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Photos by
Louis decamps
@ JR & associée
I wanted to share the
data and examples I
gathered on BRANDED
50 professionals will
share their examples
and feed back during
the next PARIS 2.0
Now it’s your turn
to participate
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End of january, 50 professionals will share their
most creative « branded entertainment » campaigns
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Use this hashtag to have a 5 mn laugh at work.
Let’s all share our fun stuff !
This is the plan of the document
Branded entertainment is not only "fun" brand
content it's all the types of brand content that
can satisfy the centers of interest of an
audience on TV or on line : sports, music,
films, ... It's not edidorial content however it
embodies the brand values and
communicates on it's products.
This is the plan of the document
Before the examples, a quick introduction to « branded
entertainment » with some great charts and insights.
1- Brands as fun destinations
2- Branded fun for new brand fans
3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents
4- The new brand to fans relationship
5- Live events for real time experiences
6- Data to spot fun insights on consumers
1- Brands as fun destinations
Firstly, we're all used to seeing brands sponsoring entertainment
as a means to get their logo and messaging in front of consumer
eyeballs now brands are becoming destination sites and
platforms for entertainment, in and of themselves.
2- Branded fun for new brand fans
Secondly, branded entertainment challenges brands to deliver a
more enriching experience that consumers want yet
communicate effectively what the brand values or the product
benefits. Therefore it requires brands to create high quality
branded contents, and not just sponsor an event, advertise within
the programs, or create an ephemeral buzz.
3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents
Brands investing in branded entertainment don‘t simply advertise
on line. They use the tools that are available to best promote their
content : paid media, owned media, earned media.
4- The new brand to fans relationship
Brands are able to develop an enduring direct-to-consumer
relationship thanks to the quality content, however their
potential fan base is much wider than their brand fans and they
need to animate the extended fan community.
5- Live events for real time experiences
Communication enters a new era of real time marketing and
brands come to life when people access their content all
together at the same time and share their experience.
6- Data to spot fun insights on consumers
Trust me you are going to need it to do all the above !
Introduction to branded
Brands fighting to get
consumers attention on
their advertisements
Brands producing fun brand
content to be activated by
consumers when time is
right on device they choose
Consumers engaged
through time by awesome
transmedia content
Introduction to branded entertainment
Consumers are always connected but never
People carry an average of 2.9 devices with them.
Source : google / ipsos (usa)
Consumers access media content from a screen,
but it’s the one they choose
Source : google / ipsos (usa)
They often use other devices while watching TV
TV no longer commands full attention and 77% of TV viewers use another device at
the same time in a typical day.
Source : google / ipsos (usa)
They are often engaged in various activities
Social networking is a big « side » activity
Source : google / ipsos (usa)
To complete a task they switch between devices
90% of multiple device owners switch between screens to complete tasks,
using an average of three different combinations every day.
Source : google / ipsos (usa)
Traditionally, brands in a bid to capture attention
have interrupted consumers to talk about their
product. Consumer research continually highlights
that most of these marketing message are irrelevant
to their current interests and needs.
And what better way to gain permission to get someone's attention than when they are
actually looking for you. Or at least something you can help with : useful content.
Some brands embrace content marketing strategies
Content marketing has emerged as means to reach people who are continually looking
for information, entertainment or help. Brands can use content marketing to pull people
in who aren't necessarily interested in a specific product but instead meeting a need-
state behind the product purchase. Content is useful, informative and – critically – non-
salesy, created to draw in consumers who have a particular lifestyle need or interest
Source :
gartner (usa)
Branded entertainment is leading the way
because that’s what consumers spend most time
doing on line after socializing We know that social media is
an important part of many
people’s lives, but it is also a
lengthy portion, as well. And
Entertainment is a big thing
when socializing.
Experian Marketing Services
released a study showing that
in the United States, 16
minutes out of every hour
online was spent on social
networking and forums,
roughly 27% of all time spent
on personal computers.
The next closest online
actions were entertainment
sites (9 minutes/hour) and
shopping (5 minutes/hour).
And entertaining TV programs are often very social
Twitter is pitching its services to television networks with Twitter Amplify which allows
networks to post short, sponsored video replays on Twitter. "Now we are able to talk
about how to make money together and how to give sponsors an interesting two-screen
approach to things," Glenn Brown, Twitter’s senior director for Amplify. It’s all part of
Twitter’s strategy to lock down the second screen.
Consumers are ok if brands entertain them !
Branded entertainment is the popular term for the increasing practice of brands creating
entertaining content to capture and maintain consumer attention for prolonged periods
of time (or at least, a little longer than those thirty second ads).
A form consumers quite appreciate (even if 24% don’t want brands to entertain them).
Source :
However brands still have a long way to go before
branded entertainment fully works for the brand
and for consumers.
Brands don’t just post and pray.
Their digital strategy doesn’t only rely on viral !
It’s a common misconception among brands that somehow people will magically find
them. Some call it the "post and pray" strategy. To stand out, brands do the following:
PR and Influencer Outreach (earned media) : Scoring placement on a popular blog or
content site makes a difference. If people see an influencer tweet your video, or read
about it on their favorite blog, chances are they'll watch the content and share it
themselves. But don't "boil the ocean" with PR outreach. A post of your video on a
niche trade blog might make more waves than one that's hidden inside the depths of a
tier-one publication, far from surfacing on its home page.
Outstanding content (owned media) : Fewer than 1% of YouTube videos exceed 1
million views, according to recent data from TubeMogul. The cold truth is that 50% of
videos on YouTube have fewer than 1,000 views. Since there's so much content on
the site, it's easy to get lost in the mix.
Paid Placement (paid media) : The web offers a variety of ways to increase
viewership with paid placement at great value. Sometimes advertisers can target their
content fans based on age, gender, geography, keywords, search terms and
They place content at the heart of digital strategies
to engage consumers from paid to earned media
Source : “how youtube is changing the advertising game” jeremy dumont
Brands invest in transmedia contents consumers
and no longer oppose TV, digital and social media
“Before, advertising on the internet could not create scale and if you were a CMO of
an FMCG company, you did all your advertising around experiences, you would
make an advert around that and you give it to a TV channel where you would have
millions of people watching it. So the thinking was ‘why use the internet?’. Suddenly
we’re consuming and creating content on our mobile devices and tablets on a bigger
scale and we are moving away from the traditional way of consuming content. There
is a change in behavior as we are always ‘on’. “What you need is someone to help
create great content that is high impact and tells good stories otherwise we don’t see
it or interact with it. “VP, Brand & Communications, AOL
Research suggests that up to
80% of reach from marketing
campaigns now comes from
network amplification through
advocacy. Despite this huge
potential value, "brands are
failing at driving satisfied
customers to share in social
media," said Irfan Kamal, global
head of Data+Analytics and
Products at Social@Ogilvy. "Our
study suggests that the vast
majority of satisfied customers
are not publicly advocating for
brands on social platforms.
Brands have not provided the
technology, incentives or content
that both inspire and enable
customers to speak out
Brands are not only entertaining their consumers
what they aim for is to give more voice to brand
The entertainment industry has already experienced
these communication shifts
On the TOP French youtube chanels
content producers such as Universal
music or Warner Bross are in good
positions however they are challenged
by other youtube channels.
Influencial youtubers are right next to
famous DJ’s / presenters. Studio
bagel is a big thing on youtube.
Some brands have found their way to
greatness thanks to awesome
content : chanel (but also evian,
turkish airlines, cartier, renault…)
Source : social bakers (france)
The most loved brands are using branded
Walt Disney is the brand most people
love, it’s an entertainment brand.
NIKE, Coca Cola, Kellogg's, Microsoft,
Dell, Pepsi, HP rely on entertaining
contents in their advertising.
Yahoo, google, sony, apple have fun
products to showcase on their
Source : APCO Worldwide (usa)
1- Brands as fun destinations
Brands competing with
media to provide fun to
their audiences
Engaging their consumers
to spend some fun time on
their brand spaces
Providing fun consumer
experiences daily in
real life
1- Brands as fun destinations
Coke Zero drives 25-44 years media audiences to
it’s web site
.Coke Zero identified gaming as a relevant way to actively engage its core audience of
25-44 year-old men. Consumer reaction and visitor numbers to the site (over 2 million to
date) are highly encouraging. Coke Zero negotiated a high profile deal with PlayStation.
Traffic to the web site comes from exclusive partnerships (MSN, Melty…)
With The Creators Project, Intel has built a
worldwide arts and culture channel, keeping
audiences coming for more exclusive content
The platform supports artists across multiple disciplines who use technology in
innovative ways to push the boundaries of creative expression. The Creators Project
has generated more than 250 million video views and 50 million unique visitors. The
events have attracted more than 720,000 attendees overall and won critical acclaim
from hundreds of international news outlets.
Lego builds a closer relationship with it’s young
consumers on his web site with the Lego club
LEGO Club Magazine, for ages 7 and up, packs every issue full of LEGO news and
behind-the-bricks interviews, comic adventures, games and puzzles, building
challenges and Cool Creations built by LEGO fans, as well as sneak peeks at the
latest sets and themes.
Brands get really personal with consumers by
opening personal profiles on dating / social
networks and telling their stories as time passes
JWT London launched an online film for Anti-Slavery International. The short film
illustrates what it would be like if a domestic slave in the UK was allowed to have a voice,
via a Facebook profile. The film is based on the fictional character, ‘Lala’, whose
experiences are an amalgamation of those faced by modern-day slaves that Anti-Slavery
International comes into contact with. Lala’s updates about her experiences of work and
general life become more and more distressing as the film progresses.
Wispa reconquers it’s consumers allowing direct
interactions on it’s facebook page
Wispa introduces "The Frothy Beast" in a new spot by Fallon London promoting the
Cadbury brand's new hot chocolate. Straight from the cheesy/retro school of advertising,
this guy likes to frolic with the ladeez in a vaguely Italian accent. Fans of The Frothy
Beast will be able to have direct interaction with the character via Facebook, where he
will be responding to reactions and comments in real-time throughout the day, as well as
commenting on topical events and news.
L’oreal and it’s consumers can interact :
consumers can reproduce red carpets looks at
home faster than ever
L’oreal experts help you re-create the hottest looks of the season as seen
in Cannes or elsewhere…
ASICS helps it’s consumers get the most out of their
running shoes when time has come to use them
ASICS wants its customers to get the most out of their running shoe purchases, and it
would like them to come back again and again as their shoes need replacing. To foster
brand loyalty, the company provides its customers post-purchase content that espouses
the brand’s view of the art and science of running. It validates not only the consumer’s
choice of purchasing an ASICS running shoe, but also the lifestyle and the mind-set
associated with making this choice of running equipment.
2- Branded fun for
new brand fans
Brands sponsoring BIG
mass media contents
aligned with brand values
contents in affinity with
consumers, designed for
each touch point
Spreading MICRO
experiences on social
2- Branded fun for new brand fans
Mitsubishi sponsors SKYWIRE across
multiple media screens to get great brand
While it may not have reached the heights achieved by Red Bull's 2012 "skyjump"
stunt featuring Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, the conclusion of Wallenda's
successful trip across the wire, reporters touted the stats for the stunt: 40,000
tweets per minute; 700,000 tweets in total; 1.5 million streams on Discovery.com;
and an estimated 13 million TV viewers watching the event on Discovery Channel.
Budweiser signs Rihanna to spread great exclusive
content on all it’s brand touch points on line
The St. Louis brewery sponsors some of the artists' worldwide concerts and utilize
behind the-scenes footage of the TV ads, which are called "Dreams Are Made," on its
YouTube channel. Budweiser launched a custom content platform as an extension of the
brand’s Made for Music campaign, in an effort to connect fans with Budweiser through
Dodge produces a saga with Ron Burgundy and
Funny Or Die scenarists to communicate it’s
brand messages the best way to it’s fans
Ferrell has filmed some spots for the Dodge Durango as his Anchorman character
ahead of the release of Paramount Pictures' Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.
Wieden + Kennedy in Portland, Ore., worked with Funny or Die writers on the scripts.
FoD's production arm, Gifted Youth, which also produced Ferrell's
famously offbeat Old Milwaukee ads, teamed with Caviar to co-produce this work.
They were aired on TV as well as on the brand youtube chanel.
Mattessons reached out to youtubers for smart
« product review »
PEPSI, chief editorial of consumer musical picks
in real time
Now that brands are appreciating the benefits of becoming publishers, inevitably the
merits of content curation have to be examined. Appart from legal / right issues, there
is the fear that no independently-authored content can entirely — or even partially —
convey the brand's 'values' or 'messaging' well. A great example of this is Pepsi Pulse
which curates trending pop culture and entertainment news and blends it with original
content, such as deals and celebrity challenges. Content curation also enables brands
to create an environment that people continually return to as a knowledge resource on
a particular topic or issue.
Taco Bell gets consumers to share their Fun
experiences with the chain Taco Bell was one of the few
brands to adopt Snapchat, a
platform that has a
reputation for sexting. The
fast food chain used
Snapchat to
introduce its Beefy Crunch Bur
, using the app's ephemeral,
format for the launch. Stories
offers new possibilities, said
Nick Tran, social media lead
for Taco Bell. "This is
something a lot of fans tell
us all the time," he said.
"They love sharing their
stories and trips and
adventure. We created a
story that modeled that
experience of hanging out
with a friend.“"The fact that
posts last more than 10
seconds was huge."
The right content pops up when time comes.
Romanians searches on the ROM website changed
the automated google searches !
ROM, launched a campaign to change the Romania's image on Google. They built a
website: Romanians are smart (with a Romanian version on Romanii sunt destepti),
where they persuaded Romanians to search on Google on specific terms, so they will
change the Google Autocomplete suggestions. The campaign's call to action was
"Change with a click"; users got to search directly from the website in six languages.
3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents
Introducing brand
content through paid
media spaces in an
intrusive way
Promoting owned
content on content
platforms in a native
Sponsored ads for
consumer generated
content (social
3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents
Coke sends TV viewers on line to choose ending, a
media strategy that has worked for them in the past
Coca-Cola’s “Mirage” ad campaign had a secure spot on the Super Bowl 47 and
was well-planned and executed. As a matter of fact, the Coke Chase ad followed
all of Coca-Cola’s main marketing strategies and values that should have brought
them success if it weren’t for the black out. The very unexpected blackout gave
an open door for some brands to come through spontaneous Twitter ad
campaigns, like Oreo, and bust in with quick witty creativity. Oreo and the
caption, “You can still dunk in the dark.” The message caught on almost
immediately, getting nearly 15,000 retweets (as of this writing) and more than
20,000 likes on Facebook
Absolut integrates VICE channel and uses banners
with an embed of the videos to promote it’s content
on VICE home pages, keeping audiences in the
same space
VICE incorporated Absolut’s new flavors into the food franchise, Munchies, using the
brand as the official sponsor. The series profiles young, innovative chefs in San
Francisco and New York known for their unique use of flavors and one-of-a-kind
styles of operation, injecting Absolut into it’s target markets. The videos were used as
featured episodes of VICE’s most popular food franchise as well as ancillary video
content for Absolut’s social channels. 5.3MM views 5.4MM ad impressions
Clearasil integrates the AWESOMENESS network to
open up interactivity around videos with wider fans
communities (and get it’s content monetized)
AwesomenessTV, which was recently bought by Dreamworks for $33m, is running
a series called #Ultrafast Clearasil Zombie Adventure Of Epic Proportions, in which
people get turned into Zombies (with bad skin). When Maddy discovers that her
best friend Monica is turning into a zombie they have twelve hours to find the
powerful Zombie Wizard before she’s turned into a zombie forever. However, to
find the Zombie Wizard MadMoni needs YOUR help.
State Farm uses sponsored content on DEADSPIN
and twitter to boost it’s TV spot awareness in a
smooth transmedia campaign…
EXCLUSIVE: Could This Be Chris Paul’s Secret Twin Brother?” the headline ran,
and went on to detail a report that a tipster has sent in a photo and some background
information on the secret twin brothers of Chris Paul (lightly marked as “Sponsored).”
To further seed the premise of the campaign, State Farm even created a Twitter
account for Cliff Paul (@CliffPaul), where “Cliff’ shares Instagram pictures of things
like Blake Griffin wearing the Cliff Paul ‘stache. All linked up to the TV commercial
“born to assist”. “State Farm also got celebrities like Saints QB Drew Brees, ESPN’s
Erin Andrews, and the actress La La to hype the “twins” story to millions of followers.
Pepsi stays on the home page holding it’s “spot” day
after day as Sponsor of BuzzFeed ListiClock
For every hour and minute of the day, the ListiClock displayed a listicle that includes
the same number. For instance, at 6:11 a.m., it showed "6 Signs Ikea Is Spying On
You" and "11 Reasons Why the NBA is Going to be Fun as Hell to Watch this Year!".
But the real kicker is that every second, it also displayed a different list. Every 10
minutes, the minute displayed shows a list that is specifically sponsored by Pepsi Next
-- although, as TechCrunch noted, the content of the sponsored lists seems to be
indistinguishable from the site's unsponsored lists. Examples of Pepsi Next partner-
sponsored listicles: "50 of The Most Unbelievably Adorable Dogs in The Big City,”
Twitter media campaign increases
#WalkingDeadNT1 awareness and showcases
people experiences on friends timelines
For the belated launch of "Walking Dead" in the French market, the agency captured
existing fans -- and new ones -- with the first-ever Twitter-based zombie attack. The
hashtag, #WalkingDeadNT1, was key to attracting the Walkers to Tweeters. And the
results … were contagious. 30,000 users were attacked, generating 550,000. The
premiere was screened by 5.6% of French viewers, a figure that only rose with
episodes that followed. It was also one of the most-Tweeted premieres in France.
L’oreal matches google searches with sponsored
Marketers are used to invest in brand content on their web site for great SEO or invest
in adwords to get visitors….Now they can get editoral content from the media
publishers matching what people type on the search engines such as google thanks to
the right key words in the articles. aufeminin has developed a special product named
“brand your search” with Optimedia and L’oreal. Buzzfeed is well known to do this to
increase it’s traffic matching what it’s audience want in real time..
4 – The new brand to fans relationship
Brand demonstrate to
consumers they share same
centers of interest
Brand helps consumers share
their passions with other fans
around the brand
Augmented Experiences for
all the fans, anytime
in real life
4 – The new brand to fans relationship
Friskis&Svettis features its members, its most
passionate fans, on their overall campaign
Friskis&Svettis created a campaign on behalf of it’s 16 branches of Friskis&Svettis
in Stockholm, to get more people to discover the various forms of exercise at
Friskis&Svettis. Friskis&Svettis is a non-profit association, owned by the members.
They know their gym better than anyone. So why not let the members be the
campaign and inspire others to join the community? They created the hashtag
#friskissthlm on Instagram and called on the members to work out, photograph and
tag their pics and by doing so; become a part of the campaign around Stockholm.
Wrangler gathers rodeo athletes, football players
and hard rock musicians (and fans) to appeal to it’s
From the greatest rodeo athletes in the world, to professional football players and
hard-rocking country musicians,the new cowboy wears Wrangler 20X. Their
competition is different, but their jeans are the same. Team 20X guys are at the top of
their game : including Kaycee Feild, Bear Pascoe, Silvano Alves, Austin Meier and
Cody Johnson.
Snickers pays celebrities with the most followers on
twitter to get free PR exposure on traditional media
The idea for this campaign was based around the universal view that, when you're
hungry, you're not quite yourself. Some people become divas, some vacant and
others just plain weird. Snickers is the chocolate bar best placed to sort you out!
The Twitter campaign involves five celebrities over five days Tweeting "off their
game" posts.
American express encourages its youtube
followers to chat around the brand videos
On the American Express YouTube Channel you can see how business, fashion, travel,
and entertainment come to life through their services. You can explore the community of
people, products, and ideas powered by American Express, and share yours !
NIKE always always engages it’s consumers through
their passion however they had to reconnected the
French football team with fans
In the wake of the 2010 World Cup, the French National Football Team had become
the shame of the country, after a slew of bad results and even worse attitude. The
French public felt disconnected from its players in a major way. Nike's aim was to
rekindle and nurture the relationship between. the team and their fans in order to create
some interest for the newest collection. We decided to tie back that bond by offering
fans the opportunity to share their passion with the team, regardless of its results,
through messages of support on a mobile platform
The Swedish gay pride organisers extend it’s
community across borders inviting Russians
From gowest2013.com you could send an invitation tweet automatically translated into
Russian. Your tweet appeared to be sent from inside Russia, aiming to make the topic
trend there. Thanks to people worldwide, the hashtag #GOWEST became a trending
topic in Russia! The campaign initiated a big wave of support for Russian LGBT rights in
Swedish and international media, as well as, social networks. Even the Swedish Foreign
Minister tweeted that the hate mongering in Russia was repulsive and inhuman.
IKEA consumers activate the extra content they need
directly from the catalogue with image recognition
The IKEA app gives users access to more than 40 pieces of extended content. Using
image recognition technology, the app allows users to use their smart phones or tablets
to access content ranging from 3d views of furniture and product demos to films telling
inspirational stories and how-to guides. The digital layerkeep gives IKEA the ability to
update and localize content throughout the year, stretching the average shelf life of a
catalogue from weeks to an entire year. Since September 1, 2012 there have been 4.3
million IKEA Catalog application downloads since the 2013 launch.
5- Live events for real time experiences
Brands engage people in
their events.
Brands get people to share
a greater moment together
during the big events
Brands make every day
moments a great event
5- Live events for real time experiences
MTV gathers program fans before the first episodes
MTV wanted to launch Catfish. Catfish means to pretend to be someone you're
not online by posting false information, such as someone else's pictures, on social
media sites usually with the intention of getting someone to fall in love with you.
MTV has hidden Steve Angello from Swedish House Mafia on Facebook,
challenging people to find him using Facebook Graph Search (beta). Using a
classic game of hide and seek they reached 87 million people.
Samsung creates LIVE experiences youtubers can
watch LIVE or after the event happened
The Samsung Galaxy S4 has eye-tracking technology making it the first Smartphone that knows
when you are looking at it. They placed the Samsung S4 inside a special CLP billboard and invited
people to stare at the phone for 60 minutes to win it. But during the 60 minutes players were
challenged by a number of distractions around the CLP: from police dogs and renegade
motorcyclists to arguing couples and hot dog sellers on fire. The whole event was streamed live to a
special microsite and a series of live banners on all the major Swiss websites. From the microsite
users could interact with players in the game by sending Tweets and Instagrams to the screen of
the S4 - to show their support or to make things even more difficult. A video of the event went viral
in it's first day on Youtube bringing millions more eyes on the S4 from around the world.
LINCOLN give access to fans to a 360 LIVE experience
with the possibility to choose the angle
In collaboration with Beck, Director Chris Milk is creating a digital experience that is fully
immersive. By capturing the concert with 360-degree cameras and 360-degree
binaural microphones, online viewers will have the opportunity to experience the show
from any and every seat in the house. This digital experience will allow online viewers to
click through a variety of lenses to view the show, as well as experience three distinct
and different sound origins
Dell uses livestreams to get its partners to follow their
events and participate
Dell's latest technologies and solutions that address customer issues and challenges
around Cloud Computing, Data Insights, Mobility and Converged Infrastructure . Two
live-streamed Think Tank events which brought together more than 400 press, analysts,
customers and Dell team members who were given the opportunity to speak with Dell
and partner experts – including Intel and Microsoft about our latest products and
solutions portfolio alongside simulated environments. .
DELL proposes an augmented experience around it’s
fans real life events : music concerts
Dell supports their music program over a summer of festivals via their social media channels,
appealing to Generation Y users and generating 1 million additional fans on Facebook. Specific
applications were created to run over the summer festival season.
Photo Fest Fans who were either at the festivals or watching the live stream on YouTube were
invited to tweet their festival photos to #DellLive. Photos were featured in the Dell music hub on
Facebook. Fans voted on their favourite pictures.
Front Row Fan Fans were challenged to move through the crowd to get to the front row. They
could earn 'shuffles' and 'surges' to help them move forward by returning to the game every 2
hours and sharing with friends across multiple networks. The 4 fans in the front row at the end of
the contest won a pair of 3 day festival passes.
Pepsi gets media audiences interacting LIVE around
TV shows with #now
Users can log onto Sound Off using their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Posting
and joining conversations earn users points and titles ranging from "rookie" to
"ambassador." Four users with the most fans will actually earn a spot in the show
itself. Pepsi will run mini-profiles of those top users to air during The X Factor.
Coke fountains provide a LIVE experience
everyday to consumers
The Coke machine, known as the “Happiness Refill,” was created by three Ogilvy offices
(Sao Paulo, Rio and Recife). To use it, a consumer presses their phone against the tap
to receive data credits for free internet navigation on an exclusive Coca-Cola mobile
browser. The browser provides access to Coke FM radio, social networks including
Facebook and Twitter, and the weather forecast. Each time they “refill” their phone, they
receive 20 megabytes, which should last around two weeks for a moderate user.
6- Data to spot fun insights on consumers
Data on influencers to get
additional reach (media output)
Data on user generated content
to increase consumer advocacy
(communication output)
Data on consumers to
increase their satisfaction
(marketing output)
6- Data to spot fun insights on
The new Nielsen TV Ratings take into account
twitter : not only people commenting on an
episode, but also those exposed to the tweets.
"The Walking Dead" sent more than a few humans scrambling to their Twitter
accounts during its fourth season premiere Sunday. The AMC drama, set in a post-
apocalyptic world in which humans seek to evade flesh-eating zombies, placed at the
top of the Nielsen's Twitter TV rankings for the week of Oct. 7. The show attracted a
television audience of 16.1 million viewers — a record for the series. It also generated
a ton of chatter on social media, with some 1.2 million tweets attracting a Twitter
audience of nearly 7.5 million, according to Nielsen's SocialGuide unit.
Twitter visualizes RT’s on a
map and gives key isights
on “Ryan Gosling won’t eat
his cereal”
Key insight - The success of the Gosling viral
points to the power of effectively seeding your
content with the top influencers and how if you
hit just a small number of those it can in some
cases go global. This video took its creative
expression through Vine as a pop culture gem,
comprising a series of six-second clips of A-list
actor Gosling being offered spoonful’s of
breakfast cereal. The videos, created by
@RyanWMcHenry, were carefully seeded with
key influencers in the world of Vine such as
@BestVinesEver and @VineLoops. This
ensured that the videos went viral quickly,
echoing the online journey of a major breaking
news story.
LEGO spots youtube influencers that could help
generate more shares on LEGO videos
Here are the results of a case study that Octoly performed. LEGO was compared to 57 other
toy manufacturers on YouTube also audited by Octoly. The results showed that LEGO is first
of the 57 brands in terms of view / ' '' likes / dislikes '' '' / '' shares '' generated.They alos
compiled a ''creators'' ranking with the top 8 ''creators“. For example NSpacecenter has 1.4
K videos for LEGO totaling 37.7K views
During the Fem2.0 conference a lovely map of
the feminist blogosphere was extracted. We had
done the same with the #brandedcontent
community in 2011
You can see the full, interactive map here, logging on with the username/password
fem2pt0/linkfluence. (They also listed the 30 top feminist sites and blogs here, and
as far as I can tell, The F-Word is one of the only non-US blogs on the list,
alongside Womanist Musings
Showing influencers network to identify potential fans :
the music industry influencers on twitter
The analysis was based on recent activity (last 200 tweets). It’s based on twitter conversation. Lots
of chat happens via email, phone and face to face, so this is far from gospel. However, that doesn’t
mean that it’s not useful or valid as a method of understanding relationships between people. When
talking about ‘influence’ we’re referring to someone’s ability to change another person’s behaviour,
not social popularity. The most influential people in this analysis are those who have the biggest
impact on changing other people’s behaviour. The direction of the arrow indicates who is
influencing who. The length of the arrow indicates relationship depth. The shorter the arrow, the
closer the relationship.
Beyond the extra social media exposure understanding
what’s the impact on consumers, especially on brand
Kantar media looked at feature related keyword for exemple « prevalence among US
hotel brands » throught advocacy filters with partners CIC, Visible
Technologies and Radian6. They went further than sentiment analysis.
Sharp engages fans in real time thanks to data
collected in real time and showcased in nice visual
Sharp Fan Labs is "a unique research project monitoring the emotions of thousands
of football fans". Through the FanLabs website, mobile app and even headpieces that
monitor brainwaves and behaviours which fans are being encouraged to use in
mobile 'football laboratories' housed in trucks, "a huge amount of data and insights
about the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and confidence of football fans from different
countries has been collated" supposedly – more than 25,000 fans have taken part in
research so far, the agency claims.
Analysing data in real time helps make the right
content decisions beetween two episodes
The final episode of AMC’s Breaking Bad attracted 10.3 million viewers in its first airing at 9 p.m. on
September 29th and ranked third of all cable series finales. They decided to analyze on line data on
these stories to answer range of questions, from where Breaking Bad content was most popular to
which characters attracted the largest digital audience. They found out that, “Netflix has been
instrumental in making Breaking Bad the success that it is – particularly in the U.K. and Ireland,
where it has built an audience and become a huge phenomenon” (Netflix subscribers in the U.K.
and Ireland had exclusive access to all of the episodes immediately after they aired in the
U.S.).Data suggests that the interim between episodes 5 and 6 was the most suspenseful: While
the Breaking Bad fervor typically eases up in between episodes, we see that fans could barely take
a break from Breaking Bad content between episodes 5 and 6. Considering the incredibly shocking
cliffhanger that ended episode 5, who could blame them?
Social media can also help brands spot and gather
consumer generated contents and serve it up to fans
With OutListen a band creates a profile on the service and uploads their tour dates to
an interactive calendar. After a show, fans can fire up the app and upload any video
footage they may have shot on their phones/cameras during the show. All of this
footage is collected into a database of videos synced to specific concert dates.
Paypal analyses the content of it’s consumer
conversations to increase their satisfaction !
In early February, PayPal shared a quote of the day post, “Who needs a boyfriend when you have a
PayPal account?” To-date this has been one of the most successful posts by engagement. We
leveraged this sentiment to connect with the consumers on Valentine's Day and posed the question
– This Valentines Day, tell us, how would you like to #TreatYourself ? To bring this message to life
PayPal wanted to connect with consumers and jumped on the active #TreatYourself conversation on
twitter. The campaign targeted people who take to Twitter to express their dissatisfaction with the
holiday. Throughout Valentine’s Day, the PayPal team monitored tweets to identify Twitter users
and surprise them with a customized gift based on research of their tweet history. The team then
gifted Twitter users throughout the day with presents including flowers, clothes, restaurant gift cards,
room service, concert tickets, and chocolate covered strawberries.
Contact me for more
Jeremy Dumont,

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50 great reasons and creative examples for brands to use branded entertainment to engage their consumers / fans by jeremy dumont

  • 1. 50 SMART AND CREATIVE REASONS WHY BRANDS USE BRANDED ENTERTAINMENT by jeremy dumont Photos by Louis decamps @ JR & associée
  • 2. . I wanted to share the data and examples I gathered on BRANDED ENTERTAINMENT 50 professionals will share their examples and feed back during the next PARIS 2.0 Now it’s your turn to participate #ENTERTAIN_ME Why this slideshare ?
  • 3. End of january, 50 professionals will share their most creative « branded entertainment » campaigns Contact me if you want to be on stage. Find out more about PARIS 2.0 Discover our blogs www.levidepoches.fr (french) www.contagiousideas.fr (english)
  • 4. Use this hashtag on twitter to share your thoughts / examples or haccess to additional content before PARIS 2.0 Have you tried this hashtag on facebook and google ?
  • 5. Use this hashtag to have a 5 mn laugh at work. Let’s all share our fun stuff !
  • 6. This is the plan of the document Branded entertainment is not only "fun" brand content it's all the types of brand content that can satisfy the centers of interest of an audience on TV or on line : sports, music, films, ... It's not edidorial content however it embodies the brand values and communicates on it's products.
  • 7. This is the plan of the document Before the examples, a quick introduction to « branded entertainment » with some great charts and insights. 1- Brands as fun destinations 2- Branded fun for new brand fans 3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents 4- The new brand to fans relationship 5- Live events for real time experiences 6- Data to spot fun insights on consumers
  • 8. Plan 1- Brands as fun destinations Firstly, we're all used to seeing brands sponsoring entertainment as a means to get their logo and messaging in front of consumer eyeballs now brands are becoming destination sites and platforms for entertainment, in and of themselves. 2- Branded fun for new brand fans Secondly, branded entertainment challenges brands to deliver a more enriching experience that consumers want yet communicate effectively what the brand values or the product benefits. Therefore it requires brands to create high quality branded contents, and not just sponsor an event, advertise within the programs, or create an ephemeral buzz. 3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents Brands investing in branded entertainment don‘t simply advertise on line. They use the tools that are available to best promote their content : paid media, owned media, earned media.
  • 9. Plan 4- The new brand to fans relationship Brands are able to develop an enduring direct-to-consumer relationship thanks to the quality content, however their potential fan base is much wider than their brand fans and they need to animate the extended fan community. 5- Live events for real time experiences Communication enters a new era of real time marketing and brands come to life when people access their content all together at the same time and share their experience. 6- Data to spot fun insights on consumers Trust me you are going to need it to do all the above !
  • 11. Brands fighting to get consumers attention on their advertisements Brands producing fun brand content to be activated by consumers when time is right on device they choose Consumers engaged through time by awesome transmedia content Introduction to branded entertainment
  • 12. Consumers are always connected but never reachable People carry an average of 2.9 devices with them. Source : google / ipsos (usa)
  • 13. Consumers access media content from a screen, but it’s the one they choose Source : google / ipsos (usa)
  • 14. They often use other devices while watching TV TV no longer commands full attention and 77% of TV viewers use another device at the same time in a typical day. Source : google / ipsos (usa)
  • 15. They are often engaged in various activities Social networking is a big « side » activity Source : google / ipsos (usa)
  • 16. To complete a task they switch between devices 90% of multiple device owners switch between screens to complete tasks, using an average of three different combinations every day. Source : google / ipsos (usa)
  • 17. Traditionally, brands in a bid to capture attention have interrupted consumers to talk about their product. Consumer research continually highlights that most of these marketing message are irrelevant to their current interests and needs. And what better way to gain permission to get someone's attention than when they are actually looking for you. Or at least something you can help with : useful content.
  • 18. Some brands embrace content marketing strategies Content marketing has emerged as means to reach people who are continually looking for information, entertainment or help. Brands can use content marketing to pull people in who aren't necessarily interested in a specific product but instead meeting a need- state behind the product purchase. Content is useful, informative and – critically – non- salesy, created to draw in consumers who have a particular lifestyle need or interest Source : gartner (usa)
  • 19. Branded entertainment is leading the way because that’s what consumers spend most time doing on line after socializing We know that social media is an important part of many people’s lives, but it is also a lengthy portion, as well. And Entertainment is a big thing when socializing. Experian Marketing Services released a study showing that in the United States, 16 minutes out of every hour online was spent on social networking and forums, roughly 27% of all time spent on personal computers. The next closest online actions were entertainment sites (9 minutes/hour) and shopping (5 minutes/hour).
  • 20. And entertaining TV programs are often very social Twitter is pitching its services to television networks with Twitter Amplify which allows networks to post short, sponsored video replays on Twitter. "Now we are able to talk about how to make money together and how to give sponsors an interesting two-screen approach to things," Glenn Brown, Twitter’s senior director for Amplify. It’s all part of Twitter’s strategy to lock down the second screen.
  • 21. Consumers are ok if brands entertain them ! Branded entertainment is the popular term for the increasing practice of brands creating entertaining content to capture and maintain consumer attention for prolonged periods of time (or at least, a little longer than those thirty second ads). A form consumers quite appreciate (even if 24% don’t want brands to entertain them). Source : Edelman
  • 22. However brands still have a long way to go before branded entertainment fully works for the brand and for consumers.
  • 23. Brands don’t just post and pray. Their digital strategy doesn’t only rely on viral ! It’s a common misconception among brands that somehow people will magically find them. Some call it the "post and pray" strategy. To stand out, brands do the following: PR and Influencer Outreach (earned media) : Scoring placement on a popular blog or content site makes a difference. If people see an influencer tweet your video, or read about it on their favorite blog, chances are they'll watch the content and share it themselves. But don't "boil the ocean" with PR outreach. A post of your video on a niche trade blog might make more waves than one that's hidden inside the depths of a tier-one publication, far from surfacing on its home page. Outstanding content (owned media) : Fewer than 1% of YouTube videos exceed 1 million views, according to recent data from TubeMogul. The cold truth is that 50% of videos on YouTube have fewer than 1,000 views. Since there's so much content on the site, it's easy to get lost in the mix. Paid Placement (paid media) : The web offers a variety of ways to increase viewership with paid placement at great value. Sometimes advertisers can target their content fans based on age, gender, geography, keywords, search terms and interests.
  • 24. They place content at the heart of digital strategies to engage consumers from paid to earned media Source : “how youtube is changing the advertising game” jeremy dumont
  • 25. Brands invest in transmedia contents consumers and no longer oppose TV, digital and social media “Before, advertising on the internet could not create scale and if you were a CMO of an FMCG company, you did all your advertising around experiences, you would make an advert around that and you give it to a TV channel where you would have millions of people watching it. So the thinking was ‘why use the internet?’. Suddenly we’re consuming and creating content on our mobile devices and tablets on a bigger scale and we are moving away from the traditional way of consuming content. There is a change in behavior as we are always ‘on’. “What you need is someone to help create great content that is high impact and tells good stories otherwise we don’t see it or interact with it. “VP, Brand & Communications, AOL
  • 26. Research suggests that up to 80% of reach from marketing campaigns now comes from network amplification through advocacy. Despite this huge potential value, "brands are failing at driving satisfied customers to share in social media," said Irfan Kamal, global head of Data+Analytics and Products at Social@Ogilvy. "Our study suggests that the vast majority of satisfied customers are not publicly advocating for brands on social platforms. Brands have not provided the technology, incentives or content that both inspire and enable customers to speak out Brands are not only entertaining their consumers what they aim for is to give more voice to brand advocates.
  • 27. The entertainment industry has already experienced these communication shifts On the TOP French youtube chanels content producers such as Universal music or Warner Bross are in good positions however they are challenged by other youtube channels. Influencial youtubers are right next to famous DJ’s / presenters. Studio bagel is a big thing on youtube. Some brands have found their way to greatness thanks to awesome content : chanel (but also evian, turkish airlines, cartier, renault…) Source : social bakers (france)
  • 28. The most loved brands are using branded entertainment Walt Disney is the brand most people love, it’s an entertainment brand. NIKE, Coca Cola, Kellogg's, Microsoft, Dell, Pepsi, HP rely on entertaining contents in their advertising. Yahoo, google, sony, apple have fun products to showcase on their advertsing. Source : APCO Worldwide (usa)
  • 29. 1- Brands as fun destinations
  • 30. Brands competing with media to provide fun to their audiences Engaging their consumers to spend some fun time on their brand spaces Providing fun consumer experiences daily in real life 1- Brands as fun destinations
  • 31. Coke Zero drives 25-44 years media audiences to it’s web site .Coke Zero identified gaming as a relevant way to actively engage its core audience of 25-44 year-old men. Consumer reaction and visitor numbers to the site (over 2 million to date) are highly encouraging. Coke Zero negotiated a high profile deal with PlayStation. Traffic to the web site comes from exclusive partnerships (MSN, Melty…)
  • 32. With The Creators Project, Intel has built a worldwide arts and culture channel, keeping audiences coming for more exclusive content The platform supports artists across multiple disciplines who use technology in innovative ways to push the boundaries of creative expression. The Creators Project has generated more than 250 million video views and 50 million unique visitors. The events have attracted more than 720,000 attendees overall and won critical acclaim from hundreds of international news outlets.
  • 33. Lego builds a closer relationship with it’s young consumers on his web site with the Lego club magazine LEGO Club Magazine, for ages 7 and up, packs every issue full of LEGO news and behind-the-bricks interviews, comic adventures, games and puzzles, building challenges and Cool Creations built by LEGO fans, as well as sneak peeks at the latest sets and themes.
  • 34. Brands get really personal with consumers by opening personal profiles on dating / social networks and telling their stories as time passes JWT London launched an online film for Anti-Slavery International. The short film illustrates what it would be like if a domestic slave in the UK was allowed to have a voice, via a Facebook profile. The film is based on the fictional character, ‘Lala’, whose experiences are an amalgamation of those faced by modern-day slaves that Anti-Slavery International comes into contact with. Lala’s updates about her experiences of work and general life become more and more distressing as the film progresses.
  • 35. Wispa reconquers it’s consumers allowing direct interactions on it’s facebook page Wispa introduces "The Frothy Beast" in a new spot by Fallon London promoting the Cadbury brand's new hot chocolate. Straight from the cheesy/retro school of advertising, this guy likes to frolic with the ladeez in a vaguely Italian accent. Fans of The Frothy Beast will be able to have direct interaction with the character via Facebook, where he will be responding to reactions and comments in real-time throughout the day, as well as commenting on topical events and news.
  • 36. L’oreal and it’s consumers can interact : consumers can reproduce red carpets looks at home faster than ever L’oreal experts help you re-create the hottest looks of the season as seen in Cannes or elsewhere…
  • 37. ASICS helps it’s consumers get the most out of their running shoes when time has come to use them ASICS wants its customers to get the most out of their running shoe purchases, and it would like them to come back again and again as their shoes need replacing. To foster brand loyalty, the company provides its customers post-purchase content that espouses the brand’s view of the art and science of running. It validates not only the consumer’s choice of purchasing an ASICS running shoe, but also the lifestyle and the mind-set associated with making this choice of running equipment.
  • 38. 2- Branded fun for new brand fans
  • 39. . Brands sponsoring BIG mass media contents aligned with brand values Producing MEDIUM SIZE contents in affinity with consumers, designed for each touch point Spreading MICRO experiences on social media 2- Branded fun for new brand fans
  • 40. Mitsubishi sponsors SKYWIRE across multiple media screens to get great brand associations While it may not have reached the heights achieved by Red Bull's 2012 "skyjump" stunt featuring Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, the conclusion of Wallenda's successful trip across the wire, reporters touted the stats for the stunt: 40,000 tweets per minute; 700,000 tweets in total; 1.5 million streams on Discovery.com; and an estimated 13 million TV viewers watching the event on Discovery Channel.
  • 41. Budweiser signs Rihanna to spread great exclusive content on all it’s brand touch points on line The St. Louis brewery sponsors some of the artists' worldwide concerts and utilize behind the-scenes footage of the TV ads, which are called "Dreams Are Made," on its YouTube channel. Budweiser launched a custom content platform as an extension of the brand’s Made for Music campaign, in an effort to connect fans with Budweiser through music.
  • 42. Dodge produces a saga with Ron Burgundy and Funny Or Die scenarists to communicate it’s brand messages the best way to it’s fans Ferrell has filmed some spots for the Dodge Durango as his Anchorman character ahead of the release of Paramount Pictures' Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. Wieden + Kennedy in Portland, Ore., worked with Funny or Die writers on the scripts. FoD's production arm, Gifted Youth, which also produced Ferrell's famously offbeat Old Milwaukee ads, teamed with Caviar to co-produce this work. They were aired on TV as well as on the brand youtube chanel.
  • 43. Mattessons reached out to youtubers for smart « product review »
  • 44. PEPSI, chief editorial of consumer musical picks in real time Now that brands are appreciating the benefits of becoming publishers, inevitably the merits of content curation have to be examined. Appart from legal / right issues, there is the fear that no independently-authored content can entirely — or even partially — convey the brand's 'values' or 'messaging' well. A great example of this is Pepsi Pulse which curates trending pop culture and entertainment news and blends it with original content, such as deals and celebrity challenges. Content curation also enables brands to create an environment that people continually return to as a knowledge resource on a particular topic or issue.
  • 45. Taco Bell gets consumers to share their Fun experiences with the chain Taco Bell was one of the few brands to adopt Snapchat, a platform that has a reputation for sexting. The fast food chain used Snapchat to introduce its Beefy Crunch Bur , using the app's ephemeral, 10-seconds-and-it's-gone format for the launch. Stories offers new possibilities, said Nick Tran, social media lead for Taco Bell. "This is something a lot of fans tell us all the time," he said. "They love sharing their stories and trips and adventure. We created a story that modeled that experience of hanging out with a friend.“"The fact that posts last more than 10 seconds was huge."
  • 46. The right content pops up when time comes. Romanians searches on the ROM website changed the automated google searches ! ROM, launched a campaign to change the Romania's image on Google. They built a website: Romanians are smart (with a Romanian version on Romanii sunt destepti), where they persuaded Romanians to search on Google on specific terms, so they will change the Google Autocomplete suggestions. The campaign's call to action was "Change with a click"; users got to search directly from the website in six languages.
  • 47. 3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents
  • 48. . Introducing brand content through paid media spaces in an intrusive way Promoting owned content on content platforms in a native way Sponsored ads for consumer generated content (social way) 3- Fun campaigns to promote fun contents
  • 49. Coke sends TV viewers on line to choose ending, a media strategy that has worked for them in the past Coca-Cola’s “Mirage” ad campaign had a secure spot on the Super Bowl 47 and was well-planned and executed. As a matter of fact, the Coke Chase ad followed all of Coca-Cola’s main marketing strategies and values that should have brought them success if it weren’t for the black out. The very unexpected blackout gave an open door for some brands to come through spontaneous Twitter ad campaigns, like Oreo, and bust in with quick witty creativity. Oreo and the caption, “You can still dunk in the dark.” The message caught on almost immediately, getting nearly 15,000 retweets (as of this writing) and more than 20,000 likes on Facebook
  • 50. Absolut integrates VICE channel and uses banners with an embed of the videos to promote it’s content on VICE home pages, keeping audiences in the same space VICE incorporated Absolut’s new flavors into the food franchise, Munchies, using the brand as the official sponsor. The series profiles young, innovative chefs in San Francisco and New York known for their unique use of flavors and one-of-a-kind styles of operation, injecting Absolut into it’s target markets. The videos were used as featured episodes of VICE’s most popular food franchise as well as ancillary video content for Absolut’s social channels. 5.3MM views 5.4MM ad impressions
  • 51. Clearasil integrates the AWESOMENESS network to open up interactivity around videos with wider fans communities (and get it’s content monetized) AwesomenessTV, which was recently bought by Dreamworks for $33m, is running a series called #Ultrafast Clearasil Zombie Adventure Of Epic Proportions, in which people get turned into Zombies (with bad skin). When Maddy discovers that her best friend Monica is turning into a zombie they have twelve hours to find the powerful Zombie Wizard before she’s turned into a zombie forever. However, to find the Zombie Wizard MadMoni needs YOUR help.
  • 52. State Farm uses sponsored content on DEADSPIN and twitter to boost it’s TV spot awareness in a smooth transmedia campaign… EXCLUSIVE: Could This Be Chris Paul’s Secret Twin Brother?” the headline ran, and went on to detail a report that a tipster has sent in a photo and some background information on the secret twin brothers of Chris Paul (lightly marked as “Sponsored).” To further seed the premise of the campaign, State Farm even created a Twitter account for Cliff Paul (@CliffPaul), where “Cliff’ shares Instagram pictures of things like Blake Griffin wearing the Cliff Paul ‘stache. All linked up to the TV commercial “born to assist”. “State Farm also got celebrities like Saints QB Drew Brees, ESPN’s Erin Andrews, and the actress La La to hype the “twins” story to millions of followers.
  • 53. Pepsi stays on the home page holding it’s “spot” day after day as Sponsor of BuzzFeed ListiClock For every hour and minute of the day, the ListiClock displayed a listicle that includes the same number. For instance, at 6:11 a.m., it showed "6 Signs Ikea Is Spying On You" and "11 Reasons Why the NBA is Going to be Fun as Hell to Watch this Year!". But the real kicker is that every second, it also displayed a different list. Every 10 minutes, the minute displayed shows a list that is specifically sponsored by Pepsi Next -- although, as TechCrunch noted, the content of the sponsored lists seems to be indistinguishable from the site's unsponsored lists. Examples of Pepsi Next partner- sponsored listicles: "50 of The Most Unbelievably Adorable Dogs in The Big City,”
  • 54. Twitter media campaign increases #WalkingDeadNT1 awareness and showcases people experiences on friends timelines For the belated launch of "Walking Dead" in the French market, the agency captured existing fans -- and new ones -- with the first-ever Twitter-based zombie attack. The hashtag, #WalkingDeadNT1, was key to attracting the Walkers to Tweeters. And the results … were contagious. 30,000 users were attacked, generating 550,000. The premiere was screened by 5.6% of French viewers, a figure that only rose with episodes that followed. It was also one of the most-Tweeted premieres in France.
  • 55. L’oreal matches google searches with sponsored articles Marketers are used to invest in brand content on their web site for great SEO or invest in adwords to get visitors….Now they can get editoral content from the media publishers matching what people type on the search engines such as google thanks to the right key words in the articles. aufeminin has developed a special product named “brand your search” with Optimedia and L’oreal. Buzzfeed is well known to do this to increase it’s traffic matching what it’s audience want in real time..
  • 56. 4 – The new brand to fans relationship
  • 57. . Brand demonstrate to consumers they share same centers of interest Brand helps consumers share their passions with other fans around the brand Augmented Experiences for all the fans, anytime in real life 4 – The new brand to fans relationship
  • 58. Friskis&Svettis features its members, its most passionate fans, on their overall campaign Friskis&Svettis created a campaign on behalf of it’s 16 branches of Friskis&Svettis in Stockholm, to get more people to discover the various forms of exercise at Friskis&Svettis. Friskis&Svettis is a non-profit association, owned by the members. They know their gym better than anyone. So why not let the members be the campaign and inspire others to join the community? They created the hashtag #friskissthlm on Instagram and called on the members to work out, photograph and tag their pics and by doing so; become a part of the campaign around Stockholm.
  • 59. Wrangler gathers rodeo athletes, football players and hard rock musicians (and fans) to appeal to it’s consumers From the greatest rodeo athletes in the world, to professional football players and hard-rocking country musicians,the new cowboy wears Wrangler 20X. Their competition is different, but their jeans are the same. Team 20X guys are at the top of their game : including Kaycee Feild, Bear Pascoe, Silvano Alves, Austin Meier and Cody Johnson.
  • 60. Snickers pays celebrities with the most followers on twitter to get free PR exposure on traditional media The idea for this campaign was based around the universal view that, when you're hungry, you're not quite yourself. Some people become divas, some vacant and others just plain weird. Snickers is the chocolate bar best placed to sort you out! The Twitter campaign involves five celebrities over five days Tweeting "off their game" posts.
  • 61. American express encourages its youtube followers to chat around the brand videos On the American Express YouTube Channel you can see how business, fashion, travel, and entertainment come to life through their services. You can explore the community of people, products, and ideas powered by American Express, and share yours !
  • 62. NIKE always always engages it’s consumers through their passion however they had to reconnected the French football team with fans In the wake of the 2010 World Cup, the French National Football Team had become the shame of the country, after a slew of bad results and even worse attitude. The French public felt disconnected from its players in a major way. Nike's aim was to rekindle and nurture the relationship between. the team and their fans in order to create some interest for the newest collection. We decided to tie back that bond by offering fans the opportunity to share their passion with the team, regardless of its results, through messages of support on a mobile platform
  • 63. The Swedish gay pride organisers extend it’s community across borders inviting Russians From gowest2013.com you could send an invitation tweet automatically translated into Russian. Your tweet appeared to be sent from inside Russia, aiming to make the topic trend there. Thanks to people worldwide, the hashtag #GOWEST became a trending topic in Russia! The campaign initiated a big wave of support for Russian LGBT rights in Swedish and international media, as well as, social networks. Even the Swedish Foreign Minister tweeted that the hate mongering in Russia was repulsive and inhuman.
  • 64. IKEA consumers activate the extra content they need directly from the catalogue with image recognition The IKEA app gives users access to more than 40 pieces of extended content. Using image recognition technology, the app allows users to use their smart phones or tablets to access content ranging from 3d views of furniture and product demos to films telling inspirational stories and how-to guides. The digital layerkeep gives IKEA the ability to update and localize content throughout the year, stretching the average shelf life of a catalogue from weeks to an entire year. Since September 1, 2012 there have been 4.3 million IKEA Catalog application downloads since the 2013 launch.
  • 65. 5- Live events for real time experiences
  • 66. . Brands engage people in their events. Brands get people to share a greater moment together during the big events Brands make every day moments a great event 5- Live events for real time experiences
  • 67. MTV gathers program fans before the first episodes MTV wanted to launch Catfish. Catfish means to pretend to be someone you're not online by posting false information, such as someone else's pictures, on social media sites usually with the intention of getting someone to fall in love with you. MTV has hidden Steve Angello from Swedish House Mafia on Facebook, challenging people to find him using Facebook Graph Search (beta). Using a classic game of hide and seek they reached 87 million people.
  • 68. Samsung creates LIVE experiences youtubers can watch LIVE or after the event happened The Samsung Galaxy S4 has eye-tracking technology making it the first Smartphone that knows when you are looking at it. They placed the Samsung S4 inside a special CLP billboard and invited people to stare at the phone for 60 minutes to win it. But during the 60 minutes players were challenged by a number of distractions around the CLP: from police dogs and renegade motorcyclists to arguing couples and hot dog sellers on fire. The whole event was streamed live to a special microsite and a series of live banners on all the major Swiss websites. From the microsite users could interact with players in the game by sending Tweets and Instagrams to the screen of the S4 - to show their support or to make things even more difficult. A video of the event went viral in it's first day on Youtube bringing millions more eyes on the S4 from around the world.
  • 69. LINCOLN give access to fans to a 360 LIVE experience with the possibility to choose the angle In collaboration with Beck, Director Chris Milk is creating a digital experience that is fully immersive. By capturing the concert with 360-degree cameras and 360-degree binaural microphones, online viewers will have the opportunity to experience the show from any and every seat in the house. This digital experience will allow online viewers to click through a variety of lenses to view the show, as well as experience three distinct and different sound origins
  • 70. Dell uses livestreams to get its partners to follow their events and participate Dell's latest technologies and solutions that address customer issues and challenges around Cloud Computing, Data Insights, Mobility and Converged Infrastructure . Two live-streamed Think Tank events which brought together more than 400 press, analysts, customers and Dell team members who were given the opportunity to speak with Dell and partner experts – including Intel and Microsoft about our latest products and solutions portfolio alongside simulated environments. .
  • 71. DELL proposes an augmented experience around it’s fans real life events : music concerts Dell supports their music program over a summer of festivals via their social media channels, appealing to Generation Y users and generating 1 million additional fans on Facebook. Specific applications were created to run over the summer festival season. Photo Fest Fans who were either at the festivals or watching the live stream on YouTube were invited to tweet their festival photos to #DellLive. Photos were featured in the Dell music hub on Facebook. Fans voted on their favourite pictures. Front Row Fan Fans were challenged to move through the crowd to get to the front row. They could earn 'shuffles' and 'surges' to help them move forward by returning to the game every 2 hours and sharing with friends across multiple networks. The 4 fans in the front row at the end of the contest won a pair of 3 day festival passes.
  • 72. Pepsi gets media audiences interacting LIVE around TV shows with #now Users can log onto Sound Off using their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Posting and joining conversations earn users points and titles ranging from "rookie" to "ambassador." Four users with the most fans will actually earn a spot in the show itself. Pepsi will run mini-profiles of those top users to air during The X Factor.
  • 73. Coke fountains provide a LIVE experience everyday to consumers The Coke machine, known as the “Happiness Refill,” was created by three Ogilvy offices (Sao Paulo, Rio and Recife). To use it, a consumer presses their phone against the tap to receive data credits for free internet navigation on an exclusive Coca-Cola mobile browser. The browser provides access to Coke FM radio, social networks including Facebook and Twitter, and the weather forecast. Each time they “refill” their phone, they receive 20 megabytes, which should last around two weeks for a moderate user.
  • 74. 6- Data to spot fun insights on consumers
  • 75. . Data on influencers to get additional reach (media output) Data on user generated content to increase consumer advocacy (communication output) Data on consumers to increase their satisfaction (marketing output) 6- Data to spot fun insights on consumers
  • 76. The new Nielsen TV Ratings take into account twitter : not only people commenting on an episode, but also those exposed to the tweets. "The Walking Dead" sent more than a few humans scrambling to their Twitter accounts during its fourth season premiere Sunday. The AMC drama, set in a post- apocalyptic world in which humans seek to evade flesh-eating zombies, placed at the top of the Nielsen's Twitter TV rankings for the week of Oct. 7. The show attracted a television audience of 16.1 million viewers — a record for the series. It also generated a ton of chatter on social media, with some 1.2 million tweets attracting a Twitter audience of nearly 7.5 million, according to Nielsen's SocialGuide unit. …
  • 77. Twitter visualizes RT’s on a map and gives key isights on “Ryan Gosling won’t eat his cereal” Key insight - The success of the Gosling viral points to the power of effectively seeding your content with the top influencers and how if you hit just a small number of those it can in some cases go global. This video took its creative expression through Vine as a pop culture gem, comprising a series of six-second clips of A-list actor Gosling being offered spoonful’s of breakfast cereal. The videos, created by @RyanWMcHenry, were carefully seeded with key influencers in the world of Vine such as @BestVinesEver and @VineLoops. This ensured that the videos went viral quickly, echoing the online journey of a major breaking news story.
  • 78. LEGO spots youtube influencers that could help generate more shares on LEGO videos Here are the results of a case study that Octoly performed. LEGO was compared to 57 other toy manufacturers on YouTube also audited by Octoly. The results showed that LEGO is first of the 57 brands in terms of view / ' '' likes / dislikes '' '' / '' shares '' generated.They alos compiled a ''creators'' ranking with the top 8 ''creators“. For example NSpacecenter has 1.4 K videos for LEGO totaling 37.7K views
  • 79. During the Fem2.0 conference a lovely map of the feminist blogosphere was extracted. We had done the same with the #brandedcontent community in 2011 You can see the full, interactive map here, logging on with the username/password fem2pt0/linkfluence. (They also listed the 30 top feminist sites and blogs here, and as far as I can tell, The F-Word is one of the only non-US blogs on the list, alongside Womanist Musings .
  • 80. Showing influencers network to identify potential fans : the music industry influencers on twitter The analysis was based on recent activity (last 200 tweets). It’s based on twitter conversation. Lots of chat happens via email, phone and face to face, so this is far from gospel. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s not useful or valid as a method of understanding relationships between people. When talking about ‘influence’ we’re referring to someone’s ability to change another person’s behaviour, not social popularity. The most influential people in this analysis are those who have the biggest impact on changing other people’s behaviour. The direction of the arrow indicates who is influencing who. The length of the arrow indicates relationship depth. The shorter the arrow, the closer the relationship.
  • 81. Beyond the extra social media exposure understanding what’s the impact on consumers, especially on brand advocacy Kantar media looked at feature related keyword for exemple « prevalence among US hotel brands » throught advocacy filters with partners CIC, Visible Technologies and Radian6. They went further than sentiment analysis.
  • 82. Sharp engages fans in real time thanks to data collected in real time and showcased in nice visual way Sharp Fan Labs is "a unique research project monitoring the emotions of thousands of football fans". Through the FanLabs website, mobile app and even headpieces that monitor brainwaves and behaviours which fans are being encouraged to use in mobile 'football laboratories' housed in trucks, "a huge amount of data and insights about the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and confidence of football fans from different countries has been collated" supposedly – more than 25,000 fans have taken part in research so far, the agency claims.
  • 83. Analysing data in real time helps make the right content decisions beetween two episodes The final episode of AMC’s Breaking Bad attracted 10.3 million viewers in its first airing at 9 p.m. on September 29th and ranked third of all cable series finales. They decided to analyze on line data on these stories to answer range of questions, from where Breaking Bad content was most popular to which characters attracted the largest digital audience. They found out that, “Netflix has been instrumental in making Breaking Bad the success that it is – particularly in the U.K. and Ireland, where it has built an audience and become a huge phenomenon” (Netflix subscribers in the U.K. and Ireland had exclusive access to all of the episodes immediately after they aired in the U.S.).Data suggests that the interim between episodes 5 and 6 was the most suspenseful: While the Breaking Bad fervor typically eases up in between episodes, we see that fans could barely take a break from Breaking Bad content between episodes 5 and 6. Considering the incredibly shocking cliffhanger that ended episode 5, who could blame them?
  • 84. Social media can also help brands spot and gather consumer generated contents and serve it up to fans With OutListen a band creates a profile on the service and uploads their tour dates to an interactive calendar. After a show, fans can fire up the app and upload any video footage they may have shot on their phones/cameras during the show. All of this footage is collected into a database of videos synced to specific concert dates.
  • 85. Paypal analyses the content of it’s consumer conversations to increase their satisfaction ! In early February, PayPal shared a quote of the day post, “Who needs a boyfriend when you have a PayPal account?” To-date this has been one of the most successful posts by engagement. We leveraged this sentiment to connect with the consumers on Valentine's Day and posed the question – This Valentines Day, tell us, how would you like to #TreatYourself ? To bring this message to life PayPal wanted to connect with consumers and jumped on the active #TreatYourself conversation on twitter. The campaign targeted people who take to Twitter to express their dissatisfaction with the holiday. Throughout Valentine’s Day, the PayPal team monitored tweets to identify Twitter users and surprise them with a customized gift based on research of their tweet history. The team then gifted Twitter users throughout the day with presents including flowers, clothes, restaurant gift cards, room service, concert tickets, and chocolate covered strawberries.
  • 86. Contact me for more Jeremy Dumont, jeremy@pourquoitucours.fr