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MARKS WEIGHTAGE: 09 (1 M, 2M, and 4M)
1. Name the person who first proposed the atomic theory of matter on scientific
2. Mention the sub atomic particles.
3. What is the basic rule, regarding the behaviour of charged particles?
4. Under what conditions of pressure and voltage, the electrical discharge through the
gases can be observed?
5. How the pressure of gases in the discharge tube can be adjusted?
6. What are cathode rays(cathode ray particles)?
7. Name the phosphorescent material coated inside the discharge tube behind the
8. Give the conditions under which cathode rays travel in straight line.
9. What is the name given to the particles which constitute the cathode rays?
10. Does the nature of cathode ray depend on the nature of gas in the discharge tube or
the electrode material?
11. Name the scientist who was able to determine e/m value of an electron.
12. What is the charge of an electron in coulomb?
13. What is the mass of an electron in terms of kilogram?
14. What are canal rays?
15. Name the fundamental particle of an atom that has highest value for its e/m value.
16. Does the e/m value of canal rays depend on the nature of gas in the discharge
17. Name the gas to be filled in the discharge tube to obtain the smallest and the
lightest positive ion.
18. Name the smallest and lightest positive ion obtained when hydrogen gas is
subjected to electrical discharge.
19. Who discovered neutron?
20. What is the mass of proton in terms of kilogram?
21. What is the mass of neutron in terms of kilogram?
22. Name the electrically neutral particle obtained by bombarding beryllium with α-
23. Who proposed spherical shape of an atom?
24. Write one name given to the Thomson model of an atom.
25. What is the important feature of Thomson model of an atom?
26. Name the metal foil used in Rutherford’s α-particle scattering experiment.
27. What are orbits?
28. What is atomic number?
29. What are nucleons?
30. What is atomic mass number?
31. What are isotopes?
32. What are isobars?
33. Name the three isotopes of hydrogen.
34. ZX : what does A and Z represent?
35. How many neutrons are present in 17Cl?
36. How many protons are present in 6C?
37. How many electrons are present in 11Na?
38. Name the fundamental particle of an atom which determines the chemical
properties of an element.
39. Write the SI unit of frequency.
40. What is the value of speed of light in vacuum?
41. Define wave number.
42. What is the SI unit of wave number?
43. What is the relation between energy (E) and frequency (‫ال‬) of an electromagnetic
44. What is the name given to the smallest quantity of energy that can be emitted or
absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation?
45. What is the wave length range of the visible spectrum?
46. What is the value of Planck’s constant?
47. What is black body?
48. What is photoelectric effect?
49. Give an example of a metal which exhibits photoelectric effect.
50. What is threshold frequency?
51. What is emission spectrum?
52. What is spectroscopy?
53. Name an element which is identified by spectroscopic method.
54. What is the value of Rydberg’s constant in joule?
55. Name the series of spectral line of hydrogen obtained in visible region.
56. Write the mathematical expression for the calculation of angular momentum of an
electron in a given stationary state.
57. Write an expression for the calculation of energy associated with an electron in a
given stationary state.
58. Write an expression to calculate the wave number of a spectral line in the
hydrogen spectrum.
59. What is the value of the radius of the first stationary state (Bohr orbit)?
60. Give an expression to calculate the radii of the stationary states.
61. Write the relationship between wave length ( λ), velocity (c) and frequency (‫ال‬) of
a radiation.
62. What is Zeeman effect?
63. What is Stark effect?
64. Write de Broglie equation.
65. Write the mathematical form of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
66. What is the implication of uncertainty principle?
67. What does quantum mechanics deal with?
68. What is Schrödinger equation?
69. What is an atomic orbital?
70. What are quantum numbers?
71. What is the significance of (a) principal quantum number(n); (b) azimuthal
quantum number (l); (c) magnetic quantum number (ml); (d) spin quantum number
72. What are the possible values of n (principal quantum number)?
73. What are the possible values of ‘l’ (azimuthal quantum number) for a given value
of ‘n’?
74. What are the possible values for ml (magnetic quantum number) for a given value
of ‘l’?
75. What are the possible values of ms (spin quantum number)?
76. What is the total value of ml (magnetic quantum number) for a given value of ‘l’?
77. What is the value of ‘l’ for:- (a) s- sub shell; (b) p- sub shell; (c) d-sub shell; (d)
f-sub shell; (e) g-sub shell; (f) h- sub shell?
78. Write the possible values of magnetic quantum number (ml) for l= 2.
79. Name the quantum number that specifies the shape of an atomic orbital.
80. Name the quantum number that specifies the size of an atomic orbital.
81. Name the quantum number that designates the orientation of the atomic orbital.
82. What are nodes?
83. Write the total number of nodes for a given value of ‘n’.
84. The total number of nodes for 3s orbital is ------------------
85. What is the shape of: (a) s-orbital: (b) p- orbital; (c) d-orbital?
86. On the basis of orientation, how the p-orbitals are designated?
87. On the basis of orientation, how the d-orbitals are designated?
88. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in: (a) s-
orbital: (b) p- orbitals; (c) d-orbitals; (d) f-orbitals?
89. How many number of orbital are possible for f-sub shell?
90. Using s, p, d, notations, write the orbitals having following quantum numbers: (a)
n=4, l=0; (b) n=5, l=1; (c) n=3, l= 2.
91. What are degenerate orbitals?
92. What is the ground state of an atom?
93. What is the excited state of an atom?
94. What is effective nuclear charge?
95. How many electrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers: n=3,
l= 0?
96. What is electronic configuration?
97. Write the electronic configuration of the following elements: (a) Cr (Z=24) (b) Cu
(Z=29) (c) Ca (Z=20).
98. Write the electronic configuration of the following: (a) Na+
(b) Cl-
(c) O-2
99. Between 3d and 4s orbitals which is having higher energy?
100. How many unpaired electrons are present in the following: (a) Na (b) P (c) O?
Two marks Questions
101. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
102. Name the four quantum numbers.
103. Write any two limitations of Bohr’s model of an atom.
104. Distinguish between orbit and orbital.
105. Draw the shape of .a) s – orbital. b) p – orbital.
106. State aufbau principle.
107. State Pauli’s exclusion principle.
108. State Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
109. What is an orbital? Mention different orbitals.
110. Write the schematic diagram to remember sequences of filling atomic orbitals.
111. Name two series of hydrogen spectra which fall in infra red region.
112. Name the series of lines in the emission spectrum of hydrogen.
113. Write de Broglie equation and explain the terms.
114. Write Rydberg’s equation and explain the terms.
115. Write two draw backs of Rutherford’s model of an atom.
116. State (n+l) rule.
117. Calculate the wave length of the radiation emitted with a frequency of 1,200kHz
(c =3.0x108
118. Calculate the wave number of radiation having wavelength 5800A0
119. Calculate the energy of one mole of photon of radiation whose frequency is 4
120. The threshold frequency ‫ال‬ 0 for a metal is 6.0 X 1013
. Calculate the kinetic
energy of an electron when the radiation of frequency ‫ال‬ = 1.0 X 1014
hits the
121. What will be the wavelength of a ball of mass 0.2 kg moving with velocity of 10
122. Calculate the wave number of the spectral line of shortest wavelength appearing in
the Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum (Given RH = 1.09 X 107
Four Mark Question
123. What are the results drawn from the Cathode ray discharge experiment?
124. What are the Characteristics of Canal Rays?
125. What are the observations made out of Ruther ford’s α-ray scattering experiment?
126. What are the conclusions drawn regarding the structure of the atom on the basis of
observations in the α-ray scattering experiment?
127. Describe Rutherford’s nuclear model of the atom.
128. What are the properties of electromagnetic waves (electromagnetic radiation)?
129. What are the factors that cannot be explained by electromagnetic theory?
130. What are the observations made by Hertz after conducting the photo electric effect
131. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom?
132. Write the significance of the four quantum numbers.
Chapter 2: Structure of atom
1. John Dalton
2. Protons, Neutrons and electrons
3. ‘Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other’.
4. At very low pressure and at very high voltage
5. By using vacuum pump
6. The particles moving in the discharge tube from cathode to anode.
7. Zinc sulphide
8. In the absence of electrical or magnetic field.
9. Electrons
10. No. Neither nature of the gas nor electrode material
11. J.J. Thomson.
12. -1.6x10-19
13. 9.1094x10-31
14. The particles carrying positive charge in a discharge tube.
15. Electron.
16. Yes.
17. Hydrogen.
18. Proton.
19. James Chad Wick.
20. 1.672x10-27
21. 1.675x10-27
22. Neutron.
23. J. J. Thomson.
24. Plum pudding or raisin pudding or watermelon.
25. Mass of the atom is uniformly distributed over the atom.
26. Gold.
27. The circular path of an electron moving around the nucleus of an atom.
28. No. of Protons present in the nucleus or No. of electrons in a neutral atom.
29. Protons and neutrons present in the Nucleus of an atom.
30. Total No. of Protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom.
31. Atoms of the same element having identical atomic Number but different mass
32. Atoms of different elements having same mass No. but different atomic No.
33. Protium, deuterium and Tritium.
34. A= Mass No, Z= Atomic No.
35. 18.
36. 6.
37. 11.
38. Electron
39. Hertz2
40. 3.0x108
41. Number of wave lengths per unit length is called wave number (‫ال‬).
42. m-1
or per meter
43. E =h‫ال‬
44. Proton.
45. 400 nm to 750 nm
46. 6.626x10-34
47. The ideal body which emits and absorbs radiations of all frequency.
48. The ejection of electrons from metal surface when radiation strikes it.
49. Potassium or Caesium or Rubidium.
50. The minimum frequency below which photoelectric effect is not observed.
51. The spectrum of radiation emitted by a substance that has absorbed energy is
called an emission spectrum.
52. The study of emission or absorption spectra is known as spectroscopy.
53. Rubidium or Caesium, or Thallium or Indium, or Gallium or Scandium or
54. 2.18x10-18
55. Balmer series
56. me vr = n h
57. En= -RH 1
58. ‫ال‬ = RH 1 - 1 cm-1
59. a0 = 52.9 Pm.
60. rn = n2
61. C= ‫ال‬λ
62. The splitting of spectral lines in the presence of magnetic field.
63. The splitting of spectral lines in an electric field.
64. λ = h = h
mv p
66. It rules out existence of definite paths of electrons.
67. It deals with dual behavior of matter.
68. H ψ = E ψ
69. It is the region around the nucleus where electron will most probably be found.
70. Quantum Numbers specify the energy, size, shape and orientation of an orbital.
71. a) It determines the size and energy of the orbital.
b) It determines the three dimensional shape of the orbital.
c) It gives the spatial orientation of the orbital.
d) It refers to orientation of the spin of the electron.
72. n=1,2,3 - - - - - ∞.
73. l=0,1,2,3 - - - - (n-1).
74. m=-l, -(l-1), -(l-2)- - - - 0,1 - - - (l-2), (l-1),l
75. + 1 and - 1
2 2
76. (2l+1) values.
77. a) l=0, b) l=1, c) l=2, d) l=3, e) l=4, f) l=5
78. ml = -2, -1, 0, + 1, + 2.
79. Azimuthal Q.no(l)
80. Principal Q. no (n)
81. Magnetic Q.no (ml)
82. The region where probability density function reduces to zero.
83. Total no. of nodes = (n-1).
84. No. of nodes = 2
85. a) Spherical b) dumb bell c) double dumb – bell.
86. px , py and pz
87. dxy, dyz, dzx, dx
and dz
88. a) 2 b) 6 c) 10 d) 14
89. 7
90. a) 4s b) 5p c) 3d
91. Orbital’s having the same energy.
92. Atom having electrons occupying lowest energy level.
93. The state of an atom having its electron in higher energy level.
94. The net positive charge experienced by the outer electrons.
95. 2 electrons.
96. The distribution of electrons into orbitals of an atom.
97. a) 1s2
b) 1s2
c) 1s2
98. a) 1s2
b) 1s2
c) 1s2
99. 3d
100. a) 1 b) 3 c) 2
Answers to two marks questions
101. It is impossible to determine simultaneously the exact position and exact
momentum of an electron.”
102. a. Principal Q. Number (n)
b. Azimuthal Q. Number (l)
c. Magnetic Q. Number (ml)
d. Spin Q. Number (ms)
103. It fails to accounts for the finer details of the hydrogen atom spectrum. It could
not explain the ability of atom to form molecules by chemical bonds
Orbit Orbital
1 It is a circular path around the
nucleus in which an electron
1 It is the three dimensional region of
space where the probability of
finding the electron is maximum
2 Maximum number of electrons
that can be accommodated is
equal to 2n2
2 Maximum number of electrons in an
orbital is 2.
S – orbital p – Orbital
106. “ In the ground state of the atom orbitals are filled in the order of their increasing
107. “ No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum
108. “ Pairing of electrons in the orbital’s belonging to the same sub shell does not
takes place until each orbital belonging to that sub shell has got one electron
109. “ It is the three dimensional region of space where the probability of finding
the electron is maximum.”
The different orbitals are s, p, d, and f
111. Bracket series
Paschen series
Pfund series ( any two)
112. Lyman series
Balmer Series
Bracket series
Paschen series
Pfund series
113. De Broglie Equation λ = h
Where m is the mass of the particle?
v is the velocity of the particle
114. ‫ال‬ = RH 1 - 1 cm-1
‫ال‬ - wave number
RH – Rydberg constant
115. a. This model fails to account for the stability of an atom.
b. This model does not explain the line spectrum of an atom.
This model does not have any specific radius for radius electron orbit.
116. “ Lower the value of (n+l) for an orbital , the lower is its energy . If two
orbital’s have the same value of (n + l) , the orbital with lower value of n will
have the lower energy.”
117. λ = C
λ 3 X 10 8 ms-1
1200 X 103
λ = 0.0025 X 105
λ = 250 m
118. Calculation of wave number
λ = 5800 A0
= 5800 X 10-8
cm = 5800 x 10-10
‫ال‬ = 1 = 1/ 580 X 10-10
= 1.724 X 106
119. Energy of photon E = h ‫ال‬
h = 6.626 X 10-34
‫ال‬ = 4 X 10 12 Hz (s-1
E = 6.626 X 10-34
Js X 4 X 1012
= 26.504 X 10– 22
= 2.65 X 10– 21
120. Kinetic Energy = h (‫ال‬ – ‫ال‬o)
= (6.626 X 10 -34
Js) (1.0x1014
– 6.0 X 1013
= (6.626 X 10-34
Js) (4.0 X 1013
= 2.65 X 10-20
121. λ = h
= (6.626 X 10 -34
Js)/ (0.2 Kg X 10 ms-1
= 3.313 X 10 -34
‫ال‬ = RH (1/n1
– 1/n2
For Balmer series with shortest wavelength
n1 = 2 n2 = ∞
RH = 1.09 X 107
‫ال‬ = 1.09 X 107
– 1/ ∞ 2
= 1.09 X 107
(¼ - 0 )
‫ال‬ = 2.725 X 106
123. .
i. The Cathode rays start form cathode and move towards anode.
ii. Cathode rays are not visible.
iii. In the absence of electrical or Magnetic field, Cathode rays travel in straight
iv. In the presence of electrical or magnetic field, the direction of deflection of
cathode rays shows that they contain negatively charged particles.
v. The characteristics of cathode rays do not depend on the material of electrodes
and nature of the gas present in the cathode ray tube.
(Any Four Points)
i. Positively charged particles (Canal Rays) depend upon the nature of the gas
present in the cathode-ray tube.
ii. The charge to mass ratio of the particles depend on the gas from which they
iii. Some of the positively charged particles carry a multiple of the fundamental
unit of electrical charge.
iv. In the presence of electrical or magnetic field, the behavior of positively
charged particles is opposite to that observed for cathode rays.
i. Most of the α–particles passed through the gold foil undeflected.
ii. A small fraction of the α–Particles was deflected by small angles.
iii. A very few α-particles bounced back, that is were defected nearly 1800
i. Most of the space in the atom is empty
ii. The Positive charge of the atom is not spread through out the atom, but
concentrated in a very small volume
iii. The volume occupied by the nucleus is negligibly small as compared to the
total volume of the atom
i. The positive charge and most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in a small
region called nucleus
ii. The nucleus is surrounded by Electrons
iii. The Electrons move around the nucleus in circular paths called orbits.
iv. The Electrons and the nucleus are held together by Electrostatic force of
i. Electrical and Magnetic waves are perpendicular to each other and both are
perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the wave.
ii. Electromagnetic waves do not require medium and they can move in vacuum
iii. There are many types of electromagnetic radiations. They differ from one
another in wavelength or frequency
iv. Different kinds of units are used to represent Electromagnetic
v. radiation.
i. The nature of emission of radiation from hot bodies (black body radiation)
ii. Ejection of electrons from metal surface when radiation strikes it (Photo
electric effect)
iii. Variation of heat capacity of solids as a function of temperature
iv. Line spectra of atoms with special reference to hydrogen
i. The electrons are ejected from the metal surface as soon as the beam of light
strikes the surface
ii. The number of electrons ejected is proportional to the intensity of light
iii. For each metal there is a characteristic minimum frequency called threshold
frequency below which photo electric effect is not observed.
iv. The kinetic energies of ejected electrons increase with increase of frequency of
light used.
i. The electron in the hydrogen atom can move around the nucleus in a circular
path of fixed radius and energy and the paths are called orbits
ii. The energy of an electron in the orbit does not change with time
iii. The frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted when transition occurs between
two stationary states that differ in energy by ∆ E is given by
‫ال‬ = ∆ E
‫ال‬ = E2-E1
iv. The angular momentum of an electron in a given stationary state is integral
multiple of h
i.e., meVr = n h
i. Principal quantum number determines energy and size of the orbital
ii. Azimuthal quantum number defines three dimensional shape of the orbital.
iii. Magnetic quantum number gives the information about the spatial orientation
of the orbital.
iv. Spin quantum number refers to orientation of the spin of the electron.

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34 ch2

  • 1. CHAPTER 2: STRUCTURE OF ATOM NUMBER OF TEACHING HOURS: 10 HOURS MARKS WEIGHTAGE: 09 (1 M, 2M, and 4M) QUESTIONS CARRYING ONE MARK: 1. Name the person who first proposed the atomic theory of matter on scientific basis. 2. Mention the sub atomic particles. 3. What is the basic rule, regarding the behaviour of charged particles? 4. Under what conditions of pressure and voltage, the electrical discharge through the gases can be observed? 5. How the pressure of gases in the discharge tube can be adjusted? 6. What are cathode rays(cathode ray particles)? 7. Name the phosphorescent material coated inside the discharge tube behind the anode. 8. Give the conditions under which cathode rays travel in straight line. 9. What is the name given to the particles which constitute the cathode rays? 10. Does the nature of cathode ray depend on the nature of gas in the discharge tube or the electrode material? 11. Name the scientist who was able to determine e/m value of an electron. 12. What is the charge of an electron in coulomb? 13. What is the mass of an electron in terms of kilogram? 14. What are canal rays? 15. Name the fundamental particle of an atom that has highest value for its e/m value. 16. Does the e/m value of canal rays depend on the nature of gas in the discharge tube? 17. Name the gas to be filled in the discharge tube to obtain the smallest and the lightest positive ion.
  • 2. 18. Name the smallest and lightest positive ion obtained when hydrogen gas is subjected to electrical discharge. 19. Who discovered neutron? 20. What is the mass of proton in terms of kilogram? 21. What is the mass of neutron in terms of kilogram? 22. Name the electrically neutral particle obtained by bombarding beryllium with α- particles. 23. Who proposed spherical shape of an atom? 24. Write one name given to the Thomson model of an atom. 25. What is the important feature of Thomson model of an atom? 26. Name the metal foil used in Rutherford’s α-particle scattering experiment. 27. What are orbits? 28. What is atomic number? 29. What are nucleons? 30. What is atomic mass number? 31. What are isotopes? 32. What are isobars? 33. Name the three isotopes of hydrogen. 34. ZX : what does A and Z represent? 35. How many neutrons are present in 17Cl? 36. How many protons are present in 6C? 37. How many electrons are present in 11Na? 38. Name the fundamental particle of an atom which determines the chemical properties of an element. 39. Write the SI unit of frequency. 40. What is the value of speed of light in vacuum? 41. Define wave number.
  • 3. 42. What is the SI unit of wave number? 43. What is the relation between energy (E) and frequency (‫ال‬) of an electromagnetic radiation? 44. What is the name given to the smallest quantity of energy that can be emitted or absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation? 45. What is the wave length range of the visible spectrum? 46. What is the value of Planck’s constant? 47. What is black body? 48. What is photoelectric effect? 49. Give an example of a metal which exhibits photoelectric effect. 50. What is threshold frequency? 51. What is emission spectrum? 52. What is spectroscopy? 53. Name an element which is identified by spectroscopic method. 54. What is the value of Rydberg’s constant in joule? 55. Name the series of spectral line of hydrogen obtained in visible region. 56. Write the mathematical expression for the calculation of angular momentum of an electron in a given stationary state. 57. Write an expression for the calculation of energy associated with an electron in a given stationary state. 58. Write an expression to calculate the wave number of a spectral line in the hydrogen spectrum. 59. What is the value of the radius of the first stationary state (Bohr orbit)? 60. Give an expression to calculate the radii of the stationary states. 61. Write the relationship between wave length ( λ), velocity (c) and frequency (‫ال‬) of a radiation. 62. What is Zeeman effect?
  • 4. 63. What is Stark effect? 64. Write de Broglie equation. 65. Write the mathematical form of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. 66. What is the implication of uncertainty principle? 67. What does quantum mechanics deal with? 68. What is Schrödinger equation? 69. What is an atomic orbital? 70. What are quantum numbers? 71. What is the significance of (a) principal quantum number(n); (b) azimuthal quantum number (l); (c) magnetic quantum number (ml); (d) spin quantum number (ms)? 72. What are the possible values of n (principal quantum number)? 73. What are the possible values of ‘l’ (azimuthal quantum number) for a given value of ‘n’? 74. What are the possible values for ml (magnetic quantum number) for a given value of ‘l’? 75. What are the possible values of ms (spin quantum number)? 76. What is the total value of ml (magnetic quantum number) for a given value of ‘l’? 77. What is the value of ‘l’ for:- (a) s- sub shell; (b) p- sub shell; (c) d-sub shell; (d) f-sub shell; (e) g-sub shell; (f) h- sub shell? 78. Write the possible values of magnetic quantum number (ml) for l= 2. 79. Name the quantum number that specifies the shape of an atomic orbital. 80. Name the quantum number that specifies the size of an atomic orbital. 81. Name the quantum number that designates the orientation of the atomic orbital. 82. What are nodes? 83. Write the total number of nodes for a given value of ‘n’. 84. The total number of nodes for 3s orbital is ------------------
  • 5. 85. What is the shape of: (a) s-orbital: (b) p- orbital; (c) d-orbital? 86. On the basis of orientation, how the p-orbitals are designated? 87. On the basis of orientation, how the d-orbitals are designated? 88. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in: (a) s- orbital: (b) p- orbitals; (c) d-orbitals; (d) f-orbitals? 89. How many number of orbital are possible for f-sub shell? 90. Using s, p, d, notations, write the orbitals having following quantum numbers: (a) n=4, l=0; (b) n=5, l=1; (c) n=3, l= 2. 91. What are degenerate orbitals? 92. What is the ground state of an atom? 93. What is the excited state of an atom? 94. What is effective nuclear charge? 95. How many electrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers: n=3, l= 0? 96. What is electronic configuration? 97. Write the electronic configuration of the following elements: (a) Cr (Z=24) (b) Cu (Z=29) (c) Ca (Z=20). 98. Write the electronic configuration of the following: (a) Na+ (b) Cl- (c) O-2 . 99. Between 3d and 4s orbitals which is having higher energy? 100. How many unpaired electrons are present in the following: (a) Na (b) P (c) O? Two marks Questions 101. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. 102. Name the four quantum numbers. 103. Write any two limitations of Bohr’s model of an atom. 104. Distinguish between orbit and orbital. 105. Draw the shape of .a) s – orbital. b) p – orbital. 106. State aufbau principle.
  • 6. 107. State Pauli’s exclusion principle. 108. State Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity. 109. What is an orbital? Mention different orbitals. 110. Write the schematic diagram to remember sequences of filling atomic orbitals. 111. Name two series of hydrogen spectra which fall in infra red region. 112. Name the series of lines in the emission spectrum of hydrogen. 113. Write de Broglie equation and explain the terms. 114. Write Rydberg’s equation and explain the terms. 115. Write two draw backs of Rutherford’s model of an atom. 116. State (n+l) rule. 117. Calculate the wave length of the radiation emitted with a frequency of 1,200kHz (c =3.0x108 m/s) 118. Calculate the wave number of radiation having wavelength 5800A0 . 119. Calculate the energy of one mole of photon of radiation whose frequency is 4 X1012 Hz. 120. The threshold frequency ‫ال‬ 0 for a metal is 6.0 X 1013 s-1 . Calculate the kinetic energy of an electron when the radiation of frequency ‫ال‬ = 1.0 X 1014 s-1 hits the metal. 121. What will be the wavelength of a ball of mass 0.2 kg moving with velocity of 10 ms-1 ? 122. Calculate the wave number of the spectral line of shortest wavelength appearing in the Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum (Given RH = 1.09 X 107 m-1 ) Four Mark Question 123. What are the results drawn from the Cathode ray discharge experiment? 124. What are the Characteristics of Canal Rays? 125. What are the observations made out of Ruther ford’s α-ray scattering experiment? 126. What are the conclusions drawn regarding the structure of the atom on the basis of observations in the α-ray scattering experiment?
  • 7. 127. Describe Rutherford’s nuclear model of the atom. 128. What are the properties of electromagnetic waves (electromagnetic radiation)? 129. What are the factors that cannot be explained by electromagnetic theory? 130. What are the observations made by Hertz after conducting the photo electric effect experiment? 131. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? 132. Write the significance of the four quantum numbers.
  • 8. Answers Chapter 2: Structure of atom 1. John Dalton 2. Protons, Neutrons and electrons 3. ‘Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other’. 4. At very low pressure and at very high voltage 5. By using vacuum pump 6. The particles moving in the discharge tube from cathode to anode. 7. Zinc sulphide 8. In the absence of electrical or magnetic field. 9. Electrons 10. No. Neither nature of the gas nor electrode material 11. J.J. Thomson. 12. -1.6x10-19 C. 13. 9.1094x10-31 Kg. 14. The particles carrying positive charge in a discharge tube. 15. Electron. 16. Yes. 17. Hydrogen. 18. Proton. 19. James Chad Wick. 20. 1.672x10-27 Kg. 21. 1.675x10-27 Kg. 22. Neutron. 23. J. J. Thomson. 24. Plum pudding or raisin pudding or watermelon.
  • 9. 25. Mass of the atom is uniformly distributed over the atom. 26. Gold. 27. The circular path of an electron moving around the nucleus of an atom. 28. No. of Protons present in the nucleus or No. of electrons in a neutral atom. 29. Protons and neutrons present in the Nucleus of an atom. 30. Total No. of Protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom. 31. Atoms of the same element having identical atomic Number but different mass No. 32. Atoms of different elements having same mass No. but different atomic No. 33. Protium, deuterium and Tritium. 34. A= Mass No, Z= Atomic No. 35. 18. 36. 6. 37. 11. 38. Electron 39. Hertz2 40. 3.0x108 m/s. 41. Number of wave lengths per unit length is called wave number (‫ال‬). 42. m-1 or per meter 43. E =h‫ال‬ 44. Proton. 45. 400 nm to 750 nm 46. 6.626x10-34 Js. 47. The ideal body which emits and absorbs radiations of all frequency. 48. The ejection of electrons from metal surface when radiation strikes it. 49. Potassium or Caesium or Rubidium. 50. The minimum frequency below which photoelectric effect is not observed.
  • 10. 51. The spectrum of radiation emitted by a substance that has absorbed energy is called an emission spectrum. 52. The study of emission or absorption spectra is known as spectroscopy. 53. Rubidium or Caesium, or Thallium or Indium, or Gallium or Scandium or Helium. 54. 2.18x10-18 J. 55. Balmer series 56. me vr = n h 2π 57. En= -RH 1 n2 58. ‫ال‬ = RH 1 - 1 cm-1 n12 n22 59. a0 = 52.9 Pm. 60. rn = n2 a0 61. C= ‫ال‬λ 62. The splitting of spectral lines in the presence of magnetic field. 63. The splitting of spectral lines in an electric field. 64. λ = h = h mv p 65. 66. It rules out existence of definite paths of electrons. 67. It deals with dual behavior of matter. 68. H ψ = E ψ 69. It is the region around the nucleus where electron will most probably be found. 70. Quantum Numbers specify the energy, size, shape and orientation of an orbital. 71. a) It determines the size and energy of the orbital. b) It determines the three dimensional shape of the orbital. c) It gives the spatial orientation of the orbital.
  • 11. d) It refers to orientation of the spin of the electron. 72. n=1,2,3 - - - - - ∞. 73. l=0,1,2,3 - - - - (n-1). 74. m=-l, -(l-1), -(l-2)- - - - 0,1 - - - (l-2), (l-1),l 75. + 1 and - 1 2 2 76. (2l+1) values. 77. a) l=0, b) l=1, c) l=2, d) l=3, e) l=4, f) l=5 78. ml = -2, -1, 0, + 1, + 2. 79. Azimuthal Q.no(l) 80. Principal Q. no (n) 81. Magnetic Q.no (ml) 82. The region where probability density function reduces to zero. 83. Total no. of nodes = (n-1). 84. No. of nodes = 2 85. a) Spherical b) dumb bell c) double dumb – bell. 86. px , py and pz 87. dxy, dyz, dzx, dx 2 -y 2 and dz 2 88. a) 2 b) 6 c) 10 d) 14 89. 7 90. a) 4s b) 5p c) 3d 91. Orbital’s having the same energy. 92. Atom having electrons occupying lowest energy level. 93. The state of an atom having its electron in higher energy level. 94. The net positive charge experienced by the outer electrons. 95. 2 electrons. 96. The distribution of electrons into orbitals of an atom.
  • 12. 97. a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1 b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1 c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 98. a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 99. 3d 100. a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 Answers to two marks questions 101. It is impossible to determine simultaneously the exact position and exact momentum of an electron.” 102. a. Principal Q. Number (n) b. Azimuthal Q. Number (l) c. Magnetic Q. Number (ml) d. Spin Q. Number (ms) 103. It fails to accounts for the finer details of the hydrogen atom spectrum. It could not explain the ability of atom to form molecules by chemical bonds 104. Orbit Orbital 1 It is a circular path around the nucleus in which an electron moves. 1 It is the three dimensional region of space where the probability of finding the electron is maximum 2 Maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated is equal to 2n2 2 Maximum number of electrons in an orbital is 2. 105. S – orbital p – Orbital
  • 13. 106. “ In the ground state of the atom orbitals are filled in the order of their increasing energies”. 107. “ No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers”. 108. “ Pairing of electrons in the orbital’s belonging to the same sub shell does not takes place until each orbital belonging to that sub shell has got one electron each.” 109. “ It is the three dimensional region of space where the probability of finding the electron is maximum.” The different orbitals are s, p, d, and f 110. 111. Bracket series Paschen series Pfund series ( any two) 112. Lyman series Balmer Series Bracket series Paschen series Pfund series
  • 14. 113. De Broglie Equation λ = h Mv Where m is the mass of the particle? v is the velocity of the particle 114. ‫ال‬ = RH 1 - 1 cm-1 n12 n22 ‫ال‬ - wave number RH – Rydberg constant 115. a. This model fails to account for the stability of an atom. b. This model does not explain the line spectrum of an atom. Or This model does not have any specific radius for radius electron orbit. 116. “ Lower the value of (n+l) for an orbital , the lower is its energy . If two orbital’s have the same value of (n + l) , the orbital with lower value of n will have the lower energy.” 117. λ = C ‫ال‬ λ 3 X 10 8 ms-1 1200 X 103 s-1 λ = 0.0025 X 105 m λ = 250 m 118. Calculation of wave number λ = 5800 A0 = 5800 X 10-8 cm = 5800 x 10-10 m ‫ال‬ = 1 = 1/ 580 X 10-10 m λ = 1.724 X 106 m-1
  • 15. 119. Energy of photon E = h ‫ال‬ h = 6.626 X 10-34 JS ‫ال‬ = 4 X 10 12 Hz (s-1 ) E = 6.626 X 10-34 Js X 4 X 1012 S-1 = 26.504 X 10– 22 = 2.65 X 10– 21 J 120. Kinetic Energy = h (‫ال‬ – ‫ال‬o) = (6.626 X 10 -34 Js) (1.0x1014 s-1 – 6.0 X 1013 s-1 ) = (6.626 X 10-34 Js) (4.0 X 1013 s-1 ) = 2.65 X 10-20 J 121. λ = h mν = (6.626 X 10 -34 Js)/ (0.2 Kg X 10 ms-1 ) = 3.313 X 10 -34 m 122. ‫ال‬ = RH (1/n1 2 – 1/n2 2 ) For Balmer series with shortest wavelength n1 = 2 n2 = ∞ RH = 1.09 X 107 m-1 ‫ال‬ = 1.09 X 107 (1/22 – 1/ ∞ 2 ) = 1.09 X 107 (¼ - 0 ) ‫ال‬ = 2.725 X 106 m-1 123. . i. The Cathode rays start form cathode and move towards anode. ii. Cathode rays are not visible. iii. In the absence of electrical or Magnetic field, Cathode rays travel in straight lines.
  • 16. iv. In the presence of electrical or magnetic field, the direction of deflection of cathode rays shows that they contain negatively charged particles. v. The characteristics of cathode rays do not depend on the material of electrodes and nature of the gas present in the cathode ray tube. (Any Four Points) 124. i. Positively charged particles (Canal Rays) depend upon the nature of the gas present in the cathode-ray tube. ii. The charge to mass ratio of the particles depend on the gas from which they originate. iii. Some of the positively charged particles carry a multiple of the fundamental unit of electrical charge. iv. In the presence of electrical or magnetic field, the behavior of positively charged particles is opposite to that observed for cathode rays. 125. i. Most of the α–particles passed through the gold foil undeflected. ii. A small fraction of the α–Particles was deflected by small angles. iii. A very few α-particles bounced back, that is were defected nearly 1800 126. i. Most of the space in the atom is empty ii. The Positive charge of the atom is not spread through out the atom, but concentrated in a very small volume iii. The volume occupied by the nucleus is negligibly small as compared to the total volume of the atom
  • 17. 127. i. The positive charge and most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in a small region called nucleus ii. The nucleus is surrounded by Electrons iii. The Electrons move around the nucleus in circular paths called orbits. iv. The Electrons and the nucleus are held together by Electrostatic force of attraction 128. i. Electrical and Magnetic waves are perpendicular to each other and both are perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the wave. ii. Electromagnetic waves do not require medium and they can move in vacuum iii. There are many types of electromagnetic radiations. They differ from one another in wavelength or frequency iv. Different kinds of units are used to represent Electromagnetic v. radiation. 129. i. The nature of emission of radiation from hot bodies (black body radiation) ii. Ejection of electrons from metal surface when radiation strikes it (Photo electric effect) iii. Variation of heat capacity of solids as a function of temperature iv. Line spectra of atoms with special reference to hydrogen
  • 18. 130. i. The electrons are ejected from the metal surface as soon as the beam of light strikes the surface ii. The number of electrons ejected is proportional to the intensity of light iii. For each metal there is a characteristic minimum frequency called threshold frequency below which photo electric effect is not observed. iv. The kinetic energies of ejected electrons increase with increase of frequency of light used. 131. i. The electron in the hydrogen atom can move around the nucleus in a circular path of fixed radius and energy and the paths are called orbits ii. The energy of an electron in the orbit does not change with time iii. The frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted when transition occurs between two stationary states that differ in energy by ∆ E is given by ‫ال‬ = ∆ E h ‫ال‬ = E2-E1 h iv. The angular momentum of an electron in a given stationary state is integral multiple of h 2π i.e., meVr = n h 2π 132. i. Principal quantum number determines energy and size of the orbital ii. Azimuthal quantum number defines three dimensional shape of the orbital. iii. Magnetic quantum number gives the information about the spatial orientation of the orbital. iv. Spin quantum number refers to orientation of the spin of the electron.