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A 4 Skills
Teacher Resource Booklet
 Ready to go multimedia resources
 Activities / Teaching recipes
 Best websites directory
A Buffet of Teaching Recipes!
by David Deubelbeiss
About the Author
David Deubelbeiss is an educator presently
living in North Bay, Ontario. He has
traveled and taught around the world. A
“working man’s teacher”, he espouses the
philosophy of “When one teaches, two
learn.”Find out more about him through his
google profile.
About this book
This book represents much of the practical knowledge of teaching that I developed over
20 years. Teaching EFL and ESL in different environments as well as teacher training.
More than just written ideas, you’ll find hundreds of multimedia links ready to be used by
you and your students in class – tools, resources, applications, games, worksheets etc….
I’ve tried to keep it practical and let this book be a quick way that a teacher can get to the
“gold” that is out there.
The purchase of this book helps support a new model of textbook delivery – teachers
helping teachers. It is supported by a large professional development community and an
author that will respond to your needs. Your purchase supports all the activities to
support practicing teachers through EFL Classsroom 2.0.
Thanks in advance, enjoy the teaching and learning,
David Deubelbeiss
© 2010 by I’m Press
ISBN: 0743357954
Printed in the whole wide world
Table of Contents
Speaking and Questioning Question Types | Effective Techniques | Video
Review and Advice | Activities | Question
Sheet | Speaking Test | Questioning Schematic 4
Listening Activities Warm Ups | Listen and Draw | Listen – React -
Do | Listen - Correct | Listen – Answer | Listen
and Retell | Recommended Listening Websites 17
Writing Activities Introduction | Listen and Write | Watch and
Write | Look and Write | Read and Write |
Think and Write | Text and Write | Speak and
Write | Write and Do | Recommended Books |
Recommended Writing Websites
Reading Activities Introduction | Extensive vs Intensive | Student
Reading Inventory | Intensive Reading Example
Reading Response Questions | More Examples |
Recommended Reading Websites
Flashcard Activities
FAQ questions | Tips | Memory games |
Grammar | Action Games | Open Ended Games
Resources and Recommended Websites
Top Websites Citations to support the book and additional
online sites / resources that are recommended
for Adults and Young Learners. 66
110 Lessons in a Can
All 110 full Lessons in a handy directory with
tons of downloadables and printables for every
lesson. Praised by teachers the world over! 71
Speaking Activities
the Art of Questioning
Developing the art of questioning can be as simple as practicing. It is with practice that
we gain competence and “pattern” the process.
Look at the question types below. For each one, give an additional example.
The art of questioning students is the foundation of all good teaching practice.
It provides for both assessment and student growth (learning) and is the core
of the scientific method and how we learn.
Yet, teachers spend comparably little time learning how to ask questions or
make questions which lead to good teaching. Moreover, many teachers spend
little time developing this fundamental skill in their students. You can’t have
“real” communication without questions yet so many students gain English
competence in this – too far along their learning curve to benefit.
This book addresses both aspects of questioning.
Part 1 – How to deliver questions as a teacher?
Assessing students through questions.
Part 2 - Activities to promote speaking and question making skills in our
Recalling -
Who, what, when, where, how
Identifying Errors -
What is wrong with _______?
Comparing -
How is similar to/different
Inferring -
What might we infer from
What conclusions might be
drawn from _______?
Identifying Attributes and
Components -
What are the
characteristics/parts of
Predicting -
What might happen if
Classifying -
How might we organize into
Elaborating -
What ideas/details can you add
to _______?
Give an example of _______.
Ordering -
Arrange into sequence
according to _______?
Summarizing -
Can you summarize _______?
Establishing Criteria -
What criteria would you use to
judge/evaluate _______?
Identifying Relationships and
Patterns -
Develop an
outline/diagram/web of
Identifying Main Ideas -
What is wrong with _______?
What conclusions might be
drawn from_______?
Verifying -
What evidence supports
How might we prove/confirm
Representing -
In what other ways might we
show/illustrate _______?
Techniques of Effective Questioning
1. Establish an appropriate environment. Only certain questions should
be posed in front of students; “bedside” (beginning) questions should
focus principally on knowledge and recall and to a lesser extent on
2. Create a climate conducive to learning. A happy facial expression, nod,
or verbal acknowledgement of a correct response encourages other
students to participate in the discussion. Pose questions in a non-
threatening way and receive answers in a supportive fashion. A harsh
tone, especially when used to interrupt a response from the student, can
be devastating for both the student and his or her peers.
3. Prepare the students for the questioning session and discussion.
Explain to students the format, expectations, and how this knowledge will
help them.
4. Use both pre-planned and emerging questions. Pre-planned questions
are those incorporated into the teaching plan that are asked during the
teaching session to introduce new concepts, focus the discussion on
certain items, steer the discussion in specific directions, or identify student
knowledge / level on the topic. Emerging questions derive from the
discussion itself and the specific answers given to previous questions.
Think quickly and act decisively to phrase these questions accurately and
pose them at appropriate times in the discussion.
5. Use an appropriate variety and mix of questions. One good strategy is
to start with convergent questions and then continue with divergent
questions, perhaps asking questions in hierarchical sequence and building
from the recall of facts to higher levels of thinking and problem-solving. If a
question requiring a higher level thinking skill blocks the student, go down
to a question requiring lower-level thinking skills and then work up the
6. Avoid trick questions and those that require only a YES or NO
response. Trick questions should be avoided, as they frustrate students
and tend to encourage frivolous responses. YES or NO questions
encourage students to respond without fully understanding or thinking
through the issue. When used, such questions should be followed by other
questions to determine the thinking process of the student.
7. Phrase the questions carefully, concisely, and clearly. Improper
phrasing and the use of multiple questions related to the same topic may
result in unintentional cueing (guessing) and inability to accurately assess
8. Address questions to the group, versus the individual. Pose the
question to the entire group and wait before identifying a student to
respond. The wait time encourages all students to think about the
response, as they do not know who is going to be called upon to answer
the question. Select students at random to answer questions, as it tends
to keep everyone attentive and involved.
9. Select both volunteers and non-volunteers to answer questions.
10. Adapt questions to the needs of the learners. Assess the students’
needs and tailor questions to maximize the number of correct answers
while moving toward more and more difficult questions. Remember, no
two groups of students will be alike or at the same level.
11. Use sufficient wait time. The teacher can significantly enhance the
analytic and problem-solving skills of students by allowing sufficient wait
times before responding, both after posing a question and after the
answer is given. This allows everyone to think about not only the question
but also the response provided by the student. Three to five seconds in
most cases; longer in some, maybe up to 10 seconds for higher-order
12. Respond to answers given by students. Listen carefully to the answers
given by students; do not interrupt students while they are responding to
questions unless they are straying far off course, are totally unfocused, or
are being disruptive. Acknowledge correct answers and provide positive
reinforcement. Do not use sarcasm, reprimands, accusations, and
personal attacks. Repeat answers only when the other students have not
heard the answers; other repeats waste time. Keep questioning until the
learning objectives for the session have been achieved; this may be the
best opportunity to teach a particular concept. Handle incomplete answers
by reinforcing what is correct and then asking probing questions.
13. Use questions to identify learning objectives for follow-up self-study.
Pose questions towards the end of the teaching session to identify specific
areas for additional learning opportunities that students can pursue on
their own time.
Adapted from: The office of curriculum development, University of Alberta http://www.uab.edu/uasomume/cdm/
Let’s watch this video from Teacher.tv What do the experts
say about questioning? Complete the statements below.
1. The main purpose of asking questions is to find out
2. The teacher has to help the students _________________.
3. “What do you think?” is a kind of ____________________
4. What are the Teaching Strategies discussed.
A) ____________________________________________
B) _____________________________________________
C) _____________________________________________
D) _____________________________________________
E) _____________________________________________
F) ______________________________________________
Questions give students confidence and let them express their learning and communicate.
Questions should be taught either explicitly or through practice at an early stage of
student English acquisition. Classroom’s which are “quiet” and where there is little
student interaction in English are often due to the students not being able to engage in
“dialogue”. Why? Because they don’t know how to phrase the questions quickly and
Activity 1:
Interviews are a fundamental way of getting students to ask / make questions.
The simplest way is get them to write down the questions they’d like to ask a
partner/friend. Role playing is even better. Give students a role play card and using the
card, they ask each other questions about their “friend” to find out information. Start with
a whole class interview and then have the students interview in pairs.
If you really want to get “digital”, have your students interview Alice the “bot” and then
copy and paste/print the interview and bring to class. They can then practice the interview
in class for others!
Activity 2:
what dId you say?
In 3s, one student reads out a sentence, leaving out a word. The other students then ask
the follow up question.
Example: A) I went to )*&)**_*( this weekend.
B) Excuse me but, where did he go this weekend?
C) He went to Alaska this weekend.
Activity 3:
Photo and word PromPts?
In 3s, students are shown photos (either on a big screen or with flash cards). They make a
question each about the photo. The Question Making Schematic can be used to help
students. Find many slideshows here.
Activity 4:
Class walkarounds – Post It!
This activity is meant to get students on their feet and speaking. Give students some post
it notes. On one Post it note, they write something about themselves. Example, “I love
potato chips!” Students then “post it” on themselves and walk around the class. They ask
each other questions about the post it. After one question, they change to another person.
Example: A) What kind of potato chips do you like?
B) I really like sour crème and onion!
(I hate mornings).
A) What time did you get up today?
B) I got up at 6:30 am ! [change partners]
This activity can even be “larger” by having students write questions on their post it
notes. Students walk around the class asking other students and “posting” the note on
them. After the walkaround, students return to their seat and with a partner, use the post
its to interview a partner.
A) What are they playing?
B) They are playing soccer.
Who is playing?
C) I think France is playing Brazil.
Why are they playing?
A) Maybe it’s the World Cup?
Activity 5:
Class walkarounds – surveys / FInd
someone who!
Surveys and “find someone who” activities are excellent at getting students asking
questions. Give each student an index card. Ask them to choose one question to ask the
class on your given topic. Use “prompt” words on the board to help students. (see
Appendix 2).
Students walk around the class asking students and compiling the results on their index
card under YES Maybe No. Students after the activity, report back
Activity 6:
lIstenIng – the 5 ws!
Play any short clip or news report. Even a short story. Ask the students to list the
“reporters” 5ws on a piece of paper.
Who _______________________________________________
What _______________________________________________
Where ______________________________________________
When _______________________________________________
Why ________________________________________________
This activity can also be done for any reading/text in the textbook. It is invaluable to get
the students themselves forming the comprehension questions for your class readings.
This should be your goal – get them to TEACH THEMSELVES!
Activity 7:
20 questIons / what Is It?!
These games are popular and any guessing game with objects is great.
See www.20q.net for a computer version. Your students will be amazed!
Also for celebrities and famous people – see http://en.akinator.com/#
Activity 8:
Baam – ask the teaCher!
Baam is a great game with lots of interaction. Students choose a number and try to avoid
BAAM. The “Ask the Teacher” game gets the students asking the teacher (or another
student) and helps them practice basic personal questions.
Activity 9:
sPIn the questIon!
Use the “Spin the Question” power point when you need a little “chance” in your activity.
Students spin and then must make a question with the chosen question word. Lots of fun!
Let’s get Personal
Do you believe in
Are you very
Have you ever
Can you
Who do you
Where did you
What is your best
Do you think
Who is your favorite
Why are you
What are your
What if you
Do you have
What did you last
Are you going to
Did you ever
Why can’t
What about your
Do you like to
How did you
What is your favorite
Speaking / Listening “Quick” Evaluation
Student Name: __________________________ Date:
Basic Preliminary Questions:
[ Ask the student’s name, birth date, spelling, time, likes ] Level _____
Listen carefully to the questions the teacher will ask.
Respond in full sentences. Ask “Could you repeat the question, please?”, if you
don’t understand.
1. How many bicycles do you see? ______
2. Is the weather nice? ______
3. Where are the people? ______
4. When did they go to the park? ______
5. Were you at the park yesterday? _______
6. What do you think the mother will do when she gets home? ______
7. What does the sign say? ______
8. Are the people obeying the law? _______
9. If you had the time, would you go to the park today? Why (not)? _____
10. If you had been there, what would you have done? ______
11. Name 9 things that you see. ______
___________________ ______________________ ________________
___________________ ______________________ ________________
___________________ ______________________ ________________
< 5 Beginner >5 and < 7 Intermediate >7 Advanced
Use your preliminary assessment to lower/increase the student’s level.
4 skills coursebook
Listening is a skill that many teachers overlook when teaching students. It is as important
as speaking (communication is a two way street – there is both a sender, “speaker” and a
receiver, “listener” ). It should be explicitly taught and developed.
The following activities require very little preparation and extra material but are very
beneficial and interesting to students. In Part 1, we will cover 6 main areas:
1. Warm Up Activities 2. Listen - Draw
3. Listen - React 4. Listen - Correct
5. Listen - Answer 6. Listen - Retell
We will do several activities modeling each type of listening exercise.
In Part II, you will be given a sample lesson and with a partner, present / share the
1. Listening Warm-Ups
A) Last One Standing. Listening for specific words.
Chose your favorite word from this box and write it on in big letters on a large piece
of paper.
Now, listen to the song. When you hear your word, stand up. If you hear it again, sit
down. Last one standing wins!
Love million dollars had buy
Monkey pet store car would
B) Categories
The teacher will give your group a category. Continue saying one thing from the
category. Listen carefully! If you repeat someone’s word, you are out of the game. You
have 5 seconds to reply. Each time you say a word in the category, collect a piece of
paper (or use toothpicks ). The most pieces of paper at the end wins!
C) Blablabla
Listen to the teacher and ask “Excuse me, what did you say?” The teacher will reply
with the right answer. Now it’s your turn!
Make sentences using the examples below (or your own). Find out what they said by
replying with ….. Who/What/Where/How/When/Which_____did you _______?
D) Telephone Game
Put students into lines or rows. Whisper a sentence into the first student’s ear (make
sure you write it down on paper!). That student then whispers what they heard to the next
student and so on. The final student in line runs to the board and writes the sentence on
the board. The closest to the original sentence wins. [ to make this even crazier, start a
sentence at both ends of the line ]
2. Listen and Draw
A) Draw the Picture.
The teacher has a picture in her/his hand. The student’s draw the picture as described.
They compare with other students afterwards and check their drawing against the
teacher’s. (see Appendix 2A ) Next, the students do the same as the teacher, in a small
group or in pairs.
Listen and Draw.
I love _____! I didn’t ______ today. I prefer ______ to apples. ____ hit me!
I have been to ______! I ate lunch at ______! I often ________! I can’t ____!
B) Draw the teacher’s apartment!
Listen carefully as the teacher describes their apartment. Draw in as much detail as
possible. Check by drawing the teacher’s apartment on the board.
C) Describe the location and draw
Students are given 2 grids with pictures in different places. They have to describe
their grid and explain where each item is located. (see Appendix 2C ).
3. Listen and React / Do
A) Describe and Do
The teacher describes a process “how to ______” and the students act this out.
Afterwards, students can listen to an actual video (like how to play “rock, paper, scissors”
) that demonstrates what the teacher told them. Then, give students a task card. They
must tell their partner what to do!
Make a fried egg, bake a cake, play ____ , do a magic trick ,
Tie a tie, dial a telephone number, get to …., make _______,
Address a letter, open a computer program, draw a ________.
B ) Listen and re-enact the dialogue
Play students a simple dialogue several times. Ask them to try and role play the
dialogue. Review for the correct answers and students write the dialogue down. The
students practice the real dialogue to finish.
C) Do as I command
This is a simple variation of “Simon Says”. A student or a teacher, commands the
students to do or perform an action saying, “Act like ……..!” The students must react.
Repeat in pairs or small groups.
4. Listen and Correct
A) Read and react.
The teacher reads out a prepared script (student text). The students react by knocking
or coughing when they hear a mistake! (See appendix 4A).
B) Note the differences.
Each student has a handout which is slightly different. One is correct, the other
incorrect. The student with the incorrect version reads out their script. As they read the
passage, the other student must stop and say – “No, no, no, that’s wrong! It should say
_______. Correct together as a class. (see appendix 4B)
5. Listen and Answer
A) The 5 Ws
Play a short audio story or news report. As the students afterwards to note the 5Ws
(Who / What / Where / When / Why ). Let them be the reporter!
B) Quizzes
Play a short audio passage and then have the student respond and answer several
comprehension questions. Another great idea is to have them write the questions also, to
quiz their classmates!
C) Prediction
Find a good audio story. Students listen to the audio story and when the teacher
pauses it, they guess – “What will happen next?” This really keeps them listening and
engaged in the learning!
D) Cloze / Language Gap
The student have a passage with some words missing. They listen (repeat as often as
necessary) and then check their answers when the audio is played again. Can be used
very well with karaoke.
E) Dictation
The teacher puts on the board some information (and covers it so the students can’t see
it). The students listen to the teacher dictate and they record the information. The teacher
then reveals the correct answers and the students check. (see appendix 5E – I feel like a
6. Listen and Re-tell / Finish
A) Finish it Off!
The teacher tells the students a story, with gestures. The students must listen to the
story carefully and either A) answer a question at the end or B) finish the story off.
Correct answers get a prize. Works well with jokes / funny stories / riddles. (See
appendix 6A)
B) Story retelling
Students in different rooms listen to a different story. They return and tell each other
the story they heard.
2.C Where is it?
Student A
Student B
Listen to this story and knock when you hear a mistake.
The Four Pigs
Once up a time, long ago, there were four pigs. One day the father pig told them they
had to leave the house and go build their own house. So out they went. The first pig
came to a man selling chocolate. He bought the chocolate and built his house. That
afternoon, a big bad wolf came and knocked on his door. The wolf said, “Open up or I’ll
huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your apartment down!” The little pig didn’t open the
door but ran away. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the little pig’s apartment down.
The second pig was walking and saw a man selling sticks. He bought the sticks and built
a car. That afternoon, the big bad wolf came and knocked on the door saying, “Open up
or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your car down!” The little pig didn’t open the door
but walked away. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the little pig’s car down.
The third pig saw a man selling bricks. He bought the bricks and built his house. The next
morning, the big bad wolf came and didn’t knock. He said, “Open up or I’ll huff and I’ll
puff and I’ll eat your house down!” The little pig didn’t open the door. The wolf huffed
and puffed but couldn’t blow the pig’s house down! So he climbed on the roof and went
up the chimney. However, the pig was cooking and he fell into a huge pot and was
cooked for dinner. The start.
4. B
Read and Listen for Differences
Partner A
Partner A Reads Aloud
Tigers are large carnivores of the dog family. They live in the forests of Asia. Their
yellow-orange fur has many purple stripes. Males may reach 3 meters in length and
weigh 290 kilograms. Tigers usually live alone. They can swim well, but cannot climb
well. Tigers usually hunt at noon. Many species of tigers are endangered because people
kill them to make medicines from their body parts and jackets from their fur. Habitat
destruction has also endangered them. Baby tigers are called cubs. The average tiger lives
sixty years
Partner A Reads Silently
Lions are large carnivores of the cat family. They mostly live in the grassy plains of
Africa. The Roman lion used to live in many parts of Asia, but it is now endangered
because of hunting and over fishing. The male lion usually has a long, thick mane and
may reach 2.7 meters in length and weigh 180 kilograms. Lions sometimes live in large
groups of up to 30 lions. Adult lions are called cubs. The average lion lives fifteen years.
Partner B
Partner B Reads Silently
Tigers are large carnivores of the cat family. They live in the forests of Europe. Their
yellow-orange fur has many black stripes. Males may reach 4 meters in length and weigh
290 kilograms. Tigers usually live alone. They can swim well, but cannot climb well.
Tigers usually hunt at night. Many species of tigers are endangered because people kill
them to make medicines from their body parts and jackets from their bones. Habitat
destruction has also endangered them. Baby tigers are called cubs. The average tiger lives
sixteen years.
Partner A Reads Aloud
Lions are large herbivores of the cat family. They mostly live in the grassy plains of
South America. The Asiatic lion used to live in many parts of Asia, but it is now
endangered because of hunting and habitat destruction. The male lion usually has a long,
thick mane and may reach 2.7 meters in length and weigh 1,800 kilograms. Lions
sometimes live in large groups of up to 30 lions. Baby lions are called cubs. The average
lion lives fifty years.
5. E
1. My telephone number is 010 2296 3235
2. The temperature is 21 C
3. The question and answer is that 4+6=10
4. The USA became independent on July 14th
, 1777
5. The shirt cost $ 12.99
6. Japan has a population of 160,000,000 people.
7. He drove 90 km/hour for 6 hours. So he drove 540 km.
8. 1/2 of 1% of people are blind.
9. The room measured 6m X 3m or 18m
10. The serial number is X349AP21007
11. I am 99.999 % sure.
1. Call me at +1 (705) 563-2933 at 7:05 pm
2. The sale price is 3 for $9,99!!!!!
3. Our teacher was born Sept. 8th
, 1962
4. The lowest temperature ever recorded is -72F
5. 10% of 1,000,000,000 is 100,000,000
6. The invoice number is AB/4309/STY3
7. The speed limit is 50kph on city residential streets.
8. 1/10th
of all people are left handed.
9. The odds of rolling 6, 6 are 1:36
10. The answer to pi is 3.145689
11. He got 85% on the exam and was in the 100th
Tell your students the following story, more or less as is. They must answer the question
at the end to get a prize (let’s say, class is finished early :)
“ Listen carefully class. I’m going to tell you a story. You must listen carefully and
answer one question at the end. You can take notes if that will help you. If you answer
correctly, you will get a prize. Ready?”
“Okay, you are driving a bus. The bus is empty. The bus driver stops at a bus stop and
onto the bus gets a big man. He says, “Hi Bus Driver, My name is Bill. Nice to meet
you.” “Nice to meet you too”, replies the bus driver. The big man goes to the back of the
bus and sits down. The bus driver continues driving.
The bus driver stops at the next stop. Two young boys jump onto the bus. The one young
boy says, “Hi there! This is my brother Bobby and I’m Danny.” The two boys sit in the
middle of the bus on the left. The bus driver continues driving.
At the next stop, a pregnant woman slowly climbs onto the bus. She stops and the bus
driver asks her, “Hi, can I ask what you are going to name the baby?” The pregnant
woman says, “Her name’s going to be Britney, ‘cause I love Britney Spears!” The
pregnant lady sits right behind the bus driver.
The bus driver stops at the final bus stop. Slowly, a very old woman gets on the bus. She
says to the bus driver, “Hi there sonny, thanks for coming!”. The old lady sits right
behind the pregnant woman. The bus driver continues driving. The end.”
Now please answer my question. What was the name of the bus driver? Raise your hand
if you know.
Answer: YOU. YOUR NAME. I said, “you are driving the bus”!
The Internet offers a “big helping hand” to all teachers. Here’s a list of sites I find that are
free and excellent resources for the classroom teacher or the student for self-study.
1. http://www.diigo.com/list/eflclassroom/listening-and-pronunciation -- All the best
websites about and for listening.
2. Listening Practice! > Click and Play! - EFL CLASSROOM 2.0 – EFL Classroom 2.0
An international community of teachers sharing resources. Go to Study – Listening. Also
use the Audio + page (see the site map).
3. http://breakingnewsenglish.com - Breaking News English
For higher level learners and teachers. News stories with listening and complete lessons.
4. http://www.elllo.org/ - Ello English Language Listening Laboratory
Lots of games, articles and instant feedback while students listen.
5. http://www.esl-lab.com/ – Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Plenty of stories, videos with quizzes for listening practice.
6. http://voicethread.com - Voicethread
Using a picture, students can record their own response and listen to what others said.
7. http://www.voxopop.com/ - Voxopop
A teacher can post up a question or start a discussion and students can record and listen to
other’s responses.
8. http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset.html - Phonetics
The complete sounds of English shown with articulation. For students with listening and
phonemic awareness difficulties.
9. http://accent.gmu.edu/browse_language.php - Speech Accent Archive
Archive of speakers of other languages from around the world, speaking in English.
Authentic Listening Sites (besides Youtube):
1. http://woices.com/ - Woices
Look on a map and locate people who have made audio recordings. Students can then
make their own recordings for the location where they are.
2. http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/1-in-8-million/index.html - 1 in 8
million New York Times photo voice essays of many people in New York.
3. http://interviewproject.davidlynch.com/www/#/all-episodes/ - Interview Project
David Lynch traveled across America and this is what he came up with.
4. http://archive.onedayonearth.org/index.php/videos - One Day On Earth archive
On 10/10/10 people around the world recorded video. This is the result. All on a handy
5. http://www.6milliardsdautres.org/index.php - 6 billion others
Also on youtube, these videos have translations and represent people around the world
speaking about “human” topics. Yann Arthus Bertrand special.
“Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted.”
-- Jules Renard
“ideas to get your student’s pencils moving”
Writing is and isn’t an easy thing to do in the classroom. Especially nowadays when
students don’t have long attention spans and are more and more “digital” and visual
However, it is a vital skill that opens up a world of possibilities for any student. Written
communication in whatever language, even with the advent of the internet, is still a
necessity. Writing allows communication, controlled and deliberate – POWERFUL,
communication. So we have to get our students writing more and better. How?
Below, find a rundown of what I consider the “standard” writing activities for any age
group. Just change the topic/theme. Most are for any classroom, EFL / ESL or the regular
classroom. My belief is that writing in English is writing in English. Whether it be a second
language or first makes no difference because the “eating” is all the same.
I’ve divided the activities into different categories. These are just for the sake of having
some kind of organization. I’ve also labeled them
WUP – for a warm up writing activity and something to do quickly.
CP – Controlled practice. Writing activities that help the beginning writer and offer
support, repetition and guidance.
F – Free writing activities which activate student learning and allow them to practice what
they already know and “test the waters” so to speak.
Where appropriate, I’ve linked to some resources that compliment the writing activity as
Listen - Write
1. Dictation
There are many ways to “spice” up the standard dictation. The simplest is to have the
students fold a blank piece of paper “hamburger” style (Up/down) 4 times. Unfold and they
have a nice 8 line piece of paper. Speak 8 sentences , repeating each several times as the
students write. Get the students to record their answers on the board and correct. Collect
and keep in a portfolio!
There are many online sites where students can do the same but in a computer lab or at
home. Or the teacher can even try in the classroom.
http://www.listen-and-write.com/audio - for older students
http://www.learner.org/interactives/spelling/ - for young learners
- CP
2. Story Rewriting
The teacher reads a story or the class listens to an audio story. After, students make a story
board (just fold a blank page so you have 8 squares) and draw pictures. Then, they write the
story based on those pictures. Very simple and powerful! - F
3. Visualization
The students close their eyes and the teacher describes a scene. Play some nice background
music. The students then write and describe the scene they imagined, sharing their scene
afterwards with the class or a classmate.
- F
4. Pop Song Rewrite
Play a familiar pop song. One with a “catchy” chorus. Afterwards, write out the chorus on
the board with some of the words missing. Students can then rewrite the chorus and sing
their own version. Higher level students can simply write their own version without help.
Here’s a very simple example –
He’s got the whole world in his hands
He’s got ___________ and ___________
In his hands. (3x)
He’s got the whole world in his hands
- CP
Watch Write
1. Commercials.
Students watch a TV Commercial. Then, they write their own script based on that
commercial but focused on a different product. Afterwards, they can perform. F
2. Short videos.
Just like a story but this time students watch. Then, they can rewrite / respond / reflect.
Students can choose to reflect on one standard Reading Response question or as part of a
daily journal. Ex. The best part was ….. / If I had made the video, I would have ……
Short videos are powerful and if well chosen can really get students writing in a reflective
manner. CP / F
How to Videos
Students can watch a short “How to” video that describes a process. There are some
excellent sites with User Generated Content. Expert Village and eHow are recommended.
After the students watch the video several times, they can write out the steps using
transitions which the teacher lists on the board. [First, first off, To begin, then, after that,
next, most importantly, finally, last but not least, to finish ] CP / F
3. Newscasts / Weather reports
Watch the daily news or weather report. Students write in groups or individually, their own
version of the news for that week/day. Then perform for the class like a real news report! F
4. Travel Videos
Watch a few travel videos (there are many nice, short travel “postcard” videos online).
Groups of students select a place and write up a report or a poster outlining why others
should visit their city/country. Alternately, give students a postcard and have them write to
another student in the classroom as if they were in that city/country. For lower leveled
students, provide them with a template and they just fill in the details. Ex.
I’m sitting in a ………… drinking a …………... I’ve been in ……. for ………. days now.
The weather has been …………….
Yesterday I visited the ………….. and I saw …………….. Today, I’m going to
………………. I highly recommend ………………..
See you when I get home …………………
…………………………. - CP / F
Look - Write
1. Pictures / Slideshows
Visuals are a powerful way to provide context and background for any writing. Make sure
to use attractive, stimulating and if possible “real” photos to prompt student writing.
Students can describe a scene or they can describe a series of pictures from a slideshow.
An excellent activity is to show a nice photo and get students to “guess” and write their
guess in the form of the 5Ws. They answer all the 5w questions and then share their
thoughts with the class.
Show a picture and get students to write a story or use it as background for a writing
prompt. For example, Show a picture of a happy lottery winner. Ask students to write in
their journal – If I won a million dollars I would ……
This is a much better way to “prompt” writing than simple script! - CP
2. Description
Show students a selection of fairly similar pictures. The students describe in writing one of
the pictures (faces work really well). They read and the other students listen and “guess”
which picture is being described. Similar to this listening activity. CP
3. Bookmaking
Provide students with a series of pictures which describe a story. I often use Action
Pictures. Students write about each picture, numbering each piece of writing for each
picture. The teacher can guide lower level students like this Mr. X’s Amazing Day example.
After editing, the students cut up the pictures and make a storybook. Gluing in the pictures,
coloring, decorating and adding their own story text. Afterwards read to the whole class or
share among the class. CP / F
4. Sequencing
Provide students with a sequence of pictures which are scrambled. The students must order
the pictures and then write out the process. Ex. Making scrambled eggs. F
Read - Write
1. Reading Journal / Reading Response
The students read a story and then respond by making a reflective journal entry.
Alternatively, the students can respond to a reading response question like, “Which
character did you like best? Why?” F
2. Rewrite
Read a short story and then give students a copy of the story with some text missing. The
students can fill it in with the correct version OR fill it in and make the story their own.
Rebus Stories
These are stories where words are replaced with icons/pictures. Students can read the story
and then write out the whole story, replacing the pictures with the correct text. Here are
some nice examples. – CP http://abcteach.com/directory/basics/rebus/
3. Opinion / Essay
Select an article or OP Ed piece that students would find interesting or controversial. After
reading and discussing, students can respond with a formal essay or piece of writing
reflecting their opinion. Read them anonymously afterwards and get the class to guess who
wrote it! F
4. Advice
Students read a problem provided by the teacher (even better, get students to provide the
problem by having them write down what they need advice on). This can often be an Ann
Landers style request for advice from a newspaper. Students write their own response,
giving advice. F
5. Running dictation
This is a lot of fun but quite noisy. Put students into groups of 3 or 4. For each group, post
on the wall around the classroom, a piece of writing (maybe a selection of text you will be
reading in your lesson). One student is appointed as the secretary. The other students must
“run” to where their piece of writing is on the wall and read it. Then run back and dictate it
to the secretary who records it. Continue until one group is finished (but check that they got
it right!). CP
Think - Write
1. Graphic Organizers
These you can make on your own by having students draw and fold blank sheets of paper
or by giving them a pre-designed one. Students write out their thoughts on a topic using the
organizer. An alphabet organizer is also an excellent activity in writing for lower level
students. Graphic organizers and mind maps are an excellent way “first step” to a longer
writing piece and are an important pre-writing activity. WUP
2. Prompts / Sentence Starters
Students are prompted to finish sentences that are half started. They can write X number of
sentences using the sentence starter. Many starters can be found online. Prompts are also an
excellent way to get students thinking and writing. Every day, students can “free write” a
passage using the daily prompt (ex. What I did this morning etc… ) Creative writing of
this sort really motivates students to write. There are many lists online you can use.
3. Thinking Games
Using a worksheet, students play the game while writing down their responses in
grammatical sentences. What the Wordle / Not Like the Other and Top 5 are some games
I’ve made and which help students begin to write. Each has a worksheet which students fill
out. CP
4. Decoding / Translating
Translating a passage into English can be a good writing activity for higher level students.
Students love their cell phones and Transl8it.com is a handy way to get students interested
in writing. Simply put in English text and Transl8it.com will output “text messaging”. Give
this to students to decode into standard English and then check against the original. Lots of
fun! See the games I’ve designed (Pop Song / Dialogues ) using this principle of decoding
text messaging. CP
5. Forms / Applications
Students need to practice writing that will be of use to them directly in the wider world.
Forms and filling in applications are a valuable way to do this. Fill in one together as a
class and then get students to do this same for themselves individually. - CP
6. Journals / Reflection / Diaries
This type of free writing activity should be done on a regular basis if used in class. Use a
timer and for X minutes, students can write upon a topic that is important to them, that day.
Alternatively, students can write at the end of the day and record their thoughts about the
lesson or their own learning. These are all excellent ways for the teacher to get to know
their students. One caution – don’t correct student writing here! Comment positively on the
student’s writing – the goal is to get them feeling good about writing and “into” it. - F
7. Tag Stories / Writing
Students love this creative exercise. Fold a blank piece of paper vertically (Hamburger
style) 4 times. You’ll have 8 lines. On the first line, students all write the same sentence
starter. Ex. A man walked into a bank and ……..
Next, students finish the sentence and then pass their paper to the student on their left/right.
That student reads the sentence and continues the story on the next line. Continue until all 8
lines are completed. Read the stories as a class – many will be hilarious! I often do this
with a “gossip” variation. I write some gossip “chunks” on the board like; “I heard that..” ,
“I was told…” “The word on the street is…” “Don’t pass it around but…”. Students choose
one and write some juicy gossip about the student to their right. They then pass their paper
to the left with everyone adding onto the gossip. Students really get into this! CP / F
8. Describe and guess
Students think of a person / a place or a thing. They write a description of them / it and they
are read out and others students guess.
Jokes and riddles are also effective for this. Students write out a joke or riddle they know
and then they are read and other students try to guess the punchline. - F
TEXT - Write
1. Sentence Chains
The teacher writes a word on the board and then students shout out words that follow using
the last letter(s). The more last letters they use, the more points they get. The teacher keeps
writing as quick as possible as the students offer up more correct words. Ex.
Give students a blank piece of paper and in pairs with one student being the secretary, they
play! This is a great game for simple spelling practice and also to get students noticing
language and how words end/begin. They can also play for points. Compound words and
phrases are acceptable! - WUP
2. Guided Writing
This is a mainstay of the writing teacher’s toolkit. Students are either given a “bank” of
words or can write/guess on their own. They fill in the missing words of a text to complete
the text. Take up together and let students read their variations. A nice adaptation to guided
writing for lower level students is for them to personalize the writing by getting them to
draw a picture for the writing passage to illustrate and fortify the meaning. CP
3. Timelines
Use a time line to describe any event. Brainstorm as a class. Then students use the key
words written on the board, to write out the time line as a narrative. Really effective and
you can teach history like this too! Biographies of individuals or even the students
themselves are a powerful writing activity and timelines are a great way to get them started.
- F
4. Notes
Students are given notes (the classic example is a shopping list but it might be a list of zoo
animals / household items etc…) and then asked to write something using all the noted
words. This usually focuses on sequence (transitions) or location (prepositions). F
5. Grammar Poems
Grammar poems are short poems about a topic that students complete using various
grammar prompts. This form of guided writing is very effective and helps students notice
various syntactical elements of the language.
Put the grammar poem on the board with blanks. Here are some examples but it could be
on any topic (country, famous person, my home, this school, etc..). Fill out as a class with
one student filling it in. Then, students copy the poem and complete with their own ideas.
Change as needed to stress different grammatical elements. And of course, afterwards
SHARE. Present some to the class and display on a bulletin board. Your students will be
proud of them!
SPEAK - Write
1. Surveys / Reports
Students have a survey question or a questionnaire. They walk around the class recording
information. After, instead of reporting to the class orally, they can write up the report
about their findings.
This can also be used with FSW (Find Someone Who) games. Students use a picture bingo
card to walk around the classroom and ask students yes/no questions. They write the
answers with a check or X and the student’s name in the box with the picture. After, they
write up a report about which student ……. / didn’t …… certain things. CP
2. Reported Speech
Do any speaking activity or set of conversation questions. Afterwards, students report back
by writing using reported speech, “ Susan told me that she ………..” and “ Brad said that
………..” etc….. CP
3. Introducing each other
Students can interview another classmate using a series of questions / key words given by
the teacher. After the interview of each other is over, students can write out a biography of
their partner and others can read them in a class booklet. - F
5. In class letter writing
Writing for a purpose is so important and nothing makes this happen better than in class
letter writing. Appoint a postman and have each student make a post office box (it could
just be a small bag hanging from their desk). The students can write each other (best to
assign certain students first) and then respond to their letter. Once it gets started, it just
keeps going and going… - F
6. Email / messaging / chat / social networking
This is an excellent way to get students speaking by writing. Set up a social networking
system or a messaging / emailing system for the students. They can communicate and chat
there using an “English only” policy. Use videos / pictures like in class – to promote
student discussion and communication. Projects online foster this kind of written
communication and using an CMS (Content Management System) like moodle or atutor or
ning can really help students write more. - F
7. Class / School English newspaper or magazine
Students can gain valuable skills by meeting and designing a school English newsletter.
Give each student a role (photographer, gossip / news / sports / editor in chief / copy
editor etc…) and see what they can do. You’ll be surprised! - F
1. Dialogues
Students can write dialogues for many every day situations and then act them out for the
class. The teacher can model the language on the board and then erase words so students
can complete by themselves and in their own words. Here’s a neat example using a
commercial as a dialogue. - CP
2. Drawing
Students draw a picture and then write a description of the picture. They hand their
description to another student who must read it and then draw the picture as they see it.
Finally, both students compare pictures! - F
3. Tableaus / Drama
Students write texts of any sort. Then the texts are read and other students must make a
tableau of the description or act out the text in some manner. For example – students can
write about their weekend. After writing, the student reads their text and other students act
it out or perform a tableau. F
4. Don’t speak / Write!
I once experimented with a class that wouldn’t speak much by putting a gag on myself and
only writing out my instructions. It worked and this technique could be used in a writing
class. Students can’t speak and are “gagged”. Give them post it notes by which to
communicate with others. There are many creative ways to use this technique! – F
I highly recommend the following two books for ideas and some general theory on how to
teach writing. Purchase them for reference.
See my own presentation as well – Teaching Reading and Writing
- Jeremy Harmer
2. Oxford Basics: Simple Writing Activites
- Jill and Charles Hadfield
This book (and series) is a gem! Jill
Hadfield knows what working EFL / ESL
teachers need and in this book there are
30 simple writing activities which
teachers can use with a wide variety of
levels and with only a chalkboard and a
piece of chalk / paper.
Very insightful and cleanly, simply written.
The author explores through example and
description, all the facets and theory behind
that “looking glass” which we call teaching. I
use this as a course text for my methodology
class for in-service teachers.
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today.
Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”
Reading is a skill that is best developed by a teacher that follows these 3 main tenets.
1. Enjoyment: Allow students to choose or choose reading material that your students
will enjoy and therefore more actively try to decode.
2. Ease: Texts should be appropriate for the student’s level. Apply the 3 finger rule. If
a student holds up 3 or more fingers for words they don’t know on a page –
toss the text!
3. Connection: Students will learn more if they are given specific strategies and
“context” or background (pictures / music / stories ) that help
them “connect” with the text. The text will have personal meaning if
they make a connection (text to text / text to self / text to the world).
These can both be accomplished through either “extensive” or “intensive” reading of
Let’s look specifically at:
a) how an intensive reading lesson can be interactive and student centered
b) how exercises can be made to deconstruct and deepen the text.
c) several basic extensive reading exercises that can be used with any text.
The Differences Between Extensive and Intensive Reading
Using a Student Reading Interest Survey
Surveying your students about their reading interests will allow you to better choose and
adapt reading materials to the student’s interests. It will also tell you which students have
a great love and interest in reading and which need to develop this vital skill more….
Let’s fill out our own Reading Interest Survey (Appendix A). After, you can get a score
out of 100 to see how much of a “bibliophile” or book lover you are. Answer honestly!
Do the same with your students!
1. Let’s Do Some Intensive Reading!
A) Pre-reading
True Stories is a leveled series of “real” stories
with interactive comprehension activities.
Let’s read one story and do the activities.
After, you will be given a story and have to make
the same activities as we just did.
So pay attention!
What are the men doing? What is so unusual about them?
What do you think this story is about?
B) Reading
3. Post Reading
Multiple Choice1
2 Finish the Sentence
3 Matching Vocabulary
4 Fill in the blanks to retell
Part 2
Now, it’s your turn to teach!
A) You and a partner will be given a handout with a story. (see Appendix C)
1. Read and understand the story. Ask the instructor for any help needed.
2. Look at the picture and write at least 2 Pre-reading questions.
3. Design 3 standard extensive reading exercises for the story, using the above examples
as a guide. Include at least 5 items in each exercise! (you’ll get a handout)
Write the answers down on a separate piece of paper titled “Answer Key”.
B) Now that you have finished, trade your exercises with another pair and complete!
You be the teacher and take up the answers with the other pair!
Part 3 More activities for Extensive Reading…….
Let’s look at some more examples and do them quickly to get a better
understanding on how we can do this in our own classrooms.
1. Reading Response: Students read the text and then respond to it either in writing or
Let’s read the story “I’ll Love you Forever” , a classic kid’s story by Robert Munsch.
After we are finished, choose one of the reading response questions (see Appendix B)
and write an answer to it. Next, in a group share your question and answer and ask others
how they would have answered the same question!
2. Pre-Reading Prediction: Students are asked to predict certain elements of the text.
3. Decoding Words: Students are given a list of words from the text and they find
the root and guess a definition.
4. Using Context Clues: Students use clues in the text to answer specific questions.
5. Looking it Up: Students look up words (in dictionaries/glossaries/thesauruses)
to decide on meaning.
6. Word Association: Students associate words with a antonym / synonym or
7. Reading for Details: Students read for basic comprehension and main details,
the 5 Ws - (Who / What / Where / When / Why).
Reading Attitude Survey:
Circle your answers quickly and honestly.
SD- Strongly Disagree
D - Disagree
U - Undecided
A - Agree
SA- Strongly Agree
1. When I have free time I more often read something rather than watch TV
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA+
2. I like to go to the bookstore or library and walk around.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
3. I like to read but literature is often too difficult and not interesting.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
4. I only read when I have to.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
5. I’d rather have my teacher tell me what I need to know than read it.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
6. I have a special spot(s) I go to read.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
7. We have a lot of reading material at home.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
8. I only read magazines and comic books.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
9. I can’t concentrate long enough to read a book.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
10. My family never read things to me when I was growing up.
- SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
Assessment: /100
Questions: 1 / 2 / 6 / 7 / - mark ascending 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Questions: 3 / 4 / 5 / 8 / 9 / 10 - mark descending 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Appendix B.
“A Book Takes You Places You Could Never Travel by Bus”
a) Which character do you like best? Describe
that character. Why do you like him/her?
b) What was “the problem” of the story? What
was done about it?
c) Re-tell the story in your own words. How
would another character re-tell the story?
d) Tell the story from the point of view of another
e) Predict. What is going to happen next?
f) What else could of happened but didn’t?
g) What things about the future would you like
answered? Pretend you can tell the future, what
is going to happen in answer to your questions?
h) If you had been _______________ what would
you have done when ______________?
i) What if ___________________ hadn’t
j) What did the story remind you of, in your own
k) Be an object in the story. Tell the story as if
you were the object and silently watched what
had happened
l) What was the main idea in the story?
m) What did you learn from the reading?
n) What parts didn’t you like? What would you
change about the story, if you were the author?
o) Would you recommend the story? Why
would you (not) recommend it?
p) What was the best / most __________ part
of the story?
q) What was the worst / most _________
part of the story?
Recommended Websites:
What is Extensive Reading? - http://www.extensivereading.net
 a lot of articles and suggestions for teachers of all types.
Extensive Reading. - http://www.robwaring.org/er/
 Robert Waring’s amazing site of resources and more for the reading teacher.
Stories Online – Hundreds of online audio stories.
Reading Websites - All the best reading websites in one spot!
Tarheel Reader – http://tarheelreader.org
 originally for special education students, this site offers online books for any
Reading Rockets - http://www.readingrockets.org/article/c440
 great articles and instruction for teachers from Colorin’ Colorado. Amazing!
Starfall - http://starfall.com
- for beginning readers with phonics instruction
Read Write Think - http://www.readwritethink.org/student_mat/index.asp
- student resources area , full of things teachers could use.
100 ESL stories - http://www.rong-chang.com/qa2/
- Lots of lower level stories with audio
Storybird – http://storybird.com
- Amazing student created stories and make your own too.
More True Stories, Sandra Heyder, Longman Publishing Group
Beginning Reading Blackline Masters, Discovery Education
WHY?: Games are fun and motivational. They increase student talk time (production).
Visuals add context to the language learning. They are quick and easy to
use. They allow for repetition and proper scaffolding of the learning.
WHERE? Flashcards are now freely available all over the internet. Just download and
print. (see the sites I’ve listed below or visit EFL Classroom’s sharing area).
Vocabulary power points can easily be printed [File – Print Preview – “x”
slides/page – Print] and cut up by students for use. If you have the time, print
an empty BINGO card and have the students draw/label their own cards! You
can also just photocopy from books then cut these pictures up.
WHICH? Use flashcards in the L2! Either without a label or with a label on the back. If
you print and they don’t have labels – get your students to label them!
WHEN? Anytime! They can be used to assess student ability/knowledge. As a review
or formative tool. As an “study” part of the lesson to practice language
in a controlled fashion. Or just as a fun, “activating” part of a lesson.
TIPS? ** Laminate your “good” card sets.
** Keep in labeled envelops or zip lock bags.
** Set up your classroom so it is easy for students to be grouped or spread out.
** Have a strict set of signs and signals to manage students.
** Model the game in front of the whole class with a few students. Go slow!
** Get students to invent their own games!
HOW? There are literally a zillion ways to use flashcards to teach. Here are a few of
them lumped into some main categories.
This is probably the most simple and repetitive type of game. There are many variations
but they are of two sorts.
a) Recall. One student shows the student(s) a flashcard and the others try to make a
sentence or simply state the name of the card. The student “teacher” checks on the back
label and if correct puts in a “correct” pile. If incorrect, it is set aside for review later.
b) Memory Story. One student picks up a card and makes a statement using some target
language. For example. “Yesterday I went shopping and bought ……..” The next student
turns up a card and continues. “Yesterday I went shopping and bought a … and a ……”
c) Concentration. There are two sets of flashcards. Either picture/picture or picture /
word. Students attempt to turn over and match from both sets. If they do so, they may
continue. The student with the most pairs at the end, wins. Here’s an online example.
d) Snap. The cards are face up on the table. The teacher says a sentence and the first
student to “snap” or slap the right card gets to keep it. The most cards at the end, wins. You
can play this full class by putting large flashcards on the board and having students run up
to the blackboard and slap the correct flashcard.
These games use some target language which the teacher models and puts in the board.
Students play the game using the flashcards and the designated language structure. Many
times, the language can be a closed question / answer (ex. Did you ….. last night? – Yes, I
did / No, I didn’t)
Some example grammar structures:
Do you like …… / Do you usually …….. / Do you have …….
Did you ……… yesterday? Have you ever ……… ? Will you …… tomorrow?
a) Go Fish. Use two sets. Students in groups of 3 or 4 ask each other questions using the
target language. If the student asked has that card, they must give it and that student
collects a pair. They may continue until they don’t collect. If a student runs out of cards,
they pick up some more cards to continue. Most pairs at the end wins.
b) Survey. Give each student a card. They survey others around the class using their
vocabulary flashcard. Ex. Have you ever…..? Report back to the group or the class using
the structure –
Some of us ………
c) Conversation prompt. There is one pile of cards in the middle. One student turns over
a card and using the flashcard as a prompt – asks another student a question. That student
responds with one sentence. The other students in the group must ask one follow up
question each.
Some example prompts:
When did you last ……? / Have you ever …….? / Do you prefer ……. Or ..........?
If someone ......... , what would you do? / What do you think about ………?
d) Find your match! Copy some flashcards in different numbers. 6 of one, 5 of one, 4
of one 3 of one etc… Give one card to each student. Using the target language on the
board, the students must go around the classroom and find other students with a similar
card. If they find a match, they link arms and continue trying to find others with a similar
card. (Ex. “ I love ……. What about you? “ “Oh, I love …… . Bye.” ) Alternatively –
students can choose their own response from the items brainstormed on the blackboard.
Have them use a post it to create their own flashcard!
e) The “You Can” Game. A person in a group turns over a flashcard. They must make a
statement/sentence using “can”. Ex. You can …….. or An / A ……. can….. Continue
around the group awarding a point for each statement.
f) Guessing Game. Create some sets of flashcards with common people / places /
things. One learner picks up a flashcard and describes it using
It is a thing that ….
It is a place where ….
It is a person who ….
The first student to correctly guess it, wins the card. Most cards when time is up, wins.
These games use flashcards to get students moving around the classroom and competing.
a) Charades. Bring a student to the front of the class. Show them a flashcard. They must
act out the object / action. The other students guess or a team guesses as many as possible
in one minute. The next team tries to beat them. Make sure they use full sentences! (ex. He
is an elephant!) . After a whole class demonstration, get students doing this in small groups.
b) Pictionary. Same as charades only this time instead of acting out the flashcard, they
must draw it. You can also have multiple teams drawing on the board – first team to guess
the correct word wins.
c) Telephone Whisper. Put your students in rows. Show the last person in the row a
flashcard. They must make a sentence with an adjective (ex. It is a huge elephant) and
whisper it to the next person. Continue until it gets to the front of the class. That student
writes the phrase on the board. If it is a the same as the flashcard – a point is awarded.
These games are for higher level students and give them an opportunity to use language in
a meaningful and fuller manner.
a) Story Dominoes. One stack of cards in the middle. A student picks up a card and
starts a story, stating one sentence. The next student picks up a card and continues the
story. And so on until the last card when the story concludes. Start again and see if the
group can recall and repeat the story!
b) Liar, Liar pants on Fire! Each student in the group gets 3 flashcards. They must
make a statement about each flashcard and their life. One must be a lie. The other students
guess which one is the lie. Ex. (for animals): I like crocodiles. / I have seen a giraffe
in real life. / I have kissed a dog . Which is the lie?
c) Making Connections. Use two sets of assorted flashcards. Spread them out into two
groups. Students must make a sentence using a flashcard from both sides. Ex. An elephant
(a) doesn’t like to swim(b). Continue until all cards are matched.
d) Not like the others. Use a set of assorted flashcards. Students turn over 4 cards and
put them face up in the middle. Students must make statements why one is different from
the others using the phrase, A/An ……. is not like the others because …….. A point
awarded for all logical answers. When students run out of statements, start with a new set
of four flashcards.
e) Discussions Students turn over a card and state their opinion about the topic of the
card. Go around the group with each student stating their opinion. Discuss.
EFLClassroom 2.0 Diigo http://quizlet.com/user/eflclassroom/
EFL Classroom 2.0: http://eflclassroom.ning.com/resources
ESLJunction http://www.esljunction.com/esl-efl-flashcards/
ESL Flashcards http://www.eslflashcards.com/
MES English http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards.php
Recommended Websites for Teaching English
Please see the full presentation of the Top 60 sites for Teaching English!
Use the ELT and TECH wiki
to get all kinds of tutorials to help you use these sites and more…
1) http://eflclassroom.ning.com EFL Classroom 2.0
- Lots of resources, games, discussion and tips to using technology in the classroom. For both
students or teachers.
2) http://englishcentral.com/teachers – English Central
Sign up as a teacher, invite students to record their voice to real videos. Keep track of their
3) http://breakingnewsenglish.com - BreakingNewsEnglish
- for higher level students or teaching teachers. Articles with exercises and listening
4) http://bogglesworldesl.com - Bogglesworld
- lesson plans, activities, for young learners and M.S. / H.S.
5) http://teachingrecipes.com - Teaching Recipes
- short and simple techniques, ideas and resources to help teachers
6) http://wordle.net / http://www.tagxedo.com - Visual Words
- Make great online word pictures to aid your teaching. Students can make/share them easily too.
7) http://acacia.pntic.mec.es/agip0002/auro/inicio.html Click N Learn
- online learning suite for older students. Free. Great practice.
8) http://www.diigo.com/list/eflclassroom - A list of MANY sites, all categorized and saved by
fellow English teachers. A treasure chest!
9) http://www.voicethread.com -- Voicethread
Create an account, put up a picture and send your students there to practice speaking and to
record messages. Really great for oral speaking practice.
10) http://voxopop.com - Voxopop
Much like Voicethread but no picture. Only a series of recordings. Ask a question and your
students can go there to reply and speak in English. Make your own class group.
11) https://plans.pbworks.com/academic - Wikis
Create a free wiki for your class and students to edit and share ideas
12) http://ietherpad.com - Collaborative writing
A class writeboard allows all students to work on a class document, add and edit and see the
changes. Teacher friendly!
13) http://weebly.com – Weebly
Quickly make a webpage for you or your students (a group of webpages). Students really can
get creative and make a page so easily!
14) http://quizlet.com - Quizlet
Quizlet allows you to make wordlists which your students can use for practice too.
15) http://tarheelreader.org – Tar Heel Reader
Make books with pictures. The site has a voice which will read them! Also download them as
powerpoint and use in class directly!
16) http://www.wallwisher.com/ – Wallwisher
Students or teachers can makepost it notes in a cool way. Share and use for collaboration,
projects, presentations or just plain fun. So easy!
17) http://real-english.com – Real English
Watch videos with subtitles, for all levels. Unique!
18) http://mes-english.com - MES English
- flashcards, worksheets for young learners
19. http://edu20.org - Edu 2.0
Create a classroom community using this amazingly simple LMS (Learning Management
System). Sign up your class and they can chat, blog, share videos and music. All free!
20. http://penzu.com – Penzu
A very attractive and simple place for students to keep an online journal or diary. They can
share with the teacher or classmates. Really easy to set up.
Recommended Websites for Teaching English (Young Learners)
1) http://eflclassroom.ning.com EFL Classroom 2.0
- Lots of resources, games, discussion and tips to using technology in the classroom. For both
students or teachers.
2) http://kindersay.com - Kindersay
- Full vocabulary suite with slideshows and audio for teacher/student use
3) http://mes-english.com - MES English
- flashcards, worksheets for young learners
4) http://bogglesworldesl.com - Bogglesworld
- lesson plans, activities, for young learners and M.S. / H.S.
5) http://www.de.mingoville.com/content/view/13/29/lang,en/ - Mingoville
- online learning suite for young learners. Free, great for practice
6) http://barryfunenglish.com Click N Learn
- online learning suite with flash games. Free.
7) http://www.voicethread.com -- Voicethread
Create an account, put up a picture and send your students there to practice speaking and to
record messages. Really great for oral speaking practice.
8) http://tarheelreader.org – Tar Heel Reader
Make books with pictures. The site has a voice which will read them! Also download
them as powerpoint and use in class directly!
9) http://supersimplesongs.com – Children’s songs
Great songs and tips for teaching them with young learners!
10) http://real-english.com – Real English
Watch videos with subtitles, for all levels. Unique!
11) http://jr.naver.com/english/list.nhn?id=dongyo&cid1=2 - Jr. Naver
Many songs, chants, stories, games for young learners (Korean based)
12) http://www.kizclub.com/ -Kiz Club
Get amazing printables and worksheets. Really easy to print and practical (Korean based)
Lessons In A Can
We have 100s of lessons here! All with materials to download and use in
the classroom. Click and go. The "level" is only what is recommended.
Most can be modified for many levels. Enjoy, happy eating!
Want the pdf ebook of all the lessons? Find it HERE!
1 BATTLESHIP - [speaking, guessing, games, verbs] LOW
WHO IS IT? / CELEBRITIES [ speaking, people, description,
questions ]
listening ]
4 3 WISHES GAME [ past possibility, game ] Intermediate INTERMEDIATE
5 MR. X'S AMAZING DAY [ writing, daily routine, habits,
verbs, video ]
6 WHERE THE HELL IS MATT - [ music, geography, nationality ] INTERMEDIATE
7 BEST FUNNY STORIES [ humor, retelling, past tense, ]
8 DO YOU BELIEVE IN? [ speaking, questioning, beliefs, pairs] ADVANCED
9 BIRTHDAY HOROSCOPE [ months, personal adjectives, tasks ] INTERMEDIATE
10 MINI-BOOK MAKING [ writing, comics, storytelling, past tense ] ALL
CLASSROOM INTERVIEWS [ speaking, role playing,
questions ]
12 POP UP CARS [ crafts, colors, camps ] LOW
13 SIGN THE ALPHABET [ alphabet, reading, vocabulary, TPR ] LOW
TV COMMERCIALS [ listening, criticalthinking, media
awareness ]
15 TRANSL8IT TEXTMESSAGES [ writing, decoding, game ] INTERMEDIATE
16 TEACHING NUMBERS [ listening, vocabulary, pairs ] INTERMEDIATE
17 BRANDS & PREFERENCES [ speaking, comparatives, game ]
WHEN WAS THE FIRST/LAST TIME…. [ speaking, survey,
WHEN WAS THE FIRST/LAST TIME…. [ speaking, survey,
past ]
humor ]
20 FINISH IT OFF! [ listening, stories ] INTERMEDIATE
LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE! [speaking, idiomatic
expressions, pairs ]
23 AT THE MOVIES [ media, posters, quizzes, presentations ] LOW
24 WHAT TIME IS IT? [ numbers, time, pairs ] LOW
25 THANK YOU GAME [speaking, expressions, task, last lesson ] INTERMEDIATE
26 THE FAMILY [ family tree, vocabulary, getting to know students ] LOW
CONVERSATION STARTERS [ interviews, questions,
prompts ]
28 PUBLIC SPEAKING [ speaking, skills, presenting ]
29 WHO ARE YOU? [ quizzes, pairs, questions ] INTERMEDIATE
30 SCHOOL IS¦.. [ adjectives, stating “why―, because, pairs ] INTERMEDIATE
31 THE TOP 5! [ vocabulary, ppt, game ] ALL
32 ALPHABET SIGNING [ alphabet, TPR, vocabulary ] LOW
PRESENT GIVING [ speaking, X-mas, saying thank you,
vocabulary, task ]
34 MR. BEAN [ speaking, pairs, video, verbs ] VIDEOS LOW
. N.Y. TIMES LESSON OF THE DAY[ current events, human
36 LAST ONE STANDING [ listening, music, vocabulary, game ] ALL
37 THE 3 SENTENCE ACTIVITY[ speaking, grammar, game ] ALL
38 ANGEL VS DEVIL [ speaking, comparatives, transitions ] INTERMEDIATE
39 BAAM GAMES [ vocabulary, review, quizzes, game ] ALL
40 ZIP ZAP GAMES [ vocabulary, word association, game ] ALL
cooperative learning,criticalthinking, comparing ]
INTRODUCING THE TEACHER [ question making, groups,
first lessons, assessment ]
GET TO KNOW YOUR STUDENTS [ guessing, questions,
pairs ]
44 MAKE A DIFFERENCE [ song, story, criticalthinking ]
45 WHERE YOU FROM? [ geography, nationality, flags, countries ]
46 BINGO GAME LESSON PLAN [ speaking, vocabulary,
game ]
LESSON IDEAS PEOPLE [ song, adjectives, grammar, have/has
got ]
BREAKING NEWS ENGLISH [ listening, current events, news,
exercises ]
49 WHAT'S YOUR JOB? [ vocabulary, jobs, careers, listening ] LOW
50 STORYBOOK MAKING [ writing, past tense, comics,
reading ]
DIGITAL STORYTELLING [ technology, reading, pictures,
writing ]
52 SURVEYS AND QUIZZES I [ speaking, tasks, grammar ] LOW
SURVEYS AND QUIZZES II [ speaking, reading, personality
adj., quizzes ]
54 PLAYS THE LITTLE MOLE [ plays, listening, reading, animals ] INTERMEDIATE
55 WEBQUESTS [ technology, internet, task, computers ]
56 WHITEBOARD SOCCER [ vocabulary, game, trivia,
questions, test ]
JUST A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER I [ drawing, vocabulary,
creativity ]
58 JUST A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER – II [ introductions,
personal information, questions ]
JUST A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER III [ family, speaking,
relationships ]
prepositions, homes ]
$100 LAPTOP [ listening, current events, technology, exercises,
vocab. ]
. IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD! [ song, music, vocabulary,
brainstorming ]
vocabulary, listening ]
TEACHING TEACHERS [ question making, prof. development,
skills ]
surveys, conversation ]
? MAKING - WALKAROUNDS [ speaking, tasks,66 ? MAKING - WALKAROUNDS [ speaking, tasks,
vocabulary ]
? MAKING - PHOTOS RESPONSE [ questions, vocabulary,
game ]
? MAKING - THE 5WS [ current events, speaking, news, video,
listening ]
69 ? MAKING - TIC-TAC-TOE [ questions, game, grammar ] INTERMEDIATE
70 ? MAKING - BATTLESHIP [ game, vocabulary, questions ] LOW
71 GAMES 4 REVIEWING TENSES [ games, grammar, tenses,
questions ]
72 TRAVEL TALK [ conversation, retelling, past tense, holidays ]
73 NOSY NEIGHBORS [ speaking, vocabulary, verbs, game ] LOW
74 LET'S TALK! [ speaking, vocabulary, game, conversation ]
DEBATE IN THE EFL CLASSROOM [ debate, criticalthinking,
problem solving ]
76 GUESSING ABOUT CLASSMATES [ classmates, questions,
game ]
CULTURE SPECIFIC TEACHING [ vocabulary, grammar,
poetry, expression ]
78 GOOD NEWS / BAD NEWS [ speaking, idioms ]
79 PICTIONARY [ speaking, technology, drawing, crafts, game ] ALL
80 INFORMATION GAP [ speaking, idea, tasks, communication ] ALL
81 ASK THE TEACHER [ speaking, game, interview, introductions ]
82 HOW MUCH IS IT? [ game, numbers, shopping, prices ] ALL
COOPERATIVE LEARNING [ criticalthinking, group work,
tasks ]
CELL PHONE SCRAMBLE [ technology, dialogue, writing,
game ]
85 THE POWER OF PREDICTION [ reading, future tense, stories ] ALL
brainstorming ]
87 CLOTHING [ vocabulary, categorizing, description ] LOW
CLASS GIFT GIVING [ vocabulary, thanking, task, Christmas,
because ]
89 CARD MAKING [ Christmas, crafts, thanking, drawing ] ALL
90 COOTIE CATCHER [ craft, game, vocabulary ] ALL90 COOTIE CATCHER [ craft, game, vocabulary ] ALL
GET MORE HERE! Also visit "Teaching Recipes"
91 NFB SHORT VIDEOS [ video, description, stories,
vocabulary ]
NEW YEAR Resolutions [ future tense, resolutions, agreement,
song ]
93 SIGNS [ modals, song, vocabulary, commands ] INTERMEDIATE
EXERCISE AND TREADMILLS [ video, music, current events
reading, vocabulary ]
95 Current Events [ current events, news, reading ]
96 RUNNING DICTATION [ writing, reading, game, korea ] ALL
97 FIND SOMEONE WHO [ speaking, task, questions, game ] ALL
98 CLOZE ACTIVITIES [ speaking, listening, vocabulary ] ALL
99 BACKDOOR [ description, tenses, video, Mr. Bean ] ALL
100 USING FLASHCARDS [ vocabulary, game, task, pictures ] ALL
101 2 Way Tasks - Pair Work [ speaking, pairs, communicative,
tasks ]
102 Listening Activities Galore! [ listening, tasks, audio ] ALL
103 Reading Response [ reading, writing, predicting, creative
thinking ]
104 The Class of 2010 [ listening, video, current events] Adv.
World Cup Country Project [ reading, writing, geography,
presentation ]
106 Music Appreciation [ listening, opinion ] Int.
107 Summer Vacation [ writing, past tense ] Low
108 Opinion Survey [ conversation, feelings, adverbs ] Low Intermediate
109 Be an Inventor [ vocab, video, project ] Intermediate
110 Describe and Draw [ there is / there are, prepositions ] Low Intermediate
111 Zoo Making & Animal Talk [ animals, prepositions, here/there ] Low
Hoping the use of this book does

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  • 1. A 4 Skills Teacher Resource Booklet  Ready to go multimedia resources  Activities / Teaching recipes  Best websites directory A Buffet of Teaching Recipes! by David Deubelbeiss
  • 2. About the Author David Deubelbeiss is an educator presently living in North Bay, Ontario. He has traveled and taught around the world. A “working man’s teacher”, he espouses the philosophy of “When one teaches, two learn.”Find out more about him through his google profile. About this book This book represents much of the practical knowledge of teaching that I developed over 20 years. Teaching EFL and ESL in different environments as well as teacher training. More than just written ideas, you’ll find hundreds of multimedia links ready to be used by you and your students in class – tools, resources, applications, games, worksheets etc…. I’ve tried to keep it practical and let this book be a quick way that a teacher can get to the “gold” that is out there. The purchase of this book helps support a new model of textbook delivery – teachers helping teachers. It is supported by a large professional development community and an author that will respond to your needs. Your purchase supports all the activities to support practicing teachers through EFL Classsroom 2.0. Thanks in advance, enjoy the teaching and learning, David Deubelbeiss © 2010 by I’m Press ISBN: 0743357954 Printed in the whole wide world
  • 3. Table of Contents Speaking and Questioning Question Types | Effective Techniques | Video Review and Advice | Activities | Question Sheet | Speaking Test | Questioning Schematic 4 Listening Activities Warm Ups | Listen and Draw | Listen – React - Do | Listen - Correct | Listen – Answer | Listen and Retell | Recommended Listening Websites 17 Writing Activities Introduction | Listen and Write | Watch and Write | Look and Write | Read and Write | Think and Write | Text and Write | Speak and Write | Write and Do | Recommended Books | Recommended Writing Websites 29 Reading Activities Introduction | Extensive vs Intensive | Student Reading Inventory | Intensive Reading Example Reading Response Questions | More Examples | Recommended Reading Websites 43 Flashcard Activities FAQ questions | Tips | Memory games | Grammar | Action Games | Open Ended Games Resources and Recommended Websites . 61 Top Websites Citations to support the book and additional online sites / resources that are recommended for Adults and Young Learners. 66 110 Lessons in a Can All 110 full Lessons in a handy directory with tons of downloadables and printables for every lesson. Praised by teachers the world over! 71 Page
  • 4. Speaking Activities and the Art of Questioning Developing the art of questioning can be as simple as practicing. It is with practice that we gain competence and “pattern” the process. Look at the question types below. For each one, give an additional example. The art of questioning students is the foundation of all good teaching practice. It provides for both assessment and student growth (learning) and is the core of the scientific method and how we learn. Yet, teachers spend comparably little time learning how to ask questions or make questions which lead to good teaching. Moreover, many teachers spend little time developing this fundamental skill in their students. You can’t have “real” communication without questions yet so many students gain English competence in this – too far along their learning curve to benefit. This book addresses both aspects of questioning. Part 1 – How to deliver questions as a teacher? Assessing students through questions. Part 2 - Activities to promote speaking and question making skills in our students.
  • 5. Recalling - Who, what, when, where, how _______? Identifying Errors - What is wrong with _______? Comparing - How is similar to/different from_______? Inferring - What might we infer from _______? What conclusions might be drawn from _______? Identifying Attributes and Components - What are the characteristics/parts of _______? Predicting - What might happen if _______? Classifying - How might we organize into categories_______? Elaborating - What ideas/details can you add to _______? Give an example of _______. Ordering - Arrange into sequence according to _______? Summarizing - Can you summarize _______? Establishing Criteria - What criteria would you use to judge/evaluate _______? Identifying Relationships and Patterns - Develop an outline/diagram/web of _______? Identifying Main Ideas - What is wrong with _______? What conclusions might be drawn from_______? Verifying - What evidence supports _______? How might we prove/confirm _______? Representing - In what other ways might we show/illustrate _______?
  • 6. Techniques of Effective Questioning 1. Establish an appropriate environment. Only certain questions should be posed in front of students; “bedside” (beginning) questions should focus principally on knowledge and recall and to a lesser extent on comprehension. 2. Create a climate conducive to learning. A happy facial expression, nod, or verbal acknowledgement of a correct response encourages other students to participate in the discussion. Pose questions in a non- threatening way and receive answers in a supportive fashion. A harsh tone, especially when used to interrupt a response from the student, can be devastating for both the student and his or her peers. 3. Prepare the students for the questioning session and discussion. Explain to students the format, expectations, and how this knowledge will help them. 4. Use both pre-planned and emerging questions. Pre-planned questions are those incorporated into the teaching plan that are asked during the teaching session to introduce new concepts, focus the discussion on certain items, steer the discussion in specific directions, or identify student knowledge / level on the topic. Emerging questions derive from the discussion itself and the specific answers given to previous questions. Think quickly and act decisively to phrase these questions accurately and pose them at appropriate times in the discussion. 5. Use an appropriate variety and mix of questions. One good strategy is to start with convergent questions and then continue with divergent questions, perhaps asking questions in hierarchical sequence and building from the recall of facts to higher levels of thinking and problem-solving. If a question requiring a higher level thinking skill blocks the student, go down to a question requiring lower-level thinking skills and then work up the hierarchy. 6. Avoid trick questions and those that require only a YES or NO response. Trick questions should be avoided, as they frustrate students and tend to encourage frivolous responses. YES or NO questions encourage students to respond without fully understanding or thinking through the issue. When used, such questions should be followed by other questions to determine the thinking process of the student. 7. Phrase the questions carefully, concisely, and clearly. Improper phrasing and the use of multiple questions related to the same topic may result in unintentional cueing (guessing) and inability to accurately assess
  • 7. 8. Address questions to the group, versus the individual. Pose the question to the entire group and wait before identifying a student to respond. The wait time encourages all students to think about the response, as they do not know who is going to be called upon to answer the question. Select students at random to answer questions, as it tends to keep everyone attentive and involved. 9. Select both volunteers and non-volunteers to answer questions. 10. Adapt questions to the needs of the learners. Assess the students’ needs and tailor questions to maximize the number of correct answers while moving toward more and more difficult questions. Remember, no two groups of students will be alike or at the same level. 11. Use sufficient wait time. The teacher can significantly enhance the analytic and problem-solving skills of students by allowing sufficient wait times before responding, both after posing a question and after the answer is given. This allows everyone to think about not only the question but also the response provided by the student. Three to five seconds in most cases; longer in some, maybe up to 10 seconds for higher-order questions. 12. Respond to answers given by students. Listen carefully to the answers given by students; do not interrupt students while they are responding to questions unless they are straying far off course, are totally unfocused, or are being disruptive. Acknowledge correct answers and provide positive reinforcement. Do not use sarcasm, reprimands, accusations, and personal attacks. Repeat answers only when the other students have not heard the answers; other repeats waste time. Keep questioning until the learning objectives for the session have been achieved; this may be the best opportunity to teach a particular concept. Handle incomplete answers by reinforcing what is correct and then asking probing questions. 13. Use questions to identify learning objectives for follow-up self-study. Pose questions towards the end of the teaching session to identify specific areas for additional learning opportunities that students can pursue on their own time. Adapted from: The office of curriculum development, University of Alberta http://www.uab.edu/uasomume/cdm/
  • 8. Let’s watch this video from Teacher.tv What do the experts say about questioning? Complete the statements below. 1. The main purpose of asking questions is to find out ________________________________________________. 2. The teacher has to help the students _________________. 3. “What do you think?” is a kind of ____________________ question. 4. What are the Teaching Strategies discussed. A) ____________________________________________ B) _____________________________________________ C) _____________________________________________ D) _____________________________________________ E) _____________________________________________ F) ______________________________________________
  • 9. Questions give students confidence and let them express their learning and communicate. Questions should be taught either explicitly or through practice at an early stage of student English acquisition. Classroom’s which are “quiet” and where there is little student interaction in English are often due to the students not being able to engage in “dialogue”. Why? Because they don’t know how to phrase the questions quickly and correctly. Activity 1: IntervIews! Interviews are a fundamental way of getting students to ask / make questions. The simplest way is get them to write down the questions they’d like to ask a partner/friend. Role playing is even better. Give students a role play card and using the card, they ask each other questions about their “friend” to find out information. Start with a whole class interview and then have the students interview in pairs. If you really want to get “digital”, have your students interview Alice the “bot” and then copy and paste/print the interview and bring to class. They can then practice the interview in class for others! Activity 2: what dId you say? In 3s, one student reads out a sentence, leaving out a word. The other students then ask the follow up question. Example: A) I went to )*&)**_*( this weekend. B) Excuse me but, where did he go this weekend? C) He went to Alaska this weekend.
  • 10. Activity 3: Photo and word PromPts? In 3s, students are shown photos (either on a big screen or with flash cards). They make a question each about the photo. The Question Making Schematic can be used to help students. Find many slideshows here. Activity 4: Class walkarounds – Post It! This activity is meant to get students on their feet and speaking. Give students some post it notes. On one Post it note, they write something about themselves. Example, “I love potato chips!” Students then “post it” on themselves and walk around the class. They ask each other questions about the post it. After one question, they change to another person. Example: A) What kind of potato chips do you like? B) I really like sour crème and onion! (I hate mornings). A) What time did you get up today? B) I got up at 6:30 am ! [change partners] This activity can even be “larger” by having students write questions on their post it notes. Students walk around the class asking other students and “posting” the note on them. After the walkaround, students return to their seat and with a partner, use the post its to interview a partner. A) What are they playing? B) They are playing soccer. Who is playing? C) I think France is playing Brazil. Why are they playing? A) Maybe it’s the World Cup?
  • 11. Activity 5: Class walkarounds – surveys / FInd someone who! Surveys and “find someone who” activities are excellent at getting students asking questions. Give each student an index card. Ask them to choose one question to ask the class on your given topic. Use “prompt” words on the board to help students. (see Appendix 2). Students walk around the class asking students and compiling the results on their index card under YES Maybe No. Students after the activity, report back Activity 6: lIstenIng – the 5 ws! Play any short clip or news report. Even a short story. Ask the students to list the “reporters” 5ws on a piece of paper. Who _______________________________________________ What _______________________________________________ Where ______________________________________________ When _______________________________________________ Why ________________________________________________ This activity can also be done for any reading/text in the textbook. It is invaluable to get the students themselves forming the comprehension questions for your class readings. This should be your goal – get them to TEACH THEMSELVES!
  • 12. Activity 7: 20 questIons / what Is It?! These games are popular and any guessing game with objects is great. See www.20q.net for a computer version. Your students will be amazed! Also for celebrities and famous people – see http://en.akinator.com/# Activity 8: Baam – ask the teaCher! Baam is a great game with lots of interaction. Students choose a number and try to avoid BAAM. The “Ask the Teacher” game gets the students asking the teacher (or another student) and helps them practice basic personal questions. Activity 9: sPIn the questIon! Use the “Spin the Question” power point when you need a little “chance” in your activity. Students spin and then must make a question with the chosen question word. Lots of fun!
  • 13. Let’s get Personal Do you believe in ________________? Are you very ___________? Have you ever ______________? Can you _______________? Who do you _____________? Where did you ______________? What is your best _______________? Do you think _______________? Who is your favorite ________________? Why are you _________________? What are your _______________? What if you ______________? Do you have ________________? What did you last _______________? Are you going to ________________? Did you ever _________________? Why can’t _______________? What about your ________________? Do you like to _________________? How did you _______________? What is your favorite _________________?
  • 14. Speaking / Listening “Quick” Evaluation Student Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________ Basic Preliminary Questions: [ Ask the student’s name, birth date, spelling, time, likes ] Level _____ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Listen carefully to the questions the teacher will ask. Respond in full sentences. Ask “Could you repeat the question, please?”, if you don’t understand. 1. How many bicycles do you see? ______ 2. Is the weather nice? ______ 3. Where are the people? ______ 4. When did they go to the park? ______ 5. Were you at the park yesterday? _______ 6. What do you think the mother will do when she gets home? ______ 7. What does the sign say? ______ 8. Are the people obeying the law? _______ 9. If you had the time, would you go to the park today? Why (not)? _____ 10. If you had been there, what would you have done? ______ 11. Name 9 things that you see. ______ ___________________ ______________________ ________________ ___________________ ______________________ ________________ ___________________ ______________________ ________________ < 5 Beginner >5 and < 7 Intermediate >7 Advanced Use your preliminary assessment to lower/increase the student’s level.
  • 17. INTENSIVE LISTENING CLASSROOM STRATEGIES THAT WORK! Listening is a skill that many teachers overlook when teaching students. It is as important as speaking (communication is a two way street – there is both a sender, “speaker” and a receiver, “listener” ). It should be explicitly taught and developed. The following activities require very little preparation and extra material but are very beneficial and interesting to students. In Part 1, we will cover 6 main areas: 1. Warm Up Activities 2. Listen - Draw 3. Listen - React 4. Listen - Correct 5. Listen - Answer 6. Listen - Retell We will do several activities modeling each type of listening exercise. In Part II, you will be given a sample lesson and with a partner, present / share the lesson. 1. Listening Warm-Ups A) Last One Standing. Listening for specific words. Chose your favorite word from this box and write it on in big letters on a large piece of paper. Now, listen to the song. When you hear your word, stand up. If you hear it again, sit down. Last one standing wins! Love million dollars had buy Monkey pet store car would
  • 18. B) Categories The teacher will give your group a category. Continue saying one thing from the category. Listen carefully! If you repeat someone’s word, you are out of the game. You have 5 seconds to reply. Each time you say a word in the category, collect a piece of paper (or use toothpicks ). The most pieces of paper at the end wins! C) Blablabla Listen to the teacher and ask “Excuse me, what did you say?” The teacher will reply with the right answer. Now it’s your turn! Make sentences using the examples below (or your own). Find out what they said by replying with ….. Who/What/Where/How/When/Which_____did you _______? D) Telephone Game Put students into lines or rows. Whisper a sentence into the first student’s ear (make sure you write it down on paper!). That student then whispers what they heard to the next student and so on. The final student in line runs to the board and writes the sentence on the board. The closest to the original sentence wins. [ to make this even crazier, start a sentence at both ends of the line ] 2. Listen and Draw A) Draw the Picture. The teacher has a picture in her/his hand. The student’s draw the picture as described. They compare with other students afterwards and check their drawing against the teacher’s. (see Appendix 2A ) Next, the students do the same as the teacher, in a small group or in pairs. Listen and Draw. I love _____! I didn’t ______ today. I prefer ______ to apples. ____ hit me! I have been to ______! I ate lunch at ______! I often ________! I can’t ____!
  • 19. B) Draw the teacher’s apartment! Listen carefully as the teacher describes their apartment. Draw in as much detail as possible. Check by drawing the teacher’s apartment on the board. X C) Describe the location and draw Students are given 2 grids with pictures in different places. They have to describe their grid and explain where each item is located. (see Appendix 2C ). 3. Listen and React / Do A) Describe and Do The teacher describes a process “how to ______” and the students act this out. Afterwards, students can listen to an actual video (like how to play “rock, paper, scissors” ) that demonstrates what the teacher told them. Then, give students a task card. They must tell their partner what to do! Make a fried egg, bake a cake, play ____ , do a magic trick , Tie a tie, dial a telephone number, get to …., make _______, Address a letter, open a computer program, draw a ________.
  • 20. B ) Listen and re-enact the dialogue Play students a simple dialogue several times. Ask them to try and role play the dialogue. Review for the correct answers and students write the dialogue down. The students practice the real dialogue to finish. C) Do as I command This is a simple variation of “Simon Says”. A student or a teacher, commands the students to do or perform an action saying, “Act like ……..!” The students must react. Repeat in pairs or small groups. 4. Listen and Correct A) Read and react. The teacher reads out a prepared script (student text). The students react by knocking or coughing when they hear a mistake! (See appendix 4A). B) Note the differences. Each student has a handout which is slightly different. One is correct, the other incorrect. The student with the incorrect version reads out their script. As they read the passage, the other student must stop and say – “No, no, no, that’s wrong! It should say _______. Correct together as a class. (see appendix 4B) 5. Listen and Answer A) The 5 Ws Play a short audio story or news report. As the students afterwards to note the 5Ws (Who / What / Where / When / Why ). Let them be the reporter! B) Quizzes Play a short audio passage and then have the student respond and answer several comprehension questions. Another great idea is to have them write the questions also, to quiz their classmates! C) Prediction Find a good audio story. Students listen to the audio story and when the teacher pauses it, they guess – “What will happen next?” This really keeps them listening and engaged in the learning!
  • 21. D) Cloze / Language Gap The student have a passage with some words missing. They listen (repeat as often as necessary) and then check their answers when the audio is played again. Can be used very well with karaoke. E) Dictation The teacher puts on the board some information (and covers it so the students can’t see it). The students listen to the teacher dictate and they record the information. The teacher then reveals the correct answers and the students check. (see appendix 5E – I feel like a Number). 6. Listen and Re-tell / Finish A) Finish it Off! The teacher tells the students a story, with gestures. The students must listen to the story carefully and either A) answer a question at the end or B) finish the story off. Correct answers get a prize. Works well with jokes / funny stories / riddles. (See appendix 6A) B) Story retelling Students in different rooms listen to a different story. They return and tell each other the story they heard.
  • 22. APPENDIX 2.A 2.C Where is it? Student A
  • 23. Student B 4A Listen to this story and knock when you hear a mistake. The Four Pigs Once up a time, long ago, there were four pigs. One day the father pig told them they had to leave the house and go build their own house. So out they went. The first pig came to a man selling chocolate. He bought the chocolate and built his house. That afternoon, a big bad wolf came and knocked on his door. The wolf said, “Open up or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your apartment down!” The little pig didn’t open the door but ran away. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the little pig’s apartment down. The second pig was walking and saw a man selling sticks. He bought the sticks and built a car. That afternoon, the big bad wolf came and knocked on the door saying, “Open up or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your car down!” The little pig didn’t open the door but walked away. The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the little pig’s car down. The third pig saw a man selling bricks. He bought the bricks and built his house. The next morning, the big bad wolf came and didn’t knock. He said, “Open up or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll eat your house down!” The little pig didn’t open the door. The wolf huffed and puffed but couldn’t blow the pig’s house down! So he climbed on the roof and went up the chimney. However, the pig was cooking and he fell into a huge pot and was cooked for dinner. The start.
  • 24. 4. B Read and Listen for Differences Partner A Partner A Reads Aloud Tigers are large carnivores of the dog family. They live in the forests of Asia. Their yellow-orange fur has many purple stripes. Males may reach 3 meters in length and weigh 290 kilograms. Tigers usually live alone. They can swim well, but cannot climb well. Tigers usually hunt at noon. Many species of tigers are endangered because people kill them to make medicines from their body parts and jackets from their fur. Habitat destruction has also endangered them. Baby tigers are called cubs. The average tiger lives sixty years Partner A Reads Silently Lions are large carnivores of the cat family. They mostly live in the grassy plains of Africa. The Roman lion used to live in many parts of Asia, but it is now endangered because of hunting and over fishing. The male lion usually has a long, thick mane and may reach 2.7 meters in length and weigh 180 kilograms. Lions sometimes live in large groups of up to 30 lions. Adult lions are called cubs. The average lion lives fifteen years. Partner B Partner B Reads Silently Tigers are large carnivores of the cat family. They live in the forests of Europe. Their yellow-orange fur has many black stripes. Males may reach 4 meters in length and weigh 290 kilograms. Tigers usually live alone. They can swim well, but cannot climb well. Tigers usually hunt at night. Many species of tigers are endangered because people kill them to make medicines from their body parts and jackets from their bones. Habitat destruction has also endangered them. Baby tigers are called cubs. The average tiger lives sixteen years. Partner A Reads Aloud Lions are large herbivores of the cat family. They mostly live in the grassy plains of South America. The Asiatic lion used to live in many parts of Asia, but it is now endangered because of hunting and habitat destruction. The male lion usually has a long, thick mane and may reach 2.7 meters in length and weigh 1,800 kilograms. Lions sometimes live in large groups of up to 30 lions. Baby lions are called cubs. The average lion lives fifty years.
  • 25. 5. E I FEEL LIKE A NUMBER: A 1. My telephone number is 010 2296 3235 2. The temperature is 21 C 3. The question and answer is that 4+6=10 4. The USA became independent on July 14th , 1777 5. The shirt cost $ 12.99 6. Japan has a population of 160,000,000 people. 7. He drove 90 km/hour for 6 hours. So he drove 540 km. 8. 1/2 of 1% of people are blind. 9. The room measured 6m X 3m or 18m 10. The serial number is X349AP21007 11. I am 99.999 % sure. ______________________________________________________________________ I FEEL LIKE A NUMBER: B 1. Call me at +1 (705) 563-2933 at 7:05 pm 2. The sale price is 3 for $9,99!!!!! 3. Our teacher was born Sept. 8th , 1962 4. The lowest temperature ever recorded is -72F 5. 10% of 1,000,000,000 is 100,000,000 6. The invoice number is AB/4309/STY3 7. The speed limit is 50kph on city residential streets. 8. 1/10th of all people are left handed. 9. The odds of rolling 6, 6 are 1:36 10. The answer to pi is 3.145689 11. He got 85% on the exam and was in the 100th percentile.
  • 26. 6A Tell your students the following story, more or less as is. They must answer the question at the end to get a prize (let’s say, class is finished early :) “ Listen carefully class. I’m going to tell you a story. You must listen carefully and answer one question at the end. You can take notes if that will help you. If you answer correctly, you will get a prize. Ready?” “Okay, you are driving a bus. The bus is empty. The bus driver stops at a bus stop and onto the bus gets a big man. He says, “Hi Bus Driver, My name is Bill. Nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you too”, replies the bus driver. The big man goes to the back of the bus and sits down. The bus driver continues driving. The bus driver stops at the next stop. Two young boys jump onto the bus. The one young boy says, “Hi there! This is my brother Bobby and I’m Danny.” The two boys sit in the middle of the bus on the left. The bus driver continues driving. At the next stop, a pregnant woman slowly climbs onto the bus. She stops and the bus driver asks her, “Hi, can I ask what you are going to name the baby?” The pregnant woman says, “Her name’s going to be Britney, ‘cause I love Britney Spears!” The pregnant lady sits right behind the bus driver. The bus driver stops at the final bus stop. Slowly, a very old woman gets on the bus. She says to the bus driver, “Hi there sonny, thanks for coming!”. The old lady sits right behind the pregnant woman. The bus driver continues driving. The end.” Now please answer my question. What was the name of the bus driver? Raise your hand if you know. Answer: YOU. YOUR NAME. I said, “you are driving the bus”!
  • 27. WEBSITES FOR LISTENING PRACTICE / MATERIAL The Internet offers a “big helping hand” to all teachers. Here’s a list of sites I find that are free and excellent resources for the classroom teacher or the student for self-study. 1. http://www.diigo.com/list/eflclassroom/listening-and-pronunciation -- All the best websites about and for listening. 2. Listening Practice! > Click and Play! - EFL CLASSROOM 2.0 – EFL Classroom 2.0 An international community of teachers sharing resources. Go to Study – Listening. Also use the Audio + page (see the site map). 3. http://breakingnewsenglish.com - Breaking News English For higher level learners and teachers. News stories with listening and complete lessons. 4. http://www.elllo.org/ - Ello English Language Listening Laboratory Lots of games, articles and instant feedback while students listen. 5. http://www.esl-lab.com/ – Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab Plenty of stories, videos with quizzes for listening practice. 6. http://voicethread.com - Voicethread Using a picture, students can record their own response and listen to what others said. Revolutionary! 7. http://www.voxopop.com/ - Voxopop A teacher can post up a question or start a discussion and students can record and listen to other’s responses. 8. http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset.html - Phonetics The complete sounds of English shown with articulation. For students with listening and phonemic awareness difficulties.
  • 28. 9. http://accent.gmu.edu/browse_language.php - Speech Accent Archive Archive of speakers of other languages from around the world, speaking in English. Authentic Listening Sites (besides Youtube): 1. http://woices.com/ - Woices Look on a map and locate people who have made audio recordings. Students can then make their own recordings for the location where they are. 2. http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/1-in-8-million/index.html - 1 in 8 million New York Times photo voice essays of many people in New York. 3. http://interviewproject.davidlynch.com/www/#/all-episodes/ - Interview Project David Lynch traveled across America and this is what he came up with. 4. http://archive.onedayonearth.org/index.php/videos - One Day On Earth archive On 10/10/10 people around the world recorded video. This is the result. All on a handy map. 5. http://www.6milliardsdautres.org/index.php - 6 billion others Also on youtube, these videos have translations and represent people around the world speaking about “human” topics. Yann Arthus Bertrand special.
  • 29. WRITING ACTIVITIES “Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted.” -- Jules Renard “ideas to get your student’s pencils moving” Writing is and isn’t an easy thing to do in the classroom. Especially nowadays when students don’t have long attention spans and are more and more “digital” and visual learners. However, it is a vital skill that opens up a world of possibilities for any student. Written communication in whatever language, even with the advent of the internet, is still a necessity. Writing allows communication, controlled and deliberate – POWERFUL, communication. So we have to get our students writing more and better. How? Below, find a rundown of what I consider the “standard” writing activities for any age group. Just change the topic/theme. Most are for any classroom, EFL / ESL or the regular classroom. My belief is that writing in English is writing in English. Whether it be a second language or first makes no difference because the “eating” is all the same. I’ve divided the activities into different categories. These are just for the sake of having some kind of organization. I’ve also labeled them
  • 30. WUP – for a warm up writing activity and something to do quickly. CP – Controlled practice. Writing activities that help the beginning writer and offer support, repetition and guidance. F – Free writing activities which activate student learning and allow them to practice what they already know and “test the waters” so to speak. Where appropriate, I’ve linked to some resources that compliment the writing activity as described. Listen - Write 1. Dictation There are many ways to “spice” up the standard dictation. The simplest is to have the students fold a blank piece of paper “hamburger” style (Up/down) 4 times. Unfold and they have a nice 8 line piece of paper. Speak 8 sentences , repeating each several times as the students write. Get the students to record their answers on the board and correct. Collect and keep in a portfolio! There are many online sites where students can do the same but in a computer lab or at home. Or the teacher can even try in the classroom. http://www.listen-and-write.com/audio - for older students http://www.learner.org/interactives/spelling/ - for young learners - CP 2. Story Rewriting The teacher reads a story or the class listens to an audio story. After, students make a story board (just fold a blank page so you have 8 squares) and draw pictures. Then, they write the
  • 31. story based on those pictures. Very simple and powerful! - F 3. Visualization The students close their eyes and the teacher describes a scene. Play some nice background music. The students then write and describe the scene they imagined, sharing their scene afterwards with the class or a classmate. - F 4. Pop Song Rewrite Play a familiar pop song. One with a “catchy” chorus. Afterwards, write out the chorus on the board with some of the words missing. Students can then rewrite the chorus and sing their own version. Higher level students can simply write their own version without help. Here’s a very simple example – He’s got the whole world in his hands He’s got ___________ and ___________ In his hands. (3x) He’s got the whole world in his hands - CP Watch Write 1. Commercials. Students watch a TV Commercial. Then, they write their own script based on that commercial but focused on a different product. Afterwards, they can perform. F 2. Short videos. Just like a story but this time students watch. Then, they can rewrite / respond / reflect. Students can choose to reflect on one standard Reading Response question or as part of a
  • 32. daily journal. Ex. The best part was ….. / If I had made the video, I would have …… Short videos are powerful and if well chosen can really get students writing in a reflective manner. CP / F How to Videos Students can watch a short “How to” video that describes a process. There are some excellent sites with User Generated Content. Expert Village and eHow are recommended. After the students watch the video several times, they can write out the steps using transitions which the teacher lists on the board. [First, first off, To begin, then, after that, next, most importantly, finally, last but not least, to finish ] CP / F 3. Newscasts / Weather reports Watch the daily news or weather report. Students write in groups or individually, their own version of the news for that week/day. Then perform for the class like a real news report! F 4. Travel Videos Watch a few travel videos (there are many nice, short travel “postcard” videos online). Groups of students select a place and write up a report or a poster outlining why others should visit their city/country. Alternately, give students a postcard and have them write to another student in the classroom as if they were in that city/country. For lower leveled students, provide them with a template and they just fill in the details. Ex.
  • 33. Hi…….. I’m sitting in a ………… drinking a …………... I’ve been in ……. for ………. days now. The weather has been ……………. Yesterday I visited the ………….. and I saw …………….. Today, I’m going to ………………. I highly recommend ……………….. See you when I get home ………………… Best, …………………………. - CP / F Look - Write 1. Pictures / Slideshows Visuals are a powerful way to provide context and background for any writing. Make sure to use attractive, stimulating and if possible “real” photos to prompt student writing. Students can describe a scene or they can describe a series of pictures from a slideshow. An excellent activity is to show a nice photo and get students to “guess” and write their guess in the form of the 5Ws. They answer all the 5w questions and then share their thoughts with the class. Show a picture and get students to write a story or use it as background for a writing prompt. For example, Show a picture of a happy lottery winner. Ask students to write in their journal – If I won a million dollars I would …… This is a much better way to “prompt” writing than simple script! - CP 2. Description Show students a selection of fairly similar pictures. The students describe in writing one of the pictures (faces work really well). They read and the other students listen and “guess” which picture is being described. Similar to this listening activity. CP http://eflclassroom.com/rave/Listening%20Quiz/Animals.swf
  • 34. 3. Bookmaking Provide students with a series of pictures which describe a story. I often use Action Pictures. Students write about each picture, numbering each piece of writing for each picture. The teacher can guide lower level students like this Mr. X’s Amazing Day example. After editing, the students cut up the pictures and make a storybook. Gluing in the pictures, coloring, decorating and adding their own story text. Afterwards read to the whole class or share among the class. CP / F 4. Sequencing Provide students with a sequence of pictures which are scrambled. The students must order the pictures and then write out the process. Ex. Making scrambled eggs. F Read - Write 1. Reading Journal / Reading Response The students read a story and then respond by making a reflective journal entry. Alternatively, the students can respond to a reading response question like, “Which character did you like best? Why?” F 2. Rewrite Read a short story and then give students a copy of the story with some text missing. The students can fill it in with the correct version OR fill it in and make the story their own. Rebus Stories These are stories where words are replaced with icons/pictures. Students can read the story and then write out the whole story, replacing the pictures with the correct text. Here are some nice examples. – CP http://abcteach.com/directory/basics/rebus/
  • 35. 3. Opinion / Essay Select an article or OP Ed piece that students would find interesting or controversial. After reading and discussing, students can respond with a formal essay or piece of writing reflecting their opinion. Read them anonymously afterwards and get the class to guess who wrote it! F 4. Advice Students read a problem provided by the teacher (even better, get students to provide the problem by having them write down what they need advice on). This can often be an Ann Landers style request for advice from a newspaper. Students write their own response, giving advice. F 5. Running dictation This is a lot of fun but quite noisy. Put students into groups of 3 or 4. For each group, post on the wall around the classroom, a piece of writing (maybe a selection of text you will be reading in your lesson). One student is appointed as the secretary. The other students must “run” to where their piece of writing is on the wall and read it. Then run back and dictate it to the secretary who records it. Continue until one group is finished (but check that they got it right!). CP Think - Write 1. Graphic Organizers These you can make on your own by having students draw and fold blank sheets of paper or by giving them a pre-designed one. Students write out their thoughts on a topic using the organizer. An alphabet organizer is also an excellent activity in writing for lower level students. Graphic organizers and mind maps are an excellent way “first step” to a longer writing piece and are an important pre-writing activity. WUP
  • 36. 2. Prompts / Sentence Starters Students are prompted to finish sentences that are half started. They can write X number of sentences using the sentence starter. Many starters can be found online. Prompts are also an excellent way to get students thinking and writing. Every day, students can “free write” a passage using the daily prompt (ex. What I did this morning etc… ) Creative writing of this sort really motivates students to write. There are many lists online you can use. - WUP 3. Thinking Games Using a worksheet, students play the game while writing down their responses in grammatical sentences. What the Wordle / Not Like the Other and Top 5 are some games I’ve made and which help students begin to write. Each has a worksheet which students fill out. CP 4. Decoding / Translating Translating a passage into English can be a good writing activity for higher level students. Students love their cell phones and Transl8it.com is a handy way to get students interested in writing. Simply put in English text and Transl8it.com will output “text messaging”. Give this to students to decode into standard English and then check against the original. Lots of fun! See the games I’ve designed (Pop Song / Dialogues ) using this principle of decoding text messaging. CP 5. Forms / Applications Students need to practice writing that will be of use to them directly in the wider world. Forms and filling in applications are a valuable way to do this. Fill in one together as a class and then get students to do this same for themselves individually. - CP 6. Journals / Reflection / Diaries This type of free writing activity should be done on a regular basis if used in class. Use a timer and for X minutes, students can write upon a topic that is important to them, that day.
  • 37. Alternatively, students can write at the end of the day and record their thoughts about the lesson or their own learning. These are all excellent ways for the teacher to get to know their students. One caution – don’t correct student writing here! Comment positively on the student’s writing – the goal is to get them feeling good about writing and “into” it. - F 7. Tag Stories / Writing Students love this creative exercise. Fold a blank piece of paper vertically (Hamburger style) 4 times. You’ll have 8 lines. On the first line, students all write the same sentence starter. Ex. A man walked into a bank and …….. Next, students finish the sentence and then pass their paper to the student on their left/right. That student reads the sentence and continues the story on the next line. Continue until all 8 lines are completed. Read the stories as a class – many will be hilarious! I often do this with a “gossip” variation. I write some gossip “chunks” on the board like; “I heard that..” , “I was told…” “The word on the street is…” “Don’t pass it around but…”. Students choose one and write some juicy gossip about the student to their right. They then pass their paper to the left with everyone adding onto the gossip. Students really get into this! CP / F 8. Describe and guess Students think of a person / a place or a thing. They write a description of them / it and they are read out and others students guess. Jokes and riddles are also effective for this. Students write out a joke or riddle they know and then they are read and other students try to guess the punchline. - F TEXT - Write 1. Sentence Chains The teacher writes a word on the board and then students shout out words that follow using the last letter(s). The more last letters they use, the more points they get. The teacher keeps writing as quick as possible as the students offer up more correct words. Ex. Smilengthosentencementality….. Give students a blank piece of paper and in pairs with one student being the secretary, they play! This is a great game for simple spelling practice and also to get students noticing
  • 38. language and how words end/begin. They can also play for points. Compound words and phrases are acceptable! - WUP 2. Guided Writing This is a mainstay of the writing teacher’s toolkit. Students are either given a “bank” of words or can write/guess on their own. They fill in the missing words of a text to complete the text. Take up together and let students read their variations. A nice adaptation to guided writing for lower level students is for them to personalize the writing by getting them to draw a picture for the writing passage to illustrate and fortify the meaning. CP 3. Timelines Use a time line to describe any event. Brainstorm as a class. Then students use the key words written on the board, to write out the time line as a narrative. Really effective and you can teach history like this too! Biographies of individuals or even the students themselves are a powerful writing activity and timelines are a great way to get them started. - F 4. Notes Students are given notes (the classic example is a shopping list but it might be a list of zoo animals / household items etc…) and then asked to write something using all the noted words. This usually focuses on sequence (transitions) or location (prepositions). F 5. Grammar Poems Grammar poems are short poems about a topic that students complete using various grammar prompts. This form of guided writing is very effective and helps students notice various syntactical elements of the language. Put the grammar poem on the board with blanks. Here are some examples but it could be on any topic (country, famous person, my home, this school, etc..). Fill out as a class with one student filling it in. Then, students copy the poem and complete with their own ideas. Change as needed to stress different grammatical elements. And of course, afterwards SHARE. Present some to the class and display on a bulletin board. Your students will be proud of them!
  • 39. SPEAK - Write 1. Surveys / Reports Students have a survey question or a questionnaire. They walk around the class recording information. After, instead of reporting to the class orally, they can write up the report about their findings. This can also be used with FSW (Find Someone Who) games. Students use a picture bingo card to walk around the classroom and ask students yes/no questions. They write the answers with a check or X and the student’s name in the box with the picture. After, they write up a report about which student ……. / didn’t …… certain things. CP 2. Reported Speech Do any speaking activity or set of conversation questions. Afterwards, students report back by writing using reported speech, “ Susan told me that she ………..” and “ Brad said that ………..” etc….. CP 3. Introducing each other Students can interview another classmate using a series of questions / key words given by the teacher. After the interview of each other is over, students can write out a biography of their partner and others can read them in a class booklet. - F 5. In class letter writing Writing for a purpose is so important and nothing makes this happen better than in class letter writing. Appoint a postman and have each student make a post office box (it could just be a small bag hanging from their desk). The students can write each other (best to assign certain students first) and then respond to their letter. Once it gets started, it just keeps going and going… - F 6. Email / messaging / chat / social networking
  • 40. This is an excellent way to get students speaking by writing. Set up a social networking system or a messaging / emailing system for the students. They can communicate and chat there using an “English only” policy. Use videos / pictures like in class – to promote student discussion and communication. Projects online foster this kind of written communication and using an CMS (Content Management System) like moodle or atutor or ning can really help students write more. - F 7. Class / School English newspaper or magazine Students can gain valuable skills by meeting and designing a school English newsletter. Give each student a role (photographer, gossip / news / sports / editor in chief / copy editor etc…) and see what they can do. You’ll be surprised! - F WRITE - Do 1. Dialogues Students can write dialogues for many every day situations and then act them out for the class. The teacher can model the language on the board and then erase words so students can complete by themselves and in their own words. Here’s a neat example using a commercial as a dialogue. - CP 2. Drawing Students draw a picture and then write a description of the picture. They hand their description to another student who must read it and then draw the picture as they see it. Finally, both students compare pictures! - F 3. Tableaus / Drama Students write texts of any sort. Then the texts are read and other students must make a tableau of the description or act out the text in some manner. For example – students can
  • 41. write about their weekend. After writing, the student reads their text and other students act it out or perform a tableau. F 4. Don’t speak / Write! I once experimented with a class that wouldn’t speak much by putting a gag on myself and only writing out my instructions. It worked and this technique could be used in a writing class. Students can’t speak and are “gagged”. Give them post it notes by which to communicate with others. There are many creative ways to use this technique! – F
  • 42. RECOMMENDED BOOKS 4 TEACHERS I highly recommend the following two books for ideas and some general theory on how to teach writing. Purchase them for reference. See my own presentation as well – Teaching Reading and Writing 1. HOW TO TEACH WRITING - Jeremy Harmer 2. Oxford Basics: Simple Writing Activites - Jill and Charles Hadfield This book (and series) is a gem! Jill Hadfield knows what working EFL / ESL teachers need and in this book there are 30 simple writing activities which teachers can use with a wide variety of levels and with only a chalkboard and a piece of chalk / paper. Very insightful and cleanly, simply written. The author explores through example and description, all the facets and theory behind that “looking glass” which we call teaching. I use this as a course text for my methodology class for in-service teachers.
  • 43. INTENSIVE READING USING TEXT TO FOSTER LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime” Reading is a skill that is best developed by a teacher that follows these 3 main tenets. 1. Enjoyment: Allow students to choose or choose reading material that your students will enjoy and therefore more actively try to decode. 2. Ease: Texts should be appropriate for the student’s level. Apply the 3 finger rule. If a student holds up 3 or more fingers for words they don’t know on a page – toss the text! 3. Connection: Students will learn more if they are given specific strategies and “context” or background (pictures / music / stories ) that help them “connect” with the text. The text will have personal meaning if they make a connection (text to text / text to self / text to the world). These can both be accomplished through either “extensive” or “intensive” reading of texts. Let’s look specifically at: a) how an intensive reading lesson can be interactive and student centered b) how exercises can be made to deconstruct and deepen the text. c) several basic extensive reading exercises that can be used with any text.
  • 44. The Differences Between Extensive and Intensive Reading Using a Student Reading Interest Survey Surveying your students about their reading interests will allow you to better choose and adapt reading materials to the student’s interests. It will also tell you which students have a great love and interest in reading and which need to develop this vital skill more…. Let’s fill out our own Reading Interest Survey (Appendix A). After, you can get a score out of 100 to see how much of a “bibliophile” or book lover you are. Answer honestly! Do the same with your students!
  • 45. 1. Let’s Do Some Intensive Reading! A) Pre-reading True Stories is a leveled series of “real” stories with interactive comprehension activities. Let’s read one story and do the activities. After, you will be given a story and have to make the same activities as we just did. So pay attention! What are the men doing? What is so unusual about them? What do you think this story is about?
  • 46. B) Reading 3. Post Reading Multiple Choice1
  • 47. 2 Finish the Sentence 3 Matching Vocabulary
  • 48. 4 Fill in the blanks to retell Writing5
  • 49. Part 2 Now, it’s your turn to teach! A) You and a partner will be given a handout with a story. (see Appendix C) 1. Read and understand the story. Ask the instructor for any help needed. 2. Look at the picture and write at least 2 Pre-reading questions. 3. Design 3 standard extensive reading exercises for the story, using the above examples as a guide. Include at least 5 items in each exercise! (you’ll get a handout) Write the answers down on a separate piece of paper titled “Answer Key”. B) Now that you have finished, trade your exercises with another pair and complete! You be the teacher and take up the answers with the other pair! Part 3 More activities for Extensive Reading……. Let’s look at some more examples and do them quickly to get a better understanding on how we can do this in our own classrooms. 1. Reading Response: Students read the text and then respond to it either in writing or orally. Let’s read the story “I’ll Love you Forever” , a classic kid’s story by Robert Munsch. After we are finished, choose one of the reading response questions (see Appendix B) and write an answer to it. Next, in a group share your question and answer and ask others how they would have answered the same question! 2. Pre-Reading Prediction: Students are asked to predict certain elements of the text. 3. Decoding Words: Students are given a list of words from the text and they find the root and guess a definition. 4. Using Context Clues: Students use clues in the text to answer specific questions. 5. Looking it Up: Students look up words (in dictionaries/glossaries/thesauruses) to decide on meaning. 6. Word Association: Students associate words with a antonym / synonym or homophone. 7. Reading for Details: Students read for basic comprehension and main details, the 5 Ws - (Who / What / Where / When / Why).
  • 50. APPENDIX A. Reading Attitude Survey: Circle your answers quickly and honestly. SD- Strongly Disagree D - Disagree U - Undecided A - Agree SA- Strongly Agree 1. When I have free time I more often read something rather than watch TV - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA+ 2. I like to go to the bookstore or library and walk around. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + 3. I like to read but literature is often too difficult and not interesting. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + 4. I only read when I have to. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + 5. I’d rather have my teacher tell me what I need to know than read it. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + 6. I have a special spot(s) I go to read. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + 7. We have a lot of reading material at home. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + 8. I only read magazines and comic books. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA +
  • 51. 9. I can’t concentrate long enough to read a book. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + 10. My family never read things to me when I was growing up. - SD ------------- D -------------- U --------------- A --------------- SA + Assessment: /100 Questions: 1 / 2 / 6 / 7 / - mark ascending 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Questions: 3 / 4 / 5 / 8 / 9 / 10 - mark descending 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
  • 52. Appendix B. READING RESPONSE QUESTIONS “A Book Takes You Places You Could Never Travel by Bus” a) Which character do you like best? Describe that character. Why do you like him/her? b) What was “the problem” of the story? What was done about it? c) Re-tell the story in your own words. How would another character re-tell the story? d) Tell the story from the point of view of another character. e) Predict. What is going to happen next? f) What else could of happened but didn’t? g) What things about the future would you like answered? Pretend you can tell the future, what is going to happen in answer to your questions? h) If you had been _______________ what would you have done when ______________?
  • 53. i) What if ___________________ hadn’t ______________________? j) What did the story remind you of, in your own life? k) Be an object in the story. Tell the story as if you were the object and silently watched what had happened l) What was the main idea in the story? m) What did you learn from the reading? n) What parts didn’t you like? What would you change about the story, if you were the author? o) Would you recommend the story? Why would you (not) recommend it? p) What was the best / most __________ part of the story? q) What was the worst / most _________ part of the story?
  • 54. C. 1
  • 55. 2
  • 56. 3
  • 57. 4
  • 58. 5
  • 59. 6
  • 60. Recommended Websites: What is Extensive Reading? - http://www.extensivereading.net  a lot of articles and suggestions for teachers of all types. Extensive Reading. - http://www.robwaring.org/er/  Robert Waring’s amazing site of resources and more for the reading teacher. Stories Online – Hundreds of online audio stories. http://eflclassroom.ning.com/page/page/show?id=826870%3APage%3A14773 Reading Websites - All the best reading websites in one spot! http://www.diigo.com/list/eflclassroom/reading-and-stories Tarheel Reader – http://tarheelreader.org  originally for special education students, this site offers online books for any topic! Reading Rockets - http://www.readingrockets.org/article/c440  great articles and instruction for teachers from Colorin’ Colorado. Amazing! Starfall - http://starfall.com - for beginning readers with phonics instruction Read Write Think - http://www.readwritethink.org/student_mat/index.asp - student resources area , full of things teachers could use. 100 ESL stories - http://www.rong-chang.com/qa2/ - Lots of lower level stories with audio Storybird – http://storybird.com - Amazing student created stories and make your own too. References More True Stories, Sandra Heyder, Longman Publishing Group Beginning Reading Blackline Masters, Discovery Education
  • 61. USING FLASHCARDS TO TEACH LANGUAGES WHY?: Games are fun and motivational. They increase student talk time (production). Visuals add context to the language learning. They are quick and easy to use. They allow for repetition and proper scaffolding of the learning. WHERE? Flashcards are now freely available all over the internet. Just download and print. (see the sites I’ve listed below or visit EFL Classroom’s sharing area). Vocabulary power points can easily be printed [File – Print Preview – “x” slides/page – Print] and cut up by students for use. If you have the time, print an empty BINGO card and have the students draw/label their own cards! You can also just photocopy from books then cut these pictures up. WHICH? Use flashcards in the L2! Either without a label or with a label on the back. If you print and they don’t have labels – get your students to label them! WHEN? Anytime! They can be used to assess student ability/knowledge. As a review or formative tool. As an “study” part of the lesson to practice language in a controlled fashion. Or just as a fun, “activating” part of a lesson.
  • 62. TIPS? ** Laminate your “good” card sets. ** Keep in labeled envelops or zip lock bags. ** Set up your classroom so it is easy for students to be grouped or spread out. ** Have a strict set of signs and signals to manage students. ** Model the game in front of the whole class with a few students. Go slow! ** Get students to invent their own games! HOW? There are literally a zillion ways to use flashcards to teach. Here are a few of them lumped into some main categories. 1. MEMORY This is probably the most simple and repetitive type of game. There are many variations but they are of two sorts. a) Recall. One student shows the student(s) a flashcard and the others try to make a sentence or simply state the name of the card. The student “teacher” checks on the back label and if correct puts in a “correct” pile. If incorrect, it is set aside for review later. b) Memory Story. One student picks up a card and makes a statement using some target language. For example. “Yesterday I went shopping and bought ……..” The next student turns up a card and continues. “Yesterday I went shopping and bought a … and a ……” c) Concentration. There are two sets of flashcards. Either picture/picture or picture / word. Students attempt to turn over and match from both sets. If they do so, they may continue. The student with the most pairs at the end, wins. Here’s an online example. http://tiny.cc/MZwhY d) Snap. The cards are face up on the table. The teacher says a sentence and the first student to “snap” or slap the right card gets to keep it. The most cards at the end, wins. You can play this full class by putting large flashcards on the board and having students run up to the blackboard and slap the correct flashcard.
  • 63. 2. GRAMMAR These games use some target language which the teacher models and puts in the board. Students play the game using the flashcards and the designated language structure. Many times, the language can be a closed question / answer (ex. Did you ….. last night? – Yes, I did / No, I didn’t) Some example grammar structures: Do you like …… / Do you usually …….. / Do you have ……. Did you ……… yesterday? Have you ever ……… ? Will you …… tomorrow? a) Go Fish. Use two sets. Students in groups of 3 or 4 ask each other questions using the target language. If the student asked has that card, they must give it and that student collects a pair. They may continue until they don’t collect. If a student runs out of cards, they pick up some more cards to continue. Most pairs at the end wins. b) Survey. Give each student a card. They survey others around the class using their vocabulary flashcard. Ex. Have you ever…..? Report back to the group or the class using the structure – All Most Some of us ……… Few None c) Conversation prompt. There is one pile of cards in the middle. One student turns over a card and using the flashcard as a prompt – asks another student a question. That student responds with one sentence. The other students in the group must ask one follow up question each. Some example prompts: When did you last ……? / Have you ever …….? / Do you prefer ……. Or ..........? If someone ......... , what would you do? / What do you think about ………? d) Find your match! Copy some flashcards in different numbers. 6 of one, 5 of one, 4 of one 3 of one etc… Give one card to each student. Using the target language on the board, the students must go around the classroom and find other students with a similar card. If they find a match, they link arms and continue trying to find others with a similar card. (Ex. “ I love ……. What about you? “ “Oh, I love …… . Bye.” ) Alternatively –
  • 64. students can choose their own response from the items brainstormed on the blackboard. Have them use a post it to create their own flashcard! e) The “You Can” Game. A person in a group turns over a flashcard. They must make a statement/sentence using “can”. Ex. You can …….. or An / A ……. can….. Continue around the group awarding a point for each statement. f) Guessing Game. Create some sets of flashcards with common people / places / things. One learner picks up a flashcard and describes it using It is a thing that …. It is a place where …. It is a person who …. The first student to correctly guess it, wins the card. Most cards when time is up, wins. 3. CLASSROOM ACTION GAMES These games use flashcards to get students moving around the classroom and competing. a) Charades. Bring a student to the front of the class. Show them a flashcard. They must act out the object / action. The other students guess or a team guesses as many as possible in one minute. The next team tries to beat them. Make sure they use full sentences! (ex. He is an elephant!) . After a whole class demonstration, get students doing this in small groups. b) Pictionary. Same as charades only this time instead of acting out the flashcard, they must draw it. You can also have multiple teams drawing on the board – first team to guess the correct word wins. c) Telephone Whisper. Put your students in rows. Show the last person in the row a flashcard. They must make a sentence with an adjective (ex. It is a huge elephant) and whisper it to the next person. Continue until it gets to the front of the class. That student writes the phrase on the board. If it is a the same as the flashcard – a point is awarded. 4. OPEN ENDED GAMES These games are for higher level students and give them an opportunity to use language in a meaningful and fuller manner. a) Story Dominoes. One stack of cards in the middle. A student picks up a card and starts a story, stating one sentence. The next student picks up a card and continues the
  • 65. story. And so on until the last card when the story concludes. Start again and see if the group can recall and repeat the story! b) Liar, Liar pants on Fire! Each student in the group gets 3 flashcards. They must make a statement about each flashcard and their life. One must be a lie. The other students guess which one is the lie. Ex. (for animals): I like crocodiles. / I have seen a giraffe in real life. / I have kissed a dog . Which is the lie? c) Making Connections. Use two sets of assorted flashcards. Spread them out into two groups. Students must make a sentence using a flashcard from both sides. Ex. An elephant (a) doesn’t like to swim(b). Continue until all cards are matched. d) Not like the others. Use a set of assorted flashcards. Students turn over 4 cards and put them face up in the middle. Students must make statements why one is different from the others using the phrase, A/An ……. is not like the others because …….. A point awarded for all logical answers. When students run out of statements, start with a new set of four flashcards. e) Discussions Students turn over a card and state their opinion about the topic of the card. Go around the group with each student stating their opinion. Discuss. WEB BASED FLASHCARD RESOURCES EFLClassroom 2.0 Diigo http://quizlet.com/user/eflclassroom/ EFL Classroom 2.0: http://eflclassroom.ning.com/resources ESLJunction http://www.esljunction.com/esl-efl-flashcards/ ESL Flashcards http://www.eslflashcards.com/ MES English http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards.php
  • 66. Recommended Websites for Teaching English Please see the full presentation of the Top 60 sites for Teaching English! Use the ELT and TECH wiki to get all kinds of tutorials to help you use these sites and more… 1) http://eflclassroom.ning.com EFL Classroom 2.0 - Lots of resources, games, discussion and tips to using technology in the classroom. For both students or teachers.
  • 67. 2) http://englishcentral.com/teachers – English Central Sign up as a teacher, invite students to record their voice to real videos. Keep track of their progress! 3) http://breakingnewsenglish.com - BreakingNewsEnglish - for higher level students or teaching teachers. Articles with exercises and listening 4) http://bogglesworldesl.com - Bogglesworld - lesson plans, activities, for young learners and M.S. / H.S. 5) http://teachingrecipes.com - Teaching Recipes - short and simple techniques, ideas and resources to help teachers 6) http://wordle.net / http://www.tagxedo.com - Visual Words - Make great online word pictures to aid your teaching. Students can make/share them easily too. 7) http://acacia.pntic.mec.es/agip0002/auro/inicio.html Click N Learn - online learning suite for older students. Free. Great practice. 8) http://www.diigo.com/list/eflclassroom - A list of MANY sites, all categorized and saved by fellow English teachers. A treasure chest! 9) http://www.voicethread.com -- Voicethread Create an account, put up a picture and send your students there to practice speaking and to record messages. Really great for oral speaking practice. 10) http://voxopop.com - Voxopop Much like Voicethread but no picture. Only a series of recordings. Ask a question and your students can go there to reply and speak in English. Make your own class group. 11) https://plans.pbworks.com/academic - Wikis Create a free wiki for your class and students to edit and share ideas 12) http://ietherpad.com - Collaborative writing A class writeboard allows all students to work on a class document, add and edit and see the changes. Teacher friendly!
  • 68. 13) http://weebly.com – Weebly Quickly make a webpage for you or your students (a group of webpages). Students really can get creative and make a page so easily! 14) http://quizlet.com - Quizlet Quizlet allows you to make wordlists which your students can use for practice too. 15) http://tarheelreader.org – Tar Heel Reader Make books with pictures. The site has a voice which will read them! Also download them as powerpoint and use in class directly! 16) http://www.wallwisher.com/ – Wallwisher Students or teachers can makepost it notes in a cool way. Share and use for collaboration, projects, presentations or just plain fun. So easy! 17) http://real-english.com – Real English Watch videos with subtitles, for all levels. Unique! 18) http://mes-english.com - MES English - flashcards, worksheets for young learners 19. http://edu20.org - Edu 2.0 Create a classroom community using this amazingly simple LMS (Learning Management System). Sign up your class and they can chat, blog, share videos and music. All free! 20. http://penzu.com – Penzu A very attractive and simple place for students to keep an online journal or diary. They can share with the teacher or classmates. Really easy to set up.
  • 69. Recommended Websites for Teaching English (Young Learners) 1) http://eflclassroom.ning.com EFL Classroom 2.0 - Lots of resources, games, discussion and tips to using technology in the classroom. For both students or teachers. 2) http://kindersay.com - Kindersay - Full vocabulary suite with slideshows and audio for teacher/student use 3) http://mes-english.com - MES English - flashcards, worksheets for young learners 4) http://bogglesworldesl.com - Bogglesworld - lesson plans, activities, for young learners and M.S. / H.S. 5) http://www.de.mingoville.com/content/view/13/29/lang,en/ - Mingoville - online learning suite for young learners. Free, great for practice 6) http://barryfunenglish.com Click N Learn - online learning suite with flash games. Free. 7) http://www.voicethread.com -- Voicethread Create an account, put up a picture and send your students there to practice speaking and to record messages. Really great for oral speaking practice. 8) http://tarheelreader.org – Tar Heel Reader Make books with pictures. The site has a voice which will read them! Also download them as powerpoint and use in class directly! 9) http://supersimplesongs.com – Children’s songs Great songs and tips for teaching them with young learners! 10) http://real-english.com – Real English Watch videos with subtitles, for all levels. Unique!
  • 70. 11) http://jr.naver.com/english/list.nhn?id=dongyo&cid1=2 - Jr. Naver Many songs, chants, stories, games for young learners (Korean based) 12) http://www.kizclub.com/ -Kiz Club Get amazing printables and worksheets. Really easy to print and practical (Korean based)
  • 71. Lessons In A Can We have 100s of lessons here! All with materials to download and use in the classroom. Click and go. The "level" is only what is recommended. Most can be modified for many levels. Enjoy, happy eating! Want the pdf ebook of all the lessons? Find it HERE! LESSONS IN A CAN No. LESSON DESCRIPTION LEVEL 1 BATTLESHIP - [speaking, guessing, games, verbs] LOW 2 WHO IS IT? / CELEBRITIES [ speaking, people, description, questions ] LOW 3 READ ALOUD GUESS THE DIFFERENCES [ reading, listening ] INTERMEDIATE 4 3 WISHES GAME [ past possibility, game ] Intermediate INTERMEDIATE 5 MR. X'S AMAZING DAY [ writing, daily routine, habits, verbs, video ] LOW 6 WHERE THE HELL IS MATT - [ music, geography, nationality ] INTERMEDIATE 7 BEST FUNNY STORIES [ humor, retelling, past tense, ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 8 DO YOU BELIEVE IN? [ speaking, questioning, beliefs, pairs] ADVANCED 9 BIRTHDAY HOROSCOPE [ months, personal adjectives, tasks ] INTERMEDIATE 10 MINI-BOOK MAKING [ writing, comics, storytelling, past tense ] ALL 11 CLASSROOM INTERVIEWS [ speaking, role playing, questions ] LOW 12 POP UP CARS [ crafts, colors, camps ] LOW 13 SIGN THE ALPHABET [ alphabet, reading, vocabulary, TPR ] LOW 14 TV COMMERCIALS [ listening, criticalthinking, media awareness ] INTERMEDIATE 15 TRANSL8IT TEXTMESSAGES [ writing, decoding, game ] INTERMEDIATE 16 TEACHING NUMBERS [ listening, vocabulary, pairs ] INTERMEDIATE 17 BRANDS & PREFERENCES [ speaking, comparatives, game ] LOW INTERMEDIATE WHEN WAS THE FIRST/LAST TIME…. [ speaking, survey, 18 WHEN WAS THE FIRST/LAST TIME…. [ speaking, survey, past ] Low
  • 72. 19 I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE [ writing, idioms, humor ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 20 FINISH IT OFF! [ listening, stories ] INTERMEDIATE 21 LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE! [speaking, idiomatic expressions, pairs ] INTERMEDIATE 22 HORRIBLE, STUPID, FUNNY JOKES. [ humor, questions ] INTERMEDIATE 23 AT THE MOVIES [ media, posters, quizzes, presentations ] LOW 24 WHAT TIME IS IT? [ numbers, time, pairs ] LOW 25 THANK YOU GAME [speaking, expressions, task, last lesson ] INTERMEDIATE 26 THE FAMILY [ family tree, vocabulary, getting to know students ] LOW 27 CONVERSATION STARTERS [ interviews, questions, prompts ] ALL 28 PUBLIC SPEAKING [ speaking, skills, presenting ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 29 WHO ARE YOU? [ quizzes, pairs, questions ] INTERMEDIATE 30 SCHOOL IS¦.. [ adjectives, stating “why―, because, pairs ] INTERMEDIATE 31 THE TOP 5! [ vocabulary, ppt, game ] ALL 32 ALPHABET SIGNING [ alphabet, TPR, vocabulary ] LOW 33 PRESENT GIVING [ speaking, X-mas, saying thank you, vocabulary, task ] LOW 34 MR. BEAN [ speaking, pairs, video, verbs ] VIDEOS LOW 35 . N.Y. TIMES LESSON OF THE DAY[ current events, human interest ALL 36 LAST ONE STANDING [ listening, music, vocabulary, game ] ALL 37 THE 3 SENTENCE ACTIVITY[ speaking, grammar, game ] ALL 38 ANGEL VS DEVIL [ speaking, comparatives, transitions ] INTERMEDIATE 39 BAAM GAMES [ vocabulary, review, quizzes, game ] ALL 40 ZIP ZAP GAMES [ vocabulary, word association, game ] ALL 41 ONE OF THESE THINGS IS LIKE THE OTHER [ speaking, cooperative learning,criticalthinking, comparing ] LOW 42 INTRODUCING THE TEACHER [ question making, groups, first lessons, assessment ] ALL 43 GET TO KNOW YOUR STUDENTS [ guessing, questions, pairs ] INTERMEDIATE 44 MAKE A DIFFERENCE [ song, story, criticalthinking ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE LOW 45 WHERE YOU FROM? [ geography, nationality, flags, countries ] LOW INTERMEDIATE
  • 73. 46 BINGO GAME LESSON PLAN [ speaking, vocabulary, game ] LOW 47 LESSON IDEAS PEOPLE [ song, adjectives, grammar, have/has got ] LOW 48 BREAKING NEWS ENGLISH [ listening, current events, news, exercises ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 49 WHAT'S YOUR JOB? [ vocabulary, jobs, careers, listening ] LOW 50 STORYBOOK MAKING [ writing, past tense, comics, reading ] LOW 51 DIGITAL STORYTELLING [ technology, reading, pictures, writing ] INTERMEDIATE 52 SURVEYS AND QUIZZES I [ speaking, tasks, grammar ] LOW 53 SURVEYS AND QUIZZES II [ speaking, reading, personality adj., quizzes ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 54 PLAYS THE LITTLE MOLE [ plays, listening, reading, animals ] INTERMEDIATE 55 WEBQUESTS [ technology, internet, task, computers ] LOW INTERMEDIATE 56 WHITEBOARD SOCCER [ vocabulary, game, trivia, questions, test ] ALL 57 JUST A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER I [ drawing, vocabulary, creativity ] ALL 58 JUST A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER – II [ introductions, personal information, questions ] ALL 59 JUST A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER III [ family, speaking, relationships ] ALL 60 . JUST A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER IV [questions, prepositions, homes ] ALL 61 $100 LAPTOP [ listening, current events, technology, exercises, vocab. ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 62 . IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD! [ song, music, vocabulary, brainstorming ] INTERMEDIATE 63 HOMONYMS AND HOMOGRAPHS [ pronunciation, vocabulary, listening ] ADVANCED 64 TEACHING TEACHERS [ question making, prof. development, skills ] ADVANCED 65 ? MAKING – GETTING TO KNOW YOU [questions, surveys, conversation ] LOW ? MAKING - WALKAROUNDS [ speaking, tasks,66 ? MAKING - WALKAROUNDS [ speaking, tasks, vocabulary ] LOW
  • 74. 67 ? MAKING - PHOTOS RESPONSE [ questions, vocabulary, game ] INTERMEDIATE 68 ? MAKING - THE 5WS [ current events, speaking, news, video, listening ] INTERMEDIATE 69 ? MAKING - TIC-TAC-TOE [ questions, game, grammar ] INTERMEDIATE 70 ? MAKING - BATTLESHIP [ game, vocabulary, questions ] LOW 71 GAMES 4 REVIEWING TENSES [ games, grammar, tenses, questions ] LOW 72 TRAVEL TALK [ conversation, retelling, past tense, holidays ] LOW INTERMEDIATE 73 NOSY NEIGHBORS [ speaking, vocabulary, verbs, game ] LOW 74 LET'S TALK! [ speaking, vocabulary, game, conversation ] LOW INTERMEDIATE 75 DEBATE IN THE EFL CLASSROOM [ debate, criticalthinking, problem solving ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 76 GUESSING ABOUT CLASSMATES [ classmates, questions, game ] INTERMEDIATE 77 CULTURE SPECIFIC TEACHING [ vocabulary, grammar, poetry, expression ] INTERMEDIATE 78 GOOD NEWS / BAD NEWS [ speaking, idioms ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 79 PICTIONARY [ speaking, technology, drawing, crafts, game ] ALL 80 INFORMATION GAP [ speaking, idea, tasks, communication ] ALL 81 ASK THE TEACHER [ speaking, game, interview, introductions ] LOW INTERMEDIATE 82 HOW MUCH IS IT? [ game, numbers, shopping, prices ] ALL 83 COOPERATIVE LEARNING [ criticalthinking, group work, tasks ] INTERMEDIATE 84 CELL PHONE SCRAMBLE [ technology, dialogue, writing, game ] INTERMEDIATE 85 THE POWER OF PREDICTION [ reading, future tense, stories ] ALL 86 JEOPARDY BRAINSTORMING [ game, questions, brainstorming ] ALL 87 CLOTHING [ vocabulary, categorizing, description ] LOW 88 CLASS GIFT GIVING [ vocabulary, thanking, task, Christmas, because ] INTERMEDIATE 89 CARD MAKING [ Christmas, crafts, thanking, drawing ] ALL 90 COOTIE CATCHER [ craft, game, vocabulary ] ALL90 COOTIE CATCHER [ craft, game, vocabulary ] ALL
  • 75. GET MORE HERE! Also visit "Teaching Recipes" 91 NFB SHORT VIDEOS [ video, description, stories, vocabulary ] LOW INTERMEDIATE 92 NEW YEAR Resolutions [ future tense, resolutions, agreement, song ] INTERMEIDATE 93 SIGNS [ modals, song, vocabulary, commands ] INTERMEDIATE 94 EXERCISE AND TREADMILLS [ video, music, current events reading, vocabulary ] INTERMEDIATE 95 Current Events [ current events, news, reading ] HIGH INTERMEDIATE 96 RUNNING DICTATION [ writing, reading, game, korea ] ALL 97 FIND SOMEONE WHO [ speaking, task, questions, game ] ALL 98 CLOZE ACTIVITIES [ speaking, listening, vocabulary ] ALL 99 BACKDOOR [ description, tenses, video, Mr. Bean ] ALL 100 USING FLASHCARDS [ vocabulary, game, task, pictures ] ALL 101 2 Way Tasks - Pair Work [ speaking, pairs, communicative, tasks ] ALL 102 Listening Activities Galore! [ listening, tasks, audio ] ALL 103 Reading Response [ reading, writing, predicting, creative thinking ] ALL 104 The Class of 2010 [ listening, video, current events] Adv. 105 World Cup Country Project [ reading, writing, geography, presentation ] Int. 106 Music Appreciation [ listening, opinion ] Int. 107 Summer Vacation [ writing, past tense ] Low 108 Opinion Survey [ conversation, feelings, adverbs ] Low Intermediate 109 Be an Inventor [ vocab, video, project ] Intermediate 110 Describe and Draw [ there is / there are, prepositions ] Low Intermediate 111 Zoo Making & Animal Talk [ animals, prepositions, here/there ] Low
  • 76. Hoping the use of this book does