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The European Commission’s science
and knowledge service
Joint Research Centre
Accessibility and Sustainability
of Biomass Resources
European Bioeconomy Scene 2019
Giovanni Federigo De Santi
EC Joint Research Centre, Director for Sustainable Resources
6 giovanni de santi - 13.15 ebs 2019 - gd-s presentation v5
Bioeconomy Strategy
Knowledge Centre
for Bioeconomy
Bioeconomy Action Plan:
Knowledge and Monitoring of EU Bioeconomy
Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy
Agriculture Fisheries &
Economic transition
The global bioeconomy towards 2050: big changes ahead
Source: Preliminary results, MAGNET model, Philippidis, M'barek (forthcoming, 2019)
World's bioeconomy could grow in
absolute terms from 14 to 25 trillion €
- and needs more resources
Bioeconomy will have higher value
shares in Africa
Source: Biomass flows in the European Union, EUR 28565 EN
Please note: Supply and use figures might not match due to estimation errors, stock
changes, waste and/or loss of biomass or differences in the data sources used
Biomass flows in the European Union – Cross sectorial SUPPLY
Biomass used for the Bioeconomy
Feed and
Crop residues
Grazed biomass
By-& co-products
(incl. wood pellets)
Primary woody
Feed and bedding (incl.
animal based food:
Plant based
Heat &
Solid wood
Wood pulp
Processed products (biomass eq.)
Fisheries &
aquaculture Algae
European biomass resources
Mapping crop residues production
Spatially explicit
• Total residue production
• Crops and crop groups
Based on restrictions identified with
National Forest Inventories (NFIs)
Applied restrictions:
Country-specific thresholds defined
Work with NFIs in progress!
1. Limited increment (too little yield for wood supply)
2. Protected Areas
3. Slope
4. Distance from roads
5. Tree species
6. Natura2000
European biomass resources
Mapping Forest Available for Wood Supply (FAWS)
European biomass resources
Food waste generated along the food supply chain
Caldeira, C., De Laurentiis, V., Corrado, S., van Holsteijn, F., Sala, S. Quantification of food waste per product group along the food supply chain in the
EU: a mass flow analysis. (2019) Resources, Conservation and Recycling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.06.011
Primary production Processing Retail Consumption
2011 data
Wet mass (million tonnes)
Sala S., et al. (2019) Indicators and Assessment of the environmental impact of EU consumption. Consumption and Consumer Footprint for assessing and monitoring EU policies with Life Cycle Assessment.
Science for policy report. Publications Office of the European Union.
European biomass resources
Environmental impacts of food consumption in the EU
Strengthen and scale up the bio-based sector:
EU to lead on innovative bio-based products
Source: Spekreijse et al. (2019) Insights into the European market of bio-based chemicals. Analysis based on ten key product categories.
Joint Research Centre. doi:10.2760/549564, JRC112989.
Solutions of the bioeconomy:
Plastics Life Cycle Assessment
Development of a method and case
studies for LCA of plastics
Test in
Final LCA
10 full LCAs
Draft LCA
• Elaborate a robust LCA-
based methodology to
evaluate environmental
impacts of alternative
plastics feedstocks
• Apply it on specific case-
Deployiong local bioeconomies rapidly across Europe:
Biorefineries for a sustainable re-industrialisation
• 803 biorefineries:
• bio-based chemicals
• liquid biofuels
• bio-based composites and fibres
• integrated biorefineries (products + energy)
• Agricultural resources are the feedstock source used by
most biorefineries in all EU countries with the exception of
Finland, Sweden and Portugal.
• Marine and waste resources are relevant in some
countries but not yet highly exploited in biorefineries.
Source: Parisi, C. (2018). "Research Brief: Biorefineries distribution in the EU".
European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Deploying local bioeconomies
across Europe: Mapping
Bioeconomy Strategies in the EU
Bioeconomy in the EU - Great diversity… - Wide variety…
• 9 MS have a dedicated bioeconomy strategy
• 5 MS in the process of developing a strategy
Finland, Latvia, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Ireland , UK, AT
Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands + Sweden (Apr. 2019)
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia
• 11 CEE MS plan to develop one under the Bioeast initiative
• >50 regions have a bioeconomy-related strategy. Almost all foresee
R&I in their RIS3 (CoR Opinion)
• Only a few cities have bioeconomy-related priorities in their
Aims to evaluate the state of
Europe's ecosystems and
their services based on
indicators underpinned by
available spatially explicit data
EU-28; 2010 as a baseline
Understanding the ecological boundaries of the Bioeconomy:
Mapping and assessment of Ecosystems and their Services
Monitoring our Blue Planet: First SDG indicator platform launched by
Google, the JRC and UN Environment
Understanding the ecological boundaries of the Bioeconomy
Global surface water explorer (GSWE)
SDG 6.6.1 Change in the extent
of water-related ecosystems over
Understanding the ecological boundaries of the Bioeconomy
 LUCAS (Land Use and Coverage Area frame
Survey) Soil Survey
 Largest European soil survey
 Started in 2009, repeated every 3 years
 26,000 points in 2018
 Physical & chemical properties
 Heavy metals
LUCAS sampling points Copper concentrations in soil
Operate the Bioeconomy within safe ecological limits :
Environmental Impact Assesment & LCA
5 areas of consumption
assessed by means of LCA
to model and monitor
SDG 12 (responsible
production and
consumption) and impacts
on other SDGs (on water,
climate, biodiversity)
Evidence of increasing
impact of consumption
over time, which
significant contribution
of embodied impacts
due to trade
Assessment of environmental impacts of
EU consumption
Sustainability of consumption patterns
key impacts on BIODIVERSITY
Adopting LCA as reference
methodology it is possible to
monitor potential impacts over
time on 16 categories of
impacts and on biodiversity.
Bioeconomy and CLIMATE
Overall objectives: understanding how forests mitigate and interact
with climate change in the context of EU and international climate policies
Specific activities:
• Responsibility of LULUCF under the EU greenhouse gas inventory
• Contribution to IPCC reports on forests and climate
• Forest carbon modeling supporting bioeconomy assessments
• Support to the design of a science-based approach for assessing the climate
contribution of forestry (“Forest Reference levels”) towards the EU 2030 climate targets
Need for better understanding of
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
The Commission has recently assessed the Member
States' draft plans to implement the EU 2030 energy and
climate targets, including technical recommendations to
the proposed Forest Reference Levels
Bioeconomy and SGDs
Sala S. (2018) Life Cycle Analysis. In: Walter Leal
Filho (Ed). Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable
Development Goals, Springer, ISSN: 2523-7403
Moving towards more knowledge and a bioeconomy
monitoring system for the EU
• The bioeconomy is called to deliver sustainability across a wide range of policies
and sectors.
• Accessibility and sustainability of biomass resources are key. A common and robust
knowledge base is a prerequisite.
• Bioeconomy needs to operate within safe ecological boundaries and contribute to a
clean planet for all. Monitoring and assessing ecosystems services from land and
sea and their impacts on climate is key.
• Identifying and assessing the opportunities, possible trade-offs and potential risks of
developing a circular, sustainable bioeconomy will be crucial. A monitoring system
for the EU bioeconomy is being developed
• To be successful we need to act altogether, EU institutions with national and regional
authorities, industries and academia.
ThanksAny questions?
You can find us at EC-Bioeconomy-KC@ec.europa.eu
Overall objectives: understanding how forests mitigate and interact
with climate change in the context of EU and international climate policies
Need for better understanding of
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
CO2 Specific activities:
• Responsibility of LULUCF under the EU greenhouse gas
• Contribution to IPCC reports
• Forest carbon modeling supporting bioeconomy assessments
• Support to the design of a science-based approach for
assessing the climate contribution of forestry (“Forest
Reference levels”) towards the EU 2030 climate targets
Need for better understanding of
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
The Commission has recently assessed the Member
States' draft plans to implement the EU 2030 energy and
climate targets. JRC contributed to the technical
recommendations to the proposed Forest Reference Levels
LULUCF contributes to the EU 2030 energy and
climate targets as an integral part of the

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6 giovanni de santi - 13.15 ebs 2019 - gd-s presentation v5

  • 1. The European Commission’s science and knowledge service Joint Research Centre
  • 2. Accessibility and Sustainability of Biomass Resources European Bioeconomy Scene 2019 09.07.2019 Giovanni Federigo De Santi EC Joint Research Centre, Director for Sustainable Resources
  • 4. Bioeconomy Strategy Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy Bioeconomy Action Plan: Knowledge and Monitoring of EU Bioeconomy
  • 5. Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy Forestry Agriculture Fisheries & aquaculture Algae Materials Bioenergy Food
  • 7. The global bioeconomy towards 2050: big changes ahead Source: Preliminary results, MAGNET model, Philippidis, M'barek (forthcoming, 2019) World's bioeconomy could grow in absolute terms from 14 to 25 trillion € - and needs more resources Bioeconomy will have higher value shares in Africa
  • 8. Source: Biomass flows in the European Union, EUR 28565 EN Please note: Supply and use figures might not match due to estimation errors, stock changes, waste and/or loss of biomass or differences in the data sources used Biomass flows in the European Union – Cross sectorial SUPPLY USES 2015 Biomass used for the Bioeconomy Feed and food products Crops Bio-materials Bioenergy Crop residues Grazed biomass By-& co-products (incl. wood pellets) Primary woody biomass Feed and bedding (incl. animal based food: 33730) Plant based food Heat & Power Solid wood products Wood pulp Processed products (biomass eq.) ForestryAgriculture Fisheries & aquaculture Algae
  • 9. European biomass resources Mapping crop residues production Spatially explicit • Total residue production • Crops and crop groups
  • 10. Based on restrictions identified with National Forest Inventories (NFIs) Applied restrictions: Country-specific thresholds defined Work with NFIs in progress! 1. Limited increment (too little yield for wood supply) 2. Protected Areas 3. Slope 4. Distance from roads 5. Tree species 6. Natura2000 European biomass resources Mapping Forest Available for Wood Supply (FAWS)
  • 11. European biomass resources Food waste generated along the food supply chain Caldeira, C., De Laurentiis, V., Corrado, S., van Holsteijn, F., Sala, S. Quantification of food waste per product group along the food supply chain in the EU: a mass flow analysis. (2019) Resources, Conservation and Recycling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.06.011 Primary production Processing Retail Consumption 2011 data Wet mass (million tonnes)
  • 12. Sala S., et al. (2019) Indicators and Assessment of the environmental impact of EU consumption. Consumption and Consumer Footprint for assessing and monitoring EU policies with Life Cycle Assessment. Science for policy report. Publications Office of the European Union. European biomass resources Environmental impacts of food consumption in the EU
  • 13. Strengthen and scale up the bio-based sector: EU to lead on innovative bio-based products Source: Spekreijse et al. (2019) Insights into the European market of bio-based chemicals. Analysis based on ten key product categories. Joint Research Centre. doi:10.2760/549564, JRC112989.
  • 14. Solutions of the bioeconomy: Plastics Life Cycle Assessment Development of a method and case studies for LCA of plastics Test in screening LCAs Stakeholder consultation Final LCA method 10 full LCAs Draft LCA method • Elaborate a robust LCA- based methodology to evaluate environmental impacts of alternative plastics feedstocks • Apply it on specific case- studies
  • 15. Deployiong local bioeconomies rapidly across Europe: Biorefineries for a sustainable re-industrialisation • 803 biorefineries: • bio-based chemicals • liquid biofuels • bio-based composites and fibres • integrated biorefineries (products + energy) • Agricultural resources are the feedstock source used by most biorefineries in all EU countries with the exception of Finland, Sweden and Portugal. • Marine and waste resources are relevant in some countries but not yet highly exploited in biorefineries. Source: Parisi, C. (2018). "Research Brief: Biorefineries distribution in the EU". European Commission - Joint Research Centre https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/brochures-leaflets/biorefineries-distribution-
  • 16. Deploying local bioeconomies across Europe: Mapping Bioeconomy Strategies in the EU Bioeconomy in the EU - Great diversity… - Wide variety… • 9 MS have a dedicated bioeconomy strategy • 5 MS in the process of developing a strategy Finland, Latvia, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Ireland , UK, AT Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands + Sweden (Apr. 2019) Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia • 11 CEE MS plan to develop one under the Bioeast initiative • >50 regions have a bioeconomy-related strategy. Almost all foresee R&I in their RIS3 (CoR Opinion) • Only a few cities have bioeconomy-related priorities in their policies
  • 17. Aims to evaluate the state of Europe's ecosystems and their services based on indicators underpinned by available spatially explicit data EU-28; 2010 as a baseline http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/knowledge/ecosystem_assessment/pdf/5th%20MAES%20report.pdf Understanding the ecological boundaries of the Bioeconomy: Mapping and assessment of Ecosystems and their Services
  • 18. Monitoring our Blue Planet: First SDG indicator platform launched by Google, the JRC and UN Environment Understanding the ecological boundaries of the Bioeconomy Global surface water explorer (GSWE) SDG 6.6.1 Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time
  • 19. Understanding the ecological boundaries of the Bioeconomy SOIL and LAND DEGRADATION  LUCAS (Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey) Soil Survey  Largest European soil survey  Started in 2009, repeated every 3 years  26,000 points in 2018  Physical & chemical properties  Heavy metals LUCAS sampling points Copper concentrations in soil
  • 20. Operate the Bioeconomy within safe ecological limits : Environmental Impact Assesment & LCA
  • 21. 5 areas of consumption assessed by means of LCA to model and monitor SDG 12 (responsible production and consumption) and impacts on other SDGs (on water, climate, biodiversity) Evidence of increasing impact of consumption over time, which significant contribution of embodied impacts due to trade Assessment of environmental impacts of EU consumption
  • 22. Sustainability of consumption patterns key impacts on BIODIVERSITY Adopting LCA as reference methodology it is possible to monitor potential impacts over time on 16 categories of impacts and on biodiversity.
  • 24. Overall objectives: understanding how forests mitigate and interact with climate change in the context of EU and international climate policies Specific activities: • Responsibility of LULUCF under the EU greenhouse gas inventory • Contribution to IPCC reports on forests and climate • Forest carbon modeling supporting bioeconomy assessments • Support to the design of a science-based approach for assessing the climate contribution of forestry (“Forest Reference levels”) towards the EU 2030 climate targets Need for better understanding of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) CO2 The Commission has recently assessed the Member States' draft plans to implement the EU 2030 energy and climate targets, including technical recommendations to the proposed Forest Reference Levels
  • 25. Bioeconomy and SGDs Sala S. (2018) Life Cycle Analysis. In: Walter Leal Filho (Ed). Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Springer, ISSN: 2523-7403 Bioeconomy
  • 26. Moving towards more knowledge and a bioeconomy monitoring system for the EU
  • 27. Conclusions • The bioeconomy is called to deliver sustainability across a wide range of policies and sectors. • Accessibility and sustainability of biomass resources are key. A common and robust knowledge base is a prerequisite. • Bioeconomy needs to operate within safe ecological boundaries and contribute to a clean planet for all. Monitoring and assessing ecosystems services from land and sea and their impacts on climate is key. • Identifying and assessing the opportunities, possible trade-offs and potential risks of developing a circular, sustainable bioeconomy will be crucial. A monitoring system for the EU bioeconomy is being developed • To be successful we need to act altogether, EU institutions with national and regional authorities, industries and academia.
  • 28. ThanksAny questions? You can find us at EC-Bioeconomy-KC@ec.europa.eu
  • 29. Overall objectives: understanding how forests mitigate and interact with climate change in the context of EU and international climate policies Need for better understanding of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) CO2 Specific activities: • Responsibility of LULUCF under the EU greenhouse gas inventory • Contribution to IPCC reports • Forest carbon modeling supporting bioeconomy assessments • Support to the design of a science-based approach for assessing the climate contribution of forestry (“Forest Reference levels”) towards the EU 2030 climate targets
  • 30. Need for better understanding of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) The Commission has recently assessed the Member States' draft plans to implement the EU 2030 energy and climate targets. JRC contributed to the technical recommendations to the proposed Forest Reference Levels LULUCF contributes to the EU 2030 energy and climate targets as an integral part of the bioeconomy

Editor's Notes

  1. The bioeconomy we want in the EU, and in fact globally, has to be sustainable and as circular as possible. It will need to deliver sustainability across a wide range of policies and sectors. The deployment of such bioeconomy will depend on the accessibility and sustainability of biomass resources. A common and robust knowledge base is a key ingredient, as reflected in the EU bioeconomy strategy.
  2. Sustainability and climate change challenges. The 2018 update of the Bioeconomy Strategy aims to accelerate the deployment of a sustainable European bioeconomy so as to maximise its contribution towards the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the Paris Agreement. The update proposes an action plan with 14 concrete measures to be launched in 2019, based on three key priorities: Strengthen and scale up the bio-based sectors, unlock investments and markets (economy driven pillar) Deploy local bioeconomies rapidly across the whole of Europe (society driven pillar) Understand the ecological boundaries of the bioeconomy (environment driven pillar) The JRC is currently leading the implementation of two actions under the third priority (enhancing the knowledge on the bioeconomy and developing and implementing a monitoring system), co-leading five additional actions and associated to many others. Furthermore the COM explicitly states that the data and information generated in all actions of priority 3 will be made accessible through the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy. KCB will also facilitate the implementation of actions under other priorities (see intelligence gathering for Bioeconomy strategies in MS and regions).
  3. The JRC contributes with reliable facts, figures and forward-looking analysis. For this very reason the JRC is managing the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy (KCB), as the Commission's central knowledge hub on the bioeconomy. The KCB is supporting the EU Bioeconomy Strategy's implementation. It pulls together solid knowledge, monitoring and forecasting as a basis for policy making across policies and sectors related to the bioeconomy. It is crucial to identify and assess the opportunities, possible trade-offs and potential risks of developing a circular, sustainable bioeconomy. This is key to deliver with impact on a various range of policies affected by the bioeconomy, towards sustainability goals. The JRC’s research: focuses on land, soil, forests, water, marine resources, raw materials, biodiversity and related ecosystem services, and supports the development of a sustainable bioeconomy; monitors and analyses agriculture and food production, consumption and trade, including the macro- and micro-economic aspects, their impact on food security, public goods and the environment; highlights the threats to our existing resources and explores alternatives and future perspectives using advanced biophysical and economic analyses, including geospatial technologies, modelling and supply-chain analyses. Thus, the JRC works to ensure that the bioeconomy is boosted from a multi-disciplinary, holistic and cross sectorial approach providing with data, information an knowledge for a coherent policymaking. In the next slides I will give you some examples
  4. The Bioeconomy is a key driver of economic transition, A sustainable and circular bioeconomy is mentioned as a key pillar to deliver on the EU long-term strategy for a climate-neutral economy JRC provides the economic data and modelling to follow the EU bioeconomy developments
  5. World bioeconomy is growing in absolute terms from 14 to 25 trillion. We will observe the increasing share of Africa.
  6. To enhance the knowledge on bioeconomy we need to analyse and synthesise evidence from different sources. For example, with the study on biomass supply and demand that the JRC has been running during the last years. This study has provided critical facts and figures supporting the drafting of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and will continue to produce essential and reliable data for which we do count on the support and feedback coming from the national and regional levels. Examples of scientific output: Biomass flows in the European Union – Cross sectorial Representation of biomass flows across sectors for each EU Member State and EU-28 Displays supply and uses of biomass, including trade An interactive diagram to allow specific analysis Work in progress, will be updated with additional data and further detail over time Biomass supply and uses in the EU Our analysis has, for example, shown that in 2015, of the overall EU domestic supply of biomass, 52.8% came from agricultural crops, 25.3% from forestry, 11.8% from grazed biomass, 10.1% from collected crop residues. In the same 2015, 47.8% of the biomass was used for animal feed and bedding, 21.3% for bioenergy, 20.5% for material uses. When comparing the overall biomass demand in 2015 with 2010 in the EU, this has increased of around 62 Mt (1.3% per year). Most of the new demand was due to bioenergy (43 Mt heat & power, 3 Mt biofuels).
  7. Understanding the spatial distribution of crop residue production is important to consider future developments (e.g. the locations of bio-refineries). Residue production has been calculated for specific crops, for crop groups, and for the total production. Clear patterns at 25 km grid level. Total residue production from cereals follows major production regions. Wheat production in northern France Maize production in e.g. Romania, Hungary, southwestern France, and Po area
  8. Knowledge of the amount and spatial distribution of Forest Available for Wood Supply (FAWS) is key to assess woody biomass potentially available in European forests. Since existing information of wood availability in Europe is limited to summary statistics at national scale, during the last two years JRC supported a service contract with 14 European NFIs to assess, in a harmonized approach, the main restrictions to wood availability and the related forest area. This information was then combined with existing spatial datasets to map the forest available for wood supply over Europe.   Considering that the national definitions of FAWS present fundamental differences that limit their comparability, the service contract focused on a more comparable attribute: the Forest NOT Available for Wood Supply (FNAWS). The output of this analysis is a map of FAWS in Europe at 100 m spatial resolution.
  9. high-level top-down approach to food waste accounting, to support the understanding of the mass flows associated with food production, consumption, and waste. different food groups along the food supply chain, following the principles of Mass Flow Analysis The results identify cereals, fruit, and vegetables as the food groups responsible for the highest amount of food waste, and the consumption stage to be responsible for the largest share of food waste for most food groups. This work highlighted the need for further primary research on food waste generation in the EUs.
  10. Besides supply and use flows in physical units (mass), JRC has assessed the environmental impacts of consumption. These are the results of the assessment of the environmental impacts of consumption of an average EU citizen (called Consumer Footprint). The assessment is based on life cycle assessment, and considers 16 environmental impacts, and 5 areas of consumption, i.e. food, mobility, housing, household goods, appliances. In the slide a focus on the area of consumption food is reported. The image on the left represents the share of products consumed (in mass). The graph on the right reports the impacts of each phase of the supply chain. Primary production is the most impacting phase for almost all the impacts considered. This is not the case of other areas of consumption, e.g. mobility and appliances, where the impacts are mainly related to the use phase (respectively for fuels combustion and energy use) Consumer Footprint serves multiple purposes: e.g identification of environmental hotspots, policy support (through scenario analysis), monitoring of the impacts of consumption over time…
  11. JRC published a report earlier this year on "Insights into the European market of bio-based chemicals. Analysis based on ten key product categories." It shows that: The EU produces 4.7 Mton/a of bio-based chemicals (bio-based share: about 3.0%) The market is diverse and large differences can be found between product categories In the graph you can see the high importance for the EU: EU share of global bio-based production is bigger than the EU share of total global production Under a business-as-usual scenario, the overall bio-based share of the market is not expected to increase rapidly (3.6%) Hurdles are still present in the development of the bio-based industry (e.g. production costs), but also big opportunities
  12. DG GROW has asked JRC to take the lead on the plastic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Objectives of the plastic LCA in coordination with DG GROW are: Elaborate a consistent, comprehensive, robust LCA-based methodology to evaluate potential environmental impacts of the use of alternative feedstocks (biomass, recycled plastics, CO2) for plastic articles production in comparison to using current feedstock Apply the methodology to a number of LCA case studies, assessing a range of impact categories, various End of life (EoL) scenarios (recycling, biodegradation), and the indirect effects of using alternative feedstock for plastic production. The Plastic Life Cycle Assessment supports DG GROW in the environmental assessment of different feedstock (fossil, bio-based, recycled) for producing plastic, taking into account the End of Life of plastic products (recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, incineration, landfill). A draft LCA method was developed and tested in screening LCAs. A stakeholder consultation was conducted to get input. Taking into account the results from the stakeholder consultation, the method will be finalized and 10 full LCAs will be conducted.
  13. 803 biorefineries: 507 bio-based chemicals 363 liquid biofuels 141 bio-based composites and fibres 177 integrated biorefineries (products + energy) Agricultural resources are the feedstock source used by most biorefineries in all EU countries with the exception of Finland, Sweden and Portugal. Marine and waste resources are relevant in some countries but not yet highly exploited in biorefineries.
  14. The importance of the Bioeconomy is increasingly recognised by EU Member States and regions. Strategies have been developed by many MS jointly by various ministries such as research, agriculture, forestry, industry and environment. There is not one single bioeconomy, the bioeconomies across Europe are diverse and local, and this constitutes their added value. 9 MS (almost all western EU Member States) have a dedicated bioeconomy strategy or bioeconomy-related policies. Countries with dark green in the map + UK and AT that adopted a strategy in the last months.
  15. The Bioeconomy Action Plan calls for actions to ensure that the bioeconomy operates within safe ecological limits JRC helps Member States to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services in their national territory as required in the Biodiversity Strategy. This specific action aims to provide a knowledge base on ecosystems and their services in Europe.   All Member States are actively involved in mapping and assessing the state of ecosystems and their services in their national territory. At EU level also, in addition to JRC, a lot of MAES-related activities are supported by the European Environment Agency and its Topic Centres, Eurostat, DG RTD. JRC also runs the Forest Informtion System in Eeurope (FISE)
  16. Example: The JRC’s Global surface water explorer and the definition of SDG 6.6.1 Indicator Surface water is rare: Less than 1 in a thousand liters of Earth’s water is found on the land: and water can occur anywhere on the surface at any time, so this means we have to monitor the entire land surface all the time! JRC’s Global surface water explorer (GSWE) dataset as the official indicator (6.6.1) for monitoring progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.6 (Ecosystems). Indicator 6.6.1 seeks to track changes in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time, contribute to halting the degradation and destruction of water-related ecosystems, and to assist the recovery of those already degraded. This SDG 6.6.1 indicator platform, which helps all 193 UN member states monitor the extent of water-related ecosystems over time, is powered by the JRC’s Global Surface Water Explorer. The UN report specifically recognises the use of Earth observations in its key messages on target 6.6.
  17. We should not lose track of the fact that healthy soils underpin the concept of bioeconomies. Consequently, their sustainable implementation requires the implementation of management practices that maintain soil functions and avoids land degradation. Ensuring a balanced system of soil functions is important not only to sustain crop yields but also to meet other policy targets reflecting key social issues such as climate change mitigation, flood control, biodiversity, resilience in times of weather extremes. In this context, the JRC undertakes assessments of soil condition and trends of key pressures through modelling, scenario development and value-added analysis (e.g. erosion, soil carbon fluxes). On behalf of a range of EC services, the JRC coordinates the only harmonised soil survey for the entire EU. The, LUCAS Soil Survey collects over 25,000 samples from all Member States in a harmonised manner and underpins several policy areas. The maps here show the density of soil sampling locations and levels of copper in soils. High levels correlate with vineyard areas reflecting the use of copper sulphate as an anti-fungal agent.
  18. The JRC Ispra is involved in a range of activities related to Life Cycle Assessment. The JRC develops new methods, models and tools for the environmental assessment of products and processes and provides access to quality assured data.
  19. JRC is adopting Life cycle assessment to evaluate the SDG 12 and the implication of production and consumption over other SDGs (on water, climate, biodiversity in land and marine system). This is essential to unveil trade-offs and to ensure that solutions towards reaching SDGs are maximizing benefits and reducing burdens. Environmental impact of Eu consumption by means of Life cycle assessment of more than 120 representative products, in 5 areas of consumption. Link to SDGs and planetary boundaries.
  20. Food is by far the area of consumption generating more impacts, and crucial to achieve targets on e.g. climate and biodiversity
  21. Bioeconomy is an important pillar to deliver the EU long term vision Strategy for a climate-neutral economy (Clean Planet for all COM)
  22. Another important activity of our directorate is LULUCF - Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry It aims at understanding how forests mitigate climate, and at bridging the gap between science and policy making on forests JRC is responsible of the LULUCF sector of the EU GHG inventory, contributes to key IPCC reports, leads scientific papers on the contribution of forests to the Paris Agreement, includes the carbon modeling in bioeconomy assessments. JRC has provided a key contribution to the inclusion of forestry into the EU 2030 climate targets, through the design of the approach to assess forest mitigation (“Forest Reference Levels”) As part of the recent Commission’s assessment of the energy and climate plans proposed by Member States, JRC has contributed to the technical recommendations to Forest Reference Levels
  23. Finally, the Bioeconomy contributes importantly to SDGs, for example SDG 2 Zero hunger SDG 12 Responsible Production and consumption SDG 13 climate action SDG 14 Life below water SDG 15 Life on Land SDG 9 Industry Innovation and infrastructure SDG 11 sustainable cities and communities SDG 3 good health and well-being At the JRC we are adopting Life cycle assessment approach as reference methodology to perform an integrated assessment of the environmental benefits and impacts of Bioeconomy, including: assessing contribution to SDG’s; unveiling trade-offs; avoid burden shifting among: categories of impacts/ different SDG’s life cycle stages geographical and temporal dimensions
  24. Within the EU Bioeconomy Strategy's Action Plan the Commission commits to develop and implement a bioeconomy monitoring framework covering economic, environmental and social dimensions, and to make it publicly available via its Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy. In this context we are working to build an EU-wide, internationally coherent monitoring system to track economic, environmental and social progress towards a circular sustainable bioeconomy. The JRC is leading this action within the Commission.
  25. To conclude: The bioeconomy we want in the EU, and in fact globally, has to be sustainable and as circular as possible. It will need to deliver sustainability across a wide range of policies and sectors. The deployment of such bioeconomy will depend on the accessibility and sustainability of biomass resources. A common and robust knowledge base is a key ingredient, as reflected in the EU bioeconomy strategy. The JRC can and will contribute with reliable facts, figures and forward-looking analysis. For this very reason the JRC is managing the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy (KCB), as the Commission's central knowledge hub on the bioeconomy. The KCB is supporting the EU Bioeconomy Strategy's implementation by pulling together solid knowledge, monitoring and forecasting as a basis for policy making across policies and sectors related to the bioeconomy. Over the coming years, identifying and assessing the opportunities, possible trade-offs and potential risks of developing a circular, sustainable bioeconomy will be crucial. To be successful we need to act altogether, EU institutions with national and regional authorities, industries and academia for developing the Bioeconomy in the European way – helping us to “live well within the limits of the Planet” (as foreseen in the EU 7th Environmental Action Plan).
  26. Another important activity of our directorate is LULUCF - Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry It aims at understanding how forests mitigate climate, and at bridging the gap between science and policy making on forests JRC is responsible of the LULUCF sector of the EU GHG inventory, contributes to key IPCC reports, leads scientific papers on the contribution of forests to the Paris Agreement, includes the carbon modeling in bioeconomy assessments. JRC has provided a key contribution to the inclusion of forestry into the EU 2030 climate targets, through the design of the approach to assess forest mitigation (“Forest Reference Levels”)
  27. LULUCF contributes to the EU 2030 climate targets through the bioeconomy, including the forest sink, the carbon stored in wood products, the material and energy substitution As part of the recent Commission’s assessment of the energy and climate plans proposed by Member States, JRC has contributed to the technical recommendations to Forest Reference Levels