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5 Paragraph Essay On Iwo Jima
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5 Paragraph Essay On Iwo Jima 5 Paragraph Essay On Iwo Jima


Masks Depicted In Paul Laurence Dunbar s They Wear The Mask
In society, people are constantly worried about fitting in and fear being themselves will hinder
their ability to conform to society. Many people fear that being themselves will have a detrimental
effect on their social life, and others feel that they are outcasts and that they need to be someone
they re not in order to be socially accepted. People often try to hide their true personality, and wear
a mask. To metaphorically wear a mask is to express yourself the way you want to be seen, rather
than how you actually feel. This instills the idea that one s own personality is not good enough,
creating a fear of being yourself, causing people to wear a mask. People wear these masks in an
attempt to navigate in society, to preserve innocence,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, Mr. Dolphus Raymond pretends he is drinking alcohol when he is really drinking
coke so that people have an explanation for his lifestyle. Instead of just saying he wants to live
with blacks, he wears a mask to make people think he is a drunk. He wears this mask in order to
navigate in society and try to give em a reason (228). Mr. Raymond also tells Scout and Dill that,
It ain t honest but it s mighty helpful to folks. Secretly, Miss Finch, I m not much of a drinker,
but you see they could never, never understand that I live like I do because that s the way I want
to live (228). As an alternative to facing the town s dissenting opinions, he acts like a drunk. This
acts as a mask to aid Mr. Raymond in society. Also, Atticus wears a mask in order to preserve the
innocence of animals. When the rabid dog is on the street, Atticus shoots the dog in one shot, and
Miss Maudie informs Scout and Jem that Atticus Finch was the deadest shot in Maycomb County
in his time (112). He wears a mask to hide his skill because he wants to preserve the lives of
innocent animals. Miss Maudie then speculates that he put his gun down when he realized that God
had given him an unfair advantage over most living things (112). Atticus is a civilized person, so he
hides his skill with guns to conserve innocence. Unlike most masks, Atticus mask is not
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Toni Morrison s Sula Essay example
Sula Toni Morrison s Sula is a novel that has a theme about the nature of evil. The story follows
the lives of two black female friends who present differing views on evil. On one hand, we have
society s conventional view of evil represented by the character of Nel and also seen in the Bottom
s disapproval of Sula. The other view of evilis seen through the character of Sula and through her
actions, which conflict with traditional society. The friendship of Sula and Nel is how the author
conveys her message about evil in the relationship. In the relationship the two different conceptions
of evil mix and create an essentially neutral mixture. By looking at Nel s and Sula s friendship and
the two different views of evil that they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Absorbed in this conception of evil her whole life, it is Nel who becomes the embodiment of the
town s moral code when she gets married and is one of them (120), meaning a member of
mainstream society. Instantly, her views become the same with those of the town and she
belonged to the town and all of its ways (120). She is especially offended by Sula s behavior,
because Sula sleeps with her husband. While Nel has used the town s moral code, Sula is in open
defiance of it, and Sula is caught off guard by Nel s possessiveness (119), not really knowing that
marriage...had changed all that (119), referring to their earlier tendency to share the affection of
other people (119). Nel s outrage at Sula s actions is similar to the town s anger at Sula and we see
the personal hurt that Sula s inconsiderate actions have caused. While society s view of evil is
really based on the disapproval of anything that would break down way society works, Sula s view
of evil is based on a different goal and she acts according to a different set of standards. In other
words, Sula was distinctly different (118). Sula had been looking all along for a friend (122) and
that is the goal she is really trying to reach. In sleeping with many men, she is sort of looking for a
release for her misery and...deep sorrow (122). She is trying to find a friend who she can
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History Of National Health Service Trusts Essay
National Health Service trusts have the mandate to ensure that patients in hospitals get high quality
health care and that money is spent efficiently and accountability is observed.
Furthermore the NHS receives complaints from patients about poor hospital services.
Each trust is headed by a board consisting of executive and non executive directors.
The King Edgar Hospital trust is within a National Health Service trust and was primarily formed
with the aim of improving patient service quality within three hospitals that had merged to form it
(Bronte, Friar and Clover). The King Edgar Hospitals trust has a board that comprises eleven
members with Rodger Andrews as the chief executive. The main aim of the trust being to enhance
patient care by first reducing the waiting list the chief executive appointed Burns who was the
executive director to take lead in the said project. Other leadership positions were also created to
implement the policies pertaining to the trust s aims and goals. This shows that the trust was
organized managerial wise in that there was a clear cut hierarchy of different management
positions. This separation of power enabled each person in their position to carry out the duties
expected in them.
From the moment that Burns was appointed to lead the nurse led discharge (NLD) she formulated
policies to ensure that the NLD project was actualized. Prior to March 2003 King Edgar Hospitals
trust was awarded one star on its performance. The
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Additional Information Identify Rules Of An Section Of The...
Additional section Information Identify Rules
Add on
Grades of information only can be accessible by the higher levels of departments. This is added in
the revised policy document.
Add on
An upper grade identified person is signing the Grade of the information, such as, the general
worker cannot access to the Restricted Zone, so the person who distinguish the Restricted
information should be at least can get to the secret level materials.
Logical Access Control Introduction
Add on
In this part of the original policy, the purpose of logical access control is introduced. However, the
theoretical purpose shall also be covered.
This is covered in the 5.1.1 section of the revised policy.
The scope defined in this part of the original policy is not complete. Not only the network devices,
but other assets, such as the computer room, should also apply to the logical access control policy.
This is covered in the 5.1.2 section of the revised policy.
Authentication and Password
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Once an User ID have violated the access control policy, it should be suspended immediately to
avoid more loses. This is not included in the suspend conditions of the original policy.
This is added in the 5.2.3 section of the revised policy.
The title of the section in the original policy is Authentication and Password , however, it is about
authentication and User ID. Password policy is included in the 5.5 section of the original policy.
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Art of the Egyptians and Africans
Art of the Egyptians and Africans
Art of the Egyptians and Africans express .............................In art, style is a characteristic, or a
number of characteristics that we can identify as constant, recurring, or coherent.(Art Terminology
1) Artists express their emotions through their art making, their finished product will reflect that
emotion. They might also create a piece of art that makes the viewer create an emotional response.
Emotion is any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear,
etc.(Dictionary 1)
Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old. It emerged and took shape in the ancient Egypt, the
civilization of the Nile Valley. Ancient Egyptian art was shown with emotion beautifully in painting
and sculpture, and was both highly symbolic and stylized. The exceptional traditions in Egypt is one
of the most important things in the history of art. The tombs and temples of the Egyptians have
expressed the grandeur of the kingdom of the Nile. Egyptian sculptors and painters began to
formulate patterns to represent figures and stories. Egyptians used the art to represent a
continuation of life after death, it was an important part of their culture. They believed that, in
order for the spirit to live on, the dead person s body had to be preserved, or mummified, and
buried along with supplies of food and drink, tools and utensils, valued possessions. (Scholastic)
Egyptian art was becoming more realistic, which moved away from the ways of
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Polycephalum Essay
Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that has a yellow coloring to it and it resides in areas of
shade, cool temperatures and moisture. Not only does this slime mold have the name Physarum
Polycephalum, but it is also referred to as Polycephalum as suggested by (Jabr, 2012). P.
Polycephalum is a multicellular microbe that feeds fungal spores and other microbes because the
organisms are heterotrophic (Sauer, 1986). P. Polycephalum is very interesting because it has traits
of both fungi and animals, which I find very interesting. It has this ability to move around where it
is located to find food by engulfing and surrounding it, and it does this by going through enzyme
secretion. Although we know a lot about this organism, for many years it was mistaken as fungi
due to the fact that it was thought to be heterotrophic but through further analysis it was removed
from that category because they realized that fungi is not as mobile as this organism. P.
Polycephalum doesn t have a cellwall but fungi have cell walls made of chitin, which lead to the
line being drawn between these two organisms (Ashworth and Dee, 1975).
The most ideal habitat for P. Polycephalum is a moist and shady region but not only is it suitable
for P. Polycephalum but its also suitable for bacteria, archea and protists that it feeds on (Jabr,
2012). When it engulfs its food, it grows with the help of Phagocytosis and then it becomes a mass
of multinucleate protoplasm, which then has a bright yellow color,
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Illegal Immigration In America Essay
Illegal Immigration in America Illegal immigration has been at the forefront of President Donald
Trump s agenda since he started his run for Presidency. His stand on illegal immigration has set a
new standard for how people enter the United States. The media has made it a priority to highlight
every mistake an illegal immigrant makes to show the American people that there is a problem
with illegals. Adam Davidson, from New York times reports that, Undocumented workers, some
suggest, undercut wages and take jobs that would otherwise go to Americans. Worse, the argument
goes, many use social programs, like hospitals and schools, that cost taxpayers and add to our $16
trillion national debt (Davidson). Illegal Aliens cost the U.S. Taxpayers more than 1 billion dollars
each year (FAIR) . States across the U.S. see illegal immigrationas a huge burden on their tax
payers because they are not paying taxes like everyone else in society. Arizona is seen as a corridor
for illegals to travel into the United Statesbecause of the proximity to the border. Residents of the
state of Arizona feel the effects of how illegal immigration affects their daily lives. Vehicle
accidents have been a major concern in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In March of 2016, President Trump placed a temporary ban on six Muslim countries. With the
influx of middle easterners fleeing the middle east due to their war torn countries President Trump
has changed the number of refugees the country receives. President s Trump focus is to fully
understand who is attempting to come into the United States and ensure they are who they say they
are. By conduct extensive background checks will give a better a understand on who is not being
truthful, weeding out the suspected illegals who would cause harm in America. Attorney General
Jeff Sessions also singled out the refugee program as an issue
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Essay On Inflammation
First Name Last Name
Course #/Title
July 4, 2015
Inflammation and Cancer
According to the most recent evidence, there is a direct link between chronic inflammation and
certain types of cancer. Inflammation generally occurs due to a bacterial or viral infection, such as
a chronic bladder infection, which over time may be more susceptible to bladder cancer. This is
especially true for individuals who are overweight or obese, or exhibit disorders like diabetes,
hepatitis A and B, HIV/AIDS, and other bacterial/viral disorders.
The links between cancer and inflammation, being the protective response of the tissues of the
human body to irritation caused by an injury, a virus, or bacteria, and which may be acute or ...
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In addition, micro organisms like microbes which includes bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and
other microbial life forms (Glanze 754) may cause cancer due to opportunistic infection, such as in
Kaposi s sarcoma (Herpes virus 8) and gastric cancer (i.e., cancer of the stomach), caused by H.
pylori bacterium which can also affect the human colon via long standing inflammatory bowel
diseases caused by microflora or certain types of fungus (Nahoun, Why Cancer and Inflammation? ).
Inflammation has also been shown to exacerbate the conditions necessary for developing certain
types of lung cancer. As noted by Nahoun, medical conditions associated with chronic irritation and
subsequent inflammation are often predisposed to cancer. A prime example of this phenomenon is
cigarette smoking which often causes inflammation in the lungs via diseases like sarcoidosis, a
chronic disorder of unknown origin characterized by the formation of tubercles tissue in the lungs.
In some cases, sarcoidosis as an inflammatory disorder can be found in the spleen, liver, mucous
membranes, the salivary glands, and the lymph glands (Glanze
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Similarities Between Christianity And Islam
Christianity and Islam were both spread in socially and economically similar and politically
different. They both had an important people that role and spread of the religions. Christianity
included the individuals of who believe in Jesus Christ. Christians are the flowers of the Christ
who often believed is the son of the God ( the father ); Christians strongly believe that Christ will
return after the next life; the end of the world. Islamconsists of individuals who believe in Allah, the
god teaches the followers who are Muslims. Even though both Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic
religions which both of them are mostly monotheistic meaning they believe in just one god.
Christianity and Islam are very similar in economically and they both Islam and Christianity
were a high impact on the reason of why religions were spread and the trade was in common.
Trade was very important because exchanging was the main thing and religion was one of the
things they exchanged. The reason why Trade was so important to both religions was because it
wasn t only the goodies were spread and it was also the ideas of religions. The Christianity and
Islam both were remarkable on spread in craftwork, which was the main impact on the similarity of
both Christianity and Islam.
Christianity had Constantine to spread the religion and Islam had the Prophet and the caliphates to
spread the religion. These people are the ones to spread the religions and it s important for both
religions. In these
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United States Economy
According to the U.S. Labor Statistics 2011 report, when President Obama took office, the
economy was shedding nearly 800,000 jobs each month and millions of families were unable to
make ends meet. African Americans were hit especially hard by the recession struggling with
significant economic losses, including near record high levels of unemployment and low average
earnings (U.S. Labor Statistics 2011). From day one the President has made turning the economy
around a top priority, and the policies enacted through the Recovery Act of 2009 have had a
significant impact on the country s economic well being. According to the Center on Budget and
Policy Priorities, the Recovery Act and later expansions and extensions kept 1.3 million African
Americans above the poverty line last year alone (Sherman 2009). And this year, the continued
expansion of just two tax credits the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child tax Credit has
benefited an estimated 2.2 million African Americanfamilies and almost half of all African
American children. The targeted tax relief enacted by President Obama through both the Recovery
Act and the December tax Deal has provided relief to nearly every American, helping them bear
the brunt of the recession and supporting them as the economy has recovered (The President
Agenda and the African American Community, November 2011 pg. 4). Last December, President
Obama fought for and secured a 2 percent employee side payroll tax cut (from 6.2
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Compare And Contrast Renaissance Music And Medieval Music
The Medieval period began in 500 A.D. and ended in 1450 A.D. During this time in particular, the
Catholic Church had significant influence on how music was used and created. Sacred music, for
example, was most prevalent because of this. Due to the religious nature of this period, music in the
church had to adhere to very specific regulations, some of which included prayers such as
plainchants or Gregorian chants. A single melody without harmony, or one musical part sung
together in unison, is called a Monophonic melody, which was sung primarily by monks. Some time
later, around 900 A.D., the using of two melodic lines was permitted by the church, this musicwas
called organum. A low, continuous note called a drone, was sung at the same time as the main
melody. The two melodies were often moving in contrasting motion to each other. By the Late
Medieval period, 1100 A.D., the music of the church had shifted from monophonic to more
polyphonic, often two or more varying parts. The Renaissance period, from 1450 A.D. to 1600
A.D., comprised of two main types of music, sacred and secular. In comparison with the Medieval
period, where music was usually reserved for church purposes, the Renaissance period allowed
music to expand beyond the church into upper aristocratic society. Sacred music included motets
and mass, while secular included madrigals, instrumental and dance music. Motets initially came
about during the late Medieval period, but grew sizably during the Renaissance,
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Big Hero 6 Hero s Journey
The Hero s Journey can be found in various films including Big Hero 6 . If you have already seen
this movie then you will know how Hiro, our main character, progresses throughout the 12 stages
of the hero s journey. In this movie Big Hero 6, Hiro Hamada shows what it means to be an epic
hero throughout his journey with his diverse group of friends to save his world.
In Hiro s ordinary world, Hiro, who graduated from high school at 13 and is very smart, bot
fights in a dark alley. The movie starts off when he loses the first battle, but then nails the other
guy s machine after. Hiro is about to get his butt kicked by his opponent, when he is rescued by
his older brother Tadashi. They race through the city, but are caught by the police and have been
put in jail. They are bailed out by their aunt and that is when Tadashi tells Hiro he is wasting...
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Tadashi shows Hiro his own invention, a healthcare robot called Baymax, who will be Hiro s
mentor later on. Hiro immediately wants to enroll into nerd school, but Tadashi tells him he has to
make an invention to blow Professor Callaghan mind! Hiro invents thousands of tiny bots
(microbots) that he can control with his thoughts. Professor Callaghan welcomes Hiro to the
program after his showcase. When Tadashi and Hiro outside to celebrate his victory, there is a
huge explosion, and that is when Tadashi rushes back into building to save the Professor; however,
they were both killed . Hiro becomes a reluctant hero and throws the registration materials away.
While in his room, Hiro accidently inflates Baymax which was under his brother s bed. He then
finds one of his own tiny microbots that wasn t destroyed in the fire. It seems to want to find the
other bots, but weren t they destroyed too? Baymax rushes out of the house to find the other bots
which makes Hiro race after him. This is the end of crossing of the
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Treatment Plan For Patients With Terminally Ill Patients...
End of life can be completely difficult to cope with, but is a part of everyday life. End of life
pertains to the last days of a patient s life, which means that end of life requires many important
decisions such as medical treatment and knowing when to terminate life support. So planning end
of life can be extremely difficult for the patient and their family members. They will have to make
the decision on where the patient would like to spend their last days, treatments they wish to have
and not to mention their goals of care. This topic is truly important because not many individuals
realize what comes with dealing with end of life care. When it comes to medical treatments for the
patient, they must decide... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Based on that decision the family can determine how the patient will be cared for at home i.e. a
hospice caregiver as the patient will be unable to care for themselves or family coming together
to care for their loved ones. Whatever the family and the patient chooses will come with a lot of
hard work and dedication. The patient will need help with bathing, feeding, toileting, dressing
and also turning and repositioning. First, if the patient chooses to enter into a hospice facility, it
means that their life expectancy is six months or less. In order for the patient to live a quality
life in the last days, they must be pain and symptom free. This is the service that is provided by
the hospice facility (palliative care), their goal is ensuring that the patient is comfortable. With
this service available the family can focus all of their attention on their loved ones. Not to
mention, they can enjoy their last moments with them. Secondly, if the patient decides to return
home there will have to be a caregiver present and they are usually supervised by the doctor and
the hospice staff. This environment allows for the patient to again be surrounded by loved ones. It
also allows for them to have the peace of knowing that they are in a familiar place. Also this allows
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Poem Analysis Of Understudy By Abe Louise Young
Understudy is a poem written by Abe Louise Young about her mother. The poem speaks about
Young s perception of her mother and describes her mother and their relationship. Young employs
many metaphors to describe her mother and her own emotions. Young uses this tactic very
creatively and is able to successful show the reader a unique and intimate perspective of her
mother. Through Young s the reader can begin to understand that Young s mother is a bit peculiar
and whimsical. The reader can also see from the poem that Young cares a great deal for her mother.
Young strives to create vivid imagery throughout the poem and helps the reader truly imagine her
mother and understand her. She begins the poem with a metaphor for her mother s hands
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The Tourism Promotion Efforts Of Tunisia Essay
After questioning thirty tourists from several countries (Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Lebanon,
Turkey, Korea, Morocco, Russia, Italy and India) it turned out that ninety percent of them use
Internet for their booking, and ninety six percent of them use it to gather information about Tunisia.
Thanks to ICTs everybody can make a full research about the country he chooses to visit and he
can book by himself wherever and whenever he likes. It doesn t need to be with a high level of
education to do all of that, it is sufficient to have a little knowledge about the Internet and have a
PC or phone, according to the questionnaire, thirty three percent of tourists have a secondary level
of education but they use Internet.
Information and communication technology has become a key element for the development in
tourism; it is no longer an option for those in charge of the sector, but the inevitability imposed by
the current economic conditions for the development of the tourism industry. Under the Tourism
Promotion efforts, Tunisia is seeking to use e marketing system to keep up with developments in
the field of international tourism marketing. Constant communication between the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology and the Ministry of Tourism aims to use ICTs tools
to maximize communication between tourists and the tourist attractions in Tunisia. Those tools
aim to:
Access to a large number of visitors through mobile technology applications
Attract foreign
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Ford Mustang And The Chevrolet Camaro
GM and Ford team up again, but there are other partnerships between automotive rivals to consider.
Who would have thunk it?! For 2017, the Ford Mustang and the Chevrolet Camaro will share a 10
speed automatic transmission as a result of a collaborative engineering effort between General
Motors and the Ford Motor Company.
How s that again?
In 2013, Detroit s top rivals signed an agreement to jointly develop new 9 and 10 speed automatic
transmissions with front and rear wheel drive variants. The collaborative effort means both
companies are able to design, engineer, establish, test, corroborate and distribute new transmissions
at a faster rate and for a lower cost than they would have on their own.
Improved Performance, Better Efficiency
The effort has yielded a new 10 speed automatic transmission, one that will find its way into
various models over the next few years. That the two competing pony cars will share the same
transmission means one less important edge for both manufacturers. Instead, the two companies
will have to find other ways to beat each other with such factors as horsepower, steering and
handling, and aerodynamics providing key differences.
At the same time, buyers of both models will enjoy two important benefits 10 speed transmissions
provide better off the line acceleration with a shorter first gear and improved fuel economy with
the taller top gears. (Jim, see the Popular Mechanics explanation) Incidentally, the 10 speed will be
the first we ve
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Strict Immigration Reform
immigrations laws it could optimize the effectiveness of the program to maintain the companies
and immigrants that are stimulating revenue and job growth. In summary, data shows that
immigrants are not out to steal jobs from American workers or lower wages. Immigrants come into
America to fill jobs that are available, or attempt to establish their own businesses. By maintaining
strict immigrationpolicies the United Statesis also preventing its growth. We should be aware that
immigrants do provide many benefits to our country, and that our immigration policies are in need
of improvements that will allow immigrants and our country to reap the full benefits of our
immigration system.
A Push for better Immigration reform and a Toxic U.S. political
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William Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to...
William Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to James and Catherine Blake. His
father, James was a hosier (seller of legwear) in London. Blake had four brothers, James, John,
Richard and Robert; and a sister named Catherine (Harris 5). Blake got along best with his
younger brother, Robert as they shared an interest in art (Clarke 1). As a young boy, Blake
claimed to have had visions of God, spirits, prophets and angels. When he was four he is claimed
to have seen God s head in his window. In his most famous vision, he saw the prophet Ezekiel
under a tree and a tree of angels when he was nine ( Early Years ). Though his parents believed he
was lying, they took into consideration that their son was different and did not believe he... Show
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In 1778 Blake attended the Royal Academy, but soon left after having disagreements about art
with the school s president Sir Joshua Reynolds (Merriman 2). In 1780 he was hired by Joseph
Johnson. Johnson, a seller of radical texts, introduced Blake to such writers such as Joseph
Priestley, William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft and Thomas Paine (Simkin 1). He illustrated
Paine s The Rights of Man and Wollstonecraft s The Vindication of the Rights of Women. He also
illustrated Mary Shelley s Original Stories from Real Life in 1788 ( Marriage and early career ). In
1782 he met Catherine Boucher, the illiterate daughter of a market gardener. Blake taught her how
to read, write, engrave, and draw. Catherine ended up helping Blake with coloring, illustrations,
engravings, and book binding ( Later Life and Career ). They had a very successful marriage where
Catherine supported Blake in his work and believed in his genius. She also believed his visions of
spirits and Blake even helped her to experience visions, as he did ( The Maturing Artist ). Blake
would refer to her as his sweet shadow of delight ( Youth ). Blake s first book of poetry was
Poetical Sketches published in 1783 and paid for by a few of his friends ( Artist and Engraver ). In
1787 Blake s brother Robert died, Blake claiming to recall his spirit clapping its hands for joy (
Poets ) . A year later Blake claimed that Robert appeared to him, teaching him a process of
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Whites Swim in a Racial Preference Essay
Racial Preference
Whites Swim in Racial Preference assignment Pamela McCormick Third written assignment Ivy
Tech Community College Sociology 111 Diana Lyerson Breland 07/01/2012
Racial Preference
According to T. Wise, few whites have ever thought of our position as resulting from racial
preferences which also is a demarcation of privilege that is the necessary flipside of discrimination
(Wise, 2003). As a society we want to believe that racismis a thing of the past, however, in reality
racism is still alive and well in society today. Racism is defined as the belief that one race is
supreme and all others are innately inferior. When racism prevails in a society, members of
subordinate groups generally experience ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Racial Preference
Imagine being a black family who has gained these new rights? Yet they were forced to make
their wages accommodate the needs of their families. We set them up for living the life of
poverty while keeping in mind the white families were working the same jobs with better pay
and receiving privileges just because of the color of their skin. This article made huge impact on
how we as society should recognize that racism is still in effect when it pertains to wages
according to the statistics in the article from 2003. It is also important to re enforce another part
of the article indicating how whites pride themselves on hard work and ambition. As if we worked
harder than people forced to pick cotton, strawberries, tomatoes, and build levies for free (Wise,
2003). If we move forward through history even though society has become more accepting of
interracial marriages the children are often impacted. Their black community does not want to
accept them nor does their white community which is a shame because the children are the ones
who suffer the prejudice from society. Imagine the psychological an emotional impact these
children have endured? Prejudice often leads to discrimination, the denial of opportunities and
equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or other arbitrary
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Speech On Superstitions In Trinidad
I. Attention Getter
A. By a show of hands, who here has gotten a little too loud, or had too much fun on New Years?
B. Well, by doing so, you may have protected yourself from evil spirits entering your home.
II.I m Echo Clairday and Today I will tell you about three examples of Trinidad superstitions.
III. Credibility.
A. I have spent what felt like endless hours outside of class researching the superstitions of
Trinidad. I went from website to website to find the most quality information, and have found a lot
of interesting things.
B. Folklore and Superstitions have always interested me and I am happy to be sharing the new
things I learned with everyone here today.
IV. Three main ideas of superstitions in Trinidad include Actions, Gardening Farming, and Fishing.
(First, let me tell you about the meaning of your actions.)
In Trinidad and Tobago the actions you do are important because it can affect your future. A. There
are certain things to avoid giving and taking in Trinidad
1. If someone passes a pepper or a knife to someone else, he will have an argument with that person.
To avoid this, set the item down for the other person to pick it up.
2. Do not pick up lost money as could possibly have evil spirits or worries attached to it. It s your
choice though.
3. Never give a lamp to someone if you have already used it. This is bad luck.
B. You can attract money with your actions
1. As found I found in The Trinidad and Tobago Folklore article on Global Road warrior, on
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A Report On Bank Of Baroda Essay
5.8 Multinational Companies 5.9 Others Seafood Exports Granites Shipping 5.10 List of
Surveyed Banks Figure 5.1 Banks surveyed 5.11 Bank Officials with Infrastructure sector as
one of their portfolio State Bank of India, Overseas branch Bank of Baroda Dena bank State
Bank of India, SME branch State Bank of Travancore, Commercial Branch IOB, Commercial
Institutional branch Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) State Bank of Patiala (SPB), Mid
Corporate Branch Corporation Zonal office Andhra Bank IOB, Large Corporate Branch SBI,
Overseas branch This bank is situated in the Parrys, Chennai having more than 1000 crore as
their overall portfolio and they are having the Infrastructure portfolio of 150cr Bank of Baroda
This bank is situated in the Mylapore, Chennai having more than 2000 crore as their overall
portfolio and they are having the Infrastructure portfolio limit as 500cr Dena Bank This bank is
situated in the T.Nagar, Chennai having 500 crore as their overall portfolio and they are having
the Infrastructure portfolio of 200cr State Bank of India This SME branch bank is situated in the
Guindy, Chennai having more than 500 crore as their overall portfolio and they are having the
Infrastructure portfolio of 50cr State Bank of Travancore, Overseas branch This bank is situated in
the Mount road, Chennai having more than 2000 crore as their overall portfolio and they are
having the Infrastructure portfolio of 500cr Indian
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English Literature Review
The article, Relationship Between Language Skills and Acquisition Rate of Sight Words Among
English Language Learners, by Matthew K. Burns and Lori A. Helman, is about the study
conducted on English language learners (ELL). The study examined the sight word acquisition
rate (AR) of 43 second grade students who were English language learners (ELL) from three
diverse, urban schools. The acquisition rate (AR) is the amount of information a child can
successfully rehearse and later recall (CITATION). The 43 secondgraders that were used for the
study speak the language Hmong, which is a Chinese dialect, and it is also their first language.
Children that are ELL are a diverse group of students that have some unmet academic needs
(CITATION). One solution to this problem is to improve the individualized instruction for ELL.
Teachers should recognize the student s skill level and match their skill level with the
appropriate task. Meaning that teachers should not give the student material that is too hard for
them to comprehend. When given the right material, the students can effectively learn what is
needed. So, for the study researchers examined the effect of imagery level on word reading. The
researchers would present the ELL with 40 words at a time whether they knew them or not. The
cards containing the words were presented one at a time to each child in a clustered random
order (CITATION). If the child could not correctly identify at least eight of the words, then
words taken from the first list of words. If the child correctly identified all 40 words selected,
then the words selected from the third list of words were used. The presentation order of words
taken from each of the three word lists was randomly determined. Words were identified as
known if the student orally read the word correctly within 2 seconds. Any word not read
correctly or requiring more than 2 seconds to read was considered unknown . After completing
the research, the results show there is a significant relationship between the level of English
proficiency and the rate of acquisition of English sight words (CITATION). Researchers also
found that the imagery level of the word did not affect how well the word was orally read, which
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The Influence Of The Paleolithic Period And The Neolithic...
1.Three major cultural changes or contributions to the humanities that occurred between the
Paleolithic period and the and the Neolithic period are the different techniques developed to hunt,
the importance of the human figures, and the architecture. Different techniques to hunt were shown
by looking at wall paintings, in the Paleolithicera paintings were found in deep caves and showed a
realism of the animals they depended on for food, where as the Neolithicera paintings were located
on smooth limestone, beneath cliff hangs, and in rock shelters these paintings showed the animals
that they depended on for food also but these paintings showed the animals being hunted by human
figures with bows and arrows. This shows that somewhere between the two eras humans
developed a more efficient way to hunt and human figures became more important. Human figures
were rarely known before the Neolithic era, wall paintings did not show them and sculptures of
them were very rare except few female figures found from the Paleolithic age. In the Neolithic age,
paintings not only showed the importance of human figures hunting but it showed them dancing,
and fighting as a community. Architecture is not known from before the Neolithic period, very
little survives because it was made out of material that disappeared long ago. The most famous
piece of architecture from that era is the Stonehenge, not only was the Stonehenge believed to
serve as a religious purpose, it also was known as a clock
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The Purpose Of Five Point Someone By Chetan Bhagat
Five Point Someone is a fictional book on the story of life of three students from Indian Institute
of Technology, Delhi aka IIT. It is a campus novel nostalgia ( I might have passed out of IIT, but
in some ways my soul is still there) and connects engineering students to their college life but
this book is not only about engineering or IIT, it connects every student to their college or
school days and is a good read for all sections of society specially youth, a lucid story of 110 pages
that when one starts reading, he/she will not stop till the end. It is a fictional story yet gives many
lessons on life that how is more about performance on family, friends and personal goals.
The book is written by Chetan Bhagat who himself has received undergraduate degree in
Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Delhi and later MBA from Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmadabad. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First is Ryan, a brilliant boy from rich family, who is a free spirit and disillusioned with the
education system in India and believe in education through experimenting and learning rather than
bookish knowledge. Second is Hari, not so bright student from a medium class family. Third is
Alok, a poor boy from small family with ailing father and unmarried sister, only his mother is
earning and taking care of the family, he thinks nothing other than to get a good job and support his
family and that s why he joined
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Flu Pandemic 1918
In 1918, World War I was coming to an end; the condition of warfare was a breeding ground of
diseases and unhealthy conditions. The trenches were cold, wet, dirty, and smelly and infested
with rats and lice. This could only be one of the contributions to the pandemic. Another possible
contribution of the spreading on the illness was the transportation of Chinese workers to Canada
in 1917; where many of the workers displayed flu like symptoms (Vergano). During the war,
troops were returning home and most likely brought this illness back, but it is only speculation
with no definite evidence. The first reported case in the United States was at Fort Riley, Kansas on
March 11, 1918 when a soldier went to the infirmary with a fever (Vergano).... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The remedies did not help improve things either and other measures were taken in order to try
reducing the spread of the illness. Many medical personnel were overseas healing sick and injured
soldiers and the lack of staff in the hospitals led to nursing and medical students having to step up.
Even the hospitals were overrun with patients that ordered, community centers and local schools be
transformed into emergency hospitals (Influenza Strikes). Schools were not the only thing closed
down, stores, restaurants, and other businesses were shut down as well. In addition to those, other
interventions were put in place like masks since they knew it was spread through the air. The
masks were made of gauze and distributed by the Public Health
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Being Ernest Satire
In The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde satirizes people in the Victorian Era for
believing that their ideal romantic fantasies are pragmatic and attainable in reality. The play s
utilization of comedy of manners, through satire, aims criticism at the higher classes of society.
Wilde shows that even though upper class citizens have a lavish lifestyle it does not mean that
they can also obtain a romance that is as equally extravagant. Wilde s usage of comedic tools,
such as hyperboles and ironic concepts, emphasizes how people s expectations and high standards
can often jumble, as well as lead them astray, from the actuality of romance and how it is flawed
rather than flawless, and that no one will always get the fairytale ending they... Show more content
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Here, Wilde conveys that Gwendolen is determined to marry a man named Ernest because she
not only considers it a divine name but also a charming name. Gwendolen is head over heels for
name Ernest that if it were any other name she would not show any interest. A similar instance
occurs later on in the play when Algernon, who, at the time, is going by the name Ernest,
proposes to Cecily and Cecily says, ... it had always been a girlish dream of mine to love some
one whose name was Ernest (Wilde Page 33). Both Gwendolen and Cecily s preference for the
name Ernest is an example of how Wilde pokes fun at how females are obsessed with style,
appearance and all things aesthetic. Their preference for the name Ernest reveals that Gwendolen
and Cecily already have a premeditated idea of what name they would like their future spouse to
have, completely overlooking the reality of how being narrow minded can inhibit one s options in
finding romance in the first place. Moreover, Wilde displays that women are picky and tend to go
overboard and exaggerate due to the fact that they want to have control over every aspect of their
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Supply And Demand Of A Good Or Service
Supply and demand is a fundamental factor in shaping the character of the marketplace. A
demand refers to the specific quantity of a product /good or service that people are willing and
able to buy at given price level, where supply of a good or service represents how much quantity
people are willing and able to offer for sale at given price level. There are various factors that
demand and supply of a good or service depend on. Demand of a product depends on the price of
the product, number of buyers in the market, tastes and preferences of consumer, consumer s
income, consumer expectations and prices of related commodities. Supply of a product depends on
the price of that product, number of sellers in the market, technology, input... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Demand is determined by many factors other than price. The shift in demand curve occurs when
there is a change in factors other than price, results in the shift of demand curve. For example, if
level of income of an individual or a community rises, then demand will increase at the same
price level leading demand curve to shift to the right. Similarly, if there is a fall in the disposable
income of the consumers or rise in the prices of close substitute of a good or decline in consumer
taste or goods are unavailable, etc., at the same price level, there is a fall or decrease in demand
leading demand curve to shift to the left as shown in Figure 2 http://economicsconcepts.com
/movement_vs_shift_of_demand_curve.htm In case of supply, if other factor changes except its
own price, the supply curve will shift towards left or right at same price level. For example, For
example, if production cost of a product increases, then the supply will decrease and the supply
curve will shift towards right and if the production cost decreases, then supply will increase and
the supply curve will shift towards left, as shown in figure: 3 With the help of above analysis of
demand and supply, the analysis of demand and supply of certain resources in Australia can be
done. Australia is famous for many resources such as mineral resource, agricultural resource, human
resources and many more. Even though demand supply analysis of Australian resources
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Racial Stereotypes
According to NYDailyNews, the average American watches more than five hours of television
every day. Through these television programs, people are exposed to many issues in the
representation of women, children, gender, sexuality, and race. Racial stereotypes are still
evident today, even though times have changed since the early 1900s. They provide negative or
false assumptions about a variety of groups, as well as ideas that do not necessarily pertain to every
person. Fox Tv s show Glee is an accurate portrayal of the many racial stereotypes that are apparent
in today s society. Glee offers viewers a complex construction of racethat both perpetuates negative
racial stereotypes for humorous purposes and attempts to disrupt stereotypical notions of token
characters. The exposure of race/ethnic groups can be seen throughout various media contexts,
however television offers recurring characters that viewers can identify and continue to form
meaningful bonds with. This involvement stimulates social learning, facilitates persuasion, and can
promote social stereotypes (Tukachinsky, Mastro, Yarchi, 2017). Television can be used for valid
and significant comparisons over time. For example, Blacks and Latinos in particular have been
portrayed on television and has been a source of controversy and criticism. It is true that
advancements have been made over the years, however these groups still lack the representation
that they should be receiving (Tukachinsky, Mastro, Yarchi,
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Kingyo By Edmund Yeo
Kingyo (which means goldfish in Japanese) is a short film by the Malaysian filmmaker Edmund
Yeo. It is based on Yasunari Kawabata s 1924 short story Canaries . He s previous efforts, which
include short films like Chicken rice mystery , Fleeting images and Love suicides showcased his
talent effectively.While in Kingyo , his first Japanese language short film, it s clearly visible that he
has only taken his talent in the forward direction. The film, which wonderfully depicts love, loss
and memorie,s has the ability to have a longing effect on the audiences even after it s finished.
The young female protagonist of this film, played by Luchino Fujisaki, is dressed up in a French
maid s costume offering the pedestrian a guided tour of the city of Akihabara for 10,000 ВҐ.She
seems ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout the movie, we see frequent montages of the city and get accustomed with its vibrant
nature. Yeo crafted the story with utmost care, deliberately setting it to a slow, rhythmic pace to
match the intensity and mental state of the characters. The characters do not converse much,
instead they choose the path of contemplation and confession, trying to revisit their past.
His wonderfully written dialogues help to create a calming influence on the film, which reveals the
depressing nature of the characters. For example, when the woman asks the man if he still enjoys
his work he says:
Sometimes you get used to things. After fifteen years it s not a matter of whether you like it or not.
You just forget about the tiny details.
The term tiny details is closely related with the flow of the movie as we see the band members,
who the director shows for a brief moment towards the start of the film, appearing again at the end
of the movie, which indicates the director s desire to come full circle. The same applies to the time
when a certain anime picture of a maid merges with the female
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Grendel s Mother Or Monster In Beowulf
Grendel is one of the three main antagonists or monsters in the Anglo Saxon s, Beowulf. In the epic
poem, there is not too much about his father, just his mother. In the book, it was a mysterious troll.
And in the animated movie, it was King Hrothgar. Hrothgar is the king of the kingdom that Grendel
was destroying and the one that asked Beowulfto kill Grendel. I do feel sorry for Grendel because,
he s a creature being treated like a monster. The humans didn t even try to understand why he might
be massacring them. For all they know, he might be protecting the forest from their wars,
destruction, and lack of respect for the land. But his mother is no better than the Anglo Saxons. She
uses Grendel s strength and obedience towards her to her advantage.... Show more content on
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She can only use her body to convey her thoughts and feelings. Still, she is his mother and loves
his enough to try and avenge him after Beowulf tears off Grendel s arm. So, it is not that bad that
she takes advantage of the things that she cannot do. And unlike the humans, Grendel s mother
knows that Grendel is not evil. She gave birth to him and understands that evil is not born, it s
made. The constant rejections from the Anglo Saxons must have had a traumatic effect on Grendel
s psyche. He does not quite understand why the Anglo Saxons are afraid of him and are trying to
kill him. He gets so frustrated with the humans that his emotions take over, and he murders as many
of Hrothgar s men as he
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Essay The Political Ethos of the Civil Society
The Political Ethos of the Civil Society
ABSTRACT: Totalitarian political systems in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe destroyed
and repressed the civil society that used to exist in them. The authoritarian and totalitarian ethos
was formed under a powerful influence of ideologies of the communist parties and politocracy in
these countries so that the political ethos of politicians dominated the political ethos of the citizen.
The breakdown of the real socialism and its unsuccessful attempts to complete accelerated liberal
modernization of these societies caused turbulence of social values in addition to the general moral
chaos. The moral crisis has deepened; anomie increased as well as the society s inclination to
commit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the seventies of the twentieth century the term civil society was used by the opposition and
dissident groups in the socialist countries to denote the strategy of political fight against
totalitarianism by forming autonomous institutions beyond the state control and for the sake of
establishing a democratic society as opposed to the total state. By redefining the modern concept
of the civil society a new and contemporary concept of the civil society has been created as an
alternative to authoritarian socialism. Thus, a new practical and theoretical political paradigm has
been set up for explaining ways of the transition of socialist, authoritarian and stagnant societies
into democratic and civil societies which are able for self development and are willing to use the
civilization achievements of the developed societies as well as the achievements of social and
political philosophy and contemporary sciences.
The civil society is most often determined as autonomous pluralism of private and public activities,
beyond the state control, expressed in individual freedom, local and regional self rule, citizens
participation in public affairs and social movements as well as in cultural autonomy and free trade
In the former socialist countries the civil society was destroyed and repressed by state measures.
In order to restore it, it is necessary to de etatize all
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How Did The American Government Affect South Korea
After the Japanese invasion, Korea had been swept into turmoil, which lead to the division of the
country into two separate states. In the North the Democratic People s Republic of Korea,
(D.P.R.K.) and in the South the Republic of Korea, (R.O.K.). The United States presence in South
Korea would remain until an independent and unified Korean government was established
successfully in the country. Following the impact of the Korean War, South Koreahas undergone
significant reform, which has aided in many changes in the cultural, economic, and political growth
in the country. In 1945, the Japanese Army surrendered as the Union of Soviet Socialist (USSR)
crushed them in battle and advanced through Korea. When the United States found out they feared
the USSR would take over the Peninsula and had to take action. With the USSR already in the
northern region two United States Army colonels started developing a plan to find a dividing line
to separate the country. At this time, the line meant to be a provisional administrative arrangement
and Korea would eventually come together again under a new government. The USSR backed
communism with North Koreaand America favored capitalism in South Korea. As... Show more
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In the 1980 s South Korea began to transition to a democratic system. Its values based on
common values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law such as the United States. Now
under a successful democracy, the daughter of former president of South Korea Park Geun Hye
was elected as the first female president in South Korean history. (BBC News December 9, 2016)
Park Geun Hye job is at risk due to a growing corruption scandal. Park, whose approval ratings are
only four percent is now facing possible impeachment by South Korea s legislative if she doesn t
resign first. Oren Dorell of USA Today
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Neo-Noir In Film Noir
According to Todd Erickson, he states that neo noir is a genre exhibits a self consciousness about
its indebtedness to the earlier noir films. Neo noir has emerged notably in the 1980s, with such
films like the 1982 film Blade Runner, that incorporates familiar narrative and stylistic elements
from the noir films into a science fiction genre. With its tone and specific style, Film Noiritself has
become one of the prominent elements from the 1940s and 50s that helped shape the American
cinema, and internationally to a certain extent. Fast forward 1994, an English language French film
titled Leon: The Professional, written and directed by Luc Besson, has been released. It exhibits
noir traits from the characters, their interactions, and the overall environment, but still provides a
distinct genre of neo noir by updating the traits in a contemporary setting.
Leon: The Professional subverts the character expectations with the switch of the characters roles.
Leon and Mathilda can be considered as outsiders, when compared to the characters in traditional
film noir films. When it comes to Leon, the viewers would be asked to identify with the character,
but his character itself would make it difficult for them to do so, since he is a strict hitman. His
hitman character does evoke hitman characters in other noir films such as The Whistler (1944) and
New York Confidential (1955). However, it is after he encounters 12 year old Mathilda for the first
time that tests his
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Music Class Under The Instruction And Supervision Of Mr....
We learned several things in Music class under the instruction and supervision of Mr. Gonzales.
We started in a timeline beginning at the very first instrument ever, the heart. The heart was the
very first beat and clave was formed based on this beat . Clave is the foundation of almost every
Latin song and most songs found around the world. Developed in Africa as one the earliest beats,
clave was played on one of the first instruments, the Bongo drums. All drums are based after this
drum which is still widely used in Africa for celebrations among tribes. The Bongo drums were
made, originally, from wood and cowhide. Another ancient instrument was the Timbales (drums)
which were made of brass and cow hide. Drums, now, are made of... Show more content on
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The gong is another percussion instrument that is a type of cymbal and is untuned. Maracas are also
a percussion instruments because sound is made by shaking them and are untuned, as well. The
voice can also be a percussion through beat boxing, making noise that resembles that of drums and
other instruments. There are also many string instruments. The Clavichord instrument is one of the
oldest string instruments and is only capable of producing a small sound. The ones used, mainly, in
an orchestra are as follow: Violin (fiddle), Viola, Cello, and the Double Bass. A violin can also be
called a fiddle as it is usually called in folk music. The viola is a fretless instrument and, thus,
harder to play. Other popular string instruments are the acoustic guitar whose origin dates back
thousands of years in Greek, Sanskrit, and Arabic cultures. Some examples of guitar like
instruments are the Dotar (two strings), the Setar (three strings), the Qithara (four strings), the
Panchtar (five strings), and the Tamber, which is the ancestor of the modern day guitar. Acoustic
instruments don t generally have a need for amplification and is not electric. The very first guitars
consisted of six strings. Antonio Torres new construction music paved the way for modern day
guitars. Strings on guitars can, either, be made of steel or nylon. Steel strings are louder and more
durable than nylon, and are also more
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Taking a Look at Big Data
The amount of data in our world has been rapidly increasing and analyzing these large data sets,
or big data, has become crucial for businesses in increasing their success. Many businesses use big
data to model their business structures, control processes, and run the business. The availability of
this data leads to a more accurate analysis of the target market. More accurate analyses lead to
more confident decision making and better decisions means greater operational efficiencies, cost
reductions and reduced risk. There are many ways in which big data can be successfully
implemented in an organization. Big data allows businesses to segment their target market, creating
more precisely tailored products and services. Big data is also used to conduct controlled
experiments to make better management decisions. Finally, big data can unlock value by making
the captured information transparent and usable at much higher frequency (Manyika, Big data: The
next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity ). Currently, businesses are so
overwhelmed with the sheer size of information that big data collects that they fail to successfully
utilize this data. Businesses are increasingly turning to big data based visualization tools to better
utilize this information. Visualization based data tools allow businesses to combine data sources to
create custom analytical views that are flexible and easy to use. These visualization data tools are
intended to analyze the three Vs of
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Chinatown Of San Francisco
Chinatown of San Francisco
There are many Chinatown in this world, and the Chinatown of San Francisco has much
historical significance; The Chinatown of San Francisco is the largest Chinatown in the United
States, the largest community of Chinese Americans outside of China. Today I want to write
about the of San Francisco base on my personal experience because there are many historic
things I can illustrate. Before I started traveling this field trip, I did some researches carefully in
San Francisco city guide, so I eager to travel as soon as possible. Finally I attended a free tour with
San Francisco city guide, also they assigned a tour guide, Marann.
There was a Mid Autumn parade in Chinatown on that day, accompanying the dragon and lion
dancing, Marann started to give us illustration about Chinatown. Because It is hard to get a
parking lot in Chinatown, and the people who live in Chinatown celebrated Mid Autumn Day,
so I decided to take BART to go there. Before I met our tour guide, I went across to Union Square
and passed a tunnel. The one side of the tunnel is to connect the western world, like Union Square,
and the another side of the tunnel is to connect to the orient world, Chinatown. Finally I walked to
inside Portsmouth Square Park, park level, and then I saw our tour guide, Manuel Maranan who
took us to Chinatown. That s a very big park, and it s close to Hilton hotel, there was a China s
nation flag, also there was a Taiwan s flag. Many Chinese visitors
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The Impact Of Mmp On New Zealand
Since MMP has been implemented into New Zealand, it has allowed for a wider diversity of
parties to be in parliament. On account of that, while it is still possible for a party to win the
majority seats in parliament, it is very difficult to do so; Church (2015) states that this has not
happened in the last four elections. As a result, MMP has impacted on the relationship between the
executive and parliament by making the executive to make arrangements between themselves and
minor parties, in order to stay in power. This is also for the executive to be able to pass votes of
confidence and supply, as well as get potential Bills that they want implemented, to be passed
through parliament. Since 2008, John Key, Prime Ministerand leader of the National party has had
enhanced confidence and supply arrangements with minor parties, consisting of United Future,
ACT and Maori party, in order to stay in the executive. An enhanced confidence and supply
arrangement, is when the minor parties are appointed ministerial posts outside of cabinet, and only
be bound by cabinet responsibility when it involves their portfolio or have been involved in an
development of policy that ended with an agreed position. As Boston and Bullock (2009) note,
these enhanced arrangement is very unusual, as New Zealandis the only country to have these in
politics. Sweden has experimented with similar arrangements, termed contract parliamentarians,
however it did not include members of non government
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Full Metal Jacket Vietnam War
Full Metal Jacket explores the psychological effects the army has on its soldiers during the
Vietnam War. The film is divided into two halves to discusses different aspects of the central
topic. The first half of the film takes place during basic training and highlights the use of
negative reinforcement used by the military. This part of the film is more overtly comedic due to
the dialog and mannerisms of the drill sergeant. The film also continues Kubrick s use of dark
comedy and irony. One line that stood out was when the drill sergeant brings up two infamous
shooters Charles Joseph Whitman, and Lee Harvey Oswald and ironically touts them as being
examples of how good the marine corps training is. It s used comedically but also as
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Eyerack Surgery Research Paper
Meticulous eyebrow job on being more pristine appearances
Eyelash extension program from the well known semi permanent makeup Korea definitely adds
to your present lashes. It s a pretty straightforward method, where fake lashes are attached to your
natural eyelashes. These lashes are most organic and lightweight to make wearing them more
enjoyable to wear and hardly visible. Eyelash extensions boost how your lashes appearances by
giving them longer and thicker. They are also curled to provide you the appearances as if you ve
just come out from the salon.
As for standard procedures; as a patient, you will be requiring obeying orders that are given to
assist remove swelling and stop infection of the eyebrow region of the tattoo. After the duration of
time, you will have to make take notes visit the permanent makeup technicians to make certain that
everything he has done well with the procedure. The region typically heals in two weeks of time,
however, you must ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, prior to you go through as per tattooing method. Firstly; it is significant to gain facts
and information regarding the whole of its concept. At a basic level of procedures, makeup artist
uses pigments or inks to place an eyebrow tattoo on microblading method. The procedure is
pretty similar to the standard procedures of tattoo job. To ensure protection, it is imperative that
you get the service of any artists from Korea. However, cosmetic tattooing contains its own side
effects. First is that it can quite be costly particularly while you get yourself a reputed Korea three
dimensional brows but this is essential to guarantee your safety. Next, you must be capable of
accepting it if the procedure someway fails. Finally, you must be open to more touchup as the color
and effects might fade; apply it for your own
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Police Accountability vs. Police Independence Essay
The debate regarding police independence versus police accountability has been hotly contested
since at least the 1960s.1 At the heart of the debate are questions relating to the degree and manner
of oversight to which police forces should be subjected, while maintaining the independence of
those polices forces to carry out their duties free from undue political (or other) interferences. This
essay examines the principles underlying the independence of the office of constable , the notion of
responsible government, and how the interaction between these two ideas has been characterised in
the literature. It will be demonstrated that police independence and responsible government (that is,
police accountability) are not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Responsible government
Whereas the principle of the independence of the office of the constable serves to ensure that
police do not become the slave of any state or interest group, the principle of responsible
government can be usefully conceived of as ensuring that police remain the servants of the public
at large. Contrary to the idea that the police office is not a servant of anyone, save of the law itself
6, responsible government and police accountability measures aim to ensure that police forces are
answerable to the very communities which vest in the police force the right and responsibility for
upholding the law.
In practice, police accountability measures are usually tied into extensive governance frameworks,
laws and procedures, including: administrative mechanisms for handling citizen complaints; civil
actions and criminal prosecutions in the courts; the exclusion of improperly obtained evidence in
criminal trials; internal
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Explain How Success Consists Of Going Failure To Failures...
Winston Churchill once said that Success consists of going failure to failures without loss of
enthusiasm . Winston s statement can be viewed as controversial because some people believe no
matter how hard ones tries one may fail. This point has merit because no matter how hard one tries
to defy gravity it will constantly be there. Except for these extreme cases successhas been seen
through history as defeating what one had failed to do before. Being able to succeed is caused by
not losing enthusiasm between failures because without an enthusiasm to keep trying one will not
want to succeed, failure can create the idea that allows one to succeed, and without failure people
would not have the passion succeed no matter what. Enthusiasm between failures allows people to
succeed because the character they gain by not quitting is what makes one want to succeed after
failure. It is true that failing something that one has worked at for any period of timeis hard to go
through. The character a person gain from failing however is that spark of persistence and
enthusiasm to continue trying. Even if one fails again that character will become even stronger and
eventually will lead that person... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This point is seen anywhere in the world because of the inventions people have made. No invention
has ever worked perfectly after the first try. It was the enthusiasm in the inventors to see these
objects work perfectly that allowed them to eventually succeed, Some may say that certain
inventions are just modified older inventions, but the need for these new inventions was prompted
by someone having the enthusiasm to fix a failure in a prior invention. These ideas spurred by
realizing the source of a failure may go noticed, but without someone having the enthusiasm to see
the idea work there would never be
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The Importance Of Happiness In This Life In My Life
I tell myself the encouraging words by author George Sand, There is only one happiness in this
life, to love and be loved. I wish I could change, my pass an be able to grow up in the same
household as my siblings. At age 10 my brother, sister, I was taking from my mother and place
into foster care. The three of us, my brother, sister and I were separate and place in different
home. We were taking from my mother because she was addict to drug and alcohol. I wish that
never happened because were not able to see one another anymore. As I reflect over my life, and
not able to change the situation. I can recall the traumatic event I encounter. I remember back as
child being physical, emotionally, and mentally abused. There were times when my sibling and
I did not have no food or running water in the house. We would have to go to my grandmother
house to eat dinner or to get food and get water from off the side of the side in order for us to
take a bath. The three of us would use the same water to bath in. life was hard for us coming up.
My mother receive child support from my father, and she would take the check and go get high
with it. One night I remember waking up in the middle of the night because the window was
opening and the wind was blowing hard and it scared me in my sleep. I wake up looking for my
mother and she was nowhere to be find. She had left us in the apartment by ourselves so, my sister
and I went and sat in the hallway and waited to someone came along. My
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Elijah The Prophet By Elijah
Elijah the Prophet
I have decided to write my Old Testament essay on the mysterious prophet Elijah. According to
the bible, in the book of Kings, Elijah was not only a devoted prophet of God, but he also served as
a worker who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel, under King Ahab s reign. Elijah is
remembered for his remarkable faith and devotion to God. In writing this essay, I will tell the
story of one the many adventures that occurred in Elijah s lifetime. Of course, there are so many
alterations and rewritten versions of the bible, that I have no idea what to believe. No one truly
knows what happened, for everyone who could have, died long ago. Either way, all the different
versions of the story seem to have the same basic outcome. In telling you this, I will try to
incorporate the information that is mentioned throughout the book, The Old Testament Story, Ninth
Edition (by John H. Tullock and Mark McEntire) and some of what I have been taught myself over
my twenty eight years of life.
It all began when King Ahab, and his deceitful wife Jezebel demanded for their kingdom to
worship the false God of Baal. As a result, they ordered all the prophets of the Lord to be put to
death. Elijah was the only one to survive this horrible purge and went to confront King Ahab. He
told the King that a three year drought would be brought upon Israel. This was to challenge the
people s false prophet, Baal and eventually teach them a very valuable lesson in whose God was
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Case Brief Memorandum Essay
kaplan university pa401 advanced legal writing| Case Brief Draft| Unit 3 Assignment| | Vicky
Hunter| 1/21/2013|
memorandum to: victoria corbo, esq. from: vICKY hUNTER pARALEGAL
Subject:Case Brief date: 3/2/2013
CC: Tony T. Smith
Gonzalez v. Reno, 212 F.3d 1338 (11th Cir. 2000)
Procedural History:
Plaintiff, Elian Gonzalez, a six year old minor, through his next of friend , Lazaro Gonzalez, filed
an asylum application with the INS (Immigration amp; Naturalization Service), which was denied.
The plaintiff s then filed a claim in the federal district court which stated the Plaintiff s due process
rights were violated and the INS had overstepped ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whether a minor child can file for asylum without the consent of a parent or legal guardian?
8 U.S.C.A. В§ 1158 (West 2012) states any alien who is physically present in the United Statesor
who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an
alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United
States waters), irrespective of such alien s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this
section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.
The main issues before the Court were two fold. First, could a six year old child apply for
asylum without a parent or legal guardian and secondly, did the INS overstep their authority in
denying the application for asylum. Statute 8 USC В§ 1158 states that any alien could apply for
asylum, however, the INS rejected that a six year old child had the mental capacity to make that
decision for himself. The INS interviewed both the Uncle Lazaro Gonzalez and the father Juan
Gonzalez and determined that the father was the legal guardian, therefore had the right to speak
for Elian Gonzalez. Elian s reasons for seeking asylum were fear of persecution . According to the
uncle, if Elian, were returned to Cuba,
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Alcohol Mixed With Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are beverages that contain a considerably higher amount of caffeine than other
caffeinated drinks such as coffee or cola. It has been heavily speculated that the levels of alcohol
mixed with energy drinks (AmED) consumption along with just alcohol consumption is alarmingly
high among college students both in Australia and around the world. It has also been found that
around twenty five percent of students drink alcoholic beverages mixed with energy drinks at least
monthly. Researchers attempt to divulge into why it is that students consume alcoholmixed with
energy drinks, what their motives are, what risks are associated with consumption, and possible
effects and results that may eventuate from this behaviour.
There are many
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How Weather Conditions Affect Health and Well-Being in...
How Weather Conditions Affects Health and Well Being Singapore is an island lying north of the
Equator. Because it lies in the tropics, it receives sufficient sunlight, has mostly uniform
temperature and pressure, high humidity and abundant rainfall. Singapore s climate can be
categorized into two main monsoonseasons.
During the Northeast Monsoon season, from December to early March, northeast winds prevail. It
is cloudy with frequent afternoon rain in the early part of this season. From late March to May,
winds and showers are present mostly during afternoon and early evening. The Southwest Monsoon
season, from June to September, has more isolated showers in the late morning and early afternoon.
From October to November, winds ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cold weather contracts blood vessels. Hence, heart attacks, migraines, and high blood pressure,
caused by constriction of blood vessels and insufficient blood flow, can be triggered by cold
weather. According to research conducted by the New England Center for Headache, as many as
half of all migraines are triggered by weather conditions. This applies for Raynaud s phenomenon
where the blood vessels dilate and blood flow is disrupted.
Cold weather increases joint stiffness and affects people with arthritis. Arthritis patients believe that
the lower the barometric pressure, the greater the pain in the joints. An example is that the residents
at the North Shore Hotel note when the barometric pressure goes down, their pain goes up. Their
arthritis goes into overdrive before a storm.
Nerve fiber coverings break down more easily, causing Multiple sclerosis to happen more
frequently in cold weather. For Fibromyalgia Syndrome, a 1981 survey reported that more than
90% of the patients felt worse in cold and humid weather. Changes in barometric pressure affected
those with the syndrome.
Sinus headaches are caused by barometric pressure as the nasal cavities are not able to adapt
quickly to the change in air pressure. Asthma is often caused by high winds as these bring pollen
and particles which some have allergies to.
In our research, we have also found out that sunlight can be both beneficial and harmful to the
human body. The
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The Hose Carry And Vascular Strengths
There are numerous job related skill assessments that simulate physical demands that firefighters
have to endure in order to prepare them for the situations they may face while on the job. In order
to pass, they must complete and pass each assessment stage within an allotted time frame. There
are eight assessments that test muscular strength, agility and muscular endurance. The first
assessment is the Ladder Climb, in this test subjects carry a 9 kilogram breathing cylinder up a
12.2m ladder. The next test is called The Closed Area Search, subjects must search a confined
space with a blacked out face mask and count the amount of washers hanging on the wall. Another
test includes The Hose Carry, the participants carry a 38.5 kg bundle of hose
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Wyatt Earp Research Paper
If I had the chance to talk to someone for thirty minutes, I would choose Wyatt Earp. Earp was a
known as the biggest and best law enforcement officer during the late 1800 s early 1900 s.
Everywhere that Wyatt went, people knew about him. Wyatt Earp helped protect many people
during his life, and did not show fear to anyone. I admire Earp because of his bravery to protect
the people he loved and fulfilled his duty to his fullest potential. Even though Wyatt s familytold
him not to serve in law, he felt it was his duty and kept the people in Western America safe.
Talking to Wyatt Earp would be a dream of mine because he has been an inspiration of mine for
many years. I would most likely listen to him more than I would talk to him, because I really
want to hear all of his stories from his point of view. His adventures with Doc Holliday... Show
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I want to know why he did it and his inspiration for selecting this path. The conversation would then
focus on Earp s time in Tombstone. I am curious about why he went to Tombstone why he wanted
to stop serving in law enforcement. The O.K. Corral was a major event that went on during the time
that Wyatt was staying in Tombstone. Just listening to Wyatt Earp tell his story about how he
stopped the outlaws and brought justice to the town of Tombstone would be enough for me, let
alone a thirty minute conversation. Talking to a any heroduring the Wild West would be an honor
within itself, but talking to Wyatt Earp satisfy any dream I have of talking to anyone famous.
He was feared by many and protected many with his life. I respect Wyatt Earp because he is a
role model for the way people should live. He was passionate, smart, and was not afraid of
anything, not even death. I believe that talking to him would make me a better person by distilling
the same brave emotions into me, and that is why I would like to talk to him more than anyone else
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Computer Mediated Communication Analysis
Computer mediated communication is a ubiquitous feature of modern life. Whether the
communication is through Facebook, Twitter, email, instant messaging (IM), or such media as
massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs,) the ability for human beings to
communicate across time and culture is unprecedented in history. Never before have people been
able to communicate so freely with strangers around the world. However, it lacks at least one
critical aspect of face to face interaction: nonverbal communication. Therefore, it is imperative that
we continue to find more and more ways to approximate the nonverbal cues provided by speaking
in person. Nonverbal communication, loosely defined as all parts of communication other than...
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Nearly everyone has experienced the frustration of writing a carefully crafted email which has
subsequently been misinterpreted by the recipient. Michael Duffy writes, speaking of interacting
with clients via email,Comments in e mail form are often seen as curt and sometimes harsh.
Without that interaction when the client is explaining her comments, the smallest, most benign
suggestion can escalate to a crisis before you know it. And soon you ll assume the client wants to
change the whole creative direction rather than simply make a minor tweak. (Duffy) So, robbed of
the nonverbal cues (a shrug, a shake of the head,) which indicate that the suggestion is indeed small
and benign, the email comes off as harsh and demanding. Email interaction is just one of many
forms of computer mediated communication. Often, people use a combination of many forms, such
as instant messaging, texting, email, and chat to communicate online. In fact, in a survey by
advertising giant Euro RSCG Worldwide, half of the respondents said they knew someone whose
dating or marriage relationship started online (Friedman.) Match.com, a popular dating website, had
over twenty million active members in 2008 (Match.com.) So it seems quite possible to at least
begin a meaningful relationship over the internet, but it seems that it s not beneficial to rely on
online only relationships too heavily. In studies, it has been shown that
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Making A Band Or Start Writing Music
When people create a band or start writing music, they want money. In the early 20th century, artists
were not receiving the royalties that they should have earned. Enter the first Performing Rights
Organization which is also called a PRO that promised what the artist should be earning, money.
PROs were fine until the organizations realized how much money they can earn. PROs exist for a
reason, but the cost of the license, why they are non profit , and why the artist has to sign with
PRO s that make PROs truly evil. In February 1914, the first PRO in the United States was formed.
Music writers came together and The American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers was
formed. The ASCAP sought out artists, composers, and publishers to... Show more content on
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But not all of the artists are under one PRO, so the person must buy a license from each PRO
that represents the artist s music that they would be playing (Public Performance Licenses and
Music for Your Small Business). If the person thinks they can get away with not paying, think
again. PROs are always in court suing small businesses for copyright infringement. On average,
the lawsuit ends up being $700 $30,000 depending on the severity of the infringement.
Depending on what license they are applying for, the cost varies. License fees range from $300
$500 and could cost more depending on some variables like if the music would be for a dance
studio or for a church (Public Performance Licenses and Music for Your Small Business). A PRO
might sound like a good thing, right? But you re wrong because the PROs goal is to make a
profit for the company. An organization s job is to make money, and then they pay taxes on the
revenue they receive. If an organization says they are non profit, they usually do not have to pay
taxes on the revenue they earn. PROs like ASCAP and BMI say they are non profit, which
means more profit for the artist, right? Wrong (Why You Should Think Twice Before Joining
ASCAP, BMI or SESAC). Members of the ASCAP earn 86.5 cent for every dollar that the ASCAP
earns. But isn t the other 13.5 cents profit? But PROs do that for one specific reason, to trap artist.
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The Matrix Plato
The Matrix (1999) presents to viewers a computer hacker known as Neo. By day, Neo (his alter
ego is Mr. Anderson) is a computer programmer, and at night he sells hacked software. Morpheus, a
character who attempts to awaken humans from a dreamlike trance known as the Matrix, solicits
the assistance of Neo.
Morpheus offers Neo the chance to see the truth about the world in which he lives. Neo, and other
humans as well, are housed as biochemical food for the artificial intelligence that controls the
planet. Neo wages a war in a secret underground, where he fights with Morpheus against the agents
who protect the parasitic machines who live off the heat and electrochemical energy humans
produce with their bodies.
Neo discovers that the machines ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While it is unlikely that humans will allow artificial intelligence to develop a parasitic
relationship with them, The Matrix gives the viewer pause to wonder what else in the world may
not be real as perceived. Everything we perceive has the potential to be an illusion. It is only
knowledge that will give us the power to be free.
Likewise, people who eschew experience and education are no better off than the prisoners chained
to the stone. The uneducated have limited knowledge and less power. It is not until, like Neo, they
break the chains confining them and are willing to explore new worlds, that they may understand
From The Matrix we learn that it is realistic to be skeptical of the world; government is deceitful.
Elected officials use their knowledge to make decisions on behalf of ignorant people. Leaders find
it incumbent on themselves to make all decisions related to the health, safety and well being of
people whom they rule. Elected officials in contemporary politics view this decision making as a
necessity, thinking that because they are in control and have power, they are the ones who know
more than the common
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Triangle Theory Of Love
Triangle theory
Robert J. Sternberg, psychologist and Sciences proposed a triangular theory of love that suggests
that there are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Different
combinations of these three components result in different types of love. For example, a mixture of
intimacy and commitment results in compassionate love, while a mixture of passion and intimacy
leads to passionate love. Sternberg often said, relationships built on two or more elements are
more enduring than those based upon a single component. Sternberg uses the term consummate
love to describe a combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment. While this type of love is
the strongest and most enduring, Sternberg suggests that this type of love is rare. He wrote that
even as a teenager he was intrigued by the mystery of why some relationships succeed while
others fail. This is why early in his academic career he developed an explanation, which he calls the
triangular theory of love. His theory is based on the observation that love consists of three
components intimacy, passion, and commitment. Different combinations and strengths of those
three ingredients, Sternberg says, produce different kinds of love.
Intimacy is the feelings in a relationship that promote closeness, bonding, and connecting with one
another. Passion is what drives the romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation in a
loving relationship. Commitment consists of two parts. The first is a
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The Normal Heart Rate Of A Daphnia Magna
Introduction The purpose of this lab was to determine the normal heart rate of a Daphnia Magna
and decipher the different effects that various substances had on it. A Daphnia Magna is a
species of water fleas and can be located in the Northern United Sates against the coastline of the
Atlantic in rocky pools. The water flea s habitat consists of rivers and streams, temporary pools,
lakes and ponds, and brackish water. The Daphnia Magna range from two to five millimeters in
length and are shaped like a kidney bean (Elenbaas, Molly). Relating to this lab experiment we
learned in class that the normal heart rateis measured anywhere between 60 and 100 beats per
minute (BPM). If your resting BPM is measured at a level above the number 100 it is known as
Tachycardia. This term indicates that your heart level has exceeded the normal range. Also if
your heart rate is indicated below 60 then it is called Bradycardia, which means the heart is
beating slower than normal. When your heart rate is affected by a substance in the body it is
called a Chronotropic agent. When the heart rate decreases because of a substance or chemical it
is called a negative Chronotropic and when it is affected oppositely by increasing it is known as a
positive Chronotropic agent. In this experiment we added many different substances to the slide on
which the water flea was placed to calculate the increase or decrease in its heart rate due to the
ingredients in the substances. The first substance used was
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The Planet Of The Sun
Past the pale blue skies and fluffy white clouds are the brilliantly bright stars in an amazing place
called Outer Space. Countless stars, galaxies, and planets drift off into the vast area known as the
Universe. Each tiny speck of light out in the distance could be a galaxy, or maybe even planets.
Truly, the Universe is huge, holding every wonder in existence. In this Universe, though, was a
little gathering of planets, known as the Solar System. In the Solar System, were two planets. One
was a very big one, one bigger than the sun. It was a very beautiful golden yellow planet, who
shined brighter than the sun it revolved around. This planet was named Child of the Sun, because it
shined so bright. The second planet in the Solar... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Finally, the idea came to them! Easily Child of the Sun could break out of orbit in the Solar
System and travel to distant lands; they could meet new planets and swallow them right up until
they were the biggest planet! Sure they would have to leave Small Blue One behind, but they
were sure that Small Blue One would be fine. The only catch was that Child of the Sun had to
come up with a good excuse of why they would have to leave Little Blue One all by themself in
the Solar System. Small Blue One, Child of the Sun spoke up with a voice just as smooth as the
golden color on its surface. Yes, Child of the Sun? Small Blue One answered happily while
gazing up at the golden giant in wonder, just like they did every day. I have been thinking long,
and I have been thinking hard, Small Blue One, Child of the Sun explained gracefully. And I
have come to the conclusion that I wish to travel throughout the Universe. It will be a long,
dangerous, and daring trip, but I have decided that it will be worth seeing all of the wonderful
things out there. Child of the Sun paused for a moment as they waited for Small Blue One to
answer them. Sure enough, after a few moments of waiting, a very nervous voice came from the
small, ocean blue planet. Oh, travel across the Universe? Are you asking me to accompany you
along this dangerous and long trip, Child of the Sun? Small Blue One questioned while trying to
keep the terror out of their
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Effects Of Residential Schools In Canada
Residential schools were a place where thousands of Indigenous children would go to learn but
instead get abused very badly. Residential schools existed about a hundred years ago. These tragic
schools were established because European people wanted the Indigenous people of Canada to be
assimilated into Euro Canadian. The European people thought that their civilization was the
greatest human achievement. A lot of residential schools opened within Canada s provinces. Life at
residential schools was very cruel because the students got limited time to learn and more time to do
exhausting chores. The children also got brutally abused for various things including if they offend
the nuns and priests working in the schools. By the time the children had finished attending the
residential schools they had almost forgotten everything about their cultureand traditions.
Residential schools treated children very poorly which caused some long lasting effects that still
impact Indigenous people today. There were a lot of residential schools in Canada and there were a
variety of reasons why and how these schools had opened. European settlers thought that the first
habitants of Canada (the Indigenous people) were ignorant, and like children they needed guidance.
The first prime minister of Canada Sir John A. McDonald commissioned a journalist and politician
Nicholas Flood Davin to study industrial schools, for the indigenous children, in the United States.
Nicholas Flood Davin found
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What Is The Stone Goose Company
The Stone Goose Company is a great business in the sports footwear and shoes industry. The
company is looking for a new way to reach to its target market; especially the younger
demographic. The company s footwear brand currently does not have the same market appeal as
other sports footwear firms like, Nike, Adidas, Asics or Puma Brand. The Stone Goose Company
does not have enough marketing and advertising funds to spend as these other major players may
have; which is a big concern. The Stone Goose Company currently does not use social media for
its communication or product marketing efforts. The employees of the company however are quite
fond of using social media. The company wants to introduce a new footwear product for indoor and
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пЃ¶The Stone Goose company would be able to achieve a 2 3 % increase in the market share as a
result of implementing the social media strategy company wide. пЃ¶Marketing expects to use the
new market segment in the sports footwear market and increase its market share from the current 4
5 % to a 6 7% market share in the next quarter. пЃ¶The Stone Goose company also expects to make
an leap into the global sports footwear market as a result of the social media strategy where the use
of traditional advertising has not been effective for the company in the past. пЃ¶The Stone Goose
Company will be able to maximize its ROI from the social media investment because the cost of
implementing the social media strategy and policy is next to nothing in cost for the company and
the market share and revenue gains are
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  • 2. Masks Depicted In Paul Laurence Dunbar s They Wear The Mask In society, people are constantly worried about fitting in and fear being themselves will hinder their ability to conform to society. Many people fear that being themselves will have a detrimental effect on their social life, and others feel that they are outcasts and that they need to be someone they re not in order to be socially accepted. People often try to hide their true personality, and wear a mask. To metaphorically wear a mask is to express yourself the way you want to be seen, rather than how you actually feel. This instills the idea that one s own personality is not good enough, creating a fear of being yourself, causing people to wear a mask. People wear these masks in an attempt to navigate in society, to preserve innocence,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, Mr. Dolphus Raymond pretends he is drinking alcohol when he is really drinking coke so that people have an explanation for his lifestyle. Instead of just saying he wants to live with blacks, he wears a mask to make people think he is a drunk. He wears this mask in order to navigate in society and try to give em a reason (228). Mr. Raymond also tells Scout and Dill that, It ain t honest but it s mighty helpful to folks. Secretly, Miss Finch, I m not much of a drinker, but you see they could never, never understand that I live like I do because that s the way I want to live (228). As an alternative to facing the town s dissenting opinions, he acts like a drunk. This acts as a mask to aid Mr. Raymond in society. Also, Atticus wears a mask in order to preserve the innocence of animals. When the rabid dog is on the street, Atticus shoots the dog in one shot, and Miss Maudie informs Scout and Jem that Atticus Finch was the deadest shot in Maycomb County in his time (112). He wears a mask to hide his skill because he wants to preserve the lives of innocent animals. Miss Maudie then speculates that he put his gun down when he realized that God had given him an unfair advantage over most living things (112). Atticus is a civilized person, so he hides his skill with guns to conserve innocence. Unlike most masks, Atticus mask is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Toni Morrison s Sula Essay example Sula Toni Morrison s Sula is a novel that has a theme about the nature of evil. The story follows the lives of two black female friends who present differing views on evil. On one hand, we have society s conventional view of evil represented by the character of Nel and also seen in the Bottom s disapproval of Sula. The other view of evilis seen through the character of Sula and through her actions, which conflict with traditional society. The friendship of Sula and Nel is how the author conveys her message about evil in the relationship. In the relationship the two different conceptions of evil mix and create an essentially neutral mixture. By looking at Nel s and Sula s friendship and the two different views of evil that they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Absorbed in this conception of evil her whole life, it is Nel who becomes the embodiment of the town s moral code when she gets married and is one of them (120), meaning a member of mainstream society. Instantly, her views become the same with those of the town and she belonged to the town and all of its ways (120). She is especially offended by Sula s behavior, because Sula sleeps with her husband. While Nel has used the town s moral code, Sula is in open defiance of it, and Sula is caught off guard by Nel s possessiveness (119), not really knowing that marriage...had changed all that (119), referring to their earlier tendency to share the affection of other people (119). Nel s outrage at Sula s actions is similar to the town s anger at Sula and we see the personal hurt that Sula s inconsiderate actions have caused. While society s view of evil is really based on the disapproval of anything that would break down way society works, Sula s view of evil is based on a different goal and she acts according to a different set of standards. In other words, Sula was distinctly different (118). Sula had been looking all along for a friend (122) and that is the goal she is really trying to reach. In sleeping with many men, she is sort of looking for a release for her misery and...deep sorrow (122). She is trying to find a friend who she can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. History Of National Health Service Trusts Essay Introduction National Health Service trusts have the mandate to ensure that patients in hospitals get high quality health care and that money is spent efficiently and accountability is observed. Furthermore the NHS receives complaints from patients about poor hospital services. Each trust is headed by a board consisting of executive and non executive directors. The King Edgar Hospital trust is within a National Health Service trust and was primarily formed with the aim of improving patient service quality within three hospitals that had merged to form it (Bronte, Friar and Clover). The King Edgar Hospitals trust has a board that comprises eleven members with Rodger Andrews as the chief executive. The main aim of the trust being to enhance patient care by first reducing the waiting list the chief executive appointed Burns who was the executive director to take lead in the said project. Other leadership positions were also created to implement the policies pertaining to the trust s aims and goals. This shows that the trust was organized managerial wise in that there was a clear cut hierarchy of different management positions. This separation of power enabled each person in their position to carry out the duties expected in them. From the moment that Burns was appointed to lead the nurse led discharge (NLD) she formulated policies to ensure that the NLD project was actualized. Prior to March 2003 King Edgar Hospitals trust was awarded one star on its performance. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Additional Information Identify Rules Of An Section Of The... Additional section Information Identify Rules 4.6.1 Add on Grades of information only can be accessible by the higher levels of departments. This is added in the revised policy document. 4.6.2 Add on An upper grade identified person is signing the Grade of the information, such as, the general worker cannot access to the Restricted Zone, so the person who distinguish the Restricted information should be at least can get to the secret level materials. Logical Access Control Introduction 5.1.1 Add on In this part of the original policy, the purpose of logical access control is introduced. However, the theoretical purpose shall also be covered. This is covered in the 5.1.1 section of the revised policy. 5.1.2 Weakness The scope defined in this part of the original policy is not complete. Not only the network devices, but other assets, such as the computer room, should also apply to the logical access control policy. This is covered in the 5.1.2 section of the revised policy. Authentication and Password 5.2.3 Add on Once an User ID have violated the access control policy, it should be suspended immediately to avoid more loses. This is not included in the suspend conditions of the original policy. This is added in the 5.2.3 section of the revised policy. 5.2 Weakness The title of the section in the original policy is Authentication and Password , however, it is about authentication and User ID. Password policy is included in the 5.5 section of the original policy. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Art of the Egyptians and Africans Art of the Egyptians and Africans Art of the Egyptians and Africans express .............................In art, style is a characteristic, or a number of characteristics that we can identify as constant, recurring, or coherent.(Art Terminology 1) Artists express their emotions through their art making, their finished product will reflect that emotion. They might also create a piece of art that makes the viewer create an emotional response. Emotion is any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear, etc.(Dictionary 1) Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old. It emerged and took shape in the ancient Egypt, the civilization of the Nile Valley. Ancient Egyptian art was shown with emotion beautifully in painting and sculpture, and was both highly symbolic and stylized. The exceptional traditions in Egypt is one of the most important things in the history of art. The tombs and temples of the Egyptians have expressed the grandeur of the kingdom of the Nile. Egyptian sculptors and painters began to formulate patterns to represent figures and stories. Egyptians used the art to represent a continuation of life after death, it was an important part of their culture. They believed that, in order for the spirit to live on, the dead person s body had to be preserved, or mummified, and buried along with supplies of food and drink, tools and utensils, valued possessions. (Scholastic) Egyptian art was becoming more realistic, which moved away from the ways of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Polycephalum Essay Physarum Polycephalum is a slime mold that has a yellow coloring to it and it resides in areas of shade, cool temperatures and moisture. Not only does this slime mold have the name Physarum Polycephalum, but it is also referred to as Polycephalum as suggested by (Jabr, 2012). P. Polycephalum is a multicellular microbe that feeds fungal spores and other microbes because the organisms are heterotrophic (Sauer, 1986). P. Polycephalum is very interesting because it has traits of both fungi and animals, which I find very interesting. It has this ability to move around where it is located to find food by engulfing and surrounding it, and it does this by going through enzyme secretion. Although we know a lot about this organism, for many years it was mistaken as fungi due to the fact that it was thought to be heterotrophic but through further analysis it was removed from that category because they realized that fungi is not as mobile as this organism. P. Polycephalum doesn t have a cellwall but fungi have cell walls made of chitin, which lead to the line being drawn between these two organisms (Ashworth and Dee, 1975). The most ideal habitat for P. Polycephalum is a moist and shady region but not only is it suitable for P. Polycephalum but its also suitable for bacteria, archea and protists that it feeds on (Jabr, 2012). When it engulfs its food, it grows with the help of Phagocytosis and then it becomes a mass of multinucleate protoplasm, which then has a bright yellow color, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Illegal Immigration In America Essay Illegal Immigration in America Illegal immigration has been at the forefront of President Donald Trump s agenda since he started his run for Presidency. His stand on illegal immigration has set a new standard for how people enter the United States. The media has made it a priority to highlight every mistake an illegal immigrant makes to show the American people that there is a problem with illegals. Adam Davidson, from New York times reports that, Undocumented workers, some suggest, undercut wages and take jobs that would otherwise go to Americans. Worse, the argument goes, many use social programs, like hospitals and schools, that cost taxpayers and add to our $16 trillion national debt (Davidson). Illegal Aliens cost the U.S. Taxpayers more than 1 billion dollars each year (FAIR) . States across the U.S. see illegal immigrationas a huge burden on their tax payers because they are not paying taxes like everyone else in society. Arizona is seen as a corridor for illegals to travel into the United Statesbecause of the proximity to the border. Residents of the state of Arizona feel the effects of how illegal immigration affects their daily lives. Vehicle accidents have been a major concern in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In March of 2016, President Trump placed a temporary ban on six Muslim countries. With the influx of middle easterners fleeing the middle east due to their war torn countries President Trump has changed the number of refugees the country receives. President s Trump focus is to fully understand who is attempting to come into the United States and ensure they are who they say they are. By conduct extensive background checks will give a better a understand on who is not being truthful, weeding out the suspected illegals who would cause harm in America. Attorney General Jeff Sessions also singled out the refugee program as an issue ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Essay On Inflammation First Name Last Name Course #/Title July 4, 2015 Inflammation and Cancer ABSTRACT According to the most recent evidence, there is a direct link between chronic inflammation and certain types of cancer. Inflammation generally occurs due to a bacterial or viral infection, such as a chronic bladder infection, which over time may be more susceptible to bladder cancer. This is especially true for individuals who are overweight or obese, or exhibit disorders like diabetes, hepatitis A and B, HIV/AIDS, and other bacterial/viral disorders. INTRODUCTION The links between cancer and inflammation, being the protective response of the tissues of the human body to irritation caused by an injury, a virus, or bacteria, and which may be acute or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, micro organisms like microbes which includes bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and other microbial life forms (Glanze 754) may cause cancer due to opportunistic infection, such as in Kaposi s sarcoma (Herpes virus 8) and gastric cancer (i.e., cancer of the stomach), caused by H. pylori bacterium which can also affect the human colon via long standing inflammatory bowel diseases caused by microflora or certain types of fungus (Nahoun, Why Cancer and Inflammation? ). Inflammation has also been shown to exacerbate the conditions necessary for developing certain types of lung cancer. As noted by Nahoun, medical conditions associated with chronic irritation and subsequent inflammation are often predisposed to cancer. A prime example of this phenomenon is cigarette smoking which often causes inflammation in the lungs via diseases like sarcoidosis, a chronic disorder of unknown origin characterized by the formation of tubercles tissue in the lungs. In some cases, sarcoidosis as an inflammatory disorder can be found in the spleen, liver, mucous membranes, the salivary glands, and the lymph glands (Glanze ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Similarities Between Christianity And Islam Christianity and Islam were both spread in socially and economically similar and politically different. They both had an important people that role and spread of the religions. Christianity included the individuals of who believe in Jesus Christ. Christians are the flowers of the Christ who often believed is the son of the God ( the father ); Christians strongly believe that Christ will return after the next life; the end of the world. Islamconsists of individuals who believe in Allah, the god teaches the followers who are Muslims. Even though both Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic religions which both of them are mostly monotheistic meaning they believe in just one god. Christianity and Islam are very similar in economically and they both Islam and Christianity were a high impact on the reason of why religions were spread and the trade was in common. Trade was very important because exchanging was the main thing and religion was one of the things they exchanged. The reason why Trade was so important to both religions was because it wasn t only the goodies were spread and it was also the ideas of religions. The Christianity and Islam both were remarkable on spread in craftwork, which was the main impact on the similarity of both Christianity and Islam. Christianity had Constantine to spread the religion and Islam had the Prophet and the caliphates to spread the religion. These people are the ones to spread the religions and it s important for both religions. In these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. United States Economy According to the U.S. Labor Statistics 2011 report, when President Obama took office, the economy was shedding nearly 800,000 jobs each month and millions of families were unable to make ends meet. African Americans were hit especially hard by the recession struggling with significant economic losses, including near record high levels of unemployment and low average earnings (U.S. Labor Statistics 2011). From day one the President has made turning the economy around a top priority, and the policies enacted through the Recovery Act of 2009 have had a significant impact on the country s economic well being. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Recovery Act and later expansions and extensions kept 1.3 million African Americans above the poverty line last year alone (Sherman 2009). And this year, the continued expansion of just two tax credits the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child tax Credit has benefited an estimated 2.2 million African Americanfamilies and almost half of all African American children. The targeted tax relief enacted by President Obama through both the Recovery Act and the December tax Deal has provided relief to nearly every American, helping them bear the brunt of the recession and supporting them as the economy has recovered (The President Agenda and the African American Community, November 2011 pg. 4). Last December, President Obama fought for and secured a 2 percent employee side payroll tax cut (from 6.2 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Compare And Contrast Renaissance Music And Medieval Music The Medieval period began in 500 A.D. and ended in 1450 A.D. During this time in particular, the Catholic Church had significant influence on how music was used and created. Sacred music, for example, was most prevalent because of this. Due to the religious nature of this period, music in the church had to adhere to very specific regulations, some of which included prayers such as plainchants or Gregorian chants. A single melody without harmony, or one musical part sung together in unison, is called a Monophonic melody, which was sung primarily by monks. Some time later, around 900 A.D., the using of two melodic lines was permitted by the church, this musicwas called organum. A low, continuous note called a drone, was sung at the same time as the main melody. The two melodies were often moving in contrasting motion to each other. By the Late Medieval period, 1100 A.D., the music of the church had shifted from monophonic to more polyphonic, often two or more varying parts. The Renaissance period, from 1450 A.D. to 1600 A.D., comprised of two main types of music, sacred and secular. In comparison with the Medieval period, where music was usually reserved for church purposes, the Renaissance period allowed music to expand beyond the church into upper aristocratic society. Sacred music included motets and mass, while secular included madrigals, instrumental and dance music. Motets initially came about during the late Medieval period, but grew sizably during the Renaissance, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Big Hero 6 Hero s Journey The Hero s Journey can be found in various films including Big Hero 6 . If you have already seen this movie then you will know how Hiro, our main character, progresses throughout the 12 stages of the hero s journey. In this movie Big Hero 6, Hiro Hamada shows what it means to be an epic hero throughout his journey with his diverse group of friends to save his world. In Hiro s ordinary world, Hiro, who graduated from high school at 13 and is very smart, bot fights in a dark alley. The movie starts off when he loses the first battle, but then nails the other guy s machine after. Hiro is about to get his butt kicked by his opponent, when he is rescued by his older brother Tadashi. They race through the city, but are caught by the police and have been put in jail. They are bailed out by their aunt and that is when Tadashi tells Hiro he is wasting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tadashi shows Hiro his own invention, a healthcare robot called Baymax, who will be Hiro s mentor later on. Hiro immediately wants to enroll into nerd school, but Tadashi tells him he has to make an invention to blow Professor Callaghan mind! Hiro invents thousands of tiny bots (microbots) that he can control with his thoughts. Professor Callaghan welcomes Hiro to the program after his showcase. When Tadashi and Hiro outside to celebrate his victory, there is a huge explosion, and that is when Tadashi rushes back into building to save the Professor; however, they were both killed . Hiro becomes a reluctant hero and throws the registration materials away. While in his room, Hiro accidently inflates Baymax which was under his brother s bed. He then finds one of his own tiny microbots that wasn t destroyed in the fire. It seems to want to find the other bots, but weren t they destroyed too? Baymax rushes out of the house to find the other bots which makes Hiro race after him. This is the end of crossing of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Treatment Plan For Patients With Terminally Ill Patients... End of life can be completely difficult to cope with, but is a part of everyday life. End of life pertains to the last days of a patient s life, which means that end of life requires many important decisions such as medical treatment and knowing when to terminate life support. So planning end of life can be extremely difficult for the patient and their family members. They will have to make the decision on where the patient would like to spend their last days, treatments they wish to have and not to mention their goals of care. This topic is truly important because not many individuals realize what comes with dealing with end of life care. When it comes to medical treatments for the patient, they must decide... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Based on that decision the family can determine how the patient will be cared for at home i.e. a hospice caregiver as the patient will be unable to care for themselves or family coming together to care for their loved ones. Whatever the family and the patient chooses will come with a lot of hard work and dedication. The patient will need help with bathing, feeding, toileting, dressing and also turning and repositioning. First, if the patient chooses to enter into a hospice facility, it means that their life expectancy is six months or less. In order for the patient to live a quality life in the last days, they must be pain and symptom free. This is the service that is provided by the hospice facility (palliative care), their goal is ensuring that the patient is comfortable. With this service available the family can focus all of their attention on their loved ones. Not to mention, they can enjoy their last moments with them. Secondly, if the patient decides to return home there will have to be a caregiver present and they are usually supervised by the doctor and the hospice staff. This environment allows for the patient to again be surrounded by loved ones. It also allows for them to have the peace of knowing that they are in a familiar place. Also this allows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Poem Analysis Of Understudy By Abe Louise Young Understudy is a poem written by Abe Louise Young about her mother. The poem speaks about Young s perception of her mother and describes her mother and their relationship. Young employs many metaphors to describe her mother and her own emotions. Young uses this tactic very creatively and is able to successful show the reader a unique and intimate perspective of her mother. Through Young s the reader can begin to understand that Young s mother is a bit peculiar and whimsical. The reader can also see from the poem that Young cares a great deal for her mother. Young strives to create vivid imagery throughout the poem and helps the reader truly imagine her mother and understand her. She begins the poem with a metaphor for her mother s hands ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Tourism Promotion Efforts Of Tunisia Essay After questioning thirty tourists from several countries (Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Lebanon, Turkey, Korea, Morocco, Russia, Italy and India) it turned out that ninety percent of them use Internet for their booking, and ninety six percent of them use it to gather information about Tunisia. Thanks to ICTs everybody can make a full research about the country he chooses to visit and he can book by himself wherever and whenever he likes. It doesn t need to be with a high level of education to do all of that, it is sufficient to have a little knowledge about the Internet and have a PC or phone, according to the questionnaire, thirty three percent of tourists have a secondary level of education but they use Internet. Information and communication technology has become a key element for the development in tourism; it is no longer an option for those in charge of the sector, but the inevitability imposed by the current economic conditions for the development of the tourism industry. Under the Tourism Promotion efforts, Tunisia is seeking to use e marketing system to keep up with developments in the field of international tourism marketing. Constant communication between the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Ministry of Tourism aims to use ICTs tools to maximize communication between tourists and the tourist attractions in Tunisia. Those tools aim to: Access to a large number of visitors through mobile technology applications Attract foreign ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Ford Mustang And The Chevrolet Camaro GM and Ford team up again, but there are other partnerships between automotive rivals to consider. Who would have thunk it?! For 2017, the Ford Mustang and the Chevrolet Camaro will share a 10 speed automatic transmission as a result of a collaborative engineering effort between General Motors and the Ford Motor Company. How s that again? In 2013, Detroit s top rivals signed an agreement to jointly develop new 9 and 10 speed automatic transmissions with front and rear wheel drive variants. The collaborative effort means both companies are able to design, engineer, establish, test, corroborate and distribute new transmissions at a faster rate and for a lower cost than they would have on their own. Improved Performance, Better Efficiency The effort has yielded a new 10 speed automatic transmission, one that will find its way into various models over the next few years. That the two competing pony cars will share the same transmission means one less important edge for both manufacturers. Instead, the two companies will have to find other ways to beat each other with such factors as horsepower, steering and handling, and aerodynamics providing key differences. At the same time, buyers of both models will enjoy two important benefits 10 speed transmissions provide better off the line acceleration with a shorter first gear and improved fuel economy with the taller top gears. (Jim, see the Popular Mechanics explanation) Incidentally, the 10 speed will be the first we ve ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Strict Immigration Reform immigrations laws it could optimize the effectiveness of the program to maintain the companies and immigrants that are stimulating revenue and job growth. In summary, data shows that immigrants are not out to steal jobs from American workers or lower wages. Immigrants come into America to fill jobs that are available, or attempt to establish their own businesses. By maintaining strict immigrationpolicies the United Statesis also preventing its growth. We should be aware that immigrants do provide many benefits to our country, and that our immigration policies are in need of improvements that will allow immigrants and our country to reap the full benefits of our immigration system. A Push for better Immigration reform and a Toxic U.S. political ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. William Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to... William Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to James and Catherine Blake. His father, James was a hosier (seller of legwear) in London. Blake had four brothers, James, John, Richard and Robert; and a sister named Catherine (Harris 5). Blake got along best with his younger brother, Robert as they shared an interest in art (Clarke 1). As a young boy, Blake claimed to have had visions of God, spirits, prophets and angels. When he was four he is claimed to have seen God s head in his window. In his most famous vision, he saw the prophet Ezekiel under a tree and a tree of angels when he was nine ( Early Years ). Though his parents believed he was lying, they took into consideration that their son was different and did not believe he... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1778 Blake attended the Royal Academy, but soon left after having disagreements about art with the school s president Sir Joshua Reynolds (Merriman 2). In 1780 he was hired by Joseph Johnson. Johnson, a seller of radical texts, introduced Blake to such writers such as Joseph Priestley, William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft and Thomas Paine (Simkin 1). He illustrated Paine s The Rights of Man and Wollstonecraft s The Vindication of the Rights of Women. He also illustrated Mary Shelley s Original Stories from Real Life in 1788 ( Marriage and early career ). In 1782 he met Catherine Boucher, the illiterate daughter of a market gardener. Blake taught her how to read, write, engrave, and draw. Catherine ended up helping Blake with coloring, illustrations, engravings, and book binding ( Later Life and Career ). They had a very successful marriage where Catherine supported Blake in his work and believed in his genius. She also believed his visions of spirits and Blake even helped her to experience visions, as he did ( The Maturing Artist ). Blake would refer to her as his sweet shadow of delight ( Youth ). Blake s first book of poetry was Poetical Sketches published in 1783 and paid for by a few of his friends ( Artist and Engraver ). In 1787 Blake s brother Robert died, Blake claiming to recall his spirit clapping its hands for joy ( Poets ) . A year later Blake claimed that Robert appeared to him, teaching him a process of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Whites Swim in a Racial Preference Essay Racial Preference 1 Whites Swim in Racial Preference assignment Pamela McCormick Third written assignment Ivy Tech Community College Sociology 111 Diana Lyerson Breland 07/01/2012 Racial Preference 2 According to T. Wise, few whites have ever thought of our position as resulting from racial preferences which also is a demarcation of privilege that is the necessary flipside of discrimination (Wise, 2003). As a society we want to believe that racismis a thing of the past, however, in reality racism is still alive and well in society today. Racism is defined as the belief that one race is supreme and all others are innately inferior. When racism prevails in a society, members of subordinate groups generally experience ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Racial Preference 3 Imagine being a black family who has gained these new rights? Yet they were forced to make their wages accommodate the needs of their families. We set them up for living the life of poverty while keeping in mind the white families were working the same jobs with better pay and receiving privileges just because of the color of their skin. This article made huge impact on how we as society should recognize that racism is still in effect when it pertains to wages according to the statistics in the article from 2003. It is also important to re enforce another part of the article indicating how whites pride themselves on hard work and ambition. As if we worked harder than people forced to pick cotton, strawberries, tomatoes, and build levies for free (Wise, 2003). If we move forward through history even though society has become more accepting of interracial marriages the children are often impacted. Their black community does not want to accept them nor does their white community which is a shame because the children are the ones who suffer the prejudice from society. Imagine the psychological an emotional impact these children have endured? Prejudice often leads to discrimination, the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or other arbitrary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Speech On Superstitions In Trinidad I. Attention Getter A. By a show of hands, who here has gotten a little too loud, or had too much fun on New Years? B. Well, by doing so, you may have protected yourself from evil spirits entering your home. II.I m Echo Clairday and Today I will tell you about three examples of Trinidad superstitions. III. Credibility. A. I have spent what felt like endless hours outside of class researching the superstitions of Trinidad. I went from website to website to find the most quality information, and have found a lot of interesting things. B. Folklore and Superstitions have always interested me and I am happy to be sharing the new things I learned with everyone here today. IV. Three main ideas of superstitions in Trinidad include Actions, Gardening Farming, and Fishing. (First, let me tell you about the meaning of your actions.) In Trinidad and Tobago the actions you do are important because it can affect your future. A. There are certain things to avoid giving and taking in Trinidad 1. If someone passes a pepper or a knife to someone else, he will have an argument with that person. To avoid this, set the item down for the other person to pick it up. 2. Do not pick up lost money as could possibly have evil spirits or worries attached to it. It s your choice though. 3. Never give a lamp to someone if you have already used it. This is bad luck. B. You can attract money with your actions 1. As found I found in The Trinidad and Tobago Folklore article on Global Road warrior, on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. A Report On Bank Of Baroda Essay 5.8 Multinational Companies 5.9 Others Seafood Exports Granites Shipping 5.10 List of Surveyed Banks Figure 5.1 Banks surveyed 5.11 Bank Officials with Infrastructure sector as one of their portfolio State Bank of India, Overseas branch Bank of Baroda Dena bank State Bank of India, SME branch State Bank of Travancore, Commercial Branch IOB, Commercial Institutional branch Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) State Bank of Patiala (SPB), Mid Corporate Branch Corporation Zonal office Andhra Bank IOB, Large Corporate Branch SBI, Overseas branch This bank is situated in the Parrys, Chennai having more than 1000 crore as their overall portfolio and they are having the Infrastructure portfolio of 150cr Bank of Baroda This bank is situated in the Mylapore, Chennai having more than 2000 crore as their overall portfolio and they are having the Infrastructure portfolio limit as 500cr Dena Bank This bank is situated in the T.Nagar, Chennai having 500 crore as their overall portfolio and they are having the Infrastructure portfolio of 200cr State Bank of India This SME branch bank is situated in the Guindy, Chennai having more than 500 crore as their overall portfolio and they are having the Infrastructure portfolio of 50cr State Bank of Travancore, Overseas branch This bank is situated in the Mount road, Chennai having more than 2000 crore as their overall portfolio and they are having the Infrastructure portfolio of 500cr Indian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. English Literature Review The article, Relationship Between Language Skills and Acquisition Rate of Sight Words Among English Language Learners, by Matthew K. Burns and Lori A. Helman, is about the study conducted on English language learners (ELL). The study examined the sight word acquisition rate (AR) of 43 second grade students who were English language learners (ELL) from three diverse, urban schools. The acquisition rate (AR) is the amount of information a child can successfully rehearse and later recall (CITATION). The 43 secondgraders that were used for the study speak the language Hmong, which is a Chinese dialect, and it is also their first language. Children that are ELL are a diverse group of students that have some unmet academic needs (CITATION). One solution to this problem is to improve the individualized instruction for ELL. Teachers should recognize the student s skill level and match their skill level with the appropriate task. Meaning that teachers should not give the student material that is too hard for them to comprehend. When given the right material, the students can effectively learn what is needed. So, for the study researchers examined the effect of imagery level on word reading. The researchers would present the ELL with 40 words at a time whether they knew them or not. The cards containing the words were presented one at a time to each child in a clustered random order (CITATION). If the child could not correctly identify at least eight of the words, then words taken from the first list of words. If the child correctly identified all 40 words selected, then the words selected from the third list of words were used. The presentation order of words taken from each of the three word lists was randomly determined. Words were identified as known if the student orally read the word correctly within 2 seconds. Any word not read correctly or requiring more than 2 seconds to read was considered unknown . After completing the research, the results show there is a significant relationship between the level of English proficiency and the rate of acquisition of English sight words (CITATION). Researchers also found that the imagery level of the word did not affect how well the word was orally read, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Influence Of The Paleolithic Period And The Neolithic... 1.Three major cultural changes or contributions to the humanities that occurred between the Paleolithic period and the and the Neolithic period are the different techniques developed to hunt, the importance of the human figures, and the architecture. Different techniques to hunt were shown by looking at wall paintings, in the Paleolithicera paintings were found in deep caves and showed a realism of the animals they depended on for food, where as the Neolithicera paintings were located on smooth limestone, beneath cliff hangs, and in rock shelters these paintings showed the animals that they depended on for food also but these paintings showed the animals being hunted by human figures with bows and arrows. This shows that somewhere between the two eras humans developed a more efficient way to hunt and human figures became more important. Human figures were rarely known before the Neolithic era, wall paintings did not show them and sculptures of them were very rare except few female figures found from the Paleolithic age. In the Neolithic age, paintings not only showed the importance of human figures hunting but it showed them dancing, and fighting as a community. Architecture is not known from before the Neolithic period, very little survives because it was made out of material that disappeared long ago. The most famous piece of architecture from that era is the Stonehenge, not only was the Stonehenge believed to serve as a religious purpose, it also was known as a clock ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Purpose Of Five Point Someone By Chetan Bhagat Purpose: Five Point Someone is a fictional book on the story of life of three students from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi aka IIT. It is a campus novel nostalgia ( I might have passed out of IIT, but in some ways my soul is still there) and connects engineering students to their college life but this book is not only about engineering or IIT, it connects every student to their college or school days and is a good read for all sections of society specially youth, a lucid story of 110 pages that when one starts reading, he/she will not stop till the end. It is a fictional story yet gives many lessons on life that how is more about performance on family, friends and personal goals. Introduction/Beginning: The book is written by Chetan Bhagat who himself has received undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Delhi and later MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First is Ryan, a brilliant boy from rich family, who is a free spirit and disillusioned with the education system in India and believe in education through experimenting and learning rather than bookish knowledge. Second is Hari, not so bright student from a medium class family. Third is Alok, a poor boy from small family with ailing father and unmarried sister, only his mother is earning and taking care of the family, he thinks nothing other than to get a good job and support his family and that s why he joined ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Flu Pandemic 1918 In 1918, World War I was coming to an end; the condition of warfare was a breeding ground of diseases and unhealthy conditions. The trenches were cold, wet, dirty, and smelly and infested with rats and lice. This could only be one of the contributions to the pandemic. Another possible contribution of the spreading on the illness was the transportation of Chinese workers to Canada in 1917; where many of the workers displayed flu like symptoms (Vergano). During the war, troops were returning home and most likely brought this illness back, but it is only speculation with no definite evidence. The first reported case in the United States was at Fort Riley, Kansas on March 11, 1918 when a soldier went to the infirmary with a fever (Vergano).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The remedies did not help improve things either and other measures were taken in order to try reducing the spread of the illness. Many medical personnel were overseas healing sick and injured soldiers and the lack of staff in the hospitals led to nursing and medical students having to step up. Even the hospitals were overrun with patients that ordered, community centers and local schools be transformed into emergency hospitals (Influenza Strikes). Schools were not the only thing closed down, stores, restaurants, and other businesses were shut down as well. In addition to those, other interventions were put in place like masks since they knew it was spread through the air. The masks were made of gauze and distributed by the Public Health ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Being Ernest Satire In The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde satirizes people in the Victorian Era for believing that their ideal romantic fantasies are pragmatic and attainable in reality. The play s utilization of comedy of manners, through satire, aims criticism at the higher classes of society. Wilde shows that even though upper class citizens have a lavish lifestyle it does not mean that they can also obtain a romance that is as equally extravagant. Wilde s usage of comedic tools, such as hyperboles and ironic concepts, emphasizes how people s expectations and high standards can often jumble, as well as lead them astray, from the actuality of romance and how it is flawed rather than flawless, and that no one will always get the fairytale ending they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here, Wilde conveys that Gwendolen is determined to marry a man named Ernest because she not only considers it a divine name but also a charming name. Gwendolen is head over heels for name Ernest that if it were any other name she would not show any interest. A similar instance occurs later on in the play when Algernon, who, at the time, is going by the name Ernest, proposes to Cecily and Cecily says, ... it had always been a girlish dream of mine to love some one whose name was Ernest (Wilde Page 33). Both Gwendolen and Cecily s preference for the name Ernest is an example of how Wilde pokes fun at how females are obsessed with style, appearance and all things aesthetic. Their preference for the name Ernest reveals that Gwendolen and Cecily already have a premeditated idea of what name they would like their future spouse to have, completely overlooking the reality of how being narrow minded can inhibit one s options in finding romance in the first place. Moreover, Wilde displays that women are picky and tend to go overboard and exaggerate due to the fact that they want to have control over every aspect of their love ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Supply And Demand Of A Good Or Service Supply and demand is a fundamental factor in shaping the character of the marketplace. A demand refers to the specific quantity of a product /good or service that people are willing and able to buy at given price level, where supply of a good or service represents how much quantity people are willing and able to offer for sale at given price level. There are various factors that demand and supply of a good or service depend on. Demand of a product depends on the price of the product, number of buyers in the market, tastes and preferences of consumer, consumer s income, consumer expectations and prices of related commodities. Supply of a product depends on the price of that product, number of sellers in the market, technology, input... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Demand is determined by many factors other than price. The shift in demand curve occurs when there is a change in factors other than price, results in the shift of demand curve. For example, if level of income of an individual or a community rises, then demand will increase at the same price level leading demand curve to shift to the right. Similarly, if there is a fall in the disposable income of the consumers or rise in the prices of close substitute of a good or decline in consumer taste or goods are unavailable, etc., at the same price level, there is a fall or decrease in demand leading demand curve to shift to the left as shown in Figure 2 http://economicsconcepts.com /movement_vs_shift_of_demand_curve.htm In case of supply, if other factor changes except its own price, the supply curve will shift towards left or right at same price level. For example, For example, if production cost of a product increases, then the supply will decrease and the supply curve will shift towards right and if the production cost decreases, then supply will increase and the supply curve will shift towards left, as shown in figure: 3 With the help of above analysis of demand and supply, the analysis of demand and supply of certain resources in Australia can be done. Australia is famous for many resources such as mineral resource, agricultural resource, human resources and many more. Even though demand supply analysis of Australian resources ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Racial Stereotypes According to NYDailyNews, the average American watches more than five hours of television every day. Through these television programs, people are exposed to many issues in the representation of women, children, gender, sexuality, and race. Racial stereotypes are still evident today, even though times have changed since the early 1900s. They provide negative or false assumptions about a variety of groups, as well as ideas that do not necessarily pertain to every person. Fox Tv s show Glee is an accurate portrayal of the many racial stereotypes that are apparent in today s society. Glee offers viewers a complex construction of racethat both perpetuates negative racial stereotypes for humorous purposes and attempts to disrupt stereotypical notions of token characters. The exposure of race/ethnic groups can be seen throughout various media contexts, however television offers recurring characters that viewers can identify and continue to form meaningful bonds with. This involvement stimulates social learning, facilitates persuasion, and can promote social stereotypes (Tukachinsky, Mastro, Yarchi, 2017). Television can be used for valid and significant comparisons over time. For example, Blacks and Latinos in particular have been portrayed on television and has been a source of controversy and criticism. It is true that advancements have been made over the years, however these groups still lack the representation that they should be receiving (Tukachinsky, Mastro, Yarchi, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Kingyo By Edmund Yeo Kingyo (which means goldfish in Japanese) is a short film by the Malaysian filmmaker Edmund Yeo. It is based on Yasunari Kawabata s 1924 short story Canaries . He s previous efforts, which include short films like Chicken rice mystery , Fleeting images and Love suicides showcased his talent effectively.While in Kingyo , his first Japanese language short film, it s clearly visible that he has only taken his talent in the forward direction. The film, which wonderfully depicts love, loss and memorie,s has the ability to have a longing effect on the audiences even after it s finished. The young female protagonist of this film, played by Luchino Fujisaki, is dressed up in a French maid s costume offering the pedestrian a guided tour of the city of Akihabara for 10,000 ВҐ.She seems ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the movie, we see frequent montages of the city and get accustomed with its vibrant nature. Yeo crafted the story with utmost care, deliberately setting it to a slow, rhythmic pace to match the intensity and mental state of the characters. The characters do not converse much, instead they choose the path of contemplation and confession, trying to revisit their past. His wonderfully written dialogues help to create a calming influence on the film, which reveals the depressing nature of the characters. For example, when the woman asks the man if he still enjoys his work he says: Sometimes you get used to things. After fifteen years it s not a matter of whether you like it or not. You just forget about the tiny details. The term tiny details is closely related with the flow of the movie as we see the band members, who the director shows for a brief moment towards the start of the film, appearing again at the end of the movie, which indicates the director s desire to come full circle. The same applies to the time when a certain anime picture of a maid merges with the female ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Grendel s Mother Or Monster In Beowulf Grendel is one of the three main antagonists or monsters in the Anglo Saxon s, Beowulf. In the epic poem, there is not too much about his father, just his mother. In the book, it was a mysterious troll. And in the animated movie, it was King Hrothgar. Hrothgar is the king of the kingdom that Grendel was destroying and the one that asked Beowulfto kill Grendel. I do feel sorry for Grendel because, he s a creature being treated like a monster. The humans didn t even try to understand why he might be massacring them. For all they know, he might be protecting the forest from their wars, destruction, and lack of respect for the land. But his mother is no better than the Anglo Saxons. She uses Grendel s strength and obedience towards her to her advantage.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She can only use her body to convey her thoughts and feelings. Still, she is his mother and loves his enough to try and avenge him after Beowulf tears off Grendel s arm. So, it is not that bad that she takes advantage of the things that she cannot do. And unlike the humans, Grendel s mother knows that Grendel is not evil. She gave birth to him and understands that evil is not born, it s made. The constant rejections from the Anglo Saxons must have had a traumatic effect on Grendel s psyche. He does not quite understand why the Anglo Saxons are afraid of him and are trying to kill him. He gets so frustrated with the humans that his emotions take over, and he murders as many of Hrothgar s men as he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Essay The Political Ethos of the Civil Society The Political Ethos of the Civil Society ABSTRACT: Totalitarian political systems in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe destroyed and repressed the civil society that used to exist in them. The authoritarian and totalitarian ethos was formed under a powerful influence of ideologies of the communist parties and politocracy in these countries so that the political ethos of politicians dominated the political ethos of the citizen. The breakdown of the real socialism and its unsuccessful attempts to complete accelerated liberal modernization of these societies caused turbulence of social values in addition to the general moral chaos. The moral crisis has deepened; anomie increased as well as the society s inclination to commit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the seventies of the twentieth century the term civil society was used by the opposition and dissident groups in the socialist countries to denote the strategy of political fight against totalitarianism by forming autonomous institutions beyond the state control and for the sake of establishing a democratic society as opposed to the total state. By redefining the modern concept of the civil society a new and contemporary concept of the civil society has been created as an alternative to authoritarian socialism. Thus, a new practical and theoretical political paradigm has been set up for explaining ways of the transition of socialist, authoritarian and stagnant societies into democratic and civil societies which are able for self development and are willing to use the civilization achievements of the developed societies as well as the achievements of social and political philosophy and contemporary sciences. The civil society is most often determined as autonomous pluralism of private and public activities, beyond the state control, expressed in individual freedom, local and regional self rule, citizens participation in public affairs and social movements as well as in cultural autonomy and free trade unionism. In the former socialist countries the civil society was destroyed and repressed by state measures. In order to restore it, it is necessary to de etatize all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How Did The American Government Affect South Korea After the Japanese invasion, Korea had been swept into turmoil, which lead to the division of the country into two separate states. In the North the Democratic People s Republic of Korea, (D.P.R.K.) and in the South the Republic of Korea, (R.O.K.). The United States presence in South Korea would remain until an independent and unified Korean government was established successfully in the country. Following the impact of the Korean War, South Koreahas undergone significant reform, which has aided in many changes in the cultural, economic, and political growth in the country. In 1945, the Japanese Army surrendered as the Union of Soviet Socialist (USSR) crushed them in battle and advanced through Korea. When the United States found out they feared the USSR would take over the Peninsula and had to take action. With the USSR already in the northern region two United States Army colonels started developing a plan to find a dividing line to separate the country. At this time, the line meant to be a provisional administrative arrangement and Korea would eventually come together again under a new government. The USSR backed communism with North Koreaand America favored capitalism in South Korea. As... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the 1980 s South Korea began to transition to a democratic system. Its values based on common values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law such as the United States. Now under a successful democracy, the daughter of former president of South Korea Park Geun Hye was elected as the first female president in South Korean history. (BBC News December 9, 2016) Park Geun Hye job is at risk due to a growing corruption scandal. Park, whose approval ratings are only four percent is now facing possible impeachment by South Korea s legislative if she doesn t resign first. Oren Dorell of USA Today ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Neo-Noir In Film Noir According to Todd Erickson, he states that neo noir is a genre exhibits a self consciousness about its indebtedness to the earlier noir films. Neo noir has emerged notably in the 1980s, with such films like the 1982 film Blade Runner, that incorporates familiar narrative and stylistic elements from the noir films into a science fiction genre. With its tone and specific style, Film Noiritself has become one of the prominent elements from the 1940s and 50s that helped shape the American cinema, and internationally to a certain extent. Fast forward 1994, an English language French film titled Leon: The Professional, written and directed by Luc Besson, has been released. It exhibits noir traits from the characters, their interactions, and the overall environment, but still provides a distinct genre of neo noir by updating the traits in a contemporary setting. Leon: The Professional subverts the character expectations with the switch of the characters roles. Leon and Mathilda can be considered as outsiders, when compared to the characters in traditional film noir films. When it comes to Leon, the viewers would be asked to identify with the character, but his character itself would make it difficult for them to do so, since he is a strict hitman. His hitman character does evoke hitman characters in other noir films such as The Whistler (1944) and New York Confidential (1955). However, it is after he encounters 12 year old Mathilda for the first time that tests his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Music Class Under The Instruction And Supervision Of Mr.... We learned several things in Music class under the instruction and supervision of Mr. Gonzales. We started in a timeline beginning at the very first instrument ever, the heart. The heart was the very first beat and clave was formed based on this beat . Clave is the foundation of almost every Latin song and most songs found around the world. Developed in Africa as one the earliest beats, clave was played on one of the first instruments, the Bongo drums. All drums are based after this drum which is still widely used in Africa for celebrations among tribes. The Bongo drums were made, originally, from wood and cowhide. Another ancient instrument was the Timbales (drums) which were made of brass and cow hide. Drums, now, are made of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The gong is another percussion instrument that is a type of cymbal and is untuned. Maracas are also a percussion instruments because sound is made by shaking them and are untuned, as well. The voice can also be a percussion through beat boxing, making noise that resembles that of drums and other instruments. There are also many string instruments. The Clavichord instrument is one of the oldest string instruments and is only capable of producing a small sound. The ones used, mainly, in an orchestra are as follow: Violin (fiddle), Viola, Cello, and the Double Bass. A violin can also be called a fiddle as it is usually called in folk music. The viola is a fretless instrument and, thus, harder to play. Other popular string instruments are the acoustic guitar whose origin dates back thousands of years in Greek, Sanskrit, and Arabic cultures. Some examples of guitar like instruments are the Dotar (two strings), the Setar (three strings), the Qithara (four strings), the Panchtar (five strings), and the Tamber, which is the ancestor of the modern day guitar. Acoustic instruments don t generally have a need for amplification and is not electric. The very first guitars consisted of six strings. Antonio Torres new construction music paved the way for modern day guitars. Strings on guitars can, either, be made of steel or nylon. Steel strings are louder and more durable than nylon, and are also more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Taking a Look at Big Data The amount of data in our world has been rapidly increasing and analyzing these large data sets, or big data, has become crucial for businesses in increasing their success. Many businesses use big data to model their business structures, control processes, and run the business. The availability of this data leads to a more accurate analysis of the target market. More accurate analyses lead to more confident decision making and better decisions means greater operational efficiencies, cost reductions and reduced risk. There are many ways in which big data can be successfully implemented in an organization. Big data allows businesses to segment their target market, creating more precisely tailored products and services. Big data is also used to conduct controlled experiments to make better management decisions. Finally, big data can unlock value by making the captured information transparent and usable at much higher frequency (Manyika, Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity ). Currently, businesses are so overwhelmed with the sheer size of information that big data collects that they fail to successfully utilize this data. Businesses are increasingly turning to big data based visualization tools to better utilize this information. Visualization based data tools allow businesses to combine data sources to create custom analytical views that are flexible and easy to use. These visualization data tools are intended to analyze the three Vs of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Chinatown Of San Francisco Chinatown of San Francisco There are many Chinatown in this world, and the Chinatown of San Francisco has much historical significance; The Chinatown of San Francisco is the largest Chinatown in the United States, the largest community of Chinese Americans outside of China. Today I want to write about the of San Francisco base on my personal experience because there are many historic things I can illustrate. Before I started traveling this field trip, I did some researches carefully in San Francisco city guide, so I eager to travel as soon as possible. Finally I attended a free tour with San Francisco city guide, also they assigned a tour guide, Marann. There was a Mid Autumn parade in Chinatown on that day, accompanying the dragon and lion dancing, Marann started to give us illustration about Chinatown. Because It is hard to get a parking lot in Chinatown, and the people who live in Chinatown celebrated Mid Autumn Day, so I decided to take BART to go there. Before I met our tour guide, I went across to Union Square and passed a tunnel. The one side of the tunnel is to connect the western world, like Union Square, and the another side of the tunnel is to connect to the orient world, Chinatown. Finally I walked to inside Portsmouth Square Park, park level, and then I saw our tour guide, Manuel Maranan who took us to Chinatown. That s a very big park, and it s close to Hilton hotel, there was a China s nation flag, also there was a Taiwan s flag. Many Chinese visitors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Impact Of Mmp On New Zealand Since MMP has been implemented into New Zealand, it has allowed for a wider diversity of parties to be in parliament. On account of that, while it is still possible for a party to win the majority seats in parliament, it is very difficult to do so; Church (2015) states that this has not happened in the last four elections. As a result, MMP has impacted on the relationship between the executive and parliament by making the executive to make arrangements between themselves and minor parties, in order to stay in power. This is also for the executive to be able to pass votes of confidence and supply, as well as get potential Bills that they want implemented, to be passed through parliament. Since 2008, John Key, Prime Ministerand leader of the National party has had enhanced confidence and supply arrangements with minor parties, consisting of United Future, ACT and Maori party, in order to stay in the executive. An enhanced confidence and supply arrangement, is when the minor parties are appointed ministerial posts outside of cabinet, and only be bound by cabinet responsibility when it involves their portfolio or have been involved in an development of policy that ended with an agreed position. As Boston and Bullock (2009) note, these enhanced arrangement is very unusual, as New Zealandis the only country to have these in politics. Sweden has experimented with similar arrangements, termed contract parliamentarians, however it did not include members of non government ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Full Metal Jacket Vietnam War Full Metal Jacket explores the psychological effects the army has on its soldiers during the Vietnam War. The film is divided into two halves to discusses different aspects of the central topic. The first half of the film takes place during basic training and highlights the use of negative reinforcement used by the military. This part of the film is more overtly comedic due to the dialog and mannerisms of the drill sergeant. The film also continues Kubrick s use of dark comedy and irony. One line that stood out was when the drill sergeant brings up two infamous shooters Charles Joseph Whitman, and Lee Harvey Oswald and ironically touts them as being examples of how good the marine corps training is. It s used comedically but also as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Eyerack Surgery Research Paper Meticulous eyebrow job on being more pristine appearances Eyelash extension program from the well known semi permanent makeup Korea definitely adds to your present lashes. It s a pretty straightforward method, where fake lashes are attached to your natural eyelashes. These lashes are most organic and lightweight to make wearing them more enjoyable to wear and hardly visible. Eyelash extensions boost how your lashes appearances by giving them longer and thicker. They are also curled to provide you the appearances as if you ve just come out from the salon. As for standard procedures; as a patient, you will be requiring obeying orders that are given to assist remove swelling and stop infection of the eyebrow region of the tattoo. After the duration of time, you will have to make take notes visit the permanent makeup technicians to make certain that everything he has done well with the procedure. The region typically heals in two weeks of time, however, you must ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, prior to you go through as per tattooing method. Firstly; it is significant to gain facts and information regarding the whole of its concept. At a basic level of procedures, makeup artist uses pigments or inks to place an eyebrow tattoo on microblading method. The procedure is pretty similar to the standard procedures of tattoo job. To ensure protection, it is imperative that you get the service of any artists from Korea. However, cosmetic tattooing contains its own side effects. First is that it can quite be costly particularly while you get yourself a reputed Korea three dimensional brows but this is essential to guarantee your safety. Next, you must be capable of accepting it if the procedure someway fails. Finally, you must be open to more touchup as the color and effects might fade; apply it for your own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Police Accountability vs. Police Independence Essay Introduction The debate regarding police independence versus police accountability has been hotly contested since at least the 1960s.1 At the heart of the debate are questions relating to the degree and manner of oversight to which police forces should be subjected, while maintaining the independence of those polices forces to carry out their duties free from undue political (or other) interferences. This essay examines the principles underlying the independence of the office of constable , the notion of responsible government, and how the interaction between these two ideas has been characterised in the literature. It will be demonstrated that police independence and responsible government (that is, police accountability) are not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Responsible government Whereas the principle of the independence of the office of the constable serves to ensure that police do not become the slave of any state or interest group, the principle of responsible government can be usefully conceived of as ensuring that police remain the servants of the public at large. Contrary to the idea that the police office is not a servant of anyone, save of the law itself 6, responsible government and police accountability measures aim to ensure that police forces are answerable to the very communities which vest in the police force the right and responsibility for upholding the law. In practice, police accountability measures are usually tied into extensive governance frameworks, laws and procedures, including: administrative mechanisms for handling citizen complaints; civil actions and criminal prosecutions in the courts; the exclusion of improperly obtained evidence in criminal trials; internal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Explain How Success Consists Of Going Failure To Failures... Winston Churchill once said that Success consists of going failure to failures without loss of enthusiasm . Winston s statement can be viewed as controversial because some people believe no matter how hard ones tries one may fail. This point has merit because no matter how hard one tries to defy gravity it will constantly be there. Except for these extreme cases successhas been seen through history as defeating what one had failed to do before. Being able to succeed is caused by not losing enthusiasm between failures because without an enthusiasm to keep trying one will not want to succeed, failure can create the idea that allows one to succeed, and without failure people would not have the passion succeed no matter what. Enthusiasm between failures allows people to succeed because the character they gain by not quitting is what makes one want to succeed after failure. It is true that failing something that one has worked at for any period of timeis hard to go through. The character a person gain from failing however is that spark of persistence and enthusiasm to continue trying. Even if one fails again that character will become even stronger and eventually will lead that person... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This point is seen anywhere in the world because of the inventions people have made. No invention has ever worked perfectly after the first try. It was the enthusiasm in the inventors to see these objects work perfectly that allowed them to eventually succeed, Some may say that certain inventions are just modified older inventions, but the need for these new inventions was prompted by someone having the enthusiasm to fix a failure in a prior invention. These ideas spurred by realizing the source of a failure may go noticed, but without someone having the enthusiasm to see the idea work there would never be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Importance Of Happiness In This Life In My Life I tell myself the encouraging words by author George Sand, There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. I wish I could change, my pass an be able to grow up in the same household as my siblings. At age 10 my brother, sister, I was taking from my mother and place into foster care. The three of us, my brother, sister and I were separate and place in different home. We were taking from my mother because she was addict to drug and alcohol. I wish that never happened because were not able to see one another anymore. As I reflect over my life, and not able to change the situation. I can recall the traumatic event I encounter. I remember back as child being physical, emotionally, and mentally abused. There were times when my sibling and I did not have no food or running water in the house. We would have to go to my grandmother house to eat dinner or to get food and get water from off the side of the side in order for us to take a bath. The three of us would use the same water to bath in. life was hard for us coming up. My mother receive child support from my father, and she would take the check and go get high with it. One night I remember waking up in the middle of the night because the window was opening and the wind was blowing hard and it scared me in my sleep. I wake up looking for my mother and she was nowhere to be find. She had left us in the apartment by ourselves so, my sister and I went and sat in the hallway and waited to someone came along. My ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Elijah The Prophet By Elijah Elijah the Prophet I have decided to write my Old Testament essay on the mysterious prophet Elijah. According to the bible, in the book of Kings, Elijah was not only a devoted prophet of God, but he also served as a worker who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel, under King Ahab s reign. Elijah is remembered for his remarkable faith and devotion to God. In writing this essay, I will tell the story of one the many adventures that occurred in Elijah s lifetime. Of course, there are so many alterations and rewritten versions of the bible, that I have no idea what to believe. No one truly knows what happened, for everyone who could have, died long ago. Either way, all the different versions of the story seem to have the same basic outcome. In telling you this, I will try to incorporate the information that is mentioned throughout the book, The Old Testament Story, Ninth Edition (by John H. Tullock and Mark McEntire) and some of what I have been taught myself over my twenty eight years of life. It all began when King Ahab, and his deceitful wife Jezebel demanded for their kingdom to worship the false God of Baal. As a result, they ordered all the prophets of the Lord to be put to death. Elijah was the only one to survive this horrible purge and went to confront King Ahab. He told the King that a three year drought would be brought upon Israel. This was to challenge the people s false prophet, Baal and eventually teach them a very valuable lesson in whose God was real. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Case Brief Memorandum Essay kaplan university pa401 advanced legal writing| Case Brief Draft| Unit 3 Assignment| | Vicky Hunter| 1/21/2013| | memorandum to: victoria corbo, esq. from: vICKY hUNTER pARALEGAL Subject:Case Brief date: 3/2/2013 CC: Tony T. Smith Gonzalez v. Reno, 212 F.3d 1338 (11th Cir. 2000) Procedural History: Plaintiff, Elian Gonzalez, a six year old minor, through his next of friend , Lazaro Gonzalez, filed an asylum application with the INS (Immigration amp; Naturalization Service), which was denied. The plaintiff s then filed a claim in the federal district court which stated the Plaintiff s due process rights were violated and the INS had overstepped ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Issue: Whether a minor child can file for asylum without the consent of a parent or legal guardian? Rule: 8 U.S.C.A. В§ 1158 (West 2012) states any alien who is physically present in the United Statesor who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title. Analysis: The main issues before the Court were two fold. First, could a six year old child apply for asylum without a parent or legal guardian and secondly, did the INS overstep their authority in denying the application for asylum. Statute 8 USC В§ 1158 states that any alien could apply for asylum, however, the INS rejected that a six year old child had the mental capacity to make that decision for himself. The INS interviewed both the Uncle Lazaro Gonzalez and the father Juan Gonzalez and determined that the father was the legal guardian, therefore had the right to speak for Elian Gonzalez. Elian s reasons for seeking asylum were fear of persecution . According to the uncle, if Elian, were returned to Cuba, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Alcohol Mixed With Energy Drinks Energy drinks are beverages that contain a considerably higher amount of caffeine than other caffeinated drinks such as coffee or cola. It has been heavily speculated that the levels of alcohol mixed with energy drinks (AmED) consumption along with just alcohol consumption is alarmingly high among college students both in Australia and around the world. It has also been found that around twenty five percent of students drink alcoholic beverages mixed with energy drinks at least monthly. Researchers attempt to divulge into why it is that students consume alcoholmixed with energy drinks, what their motives are, what risks are associated with consumption, and possible effects and results that may eventuate from this behaviour. There are many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. How Weather Conditions Affect Health and Well-Being in... How Weather Conditions Affects Health and Well Being Singapore is an island lying north of the Equator. Because it lies in the tropics, it receives sufficient sunlight, has mostly uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity and abundant rainfall. Singapore s climate can be categorized into two main monsoonseasons. During the Northeast Monsoon season, from December to early March, northeast winds prevail. It is cloudy with frequent afternoon rain in the early part of this season. From late March to May, winds and showers are present mostly during afternoon and early evening. The Southwest Monsoon season, from June to September, has more isolated showers in the late morning and early afternoon. From October to November, winds ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cold weather contracts blood vessels. Hence, heart attacks, migraines, and high blood pressure, caused by constriction of blood vessels and insufficient blood flow, can be triggered by cold weather. According to research conducted by the New England Center for Headache, as many as half of all migraines are triggered by weather conditions. This applies for Raynaud s phenomenon where the blood vessels dilate and blood flow is disrupted. Cold weather increases joint stiffness and affects people with arthritis. Arthritis patients believe that the lower the barometric pressure, the greater the pain in the joints. An example is that the residents at the North Shore Hotel note when the barometric pressure goes down, their pain goes up. Their arthritis goes into overdrive before a storm. Nerve fiber coverings break down more easily, causing Multiple sclerosis to happen more frequently in cold weather. For Fibromyalgia Syndrome, a 1981 survey reported that more than 90% of the patients felt worse in cold and humid weather. Changes in barometric pressure affected those with the syndrome. Sinus headaches are caused by barometric pressure as the nasal cavities are not able to adapt quickly to the change in air pressure. Asthma is often caused by high winds as these bring pollen and particles which some have allergies to. In our research, we have also found out that sunlight can be both beneficial and harmful to the human body. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Hose Carry And Vascular Strengths There are numerous job related skill assessments that simulate physical demands that firefighters have to endure in order to prepare them for the situations they may face while on the job. In order to pass, they must complete and pass each assessment stage within an allotted time frame. There are eight assessments that test muscular strength, agility and muscular endurance. The first assessment is the Ladder Climb, in this test subjects carry a 9 kilogram breathing cylinder up a 12.2m ladder. The next test is called The Closed Area Search, subjects must search a confined space with a blacked out face mask and count the amount of washers hanging on the wall. Another test includes The Hose Carry, the participants carry a 38.5 kg bundle of hose ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Wyatt Earp Research Paper If I had the chance to talk to someone for thirty minutes, I would choose Wyatt Earp. Earp was a known as the biggest and best law enforcement officer during the late 1800 s early 1900 s. Everywhere that Wyatt went, people knew about him. Wyatt Earp helped protect many people during his life, and did not show fear to anyone. I admire Earp because of his bravery to protect the people he loved and fulfilled his duty to his fullest potential. Even though Wyatt s familytold him not to serve in law, he felt it was his duty and kept the people in Western America safe. Talking to Wyatt Earp would be a dream of mine because he has been an inspiration of mine for many years. I would most likely listen to him more than I would talk to him, because I really want to hear all of his stories from his point of view. His adventures with Doc Holliday... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I want to know why he did it and his inspiration for selecting this path. The conversation would then focus on Earp s time in Tombstone. I am curious about why he went to Tombstone why he wanted to stop serving in law enforcement. The O.K. Corral was a major event that went on during the time that Wyatt was staying in Tombstone. Just listening to Wyatt Earp tell his story about how he stopped the outlaws and brought justice to the town of Tombstone would be enough for me, let alone a thirty minute conversation. Talking to a any heroduring the Wild West would be an honor within itself, but talking to Wyatt Earp satisfy any dream I have of talking to anyone famous. He was feared by many and protected many with his life. I respect Wyatt Earp because he is a role model for the way people should live. He was passionate, smart, and was not afraid of anything, not even death. I believe that talking to him would make me a better person by distilling the same brave emotions into me, and that is why I would like to talk to him more than anyone else in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Computer Mediated Communication Analysis Computer mediated communication is a ubiquitous feature of modern life. Whether the communication is through Facebook, Twitter, email, instant messaging (IM), or such media as massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs,) the ability for human beings to communicate across time and culture is unprecedented in history. Never before have people been able to communicate so freely with strangers around the world. However, it lacks at least one critical aspect of face to face interaction: nonverbal communication. Therefore, it is imperative that we continue to find more and more ways to approximate the nonverbal cues provided by speaking in person. Nonverbal communication, loosely defined as all parts of communication other than... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nearly everyone has experienced the frustration of writing a carefully crafted email which has subsequently been misinterpreted by the recipient. Michael Duffy writes, speaking of interacting with clients via email,Comments in e mail form are often seen as curt and sometimes harsh. Without that interaction when the client is explaining her comments, the smallest, most benign suggestion can escalate to a crisis before you know it. And soon you ll assume the client wants to change the whole creative direction rather than simply make a minor tweak. (Duffy) So, robbed of the nonverbal cues (a shrug, a shake of the head,) which indicate that the suggestion is indeed small and benign, the email comes off as harsh and demanding. Email interaction is just one of many forms of computer mediated communication. Often, people use a combination of many forms, such as instant messaging, texting, email, and chat to communicate online. In fact, in a survey by advertising giant Euro RSCG Worldwide, half of the respondents said they knew someone whose dating or marriage relationship started online (Friedman.) Match.com, a popular dating website, had over twenty million active members in 2008 (Match.com.) So it seems quite possible to at least begin a meaningful relationship over the internet, but it seems that it s not beneficial to rely on online only relationships too heavily. In studies, it has been shown that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Making A Band Or Start Writing Music When people create a band or start writing music, they want money. In the early 20th century, artists were not receiving the royalties that they should have earned. Enter the first Performing Rights Organization which is also called a PRO that promised what the artist should be earning, money. PROs were fine until the organizations realized how much money they can earn. PROs exist for a reason, but the cost of the license, why they are non profit , and why the artist has to sign with PRO s that make PROs truly evil. In February 1914, the first PRO in the United States was formed. Music writers came together and The American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers was formed. The ASCAP sought out artists, composers, and publishers to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But not all of the artists are under one PRO, so the person must buy a license from each PRO that represents the artist s music that they would be playing (Public Performance Licenses and Music for Your Small Business). If the person thinks they can get away with not paying, think again. PROs are always in court suing small businesses for copyright infringement. On average, the lawsuit ends up being $700 $30,000 depending on the severity of the infringement. Depending on what license they are applying for, the cost varies. License fees range from $300 $500 and could cost more depending on some variables like if the music would be for a dance studio or for a church (Public Performance Licenses and Music for Your Small Business). A PRO might sound like a good thing, right? But you re wrong because the PROs goal is to make a profit for the company. An organization s job is to make money, and then they pay taxes on the revenue they receive. If an organization says they are non profit, they usually do not have to pay taxes on the revenue they earn. PROs like ASCAP and BMI say they are non profit, which means more profit for the artist, right? Wrong (Why You Should Think Twice Before Joining ASCAP, BMI or SESAC). Members of the ASCAP earn 86.5 cent for every dollar that the ASCAP earns. But isn t the other 13.5 cents profit? But PROs do that for one specific reason, to trap artist. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Matrix Plato The Matrix (1999) presents to viewers a computer hacker known as Neo. By day, Neo (his alter ego is Mr. Anderson) is a computer programmer, and at night he sells hacked software. Morpheus, a character who attempts to awaken humans from a dreamlike trance known as the Matrix, solicits the assistance of Neo. Morpheus offers Neo the chance to see the truth about the world in which he lives. Neo, and other humans as well, are housed as biochemical food for the artificial intelligence that controls the planet. Neo wages a war in a secret underground, where he fights with Morpheus against the agents who protect the parasitic machines who live off the heat and electrochemical energy humans produce with their bodies. Neo discovers that the machines ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While it is unlikely that humans will allow artificial intelligence to develop a parasitic relationship with them, The Matrix gives the viewer pause to wonder what else in the world may not be real as perceived. Everything we perceive has the potential to be an illusion. It is only knowledge that will give us the power to be free. Likewise, people who eschew experience and education are no better off than the prisoners chained to the stone. The uneducated have limited knowledge and less power. It is not until, like Neo, they break the chains confining them and are willing to explore new worlds, that they may understand reality. From The Matrix we learn that it is realistic to be skeptical of the world; government is deceitful. Elected officials use their knowledge to make decisions on behalf of ignorant people. Leaders find it incumbent on themselves to make all decisions related to the health, safety and well being of people whom they rule. Elected officials in contemporary politics view this decision making as a necessity, thinking that because they are in control and have power, they are the ones who know more than the common ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Triangle Theory Of Love Triangle theory Robert J. Sternberg, psychologist and Sciences proposed a triangular theory of love that suggests that there are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Different combinations of these three components result in different types of love. For example, a mixture of intimacy and commitment results in compassionate love, while a mixture of passion and intimacy leads to passionate love. Sternberg often said, relationships built on two or more elements are more enduring than those based upon a single component. Sternberg uses the term consummate love to describe a combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment. While this type of love is the strongest and most enduring, Sternberg suggests that this type of love is rare. He wrote that even as a teenager he was intrigued by the mystery of why some relationships succeed while others fail. This is why early in his academic career he developed an explanation, which he calls the triangular theory of love. His theory is based on the observation that love consists of three components intimacy, passion, and commitment. Different combinations and strengths of those three ingredients, Sternberg says, produce different kinds of love. Intimacy is the feelings in a relationship that promote closeness, bonding, and connecting with one another. Passion is what drives the romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation in a loving relationship. Commitment consists of two parts. The first is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. The Normal Heart Rate Of A Daphnia Magna Introduction The purpose of this lab was to determine the normal heart rate of a Daphnia Magna and decipher the different effects that various substances had on it. A Daphnia Magna is a species of water fleas and can be located in the Northern United Sates against the coastline of the Atlantic in rocky pools. The water flea s habitat consists of rivers and streams, temporary pools, lakes and ponds, and brackish water. The Daphnia Magna range from two to five millimeters in length and are shaped like a kidney bean (Elenbaas, Molly). Relating to this lab experiment we learned in class that the normal heart rateis measured anywhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute (BPM). If your resting BPM is measured at a level above the number 100 it is known as Tachycardia. This term indicates that your heart level has exceeded the normal range. Also if your heart rate is indicated below 60 then it is called Bradycardia, which means the heart is beating slower than normal. When your heart rate is affected by a substance in the body it is called a Chronotropic agent. When the heart rate decreases because of a substance or chemical it is called a negative Chronotropic and when it is affected oppositely by increasing it is known as a positive Chronotropic agent. In this experiment we added many different substances to the slide on which the water flea was placed to calculate the increase or decrease in its heart rate due to the ingredients in the substances. The first substance used was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. The Planet Of The Sun Past the pale blue skies and fluffy white clouds are the brilliantly bright stars in an amazing place called Outer Space. Countless stars, galaxies, and planets drift off into the vast area known as the Universe. Each tiny speck of light out in the distance could be a galaxy, or maybe even planets. Truly, the Universe is huge, holding every wonder in existence. In this Universe, though, was a little gathering of planets, known as the Solar System. In the Solar System, were two planets. One was a very big one, one bigger than the sun. It was a very beautiful golden yellow planet, who shined brighter than the sun it revolved around. This planet was named Child of the Sun, because it shined so bright. The second planet in the Solar... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Finally, the idea came to them! Easily Child of the Sun could break out of orbit in the Solar System and travel to distant lands; they could meet new planets and swallow them right up until they were the biggest planet! Sure they would have to leave Small Blue One behind, but they were sure that Small Blue One would be fine. The only catch was that Child of the Sun had to come up with a good excuse of why they would have to leave Little Blue One all by themself in the Solar System. Small Blue One, Child of the Sun spoke up with a voice just as smooth as the golden color on its surface. Yes, Child of the Sun? Small Blue One answered happily while gazing up at the golden giant in wonder, just like they did every day. I have been thinking long, and I have been thinking hard, Small Blue One, Child of the Sun explained gracefully. And I have come to the conclusion that I wish to travel throughout the Universe. It will be a long, dangerous, and daring trip, but I have decided that it will be worth seeing all of the wonderful things out there. Child of the Sun paused for a moment as they waited for Small Blue One to answer them. Sure enough, after a few moments of waiting, a very nervous voice came from the small, ocean blue planet. Oh, travel across the Universe? Are you asking me to accompany you along this dangerous and long trip, Child of the Sun? Small Blue One questioned while trying to keep the terror out of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Effects Of Residential Schools In Canada Residential schools were a place where thousands of Indigenous children would go to learn but instead get abused very badly. Residential schools existed about a hundred years ago. These tragic schools were established because European people wanted the Indigenous people of Canada to be assimilated into Euro Canadian. The European people thought that their civilization was the greatest human achievement. A lot of residential schools opened within Canada s provinces. Life at residential schools was very cruel because the students got limited time to learn and more time to do exhausting chores. The children also got brutally abused for various things including if they offend the nuns and priests working in the schools. By the time the children had finished attending the residential schools they had almost forgotten everything about their cultureand traditions. Residential schools treated children very poorly which caused some long lasting effects that still impact Indigenous people today. There were a lot of residential schools in Canada and there were a variety of reasons why and how these schools had opened. European settlers thought that the first habitants of Canada (the Indigenous people) were ignorant, and like children they needed guidance. The first prime minister of Canada Sir John A. McDonald commissioned a journalist and politician Nicholas Flood Davin to study industrial schools, for the indigenous children, in the United States. Nicholas Flood Davin found ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. What Is The Stone Goose Company The Stone Goose Company is a great business in the sports footwear and shoes industry. The company is looking for a new way to reach to its target market; especially the younger demographic. The company s footwear brand currently does not have the same market appeal as other sports footwear firms like, Nike, Adidas, Asics or Puma Brand. The Stone Goose Company does not have enough marketing and advertising funds to spend as these other major players may have; which is a big concern. The Stone Goose Company currently does not use social media for its communication or product marketing efforts. The employees of the company however are quite fond of using social media. The company wants to introduce a new footwear product for indoor and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... пЃ¶The Stone Goose company would be able to achieve a 2 3 % increase in the market share as a result of implementing the social media strategy company wide. пЃ¶Marketing expects to use the new market segment in the sports footwear market and increase its market share from the current 4 5 % to a 6 7% market share in the next quarter. пЃ¶The Stone Goose company also expects to make an leap into the global sports footwear market as a result of the social media strategy where the use of traditional advertising has not been effective for the company in the past. пЃ¶The Stone Goose Company will be able to maximize its ROI from the social media investment because the cost of implementing the social media strategy and policy is next to nothing in cost for the company and the market share and revenue gains are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...