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65 Best Images About Patriotic Papers & Printing 65 Best Images About Patriotic Papers & Printing


Italian Immigration Policy Analysis
Italy s basic information which consists of its capital Rome, and the name of Italy s president is Sergio
Mattarella. Italy has a currency of euro, with its Gross domestic product being 2.149 trillion USD in
2013. In addition to these facts Italy has themes that connect together, and to its historical context.
Specifically, I will focus on 3 current events that have happened in Italy that pertain to immigration,
which stems from broader themes like Italy s political system, and nationalist nature. Through some
journal articles I was able to find information that pertains to my current events on Italy s immigration
policies, and its historical context. Therefore, these themes make up Italy s history and characteristics
as a country.
Donald ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to sources, between 4.6 million (Caritas Migrantes 2011) and 5.4 million foreigners were
living in Italy at the end of 2010, including an estimated 400,000 irregular immigrants (Fondazione
ISMU 2012). In addition, when researching on the themes of these articles I can focusing on Italy s
immigration policy specifically in the fact that recently in the last decade, Italian immigration policies
have hardened, above all in the period 2008 2011, with the advent of a securitarian discourse.
Additionally, we learned that Italian policies have weakened social cohesion by reproducing and
reinforcing structural inequalities among immigrants. It was intriguing that, many civil society
organizations struggled against these policies. , which could show Italy s vulnerability. It is also
important to note that, Italian migration and citizenship policies tend to deny the fact that immigration
in Italy is now a structural phenomenon embedded in the labor market and Italian society , ultimately
affecting Italy s social structure. Likewise, through my research I found that one author of my research
articles, argues that this reluctance to accept the fact of immigration is exacerbated by Italy s fragile
national social cohesion, which has led to policy attempts to buttress social cohesion with respect to
immigrants relationship to Italian society. The Italian version of social cohesion is based on an implicit
model of immigrant integration and a citizenship regime defined by jus
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Hugh Jackman Research Paper
Hugh Jackman has created and is a part of many charities and organisations, and he has raised a lot of
awareness on many issues. He uses his fame to change people s lives for the better. He supports the
Actors Fund of America, an establishment that is a safety net for all professionals in performing arts
and entertainment, the Aid Still Required, a not for profit organisation helping forgotten issues, the
Broadway Cares, an organisation raising money for AIDS, the Cancer Research Institute, an
organisation dedicated to using the immune system to treat cancer patients, the Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, providing treatment for children and adults with cancer, the David Lynch Foundation for
people with post traumatic stress disorder, the Elizabeth
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1-Bromo-3-Phenylpropane Reaction
Reaction 1 involved a primary alcohol (OH), weak leaving group in the starting material and a
reaction with a strong nucleophile (sodium bromide) and a polar protic solvent (sulfuric acid). The
reaction was carried out through reflux and the product had a relatively high yield (75%) (Scheme 1).
Scheme 1. Substitution of 3 phenyl 1 propanol to form 1 bromo 3 phenylpropane The reaction was
determined to be SN2 after careful reading of the data obtained and the procedure followed.
Increasing the amount of NaBr used in the reaction did not have an effect on the product yield. The
conditions of the reactions were acidic due to the solvent used. The acidic conditions prevent an E2
substitution reaction from occurring. In this reaction, the OH leaving group is replaced with the
nucleophile Br. The bromine attacks the first carbon and the OH group leaves in the same step. This is
a concerted process or bimolecular substitution mechanism (SN2). The location of the leaving group
(primary) also indicates the reaction is SN2. The data obtained from 1H NMR was found to confirm
the correct product was formed. The data showed the correct location and coupling of hydrogens in
the product. There should be a difference of polarities between the starting material and the product.
The product should travel further on the TLC plate than the starting material because the starting
material should be more polar than the product. The TLC results confirm the product was less polar
than the
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Language as a Tool in Maya Angelou s...
In Maya Angelou s Essay `Graduation the use of language as a navigational tool is very evident, as it
leads from emotion to emotion on the occasion of the author s graduation from eighth grade. Over the
course of the work, Angelou displays 3 major emotions simply based from the language she uses;
excitement, disappointment and finally, redemption The beginning of this work focuses on speaking of
excitement and joy due to the upcoming eighth grade graduation, The children in Stamps trembled
visibly with anticipation (835). The children were shaking with excitement due to the impending
graduation services. The graduation is the most important thing happening in the town of Stamps, We
even made a sign for the Store....It read ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The mood drops lower with every word Mr. DonLeavy spoke, The man s dead words fell like bricks
around the auditorium (839) People in the audience were so used to shouting Amens and other
encouragements, but these Amens came purely out of habit and they were heavy and slow with
disgust. There was underlying racism in almost everything he said, the praise he gave out was rotten,
for it was only praise with athletic reference, . .. one of the first line tacklers at Arkansas Agricultural
and Mechanical College graduated from good old Lafayette County Training School (839). Angelou
was disgusted at his false commendations, The white kids were going to have a chance to be Galileos
and Madame Curies....and our boys would try to be Jesse Owenses and Joe Louises (839). While the
white children were to be given the chance to excel with newer and nicer school supplies, the black
children were supposed to hope that they would be good enough at sports that they wouldn t need
schooling. While the Angelou is sitting listening to his speech, she starts to give up and get down on
herself, It was awful to be Negro and have no control over my life (839). Angelou felt she and her
classmates were being told what their destinies held; they were to be maids, farmers, maybe athletes,
but never anything more. She even starting giving up on the human race as a whole, As a species, we
were an abomination (839). She wasn t focusing
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Good And Evil In Mere Christianity By C. S. Lewis
In Mere Christianity Book Two, chapter one, C.S Lewis states that Christians do not have to believe
that all the other religions are wrong; we are free to think and see a different view that contains some
truth. Every religion includes at least right and wrong, but based on how people view them, some
people think that it was a right thing to do, but some other people might think that it was wrong and
terrible.(Lewis 2001, pg.35). God is beyond good and evil our universe does not exist if God does not
exist because everything found in the world a piece of God. However, that is not true, because God
created our universe and us. Our universe contains good and evil which God does not create evil and
that is why we do not say everything in the world is a piece of God because the world is full of
goodness and badness. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are two big decisions in our life: first is to be with God and let him purify our soul, the second
allowed the devil be your mate, a mate who keep hurting you, making you blind and miserable instead
of giving God be the delivery, who delivers us from the devil and badness. Good and evil are the
widespread things we see in our life, even though they are different, but there will be a good thing and
bad thing in the universe that contains man action and consequence. We would not be able to know if
something is right unless we compare it to bad things because if goodness does not exist man will
never know what good is, never know of fairness and unselfish or not even Christ doesn t live.(Lewis
2001, pg.37).
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Cadence Analysis
A cadence is the notes or chords ending a section of music with feeling of the ending. The term
cadence applies to phrases or complete sections called movements. A cadence is at least two chords
that ends a phrase, section, or piece. A cadence indicates the end of a phrase. A cadence can be labeled
as two types; weak or strong depending on its sense of finality. Cadences must be a sense of closure,
as at the end of a phrase. Rhythm plays an important part in determining where this cadence occurs.
Cadences are strong indicators of the tonic or pitch of a piece. Rhythm is the arrangement of sounds as
they move through time. You can take any rhythm and arrange it to create music. The term rhythm is
used to describe a specific pattern of
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The Perfect Storm
LEC 347
The perfect storm is referring to a realistic case scenario is usage of resources such as phosphates,
nitrate, fertilizers, water and land continues as it is. It predicts that for example phosphates that are
mined will be gone by 2050 leading to a large deficit on food production. Furthermore, there are key
water resources that have been shown to be used above its rate of regeneration, which means that
freshwater resources are also at risk. This culmination of these resources deficits through usage are
what is known as the perfect storm with some reference to an increase in resources as well due to an
increasing population.
The major resource limitations include phosphate fertilizers because they are mined for resources. ...
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Therefore, more resources need to be invested in finding alternative fuels to help solve this crisis. iii)
Water shortages are a concern to agriculture because a lack of water leads to either poorly developed
crops or to dead crops, thereby creating food shortages. Biologists has two primary roles to play in the
fight against water shortages. The first role is a research role, which is the development of more water
efficient crops, cropping systems and creating alternatives to meat which has a very high water cost.
The second role they have to play is with interacting with both the public and the government and
working together with them to improve legalisation in agricultural legislation, taxing and helping form
public and school education programmes talking about the water footprint.
In research it is essential to find alternatives to meat products. This is because, meat products boasts a
significantly higher Waterfoot print than crops alone. This is based upon the theory of biotrophism,
plants absorb 1% of the energy of the sunlight and herbivores only gain the benefits of 10% of the
energy supplied by plants. Therefore, humans only gain 1% of the total energy from the crops.
However, despite this humans tend to choose meat products over plant ones. Therefore, coming up
with meat product alternatives is essential to the fight against climate change.
In recent years this has been
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Prisoner Ball
Physical education is a course that is taken in school to educate about physical activities and exercises.
Students participate in physical activites and learn how they are beneficial to their bodies.
Dodgeball is a game in which players on two teams try to throw large balls at each other while
avoiding being hit themselves. In the United States, the game is typically played among children 6 12
in elementary school. However, internationally, the sport has also emerged as a popular middle school,
high school and college sport. It is also popular in informal settings and is often played on a
playground, in a gym, or in organized recreational leagues.
There are many variations of the game, but generally the main objective of each team is to ... Show
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Other times, it would loop around in a dramatic manner. Other throws would cause the ball to
disassemble itself before flying reassembled in the intended direction. To date, there are fifty known
special throws. The unstable Antanite turned out to be a very safe material with no ill side effects due
to any level of exposure. The only side effect at all was a subtle green pigment to skin after games,
similar to that of silver.
By 1985, dodgeball was gaining popularity and respect as a real sport, not just a children s game.
Amateur dodgeball leagues had surfaced all across America and there was some discussion of a
professional league. The game had also become a global phenomenon, and many Western countries
also had leagues of some manner. In 1996, the International Olympic Committee recognized
DodgeBall as a serious sport and the game was played for the first time internationally at the Olympic
Summer Games in Atlanta, Georgia. In the final game, the United States team faced off against the
Dutch team. Surprisingly, the team from the Netherlands won the gold medal, and the young captain
of the team, Willem Janssen, became an international superstar and the new face of DodgeBall.
After that first Olympics, a DodgeBall World Cup was established. Every four years, teams from
around the world would compete to earn the title of World Champion. The first World Cup was held in
1998 in France. It was sparsely attended and moderately covered by the media. Even so, those
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How Did Charles Perkins Impact Australian Society
Charles Perkins played an extremely significant role in the struggle for rights and freedom of
Aboriginal people. He was born in 1936 and was an Australian Aboriginal activist, the first Australian
Aboriginal to graduate from university, and he also led the freedom ride in 1965. He was a manager of
the Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs, an organisation that took a key role in getting a Yes vote for the
1967 referendum regarding Aboriginal rights. His controversial actions allowed him to successfully
reduce discrimination against aboriginals. He has also exposed the discrimination and segregation that
existed in Australian society, he then tried to educate the Australian society to reduce racial
discrimination and get greater equality or indigenous Australians. Perkins was later elected as the
deputy chairperson of the Australia and Torres straight islander commission.
Charles Perkins had a significant impact on the Australian Aboriginals. It all ... Show more content on
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It reads:
You blokes have to stand up for yourselves. We are willing enough to stand here but you people have
to do it from this week on. No one is going to stand up for you but yourselves. If you don t do it now,
your kids will be in the same position as you are when they grow up. This quote shows that Perkins is
trying hard to motivate the aboriginals and get them to talk up and protect their own rights. He is
trying hard to help the aboriginals gain back their confidence and to get them to stand up for
themselves and help them gain back their rights and freedom.
My second source is a photograph of Charles Perkins and the other university students who are going
to the freedom ride. Behind them is a old bus, which they will be using to travel around NSW. This
photograph shows that even though that have poor resources, Perkins stills continues to help the
aboriginals gain back their rights, and reduce racism around
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Japanese American Internment Camps Essay
After the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor, life in the U.S. had changed. It was the first time in a
long time that America was attacked on its homeland. This national security threat was a big shock to
the people. The Japanese had to suffer the consequences of their attack. Just as the Germans developed
concentration camps for the Jewish during World War II, the Americans set up relocation programs
better known as internment camps to keep all the Japanese. The reason the Japanese were moved into
these camps was because they were suspected of being spies. They were forced to live there for up to
four years and were not able to continue with their own lives as they were before while they were
living in these camps. Many Japanese ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At Terminal Island near Los Angeles, California there were nearly 3,500 first and second generation
Japanese. The military wanted all suspicious members of this community out in 48 hours. During this
time, Dr. Yoshihiko Fujikawa described what he saw, saying he saw house wives being abused while
cars, refrigerators, furniture and the like were confiscated (23 Nishimoto). The Japanese in Hawaii
were treated differently, unlike the communities at Terminal Island and Areas 1 and 2, under General
Dellos Emmons who stated, There is no intention or desire on the part of the federal authorities to
operate mass concentration camps. No person, be he or citizen or alien, need worry, provided he is not
connected with subversive elements.While we have been subjected to a serious attack by a ruthless
and treacherous enemy, we must remember that this is America and we must do things the American
Way. We must distinguish between loyalty and disloyalty among our people (25 Nishimoto). In
internment camps cultural integrity was a problem. The Issei, or first generation Japanese who were
older, were used to being very well honored and respected by the younger generation. In internment
camps, age had no value. To a white soldier, a Japanese man was a Japo and nothing more. In
traditional Japanese culture, the elderly were very highly respected. However, at the camps their
traditional authority was stripped away and this contributed to the demoralization of the Issei (62
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Setting Of The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
The boy in the striped pyjamas is a 2006 Holocaust novel, written by Irish novelist John Boyne. The
novel has sold more than five million copies around the world. In both 2007 and 2008, it was the best
selling book of the year in Spain, and it has also reached number one on The New York Times
bestseller list, as well as in the UK, Ireland and Australia. The book was adapted in 2008 as a film of
the same name. The story happens in the Nazi Germany. The setting is very important because that s
what makes the story develop according to the time and place. The characters are: Bruno, a German
boy at the age of 9, the son of a Nazi general and Schmuel, a young Jewish boy with the same age as
Bruno. These two characters are extremely important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bruno and Schmuel decide to have a first and great adventure before they separate. So Schmuel steals
a pair of striped pyjama and he gives it to Bruno to dress in it. Bruno puts the pyjamas on, pass under
the fence of the camp and sneaks into the
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Audience Response to Macbeth
The human condition has been explored throughout time and its study has primarily allowed us to
learn from our past and develop as people. The Elizabethan era is very different from the world today
as our values and beliefs have changed to suit our level of knowledge and intelligence. These
differences become clear when exploring an audience s response to William Shakespeare s Macbeth,
from the Elizabethan era and today. The text was written in 1606 and was set in Scotland. The tragedy
construes what egotistical ambition can do to the mind. Key themes of loyalty and betrayal, the
increase in intelligence of humans, the way laws govern society and the balance in power between
genders affect an audience s response to Macbeth. Specifically ... Show more content on
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And most of us can understand why magic and witchcraft is a myth due to education and science that
can explain things like bad weather through Earth rotation, pressure, temperature, etcetera. So
responses from today s era towards the witches would be that of amusement through the language
used, Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog... As time passes, humans evolve
which allows a difference to appear from responses to the witches from the 16th century and now.
Lady Macbeth s role of manipulating Macbeth and encouraging him to kill Duncan invites the
audience to make an assessment on her character as to whether they should feel empathy or outcast
her as a psychotic, control freak. Elizabethan people lacked understanding of the meaning of murder
and couldn t comprehend that those guilty were not always the one who committed the crime. An
audience from today can generally accept that even though Macbeth killed Duncan and the guards,
Lady Macbeth is guilty too because she was an accessory. Elizabethan audience would not be able to
deduce this meaning their reaction wouldn t be as extreme. However, many Elizabethan men
responded slightly disgusted and shocked because of the way Lady Macbeth dominated her husband.
The text would draw this type of a reaction because it was considered a part of culture, that women
were considered a lesser
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The Renaissance Era
The Renaissance Era took place for a time period that lasted for approximately 150 years and during
that time significant changes took place. These changes were with the Arts, Literature, Fashion, and
ideals. The entire age can be subdivided into three phases: from 1350 to 1400 during which discovery
of ancient texts and experimentation with new art forms took place; 1400 to 1500 typified by political
stability in the Italian city states and the creation of recognizable cultural; and 1500 to 1550 dominated
by foreign invasion and the diffusion of the Italian Renaissance to the rest of western Europe (
Renaissance Society ). The birth of the Renaissance took place in Italy after the most destructive
plagues that caused enormous loss of life and this was the Black Plague (Life in Italy). The plague was
a tragic time which killed so many people and was difficult to survive. Despite the plague, the quality
of life for surviving citizens of the Renaissance may have improved ( Renaissance Society ). Life was
still considered hard in those times. Children were vulnerable to death and diseases and not many
survived into adulthood ( Daily Life ). Those that were born into wealthy families had a better chance
of survival. At that time, children were to act like their parents and they had no rights ( Daily Life ).
Within the Renaissance period the general attitude towards children began to change. These attitude
adjustments can be seen with the changes in the art work
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Creating Maximum Value
Analytics can help in the following areas to create maximum value:
1) Better Supply chain management:
Demand forecasting through analytics can help a firm produce only as much stock as is demanded in
the market. Hence over stocking and stock outs can be handled in better ways through analytics.
Dead or obsolete stock can be managed better by using project aging strategy ( by Identifying aging
stock through analytics.
Key Learning: Supply chain can be made very effective through analytic s predictive power and any
possible Bullwhip effects can be handled in a much better way.
2) Analytics in space science:
Analytics can play a major role in simplifying scientific research. The discovery tools can be
automated, thus freeing the scientist from having to carry out much of the search for knowledge.
Analytics can also help in improving the operational efficiency of the satellites by analyzing the orbit
data. Analytics can also be used to unravel various mysteries related to space. Analytics can also help
in better weather forecasting which can help all three modes of transportation (air, water and earth) be
more safe.
Key Learning: Using modern day analytics tool major breakthrough can be achieved in the space
3)Better strategic decision making:
Analytics can help a firm capture more value and create more competitive advantage in comparison to
other firms by better decision making due to better strategic planning. Better strategic planning is a
result of
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The Day Of The Airport
I told him that it was a surprise and you had no idea. Then I told him not to say anything.
Wow baby? You had this all planned out!
I told you when I proposed; I wanted to treat you like the queen you are. I meant it!
We arrived at the airport twenty minutes prior to our flight time. Bryan managed to carry the entire
luggage, while I grabbed my purse and the tickets. We made our way to the metal detectors. I always
hated this part of the airport. I guess you can say I don t have time or the patients to deal with the
airport. It took us ten minutes just to reach those stupid things. When we finally walked up I had to
remove my shoes, belt, jacket, jewelry, and any metal objects of any kind. After removing all those
things I put my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After a few hours my mom falls asleep; with me gently sleeping as well on her shoulder. Preliminarily
falling into a deep sleep, I was awakening by a gigantic shake. Three minutes later another shake
occurred. On this shake my mom jumped up saying,
What the HELL! I began to panic while looking to the right at her. She tried to act like she wasn t
worried but I knew she was. As she checked to see if she had on her seat belt, she told me to put on
mines. As I buckled my seat belt the captain started talking over the loud speaker.
This is your captain speaking. We are experiencing some turbulent weather. We are approaching a
suffer storm. We will be stopping at the nearest runway. Until then please make sure all seat belts are
secure. In case of an emergency, oxygen masks are located above you in the console. The life jackets
are located under your seats. In order to have a safe flight, please follow the procedures that were
instructed to you at the beginning of the flight. Thank you.
Every five minutes the plane shakes. After fifteen minutes it began to rain. After the rain started
pouring down, the shaking got worse. Jerking accompanied the shaking. Twenty minutes into the
worse plane experience ever, it started thundering and lighting. At this point I began to pray. I said a
prayer to God to please watch over everyone on this plane and make sure we land safely. Twenty five
minutes has passed and the captains now trying to avoid getting stroke by
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Social Media Oxymoron
The Social Media Oxymoron Social Media might be the best worst thing to ever happen to our current
times. Social Media is defined as websites and applications that enable users to create and share
content or to participate in social networking. The premise of social media was to help young adults or
business owners to network in order to build a following. The term has become very broad in recent
times. For many, the term means social applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
Snapchat. For others, the term is loosely interpreted as any site on the internet that people can
communicate on. Although the latter is technically true, we will interpret the term as being the social
applications. The advent of social media has caused both positive and negative developments on our
times. Social media has developed our times through the access to a multitude of information or news
and the access to people s personal lives. What is Social media? Social media is becoming an
important part of life online as social websites and applications generate more of a following. Most
social media sites include components, such as comment fields for users. In business, social media is
used to promote products, promote brands, connect to current customers and create new business.
Customers can use social media sites to offer ideas for future products or the improvement of old
ones. On the other hand, the integration of social media in the business world can also caused
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The Benefits and Impications of Using Fertilisers for...
The Benefits and Impications of Using Fertilisers for Improving Plant Productivity To the
In my point of view I think that fertilizers are of use to the environment in some ways but can also be
potentially damaging in others. The term fertilisers is stated as A substance usually added to soil to
increase its ability to support plant growth by Encarta. This shows that fertilisers are needed to keep
soil in good conditions to allow the maximum productivity for plant growth. This is why they are
important to the agricultural industry because they allow maximum productivity and higher yields,
meaning more money for the farmer. But fertilisers can also be potentially hazardous to the ... Show
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Nitrogen is the most important nutrient it is needed for the making of amino acids and proteins, which
is needed for growth, but nitrogen can easily be leached out of the soil. Nitrates are negatively charged
and do not stick to the negatively charged clay particles, this means they can easily leach out of the
soil and cause harm to the environment. This could lead to eutrophication (explained later on). Also
ammonia on the other hand is NH4+ ,which means that it is held by the negative charges in the clay
and cannot be directly used, so fertilisers are not always very useful.
Phosphorus (P), is also needed by plants for ATP, nucleic acid and phospholipid s. This is not held in
the soil for very long so is often added when the seeds are sewn called banding this is to ensure that
the nutrient is in the soil when it is needed for growth. This element can become fixed in the soil it is
not freely moving allowing problems with uptake from the plant. And potassium, which is mainly,
lastly needed in large quantities from the plant the role of opening and closing the stomata in the
leaves. There is often a lack of it in the soil.
So fertilisers add these vital nutrients in the soil, to allow the plant to be in a healthy condition and
have maximum productivity for
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Is3350 Unit 3 Assignment 1
ID Name of asset Owner Description of Asset Asset Type Data Type Retention Risks / impact Key
01 Personal Computers Staffs Each particular employee used their own PC for their works. Hardware
Personal 1.5 year Availability Yes
02 Laptops Head of IT The device could be handled by many peoples Hardware Personal 1.5year
Availability Yes
03 Microsoft Windows 8 Head of IT The computer operating system Software Personal 1.5year
Availability Yes
04 Microsoft Office 2013 Head of IT The word processing package Software Personal 1.5year
Availability Yes
05 Windows XP Head of IT The computer operating system Software Personal 1.5year Availability
06 Microsoft exchange server Network
Administrator The mail server developed by Microsoft Software Personal 1.5year confidentiality Yes
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Mortgage Loan Research Paper
Preparing for the Process of Applying For a Home Mortgage Loan
Whether you are a first time home buyer or someone who is moving up in the property ladder, visiting
a mortgage company to inquire about a home loan can be difficult. A mortgage is a massive financial
commitment and you may find yourself uncertain as to whether you can afford the costs involved in
owning a home. In many situations, along with taking out a home loan for the purchase of your house
you may also need additional cash up front. For example, you may need money for a down payment,
out of pocket for property inspections and/or closing costs. If you are planning to apply for a home
loan, the following tips will help prepare for the process of applying for a home loan.
What is a Mortgage?
Before starting the process of acquiring a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Your credit score typically alerts the lender as to whether you may be a high risk loan or not. Although
there are mortgage loans available for those with a poor credit score, most lenders require a credit
score in the high range. If you are able to obtain a mortgage loan with a poor credit score, in many
situations, you may be required to pay a higher interest rate and/or have a large cash down payment.
Knowing your credit score will help you know ahead of time as to whether you should work on
repairing your credit or not.
Be Prepared
There are a number of things you can do before applying for a mortgage that may make the process go
much smoother and quicker. For example:
Save your cash lenders typically require a down payment and putting down a higher down payment
will lower your balance and may lower your monthly payments. You will also need cash for credit
report fees, title searches, home inspections, closing costs and application fees.
Stay at your job a change in your employment and/or your income status can have a significant effect
on the mortgage
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Citizen Journalist Essay
Caterin L. Villar
November 27, 2011
English 102
Professor Rigney
Is Assuming the Role of Citizen Journalist worth the Risk?
Amateur journalism is becoming more and more popular everyday with the advancement of
technology. Newspapers across America have become so decimated by staff cutbacks that citizen
journalists are stepping in to fill the gap in covering the news. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are
only some of the free websites where users are connected with others and can share in an instant what
is happening in their side of the world. When the people formerly known as the audience employ the
press tools they have in their possession to inform one another, that s citizen journalism (Rosen).
Yulianti s article states ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tunisia s Zine al Abidine Ben was also ousted as a result of revolts formed from the reports from
private citizens. Social media is so powerful; the government of Malawi has shut down news websites
and social media networks including Twitter and Facebook to prevent suffering the same fate as other
dictatorship based governments. Cameroonian government has banned the use of social media. In
Uganda, the government temporarily closed social networks after threatening ISPs with closure. The
members of the current Occupy Wall Street movements use social media to organize their political
movement and gain members. Boudreau s article suggests Occupy Wall Street has spread around the
country with keyboard clicking quickness as participants tap into Twitter, Facebook and
microblogging site Tumblr to call Americans to the streets to protest what they see as a broken global
financial system. What would have taken months to unfold in a different era has occurred in days and
hours. The Economist magazine calls it America s first true social media uprising (Broudreau). Revis
article states These citizen journalists fight to create a well informed public in which media also serves
as moral education. This philosophy radically departs from mainstream journalism, an overarching
goal of which is to sell its product. Citizen journalism, on the other hand, allows marginalized people
to reclaim their voices, to tell their otherwise silenced stories firsthand
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The Odyssey Of Saturn s Colorful Rings
The panoply of Saturn s colorful rings greeted Surina the next morning. In fact, many dazzled
passengers packed the observation deck to admire the fresco of shimmering pastel pinks, grays,
yellows, and browns painted by the most prolific artist of all, the creator of the universe. Orbiting in
the magical ringlets of Saturn were the icy rocks from the blown up remnants of the ancient moons
that reflected the sunlight to produce the glittering pastel colors. Similar to Jupiter, Saturn was a gas
giant of primarily hydrogen and helium gasses without a solid surface, on which fierce winds,
lightning storms, and bitter cold temperatures raged. Titan, the biggest of the fifty three moons, was
even larger than Mercury and shrouded in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We saw Saturn today whose name comes from the Roman god of agriculture. Tomorrow, we will see
the last two planets in our Solar System. First, will be Uranus or the Greek god of the sky and later,
Neptune or the Roman god of the sea. These ice giants of frozen water, ammonia, and methane have
much fainter rings than Saturn s dramatic ones. From their far flung locations at the edge of the Solar
System, it takes eighty four Earth years for Uranus to orbit once around the Sun in comparison with a
hundred and sixty five Earth years for Neptune. Additionally, Neptune is the only planet in the Solar
System not visible from Earth without a telescope. Both planets have frozen landscapes, with an
average temperature of minus two hundred and twenty four degrees Celsius for Uranus and minus four
hundred degrees Celsius for Neptune. The two planets appear blue due to the reflection of blue light
by methane, a primary component in their atmosphere. Furthermore, the twenty seven moons of
Uranus have names from characters of William Shakespeare s plays such as Juliet, Ophelia, and Puck.
In contrast, Neptune s thirteen moons have names from the Greek sea gods and mythical beings such
as Triton and Larissa. From the front row, Alfonso raised his hand to ask enthusiastically, Sir, is there
life anywhere else in the universe? We launched many unmanned probes into space, bearing messages
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Nuclear Power And The Energy Crisis
Nuclear Power: The Solution to the Energy Crisis For the first time in history, the human race has the
ability to drastically alter the Earth, Ever since the Industrial Revolution, where human technology
and population began to increase exponentially, the environment has steadily been in decline. This is
due to several factors: pollution, human expansion, and rapid use of natural resources are a few. One
of the biggest problems in the world as a whole faces today is the rising energy crisis. In order to meet
growing demand for electricity, power plants must, and have, become more numerous and more
efficient. However, is it enough? At it s current rate of consumption, the world s supply of fossil fuels
will be expended by 2060. Fossil fuels a non renewable resource power almost all automobiles, and a
large portion of power plants are coal or gas burning. Other types of electricity, like hydroelectric,
nuclear, and wind and solar, are currently being used, but not enough to combat the rising demand for
energy. Nuclear power should be more widely used as a source of electricity because it is more
reliable than wind and solar energy, nuclear plants produce less greenhouse gas than coal burning
plants, and it is the most efficient method of producing energy so far. Wind and solar energy are
certainly the two most public supported types of electricity, and there is basically no negatives to
either of them. Their farms emit no greenhouse gases, there is very little danger
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Realism in Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore
Topic: Realism in Tagore s Poetry Research Scholar : (Sumer Prasad) S/o Late Mahendra Prasad Vill.
Semari, P. O. Gothain Dist. Ballia, U. P. Supervisor : Dr.( Ravi Shankar Singh) P. G. College,
Ghazipur U. P. Co Supervisor : Dr. (A. K. Mishra) Reader, Dept. of English D. C. S. K. (P. G.)
College, Mau, U. P. Research Centre : D. C. S. Khandelwal (P. G.) College, Maunath Bhanja Mau, U.
Introduction Chapter 1: Towards an understanding of Realism Chapter 2: Realism in Tagore s Poetry
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It is thus, not concerned with idealization with rendering things as beautiful when they are not, or in
any way presenting them in any guise as they are not; nor, as a rule, is realism concerned with
presenting the supra normal or transcendental Though, of course, the writings of Richard Rolle of
Hampole, for example, or the mystical poems of St. John of the Cross, are realistic enough if we
believe in God and the spiritual order. The writing of the mystic and the visionary perhaps belongs to a
rather special category which might be called Super reality; on the whole one tends to think of realism
in terms of the everyday, the normal, the pragmatic, more crudely, it suggests jackers off, sleeves
rolled up, a no nonsense approach. The term realism in 20th century trends and movements can be
better understood as, a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording or reflecting faithfully
an actual way of life (Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms). The term, sometimes
confusingly, suggests both to a literary
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“The hunting community ensures that wildlife populations...
The hunting community ensures that wildlife populations of game species are sustainable from one
generation to the next (Gibbons 1). Land can only feed and house so many animals before all life
naturally dies off and kills the surrounding area. Once animals are over populated something must be
done to restore balance to the ecosystem. Natural selection in the environment is not enough for many
animals to keep populations at a manageable rate. This is where hunters come in, hunters help to lower
populations in environments to allow other animals and life to thrive in a humane way that costs less
than any other method of control. It is common now for ecosystems to become over run with a species
of animal that will overtake the area they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each environment can only handle so many animals before the environment crumbles and the over
populated animals starve to death and overlap into other animals food and kill off many other animals.
Wildlife levels have been on the rise and are now at a point of overflowing their carrying capacities
(Emmons 3). So the need for controlling animal populations is growing. Thanks to the increase of
population of humans, we are taking more and more land which is making many environments
become much smaller or disappear. With the shrinking environments it becomes easier to reach the
carrying capacity because the carrying capacity shrinks due to the limited environment they can
access. Hunting is now a necessary mechanism for the population control of many wildlife
populations (Emmons 3). It is safer and easier for people to open hunting in many places then it is for
the government to trap and move animals to different locations where they would survive better.
Hunting promotes a better ecological balance so that forests and other landscapes can thrive as a
whole along with all of the animals that rely on the same land as those that are over populated.
Hunters not only help the environment by controlling populations, they work with conservation and
ecological groups to build and conserve wildlife and land. Hunters and environmentalists share a
common love, that of beautiful forests and landscapes and watching animals even though their
intentions are
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Using A Mediator Analysis
Using a mediator is an effective method of conflict resolution. A civil litigation lawyer with the
Lebanon, OH, law firm of Dearie, Fischer Dame LLC, explains the benefits clients enjoy when they
opt for this alternative dispute resolution tool.This law firm keeps in its legal services toolbox.
Here are three ways in which using a mediator helps civil litigation lawyers resolve conflicts.
A Mediator Speeds The Resolution Process: Filing lawsuits, waiting for hearing dates, attending court,
and preparing for trial are time consuming and costly activities. Mediation is a cost effective conflict
resolution option. The parties split the cost of the mediator and the sessions are scheduled for the
parties convenience. Mediation frequently produces
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Social Construction Of Childhood In The Middle Ages
Through looking on different cultures it seems that childhood is definitely a social construction. But a
better way of trying to find out if it is or not is through looking back in time. Until the end of the
Middle Ages, children in the West were often seen as miniature versions of adult. Their clothes and
their bodily proportions were the same as those of adults. The main reason why they were classed as
miniature adults was because they were expected to participate in all aspects of social life alongside
their parents. Special protection and treatment did not exist at this time. Children could be punished
and frequently were, for social transgressions with the same severity that adults were.
Families of the 1600s and 1700s may have valued children for their role in inheritance, but children
clearly didn t cause the same kind of sentiment that they cause from adults today.
(Aries, 1962). This rather unsentimental treatment of children was probably something to o with
demographic realities such as fatal disease. In the Middle Ages ... Show more content on
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They were seen as innocent and in need of protection, the same as we see them today. Consequently,
tough they were viewed as weak and vulnerable. Along with the notion of protection came the notion
of discipline, as parents taught their children to avoid any temptations of their social world. Social
institutions have influenced definitions of childhood throughout history. Until the late 18th century, fro
instance, child labour was commonly practiced and accepted (Archer, 1985). Still is in some cultures.
In the early 19th century, half of all workers in northern factories were children, all under the age of
just eleven (Coontz, 1992). Children worked as long and as hard as adults, sometimes even harder.
Due to their small size, they were sometimes given difficult and hazardous jobs, such as cleaning out
the insides of narrow factory
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A Comparison of John Steinbeck s novel Of Mice and Men and...
A Comparison of John Steinbeck s novel Of Mice and Men and the 1939 Film Version of the Novel
Looking at the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck there is the clear comparison that this is a
print text, while the 1939 film version of the novel by Milestone is a visual text. There are many
things that need to be taken into consideration when analysing a visual text, these being the use of
camera angle, sound, lighting, editing and the mise en scène, whereas when looking at the print text
the use of description, dialogue, characterisation and imagery. The three scenes which are most
relevant to the novel and the film are, the shooting of Candy s dog, the fight which takes place
between Curley ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Candy looks helplessly saying it s hurt him after Carlson suggests shooting him because the ol dog jus
suffers hisself all the time . This suggests, just as clearly as the film, that the dog is important to him
and he doesn t want to lose him. This is also suggested when Candy says that he don t mind takin care
of him . Throughout the scene there is also the focus on the newspaper article as well as the main story
of Candys dog. This is a good technique used to build up tension because the audience wants to know
what s going to happen to the dog. Throughout this scene in the film there is still a clear focus on
Candy although the story of the newspaper article is going on around him. This causes an emotional
build up, along with the other characters that are placed in the camera shots who appear not to care
about Candy. The emotional build up is created in the novel with the description of Carlson who
continued to look down at the old dog as Candy watched him uneasily , this builds up tension between
the two characters even more so as the other characters present are unaware of this non verbal
communication until Carlson finally speaks. Once the conversation is over between the two and
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Ice And Fire Thesis
Gagan Raghuwanshi
Kanika dang
English Literature Thesis
1st October, 2015
George R. R. Martin uses his animalistic tendencies and relates it to the human nature in his series: A
Song of Ice and Fire . A song of ice and fire is a series of novels by the American novelist and
screenwriter, George R. R. Martin. The first volume of the series, a game of thrones, was begun in
1991 and first published in 1996. The series has grown from a planned trilogy to seven volumes, the
fifth and most recent of which, a dance with dragons, took Martin five years to write before its
publication in 2011. The sixth novel, the winds of winter, is still being written.
The story of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On Essos, Daenerys Targaryen rises from a pauper sold into marriage, to a powerful and intelligent
ruler. Her rise is aided by the birth of three dragons from eggs given to her as wedding gifts: used
initially as symbols, and later as weapons.
George R.R. Martin was born September 20, 1948 in Bayonne, New Jersey. His father was Raymond
Collins Martin, a longshoreman, and his mother was Margaret Brady Martin. He has two sisters,
Darleen Martin Lapinski and Janet Martin Patten.
Martin attended Mary Jane Donohoe School and Marist High School. He began writing very young,
selling monster stories to other neighborhood children for pennies, dramatic readings included. Later
he became a comic book fan and collector in high school, and began to write fiction for comic
fanzines (amateur fan magazines). Martin s first professional sale was made in 1970 at age 21: The
Hero, sold to Galaxy, published in February, 1971 issue. Other sales
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Recipe Of Vanilla Spice Prize Candle
As the leaves start to change and the temperature drops we find ourselves with a strong desire to bake
something yummy. Our Smoked Bourbon aka Caramel Vanilla Spice Prize Candle inspired us to wipe
up a vanilla bean cake with vanilla bourbon frosting and a caramel spiced latte.
Cake Ingredients:
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter, softened
1 vanilla bean, scraped
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 large egg whites
1 cup milk
1/4 cup bourbon
Frosting Ingredients:
1 1/2 cups (2 1/2 sticks) butter, softened
1 vanilla bean, scraped
1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon whipping cream
2 tablespoons bourbon
3 cups powdered sugar
Cake Directions:
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
2. Spray three 8 inch cake pans with nonstick spray and line them with parchment paper ... Show more
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In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt
4. In a large bowl beat butter on medium high speed until smooth and creamy. Add vanilla bean seeds
and mix until they re evenly distributed
5. Add the sugar and mix until completely incorporated and fluffy
6. Add the eggs whites and mix until just combined
7. Add half of the flour mixture and half of the milk to the butter/sugar mixture
8. Mix on medium speed until combined. Repeat with the second half
9. Add cake batter to the pans,
10. Bake for 19 21 minutes, or until slightly browned on top
11. Let cake layers cool
12. Once cake is cool, brush 1/4 cup bourbon over the top of each layer.
Frosting Directions:
1. In a bowl, mix butter on medium high speed until smooth and creamy. Add vanilla bean seeds and


mix until they re evenly spread throughout
2. Add salt, whipping cream, and bourbon. Mix until combined
3. Add powdered sugar one cup at a time, mixing well
4. Mix on medium speed for another minute
5. Spread frosting over cake layers, and over the cake
Latte Ingredients:
3/4 cup hot
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Andy Warhol Pop Art Era
Andy Warhol , was one of the most iconic painters to date. Known for his unconventional takes on
images varying from Marilyn Monroe to soup cans, his love of bright colors and bold patterns brought
these images to life and helped pave his way as a major figure in the pop art movement. His work
really set the tone of the Pop Art Era. It pulled in a lot of pop culture and always made some kind of
statement, whether noticeable or not contrary to the previous generation. For example, when Andy
was discussing his Campbell s Soup Cans painting he said I used to drink it. I used to have the same
lunch every day, for 20 years, I guess, the same thing over and over again. Which can really tell you
how times were back then, he was a child of poverty just like many people in that time period.
His parents were immigrants to the United States, Pavol and Julia Warhola by way of the Czech
Republic, on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was one of three sons, his brothers
names , John and Pavol Warhola. Around the age of 8 Andy was un fortunately diagnosed with Chorea
that left him to live in the bed. To soothe his boredom his mother gave him his first drawing lessons.
So you could kind of say it was a bittersweet occurrence that he contracted the Chorea illness ,
because it sparked his real passion for art. However a few years later in ... Show more content on
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For this technique Andy took two pieces of paper , laid them next to each other and attached them by a
piece of tape that acted as a hinge. Then he drew on the right sided sheet, and before the ink dried he
lifted it up and folded it down on top of the left hand sheet. The blotted line was a smudged mirror
image of the original line he had drawn. He liked the look it gave and the idea that his hand had not
actually drawn the line onto to the paper that actually contained the final
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Treatment Of Women In Othello
Women In Society
In Shakespeare s play Othello , women are often represented as pure,while being misunderstood as
adulterous because of the men, often leaving them in powerless positions and manipulated by men.
Women are viewed as adulterous in society s eyes, but mainly in Othello s eyes because of the lies that
were feed to him. Othello believes people s perception over the truth perception meaning he took Iago
s words over Desdemona s. Was this fair paper, this most goodly book, Made to write whore upon?
What committed? [Committed? O thou public commoner, (4.2.82 84). Othello was brought into lies
toward his wife. Women are seen differently from the outside as their appearance than the way they
act around men because of these judgements women were mistreated without having to speak up.
Eventhough. they might be with that one specific guy married or not married women are still not
faithful. Men are betrayed by their own wives or at least that is what they are told. ... Show more
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The riches of the ship is come on shore! You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees. Hail to thee,
lady, and the grace of heaven (2.1.93 96). This demonstrated, that women were perceived as angelic
and heavenly, Cassio has always shown respect for Desdemona, but cassio is not the only one who
shown respect. Othello gets manipulated by Desdemona s beauty and her poetic tone towards him
Illustrating Othello has been in a trance to Desdemona s love, but feels guilty because his name calling
toward his wife illustrated that he had lost hope for what seemed to be his true
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Full Inclusion In Early Childhood Education
In early childhood, many five to eight year olds, are included in general education classes for at least
part of the day. School districts implement full inclusion. I could not stress the enough. When I was
younger in elementary school I had an IEP. Having an IEP already made me feel like an outcast and
having to go to a separate room made that feeling even worse. I understand in some severe cases
children have to be separated. In my case I just need the teacher to go a little slower and explain the
concept a few times. The school should have had teachers equip to handle this situation. I did not need
a separate room to learn the information I just need a little help, which the teacher could have easily
The book notes that Children
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Chlorine Is The Single Largest Contributor For Safe...
Chlorine is the single largest contributor to safe drinking water, in the history of public health. In 1902
the first chlorine disinfection system was installed in Belgium. By the 1920 s nearly the whole world
started using the process. Due to this disinfection process many disease causing microorganisms were
abolished. According to Life Magazine (1997)
The filtration of drinking water plus the use of chlorine is probably the most significant public health
advancement of the millennium
As consumers have started to have greater knowledge, they want to know what they re drinking and
how this will affect them in short term and long term. The main concern related to chlorination is the
by products produced. The by products are said to be cancer causing.
Chlorination is used in most Australian capital cities and small water supplies as it is inexpensive, easy
to use and protects water within the pipe system. Treating drinking water involves two processes; the
physical removal and the chemical disinfection. The traditional seven step water processes used
around the globe is Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, fluoridation and
the storage distribution. (Refer to figure 1)
The main focus for this report is the disinfection section. During the disinfection process different
chlorine products are added to the filtered water to remove harmful microorganisms. When the
disinfectant is added free
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Ferrari Engines, Bicycle Brake
Written Analysis #3 The article I decided to read for the third analysis was Ferrari Engines, Bicycle
Brakes. This article was written by Edward Hallowell who is a psychiatrist that has attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia. Both of these disorders individually come with a lot of different
struggles. Throughout the article, Hallowell discussed his struggle as a student and what/ who helped
him get through school. One of the first things Hallowell mentions was his first grade teacher, Mrs.
Eldredge. She seemed to be his support system when it came to reading aloud during class. From other
research, I know that this can be very difficult for students with dyslexia since they read slower, letters
can get switched around, and whole words can look switched around. Mrs. Eldredge stood by his side
while he read, so that no one would laugh at his stuttering or stammering (Hallowell, 2012). I believe
this was a nice move by her because she recognized his struggles, and did everything she could to
make him feel comfortable reading aloud in class. He ends up crediting many of his gifted teachers for
him becoming a good student and getting through college to get his degree as a psychiatrist
(Hallowell, 2012). The next part of the article, Hallowell gives suggestions to teachers on how to ...
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He states, It s like a Ferrari a race car. You have the power to win races and become a champion.
However, you do have one problem. You have bicycle brakes. Your brakes just aren t strong enough to
control your powerful brain, so you can t slow down or stop when you need to (Hallowell, 2012). I
honestly love how he put this because it s true. I know several ADHD students and a few who seem to
have dyslexia, and they are willing to work hard, but get distracted by the smallest of things. If they
worked hard on strengthening their brakes , I know that many of them have the potential to be bright
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General-Purpose State Governments
American local governments sprouted in response to a combination of citizen demand, interest group
pressure, and state government acquiescence. As a consequence, no scientific system of local
government exists. General purpose local governments perform a wide variety of governmental
functions, and counties, municipalities, and towns and townships all fall into this category. Special
purpose local governments generally focus on a specific purpose and one function. Best known of
these are the school districts. Regardless of name, it is state government that gives local governments
of all types their legal life.
Counties were created to function as appendages of the state, but modernization and population
growth have put pressures on counties ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are some 33,000 special districts around the country, and their number is growing. They overlay
existing general purpose governments and differ in their organization they are minuscule to mammoth.
They continue to exist because of technical and practical limits on the general purpose local
government, the special debt and tax advantages under which the special district operates, and the
political power that they accrue. They accrue political power because of restrictive annexation laws
faced by cities and the limits on county government authority. Once created, the special district
interests fight encroachment by general purpose governments. Supporters argue they are efficient in
providing a service and are responsive to constituents whose needs were not met by general purpose
government. However, many scholars look at them with a jaundiced eye, because they feel that they
operate without enough political accountability and that well placed groups are their special
beneficiaries. Some states are taking action to give general purpose local governments more input into
the creation of new special
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Ego Theory and Bundle Theory Essay
Intro to Philosophy
Ego Theory and Bundle Theory Derek Parfit s views on personal identity and the Ego and Bundle
Theory are all summarized in his article Divided Minds and the Nature of Persons . In his article,
Parfit explains the distinction between Ego theory and Bundle theory and provides several arguments
against Ego Theory. Although it proves to be very difficult to believe the Bundle Theory, Parfit s
critique is convincing and well thought out. In order to defend the Bundle Theory of personal identity
Parfit begins to describe it and differentiates it from Ego Theory. Parfit states that there are two
theories about what persons are or what a person s personal identity really is. According to Ego
Theory, each person has an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Parfit asks if that copy is still you or has the real you actually died? He then asks; what if only 1% of
your cells were replaced? Many would say if only 1% were replaced, the person would still be you but
at what percentage of cells is the new being no longer you? Parfit argues that the question is irrelevant
and that these are not here two different possibilities, one of which must be true. These are merely two
different descriptions of the very same course of events. To further support the bundle theory, Parfit
references split brain cases. A split brain case is what happens when the corpus callosum connecting
the two hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree in order to treat severe epilepsy. A person
with a split brain shows to have two separate streams of consciousness. Ego Theory would argue that
there are two separate egos but only one person. When separating ego from person does Ego Theory
still hold valid? Parfit and the Bundle Theory state that this is an example of a different awareness of
events occurring at the same time, not different egos. According to Parfit there is no person involved.
Parfit s distinction between Ego theory and Bundle Theory and his arguments against Ego theory are
convincing. He uses many example to help support his claim. Both his thought experiment and the
split brain cases support the idea of bundle theory and disprove the more common Ego
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Application And Utility Of Database Management Systems
Roger K. Doost, (2002) The need for change in the way we teach accounting information systems ,
Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 17 Iss: 5, pp.277 282
The article, The need for change in the way we teach accounting information systems , by Roger K.
Doost, seeks to address the issues of how teachers and Universities are behind the power curve when
it comes to teaching the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) course. He argues that lectures out of
the textbook will no longer be beneficial if instructors do not include hands on training going forward.
The emphasis on database and database management should be supplemented with relevant software
and teaching material to make the course more meaningful and the efforts more fruitful . (Doost,
2002). This article is to illustrate how the incorporation of Microsoft Access into the AIS course
provides an excellent demonstration into application and utility of database management systems. In
the introductory section of this article, Doost elaborates on the many reasons why some of his fellow
colleagues are having a rather difficult time teaching the AIS course effectively. He stated that in the
past, Universities employed professors based on their interest in the course or having experience in the
AIS field. With that being said, some professors can teach a course outside of their professional fields
of study. The ideal professor to teach this subject matter is one who has adequate graduate work in the
areas of both
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John Donne and W; T Comparative Essay
A text is essentially a product of its context, as its prevailing values are inherently derived by the
author from society. However, the emergence of post modern theories allows for audience
interpretation, thus it must be recognised that meaning in texts can be shaped and reshaped.
Significantly, this may occur as connections between texts are explored. These notions are reflected in
the compostion of Edson s W;t and Donne s poetry as their relationship is established through
intertextual references, corresponding values and ideas and the use of language features. Edson
particularly portrays key values surrounding the notions of the importance of loved based
relationships, and death and resurrection: central themes of Donne s Holy Sonnets ... Show more
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A possible passage through the American continent to the indies was earnestly being explored just as
the poet s body was probably being probed and prodded to seek enlightenment or a successful path.
This analogy is made clear by the clever extended pun on straits as both a trade route and a personal
dilemma. They are itemised so that the link is not missed for the Western Sea, to which all the straits
led, also represents death and entry into the next life: So death doth touch the Resurrection Likewise
to John Donne, Edison engages with the concept of death and what, if anything comes after it. While
Bearing does not openly ponder what comes after death in the play, she is tangibly struggling with the
fear of death. Her own feelings are mirrored by Donne s If poisnous minerals is shown through her
analysis. In her analysis she says, Donne finds God s forgiveness hard to believe, so he crawls under a
rock to hide. Rather than trust God s mercy I want to hide. I just want to curl up into a little ball.
Donne s poem If Poisonous Minerals has a direction relationship to the The Runaway Bunny read by
Bearing in her childhood. It provides for her an allegory for God s mercy allowing her to
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Example Of A Zombie Apocalypse
My neighbors and extended family members are not ready for a catastrophe. They have no emergency
kits for each of the members in their household, and have never attended any survival classes. Some
member s believe that owning guns and some cans of food is sufficient for a catastrophe. In the event
that a major catastrophe does happen I want my family and neighbor s prepared with survival skills
and supplies until help comes, if at all.
The four resources I found regarding a zombie apocalypse provided some background about the same
topic but not the same solution. Some give examples such as an emergency list provided by the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention for citizens, incase of a zombie apocalypse. Others give examples
such as shooting ranges that are currently luring people in, to prepare for zombies by changing their
targets to zombies instead of humans or animals. What these four resources do not provide are ideal
emergency plans depending on the amount of family members per household, and recommended
survival classes for civilians. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Neighbors and family members should attend a shooting range at least once a month, create an
emergency plan and gather emergency supplies. From my personal experience, the 1994 Northridge
earthquake left my family without a stable home or any emergency supplies. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency was unable to help us until three to four weeks after the Northridge earthquake,
but if we were prepared for such a catastrophe, the outcome would have been much
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Research Paper On Cannibalism
Cannibalism is the practice of eating the flesh of one s own species. It can also mean the usually
ritualistic eating f human flesh. It is often seen as an uncivilised act and is in most instances, attributed
to the primitive societies. But, there are cases where it has been seen that members of the modern,
civilised society have practised cannibalism. For many, it is an act that cannot be defended or justified
in any way. Some societies believe that cannibalism is a coping mechanism. It is believed to be a way
of guiding the soul of the deceased. Many scholars have also defended cannibalism. There might be
different ways of either defending or going against the practice of cannibalism.
4.1. From the perspective of the different schools of law
Natural Law and Natural Rights are closely related. Natural rights are sometimes considered to be in
accordance with the law of nature. However it is seen to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Consumption of human flesh would cause undue distress to the family of cannibalized. This would be
considered wrong. But based on this argument it would be morally wrong to eat a corpse if there were
no living persons who had an interest in the preservation of that corpse. Here, the cannibalistic act of
Aghori Sadhus found in India can be justified because they do not kill or murder any person but
meditates and eats dead bodies that are found near the cremation grounds. It is their belief that if they
accept what has been rejected by others, they are on their path of salvation. The third argument is that
even if the corpse doesn t have a family, all human beings should have an interest in the prevention of
cannibalism because many belief that the society that permits the consumption of human flesh
produces more unhappiness and one would not want to live in such a society. But this argument is
countered by some defenders of cannibalism as being based on false empirical
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Best Practices and Strategies
Discussion 1: Best Practices and Strategies Create a list of best practices for ensuring the human
resources function works effectively with top management and corporate governance. Best Practices
for ensuring the human resource functions works effectively with top management and corporate
governance will vary depending on the organization mission. However here is a view of best practices
that can be used: 1) Purpose: What is the basic reason for existence? 2) Mission: How have the top
managers decided to fulfill its purpose? 3) Corporate, Business, and Functional Strategies: This is
known as the strategic operations of a firm this the responsibility of the top managers. ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Provide a rationale for your answer. The business strategy that the Fruit Guys uses is the defender
strategy. Defender strategy: works best when a business operates in an environment with relatively
little uncertainty and risk and high degree of stability. The goal of the defender is to identify for itself a
relatively narrow niche in the market and then to direct a limited set of products or services at the
niche. After reviewing the website of the Fruit Guys, their niche is to provide fresh healthy brain food
as the fruit guys refer to it as such to the premises of the workplace. As healthy foods to the office can
boost productivity, improve wellness and help companies improve their bottom line . The Fruit Guys
fills thousands of business of businesses in America with seasonal fresh fruit varying from small
family businesses, to major Fortune 500 companies. With their customers sharing their idea on health,
and the environment, this helps bring stability to the company, while their employees bring in pride,
giving high productivity levels. The five questions that the Fruit Guys have based their strategy on is:
I. Have we been respectful to the people we work with employees, coworkers, and customers? II.
Have we been responsible to their needs? III. Have we been realistic with them about what we can or
cannot do? IV. Can we take personal responsibility for the
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Similarities and Differences amongst Multiple Sclerosis...
There are differences and similarities between multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. Multiple
sclerosis is understood to be an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. However,
muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system. Multiple sclerosis
is seen as progressing asymmetrically from the loss of myelin. Likewise, muscular dystrophy presents
with a symmetrical wasting of the muscle and distribution of weakness. Muscular dystrophy is a group
of similar conditions that affect the voluntary muscles. Multiple sclerosis is often diagnosed in the late
twenties while muscular dystrophy offsets in young and adolescent aged individuals.
Multiple Sclerosis occurs as a result of demyelination of the axons within the central nervous system
and neuronal loss.1 The immune system produces antibodies that attack oligodendrocytes. When the
oligodendrocytes are destroyed, they produce patches of demyelination referred to as plaques.2 (p.41)
These plaques are found in the white matter of the central nervous system. With the loss of
myelination of neurons, the transmission of signals may become slowed or blocked.2(p.41)
Communication between the brain, spinal cord, and other areas of the body are hindered.3 Multiple
sclerosis may result in the deterioration of the myelin surrounding the nerves, and also the nerves
themselves. Unfortunately, this disease process is irreversible, incurable and often debilitating.3 The
etiology of
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Psy 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 – Adjustment Case Study – New...
purchase this Click here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/psy 100 week 8 assignment 2
adjustment case study new updated work/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM PSY
three to six (3 6) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize the two (2) articles you selected from the
NPR Website. 2. Describe the major adjustment issues discussed in each story. 3. Examine at least
three (3) evidence based strategies from the selected articles that could help the individuals enhance
their adjustment skills. 4. Recommend the evidence based strategy that is best suited for the people in
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Summarize the two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website. 2. Describe the major adjustment
issues discussed in each story. 3. Examine at least three (3) evidence based strategies from the selected
articles that could help the individuals enhance their adjustment skills. 4. Recommend the evidence
based strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. Provide a rationale for your
response. More Details hidden... PSY 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 Adjustment Case Study NEW
Updated Work Activity Mode , PSY 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 Adjustment Case Study NEW Updated
Work, Home Work Tutorials, Home Work Solutions, Home Work Essay, Home Work Questions.ACC
565 Wk 7 Assignment 3, ACC403 week 2 assignment, ACC565 Week 10, ACCT 212 (Financial
Accounting), ACCT 344 (Entire Course)
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Comparison Of Dialogue In The Treasure Of Lemon Brown And...
Dialogue in a story can really make you fully understand the characters and everything else about the
story differently in a better way. The story The Treasure of Lemon Brown by Walter Dean Myers and
the book Canyons by Gary Paulsen use dialogue in their stories. Walter Dean Myers uses dialogue in
his story to make you understand the characters a little bit more and Gary Paulsen uses dialogue to
make you understand the tone of the story a little bit better.
Walter Dean Myers uses dialogue to make you understand the characters a little bit more in the story
The Treasure of Lemon Brown . For example, And you want to play basketball? His father s brows
knitted over deep brown eyes. That must be some kind of joke. Now you just get into your room and
hit these books. This quote shows that Greg s father was very upset about Greg s grades. Mainly he is
upset because when he was a kid he didn t have access to the kind of education Greg has now in fact,
he only had an education until he was thirteen, so he wants Greg to take advantage and learn as much
as he can. Another example is He went to the window and was about to look out when he heard a
voice behind him. Don t try nothin cause I got a razor here sharp enough to cut a week into nine days!
Lemon Brown is the one speaking in this quote and he is scared because a boy has walked into his
house. This helps you understand that Lemon Brown is a nervous guy that thinks he has an intruder.
My final example is I used to travel around and make money for to feed my wife and Jesse that s my
boy s name. Used to feed them good, too. Then his mama died, and he stayed with his mama s sister.
He growed up to be a man, and when the war come, he saw fit to go off and fight in it. I didn t have
nothing to give him except these things that told him who I was and what he come from. If you know
your pappy did something, you know you can do something too. Anyway, he went off to war, and I
went off still playing and singing. Course by then I wasn t as much as I used to be, not without
somebody to make it worth the while. You know what I mean? Yeah, Greg nodded, Lemon Brown
shared his treasure to Greg and this shows that he really cares about his family. You can tell
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Plastic Doll
Plastic Doll 1. What is the difference between energy and power? What is a unit of power? How does
speed relate to power?
.energy is the ability of doing work while power is the rate at whch work is done unit of power =
Watts = 1J/s power = force * velocity 2. Explain how a sound is actually a form of energy? In what
medium do sound waves travel?
The longitudinal waves generated by sound will create a wave that transfers at some rate , corresponds
to transfer of energy.
They travel in all states of matter, but speed will be different in different matters. 3. Give an example
of change of energy from potential to kinetic; from kinetic to potential.
The water falling from the mountains stores kinetic energy.....when ... Show more content on
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What makes a good conductor of heat? What makes a good insulator?
Here are a few common examples of conductors: * silver * copper * gold * aluminum * iron * steel *
brass * bronze * mercury * graphite * dirty water * concrete
Here are a few common examples of insulators: * glass * rubber * oil * asphalt * fiberglass *
porcelain * ceramic * quartz * (dry) cotton * (dry) paper * (dry) wood * plastic * air * diamond * pure
7. Explain why heat only flows spontaneously from a hot to cold object
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in the object. Internal energy is
the total energy of the particles in the object. It is not the same then, as it is possible to have objects at
a high temperature with low internal energy (eg a spark) and another object at a low temperature but
with high internal energy by virtue of its large size ( a bath of warm water) Energy will flow from the
object with the highest AVERAGE internal energy to one with a lower average internal energy
8. In what way is aging an example of the second law of thermodynamics?
The second law of thermodynamics states: Natural processes go in a direction that increases the total
entropy of the universe. Entropy is a measure of randomness. The more ordered a system is, the less
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Banning Books Research Paper
Get Rid of Banned Books for Good
The American Library Association has recorded a total of 275 books that were challenged in 2015,
The Holy Bible was one of the top 10 most challenged books. The challenging and banning of books
is a huge item in the United States of America. The American Library Association has a week devoted
to banning books which takes place the last week end of September. Banned Books Week for 2016
will be September 25 through October 1. It is not ethical to ban books due to content such as:
language, sexually explicit, unsuited for age group, and homosexual situations Banning Books go way
back to burning of books and writings. The first know banned book is The Meritorious Price of Our
Redemption by William Pynchon in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Megan McArdle states During the time when people are supposed to be learning to face an often hard
world as adults, and going through the often uncomfortable process of building their intellectual
foundations, they are demanding to be sheltered from anything that might challenge their beliefs or
recall unpleasant facts to their mind. If you are removed from anything that goes against your beliefs,
then you won t be able to adapt to the really world. The real world is all about adapting and learning
with many different people that are very different from you. JW Wilson, from the Advanced Learning
Institute says in a quote Some parents and educators believe that a child is like a huge container. To
insure the child s success, they think it their job to fill it up with as much information as possible, as
quickly as possible. This misconception is damaging the brilliance of millions of our youth. JW
Wilson is saying that students need to be sheltered and not be bombarded with a lot of information. In
an article it states that People may have to tolerate the existence of offensive speech in society as a
whole, but they do not have to accept its presence in a library funded by their tax dollars ( Library ). If
people aren t expose to questionable topics before stepping out into college or the real world it will be
hard for them to adjust to dealing with offensive speech since it is everywhere: television, the internet,
and even the
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Theatre As A Form Of Theatre
Theatre and live performance can serve so many purposes and one of them is to globally entertain the
audience and to shape the society through the lessons learnt from a performance or play. Theatre exists
because we are mimetic and communal beings, we seek order, finally we enjoy and need
Theatre as a form of entertainment is extremely popular all over the world, and it has been designed to
hold audience s attention for a long time, it has been the primary form of public entertainment way
before the advent of radio and movies (Foreman). Live performances are known to get audience off
their seats due to excitement and it can also change one s mood from bad to good or vice versa.
Examples of theatre as a form of entertainment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This play has been revived many times since its premiere(Cruttwell).
The Role of the audience when it comes to theatric entertainment can be affected by the genre of the
play, space of the theatre, sitting arrangement and demographics. It is up to the audience to make a
performance better due to different reactions like echoing (being loud), laughter, standing ovation and
Another great importance of theatre is the way it shapes the society. Firstly, theatre brings people
together as a community, Greek theatre is a good example of this, especially during the festival of
Dionysus, where the audience for plays would be over 1000 people. This gives the community
something to talk about therefore bringing people together. Theatre can also be of importance because
of the sense of identity it brings people, Theater, being such an ancient art, has become part of the
cultural heritage of many cultures. Peking Opera, Bunraku, Noh are all specific to a culture and form a
part of the identity of the people who belong to these cultures. Theatre being used as an instrument for
change is also important, nowadays, social media and video are probably a more effective tool to
effect change in society, but there is no media that can cause a bigger impact than theater. Watching a
live performance is much more likely to compel you to act for change. The work of theorists like
Bertolt Brecht and Augusto Boal is pretty much completely based on this idea.
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Breatharianism In Farfetched Fables By George Bernard Shaw
The urge to write an article in tribute to George Bernard Shaw made me study the plays, written by
him, back to back. In this course, I came across a short play named Farfetched Fables , which had the
collection of six short fables. Fables, heard so far, being an expressive form of fiction, were filled with
mythical places and creatures, and with the morals at the end of the story. But G.B. Shaw s fables, in
contrary, were filled with his several idiosyncratic personal ideas of the realistic nature like the
invention of poisonous gas, lighter than air, and its wrong use that unleashed a dark age in the first two
fables; development of techniques to measure the human capabilities and the tests conducted to
develop the same in third fable; the fifth one, being the discussion about the human reproduction,
ending with the dialogue The pursuit of knowledge and power will never end ; and the sixth final fable
is the discussion between the students about the existence of purely disembodied beings, who live
their entire life for Knowledge and Power and use embodied persons to help them ... Show more
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But the fourth fable, where a Commissioner of Diets dictates a report to the printer, caught my
attention with the concept on how humans can live their entire life on air and water? Having this
concept heard somewhere, in reality, I browsed about the same and found a topic (similar, but an
extended version of the same) called
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  • 8. The Perfect Storm LEC 347 1 The perfect storm is referring to a realistic case scenario is usage of resources such as phosphates, nitrate, fertilizers, water and land continues as it is. It predicts that for example phosphates that are mined will be gone by 2050 leading to a large deficit on food production. Furthermore, there are key water resources that have been shown to be used above its rate of regeneration, which means that freshwater resources are also at risk. This culmination of these resources deficits through usage are what is known as the perfect storm with some reference to an increase in resources as well due to an increasing population. The major resource limitations include phosphate fertilizers because they are mined for resources. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, more resources need to be invested in finding alternative fuels to help solve this crisis. iii) Water shortages are a concern to agriculture because a lack of water leads to either poorly developed crops or to dead crops, thereby creating food shortages. Biologists has two primary roles to play in the fight against water shortages. The first role is a research role, which is the development of more water efficient crops, cropping systems and creating alternatives to meat which has a very high water cost. The second role they have to play is with interacting with both the public and the government and working together with them to improve legalisation in agricultural legislation, taxing and helping form public and school education programmes talking about the water footprint. In research it is essential to find alternatives to meat products. This is because, meat products boasts a significantly higher Waterfoot print than crops alone. This is based upon the theory of biotrophism, plants absorb 1% of the energy of the sunlight and herbivores only gain the benefits of 10% of the energy supplied by plants. Therefore, humans only gain 1% of the total energy from the crops. However, despite this humans tend to choose meat products over plant ones. Therefore, coming up with meat product alternatives is essential to the fight against climate change. In recent years this has been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Prisoner Ball Physical education is a course that is taken in school to educate about physical activities and exercises. Students participate in physical activites and learn how they are beneficial to their bodies. Dodgeball is a game in which players on two teams try to throw large balls at each other while avoiding being hit themselves. In the United States, the game is typically played among children 6 12 in elementary school. However, internationally, the sport has also emerged as a popular middle school, high school and college sport. It is also popular in informal settings and is often played on a playground, in a gym, or in organized recreational leagues. There are many variations of the game, but generally the main objective of each team is to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other times, it would loop around in a dramatic manner. Other throws would cause the ball to disassemble itself before flying reassembled in the intended direction. To date, there are fifty known special throws. The unstable Antanite turned out to be a very safe material with no ill side effects due to any level of exposure. The only side effect at all was a subtle green pigment to skin after games, similar to that of silver. By 1985, dodgeball was gaining popularity and respect as a real sport, not just a children s game. Amateur dodgeball leagues had surfaced all across America and there was some discussion of a professional league. The game had also become a global phenomenon, and many Western countries also had leagues of some manner. In 1996, the International Olympic Committee recognized DodgeBall as a serious sport and the game was played for the first time internationally at the Olympic Summer Games in Atlanta, Georgia. In the final game, the United States team faced off against the Dutch team. Surprisingly, the team from the Netherlands won the gold medal, and the young captain of the team, Willem Janssen, became an international superstar and the new face of DodgeBall. After that first Olympics, a DodgeBall World Cup was established. Every four years, teams from around the world would compete to earn the title of World Champion. The first World Cup was held in 1998 in France. It was sparsely attended and moderately covered by the media. Even so, those involved ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. How Did Charles Perkins Impact Australian Society Charles Perkins played an extremely significant role in the struggle for rights and freedom of Aboriginal people. He was born in 1936 and was an Australian Aboriginal activist, the first Australian Aboriginal to graduate from university, and he also led the freedom ride in 1965. He was a manager of the Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs, an organisation that took a key role in getting a Yes vote for the 1967 referendum regarding Aboriginal rights. His controversial actions allowed him to successfully reduce discrimination against aboriginals. He has also exposed the discrimination and segregation that existed in Australian society, he then tried to educate the Australian society to reduce racial discrimination and get greater equality or indigenous Australians. Perkins was later elected as the deputy chairperson of the Australia and Torres straight islander commission. Charles Perkins had a significant impact on the Australian Aboriginals. It all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It reads: You blokes have to stand up for yourselves. We are willing enough to stand here but you people have to do it from this week on. No one is going to stand up for you but yourselves. If you don t do it now, your kids will be in the same position as you are when they grow up. This quote shows that Perkins is trying hard to motivate the aboriginals and get them to talk up and protect their own rights. He is trying hard to help the aboriginals gain back their confidence and to get them to stand up for themselves and help them gain back their rights and freedom. My second source is a photograph of Charles Perkins and the other university students who are going to the freedom ride. Behind them is a old bus, which they will be using to travel around NSW. This photograph shows that even though that have poor resources, Perkins stills continues to help the aboriginals gain back their rights, and reduce racism around ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Japanese American Internment Camps Essay After the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor, life in the U.S. had changed. It was the first time in a long time that America was attacked on its homeland. This national security threat was a big shock to the people. The Japanese had to suffer the consequences of their attack. Just as the Germans developed concentration camps for the Jewish during World War II, the Americans set up relocation programs better known as internment camps to keep all the Japanese. The reason the Japanese were moved into these camps was because they were suspected of being spies. They were forced to live there for up to four years and were not able to continue with their own lives as they were before while they were living in these camps. Many Japanese ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At Terminal Island near Los Angeles, California there were nearly 3,500 first and second generation Japanese. The military wanted all suspicious members of this community out in 48 hours. During this time, Dr. Yoshihiko Fujikawa described what he saw, saying he saw house wives being abused while cars, refrigerators, furniture and the like were confiscated (23 Nishimoto). The Japanese in Hawaii were treated differently, unlike the communities at Terminal Island and Areas 1 and 2, under General Dellos Emmons who stated, There is no intention or desire on the part of the federal authorities to operate mass concentration camps. No person, be he or citizen or alien, need worry, provided he is not connected with subversive elements.While we have been subjected to a serious attack by a ruthless and treacherous enemy, we must remember that this is America and we must do things the American Way. We must distinguish between loyalty and disloyalty among our people (25 Nishimoto). In internment camps cultural integrity was a problem. The Issei, or first generation Japanese who were older, were used to being very well honored and respected by the younger generation. In internment camps, age had no value. To a white soldier, a Japanese man was a Japo and nothing more. In traditional Japanese culture, the elderly were very highly respected. However, at the camps their traditional authority was stripped away and this contributed to the demoralization of the Issei (62 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Setting Of The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas The boy in the striped pyjamas is a 2006 Holocaust novel, written by Irish novelist John Boyne. The novel has sold more than five million copies around the world. In both 2007 and 2008, it was the best selling book of the year in Spain, and it has also reached number one on The New York Times bestseller list, as well as in the UK, Ireland and Australia. The book was adapted in 2008 as a film of the same name. The story happens in the Nazi Germany. The setting is very important because that s what makes the story develop according to the time and place. The characters are: Bruno, a German boy at the age of 9, the son of a Nazi general and Schmuel, a young Jewish boy with the same age as Bruno. These two characters are extremely important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bruno and Schmuel decide to have a first and great adventure before they separate. So Schmuel steals a pair of striped pyjama and he gives it to Bruno to dress in it. Bruno puts the pyjamas on, pass under the fence of the camp and sneaks into the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Audience Response to Macbeth The human condition has been explored throughout time and its study has primarily allowed us to learn from our past and develop as people. The Elizabethan era is very different from the world today as our values and beliefs have changed to suit our level of knowledge and intelligence. These differences become clear when exploring an audience s response to William Shakespeare s Macbeth, from the Elizabethan era and today. The text was written in 1606 and was set in Scotland. The tragedy construes what egotistical ambition can do to the mind. Key themes of loyalty and betrayal, the increase in intelligence of humans, the way laws govern society and the balance in power between genders affect an audience s response to Macbeth. Specifically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And most of us can understand why magic and witchcraft is a myth due to education and science that can explain things like bad weather through Earth rotation, pressure, temperature, etcetera. So responses from today s era towards the witches would be that of amusement through the language used, Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog... As time passes, humans evolve which allows a difference to appear from responses to the witches from the 16th century and now. Lady Macbeth s role of manipulating Macbeth and encouraging him to kill Duncan invites the audience to make an assessment on her character as to whether they should feel empathy or outcast her as a psychotic, control freak. Elizabethan people lacked understanding of the meaning of murder and couldn t comprehend that those guilty were not always the one who committed the crime. An audience from today can generally accept that even though Macbeth killed Duncan and the guards, Lady Macbeth is guilty too because she was an accessory. Elizabethan audience would not be able to deduce this meaning their reaction wouldn t be as extreme. However, many Elizabethan men responded slightly disgusted and shocked because of the way Lady Macbeth dominated her husband. The text would draw this type of a reaction because it was considered a part of culture, that women were considered a lesser ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Renaissance Era The Renaissance Era took place for a time period that lasted for approximately 150 years and during that time significant changes took place. These changes were with the Arts, Literature, Fashion, and ideals. The entire age can be subdivided into three phases: from 1350 to 1400 during which discovery of ancient texts and experimentation with new art forms took place; 1400 to 1500 typified by political stability in the Italian city states and the creation of recognizable cultural; and 1500 to 1550 dominated by foreign invasion and the diffusion of the Italian Renaissance to the rest of western Europe ( Renaissance Society ). The birth of the Renaissance took place in Italy after the most destructive plagues that caused enormous loss of life and this was the Black Plague (Life in Italy). The plague was a tragic time which killed so many people and was difficult to survive. Despite the plague, the quality of life for surviving citizens of the Renaissance may have improved ( Renaissance Society ). Life was still considered hard in those times. Children were vulnerable to death and diseases and not many survived into adulthood ( Daily Life ). Those that were born into wealthy families had a better chance of survival. At that time, children were to act like their parents and they had no rights ( Daily Life ). Within the Renaissance period the general attitude towards children began to change. These attitude adjustments can be seen with the changes in the art work ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Creating Maximum Value Analytics can help in the following areas to create maximum value: 1) Better Supply chain management: Demand forecasting through analytics can help a firm produce only as much stock as is demanded in the market. Hence over stocking and stock outs can be handled in better ways through analytics. Dead or obsolete stock can be managed better by using project aging strategy ( by Identifying aging stock through analytics. Key Learning: Supply chain can be made very effective through analytic s predictive power and any possible Bullwhip effects can be handled in a much better way. 2) Analytics in space science: Analytics can play a major role in simplifying scientific research. The discovery tools can be automated, thus freeing the scientist from having to carry out much of the search for knowledge. Analytics can also help in improving the operational efficiency of the satellites by analyzing the orbit data. Analytics can also be used to unravel various mysteries related to space. Analytics can also help in better weather forecasting which can help all three modes of transportation (air, water and earth) be more safe. Key Learning: Using modern day analytics tool major breakthrough can be achieved in the space science. 3)Better strategic decision making: Analytics can help a firm capture more value and create more competitive advantage in comparison to other firms by better decision making due to better strategic planning. Better strategic planning is a result of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Day Of The Airport I told him that it was a surprise and you had no idea. Then I told him not to say anything. Wow baby? You had this all planned out! I told you when I proposed; I wanted to treat you like the queen you are. I meant it! We arrived at the airport twenty minutes prior to our flight time. Bryan managed to carry the entire luggage, while I grabbed my purse and the tickets. We made our way to the metal detectors. I always hated this part of the airport. I guess you can say I don t have time or the patients to deal with the airport. It took us ten minutes just to reach those stupid things. When we finally walked up I had to remove my shoes, belt, jacket, jewelry, and any metal objects of any kind. After removing all those things I put my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After a few hours my mom falls asleep; with me gently sleeping as well on her shoulder. Preliminarily falling into a deep sleep, I was awakening by a gigantic shake. Three minutes later another shake occurred. On this shake my mom jumped up saying, What the HELL! I began to panic while looking to the right at her. She tried to act like she wasn t worried but I knew she was. As she checked to see if she had on her seat belt, she told me to put on mines. As I buckled my seat belt the captain started talking over the loud speaker. This is your captain speaking. We are experiencing some turbulent weather. We are approaching a suffer storm. We will be stopping at the nearest runway. Until then please make sure all seat belts are secure. In case of an emergency, oxygen masks are located above you in the console. The life jackets are located under your seats. In order to have a safe flight, please follow the procedures that were instructed to you at the beginning of the flight. Thank you. Every five minutes the plane shakes. After fifteen minutes it began to rain. After the rain started pouring down, the shaking got worse. Jerking accompanied the shaking. Twenty minutes into the worse plane experience ever, it started thundering and lighting. At this point I began to pray. I said a prayer to God to please watch over everyone on this plane and make sure we land safely. Twenty five minutes has passed and the captains now trying to avoid getting stroke by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Social Media Oxymoron The Social Media Oxymoron Social Media might be the best worst thing to ever happen to our current times. Social Media is defined as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. The premise of social media was to help young adults or business owners to network in order to build a following. The term has become very broad in recent times. For many, the term means social applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. For others, the term is loosely interpreted as any site on the internet that people can communicate on. Although the latter is technically true, we will interpret the term as being the social applications. The advent of social media has caused both positive and negative developments on our times. Social media has developed our times through the access to a multitude of information or news and the access to people s personal lives. What is Social media? Social media is becoming an important part of life online as social websites and applications generate more of a following. Most social media sites include components, such as comment fields for users. In business, social media is used to promote products, promote brands, connect to current customers and create new business. Customers can use social media sites to offer ideas for future products or the improvement of old ones. On the other hand, the integration of social media in the business world can also caused ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Benefits and Impications of Using Fertilisers for... The Benefits and Impications of Using Fertilisers for Improving Plant Productivity To the Environment In my point of view I think that fertilizers are of use to the environment in some ways but can also be potentially damaging in others. The term fertilisers is stated as A substance usually added to soil to increase its ability to support plant growth by Encarta. This shows that fertilisers are needed to keep soil in good conditions to allow the maximum productivity for plant growth. This is why they are important to the agricultural industry because they allow maximum productivity and higher yields, meaning more money for the farmer. But fertilisers can also be potentially hazardous to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nitrogen is the most important nutrient it is needed for the making of amino acids and proteins, which is needed for growth, but nitrogen can easily be leached out of the soil. Nitrates are negatively charged and do not stick to the negatively charged clay particles, this means they can easily leach out of the soil and cause harm to the environment. This could lead to eutrophication (explained later on). Also ammonia on the other hand is NH4+ ,which means that it is held by the negative charges in the clay and cannot be directly used, so fertilisers are not always very useful. Phosphorus (P), is also needed by plants for ATP, nucleic acid and phospholipid s. This is not held in the soil for very long so is often added when the seeds are sewn called banding this is to ensure that the nutrient is in the soil when it is needed for growth. This element can become fixed in the soil it is not freely moving allowing problems with uptake from the plant. And potassium, which is mainly, lastly needed in large quantities from the plant the role of opening and closing the stomata in the leaves. There is often a lack of it in the soil. So fertilisers add these vital nutrients in the soil, to allow the plant to be in a healthy condition and have maximum productivity for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Is3350 Unit 3 Assignment 1 ID Name of asset Owner Description of Asset Asset Type Data Type Retention Risks / impact Key asset 01 Personal Computers Staffs Each particular employee used their own PC for their works. Hardware Personal 1.5 year Availability Yes 02 Laptops Head of IT The device could be handled by many peoples Hardware Personal 1.5year Availability Yes 03 Microsoft Windows 8 Head of IT The computer operating system Software Personal 1.5year Availability Yes 04 Microsoft Office 2013 Head of IT The word processing package Software Personal 1.5year Availability Yes 05 Windows XP Head of IT The computer operating system Software Personal 1.5year Availability Yes 06 Microsoft exchange server Network Administrator The mail server developed by Microsoft Software Personal 1.5year confidentiality Yes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Mortgage Loan Research Paper Preparing for the Process of Applying For a Home Mortgage Loan Whether you are a first time home buyer or someone who is moving up in the property ladder, visiting a mortgage company to inquire about a home loan can be difficult. A mortgage is a massive financial commitment and you may find yourself uncertain as to whether you can afford the costs involved in owning a home. In many situations, along with taking out a home loan for the purchase of your house you may also need additional cash up front. For example, you may need money for a down payment, out of pocket for property inspections and/or closing costs. If you are planning to apply for a home loan, the following tips will help prepare for the process of applying for a home loan. What is a Mortgage? Before starting the process of acquiring a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Your credit score typically alerts the lender as to whether you may be a high risk loan or not. Although there are mortgage loans available for those with a poor credit score, most lenders require a credit score in the high range. If you are able to obtain a mortgage loan with a poor credit score, in many situations, you may be required to pay a higher interest rate and/or have a large cash down payment. Knowing your credit score will help you know ahead of time as to whether you should work on repairing your credit or not. Be Prepared There are a number of things you can do before applying for a mortgage that may make the process go much smoother and quicker. For example: Save your cash lenders typically require a down payment and putting down a higher down payment will lower your balance and may lower your monthly payments. You will also need cash for credit report fees, title searches, home inspections, closing costs and application fees. Stay at your job a change in your employment and/or your income status can have a significant effect on the mortgage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Citizen Journalist Essay Caterin L. Villar November 27, 2011 English 102 Professor Rigney Is Assuming the Role of Citizen Journalist worth the Risk? Amateur journalism is becoming more and more popular everyday with the advancement of technology. Newspapers across America have become so decimated by staff cutbacks that citizen journalists are stepping in to fill the gap in covering the news. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are only some of the free websites where users are connected with others and can share in an instant what is happening in their side of the world. When the people formerly known as the audience employ the press tools they have in their possession to inform one another, that s citizen journalism (Rosen). Yulianti s article states ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tunisia s Zine al Abidine Ben was also ousted as a result of revolts formed from the reports from private citizens. Social media is so powerful; the government of Malawi has shut down news websites and social media networks including Twitter and Facebook to prevent suffering the same fate as other dictatorship based governments. Cameroonian government has banned the use of social media. In Uganda, the government temporarily closed social networks after threatening ISPs with closure. The members of the current Occupy Wall Street movements use social media to organize their political movement and gain members. Boudreau s article suggests Occupy Wall Street has spread around the country with keyboard clicking quickness as participants tap into Twitter, Facebook and microblogging site Tumblr to call Americans to the streets to protest what they see as a broken global financial system. What would have taken months to unfold in a different era has occurred in days and hours. The Economist magazine calls it America s first true social media uprising (Broudreau). Revis article states These citizen journalists fight to create a well informed public in which media also serves as moral education. This philosophy radically departs from mainstream journalism, an overarching goal of which is to sell its product. Citizen journalism, on the other hand, allows marginalized people to reclaim their voices, to tell their otherwise silenced stories firsthand ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Odyssey Of Saturn s Colorful Rings The panoply of Saturn s colorful rings greeted Surina the next morning. In fact, many dazzled passengers packed the observation deck to admire the fresco of shimmering pastel pinks, grays, yellows, and browns painted by the most prolific artist of all, the creator of the universe. Orbiting in the magical ringlets of Saturn were the icy rocks from the blown up remnants of the ancient moons that reflected the sunlight to produce the glittering pastel colors. Similar to Jupiter, Saturn was a gas giant of primarily hydrogen and helium gasses without a solid surface, on which fierce winds, lightning storms, and bitter cold temperatures raged. Titan, the biggest of the fifty three moons, was even larger than Mercury and shrouded in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We saw Saturn today whose name comes from the Roman god of agriculture. Tomorrow, we will see the last two planets in our Solar System. First, will be Uranus or the Greek god of the sky and later, Neptune or the Roman god of the sea. These ice giants of frozen water, ammonia, and methane have much fainter rings than Saturn s dramatic ones. From their far flung locations at the edge of the Solar System, it takes eighty four Earth years for Uranus to orbit once around the Sun in comparison with a hundred and sixty five Earth years for Neptune. Additionally, Neptune is the only planet in the Solar System not visible from Earth without a telescope. Both planets have frozen landscapes, with an average temperature of minus two hundred and twenty four degrees Celsius for Uranus and minus four hundred degrees Celsius for Neptune. The two planets appear blue due to the reflection of blue light by methane, a primary component in their atmosphere. Furthermore, the twenty seven moons of Uranus have names from characters of William Shakespeare s plays such as Juliet, Ophelia, and Puck. In contrast, Neptune s thirteen moons have names from the Greek sea gods and mythical beings such as Triton and Larissa. From the front row, Alfonso raised his hand to ask enthusiastically, Sir, is there life anywhere else in the universe? We launched many unmanned probes into space, bearing messages of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Nuclear Power And The Energy Crisis Nuclear Power: The Solution to the Energy Crisis For the first time in history, the human race has the ability to drastically alter the Earth, Ever since the Industrial Revolution, where human technology and population began to increase exponentially, the environment has steadily been in decline. This is due to several factors: pollution, human expansion, and rapid use of natural resources are a few. One of the biggest problems in the world as a whole faces today is the rising energy crisis. In order to meet growing demand for electricity, power plants must, and have, become more numerous and more efficient. However, is it enough? At it s current rate of consumption, the world s supply of fossil fuels will be expended by 2060. Fossil fuels a non renewable resource power almost all automobiles, and a large portion of power plants are coal or gas burning. Other types of electricity, like hydroelectric, nuclear, and wind and solar, are currently being used, but not enough to combat the rising demand for energy. Nuclear power should be more widely used as a source of electricity because it is more reliable than wind and solar energy, nuclear plants produce less greenhouse gas than coal burning plants, and it is the most efficient method of producing energy so far. Wind and solar energy are certainly the two most public supported types of electricity, and there is basically no negatives to either of them. Their farms emit no greenhouse gases, there is very little danger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Realism in Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore SYNOPSIS OF THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME FOR Ph. D DEGREE IN ENGLISH Research Topic: Realism in Tagore s Poetry Research Scholar : (Sumer Prasad) S/o Late Mahendra Prasad Vill. Semari, P. O. Gothain Dist. Ballia, U. P. Supervisor : Dr.( Ravi Shankar Singh) P. G. College, Ghazipur U. P. Co Supervisor : Dr. (A. K. Mishra) Reader, Dept. of English D. C. S. K. (P. G.) College, Mau, U. P. Research Centre : D. C. S. Khandelwal (P. G.) College, Maunath Bhanja Mau, U. P. VEER BAHADUR SINGH PURVANCHAL UNIVERSITY, JAUNPUR (U. P.) Chapter Scheme Introduction Chapter 1: Towards an understanding of Realism Chapter 2: Realism in Tagore s Poetry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is thus, not concerned with idealization with rendering things as beautiful when they are not, or in any way presenting them in any guise as they are not; nor, as a rule, is realism concerned with presenting the supra normal or transcendental Though, of course, the writings of Richard Rolle of Hampole, for example, or the mystical poems of St. John of the Cross, are realistic enough if we believe in God and the spiritual order. The writing of the mystic and the visionary perhaps belongs to a rather special category which might be called Super reality; on the whole one tends to think of realism in terms of the everyday, the normal, the pragmatic, more crudely, it suggests jackers off, sleeves rolled up, a no nonsense approach. The term realism in 20th century trends and movements can be better understood as, a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording or reflecting faithfully an actual way of life (Oxford Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms). The term, sometimes confusingly, suggests both to a literary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. “The hunting community ensures that wildlife populations... The hunting community ensures that wildlife populations of game species are sustainable from one generation to the next (Gibbons 1). Land can only feed and house so many animals before all life naturally dies off and kills the surrounding area. Once animals are over populated something must be done to restore balance to the ecosystem. Natural selection in the environment is not enough for many animals to keep populations at a manageable rate. This is where hunters come in, hunters help to lower populations in environments to allow other animals and life to thrive in a humane way that costs less than any other method of control. It is common now for ecosystems to become over run with a species of animal that will overtake the area they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each environment can only handle so many animals before the environment crumbles and the over populated animals starve to death and overlap into other animals food and kill off many other animals. Wildlife levels have been on the rise and are now at a point of overflowing their carrying capacities (Emmons 3). So the need for controlling animal populations is growing. Thanks to the increase of population of humans, we are taking more and more land which is making many environments become much smaller or disappear. With the shrinking environments it becomes easier to reach the carrying capacity because the carrying capacity shrinks due to the limited environment they can access. Hunting is now a necessary mechanism for the population control of many wildlife populations (Emmons 3). It is safer and easier for people to open hunting in many places then it is for the government to trap and move animals to different locations where they would survive better. Hunting promotes a better ecological balance so that forests and other landscapes can thrive as a whole along with all of the animals that rely on the same land as those that are over populated. Hunters not only help the environment by controlling populations, they work with conservation and ecological groups to build and conserve wildlife and land. Hunters and environmentalists share a common love, that of beautiful forests and landscapes and watching animals even though their intentions are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Using A Mediator Analysis Using a mediator is an effective method of conflict resolution. A civil litigation lawyer with the Lebanon, OH, law firm of Dearie, Fischer Dame LLC, explains the benefits clients enjoy when they opt for this alternative dispute resolution tool.This law firm keeps in its legal services toolbox. Here are three ways in which using a mediator helps civil litigation lawyers resolve conflicts. A Mediator Speeds The Resolution Process: Filing lawsuits, waiting for hearing dates, attending court, and preparing for trial are time consuming and costly activities. Mediation is a cost effective conflict resolution option. The parties split the cost of the mediator and the sessions are scheduled for the parties convenience. Mediation frequently produces ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Social Construction Of Childhood In The Middle Ages Through looking on different cultures it seems that childhood is definitely a social construction. But a better way of trying to find out if it is or not is through looking back in time. Until the end of the Middle Ages, children in the West were often seen as miniature versions of adult. Their clothes and their bodily proportions were the same as those of adults. The main reason why they were classed as miniature adults was because they were expected to participate in all aspects of social life alongside their parents. Special protection and treatment did not exist at this time. Children could be punished and frequently were, for social transgressions with the same severity that adults were. Families of the 1600s and 1700s may have valued children for their role in inheritance, but children clearly didn t cause the same kind of sentiment that they cause from adults today. (Aries, 1962). This rather unsentimental treatment of children was probably something to o with demographic realities such as fatal disease. In the Middle Ages ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were seen as innocent and in need of protection, the same as we see them today. Consequently, tough they were viewed as weak and vulnerable. Along with the notion of protection came the notion of discipline, as parents taught their children to avoid any temptations of their social world. Social institutions have influenced definitions of childhood throughout history. Until the late 18th century, fro instance, child labour was commonly practiced and accepted (Archer, 1985). Still is in some cultures. In the early 19th century, half of all workers in northern factories were children, all under the age of just eleven (Coontz, 1992). Children worked as long and as hard as adults, sometimes even harder. Due to their small size, they were sometimes given difficult and hazardous jobs, such as cleaning out the insides of narrow factory ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. A Comparison of John Steinbeck s novel Of Mice and Men and... A Comparison of John Steinbeck s novel Of Mice and Men and the 1939 Film Version of the Novel Looking at the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck there is the clear comparison that this is a print text, while the 1939 film version of the novel by Milestone is a visual text. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when analysing a visual text, these being the use of camera angle, sound, lighting, editing and the mise en scène, whereas when looking at the print text the use of description, dialogue, characterisation and imagery. The three scenes which are most relevant to the novel and the film are, the shooting of Candy s dog, the fight which takes place between Curley ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Candy looks helplessly saying it s hurt him after Carlson suggests shooting him because the ol dog jus suffers hisself all the time . This suggests, just as clearly as the film, that the dog is important to him and he doesn t want to lose him. This is also suggested when Candy says that he don t mind takin care of him . Throughout the scene there is also the focus on the newspaper article as well as the main story of Candys dog. This is a good technique used to build up tension because the audience wants to know what s going to happen to the dog. Throughout this scene in the film there is still a clear focus on Candy although the story of the newspaper article is going on around him. This causes an emotional build up, along with the other characters that are placed in the camera shots who appear not to care about Candy. The emotional build up is created in the novel with the description of Carlson who continued to look down at the old dog as Candy watched him uneasily , this builds up tension between the two characters even more so as the other characters present are unaware of this non verbal communication until Carlson finally speaks. Once the conversation is over between the two and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Ice And Fire Thesis Gagan Raghuwanshi Kanika dang English Literature Thesis 1st October, 2015 George R. R. Martin uses his animalistic tendencies and relates it to the human nature in his series: A Song of Ice and Fire . A song of ice and fire is a series of novels by the American novelist and screenwriter, George R. R. Martin. The first volume of the series, a game of thrones, was begun in 1991 and first published in 1996. The series has grown from a planned trilogy to seven volumes, the fifth and most recent of which, a dance with dragons, took Martin five years to write before its publication in 2011. The sixth novel, the winds of winter, is still being written. The story of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On Essos, Daenerys Targaryen rises from a pauper sold into marriage, to a powerful and intelligent ruler. Her rise is aided by the birth of three dragons from eggs given to her as wedding gifts: used initially as symbols, and later as weapons. George R.R. Martin was born September 20, 1948 in Bayonne, New Jersey. His father was Raymond Collins Martin, a longshoreman, and his mother was Margaret Brady Martin. He has two sisters, Darleen Martin Lapinski and Janet Martin Patten. Martin attended Mary Jane Donohoe School and Marist High School. He began writing very young, selling monster stories to other neighborhood children for pennies, dramatic readings included. Later he became a comic book fan and collector in high school, and began to write fiction for comic fanzines (amateur fan magazines). Martin s first professional sale was made in 1970 at age 21: The Hero, sold to Galaxy, published in February, 1971 issue. Other sales ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Recipe Of Vanilla Spice Prize Candle As the leaves start to change and the temperature drops we find ourselves with a strong desire to bake something yummy. Our Smoked Bourbon aka Caramel Vanilla Spice Prize Candle inspired us to wipe up a vanilla bean cake with vanilla bourbon frosting and a caramel spiced latte. Cake Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup butter, softened 1 vanilla bean, scraped 1 1/2 cups sugar 4 large egg whites 1 cup milk 1/4 cup bourbon Frosting Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups (2 1/2 sticks) butter, softened 1 vanilla bean, scraped 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon whipping cream 2 tablespoons bourbon 3 cups powdered sugar Cake Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees 2. Spray three 8 inch cake pans with nonstick spray and line them with parchment paper ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt 4. In a large bowl beat butter on medium high speed until smooth and creamy. Add vanilla bean seeds and mix until they re evenly distributed 5. Add the sugar and mix until completely incorporated and fluffy 6. Add the eggs whites and mix until just combined 7. Add half of the flour mixture and half of the milk to the butter/sugar mixture 8. Mix on medium speed until combined. Repeat with the second half 9. Add cake batter to the pans, 10. Bake for 19 21 minutes, or until slightly browned on top 11. Let cake layers cool 12. Once cake is cool, brush 1/4 cup bourbon over the top of each layer. Frosting Directions: 1. In a bowl, mix butter on medium high speed until smooth and creamy. Add vanilla bean seeds and
  • 31. mix until they re evenly spread throughout 2. Add salt, whipping cream, and bourbon. Mix until combined 3. Add powdered sugar one cup at a time, mixing well 4. Mix on medium speed for another minute 5. Spread frosting over cake layers, and over the cake Latte Ingredients: 3/4 cup hot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Andy Warhol Pop Art Era Andy Warhol , was one of the most iconic painters to date. Known for his unconventional takes on images varying from Marilyn Monroe to soup cans, his love of bright colors and bold patterns brought these images to life and helped pave his way as a major figure in the pop art movement. His work really set the tone of the Pop Art Era. It pulled in a lot of pop culture and always made some kind of statement, whether noticeable or not contrary to the previous generation. For example, when Andy was discussing his Campbell s Soup Cans painting he said I used to drink it. I used to have the same lunch every day, for 20 years, I guess, the same thing over and over again. Which can really tell you how times were back then, he was a child of poverty just like many people in that time period. His parents were immigrants to the United States, Pavol and Julia Warhola by way of the Czech Republic, on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was one of three sons, his brothers names , John and Pavol Warhola. Around the age of 8 Andy was un fortunately diagnosed with Chorea that left him to live in the bed. To soothe his boredom his mother gave him his first drawing lessons. So you could kind of say it was a bittersweet occurrence that he contracted the Chorea illness , because it sparked his real passion for art. However a few years later in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For this technique Andy took two pieces of paper , laid them next to each other and attached them by a piece of tape that acted as a hinge. Then he drew on the right sided sheet, and before the ink dried he lifted it up and folded it down on top of the left hand sheet. The blotted line was a smudged mirror image of the original line he had drawn. He liked the look it gave and the idea that his hand had not actually drawn the line onto to the paper that actually contained the final ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Treatment Of Women In Othello Women In Society In Shakespeare s play Othello , women are often represented as pure,while being misunderstood as adulterous because of the men, often leaving them in powerless positions and manipulated by men. Women are viewed as adulterous in society s eyes, but mainly in Othello s eyes because of the lies that were feed to him. Othello believes people s perception over the truth perception meaning he took Iago s words over Desdemona s. Was this fair paper, this most goodly book, Made to write whore upon? What committed? [Committed? O thou public commoner, (4.2.82 84). Othello was brought into lies toward his wife. Women are seen differently from the outside as their appearance than the way they act around men because of these judgements women were mistreated without having to speak up. Eventhough. they might be with that one specific guy married or not married women are still not faithful. Men are betrayed by their own wives or at least that is what they are told. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The riches of the ship is come on shore! You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees. Hail to thee, lady, and the grace of heaven (2.1.93 96). This demonstrated, that women were perceived as angelic and heavenly, Cassio has always shown respect for Desdemona, but cassio is not the only one who shown respect. Othello gets manipulated by Desdemona s beauty and her poetic tone towards him Illustrating Othello has been in a trance to Desdemona s love, but feels guilty because his name calling toward his wife illustrated that he had lost hope for what seemed to be his true ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Full Inclusion In Early Childhood Education In early childhood, many five to eight year olds, are included in general education classes for at least part of the day. School districts implement full inclusion. I could not stress the enough. When I was younger in elementary school I had an IEP. Having an IEP already made me feel like an outcast and having to go to a separate room made that feeling even worse. I understand in some severe cases children have to be separated. In my case I just need the teacher to go a little slower and explain the concept a few times. The school should have had teachers equip to handle this situation. I did not need a separate room to learn the information I just need a little help, which the teacher could have easily applied. The book notes that Children ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Chlorine Is The Single Largest Contributor For Safe... INTRODUCTION Chlorine is the single largest contributor to safe drinking water, in the history of public health. In 1902 the first chlorine disinfection system was installed in Belgium. By the 1920 s nearly the whole world started using the process. Due to this disinfection process many disease causing microorganisms were abolished. According to Life Magazine (1997) The filtration of drinking water plus the use of chlorine is probably the most significant public health advancement of the millennium As consumers have started to have greater knowledge, they want to know what they re drinking and how this will affect them in short term and long term. The main concern related to chlorination is the by products produced. The by products are said to be cancer causing. CHEMICAL BACKGROUND Chlorination is used in most Australian capital cities and small water supplies as it is inexpensive, easy to use and protects water within the pipe system. Treating drinking water involves two processes; the physical removal and the chemical disinfection. The traditional seven step water processes used around the globe is Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, fluoridation and the storage distribution. (Refer to figure 1) The main focus for this report is the disinfection section. During the disinfection process different chlorine products are added to the filtered water to remove harmful microorganisms. When the disinfectant is added free ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Ferrari Engines, Bicycle Brake Written Analysis #3 The article I decided to read for the third analysis was Ferrari Engines, Bicycle Brakes. This article was written by Edward Hallowell who is a psychiatrist that has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dyslexia. Both of these disorders individually come with a lot of different struggles. Throughout the article, Hallowell discussed his struggle as a student and what/ who helped him get through school. One of the first things Hallowell mentions was his first grade teacher, Mrs. Eldredge. She seemed to be his support system when it came to reading aloud during class. From other research, I know that this can be very difficult for students with dyslexia since they read slower, letters can get switched around, and whole words can look switched around. Mrs. Eldredge stood by his side while he read, so that no one would laugh at his stuttering or stammering (Hallowell, 2012). I believe this was a nice move by her because she recognized his struggles, and did everything she could to make him feel comfortable reading aloud in class. He ends up crediting many of his gifted teachers for him becoming a good student and getting through college to get his degree as a psychiatrist (Hallowell, 2012). The next part of the article, Hallowell gives suggestions to teachers on how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He states, It s like a Ferrari a race car. You have the power to win races and become a champion. However, you do have one problem. You have bicycle brakes. Your brakes just aren t strong enough to control your powerful brain, so you can t slow down or stop when you need to (Hallowell, 2012). I honestly love how he put this because it s true. I know several ADHD students and a few who seem to have dyslexia, and they are willing to work hard, but get distracted by the smallest of things. If they worked hard on strengthening their brakes , I know that many of them have the potential to be bright ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. General-Purpose State Governments American local governments sprouted in response to a combination of citizen demand, interest group pressure, and state government acquiescence. As a consequence, no scientific system of local government exists. General purpose local governments perform a wide variety of governmental functions, and counties, municipalities, and towns and townships all fall into this category. Special purpose local governments generally focus on a specific purpose and one function. Best known of these are the school districts. Regardless of name, it is state government that gives local governments of all types their legal life. Counties were created to function as appendages of the state, but modernization and population growth have put pressures on counties ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are some 33,000 special districts around the country, and their number is growing. They overlay existing general purpose governments and differ in their organization they are minuscule to mammoth. They continue to exist because of technical and practical limits on the general purpose local government, the special debt and tax advantages under which the special district operates, and the political power that they accrue. They accrue political power because of restrictive annexation laws faced by cities and the limits on county government authority. Once created, the special district interests fight encroachment by general purpose governments. Supporters argue they are efficient in providing a service and are responsive to constituents whose needs were not met by general purpose government. However, many scholars look at them with a jaundiced eye, because they feel that they operate without enough political accountability and that well placed groups are their special beneficiaries. Some states are taking action to give general purpose local governments more input into the creation of new special ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Ego Theory and Bundle Theory Essay Intro to Philosophy Ego Theory and Bundle Theory Derek Parfit s views on personal identity and the Ego and Bundle Theory are all summarized in his article Divided Minds and the Nature of Persons . In his article, Parfit explains the distinction between Ego theory and Bundle theory and provides several arguments against Ego Theory. Although it proves to be very difficult to believe the Bundle Theory, Parfit s critique is convincing and well thought out. In order to defend the Bundle Theory of personal identity Parfit begins to describe it and differentiates it from Ego Theory. Parfit states that there are two theories about what persons are or what a person s personal identity really is. According to Ego Theory, each person has an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Parfit asks if that copy is still you or has the real you actually died? He then asks; what if only 1% of your cells were replaced? Many would say if only 1% were replaced, the person would still be you but at what percentage of cells is the new being no longer you? Parfit argues that the question is irrelevant and that these are not here two different possibilities, one of which must be true. These are merely two different descriptions of the very same course of events. To further support the bundle theory, Parfit references split brain cases. A split brain case is what happens when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree in order to treat severe epilepsy. A person with a split brain shows to have two separate streams of consciousness. Ego Theory would argue that there are two separate egos but only one person. When separating ego from person does Ego Theory still hold valid? Parfit and the Bundle Theory state that this is an example of a different awareness of events occurring at the same time, not different egos. According to Parfit there is no person involved. Parfit s distinction between Ego theory and Bundle Theory and his arguments against Ego theory are convincing. He uses many example to help support his claim. Both his thought experiment and the split brain cases support the idea of bundle theory and disprove the more common Ego ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Application And Utility Of Database Management Systems Roger K. Doost, (2002) The need for change in the way we teach accounting information systems , Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 17 Iss: 5, pp.277 282 The article, The need for change in the way we teach accounting information systems , by Roger K. Doost, seeks to address the issues of how teachers and Universities are behind the power curve when it comes to teaching the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) course. He argues that lectures out of the textbook will no longer be beneficial if instructors do not include hands on training going forward. The emphasis on database and database management should be supplemented with relevant software and teaching material to make the course more meaningful and the efforts more fruitful . (Doost, 2002). This article is to illustrate how the incorporation of Microsoft Access into the AIS course provides an excellent demonstration into application and utility of database management systems. In the introductory section of this article, Doost elaborates on the many reasons why some of his fellow colleagues are having a rather difficult time teaching the AIS course effectively. He stated that in the past, Universities employed professors based on their interest in the course or having experience in the AIS field. With that being said, some professors can teach a course outside of their professional fields of study. The ideal professor to teach this subject matter is one who has adequate graduate work in the areas of both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. John Donne and W; T Comparative Essay A text is essentially a product of its context, as its prevailing values are inherently derived by the author from society. However, the emergence of post modern theories allows for audience interpretation, thus it must be recognised that meaning in texts can be shaped and reshaped. Significantly, this may occur as connections between texts are explored. These notions are reflected in the compostion of Edson s W;t and Donne s poetry as their relationship is established through intertextual references, corresponding values and ideas and the use of language features. Edson particularly portrays key values surrounding the notions of the importance of loved based relationships, and death and resurrection: central themes of Donne s Holy Sonnets ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A possible passage through the American continent to the indies was earnestly being explored just as the poet s body was probably being probed and prodded to seek enlightenment or a successful path. This analogy is made clear by the clever extended pun on straits as both a trade route and a personal dilemma. They are itemised so that the link is not missed for the Western Sea, to which all the straits led, also represents death and entry into the next life: So death doth touch the Resurrection Likewise to John Donne, Edison engages with the concept of death and what, if anything comes after it. While Bearing does not openly ponder what comes after death in the play, she is tangibly struggling with the fear of death. Her own feelings are mirrored by Donne s If poisnous minerals is shown through her analysis. In her analysis she says, Donne finds God s forgiveness hard to believe, so he crawls under a rock to hide. Rather than trust God s mercy I want to hide. I just want to curl up into a little ball. Donne s poem If Poisonous Minerals has a direction relationship to the The Runaway Bunny read by Bearing in her childhood. It provides for her an allegory for God s mercy allowing her to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Example Of A Zombie Apocalypse My neighbors and extended family members are not ready for a catastrophe. They have no emergency kits for each of the members in their household, and have never attended any survival classes. Some member s believe that owning guns and some cans of food is sufficient for a catastrophe. In the event that a major catastrophe does happen I want my family and neighbor s prepared with survival skills and supplies until help comes, if at all. The four resources I found regarding a zombie apocalypse provided some background about the same topic but not the same solution. Some give examples such as an emergency list provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for citizens, incase of a zombie apocalypse. Others give examples such as shooting ranges that are currently luring people in, to prepare for zombies by changing their targets to zombies instead of humans or animals. What these four resources do not provide are ideal emergency plans depending on the amount of family members per household, and recommended survival classes for civilians. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Neighbors and family members should attend a shooting range at least once a month, create an emergency plan and gather emergency supplies. From my personal experience, the 1994 Northridge earthquake left my family without a stable home or any emergency supplies. The Federal Emergency Management Agency was unable to help us until three to four weeks after the Northridge earthquake, but if we were prepared for such a catastrophe, the outcome would have been much ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Research Paper On Cannibalism Cannibalism is the practice of eating the flesh of one s own species. It can also mean the usually ritualistic eating f human flesh. It is often seen as an uncivilised act and is in most instances, attributed to the primitive societies. But, there are cases where it has been seen that members of the modern, civilised society have practised cannibalism. For many, it is an act that cannot be defended or justified in any way. Some societies believe that cannibalism is a coping mechanism. It is believed to be a way of guiding the soul of the deceased. Many scholars have also defended cannibalism. There might be different ways of either defending or going against the practice of cannibalism. 4.1. From the perspective of the different schools of law Natural Law and Natural Rights are closely related. Natural rights are sometimes considered to be in accordance with the law of nature. However it is seen to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Consumption of human flesh would cause undue distress to the family of cannibalized. This would be considered wrong. But based on this argument it would be morally wrong to eat a corpse if there were no living persons who had an interest in the preservation of that corpse. Here, the cannibalistic act of Aghori Sadhus found in India can be justified because they do not kill or murder any person but meditates and eats dead bodies that are found near the cremation grounds. It is their belief that if they accept what has been rejected by others, they are on their path of salvation. The third argument is that even if the corpse doesn t have a family, all human beings should have an interest in the prevention of cannibalism because many belief that the society that permits the consumption of human flesh produces more unhappiness and one would not want to live in such a society. But this argument is countered by some defenders of cannibalism as being based on false empirical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Best Practices and Strategies Discussion 1: Best Practices and Strategies Create a list of best practices for ensuring the human resources function works effectively with top management and corporate governance. Best Practices for ensuring the human resource functions works effectively with top management and corporate governance will vary depending on the organization mission. However here is a view of best practices that can be used: 1) Purpose: What is the basic reason for existence? 2) Mission: How have the top managers decided to fulfill its purpose? 3) Corporate, Business, and Functional Strategies: This is known as the strategic operations of a firm this the responsibility of the top managers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Provide a rationale for your answer. The business strategy that the Fruit Guys uses is the defender strategy. Defender strategy: works best when a business operates in an environment with relatively little uncertainty and risk and high degree of stability. The goal of the defender is to identify for itself a relatively narrow niche in the market and then to direct a limited set of products or services at the niche. After reviewing the website of the Fruit Guys, their niche is to provide fresh healthy brain food as the fruit guys refer to it as such to the premises of the workplace. As healthy foods to the office can boost productivity, improve wellness and help companies improve their bottom line . The Fruit Guys fills thousands of business of businesses in America with seasonal fresh fruit varying from small family businesses, to major Fortune 500 companies. With their customers sharing their idea on health, and the environment, this helps bring stability to the company, while their employees bring in pride, giving high productivity levels. The five questions that the Fruit Guys have based their strategy on is: I. Have we been respectful to the people we work with employees, coworkers, and customers? II. Have we been responsible to their needs? III. Have we been realistic with them about what we can or cannot do? IV. Can we take personal responsibility for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Similarities and Differences amongst Multiple Sclerosis... There are differences and similarities between multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. Multiple sclerosis is understood to be an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. However, muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder that affects the peripheral nervous system. Multiple sclerosis is seen as progressing asymmetrically from the loss of myelin. Likewise, muscular dystrophy presents with a symmetrical wasting of the muscle and distribution of weakness. Muscular dystrophy is a group of similar conditions that affect the voluntary muscles. Multiple sclerosis is often diagnosed in the late twenties while muscular dystrophy offsets in young and adolescent aged individuals. Multiple Sclerosis occurs as a result of demyelination of the axons within the central nervous system and neuronal loss.1 The immune system produces antibodies that attack oligodendrocytes. When the oligodendrocytes are destroyed, they produce patches of demyelination referred to as plaques.2 (p.41) These plaques are found in the white matter of the central nervous system. With the loss of myelination of neurons, the transmission of signals may become slowed or blocked.2(p.41) Communication between the brain, spinal cord, and other areas of the body are hindered.3 Multiple sclerosis may result in the deterioration of the myelin surrounding the nerves, and also the nerves themselves. Unfortunately, this disease process is irreversible, incurable and often debilitating.3 The etiology of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Psy 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 – Adjustment Case Study – New... PSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY NEW UPDATED WORK To purchase this Click here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/psy 100 week 8 assignment 2 adjustment case study new updated work/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM PSY 100 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 ADJUSTMENT CASE STUDY NEW UPDATED WORK Write a three to six (3 6) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize the two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website. 2. Describe the major adjustment issues discussed in each story. 3. Examine at least three (3) evidence based strategies from the selected articles that could help the individuals enhance their adjustment skills. 4. Recommend the evidence based strategy that is best suited for the people in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Summarize the two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website. 2. Describe the major adjustment issues discussed in each story. 3. Examine at least three (3) evidence based strategies from the selected articles that could help the individuals enhance their adjustment skills. 4. Recommend the evidence based strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. Provide a rationale for your response. More Details hidden... PSY 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 Adjustment Case Study NEW Updated Work Activity Mode , PSY 100 Week 8 Assignment 2 Adjustment Case Study NEW Updated Work, Home Work Tutorials, Home Work Solutions, Home Work Essay, Home Work Questions.ACC 565 Wk 7 Assignment 3, ACC403 week 2 assignment, ACC565 Week 10, ACCT 212 (Financial Accounting), ACCT 344 (Entire Course) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Comparison Of Dialogue In The Treasure Of Lemon Brown And... Dialogue in a story can really make you fully understand the characters and everything else about the story differently in a better way. The story The Treasure of Lemon Brown by Walter Dean Myers and the book Canyons by Gary Paulsen use dialogue in their stories. Walter Dean Myers uses dialogue in his story to make you understand the characters a little bit more and Gary Paulsen uses dialogue to make you understand the tone of the story a little bit better. Walter Dean Myers uses dialogue to make you understand the characters a little bit more in the story The Treasure of Lemon Brown . For example, And you want to play basketball? His father s brows knitted over deep brown eyes. That must be some kind of joke. Now you just get into your room and hit these books. This quote shows that Greg s father was very upset about Greg s grades. Mainly he is upset because when he was a kid he didn t have access to the kind of education Greg has now in fact, he only had an education until he was thirteen, so he wants Greg to take advantage and learn as much as he can. Another example is He went to the window and was about to look out when he heard a voice behind him. Don t try nothin cause I got a razor here sharp enough to cut a week into nine days! Lemon Brown is the one speaking in this quote and he is scared because a boy has walked into his house. This helps you understand that Lemon Brown is a nervous guy that thinks he has an intruder. My final example is I used to travel around and make money for to feed my wife and Jesse that s my boy s name. Used to feed them good, too. Then his mama died, and he stayed with his mama s sister. He growed up to be a man, and when the war come, he saw fit to go off and fight in it. I didn t have nothing to give him except these things that told him who I was and what he come from. If you know your pappy did something, you know you can do something too. Anyway, he went off to war, and I went off still playing and singing. Course by then I wasn t as much as I used to be, not without somebody to make it worth the while. You know what I mean? Yeah, Greg nodded, Lemon Brown shared his treasure to Greg and this shows that he really cares about his family. You can tell ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Plastic Doll Plastic Doll 1. What is the difference between energy and power? What is a unit of power? How does speed relate to power? .energy is the ability of doing work while power is the rate at whch work is done unit of power = Watts = 1J/s power = force * velocity 2. Explain how a sound is actually a form of energy? In what medium do sound waves travel? The longitudinal waves generated by sound will create a wave that transfers at some rate , corresponds to transfer of energy. They travel in all states of matter, but speed will be different in different matters. 3. Give an example of change of energy from potential to kinetic; from kinetic to potential. The water falling from the mountains stores kinetic energy.....when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What makes a good conductor of heat? What makes a good insulator? Here are a few common examples of conductors: * silver * copper * gold * aluminum * iron * steel * brass * bronze * mercury * graphite * dirty water * concrete Here are a few common examples of insulators: * glass * rubber * oil * asphalt * fiberglass * porcelain * ceramic * quartz * (dry) cotton * (dry) paper * (dry) wood * plastic * air * diamond * pure water 7. Explain why heat only flows spontaneously from a hot to cold object Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in the object. Internal energy is the total energy of the particles in the object. It is not the same then, as it is possible to have objects at a high temperature with low internal energy (eg a spark) and another object at a low temperature but with high internal energy by virtue of its large size ( a bath of warm water) Energy will flow from the object with the highest AVERAGE internal energy to one with a lower average internal energy 8. In what way is aging an example of the second law of thermodynamics? The second law of thermodynamics states: Natural processes go in a direction that increases the total entropy of the universe. Entropy is a measure of randomness. The more ordered a system is, the less ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Banning Books Research Paper Get Rid of Banned Books for Good The American Library Association has recorded a total of 275 books that were challenged in 2015, The Holy Bible was one of the top 10 most challenged books. The challenging and banning of books is a huge item in the United States of America. The American Library Association has a week devoted to banning books which takes place the last week end of September. Banned Books Week for 2016 will be September 25 through October 1. It is not ethical to ban books due to content such as: language, sexually explicit, unsuited for age group, and homosexual situations Banning Books go way back to burning of books and writings. The first know banned book is The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption by William Pynchon in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Megan McArdle states During the time when people are supposed to be learning to face an often hard world as adults, and going through the often uncomfortable process of building their intellectual foundations, they are demanding to be sheltered from anything that might challenge their beliefs or recall unpleasant facts to their mind. If you are removed from anything that goes against your beliefs, then you won t be able to adapt to the really world. The real world is all about adapting and learning with many different people that are very different from you. JW Wilson, from the Advanced Learning Institute says in a quote Some parents and educators believe that a child is like a huge container. To insure the child s success, they think it their job to fill it up with as much information as possible, as quickly as possible. This misconception is damaging the brilliance of millions of our youth. JW Wilson is saying that students need to be sheltered and not be bombarded with a lot of information. In an article it states that People may have to tolerate the existence of offensive speech in society as a whole, but they do not have to accept its presence in a library funded by their tax dollars ( Library ). If people aren t expose to questionable topics before stepping out into college or the real world it will be hard for them to adjust to dealing with offensive speech since it is everywhere: television, the internet, and even the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Theatre As A Form Of Theatre Theatre and live performance can serve so many purposes and one of them is to globally entertain the audience and to shape the society through the lessons learnt from a performance or play. Theatre exists because we are mimetic and communal beings, we seek order, finally we enjoy and need entertainment. Theatre as a form of entertainment is extremely popular all over the world, and it has been designed to hold audience s attention for a long time, it has been the primary form of public entertainment way before the advent of radio and movies (Foreman). Live performances are known to get audience off their seats due to excitement and it can also change one s mood from bad to good or vice versa. Examples of theatre as a form of entertainment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This play has been revived many times since its premiere(Cruttwell). The Role of the audience when it comes to theatric entertainment can be affected by the genre of the play, space of the theatre, sitting arrangement and demographics. It is up to the audience to make a performance better due to different reactions like echoing (being loud), laughter, standing ovation and gasping. Another great importance of theatre is the way it shapes the society. Firstly, theatre brings people together as a community, Greek theatre is a good example of this, especially during the festival of Dionysus, where the audience for plays would be over 1000 people. This gives the community something to talk about therefore bringing people together. Theatre can also be of importance because of the sense of identity it brings people, Theater, being such an ancient art, has become part of the cultural heritage of many cultures. Peking Opera, Bunraku, Noh are all specific to a culture and form a part of the identity of the people who belong to these cultures. Theatre being used as an instrument for change is also important, nowadays, social media and video are probably a more effective tool to effect change in society, but there is no media that can cause a bigger impact than theater. Watching a live performance is much more likely to compel you to act for change. The work of theorists like Bertolt Brecht and Augusto Boal is pretty much completely based on this idea. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Breatharianism In Farfetched Fables By George Bernard Shaw Breatharianism The urge to write an article in tribute to George Bernard Shaw made me study the plays, written by him, back to back. In this course, I came across a short play named Farfetched Fables , which had the collection of six short fables. Fables, heard so far, being an expressive form of fiction, were filled with mythical places and creatures, and with the morals at the end of the story. But G.B. Shaw s fables, in contrary, were filled with his several idiosyncratic personal ideas of the realistic nature like the invention of poisonous gas, lighter than air, and its wrong use that unleashed a dark age in the first two fables; development of techniques to measure the human capabilities and the tests conducted to develop the same in third fable; the fifth one, being the discussion about the human reproduction, ending with the dialogue The pursuit of knowledge and power will never end ; and the sixth final fable is the discussion between the students about the existence of purely disembodied beings, who live their entire life for Knowledge and Power and use embodied persons to help them ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But the fourth fable, where a Commissioner of Diets dictates a report to the printer, caught my attention with the concept on how humans can live their entire life on air and water? Having this concept heard somewhere, in reality, I browsed about the same and found a topic (similar, but an extended version of the same) called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...