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#35537 Topic: Course Project: Part 3—Translating Evidence
Into Practice. Continuation of the assignment attached
Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)
Number of sources: 3
Writing Style: APA
Type of document: Coursework
Academic Level:Master
Category: Nursing
VIP Support: N/A
Language Style: English (U.S.)
Order Instructions: Attached
In Part 3 of the Course Project, you consider how the evidence
you gathered during Part 2 can be translated into nursing
Now that you have located available research on your PICOT
question, you will examine what the research indicates about
nursing practices. Connecting research evidence and findings to
actual decisions and tasks that nurses complete in their daily
practice is essentially what evidence-based practice is all about.
This final component of the Course Project asks you to translate
the evidence and data from your literature review into authentic
practices that can be adopted to improve health care outcomes.
In addition, you will also consider possible methods and
strategies for disseminating evidence-based practices to your
colleagues and to the broader health care field.
To prepare:
Consider Parts 1 and 2 of your Course Project. How does the
research address your PICOT question?
With your PICOT question in mind, identify at least one nursing
practice that is supported by the evidence in two or more of the
articles from your literature review. Consider what the evidence
indicates about how this practice contributes to better outcomes.
Explore possible consequences of failing to adopt the evidence-
based practice that you identified.
Consider how you would disseminate information about this
evidence-based practice throughout your organization or
practice setting. How would you communicate the importance of
the practice?
To complete:
In a 3- to 4-page paper:
Restate your PICOT question and its significance to nursing
Summarize the findings from the articles you selected for your
literature review. Describe at least one nursing practice that is
supported by the evidence in the articles. Justify your response
with specific references to at least 2 of the articles.
Explain how the evidence-based practice that you identified
contributes to better outcomes. In addition, identify potential
negative outcomes that could result from failing to use the
evidence-based practice.
Outline the strategy for disseminating the evidence-based
practice that you identified throughout your practice setting.
Explain how you would communicate the importance of the
practice to your colleagues. Describe how you would move from
disseminating the information to implementing the evidence-
based practice within your organization. How would you
address concerns and opposition to the change in practice?It
should be combined with the other two components of the
Course Project and turned in as your Portfolio Assignment for
this course.
Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers
submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and
references. The School of Nursing Sample Paper provided at the
Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required
elements (available from the Walden University website found
in this week’s Learning Resources). All papers submitted must
use this formatting.
GRAMMAR, APA, AND REFERENCES. The text book must be
included in the references:
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating
and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.).
Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Connecting the 3 parts is essential and the work must make
sense, please! I appreciated your assistance and kindness. In
part 2 ( order # 3335318)that you did she graded me 84, so I
need a little more from you guys. I attached for your
convenience the part 1 and 2.
Quality of Work Submitted:
The extent of which work meets the assigned criteria and work
reflects graduate level critical and analytic thinking.
27 (27%) - 30 (30%)
Assignment exceeds expectations. All topics are addressed with
a minimum of 75% containing exceptional breadth and depth
about each of the assignment topics.
24 (24%) - 26 (26%)
Assignment meets expectations. All topics are addressed with a
minimum of 50% containing good breadth and depth
about each of the assignment topics.
21 (21%) - 23 (23%)
Assignment meets most of the expectations. One required topic
is either not addressed or inadequately addressed.
0 (0%) - 20 (20%)
Assignment superficially meets some of the expectations. Two
or more required topics are either not addressed or inadequately
Quality of Work Submitted:
The purpose of the paper is clear.
5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
A clear and comprehensive purpose statement is provided which
delineates all required criteria.
4 (4%) - 4 (4%)
Purpose of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not
3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%)
Purpose of the assignment is vague or off topic.
0 (0%) - 3 (3%)
No purpose statement was provided.
Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas:
The extend to which the work reflects the student's ability to:
Understand and interpret the assignment's key concepts.
9 (9%) - 10 (10%)
Demonstrates the ability to critically appraise and intellectually
explore key concepts.
8 (8%) - 8 (8%)
Demonstrates a clear understanding of key concepts.
7 (7%) - 7 (7%)
Shows some degree of understanding of key concepts.
0 (0%) - 6 (6%)
Shows a lack of understanding of key concepts, deviates from
Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas:
The extend to which the work reflects the student's ability to:
Apply and integrate material in course resources (i.e. video,
required readings, and textbook) and credible outside resources.
18 (18%) - 20 (20%)
Demonstrates and applies exceptional support of major points
and integrates 2 or more credible outside sources, in addition to
2-3 course resources to suppport point of view.
16 (16%) - 17 (17%)
Integrates specific information from 1 credible outside resource
and 2-3 course resources to support major points and point of
14 (14%) - 15 (15%)
Minimally includes and integrates specific information from 2-3
resources to support major points and point of view.
0 (0%) - 13 (13%)
Includes and integrates specific information from 0 to 1
resoruce to support major points and point of view.
Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas:
The extend to which the work reflects the student's ability to:
Synthesize (combines various components or different ideas
into a new whole) material in course resources (i.e. video,
required readings, textbook) and outside, credible resources by
comparing different points of view and highlighting similarities,
differences, and connections.
18 (18%) - 20 (20%)
Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates,
confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major
points presented. Applies meaning to the field of advanced
nursing practice.
16 (16%) - 17 (17%)
Summarizes information gleaned from sources to support major
points, but does not synthesize.
14 (14%) - 15 (15%)
Identifies but does not interpret or apply concepts, and/or
strategies correctly; ideas unclear and/or underdeveloped.
0 (0%) - 13 (13%)
Rarely or does not interpret, apply, and synthesize concepts,
and/or strategies.
Written Expression and Formatting
Paragraph and Sentence Structure: Paragraphs make clear points
that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and
demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are clearly
structured and carefully focused--neither long and rambling nor
short and lacking substance.
5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure,
flow, continuity and clarity
4 (4%) - 4 (4%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure,
flow, continuity and clarity 80% of the time.
3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure,
flow, continuity and clarity 60%- 79% of the time.
0 (0%) - 3 (3%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure,
flow, continuity and clarity < 60% of the time.
Written Expression and Formatting
English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and
proper punctuation
5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
4 (4%) - 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation
0 (0%) - 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Written Expression and Formatting
The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings,
font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running
head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors.
4 (4%) - 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.
3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%)
Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.
0 (0%) - 3 (3%)
Contains many (≥
Course Project: Part 1—Identifying a Researchable
Research Question
Walden University
NURSE 6052
Identification of the Research Question
For children, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is prevalent
among other disorders, does the Stem Cell Treatment more
appropriate diagnosis method compared to Food and Drug
Administration, in preventing the adverse effects of Autism?
Questions of the Research Question
1. At which stage does Autism Spectrum Disorder highly affect?
2. Is there any definite diagnosis for autistic people?
3. What support can families give to autistic patients to reduce
it effects?
4. Discuss the scientific interventions in place to cure or
support the patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
5. What possible methods that can be put in place to minimize
the potential risks of autism Disorder?
Significance of Research Question
This study is significant since it seeks to explain in depth
Autism Disorder which has been common. Furthermore, nursing
issues or problems are quite significant in number affecting
infants, teens, adults among others. Furthermore, the problems
in nursing include a variety of common disorders such as autism
in young children. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a
disease believed to be caused by factors such as genetically,
biological or even environmental that affects the brain to have
delayed response to things (Davies, 2011). Besides, the disorder
causes abnormalities in the children at an early age which
results in the complications of inability to communicate or
problems in socialization. More so, the disease develops at a
tender age but its adverse effects trails in the entire life of the
victim. (Kerin et al. 2018).
Summary of Research Question
Autism spectrum disorder has become common with adverse
effects to the patients. There has been no main method of
diagnosis of the problem over a period of years. The disorder is
not desirable with very limited ways to handle it. Should such
conditions continue as nurses watch it trudge on? This question
is among many questions captured the interest of researching
over the disorder and provide an appropriate way to handle it.
List of 10 keywords
Infants, Autism, Disorder, Diagnosis, Administration, Spectrum,
Cell, Stem, Therapy, Food, Drug and Treatment
Davies, K. S. (2011). Formulating the evidence-based practice
question: A review of the frameworks. Evidence Based Library
and Information Practice, 6(2), 75–80. Retrieved from
Project Part 2
Literature Review
Gladyslene Villalonga
Walden University
NURS- 6052C
September 24, 2018
Literature Review
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition which is usually
developmental and tends to affect the behavior and
communication of a person. (National Institute of Mental Health
[NIMH], 2017). The reason as to why this kind of disorder is
considered as being developmental is because its symptoms
usually appear during the first two years of life. People who
have autism spectrum disorder typically have behaviors that are
restricted and repetitive as well as symptoms that affect the
ability of the person to properly function while at school, work
or even in other areas of life. (NIMH, 2017). Autism spectrum
disorder can affect any person regardless of their racial, ethnic
or economic group. Despite autism spectrum being considered
as a lifelong disorder treatment and services can assist in
improving the symptoms associated with this particular disorder
as well as the ability of a person to function. (Myers & Johnson,
2007). This review synthesizes information in some of the
articles whereby the authors of those particular articles tried to
evaluate whether the use of stem cell treatment is a more
appropriate method to use while treating children suffering from
autism spectrum disorder as compared to the administration of
food and drugs to help in preventing the adverse effects
associated with the autism spectrum disorder.
Synthesis of the Studies
Current investigative therapies which are aimed at reversing the
abnormalities which are associated with spectrum autism
disorder mainly aim at administering antibiotics, hyperbaric
oxygen, and anti-inflammatory oxygen. The therapeutic
approaches for autism can be largely classified under
educational, medical, allied health, behavioral and
complementary as well as alternative medicine interventions.
Presently, there is no defined mechanism of pathogenesis and
consequently treatment is limited to behavioral interventions.
Use of stem cells is being considered as better diagnosis method
compared to food and drug administration in the prevention of
adverse effects of autism. The main reason as to why the use of
stem cells from the umbilical cord tissue is that it has shown to
reduce inflammation in the autistic patient which in turn
alleviates symptoms of autism. Transplantation of stem cells
may offer an exceptional treatment strategy for spectrum autism
disorder due to the neural dysregulation and immune which are
observed in this condition. The degree of severity of the autism
symptoms has been associated or correlated with inflammatory
and neuroinflammatory cytokines which include macrophage-
derived chemokine as well as thymus and activation-regulated
chemokine. There are several immune disorders which are
associated with autism such as autoimmunity, immune
deficiencies, overactivation of certain immune populations and
allergy. This helps improve the health outcomes of the patient.
The stem cells are being used by the health providers to help in
the creation of new models of autism with an aim of testing the
effects that new drugs could possibly be having (Sharma et al.,
Conforming to precedent pre-clinical studies that have been
carried out it is evident that the mesenchymal stem cells have a
tendency to represent immune regulatory properties that are
significant through suppression of proliferation as well as
function of several major immune cells which includes B cells,
natural killer cells, T cells, inducing regulatory T cells and
modulating the activities of dendritic cells. Therapies that
employ the use of stem cells are usually in a better position of
inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and also
have strong immune suppressive activities. This does not only
help in the autologous transplantation but also help in
heterologous transplantation without the requirement of
pharmacological immune suppression (Lv et al., 2013).
According to the studies analyzed stem cell treatment is a more
appropriate diagnosis method as compared to the administration
of food and drug because stem cells are cells which are
undifferentiated and they are usually defined by their ability to
self-renew as well as differentiate into cells that are mature.
The stem cells are also preferable because they are highly
proliferative which implies that there are several numbers of
mature cells which can be generated from a given stem cell
source. The cell replacement therapy hypothesizes that new
retinal cells could be generated from stem cells to help ion
substituting the cells that have already been damaged by the
disorder (Siniscalco, Bradstreet, Sych & Antonucci, 2014). The
stem cells also have a protective effect which is usually referred
to as the paracrine effect. The protective effect of the stem cells
assists in modulating the microenvironment of the tissues that
have been affected by the disorder to help in protecting the cells
that have been injured, promote the survival rate as well as
activate any endogenous repair mechanism that is available. The
stem cells in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder usually
trigger the development of the brain and after that, the body of
the child proceeds in doing their work (Ng, Fortino, Pelaez, &
Cheung, 2014).
Inconsistencies and Contradictions in the Literature
One of the inconsistencies and contradictions found in the
literature is the fact that there is only one registered human trial
that has used MSCs to treat autism in children whereby there
were two components that were involved to have a better health
outcome. In this one study combined transplantation of MSCs
and mononuclear cells had therapeutic effects that were better
as compared to using transplantation of mononuclear cells
alone. Another controversy as per the studies used is that the
administration of the stem cells needs to be administered in a
given manner to achieve quality results. Although the outcome
after using the stem cell in treating autism in children can be
positive or negative the risk-benefit ratio of stem cell therapy in
autistic children appears to be favorable.
Preliminary Conclusions
In conclusion, the evidence in the researched literature and
journals provides a strong support for a change in practice
whereby health providers should start using stem cell treatment
to diagnose children suffering from Austin spectrum disorder as
compared to the use of food and drug administration. This
method helps in replacing the cells that have been damaged by
the disorder. From the literature it is evident that the applied
behavior analysis is a mode of treatment that is mainly based on
theories of learning and operant conditioning yet the disorder
could be as a result of an inborn disorder or because of the
genes of a person and therefore in such a case the stem cell
treatment is the most appropriate. Despite the literature
providing a strong support as to why health providers should
implement the use stem cells in the treatment of autism
spectrum disorder in children further research still need to be
carried out to help guide the health providers on the particular
symptoms of autism in children that can be addressed using this
mode of treatment. This is significant taking into account that
stem cells typically differentiate into different cell types needed
by the body such as oligodendrocytes, neurons, and blood cells.
Lv, Y. T., Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Ashwood, P., Cho, S. C., Huan,
Y., ... & Hu, X. (2013). Transplantation of human cord blood
mononuclear cells and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal
stem cells in autism. Journal of translational medicine, 11(1),
Myers, S. M., & Johnson, C. P. (2007). Management of children
with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved September 24,
2018 from
National Institute of Mental Health (2017). Autism spectrum
disorder. Retrieved September 24, 2018 from
disorders- asd/index.shtml
Ng, T. K., Fortino, V. R., Pelaez, D., & Cheung, H. S. (2014).
Progress of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for neural and
retinal diseases. World journal of stem cells, 6(2), 111.
Sharma, A., Gokulchandran, N., Sane, H., Nagrajan, A.,
Paranjape, A., Kulkarni, P., ... & Badhe, P. (2013). Autologous
bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy for autism: an open label
proof of concept study. Stem cells international, 2013.
Siniscalco, D., Bradstreet, J. J., Sych, N., & Antonucci, N.
(2014). Mesenchymal stem cells in treating autism: Novel
insights. World journal of stem cells, 6(2), 173.

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#35537 Topic Course Project Part 3—Translating Evidence Into Pra.docx

  • 1. #35537 Topic: Course Project: Part 3—Translating Evidence Into Practice. Continuation of the assignment attached Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced) Number of sources: 3 Writing Style: APA Type of document: Coursework Academic Level:Master Category: Nursing VIP Support: N/A Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: Attached In Part 3 of the Course Project, you consider how the evidence you gathered during Part 2 can be translated into nursing practice. Now that you have located available research on your PICOT question, you will examine what the research indicates about nursing practices. Connecting research evidence and findings to
  • 2. actual decisions and tasks that nurses complete in their daily practice is essentially what evidence-based practice is all about. This final component of the Course Project asks you to translate the evidence and data from your literature review into authentic practices that can be adopted to improve health care outcomes. In addition, you will also consider possible methods and strategies for disseminating evidence-based practices to your colleagues and to the broader health care field. To prepare: Consider Parts 1 and 2 of your Course Project. How does the research address your PICOT question? With your PICOT question in mind, identify at least one nursing practice that is supported by the evidence in two or more of the articles from your literature review. Consider what the evidence indicates about how this practice contributes to better outcomes. Explore possible consequences of failing to adopt the evidence- based practice that you identified. Consider how you would disseminate information about this evidence-based practice throughout your organization or practice setting. How would you communicate the importance of the practice? To complete: In a 3- to 4-page paper: Restate your PICOT question and its significance to nursing practice. Summarize the findings from the articles you selected for your literature review. Describe at least one nursing practice that is
  • 3. supported by the evidence in the articles. Justify your response with specific references to at least 2 of the articles. Explain how the evidence-based practice that you identified contributes to better outcomes. In addition, identify potential negative outcomes that could result from failing to use the evidence-based practice. Outline the strategy for disseminating the evidence-based practice that you identified throughout your practice setting. Explain how you would communicate the importance of the practice to your colleagues. Describe how you would move from disseminating the information to implementing the evidence- based practice within your organization. How would you address concerns and opposition to the change in practice?It should be combined with the other two components of the Course Project and turned in as your Portfolio Assignment for this course. IMPORTANT Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The School of Nursing Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available from the Walden University website found in this week’s Learning Resources). All papers submitted must use this formatting. THIS PROFESSOR ES THE VERY EXIGENT ONE!!!! WITH GRAMMAR, APA, AND REFERENCES. The text book must be included in the references: Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
  • 4. Connecting the 3 parts is essential and the work must make sense, please! I appreciated your assistance and kindness. In part 2 ( order # 3335318)that you did she graded me 84, so I need a little more from you guys. I attached for your convenience the part 1 and 2. Thanks, Gladys RUBRIC WEEK10 PART 3 PROJECT Excellent Good Fair Poor Quality of Work Submitted: The extent of which work meets the assigned criteria and work reflects graduate level critical and analytic thinking. 27 (27%) - 30 (30%) Assignment exceeds expectations. All topics are addressed with a minimum of 75% containing exceptional breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics. 24 (24%) - 26 (26%) Assignment meets expectations. All topics are addressed with a minimum of 50% containing good breadth and depth about each of the assignment topics. 21 (21%) - 23 (23%) Assignment meets most of the expectations. One required topic is either not addressed or inadequately addressed. 0 (0%) - 20 (20%) Assignment superficially meets some of the expectations. Two or more required topics are either not addressed or inadequately
  • 5. addressed. Quality of Work Submitted: The purpose of the paper is clear. 5 (5%) - 5 (5%) A clear and comprehensive purpose statement is provided which delineates all required criteria. 4 (4%) - 4 (4%) Purpose of the assignment is stated, yet is brief and not descriptive. 3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%) Purpose of the assignment is vague or off topic. 0 (0%) - 3 (3%) No purpose statement was provided. Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas: The extend to which the work reflects the student's ability to: Understand and interpret the assignment's key concepts. 9 (9%) - 10 (10%) Demonstrates the ability to critically appraise and intellectually explore key concepts. 8 (8%) - 8 (8%) Demonstrates a clear understanding of key concepts. 7 (7%) - 7 (7%) Shows some degree of understanding of key concepts. 0 (0%) - 6 (6%) Shows a lack of understanding of key concepts, deviates from topics. Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas: The extend to which the work reflects the student's ability to: Apply and integrate material in course resources (i.e. video, required readings, and textbook) and credible outside resources. 18 (18%) - 20 (20%) Demonstrates and applies exceptional support of major points and integrates 2 or more credible outside sources, in addition to
  • 6. 2-3 course resources to suppport point of view. 16 (16%) - 17 (17%) Integrates specific information from 1 credible outside resource and 2-3 course resources to support major points and point of view. 14 (14%) - 15 (15%) Minimally includes and integrates specific information from 2-3 resources to support major points and point of view. 0 (0%) - 13 (13%) Includes and integrates specific information from 0 to 1 resoruce to support major points and point of view. Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas: The extend to which the work reflects the student's ability to: Synthesize (combines various components or different ideas into a new whole) material in course resources (i.e. video, required readings, textbook) and outside, credible resources by comparing different points of view and highlighting similarities, differences, and connections. 18 (18%) - 20 (20%) Synthesizes and justifies (defends, explains, validates, confirms) information gleaned from sources to support major points presented. Applies meaning to the field of advanced nursing practice. 16 (16%) - 17 (17%) Summarizes information gleaned from sources to support major points, but does not synthesize. 14 (14%) - 15 (15%) Identifies but does not interpret or apply concepts, and/or strategies correctly; ideas unclear and/or underdeveloped. 0 (0%) - 13 (13%) Rarely or does not interpret, apply, and synthesize concepts, and/or strategies. Written Expression and Formatting Paragraph and Sentence Structure: Paragraphs make clear points
  • 7. that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are clearly structured and carefully focused--neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. 5 (5%) - 5 (5%) Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure, flow, continuity and clarity 4 (4%) - 4 (4%) Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure, flow, continuity and clarity 80% of the time. 3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%) Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure, flow, continuity and clarity 60%- 79% of the time. 0 (0%) - 3 (3%) Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for structure, flow, continuity and clarity < 60% of the time. Written Expression and Formatting English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation 5 (5%) - 5 (5%) Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors. 4 (4%) - 4 (4%) Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%) Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. 0 (0%) - 3 (3%) Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding. Written Expression and Formatting The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list. 5 (5%) - 5 (5%)
  • 8. Uses correct APA format with no errors. 4 (4%) - 4 (4%) Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors. 3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%) Contains several (3-4) APA format errors. 0 (0%) - 3 (3%) Contains many (≥ Exit Course Project: Part 1—Identifying a Researchable Problem Research Question Walden University NURSE 6052 Running head: RESEARCH QUESTION 1 Identification of the Research Question For children, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is prevalent among other disorders, does the Stem Cell Treatment more appropriate diagnosis method compared to Food and Drug Administration, in preventing the adverse effects of Autism?
  • 9. Questions of the Research Question 1. At which stage does Autism Spectrum Disorder highly affect? 2. Is there any definite diagnosis for autistic people? 3. What support can families give to autistic patients to reduce it effects? 4. Discuss the scientific interventions in place to cure or support the patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder? 5. What possible methods that can be put in place to minimize the potential risks of autism Disorder? Significance of Research Question This study is significant since it seeks to explain in depth Autism Disorder which has been common. Furthermore, nursing issues or problems are quite significant in number affecting infants, teens, adults among others. Furthermore, the problems in nursing include a variety of common disorders such as autism in young children. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disease believed to be caused by factors such as genetically, biological or even environmental that affects the brain to have delayed response to things (Davies, 2011). Besides, the disorder causes abnormalities in the children at an early age which results in the complications of inability to communicate or problems in socialization. More so, the disease develops at a tender age but its adverse effects trails in the entire life of the victim. (Kerin et al. 2018). Summary of Research Question Autism spectrum disorder has become common with adverse effects to the patients. There has been no main method of diagnosis of the problem over a period of years. The disorder is not desirable with very limited ways to handle it. Should such conditions continue as nurses watch it trudge on? This question is among many questions captured the interest of researching over the disorder and provide an appropriate way to handle it. List of 10 keywords
  • 10. RESEARCH QUESTION 4 Infants, Autism, Disorder, Diagnosis, Administration, Spectrum, Cell, Stem, Therapy, Food, Drug and Treatment Reference Davies, K. S. (2011). Formulating the evidence-based practice question: A review of the frameworks. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 6(2), 75–80. Retrieved from https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/EBLIP/article/vie wFile/9741/8144 Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Project Part 2 Literature Review Gladyslene Villalonga Walden University NURS- 6052C September 24, 2018 Literature Review Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition which is usually developmental and tends to affect the behavior and communication of a person. (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2017). The reason as to why this kind of disorder is considered as being developmental is because its symptoms usually appear during the first two years of life. People who
  • 11. have autism spectrum disorder typically have behaviors that are restricted and repetitive as well as symptoms that affect the ability of the person to properly function while at school, work or even in other areas of life. (NIMH, 2017). Autism spectrum disorder can affect any person regardless of their racial, ethnic or economic group. Despite autism spectrum being considered as a lifelong disorder treatment and services can assist in improving the symptoms associated with this particular disorder as well as the ability of a person to function. (Myers & Johnson, 2007). This review synthesizes information in some of the articles whereby the authors of those particular articles tried to evaluate whether the use of stem cell treatment is a more appropriate method to use while treating children suffering from autism spectrum disorder as compared to the administration of food and drugs to help in preventing the adverse effects associated with the autism spectrum disorder. Synthesis of the Studies Current investigative therapies which are aimed at reversing the abnormalities which are associated with spectrum autism disorder mainly aim at administering antibiotics, hyperbaric oxygen, and anti-inflammatory oxygen. The therapeutic approaches for autism can be largely classified under educational, medical, allied health, behavioral and complementary as well as alternative medicine interventions. Presently, there is no defined mechanism of pathogenesis and consequently treatment is limited to behavioral interventions. Use of stem cells is being considered as better diagnosis method compared to food and drug administration in the prevention of adverse effects of autism. The main reason as to why the use of stem cells from the umbilical cord tissue is that it has shown to reduce inflammation in the autistic patient which in turn alleviates symptoms of autism. Transplantation of stem cells may offer an exceptional treatment strategy for spectrum autism disorder due to the neural dysregulation and immune which are observed in this condition. The degree of severity of the autism symptoms has been associated or correlated with inflammatory
  • 12. and neuroinflammatory cytokines which include macrophage- derived chemokine as well as thymus and activation-regulated chemokine. There are several immune disorders which are associated with autism such as autoimmunity, immune deficiencies, overactivation of certain immune populations and allergy. This helps improve the health outcomes of the patient. The stem cells are being used by the health providers to help in the creation of new models of autism with an aim of testing the effects that new drugs could possibly be having (Sharma et al., 2013). Conforming to precedent pre-clinical studies that have been carried out it is evident that the mesenchymal stem cells have a tendency to represent immune regulatory properties that are significant through suppression of proliferation as well as function of several major immune cells which includes B cells, natural killer cells, T cells, inducing regulatory T cells and modulating the activities of dendritic cells. Therapies that employ the use of stem cells are usually in a better position of inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and also have strong immune suppressive activities. This does not only help in the autologous transplantation but also help in heterologous transplantation without the requirement of pharmacological immune suppression (Lv et al., 2013). According to the studies analyzed stem cell treatment is a more appropriate diagnosis method as compared to the administration of food and drug because stem cells are cells which are undifferentiated and they are usually defined by their ability to self-renew as well as differentiate into cells that are mature. The stem cells are also preferable because they are highly proliferative which implies that there are several numbers of mature cells which can be generated from a given stem cell source. The cell replacement therapy hypothesizes that new retinal cells could be generated from stem cells to help ion substituting the cells that have already been damaged by the disorder (Siniscalco, Bradstreet, Sych & Antonucci, 2014). The stem cells also have a protective effect which is usually referred
  • 13. to as the paracrine effect. The protective effect of the stem cells assists in modulating the microenvironment of the tissues that have been affected by the disorder to help in protecting the cells that have been injured, promote the survival rate as well as activate any endogenous repair mechanism that is available. The stem cells in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder usually trigger the development of the brain and after that, the body of the child proceeds in doing their work (Ng, Fortino, Pelaez, & Cheung, 2014). Inconsistencies and Contradictions in the Literature One of the inconsistencies and contradictions found in the literature is the fact that there is only one registered human trial that has used MSCs to treat autism in children whereby there were two components that were involved to have a better health outcome. In this one study combined transplantation of MSCs and mononuclear cells had therapeutic effects that were better as compared to using transplantation of mononuclear cells alone. Another controversy as per the studies used is that the administration of the stem cells needs to be administered in a given manner to achieve quality results. Although the outcome after using the stem cell in treating autism in children can be positive or negative the risk-benefit ratio of stem cell therapy in autistic children appears to be favorable. Preliminary Conclusions In conclusion, the evidence in the researched literature and journals provides a strong support for a change in practice whereby health providers should start using stem cell treatment to diagnose children suffering from Austin spectrum disorder as compared to the use of food and drug administration. This method helps in replacing the cells that have been damaged by the disorder. From the literature it is evident that the applied behavior analysis is a mode of treatment that is mainly based on theories of learning and operant conditioning yet the disorder could be as a result of an inborn disorder or because of the genes of a person and therefore in such a case the stem cell treatment is the most appropriate. Despite the literature
  • 14. providing a strong support as to why health providers should implement the use stem cells in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder in children further research still need to be carried out to help guide the health providers on the particular symptoms of autism in children that can be addressed using this mode of treatment. This is significant taking into account that stem cells typically differentiate into different cell types needed by the body such as oligodendrocytes, neurons, and blood cells. References Lv, Y. T., Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Ashwood, P., Cho, S. C., Huan, Y., ... & Hu, X. (2013). Transplantation of human cord blood mononuclear cells and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells in autism. Journal of translational medicine, 11(1), 196. Myers, S. M., & Johnson, C. P. (2007). Management of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved September 24, 2018 from http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/120/5/1162 National Institute of Mental Health (2017). Autism spectrum disorder. Retrieved September 24, 2018 from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum- disorders- asd/index.shtml Ng, T. K., Fortino, V. R., Pelaez, D., & Cheung, H. S. (2014). Progress of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for neural and retinal diseases. World journal of stem cells, 6(2), 111. Sharma, A., Gokulchandran, N., Sane, H., Nagrajan, A., Paranjape, A., Kulkarni, P., ... & Badhe, P. (2013). Autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy for autism: an open label proof of concept study. Stem cells international, 2013. Siniscalco, D., Bradstreet, J. J., Sych, N., & Antonucci, N. (2014). Mesenchymal stem cells in treating autism: Novel
  • 15. insights. World journal of stem cells, 6(2), 173.