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50+ Best Student Contests And
Competitions For 2023
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50+ Best Student Contests And Competitions For 2023 50+ Best Student Contests And Competitions For 2023
The Artist Thomas Cole s Life With The Beauty Of The...
The artist Thomas Cole was born in 1801, in England. He was an immigrant in the United States, his
family and him migrated to the states in 1818, he was 17 years of age. Thomas Cole lived in many
different states including, Ohio, Philadelphia and in Pittsburgh where he work all over the place
traveling back and fourth as a portrait artist. Thomas Cole was a self taught artist yet he did interact
with well know artist. A changing point in Cole s life that in my opinion that had a big impact on the
painting I am going to be talking about is when Cole discovered and fell in love with the beauty of the
Hudson River valley. His beautiful landscape exhibitions led him to become part the National
Academy of Design. Cole began to paint ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this painting we see an infant that is in a boat. Behind the infant there is an angel that is guiding the
child out of a cave into a beautiful landscape. Thomas Cole paints the landscape very rich; you get o a
sense of warmth and calmness. There is beautiful green land, big mountains, and different types of
According to the website Exploring Thomas Cole, there are different types of allegories in this
painting. The first allegory is the hourglass that is in the boat. The hourglass is meant to represent
time, the second allegory is the river, which is meant to represent the stream of life, and the third
allegory is the flower, which is an Egyptian lotus, which Cole described as symbolical of Human Life.
Finally the cave that the infant and the angel are coming out of according to Thomas Cole is an
emblematic of our earthly origin, and the mysterious Past. Cole uses different types of light and dark
colors it gives the painting a different look, the light colors fade and so does the dark colors, this is
called chiaroscuro. Perspective was also used in this painting; different parts of the painting have
different sizes giving us a sense of depth.
The second painting, Youth, painted in 1842, oil on canvas, 53 in × 76 in, continues to have a beautiful
green landscape, we still see trees, flowers, mountains, and now we see a castle in the back. In this
painting the view is widening. The child from the last painting now looks like adolescent. The
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The Model Of Behavior Change
The primary objective of this paper is discuss the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change and its
application in healthcare settings, and discuss the strength and weakness of the Model. Number of
theories and analytical models were described that helps us to understand how people modify their
behavior but no one of them accepted universally.
The Transtheoretical model (TTM) of change which is also known as the the stages of change model,
first described by Prochaska and associates (1983) is widely used theory to explain the behavior
change. Unlike other models of behavior change, which focus on social or biological influences, The
TTM model focuses on individual s decision making abilities. Assumption of The TTM models and
major ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other people for their efforts and visible results recognize them.
The final stage of TTM is maintenance in which people have significantly modified their behavior and
working to prevent relapse. Individual involved in modified behavior for more than 6 months is
considered as maintenance stage. Individual s stage in process can be measures by asking questions
related to current behavior, future intentions and past attempts.
Process of Change
The process of change in TTM model explains how the changes occur in different stages. Ten different
processes can be divided in to two groups of cognitive and affective experiential processes and
behavioral processes. These covert and overt process needs to be implemented to achieve desired
behavior change.
Consciousness Raising: is a process in which individual increase their awareness through information,
education and feedback related to desired behavior.
Environmental revaluation: Understanding of pros and cons of problematic behavior that affects social
Dramatic Relief: Process of experiencing and sharing emotion related to problematic behavior.
Social Liberation: it is need for increased opportunities and alternatives to promote desired behavior
among deprived and oppressed
Self reevaluation: Cognitive and affective assessment of self with and without unhealthy behavior.
Self Liberation: is individual s belief in their actions and commitment for future
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Du Pont Kevlar Aramid Industrial Fiber (Abridged) Essay
The case Du Pont Kevlar Aramid Industrial Fiber (Abridged) states the development history of Du
Pont s products, and focuses on investing and marketing of Kevlar.
Kevlar is a fiber which Howard W. Swank, general manager of Du Pont s Textile Fibers Department,
and other Textile Fibers Department s managers were keen on. Kevlar is based on the former products
of Du Pont, such as nylon, and Nomex Aramid fiber. Kevlar s development was closely related to that
of Nomex. It is a much stronger and stiff fiber than nylon and steel, and can be stable at high
temperatures. After the Fiber B first came out in 1960s, Du Pont found some problems with it. Two
years later, Fiber B 1, which is also called Kevlar Aramid fiber, came out with better ... Show more
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In 1969, the Textile Fiber Department sent Fiber B s samples to tire companies and aerospace
companies, and it got good responses. When Fiber B 1 was developed, the Textile Fiber Department
thought they understood how customers in the tire and aerospace industries would evaluated the new,
better material, so the department did not do any preliminary assessments. Even though Fiber B 1 is
superior to Fiber B, it still needs to be tested before putting it into the market in order to make sure it
works well. The customers feedback is very important to a new product. Du Pont did not continue to
do the sample tests and sample research which may cause some problems.
When Du Pont invented Kevlar, it did not have a specific target market, and it just followed its history
market without creativity. Du Pont always wanted to produce a stronger fiber than before, and its
market has always been tire and aerospace industries. After the promotion, Du Pont focused on the tire
cord market. I think Du Pont chose the right market. The tire market is an existing market with large
potential. From 1970 to 1973, the tire cord consumption was increasing from $539 million of pounds
to $683 million of pounds. As radial tires entered the tire market, the older materials could not satisfy
the properties of them, and only Kevlar and steel can be used in radial tires. It seems that Kevlar just
needed to compete with steel. This is a
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Example Of Knowledge Argument
INTRODUCTION OF THE THESIS According to Currie (2015), philosophy is the activity of
searching for a reflective understanding of ourselves and also to know about the natural and social
worlds we live in. As we know, philosophy is also related to the phrase thinking about thinking. We
can get to know what is actually happening in this world and we also will solve some of the
confusions that we face in life. Knowledge is the fact and information of knowing something that
through some experiences. In addition, argument is the process of arguing or disagreeing about a
statement that has discussed. For example, we might argue about the statement that we have the
opposite view from the others so we start to make up some proves to solve this matter. In this
assignment, we will discuss about the knowledge argument. From a thesis that we have read, we could
identify its position stated by Frank Jackson.
Knowledge argument stands against physicalism which is proposed by Frank Jackson. Physicalism or
materialism is distinguished with phenomenal consciousness of experiences that depicts mind is
subjective and implies physicality.
Frank Jackson believes that the physical truth seen is not always the whole truth. There is also
phenomenal truths learnt through the things we see where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Broad and Thomas Nagel. Thomas Nagel s What is it Like to be a Bat? has appeared in recent writing,
which brings the meaning of human need to understand how bats use the sonar system to determine its
direction (Alter, n.d.). I believe that those bats will never understand why they need to use sonar for
movement. So, why as a human we ought to understand it? Although every living things are created
by nature, which is abstract. Nagel (1974) said that we know everything there is to know from an
objective perspective about the bats sonar system but there also has something that we do not know
what it is like with it (Rumelin,
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Communication And Interviewing Skills Are Important For...
University Preparation According to Akers and Yahr (2005, p. 1), communication and interviewing
skills are important for entry level accountants. Accountants must gather data, interview employees of
the client s organization, and interact with members of the audit team. Universities, for the most part,
are preparing students to interact and work collaboratively within group settings. Many courses assign
projects which require students to work together culling information for the given topic, write reports
outlining their findings, and then present the results or information to their respective class. These are
sound skills all students need to have in their accounting toolkits, yet, in many instances their toolkits
are still ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
4 There is one additional university in Wyoming Wyoming Catholic University which is not included
in this analysis. The university s singular liberal arts curriculum, which is taken by all enrolled
students, is on a specific schedule with no apparent deviations.
forensic accounting elective track as part of their Masters of Accountancy program. Colorado Mesa s
Fraud and Forensic Accounting and Advanced Fraud and Forensic Accounting course catalog
descriptions include introductions into interviewing as part of the topics covered during the courses
(Colorado Mesa University, 2017). Likewise, MSUD provides students with greater exposure to
interviewing in their courses. MSUD s Fraud Awareness (ACCM 5600) course offers an overview of
interviewing, including a guest lecturer with hands on interviewing experience to discuss the topic.
Additionally, in Sheri Betzer s Legal Elements of Fraud (ACCM 5650) course at MSUD, not only is
class time dedicated to the introduction of interviewing, but the course has a practical exercise for the
students. The practical exercise includes conducting four separate interviews of individuals related to
an accounting litigation scenario. Over the course of those interviews, not all the individuals contacted
are overly cooperative with the student interviewer. This gives the student a much more realistic view
of what may happen when he seeks information from the
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Conducting Drug Testing For Cause
Drug Testing For Cause (A) If at during anytime during a laboratory or clinical experience, a faculty
or clinical instructor perceives the odor of alcohol on the student or observes behaviors, not limited to,
slurred speech, unsteady gait, or confusion by the student that would cause the faculty or clinical
instructor to suspect the student is impaired by drugs or alcohol, the following steps should be taken:
(a) The student should be removed from patient care or the assigned work area by the instructor (b)
The student will be required to undergo for cause drug and alcohol testing (c) The instructor will call
for transportation services and arrange for the student to be transported to a designated medical service
facility contracted for
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Summary Of Evil And Omnipotence By J. L. Mackie
J. L. Mackie s Evil and Omnipotence criticizes the argument that God exists by showing that religious
beliefs are positively irrational and that parts of the essential theological doctrine are inconsistent with
one another. The problem of evil is one of the oldest problems in philosophy. The problem of evil is a
logical problem for only the people who believe that there is a God who is both (1) omnipotent and (2)
wholly good; yet (3) evil exists in the world. If God is wholly good and omnipotent, then how can
there be a presence of evil in the world. Given the presence of evil, we must either conclude that God
does not have the power to prevent the suffering that evil causes in which case God is not omnipotent
or that God does not wish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, these solutions are only temporary or almost adopted by the thinker because the thinker may
not be consistent in their definitions and convert back to the old definitions. Therefore, these solutions
are not true solutions, so we must find another way to solve the problem of evil.
The next set of solutions are called fallacious solutions. A fallacious solution is a solution defined as
an argument which rejects one of the propositions but then, implicitly reasserts it later in the argument
to solve the problem. However, these fallacious solutions use an equivocation use of the words good
and evil , which cause vagueness about how good and evil are opposed to one another. Mackie notes
that these so called solutions may seem plausible at first, but, in fact, do not amount to a solution
which rejects any principle that causes the contradiction.
The first fallacious solution is that Good cannot exist without evil. The idea behind this solution is that
evil is a necessary counterpart of good. Without evil, there could be no good in the world. Therefore,
God could not have created the world without any evil in it because there would be no good. By
saying that God cannot create good without creating evil at the same time contradicts premise one
(that God is omnipotent) and premise five (that there are limits to what an omnipotent thing can do).
Mackie rejects this
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Gender Bathrooms
Letting any Gender into any Bathroom, a good Idea?
Stores and different establishments around the world are having to face a difficult challenge of letting
people go into gendered bathrooms they assign themselves to, or having to enforce the rule of boys in
boys and girls in girls. There are many cases of this being shown in today s world. Target was the first
of letting people chose what bathroom suites them based on their choice of gender, and now they are
revoking it due to complications and backlash from customers, instead they are now making a
compromise that suites all but will cost them up to twenty million dollars. Although many people will
say gender bathrooms are foolish because gender is a choice, they protect the user, and they
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J. D. Salinger Essay
J. D. Salinger
J. D. Salinger The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. James
Bryce* In 1945, a novel was published that would forever change the way society views itself. The
book, entitled The Catcher in the Rye, would propel a man named Jerome David Salinger to fame as
one of the most famous authors of the twentieth century. This same man, not ten years after the
publication and while still in the peak of his career, would depart from this society the one that he so
greatly changed leaving nothing but his literature to be his lasting voice. However one may view this
mysterious life of J. D. Salinger, there is but one thing for certain: J. D. Salinger has provided the
reader with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After receiving an English degree at Columbia, Salinger worked briefly as an entertainer on the
Swedish Liner MS Kungsholm in the Caribbean in 1941. In 1942 Salinger enlisted in the United
States Army and fought in World War II, where he eventually became a staff sergeant earning five
battle stars. The time spent overseas played a major role in what would ultimately be the basis of most
of Salinger s short stories. World War II is also where Salinger met one of his major literary
influences, Ernest Hemingway. Although Salinger s style stems from Hemingway, their first encounter
was not one that sat well on Salingers s mind. The story goes that while Hemingway was serving as an
author correspondent, he visited Salinger s regiment and that Salinger became disgusted when
Hemingway shot the head off a chicken to demonstrate the merits of a German Lager (French 25). The
incident so affected Salinger that he incorporates it into his short story, For Esme: with Love and
Squalor, with a corporal named Clay shooting the head off a cat and constantly dwelling upon the
senseless act. The relationship between Hemingway and Salinger would last until Hemingway s death
in 1961. Despite having a personal relationship with Hemingway, according to Harold Bloom, ...
[Salinger s work actually] derives from F. Scott Fitzgerald (qtd. in Salinger SSC 2: 318). Such a
conclusion can be drawn for a number of reasons. First, Salinger s narrative
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Super Nintendo Research Paper
If you grew up with Super Mario or even this being your first experience playing the video games
your in for a really exciting experience. Nintendo is coming out with a new game called Super Mario
Maker. The game gives you the ability to create, design and share your own Super Mario stages with
an online player base. Of course it will have already made levels you can try your hand at as well. I
have always loved playing Super Mario as a kid and also playing it as a family after school or on the
weekends. It s a game that every home should have to play alone or with friends and family it is for all
ages and play styles. The creator of Super Mario Shigeru Miyamoto has always had big dreams and
ideas for the games he creates. With Nintendo ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Having a simple idea to create a game that allows players to build their own levels of varying
difficulty in 8 bit or 3D graphics. Then playing them straight away and even sharing them with other
players. Challenging players to complete the levels you ve create and ones they ve created. This
concept opens up a whole new depth of game play elements where level creation arguably makes the
game everlasting. Once you have played Mario so many times you become more aware of when you
need to jump and move faster. When needing to fly over the level using the feather and cape power up.
It has a lot to do with eye hand coordination and being able to hit the button at the correct time to get
the desired result without having to look at the controller. Knowing if you look away from the screen
at your controller to do a jump you might have already died in the
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The Model Minority Myth And Stereotypes
According to our textbook, clusters of beliefs, values and opinions form an individual s attitude.
Throughout our lifetime, these attitudes manifest in different intensities and form biases, stereotypes,
prejudices and bigotries. Biases and stereotypes can be both negative and positive, but stereotypes are
only formed against people; biases are formed against people, places and things. In contrast,
prejudices and bigotries only represent negative attitudes and like the stereotypes they are only formed
against people. Even though the word positive sounds like a good thing, positive stereotypes have the
opposite effect on the victim. It can sabotage the process of forming a realistic and accurate perception
(Koppelman) and are often used as a distraction to shield acts of discrimination experienced by the
victim. The Model Minority Myth is an example of a positive stereotype because it diverts attention
away from serious social and economic problems that affect many segments of the Asian American
population, detracts from both the subtle and overt racial discrimination encountered by Asian
American, places undue pressure on young Asian Americans to succeed ... Show more content on
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Racism is a type of prejudice that is used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow
superior or inferior to others. (CNX) Conformist are prejudice without expressing those ideas or
behaving in ways that obviously reflect prejudice; they do not disagree with bigots or chauvinists, but
do not tend to articulate their ideas on behalf of causes. People in this group passively accept the status
quo that has been shaped by past prejudice and thereby perpetuate injustice in our society. They like
things as they are and they would like to see them stay that way. (Koppelman, p. 171) Bigots exude
hatred towards both individual members and the entire group as well. White supremacists are racist
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Rain Man Essay
Rain Man In the movie Rain Man Directed by, Barry Levinson, Charlie Babbitt played by Tom Cruise,
is a Los Angeles car dealer in the business of importing high end luxury cars to California. His current
deal of bringing in four Lamborghinis is being threatened by the EPA for emissions. If Charlie is
unable to meet its requirements he will lose $80000 in deposits plus all the money spent obtaining the
cars. After some quick ploy with an employee, Charlie leaves on a weekend trip to Palm Springs with
his girlfriend, Susanna played by Valeria Golino. Just as Charlie begins his trip it s quickly cancelled
by the news father s death. Charlie and Susanna travel to his hometown in Cincinnati, to settle the
estate. In the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In further exploration of their tactics the security team sends an attractive woman who finds Raymond
alone in the casino s bar. She is able to get Raymond to allude to his and Charlie s system of counting
of cards. Later, security asks to speak to Charlie privately and suggests that Charlie take his winnings,
about $80,000 and leave. In the end, Charlie finds himself becoming protective of Raymond, and
grows to truly care for and love him. Upon arriving in Los Angeles, Charlie finally meets with his
attorney to try to get his share of his inheritance, but then decides that he no longer cares about the
money and really just wants to have custody of his brother. However, at a meeting with a court
appointed psychiatrist and Dr. Bruner, because of Raymond s mental condition he is unable to decide
exactly what he wants. One option being to live with Charlie in California and the other is staying at
the mental hospital in Ohio. Eventually, the psychiatrist presses Raymond to make the decision,
upsetting him and leading Charlie to request that the doctor back off. Raymond is taken back home to
the Wallbrook Mental Institution in Cincinnati. Charlie, who has gained a new brother and grown
significantly as a person, promises Raymond that he ll come to visit. The DSM IV states that to be
diagnosed with an autistic disorder a person must have six of twelve listed traits coming from certain
groups in the DSM. I feel
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Three Witches Influence On Macbeth
In the play Macbeth he is told his fate by three witches. His life decisions and choices are being
persuaded by prophecies three witches came to him with. His life is changed because of these Weird
Sisters has told him what he has become and what he is going to need to do. The witches have great
powers of course there right, he can become great things, his ambition took the best of him.The
witches prophecies influenced Macbeth s choices because to him they had to be true. Macbeth was a
great warrior for Scotland. Three witches saw his incredible strength in battle and told Macbeth three
prophecies that will come true for Macbeth. The witches said, FIRST WITCH: All hail, Macbeth! Hail
to thee, thane of Glamis! SECOND WITCH: All hail, Macbeth!
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Biography of Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in the Bíran, Cuba. (See Figure 5) Fidel grew up in
wealthier circumstances than most Cubans at the time, amid the massive and growing poverty. His
father, Ángel Castro y Argiz, was originally an immigrant from Spain. During Fidel s childhood,
Ángel was a fairly prosperous sugarcane farmer on a farm that had been dominated by United States
owned United Fruit Company. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzalez, was a maid to Angel s first wife,
during Fidel s infancy. By the time Fidel was fifteen, his father disbanded his first marriage and wed
Lina, who is seen by Fidel to be his true mother. Fidel was educated in private Jesuit boarding schools.
By 1945, he entered the law school at the University of Havana. ... Show more content on
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Castro continued to use guerrilla attacks and gained large numbers of radical followers. Using these
guerrilla warfare tactics, Castro became known as the Guerilla Prince and with his supporters, he
attacked Batista s forces, conquering and overtaking numerous towns and cities. Batista quickly lost
much of his popular support and suffered many embarrassing defeats. Finally, on January 1, 1959,
Batista fled Cuba and went into exile, leaving the Cuban government in need of a president and
somebody to get rid of the corruption that had previously plagued the country.
Manuel Urrutia, a very liberal Cuban lawyer and politician, was placed as president of Cuba, and
Castro was placed in charge of the military. However, by July of 1959, Castro had easily and
effectively taken over as leader of Cuba, which he would remain as, for the next four decades. (See
figure 2) With close ties to his brother, Fidel put Raúl in charge of the military, allowing the Castro
family to have most of the control over Cuba. In Castro s beginning years as Cuba s ruler, he made
several radical and significant changes in Cuba, including collectivizing agriculture, nationalizing
industry, and seizing and eliminating most American owned businesses, factories, and farms. Fidel
taxed American products so heavily that U.S. exports halved in just two years, making the United
States put heavy
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Everyman Analysis
Mythology has been a part of human culture for centuries. As children, we grew up learning about all
sorts of myths from those around us. It is defined as a traditional story about heroes or supernatural
beings, often attempting to explain the origins of natural phenomena or aspects of human behavior. In
these three plays, Medea by Euripides, Everyman by Anonymous writer, and Doctor Faustus by
Christopher Marlowe, there is a common mythology evident, and that is, the power of a supreme
being. The representation of a higher power in the lives of men is very significant in many works of
literature. A higher power plays an important, if not leading role in each and every one of these works.
They use their influence for many distinct and fundamental ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Apparently, the play struck a chord or two in the hearts and minds of the renaissance period. It harbors
a certain uniqueness to it than another plays before it. Doctor Faustus stood out by combining things
we associate with medieval drama, like myths, to explore questions like: What is the true nature of
power? What form should knowledge take? Should we believe in fate or free will?
Doctor Faustus, which was a time of great religious importance, and high in catholic beliefs, believed
that God was the most powerful being in the world and the creator of the universe. Faustus gave his
soul to the devil, in order to be like God himself. However, to an Elizabethan audience, this act of
rebellion would not only be frightening but in many ways inspiring. There is no one in the world who
would not give everything they have to become as powerful as God but would not dare rebel against
the lord. As a reader of these plays, I see myself as a contemporary audience because of the way in
which the play was written, and the symbols it represented wouldn t be clear enough for me to
understand text completely. It would cause me to overlook the importance of what the play is about.
My reaction to the play wouldn t be the same reaction as to the person who, at the time the play came
out, would react in the same
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Attention Getter For Gay Rights Research Paper
Thanon Phlapphlathuan (Fruik)
Communication Studies 21 Argumentation
Professor Nate Brown
19 April 2016
LGBT Rights
Claim: The United States of America should adopt a federal law that gives rights, protection and
recognition of LGBT people based on sexual orientation and gender identity as constitutionally and
respectfully equal as others uniformly throughout the nation.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter
1. Gay rights are human rights, expressed Hillary Clinton.
B. Thesis
1. The United States of America should adopt a federal law that gives rights, protection and
recognition of LGBT people based on sexual orientation and gender identity as constitutionally and
respectfully equal as others uniformly throughout the nation.
II. Body
A. Reason ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
J. (2014). Resisting LGBT Rights Where We Have Won : Canada and Great Britain. Journal Of
Human Rights, 13(3), 322 336. doi:10.1080/14754835.2014.923754
Dalesio, E. P. (2016, April 5). PayPal Cancels North Carolina Expansion to Protest LGBT Law.
Retrieved April 12, 2016, from http://time.com/4282087/paypal north carolina lgbt law/
Ferro, S., Kaufman, A. C. (2016, April 15). How Corporate America Became A Major LGBT Ally.
Retrieved April 17, 2016, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/corporate america lgbt
Muñoz, S. T., Kalteux, D. M. (2016). LGBT, the EEOC, and the Meaning of Sex . Florida Bar Journal,
90(3), 43 48.
State Religious Liberty laws pushed by long time anti LGBT groups. (2016, March). Liberty Press,
22(7), 13. Retrieved from
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Rhode Island Research Paper
Rhode Island
America is filled with 50 amazing states, and each state has features that make it special.
Rhode island is the smallest state in the whole country! It may be small but it has different ways to
make it big. Rhode Island has many nicknames such as; The Ocean State, The Plantation State, and
Little Rhody. This tiny little state also has many crops and George M. Cohan was born in Rhode
Island, he wrote the songs I m a Yankee Doodle Dandy and You re a Grand Old Flag. Some of the
most diverse facts about Rhode Island is included in its culture, geography, and history.
Rhode Island is very unique and different than the other states. When most people think of Rhode
Island they think of the smallest state ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first circus in the United States was built in 1774 at Newport, Rhode Island. Rhode Island was the
last of the 13 colonies to become a state. In 1524, an Italian explorer named Giovanni da Verranzo saw
a triangle in the shape of an island in the Atlantic Ocean. He thought the small island looked like
Rhode s, this is an island and it is part of Greece. The only nuclear explosion that has ever happened
in the U.S.A out of a controlled environment was in Wood River, Rhode Island, It was 1964 a worker
at a united nuclear corporation accidentally put in too much uranium solution in the tank. This resulted
in a huge explosion, also his death. Rhode Island is rich with history, full of beautiful geographical
features, and it maybe small but it s different than the
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Liberal Arts Degree Advantages
Being slightly educated in liberal arts is essential to being a well rounded person. Knowing liberal arts
widens a person s horizon, creating a different mindset. Although knowing some liberal arts is a good
quality to take out into the real world, it is not necessary to get a degree in liberal arts if the person
does not plan to pursue a job in the liberal arts field. There are more cons than pros in getting a full
liberal arts education. Although a liberal arts degree makes for a well rounded person out in the real
world, it takes up a lot of time and money, and will narrow a person s chances of getting a job. Getting
a liberal arts degree is going above and beyond normal expectations in today s society. It is
challenging the mind, forcing a person to think in a different way than most people think. It allows the
person to see the world in a completely different perspective than the norm, seeing everything with a
more open mind. However, a liberal arts degree can only go so far. Knowing liberal arts broadens a
person s knowledge with real world issues, but it will not do much in the occupational field.
Therefore, it is a wiser choice to take a few core classes in liberal arts, instead of getting a full degree
in a liberal arts subject. If someone is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It narrows job opportunities in a tremendous way, unless the person is seeking to be a professor.
Sanford J. Ungar stated in The New Liberal Arts, Yes, recent graduates have had difficulty in the job
market, but the recession has not differentiated among major fields of study in its impact (Ungar, 192).
Ungar clearly stated that it is hard to find a job with a liberal arts degree, even though he ends up
contradicting that statement later on. A degree in liberal arts ends a lot of people searching desperately
for a job, and with little income. While a more modern degree has a lot more career
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What Is Beowulf A Heroic Archetype
The notion of heroes is one that transcends time and space. Examples of heroes appear in almost every
culture and time period since humans first started writing. Even the very first piece of literature
written in the English language, Beowulf, is a classic example of a heroic archetype. We can also see
examples of heroes in today s culture, such as in Bonnie Tyler s song Holding Out For a Hero and in
Tina Turner s We Don t Need Another Hero . Additionally, we make predictions of what we think
heroes may be like in the future, like in the movie Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome. Since heroes
appear in every culture, it s easy to see how important they are to society. What s harder to see is how
important society is to heroes. Societies put ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the song, Turner sings: Looking for something we can rely on/ There s gotta be something better
out there/ Love and compassion, their day is coming/All else are castles built in the air/ And I wonder
when we are ever gonna change/ Living under the fear until nothing else remains. This quote hints that
there may have been a previous hero that let down this society. This is seen when she mentions
something to rely on, insinuating that they previously put their faith in something unreliable and since
the entirety of the song is about not needing heroes, it is a logical jump to assume that something was
a person. This quote also hints that love and compassion may be more important than heroes and that
without these qualities society will destroy itself. This is an interesting counterpoint to the entire
concept of having heroes in the first place and has a solid foundation in reality. However, it does not
address how the push for a love and compassion society would affect the hero society that is present in
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Ordinary People Reflection
In the book, Ordinary People, by Judith Guest, Conrad Jarrett undergoes different stages in life that
occur after his incident. Throughout these phases he sees a change in himself as a whole. The most
pivotal moment in his psychological and moral development transpires when Dr. Berger comes into
Conrad s life. Dr. Berger becomes his guiding principle that eventually leads him to progress in areas
he struggles in such as forgiveness, happiness, and acceptance. Through these developments Conrad is
able to remain to who he once was but continue to live on with life.
As a result of his visitations with Dr. Berger, Conrad learns to seek for forgiveness not only in his
family but especially in himself. Essentially, in his life he struggles to understand the concept of a
guiding principle, A belief of some kind. A bumper sticker, if you will (pg. 1). A guiding principle in
Conrad s life that really helped him to forgive others was Dr. Berger, he consistently pushes Conrad to
look at things from different perspectives and to release all the anger and guilt he feels inside. Notably,
Berger was there the night Conrad needed help, I need to see you, he whispers (pg. 219), in a moment
of disparity, Berger evaluates Conrad and concludes that he still feels at fault for practically everything
that happened in his life. At his lowest moments, any time that Conrad spends with Berger he begins
to realize that he will only find growth in himself once he stops putting the blame on anyone
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Management Department At Baylor Medical Center
Balor Medical Center is working to improve the quality of services especially the customer service,
and wait times in the emergency department. Many patients complain about wasting time for many
hours before taken to their room. Therefore, these areas influence the score of the hospital and patient
satisfaction. So the leaders and managers are setting up plans for the improvements to the customer
service in the emergency room. Baylor customer services need to improve performance by using the
patient satisfaction surveys to ensure the patient s continuing interacting with the hospital. Baylor
Medical Center managers will focus on improving quality services by using a different quality
improvement plans and strategies. Management Department at Baylor Medical Center will select tools
that help improvements, such as Lean Sigma Six, Plan, Do, Study, Act, and Sigma Six. Applying the
information technology would help a lot to improve the quality of services. By using these methods, it
will help the organization to improve their ability to produce a successful quality of care. To achieve
goals, the team member should work together, share ideas, and help each other to implement the
correct system. Directors, leadership, middle management, the quality improvement committee,
medical staff, and the departmental staff, all of them, can achieve their goals by setting plans. Leaders
of the Baylor Medical Center and the Department staff will work together to ensure the plans are on
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What Are The Mummies Of Ancient Culture
Mummies of ancient cultures: facts before fiction For centuries, people have been fascinated with
death. Many questions are asked about what happens after we die, and these questions may forever
remain unanswered. As well as beliefs, everyone has an idea of what they wat to happen to them after
that die. You may want to be cremated and have your ashes spread across an open meadow, or you
may just want to be put in a coffin, and laid into the ground. As it was hundreds of years ago with
different beliefs, it is the same today. Different religions, different Gods, and different ways of
thinking. But how exactly are they different? When people think of ancient burial, they think back to
ancient Egyptians. And what is the reason they are remembered ... Show more content on
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In the Mayan culture, one would often be buried beneath their own house! The rest of the family
would then abandon the house so they would not disturb the dead. Much mourning was held for those
who had passed. China and ancient Egypt are quite similar! The Chinese would have their favorite
foods buried with them, so they could accompany the soul in the afterlife. (Bradley) Artifacts that
belonged to the deceased would also be buried with them. But the Chinese practiced one ritual that
many other ancient cultures did not: servants and concubines be buried with the body. Even if they
were alive when the deceased had died. It was a way of claiming property. The Chinese would bury
the dead in bronze vessels. Egyptians were buried underground and, famously, the great pyramids of
Egypt. But this was mainly for the fabulously wealthy. For the more common of the Egyptians,
however, a grave was usually the final resting place. (Mark, Burial ) The Romans practiced burying
the dead during the night as to not disturb the activities of the normal city life. The tradition they used,
was that they buried the body on the outside of the city walls in order to maintain the boundary
between the living and the dead. Even when cremation was used, the ashes could not be buried within
the city. The ashes either gathered into an urn, or interred in a tomb. Romans thought that funerary
practices were so important, that they paid money monthly to make sure their funeral rites would be
performed in accordance with tradition, and their status in the community. (Mark,
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Analysis Of Studio 8 Discussion
Studio 8 Discussion
The coefficient of static friction between brass and different materials were experimentally determined
by observing slip angels. A brass block was placed at the top of different ramps made of rubber, wood,
sandpaper, and Teflon. Once the angle of the ramp was raised high enough the block began to slip, the
angle at this point was measured. Static friction reaches a maximum at the slip angle, thus allowing
the block to slip. Vector components, Newton s second law, and the equation fs= µsn, can be used to
derive the equation µs = tan(Ɵ); the static coefficient of friction equals tan(Ɵ) of the slip angle. The
ramp material and its respective slip angles were rubber 50o, wood 22o, sandpaper 25o, and Teflon
180; all angles had
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Personal Narrative On Mama
Oh, there you are. My mama said, peering in at me from just outside the room s archway. Come on
upstairs and pick out which room you want to be yours. Is this your mama in these pictures? I asked
pointing at one of the photos. Grandma Lyanna? My mama, then walked up to me somewhat
tentatively. Her arms crossed over her chest holding herself as if she was nervous about looking at the
photographs. She stood beside me as we both gazed upon the pictures that were all over the room. I
then pointed out again to her the woman to whom I had referred. Yes, that s my mother. She said with
a tender smile curling up from around the corners of her mouth as she lightly touched the photo s
frame. I remember looking at my
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Essay About Lombok
Lombok and the Balinese are similar in many ways such as their religion, their neighboring islands,
agriculture, and many more; additionally, their histories are already connected before the 14th century.
Both their agriculture is also kind of the same, and the same goes with their unique cultural traditions.
In this term paper, the main topic is about Why Lombok is much better than Bali. So many people in
Indonesia and tourists from other country keep asking, so here is some information about that
question. Because of the tragedy in Bali, two hundred two people died including people from
Indonesia and more than 20 other nationalities. After that tragedy, the number of tourists that visit Bali
have decreased significantly. For this research paper, most of my information were obtained from
various ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1846 the Dutch used Balinese to salvage and claims over shipwrecks as the pretext to land military
forces in northern Bali. In 1894 the Dutch chose to the Sasak of Lombok, which had been invaded by
the Balinese. After a rebellion against their Balinese Rajah in bloody battles, the Balinese where
defeated in Lombok, and northern Bali came firmly under Dutch control.
The Dutch could not gain to control over south Bali for some years, but later salvaging disputes gave
them the excuse they need to move in. A Chinese ship was wrecked off sanur in 1904 and ransacked
by the Balinese. The Dutch demanded that the rajah of Bandung for 3000 silver dollars in damages
this was refused. In1906 the warship appeared at sanur and started a naval bombardment of Denpasar
Bali and then commenced their final assault. Their forces landed and. despite Balinese opposition,
marched to the outskirts of Denpasar
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The 5th Wave Character Analysis
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey is a young adult science fiction novel. The story follows a young girl
named Cassie as the world as we know it comes to an end due to an alien arrival. Yancey makes many
of his beliefs, about family, trust, and love, known throughout the novel. For example, Yancey s story
conveys that family is worth dying for, trust is imperative for survival, and love can drive people to go
on beyond their limits. Countless times all through the novel, the theme that family is worth dying for
is evident. From the beginning, Cassie s father shows this when the whole family stays put in their
house while Cassie s mother is sick. By staying there, they are all risking their lives as it would be
incredibly easy for the rest of them to become ill with the altered form of Ebola. Later, Cassie s father
allows her to leave the barracks to go look for Crisco in the woods when he senses trouble. He could
have volunteered himself instead, but he decides that his daughter is worth dying for. Moreover,
Cassie constantly puts her life on the line for Sammy. Beginning when Sammy boards the bus to to
Wright Patterson, everything Cassie does is a risk to ensure his safety. Her level of determination first
becomes apparent when she decides to face her Silencer. While she is lying under the Buick, her
promise to Sammy motivates her to go on. From the moment she boards the bus to Camp Haven
herself, there was an infinite sea of possibilities for something to go wrong. Even
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Drafting Body For Insurance Clauses, The And Terrorism Risks
drafting body for insurance clauses, the and terrorism risks, the, and an active discussion among
airlines, insurers. Zhou and Hud (2012) submit a study on china airline and mention republic China
has made preventive measures to protect and airplanes in the safeguard of potential risks, any terrorist
or crisis, and the formation advanced of a communications network with different countries of the
world to exchange information about problems and potential threats. Civil aviation of China had
owned more than 30 Airlines Company in the end of 2009. And more airlines have acquired a
certificate to fly on plateau airports. Average boost speed of air travel has been up to 6.7 percent. With
the deep development of the west regions, civil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Aviation Cost Risk management safety is the implement of strategic management systems to the
identification and identification, Understanding and monitoring of risk Aviation s safety.
Administration systems are a comprehensive workers set of acts, procedures, regulations, strategic
planning, and controls safety to include that measures to block and mitigate main aviation damage or
accidents are in place in use, effective and successful this research by Ove and Oivind (2010) See
Fig1.1 Fig 1.1: by Author Show the Aviation Risk Management Tools 1.1.4 Hedging Aviation Risk
Management Aircraft company use risk management and convene as part of their strategies to lessen
the impact of height fuel prices. The important of cost fuel hedging is to decrease a firm s exposure to
sudden changes in the rate of fuel. Consequently, it is to understand the implications of cost and fuel
hedging on aircraft company for that the airlines industry is highly energy intensive and jet fuel is a
major component of airlines operating costs. As well as the high competitive, aircraft company are
incapable of pushing on the high fuel costs to passengers by taxing ticket higher airlines price, lower
operating profit. On the other hand, some writer expressed their reservation about fuel hedging in
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Live Performance Research Paper
Concert Paper The live performance I attended was on June 3rd. The concert was a part of the
Downtown Tallahassee Sundown Summer Concert Series at Cascades Park. Everyone was pretty
much invited to come, children and adults. The concert started a seven pm and ended ten at night,
making the concert about a good three hours. Although I have been to the park many times and seen a
live performance, this was actually my first time attending a concert at Cascades Park. The performers
performed in the Capital City Amphitheater area which seats like over 1,000 people I believe. Before
the concert started I noticed that there were a lot of cars out in the parking out and I knew that there
was probably going to be a ton of people out in the audience. I was able to move and roam about the
park freely while listening to the concert. There were people sitting in the seats close by the stage and
others sitting on the ground in the grass area. I like how the stage is set up because it is easy to see the
performers from a far distance and everyone is not so closely seated together. Thankfully the weather
was nice that night. I was able to enjoy the location I was seated in. The outdoor venue is a great place
to have a concert especially during the summer or when the weather is perfect, it just makes the
concert experience much more fun ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each band member performed all the songs and the keyboard was also an instrument used in the
performance. I thought it was interesting that they performed songs other than their originals. The
rendition of Beverly Hills by Weezer is a popular song that most people would know. The original
song falls under the genre of pop mixed with alternative rock music which is somewhat different than
their original songs. For the most part, the band kept the original fast tempo of the song. The use of the
drums, electric bass guitar is also prominent in the
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Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide are actions at the core of what it means to be human the
moral and ethical actions that make us who we are, or who we ought to be. Euthanasia, a subject
known in the twenty first century, is subject to many discussions about ethical permissibility, which
date back to as far as ancient Greece and Rome. It was not until the Hippocratic School removed the
practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide from medical practice. Euthanasia in itself raises many
ethical dilemmas such as, is it ethical for a doctor to assist a terminally ill patient in ending his life?
Under what circumstances, if any, is euthanasia considered ethically appropriate? More so, euthanasia
raises the argument of the different ideas that people have about the value of the human experience.
Ezekial Emanuel asserts that the ethical belief, thoughts in the 19th and 20th century in the United
States are reminiscent of those today, both in terms of content and ferocity. Emanuel adds that interest
in euthanasia arises historically and predictably from (1) economic recession or in movements of
Social Darwinism; (2) doctors are engaged in a struggle with society over their medical authority and
profession; and (3) terminating life sustaining practices become part of standard medical practice, and
there is a desire then to extend this to active euthanasia.
Arguably, all three situations met by the end of the 20th century. The rise of managed care, the
increase of
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Hiphop Dance History
Most dancers start out by thinking that hip hop is easy. Hip hop was started in New York less than 100
years ago though it was not made is the easiest way an individual can imagine some dancers still think
they re better than it for doing another art of dance. It is way different than ballet, jazz, and tap, yet it
could look alike to most dancers. For instance, every dancer thinks they re too good for it and that it is
too easy. What they don t see is that just as every art of dance it is different, but they must contribute
flexibility, letting loose of the body, and controlling of movements to be a good hip hop dancer. Little
do we know as dancers that every form of dance is hard. It s just like every job nobody starts out a
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Gender Gap Within The Fields Of Science, Technology,...
In LIBS 6137 I analyzed topics that affected today s teens. I found that a gender gap exists in the
fields of science and technology. Females are underrepresented in the area of Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematical (STEM) related careers. According to research, girls should be
encouraged to pursue their interests, find mentors, and collaborate with others in the areas of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. In light of these findings, I presented a booktalk to a group
of girls ages 15 19 on six books in which the main characters are strong women who have a special
interest or talent in STEM related subjects. A handout was also created for each student and the host.
The handout contained a description of the six books presented in the booktalk, similar books that may
be of interest to students on the same topic, as well as websites, magazines, software, and videos. A
total of eighteen resources were included that fit into the STEM topic presented to students. Digital
evaluation forms were created for the students and the host of the booktalk to complete. My personal
experience and data gathered from the evaluation forms were used to create a self evaluation narrative.
In creating the artifact for the course, I.... (How did you do it? How does this process indicate mastery
of the MLS objective, ALA competence, and pathway appropriate standards?) Please include which
objectives, competencies and standards you used to create this artifact
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Reflection On Quality Of Service
This summer I worked at Broad Street Ministries. It s a church that s a major staple in their
community and the homeless. They provide drop in shelter services such as mailing, meals at different
times through the week, social services, after school programing, summer camp, enrichment classes
and much more. Their goal is to build a community that fosters a safe, inclusive, and welcoming
environment that provide upscale meals to those less fortunate. My overall opinion of the operation is
that it has great values, provide quality services, and strives for excellence in all aid provided.
While interning for the past 3 months I had the opportunity to participate in preparing fresh, quality
nutritious meals for their guest. I served in any capacity needed. I washed dishes, swept and mopped
the floor, prepped food and helped cook at time. My main responsibilities were that of the head pastry
chef. I planned and prepared dessert options for 300 guests based on the ingredients provided. Meals
are planned based on the ingredients picked from the church s garden and donated from local farms
and food establishments. I believe this to be one of this organization s strengths because a lot of focus
is put into providing an upscale meal and dining experience to those less fortunate.
Equally important, throughout my time there, management was inconsistent in their expectations and
direction. The morale of the kitchen staff was low and seemed to really affect the quality of service.
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The Basics Of Running And Its Benefits
Research Paper Topic: Running
Learning about the basics of running and its benefits could positively impact your life. Running is a
fairly common task that many of us learn at a young age. We practice running after we master walking
as babies or toddlers, chase or get chased by our siblings or enjoy it on the school playground during
recess. Then we progress to P.E. class, track and field days or cross country meets. Whether running is
a sport we pursue in school or not, it can be a learned fact or hobby that anyone can perform! There
are many known benefits of running, and as stated, anyone at any age can learn and enjoy. It has been
named the world s most accessible sport. Running dates back extremely far in history as related to
hunting and other religious festivals. While it might look very different in terms of fashions, trends
and GPS watches, I believe the form of running probably hasn t changed. To begin running, you
simply need to place one foot in front of the other and go! It is encouraged to exercise proper form to
maximize your experience and to gain the full affect. You should focus on holding your head up high
and looking forward. Shoulders will be relaxed, torso stretched and tall, which will result in the hips
being in alignment. Your arms will be bent and relaxed while your ankles project you forward. There
are certain styles of foot strikes that runners make; pronated, supinated or neutral. Also known by your
gait, your foot strike may or may not be
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American Revolutionary War
A motivating force behind the revolution was the American embrace of a political ideology called
republicanism , which was dominant in the colonies by 1775. The country party in Britain, whose
critique of British government emphasized that corruption was to be feared, influenced American
politicians. The commitment of most Americans to republican values and to their rights, helped bring
about the American Revolution, as Britain was increasingly seen as hopelessly corrupt and hostile to
American interests; it seemed to threaten to the established liberties that Americans enjoyed. The
greatest threat to liberty was depicted as corruption. The colonists associated it with luxury and,
especially, inherited aristocracy, which they condemned. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Americans were totally unaware that the British would try to cross the creek in separate places.
Washington backtracked to Chester, Pennsylvania. A British pursuit was stopped by a rearguard unit;
therefore, Howe could not occupy the abandoned capital until September 26. British deaths totaled to
about 600 and American losses were 900 dead and wounded, along with 400 taken prisoner. After
Howe s victory at Brandywine, his army camped at Germantown, Pennsylvania. Washington planned
a surprise attack against the redcoats at sunrise. He broke the army into four separate columns for
battle. The American soldiers marched to Germantown by two roads, with General Sullivan to the
right and General Greene to the left. Washington, along with General Wayne, joined Sulliven and
caused the British to fall back. Some hundred men ran and hid in the Chew house, a large stone
building, and returned fire from the second story. Instead of by passing the building, Colonel Knox
believed that they should destroy the house with the redcoats in it. Knox s fired cannons at the home,
which merely bounced back at them. The fog and smoke caused massive confusion for several others
of Washington s columns. All of a sudden two American divisions collided and fired upon each other.
More and more mishaps followed, and finally Washington men retreated. In June of 1775 in
Charlestown the British were awaken from their sleep. The British were totally unaware of the fact
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Simon Farrah Abraham Character Analysis
Simon Saran is a forced to be reckoned with. His on again off again relationship with Farrah Abraham
has been documented through Teen Mom OG. The two are apparently off at the moment, though that
doesn t mean there isn t a reconciliation possible. Because Saran has been a huge part of the MTV
franchise, the show offered him his own special. This is a big deal because the ones who have been
offered the same have all been married to or have had children with the star they were attached to
while filming. Being Simon is set to air this coming Wednesday on MTV. It will be an hour long
special featuring Simon Saran in his everyday life. He confirmed this was coming back in June, but
Farrah Abraham shaded him when he mentioned it. The two have been hot and cold for several
months now. Saran is a businessman, and now, Abraham is back to selling sex. ... Show more content
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According to Starcasm, Simon Saran and Courtland Rogers got into an insult match where one went a
little too far. Everyone knows that Twitter is the place where anything goes. Racial comments, insults,
and everything else can be seen on the platform with no enforcing of etiquette. Saran was going off
about Donald Trump being blamed for the Las Vegas massacre, and Rogers decided to have his say
with him. It appears that since Jenelle Evans no longer wants anything to do with Courtland, he is
really trying to stay relevant. Both men reverted to heavy insults, with Courtland Rogers insinuating
that Simon Saran was a terrorist with a tweet about hijacking a plane. Of course, Simon wasn t
innocent in the debate, but Courtland really went the whole nine yards with his comments. There is a
streak of jealousy there. Being Simon is airing this upcoming week and since Rogers no longer has
any connection to the show, there may be a little bitterness. The two exchanged a few more tweets and
that was
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The Meaning Of Reasonable Accommodations For Religious...
The Meaning of Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Practices The meaning of reasonable
religious accommodations in accordance with the Civil Rights Act, Title VII 1964 legislation can at
times seem perplexing. A reasonable accommodation is an adjustment to the work environment that
will allow an employee to comply with their religious practices or beliefs according to the EEOC.gov
website. The word reasonable is a word that can be loosely interpreted in different ways.
Orthodox Jews Orthodox Jews live their lives according to their strict Biblical principles; they live in
close knit groups or clusters and reject the ways of modern society as told by (Wertheimer, 2014). The
Orthodox Jewish religion requires married women to cover their hair. The Orthodox Jewish biblical
law considers a woman s hair is the essence of their beauty; therefore married women do not usually
show their hair as not to attract attention from men. Orthodox Jews attend church on Saturdays and
they observe the certain religious holidays such as Rosh Hashanah. Some Orthodox Jewish men wear
beards as a sign of their faith. According to their religious practice they cannot use a razor to shave so
it is easier to let their beards grow long as told by (Lissner, 2010). Our company dress code states that
hats or coverings of the head are not permissible and neatly trimmed beards and mustaches, not more
than 1 inch long are permissible. Head dress that is worn for religious beliefs or
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  • 2. The Artist Thomas Cole s Life With The Beauty Of The... The artist Thomas Cole was born in 1801, in England. He was an immigrant in the United States, his family and him migrated to the states in 1818, he was 17 years of age. Thomas Cole lived in many different states including, Ohio, Philadelphia and in Pittsburgh where he work all over the place traveling back and fourth as a portrait artist. Thomas Cole was a self taught artist yet he did interact with well know artist. A changing point in Cole s life that in my opinion that had a big impact on the painting I am going to be talking about is when Cole discovered and fell in love with the beauty of the Hudson River valley. His beautiful landscape exhibitions led him to become part the National Academy of Design. Cole began to paint ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this painting we see an infant that is in a boat. Behind the infant there is an angel that is guiding the child out of a cave into a beautiful landscape. Thomas Cole paints the landscape very rich; you get o a sense of warmth and calmness. There is beautiful green land, big mountains, and different types of flowers. According to the website Exploring Thomas Cole, there are different types of allegories in this painting. The first allegory is the hourglass that is in the boat. The hourglass is meant to represent time, the second allegory is the river, which is meant to represent the stream of life, and the third allegory is the flower, which is an Egyptian lotus, which Cole described as symbolical of Human Life. Finally the cave that the infant and the angel are coming out of according to Thomas Cole is an emblematic of our earthly origin, and the mysterious Past. Cole uses different types of light and dark colors it gives the painting a different look, the light colors fade and so does the dark colors, this is called chiaroscuro. Perspective was also used in this painting; different parts of the painting have different sizes giving us a sense of depth. The second painting, Youth, painted in 1842, oil on canvas, 53 in × 76 in, continues to have a beautiful green landscape, we still see trees, flowers, mountains, and now we see a castle in the back. In this painting the view is widening. The child from the last painting now looks like adolescent. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Model Of Behavior Change The primary objective of this paper is discuss the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change and its application in healthcare settings, and discuss the strength and weakness of the Model. Number of theories and analytical models were described that helps us to understand how people modify their behavior but no one of them accepted universally. The Transtheoretical model (TTM) of change which is also known as the the stages of change model, first described by Prochaska and associates (1983) is widely used theory to explain the behavior change. Unlike other models of behavior change, which focus on social or biological influences, The TTM model focuses on individual s decision making abilities. Assumption of The TTM models and major ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other people for their efforts and visible results recognize them. The final stage of TTM is maintenance in which people have significantly modified their behavior and working to prevent relapse. Individual involved in modified behavior for more than 6 months is considered as maintenance stage. Individual s stage in process can be measures by asking questions related to current behavior, future intentions and past attempts. Process of Change The process of change in TTM model explains how the changes occur in different stages. Ten different processes can be divided in to two groups of cognitive and affective experiential processes and behavioral processes. These covert and overt process needs to be implemented to achieve desired behavior change. Consciousness Raising: is a process in which individual increase their awareness through information, education and feedback related to desired behavior. Environmental revaluation: Understanding of pros and cons of problematic behavior that affects social environment. Dramatic Relief: Process of experiencing and sharing emotion related to problematic behavior. Social Liberation: it is need for increased opportunities and alternatives to promote desired behavior among deprived and oppressed Self reevaluation: Cognitive and affective assessment of self with and without unhealthy behavior. Self Liberation: is individual s belief in their actions and commitment for future ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Du Pont Kevlar Aramid Industrial Fiber (Abridged) Essay The case Du Pont Kevlar Aramid Industrial Fiber (Abridged) states the development history of Du Pont s products, and focuses on investing and marketing of Kevlar. Kevlar is a fiber which Howard W. Swank, general manager of Du Pont s Textile Fibers Department, and other Textile Fibers Department s managers were keen on. Kevlar is based on the former products of Du Pont, such as nylon, and Nomex Aramid fiber. Kevlar s development was closely related to that of Nomex. It is a much stronger and stiff fiber than nylon and steel, and can be stable at high temperatures. After the Fiber B first came out in 1960s, Du Pont found some problems with it. Two years later, Fiber B 1, which is also called Kevlar Aramid fiber, came out with better ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1969, the Textile Fiber Department sent Fiber B s samples to tire companies and aerospace companies, and it got good responses. When Fiber B 1 was developed, the Textile Fiber Department thought they understood how customers in the tire and aerospace industries would evaluated the new, better material, so the department did not do any preliminary assessments. Even though Fiber B 1 is superior to Fiber B, it still needs to be tested before putting it into the market in order to make sure it works well. The customers feedback is very important to a new product. Du Pont did not continue to do the sample tests and sample research which may cause some problems. When Du Pont invented Kevlar, it did not have a specific target market, and it just followed its history market without creativity. Du Pont always wanted to produce a stronger fiber than before, and its market has always been tire and aerospace industries. After the promotion, Du Pont focused on the tire cord market. I think Du Pont chose the right market. The tire market is an existing market with large potential. From 1970 to 1973, the tire cord consumption was increasing from $539 million of pounds to $683 million of pounds. As radial tires entered the tire market, the older materials could not satisfy the properties of them, and only Kevlar and steel can be used in radial tires. It seems that Kevlar just needed to compete with steel. This is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Example Of Knowledge Argument INTRODUCTION OF THE THESIS According to Currie (2015), philosophy is the activity of searching for a reflective understanding of ourselves and also to know about the natural and social worlds we live in. As we know, philosophy is also related to the phrase thinking about thinking. We can get to know what is actually happening in this world and we also will solve some of the confusions that we face in life. Knowledge is the fact and information of knowing something that through some experiences. In addition, argument is the process of arguing or disagreeing about a statement that has discussed. For example, we might argue about the statement that we have the opposite view from the others so we start to make up some proves to solve this matter. In this assignment, we will discuss about the knowledge argument. From a thesis that we have read, we could identify its position stated by Frank Jackson. Knowledge argument stands against physicalism which is proposed by Frank Jackson. Physicalism or materialism is distinguished with phenomenal consciousness of experiences that depicts mind is subjective and implies physicality. Frank Jackson believes that the physical truth seen is not always the whole truth. There is also phenomenal truths learnt through the things we see where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Broad and Thomas Nagel. Thomas Nagel s What is it Like to be a Bat? has appeared in recent writing, which brings the meaning of human need to understand how bats use the sonar system to determine its direction (Alter, n.d.). I believe that those bats will never understand why they need to use sonar for movement. So, why as a human we ought to understand it? Although every living things are created by nature, which is abstract. Nagel (1974) said that we know everything there is to know from an objective perspective about the bats sonar system but there also has something that we do not know what it is like with it (Rumelin, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Communication And Interviewing Skills Are Important For... University Preparation According to Akers and Yahr (2005, p. 1), communication and interviewing skills are important for entry level accountants. Accountants must gather data, interview employees of the client s organization, and interact with members of the audit team. Universities, for the most part, are preparing students to interact and work collaboratively within group settings. Many courses assign projects which require students to work together culling information for the given topic, write reports outlining their findings, and then present the results or information to their respective class. These are sound skills all students need to have in their accounting toolkits, yet, in many instances their toolkits are still ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4 There is one additional university in Wyoming Wyoming Catholic University which is not included in this analysis. The university s singular liberal arts curriculum, which is taken by all enrolled students, is on a specific schedule with no apparent deviations. 7 forensic accounting elective track as part of their Masters of Accountancy program. Colorado Mesa s Fraud and Forensic Accounting and Advanced Fraud and Forensic Accounting course catalog descriptions include introductions into interviewing as part of the topics covered during the courses (Colorado Mesa University, 2017). Likewise, MSUD provides students with greater exposure to interviewing in their courses. MSUD s Fraud Awareness (ACCM 5600) course offers an overview of interviewing, including a guest lecturer with hands on interviewing experience to discuss the topic. Additionally, in Sheri Betzer s Legal Elements of Fraud (ACCM 5650) course at MSUD, not only is class time dedicated to the introduction of interviewing, but the course has a practical exercise for the students. The practical exercise includes conducting four separate interviews of individuals related to an accounting litigation scenario. Over the course of those interviews, not all the individuals contacted are overly cooperative with the student interviewer. This gives the student a much more realistic view of what may happen when he seeks information from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Conducting Drug Testing For Cause Drug Testing For Cause (A) If at during anytime during a laboratory or clinical experience, a faculty or clinical instructor perceives the odor of alcohol on the student or observes behaviors, not limited to, slurred speech, unsteady gait, or confusion by the student that would cause the faculty or clinical instructor to suspect the student is impaired by drugs or alcohol, the following steps should be taken: (a) The student should be removed from patient care or the assigned work area by the instructor (b) The student will be required to undergo for cause drug and alcohol testing (c) The instructor will call for transportation services and arrange for the student to be transported to a designated medical service facility contracted for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Summary Of Evil And Omnipotence By J. L. Mackie J. L. Mackie s Evil and Omnipotence criticizes the argument that God exists by showing that religious beliefs are positively irrational and that parts of the essential theological doctrine are inconsistent with one another. The problem of evil is one of the oldest problems in philosophy. The problem of evil is a logical problem for only the people who believe that there is a God who is both (1) omnipotent and (2) wholly good; yet (3) evil exists in the world. If God is wholly good and omnipotent, then how can there be a presence of evil in the world. Given the presence of evil, we must either conclude that God does not have the power to prevent the suffering that evil causes in which case God is not omnipotent or that God does not wish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, these solutions are only temporary or almost adopted by the thinker because the thinker may not be consistent in their definitions and convert back to the old definitions. Therefore, these solutions are not true solutions, so we must find another way to solve the problem of evil. The next set of solutions are called fallacious solutions. A fallacious solution is a solution defined as an argument which rejects one of the propositions but then, implicitly reasserts it later in the argument to solve the problem. However, these fallacious solutions use an equivocation use of the words good and evil , which cause vagueness about how good and evil are opposed to one another. Mackie notes that these so called solutions may seem plausible at first, but, in fact, do not amount to a solution which rejects any principle that causes the contradiction. The first fallacious solution is that Good cannot exist without evil. The idea behind this solution is that evil is a necessary counterpart of good. Without evil, there could be no good in the world. Therefore, God could not have created the world without any evil in it because there would be no good. By saying that God cannot create good without creating evil at the same time contradicts premise one (that God is omnipotent) and premise five (that there are limits to what an omnipotent thing can do). Mackie rejects this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Gender Bathrooms Letting any Gender into any Bathroom, a good Idea? Stores and different establishments around the world are having to face a difficult challenge of letting people go into gendered bathrooms they assign themselves to, or having to enforce the rule of boys in boys and girls in girls. There are many cases of this being shown in today s world. Target was the first of letting people chose what bathroom suites them based on their choice of gender, and now they are revoking it due to complications and backlash from customers, instead they are now making a compromise that suites all but will cost them up to twenty million dollars. Although many people will say gender bathrooms are foolish because gender is a choice, they protect the user, and they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. J. D. Salinger Essay J. D. Salinger J. D. Salinger The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. James Bryce* In 1945, a novel was published that would forever change the way society views itself. The book, entitled The Catcher in the Rye, would propel a man named Jerome David Salinger to fame as one of the most famous authors of the twentieth century. This same man, not ten years after the publication and while still in the peak of his career, would depart from this society the one that he so greatly changed leaving nothing but his literature to be his lasting voice. However one may view this mysterious life of J. D. Salinger, there is but one thing for certain: J. D. Salinger has provided the reader with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After receiving an English degree at Columbia, Salinger worked briefly as an entertainer on the Swedish Liner MS Kungsholm in the Caribbean in 1941. In 1942 Salinger enlisted in the United States Army and fought in World War II, where he eventually became a staff sergeant earning five battle stars. The time spent overseas played a major role in what would ultimately be the basis of most of Salinger s short stories. World War II is also where Salinger met one of his major literary influences, Ernest Hemingway. Although Salinger s style stems from Hemingway, their first encounter was not one that sat well on Salingers s mind. The story goes that while Hemingway was serving as an author correspondent, he visited Salinger s regiment and that Salinger became disgusted when Hemingway shot the head off a chicken to demonstrate the merits of a German Lager (French 25). The incident so affected Salinger that he incorporates it into his short story, For Esme: with Love and Squalor, with a corporal named Clay shooting the head off a cat and constantly dwelling upon the senseless act. The relationship between Hemingway and Salinger would last until Hemingway s death in 1961. Despite having a personal relationship with Hemingway, according to Harold Bloom, ... [Salinger s work actually] derives from F. Scott Fitzgerald (qtd. in Salinger SSC 2: 318). Such a conclusion can be drawn for a number of reasons. First, Salinger s narrative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Super Nintendo Research Paper If you grew up with Super Mario or even this being your first experience playing the video games your in for a really exciting experience. Nintendo is coming out with a new game called Super Mario Maker. The game gives you the ability to create, design and share your own Super Mario stages with an online player base. Of course it will have already made levels you can try your hand at as well. I have always loved playing Super Mario as a kid and also playing it as a family after school or on the weekends. It s a game that every home should have to play alone or with friends and family it is for all ages and play styles. The creator of Super Mario Shigeru Miyamoto has always had big dreams and ideas for the games he creates. With Nintendo ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Having a simple idea to create a game that allows players to build their own levels of varying difficulty in 8 bit or 3D graphics. Then playing them straight away and even sharing them with other players. Challenging players to complete the levels you ve create and ones they ve created. This concept opens up a whole new depth of game play elements where level creation arguably makes the game everlasting. Once you have played Mario so many times you become more aware of when you need to jump and move faster. When needing to fly over the level using the feather and cape power up. It has a lot to do with eye hand coordination and being able to hit the button at the correct time to get the desired result without having to look at the controller. Knowing if you look away from the screen at your controller to do a jump you might have already died in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Model Minority Myth And Stereotypes According to our textbook, clusters of beliefs, values and opinions form an individual s attitude. Throughout our lifetime, these attitudes manifest in different intensities and form biases, stereotypes, prejudices and bigotries. Biases and stereotypes can be both negative and positive, but stereotypes are only formed against people; biases are formed against people, places and things. In contrast, prejudices and bigotries only represent negative attitudes and like the stereotypes they are only formed against people. Even though the word positive sounds like a good thing, positive stereotypes have the opposite effect on the victim. It can sabotage the process of forming a realistic and accurate perception (Koppelman) and are often used as a distraction to shield acts of discrimination experienced by the victim. The Model Minority Myth is an example of a positive stereotype because it diverts attention away from serious social and economic problems that affect many segments of the Asian American population, detracts from both the subtle and overt racial discrimination encountered by Asian American, places undue pressure on young Asian Americans to succeed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Racism is a type of prejudice that is used to justify the belief that one racial category is somehow superior or inferior to others. (CNX) Conformist are prejudice without expressing those ideas or behaving in ways that obviously reflect prejudice; they do not disagree with bigots or chauvinists, but do not tend to articulate their ideas on behalf of causes. People in this group passively accept the status quo that has been shaped by past prejudice and thereby perpetuate injustice in our society. They like things as they are and they would like to see them stay that way. (Koppelman, p. 171) Bigots exude hatred towards both individual members and the entire group as well. White supremacists are racist ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Rain Man Essay Rain Man In the movie Rain Man Directed by, Barry Levinson, Charlie Babbitt played by Tom Cruise, is a Los Angeles car dealer in the business of importing high end luxury cars to California. His current deal of bringing in four Lamborghinis is being threatened by the EPA for emissions. If Charlie is unable to meet its requirements he will lose $80000 in deposits plus all the money spent obtaining the cars. After some quick ploy with an employee, Charlie leaves on a weekend trip to Palm Springs with his girlfriend, Susanna played by Valeria Golino. Just as Charlie begins his trip it s quickly cancelled by the news father s death. Charlie and Susanna travel to his hometown in Cincinnati, to settle the estate. In the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In further exploration of their tactics the security team sends an attractive woman who finds Raymond alone in the casino s bar. She is able to get Raymond to allude to his and Charlie s system of counting of cards. Later, security asks to speak to Charlie privately and suggests that Charlie take his winnings, about $80,000 and leave. In the end, Charlie finds himself becoming protective of Raymond, and grows to truly care for and love him. Upon arriving in Los Angeles, Charlie finally meets with his attorney to try to get his share of his inheritance, but then decides that he no longer cares about the money and really just wants to have custody of his brother. However, at a meeting with a court appointed psychiatrist and Dr. Bruner, because of Raymond s mental condition he is unable to decide exactly what he wants. One option being to live with Charlie in California and the other is staying at the mental hospital in Ohio. Eventually, the psychiatrist presses Raymond to make the decision, upsetting him and leading Charlie to request that the doctor back off. Raymond is taken back home to the Wallbrook Mental Institution in Cincinnati. Charlie, who has gained a new brother and grown significantly as a person, promises Raymond that he ll come to visit. The DSM IV states that to be diagnosed with an autistic disorder a person must have six of twelve listed traits coming from certain groups in the DSM. I feel ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Three Witches Influence On Macbeth In the play Macbeth he is told his fate by three witches. His life decisions and choices are being persuaded by prophecies three witches came to him with. His life is changed because of these Weird Sisters has told him what he has become and what he is going to need to do. The witches have great powers of course there right, he can become great things, his ambition took the best of him.The witches prophecies influenced Macbeth s choices because to him they had to be true. Macbeth was a great warrior for Scotland. Three witches saw his incredible strength in battle and told Macbeth three prophecies that will come true for Macbeth. The witches said, FIRST WITCH: All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! SECOND WITCH: All hail, Macbeth! ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Biography of Fidel Castro Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in the Bíran, Cuba. (See Figure 5) Fidel grew up in wealthier circumstances than most Cubans at the time, amid the massive and growing poverty. His father, Ángel Castro y Argiz, was originally an immigrant from Spain. During Fidel s childhood, Ángel was a fairly prosperous sugarcane farmer on a farm that had been dominated by United States owned United Fruit Company. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzalez, was a maid to Angel s first wife, during Fidel s infancy. By the time Fidel was fifteen, his father disbanded his first marriage and wed Lina, who is seen by Fidel to be his true mother. Fidel was educated in private Jesuit boarding schools. By 1945, he entered the law school at the University of Havana. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Castro continued to use guerrilla attacks and gained large numbers of radical followers. Using these guerrilla warfare tactics, Castro became known as the Guerilla Prince and with his supporters, he attacked Batista s forces, conquering and overtaking numerous towns and cities. Batista quickly lost much of his popular support and suffered many embarrassing defeats. Finally, on January 1, 1959, Batista fled Cuba and went into exile, leaving the Cuban government in need of a president and somebody to get rid of the corruption that had previously plagued the country. Manuel Urrutia, a very liberal Cuban lawyer and politician, was placed as president of Cuba, and Castro was placed in charge of the military. However, by July of 1959, Castro had easily and effectively taken over as leader of Cuba, which he would remain as, for the next four decades. (See figure 2) With close ties to his brother, Fidel put Raúl in charge of the military, allowing the Castro family to have most of the control over Cuba. In Castro s beginning years as Cuba s ruler, he made several radical and significant changes in Cuba, including collectivizing agriculture, nationalizing industry, and seizing and eliminating most American owned businesses, factories, and farms. Fidel taxed American products so heavily that U.S. exports halved in just two years, making the United States put heavy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Everyman Analysis Mythology has been a part of human culture for centuries. As children, we grew up learning about all sorts of myths from those around us. It is defined as a traditional story about heroes or supernatural beings, often attempting to explain the origins of natural phenomena or aspects of human behavior. In these three plays, Medea by Euripides, Everyman by Anonymous writer, and Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, there is a common mythology evident, and that is, the power of a supreme being. The representation of a higher power in the lives of men is very significant in many works of literature. A higher power plays an important, if not leading role in each and every one of these works. They use their influence for many distinct and fundamental ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apparently, the play struck a chord or two in the hearts and minds of the renaissance period. It harbors a certain uniqueness to it than another plays before it. Doctor Faustus stood out by combining things we associate with medieval drama, like myths, to explore questions like: What is the true nature of power? What form should knowledge take? Should we believe in fate or free will? Doctor Faustus, which was a time of great religious importance, and high in catholic beliefs, believed that God was the most powerful being in the world and the creator of the universe. Faustus gave his soul to the devil, in order to be like God himself. However, to an Elizabethan audience, this act of rebellion would not only be frightening but in many ways inspiring. There is no one in the world who would not give everything they have to become as powerful as God but would not dare rebel against the lord. As a reader of these plays, I see myself as a contemporary audience because of the way in which the play was written, and the symbols it represented wouldn t be clear enough for me to understand text completely. It would cause me to overlook the importance of what the play is about. My reaction to the play wouldn t be the same reaction as to the person who, at the time the play came out, would react in the same ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Attention Getter For Gay Rights Research Paper Thanon Phlapphlathuan (Fruik) Communication Studies 21 Argumentation Professor Nate Brown 19 April 2016 LGBT Rights Claim: The United States of America should adopt a federal law that gives rights, protection and recognition of LGBT people based on sexual orientation and gender identity as constitutionally and respectfully equal as others uniformly throughout the nation. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter 1. Gay rights are human rights, expressed Hillary Clinton. B. Thesis 1. The United States of America should adopt a federal law that gives rights, protection and recognition of LGBT people based on sexual orientation and gender identity as constitutionally and respectfully equal as others uniformly throughout the nation. II. Body A. Reason ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... J. (2014). Resisting LGBT Rights Where We Have Won : Canada and Great Britain. Journal Of Human Rights, 13(3), 322 336. doi:10.1080/14754835.2014.923754 Dalesio, E. P. (2016, April 5). PayPal Cancels North Carolina Expansion to Protest LGBT Law. Retrieved April 12, 2016, from http://time.com/4282087/paypal north carolina lgbt law/ Ferro, S., Kaufman, A. C. (2016, April 15). How Corporate America Became A Major LGBT Ally. Retrieved April 17, 2016, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/corporate america lgbt ally_us_570e5c22e4b08a2d32b8840b Muñoz, S. T., Kalteux, D. M. (2016). LGBT, the EEOC, and the Meaning of Sex . Florida Bar Journal, 90(3), 43 48. State Religious Liberty laws pushed by long time anti LGBT groups. (2016, March). Liberty Press, 22(7), 13. Retrieved from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Rhode Island Research Paper Rhode Island America is filled with 50 amazing states, and each state has features that make it special. Rhode island is the smallest state in the whole country! It may be small but it has different ways to make it big. Rhode Island has many nicknames such as; The Ocean State, The Plantation State, and Little Rhody. This tiny little state also has many crops and George M. Cohan was born in Rhode Island, he wrote the songs I m a Yankee Doodle Dandy and You re a Grand Old Flag. Some of the most diverse facts about Rhode Island is included in its culture, geography, and history. Rhode Island is very unique and different than the other states. When most people think of Rhode Island they think of the smallest state ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first circus in the United States was built in 1774 at Newport, Rhode Island. Rhode Island was the last of the 13 colonies to become a state. In 1524, an Italian explorer named Giovanni da Verranzo saw a triangle in the shape of an island in the Atlantic Ocean. He thought the small island looked like Rhode s, this is an island and it is part of Greece. The only nuclear explosion that has ever happened in the U.S.A out of a controlled environment was in Wood River, Rhode Island, It was 1964 a worker at a united nuclear corporation accidentally put in too much uranium solution in the tank. This resulted in a huge explosion, also his death. Rhode Island is rich with history, full of beautiful geographical features, and it maybe small but it s different than the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Liberal Arts Degree Advantages Being slightly educated in liberal arts is essential to being a well rounded person. Knowing liberal arts widens a person s horizon, creating a different mindset. Although knowing some liberal arts is a good quality to take out into the real world, it is not necessary to get a degree in liberal arts if the person does not plan to pursue a job in the liberal arts field. There are more cons than pros in getting a full liberal arts education. Although a liberal arts degree makes for a well rounded person out in the real world, it takes up a lot of time and money, and will narrow a person s chances of getting a job. Getting a liberal arts degree is going above and beyond normal expectations in today s society. It is challenging the mind, forcing a person to think in a different way than most people think. It allows the person to see the world in a completely different perspective than the norm, seeing everything with a more open mind. However, a liberal arts degree can only go so far. Knowing liberal arts broadens a person s knowledge with real world issues, but it will not do much in the occupational field. Therefore, it is a wiser choice to take a few core classes in liberal arts, instead of getting a full degree in a liberal arts subject. If someone is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It narrows job opportunities in a tremendous way, unless the person is seeking to be a professor. Sanford J. Ungar stated in The New Liberal Arts, Yes, recent graduates have had difficulty in the job market, but the recession has not differentiated among major fields of study in its impact (Ungar, 192). Ungar clearly stated that it is hard to find a job with a liberal arts degree, even though he ends up contradicting that statement later on. A degree in liberal arts ends a lot of people searching desperately for a job, and with little income. While a more modern degree has a lot more career ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. What Is Beowulf A Heroic Archetype The notion of heroes is one that transcends time and space. Examples of heroes appear in almost every culture and time period since humans first started writing. Even the very first piece of literature written in the English language, Beowulf, is a classic example of a heroic archetype. We can also see examples of heroes in today s culture, such as in Bonnie Tyler s song Holding Out For a Hero and in Tina Turner s We Don t Need Another Hero . Additionally, we make predictions of what we think heroes may be like in the future, like in the movie Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome. Since heroes appear in every culture, it s easy to see how important they are to society. What s harder to see is how important society is to heroes. Societies put ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the song, Turner sings: Looking for something we can rely on/ There s gotta be something better out there/ Love and compassion, their day is coming/All else are castles built in the air/ And I wonder when we are ever gonna change/ Living under the fear until nothing else remains. This quote hints that there may have been a previous hero that let down this society. This is seen when she mentions something to rely on, insinuating that they previously put their faith in something unreliable and since the entirety of the song is about not needing heroes, it is a logical jump to assume that something was a person. This quote also hints that love and compassion may be more important than heroes and that without these qualities society will destroy itself. This is an interesting counterpoint to the entire concept of having heroes in the first place and has a solid foundation in reality. However, it does not address how the push for a love and compassion society would affect the hero society that is present in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Ordinary People Reflection In the book, Ordinary People, by Judith Guest, Conrad Jarrett undergoes different stages in life that occur after his incident. Throughout these phases he sees a change in himself as a whole. The most pivotal moment in his psychological and moral development transpires when Dr. Berger comes into Conrad s life. Dr. Berger becomes his guiding principle that eventually leads him to progress in areas he struggles in such as forgiveness, happiness, and acceptance. Through these developments Conrad is able to remain to who he once was but continue to live on with life. As a result of his visitations with Dr. Berger, Conrad learns to seek for forgiveness not only in his family but especially in himself. Essentially, in his life he struggles to understand the concept of a guiding principle, A belief of some kind. A bumper sticker, if you will (pg. 1). A guiding principle in Conrad s life that really helped him to forgive others was Dr. Berger, he consistently pushes Conrad to look at things from different perspectives and to release all the anger and guilt he feels inside. Notably, Berger was there the night Conrad needed help, I need to see you, he whispers (pg. 219), in a moment of disparity, Berger evaluates Conrad and concludes that he still feels at fault for practically everything that happened in his life. At his lowest moments, any time that Conrad spends with Berger he begins to realize that he will only find growth in himself once he stops putting the blame on anyone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Management Department At Baylor Medical Center Balor Medical Center is working to improve the quality of services especially the customer service, and wait times in the emergency department. Many patients complain about wasting time for many hours before taken to their room. Therefore, these areas influence the score of the hospital and patient satisfaction. So the leaders and managers are setting up plans for the improvements to the customer service in the emergency room. Baylor customer services need to improve performance by using the patient satisfaction surveys to ensure the patient s continuing interacting with the hospital. Baylor Medical Center managers will focus on improving quality services by using a different quality improvement plans and strategies. Management Department at Baylor Medical Center will select tools that help improvements, such as Lean Sigma Six, Plan, Do, Study, Act, and Sigma Six. Applying the information technology would help a lot to improve the quality of services. By using these methods, it will help the organization to improve their ability to produce a successful quality of care. To achieve goals, the team member should work together, share ideas, and help each other to implement the correct system. Directors, leadership, middle management, the quality improvement committee, medical staff, and the departmental staff, all of them, can achieve their goals by setting plans. Leaders of the Baylor Medical Center and the Department staff will work together to ensure the plans are on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. What Are The Mummies Of Ancient Culture Mummies of ancient cultures: facts before fiction For centuries, people have been fascinated with death. Many questions are asked about what happens after we die, and these questions may forever remain unanswered. As well as beliefs, everyone has an idea of what they wat to happen to them after that die. You may want to be cremated and have your ashes spread across an open meadow, or you may just want to be put in a coffin, and laid into the ground. As it was hundreds of years ago with different beliefs, it is the same today. Different religions, different Gods, and different ways of thinking. But how exactly are they different? When people think of ancient burial, they think back to ancient Egyptians. And what is the reason they are remembered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Mayan culture, one would often be buried beneath their own house! The rest of the family would then abandon the house so they would not disturb the dead. Much mourning was held for those who had passed. China and ancient Egypt are quite similar! The Chinese would have their favorite foods buried with them, so they could accompany the soul in the afterlife. (Bradley) Artifacts that belonged to the deceased would also be buried with them. But the Chinese practiced one ritual that many other ancient cultures did not: servants and concubines be buried with the body. Even if they were alive when the deceased had died. It was a way of claiming property. The Chinese would bury the dead in bronze vessels. Egyptians were buried underground and, famously, the great pyramids of Egypt. But this was mainly for the fabulously wealthy. For the more common of the Egyptians, however, a grave was usually the final resting place. (Mark, Burial ) The Romans practiced burying the dead during the night as to not disturb the activities of the normal city life. The tradition they used, was that they buried the body on the outside of the city walls in order to maintain the boundary between the living and the dead. Even when cremation was used, the ashes could not be buried within the city. The ashes either gathered into an urn, or interred in a tomb. Romans thought that funerary practices were so important, that they paid money monthly to make sure their funeral rites would be performed in accordance with tradition, and their status in the community. (Mark, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Analysis Of Studio 8 Discussion Studio 8 Discussion The coefficient of static friction between brass and different materials were experimentally determined by observing slip angels. A brass block was placed at the top of different ramps made of rubber, wood, sandpaper, and Teflon. Once the angle of the ramp was raised high enough the block began to slip, the angle at this point was measured. Static friction reaches a maximum at the slip angle, thus allowing the block to slip. Vector components, Newton s second law, and the equation fs= µsn, can be used to derive the equation µs = tan(Ɵ); the static coefficient of friction equals tan(Ɵ) of the slip angle. The ramp material and its respective slip angles were rubber 50o, wood 22o, sandpaper 25o, and Teflon 180; all angles had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Personal Narrative On Mama Oh, there you are. My mama said, peering in at me from just outside the room s archway. Come on upstairs and pick out which room you want to be yours. Is this your mama in these pictures? I asked pointing at one of the photos. Grandma Lyanna? My mama, then walked up to me somewhat tentatively. Her arms crossed over her chest holding herself as if she was nervous about looking at the photographs. She stood beside me as we both gazed upon the pictures that were all over the room. I then pointed out again to her the woman to whom I had referred. Yes, that s my mother. She said with a tender smile curling up from around the corners of her mouth as she lightly touched the photo s frame. I remember looking at my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay About Lombok INTRODUCTION Lombok and the Balinese are similar in many ways such as their religion, their neighboring islands, agriculture, and many more; additionally, their histories are already connected before the 14th century. Both their agriculture is also kind of the same, and the same goes with their unique cultural traditions. In this term paper, the main topic is about Why Lombok is much better than Bali. So many people in Indonesia and tourists from other country keep asking, so here is some information about that question. Because of the tragedy in Bali, two hundred two people died including people from Indonesia and more than 20 other nationalities. After that tragedy, the number of tourists that visit Bali have decreased significantly. For this research paper, most of my information were obtained from various ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1846 the Dutch used Balinese to salvage and claims over shipwrecks as the pretext to land military forces in northern Bali. In 1894 the Dutch chose to the Sasak of Lombok, which had been invaded by the Balinese. After a rebellion against their Balinese Rajah in bloody battles, the Balinese where defeated in Lombok, and northern Bali came firmly under Dutch control. The Dutch could not gain to control over south Bali for some years, but later salvaging disputes gave them the excuse they need to move in. A Chinese ship was wrecked off sanur in 1904 and ransacked by the Balinese. The Dutch demanded that the rajah of Bandung for 3000 silver dollars in damages this was refused. In1906 the warship appeared at sanur and started a naval bombardment of Denpasar Bali and then commenced their final assault. Their forces landed and. despite Balinese opposition, marched to the outskirts of Denpasar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The 5th Wave Character Analysis The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey is a young adult science fiction novel. The story follows a young girl named Cassie as the world as we know it comes to an end due to an alien arrival. Yancey makes many of his beliefs, about family, trust, and love, known throughout the novel. For example, Yancey s story conveys that family is worth dying for, trust is imperative for survival, and love can drive people to go on beyond their limits. Countless times all through the novel, the theme that family is worth dying for is evident. From the beginning, Cassie s father shows this when the whole family stays put in their house while Cassie s mother is sick. By staying there, they are all risking their lives as it would be incredibly easy for the rest of them to become ill with the altered form of Ebola. Later, Cassie s father allows her to leave the barracks to go look for Crisco in the woods when he senses trouble. He could have volunteered himself instead, but he decides that his daughter is worth dying for. Moreover, Cassie constantly puts her life on the line for Sammy. Beginning when Sammy boards the bus to to Wright Patterson, everything Cassie does is a risk to ensure his safety. Her level of determination first becomes apparent when she decides to face her Silencer. While she is lying under the Buick, her promise to Sammy motivates her to go on. From the moment she boards the bus to Camp Haven herself, there was an infinite sea of possibilities for something to go wrong. Even ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Drafting Body For Insurance Clauses, The And Terrorism Risks drafting body for insurance clauses, the and terrorism risks, the, and an active discussion among airlines, insurers. Zhou and Hud (2012) submit a study on china airline and mention republic China has made preventive measures to protect and airplanes in the safeguard of potential risks, any terrorist or crisis, and the formation advanced of a communications network with different countries of the world to exchange information about problems and potential threats. Civil aviation of China had owned more than 30 Airlines Company in the end of 2009. And more airlines have acquired a certificate to fly on plateau airports. Average boost speed of air travel has been up to 6.7 percent. With the deep development of the west regions, civil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aviation Cost Risk management safety is the implement of strategic management systems to the identification and identification, Understanding and monitoring of risk Aviation s safety. Administration systems are a comprehensive workers set of acts, procedures, regulations, strategic planning, and controls safety to include that measures to block and mitigate main aviation damage or accidents are in place in use, effective and successful this research by Ove and Oivind (2010) See Fig1.1 Fig 1.1: by Author Show the Aviation Risk Management Tools 1.1.4 Hedging Aviation Risk Management Aircraft company use risk management and convene as part of their strategies to lessen the impact of height fuel prices. The important of cost fuel hedging is to decrease a firm s exposure to sudden changes in the rate of fuel. Consequently, it is to understand the implications of cost and fuel hedging on aircraft company for that the airlines industry is highly energy intensive and jet fuel is a major component of airlines operating costs. As well as the high competitive, aircraft company are incapable of pushing on the high fuel costs to passengers by taxing ticket higher airlines price, lower operating profit. On the other hand, some writer expressed their reservation about fuel hedging in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Live Performance Research Paper Concert Paper The live performance I attended was on June 3rd. The concert was a part of the Downtown Tallahassee Sundown Summer Concert Series at Cascades Park. Everyone was pretty much invited to come, children and adults. The concert started a seven pm and ended ten at night, making the concert about a good three hours. Although I have been to the park many times and seen a live performance, this was actually my first time attending a concert at Cascades Park. The performers performed in the Capital City Amphitheater area which seats like over 1,000 people I believe. Before the concert started I noticed that there were a lot of cars out in the parking out and I knew that there was probably going to be a ton of people out in the audience. I was able to move and roam about the park freely while listening to the concert. There were people sitting in the seats close by the stage and others sitting on the ground in the grass area. I like how the stage is set up because it is easy to see the performers from a far distance and everyone is not so closely seated together. Thankfully the weather was nice that night. I was able to enjoy the location I was seated in. The outdoor venue is a great place to have a concert especially during the summer or when the weather is perfect, it just makes the concert experience much more fun ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each band member performed all the songs and the keyboard was also an instrument used in the performance. I thought it was interesting that they performed songs other than their originals. The rendition of Beverly Hills by Weezer is a popular song that most people would know. The original song falls under the genre of pop mixed with alternative rock music which is somewhat different than their original songs. For the most part, the band kept the original fast tempo of the song. The use of the drums, electric bass guitar is also prominent in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide are actions at the core of what it means to be human the moral and ethical actions that make us who we are, or who we ought to be. Euthanasia, a subject known in the twenty first century, is subject to many discussions about ethical permissibility, which date back to as far as ancient Greece and Rome. It was not until the Hippocratic School removed the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide from medical practice. Euthanasia in itself raises many ethical dilemmas such as, is it ethical for a doctor to assist a terminally ill patient in ending his life? Under what circumstances, if any, is euthanasia considered ethically appropriate? More so, euthanasia raises the argument of the different ideas that people have about the value of the human experience. Ezekial Emanuel asserts that the ethical belief, thoughts in the 19th and 20th century in the United States are reminiscent of those today, both in terms of content and ferocity. Emanuel adds that interest in euthanasia arises historically and predictably from (1) economic recession or in movements of Social Darwinism; (2) doctors are engaged in a struggle with society over their medical authority and profession; and (3) terminating life sustaining practices become part of standard medical practice, and there is a desire then to extend this to active euthanasia. Arguably, all three situations met by the end of the 20th century. The rise of managed care, the increase of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hiphop Dance History Most dancers start out by thinking that hip hop is easy. Hip hop was started in New York less than 100 years ago though it was not made is the easiest way an individual can imagine some dancers still think they re better than it for doing another art of dance. It is way different than ballet, jazz, and tap, yet it could look alike to most dancers. For instance, every dancer thinks they re too good for it and that it is too easy. What they don t see is that just as every art of dance it is different, but they must contribute flexibility, letting loose of the body, and controlling of movements to be a good hip hop dancer. Little do we know as dancers that every form of dance is hard. It s just like every job nobody starts out a professional. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Gender Gap Within The Fields Of Science, Technology,... In LIBS 6137 I analyzed topics that affected today s teens. I found that a gender gap exists in the fields of science and technology. Females are underrepresented in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematical (STEM) related careers. According to research, girls should be encouraged to pursue their interests, find mentors, and collaborate with others in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In light of these findings, I presented a booktalk to a group of girls ages 15 19 on six books in which the main characters are strong women who have a special interest or talent in STEM related subjects. A handout was also created for each student and the host. The handout contained a description of the six books presented in the booktalk, similar books that may be of interest to students on the same topic, as well as websites, magazines, software, and videos. A total of eighteen resources were included that fit into the STEM topic presented to students. Digital evaluation forms were created for the students and the host of the booktalk to complete. My personal experience and data gathered from the evaluation forms were used to create a self evaluation narrative. In creating the artifact for the course, I.... (How did you do it? How does this process indicate mastery of the MLS objective, ALA competence, and pathway appropriate standards?) Please include which objectives, competencies and standards you used to create this artifact In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Reflection On Quality Of Service This summer I worked at Broad Street Ministries. It s a church that s a major staple in their community and the homeless. They provide drop in shelter services such as mailing, meals at different times through the week, social services, after school programing, summer camp, enrichment classes and much more. Their goal is to build a community that fosters a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment that provide upscale meals to those less fortunate. My overall opinion of the operation is that it has great values, provide quality services, and strives for excellence in all aid provided. While interning for the past 3 months I had the opportunity to participate in preparing fresh, quality nutritious meals for their guest. I served in any capacity needed. I washed dishes, swept and mopped the floor, prepped food and helped cook at time. My main responsibilities were that of the head pastry chef. I planned and prepared dessert options for 300 guests based on the ingredients provided. Meals are planned based on the ingredients picked from the church s garden and donated from local farms and food establishments. I believe this to be one of this organization s strengths because a lot of focus is put into providing an upscale meal and dining experience to those less fortunate. Equally important, throughout my time there, management was inconsistent in their expectations and direction. The morale of the kitchen staff was low and seemed to really affect the quality of service. For ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Basics Of Running And Its Benefits Research Paper Topic: Running Learning about the basics of running and its benefits could positively impact your life. Running is a fairly common task that many of us learn at a young age. We practice running after we master walking as babies or toddlers, chase or get chased by our siblings or enjoy it on the school playground during recess. Then we progress to P.E. class, track and field days or cross country meets. Whether running is a sport we pursue in school or not, it can be a learned fact or hobby that anyone can perform! There are many known benefits of running, and as stated, anyone at any age can learn and enjoy. It has been named the world s most accessible sport. Running dates back extremely far in history as related to hunting and other religious festivals. While it might look very different in terms of fashions, trends and GPS watches, I believe the form of running probably hasn t changed. To begin running, you simply need to place one foot in front of the other and go! It is encouraged to exercise proper form to maximize your experience and to gain the full affect. You should focus on holding your head up high and looking forward. Shoulders will be relaxed, torso stretched and tall, which will result in the hips being in alignment. Your arms will be bent and relaxed while your ankles project you forward. There are certain styles of foot strikes that runners make; pronated, supinated or neutral. Also known by your gait, your foot strike may or may not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. American Revolutionary War A motivating force behind the revolution was the American embrace of a political ideology called republicanism , which was dominant in the colonies by 1775. The country party in Britain, whose critique of British government emphasized that corruption was to be feared, influenced American politicians. The commitment of most Americans to republican values and to their rights, helped bring about the American Revolution, as Britain was increasingly seen as hopelessly corrupt and hostile to American interests; it seemed to threaten to the established liberties that Americans enjoyed. The greatest threat to liberty was depicted as corruption. The colonists associated it with luxury and, especially, inherited aristocracy, which they condemned. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Americans were totally unaware that the British would try to cross the creek in separate places. Washington backtracked to Chester, Pennsylvania. A British pursuit was stopped by a rearguard unit; therefore, Howe could not occupy the abandoned capital until September 26. British deaths totaled to about 600 and American losses were 900 dead and wounded, along with 400 taken prisoner. After Howe s victory at Brandywine, his army camped at Germantown, Pennsylvania. Washington planned a surprise attack against the redcoats at sunrise. He broke the army into four separate columns for battle. The American soldiers marched to Germantown by two roads, with General Sullivan to the right and General Greene to the left. Washington, along with General Wayne, joined Sulliven and caused the British to fall back. Some hundred men ran and hid in the Chew house, a large stone building, and returned fire from the second story. Instead of by passing the building, Colonel Knox believed that they should destroy the house with the redcoats in it. Knox s fired cannons at the home, which merely bounced back at them. The fog and smoke caused massive confusion for several others of Washington s columns. All of a sudden two American divisions collided and fired upon each other. More and more mishaps followed, and finally Washington men retreated. In June of 1775 in Charlestown the British were awaken from their sleep. The British were totally unaware of the fact ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Simon Farrah Abraham Character Analysis Simon Saran is a forced to be reckoned with. His on again off again relationship with Farrah Abraham has been documented through Teen Mom OG. The two are apparently off at the moment, though that doesn t mean there isn t a reconciliation possible. Because Saran has been a huge part of the MTV franchise, the show offered him his own special. This is a big deal because the ones who have been offered the same have all been married to or have had children with the star they were attached to while filming. Being Simon is set to air this coming Wednesday on MTV. It will be an hour long special featuring Simon Saran in his everyday life. He confirmed this was coming back in June, but Farrah Abraham shaded him when he mentioned it. The two have been hot and cold for several months now. Saran is a businessman, and now, Abraham is back to selling sex. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Starcasm, Simon Saran and Courtland Rogers got into an insult match where one went a little too far. Everyone knows that Twitter is the place where anything goes. Racial comments, insults, and everything else can be seen on the platform with no enforcing of etiquette. Saran was going off about Donald Trump being blamed for the Las Vegas massacre, and Rogers decided to have his say with him. It appears that since Jenelle Evans no longer wants anything to do with Courtland, he is really trying to stay relevant. Both men reverted to heavy insults, with Courtland Rogers insinuating that Simon Saran was a terrorist with a tweet about hijacking a plane. Of course, Simon wasn t innocent in the debate, but Courtland really went the whole nine yards with his comments. There is a streak of jealousy there. Being Simon is airing this upcoming week and since Rogers no longer has any connection to the show, there may be a little bitterness. The two exchanged a few more tweets and that was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Meaning Of Reasonable Accommodations For Religious... The Meaning of Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Practices The meaning of reasonable religious accommodations in accordance with the Civil Rights Act, Title VII 1964 legislation can at times seem perplexing. A reasonable accommodation is an adjustment to the work environment that will allow an employee to comply with their religious practices or beliefs according to the EEOC.gov website. The word reasonable is a word that can be loosely interpreted in different ways. Orthodox Jews Orthodox Jews live their lives according to their strict Biblical principles; they live in close knit groups or clusters and reject the ways of modern society as told by (Wertheimer, 2014). The Orthodox Jewish religion requires married women to cover their hair. The Orthodox Jewish biblical law considers a woman s hair is the essence of their beauty; therefore married women do not usually show their hair as not to attract attention from men. Orthodox Jews attend church on Saturdays and they observe the certain religious holidays such as Rosh Hashanah. Some Orthodox Jewish men wear beards as a sign of their faith. According to their religious practice they cannot use a razor to shave so it is easier to let their beards grow long as told by (Lissner, 2010). Our company dress code states that hats or coverings of the head are not permissible and neatly trimmed beards and mustaches, not more than 1 inch long are permissible. Head dress that is worn for religious beliefs or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...