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e B.O.L.D

            Be B.O.L.D.
            4 Common Sense Ideas
            to Build Your Brand Online

            ( plus 1 free! )

             An Industry initiative brought to you by Google India
India is online. Latest research seems to put that
           number anywhere in excess of 4 crore people.

           The average Indian also visits the Internet almost
           everyday for upto a half hour at a time.

           So, of course, you want to build your brand on the Web.

           This is often easier said than done. It certainly doesn’t
           seem easy - not everyone understands exactly how to
           do this; there seem to be so many new things to learn,
           so many different rules. Plus, today’s economy certainly
           doesn’t make things easier.

           What if we told you, it’s actually simpler than you think?

           To prove this to you we present 4 common sense ideas
           that will help you get started towards establishing a
           powerful brand presence online.

           Sometimes all it requires is for you to Be BOLD…

Sources: Comscore | IRS 2008, R2 | Comscore World Media Metrix | First study of Internet usage in India tracks users
across India for May 2008
4 Common Sense Ideas to Build Your Brand Online

Build for Efficiency

Operate to Acquire

Lead with Experimentation

Design for Engagement
How to use this booklet

This booklet is divided into four sections, one for each of the four ideas of Be BOLD.

Each idea is further supported by two marketing insights. These marketing insights
show you how to actually put the Be BOLD ideas into action.

Each marketing insight is broken down as follows:

                                                                            Marketing insight

Research data

   Marketeer                                                                Advertiser insight
   check list

                                                                            Tools you
                                                                            can use
1. Build for Efficiency
  Catch trends before they become trends
  Save money the old-fashioned way… Don’t waste it
Catch trends before they become trends

Did You Know?                                                                                       "The tipping point is that magic moment when an
More Indians online are comparing prices and                                                        idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a
purchasing products online today than in 2005*                                                      threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.”
                                                                                                    - Malcolm Gladwell, Author

Ask yourself:                                                                                       No one knows exactly when the next big thing
                                                                                                    becomes just that - the next big thing. The
    Do I get regular and accurate feedback on what                                                  problem, though, isn’t being able to predict what
    my customers feel about my product/ services?                                                   the next big trend, fad, best seller or killer product
                                                                                                    might be. It’s often not being able to read the signs
    How long will it take me to respond to changes in                                               in time. The trick is to catch these just as they start
    my target group or market?                                                                      to form not when they’re near tipping point.

                                                                                                    Think about using : Google Trends
  1. IPL Final Match
                                                                                                    Google Trends allows you to see how often people are
  5. IPL Final

  16. Manish Pandey
                                                                                                    searching for different things on Google. It also shows how
  19. Zoozoo wallpapers
                                                                                                    frequently certain topics have appeared in Google News
                                                                                                    stories, and in which geographic regions (in India or the
                                                                                                    whole world) people have searched for them most.
                                                                                                    With Hot Trends you can see the fastest-rising searches for
                                                                                                    different points of time. For example: you can see a list of
                                                                                                    today’s top 100 fastest-rising search queries in India. You
                                                                                                    can also use Google Trends to get insights into the traffic and
                                                                                                    geographic visitation patterns of your favorite websites!
Google Hot Trends indicates the Top 50 most searched for terms on www.google.co.in the day of the   Find it at : www.google.com/trends
IPL final

* Google India Benchmark Study | May 2008 | Google India, Netpop Research
Save money the old-fashioned way, don’t waste it

Did You Know?                                                                                         “If brands are built over years, why are they
The impact of online ads is equivalent to TV and                                                      managed over quarters?”
greater than other forms of offline advertising*                                                      - Leonard Lodish, Wharton Business School

                                                                                                      In the 2008 IBM Global CEO Study, CEOs rated
Ask yourself:                                                                                         market factors (48%), people skills (48%) and
                                                                                                      technological factors (35%) as the three external
    Do I know which of my marketing campaigns are                                                     factors that would most impact their businesses.
    working and why?                                                                                  As more and more marketers move from intuition
                                                                                                      to science, tracking and tweaking their campaigns
    Do I have a way to get the information I need to                                                  using increasingly complex models, the future will
    make better marketing decisions?                                                                  undoubtedly go to the more diligent. And this is,
                                                                                                      perhaps, where the digital medium rolls up its
                                                                                                      sleeves. What makes the digital medium such an
                                                                                                      incredible marketing channel are the robust
                                                                                                      campaign data it gives marketers.

                                                                                                      When you embark on a marketing activity,
                                                                                                      especially one that aspires to wield the enormous
                                                                                                      power of the Internet ensure you have the tools at
                                                                                                      hand to accurately track if your campaign
                                                                                                      objectives are being met.

                                                                                                      Think about using : Google Analytics
                                                                                                      Google Analytics is a free tool which can help you improve
                                                                                                      your marketing ROI. It shows you which sites, search
                                                                                                      engines and search words are sending traffic to your
                                                                                                      website. It also shows you how long visitors are spending on
                                                                                                      your site and which pages they seem to prefer.
                                                                                                      Find it at: www.google.com/analytics/

Custom Reports
Create, save, and edit custom reports that present the information you want to see organized in the
way you want to see it.

Source : India Benchmark Survey | May 2008 | Google India, Netpop Research
2. Operate to Acquire
  Reach Wide but Target Narrow
  Find the People Who Want to Find You
Reach wide but target narrow

Did You Know?                                                                                    "Customers buy for their reasons, not yours.”
53% say the Web/ online is how they prefer to                                                    - Orvel Ray Wilson, Author
learn about new brands
                                                                                                 And that may be truer today than ever before.
                                                                                                 Estimates indicate that the average person will
Ask Yourself :                                                                                   have access to some 80 million commercial
                                                                                                 messages in their lifetime. Research also
    Do I know the different themes that could be
                                                                                                 indicates that we’ll now produce more information
    relevant to my brand and brand message?
                                                                                                 in just one year than has been produced in the last
    Do I know which sites are the most relevant for
                                                                                                 5,000 put together. With so many options for
    me to be present on and why?
                                                                                                 information your consumers now have a multitude
                                                                                                 of places to get their information.

                                                                                                 The converse is also true-your brand now has
                                                                                                 more places it can be heard. It’s important that you
                                                                                                 know where to reach your customer effectively.

                                                                                                 Think about using : Google Content Network
                                                                                                 Advertising on the content network allows you to be present
                                                                                                 at multiple consumer touch points. Google’s Content
                                                                                                 Network allows you to tap into the advantages of display
                                                                                                 advertising and make contextual targeting work for you. By
                                                                                                 advertising on Google’s content network your text, video and
                                                                                                 image ads can be exactly targeted to different websites and
                                                                                                 their content. These ads are so well matched that readers
                                                                                                 find them useful.
                                                                                                 Find it at: www.google.com/adword/containnetwork

Advantages of the Google Content Network
Brand Reach - Up to 70% of the India’s Internet users
Brand Awareness - Over 400 million chances every month to show your ad across a range of BFSI-
related websites alone
Brand Re-inforcement - Over 25 billion unique page views every month
Brand Association - Tens of Thousands of content specific sites on which to show your ad

Source: India Benchmark Study May 2008 1005 online interviews Google India, Netpop Resea
Find the people who want to find you

Did You Know?                                                                 One of the Internet's strengths is its ability to help
Over 80% said online ads increased their interest                             consumers find the right needle in digital haystack
in the brands or products advertised; 40% said                                of data.”
they “greatly” increased their interest                                       - Jared Sandberg, Wall Street Journal

Ask Yourself:                                                                 More than half Indian Internet users polled
                                                                              indicated the first thing they did on the Internet was
  When my consumers look for me online, can
                                                                              go to a search engine2. Data also indicates that
  they find me?
                                                                              consumers prefer to do their homework online
                                                                              even if they’re eventually going to purchase offline
                                                                              - even among in-store purchases, search engines
                                                                              are key: 97% of in-store purchasers use search

                                                                              The implications are clear-no matter where they
                                                                              hear about a product or service or where they’re
                                                                              evenutally going to buy it, consumers seem to
                                                                              prefer going online first.

                                                                              Think about using : Google Adwords
                                                                              Google Adwords allows you to reach your target consumer
                                                                              by putting control entirely in your hands. Change an ad
                                                                              anytime you want, set your own budget and accurately track
                                                                              your ad’s performance
                                                                              Find it at: See details on Pg 19 to find out how to get started

Source: 1. India Benchmark Study | May 2008 | Google India, Netpop Research
2. I-Cube 2008 | Online Content Report | 4.9MM users in 30 cities | MRB
3. India Retail Survey | February 2009 | Google India, Netpop Research
3. Lead With Experimentation
  Redefine the rules of the game
  Get more from what you already have
Redefine the rules of the game

Did You Know?                                                                                         "I still observe executives exhibiting the same lack
Indian internet users view blogs and forums as                                                        of courage or knowledge that undercut previous
good sources of information and an excellent                                                          waves of innovation.” - Rosabeth Moss Kanter,
platform for publishing their own views to the                                                        Harvard Business School
                                                                                                      When it comes to communicating your brand
                                                                                                      message, building associations with your offline
Ask Yourself:
                                                                                                      campaigns or simply creating and sustaining a
    If I just changed where I used them, would I be                                                   true first-mover’s advantage, the trick is knowing
    able to make my campaign creatives do more                                                        how to make your advertising work for you,
    for me?                                                                                           whether this means finding a new way to say what
    Could the Internet easily prove a more cost-                                                      you want to or picking a different channel to get the
    effective extension of my branding and PR                                                         same message across.
    activities, if I just tweaked my internal
    resources?                                                                                        If you’re going to change: experiment early, iterate
                                                                                                      quickly and innovate boldly.

                                                                                                      Think about using : Blogger, Google Maps
                                                                                                      Blogger.com is Google’s free publishing service that allows
                                                                                                      you to customize and publish your own blog on the web
                                                                                                      instantly to communicate with anyone on the Internet.

                                                                                                      Google Maps offers user-friendly interactive maps of India
                                                                                                      and the world. It also allows individuals and businesses to
                                                                                                      create a custom map for personal use, to mark a business
                                                                                                      location, service provider and more
                                                                                                      Find it at : www.blogger.com
Google maps could provide a powerful way to reach out to your customers. For eg: By clearly marking
where your ATMs/ bank branches offering specific services are located in the city

Sources: 1. I-Cube 2008 | Online Content Report | IMRB
2. Google Internal Data; 3. Google Zeitgeist
Get more from what you already have

Did You Know?                                           “Investors and analysts often prefer that firms
Photo/Video sharing has emerged as one of the           maximise shareholder value by ‘sticking to their
activities Indian Internet users do most every day*     knitting’.”
                                                        -Mary Benner, Wharton Business School

Ask Yourself:                                           This holds true for both your customers and your
                                                        content. Imagine the kind of brand engagement
   Are my TV ads the kinds that people would
                                                        you could generate if your ad went viral - 1 person
   readily pass on to their friends if I simply made
                                                        sends it to 10, who send it to 100, who send it to
   them more accessible?
                                                        1000... And what if you discovered that all it
   Do I have campaign video creatives – both
                                                        required for this to happen was an easy way to
   global and local – that I can easily use online to
                                                        show other people that video?
   extend the life of my campaign?

                                                        Better yet, what if we said you don’t even need to
                                                        ‘create an ad’. Remember the new credit card ad
                                                        with the funny guy dancing in different parts of the
                                                        world? It all started with a video called ‘Where the
                                                        heck is Matt?’ (find it on YouTube)

                                                        Think about using : YouTube
                                                        YouTube allows you to use the combined advantages of the
                                                        Internet & video to extend the ways your brand and
                                                        messaging interacts with your target consumer. Today, over
                                                        15 hours of content uploaded onto YouTube every minute2.
                                                        In 2008, YouTube was the fastest rising search term on
                                                        Google India, and was also among the top 5 most popular
                                                        searches for 2008 after Orkut, Gmail, Yahoo and Google3
                                                        Find it at : in.youtube.com

* I-Cube 2008 | Online Content Report | IMRB
4. Design for Engagement
  Don’t underestimate ‘Word of Mouth’
  Force Your Brand to Listen
Don’t underestimate ‘Word of Mouth’

Did You Know?                                                              “While it may be true that the best advertising is
78% of consumers trust - either completely or                              word-of-mouth, never lose sight of the fact it also
somewhat - the recommendation of other                                     can be the worst advertising.”
consumers                                                                  - Jef I. Richards

Ask yourself :                                                             Consumers influence each other as easily as they
                                                                           are influenced. They talk, when they like
    Do I know what my consumer is saying about
                                                                           something and especially when they don’t. With
                                                                           social networking and the Internet, they’re no
    Do I have a way of talking so they listen?
                                                                           longer talking to just their friends and family.

                                                                           Today, when they talk the whole world can listen in.

                                                                           Think about using : orkut
                                                                           Research indicates that Indians spend 2 Billion minutes on
                                                                           social networking sites every month.2 When you build an
                                                                           online community on orkut, you could access some 14
                                                                           million+ unique visitors and about 2.5 million daily visitors in
                                                                           India alone. Over 80% of orkut’s audience in India is
                                                                           between 18 – 34 years in age. You can now also advertise on
                                                                           Find it at : www.orkut.com

MTV India uses Orkut to create 260,000 new Roadies faster & cheaper

Sources: 1. ‘Trust in Advertising Global Report’ | Nielsen, October 2007
2. Comscore
3. Comscore for India, July 2008, Comscore Media Metrix, Oct 2008
Force your brand to converse

Did You Know?                                                                                         “The consumer isn't a moron. She is your wife.”
55% of consumers want an ongoing dialogue with                                                        - David Ogilvy
                                                                                                      Your consumers and how they feel about different
                                                                                                      products, prices and their favorite brands are
Ask yourself :                                                                                        always changing. They are influenced by tens of
                                                                                                      thousands of messages, videos, chats,
    Do I know what is most important to my
                                                                                                      commercials and so much more. What’s more,
                                                                                                      consumers no longer want to be talked to or told
    Do I know how my consumer feels about me
                                                                                                      what’s good for them by brand propaganda.
    or my branding message?
                                                                                                      Today’s consumer is changing faster than she
    Do I have a way of listening when my
                                                                                                      ever has. And for any brand hoping to talk to their
    consumers talk?
                                                                                                      consumers it’s important to know what to say and
                                                                                                      in a manner that they will listen.

                                                                                                      Think about using : Google Insights for Search
                                                                                                      Google Insights for Search allows you to know what your
                                                                                                      customers are thinking. Get insights on what people were
                                                                                                      searching for in Mumbai, India or around the world today,
                                                                                                      yesterday or in 2004. For example : You can use Google
                                                                                                      Insights for Search to learn that people in India have been
                                                                                                      looking online to ‘buy iphone’ since 2006! And the most
                                                                                                      interest is from Delhi & Gujarat!
                                                                                                      Find it at : www.google.com/insights/search
Google Insights for Search indicates how the only time the number of people searching for
information on Harbhajan surpassed that for Dhoni was in April 2008 - the time of the controversial
Sreesanth slapping incident

Sources: 1. ExPO TV Survey (administered to influential consumers on the ExpoTV community) | 2008
2. Comscore Matrix: Community India for Oct 2008
3. Comscore for india, July 2008, Comscore Media Metrix, Oct 2008
5. Know what works and do more of it
Know what works and do more of it

“Any company that cannot imagine the future   The only way to succeed is to stop talking and start
won’t be around to enjoy it.”                 doing.

- C.K Prahalad & Gary Hamel, Management       “The key question is, “How do I accomplish growth
Authors & Gurus                               and cost efficiency at the same time?”

                                              Our strong point of view is that a ruthless and
                                              disciplined focus on ROI is the only answer. ROI
                                              should be the key yardstick by which you measure
                                              how you invest your precious resources going
                                              forward. And the Internet can deliver these

                                              The Internet is measurable and provides precise
                                              control over how your marketing investments get
                                              allocated. There is no more efficient media
                                              channel available. Period.

                                              At the same time it is also the Internet that can help
                                              you grow by:

                                              1) Reaching relevant customers in India and
                                                 around the world

                                              2) Converting these prospects into revenue

                                              3) Enabling you to grow along with the fastest
                                                 growing medium in the country”

                                              Shailesh Rao
                                              Managing Director,
                                              Google India
Supercharge your brand now

To understand how to implement these four ideas   Finance
for your brand, please schedule a customized      Pavan Varma
presentation:                                     +91-9987521735

                                                  Technology & Telecom
                                                  Manish Tahilyani

                                                  Ashwin Venkatraman

                                                  Gaurav Kapur

                                                  Manan Singhi

                                                  Ajay Malhotra
© 2009 Google Inc. All rights Reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google Inc. No part(s) of this publication
may be copied and /or excerpted in any way, form or manner without the prior written permission from Google Inc.

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4 Common Sense

  • 1. e B.O.L.D Be B.O.L.D. 4 Common Sense Ideas to Build Your Brand Online ( plus 1 free! ) An Industry initiative brought to you by Google India
  • 2. India is online. Latest research seems to put that number anywhere in excess of 4 crore people. The average Indian also visits the Internet almost everyday for upto a half hour at a time. So, of course, you want to build your brand on the Web. This is often easier said than done. It certainly doesn’t seem easy - not everyone understands exactly how to do this; there seem to be so many new things to learn, so many different rules. Plus, today’s economy certainly doesn’t make things easier. What if we told you, it’s actually simpler than you think? To prove this to you we present 4 common sense ideas that will help you get started towards establishing a powerful brand presence online. Sometimes all it requires is for you to Be BOLD… Sources: Comscore | IRS 2008, R2 | Comscore World Media Metrix | First study of Internet usage in India tracks users across India for May 2008
  • 3. Be BOLD 4 Common Sense Ideas to Build Your Brand Online Build for Efficiency Operate to Acquire Lead with Experimentation Design for Engagement
  • 4. How to use this booklet This booklet is divided into four sections, one for each of the four ideas of Be BOLD. Each idea is further supported by two marketing insights. These marketing insights show you how to actually put the Be BOLD ideas into action. Each marketing insight is broken down as follows: Marketing insight Research data Marketeer Advertiser insight check list Tools you can use
  • 5. 1. Build for Efficiency Catch trends before they become trends Save money the old-fashioned way… Don’t waste it
  • 6. Catch trends before they become trends Did You Know? "The tipping point is that magic moment when an More Indians online are comparing prices and idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a purchasing products online today than in 2005* threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.” - Malcolm Gladwell, Author Ask yourself: No one knows exactly when the next big thing becomes just that - the next big thing. The Do I get regular and accurate feedback on what problem, though, isn’t being able to predict what my customers feel about my product/ services? the next big trend, fad, best seller or killer product might be. It’s often not being able to read the signs How long will it take me to respond to changes in in time. The trick is to catch these just as they start my target group or market? to form not when they’re near tipping point. Think about using : Google Trends 1. IPL Final Match Google Trends allows you to see how often people are 5. IPL Final 16. Manish Pandey searching for different things on Google. It also shows how 19. Zoozoo wallpapers frequently certain topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographic regions (in India or the whole world) people have searched for them most. With Hot Trends you can see the fastest-rising searches for different points of time. For example: you can see a list of today’s top 100 fastest-rising search queries in India. You can also use Google Trends to get insights into the traffic and geographic visitation patterns of your favorite websites! Google Hot Trends indicates the Top 50 most searched for terms on www.google.co.in the day of the Find it at : www.google.com/trends IPL final * Google India Benchmark Study | May 2008 | Google India, Netpop Research
  • 7. Save money the old-fashioned way, don’t waste it Did You Know? “If brands are built over years, why are they The impact of online ads is equivalent to TV and managed over quarters?” greater than other forms of offline advertising* - Leonard Lodish, Wharton Business School In the 2008 IBM Global CEO Study, CEOs rated Ask yourself: market factors (48%), people skills (48%) and technological factors (35%) as the three external Do I know which of my marketing campaigns are factors that would most impact their businesses. working and why? As more and more marketers move from intuition to science, tracking and tweaking their campaigns Do I have a way to get the information I need to using increasingly complex models, the future will make better marketing decisions? undoubtedly go to the more diligent. And this is, perhaps, where the digital medium rolls up its sleeves. What makes the digital medium such an incredible marketing channel are the robust campaign data it gives marketers. When you embark on a marketing activity, especially one that aspires to wield the enormous power of the Internet ensure you have the tools at hand to accurately track if your campaign objectives are being met. Think about using : Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which can help you improve your marketing ROI. It shows you which sites, search engines and search words are sending traffic to your website. It also shows you how long visitors are spending on your site and which pages they seem to prefer. Find it at: www.google.com/analytics/ Custom Reports Create, save, and edit custom reports that present the information you want to see organized in the way you want to see it. Source : India Benchmark Survey | May 2008 | Google India, Netpop Research
  • 8. 2. Operate to Acquire Reach Wide but Target Narrow Find the People Who Want to Find You
  • 9. Reach wide but target narrow Did You Know? "Customers buy for their reasons, not yours.” 53% say the Web/ online is how they prefer to - Orvel Ray Wilson, Author learn about new brands And that may be truer today than ever before. Estimates indicate that the average person will Ask Yourself : have access to some 80 million commercial messages in their lifetime. Research also Do I know the different themes that could be indicates that we’ll now produce more information relevant to my brand and brand message? in just one year than has been produced in the last Do I know which sites are the most relevant for 5,000 put together. With so many options for me to be present on and why? information your consumers now have a multitude of places to get their information. The converse is also true-your brand now has more places it can be heard. It’s important that you know where to reach your customer effectively. Think about using : Google Content Network Advertising on the content network allows you to be present at multiple consumer touch points. Google’s Content Network allows you to tap into the advantages of display advertising and make contextual targeting work for you. By advertising on Google’s content network your text, video and image ads can be exactly targeted to different websites and their content. These ads are so well matched that readers find them useful. Find it at: www.google.com/adword/containnetwork Advantages of the Google Content Network Brand Reach - Up to 70% of the India’s Internet users Brand Awareness - Over 400 million chances every month to show your ad across a range of BFSI- related websites alone Brand Re-inforcement - Over 25 billion unique page views every month Brand Association - Tens of Thousands of content specific sites on which to show your ad Source: India Benchmark Study May 2008 1005 online interviews Google India, Netpop Resea
  • 10. Find the people who want to find you Did You Know? One of the Internet's strengths is its ability to help Over 80% said online ads increased their interest consumers find the right needle in digital haystack in the brands or products advertised; 40% said of data.” 1 they “greatly” increased their interest - Jared Sandberg, Wall Street Journal Ask Yourself: More than half Indian Internet users polled indicated the first thing they did on the Internet was When my consumers look for me online, can go to a search engine2. Data also indicates that they find me? consumers prefer to do their homework online even if they’re eventually going to purchase offline - even among in-store purchases, search engines are key: 97% of in-store purchasers use search engines3. The implications are clear-no matter where they hear about a product or service or where they’re evenutally going to buy it, consumers seem to prefer going online first. Think about using : Google Adwords Google Adwords allows you to reach your target consumer by putting control entirely in your hands. Change an ad anytime you want, set your own budget and accurately track your ad’s performance Find it at: See details on Pg 19 to find out how to get started Source: 1. India Benchmark Study | May 2008 | Google India, Netpop Research 2. I-Cube 2008 | Online Content Report | 4.9MM users in 30 cities | MRB 3. India Retail Survey | February 2009 | Google India, Netpop Research
  • 11. 3. Lead With Experimentation Redefine the rules of the game Get more from what you already have
  • 12. Redefine the rules of the game Did You Know? "I still observe executives exhibiting the same lack Indian internet users view blogs and forums as of courage or knowledge that undercut previous good sources of information and an excellent waves of innovation.” - Rosabeth Moss Kanter, platform for publishing their own views to the Harvard Business School world1 When it comes to communicating your brand message, building associations with your offline Ask Yourself: campaigns or simply creating and sustaining a If I just changed where I used them, would I be true first-mover’s advantage, the trick is knowing able to make my campaign creatives do more how to make your advertising work for you, for me? whether this means finding a new way to say what Could the Internet easily prove a more cost- you want to or picking a different channel to get the effective extension of my branding and PR same message across. activities, if I just tweaked my internal resources? If you’re going to change: experiment early, iterate quickly and innovate boldly. Think about using : Blogger, Google Maps Blogger.com is Google’s free publishing service that allows you to customize and publish your own blog on the web instantly to communicate with anyone on the Internet. Google Maps offers user-friendly interactive maps of India and the world. It also allows individuals and businesses to create a custom map for personal use, to mark a business location, service provider and more Find it at : www.blogger.com local.google.co.in Google maps could provide a powerful way to reach out to your customers. For eg: By clearly marking where your ATMs/ bank branches offering specific services are located in the city Sources: 1. I-Cube 2008 | Online Content Report | IMRB 2. Google Internal Data; 3. Google Zeitgeist
  • 13. Get more from what you already have Did You Know? “Investors and analysts often prefer that firms Photo/Video sharing has emerged as one of the maximise shareholder value by ‘sticking to their activities Indian Internet users do most every day* knitting’.” -Mary Benner, Wharton Business School Ask Yourself: This holds true for both your customers and your content. Imagine the kind of brand engagement Are my TV ads the kinds that people would you could generate if your ad went viral - 1 person readily pass on to their friends if I simply made sends it to 10, who send it to 100, who send it to them more accessible? 1000... And what if you discovered that all it Do I have campaign video creatives – both required for this to happen was an easy way to global and local – that I can easily use online to show other people that video? extend the life of my campaign? Better yet, what if we said you don’t even need to ‘create an ad’. Remember the new credit card ad with the funny guy dancing in different parts of the world? It all started with a video called ‘Where the heck is Matt?’ (find it on YouTube) Think about using : YouTube YouTube allows you to use the combined advantages of the Internet & video to extend the ways your brand and messaging interacts with your target consumer. Today, over 15 hours of content uploaded onto YouTube every minute2. In 2008, YouTube was the fastest rising search term on Google India, and was also among the top 5 most popular searches for 2008 after Orkut, Gmail, Yahoo and Google3 Find it at : in.youtube.com * I-Cube 2008 | Online Content Report | IMRB
  • 14. 4. Design for Engagement Don’t underestimate ‘Word of Mouth’ Force Your Brand to Listen
  • 15. Don’t underestimate ‘Word of Mouth’ Did You Know? “While it may be true that the best advertising is 78% of consumers trust - either completely or word-of-mouth, never lose sight of the fact it also somewhat - the recommendation of other can be the worst advertising.” 1 consumers - Jef I. Richards Ask yourself : Consumers influence each other as easily as they are influenced. They talk, when they like Do I know what my consumer is saying about something and especially when they don’t. With me? social networking and the Internet, they’re no Do I have a way of talking so they listen? longer talking to just their friends and family. Today, when they talk the whole world can listen in. Think about using : orkut Research indicates that Indians spend 2 Billion minutes on social networking sites every month.2 When you build an online community on orkut, you could access some 14 million+ unique visitors and about 2.5 million daily visitors in India alone. Over 80% of orkut’s audience in India is between 18 – 34 years in age. You can now also advertise on orkut.3 Find it at : www.orkut.com MTV India uses Orkut to create 260,000 new Roadies faster & cheaper Sources: 1. ‘Trust in Advertising Global Report’ | Nielsen, October 2007 2. Comscore 3. Comscore for India, July 2008, Comscore Media Metrix, Oct 2008
  • 16. Force your brand to converse Did You Know? “The consumer isn't a moron. She is your wife.” 55% of consumers want an ongoing dialogue with - David Ogilvy 1 brands Your consumers and how they feel about different products, prices and their favorite brands are Ask yourself : always changing. They are influenced by tens of thousands of messages, videos, chats, Do I know what is most important to my commercials and so much more. What’s more, consumer? consumers no longer want to be talked to or told Do I know how my consumer feels about me what’s good for them by brand propaganda. or my branding message? Today’s consumer is changing faster than she Do I have a way of listening when my ever has. And for any brand hoping to talk to their consumers talk? consumers it’s important to know what to say and in a manner that they will listen. Think about using : Google Insights for Search Google Insights for Search allows you to know what your customers are thinking. Get insights on what people were searching for in Mumbai, India or around the world today, yesterday or in 2004. For example : You can use Google Insights for Search to learn that people in India have been looking online to ‘buy iphone’ since 2006! And the most interest is from Delhi & Gujarat! Find it at : www.google.com/insights/search Google Insights for Search indicates how the only time the number of people searching for information on Harbhajan surpassed that for Dhoni was in April 2008 - the time of the controversial Sreesanth slapping incident Sources: 1. ExPO TV Survey (administered to influential consumers on the ExpoTV community) | 2008 2. Comscore Matrix: Community India for Oct 2008 3. Comscore for india, July 2008, Comscore Media Metrix, Oct 2008
  • 17. 5. Know what works and do more of it
  • 18. Know what works and do more of it “Any company that cannot imagine the future The only way to succeed is to stop talking and start won’t be around to enjoy it.” doing. - C.K Prahalad & Gary Hamel, Management “The key question is, “How do I accomplish growth Authors & Gurus and cost efficiency at the same time?” Our strong point of view is that a ruthless and disciplined focus on ROI is the only answer. ROI should be the key yardstick by which you measure how you invest your precious resources going forward. And the Internet can deliver these efficiencies. The Internet is measurable and provides precise control over how your marketing investments get allocated. There is no more efficient media channel available. Period. At the same time it is also the Internet that can help you grow by: 1) Reaching relevant customers in India and around the world 2) Converting these prospects into revenue efficiently 3) Enabling you to grow along with the fastest growing medium in the country” Shailesh Rao Managing Director, Google India
  • 19. Supercharge your brand now To understand how to implement these four ideas Finance for your brand, please schedule a customized Pavan Varma presentation: +91-9987521735 Technology & Telecom Manish Tahilyani +91-9953591223 FMCG Ashwin Venkatraman +91-9611897125 Auto Gaurav Kapur +91-9810158071 Travel Manan Singhi +91-9818411908 Education Ajay Malhotra
  • 20. © 2009 Google Inc. All rights Reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google Inc. No part(s) of this publication may be copied and /or excerpted in any way, form or manner without the prior written permission from Google Inc.