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Discover the ‘High 5’
                                  of Strategic of Career
                                  Management Today!

                                    Presented by Rob Straby, M.A.

Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
About Rob’s Background
Presentation Overview
• Key Career Question
• 5 Principles
  –   Change is Constant
  –   Encourage the Heart
  –   Focus on the Journey
  –   Learning is Ongoing
  –   Build Relationships
• Questions & Summary
Learning Goals
             1. To clarify what career success means
                to you
             2. To identify the benefits of career
                management for you
             3. To determine what steps you can take
                to increase your own career

Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
A Key Question
• What does “career
  success” mean to
• Write your answer
• Discuss your answer
  with a learning
Introducing the “High 5”

1.   Change is Constant
2.   Encourage the Heart
3.   Focus on the Journey
4.   Learning is Ongoing
5.   Build Relationships
#1 Change is Constant
         Critical changes that affect you:
         2. Increasing pace of technological change
         3. Integration of the global economy
         4. Organizational flattening / downsizing
         5. Demographic changes – impact of
         6. Changes in organizational roles:
             increase use of contract / flex work force

Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Tom Peters Says “Re-Imagine!”
                 Yesterday                                    Today
         •      Job for life                              •   Gig for now
         •      Competence                                •   Mastery
         •      Reference group:                          •   Reference group:
                The corporation                               Peers in my craft
         •      Work with the same                        •   Work with a shifting
                old folks                                     network of partners
         •      Career strategy =                         •   Career Strategy =
                Do what you’re told                           Do what you excel at

Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Change Impacts Career Paths
Traditional Career Path #1
• Leadership
• “Up the ladder”
• Success based on
  upward progress,
  position in the hierarchy
• Organizational definition
  of career success
Traditional Career Path #2
• Expert
• Focus on being highly
  competent in a specific
  type of work, e.g.
  doctor, lawyer,
• Many people consider
  this to be the only
  definition of success
Emergent Career Path #1

• Spiral
• Success means a
  broadening of one’s
  knowledge and skill
  over time
• A pattern of movement
  that uses old skills and
  learns new ones
Emergent Career Path #2
• Transitory
• Focus on movement
• Diversity of experience
• May or may not
  transfer skills
• Mistakenly thought of
  as not having a career
Career Management Assessment
• What have you done so
  far to prepare yourself
  and your career to take
  you into the future?
• To find out, consider the
  following questions
Career Management Assessment
1. Have you assessed your skills, values and
   goals in the past 12 months?
2. Have you acquired new skills in the past 12
3. Do you have an up-to-date resume that clearly
   demonstrates your achievements?
4. During an interview, I could describe at least
   ten skills that I possess.
5. Do you clearly understand the needs of your
Career Management Assessment
         1. In the past year, have you identified and filled any client
            needs that were not being met?
         2. Are you currently aware of two or more potential
            assignments and are you taking steps to become
            involved in them?
         3. Can you cite at least two projects that you worked on in
            the last 12 months where you can demonstrate
            significant impact?
         4. Do you regularly read professional or industry based
         5. Have you gathered specific feedback about your
            performance from peers, clients and/or supervisors in
            the past year?

Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Career Management Assessment
         1. Are you an active member of a professional group or
         2. Have you presented a seminar or participated on a
            committee in the past year?
         3. Do you regularly update yourself on trends and changes
            that will affect society in general and your organization
            in particular?
         4. Can you list at least three things – activities, places,
            relationships, etc. that provide a sense of continuity and
            stability in your life?
         5. Do you honestly believe in yourself, and in your ability to
            survive whatever changes may come your way?

Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Increase Your Career Adaptability
• The more “yes”
  responses, the
  greater your
  adaptability and
• You can develop
  both by making a
  commitment to
  active career
Become the CEO of Your Career!

• "Today's worker will
  contribute more to the
  employer and
  probably do better if
  he or she thinks of
  themselves as a one-
  person company."
• William Bridges,
  Author, JobShift
#2 Encourage The Heart
• Career success can be
  attained by being clear
  about what excites you!
• What do you really want?
• Clarifying what you want
  can include a review of
   –   Vision
   –   Mission
   –   Values
   –   Beliefs
   –   Interests
#3 Learning Is Ongoing
• Identify your natural
  skills and talents
• Be clear as to what
  talents you can use
• Continuously develop
  these abilities through
  ongoing learning and
  development activities
• Market them as your
  unique niche
• Track them with a
  personal portfolio
Key Skills to Continuously Learning
 • Flexibility &
 • Continuous learning
 • Stress management
 • Communication!
   (that’s right, the soft
   skills a.k.a people
#4 Focus On The Journey
• Understand your
  current position
  relative to your vision
• Set long-term & short-
  term goals
• Identify steps you can
  take this week to
  move forward
• ACT!
#5 Build Relationships
•   Exchange information
•   Get advice
•   Solicit support
•   Get a mentor
•   Make connections
•   Celebrate success!
Reviewing the “High 5”
         1.          Change is Constant
         2.          Encourage the Heart
         3.          Focus on the Journey
         4.          Learning is Ongoing
         5.          Build Relationships

         •           By applying these 5 principles you can
                     achieve effective career management
                     and be successful on your own terms!

Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.

More Related Content

5 Principles Of Career Management

  • 1. Discover the ‘High 5’ of Strategic of Career Management Today! Presented by Rob Straby, M.A. www.straby.com Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. Presentation Overview • Key Career Question • 5 Principles – Change is Constant – Encourage the Heart – Focus on the Journey – Learning is Ongoing – Build Relationships • Questions & Summary
  • 4. Learning Goals 1. To clarify what career success means to you 2. To identify the benefits of career management for you 3. To determine what steps you can take to increase your own career management Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
  • 5. A Key Question • What does “career success” mean to you? • Write your answer • Discuss your answer with a learning partner
  • 6. Introducing the “High 5” 1. Change is Constant 2. Encourage the Heart 3. Focus on the Journey 4. Learning is Ongoing 5. Build Relationships
  • 7. #1 Change is Constant Critical changes that affect you: 2. Increasing pace of technological change 3. Integration of the global economy 4. Organizational flattening / downsizing 5. Demographic changes – impact of Boomers 6. Changes in organizational roles: increase use of contract / flex work force Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
  • 8. Tom Peters Says “Re-Imagine!” Yesterday Today • Job for life • Gig for now • Competence • Mastery • Reference group: • Reference group: The corporation Peers in my craft • Work with the same • Work with a shifting old folks network of partners • Career strategy = • Career Strategy = Do what you’re told Do what you excel at Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
  • 10. Traditional Career Path #1 • Leadership • “Up the ladder” • Success based on upward progress, position in the hierarchy • Organizational definition of career success
  • 11. Traditional Career Path #2 • Expert • Focus on being highly competent in a specific type of work, e.g. doctor, lawyer, engineer • Many people consider this to be the only definition of success
  • 12. Emergent Career Path #1 • Spiral • Success means a progressive broadening of one’s knowledge and skill over time • A pattern of movement that uses old skills and learns new ones
  • 13. Emergent Career Path #2 • Transitory • Focus on movement • Diversity of experience • May or may not transfer skills • Mistakenly thought of as not having a career
  • 14. Career Management Assessment • What have you done so far to prepare yourself and your career to take you into the future? • To find out, consider the following questions
  • 15. Career Management Assessment 1. Have you assessed your skills, values and goals in the past 12 months? 2. Have you acquired new skills in the past 12 months? 3. Do you have an up-to-date resume that clearly demonstrates your achievements? 4. During an interview, I could describe at least ten skills that I possess. 5. Do you clearly understand the needs of your customers?
  • 16. Career Management Assessment 1. In the past year, have you identified and filled any client needs that were not being met? 2. Are you currently aware of two or more potential assignments and are you taking steps to become involved in them? 3. Can you cite at least two projects that you worked on in the last 12 months where you can demonstrate significant impact? 4. Do you regularly read professional or industry based material? 5. Have you gathered specific feedback about your performance from peers, clients and/or supervisors in the past year? Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
  • 17. Career Management Assessment 1. Are you an active member of a professional group or organization? 2. Have you presented a seminar or participated on a committee in the past year? 3. Do you regularly update yourself on trends and changes that will affect society in general and your organization in particular? 4. Can you list at least three things – activities, places, relationships, etc. that provide a sense of continuity and stability in your life? 5. Do you honestly believe in yourself, and in your ability to survive whatever changes may come your way? Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.
  • 18. Increase Your Career Adaptability • The more “yes” responses, the greater your adaptability and flexibility • You can develop both by making a personal commitment to active career management!
  • 19. Become the CEO of Your Career! • "Today's worker will contribute more to the employer and probably do better if he or she thinks of themselves as a one- person company." • William Bridges, Author, JobShift
  • 20. #2 Encourage The Heart • Career success can be attained by being clear about what excites you! • What do you really want? • Clarifying what you want can include a review of your: – Vision – Mission – Values – Beliefs – Interests
  • 21. #3 Learning Is Ongoing • Identify your natural skills and talents • Be clear as to what talents you can use • Continuously develop these abilities through ongoing learning and development activities • Market them as your unique niche • Track them with a personal portfolio
  • 22. Key Skills to Continuously Learning • Flexibility & adaptability • Continuous learning • Stress management • Communication! (that’s right, the soft skills a.k.a people skills)
  • 23. #4 Focus On The Journey • Understand your current position relative to your vision • Set long-term & short- term goals • Identify steps you can take this week to move forward • ACT!
  • 24. #5 Build Relationships • Exchange information • Get advice • Solicit support • Get a mentor • Make connections • Celebrate success!
  • 25. Reviewing the “High 5” 1. Change is Constant 2. Encourage the Heart 3. Focus on the Journey 4. Learning is Ongoing 5. Build Relationships • By applying these 5 principles you can achieve effective career management and be successful on your own terms! Copyright Lifework By Design 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Editor's Notes

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