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5 Breakaway Mobile Marketing InsightsWill Reese Ph.D., Director of the Digital Futures GroupJamie Beckland, Manager of Emerging MediaMarch 29, 2011
5 Breakaway Mobile Marketing InsightsWhat is geo-location and why does it matter?Introducing our study5 Insights Find your social storyEngage social network updatersEarn the interest and trust of a networkSponsor real world customer interactionsTest incentives|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
What is geolocation?A new form of social network updating……where people broadcast where they are, and when… … as they attend events…... or perform transactions.|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
What is geolocation?A new form of social network updating…CONNECTION…where people broadcast where they are, and when… UNDERSTANDINGPARTICIPATION… as they attend events…... or perform transactions.RELEVANCE|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
Why does it matter?Right place, right time.Help consumers where and when they want help. Drive purchase at POS.|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
Adoption MomentumIn a comparable period (2006 – 2008) Twitter reached only only 1m usersWhy does it matter?    |   Our Study|    5 Insights|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Foursquare reached 7.5 million users March 2011, up 1.5 million from January
Growing market enthusiasmMayor of Austin, TX declares 4/16/11 “Foursquare Day”|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter?    |   Our Study|    5 Insights
Geolocation will take off soon.Why does it matter?    |   Our Study|    5 InsightsTodayEarly majorityEarly adopters|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
Our StudyFebruary 2011437 smartphone users5 geolocation apps|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
We’re on the verge.Usage incidence for location-based apps(n=437 smartphone users)Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Awareness of location-based apps(n=437 smartphone users)
1. Find your social story.Check-ins are NOT just coupons. |  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“What is the most important benefit of these apps to the people who use them?” (n=253)Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights
2. Engage social network updaters.Users(n=171). |  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“How frequently do you contribute updates to social network services?”Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 InsightsNon-users(n=266)
2. Engage social network updaters.Building social media presence should precede your moving into geo-location.|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights
2. Engage social network updaters.Users of dedicated apps sees themselves as influential. |  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“Others seek my opinion on new mobile services like location-based apps” (n=159 users)Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights
2. Engage social network updaters.Facebook Places is likely to prevail.Successful engagement will signal early majority. |  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Active users 2010 year end.Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights
3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter?    |Our Study    |5 InsightsNetworking tools lets you stoke advocacy of your closest customers. Data uploaded to Nike Plus site by user Pete Harris (and friends)http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrip/450350018/sizes/m/in/photostream/
3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.Geolocation lets you stoke advocacy of your closest customers. Other digital touchpoints reinforce the message.Facebook updates by a Nike Plus user (and friends), names altered|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter?    |Our Study    |5 Insights
3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.The chief barriers today are lack of clear benefit, and privacy fears.|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“The benefit you cited hasn’t led you to use any of these apps. How come?”(n=73 knowledgable non-users)Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights
3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.Not knowing why you need the info makes it harder for them to share.|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Information merchants are thought to have already, compared to what users think is reasonable for them to have.(n=171 users)Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights
4. Sponsor real-world customer interactions.The ideal: networks provide advice and discovery. Facilitate this.“What is the most important benefit of these apps to you, personally?”(n=253)Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
5. Test incentives.Prototype and test which incentives inspire commitment. Then help people “opt-in.”Why does it matter?    |   Our Study    |    5 Insights|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
The key breakaway mobile marketing insightGeolocal is geosocial.You’ll want to be there.We will email participants of the webinar copies of our full report for their use. The webinar will be available on the White Horse web site. Questions? Comments? Let’s connect.wreese@whitehorse.com, @willreese | jbeckland@whitehorse.com, @becklandThank you!|  ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.

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5 Breakaway Mobile Marketing Insights

  • 1. 5 Breakaway Mobile Marketing InsightsWill Reese Ph.D., Director of the Digital Futures GroupJamie Beckland, Manager of Emerging MediaMarch 29, 2011
  • 2. 5 Breakaway Mobile Marketing InsightsWhat is geo-location and why does it matter?Introducing our study5 Insights Find your social storyEngage social network updatersEarn the interest and trust of a networkSponsor real world customer interactionsTest incentives| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 3. What is geolocation?A new form of social network updating……where people broadcast where they are, and when… … as they attend events…... or perform transactions.| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 4. What is geolocation?A new form of social network updating…CONNECTION…where people broadcast where they are, and when… UNDERSTANDINGPARTICIPATION… as they attend events…... or perform transactions.RELEVANCE| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 5. Why does it matter?Right place, right time.Help consumers where and when they want help. Drive purchase at POS.| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 6. Adoption MomentumIn a comparable period (2006 – 2008) Twitter reached only only 1m usersWhy does it matter? | Our Study| 5 Insights| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Foursquare reached 7.5 million users March 2011, up 1.5 million from January
  • 7. Growing market enthusiasmMayor of Austin, TX declares 4/16/11 “Foursquare Day”| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter? | Our Study| 5 Insights
  • 8. Geolocation will take off soon.Why does it matter? | Our Study| 5 InsightsTodayEarly majorityEarly adopters| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 9. Our StudyFebruary 2011437 smartphone users5 geolocation apps| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 10. We’re on the verge.Usage incidence for location-based apps(n=437 smartphone users)Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Awareness of location-based apps(n=437 smartphone users)
  • 11. 1. Find your social story.Check-ins are NOT just coupons. | ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“What is the most important benefit of these apps to the people who use them?” (n=253)Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights
  • 12. 2. Engage social network updaters.Users(n=171). | ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“How frequently do you contribute updates to social network services?”Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 InsightsNon-users(n=266)
  • 13. 2. Engage social network updaters.Building social media presence should precede your moving into geo-location.| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights
  • 14. 2. Engage social network updaters.Users of dedicated apps sees themselves as influential. | ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“Others seek my opinion on new mobile services like location-based apps” (n=159 users)Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights
  • 15. 2. Engage social network updaters.Facebook Places is likely to prevail.Successful engagement will signal early majority. | ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Active users 2010 year end.Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights
  • 16. 3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter? |Our Study |5 InsightsNetworking tools lets you stoke advocacy of your closest customers. Data uploaded to Nike Plus site by user Pete Harris (and friends)http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrip/450350018/sizes/m/in/photostream/
  • 17. 3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.Geolocation lets you stoke advocacy of your closest customers. Other digital touchpoints reinforce the message.Facebook updates by a Nike Plus user (and friends), names altered| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Why does it matter? |Our Study |5 Insights
  • 18. 3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.The chief barriers today are lack of clear benefit, and privacy fears.| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.“The benefit you cited hasn’t led you to use any of these apps. How come?”(n=73 knowledgable non-users)Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights
  • 19. 3. Earn the interest and trust of a network.Not knowing why you need the info makes it harder for them to share.| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.Information merchants are thought to have already, compared to what users think is reasonable for them to have.(n=171 users)Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights
  • 20. 4. Sponsor real-world customer interactions.The ideal: networks provide advice and discovery. Facilitate this.“What is the most important benefit of these apps to you, personally?”(n=253)Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 21. 5. Test incentives.Prototype and test which incentives inspire commitment. Then help people “opt-in.”Why does it matter? | Our Study | 5 Insights| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.
  • 22. The key breakaway mobile marketing insightGeolocal is geosocial.You’ll want to be there.We will email participants of the webinar copies of our full report for their use. The webinar will be available on the White Horse web site. Questions? Comments? Let’s connect.wreese@whitehorse.com, @willreese | jbeckland@whitehorse.com, @becklandThank you!| ©2011 White Horse Productions, Inc. Content may not be reused without permission.