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IS : 3085- 1965
Indian Standard
(ScvcathRcprittl JANUARY 1’)9(1 )
UDC f&6,97:620.193.19
NEW DELI11 110002
Gr 3 My 1965
( Reaffirmed 1997 )
Indian Standard
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, BDC 2
Chairman Representing
$HB K. K. NAMBIAR The Conprete Association of India, Bombay
SHRI N. H. MOHILE (Alternate to
Shri K. K. Nambiar )
SHRI K. F. ANTIA M. N. Dastur & Co. (Pvt) Ltd., Calcutta
SERI BENI PAL SIN~H U. P. Government Cement Factory, Churk
COL G. BENJAMIN Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
SHRI P. S. BHATNA~AR Bhekra & Bees Designs Organization, New Delhi
DR. I. C. DOS M. PAIS CuDDOU Central Water & Power Commission ( Ministry ot
Irrigation & Power )
SHRI Y. K. MURTHY ( AZterna.te )
SHRI N, D. DAFTARY Khira Steel Works Privste Ltd., Bombay
SHRI N. G. DEWAN Central Public Works Department, Sew Delhi
ENDCIRCLE ( Alternczte )
DR. R. R. HATTIAN~ADI The Associctted Cement Companies Ltd., Bombey
SHRI V. N. PAX ( Alternate )
JOINT DIRECTOR STANDARDS Research, Designs & Standards Orgauization
( Ministry of Railways )
DARDS ( B & S ) ( Alternate )
SHRI 5. B. JOSHI S. B., Joshi & Co. Ltd., Bombay
PROF. S. R. ME~RA Central Rond Research Institute (CSIH ), Sew
DR. R. K. Gaosu ( Alternate )
YHRI S. N. MUI~EHJI National Test House, Calcutta
SIrRI E. K. RAMCHs4NDRAN ( L4kY?late )
SHRI EARCH A. NADIRslI.4H Institut,ion of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRI C. B. PATEL National Buildings Organization ( Ministry of
Works & Housing )
PROP. G. S. RAXASWAMS Central Building Research Institute (CSIH),
SI~RI Af. G. TAJIHANICAR ( 9lfernale )
SHRI T. N. S. RAO Gummon India Ltd., Bombny
SI~RI S. R. PINHEIRO ( dlternnte )
R*~RESEXTATI~E Geological Survey of Indis, Calcutta
I:EYi<l3l 31’AT,‘I Mnrtin Burn Ltd., Cnlcutte
(Continued on page 2 )
NEW DELHI 110002
IS :3085 -1965
( Continued from page 1 )
Members Representing
!&CRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi
BH. SUUUARAJU Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
, SifbI L. SWAROOP Dalmia Cement ( Bhnrat ) Ltd., Calcutta
SHRI A. V. RAMANA ( Allernate )
SIIRI N. M. THADANI Sohu Cement Service, New Delhi
Scar J. M. TRIZIIAN Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport
SHRI N. H. KESWANI (Alternate )
Drt. H. C. VISVESVARAYA, Director, IS1 ( Er-oficio Member )
Doputy Director ( Civil Enp )
Extra Assistant Director ( Civil Eng ), ISI
Concrete Subcommittee, BDC 2 : 2
YHRI S. B. JOSHI Y. B. Joshi & Co. Ltd., Bombay
S~XRIN. H. BRA~WANANI l’:ngillcer-ill-CIIiof’s Branch, Army Heudquart,ers
DR. I. C. DOS. M. PAIS CIJUD0U Contra1 Water & Power Commission, ( Miuistry of
Irrigation & Power )
SHRI Y. K. M~~RTHY ( Alternate )
DYPUTY DIRICCTORSTANDARDS Resourch, Dosigns &Z Standards Organization
(B&S) ( Ministry of Railways )
DIRECTOR Engineering Research Depal%nent, Hyderabad
YHRI V. N. G~NAJI Maharashtrn Public Works Department
SI~RI M. A. HAFEEZ National Buildings Organization (Ministry of
Works SCHousing )
SRRI B. 8. SIXIVAMURTHP (dllerna/e )
SHRI C. I,. HAND-4 Central Water & Power Commission ( Ministry of
Irrigation & Power )
SURI P. C. HAXRA Geologicnl Survey of India, Calcutta
SHRI K. K. NAM~IAR The Concrete Association of India, Bombay
fhR1 c. L. N. IYENGAR ( &eJW~e)
DR.M.L. FURI Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ), New
PKOF. G. S. RAMAS~~AMY Central Building Research Institute ( CSIK.),
SIIRI M. G. TbxHdNKAR ( _-i~lerwle )
SHRI T. N. S. 1t~0 Gammon India Ltd., Bombay
SirRI S. R. ~rl;~srlro (L-ikermrte)
S~PICRINTEXDIW E:.UQINE~.K, "ND Cent,ral Public ‘orks Department, New Delhi
SHRI 0. P. GOEL ( dllerxale )
SLIRI J. BI. TRUI~AN Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport
SHRI R. P. Srx~a ( Altewnle )
SICRI H. T. YAN Umithwaite Burn Sr.Jessop Construction Co. Ltd.,
A&hoc Panel for Permeability of Cement Mortar and Concrete
DR. EQUALALI Engineering Research Department, Hyderabad
SHRI S. B. J~SHI S. B. Joshi CpCo. Ltd., Bombs?
SHRI I<. I<.~ABIUIAR The Concrete Association of India, Bomba)
DR. H. C. VIS~ES~IRAI-A Indian Standards Institution
IS:3085 - 1965
Indian Standard
0.1This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institu-
tion on 20 April 1965, after the draft finalized by the Cement and
Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
0.2 Permeability of cement mortar or concrete is of particular significance
in structures which are intended to retain water or which come into
contact with water. Besides functional considerations, permeability is
also intimately related to the durability of concrete, specially its resistance
,against progressive deterioration under exposure to severe climate, and
leaching due to prolonged seepage of water, particularly when it contains
aggressive gases or minerals in solution. The determination of the
permeability characteristics of mortar and concrete, therefore, assumes
considerable importance.
0.3 As the test for the permeability of mortar or concrete falls outside
the scope of IS : 516-1959* and IS : 1199-19591_ and in view of its great
importance, the Sectional Committee took up the formulation of this
0.4 In the preparation of this standard, due weightage has been given to
the need for international co-ordination among standards prevailing in
different countries and the practices that are at present being followed
in the country in this field.
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS : 2-1960$. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
*Method of test for strength of concrete.
tMethod of sampling and analysis of concrete.
$Rules for rounding off numerjcsl values ( revised L
1.1This standard covers the method for determining the permeability of
cement mortar and concrete specimens either cast in the laboratory
obtained by cutting out cores from existing structures.
2.1 The test consists in subjecting the mortar or concrete specimen of
known dimensions, contained in a specially designed cell, to a known
hydrostatic pressure from one side, measuring the quantity of water
percolating through it during a given interval of time and computing the
coefficient of permeability as described in 8.1. The test permits measure-
ment of the water entering the specimen as well as that leaving it.
3.1 Permeability Cell - The permeability cell shall consist of a metal
cylinder with a ledge at the bottom for retaining the specimen, a flange
at the top, a removable cover plate and a sheet metal funnel which can
be securely bolted to the cell. Gunmetal, aluminium or other suitable
corrosion-resistant metal shall be used for fabrication of the cell and
cover plate, which shall be designed to safely withstand the maximum
test pressure. A rubber or neoprene O-ring or other suitable gasket,
seated in matching grooves, shall be used between the cell and the covet
plate to render the joint water-tight. Typical details of the permeability
cell together with pertinent dimensions for use with test specimens of
various sizes, are show.n in Fig. 1.
3.2 Wjlter Reservoir - A suitable reservoir may consist of a length of
metal pipe, 50 to 100 mm in diameter and about 500 mm long. The
reservoir shall be fitted with a graduated side arm gauge-glass, and the
necessary fittings and valves for admitting water and compressed air
and for draining, bleeding and connection to the permeability cell, as
shown in Fig. 2.
NOTE- The choice of reservoir dimensions is necessarily e matter of compro-
mise between the accuracy with which the water entering the specimen can be
nieasured and the adequacy of the capaoity. The ideal combination would be the
smallest diameter and sufficient length to provide a capacity for at least 24 hours
of continuous operation. Lengths much greater than shout 600 mm may be
diEcult to handle.
3.3 Pressure Lines - Heavy duty armoured rubber hose or suitable metal
tubing or any other equally suitable hose or pipe shall be used for the
various high pressure connections.
render them leakproof.
All joints shall be properly made to
IS : 3085- 1965
I c
100 116 80 110
150 170 120 160
300 330 260 320
IS:3085 - 1965
IS:3085 - 1965
4.1 Supply of Compressed Air - Suitable arrangements shall be made for
supplying compressed air at 5 kg/cm2 to 15 kg/cm2 ( see 6 ) to the
permeability cell assemblies. Compressed air ( or nitrogen ) cylinders or
alternatively a compressor of adequate capacity may be used. Suitable
regulating valves and pressure gauges shall be provided. Several cells at
different operating pressures may be served by a common source as shown
in Fig. 2.
4.2 Supply of De-aired Water - An adequate supply of clean de-aired
water shall be available for use in the permeability tests. Water may be
easily de-aired for this purpose by boiling and cooling. De-aired water
may be stored in closed containers, which should, as far as possible, be
kept full. Unnecessary agitations and contact with air shall be avoided.
5.1 Size of Specimens -The specimens shall be cylindrical in shape with
height equal to the diameter. The standard size of specimen shall have
diameter ( and height ) of 150 mm. In the case of specimens containing
aggregates whose nominal size does not exceed 20 mm, the diameter (and
the height) of the specimen may be reduced to 100 mm. In the case of
specimens containing aggregates whose nominal size exceeds 40 mm, the
diameter (and the height ) of the specimen should not be less than about
four times the nominal size of the aggregate.
5.2 Casting and Curing - The mortar or concrete mix shall be cast in
split moulds of the required size, with a removable collar of about hall’
the height set on the top. The material shall be compacted either by hand
rodding or vibration, as proposed to be done during construction. The
collar shall then be removed and the mould shall be struck offlevel with
a straight-edge using a sawing motion without further trovelling OI
finishing, which might raise the fines to the surface. The specimen shall be
cured for 28 days unless otherwise specified by the engineer-in-charge.
6.1 The standard test pressure head to be applied to the water in the
reservoir should be 10 kg/cm”. This may, however, be reduced up to
5 kg/cm2 in the case of relatively more pel,meable specimens where steady
state of flow is obtained in a reasonable time, and may be increased up
to 15 kg/cm” for relatively less permeable specimens and whe1.e senlillg
could be ensured to be fully elfectivc.
7.1 Calibrating the Reservoir - Each reservoir shall be calibrated uncle1
the operating pressures of 5 kg/cm2 to 15 kg/cm2 ( see 6 ) as indicated
With the reservoir drain-cock and the shut-off valve between the
reservoir and the cell closed, and with the air bleeder valve open,
the reservoir shall be filled with water. The reservoir drain-cock
shall then be opened to flush out any air and closed again. The
reservoir shall be refilled to a point above the zero mark of the
gauge-glass scale; the bleeder valve shall be closed and the desired
air pressure applied. The drain-cock shall be carefully opened to
bring the water to the zero mark and quickly closed. Water shall then
be drawn off and caught in 250 ml increments in a graduated jar
and the level in the gauge-glass read on the scale. The calibration
constant for the reservoir shall be expressed in millilitres per
division of the scale.
7.2 Preparing the Specimen - The specimen shall be thoroughly cleaned
with a stiff wire brush to remove all laitance. The end faces shall then
be sand-blasted or lightly chiselled.
7.3 Sealing the Specimen - The specimen shall be surface-dried and the
dimensions measured to the nearest 0.5 mm. It shall then be centred in
tht: cell, with the lower end resting on the ledge. The annular space
between the specimen and the cell shall be tightly caulked to a depth of
about 10 mm using a cotton or hemp cord soaked in a suitable molten
sealing compound. The rest of the space shall be carefully filled with the
molten sealing compound, level with the top of the specimen. Any drop
in the level due to cooling shall be made up, using a heated rod to remelt
the solidified,compound before pouring fresh material over it. A mix-
ture of bees-wax and rosin, applied smoking hot, forms an effective seal.
The proper proportions are best chosen by trial. Other suitable materials
are stearine pitch, marine glue, and various asphaltic compounds.
7.4 Testing the Seal - It is essential that the seal is ,watertight. This
may be checked very conveniently by bolting on the top cover plate,
inverting the cell and applying an air pressure of 1 to 2 kg/cm2 from
below. A little water poured on the exposed face of the specimen is used to
detect any leaks through the seal, which would show up as bubbles along
ihe ledge. In case of leaks the specimen shall be taken out and resealed.
7.5 Assembling the Apparatus - After a satisfactory seal has been obtained,
the funnel shall be secured in position and the cell assembly connected
to the water reservoir, as illustrated in Fig. 2. With the air bleeder
valve, the valve between the reservoir and the cell, and the drain-cock in
the cell open, de-aired water shall be allowed to enter the reservoir.
When water issues freely through the drain-cock, it shall be closed and
the water reservoir filled. The reservoir water inlet and air bleeder
valves shall then be closed.
IS : 3085 - 1965
7.6 Running the Test -With the system completely filled with water, the
desired test pressure ( see 6 ) shall be applied to the water reservoir and
the initial reading of the gauge-glass recorded. At the same time a clean
collection bottle shall be weighed and placed in position to collect the
water percolating through the specimen. The quantity of percolate and
the gauge-glass readings shall be recorded at periodic intervals. In the
beginning, the rate of water intake is larger than the rate of outflow.
As the steady state of flow is approached, the two rates tend to become
equal and the outflow reaches a maximum and stabilizes. With further
passage of time, both the inflow and outflow generally register a gradual
drop. Permeability test shall be continued for about 100 hours after the
steady state of flow has been reached and the outflow shall be considered
as average of all the outflows measured during this period of 100 hours.
NOTE - The steady state of flow is defined as the stage at which tho outllow
and inflow of water become equal for the first time.
7.7 Test Temperature -The test shall preferably be carried out at a
temperature of 27” f 2°C. In case arrangements are not available for
maintaining the above temperature, a record shall be maintained of the
actual temperature. An approximate correction may be made on the
basis that each 5°C increase of temperature above the standard tempcra-
ture, results in IO percent increase in the coefficient of permeability and
vice versa.
7.8 Precautions - There are several precautions which sha!l be observed,
before any dependable estimate of permeability can be obtained from the
test data, of these the most important are as follows:
The seal around the specimen shall be effective. Leakage through
it can give rise to entirely misleading results. Obtaining a good
seal is a matter of experience and only a general guidance can be
It is important that the air content of the water entering the
specimen should not exceed about 0.2 percent. Excessive amounts
of dissolved air can result in air locks in the specimen and appa-
rent reduction in permeability. Periodical samples shall be drawu
from the cell drain-cock and the dissolved air determined. The
system shall be drained and rel~lcnisl~ccl with fresh de-aired water,
as soon as the air content exceeds the above limit.
The flow should be permitted to attain the steady state before the
coefficient of permeability is calculated. Examination of the
inflow and outflow rate data or suitable graphs of the same may be
used to determine the establishment of the steady stnta.
The observation of outflow from the specimen is liable to he
influenced by evaporation of the percolate during collcc,tion. ‘l’he
collection bottle may be housed in a humid chamber, or altct-
natively, blank observations on a similar bottle containing water
should be made and the necessary correction for evaporation loss
applied. The inflow measurement provides an additional check.
It is very important that the specimen surface is carefully prepared
by sand blasting or chiselling, as even a thin highly -impervious
skin can result in considerable underestimation of the permeability.
8.1 The coefficient of permeability shall be caIculated as follows:
K = coefficient of permeability in cm/set;
Q = quantity of water in millilitres percolating over the entire
period of test after the steady state has been reached;
A = area of the specimen face in cm*;
T = time in seconds over which Q is measured; and
- = ratio of the pressure head to thickness of specimen, both
L expressed in the same units.
9.1 The following information shall be included in the report on each
a) Identification mark of the specimen,
b) Particulars of mix,
cj Age at commencement of the test,
d) Duration of test,
e) Size of specimen,
f) Test pressure,
g) Test temperature,
11) Coefficient of permeability at test temperature, and
j) Corrected coefficient of permeability at standard temperature,
p. ..__ --._ __-
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manaksanstha
( Common to all Offices )
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*Sales Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhre Approach, P. 0. Princep 27 68 00
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  • 3. -. IS :3085 -1965 ( Continued from page 1 ) Members Representing !&CRETARY Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi BH. SUUUARAJU Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi , SifbI L. SWAROOP Dalmia Cement ( Bhnrat ) Ltd., Calcutta SHRI A. V. RAMANA ( Allernate ) SIIRI N. M. THADANI Sohu Cement Service, New Delhi Scar J. M. TRIZIIAN Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport SHRI N. H. KESWANI (Alternate ) Drt. H. C. VISVESVARAYA, Director, IS1 ( Er-oficio Member ) Doputy Director ( Civil Enp ) Scwetary SI3RI Y. R. TANEJA Extra Assistant Director ( Civil Eng ), ISI Concrete Subcommittee, BDC 2 : 2 Conuener YHRI S. B. JOSHI Y. B. Joshi & Co. Ltd., Bombay Members S~XRIN. H. BRA~WANANI l’:ngillcer-ill-CIIiof’s Branch, Army Heudquart,ers DR. I. C. DOS. M. PAIS CIJUD0U Contra1 Water & Power Commission, ( Miuistry of Irrigation & Power ) SHRI Y. K. M~~RTHY ( Alternate ) DYPUTY DIRICCTORSTANDARDS Resourch, Dosigns &Z Standards Organization (B&S) ( Ministry of Railways ) DIRECTOR Engineering Research Depal%nent, Hyderabad YHRI V. N. G~NAJI Maharashtrn Public Works Department SI~RI M. A. HAFEEZ National Buildings Organization (Ministry of Works SCHousing ) SRRI B. 8. SIXIVAMURTHP (dllerna/e ) SHRI C. I,. HAND-4 Central Water & Power Commission ( Ministry of Irrigation & Power ) SURI P. C. HAXRA Geologicnl Survey of India, Calcutta SHRI K. K. NAM~IAR The Concrete Association of India, Bombay fhR1 c. L. N. IYENGAR ( &eJW~e) DR.M.L. FURI Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ), New Delhi PKOF. G. S. RAMAS~~AMY Central Building Research Institute ( CSIK.), Roorkee SIIRI M. G. TbxHdNKAR ( _-i~lerwle ) SHRI T. N. S. 1t~0 Gammon India Ltd., Bombay SirRI S. R. ~rl;~srlro (L-ikermrte) S~PICRINTEXDIW E:.UQINE~.K, "ND Cent,ral Public ‘orks Department, New Delhi CIRCLE SHRI 0. P. GOEL ( dllerxale ) SLIRI J. BI. TRUI~AN Roads Wing, Ministry of Transport SHRI R. P. Srx~a ( Altewnle ) SICRI H. T. YAN Umithwaite Burn Sr.Jessop Construction Co. Ltd., C&xltta A&hoc Panel for Permeability of Cement Mortar and Concrete DR. EQUALALI Engineering Research Department, Hyderabad SHRI S. B. J~SHI S. B. Joshi CpCo. Ltd., Bombs? SHRI I<. I<.~ABIUIAR The Concrete Association of India, Bomba) DR. H. C. VIS~ES~IRAI-A Indian Standards Institution 2
  • 4. IS:3085 - 1965 Indian Standard METHOD OF TEST FOR PERMEABILITY OF CEMENT AND CONCRETE MORTAR 0. FOREWORD 0.1This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institu- tion on 20 April 1965, after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. 0.2 Permeability of cement mortar or concrete is of particular significance in structures which are intended to retain water or which come into contact with water. Besides functional considerations, permeability is also intimately related to the durability of concrete, specially its resistance ,against progressive deterioration under exposure to severe climate, and leaching due to prolonged seepage of water, particularly when it contains aggressive gases or minerals in solution. The determination of the permeability characteristics of mortar and concrete, therefore, assumes considerable importance. 0.3 As the test for the permeability of mortar or concrete falls outside the scope of IS : 516-1959* and IS : 1199-19591_ and in view of its great importance, the Sectional Committee took up the formulation of this standard. 0.4 In the preparation of this standard, due weightage has been given to the need for international co-ordination among standards prevailing in different countries and the practices that are at present being followed in the country in this field. 0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960$. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. *Method of test for strength of concrete. tMethod of sampling and analysis of concrete. $Rules for rounding off numerjcsl values ( revised L 3
  • 5. IS:3085-1965 1. SCOPE 1.1This standard covers the method for determining the permeability of cement mortar and concrete specimens either cast in the laboratory obtained by cutting out cores from existing structures. 2. PRINCIPLE 2.1 The test consists in subjecting the mortar or concrete specimen of known dimensions, contained in a specially designed cell, to a known hydrostatic pressure from one side, measuring the quantity of water percolating through it during a given interval of time and computing the coefficient of permeability as described in 8.1. The test permits measure- ment of the water entering the specimen as well as that leaving it. 3. APPARATUS 3.1 Permeability Cell - The permeability cell shall consist of a metal cylinder with a ledge at the bottom for retaining the specimen, a flange at the top, a removable cover plate and a sheet metal funnel which can be securely bolted to the cell. Gunmetal, aluminium or other suitable corrosion-resistant metal shall be used for fabrication of the cell and cover plate, which shall be designed to safely withstand the maximum test pressure. A rubber or neoprene O-ring or other suitable gasket, seated in matching grooves, shall be used between the cell and the covet plate to render the joint water-tight. Typical details of the permeability cell together with pertinent dimensions for use with test specimens of various sizes, are show.n in Fig. 1. 3.2 Wjlter Reservoir - A suitable reservoir may consist of a length of metal pipe, 50 to 100 mm in diameter and about 500 mm long. The reservoir shall be fitted with a graduated side arm gauge-glass, and the necessary fittings and valves for admitting water and compressed air and for draining, bleeding and connection to the permeability cell, as shown in Fig. 2. NOTE- The choice of reservoir dimensions is necessarily e matter of compro- mise between the accuracy with which the water entering the specimen can be nieasured and the adequacy of the capaoity. The ideal combination would be the smallest diameter and sufficient length to provide a capacity for at least 24 hours of continuous operation. Lengths much greater than shout 600 mm may be diEcult to handle. 3.3 Pressure Lines - Heavy duty armoured rubber hose or suitable metal tubing or any other equally suitable hose or pipe shall be used for the various high pressure connections. render them leakproof. All joints shall be properly made to 4
  • 8. IS:3085 - 1965 4. ACCESSORIES 4.1 Supply of Compressed Air - Suitable arrangements shall be made for supplying compressed air at 5 kg/cm2 to 15 kg/cm2 ( see 6 ) to the permeability cell assemblies. Compressed air ( or nitrogen ) cylinders or alternatively a compressor of adequate capacity may be used. Suitable regulating valves and pressure gauges shall be provided. Several cells at different operating pressures may be served by a common source as shown in Fig. 2. 4.2 Supply of De-aired Water - An adequate supply of clean de-aired water shall be available for use in the permeability tests. Water may be easily de-aired for this purpose by boiling and cooling. De-aired water may be stored in closed containers, which should, as far as possible, be kept full. Unnecessary agitations and contact with air shall be avoided. 5. TEST SPECIMENS 5.1 Size of Specimens -The specimens shall be cylindrical in shape with height equal to the diameter. The standard size of specimen shall have diameter ( and height ) of 150 mm. In the case of specimens containing aggregates whose nominal size does not exceed 20 mm, the diameter (and the height) of the specimen may be reduced to 100 mm. In the case of specimens containing aggregates whose nominal size exceeds 40 mm, the diameter (and the height ) of the specimen should not be less than about four times the nominal size of the aggregate. 5.2 Casting and Curing - The mortar or concrete mix shall be cast in split moulds of the required size, with a removable collar of about hall’ the height set on the top. The material shall be compacted either by hand rodding or vibration, as proposed to be done during construction. The collar shall then be removed and the mould shall be struck offlevel with a straight-edge using a sawing motion without further trovelling OI finishing, which might raise the fines to the surface. The specimen shall be cured for 28 days unless otherwise specified by the engineer-in-charge. 6. PRESSURE HEAD 6.1 The standard test pressure head to be applied to the water in the reservoir should be 10 kg/cm”. This may, however, be reduced up to 5 kg/cm2 in the case of relatively more pel,meable specimens where steady state of flow is obtained in a reasonable time, and may be increased up to 15 kg/cm” for relatively less permeable specimens and whe1.e senlillg could be ensured to be fully elfectivc. 7. PROCEDURE 7.1 Calibrating the Reservoir - Each reservoir shall be calibrated uncle1 7
  • 9. IS:3085-1965 the operating pressures of 5 kg/cm2 to 15 kg/cm2 ( see 6 ) as indicated below: With the reservoir drain-cock and the shut-off valve between the reservoir and the cell closed, and with the air bleeder valve open, the reservoir shall be filled with water. The reservoir drain-cock shall then be opened to flush out any air and closed again. The reservoir shall be refilled to a point above the zero mark of the gauge-glass scale; the bleeder valve shall be closed and the desired air pressure applied. The drain-cock shall be carefully opened to bring the water to the zero mark and quickly closed. Water shall then be drawn off and caught in 250 ml increments in a graduated jar and the level in the gauge-glass read on the scale. The calibration constant for the reservoir shall be expressed in millilitres per division of the scale. 7.2 Preparing the Specimen - The specimen shall be thoroughly cleaned with a stiff wire brush to remove all laitance. The end faces shall then be sand-blasted or lightly chiselled. 7.3 Sealing the Specimen - The specimen shall be surface-dried and the dimensions measured to the nearest 0.5 mm. It shall then be centred in tht: cell, with the lower end resting on the ledge. The annular space between the specimen and the cell shall be tightly caulked to a depth of about 10 mm using a cotton or hemp cord soaked in a suitable molten sealing compound. The rest of the space shall be carefully filled with the molten sealing compound, level with the top of the specimen. Any drop in the level due to cooling shall be made up, using a heated rod to remelt the solidified,compound before pouring fresh material over it. A mix- ture of bees-wax and rosin, applied smoking hot, forms an effective seal. The proper proportions are best chosen by trial. Other suitable materials are stearine pitch, marine glue, and various asphaltic compounds. 7.4 Testing the Seal - It is essential that the seal is ,watertight. This may be checked very conveniently by bolting on the top cover plate, inverting the cell and applying an air pressure of 1 to 2 kg/cm2 from below. A little water poured on the exposed face of the specimen is used to detect any leaks through the seal, which would show up as bubbles along ihe ledge. In case of leaks the specimen shall be taken out and resealed. 7.5 Assembling the Apparatus - After a satisfactory seal has been obtained, the funnel shall be secured in position and the cell assembly connected to the water reservoir, as illustrated in Fig. 2. With the air bleeder valve, the valve between the reservoir and the cell, and the drain-cock in the cell open, de-aired water shall be allowed to enter the reservoir. When water issues freely through the drain-cock, it shall be closed and the water reservoir filled. The reservoir water inlet and air bleeder valves shall then be closed. 8
  • 10. IS : 3085 - 1965 7.6 Running the Test -With the system completely filled with water, the desired test pressure ( see 6 ) shall be applied to the water reservoir and the initial reading of the gauge-glass recorded. At the same time a clean collection bottle shall be weighed and placed in position to collect the water percolating through the specimen. The quantity of percolate and the gauge-glass readings shall be recorded at periodic intervals. In the beginning, the rate of water intake is larger than the rate of outflow. As the steady state of flow is approached, the two rates tend to become equal and the outflow reaches a maximum and stabilizes. With further passage of time, both the inflow and outflow generally register a gradual drop. Permeability test shall be continued for about 100 hours after the steady state of flow has been reached and the outflow shall be considered as average of all the outflows measured during this period of 100 hours. NOTE - The steady state of flow is defined as the stage at which tho outllow and inflow of water become equal for the first time. 7.7 Test Temperature -The test shall preferably be carried out at a temperature of 27” f 2°C. In case arrangements are not available for maintaining the above temperature, a record shall be maintained of the actual temperature. An approximate correction may be made on the basis that each 5°C increase of temperature above the standard tempcra- ture, results in IO percent increase in the coefficient of permeability and vice versa. 7.8 Precautions - There are several precautions which sha!l be observed, before any dependable estimate of permeability can be obtained from the test data, of these the most important are as follows: a) Cl d) The seal around the specimen shall be effective. Leakage through it can give rise to entirely misleading results. Obtaining a good seal is a matter of experience and only a general guidance can be provided. It is important that the air content of the water entering the specimen should not exceed about 0.2 percent. Excessive amounts of dissolved air can result in air locks in the specimen and appa- rent reduction in permeability. Periodical samples shall be drawu from the cell drain-cock and the dissolved air determined. The system shall be drained and rel~lcnisl~ccl with fresh de-aired water, as soon as the air content exceeds the above limit. The flow should be permitted to attain the steady state before the coefficient of permeability is calculated. Examination of the inflow and outflow rate data or suitable graphs of the same may be used to determine the establishment of the steady stnta. The observation of outflow from the specimen is liable to he influenced by evaporation of the percolate during collcc,tion. ‘l’he collection bottle may be housed in a humid chamber, or altct- natively, blank observations on a similar bottle containing water 9
  • 11. IS:3085-1965 4 should be made and the necessary correction for evaporation loss applied. The inflow measurement provides an additional check. It is very important that the specimen surface is carefully prepared by sand blasting or chiselling, as even a thin highly -impervious skin can result in considerable underestimation of the permeability. 8. CALCULATION 8.1 The coefficient of permeability shall be caIculated as follows: where K = coefficient of permeability in cm/set; Q = quantity of water in millilitres percolating over the entire period of test after the steady state has been reached; A = area of the specimen face in cm*; T = time in seconds over which Q is measured; and H - = ratio of the pressure head to thickness of specimen, both L expressed in the same units. 9. REPORT 9.1 The following information shall be included in the report on each specimen: a) Identification mark of the specimen, b) Particulars of mix, cj Age at commencement of the test, d) Duration of test, e) Size of specimen, f) Test pressure, g) Test temperature, 11) Coefficient of permeability at test temperature, and j) Corrected coefficient of permeability at standard temperature, 10
  • 12. p. ..__ --._ __- BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquaners: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones: 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manaksanstha ( Common to all Offices ) Regional Offices: Telephons Central Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. NEW DELHI 1’10002 I 331331 0113 7531 *Eastern : 1/14 C. I. T. Scheme VII M, V. I. P. Road, 36 24 99 Maniktola. CALCUTTA 700054 Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C, I 2 18 43 CHANDIGARH 160036 3 1641 41 24 42 Southern : C. I. T. Campus, MADRAS 600113 ( 41 25 19 41 2916 TWestern Manakalaya, MIDC, Marol, ( ),: E9 Andheri East 6 32 92 95 BOMBAY 400093 Branch Offices: *Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur. I 2 63 48 AHMADABAD 380001 63 492 SPeenya lndust rial Area 1st Stage, Bangalore Tumkur Road BANGALORE 560058 38 49 56 Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Nagar, I 38 49 55 667 16 BHOPAL 462003 Plot No. 82,183, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27 53/5. Ward No: 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th Byelane, 3 31 77 GUWAHATI 781003 5-8-56C L. N. Gupta Marg ( Nampatly Station Road ), HYDERABAD 500001 23 1083 R14 Yudhister Marg. C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 j 63471 6 98 32 117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 I :: “s: ;: Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 6 23 05 T.C. No. 14/1421. University P.O.. Palayam 16 21 04 TRIVANDRUM 695035 16 21 17 /nspection Offices ( With Sale Point ): Pushpanjali, First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road, 2 51 71 Shankar Nagar Square. NAGPUR 440010 Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 5 24 35 PUNE 411005 *Sales Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhre Approach, P. 0. Princep 27 68 00 Street. Calcutta 700072 *Sales Office in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, 89 66 28 Bombav 400007 SSales Office in Bangalore is at Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square, 22 38 71 Bangalore 560002 Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India