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...Not only external rewards but also
deep inner fulfillment

MODI KEVIN(100640111044)


• Contributors have a deeper and wider
definition of success than Non-contributors.
While Non-contributors define success in
terms of material
success, achievement, external
impact, etc., Contributors are able to deepen
and widen this definition of success to include
personal The meaning of success…
fulfillment, development of selfesteem, ongoing development of personal
capabilities, etc.


The Contributor’s Identity
• Develop your own answer to the question “who am I?”
• Non-contributors and Contributors define themselves
• Non-contributors usually define themselves in terms of
what they have acquired in life (e.g. qualifications, position,
years of experience, etc.). This is a static identity, based on
your past glories or past failures. This static identity leaves
you trapped in history.
• Contributors define themselves in terms of what they will
become or accomplish (e.g. capacity to deliver,
commitment and ownership of the organization’s purpose,
etc.). This is a dynamic identity based on your “being” and
“becoming”. Such an identity lets you choose to live a
better future.


The Name Of Massive Personality of Person
who are contributor for success..

• A.P.J Abdul kalam.
• Narendra Modi.

• Steve jobs.


Inspiring Thoughts by


 "Thinking should become your capital asset, no
matter whatever ups and downs you come across
in your life.”
 "Thinking is progress. Non-thinking is stagnation
of the individual, organisation and the country.
Thinking leads to action. Knowledge without action
is useless and irrelevant. Knowledge with
action, converts adversity into prosperity."
 "When you speak, speak the truth; perform when
you promise; discharge your trust.... Withhold
your hands from striking, and from taking that
which is unlawful and bad..."


"What actions are most excellent? To
gladden the heart of a human being, to
feed the hungry, to help the afflicted
to lighten the sorrow of the
sorrowful and to remove the wrongs
of injured...“
"All God's creatures are His family; and
he is the most beloved of God who tries
to do most good to God's creatures."


Narendra Modi’s
vision of success.


Learning's from Mr. Modi

desire + stability = resolution
Resolution + Hard work = success
Transforming obstacles into opportunity.
Sheer commitment in whatever he does.
Welfare society.
“Never looking back”
Master strategist.


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Modi ‘s Mantra
• Sauna Saath, Sauna Vikas (All
together, growth for all)
• Panchamrut – Philosophy
Gyan Shakthi -Power of Knowledge
Urja Shakthi - Power of Energy
Jal Shakthi - Power of Water
Jan Shakthi - Power to People
Raksha Shakthi - Power of
Security(Physical, Social, Economic)


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• Steve Jobs had a unique combination of creative talents.
• His success lied in his ability of “Thinking Differently”
• As an entrepreneur, he had a compassionate understanding of
customers – he could see what they wanted.
• He was brilliant at technology with a deep understanding of the field.
• He was also able to discover new ways for making money out of

• Summarizing the above points – Steve Jobs was a completely unique
individual with unique capabilities.


Steve Jobs is no more, but his legacy will live on for decades to come.
It is impossible to overstate the impact his work had not only on the
world of technology, but on the world as a whole. Here are the top
four ways, Jobs changed the society:


He made PCs before they were PCs
• Today, we may refer the term PC to computers that run on Intel
processors and use Windows software - in other words, every computer
that isn't a Mac.
• But when the term was first coined, it simply stood for personal
computer. The first Mac computers were known as PCs, because they
were computers designed to be used by individuals - and the Apple II
series, designed by Steve Jobs and Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, was in
fact the first widely successful PC.
• Today's computers may be classified as PC or Mac, but they all evolved
from the original PC prototype - and we have Steve Jobs to thank for that.


He made computers simple
• In the 1990s, Apple computers were held largely in disdain. The interface
was too plain, too spare. It couldn't be customized. They couldn't
compare to the computers Microsoft was making.
• But as the years went by, Steve Jobs began to win people over to his
vision of a computer that was powerful but also intuitive, easy to use and
highly functional.
• Users began to abandon other PCs for Macs in droves as they realized that
Macs froze less, glitches less, crashed less and were easier to navigate


He turned technology into art
• He once famously dismissed Dell's computers as un-innovative beige
boxes, and went on to envision and execute a stream of products that
combined power and functionality with pure elegance.
• In 1998, the iMac took everyone aback with its brightly colored sides, and
a year later, users were delighted with the iBook's unique clamshell
• Since then, Jobs never stopped coming up with new products that were as
aesthetically pleasing as they were technologically advanced. Never
before had design been as important as hardware and engineering.
• Apple products are revered not just because they are powerful and work
well, but also because they look and feel good.


He connected every aspect of our lives
• “There is not a day that goes by, and often not an hour, that a Steve Jobs
invention does not better my family's life.” – These were the words of
Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, paying tribute to Steve Jobs.
• Before Jobs came along, no one had thought to integrate so many things - computers, music players and phones - into the same company.
• Jobs shattered the boundaries of what a computer company should
do, turning Apple into a huge network of products that touched nearly
every aspect of daily life.


• Make the character of Mahavira (Hanuman) your
ideal. See how at the command of Ramachandra he
crossed the ocean! He had no care for life or death.
He was a perfect master of his senses and
wonderfully sagacious. Build your life on this great
ideal of personal service. Through that ideal all the
other ideas will gradually manifest themselves in life.
Obedience to the Guru without questioning and
strict observance of Bramhacharya – this is the secret
of success.


• Every man should take up his own ideal and
endeavour to accomplish it. That is a surer way of
progress than taking up other men’s ideals, which he
can never hope to accomplish. For instance, we take
a child and at once give him the task of walking
twenty miles. Either the little one dies, or one in a
thousand crawls the twenty miles, to reach the end
exhausted and half-dead. That is like what we
generally try to do with the world.


• All the men and women, in any society, are not of the
same mind, capacity, or of the same power to do
things; they must have different ideals, and we have
no right to sneer at any ideal. Let every one do the
best he can for realising his own ideal. Nor is it right
that I should be judged by your standard or you by
mine. The apple tree should not be judged by the
standard of the oak, nor the oak by that of the apple.
To judge the apple tree you must take the apple
standard, and for the oak, its own standard.


• There is success and failure in every work. But I am
inclined to believe that one who is a coward will be
born after death as an insect or a worm, that there is
no salvation for a coward even after millions of years
of penance. Well, shall I after all be born as a worm?
…In my eyes this world is mere play – and it will
always remain as such. Should one spend six long
months brooding over the questions of honour and
disgrace, gain and loss pertaining to this?


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  • 1. UNIT 3 ...Not only external rewards but also deep inner fulfillment EC 7TH SEM. MODI KEVIN(100640111044)
  • 2. • Contributors have a deeper and wider definition of success than Non-contributors. While Non-contributors define success in terms of material success, achievement, external impact, etc., Contributors are able to deepen and widen this definition of success to include personal The meaning of success… fulfillment, development of selfesteem, ongoing development of personal capabilities, etc.
  • 3. The Contributor’s Identity • Develop your own answer to the question “who am I?” • Non-contributors and Contributors define themselves differently. • Non-contributors usually define themselves in terms of what they have acquired in life (e.g. qualifications, position, years of experience, etc.). This is a static identity, based on your past glories or past failures. This static identity leaves you trapped in history. • Contributors define themselves in terms of what they will become or accomplish (e.g. capacity to deliver, commitment and ownership of the organization’s purpose, etc.). This is a dynamic identity based on your “being” and “becoming”. Such an identity lets you choose to live a better future.
  • 4. The Name Of Massive Personality of Person who are contributor for success.. • A.P.J Abdul kalam. • Narendra Modi. • Steve jobs.
  • 6.  "Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life.”  "Thinking is progress. Non-thinking is stagnation of the individual, organisation and the country. Thinking leads to action. Knowledge without action is useless and irrelevant. Knowledge with action, converts adversity into prosperity."  "When you speak, speak the truth; perform when you promise; discharge your trust.... Withhold your hands from striking, and from taking that which is unlawful and bad..."
  • 7. "What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of a human being, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful and to remove the wrongs of injured...“ "All God's creatures are His family; and he is the most beloved of God who tries to do most good to God's creatures."
  • 9. Learning's from Mr. Modi • • • • • • • desire + stability = resolution Resolution + Hard work = success Transforming obstacles into opportunity. Sheer commitment in whatever he does. Welfare society. “Never looking back” Master strategist.
  • 11. Modi ‘s Mantra • Sauna Saath, Sauna Vikas (All together, growth for all) • Panchamrut – Philosophy Gyan Shakthi -Power of Knowledge Urja Shakthi - Power of Energy Jal Shakthi - Power of Water Jan Shakthi - Power to People Raksha Shakthi - Power of Security(Physical, Social, Economic)
  • 13. AS A CONTRIBUTOR • Steve Jobs had a unique combination of creative talents. • His success lied in his ability of “Thinking Differently” • As an entrepreneur, he had a compassionate understanding of customers – he could see what they wanted. • He was brilliant at technology with a deep understanding of the field. • He was also able to discover new ways for making money out of things. • Summarizing the above points – Steve Jobs was a completely unique individual with unique capabilities.
  • 14. IMPACT ON SOCIETY Steve Jobs is no more, but his legacy will live on for decades to come. It is impossible to overstate the impact his work had not only on the world of technology, but on the world as a whole. Here are the top four ways, Jobs changed the society:
  • 15. IMPACT ON SOCIETY He made PCs before they were PCs • Today, we may refer the term PC to computers that run on Intel processors and use Windows software - in other words, every computer that isn't a Mac. • But when the term was first coined, it simply stood for personal computer. The first Mac computers were known as PCs, because they were computers designed to be used by individuals - and the Apple II series, designed by Steve Jobs and Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, was in fact the first widely successful PC. • Today's computers may be classified as PC or Mac, but they all evolved from the original PC prototype - and we have Steve Jobs to thank for that.
  • 16. IMPACT ON SOCIETY He made computers simple • In the 1990s, Apple computers were held largely in disdain. The interface was too plain, too spare. It couldn't be customized. They couldn't compare to the computers Microsoft was making. • But as the years went by, Steve Jobs began to win people over to his vision of a computer that was powerful but also intuitive, easy to use and highly functional. • Users began to abandon other PCs for Macs in droves as they realized that Macs froze less, glitches less, crashed less and were easier to navigate besides.
  • 17. IMPACT ON SOCIETY He turned technology into art • He once famously dismissed Dell's computers as un-innovative beige boxes, and went on to envision and execute a stream of products that combined power and functionality with pure elegance. • In 1998, the iMac took everyone aback with its brightly colored sides, and a year later, users were delighted with the iBook's unique clamshell design. • Since then, Jobs never stopped coming up with new products that were as aesthetically pleasing as they were technologically advanced. Never before had design been as important as hardware and engineering. • Apple products are revered not just because they are powerful and work well, but also because they look and feel good.
  • 18. IMPACT ON SOCIETY He connected every aspect of our lives • “There is not a day that goes by, and often not an hour, that a Steve Jobs invention does not better my family's life.” – These were the words of Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, paying tribute to Steve Jobs. • Before Jobs came along, no one had thought to integrate so many things - computers, music players and phones - into the same company. • Jobs shattered the boundaries of what a computer company should do, turning Apple into a huge network of products that touched nearly every aspect of daily life.
  • 19. • Make the character of Mahavira (Hanuman) your ideal. See how at the command of Ramachandra he crossed the ocean! He had no care for life or death. He was a perfect master of his senses and wonderfully sagacious. Build your life on this great ideal of personal service. Through that ideal all the other ideas will gradually manifest themselves in life. Obedience to the Guru without questioning and strict observance of Bramhacharya – this is the secret of success.
  • 20. • Every man should take up his own ideal and endeavour to accomplish it. That is a surer way of progress than taking up other men’s ideals, which he can never hope to accomplish. For instance, we take a child and at once give him the task of walking twenty miles. Either the little one dies, or one in a thousand crawls the twenty miles, to reach the end exhausted and half-dead. That is like what we generally try to do with the world.
  • 21. • All the men and women, in any society, are not of the same mind, capacity, or of the same power to do things; they must have different ideals, and we have no right to sneer at any ideal. Let every one do the best he can for realising his own ideal. Nor is it right that I should be judged by your standard or you by mine. The apple tree should not be judged by the standard of the oak, nor the oak by that of the apple. To judge the apple tree you must take the apple standard, and for the oak, its own standard.
  • 22. • There is success and failure in every work. But I am inclined to believe that one who is a coward will be born after death as an insect or a worm, that there is no salvation for a coward even after millions of years of penance. Well, shall I after all be born as a worm? …In my eyes this world is mere play – and it will always remain as such. Should one spend six long months brooding over the questions of honour and disgrace, gain and loss pertaining to this?