics would you use to measure success in this role? What is the average deal size? Quota? Based on your experience so far, how many opportunities in the sales funnel lead to sales? What are some of the challenges or roadblocks one might come up against in this role? What are the departmental goals and objectives? What are the position’s main priorities? Who are the people I would need to meet with to help me reach my goals? How will I measure my progress?
  8. Courtesy of Brian Burns and MindNode Pro. I highly recommend his book, The Maverick Selling Method: Simplifyng The Complex Sale Visit his Linkedin Group page and connect with him as well. See his Youtube videos. Brian cuts to the chase.
  9. DISC Defined: https://www.discinsights.com/personality-style-d#.WJklfhBN3Xk The Color Code Personality Profile also known as The Color Code or The People Code, created by Dr. Taylor Hartman, divides personalities into four colors: Red (motivated by power), Blue (motivated by intimacy), White (motivated by peace), and Yellow (motivated by fun). Although different groups of people have different demographics, the general breakdown suggests that Reds comprise 25% of the population; Blues 35%; Whites 20%; and Yellows 20%.
  10. https://www.thediscoverypartnership.ie/blog/2018/5/21/sales-coaching-series-part-27-red-green-yellow-and-blue-personality-styles-or-preferences https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/which-color-personality-you-red-blue-green-yellow-moustafa-sobhy/
  11. http://changingminds.org/explanations/preferences/social_styles.htm There are four unique behavioral patterns recognized in the SOCIAL STYLE Model: Analytical Style people control their emotions but tend to ask questions rather than give orders. They are focused on accuracy, and they act deliberately to achieve that end. Others see them as slow-paced and detail-oriented. Amiable Style people show their emotions openly and prefer to ask questions rather than give orders. Relationships, feelings and personal security are important to Amiable Style people. Others see them as friendly and warm. Expressive Style people show their emotions and speak assertively. They enjoy sharing their ideas and perspectives openly with others. Others see them as creative, but unfocused. Driving Style people control their emotions and speak assertively. They prefer to control a situation and are focused on big-picture results. They are often seen by others as highly efficient and not concerned about relationships or feelings.
  12. The ultimate objective of competitor analysis is to know enough about a competitor to be able to think like that competitor, so the firm's competitive strategy can be formulated to take into account the competitors' likely actions and responses. Short analysis of 50 Analytical frameworks including SWOT, Porters, and McKinsey; with links to the frameworks. http://competia.com/50-competitive-intelligence-analysis-techniques
  13. A Manager’s Perspective: Having an accurate sales forecast – or more importantly, a history of accurate sales forecasts – can help determine the best pipeline-to-quota ratio for the company. Instead of simply subscribing to the 3x ratio of yesteryear, look at your historical conversion ratios. If a whole year’s worth of sales results suggest that you only need a 2.5 or 2x sales pipeline-to-quota ratio, then why are slave away to fill your sales pipeline to hit that magic 3x number? Listen to the data, for it is telling the real story. Careful sales pipeline management also involves identifying potential red flags that could sink the accuracy of your sales forecast. One particularly critical sales forecast killer is the size and value of deals, especially when they are substantially larger than average. Big deals (2x or more above average) tend to have lower likelihoods of closing and longer sales cycles. These factors should be noted by sales managers when conducting sales forecasts and taken with a grain of salt. Just as sales organizations should not adopt a one-size-fits-all approach with their sales pipeline-to-quota ratio, sales managers should not treat every opportunity in the sales pipeline with a blanket method when forecasting. Instead of stressing over how to increase the sales pipeline in order to meet quota, sales managers should be focused on coaching their reps to improve their conversion rates. After all, if every rep was able to double their output and improve their ratios by 2x, then sales organizations would only need a 1.5x sales pipeline-to-quota ratio. While such substantial improvement – and subsequent decrease in necessary sales pipeline – is unrealistic, marked improvements in the conversion rates of sales reps is highly attainable. Sales managers simply need to study the data more closely and spend more time coaching, beginning by looking at the sales funnel for every rep. The sales funnel reveals conversion rates between stages for each rep. This is a great area to begin attempting to find weaknesses in a sales rep’s selling process.