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JA N UA RY 2010

             o r g a n i z a t i o n   p r a c t i c e

             The five attributes of enduring
             family businesses

                            The keys to long-term success are professional management
                            and keeping the family committed to and capable of carrying on
                            as the owner.

                            Christian Caspar, Ana Karina Dias, and Heinz-Peter Elstrodt

Family businesses are an often overlooked form of ownership. Yet they are all around
us—from neighborhood mom-and-pop stores and the millions of small and midsize companies
that underpin many economies to household names such as BMW, Samsung, and Wal-Mart
Stores. One-third of all companies in the S&P 500 index and 40 percent of the 250 largest
companies in France and Germany are defined as family businesses, meaning that a family
owns a significant share and can influence important decisions, particularly the election of the
chairman and CEO.

As family businesses expand from their entrepreneurial beginnings, they face unique
performance and governance challenges. The generations that follow the founder, for example,
may insist on running the company even though they are not suited for the job. And as the
number of family shareholders increases exponentially generation by generation, with few
actually working in the business, the commitment to carry on as owners can’t be taken for
granted. Indeed, less than 30 percent of family businesses survive into the third generation of
family ownership. Those that do, however, tend to perform well over time compared with their
corporate peers, according to recent McKinsey research. Their performance suggests that they
have a story of interest not only to family businesses around the world, of various sizes and in
various stages of development, but also to companies with other forms of ownership.

To be successful as both the company and the family grow, a family business must meet
two intertwined challenges: achieving strong business performance and keeping the family
committed to and capable of carrying on as the owner. Five dimensions of activity must work
well and in synchrony: harmonious relations within the family and an understanding of how
it should be involved with the business, an ownership structure that provides sufficient capital
for growth while allowing the family to control key parts of the business, strong governance
of the company and a dynamic business portfolio, professional management of the family’s
wealth, and charitable foundations to promote family values across generations (Exhibit 1).

Family businesses can go under for many reasons, including family conflicts over money,
nepotism leading to poor management, and infighting over the succession of power from one
generation to the next. Regulating the family’s roles as shareholders, board members, and
managers is essential because it can help avoid these pitfalls.

Large family businesses that survive for many generations make sure to permeate their ethos
of ownership with a strong sense of purpose. Over decades, they develop oral and written
agreements that address issues such as the composition and election of the company’s board,
the key board decisions that require a consensus or a qualified majority, the appointment of
the CEO, the conditions in which family members can (and can’t) work in the business, and
some of the boundaries for corporate and financial strategy. The continual development
and interpretation of these agreements, and the governance decisions guided by them, may

                  Web 2010
                  Family business
                  Exhibit 1 of 3
                  Glance: For a family business to be successful, five dimensions of activity must be working well
                  and in synchrony.
                  Exhibit title: Five dimensions

Exhibit 1
Five dimensions
                                                                                       Business and portfolio
                                                                                   •   Corporate governance
                                                                                   •   Dynamic portfolio evolution
                                                                                       – Business portfolio
                                                                                       – Capital composition, structure
                                                                                       – New-business development

                                       Family                          Ownership                                  Wealth management
                                   • Family forums                 • Shareholder agreements                   • Investment office
                                   • Family policies               • Holding structures                       • Legacy assets and new
                                   • Family services               • Legal documents                            opportunities
                                                                                                              • Governance

                                                                                   • Management and governance
                                                                                     of family’s own foundation
                                                                                   • Third-party foundations

                  involve several kinds of family forums. A family council representing different branches and
                  generations of the family, for instance, may be responsible to a larger family assembly used to
                  build consensus on major issues.

                  Long-term survivors usually share a meritocratic approach to management. There’s no single
                  rule for all, however—policies depend partly on the size of the family, its values, the education
                  of its members, and the industries in which the business competes. For example, the Australia-
                  based investment business ROI Group, which now spans four generations of the Owens family,
                  encourages family members to work outside the business first and gain relevant experience
                  before seeking senior-management positions at ROI. Any appointment to them must be
                  approved both by the owners’ board, which represents the family, and the advisory council, a
                  group of independent business advisers who provide strategic guidance to the board.

                  As families grow and ownership fragments, family institutions play an important role
                  in making continued ownership meaningful by nurturing family values and giving new

generations a sense of pride in the company’s contribution to society. Family offices, some
employing less than a handful of professionals, others as many as 40, can bring together family
members who want to pursue common interests, such as social work, often through large
charity organizations linked to the family. The office may help organize regular gatherings
that offer large families a chance to bond, to teach young members how to be knowledgeable
and productive shareholders, and to vote formally or informally on important matters. It can
also keep the family happy by providing investment, tax, and even concierge services to its

Maintaining family control or influence while raising fresh capital for the business and
satisfying the family’s cash needs is an equation that must be addressed, since it’s a major
source of potential conflict, particularly in the transition of power from one generation to the
next. Enduring family businesses regulate ownership issues—for example, how shares can
(and cannot) be traded inside and outside the family—through carefully designed shareholders’
agreements that usually last for 15 to 20 years.

Many of these family businesses are privately held holding companies with reasonably
independent subsidiaries that might be publicly owned, though in general the family holding
company fully controls the more important ones. By keeping the holding private, the family
avoids conflicts of interest with more diversified institutional investors looking for higher
short-term returns. Financial policies often aim to keep the family in control. Many family
businesses pay relatively low dividends because reinvesting profits is a good way to expand
without diluting ownership by issuing new stock or assuming big debts.

In fact, some families decide to shut external investors out of the entire business and to fuel
growth by reinvesting most of the profits, which requires good profitability and relatively low
dividends. Others decide to bring in private equity as a way to inject capital and introduce a
more effective corporate governance culture. In 2000, for example, the private-equity investor
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts gave Zumtobel, the Austria-based European market leader for
professional lighting, a capital infusion (KKR exited in 2006). Such deals can add value, but the
downside is that they dilute family control. Others take the IPO route and float a portion of the
shares. An IPO can also be a way to provide liquidity at a fair market price for family members
wanting to exit as shareholders.

To keep control, many family businesses restrict the trading of shares. Family shareholders
who want to sell must offer their siblings and then their cousins the right of first refusal. In
addition, the holding often buys back shares from exiting family members. Payout policies are
usually long term to avoid decapitalizing the business.

Because exit is restricted and dividends are comparatively low, some family businesses have
resorted to “generational liquidity events” to satisfy the family’s cash needs. These may take

     the form of sales of publicly traded businesses in the holding or of sales of family shares to
     employees or to the company itself, with the proceeds going to the family. One chairman said
     of his company, “Every generation has a major liquidity event, and then we can go on with the

     Governance and the business portfolio
     With clear rules and guidelines as an anchor, family enterprises can get on with their business
     strategies. Two success factors show up frequently: strong boards and a long-term view coupled
     with a prudent but dynamic portfolio strategy.

     Strong boards
     Large and durable family businesses tend to have strong governance. Members of these families
     avoid the principal–agent issue by participating actively in the work of company boards, where
     they monitor performance diligently and draw on deep industry knowledge gained through
     a long history. On average, 39 percent of the board members of family businesses are inside
     directors (including 20 percent who belong to the family), compared with 23 percent in
     nonfamily companies, according to an analysis of the S&P 500.1 “The family is a true asset to
     the management team, since they have been around the industry for decades,” said the CEO of a
     family business. “Still, they separate ownership and management in a good way.”

     Of course, it’s important to complement the family’s knowledge with the fresh strategic
     perspectives of qualified outsiders. Even when a family holds all of the equity in a company, its
     board will most likely include a significant proportion of outside directors. One family has a
     rule that half of the seats on the board should be occupied by outside CEOs who run businesses
     at least three times larger than the family one.

     Procedures for all nominations to the board—insiders as well as outsiders—differ from
     company to company. Some boards select new members and then seek consent by an inner
     family committee and formal approval by a shareholder assembly. Formal mechanisms differ;
     what counts most is for the family to understand the importance of a strong board, which
     should be deeply involved in top-executive matters and manage the business portfolio actively.
     Many have meetings that stretch over several days to discuss corporate strategy in detail.

     Family businesses, like their nonfamily peers, face the challenge of attracting and retaining
     world-class talent to the board and to key executive positions. In this respect, they have a
     handicap because nonfamily executives might fear that family members make important
     decisions informally and that a glass ceiling limits the career opportunities of outsiders. Still,
     family businesses often emphasize caring and loyalty, which some talented people may see as
     values above and beyond what nonfamily corporations offer.

  Ronald C. Anderson and David M. Reeb, “Founding-family ownership and firm performance: Evidence from the S&P 500,”
	 The Journal of Finance, 2003, Volume 58, Number 3, pp. 1301–27.

                        A long-term portfolio view
                        Successful family companies usually seek steady long-term growth and performance to
                        avoid risking the family’s wealth and control of the business. This approach tends to shield
                        them from the temptation—which has recently brought many corporations to their knees—of
                        pursuing maximum short-term performance at the expense of long-term company health. A
                        longer-term planning horizon and more moderate risk taking serve the interests of debt holders
                        too, so family businesses tend to have not only lower levels of financial leverage but also a lower
                        cost of debt than their corporate peers do (Exhibit 2).

                       The longer perspective may make family businesses less successful during booms but increases
                       their chances of staying alive in periods of crisis and of achieving healthy returns over time.
                       Web 2010
                       In fact, despite the unique challenges facing family-influenced businesses, from 1997 to 2009
                       Family business publicly traded ones in the United States and Western Europe achieved total
                       a broad index of
                       Exhibit 2to shareholders two to three percentage points higher than those of the MSCI World,
                       returns of 3
                       Glance: Family businesses tend to have lower levels of financial leverage and a lower cost of debt
                       than their corporate peers.
                       Exhibit title: Taking the long view
Exhibit 2
Taking the long view   Lower levels of financial leverage . . .
                       Median debt-to-equity ratio, %
                            40                                                                      Benchmark of peer         . . . and a lower cost of debt
                                                                                                                              The average yield spread on
                                                                                                                              corporate bonds is 32 basis
                            30                                                                                                points lower for family-owned




                              1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

                       1Annual  median of current constituents of S&P 500, HDAX, and SBF 120 (Société des Bourses Françaises 120 Index); excludes
                        financial companies and family businesses.
                       2Annual  median of sample of 149 family-influenced companies in United States and Western Europe; excludes financial
                       3Sample consisted of 250 industrial firms in S&P 500 from 1993–98; weighted for factors that influence spread differences (eg,
                        degree of leverage, performance, company size, credit rating).
                       Source: McKinsey's corporate performance analysis tool (CPAT); McKinsey analysis

                   the S&P 500, and the MSCI Europe indexes (Exhibit 3). It is difficult to provide statistical
                   proof that the family influence was the main driver. The results were surprisingly stable across
                   geographies and industries, however, and indicate that family businesses have performed at
                   least in line with the market—a finding corroborated by academic research.2

                    Web 2010
                    See Ronald C. Anderson; David M. Reeb, “Founding-family ownership and firm performance: Evidence from the S&P 500,”
                  	 Family business
                    The Journal of Finance, 2003, Volume 58, Number 3, pp. 1301–27; and also Roberto Barontini and Lorenzo Caprio,
                  “The effect3 of 3 control on firm value and performance: Evidence from continental Europe,” EFA 2005 Moscow Meetings
                    Exhibit of family
                  	 paper, 2005.
                    Glance: Publicly traded family-influenced companies often have higher total returns to
                    shareholders than do leading indexes such as MSCI World, the S&P 500, and MSCI Europe.
                    Exhibit title: Healthy returns over time
Exhibit 3
Healthy returns    10-year total returns to shareholders (TRS)                                                                    Family businesses2
over time          By region

                   CAGR,1 weighted                   SBF 1203
                   average, Jan 1997–
                   Sept 2009, %         4
                                                                        MSCI Europe
                                                                                          MSCI World
                                                                                                            S&P 500          HDAX

                                               France             Western       United States,     United States        Germany
                                                                  Europe        Western Europe

                   By sector
                   CAGR,1 weighted
                   average, Jan 1997–   6
                   Sept 2009, %                                                           MSCI World
                                        4            MSCI World                                                              MSCI World
                                                                        MSCI World                         MSCI World                           MSCI World
                                               Industrial         Information        Consumer      Consumer             Health            Financial
                                                                  technology         staples       discretionary        care              services

                  1Compound    annual growth rate.
                  2Sample  consisted of 154 publicly listed family-influenced companies (ie, those with >10% family ownership at end of 2007) in
                   United States and Western Europe.
                  3Société des Bourses Françaises 120 Index.

                   Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream; McKinsey's corporate performance analysis tool (CPAT); McKinsey analysis

  This long-term focus implies relatively conservative portfolio strategies based on competencies
  built over time, coupled with moderate diversification around the core businesses and, in
  many cases, a natural preference for organic growth. Family-influenced businesses tend to
  be prudent when they do M&A, making smaller but more value-creating deals than their
  corporate counterparts do, according to our analysis of M&A deals worth over $500 million
  in the United States and Western Europe from 2005 to late 2009. The average deal of family
  businesses was 15 percent smaller, but the total value added through it—measured by market
  capitalization after the announcement—was 10.5 percentage points, compared with 6.3 points
  for their nonfamily counterparts.3

  Nonetheless, too much prudence can be dangerous. Family owners, who usually have a
  significant part of their wealth associated with the business, face the challenge of preventing
  an excessive aversion to risk from influencing company decisions. Excessive risk aversion
  might, for example, unduly limit investments to maintain and build competitive advantage
  and to diversify the family’s wealth. Diversification is important not only for overall long-term
  performance but also for control because it helps make it unnecessary for family members to
  take money out of the business and diversify their assets themselves.

  That’s why most large, successful family-influenced survivors are multibusiness companies
  that renew their portfolios over time. While some have a wide array of unconnected businesses,
  most focus on two to four main sectors. In general, family businesses seek a mix: companies
  with stable cash flows and others with higher risk and returns. Many complement a group of
  core enterprises with venture capital and private-equity arms in which they invest 10 to 20
  percent of their equity. The idea is to renew the portfolio constantly so that the family holding
  can preserve a good mix of investments by shifting gradually from mature to growth sectors.

  Wealth management
  Beyond the core holdings, families need strong capabilities for managing their wealth,
  usually held in liquid assets, semiliquid ones (such as investments in hedge funds or private-
  equity funds), and stakes in other companies. By diversifying risk and providing a source
  of cash to the family in conjunction with liquidity events, successful wealth management helps
  preserve harmony.

  Success is not a sure thing. Many wealthy families around the world lost a lot of money
  in the financial crisis—losses that vary by geography but averaged 30 to 60 percent from the
  second quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009. One European family investor with a
  portfolio mainly in the money market and in prime income-generating real estate lost less than

  The sample includes 78 deals for family-owned businesses and 494 deals for businesses not owned by families. The acquirers
  (both kinds of companies) were constituents of the US SP 500, the German HDAX, or the French SBF 120 (Société des
  Bourses Françaises 120 Index) stock indexes. Value added through the deal is defined as the change in market capitalization,
  adjusted for market movements, from two days prior to two days after the announcement. The analysis includes all deals
  completed from 2005 to late 2009 with a value of over $500 million in which the acquirers’ ownership went from nothing to
  100 percent.

5 percent. At the other extreme, a family investor in the same country, with 80 percent of his
assets in real-estate developments and hedge funds, both with 50 to 70 percent leverage, lost
30 to 50 percent of the value in these asset classes at the peak of the crisis.

These different outcomes highlight the importance of a professional organization with strong,
consolidated, and rigorous risk management to oversee the wealth family businesses generate.
For large fortunes, the best solution is a wealth-management office serving a single family—
either a separate entity or part of a family office providing a range of family services (described
earlier in this article). A wealth-management office that serves a group of unconnected families
is an option when individual ones don’t have the scale to justify the cost of a single-family

Our work with family wealth-management offices has helped us identify five key factors
that increase the chances of success: a high level of professionalism, with institutionalized
processes and procedures; rigorous investment and divestment criteria; strict performance
management; a strong risk-management culture, with aggregated risk measurement and
monitoring; and thoughtful talent management.

Charity is an important element in keeping families committed to the business, by providing
meaningful jobs for family members who don’t work in it and by promoting family values as
the generations come and go. Sharing wealth in an act of social responsibility also generates
good will toward the business. Foundations set up by entrepreneurial families represent a huge
share of philanthropic giving around the world. In the United States, they include 13 of the 20
largest players, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Money alone does not guarantee a high social impact. In addition to the financial and
operational issues facing any charitable activity, families must cope with the critical challenge
of nurturing a consensus on the direction of their philanthropic activities from one generation
to the next. Some family foundations have tackled the issue by creating a discretionary
spending budget allowing family members to finance projects that interest them. Others give
them opportunities to serve on the board or staff of the foundation or to participate directly
in philanthropic projects through onsite visits and volunteering schemes. This approach is an
especially powerful way to engage the next generation early on.

Family foundations also face organizational and operational choices about how best to use
their funds. Several have concluded that in today’s complex environment, partnerships—for
example, with nonprofits or nongovernmental organizations—can promote the family’s social
goals. These foundations build on the experience and local presence of other organizations,
particularly when implementing projects in unfamiliar geographies.

 Related articles           To ensure high performance and continual improvement, family foundations must combine
                            passion with professionalism and a strict assessment of their impact. Despite the difficulties of
“Who should—and
                            assessing it, this is vital to make progress and allocate resources effectively. In our experience,
 shouldn’t—run the family
                            family foundations should focus their monitoring and evaluation efforts around learning
                            and improved decision making. They must also approach operations with the mind-set of an
“Keeping the family in      investor—minimizing operating costs and making prudent investments in strategy, planning,
 business”                  and evaluation as well as in highly qualified staff.

“A case for the family-
 owned conglomerate”
                            Almost all companies start out as family businesses, but only those that master the challenges
“All in the familia”
                            intrinsic to this form of ownership endure and prosper over the generations. The work involved
                            is complex, extensive, and never-ending, but the evidence suggests that it is worth the effort for
                            the family, the business, and society at large.

                            The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Andres Maldonado, an alumnus of McKinsey’s São Paulo office.

                            Christian Caspar is a director in McKinsey’s Zurich office; Ana Karina Dias is an associate principal in the São Paulo
                            office, where Heinz-Peter Elstrodt is a director. Copyright © 2010 McKinsey  Company. All rights reserved.

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5 attributes

  • 1. 1 JA N UA RY 2010 o r g a n i z a t i o n p r a c t i c e The five attributes of enduring family businesses The keys to long-term success are professional management and keeping the family committed to and capable of carrying on as the owner. Christian Caspar, Ana Karina Dias, and Heinz-Peter Elstrodt
  • 2. 2 Family businesses are an often overlooked form of ownership. Yet they are all around us—from neighborhood mom-and-pop stores and the millions of small and midsize companies that underpin many economies to household names such as BMW, Samsung, and Wal-Mart Stores. One-third of all companies in the S&P 500 index and 40 percent of the 250 largest companies in France and Germany are defined as family businesses, meaning that a family owns a significant share and can influence important decisions, particularly the election of the chairman and CEO. As family businesses expand from their entrepreneurial beginnings, they face unique performance and governance challenges. The generations that follow the founder, for example, may insist on running the company even though they are not suited for the job. And as the number of family shareholders increases exponentially generation by generation, with few actually working in the business, the commitment to carry on as owners can’t be taken for granted. Indeed, less than 30 percent of family businesses survive into the third generation of family ownership. Those that do, however, tend to perform well over time compared with their corporate peers, according to recent McKinsey research. Their performance suggests that they have a story of interest not only to family businesses around the world, of various sizes and in various stages of development, but also to companies with other forms of ownership. To be successful as both the company and the family grow, a family business must meet two intertwined challenges: achieving strong business performance and keeping the family committed to and capable of carrying on as the owner. Five dimensions of activity must work well and in synchrony: harmonious relations within the family and an understanding of how it should be involved with the business, an ownership structure that provides sufficient capital for growth while allowing the family to control key parts of the business, strong governance of the company and a dynamic business portfolio, professional management of the family’s wealth, and charitable foundations to promote family values across generations (Exhibit 1). Family Family businesses can go under for many reasons, including family conflicts over money, nepotism leading to poor management, and infighting over the succession of power from one generation to the next. Regulating the family’s roles as shareholders, board members, and managers is essential because it can help avoid these pitfalls. Large family businesses that survive for many generations make sure to permeate their ethos of ownership with a strong sense of purpose. Over decades, they develop oral and written agreements that address issues such as the composition and election of the company’s board, the key board decisions that require a consensus or a qualified majority, the appointment of the CEO, the conditions in which family members can (and can’t) work in the business, and some of the boundaries for corporate and financial strategy. The continual development and interpretation of these agreements, and the governance decisions guided by them, may
  • 3. 3 Web 2010 Family business Exhibit 1 of 3 Glance: For a family business to be successful, five dimensions of activity must be working well and in synchrony. Exhibit title: Five dimensions Exhibit 1 Five dimensions Business and portfolio governance • Corporate governance • Dynamic portfolio evolution – Business portfolio – Capital composition, structure – New-business development Family Ownership Wealth management • Family forums • Shareholder agreements • Investment office • Family policies • Holding structures • Legacy assets and new • Family services • Legal documents opportunities • Governance Foundations • Management and governance of family’s own foundation • Third-party foundations involve several kinds of family forums. A family council representing different branches and generations of the family, for instance, may be responsible to a larger family assembly used to build consensus on major issues. Long-term survivors usually share a meritocratic approach to management. There’s no single rule for all, however—policies depend partly on the size of the family, its values, the education of its members, and the industries in which the business competes. For example, the Australia- based investment business ROI Group, which now spans four generations of the Owens family, encourages family members to work outside the business first and gain relevant experience before seeking senior-management positions at ROI. Any appointment to them must be approved both by the owners’ board, which represents the family, and the advisory council, a group of independent business advisers who provide strategic guidance to the board. As families grow and ownership fragments, family institutions play an important role in making continued ownership meaningful by nurturing family values and giving new
  • 4. 4 generations a sense of pride in the company’s contribution to society. Family offices, some employing less than a handful of professionals, others as many as 40, can bring together family members who want to pursue common interests, such as social work, often through large charity organizations linked to the family. The office may help organize regular gatherings that offer large families a chance to bond, to teach young members how to be knowledgeable and productive shareholders, and to vote formally or informally on important matters. It can also keep the family happy by providing investment, tax, and even concierge services to its members. Ownership Maintaining family control or influence while raising fresh capital for the business and satisfying the family’s cash needs is an equation that must be addressed, since it’s a major source of potential conflict, particularly in the transition of power from one generation to the next. Enduring family businesses regulate ownership issues—for example, how shares can (and cannot) be traded inside and outside the family—through carefully designed shareholders’ agreements that usually last for 15 to 20 years. Many of these family businesses are privately held holding companies with reasonably independent subsidiaries that might be publicly owned, though in general the family holding company fully controls the more important ones. By keeping the holding private, the family avoids conflicts of interest with more diversified institutional investors looking for higher short-term returns. Financial policies often aim to keep the family in control. Many family businesses pay relatively low dividends because reinvesting profits is a good way to expand without diluting ownership by issuing new stock or assuming big debts. In fact, some families decide to shut external investors out of the entire business and to fuel growth by reinvesting most of the profits, which requires good profitability and relatively low dividends. Others decide to bring in private equity as a way to inject capital and introduce a more effective corporate governance culture. In 2000, for example, the private-equity investor Kohlberg Kravis Roberts gave Zumtobel, the Austria-based European market leader for professional lighting, a capital infusion (KKR exited in 2006). Such deals can add value, but the downside is that they dilute family control. Others take the IPO route and float a portion of the shares. An IPO can also be a way to provide liquidity at a fair market price for family members wanting to exit as shareholders. To keep control, many family businesses restrict the trading of shares. Family shareholders who want to sell must offer their siblings and then their cousins the right of first refusal. In addition, the holding often buys back shares from exiting family members. Payout policies are usually long term to avoid decapitalizing the business. Because exit is restricted and dividends are comparatively low, some family businesses have resorted to “generational liquidity events” to satisfy the family’s cash needs. These may take
  • 5. 5 the form of sales of publicly traded businesses in the holding or of sales of family shares to employees or to the company itself, with the proceeds going to the family. One chairman said of his company, “Every generation has a major liquidity event, and then we can go on with the business.” Governance and the business portfolio With clear rules and guidelines as an anchor, family enterprises can get on with their business strategies. Two success factors show up frequently: strong boards and a long-term view coupled with a prudent but dynamic portfolio strategy. Strong boards Large and durable family businesses tend to have strong governance. Members of these families avoid the principal–agent issue by participating actively in the work of company boards, where they monitor performance diligently and draw on deep industry knowledge gained through a long history. On average, 39 percent of the board members of family businesses are inside directors (including 20 percent who belong to the family), compared with 23 percent in nonfamily companies, according to an analysis of the S&P 500.1 “The family is a true asset to the management team, since they have been around the industry for decades,” said the CEO of a family business. “Still, they separate ownership and management in a good way.” Of course, it’s important to complement the family’s knowledge with the fresh strategic perspectives of qualified outsiders. Even when a family holds all of the equity in a company, its board will most likely include a significant proportion of outside directors. One family has a rule that half of the seats on the board should be occupied by outside CEOs who run businesses at least three times larger than the family one. Procedures for all nominations to the board—insiders as well as outsiders—differ from company to company. Some boards select new members and then seek consent by an inner family committee and formal approval by a shareholder assembly. Formal mechanisms differ; what counts most is for the family to understand the importance of a strong board, which should be deeply involved in top-executive matters and manage the business portfolio actively. Many have meetings that stretch over several days to discuss corporate strategy in detail. Family businesses, like their nonfamily peers, face the challenge of attracting and retaining world-class talent to the board and to key executive positions. In this respect, they have a handicap because nonfamily executives might fear that family members make important decisions informally and that a glass ceiling limits the career opportunities of outsiders. Still, family businesses often emphasize caring and loyalty, which some talented people may see as values above and beyond what nonfamily corporations offer. 1 Ronald C. Anderson and David M. Reeb, “Founding-family ownership and firm performance: Evidence from the S&P 500,” The Journal of Finance, 2003, Volume 58, Number 3, pp. 1301–27.
  • 6. 6 A long-term portfolio view Successful family companies usually seek steady long-term growth and performance to avoid risking the family’s wealth and control of the business. This approach tends to shield them from the temptation—which has recently brought many corporations to their knees—of pursuing maximum short-term performance at the expense of long-term company health. A longer-term planning horizon and more moderate risk taking serve the interests of debt holders too, so family businesses tend to have not only lower levels of financial leverage but also a lower cost of debt than their corporate peers do (Exhibit 2). The longer perspective may make family businesses less successful during booms but increases their chances of staying alive in periods of crisis and of achieving healthy returns over time. Web 2010 In fact, despite the unique challenges facing family-influenced businesses, from 1997 to 2009 Family business publicly traded ones in the United States and Western Europe achieved total a broad index of Exhibit 2to shareholders two to three percentage points higher than those of the MSCI World, returns of 3 Glance: Family businesses tend to have lower levels of financial leverage and a lower cost of debt than their corporate peers. Exhibit title: Taking the long view Exhibit 2 Taking the long view Lower levels of financial leverage . . . Median debt-to-equity ratio, % 40 Benchmark of peer . . . and a lower cost of debt companies1 35 The average yield spread on corporate bonds is 32 basis 30 points lower for family-owned businesses3 25 Family businesses2 20 15 10 5 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1Annual median of current constituents of S&P 500, HDAX, and SBF 120 (Société des Bourses Françaises 120 Index); excludes financial companies and family businesses. 2Annual median of sample of 149 family-influenced companies in United States and Western Europe; excludes financial companies. 3Sample consisted of 250 industrial firms in S&P 500 from 1993–98; weighted for factors that influence spread differences (eg, degree of leverage, performance, company size, credit rating). Source: McKinsey's corporate performance analysis tool (CPAT); McKinsey analysis
  • 7. 7 the S&P 500, and the MSCI Europe indexes (Exhibit 3). It is difficult to provide statistical proof that the family influence was the main driver. The results were surprisingly stable across geographies and industries, however, and indicate that family businesses have performed at least in line with the market—a finding corroborated by academic research.2 Web 2010 2 See Ronald C. Anderson; David M. Reeb, “Founding-family ownership and firm performance: Evidence from the S&P 500,” Family business The Journal of Finance, 2003, Volume 58, Number 3, pp. 1301–27; and also Roberto Barontini and Lorenzo Caprio, “The effect3 of 3 control on firm value and performance: Evidence from continental Europe,” EFA 2005 Moscow Meetings Exhibit of family paper, 2005. Glance: Publicly traded family-influenced companies often have higher total returns to shareholders than do leading indexes such as MSCI World, the S&P 500, and MSCI Europe. Exhibit title: Healthy returns over time Exhibit 3 Healthy returns 10-year total returns to shareholders (TRS) Family businesses2 Index over time By region 8 7 6 CAGR,1 weighted SBF 1203 5 average, Jan 1997– Sept 2009, % 4 MSCI Europe 3 MSCI World S&P 500 HDAX 2 1 France Western United States, United States Germany Europe Western Europe By sector 10 9 8 7 CAGR,1 weighted average, Jan 1997– 6 Sept 2009, % MSCI World 5 4 MSCI World MSCI World 3 MSCI World MSCI World MSCI World 2 1 Industrial Information Consumer Consumer Health Financial technology staples discretionary care services 1Compound annual growth rate. 2Sample consisted of 154 publicly listed family-influenced companies (ie, those with >10% family ownership at end of 2007) in United States and Western Europe. 3Société des Bourses Françaises 120 Index. Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream; McKinsey's corporate performance analysis tool (CPAT); McKinsey analysis
  • 8. 8 This long-term focus implies relatively conservative portfolio strategies based on competencies built over time, coupled with moderate diversification around the core businesses and, in many cases, a natural preference for organic growth. Family-influenced businesses tend to be prudent when they do M&A, making smaller but more value-creating deals than their corporate counterparts do, according to our analysis of M&A deals worth over $500 million in the United States and Western Europe from 2005 to late 2009. The average deal of family businesses was 15 percent smaller, but the total value added through it—measured by market capitalization after the announcement—was 10.5 percentage points, compared with 6.3 points for their nonfamily counterparts.3 Nonetheless, too much prudence can be dangerous. Family owners, who usually have a significant part of their wealth associated with the business, face the challenge of preventing an excessive aversion to risk from influencing company decisions. Excessive risk aversion might, for example, unduly limit investments to maintain and build competitive advantage and to diversify the family’s wealth. Diversification is important not only for overall long-term performance but also for control because it helps make it unnecessary for family members to take money out of the business and diversify their assets themselves. That’s why most large, successful family-influenced survivors are multibusiness companies that renew their portfolios over time. While some have a wide array of unconnected businesses, most focus on two to four main sectors. In general, family businesses seek a mix: companies with stable cash flows and others with higher risk and returns. Many complement a group of core enterprises with venture capital and private-equity arms in which they invest 10 to 20 percent of their equity. The idea is to renew the portfolio constantly so that the family holding can preserve a good mix of investments by shifting gradually from mature to growth sectors. Wealth management Beyond the core holdings, families need strong capabilities for managing their wealth, usually held in liquid assets, semiliquid ones (such as investments in hedge funds or private- equity funds), and stakes in other companies. By diversifying risk and providing a source of cash to the family in conjunction with liquidity events, successful wealth management helps preserve harmony. Success is not a sure thing. Many wealthy families around the world lost a lot of money in the financial crisis—losses that vary by geography but averaged 30 to 60 percent from the second quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009. One European family investor with a portfolio mainly in the money market and in prime income-generating real estate lost less than 3 The sample includes 78 deals for family-owned businesses and 494 deals for businesses not owned by families. The acquirers (both kinds of companies) were constituents of the US SP 500, the German HDAX, or the French SBF 120 (Société des Bourses Françaises 120 Index) stock indexes. Value added through the deal is defined as the change in market capitalization, adjusted for market movements, from two days prior to two days after the announcement. The analysis includes all deals completed from 2005 to late 2009 with a value of over $500 million in which the acquirers’ ownership went from nothing to 100 percent.
  • 9. 9 5 percent. At the other extreme, a family investor in the same country, with 80 percent of his assets in real-estate developments and hedge funds, both with 50 to 70 percent leverage, lost 30 to 50 percent of the value in these asset classes at the peak of the crisis. These different outcomes highlight the importance of a professional organization with strong, consolidated, and rigorous risk management to oversee the wealth family businesses generate. For large fortunes, the best solution is a wealth-management office serving a single family— either a separate entity or part of a family office providing a range of family services (described earlier in this article). A wealth-management office that serves a group of unconnected families is an option when individual ones don’t have the scale to justify the cost of a single-family office. Our work with family wealth-management offices has helped us identify five key factors that increase the chances of success: a high level of professionalism, with institutionalized processes and procedures; rigorous investment and divestment criteria; strict performance management; a strong risk-management culture, with aggregated risk measurement and monitoring; and thoughtful talent management. Foundations Charity is an important element in keeping families committed to the business, by providing meaningful jobs for family members who don’t work in it and by promoting family values as the generations come and go. Sharing wealth in an act of social responsibility also generates good will toward the business. Foundations set up by entrepreneurial families represent a huge share of philanthropic giving around the world. In the United States, they include 13 of the 20 largest players, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Money alone does not guarantee a high social impact. In addition to the financial and operational issues facing any charitable activity, families must cope with the critical challenge of nurturing a consensus on the direction of their philanthropic activities from one generation to the next. Some family foundations have tackled the issue by creating a discretionary spending budget allowing family members to finance projects that interest them. Others give them opportunities to serve on the board or staff of the foundation or to participate directly in philanthropic projects through onsite visits and volunteering schemes. This approach is an especially powerful way to engage the next generation early on. Family foundations also face organizational and operational choices about how best to use their funds. Several have concluded that in today’s complex environment, partnerships—for example, with nonprofits or nongovernmental organizations—can promote the family’s social goals. These foundations build on the experience and local presence of other organizations, particularly when implementing projects in unfamiliar geographies.
  • 10. 10 Related articles To ensure high performance and continual improvement, family foundations must combine passion with professionalism and a strict assessment of their impact. Despite the difficulties of “Who should—and assessing it, this is vital to make progress and allocate resources effectively. In our experience, shouldn’t—run the family family foundations should focus their monitoring and evaluation efforts around learning business” and improved decision making. They must also approach operations with the mind-set of an “Keeping the family in investor—minimizing operating costs and making prudent investments in strategy, planning, business” and evaluation as well as in highly qualified staff. “A case for the family- owned conglomerate” Almost all companies start out as family businesses, but only those that master the challenges “All in the familia” intrinsic to this form of ownership endure and prosper over the generations. The work involved is complex, extensive, and never-ending, but the evidence suggests that it is worth the effort for the family, the business, and society at large. The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Andres Maldonado, an alumnus of McKinsey’s São Paulo office. Christian Caspar is a director in McKinsey’s Zurich office; Ana Karina Dias is an associate principal in the São Paulo office, where Heinz-Peter Elstrodt is a director. Copyright © 2010 McKinsey Company. All rights reserved.