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Asian Biomedicine Vol. 6 No. 1 February 2012; 35-42                                        DOI: 10.5372/1905-7415.0506.124

Original article

Analysis of some of the epidemiological risk factors
affecting the prevalence of tuberculosis in buffalo at
seven livestock farms in Punjab Pakistan
Muhammad Tariq Javeda, Latif Ahmada, Francesco Felizianib, Paolo Pasqualic, Masood Akhtard,
Mahmood Usmana, Muhammad Irfana, Giulio Severib, Monica Cagiolab
 Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040,
Pakistan, bIstituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del’Umbria e delle Marche, Perugia 06100, cIstituto
Superiore di Sanit , Rome 0016, Italy, dDepartment of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Science,
University of Agriculture, Fasialabad 38040, Pakistan

    Background: Bovine tuberculosis is a disease of zoonotic importance. It is disease of high priority all over
    the world and needs to be investigated in each country.
    Objective: This study was conducted to find out the prevalence of tuberculosis in buffaloes and associated risk
    Methods: The study was carried out at seven livestock experimental stations in Punjab, Pakistan. Buffaloes were
    studied by comparative cervical intradermal tuberculin test.
    Result: The results of the study revealed an overall tuberculosis prevalence of 11.3% with 86% of farms having
    tuberculin positive animals. The frequency analysis revealed significant difference between different groups for
    age, calving, lactation length, average daily milk and live weight of the buffaloes. Data analysis by T-test also
    revealed significant difference between means for age, live weight, calving, lactation length and average daily milk
    between tuberculin positive and negative buffaloes. Bivariate and multivariate logistic analysis revealed significant
    association of age, live weight, calving, average daily milk and lactation length. Multivariate logistic regression
    analysis including all the variables in the model revealed significant association of tuberculosis with age, live
    weight, total milk produced, presence of cattle at the farm, lactation length, and total other animals at the farm.
    Conclusion: The prevalence of tuberculosis in buffaloes increases with the increase in age, calving, live weight,
    milk production and presence of cattle at the farm, while the prevalence decreases with the increase in lactation

    Keywords: Buffaloes, Pakistan, prevalence, tuberculin test, tuberculosis

    Bovine Tuberculosis (BTb) is a zoonotically                  wildlife including farmed deer, domestic livestock
important disease that can infect wide variety of                (cattle, goats, water buffalo, camels, alpacas, llamas,
animal species and can be transmitted from animals               etc.), non-human primates and humans [1]. This
to humans. The disease in animals is caused by                   disease has socio-economic and public health
Mycobacterium bovis, a member of the M.                          importance and is of great significance to international
tuberculosis complex. The latter includes M.                     trade of animals and animal products [2]. This disease
tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. afri-canum and M.                     not only poses a threat to the economies of developing
microti. M. bovis has a wide host range and is found             countries but also remains a problem in developed
responsible for disease in free-living wildlife, captive         world [3]. It is a chronic contagious debilitating disease
                                                                 of animals associated with progressive weakness/
                                                                 emaciation and tubercle (granuloma) formation, mainly
Correspondence to: Muhammad Tariq Javed, PhD, Department
                                                                 confined to respiratory system (primarily in the lungs)
of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan. E-mail: javedmt@        and occasionally in other organs [4]. The infection to
gmail.com                                                        bovine can occur through the colostrum/milk to calves,
36                                                 M. Tariq Javed, et al.

ingestion of infected flies, droppings of birds, aerosol,       are being kept as dairy animals. These farms are far
contact with each other and other wildlife [5-9]. The           from each other in different regions of the Punjab
causative agent of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium) can             Province. These farms have vast lands to grow fodder
remain viable in the environment/soil for about two             and other crops, and the animals are also taken for
years [10]. Various risk factors responsible for the            grazing in harvested fodder fields from about 7am to
occurrence of disease include calving site, the size            about 3pm. After grazing, animals are also stall fed
group of calves, the length of time calves kept in              after 3pm. Animals are milked before sunset and then
groups, the breed, the source of replacement, presence          taken other sheds. Each shed has a watering trough
of wild animals and the region in which they are kept,          in a corner where water is available round the clock.
presence of mixed (dairy and beef) production, herd             The water in these troughs is stagnant but fresh water
size, age, housing systems and summer mountain                  is added daily. The housing pattern semi closed. Each
pasture [11, 12]. Developed countries started an                shed of semi close housing has a large open space in
eradication program against the disease in the later            front covered with brick walls. Thus in winter animals
nineteen hundreds and thus have been able to reduce             enter in the shed and in summer they remain in the
its incidence to low levels but this is a very much             open space. Animals are kept unchained in these sheds.
neglected disease in the developing countries and is            Animals are routinely vaccinated against FMD and
on the increase in the Asian, African and Latin                 HS. New animals are purchased almost every year at
American countries [13]. In the subcontinent, the               each farm, while the low producers and those having
prevalence of disease varies in different parts and             some untreatable diseases or having reproductive
during different months of the year [3, 14-21].                 problems are sold. The stray dogs/cats wander in and
Recently, the prevalence of disease in cattle has been          around the sheds at these farms. Birds, including
reported to be 7.6% in cattle at 11 Livestock                   backyard poultry, sparrows, and crows also have free
Experiment Stations [22], 3% in buffaloes around two            access to the feeding and watering areas. Flies are
cities of Pakistan [23] and 0.9% in sheep and 0.4% in           abundant in milking sheds or at the milk sale points at
goats at Livestock Experiment Stations of Punjab                these farms. A total of 965 animals of more than two
Pakistan [24]. Prevalence rates of 39% in buffaloes             years of age were tested by single comparative
in Nepal [25], 0.7% in buffaloes in Iran [26] and 7.6%          cervical intradermal tuberculin (SCCIT) test using
in buffaloes in India [27] have been reported. The              bovine (50.000 I.U./ml) and avian (25.000 I.U./ml)
disease can be diagnosed by using various tests                 PPDs produced at the authorized laboratory at the
including tests like tuberculin, isolation of the organisms     Istituto Zooprofilattico Umbria e Marche, Italy. The
in suspected cases from saliva, milk, blood, urine and          protocols for the production of tuberculin, the execution
faeces, serum immunoglobulin G test, histopathology             of the test and its interpretation were carried out
and PCR [28-31]. Recently, we have reported the                 according to the criteria described in the OIE Manual
risk factors for tuberculosis in sheep, goats, and cattle       of Standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines [2].
kept at Livestock Experiment Stations and at private            Data of all the tested animals were recorded including
farms around two cities of Pakistan and in buffaloes            age, live weight, calving, lactation length, total milk
kept at private farms around two cities of Pakistan             produced, total animals at the farm, species of animals
[22-24, 32, 33]. In this paper we analyzed the risk             at the farm (i.e., cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats), and
factors for occurrence of tuberculosis in buffaloes kept        total number of buffaloes. Data was entered into Excel
at seven Livestock Experiment Stations of Punjab                sheet and was analyzed by using SAS statistical
Pakistan on the basis of positive tuberculin test in            software version 9.1 [35]. The data analysis included
animals under study. Buffalo is the most important              frequency analysis, Mantel Haenszel chi-square,
milch animal in Pakistan with its major population in           analysis of variance for comparison of means of
Punjab [34] and is referred as black gold of the country.       various parameters between positive and negative
These farms are present in different locations of the           animals (T-test) and logistic regression analysis. The
Punjab province.                                                bivariate logistic regression analysis was applied
                                                                including each individual variable in the model and
Methods                                                         result of the tuberculin test as outcome variable. The
    The study was carried out at seven experimental             multivariate logistic regression analyses including farm
livestock stations of Punjab, Pakistan where buffaloes          and individual variable along with farm, age, and
Vol. 6 No. 1                            Epidemiology of tuberculosis in buffaloes                                     37
February 2012

individual variable in the model and result as outcome          farms having tuberculin positive animals. The
variable were used to find association of various risk          frequency analysis carried out revealed non-significant
factors studied. The logistic analysis by including all         differences between different groups for total milk
variables in the model by backward elimination                  produced during a lactation, total animals present at
procedure was also used to infer the association of             the farm including/excluding the buffaloes, presence
various risk factors with tuberculosis in buffaloes. The        of other animals at the farm including cattle, sheep
odds ratio and confidence intervals were also worked            and goat as can be seen in Table 1. Results also
out. This study was formally approved by the donor              revealed non-significant difference in prevalence of
agency and Faculty Scrutiny and Ethical Review                  tuberculosis at different farms. However, a significant
Committee.                                                      difference was observed between different groups
                                                                for age (P<0.0001), calving (P<0.0001), lactation
Results                                                         length (P<0.0001), average daily milk (P<0.0001) and
    The results of the study revealed an overall                live weight of the buffaloes (P<0.0001) as can be seen
prevalence of 11.3% at seven Livestock Experiment               in Table 1.
Stations and varied from 0 to 18.8%, with 86% of

Table 1. Bivariate frequency analysis of different parameters in positive and negative reactor buffaloes to SCCIT test.

          Parameters                        Positive/Negative      Positive (%)        Stat Mantel Haenszel chi-square

Farms                           1                14/151                 8.5                       P>0.832
                                2                21/174                 10.8
                                3                15/65                  18.8
                                4                14/94                  13
                                5                19/145                 11.6
                                6                26/215                 10.8
                                7                0/12                   0
                                Total            109/856                11.3                 95%CI = 9.3 to 13.6
Age groups (years)              <5               1/6+4                  1.5                     P<0.0001
                                5-8              41/394                 9.4
                                8.1-13           40/281                 12.5
                                >13              27/117                 18.8
No. of calving                  <1               14/178                 7.3                       P<0.0001
                                2-3              31/319                 8.9
                                4-6              26/209                 11.1
                                5-7              24/93                  20.5
                                >7               14/57                  19.7
Lactation length (days)         <100             7/26                   21.2                      P<0.0001
                                100-200          38/229                 14.2
                                201-300          53/355                 13
                                >300             11/246                 4.3
Milk produced (liters)          <1000            5/50                   9.1                       P>0.393
                                1001-2000        39/381                 9.3
                                2001-3000        57/323                 15
                                >3000            8/102                  7.3
Milk produced/day groups        <5               2/19                   9.5                       P<0.0001
(liters)                        5-10             51/705                 6.8
                                10.1-15          52/124                 29.6
                                >15              4/8                    33.3
No. of other animals groups     0                35/268                 11.6                      P>0.396
                                1-100            15/77                  16.3
                                101-500          19/145                 11.6
                                501-1000         14/151                 8.9
                                >1000            26/215                 10.8
38                                                  M. Tariq Javed, et al.

Table 1. Bivariate frequency analysis of different parameters in positive and negative reactor buffaloes to SCCIT test.

           Parameters                      Positive/Negative           Positive (%)        Stat Mantel Haenszel chi-square
Live weight groups              <400               0/70                      0                          P<0.0001
                                401-450            11/116                    8.7
                                451-500            22/233                    8.6
                                501-550            28/217                    11.4
                                551-600            34/165                    17.1
                                >600               14/55                     20.3
Total animal groups             <100               0/12                      0                          P>0.280
                                100-200            50/333                    13.1
                                201-1000           19/145                    11.6
                                >1000              40/366                    9.9
Other animals at the farm       Present            74/588                    11.2                    P>0.865
                                Absent             35/268                    11.6                 Odds ratio = 0.96
Cattle at the farm              Present            55/431                    11.3                    P>0.982
                                Absent             54/425                    11.3                 Odds ratio = 1.00
Goats at the farm               Present            40/366                    9.9                     P>0.227
                                Absent             69/490                    12.3                 Odds ratio = 0.78
Sheep at the farm               Present            59/511                    10.4                    P>0.265
                                Absent             50/345                    12.7                 Odds ratio = 0.80

    Data analysis by T-test also revealed significant               The other parameters including total milk produced
difference between means for age (P<0.0001), live                   during lactation and total animals at the farm including/
weight (P<0.0001), calving (P<0.0001), lactation length             excluding buffaloes showed non-significant difference
(P<0.0001) and average daily milk (P<0.0001)                        (Table 2).
between tuberculin positive and negative buffaloes.

Table 2. Comparison of means (±sd) and 95% confidence limits of different parameters studied in positive and negative
         reactor buffaloes.

Parameters/Tuberculin Result               mean             sd             95% confidence limit                    T-test
   Positive                                10.8             3.9           10.04                11.52               P>0.0001
   Negative                                8.9              3.6           8.68                 9.15
Live weight
   Positive                                542.5            69            529.42               555.63              P>0.0001
   Negative                                505.5            69.9          500.83               510.21
Calving (No.)
   Positive                                4.5              2.6           4.01                 5                   P>0.0001
   Negative                                3.5              2.3           3.31                 3.61
Total milk produced
   Positive                                2179.2           665.4         2052.92              2305.57             P>0.145
   Negative                                2067.8           762.3         2016.67              2118.95
Lactation length
   Positive                                218              66.6          205.31               230.6               P>0.0001
   Negative                                247.2            73.9          242.23               252.14
Average daily milk production
   Positive                                10.3             2.5           9.82                 10.76               P>0.0001
   Negative                                8.4              2             8.27                 8.54
Total animals other than buffaloes
   Positive                                590.4            651.7         466.67               714.13              P>0.4059
   Negative                                645.4            649.4         598.82               691.98
Total Animals including buffaloes
   Positive                                951.4            913.4         777.98               1124.82             P>0.1716
   Negative                                1083.2           951.3         1019.18              1146.82
Vol. 6 No. 1                             Epidemiology of tuberculosis in buffaloes                                      39
February 2012

     Bivariate logistic regression analysis including           Discussion
individual variable and multivariate analysis including             Tuberculosis is an important disease, both in
farm and individual other variable revealed increase            animals and humans. The disease from animals can
in prevalence of tuberculosis with the increase in age,         be transmitted to humans mainly through infected
live weight, calving and average daily milk, while the          milk or meat. This disease is widely distributed in
prevalence decreased with the increase in lactation             the world in domestic and wild animals [36-39].
length (Table 3). Multivariate logistic regression              The advanced countries have programs to eradicate/
analyses including farm, age and individual other               control this disease in their animal population and they
variable revealed significant increase in prevalence            have reduced the infection to less than 1% at herd
of tuberculosis with the increase in live weight and            level. However, no serious effort is underway in
average daily milk, while the prevalence decreased              most of the developing countries to eradicate/control
with the increase in lactation length. Multivariate             this disease in their animals. To start a control or
logistic regression analysis with backward elimination          eradication program, knowledge about its prevalence
procedure including all variables in the model revealed         in each country and the associated risk factors is
significant association of tuberculosis with age, live          mandatory. It is not known when Pakistan is going to
weight, total milk produced, presence of cattle at the          get involved in the eradication or control strategies
farm, lactation length, and total animals of other species      about tuberculosis in animals as Government will is
at the farm. According to these results, the prevalence         required but it is always important to keep monitoring
of tuberculosis increases with the increase in age, live        the disease situation from time to time in any country.
weight, total milk produced and presence of cattle at           Thus, we carried out studies to know the prevalence
the farm, while it decreases with the increase in               and risk factors associated with prevalence of
lactation length and when higher numbers of animals             tuberculosis in animals.
of other species are present at the farm.

Table 3. Parameters showed significant association with tuberculosis in buffaloes in logistic regression analysis procedure.

Parameters                                                   Odds ratio        95% confidence limits              P-value
                                                                               lower           upper

Bivariate logistic regression analysis of each individual variable in the model
   Age                                                       1.139              1.081            1.2              P>0.0001
   Live weight                                               1.008              1.005            1.011            P>0.0001
   Calving (No.)                                             1.188              1.099            1.284            P>0.0001
   Lactation length                                          0.995              0.992            0.997            P>0.0001
   Average daily milk production                             1.388              1.269            1.581            P>0.0001
Multivariate logistic regression analysis including farm and individual variable in the model
   Age                                                       1.149              1.088            1.213            P>0.0001
   Live weight                                               1.008              1.005            1.011            P>0.0001
   Calving (No.)                                             1.193              1.102            1.291            P>0.0001
   Lactation length                                          0.995              0.992            0.997            P>0.0001
   Average daily milk production                             1.388              1.269            1.518            P>0.0001
Multivariate logistic regression analysis including farm, age and individual variable in the model
   Live weight                                               1.007              1.004            1.01             P>0.0001
   Lactation length                                          0.993              0.99             0.996            P>0.0001
   Average daily milk production                             1.412              1.289            1.548            P>0.0001
Multivariate logistic regression analysis including all variables in the model
   Age                                                       1.164              1.096            1.237            P>0.0001
   Live weight                                               1.007              1.003            1.01             P>0.0001
   Total milk produced                                       1.002              1.001            1.002            P>0.0001
   Lactation length                                          0.98               0.975            0.985            P>0.0001
   Presence of cattle at the farm                            2.447              1.279            4.683            P>0.01
   Total other animals at the farm                           0.999              0.999            1                P>0.01
40                                               M. Tariq Javed, et al.

     The prevalence of tuberculosis varied from 0%            higher in adult cattle than heifers and bulls or calves
to 18.8%, with 86% of the farms that had infected             [43]. It suggests that as the animal becomes older,
animals. Greater than 10% prevalence of tuberculosis          the chance of it becoming infected increases. As the
in animals is a serious issue. In the present study, five     animals live for a longer period on the farm, they might
out of seven (71%) farms had higher than 10%                  have a greater possibility of contact with the infectious
prevalence. The only farm with 0% prevalence had              agent. The increase in milk production with age [32]
only 12 buffaloes. If we remove that farm out of the          together with the fact that they had given births many
herd-based analysis then 100% farms had infected              times, may suggest that these factors can lower the
animals and the prevalence in 83% of the farms was            immune system of the animal and thus development
greater than 10%. It is speculated that this situation        of clinical disease. According to multivariate logistic
may get worse with the passage of time as the                 regression analysis, the prevalence of tuberculosis
prevalence is on the increase from previous years.            increases with the increase in age, live weight, total
Earlier in Pakistan, a prevalence of about 7% is              milk produced and presence of cattle at the farm, while
reported in buffaloes in year 1992 and 2003 at a              it decreases with the increase in lactation length and
slaughterhouse assessed by tuberculin testing [40, 41]        when higher number of animals of other species is
and 2% to 9% in 2006 at two Livestock Experiment              present at the farm. These results revealed that the
Stations of Punjab, Pakistan [32]. These data show            prevalence can increase by 2.5 times in the presence
that prevalence is increasing with the passage of time        of cattle at the farm, while the risk of infection is lower
in Pakistan at well-established farms. This is very           when animals of other species are present at the farm.
much expected under the circumstances of no test              A recent study already indicated protective effect of
and slaughter policy in place. Considering a recent           sheep in the occurrence of tuberculosis. However in
study in buffaloes at private setting which showed a          that study buffalo were not found to be associated
herd prevalence of 14% [23] compared with 71% at              with tuberculosis in cattle [22]. It has previously been
Livestock Experiment Stations, it can be suggested            suggested that a reduction in susceptibility to M. bovis
that the prevalence is higher at old large farms. The         can be achieved through management. Moreover, it
frequency results revealed increase in prevalence in          has also been suggested that a considerable amount
present study with the increase in age, calving, live         of further research is required [43]. Few other studies
weight and average daily milk, while the prevalence           indicated importation of infected animals, incomplete
decreased with the increase in lactation length.              depopulation of infected herds, movement of
Similarly, the mean age (10.8 vs. 8.9 years), live weight     tuberculosis exposed animals between herds, and
(543 vs. 506 kg), number of calving (5 vs. 4), and            transmission from unidentified wildlife reservoirs as
average daily milk (10.3 vs. 8.4 liter) was significantly     important epidemiological factors [44, 45].
higher in tuberculin positive than negative animals,
while the mean of lactation length (218 vs. 247.2 days)       Conclusion
was shorter in tuberculin positive than negative                   It can be concluded from the present study that
buffaloes. The shorter lactation length in tuberculin         the prevalence of tuberculosis in buffaloes at these
reactors than non-reactors is difficult to explain. One       farms increases with the increase in age, calving, live
possibility is that lactation length is shortened due to      weight, milk production and presence of cattle at the
infection in animals, but it is also possible that the        farm, while the prevalence decreases in buffaloes with
disease and/or the positive tuberculin reaction occur         the increase in lactation length.
in animals with shorter lactation length. Similar were
the results of bivariate logistic analysis. Multivariate      Acknowledgments
logistic regression analysis after controlling for farm            Funding provided by Pakistan Science Foundation
and age revealed a significant increase in the                under project grant PSF/Res/P-AU/AGR (283)
prevalence of tuberculosis with the increase in live          and bovine PPD donated by Istituto Zooprofilattico
weight and average daily milk, while it decreased with        Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche, Perugia,
the increase in lactation length. Earlier, it has been        Italy, is highly acknowledged. The authors have no
reported that susceptibility to M. bovis infection in         conflict of interest to report.
cattle increases with age [42] and the prevalence is
Vol. 6 No. 1                                Epidemiology of tuberculosis in buffaloes                                        41
February 2012

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  • 1. Asian Biomedicine Vol. 6 No. 1 February 2012; 35-42 DOI: 10.5372/1905-7415.0506.124 Original article Analysis of some of the epidemiological risk factors affecting the prevalence of tuberculosis in buffalo at seven livestock farms in Punjab Pakistan Muhammad Tariq Javeda, Latif Ahmada, Francesco Felizianib, Paolo Pasqualic, Masood Akhtard, Mahmood Usmana, Muhammad Irfana, Giulio Severib, Monica Cagiolab a Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan, bIstituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del’Umbria e delle Marche, Perugia 06100, cIstituto Superiore di Sanit , Rome 0016, Italy, dDepartment of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Fasialabad 38040, Pakistan Background: Bovine tuberculosis is a disease of zoonotic importance. It is disease of high priority all over the world and needs to be investigated in each country. Objective: This study was conducted to find out the prevalence of tuberculosis in buffaloes and associated risk factors. Methods: The study was carried out at seven livestock experimental stations in Punjab, Pakistan. Buffaloes were studied by comparative cervical intradermal tuberculin test. Result: The results of the study revealed an overall tuberculosis prevalence of 11.3% with 86% of farms having tuberculin positive animals. The frequency analysis revealed significant difference between different groups for age, calving, lactation length, average daily milk and live weight of the buffaloes. Data analysis by T-test also revealed significant difference between means for age, live weight, calving, lactation length and average daily milk between tuberculin positive and negative buffaloes. Bivariate and multivariate logistic analysis revealed significant association of age, live weight, calving, average daily milk and lactation length. Multivariate logistic regression analysis including all the variables in the model revealed significant association of tuberculosis with age, live weight, total milk produced, presence of cattle at the farm, lactation length, and total other animals at the farm. Conclusion: The prevalence of tuberculosis in buffaloes increases with the increase in age, calving, live weight, milk production and presence of cattle at the farm, while the prevalence decreases with the increase in lactation length. Keywords: Buffaloes, Pakistan, prevalence, tuberculin test, tuberculosis Bovine Tuberculosis (BTb) is a zoonotically wildlife including farmed deer, domestic livestock important disease that can infect wide variety of (cattle, goats, water buffalo, camels, alpacas, llamas, animal species and can be transmitted from animals etc.), non-human primates and humans [1]. This to humans. The disease in animals is caused by disease has socio-economic and public health Mycobacterium bovis, a member of the M. importance and is of great significance to international tuberculosis complex. The latter includes M. trade of animals and animal products [2]. This disease tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. afri-canum and M. not only poses a threat to the economies of developing microti. M. bovis has a wide host range and is found countries but also remains a problem in developed responsible for disease in free-living wildlife, captive world [3]. It is a chronic contagious debilitating disease of animals associated with progressive weakness/ emaciation and tubercle (granuloma) formation, mainly Correspondence to: Muhammad Tariq Javed, PhD, Department confined to respiratory system (primarily in the lungs) of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan. E-mail: javedmt@ and occasionally in other organs [4]. The infection to gmail.com bovine can occur through the colostrum/milk to calves,
  • 2. 36 M. Tariq Javed, et al. ingestion of infected flies, droppings of birds, aerosol, are being kept as dairy animals. These farms are far contact with each other and other wildlife [5-9]. The from each other in different regions of the Punjab causative agent of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium) can Province. These farms have vast lands to grow fodder remain viable in the environment/soil for about two and other crops, and the animals are also taken for years [10]. Various risk factors responsible for the grazing in harvested fodder fields from about 7am to occurrence of disease include calving site, the size about 3pm. After grazing, animals are also stall fed group of calves, the length of time calves kept in after 3pm. Animals are milked before sunset and then groups, the breed, the source of replacement, presence taken other sheds. Each shed has a watering trough of wild animals and the region in which they are kept, in a corner where water is available round the clock. presence of mixed (dairy and beef) production, herd The water in these troughs is stagnant but fresh water size, age, housing systems and summer mountain is added daily. The housing pattern semi closed. Each pasture [11, 12]. Developed countries started an shed of semi close housing has a large open space in eradication program against the disease in the later front covered with brick walls. Thus in winter animals nineteen hundreds and thus have been able to reduce enter in the shed and in summer they remain in the its incidence to low levels but this is a very much open space. Animals are kept unchained in these sheds. neglected disease in the developing countries and is Animals are routinely vaccinated against FMD and on the increase in the Asian, African and Latin HS. New animals are purchased almost every year at American countries [13]. In the subcontinent, the each farm, while the low producers and those having prevalence of disease varies in different parts and some untreatable diseases or having reproductive during different months of the year [3, 14-21]. problems are sold. The stray dogs/cats wander in and Recently, the prevalence of disease in cattle has been around the sheds at these farms. Birds, including reported to be 7.6% in cattle at 11 Livestock backyard poultry, sparrows, and crows also have free Experiment Stations [22], 3% in buffaloes around two access to the feeding and watering areas. Flies are cities of Pakistan [23] and 0.9% in sheep and 0.4% in abundant in milking sheds or at the milk sale points at goats at Livestock Experiment Stations of Punjab these farms. A total of 965 animals of more than two Pakistan [24]. Prevalence rates of 39% in buffaloes years of age were tested by single comparative in Nepal [25], 0.7% in buffaloes in Iran [26] and 7.6% cervical intradermal tuberculin (SCCIT) test using in buffaloes in India [27] have been reported. The bovine (50.000 I.U./ml) and avian (25.000 I.U./ml) disease can be diagnosed by using various tests PPDs produced at the authorized laboratory at the including tests like tuberculin, isolation of the organisms Istituto Zooprofilattico Umbria e Marche, Italy. The in suspected cases from saliva, milk, blood, urine and protocols for the production of tuberculin, the execution faeces, serum immunoglobulin G test, histopathology of the test and its interpretation were carried out and PCR [28-31]. Recently, we have reported the according to the criteria described in the OIE Manual risk factors for tuberculosis in sheep, goats, and cattle of Standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines [2]. kept at Livestock Experiment Stations and at private Data of all the tested animals were recorded including farms around two cities of Pakistan and in buffaloes age, live weight, calving, lactation length, total milk kept at private farms around two cities of Pakistan produced, total animals at the farm, species of animals [22-24, 32, 33]. In this paper we analyzed the risk at the farm (i.e., cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats), and factors for occurrence of tuberculosis in buffaloes kept total number of buffaloes. Data was entered into Excel at seven Livestock Experiment Stations of Punjab sheet and was analyzed by using SAS statistical Pakistan on the basis of positive tuberculin test in software version 9.1 [35]. The data analysis included animals under study. Buffalo is the most important frequency analysis, Mantel Haenszel chi-square, milch animal in Pakistan with its major population in analysis of variance for comparison of means of Punjab [34] and is referred as black gold of the country. various parameters between positive and negative These farms are present in different locations of the animals (T-test) and logistic regression analysis. The Punjab province. bivariate logistic regression analysis was applied including each individual variable in the model and Methods result of the tuberculin test as outcome variable. The The study was carried out at seven experimental multivariate logistic regression analyses including farm livestock stations of Punjab, Pakistan where buffaloes and individual variable along with farm, age, and
  • 3. Vol. 6 No. 1 Epidemiology of tuberculosis in buffaloes 37 February 2012 individual variable in the model and result as outcome farms having tuberculin positive animals. The variable were used to find association of various risk frequency analysis carried out revealed non-significant factors studied. The logistic analysis by including all differences between different groups for total milk variables in the model by backward elimination produced during a lactation, total animals present at procedure was also used to infer the association of the farm including/excluding the buffaloes, presence various risk factors with tuberculosis in buffaloes. The of other animals at the farm including cattle, sheep odds ratio and confidence intervals were also worked and goat as can be seen in Table 1. Results also out. This study was formally approved by the donor revealed non-significant difference in prevalence of agency and Faculty Scrutiny and Ethical Review tuberculosis at different farms. However, a significant Committee. difference was observed between different groups for age (P<0.0001), calving (P<0.0001), lactation Results length (P<0.0001), average daily milk (P<0.0001) and The results of the study revealed an overall live weight of the buffaloes (P<0.0001) as can be seen prevalence of 11.3% at seven Livestock Experiment in Table 1. Stations and varied from 0 to 18.8%, with 86% of Table 1. Bivariate frequency analysis of different parameters in positive and negative reactor buffaloes to SCCIT test. Parameters Positive/Negative Positive (%) Stat Mantel Haenszel chi-square Farms 1 14/151 8.5 P>0.832 2 21/174 10.8 3 15/65 18.8 4 14/94 13 5 19/145 11.6 6 26/215 10.8 7 0/12 0 Total 109/856 11.3 95%CI = 9.3 to 13.6 Age groups (years) <5 1/6+4 1.5 P<0.0001 5-8 41/394 9.4 8.1-13 40/281 12.5 >13 27/117 18.8 No. of calving <1 14/178 7.3 P<0.0001 2-3 31/319 8.9 4-6 26/209 11.1 5-7 24/93 20.5 >7 14/57 19.7 Lactation length (days) <100 7/26 21.2 P<0.0001 100-200 38/229 14.2 201-300 53/355 13 >300 11/246 4.3 Milk produced (liters) <1000 5/50 9.1 P>0.393 1001-2000 39/381 9.3 2001-3000 57/323 15 >3000 8/102 7.3 Milk produced/day groups <5 2/19 9.5 P<0.0001 (liters) 5-10 51/705 6.8 10.1-15 52/124 29.6 >15 4/8 33.3 No. of other animals groups 0 35/268 11.6 P>0.396 1-100 15/77 16.3 101-500 19/145 11.6 501-1000 14/151 8.9 >1000 26/215 10.8
  • 4. 38 M. Tariq Javed, et al. Table 1. Bivariate frequency analysis of different parameters in positive and negative reactor buffaloes to SCCIT test. (Contin Parameters Positive/Negative Positive (%) Stat Mantel Haenszel chi-square Live weight groups <400 0/70 0 P<0.0001 401-450 11/116 8.7 451-500 22/233 8.6 501-550 28/217 11.4 551-600 34/165 17.1 >600 14/55 20.3 Total animal groups <100 0/12 0 P>0.280 100-200 50/333 13.1 201-1000 19/145 11.6 >1000 40/366 9.9 Other animals at the farm Present 74/588 11.2 P>0.865 Absent 35/268 11.6 Odds ratio = 0.96 Cattle at the farm Present 55/431 11.3 P>0.982 Absent 54/425 11.3 Odds ratio = 1.00 Goats at the farm Present 40/366 9.9 P>0.227 Absent 69/490 12.3 Odds ratio = 0.78 Sheep at the farm Present 59/511 10.4 P>0.265 Absent 50/345 12.7 Odds ratio = 0.80 Data analysis by T-test also revealed significant The other parameters including total milk produced difference between means for age (P<0.0001), live during lactation and total animals at the farm including/ weight (P<0.0001), calving (P<0.0001), lactation length excluding buffaloes showed non-significant difference (P<0.0001) and average daily milk (P<0.0001) (Table 2). between tuberculin positive and negative buffaloes. Table 2. Comparison of means (±sd) and 95% confidence limits of different parameters studied in positive and negative reactor buffaloes. Parameters/Tuberculin Result mean sd 95% confidence limit T-test Age Positive 10.8 3.9 10.04 11.52 P>0.0001 Negative 8.9 3.6 8.68 9.15 Live weight Positive 542.5 69 529.42 555.63 P>0.0001 Negative 505.5 69.9 500.83 510.21 Calving (No.) Positive 4.5 2.6 4.01 5 P>0.0001 Negative 3.5 2.3 3.31 3.61 Total milk produced Positive 2179.2 665.4 2052.92 2305.57 P>0.145 Negative 2067.8 762.3 2016.67 2118.95 Lactation length Positive 218 66.6 205.31 230.6 P>0.0001 Negative 247.2 73.9 242.23 252.14 Average daily milk production Positive 10.3 2.5 9.82 10.76 P>0.0001 Negative 8.4 2 8.27 8.54 Total animals other than buffaloes Positive 590.4 651.7 466.67 714.13 P>0.4059 Negative 645.4 649.4 598.82 691.98 Total Animals including buffaloes Positive 951.4 913.4 777.98 1124.82 P>0.1716 Negative 1083.2 951.3 1019.18 1146.82
  • 5. Vol. 6 No. 1 Epidemiology of tuberculosis in buffaloes 39 February 2012 Bivariate logistic regression analysis including Discussion individual variable and multivariate analysis including Tuberculosis is an important disease, both in farm and individual other variable revealed increase animals and humans. The disease from animals can in prevalence of tuberculosis with the increase in age, be transmitted to humans mainly through infected live weight, calving and average daily milk, while the milk or meat. This disease is widely distributed in prevalence decreased with the increase in lactation the world in domestic and wild animals [36-39]. length (Table 3). Multivariate logistic regression The advanced countries have programs to eradicate/ analyses including farm, age and individual other control this disease in their animal population and they variable revealed significant increase in prevalence have reduced the infection to less than 1% at herd of tuberculosis with the increase in live weight and level. However, no serious effort is underway in average daily milk, while the prevalence decreased most of the developing countries to eradicate/control with the increase in lactation length. Multivariate this disease in their animals. To start a control or logistic regression analysis with backward elimination eradication program, knowledge about its prevalence procedure including all variables in the model revealed in each country and the associated risk factors is significant association of tuberculosis with age, live mandatory. It is not known when Pakistan is going to weight, total milk produced, presence of cattle at the get involved in the eradication or control strategies farm, lactation length, and total animals of other species about tuberculosis in animals as Government will is at the farm. According to these results, the prevalence required but it is always important to keep monitoring of tuberculosis increases with the increase in age, live the disease situation from time to time in any country. weight, total milk produced and presence of cattle at Thus, we carried out studies to know the prevalence the farm, while it decreases with the increase in and risk factors associated with prevalence of lactation length and when higher numbers of animals tuberculosis in animals. of other species are present at the farm. Table 3. Parameters showed significant association with tuberculosis in buffaloes in logistic regression analysis procedure. Parameters Odds ratio 95% confidence limits P-value lower upper Bivariate logistic regression analysis of each individual variable in the model Age 1.139 1.081 1.2 P>0.0001 Live weight 1.008 1.005 1.011 P>0.0001 Calving (No.) 1.188 1.099 1.284 P>0.0001 Lactation length 0.995 0.992 0.997 P>0.0001 Average daily milk production 1.388 1.269 1.581 P>0.0001 Multivariate logistic regression analysis including farm and individual variable in the model Age 1.149 1.088 1.213 P>0.0001 Live weight 1.008 1.005 1.011 P>0.0001 Calving (No.) 1.193 1.102 1.291 P>0.0001 Lactation length 0.995 0.992 0.997 P>0.0001 Average daily milk production 1.388 1.269 1.518 P>0.0001 Multivariate logistic regression analysis including farm, age and individual variable in the model Live weight 1.007 1.004 1.01 P>0.0001 Lactation length 0.993 0.99 0.996 P>0.0001 Average daily milk production 1.412 1.289 1.548 P>0.0001 Multivariate logistic regression analysis including all variables in the model Age 1.164 1.096 1.237 P>0.0001 Live weight 1.007 1.003 1.01 P>0.0001 Total milk produced 1.002 1.001 1.002 P>0.0001 Lactation length 0.98 0.975 0.985 P>0.0001 Presence of cattle at the farm 2.447 1.279 4.683 P>0.01 Total other animals at the farm 0.999 0.999 1 P>0.01
  • 6. 40 M. Tariq Javed, et al. The prevalence of tuberculosis varied from 0% higher in adult cattle than heifers and bulls or calves to 18.8%, with 86% of the farms that had infected [43]. It suggests that as the animal becomes older, animals. Greater than 10% prevalence of tuberculosis the chance of it becoming infected increases. As the in animals is a serious issue. In the present study, five animals live for a longer period on the farm, they might out of seven (71%) farms had higher than 10% have a greater possibility of contact with the infectious prevalence. The only farm with 0% prevalence had agent. The increase in milk production with age [32] only 12 buffaloes. If we remove that farm out of the together with the fact that they had given births many herd-based analysis then 100% farms had infected times, may suggest that these factors can lower the animals and the prevalence in 83% of the farms was immune system of the animal and thus development greater than 10%. It is speculated that this situation of clinical disease. According to multivariate logistic may get worse with the passage of time as the regression analysis, the prevalence of tuberculosis prevalence is on the increase from previous years. increases with the increase in age, live weight, total Earlier in Pakistan, a prevalence of about 7% is milk produced and presence of cattle at the farm, while reported in buffaloes in year 1992 and 2003 at a it decreases with the increase in lactation length and slaughterhouse assessed by tuberculin testing [40, 41] when higher number of animals of other species is and 2% to 9% in 2006 at two Livestock Experiment present at the farm. These results revealed that the Stations of Punjab, Pakistan [32]. These data show prevalence can increase by 2.5 times in the presence that prevalence is increasing with the passage of time of cattle at the farm, while the risk of infection is lower in Pakistan at well-established farms. This is very when animals of other species are present at the farm. much expected under the circumstances of no test A recent study already indicated protective effect of and slaughter policy in place. Considering a recent sheep in the occurrence of tuberculosis. However in study in buffaloes at private setting which showed a that study buffalo were not found to be associated herd prevalence of 14% [23] compared with 71% at with tuberculosis in cattle [22]. It has previously been Livestock Experiment Stations, it can be suggested suggested that a reduction in susceptibility to M. bovis that the prevalence is higher at old large farms. The can be achieved through management. Moreover, it frequency results revealed increase in prevalence in has also been suggested that a considerable amount present study with the increase in age, calving, live of further research is required [43]. Few other studies weight and average daily milk, while the prevalence indicated importation of infected animals, incomplete decreased with the increase in lactation length. depopulation of infected herds, movement of Similarly, the mean age (10.8 vs. 8.9 years), live weight tuberculosis exposed animals between herds, and (543 vs. 506 kg), number of calving (5 vs. 4), and transmission from unidentified wildlife reservoirs as average daily milk (10.3 vs. 8.4 liter) was significantly important epidemiological factors [44, 45]. higher in tuberculin positive than negative animals, while the mean of lactation length (218 vs. 247.2 days) Conclusion was shorter in tuberculin positive than negative It can be concluded from the present study that buffaloes. The shorter lactation length in tuberculin the prevalence of tuberculosis in buffaloes at these reactors than non-reactors is difficult to explain. One farms increases with the increase in age, calving, live possibility is that lactation length is shortened due to weight, milk production and presence of cattle at the infection in animals, but it is also possible that the farm, while the prevalence decreases in buffaloes with disease and/or the positive tuberculin reaction occur the increase in lactation length. in animals with shorter lactation length. Similar were the results of bivariate logistic analysis. Multivariate Acknowledgments logistic regression analysis after controlling for farm Funding provided by Pakistan Science Foundation and age revealed a significant increase in the under project grant PSF/Res/P-AU/AGR (283) prevalence of tuberculosis with the increase in live and bovine PPD donated by Istituto Zooprofilattico weight and average daily milk, while it decreased with Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche, Perugia, the increase in lactation length. Earlier, it has been Italy, is highly acknowledged. The authors have no reported that susceptibility to M. bovis infection in conflict of interest to report. cattle increases with age [42] and the prevalence is
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