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5 Paragraph Essay Monroe
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5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College
Donald J Trump Persuasive Essay
We as citizens of the United States of America are lucky enough to live in a nation where we are
free to make our own decisions and pursue our dreams really without any government
interference. However, while this is a blessing, at times it can be quite a curse. A perfect
example of this would be the ability for anyone to attempt to become President even if they aren t
in the least bit qualified. If you haven t figured out who I m referring to I m talking about one
Donald J. Trump. Trump is a business man who has made billions of dollars through real estate
and other means. While successful this man has no business running a country, especially one as
powerful as ours. However, for the past few months Mr. Trump has lead in the republican polls....
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Unlike Donald Trump, Jeb isn t going out and making extreme promises or statements that would
offend millions of individuals. Jeb instead is laying low for the time being and in a way letting his
competition ruin their chances themselves. Bush has come out and responded to Trumps proposals
by saying, Instead he called Trump uninformed, wrong on Syria, and not a serious leader. (the
Atlantic) This strategy allows Bush to lay low until it is an appropriate time to make a push for
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Leslie T Chang Factory Girls Analysis
The unfortunate influx of young immigrants working in Chinese factories lies a fact that is
bizarre to our opinions behind the creators of our beloved everyday items: the workers choose the
factory life . This statement is especially true of women of rural China. Leslie T Chang s Factory
Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China, tells harsh stories of life in China s chaotic
industrial city, Dongguan. She tells the lives of two girls closely, Min and Ming, on their journey to
the environmental ruin, corruption, traffic, pollution, noise, prostitution, bad driving, short term
thinking, stress, striving, and chaos... (27) that is of the city life. By doing so, Chang makes her
case compelling enough that turns the immoral practices of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
However, Migration as a whole can be traumatic. These girls are suddenly moving from this
small group where they knew everyone to the city where they do not have anyone. A day on the
assembly line stretched from eight in the morning until midnight thirteen hours on the job plus
two breaks for meals and workers labored every day for weeks on end. (5) In addition, the work
is tedious and the working conditions do not make things any better. The working conditions is
one that make workers like Min and Ming contemplate and doubt their whole existence and their
decisions. Regardless of the tragedy that is the city life, both girls however were driven to take
on a different path than the one that were instilled in them as the result of their social status of
being farmers. Working in these factories have given these girls a new sense of hope and a
newfound success. They are able to go to school and sooner or later moved up the social ladder and
to actually matter to society. These girls had no incentive to return to everything they
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Case Study On H R Johnson
Heading: H R JOHNSON Redefining Lifestyle, Worldwide
Mr. Joydeep Mukherjee, Executive Director and CEO, H R Johnson (India) interacts with Mr.
Kamal Khokhani, Publisher INSITE
Established in India since 1958, H R Johnson is one of the oldest tile manufacturing brands in India
and offers a comprehensive range of tiles. With over 20 sizes, 9 different levels of tile thickness and
15 surface finishes to suit the functional and aesthetics requirement, H R Johnson provides Johnson
tiles under four sub brands i.e. Johnson Tiles, Johnson Porselano, Johnson Marbonite and Johnson
Endura. They offer several categories in tiling solutions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What are the Green Initiatives undertaken by the company?
As a socially responsible company, Johnson has initiated a number of measures to reduce energy
consumption and to conserve and preserve precious natural resources. Our manufacturing
operations are increasingly using greener fuels like biomass and wind energy. We leverage local
resources, manufacture, and distribute locally in order to cut down on fuel consumption wasted in
transportation. We also use minimum water, mostly harvested rainwater, reuse energy diligently
and recycle waste. The company has registered two projects under the Clean Development
Mechanism, which is generating certified emission reduction (CER). Additionally, we have two
projects on the VER+ scheme accruing VER+ credits. These initiatives have been recognised by
external and Government agencies such as Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) and the Bureau
of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India.
8.Please share about the awards /accolades won by the company in recent times.
H R Johnson was announced as one of India s leading business brands in the Business Superbrands
2016 list, acknowledging H R Johnson s steady brand strength.
9.Tell us about the retail and distribution
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Male Partner Abuse
The male partner shows male privilege by making the female partner do the household chores.
Such as, cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Both partner s use emotional abuse when they are upset
with each other. They will call each other names, or state the other partner is being stupid if they
disagree. The female partner has a three year old son with a previous person who is no longer in
the child s life. The female partner is very protective and does not approve of the male partner
bringing the child places that are unfamiliar to the female partner. This has resulted in arguments
where the male partner states the female partner cannot have a say about the future children they
plan on having together. When this couple has conflicts, the male
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Psych Exam Chapter 12
Chapter 12, Exam 3 Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________ 1.
The definition of _____ is a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are
perceived as taxing or exceeding a person s resources or ability to cope. A) a hassle B) stress C) a
stressor D) appraisal 2. Which of the following is the BEST definition of stress? A) the demands
that are made on you by other people B) deadlines, daily hassles, or inconveniences C) a negative
emotional state caused by your perception that you are unable to cope with events or circumstances
D) the mental processes that people use to make sense out of their environment 3. During their third
year at college, Tammy and Timothy both lost their part time jobs in... Show more content on
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13. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS): A) measures acculturative stress. B) uses
personality measures to estimate the length of time it will take a person to recover and readjust
from the stressful effects of major life traumas. C) was an attempt to quantify and rank the
impact of stress producing events in a person s life. D) measures the effect that everyday events
that annoy and upset people has on health and well being. 14. The Social Readjustment Rating
Scale (SRRS), which was an attempt to quantify and rank the impact of stress producing events
in a person s life, was developed by: A) Richard Lazarus. B) Robert Ader and Nicholas Cohen. C)
Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe. D) Janice Kiecolt Glaser and Ron Glaser. Page 3 15. Holmes
and Rahe believed that any change that required you to adjust your behavior and lifestyle would
cause stress. In an attempt to measure the amount of stress people experienced, they developed
the: A) Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ). B) Daily Hassles Scale (DHS). C) Social
Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). D) Cognitive Reappraisal Rating Scale (CRRS). 16. In
contrast to the conclusions reached by early stress researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe,
contemporary health psychologists now believe that: A) to improve its predictive power, the
Social Readjustment Rating Scale needs to be expanded from 43 life events to 125 life events. B)
positive life events, such as vacations or marriage, have a
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Napoleon Bonaparte Revolutionary Hall Of Fame
To the Admissions Board of the Revolutionary Hall of Fame,
It is with great pleasure that I recommend Napoleon Bonaparte to be inducted into the
Revolutionary Hall of Fame. Bonaparte was not only the French General of the French Army but,
more importantly, an emperor that was charismatic and diligent who was successful in the
reunification of the French empire and established a stable connect between the church and the
state after the effects of the French Revolution.
Napoleon Bonaparte excelled as his role of the emperor of France. Before that, he was a game
changing First Consul and revolutionary French General of the French Army. He was diligent and
cunning when it came to military plans and military campaigns. Napoleon Bonaparte also
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Silent Film Synchrony
Synchrony is one of the most vital methods to film score composition. Synchrony, as many
techniques, has become easier as new technology comes out. However, during the silent film era
synchrony was almost impossible to master. Today we hear the film soundtrack coming out of a
speaker that has been timed down to the millisecond. During the silent filmera the soundtrackwas a
live orchestra down in an orchestra pit below the screen or an organist in the back of the theater.
There are many factors that go into a successful performance of a silent film: a correct knowledge
of tempo, the completeness of the film as originally set to music, the steadiness of projection and
care of the operator. It is vital for the conductor to be competent of the... Show more content on
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The silent film era was the birth of film in that it was the first time the public was able to see
motion picture images moving within a frame that are not physically there. Although as the title
of the era confirms there was no voice with the picture partly because it dated before recording
techniques became advanced enough using mixing and modern recording techniques. Because
music was not recorded at this point instead a live band, orchestra, or solo organist would
perform at the theater. Unlike today where a theater could easily show over twenty films at one
time because they were all filmed at the same time. During the early silent film era the film
production process took much longer and as a result would be released much further apart from
each other. Instead of a copious amount of movies to choose from for viewing most audiences
would have three or four at most to choose from at different times of the day. Live performers
provided many issues including one of the most vital methods of film music, which is synchrony.
As with most professions inventers took it upon themselves to solve the issue of synchrony and
provide the audiences with an even better experience other than watching people move on a
screen. In this case the two inventors to work on this issue were Mr. Theodore Presser and Mr.
Thomas Edison who combined the phonograph for the audio part and the vitagraph as the visual
part. Later in 1926 an exhibition in New York City unveiled the Vitaphone. Perfectly
synchronizing the music to the image on the screen. Now not only the music would be
synchronized, but voice would also be synchronized and we would move into the era of the Talkies
. A review from a critic at the exhibition had this to
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Multiple Varieties Of Color In The Great Gatsby
The multiple varieties of colors show the slightest difference in emotion, and as well as the
setting of a place. The novel, The Great Gatsby, was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and
published on April 10, 1925. The book portrays Gatsby as a wealthy man and someone who is
caring towards others. Nick Carraway, the narrator of the novel, meets Gatsby as his next door
neighbor, and later finds out that his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, was the lover of Gatsby before he
went off to war. After Gatsby was over with the war, he sent Daisy a letter explaining how he
wants her to wait for him so that he can make something out of himself, but the very same day
Daisy received the letter, she had married Tom Buchanan. Now, Gatsby tried to get Daisy s
attention with the huge parties he throws every week and also by the color choices of his items,
preferably silver, and gold.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main characters in the films are Roxie Hart, Velma Kelly, and Billy Flynn. Roxie s only
desire is to become a female performer. She decides to sleep with a man who says he can get her
an act, but she soon realizes that he is only using her for sex, so she murders him by shooting him
multiple times with a handgun. Throughout the film, she gains popularity and her desire to become
a performer starts to become a reality. Both Chicago and The Great Gatsby are represented by the
opposite effects of colors. While one is showing the emotion of liveliness and joyfulness, the other
is the complete opposite, showing dreadfulness. Showing that during the 1920s, many people were
lively and full of
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Biblical And Gilgamesh Flood Comparison
Flood Gates
There are many different reasons things occur. Comparing the Biblical flood to the Ancient
Mesopotamian flood is one of those strange things that occurred. The Biblical flood was to destroy
humankind because of their sinful ways. Mesopotamian flood was used to punish mankind for their
actions. The two floods came from two different historic timing. The two floods have several
similarities and differences.
The Biblical and Gilgamesh flood have several things they have in common. The hero s characters
in each story were righteous men. Noah represents a church. Noah and his family had spiritual
beliefs and practices. Noah and his family listen to God. In both floods, God is punishing rebellious
mankind. In the book of Genesis, God flood the earth because of humankind sinful ways. God
instructed Noah, 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had
corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people, for the
earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the
earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside
and out. (Genesis 6:9 12 14) Noah built an ark for him and his family would be saved from the
flood. Utnapishtim name meant finder of life. With the Gilgamesh flood, god Enlil told
Utnapishtim in a dream to build a big boat. Him and his family would be saved from the flood
also. Enlil was going to punish
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Melissa Mccarthy In Mccarthy s Films
The Melissa McCarthy train keeps churning as the immensely talented breakout actress has now
fully shed that interim tag and officially become the queen of the comedy genre. Comparable to
Bill Murray or Chris Farley in their heydays, McCarthy is not only the queen of her respective
genre, but also the king, the dictator, and whatever other high standing position you can think of.
True, not all of McCarthy s films are memorable (especially Tammy and Identity Theft), yet
tremendous performances in films that include Spy, Bridesmaids, and The Heat, easily subdue and
negate the less than stellar performances. But, where does her latest role in the R Rated comedy,
The Boss, sit on her ever growing rГ©sumГ©? In the Boss, directed by Ben Falcone... Show more
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But, don t look to either one for humor as Bell, who doesn t appear to have a humorous bone in
her body, portrays the serious mother, all the while Dinklage plays a seemingly dry, obsessive ex
lover of Michelle.
To a degree, the vast majority of McCarthy s roles are silly but at least most of them have substance
and purpose. The Boss, written by McCarthy and her husband (and director), Ben Falcone, is
completely devoid of a meaningful plot, though relying far too much on petty, showboating antics
(the opening sequence is a perfect example) that obviously attempt to sugarcoat the fact that there is
absolutely no point to this story, whatsoever.
Again, when you re having little girls brawl on the street a scene which mimics something
straight out of an Anchorman film (minus the cameos), it s basically waving a sign of
desperation to those watching. Plus, it doesn t help the cause when your lead character is
horribly unlikable person (I wonder if Michelle was based on Donald Trump?). Michelle is a
wealthy degenerate that loses her fortune, yet it s hard to care if she ever recoups it or if she finds
the warm embrace that was absent from her
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Theme Of Civilization In Lord Of The Flies
Loss of Civilization After a plane crash carrying a group of young British school boys, they are
left to survive without any adults and protect themselves from all the danger this island might
create. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding the boys at first try to make rules that relate to
their civilization back home. Early in the story, Roger can not adapt to the new way of life and is
still trying remain civilized like the other boys, but when there is a loss of order and fears of the
island progress, he starts to move away from civilizationand does what needs to do to stay alive.
Golding uses the symbols of rocks, face paint, the character Roger to express the theme of loss of
civilization in civilized boys who become savage. Throughout... Show more content on
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Some of the boys were building sand castles on the beach, and Roger goes up to them and kicks
the sand castles down. To be even more annoying, Roger gathered a handful of stones and began
to throw them. Yet there was a space round Henry, perhaps six yards in diameter, into which he
dare not throw ... Roger s arm was conditioned by civilization that knew nothing of him and was
in ruins. (Golding 62). Even if Roger is already mean and annoying, he still at this point in the
story can not throw rocks to hurt someone because he is still civilized. Roger starts to turn into
savagery fast. At this point in the story all of the older boys except Piggy and Ralph are at the top
of Castle Rock. They took Piggy s glasses to start a fire, so Piggy goes up to Castle Rock to ask for
them back: High overhead, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all of his
weight on the lever ... The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee (Golding 180 181).
Roger has lost all of civilized that he killed someone. Therefore Roger could not throw a rock to
hurt someone when all civilization was lost he could puck a boulder off to kill
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Ifrs Vs. Us Gaap Essay
For years, IASB and FASB have been working diligently on convergence with IFRS. Different
countries develop their own accounting standards based on their unique rules, principles,
business base, and tax; however, with globalization it s very important to reconcile between
different accounting standards. Two major standards are the US GAAP and IFRS, and they
share many differences and similarities. One of the main differences is the conceptual approach
and framework, IFRS is principle based whilst US GAAP is rule based (Forgeas, 2008). When
comparing IFRS and US GAAP, we can discover many differences in several areas. Based on note
27 of Swisscom s consolidated financial statements, today we are going to reconcile and restate its
financial statements based on capitalization of interest cost, restructuring charges, depreciation
expense, capitalization of software, and restructuring charges of affiliates. Debit Credit Property,
plant and equipment$ 54.00 Depreciation and amortization$ 5.00 Interest expense$ 13.00 Retained
earnings$ 46.00 First, let s look at capitalization on interest cost. Note 27 states that under US
GAAP, Swisscom would have capitalized CHF 13 million and amortized 5 million for current year.
Based on this information, we can make an adjustment entry to debit 54 million property, plant and
equipment; 5 million to depreciation and amortization. On the other hand, credit interest expense of
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Study2 Essay
History 229: History of Race, Science, and Medicine in the U.S.
Professor Helena M. Pycior
STUDY GUIDE FOR PRELIMINARY EXAM 2 October 14, 2014, 9:00 9:50 a.m., in LUB S151
The following are study questions for the examination. The examination will be a closed book
On the examination you will be required to respond to one of two essay questions. The essay
questions on the examination will test essentially the same ideas as these study questions. Parts of
study questions may be combined to form an essay appearing on the examination. More typically, a
shortened or edited version of a study question will appear as an essay question on the examination.
In answering a given essay question, you are not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Morton as trying to state he was objective, and was being honest. The two major different pieces
that support the thesis that Morton tried to be objective is his use of lead shot instead of mustrard
seed and his openness with all his data. When Morton realized that his Mustard seed technique was
unstable and presented varied results he quickly changed to a lead shot which was more accurate.
Morton was very open when it came to displaying his data. He published results which included
numbers, not just explainations.
Select any two of the general categories of fudging and finagling that Gould has identified in
Morton s work except that of miscalculations and convenient omissions. For each of the two
selected categories, briefly explain the category in your own words. Carefully sketch Gould s
major specific example of the category. Explain explicitly how the example fits the category into
which Gould has put it, state which of Morton s publication(s) the example comes from, state the
racial groups and/or subgroups featured in the example, and (following Gould) explain the effects
of the finagling on Morton s conclusions about racial ranking.
1.Favorable inconsistencies and shifting criteria. Morton often liked to include or delete large
subsamples inorder to match his previous expectations and results.
2.Subjectivity directed toward
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Analysis Of Caprice No. 24 By Niccolo Paganini
Caprice No. 24 By Niccolo Paganini
NicolГі Paganini was a famous Italian violinist born in the midst of The Enlightenment. He wrote
a set of 24 Capriccis for the violin in the early 1800s, the most famous of which is the final
caprice, simply referred to as Caprice No. 24 . The final caprice exemplifies Paganini s bold style
and technique, which was a natural byproduct of the musical liberation that took place during the
Enlightenment. His work would inspire musicians for centuries to come.
I chose Caprice No. 24 largely because it is one of the most well known piece by Paganini. In
present day, the famous neoclassical guitar player, Yngwie Malmsteen a virtuoso in his own right
and a musician that I greatly admire has cited Paganini as a source of inspiration for his music. I
wanted to investigate this claim. I had heard small portions of Caprice No. 24 over the years, but
my first exposure to the piece in its entirety was through a studio recorded, 2013 performance by
violinist David Garrett, accompanied by an orchestra.
My first impression was that I was listening to a rock star. I had a notable physical reaction to the
music; I felt a rush of adrenaline and my heart rate increased. The music was fast paced and
intense undoubtedly physically and mentally demanding on Garrett. I am a pianist myself, and I
felt a sense of empathy. I was exhausted on his behalf by simply hearing his talented
performance. The music would slow down in some parts, only to pick back up with even more
intensity and speed. The music aroused a familiar sense of pressure, such as the pressure to
complete a difficult yet important task in a short period of time. The pressure and difficulty build
to near unbearable proportions until the work is finally finished, and dissipates into the euphoria of
accomplishment. If that scenario had a theme song, it could be Paganini s Caprice No. 24 . The
music was passionate, chaotic, and ultimately satisfying. I felt that I had witnessed true mastery of
the art of the violin in both Paganini s written work and Garrett s performance.
Caprice No. 24 is a violin solo written in the key of A minor, lending a dark and sinister quality to
the melody. The word caprice is an Italian word which
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The Impact Of Working Environment At Drayton Manor
Impact of working environment
In addition to guarantee the working environment at Drayton Manor complies with health and
safety, employers should ensure the work environment is as comfortable as possible for its staff.
A comfortable work environment would be important to the staff at Drayton Manor because without
it if the employees of Drayton Manor s are not comfortable that would lead to their productivity
levels being low therefore decreasing their profits levels. If Drayton Manor employers do create a
comfortable work environment employees would be productive meaning that their would be an
increase of the profits that Drayton Manor makes. To increase their employees productivity levels
the employers at Drayton Manor should increase their staffs motivation levels which would then for
sure make them work more.
Accidents that occur in the working environment at Drayton Manor would commonly be caused by
things such as falling objects, hand tools and moving objects.
When the employers at Drayton Manor carry out risk assessment they should consider the risk to
their employees of being struck by falling objects.
When employers carry out risk assessments, employers must consider the risk to employees of
being struck by falling objects.
An example of a potential falling object in an office or kitchen environment at Drayton Manor
could be in the Kitchens pantry maybe cans of stored products would fall onto an employees had
causing them harm and possibly a concussion.
There are
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The Dualists Essay
The infinite theoretical duel between the duality of our mind and body by philosophers has been
one that has been replete with a magnitude of different philosophical theories that try to posit our
existentiality. Consequently, these theorists try to find the answers to the causality of how the mind
and the brain truly interact: Are we our synapses, or are we something more than that? However,
one theory that has been of interest to many recent scientists and philosophers alike is one that has
been around since its conception by a famous mathematician and philosopher named Rene
Descartes. This theory is called substance dualism; and accordingly, this theory tries to solve the
mystery of how these two complex disparate entities can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, one theory that I find particularly helpful is one that is from the Cartesian dualistic
mentality; however, it branches of into its own direction and creates a plausible theory that I hope
will help open doors to many more answers to the mystery of our experiential existence. According
to Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Henry P. Stapp, and Mario Beauregard, who are researchers in the field
of neuroscience and quantum physics, the mind creates a causative effect through the brains neural
mechanism thus through material matter and this in turn creates an interaction. Consequently,
these interactions call it volition if you will affect the atoms, matter and molecules of our material
existence. Consequently, only through quantum physics can one know how these substances
comingle with each other to create a seamless interaction that can either have positive or negative
consequences to our existence. In philosophical terms, this theory also pertains to our experiential
existence; thus, it has implications for our day to day life (2). Classical physics mainly deals with
formulas and sets of equations that describe our world in macromolecular terms; however, quantum
physics is concerned with the more intimate aspects of casual
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The Rise of Big Business
The Rise of Big Business
The decades after the Civil War rapidly changed the face of the United States. The rapid
industrialization of the nation changed us from generally agrarian to the top industrial power in
the world. Business tycoons thrived during this time, forging great business empires with the use
of trusts and pools. Farmers moved to the cities and into the factories, living off wages and
changing the face of the workforce. This rapid industrialization created wide gaps in society, and
the government, which had originally taken a hands off approach to business, was forced to step in.
1.Many individuals took advantage of the rapid industrialization and high influx of cheap labor in
the form of immigrants. Among these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The federal government also aided in the development of a transcontinental railroad by offering
compensation and land for each mile that Railroad companies built. Because of this, the United
States was quickly brought together from east to west by the railroad. Time zones were
implemented because the railroads needed a standard time to go by, a prime example of the
power of change that industry possessed. Steel sprung up as a major industry in the late 19th
century as well. Carnegie started his steel factories in Pittsburgh, opening many new jobs and
aiding in the trend of urbanization. The steel industry flourished and in 1901 the United States
Steel Corporation was worth over $1.4 billion, the country s first billion dollar corporation. The oil
industry also grew exponentially as America expanded. John D. Rockefeller created the Standard Oil
Company, monopolizing the competition on the way to becoming the richest man in history. The
demand for oil products was bolstered tremendously by the invention of the automobile and the gas
powered engine gave the oil business a highly profitable market. One of the most influential
inventions of the time period was the telephone, introduced by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. An
enormous communications network was rapidly constructed on this invention. The invention of
telephones attracted many women from the home to work as
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Health Of Women, Health, Sanitation, And Hygiene Of The...
The country that this author chose to research about is Haiti, which has some major health
concerns that are present in the country. Haiti is currently working on improving these health
concerns. The topics that were chosen to examine Haiti s health more in depth was women s health,
sanitation and hygiene, and nutrition. This paper will look further into the healthof women in Haiti,
as well as the sanitationand water supply and nutrition of the population. This paper will also
address the steps that have been taken to help improve the health of women, nutrition, water,
sanitation, and hygienein Haiti. The population of Haiti as of 2015 is 10,711,000 (World Health
Organization (WHO), 2017). Haiti experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in... Show more content
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The earthquake also affected the women that are residing in the community reproductive health.
The conditions that the women are giving birth in are not always safe and adequate, especially
after the earthquake. To help give the women what she needs during delivery an organization is
distributing reproductive health kits to assist [the women] and their families to deliver their
babies in the absence of medical staff to support them (Daniel, 2010, p. 102). There are many
steps that are being taken in Haiti to help improve women s health especially when it concerns
reproductive health. By educating and improving the health of the women it will with any luck
improve the health of the children in Haiti as well. By improving the women s health it will help to
decrease the cases of malnutrition in the children of Haiti as well.
Malnutrition is a serious health concern for people that are residing in Haiti, especially the
children. Malnutrition has a serious effect on the body, children [that] suffer from acute
malnutrition are at a great risk for severe morbidity and mortality (Roller, Gray, Previl, Forrest,
2014, p. 1094). There is no reason for these children to be suffering from malnutrition when there is
such a simple solution to fix malnutrition. According to UNICEF the percent of children that are
underweight and is considered moderate to severe is 11.4
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Words On Tips For Success With A Content Marketing Email...
Goal: 800 words on tips for success with a content marketing email series Total Word Count in
This Document: 900 Title: How to succeed with a series of emails: 5 keys to what to say Note:
Post is for businessmarketingengine.com How to succeed with a series of emails: 5 keys to
what to say Autoresponder series definition The technical term for an email series from an
entrepreneur to his or her following is the autoresponder series. Such is a sequence of related
emails that can be put together as a course or series of practical helps or sales success stories.
The idea is to give away valuable content with no strings. You only want to help people and get
known and thereby build trust and loyalty. Increase in sales will follow. Think: how can I bless
my customers? That is how can I prosper them and not harm them? Answer: Keep their needs
uppermost in mind. Then social media sharing happens, buyers become regulars, and readers
stay subscribed. 1. First consider your own email system setup needs. MailChimp is best for
startups as it is free when you have under 2,000 subscribers and less than 12,000 monthly emails.
MailChimp provides free templates or for a more custom look an easy to use drag and drop
template editor. AWeber is better if you serve multiple markets, have multiple email lists, and
varying offers. AWeber can integrate a shopping cart on your site. Then iContact is noted for
excellence in service and excellence in the way it manages your contacts. MadMimi
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Early Canadian History
When taking the time to review the early beginnings of Canadian history through the events that
would go onto lead to confederation, it is possible to realize the intent that is found in regards to
the founding of the country from being a collection of colonies for the British Empire. This all in all
establishes and investigation to the economic, social, political, and environmental events/ideas to
go on to understand the nature of the formation of Canada, as well as the influences that would go on
to the development of the national identity.
In regards to the economic state of the separate colonies as well as the conclusion that would be
reached from the forming of the country; it should be understood that each of the colonies would
have separate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Initially beginning with the divided political areas of the Family Compact and the ChГўteau Clique
which held most of the judicial power between Upper and Lower Canada. Between each of them,
controversy would be raised among the two systems of government. However this was mostly due
to the controversy that arose after it was revealed that the ChГўteau Clique was composed of the
rich and the wealthy occupants of Lower Canada which were all English, disconnecting the lower
classes of Lower Canada as even though the majority is French in origin, have no say in the
running of their own government with representatives that do not understand the plight of the
people, while the right to be able to elect a member is taken out of their hands. Furthermore, such
high powers given to them through veto would be more than enough to create problems for the
assembly in attempting to provide new possible rulings. Responsible government would eventually
become a subject to be discussed among the area as the eventual arrival of Governor General
Durham after the politically fueled rebellions of 1837 1838 for reform with causes ranging from
discontent between the English and French to the economic crash and crop failures of that period.
Lord Durham would eventually influence the idea of uniting Upper and Lower Canada together,
eventually supporting responsible government
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Similarities Between Deucalion And Lycaon
In a Greek version Deucalion is warned of the flood. He builds an ark and stuffs it with
creatures. Deucalion also sends a pigeon to search for land, and the bird returns with an olive
branch. When he completes the voyage he gives thanks, and takes advice from the gods on how
to repopulate the Earth. In a more colorful version, Zeus was angered by the extreme pride of the
Pelasgians , the indigenous inhabitants of the Aegean Sea region, so he decided to punish them.
Lycaon was the king of Arcadia, which was a part of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was an
unspoiled, harmonious wilderness, thought to be the home of Pan. To punish Zeus for his
oppression, Lycaon offered a blood sacrifice. Arcas, a son of Zeus, was placed upon the burning
altar.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They chastised and rebuked Salih, whom they had once adored. The poor and needy of the
community became His only believers. This caused the others to mock His efforts even more.
Salih asked that the rich stop oppressing the poor, and adopt a more virtuous behavior. A few
more people accepted His words. Not surprisingly, most of them refused to heed His warning,
and instead began to harass Him to cause a miracle as proof of the Power of God. Salih kept
telling them to look around and remember the numerous miracles God had already bestowed
upon them. He reminded His people of the countless castles and palaces they had built, and of
their rich farm fields, and technical superiority. He also reminded them of the fate of the Ad, and
how they were destroyed for their similar, unrepentant sins. Produce a camel from the rocks , they
shouted. Still, He exhorted them to worship One God, and be thankful to the One from whom all
blessings flow. There was still time to turn from idolatry to monotheism. Even a few of His
believers turned away, because most people wanted proof that God was all
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Role Of Perseus
The roles of two heroes in ancient greek mythology Agbekorode Barnabas Jeff dobbs English isu
In ancient Greek mythology they were two heroes who we adored by the Greeks their names
were called Hercules and Perseus who were both sons of Zeus the king of the gods the found
their way to fame by doing extraordinary and brave thing during their lifetime for one Hercules
extraordinary and brave adventure was conquering the ten labors but as time went on it got
changed to the twelve labors, which no man has ever done before and the brave and extraordinary
adventure... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When Hercules was born she sent two serpents to kill the child but Hercules being had the
strength of a god strangled and killed the serpents. When Hercules grew up to become a warrior
he married a woman called Megara and they had two children life was going good until Hera
struck Hercules with madness during which he killed his entire family after he came back to his
senses he realized what he had done and went to the oracle of Delphi which in ancient Greece
was an oracle which is controlled by Apollo the god of the sun, when he went to the oracle it
told him that he would have to work for a king called Tiryns for twelve years and that during
those twelve years he would have to complete the twelve labors which were: the first labor was
to kill the Nemea lion it was not just a lion it was a terrible monster that had impenetrable skin so
Hercules had to be wise, the second labor was to slay the lernaean hydra this fearsome monster
lived in the swamp of the lake lerna it was specifically raised by Hera to kill Hercules it had nine
heads and one of which was immortal, the third labor was capturing the ceryneian hind this labor
an effort to end Hercules by
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Casa de Diseno Essay
Integrative Case 7, Casa de Diseno, involves evaluating working capital management of a furniture
manufacturer. Operating cycle, cash conversion cycle, and negotiated financing needed are
determined and compared with industry practices. The student then analyzes the impact of
changing the firm s credit terms to evaluate its management of accounts receivablebefore making a
a.Operating cycle (OC)пЂЅпЂ average age of inventory пЂ« average collection period пЂЅ 110
days пЂ« 75 days пЂЅ 185 days Cash conversion cycle (CCC)пЂЅпЂ OCпЂ пЂпЂ average
payment period пЂЅпЂ 185 daysпЂ пЂпЂ 30 days пЂЅпЂ 155 days Resources neededпЂЅпЂ
пЂЅпЂ пЂЅпЂ $11,253,425
B.Industry OCпЂЅпЂ 83 days пЂ« 75 days пЂЅпЂ 158 days Industry CCCпЂЅпЂ 158
daysпЂ пЂпЂ 39 days ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
f.The other sources of financing available include both unsecured and secured sources.
Unsecured Sources:
Short term self liquidating bank loans usually used to help with seasonal needs where the loan is
repaid as receivables are collected.
Single payment bank notes normally a short term (30 days to 9 months) loan to be repaid on the
end of the loan period.
Line of credit a loan much like a credit card in that the borrower can draw down the money as
needed and make various payments. The loan must often be paid in full at some point within each
Revolving credit agreement a guaranteed amount of funds available to the borrower. The borrower
usually pays a commitment fee to the bank to compensate them for having the funds available on
Commercial paper a 3 day to 270 day loan sold as a security to the lender.
Secured Sources:
Pledging accounts receivable a lender loans money on the basis of the creditworthiness of the
borrower s customers who bought on account. The lender advances the money to the borrower in an
amount discounted from the book value of the receivables. When the borrower collects the
receivables payments, the money is remitted to the lender.
Factoring accounts receivable selling the firm s accounts receivable to a lender at a discount to the
book value of the receivables. The factor normally receives the payment directly from
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The Drought Stricken State’S Climate Leaves Its’ Water
The drought stricken State s climate leaves its water supply to be volatile and unpredictable,
creating a hash reality for all demanders of the scarce resource. In the worst of times California s
climate is destructive to the wellbeing of not only Californian s quality of life, but the surrounding
ecosystems. With unseasonably higher temperatures presenting issues farther into the future, in
Adapting California s water managementto climate change , the authors Ellen Hanak and Jay Lund
provide an overview of the effects California s climate has during times of drought, and the
complications it presents for the State s water management. Water management in the state oversee
a plethora of concerns; properly planning supply and delivery... Show more content on
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The Delta is the lifeblood of California s water supply system, but when sea levels rise more and
more of the levee system that blockades the salt and fresh water erodes, it leads to what is
known as seawater intrusion. More simply, the contamination of freshwater by its salty
counterpart. This process happens at varying rates, disrupting the water supply at a snail s pace
or more in abundance, leaving a rippling effect to be felt for months, or even years. Climates
effects on snowpack levels is far more measurable, where warming temperatures lead to higher
levels of winter runoff. Thus depleting the snowpack earlier in the year, and leaving less for the
spring and summer months to follow. Inversely, the average precipitations effects on the water
supply are less measurable, due to the inability to correctly asses the amount of total runoff derived
from precipitations role as the catalyst of the melting process. Measurements of this kind must be
more than just an estimate, Hanak and Lund cite that It is likely to be decades before we know if
and by how much precipitation and runoff volumes are changing (pg 20). But precipitations effects
on snowpack volume must remain relevant, the effects of reduced runoff due to decreased
precipitation appear to be much more important than
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Greeley Painting Benefits
Whether the paint on your home is chipping, fading or just not as attractive as it once was, you
might be surprised at what a difference a fresh coat of paint can make on your home s curb appeal.
The fact of the matter is that exterior painting is the very best way to improve your home s
appearance, but the benefits of paintingyour home go far beyond just the aesthetics. Painting also
helps to protect your home and siding from the elements, increase the lifespan of your siding,
prevent termite damage and help to maintain the structural integrity of the wood, just to name a few
of the many benefits of exterior painting. But, in order to enjoy these benefits, it s of the utmost
importance that you hire the right contractor for the job.
Let us help you enjoy the many benefits of exterior painting in Greeley.
For friendly service, competitive rates and a dedication to getting you only the best results, turn to
the professionals at Sorensen Roofing Exteriors. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, finding the right company for the job is key to enjoying those benefits for yourself, and
when you want a company you can rely on in Greeley, there s no better company to turn to than
Sorensen Roofing Exteriors. At Sorensen, we approach each and every customer with three
uncompromising qualities honesty, integrity and responsibility and we ll always take the time and
practice a high level of attention to detail so that you get only the very best results. Experience the
difference with Sorensen. Get your free quote
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The Pros And Cons Of Gaining A Handgun
Would or Should You Loan Someone Your Handgun or Any Firearm
Pursuant to 18 USC 922(a)(5), it is unlawful for any person...to transfer, sell, trade, give, transport,
or deliver any firearm to any person who the transferor knows or has reasonable cause to believe
does not reside in the state in which the transferor resides, or is otherwise prohibited from
possessing a firearm (Cornell University).
Legally you have an obligation when loaning a handgun to someone. If you could know then you
should know that the person you loan a handgun to can legally possess a firearm. This means you
have to do your due diligence before agreeing to loan anyone your handgun.
In legal terms, it is your responsibility to know if the person you loan a handgun to can legally
possess one. How would you know if they had a felony conviction or there is some other reason
they cannot legally possess one? You wouldn t unless you tell them that a condition of the loan is
that they produce a current background check, (yes you can order a check on yourself, pay the fee
and collect the information). Aside from that, however, why should you ever loan anyone your
firearm. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some states do require that the person borrowing the handgun have a permit, and in some cases, the
person borrowing the gun would have to carry the registration papers or some proof that the gun
was purchased legally and it is loaned.
If someone, a friend, for example, comes to you and says there have been a number of break ins in
my community and I need some personal protection, can I borrow your pistol, what would you
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The Executive Order 9066 and Its Effects on Japanese...
Imagine being a part of a minority that was blamed for the disaster that was out of their control, and
as a result were forced to leave behind everything. This was a nightmare that became a reality for
the Japanese when President Franklin Roosevelt passed the Executive Order 9066 on February 19,
1942, which allowed the government authorized the internment of tens of thousands of American
citizens of Japanese ancestry and resident aliens from Japan. Over 120,000 innocent citizens of
California, Arizona, and Oregon faced unjust and unconstitutional treatments by their own
government, who was supposed to protect citizen s rights but made the Japanese feel the complete
opposite. The internment camps impacted the Japanese American citizens tremendously in the
areas of finances, social status, and physiological well being. Japanese residents of the west coast
had a week s notice to bring and grab only what they could carry to an unknown location. Other
minorities started to question why the victims of the internment camps did not take refuge before
the government forced the Japans out of their own homes. Although 8,000 Japanese escaped to the
east coast, most of the minority stayed since it was symbolic of their loyalty to the United States
and ultimately rebuild the broken trust. Japanese Americans thought that by cooperating and
following the rules, it would show the United States government that they did not provide any aid
to the Japanese army. The internees started to
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Industrialization Essay
As George Donelson Moss, author of America in the twentieth century states it; modern America
emerged during the last thirty years of the nineteenth century. With most of the century consisting
of farmers and smaller towns and country like living, the later parts of the century brought
industrialization and businesses. This changes forced Americans to view and live life differently.
Of the important elements that influenced America in the nineteenth century, industrialization and
immigration are the most significant. Industry flourished in the 1800 s causing changes to America
s every aspect of life. Manufacturing also increased during this time due to the many advancements
and new inventions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
during the 1860 s. America became the number one steel manufacturer in the year of 1880. The
petroleum industry grew in the 1860 s also. Kerosene, used to bring light to houses after nightfall,
became its most important product. John D. Rockefeller, who headed the Standard Oil Company,
became the nation s first billionaire with his involvement in this industry. Alexander Graham Bells
invention of the telephone in 1876 created another huge industry in the nineteenth century. From
the 1880 s until the end of the century, Americans were using over 800,000 telephones. This aided
in communication across the U.S. Another famous inventor, Thomas Edison, also helped the
industrialization of the late 1800 s by improving telephonic transmissions and the electric light
bulb. He built the first power station in 1882 that supplied customers the electric current for
lighting. With the industries and businesses flourishing, a big problem with urban development
arose. With new industries, workers and their families would flood the surrounding city looking
for jobs and places to live. This rapid expansion of people and cities caused many unfavorable
results. The workers were forced to live in cramped and crowded housing. Problems arose with
this lifestyle including the spreading of diseases, an increased crime rate, psychological stress and
juvenile delinquency. These slums also caused problems such as decreased water
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National Guard Aviation Technici Professional Expert
An Army National Guard Aviation Technician is professional expert in his or her technical art or
skill. We adhere to our moto People First. Mission Always! printed on our technician handbook
(2009). Riots, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, search and rescue, and
border patrol are just some of the many missions duel status Army aviation techs have done during
peacetime thru the years. I will be explaining how the technician system came about. Showing some
unique facts about dual status technicians. Giving my impression of how the guard aviation
technician have been perceived. Concluding with my opinion of the current status of the guard
aviation technician community. The militarytechnician program came about with the need of
qualified civilians in a full time status to preform administrative actions, prepare, and train
Reservists for mobilization after WWII. In the 60 s, a Memorandum of Understanding was made
between the U.S Civil Service Commission and the Department of the Army establishing dual status
requirements. These requirements allowed the U.S. Army to ensure the military technicians would
have to mobilize with their unit. Public Law 90 486 The Technician Act of 1968 established the
National Guard Technician Program. (National Gaurd Bureau, 2009) The law created a new section
of military technicians excepted commonly known as dual status. This made military techs no
longer competitive civil service employees and
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12 Stages Of A Hero Journey Essay
Most journeys taken on by heroes consist of 12 stages that lead them to what they re searching for.
The first stage is exploring the ordinary world. The first stage consists of meeting the character and
clarify the journey before they take the challenge on. Every journey involves a journey that disrupts
the ordinary world. Learning about the ordinary world helps the reader understand the journey and
the new world the herowill have to explore. The next stage is learning about the call to adventure.
The call to adventure disrupts the ordinary world by presenting a challenge or quest that was be
undertaken. The call shows what will happen to the ordinary world if the challenge is not accepted.
Most of the heroes have to choose between two calls
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A History of World in Six Glasses Essay
A History of the Word in Six Glasses Beer in Mesopotamia and Egypt (Chapter 1 and 2) How
might beer have influenced the transition from hunting and gathering to agricultural based
societies. Beer might have/had influenced the transition from hunting and gathering to
agricultural based societies. One way beer could have done this was that after the discovery of
beer, the demand for beer began to increase. With increase demand for beer, farming would
increase taking away time to hunt and gather for food. With less hunting and gathering, farmers
eventually settled down in small areas around the Fertile Crescent to create beer. What does the
story of beer tell you about social and gender roles in ancient SW Asia and Egypt? Beer can... Show
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The better wine you drank, meant the more money you made to purchase the wine, thus creating
your caste in society. What effects does wine have on the development of Christianity and
Islam? The banning of wine in Islamic culture would be the basic start for the banning of many
other foods. The prophet Muhammad s ban on alcohol is said to have started from a fight
between two men who were under the influence. When Muhammad sought divine help from the
one and only Allah, Allah s reply was to ban alcohol so that such a thing could not happen again.
As for wine, it had a different story for the development of Christianity. Wine drinking was a
tradition of Greeks and Romans. When barbarians took over Rome and Greece, wine drinking
seemed to have halted. But as time went on, barbarians began to take up wine drinking again, sort
of assimilating themselves into Greek culture. Barbarians soon became civilized, all thanks to the
tradition of wine drinking. Spirits in the Colonial Period (Chapters 5 and 6) How did spirits
advance/accelerated colonialism? When the Americas were just beginning to form, spirits
accelerated their colonialism. At first, sugarcane production was introduced to the Western Indies or
Caribbean Islands by Christopher Columbus. The West Indies land was not suitable to grow wine
vines or grains for beer, instead Columbus introduced sugar canes to the Indies, creating a major
sugar plantation in the West
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Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant Case Study
Introduction (Section I) Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant is a privately owned company in Richmond,
Indiana that manufactured mirrors for trucks and automobiles. This privately owned business was
successful in the beginning of its business and later the management encountered problems with its
employees. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant faced production delay issues and unprofitability in the
late 1990 s. The company implemented the Scanlon Plan in late December of 1999 in order to solve
the problem they were facing with production. This plan helps paid bonuses to workers for
increased productivity and this brought fast positive feedback for the employees and the
organization. After five years of the implementation, the enthusiasm within the company gradually
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Although about 81% of employees voted yes on the implementation of the Scanlon Plan at
Engstrom, communication problem and lack of understanding how this Scanlon plan works
dragged the employees to develop a non interest in the company, causing employees to lose interest
in participation of the Scanlon plan. Employees became suspicious to bonus calculation adjustments
over time and questioned fairness. This is considered as nonverbal negative feedback for a message
that may have been highly affected by noise. Employees want to feel like their boss is siding with
them in a compassionate manner. Effective communication and thorough understanding of the
policies of the organization would motivate the employees. However, even though the Scanlon plan
was allowing fair strategic planning among coworkers, it overloaded the employees with more
information that they could assimilate. According to Myers Myers (1982), overload is the vast
amount of information transmitted to an employee which surpasses an acceptable level of
handling, causing confusion and stressful employee environments. This lack of communication
added to the downfall of the Scanlon
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Judicial Appointment...
Justice of India, the appointment should be made as a healthy convention. In July 1998, the
President of India asked for the advisory opinion of the Supreme Court on various areas of the
judgment of 1993 including the issue of consultation. In October 1998, the Supreme Court in its
advisory opinion confirmed the primacy of the Chief Justice s opinion over that of the President in
appointing judges. The Court, however, observed that the sole, individual opinion of the Chief
Justice of India does not constitute consultation within the meaning of Arts 217 and 222(1) of the
Constitution. In appointing judges to the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice must make a
recommendation in consultation with the four most senior puisne judges of the Supreme Court. In
the case of appointments to the High Courts, the Chief Justice must consult the two most senior
puisne judges of the Supreme Court. The views of the puisne judges should be in writing and
should be conveyed to the [President] by the Chief Justice of India along with his [or her] views .
The Supreme Court... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Despite this, in order to maintain public confidence in the appointment system and to ensure
judicial independence the commission system is perhaps a very effective mechanism for judicial
appointment. However, to ensure the effectiveness of this mechanism the commission should be
representative in nature comprising members of the executive, legislature, judiciary, legal
profession and lay persons. In addition, it should be ensured that the commission uses a system
which is transparent and open to public scrutiny. In this regard the composition and working system
of the South African Judicial Service Commission may be an acceptable model. Such a mechanism
may be very effective to ensure the appointment of the best qualified people to judicial
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Nursing Peer Review Committee
Peer review is the assessment of nursing services, the quality of patient care provided by nurses,
the benefits of a complaint concerning a nurse or a nursing care, and a purpose regarding a
complaint. The nursing review committee is a process in which fact finding, analysis and study of
events by nurses in a climate of mutual problem solving focused on obtaining all relevant
information about an event. Section 303.0015(c) requires that nursing peer reviewcommittee that
conducts a peer review involves professional nursing must have two thirds of its members as RN
and may have only RN s as voting members.
Incident based peer (IBPR) review occurs when a hospital receives a complaint regarding a nurse s
conduct or hospital has concerns about a nurse s qualifications or the quality of patient care
rendered by the nurse. During IBPR the nursing peer review committee must determine whether a
nurse s conduct should be reported to the board of nursing. Under the hospital licensing rules, the
Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) requires hospitals to implement a program for
incident based peer review and compliance with the reporting requirements established by the BON.
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At least 21 days, but no more than 45 days, before the peer review meeting, the committee must
provide to the nurse written notice indicating the date and time of the meeting; a description of the
facts surrounding the incident under review; the name, address, and telephone number of a contact
person; a copy of BON Sec 217.19; and a copy of the hospital s policy concerning incident based
peer review. Fifteen days before the meeting, the committee must provide the nurse or the nurse s
attorney the opportunity to review documents concerning the incident under
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Prom Stereotypes
TitleSally is not winning prom this year, and I m going to make sure that will happen, I said
angrily to my lunch table. It s okay! answered Morghan. You will win. Just think positively. I
sighed. I really wanted to win. I went out and bought an expensive dress and very expensive
sparkly gray heels. After the lunch bell I made my way to my boyfriend, Alex, locker. On my
way there I stepped on a one of Sally s posters persuading everyone to vote for her. I shook my
head and continued walking to Alex s locker. I told him that Sally and her boyfriend are running
for prom king and queen now. Alex is the head of the football team. Everyone likes Alex. Only
issue with winning is that Sally would do anything she can to win. Therefore, me... Show more
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She s bleeding. Help! Someone call 911! She yelled. Everyone rushed out of the school with
fear. A big crowd headed toward the door. Alex and I were squished up in the middle. No one
will ever notice it is me. Before we can all get out the teachers already blocked us off. Oh no! I
thought. I just wanted to get out of here. Short enough, the cops and ambulance were pulling up.
The screaming sirens and flashing lights filled the parking lot. The teachers guided us all into the
gym so the paramedics could easily get her body. Everyone was filled with confusion and fear.
Everything just happened so quickly. Mrs. Crawsond made her way onto stage and approached the
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Romeo And Juliet Alternate Ending Essay
Be at the gates in ten counts, Alexandal said. The captain and his men rushed out the door. This
session is closed, Olivia announced. The rest of the attending council members left the room.
Montague held Olivia by the arms. But even her own Healer s hands couldn t comfort her. The truth
shook her bones. The Queen remembered Demitri always telling her that people were evolving, and
science was evolving. In his speech, he even referred to children s blood. Demitri recently told me
that children can unlock abilities that adults cannot. He claims that children have a stronger
connection to memories of our ancient history, Olivia said, hoping that Montague would know
what that might have meant. The Queen watched Montague s face... Show more content on
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If Demitri is the Host, he knows the Diary holds great knowledge. You said that retrieving the
divine history of Naan chronicled in GABRIEL S DIARY was important to the enemy. They
want to remove the information from us. My Queen, trust me. Olivia couldn t understand why
Montague was so calm. I must see it for myself. Montague silently led her to his chambers below
the library. And when they arrived, the Diary, like Montague had said so certainly, was safe,
sitting on its glowing pedestal. It doesn t make sense. Why wouldn t he try to take it? Olivia
asked. The Diary has a protective spell cast upon it. It repels copper. And even if he could take
it, the Nekrums can t read angelic writing. Unable to access the information, the Diary is useless
without my translations, Montague said. A spell...cast by Burton Lang? Olivia asked. The ex
farmer had confessed to her that he was taught by the infamous mage who had been exiled from
the kingdoms years ago. Yes, he said. And where are your translations? Montague pulled out three
scrolls from his robe. Let me assure you, my Queen. My work is safe. I never let it out of my sight.
Olivia took a
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Television Is A Key Component Of Our Daily Lives
A television is a machine with a screen that is capable of displaying images. Televisions receive
broadcast signals and turn them into pictures and sound. Although debated, the TV is often
credited as being invented by Vladimir Zworykin a Russian born American who worked for
Westinghouse, and Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a boy in Beaver City, Utah. Vladimir held the patent
for the TV, but it was Farnsworth who was the first person to first successfully transmit a TV signal
on September 7, 1927.
The television is a key component of our daily lives and is a marvel of engineering and utilisation of
technology. Smartly incorporating complex electronic theories and concepts, the televisions has
faced many developments and adaptations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A pixel is defined in television terms as the smallest area of a television image that can be shown
within the parameters of the certain system. This process is accomplished by firstly analysing
the image by using a photoelectric device in a series of horizontal scans from the top to the
bottom of the image to create an electrical signal in which the colour and brightness values of the
individual picture elements are represented as voltage levels of the respective video waveform;
secondly, by transmitting the same respective values of the picture elements in a sequence as
voltage levels of a video signal; and finally by reproducing the image of the original scene in a
video signal display of parallel scanning lines on a viewing screen(Repairfaq.cis.upenn.edu,
2015) (wiseGEEK, 2015). The most primitive form of televisions relied on a cathode ray tube to
produce images, and operated with an analog signal(Lapin, 2015). As technology has developed
over time and broadcast signals transitioned from analog to digital, LCD (liquid crystal display)
and plasma televisions were created. These TVs are more compact, are flatter and have crisper
pictures than their cathode ray counterparts because the bulky tube is removed, and in its stead they
use a thin grid of pixels to create the images (Repairfaq.cis.upenn.edu, 2015)(Computerhope.com,
2015) (Lapin, 2015)
If the sound as you hear it from the television had
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The Hobbit Research Paper
Logan Trimble
English 4
5 November 2014
The life of J. R. R. Tolkien
Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa to Mabel and Arthur
Tolkien. Tolkien s father died when he was only 4 years old but that didn t stop Tolkien
(www.bio.com). His mother took quite an initiative in Tolkien s Development. After a few years
Mabel died of diabetes mellitus type 1. After her death he attended King Edward s School and
formed a secret society (collegecrunch.org). Tolkien was known as a catholic. He was a fierce anti
Communist and he shunned Nazism. The reason for this is because one he was catholic and two
he had friends that were Jewish (collegecrunch.org) As soon as he was old enough to enlist in the
military he enlisted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bilbo s development might allegorically represent the heroism of England in World War I or the
inner, latent heroism common to everyone. His main motivation for writing was story telling
(sparknotes.com). The different races in the Hobbit were meant to represent different European
nationality s (sparknotes.com). Family lineage is another important factor that shapes identity
in the hobbit (sparknotes.com). Throughout middle earth, ones prospects, character and social
position are linked closely to family heritage (sparknotes.com). A major source of inspiration is
the plot was the body of ancient epic literature. Bilbo himself, with his common sense, love of
peace warm hearted self doubt. Much of the narrative is devoted to descriptions of the places,
people, and things that Bilbo encountered. Tolkien started creating the Hobbit around the middle
of 1930. He was grading a paper as a professor. In the early 1930s he quickly drew the Hobbit into
the world of his evolving Silmarillon mythology. The story went underwent radical expansion and
revision. The reality of his story is an obvious starting point for an understanding not only why
tales were created but who created the tales (Gale). Tolkien makes his stories with the little world
with inner consistency of reality so the eventual triumphs of goodness seem all the more plausible
(Gale). Tolkien decided to make the book for his children. He decided to try an experiment with
new ideas and concepts. He also came upon new influences in myth magic (middle earth.org). the
hobbit represents Tolkien s only uses of high medieval culture in what eventually became the
fictional middle earth of the hobbit (middle earth.org). Tolkien wrote the Hobbit as much to satisfy
his natural literary curiosity as to create an amusing and entertaining story (middle earth.org).
Tolkien kept his
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Weather The Migration Hypothesis
The reading and the lecture discuss weather the migration hypothesis is true for the edomontosaurs
the elephant like dinosaurs to prove the North Slope as their habitat. The lecturer puts forth three
aspects, each of which has casts doubt on the three points presented in the reading passage. To begin
with, the professor avers that at the time of the edomontosaurs the temperature in the North slopes
was warmer than ours. She says that the warmer temperature helps to have good vegetation in
summer. Even the dead plants were enough to feed the edomontosaurs in the North slopes during
winter. Thus the edomontosaurs did not need to migrate to south the warm place. This directly
challenges the reading assertion that the food requirement for the
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Confederate Flag Is America s Swastika
Confederate Flag In The Hill, a top U.S. political magazine, in June 2015, Contributor H. A.
Goodman wrote, The Confederate flag is indeed America s swastika. In the same way the
Jewish community sees the swastika as a painful reminder of the Holocaust, the African
American community perceives the flag as a reminder of slavery and racial discrimination. The
Confederate flag, a relic of the devastating Civil War, has become one of the most controversial
and contentious icons in American history. The debate over the flying of the Confederate flag is
in regard to the Southern Civil War ideals of slavery and white racial superiority that historians
have agreed the flag represents. Supporters of the Confederate flag argue that as a symbol of
Southern pride, honor, and character, the flag is a reminder of the South s distinctive and rich
history. Opponents of the flag contend that rather than a symbol of southern bravery, the
Confederate flag symbolizes the racist, hateful ideas of the Confederacy. The Confederate flag, a
clear symbol of white superiority, prejudice, and slavery, should not be allowed to be perpetuated
by the government in a society where those ideals should be long gone. The discord over the
Confederate flag is rooted in wider debate over the causes of the Civil War and the ideals the flag
symbolizes. With the high likelihood of Abraham Lincoln winning the 1860 presidential election,
many of the Southern States became worried with the very real possibility
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Religious Expression In Public Schools
For many years, schools have struggled to decide on whether to give students the freedom of
religious expression at school. This difficult topic is especially prevalent in many public schools
today. Most public schools comply with the separation of church and state by instating rules against
any kind of religious expression, essentially mandating conformity among students in terms of
religious expression. Some schools, however, have decided to place no restrictions on religious
expression. This serves to promote individualfreedom among students. Even if it may seem that
schools strongly differ when it comes to religious expression, schools do have something in
common pertaining to this issue. They all believe that the unique decision they... Show more content
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After all, it is the school s job to educate our future generation so they are equipped for a world
containing a multitude of religious aspects even if doing so in an indirect manner. Providing
students the freedom to practice whichever religion they choose restricts feelings of pressure to
withhold their religious expression; something they would have to withhold in the name of
conformity at some public schools. As students become inevitably educated about religion
through religious expression around them, they steadily become less intolerant of other
religions besides their own. The students become accepting of the reality that we live in where
many different religious beliefs exist among people in all areas of life. This effect closely
mirrors the attitude that these students will have towards religion in the real world. Not only
does exposure to religious expression benefit the students and the school, but it furthermore
benefits the world as a whole by moving the future generation away from religious intolerance.
This creates a world where people can be comfortable and sure in their religion due to the lack of
intolerance directed towards them. Currently, however, religiously motivated hate crimes are on
the rise. In 2004, about 10 percent of all hate crimes were religiously motivatedв€’ compared to 28
percent today (Jackson 1). This is an example of religious intolerance in today s world which can be
remedied by educating the future generation about religion through allowing religious expression at
school. The religious tolerance that is subsequently developed among these students is what this
world so desperately
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The Trials And Tribulations Of A Transformational Leader...
The Trials Tribulations of a Transformational Leader
Brandon Kent
ASU, PAF 410
September 22, 2016
Throughout time, many books and papers have been written to study the birthplace of leadership
failure, its causes, results, and ultimately, the best way to oversea these situations to avoid future
failures. Some leadership experts, may argue that the best way to learn how to lead, is to study
successful leadership outcomes and more importantly, how former miscalculations were committed
and as a result, what gran plan was used that resulted in the leaders turnaround success. To be a
great leader, the individual has to be cognate of what elements, including external and internal
impact, resulted in their failure, as well as, how to avoid leadership oversight in the future. In this
paper, I will attempt to do just that, as I will incorporate the transactional and transformational
leadership theory from this course and apply them to the leadership failures of one of the most
entertaining leadership failures of all time: the DeLorean Motor Company. From a business
perspective, the ramifications of leadership failure differ in size depending on the severity of the
situation. If market conditions are fixed and the competitive atmosphere is not extraordinarily
punishing, leadership failures may not be that bad for the business. If, however, the market is going
through dramatic change, which demands equally dramatic change in the organization, failure to
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Application Of Flexible All Graphite Paper Based Field...
Flexible All Graphite Paper based Field Effect Transistor for motion detection using strain sensing
Srinivasulu Kanaparthi, Sushmee Badhulika*
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hyderabad,
502285, India.
*Corresponding author: E mail: sbadh@iith.ac.in; Telephone: 040 23018443; Fax: 04023016032
Here we report the fabrication of a flexible all carbon field effect transistor (FET) using a low cost,
recyclable and biodegradable cellulose paper as both substrate as well as dielectric and pencil
graphite as source, drain, channel and gate without using any other expensive, toxic or non
biodegradable materials. The electron and hole mobility s of FET are observed to be 180 and
200 cm2v 1s 1 respectively which are comparable to the recently reported values of paper FET
with polymer dielectric and cellulose composite dielectrics. The FET was utilized as a strain
sensor which shows good sensitivity for low strains of both tensile and compressive type. The
mobility of the FET increases with increase in compressive strain and decreases with increase in
tensile strain. The sensitivity of the FET sensor increases with the increase in the gate voltage.
Further we investigated the performance of the sensor by integrating it with hand gloves to detect
human motion. The results obtained indicate that the sensor can be utilized
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Clarence Johnson Essay
Kelly Clarence Johnson is one of the greatest aeronautical and systems engineer to ever live. His
contributions to militarized aircraft changed the way we fly to the present day. His success at a
younger age made it known that he strived for nothing less than perfection. This motive helped
him to not only fit in, but to be a true leader at Skunk Works. His innovation for stealth
reconnaissance aircraft lead him to create the fastest high altitude planes the military has every
seen. The ingenuity and genius that he had was the pinnacle of his career and what made him
change the face of the flight game. Kelly never settled for failure because of his persistence in the
belief that he can correct and solve any problem that comes across him.... Show more content on
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This plane is the fastest air breathing manned aircraft since 1976. The plane can fly up to 80,000
feet high and travel at mach 6. The SR 71 was on a recon flight over the DMZ when North Korea
fired a surface to air missile at it. The pilot had to perform evasive maneuvers which was
basically just to speed up and outrun the missile. The aircraft was also commonly used by
NASA for experiments on our atmosphere and the Earth in general seeing how it flew at such a
high flight level. The pilots who flew the spacecraft, operated at such a high altitude that they
had to wear modified versions of the space suit, seeing how they were cruising at 80,000 feet
high. The SR 71 holds six incredible records, but its one of its most notable ones was its final
flight from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. in which the plane achieved a time record of just 1
hour, 4 minutes and 20 seconds. It was averaging 2,124 miles per hour breaking the the previous
speed record of around 1900 miles per hour. The aircraft is truly one of the most legendary
militarized vehicles ever produced, which turned out to be Kelly s greatest
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Essay about Miss
Week 13 Introduction to Macroeconomics (Chapters 16 and 17)
1. In the years to 2050 the Japanese population is expected to decline, while the fraction of the
population that is retired is expected to increase sharply. What are the implications of these
population changes for total output and average living standards in Japan, assuming that average
labour productivity continues to grow? What if average labour productivity stagnates?
Solution 1:
Slowing population growth and an increased share of retired people both imply slower growth in
the number of people employed. If average labour productivity (output per employed worker)
continues to grow at earlier rates, total output will still grow more slowly than before, because of ...
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3. The following data give total output, total population and numbers employed for Germany and
Turkey in 2009. Find output per person and average labour productivity in each country. How do
living standards compare? | Germany| Turkey| Output (billions of $s)| 1,631| 590| Population
(millions)| 83| 77| Numbers employed (millions)| 40| 23|
Solution 3: Germany: output per person is $1,631 billion / 83 million people = $19,651 per
person; average labour productivity is $1,631 billion / 40 million employed = $40,775 per
person employed. Japan: output per person is $590 billion / 77 million people = $2,662 per
person; average labour productivity is $590 billion / 23 million employed = $25,652 per person
employed. Both the living standard (output per person) and average labour productivity (output
per worker) are higher in Germany than in Japan. But the difference between living standards in
the two countries is more marked than the difference in labour productivity. 4. Data released in
February 2011 suggests that China has overtaken Japan as the world s second largest economy as
measured by the absolute size of its GDP. Does this necessarily imply that the real living standards
of Chinese citizens are now higher than those of their Japanese counterparts?
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Themes In Iron Jawed Angels
One theme we see in Iron Jawed Angels is problems with resistance from men: in their families, in
their communities, in positions of legal/ political power. The first example of this theme that will
be discussed is the scene from the parade before President Wilson s inauguration. The Suffragists
are walking with their heads held high, smiles on their faces, and confidence in their gaits. The
crowd seems to be in awe of the sight before them, until men become disgruntled. One man yells
out ...Get off the streets, go home to your mother! , to which one marching suffragist responds, My
mother is here. Tensions rise as men begin booing and throwing paper, glass bottles, and insults, at
the women. As the anger from the crowd increases, men... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Men forcefully grab the flags from women, knocking them over. As she gets tossed around by the
angry crowd, Alice Paul calls out Officer, Officer, over here! but to no avail. A second example
of the theme was shown when Mr. Leighton enters the bathroom where a nanny and Mrs.
Leighton are bathing their children. Mr. Leighton asks, Did you see the paper? and proceeds to
read about the NWP s plans to vote against the democrats . Although she attempts to keep her
composure, Emily Leighton glances at the ground often, uncomfortable with the situation. Her
husband reads her name as a contributor and taps the newspaper on his hand as he waits for a
response. Emily says she used her housekeeping allowance and it had nothing to do with her
husband. Mr. Leighton, with furrowed brows and a frown, tells her she will withdraw her
membership and that he has closed her account. Emily looks helpless and hurt with her eyes round
and her mouth slightly ajar. She retains her shocked look and returns to bathing her smallest child.
A third example of the theme was when Lucy, Doris, and Ruza were protesting outside of the
White House after war was
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Buffalo Bill Annotation
The American frontier is an era of great pride and taming of the nature with the will to conquer.
American society is taught to never give up and peruse one s dream, to value that dream and do
whatever it takes in order to achieve it. Although this provides a double edged sword for society
as it can be the will on one side, but also be the downfall on another. For if any person is
supposed to truly resemble the American frontier, then Buffalo Bill would be that image. Yet, in a
Native American perspective, his double edged sword is a continually growing downfall for the
culture. Sherman Alexie s poem Evolution shows an ever growing dived in reservations around
America and the effects from its own poison. For when Buffalo Bill opens a pawn shop on the
reservation, natives flee to the shop in order to pawn their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
It is the perspective also into the past as well. For when the actual Buffalo Bill was born,
indigenous groups further west were ousted from their lands just like those in the East. The sun
essentially sets on the rise and fall of the Native people in this poem because it shows how a
white man came into a reservation and caused the same 200 hundred year old pain again. Not
only is there that pain, Buffalo Bill has the bill that Native Americans pay in order to destroy
their own legacy. The reservation only gets smaller as the Natives leave and the blood toxicity
lessens while the blood alcohol levels increase. True indigenous people and their descendants
are essentially evolving into a new breed of people, and the only relict to show their presence is
when Buffalo Bill closes the pawn shop and paints a new sign over. Calling it the THE MUSEUM
OF NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURES. Yet to even know about such information, Buffalo Bill
requires that one pay the bill, and this only results in seeing the things the same Native people had
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Life Is Beautiful Film Analysis
Life is Beautiful Movie Analysis
Life is Beautiful, directed by Italian director Roberto Benigni, released in 1997, is a film about
love, war and death. Set just before and during WWII, the main character, Guido falls in love with
the woman of his dreams, they have a child but they get separated by the horrors of the war. Guido
and his little son strive to get reunited with his wife but their internment in a Nazi concentration
camp halts him from doing so. Nevertheless, he slyly keeps in contact with his wife so she knows
they are safe and well.
Roberto Benigni uses cinematic techniques such as music, costume and lighting to convey the
strong theme of love between two characters in the film Life is Beautiful.
In Life is Beautiful, the love between two people is a recurring theme. The music, composed by
Italian light classical composer Nicola Piovani, is one of the major factors that helps successfully
convey this theme to the audience.
In the film, the same upbeat tune is used for many of the romantic scenes between Guido and
Dora. This tune, in a more subtle tone, is the theme song for the film, and when it is repeated for
the romantic themes it gives a powerful sense of love. For example, when Dora falls out of that
farm house, and Guido catches her, the music is used for the first time in a romantic setting. The
same music is then repeated in the scene at the 11 minute mark when Guido falls off his bike into
Dora and they both fall over into a big pile of sand. This
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The Guardian Article, By Glenn Greenwald
In the Guardian article, Committee to Protect Journalists issues scathing report on Obama
administration, authored by Glenn Greenwald, he and others depict the Obama administration as
the most secretive and the worst ever on issues of national security and press freedom (Greenwald,
2013, np.). Yet, the United States government s aggressive efforts to control information, thwart
accountability reporting, maintain national security secrets, and the persecution of government
whistleblowers, is not new, nor is it unique to the Obama administration. The practice of attempting
to expand and concentrate power in the executive branch of government is historically consistent
with past administrations. In my opinion, the Obama administration ... Show more content on
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The executive branch of the government may need to keep certain information secret, but to claim
certain information secret under the guise of national security or executive privilege because it may
reveal misconduct or embarrassing information about the government s actions is fundamentally
wrong and should be impermissible. Today, it seems like the aggrandizement of the power of the
executive branch of government trumps all else. This concentration of power in the executive
branch is not what the framers intended nor is it consistent with the Articles of the Constitution of
the United States. Over time, despite the fact that the Constitution provides the president with only
a few specific and enumerated powers, presidential authority has greatly expanded. Previous
government administrations have seized opportunities arising during crises such as the Civil War,
World War I and II, and the contemporary War on Terror to further expand the scope of executive
power. While this expansion of presidential power has been facilitated by Congressional action in
certain instances, the executive s authority expansion is to a greater extent the product of
presidential unilateral action based on broad interpretations of enumerated
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The Theme Of Paralysis In Eveline
Most everyone wants to find someone to love; however, knowing for sure if someone you met is
the one is a constant question as well as whether to leave your past life behind. This is the crisis
in the story Eveline where Eveline Hill is unsure if she should run away with her new boyfriend or
stay at home. In this short story, James Joyce establishes the theme of paralysis through the
symbolism of Eveline s parents and diction to reveal her ambivalent feelings towards leaving home.
To begin, the theme of paralysis evolved in the story through the symbolism of her parents,
which is why she is unsure if she should leave with Frank and her uncertainty of her own
motives for leaving. Eveline s parents had a contentious relationship which causes her to
question whether her relationship with Frank may end out the same. In Joyce s Eveline, he
writes, She would not be treated as her mother had been. Even now, though she was over
nineteen, she sometimes felt herself in danger of her father s violence... Her father was becoming
old lately, she noticed; he would miss her (pg. 21 22). Throughout the story, Eveline thinks about
how her parents relationship may translate into her own life. She is worried that leaving her
father behind may devastate him when she seems to be scared of him still. She is stuck between
leaving and staying displaying the theme of paralysis. According to the critic Golbarg Khorsand s
article Paths to Paralysis: Symbolism and Narratology in James Joyce s
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Why Is Cursive Writing Obsolete
I believe cursive writing is obsolete because I never learned how to write in cursive nor have I
ever needed to. As said in the first argument Cursive is a common teaching tool for students with
dyslexia, a reading disorder. this is true because you can t mix up letters in cursive. I think that
cursiveshouldnt be a required thing to learn in school, but should always be available if needed.
Most high schools and colleges expect you to turn in typed, rather than handwritten, papers. The
survey took in 2012 given to handwriting teachers, only 37% of them wrote cursive.
First, I believe that cursive writing should not be required but should be available for those who
want or need to learn it. If a student with dyslexia or any other brain disorder was to ask to learn
cursive so that they had less touble with there disorder than it should be available for them. Even
just a student such as myself. I have never learned to write cursive, none of my teachers thought it
was important, but if there is someone who want to learn to write in cursive it should also be
available for that student. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the text reads Keyboarding skills have become critical to student success in college and the
workplace. and this is true. Current learning requirments are that students are proficient in typing
by the fourth grade. Writing has taken a backseat to typing as technology
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Depth Perception Paper
We see things with our eyes through different visual cues this is called Depth Perception . Depth
perception is the use of two different types of visual cues to perceive depth, Binocular cues and
Monocular cues (Department of Psychology,2015). Depth perception lets us view items in three
dimensions and the distance of items. We use several cues to perceive the distance (or depth) of the
objects from us and from each other (Department of Psychology,2015). Goldstein (1984) stated that
Cues for seeing depth come from binocular disparity, and also from a range of monocular cues
such as motion parallax, linear perspective, relative size, interposition, relative height, and texture
gradients. (as cited in Laboratory Manual: Psychology 111/112... Show more content on
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Binocular cues are the reason we are able to see things in three dimensions rather than just two.
Binocular cues are what enable us to establish where in space an object sits and its size
compared to our own body. By seeing things through both of your eyes and then conjoining it
your brain is then able to see the world three dimensions. Binocular disparity is there because
since our eyes are a certain distance apart form each other it means that the right eye sees the
world from a marginally different angle the left eye. Binocular disparity allows our eyes to see
the object from different angles so then we can see slightly different parts of the object which
help us to determine its shape and size. Binocular Convergence as Sternberg, R. J. (1998)
explains is because your two eyes are in slightly different places on your head, when you rotate
your eyes so that the image of an object that is in front of you falls directly on each fovea, each eye
must turn inward slightly to registrar the same image. Our brains receive neural information from
the eye muscles about the convergence of the eyes, and they assume that the more the eyes
converge, the close the perceived object must
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Houghton Hancock Area 25 Year Housing Plan
Houghton Hancock Area 25 Year Housing Plan
The Houghton and Hancock area is heavy influenced by Finlandia and Michigan Tech Universities
with roughly 7,500 students between them. The cities of Houghton and Hancock had a total
population between them of 12,342 using data from the 2010 census. Seven percent of the
population of Houghton are 65 years of age or older whereas 13.8 percent of the State of Michigan
s population is of that age. The median household income was $27,661 and the median family
income of $56,146 for Houghton for the period of 2009 2013 with 42.1 percent of persons falling
below the poverty level (US Census and City of Houghton Master Plan). There are 1,734.1 persons
per square mile in Houghton. Because more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The 2006 Campus Master Plan states that the dormitory style rooms of Douglas Houghton Hall,
Wadsworth, and McNair are not appropriate to upper class students and that apartment style housing
is needed. As of 2015, Michigan Tech offers a limited number of apartment units between Hillside
Place and the aging and out of style Daniell Heights apartments. There are several hotels in the area
that provide tourists a place to stay during summers and key events throughout the year.
Future Housing Approximately two thirds of Michigan Tech students live off campus, so around
4,600 students. Students demand rental housing so a large demand is created in Houghton,
especially locations closest to Michigan Tech s campus. Michigan Tech estimated the need for an
additional 400 beds mostly in apartment style housing for student use in their 2006 Master Plan.
Housing costs at Michigan Tech run $9393 and up (including food) per academic year so rent
should be marketed lower to make it a viable option considering commuting expenses and
inconveniences to campus. Many houses Tech students live in now are larger low cost homes that
are past/ well past their prime. As these houses need to be removed, an emphasis should be placed
on apartment style units as well as semi, duplexes and up. Low rise or garden apartments would
make the most sense for the area considering the smaller population. A high rise apartment should
only be
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5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.
5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.

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5 Paragraph Essay Monroe College. Online assignment writing service.

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  • 2. Donald J Trump Persuasive Essay We as citizens of the United States of America are lucky enough to live in a nation where we are free to make our own decisions and pursue our dreams really without any government interference. However, while this is a blessing, at times it can be quite a curse. A perfect example of this would be the ability for anyone to attempt to become President even if they aren t in the least bit qualified. If you haven t figured out who I m referring to I m talking about one Donald J. Trump. Trump is a business man who has made billions of dollars through real estate and other means. While successful this man has no business running a country, especially one as powerful as ours. However, for the past few months Mr. Trump has lead in the republican polls.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unlike Donald Trump, Jeb isn t going out and making extreme promises or statements that would offend millions of individuals. Jeb instead is laying low for the time being and in a way letting his competition ruin their chances themselves. Bush has come out and responded to Trumps proposals by saying, Instead he called Trump uninformed, wrong on Syria, and not a serious leader. (the Atlantic) This strategy allows Bush to lay low until it is an appropriate time to make a push for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Leslie T Chang Factory Girls Analysis The unfortunate influx of young immigrants working in Chinese factories lies a fact that is bizarre to our opinions behind the creators of our beloved everyday items: the workers choose the factory life . This statement is especially true of women of rural China. Leslie T Chang s Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China, tells harsh stories of life in China s chaotic industrial city, Dongguan. She tells the lives of two girls closely, Min and Ming, on their journey to the environmental ruin, corruption, traffic, pollution, noise, prostitution, bad driving, short term thinking, stress, striving, and chaos... (27) that is of the city life. By doing so, Chang makes her case compelling enough that turns the immoral practices of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, Migration as a whole can be traumatic. These girls are suddenly moving from this small group where they knew everyone to the city where they do not have anyone. A day on the assembly line stretched from eight in the morning until midnight thirteen hours on the job plus two breaks for meals and workers labored every day for weeks on end. (5) In addition, the work is tedious and the working conditions do not make things any better. The working conditions is one that make workers like Min and Ming contemplate and doubt their whole existence and their decisions. Regardless of the tragedy that is the city life, both girls however were driven to take on a different path than the one that were instilled in them as the result of their social status of being farmers. Working in these factories have given these girls a new sense of hope and a newfound success. They are able to go to school and sooner or later moved up the social ladder and to actually matter to society. These girls had no incentive to return to everything they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Case Study On H R Johnson FOLIO: MANUFACTURERS INSIGHT: JOYDEEP MUKHERJEE H R JOHNSON (INDIA) Heading: H R JOHNSON Redefining Lifestyle, Worldwide Mr. Joydeep Mukherjee, Executive Director and CEO, H R Johnson (India) interacts with Mr. Kamal Khokhani, Publisher INSITE PHOTOS COURTESY: H R JOHNSON (India) Established in India since 1958, H R Johnson is one of the oldest tile manufacturing brands in India and offers a comprehensive range of tiles. With over 20 sizes, 9 different levels of tile thickness and 15 surface finishes to suit the functional and aesthetics requirement, H R Johnson provides Johnson tiles under four sub brands i.e. Johnson Tiles, Johnson Porselano, Johnson Marbonite and Johnson Endura. They offer several categories in tiling solutions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What are the Green Initiatives undertaken by the company? As a socially responsible company, Johnson has initiated a number of measures to reduce energy consumption and to conserve and preserve precious natural resources. Our manufacturing operations are increasingly using greener fuels like biomass and wind energy. We leverage local resources, manufacture, and distribute locally in order to cut down on fuel consumption wasted in transportation. We also use minimum water, mostly harvested rainwater, reuse energy diligently and recycle waste. The company has registered two projects under the Clean Development Mechanism, which is generating certified emission reduction (CER). Additionally, we have two projects on the VER+ scheme accruing VER+ credits. These initiatives have been recognised by external and Government agencies such as Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India. 8.Please share about the awards /accolades won by the company in recent times. H R Johnson was announced as one of India s leading business brands in the Business Superbrands 2016 list, acknowledging H R Johnson s steady brand strength. 9.Tell us about the retail and distribution ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Male Partner Abuse The male partner shows male privilege by making the female partner do the household chores. Such as, cooking, cleaning, and laundry. Both partner s use emotional abuse when they are upset with each other. They will call each other names, or state the other partner is being stupid if they disagree. The female partner has a three year old son with a previous person who is no longer in the child s life. The female partner is very protective and does not approve of the male partner bringing the child places that are unfamiliar to the female partner. This has resulted in arguments where the male partner states the female partner cannot have a say about the future children they plan on having together. When this couple has conflicts, the male ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Psych Exam Chapter 12 Chapter 12, Exam 3 Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________ 1. The definition of _____ is a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taxing or exceeding a person s resources or ability to cope. A) a hassle B) stress C) a stressor D) appraisal 2. Which of the following is the BEST definition of stress? A) the demands that are made on you by other people B) deadlines, daily hassles, or inconveniences C) a negative emotional state caused by your perception that you are unable to cope with events or circumstances D) the mental processes that people use to make sense out of their environment 3. During their third year at college, Tammy and Timothy both lost their part time jobs in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 13. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS): A) measures acculturative stress. B) uses personality measures to estimate the length of time it will take a person to recover and readjust from the stressful effects of major life traumas. C) was an attempt to quantify and rank the impact of stress producing events in a person s life. D) measures the effect that everyday events that annoy and upset people has on health and well being. 14. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), which was an attempt to quantify and rank the impact of stress producing events in a person s life, was developed by: A) Richard Lazarus. B) Robert Ader and Nicholas Cohen. C) Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe. D) Janice Kiecolt Glaser and Ron Glaser. Page 3 15. Holmes and Rahe believed that any change that required you to adjust your behavior and lifestyle would cause stress. In an attempt to measure the amount of stress people experienced, they developed the: A) Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ). B) Daily Hassles Scale (DHS). C) Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). D) Cognitive Reappraisal Rating Scale (CRRS). 16. In contrast to the conclusions reached by early stress researchers Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe, contemporary health psychologists now believe that: A) to improve its predictive power, the Social Readjustment Rating Scale needs to be expanded from 43 life events to 125 life events. B) positive life events, such as vacations or marriage, have a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Napoleon Bonaparte Revolutionary Hall Of Fame To the Admissions Board of the Revolutionary Hall of Fame, It is with great pleasure that I recommend Napoleon Bonaparte to be inducted into the Revolutionary Hall of Fame. Bonaparte was not only the French General of the French Army but, more importantly, an emperor that was charismatic and diligent who was successful in the reunification of the French empire and established a stable connect between the church and the state after the effects of the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte excelled as his role of the emperor of France. Before that, he was a game changing First Consul and revolutionary French General of the French Army. He was diligent and cunning when it came to military plans and military campaigns. Napoleon Bonaparte also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Silent Film Synchrony Synchrony is one of the most vital methods to film score composition. Synchrony, as many techniques, has become easier as new technology comes out. However, during the silent film era synchrony was almost impossible to master. Today we hear the film soundtrack coming out of a speaker that has been timed down to the millisecond. During the silent filmera the soundtrackwas a live orchestra down in an orchestra pit below the screen or an organist in the back of the theater. There are many factors that go into a successful performance of a silent film: a correct knowledge of tempo, the completeness of the film as originally set to music, the steadiness of projection and care of the operator. It is vital for the conductor to be competent of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The silent film era was the birth of film in that it was the first time the public was able to see motion picture images moving within a frame that are not physically there. Although as the title of the era confirms there was no voice with the picture partly because it dated before recording techniques became advanced enough using mixing and modern recording techniques. Because music was not recorded at this point instead a live band, orchestra, or solo organist would perform at the theater. Unlike today where a theater could easily show over twenty films at one time because they were all filmed at the same time. During the early silent film era the film production process took much longer and as a result would be released much further apart from each other. Instead of a copious amount of movies to choose from for viewing most audiences would have three or four at most to choose from at different times of the day. Live performers provided many issues including one of the most vital methods of film music, which is synchrony. As with most professions inventers took it upon themselves to solve the issue of synchrony and provide the audiences with an even better experience other than watching people move on a screen. In this case the two inventors to work on this issue were Mr. Theodore Presser and Mr. Thomas Edison who combined the phonograph for the audio part and the vitagraph as the visual part. Later in 1926 an exhibition in New York City unveiled the Vitaphone. Perfectly synchronizing the music to the image on the screen. Now not only the music would be synchronized, but voice would also be synchronized and we would move into the era of the Talkies . A review from a critic at the exhibition had this to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Multiple Varieties Of Color In The Great Gatsby The multiple varieties of colors show the slightest difference in emotion, and as well as the setting of a place. The novel, The Great Gatsby, was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and published on April 10, 1925. The book portrays Gatsby as a wealthy man and someone who is caring towards others. Nick Carraway, the narrator of the novel, meets Gatsby as his next door neighbor, and later finds out that his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, was the lover of Gatsby before he went off to war. After Gatsby was over with the war, he sent Daisy a letter explaining how he wants her to wait for him so that he can make something out of himself, but the very same day Daisy received the letter, she had married Tom Buchanan. Now, Gatsby tried to get Daisy s attention with the huge parties he throws every week and also by the color choices of his items, preferably silver, and gold.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main characters in the films are Roxie Hart, Velma Kelly, and Billy Flynn. Roxie s only desire is to become a female performer. She decides to sleep with a man who says he can get her an act, but she soon realizes that he is only using her for sex, so she murders him by shooting him multiple times with a handgun. Throughout the film, she gains popularity and her desire to become a performer starts to become a reality. Both Chicago and The Great Gatsby are represented by the opposite effects of colors. While one is showing the emotion of liveliness and joyfulness, the other is the complete opposite, showing dreadfulness. Showing that during the 1920s, many people were lively and full of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Biblical And Gilgamesh Flood Comparison Flood Gates There are many different reasons things occur. Comparing the Biblical flood to the Ancient Mesopotamian flood is one of those strange things that occurred. The Biblical flood was to destroy humankind because of their sinful ways. Mesopotamian flood was used to punish mankind for their actions. The two floods came from two different historic timing. The two floods have several similarities and differences. The Biblical and Gilgamesh flood have several things they have in common. The hero s characters in each story were righteous men. Noah represents a church. Noah and his family had spiritual beliefs and practices. Noah and his family listen to God. In both floods, God is punishing rebellious mankind. In the book of Genesis, God flood the earth because of humankind sinful ways. God instructed Noah, 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. (Genesis 6:9 12 14) Noah built an ark for him and his family would be saved from the flood. Utnapishtim name meant finder of life. With the Gilgamesh flood, god Enlil told Utnapishtim in a dream to build a big boat. Him and his family would be saved from the flood also. Enlil was going to punish ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Melissa Mccarthy In Mccarthy s Films The Melissa McCarthy train keeps churning as the immensely talented breakout actress has now fully shed that interim tag and officially become the queen of the comedy genre. Comparable to Bill Murray or Chris Farley in their heydays, McCarthy is not only the queen of her respective genre, but also the king, the dictator, and whatever other high standing position you can think of. True, not all of McCarthy s films are memorable (especially Tammy and Identity Theft), yet tremendous performances in films that include Spy, Bridesmaids, and The Heat, easily subdue and negate the less than stellar performances. But, where does her latest role in the R Rated comedy, The Boss, sit on her ever growing rГ©sumГ©? In the Boss, directed by Ben Falcone... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But, don t look to either one for humor as Bell, who doesn t appear to have a humorous bone in her body, portrays the serious mother, all the while Dinklage plays a seemingly dry, obsessive ex lover of Michelle. To a degree, the vast majority of McCarthy s roles are silly but at least most of them have substance and purpose. The Boss, written by McCarthy and her husband (and director), Ben Falcone, is completely devoid of a meaningful plot, though relying far too much on petty, showboating antics (the opening sequence is a perfect example) that obviously attempt to sugarcoat the fact that there is absolutely no point to this story, whatsoever. Again, when you re having little girls brawl on the street a scene which mimics something straight out of an Anchorman film (minus the cameos), it s basically waving a sign of desperation to those watching. Plus, it doesn t help the cause when your lead character is horribly unlikable person (I wonder if Michelle was based on Donald Trump?). Michelle is a wealthy degenerate that loses her fortune, yet it s hard to care if she ever recoups it or if she finds the warm embrace that was absent from her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Theme Of Civilization In Lord Of The Flies Loss of Civilization After a plane crash carrying a group of young British school boys, they are left to survive without any adults and protect themselves from all the danger this island might create. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding the boys at first try to make rules that relate to their civilization back home. Early in the story, Roger can not adapt to the new way of life and is still trying remain civilized like the other boys, but when there is a loss of order and fears of the island progress, he starts to move away from civilizationand does what needs to do to stay alive. Golding uses the symbols of rocks, face paint, the character Roger to express the theme of loss of civilization in civilized boys who become savage. Throughout... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the boys were building sand castles on the beach, and Roger goes up to them and kicks the sand castles down. To be even more annoying, Roger gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them. Yet there was a space round Henry, perhaps six yards in diameter, into which he dare not throw ... Roger s arm was conditioned by civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins. (Golding 62). Even if Roger is already mean and annoying, he still at this point in the story can not throw rocks to hurt someone because he is still civilized. Roger starts to turn into savagery fast. At this point in the story all of the older boys except Piggy and Ralph are at the top of Castle Rock. They took Piggy s glasses to start a fire, so Piggy goes up to Castle Rock to ask for them back: High overhead, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all of his weight on the lever ... The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee (Golding 180 181). Roger has lost all of civilized that he killed someone. Therefore Roger could not throw a rock to hurt someone when all civilization was lost he could puck a boulder off to kill ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Ifrs Vs. Us Gaap Essay For years, IASB and FASB have been working diligently on convergence with IFRS. Different countries develop their own accounting standards based on their unique rules, principles, business base, and tax; however, with globalization it s very important to reconcile between different accounting standards. Two major standards are the US GAAP and IFRS, and they share many differences and similarities. One of the main differences is the conceptual approach and framework, IFRS is principle based whilst US GAAP is rule based (Forgeas, 2008). When comparing IFRS and US GAAP, we can discover many differences in several areas. Based on note 27 of Swisscom s consolidated financial statements, today we are going to reconcile and restate its financial statements based on capitalization of interest cost, restructuring charges, depreciation expense, capitalization of software, and restructuring charges of affiliates. Debit Credit Property, plant and equipment$ 54.00 Depreciation and amortization$ 5.00 Interest expense$ 13.00 Retained earnings$ 46.00 First, let s look at capitalization on interest cost. Note 27 states that under US GAAP, Swisscom would have capitalized CHF 13 million and amortized 5 million for current year. Based on this information, we can make an adjustment entry to debit 54 million property, plant and equipment; 5 million to depreciation and amortization. On the other hand, credit interest expense of 13 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Study2 Essay History 229: History of Race, Science, and Medicine in the U.S. Professor Helena M. Pycior STUDY GUIDE FOR PRELIMINARY EXAM 2 October 14, 2014, 9:00 9:50 a.m., in LUB S151 Directions: The following are study questions for the examination. The examination will be a closed book examination. On the examination you will be required to respond to one of two essay questions. The essay questions on the examination will test essentially the same ideas as these study questions. Parts of study questions may be combined to form an essay appearing on the examination. More typically, a shortened or edited version of a study question will appear as an essay question on the examination. In answering a given essay question, you are not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Morton as trying to state he was objective, and was being honest. The two major different pieces that support the thesis that Morton tried to be objective is his use of lead shot instead of mustrard seed and his openness with all his data. When Morton realized that his Mustard seed technique was unstable and presented varied results he quickly changed to a lead shot which was more accurate. Morton was very open when it came to displaying his data. He published results which included numbers, not just explainations. Select any two of the general categories of fudging and finagling that Gould has identified in Morton s work except that of miscalculations and convenient omissions. For each of the two selected categories, briefly explain the category in your own words. Carefully sketch Gould s major specific example of the category. Explain explicitly how the example fits the category into which Gould has put it, state which of Morton s publication(s) the example comes from, state the racial groups and/or subgroups featured in the example, and (following Gould) explain the effects of the finagling on Morton s conclusions about racial ranking. 1.Favorable inconsistencies and shifting criteria. Morton often liked to include or delete large subsamples inorder to match his previous expectations and results. 2.Subjectivity directed toward ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Analysis Of Caprice No. 24 By Niccolo Paganini Caprice No. 24 By Niccolo Paganini NicolГі Paganini was a famous Italian violinist born in the midst of The Enlightenment. He wrote a set of 24 Capriccis for the violin in the early 1800s, the most famous of which is the final caprice, simply referred to as Caprice No. 24 . The final caprice exemplifies Paganini s bold style and technique, which was a natural byproduct of the musical liberation that took place during the Enlightenment. His work would inspire musicians for centuries to come. I chose Caprice No. 24 largely because it is one of the most well known piece by Paganini. In present day, the famous neoclassical guitar player, Yngwie Malmsteen a virtuoso in his own right and a musician that I greatly admire has cited Paganini as a source of inspiration for his music. I wanted to investigate this claim. I had heard small portions of Caprice No. 24 over the years, but my first exposure to the piece in its entirety was through a studio recorded, 2013 performance by violinist David Garrett, accompanied by an orchestra. My first impression was that I was listening to a rock star. I had a notable physical reaction to the music; I felt a rush of adrenaline and my heart rate increased. The music was fast paced and intense undoubtedly physically and mentally demanding on Garrett. I am a pianist myself, and I felt a sense of empathy. I was exhausted on his behalf by simply hearing his talented performance. The music would slow down in some parts, only to pick back up with even more intensity and speed. The music aroused a familiar sense of pressure, such as the pressure to complete a difficult yet important task in a short period of time. The pressure and difficulty build to near unbearable proportions until the work is finally finished, and dissipates into the euphoria of accomplishment. If that scenario had a theme song, it could be Paganini s Caprice No. 24 . The music was passionate, chaotic, and ultimately satisfying. I felt that I had witnessed true mastery of the art of the violin in both Paganini s written work and Garrett s performance. Caprice No. 24 is a violin solo written in the key of A minor, lending a dark and sinister quality to the melody. The word caprice is an Italian word which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Impact Of Working Environment At Drayton Manor Impact of working environment In addition to guarantee the working environment at Drayton Manor complies with health and safety, employers should ensure the work environment is as comfortable as possible for its staff. A comfortable work environment would be important to the staff at Drayton Manor because without it if the employees of Drayton Manor s are not comfortable that would lead to their productivity levels being low therefore decreasing their profits levels. If Drayton Manor employers do create a comfortable work environment employees would be productive meaning that their would be an increase of the profits that Drayton Manor makes. To increase their employees productivity levels the employers at Drayton Manor should increase their staffs motivation levels which would then for sure make them work more. Accidents that occur in the working environment at Drayton Manor would commonly be caused by things such as falling objects, hand tools and moving objects. When the employers at Drayton Manor carry out risk assessment they should consider the risk to their employees of being struck by falling objects. When employers carry out risk assessments, employers must consider the risk to employees of being struck by falling objects. An example of a potential falling object in an office or kitchen environment at Drayton Manor could be in the Kitchens pantry maybe cans of stored products would fall onto an employees had causing them harm and possibly a concussion. There are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Dualists Essay The infinite theoretical duel between the duality of our mind and body by philosophers has been one that has been replete with a magnitude of different philosophical theories that try to posit our existentiality. Consequently, these theorists try to find the answers to the causality of how the mind and the brain truly interact: Are we our synapses, or are we something more than that? However, one theory that has been of interest to many recent scientists and philosophers alike is one that has been around since its conception by a famous mathematician and philosopher named Rene Descartes. This theory is called substance dualism; and accordingly, this theory tries to solve the mystery of how these two complex disparate entities can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, one theory that I find particularly helpful is one that is from the Cartesian dualistic mentality; however, it branches of into its own direction and creates a plausible theory that I hope will help open doors to many more answers to the mystery of our experiential existence. According to Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Henry P. Stapp, and Mario Beauregard, who are researchers in the field of neuroscience and quantum physics, the mind creates a causative effect through the brains neural mechanism thus through material matter and this in turn creates an interaction. Consequently, these interactions call it volition if you will affect the atoms, matter and molecules of our material existence. Consequently, only through quantum physics can one know how these substances comingle with each other to create a seamless interaction that can either have positive or negative consequences to our existence. In philosophical terms, this theory also pertains to our experiential existence; thus, it has implications for our day to day life (2). Classical physics mainly deals with formulas and sets of equations that describe our world in macromolecular terms; however, quantum physics is concerned with the more intimate aspects of casual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Rise of Big Business The Rise of Big Business The decades after the Civil War rapidly changed the face of the United States. The rapid industrialization of the nation changed us from generally agrarian to the top industrial power in the world. Business tycoons thrived during this time, forging great business empires with the use of trusts and pools. Farmers moved to the cities and into the factories, living off wages and changing the face of the workforce. This rapid industrialization created wide gaps in society, and the government, which had originally taken a hands off approach to business, was forced to step in. 1.Many individuals took advantage of the rapid industrialization and high influx of cheap labor in the form of immigrants. Among these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The federal government also aided in the development of a transcontinental railroad by offering compensation and land for each mile that Railroad companies built. Because of this, the United States was quickly brought together from east to west by the railroad. Time zones were implemented because the railroads needed a standard time to go by, a prime example of the power of change that industry possessed. Steel sprung up as a major industry in the late 19th century as well. Carnegie started his steel factories in Pittsburgh, opening many new jobs and aiding in the trend of urbanization. The steel industry flourished and in 1901 the United States Steel Corporation was worth over $1.4 billion, the country s first billion dollar corporation. The oil industry also grew exponentially as America expanded. John D. Rockefeller created the Standard Oil Company, monopolizing the competition on the way to becoming the richest man in history. The demand for oil products was bolstered tremendously by the invention of the automobile and the gas powered engine gave the oil business a highly profitable market. One of the most influential inventions of the time period was the telephone, introduced by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. An enormous communications network was rapidly constructed on this invention. The invention of telephones attracted many women from the home to work as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Health Of Women, Health, Sanitation, And Hygiene Of The... The country that this author chose to research about is Haiti, which has some major health concerns that are present in the country. Haiti is currently working on improving these health concerns. The topics that were chosen to examine Haiti s health more in depth was women s health, sanitation and hygiene, and nutrition. This paper will look further into the healthof women in Haiti, as well as the sanitationand water supply and nutrition of the population. This paper will also address the steps that have been taken to help improve the health of women, nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygienein Haiti. The population of Haiti as of 2015 is 10,711,000 (World Health Organization (WHO), 2017). Haiti experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The earthquake also affected the women that are residing in the community reproductive health. The conditions that the women are giving birth in are not always safe and adequate, especially after the earthquake. To help give the women what she needs during delivery an organization is distributing reproductive health kits to assist [the women] and their families to deliver their babies in the absence of medical staff to support them (Daniel, 2010, p. 102). There are many steps that are being taken in Haiti to help improve women s health especially when it concerns reproductive health. By educating and improving the health of the women it will with any luck improve the health of the children in Haiti as well. By improving the women s health it will help to decrease the cases of malnutrition in the children of Haiti as well. Nutrition Malnutrition is a serious health concern for people that are residing in Haiti, especially the children. Malnutrition has a serious effect on the body, children [that] suffer from acute malnutrition are at a great risk for severe morbidity and mortality (Roller, Gray, Previl, Forrest, 2014, p. 1094). There is no reason for these children to be suffering from malnutrition when there is such a simple solution to fix malnutrition. According to UNICEF the percent of children that are underweight and is considered moderate to severe is 11.4 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Words On Tips For Success With A Content Marketing Email... Goal: 800 words on tips for success with a content marketing email series Total Word Count in This Document: 900 Title: How to succeed with a series of emails: 5 keys to what to say Note: Post is for businessmarketingengine.com How to succeed with a series of emails: 5 keys to what to say Autoresponder series definition The technical term for an email series from an entrepreneur to his or her following is the autoresponder series. Such is a sequence of related emails that can be put together as a course or series of practical helps or sales success stories. The idea is to give away valuable content with no strings. You only want to help people and get known and thereby build trust and loyalty. Increase in sales will follow. Think: how can I bless my customers? That is how can I prosper them and not harm them? Answer: Keep their needs uppermost in mind. Then social media sharing happens, buyers become regulars, and readers stay subscribed. 1. First consider your own email system setup needs. MailChimp is best for startups as it is free when you have under 2,000 subscribers and less than 12,000 monthly emails. MailChimp provides free templates or for a more custom look an easy to use drag and drop template editor. AWeber is better if you serve multiple markets, have multiple email lists, and varying offers. AWeber can integrate a shopping cart on your site. Then iContact is noted for excellence in service and excellence in the way it manages your contacts. MadMimi ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Early Canadian History When taking the time to review the early beginnings of Canadian history through the events that would go onto lead to confederation, it is possible to realize the intent that is found in regards to the founding of the country from being a collection of colonies for the British Empire. This all in all establishes and investigation to the economic, social, political, and environmental events/ideas to go on to understand the nature of the formation of Canada, as well as the influences that would go on to the development of the national identity. In regards to the economic state of the separate colonies as well as the conclusion that would be reached from the forming of the country; it should be understood that each of the colonies would have separate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Initially beginning with the divided political areas of the Family Compact and the ChГўteau Clique which held most of the judicial power between Upper and Lower Canada. Between each of them, controversy would be raised among the two systems of government. However this was mostly due to the controversy that arose after it was revealed that the ChГўteau Clique was composed of the rich and the wealthy occupants of Lower Canada which were all English, disconnecting the lower classes of Lower Canada as even though the majority is French in origin, have no say in the running of their own government with representatives that do not understand the plight of the people, while the right to be able to elect a member is taken out of their hands. Furthermore, such high powers given to them through veto would be more than enough to create problems for the assembly in attempting to provide new possible rulings. Responsible government would eventually become a subject to be discussed among the area as the eventual arrival of Governor General Durham after the politically fueled rebellions of 1837 1838 for reform with causes ranging from discontent between the English and French to the economic crash and crop failures of that period. Lord Durham would eventually influence the idea of uniting Upper and Lower Canada together, eventually supporting responsible government ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Similarities Between Deucalion And Lycaon In a Greek version Deucalion is warned of the flood. He builds an ark and stuffs it with creatures. Deucalion also sends a pigeon to search for land, and the bird returns with an olive branch. When he completes the voyage he gives thanks, and takes advice from the gods on how to repopulate the Earth. In a more colorful version, Zeus was angered by the extreme pride of the Pelasgians , the indigenous inhabitants of the Aegean Sea region, so he decided to punish them. Lycaon was the king of Arcadia, which was a part of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was an unspoiled, harmonious wilderness, thought to be the home of Pan. To punish Zeus for his oppression, Lycaon offered a blood sacrifice. Arcas, a son of Zeus, was placed upon the burning altar.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They chastised and rebuked Salih, whom they had once adored. The poor and needy of the community became His only believers. This caused the others to mock His efforts even more. Salih asked that the rich stop oppressing the poor, and adopt a more virtuous behavior. A few more people accepted His words. Not surprisingly, most of them refused to heed His warning, and instead began to harass Him to cause a miracle as proof of the Power of God. Salih kept telling them to look around and remember the numerous miracles God had already bestowed upon them. He reminded His people of the countless castles and palaces they had built, and of their rich farm fields, and technical superiority. He also reminded them of the fate of the Ad, and how they were destroyed for their similar, unrepentant sins. Produce a camel from the rocks , they shouted. Still, He exhorted them to worship One God, and be thankful to the One from whom all blessings flow. There was still time to turn from idolatry to monotheism. Even a few of His believers turned away, because most people wanted proof that God was all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Role Of Perseus The roles of two heroes in ancient greek mythology Agbekorode Barnabas Jeff dobbs English isu In ancient Greek mythology they were two heroes who we adored by the Greeks their names were called Hercules and Perseus who were both sons of Zeus the king of the gods the found their way to fame by doing extraordinary and brave thing during their lifetime for one Hercules extraordinary and brave adventure was conquering the ten labors but as time went on it got changed to the twelve labors, which no man has ever done before and the brave and extraordinary adventure... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Hercules was born she sent two serpents to kill the child but Hercules being had the strength of a god strangled and killed the serpents. When Hercules grew up to become a warrior he married a woman called Megara and they had two children life was going good until Hera struck Hercules with madness during which he killed his entire family after he came back to his senses he realized what he had done and went to the oracle of Delphi which in ancient Greece was an oracle which is controlled by Apollo the god of the sun, when he went to the oracle it told him that he would have to work for a king called Tiryns for twelve years and that during those twelve years he would have to complete the twelve labors which were: the first labor was to kill the Nemea lion it was not just a lion it was a terrible monster that had impenetrable skin so Hercules had to be wise, the second labor was to slay the lernaean hydra this fearsome monster lived in the swamp of the lake lerna it was specifically raised by Hera to kill Hercules it had nine heads and one of which was immortal, the third labor was capturing the ceryneian hind this labor an effort to end Hercules by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Casa de Diseno Essay Integrative Case 7, Casa de Diseno, involves evaluating working capital management of a furniture manufacturer. Operating cycle, cash conversion cycle, and negotiated financing needed are determined and compared with industry practices. The student then analyzes the impact of changing the firm s credit terms to evaluate its management of accounts receivablebefore making a recommendation. a.Operating cycle (OC)пЂЅпЂ average age of inventory пЂ« average collection period пЂЅ 110 days пЂ« 75 days пЂЅ 185 days Cash conversion cycle (CCC)пЂЅпЂ OCпЂ пЂпЂ average payment period пЂЅпЂ 185 daysпЂ пЂпЂ 30 days пЂЅпЂ 155 days Resources neededпЂЅпЂ пЂЅпЂ пЂЅпЂ $11,253,425 B.Industry OCпЂЅпЂ 83 days пЂ« 75 days пЂЅпЂ 158 days Industry CCCпЂЅпЂ 158 daysпЂ пЂпЂ 39 days ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... f.The other sources of financing available include both unsecured and secured sources. Unsecured Sources: Short term self liquidating bank loans usually used to help with seasonal needs where the loan is repaid as receivables are collected. Single payment bank notes normally a short term (30 days to 9 months) loan to be repaid on the end of the loan period. Line of credit a loan much like a credit card in that the borrower can draw down the money as needed and make various payments. The loan must often be paid in full at some point within each year. Revolving credit agreement a guaranteed amount of funds available to the borrower. The borrower usually pays a commitment fee to the bank to compensate them for having the funds available on demand. Commercial paper a 3 day to 270 day loan sold as a security to the lender. Secured Sources: Pledging accounts receivable a lender loans money on the basis of the creditworthiness of the borrower s customers who bought on account. The lender advances the money to the borrower in an amount discounted from the book value of the receivables. When the borrower collects the receivables payments, the money is remitted to the lender. Factoring accounts receivable selling the firm s accounts receivable to a lender at a discount to the book value of the receivables. The factor normally receives the payment directly from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Drought Stricken State’S Climate Leaves Its’ Water The drought stricken State s climate leaves its water supply to be volatile and unpredictable, creating a hash reality for all demanders of the scarce resource. In the worst of times California s climate is destructive to the wellbeing of not only Californian s quality of life, but the surrounding ecosystems. With unseasonably higher temperatures presenting issues farther into the future, in Adapting California s water managementto climate change , the authors Ellen Hanak and Jay Lund provide an overview of the effects California s climate has during times of drought, and the complications it presents for the State s water management. Water management in the state oversee a plethora of concerns; properly planning supply and delivery... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Delta is the lifeblood of California s water supply system, but when sea levels rise more and more of the levee system that blockades the salt and fresh water erodes, it leads to what is known as seawater intrusion. More simply, the contamination of freshwater by its salty counterpart. This process happens at varying rates, disrupting the water supply at a snail s pace or more in abundance, leaving a rippling effect to be felt for months, or even years. Climates effects on snowpack levels is far more measurable, where warming temperatures lead to higher levels of winter runoff. Thus depleting the snowpack earlier in the year, and leaving less for the spring and summer months to follow. Inversely, the average precipitations effects on the water supply are less measurable, due to the inability to correctly asses the amount of total runoff derived from precipitations role as the catalyst of the melting process. Measurements of this kind must be more than just an estimate, Hanak and Lund cite that It is likely to be decades before we know if and by how much precipitation and runoff volumes are changing (pg 20). But precipitations effects on snowpack volume must remain relevant, the effects of reduced runoff due to decreased precipitation appear to be much more important than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Greeley Painting Benefits Whether the paint on your home is chipping, fading or just not as attractive as it once was, you might be surprised at what a difference a fresh coat of paint can make on your home s curb appeal. The fact of the matter is that exterior painting is the very best way to improve your home s appearance, but the benefits of paintingyour home go far beyond just the aesthetics. Painting also helps to protect your home and siding from the elements, increase the lifespan of your siding, prevent termite damage and help to maintain the structural integrity of the wood, just to name a few of the many benefits of exterior painting. But, in order to enjoy these benefits, it s of the utmost importance that you hire the right contractor for the job. Let us help you enjoy the many benefits of exterior painting in Greeley. For friendly service, competitive rates and a dedication to getting you only the best results, turn to the professionals at Sorensen Roofing Exteriors. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, finding the right company for the job is key to enjoying those benefits for yourself, and when you want a company you can rely on in Greeley, there s no better company to turn to than Sorensen Roofing Exteriors. At Sorensen, we approach each and every customer with three uncompromising qualities honesty, integrity and responsibility and we ll always take the time and practice a high level of attention to detail so that you get only the very best results. Experience the difference with Sorensen. Get your free quote ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Pros And Cons Of Gaining A Handgun Would or Should You Loan Someone Your Handgun or Any Firearm Pursuant to 18 USC 922(a)(5), it is unlawful for any person...to transfer, sell, trade, give, transport, or deliver any firearm to any person who the transferor knows or has reasonable cause to believe does not reside in the state in which the transferor resides, or is otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm (Cornell University). Legally you have an obligation when loaning a handgun to someone. If you could know then you should know that the person you loan a handgun to can legally possess a firearm. This means you have to do your due diligence before agreeing to loan anyone your handgun. In legal terms, it is your responsibility to know if the person you loan a handgun to can legally possess one. How would you know if they had a felony conviction or there is some other reason they cannot legally possess one? You wouldn t unless you tell them that a condition of the loan is that they produce a current background check, (yes you can order a check on yourself, pay the fee and collect the information). Aside from that, however, why should you ever loan anyone your firearm. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some states do require that the person borrowing the handgun have a permit, and in some cases, the person borrowing the gun would have to carry the registration papers or some proof that the gun was purchased legally and it is loaned. If someone, a friend, for example, comes to you and says there have been a number of break ins in my community and I need some personal protection, can I borrow your pistol, what would you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Executive Order 9066 and Its Effects on Japanese... Imagine being a part of a minority that was blamed for the disaster that was out of their control, and as a result were forced to leave behind everything. This was a nightmare that became a reality for the Japanese when President Franklin Roosevelt passed the Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942, which allowed the government authorized the internment of tens of thousands of American citizens of Japanese ancestry and resident aliens from Japan. Over 120,000 innocent citizens of California, Arizona, and Oregon faced unjust and unconstitutional treatments by their own government, who was supposed to protect citizen s rights but made the Japanese feel the complete opposite. The internment camps impacted the Japanese American citizens tremendously in the areas of finances, social status, and physiological well being. Japanese residents of the west coast had a week s notice to bring and grab only what they could carry to an unknown location. Other minorities started to question why the victims of the internment camps did not take refuge before the government forced the Japans out of their own homes. Although 8,000 Japanese escaped to the east coast, most of the minority stayed since it was symbolic of their loyalty to the United States and ultimately rebuild the broken trust. Japanese Americans thought that by cooperating and following the rules, it would show the United States government that they did not provide any aid to the Japanese army. The internees started to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Industrialization Essay Industrialization As George Donelson Moss, author of America in the twentieth century states it; modern America emerged during the last thirty years of the nineteenth century. With most of the century consisting of farmers and smaller towns and country like living, the later parts of the century brought industrialization and businesses. This changes forced Americans to view and live life differently. Of the important elements that influenced America in the nineteenth century, industrialization and immigration are the most significant. Industry flourished in the 1800 s causing changes to America s every aspect of life. Manufacturing also increased during this time due to the many advancements and new inventions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... during the 1860 s. America became the number one steel manufacturer in the year of 1880. The petroleum industry grew in the 1860 s also. Kerosene, used to bring light to houses after nightfall, became its most important product. John D. Rockefeller, who headed the Standard Oil Company, became the nation s first billionaire with his involvement in this industry. Alexander Graham Bells invention of the telephone in 1876 created another huge industry in the nineteenth century. From the 1880 s until the end of the century, Americans were using over 800,000 telephones. This aided in communication across the U.S. Another famous inventor, Thomas Edison, also helped the industrialization of the late 1800 s by improving telephonic transmissions and the electric light bulb. He built the first power station in 1882 that supplied customers the electric current for lighting. With the industries and businesses flourishing, a big problem with urban development arose. With new industries, workers and their families would flood the surrounding city looking for jobs and places to live. This rapid expansion of people and cities caused many unfavorable results. The workers were forced to live in cramped and crowded housing. Problems arose with this lifestyle including the spreading of diseases, an increased crime rate, psychological stress and juvenile delinquency. These slums also caused problems such as decreased water ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. National Guard Aviation Technici Professional Expert An Army National Guard Aviation Technician is professional expert in his or her technical art or skill. We adhere to our moto People First. Mission Always! printed on our technician handbook (2009). Riots, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, search and rescue, and border patrol are just some of the many missions duel status Army aviation techs have done during peacetime thru the years. I will be explaining how the technician system came about. Showing some unique facts about dual status technicians. Giving my impression of how the guard aviation technician have been perceived. Concluding with my opinion of the current status of the guard aviation technician community. The militarytechnician program came about with the need of qualified civilians in a full time status to preform administrative actions, prepare, and train Reservists for mobilization after WWII. In the 60 s, a Memorandum of Understanding was made between the U.S Civil Service Commission and the Department of the Army establishing dual status requirements. These requirements allowed the U.S. Army to ensure the military technicians would have to mobilize with their unit. Public Law 90 486 The Technician Act of 1968 established the National Guard Technician Program. (National Gaurd Bureau, 2009) The law created a new section of military technicians excepted commonly known as dual status. This made military techs no longer competitive civil service employees and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. 12 Stages Of A Hero Journey Essay Most journeys taken on by heroes consist of 12 stages that lead them to what they re searching for. The first stage is exploring the ordinary world. The first stage consists of meeting the character and clarify the journey before they take the challenge on. Every journey involves a journey that disrupts the ordinary world. Learning about the ordinary world helps the reader understand the journey and the new world the herowill have to explore. The next stage is learning about the call to adventure. The call to adventure disrupts the ordinary world by presenting a challenge or quest that was be undertaken. The call shows what will happen to the ordinary world if the challenge is not accepted. Most of the heroes have to choose between two calls ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. A History of World in Six Glasses Essay A History of the Word in Six Glasses Beer in Mesopotamia and Egypt (Chapter 1 and 2) How might beer have influenced the transition from hunting and gathering to agricultural based societies. Beer might have/had influenced the transition from hunting and gathering to agricultural based societies. One way beer could have done this was that after the discovery of beer, the demand for beer began to increase. With increase demand for beer, farming would increase taking away time to hunt and gather for food. With less hunting and gathering, farmers eventually settled down in small areas around the Fertile Crescent to create beer. What does the story of beer tell you about social and gender roles in ancient SW Asia and Egypt? Beer can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The better wine you drank, meant the more money you made to purchase the wine, thus creating your caste in society. What effects does wine have on the development of Christianity and Islam? The banning of wine in Islamic culture would be the basic start for the banning of many other foods. The prophet Muhammad s ban on alcohol is said to have started from a fight between two men who were under the influence. When Muhammad sought divine help from the one and only Allah, Allah s reply was to ban alcohol so that such a thing could not happen again. As for wine, it had a different story for the development of Christianity. Wine drinking was a tradition of Greeks and Romans. When barbarians took over Rome and Greece, wine drinking seemed to have halted. But as time went on, barbarians began to take up wine drinking again, sort of assimilating themselves into Greek culture. Barbarians soon became civilized, all thanks to the tradition of wine drinking. Spirits in the Colonial Period (Chapters 5 and 6) How did spirits advance/accelerated colonialism? When the Americas were just beginning to form, spirits accelerated their colonialism. At first, sugarcane production was introduced to the Western Indies or Caribbean Islands by Christopher Columbus. The West Indies land was not suitable to grow wine vines or grains for beer, instead Columbus introduced sugar canes to the Indies, creating a major sugar plantation in the West ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant Case Study Introduction (Section I) Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant is a privately owned company in Richmond, Indiana that manufactured mirrors for trucks and automobiles. This privately owned business was successful in the beginning of its business and later the management encountered problems with its employees. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant faced production delay issues and unprofitability in the late 1990 s. The company implemented the Scanlon Plan in late December of 1999 in order to solve the problem they were facing with production. This plan helps paid bonuses to workers for increased productivity and this brought fast positive feedback for the employees and the organization. After five years of the implementation, the enthusiasm within the company gradually ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although about 81% of employees voted yes on the implementation of the Scanlon Plan at Engstrom, communication problem and lack of understanding how this Scanlon plan works dragged the employees to develop a non interest in the company, causing employees to lose interest in participation of the Scanlon plan. Employees became suspicious to bonus calculation adjustments over time and questioned fairness. This is considered as nonverbal negative feedback for a message that may have been highly affected by noise. Employees want to feel like their boss is siding with them in a compassionate manner. Effective communication and thorough understanding of the policies of the organization would motivate the employees. However, even though the Scanlon plan was allowing fair strategic planning among coworkers, it overloaded the employees with more information that they could assimilate. According to Myers Myers (1982), overload is the vast amount of information transmitted to an employee which surpasses an acceptable level of handling, causing confusion and stressful employee environments. This lack of communication added to the downfall of the Scanlon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Judicial Appointment... Justice of India, the appointment should be made as a healthy convention. In July 1998, the President of India asked for the advisory opinion of the Supreme Court on various areas of the judgment of 1993 including the issue of consultation. In October 1998, the Supreme Court in its advisory opinion confirmed the primacy of the Chief Justice s opinion over that of the President in appointing judges. The Court, however, observed that the sole, individual opinion of the Chief Justice of India does not constitute consultation within the meaning of Arts 217 and 222(1) of the Constitution. In appointing judges to the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice must make a recommendation in consultation with the four most senior puisne judges of the Supreme Court. In the case of appointments to the High Courts, the Chief Justice must consult the two most senior puisne judges of the Supreme Court. The views of the puisne judges should be in writing and should be conveyed to the [President] by the Chief Justice of India along with his [or her] views . The Supreme Court... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite this, in order to maintain public confidence in the appointment system and to ensure judicial independence the commission system is perhaps a very effective mechanism for judicial appointment. However, to ensure the effectiveness of this mechanism the commission should be representative in nature comprising members of the executive, legislature, judiciary, legal profession and lay persons. In addition, it should be ensured that the commission uses a system which is transparent and open to public scrutiny. In this regard the composition and working system of the South African Judicial Service Commission may be an acceptable model. Such a mechanism may be very effective to ensure the appointment of the best qualified people to judicial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Nursing Peer Review Committee Peer review is the assessment of nursing services, the quality of patient care provided by nurses, the benefits of a complaint concerning a nurse or a nursing care, and a purpose regarding a complaint. The nursing review committee is a process in which fact finding, analysis and study of events by nurses in a climate of mutual problem solving focused on obtaining all relevant information about an event. Section 303.0015(c) requires that nursing peer reviewcommittee that conducts a peer review involves professional nursing must have two thirds of its members as RN and may have only RN s as voting members. Incident based peer (IBPR) review occurs when a hospital receives a complaint regarding a nurse s conduct or hospital has concerns about a nurse s qualifications or the quality of patient care rendered by the nurse. During IBPR the nursing peer review committee must determine whether a nurse s conduct should be reported to the board of nursing. Under the hospital licensing rules, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) requires hospitals to implement a program for incident based peer review and compliance with the reporting requirements established by the BON. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At least 21 days, but no more than 45 days, before the peer review meeting, the committee must provide to the nurse written notice indicating the date and time of the meeting; a description of the facts surrounding the incident under review; the name, address, and telephone number of a contact person; a copy of BON Sec 217.19; and a copy of the hospital s policy concerning incident based peer review. Fifteen days before the meeting, the committee must provide the nurse or the nurse s attorney the opportunity to review documents concerning the incident under ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Prom Stereotypes TitleSally is not winning prom this year, and I m going to make sure that will happen, I said angrily to my lunch table. It s okay! answered Morghan. You will win. Just think positively. I sighed. I really wanted to win. I went out and bought an expensive dress and very expensive sparkly gray heels. After the lunch bell I made my way to my boyfriend, Alex, locker. On my way there I stepped on a one of Sally s posters persuading everyone to vote for her. I shook my head and continued walking to Alex s locker. I told him that Sally and her boyfriend are running for prom king and queen now. Alex is the head of the football team. Everyone likes Alex. Only issue with winning is that Sally would do anything she can to win. Therefore, me... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She s bleeding. Help! Someone call 911! She yelled. Everyone rushed out of the school with fear. A big crowd headed toward the door. Alex and I were squished up in the middle. No one will ever notice it is me. Before we can all get out the teachers already blocked us off. Oh no! I thought. I just wanted to get out of here. Short enough, the cops and ambulance were pulling up. The screaming sirens and flashing lights filled the parking lot. The teachers guided us all into the gym so the paramedics could easily get her body. Everyone was filled with confusion and fear. Everything just happened so quickly. Mrs. Crawsond made her way onto stage and approached the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Romeo And Juliet Alternate Ending Essay Be at the gates in ten counts, Alexandal said. The captain and his men rushed out the door. This session is closed, Olivia announced. The rest of the attending council members left the room. Montague held Olivia by the arms. But even her own Healer s hands couldn t comfort her. The truth shook her bones. The Queen remembered Demitri always telling her that people were evolving, and science was evolving. In his speech, he even referred to children s blood. Demitri recently told me that children can unlock abilities that adults cannot. He claims that children have a stronger connection to memories of our ancient history, Olivia said, hoping that Montague would know what that might have meant. The Queen watched Montague s face... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Demitri is the Host, he knows the Diary holds great knowledge. You said that retrieving the divine history of Naan chronicled in GABRIEL S DIARY was important to the enemy. They want to remove the information from us. My Queen, trust me. Olivia couldn t understand why Montague was so calm. I must see it for myself. Montague silently led her to his chambers below the library. And when they arrived, the Diary, like Montague had said so certainly, was safe, sitting on its glowing pedestal. It doesn t make sense. Why wouldn t he try to take it? Olivia asked. The Diary has a protective spell cast upon it. It repels copper. And even if he could take it, the Nekrums can t read angelic writing. Unable to access the information, the Diary is useless without my translations, Montague said. A spell...cast by Burton Lang? Olivia asked. The ex farmer had confessed to her that he was taught by the infamous mage who had been exiled from the kingdoms years ago. Yes, he said. And where are your translations? Montague pulled out three scrolls from his robe. Let me assure you, my Queen. My work is safe. I never let it out of my sight. Olivia took a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Television Is A Key Component Of Our Daily Lives Introduction A television is a machine with a screen that is capable of displaying images. Televisions receive broadcast signals and turn them into pictures and sound. Although debated, the TV is often credited as being invented by Vladimir Zworykin a Russian born American who worked for Westinghouse, and Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a boy in Beaver City, Utah. Vladimir held the patent for the TV, but it was Farnsworth who was the first person to first successfully transmit a TV signal on September 7, 1927. The television is a key component of our daily lives and is a marvel of engineering and utilisation of technology. Smartly incorporating complex electronic theories and concepts, the televisions has faced many developments and adaptations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A pixel is defined in television terms as the smallest area of a television image that can be shown within the parameters of the certain system. This process is accomplished by firstly analysing the image by using a photoelectric device in a series of horizontal scans from the top to the bottom of the image to create an electrical signal in which the colour and brightness values of the individual picture elements are represented as voltage levels of the respective video waveform; secondly, by transmitting the same respective values of the picture elements in a sequence as voltage levels of a video signal; and finally by reproducing the image of the original scene in a video signal display of parallel scanning lines on a viewing screen(Repairfaq.cis.upenn.edu, 2015) (wiseGEEK, 2015). The most primitive form of televisions relied on a cathode ray tube to produce images, and operated with an analog signal(Lapin, 2015). As technology has developed over time and broadcast signals transitioned from analog to digital, LCD (liquid crystal display) and plasma televisions were created. These TVs are more compact, are flatter and have crisper pictures than their cathode ray counterparts because the bulky tube is removed, and in its stead they use a thin grid of pixels to create the images (Repairfaq.cis.upenn.edu, 2015)(Computerhope.com, 2015) (Lapin, 2015) If the sound as you hear it from the television had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Hobbit Research Paper Logan Trimble Range English 4 5 November 2014 The life of J. R. R. Tolkien Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa to Mabel and Arthur Tolkien. Tolkien s father died when he was only 4 years old but that didn t stop Tolkien (www.bio.com). His mother took quite an initiative in Tolkien s Development. After a few years Mabel died of diabetes mellitus type 1. After her death he attended King Edward s School and formed a secret society (collegecrunch.org). Tolkien was known as a catholic. He was a fierce anti Communist and he shunned Nazism. The reason for this is because one he was catholic and two he had friends that were Jewish (collegecrunch.org) As soon as he was old enough to enlist in the military he enlisted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bilbo s development might allegorically represent the heroism of England in World War I or the inner, latent heroism common to everyone. His main motivation for writing was story telling (sparknotes.com). The different races in the Hobbit were meant to represent different European nationality s (sparknotes.com). Family lineage is another important factor that shapes identity in the hobbit (sparknotes.com). Throughout middle earth, ones prospects, character and social position are linked closely to family heritage (sparknotes.com). A major source of inspiration is the plot was the body of ancient epic literature. Bilbo himself, with his common sense, love of peace warm hearted self doubt. Much of the narrative is devoted to descriptions of the places, people, and things that Bilbo encountered. Tolkien started creating the Hobbit around the middle of 1930. He was grading a paper as a professor. In the early 1930s he quickly drew the Hobbit into the world of his evolving Silmarillon mythology. The story went underwent radical expansion and revision. The reality of his story is an obvious starting point for an understanding not only why tales were created but who created the tales (Gale). Tolkien makes his stories with the little world with inner consistency of reality so the eventual triumphs of goodness seem all the more plausible (Gale). Tolkien decided to make the book for his children. He decided to try an experiment with new ideas and concepts. He also came upon new influences in myth magic (middle earth.org). the hobbit represents Tolkien s only uses of high medieval culture in what eventually became the fictional middle earth of the hobbit (middle earth.org). Tolkien wrote the Hobbit as much to satisfy his natural literary curiosity as to create an amusing and entertaining story (middle earth.org). Tolkien kept his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Weather The Migration Hypothesis The reading and the lecture discuss weather the migration hypothesis is true for the edomontosaurs the elephant like dinosaurs to prove the North Slope as their habitat. The lecturer puts forth three aspects, each of which has casts doubt on the three points presented in the reading passage. To begin with, the professor avers that at the time of the edomontosaurs the temperature in the North slopes was warmer than ours. She says that the warmer temperature helps to have good vegetation in summer. Even the dead plants were enough to feed the edomontosaurs in the North slopes during winter. Thus the edomontosaurs did not need to migrate to south the warm place. This directly challenges the reading assertion that the food requirement for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Confederate Flag Is America s Swastika Confederate Flag In The Hill, a top U.S. political magazine, in June 2015, Contributor H. A. Goodman wrote, The Confederate flag is indeed America s swastika. In the same way the Jewish community sees the swastika as a painful reminder of the Holocaust, the African American community perceives the flag as a reminder of slavery and racial discrimination. The Confederate flag, a relic of the devastating Civil War, has become one of the most controversial and contentious icons in American history. The debate over the flying of the Confederate flag is in regard to the Southern Civil War ideals of slavery and white racial superiority that historians have agreed the flag represents. Supporters of the Confederate flag argue that as a symbol of Southern pride, honor, and character, the flag is a reminder of the South s distinctive and rich history. Opponents of the flag contend that rather than a symbol of southern bravery, the Confederate flag symbolizes the racist, hateful ideas of the Confederacy. The Confederate flag, a clear symbol of white superiority, prejudice, and slavery, should not be allowed to be perpetuated by the government in a society where those ideals should be long gone. The discord over the Confederate flag is rooted in wider debate over the causes of the Civil War and the ideals the flag symbolizes. With the high likelihood of Abraham Lincoln winning the 1860 presidential election, many of the Southern States became worried with the very real possibility ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Religious Expression In Public Schools For many years, schools have struggled to decide on whether to give students the freedom of religious expression at school. This difficult topic is especially prevalent in many public schools today. Most public schools comply with the separation of church and state by instating rules against any kind of religious expression, essentially mandating conformity among students in terms of religious expression. Some schools, however, have decided to place no restrictions on religious expression. This serves to promote individualfreedom among students. Even if it may seem that schools strongly differ when it comes to religious expression, schools do have something in common pertaining to this issue. They all believe that the unique decision they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After all, it is the school s job to educate our future generation so they are equipped for a world containing a multitude of religious aspects even if doing so in an indirect manner. Providing students the freedom to practice whichever religion they choose restricts feelings of pressure to withhold their religious expression; something they would have to withhold in the name of conformity at some public schools. As students become inevitably educated about religion through religious expression around them, they steadily become less intolerant of other religions besides their own. The students become accepting of the reality that we live in where many different religious beliefs exist among people in all areas of life. This effect closely mirrors the attitude that these students will have towards religion in the real world. Not only does exposure to religious expression benefit the students and the school, but it furthermore benefits the world as a whole by moving the future generation away from religious intolerance. This creates a world where people can be comfortable and sure in their religion due to the lack of intolerance directed towards them. Currently, however, religiously motivated hate crimes are on the rise. In 2004, about 10 percent of all hate crimes were religiously motivatedв€’ compared to 28 percent today (Jackson 1). This is an example of religious intolerance in today s world which can be remedied by educating the future generation about religion through allowing religious expression at school. The religious tolerance that is subsequently developed among these students is what this world so desperately ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Trials And Tribulations Of A Transformational Leader... The Trials Tribulations of a Transformational Leader Brandon Kent ASU, PAF 410 September 22, 2016 Throughout time, many books and papers have been written to study the birthplace of leadership failure, its causes, results, and ultimately, the best way to oversea these situations to avoid future failures. Some leadership experts, may argue that the best way to learn how to lead, is to study successful leadership outcomes and more importantly, how former miscalculations were committed and as a result, what gran plan was used that resulted in the leaders turnaround success. To be a great leader, the individual has to be cognate of what elements, including external and internal impact, resulted in their failure, as well as, how to avoid leadership oversight in the future. In this paper, I will attempt to do just that, as I will incorporate the transactional and transformational leadership theory from this course and apply them to the leadership failures of one of the most entertaining leadership failures of all time: the DeLorean Motor Company. From a business perspective, the ramifications of leadership failure differ in size depending on the severity of the situation. If market conditions are fixed and the competitive atmosphere is not extraordinarily punishing, leadership failures may not be that bad for the business. If, however, the market is going through dramatic change, which demands equally dramatic change in the organization, failure to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Application Of Flexible All Graphite Paper Based Field... Flexible All Graphite Paper based Field Effect Transistor for motion detection using strain sensing Srinivasulu Kanaparthi, Sushmee Badhulika* Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 502285, India. *Corresponding author: E mail: sbadh@iith.ac.in; Telephone: 040 23018443; Fax: 04023016032 Abstract Here we report the fabrication of a flexible all carbon field effect transistor (FET) using a low cost, recyclable and biodegradable cellulose paper as both substrate as well as dielectric and pencil graphite as source, drain, channel and gate without using any other expensive, toxic or non biodegradable materials. The electron and hole mobility s of FET are observed to be 180 and 200 cm2v 1s 1 respectively which are comparable to the recently reported values of paper FET with polymer dielectric and cellulose composite dielectrics. The FET was utilized as a strain sensor which shows good sensitivity for low strains of both tensile and compressive type. The mobility of the FET increases with increase in compressive strain and decreases with increase in tensile strain. The sensitivity of the FET sensor increases with the increase in the gate voltage. HERE YOU CAN MAKE A COMMENT ON HOW THIS STRAIN SENSOR IS BETTER THAN SILICON STRAIN SENSORS IN PERFORMANCE. Further we investigated the performance of the sensor by integrating it with hand gloves to detect human motion. The results obtained indicate that the sensor can be utilized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Clarence Johnson Essay Kelly Clarence Johnson is one of the greatest aeronautical and systems engineer to ever live. His contributions to militarized aircraft changed the way we fly to the present day. His success at a younger age made it known that he strived for nothing less than perfection. This motive helped him to not only fit in, but to be a true leader at Skunk Works. His innovation for stealth reconnaissance aircraft lead him to create the fastest high altitude planes the military has every seen. The ingenuity and genius that he had was the pinnacle of his career and what made him change the face of the flight game. Kelly never settled for failure because of his persistence in the belief that he can correct and solve any problem that comes across him.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This plane is the fastest air breathing manned aircraft since 1976. The plane can fly up to 80,000 feet high and travel at mach 6. The SR 71 was on a recon flight over the DMZ when North Korea fired a surface to air missile at it. The pilot had to perform evasive maneuvers which was basically just to speed up and outrun the missile. The aircraft was also commonly used by NASA for experiments on our atmosphere and the Earth in general seeing how it flew at such a high flight level. The pilots who flew the spacecraft, operated at such a high altitude that they had to wear modified versions of the space suit, seeing how they were cruising at 80,000 feet high. The SR 71 holds six incredible records, but its one of its most notable ones was its final flight from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. in which the plane achieved a time record of just 1 hour, 4 minutes and 20 seconds. It was averaging 2,124 miles per hour breaking the the previous speed record of around 1900 miles per hour. The aircraft is truly one of the most legendary militarized vehicles ever produced, which turned out to be Kelly s greatest ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Essay about Miss Week 13 Introduction to Macroeconomics (Chapters 16 and 17) 1. In the years to 2050 the Japanese population is expected to decline, while the fraction of the population that is retired is expected to increase sharply. What are the implications of these population changes for total output and average living standards in Japan, assuming that average labour productivity continues to grow? What if average labour productivity stagnates? Solution 1: Slowing population growth and an increased share of retired people both imply slower growth in the number of people employed. If average labour productivity (output per employed worker) continues to grow at earlier rates, total output will still grow more slowly than before, because of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. The following data give total output, total population and numbers employed for Germany and Turkey in 2009. Find output per person and average labour productivity in each country. How do living standards compare? | Germany| Turkey| Output (billions of $s)| 1,631| 590| Population (millions)| 83| 77| Numbers employed (millions)| 40| 23| Solution 3: Germany: output per person is $1,631 billion / 83 million people = $19,651 per person; average labour productivity is $1,631 billion / 40 million employed = $40,775 per person employed. Japan: output per person is $590 billion / 77 million people = $2,662 per person; average labour productivity is $590 billion / 23 million employed = $25,652 per person employed. Both the living standard (output per person) and average labour productivity (output per worker) are higher in Germany than in Japan. But the difference between living standards in the two countries is more marked than the difference in labour productivity. 4. Data released in February 2011 suggests that China has overtaken Japan as the world s second largest economy as measured by the absolute size of its GDP. Does this necessarily imply that the real living standards of Chinese citizens are now higher than those of their Japanese counterparts? Solution ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Themes In Iron Jawed Angels One theme we see in Iron Jawed Angels is problems with resistance from men: in their families, in their communities, in positions of legal/ political power. The first example of this theme that will be discussed is the scene from the parade before President Wilson s inauguration. The Suffragists are walking with their heads held high, smiles on their faces, and confidence in their gaits. The crowd seems to be in awe of the sight before them, until men become disgruntled. One man yells out ...Get off the streets, go home to your mother! , to which one marching suffragist responds, My mother is here. Tensions rise as men begin booing and throwing paper, glass bottles, and insults, at the women. As the anger from the crowd increases, men... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Men forcefully grab the flags from women, knocking them over. As she gets tossed around by the angry crowd, Alice Paul calls out Officer, Officer, over here! but to no avail. A second example of the theme was shown when Mr. Leighton enters the bathroom where a nanny and Mrs. Leighton are bathing their children. Mr. Leighton asks, Did you see the paper? and proceeds to read about the NWP s plans to vote against the democrats . Although she attempts to keep her composure, Emily Leighton glances at the ground often, uncomfortable with the situation. Her husband reads her name as a contributor and taps the newspaper on his hand as he waits for a response. Emily says she used her housekeeping allowance and it had nothing to do with her husband. Mr. Leighton, with furrowed brows and a frown, tells her she will withdraw her membership and that he has closed her account. Emily looks helpless and hurt with her eyes round and her mouth slightly ajar. She retains her shocked look and returns to bathing her smallest child. A third example of the theme was when Lucy, Doris, and Ruza were protesting outside of the White House after war was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Buffalo Bill Annotation The American frontier is an era of great pride and taming of the nature with the will to conquer. American society is taught to never give up and peruse one s dream, to value that dream and do whatever it takes in order to achieve it. Although this provides a double edged sword for society as it can be the will on one side, but also be the downfall on another. For if any person is supposed to truly resemble the American frontier, then Buffalo Bill would be that image. Yet, in a Native American perspective, his double edged sword is a continually growing downfall for the culture. Sherman Alexie s poem Evolution shows an ever growing dived in reservations around America and the effects from its own poison. For when Buffalo Bill opens a pawn shop on the reservation, natives flee to the shop in order to pawn their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is the perspective also into the past as well. For when the actual Buffalo Bill was born, indigenous groups further west were ousted from their lands just like those in the East. The sun essentially sets on the rise and fall of the Native people in this poem because it shows how a white man came into a reservation and caused the same 200 hundred year old pain again. Not only is there that pain, Buffalo Bill has the bill that Native Americans pay in order to destroy their own legacy. The reservation only gets smaller as the Natives leave and the blood toxicity lessens while the blood alcohol levels increase. True indigenous people and their descendants are essentially evolving into a new breed of people, and the only relict to show their presence is when Buffalo Bill closes the pawn shop and paints a new sign over. Calling it the THE MUSEUM OF NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURES. Yet to even know about such information, Buffalo Bill requires that one pay the bill, and this only results in seeing the things the same Native people had just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Life Is Beautiful Film Analysis Life is Beautiful Movie Analysis Life is Beautiful, directed by Italian director Roberto Benigni, released in 1997, is a film about love, war and death. Set just before and during WWII, the main character, Guido falls in love with the woman of his dreams, they have a child but they get separated by the horrors of the war. Guido and his little son strive to get reunited with his wife but their internment in a Nazi concentration camp halts him from doing so. Nevertheless, he slyly keeps in contact with his wife so she knows they are safe and well. Roberto Benigni uses cinematic techniques such as music, costume and lighting to convey the strong theme of love between two characters in the film Life is Beautiful. In Life is Beautiful, the love between two people is a recurring theme. The music, composed by Italian light classical composer Nicola Piovani, is one of the major factors that helps successfully convey this theme to the audience. In the film, the same upbeat tune is used for many of the romantic scenes between Guido and Dora. This tune, in a more subtle tone, is the theme song for the film, and when it is repeated for the romantic themes it gives a powerful sense of love. For example, when Dora falls out of that farm house, and Guido catches her, the music is used for the first time in a romantic setting. The same music is then repeated in the scene at the 11 minute mark when Guido falls off his bike into Dora and they both fall over into a big pile of sand. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Guardian Article, By Glenn Greenwald In the Guardian article, Committee to Protect Journalists issues scathing report on Obama administration, authored by Glenn Greenwald, he and others depict the Obama administration as the most secretive and the worst ever on issues of national security and press freedom (Greenwald, 2013, np.). Yet, the United States government s aggressive efforts to control information, thwart accountability reporting, maintain national security secrets, and the persecution of government whistleblowers, is not new, nor is it unique to the Obama administration. The practice of attempting to expand and concentrate power in the executive branch of government is historically consistent with past administrations. In my opinion, the Obama administration ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The executive branch of the government may need to keep certain information secret, but to claim certain information secret under the guise of national security or executive privilege because it may reveal misconduct or embarrassing information about the government s actions is fundamentally wrong and should be impermissible. Today, it seems like the aggrandizement of the power of the executive branch of government trumps all else. This concentration of power in the executive branch is not what the framers intended nor is it consistent with the Articles of the Constitution of the United States. Over time, despite the fact that the Constitution provides the president with only a few specific and enumerated powers, presidential authority has greatly expanded. Previous government administrations have seized opportunities arising during crises such as the Civil War, World War I and II, and the contemporary War on Terror to further expand the scope of executive power. While this expansion of presidential power has been facilitated by Congressional action in certain instances, the executive s authority expansion is to a greater extent the product of presidential unilateral action based on broad interpretations of enumerated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Theme Of Paralysis In Eveline Most everyone wants to find someone to love; however, knowing for sure if someone you met is the one is a constant question as well as whether to leave your past life behind. This is the crisis in the story Eveline where Eveline Hill is unsure if she should run away with her new boyfriend or stay at home. In this short story, James Joyce establishes the theme of paralysis through the symbolism of Eveline s parents and diction to reveal her ambivalent feelings towards leaving home. To begin, the theme of paralysis evolved in the story through the symbolism of her parents, which is why she is unsure if she should leave with Frank and her uncertainty of her own motives for leaving. Eveline s parents had a contentious relationship which causes her to question whether her relationship with Frank may end out the same. In Joyce s Eveline, he writes, She would not be treated as her mother had been. Even now, though she was over nineteen, she sometimes felt herself in danger of her father s violence... Her father was becoming old lately, she noticed; he would miss her (pg. 21 22). Throughout the story, Eveline thinks about how her parents relationship may translate into her own life. She is worried that leaving her father behind may devastate him when she seems to be scared of him still. She is stuck between leaving and staying displaying the theme of paralysis. According to the critic Golbarg Khorsand s article Paths to Paralysis: Symbolism and Narratology in James Joyce s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Why Is Cursive Writing Obsolete I believe cursive writing is obsolete because I never learned how to write in cursive nor have I ever needed to. As said in the first argument Cursive is a common teaching tool for students with dyslexia, a reading disorder. this is true because you can t mix up letters in cursive. I think that cursiveshouldnt be a required thing to learn in school, but should always be available if needed. Most high schools and colleges expect you to turn in typed, rather than handwritten, papers. The survey took in 2012 given to handwriting teachers, only 37% of them wrote cursive. First, I believe that cursive writing should not be required but should be available for those who want or need to learn it. If a student with dyslexia or any other brain disorder was to ask to learn cursive so that they had less touble with there disorder than it should be available for them. Even just a student such as myself. I have never learned to write cursive, none of my teachers thought it was important, but if there is someone who want to learn to write in cursive it should also be available for that student. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the text reads Keyboarding skills have become critical to student success in college and the workplace. and this is true. Current learning requirments are that students are proficient in typing by the fourth grade. Writing has taken a backseat to typing as technology ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Depth Perception Paper We see things with our eyes through different visual cues this is called Depth Perception . Depth perception is the use of two different types of visual cues to perceive depth, Binocular cues and Monocular cues (Department of Psychology,2015). Depth perception lets us view items in three dimensions and the distance of items. We use several cues to perceive the distance (or depth) of the objects from us and from each other (Department of Psychology,2015). Goldstein (1984) stated that Cues for seeing depth come from binocular disparity, and also from a range of monocular cues such as motion parallax, linear perspective, relative size, interposition, relative height, and texture gradients. (as cited in Laboratory Manual: Psychology 111/112... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Binocular cues are the reason we are able to see things in three dimensions rather than just two. Binocular cues are what enable us to establish where in space an object sits and its size compared to our own body. By seeing things through both of your eyes and then conjoining it your brain is then able to see the world three dimensions. Binocular disparity is there because since our eyes are a certain distance apart form each other it means that the right eye sees the world from a marginally different angle the left eye. Binocular disparity allows our eyes to see the object from different angles so then we can see slightly different parts of the object which help us to determine its shape and size. Binocular Convergence as Sternberg, R. J. (1998) explains is because your two eyes are in slightly different places on your head, when you rotate your eyes so that the image of an object that is in front of you falls directly on each fovea, each eye must turn inward slightly to registrar the same image. Our brains receive neural information from the eye muscles about the convergence of the eyes, and they assume that the more the eyes converge, the close the perceived object must ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Houghton Hancock Area 25 Year Housing Plan Houghton Hancock Area 25 Year Housing Plan Background The Houghton and Hancock area is heavy influenced by Finlandia and Michigan Tech Universities with roughly 7,500 students between them. The cities of Houghton and Hancock had a total population between them of 12,342 using data from the 2010 census. Seven percent of the population of Houghton are 65 years of age or older whereas 13.8 percent of the State of Michigan s population is of that age. The median household income was $27,661 and the median family income of $56,146 for Houghton for the period of 2009 2013 with 42.1 percent of persons falling below the poverty level (US Census and City of Houghton Master Plan). There are 1,734.1 persons per square mile in Houghton. Because more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The 2006 Campus Master Plan states that the dormitory style rooms of Douglas Houghton Hall, Wadsworth, and McNair are not appropriate to upper class students and that apartment style housing is needed. As of 2015, Michigan Tech offers a limited number of apartment units between Hillside Place and the aging and out of style Daniell Heights apartments. There are several hotels in the area that provide tourists a place to stay during summers and key events throughout the year. Future Housing Approximately two thirds of Michigan Tech students live off campus, so around 4,600 students. Students demand rental housing so a large demand is created in Houghton, especially locations closest to Michigan Tech s campus. Michigan Tech estimated the need for an additional 400 beds mostly in apartment style housing for student use in their 2006 Master Plan. Housing costs at Michigan Tech run $9393 and up (including food) per academic year so rent should be marketed lower to make it a viable option considering commuting expenses and inconveniences to campus. Many houses Tech students live in now are larger low cost homes that are past/ well past their prime. As these houses need to be removed, an emphasis should be placed on apartment style units as well as semi, duplexes and up. Low rise or garden apartments would make the most sense for the area considering the smaller population. A high rise apartment should only be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...