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Environmental Toolbox
2017_ver 1.0
Technical Module
Energy Considerations
2017_ver 1.0
• Understand the importance of energy in the planning
and execution of military operations and training
• Raise awareness for all personnel about the impact
that energy has on the mission and how behavioral
changes can reduce energy requirements
• Be familiar with planning considerations for the
energy management components
• Provide practical guidance for improving energy
2017_ver 1.0
• Discuss objectives and definitions of energy
• Describe the significance of energy in operations
• Identify planning considerations for optimal energy
• Provide examples of energy use in specific military
• Present options for energy production, storage and
• Discuss energy efficiency practices
2017_ver 1.0
• Operational energy: the energy required for training,
moving and sustaining military forces and weapons
platforms for military operations
• Energy efficiency: Using less energy to provide the same
• Renewable energy: energy generated from natural
resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and
geothermal heat
• Energy management: a balanced combination of energy
awareness, behavioral practices and technology to
systematically achieve energy efficiency for optimal military
2017_ver 1.0
• All personnel have the responsibility to be good stewards of
energy. They should be aware of their energy use and modify
their behavior to reduce their energy consumption
• The operational planner and camp planner have the primary
responsibility for energy management and should coordinate
with the safety, logistics and engineer staff
• The commander is responsible for designating a specific
energy manager, likely within the engineer staff, and
authorizing him to coordinate with all other staff as necessary
• The environmental officer is responsible for assisting the
energy manager in identifying environmental impacts from
energy practices and technologies and potential mitigation of
those impacts
2017_ver 1.0
• Two thirds of the fuel that a conventional diesel generator burns is
blown out as heat. Only one third is converted into electricity.
• In a typical military camp, 60-70% of fuel is used to produce
electricity to heat/cool water or air.
• Advanced technology and higher standards of living in camps have
led to increased energy demand.
• Depending on what role a soldier has, he may carry multiple types
of batteries with at total weight of 4-12 kg (plus reserves).
• Examples from Afghanistan:
 For each gallon of fuel, up to 4 gallons were consumed for transport.
 Fully burdened cost of fuel can be over 90€ per liter.
 On average there has been one casualty for every 24 fuel resupply
Energy Facts
2017_ver 1.0
Benefits of Good Energy Management
• Increases operational effectiveness and
mission accomplishment
• Reduces life cycle costs
• Reduces logistical footprint (“More tooth, less
• Optimizes resource use (time, manpower,
• Enhances force protection
• Saves lives
• Reduces the need for resupply convoys
• Increases operational resilience
• Provides energy security
• Enables risk mitigation
• Reduces negative environmental impact
Energy Demand
2017_ver 1.0
Return on Investment for an Energy Efficient
2017_ver 1.0
Energy Planning
Energy Considerations
2017_ver 1.0
Operational Energy Management Planning
• Planning stage/pre-deployment: this
is when the decisions are made that
will determine how energy efficient
the operation will be
• Develop an energy management plan
which includes:
 Energy use profile (baseline assessment
of energy needs): where, how much,
 Energy production and distribution
(energy budget/target, energy usage)
 Resources needed and possible
alternative energy sources and
 Responsible personnel
 Monitoring plan for energy use
Needs power
Can do up
to 2 days
Can do longer
without power
Planners should identify and prioritize
which energy requirements are essential
for the mission.
2017_ver 1.0
Duration of Operation
Photo credits: SwAF, and FOI
2017_ver 1.0
Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term
• Use natural lighting as much as
• Choose energy-efficient appliances
where possible (e.g., fluorescent
• Develop personnel awareness about
energy saving
• Establish micro grids for load
balance and off peak power use
(thus minimizing fuel needs)
• Plan and establish thermally
insulated buildings only, where
possible, with eco-efficient materiel
(i.e., cellulose insulation)
• Plan and establish resource-saving
• Consider waste- to-energy
conversion systems
• Plan and establish alternative,
renewable energy resources and
waste-to-energy converters.
• Use newest techniques for efficient
air-conditioning (i.e. heat-pumps).
• Establish a benefit system for
successful energy/resources
• Consider waste-to-energy
conversion systems
(Minimum Environmental Standards)
Base Camp
Bare Base
Operational Energy Management Planning
• Raise Awareness
• Train personnel on energy
management requirements,
behavior practices and
• Coordinate with other functions
as needed to ensure safe
procedures and protocols
• Implement plan and monitor
performance of energy systems
• Implement corrective actions or
reset energy usage goals
• Maintain documentation
Responsibility for energy use management and energy best management practices may evolve as the
camp matures from initial to sustained operations
2017_ver 1.0
Additional Planning Considerations
• Duration of the mission affects the
feasibility of renewable energy source
• More mature camps may have higher
energy demands to enhance quality of
• Host nation considerations:
 Energy use of the base camp should
not exceed or strain the host nation
 In areas with little or no energy
resources, personnel should be
conscious of the perception of excess
energy usage Photo credit: UNHCR
Photo credit: Swedish FOI
2017_ver 1.0
Additional Planning Considerations
• Feasibility of common renewable
 Solar radiation
 Geothermal
 Sustainable wind speeds
 Biomass availability
• Dependency on external fuel supply
• High CO2-emissions
• Self-sustainment in energy supply
• Low CO2-emissions
Picture credits: http://solargis.info/
2017_ver 1.0
• Use energy efficient equipment
– LED lightening
– Low-flow shower heads
– Microgrids for integrated power sources
• Energy conservation
– Seal leaks
– Use natural lighting
– Shading
– Directional siting of structures
• Behavioral change
– Limited shower durations
– Turning off lights, computers
– Eliminating unnecessary idling of vehicles
– Economic driving, e.g. no fast starts or sudden stops
Examples of Energy Reduction Practices
2017_ver 1.0
Related Energy Planning Aspects
Fuel Storage
Spill and Releases Air Quality Noise
Photo credits: Swedish FOI
2017_ver 1.0
Uses and Examples
2017_ver 1.0
Infrastructure & Equipment
• Lights, computers, alarms, medical, etc.
• Air heating and cooling
• Appliances (e.g., kitchen, laundry)
• Waste-water collection, treatment and disposal
• Solid waste collection, disposal/ incineration
• Water extraction, treatment and distribution
• Water heating
• Refrigeration
• Aviation
• Vehicles and ground equipment
General Use of Energy in Operations
2017_ver 1.0
• General Example:
Command Post Exercise (CPX) ENERGEX, 2012 - NATO
ENSEC COE (Lithuania)
• Energy Demand Challenges:
Camp Nobel, Mali - Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF)
• Seasonal Variations in Energy Usage:
Camp Northern Lights, Afghanistan – SwAF
• Real-Time Energy Monitoring:
Operation Nanook 2012, Inuvik, Canada – Canadian Armed
Examples of Energy Usage
2017_ver 1.0
Example of Energy Consumption in
Conventional Camp
End use Size (Kwh) Hours Run Energy (Kwh) Co2 (T) Notes
% from all energy
Lighting (external) 208 1 825 999 546 249 6 %
Lighting (internal) 61 7 300 1 168 000 292 7.5 %
Cooling 333 7 300 6 387 500 1597 41 %
Hot Water 180 3 650 1 815 395 454 11.5 %
Small Power (Accommodation) 158 7 300 3 028 008 760 19.5 %
Small Power (Office) 82 7 300 1 959 474 490 12.5 %
Catering 16 Various 155 449 39 1 %
Ventilation (fans) 0 0 0 0 Assumed natural
Transport NA NA NA NA Outside scope
Total 1046 34 675 15 520 371 3 880
Note: Facts from SWE CAMP Northern Lights MEZ AFGH 2013, 550 PAX
2017_ver 1.0
Main Consumers of Fuel
Other uses
Activity Fuel consumption
liters (l) / month
Power production:
Kitchen, mess-hall
(total 90 000)
36 000
11 700
8 100
7 600
4 500
4 500
17 600
Heaters 14 000
Transportation 5 500
Incinerator 3 000
Other users 3 900
Total 116 400
2017_ver 1.0
Offices, HQ &
communication - 27 %
Accommodations - 40%
Other; medical, sanitary,
laundry, workshops
etc. - 20 %
Welfare - 5 %
Kitchen & mess
hall - 8 %
2017_ver 1.0
Camp Nobel, Mali - Swedish Armed Forces
Energy Demand Challenges
• High consumption of diesel for operations
• Periodic lack of fuel for operations due to high consumption and limited fuel
• Poor fuel quality resulted in poor local air quality and equipment efficiency
• Some older equipment required more fuel than newer equipment would
have required
• No alternative energy sources installed (per December 2015)
Picture credits: FOI (Swedish research agency)
SWE Camp Nobel Mali
(Timbuktu) 2014,
made for 250 Pax.
2017_ver 1.0
Camp Northern Lights, Afghanistan, 2011-2012
Swedish Armed Forces
Seasonal variations for energy usage throughout one year in Afghanistan
During the 2011-2012, 25 air-conditioning units and kitchen facilities consumed
24% of all electrical energy at the camp (550 Pax) the entire year.
2017_ver 1.0
Real-Time Energy Monitoring
Operation NANOOK 2012, Canada
2017_ver 1.0
Production, Storage and
2017_ver 1.0
Potential Energy Sources and Technologies
• Biomass
• Biogas
• Natural gas
• Wind
• Solar
• Solid waste
• Host-nation
Photo credit: Canadian Forces
Photo credit: Swedish FOI
2017_ver 1.0
• Generators
• Photovoltaic Cells
• Solar thermal
• Wind turbines
• Micro-hydro
• Waste to energy
• Micro grid
• Hybrid systems
• Advantages
Well-known, reliable concept
Low upfront capital cost
• Disadvantages
High operating costs
High maintenance requirements
High logistics burden
Spill risks
• Limitations
Fuel availability
Fuel quality
Duration Suitability Index
Short Medium Long
Savings up to 30% - 50% possible due to
demand-controlled power generation/
variable generators
Photo credit: Swedish FOI
2017_ver 1.0
Energy Production
Fuel-Powered Generators
Energy Production
Photovoltaic Cells/Solar Thermal
• Advantages
 Low operating cost
 Low maintenance requirements
 Low logistical burden
 Several possible applications
• Disadvantages
 High upfront capital cost
 Low energy production per unit
 Vulnerable to attack
 Maximum benefit requires battery
• Limitations
 Lack of sunlight (latitude, hill
slope, orientation, shading, etc.)
 Requires secondary power source
Duration Suitability Index
Short Medium Long
Photo credits: EDA, FOI, and Franceski et al 2014
2017_ver 1.0
 Right-sized PV system + designed
distribution system replaced spot generators
 Significant fuel savings, increased reliability
and power capability
 Removed transportation challenges of
moving fuel to a remote location
 Enhanced operational capability by removing
risk of power shortfall or system failure
OE Activities
 Replaced spot generators with
properly sized and distributed system
 Reduced total load
 Improved redundant power capability
 265K litres of fuel & 1.7€M in
35KW Solar panel in Chad
• Repurposed system from Afghanistan
• Included automatic transfer switch for backup generator
when sunlight is not adequate
“We are fuel independent at our base in Chad through
Solar Power panels” – LTC Lockridge JAN 15 site report
Energy Production
Photovoltaic Application in Africa
2017_ver 1.0
Energy Production
• Advantages
Low operating cost
Low logistics burden
• Disadvantages
High upfront capital cost
May disturb mission-essential
equipment (radar, aircraft)
Vulnerable to attack
Maximum benefit requires
battery storage
• Limitations
Access to sufficient wind
Requires secondary power
Duration Suitability Index
Short Medium Long
Photo credit: Canadian Forces
Picture credit: Swedish FOI
2017_ver 1.0
Diesel Generators
Waste to Energy
Energy Distribution
Hybrid Systems and Micro-Grids
2017_ver 1.0
Energy Efficiency
2017_ver 1.0
Energy Efficiency
A Holistic Approach in Practice
Behavioral change
Energy efficient
Energy Conservation
2017_ver 1.0
• Facility planning and building zoning
• Natural shading, window coatings
• Lighting (internal, external, natural
• LED or occupancy sensors
• Heat transfer technologies, heat pumps,
hot water
• Air tightness, insulation, ventilation
• Variable speed electric motor drives
• Solar for thermal and electrical use,
insulated hot water systems, water-
efficient systems
Energy Efficiency
Canadian Armed Forces (aka, ”Awesome Henry”)
2017_ver 1.0
• Common spaces
• Assembly areas
• Equipment storage / dressing rooms
• Passages connecting the zones
• Parts of the accommodation areas
• Storages
• Recreational facilities in accommodation areas
• Sleeping quarters
• Office spaces
• Briefing / meeting rooms
• Sanitary facilities
• Drying rooms
• Common spaces in harsh environments
• Saunas
Energy Efficiency
Zoning by Use
2017_ver 1.0
Energy Efficiency
Passive Cooling Methods
2017_ver 1.0
• Thorough air sealing
substantially increases the
energy efficiency of structures
• Air infiltrates in and out through
every hole and crack
• About 30% of air leaks through
openings in ceilings, walls and
Energy Efficiency
Air Sealing
2017_ver 1.0
Energy Efficiency
Efficient Use of Heaters and Air Conditioners
• Use centrally regulated systems and
programmable thermostats
• Keep doors and windows closed to
prevent loss of conditioned air
• Perform preventative maintenance on
• Reduce heating and air conditioning in
spaces that are only used for short
• Shut down heating and air conditioning
systems when not required
2017_ver 1.0
• Skilled operation and maintenance
staff for power production and
• Efficient use of motorized equipment
(reduce or eliminate unnecessary
• Metering of main consumption points
and centralized monitoring of energy
Energy Efficiency
Use and Behavior
2017_ver 1.0
• Use power management settings on
computers and turn off lights when not
• Eliminate unnecessary vehicle use
• Ensure dishwashing and laundry
machines are full before being
• Take shorter showers
• Use natural lightning when possible
• Turn off the tap when brushing teeth or
Energy Efficiency
Conservation Actions
Photo credit: Swedish FOI
Conserving resources
conserves energy!
2017_ver 1.0
• Energy efficiency is a tactical issue
for the commander and planning
• Energy conservation saves money
and lives
• Environmental and energy issues
need to be integrated early in the
planning process
• There’s no ”right answer”…each
situation requires its own solution
Conclusion and Key-Take Aways
2017_ver 1.0
2017_ver 1.0
Document Source Energy mentions
Policy MC469/1 (14 Oct. ‘11) - NATO Military
Principles and Policies for
Environmental Protection (EP)
No mention
Doctrine AJEPP 4/ STANAG 7141 Joint NATO
EP Doctrine during NATO-led Military
Multiple mentions
…Ensure careful use of energy sources/
…energy efficiency/conservation
Waste Management
No mention
Compound Environmental File
No mention
Standards and Norms for Military
Annex F. Energy
AJEPP 2 /STANAG 2582 Best EP
Practices for Military Camps
Annex F - Infrastructure Planning and
Energy Conservation
NATO Operations
Multiple mentions
..Sources of energy … energy efficiency
AJEPP 7 /STANAG 2594 Best EP
Practices for Military Training Areas
Multiple mentions
…energy dissipation… energy depletion…
energy intense…
Energy in NATO Environmental Policy /
2017_ver 1.0
• NATO Energy Security Center of
Excellence (ENSEC COE), Lithuania
• NATO Smart Energy Team
• NATO Library Guide on Energy Security
Other NATO Energy Activities
2017_ver 1.0
• Energy conservation
• Amounts and type of energy required for
the camp sites
• Investigation of possible use of renewable
energy sources
• UN climate neutrality
• Changing behavior! Recommended Actions:
 Install wind-driven ventilators
 Install visible thermometers & hygrometers to
monitor temperature & humidity
 Choose energy-efficient appliances & lighting
 Use renewable energy devices for water heating and
electrical appliances where affordable/practical
 Promote Eco driving
The mission “will take measures to ensure
that the use of energy is optimized by the
mission with the aim to minimize the mission’s
greenhouse-gas emissions while ensuring
enough power for proper functioning.”
UN DPKO/DFS Environmental Policy for UN Field
Missions (2009), para 37
UN Peacekeeping and Energy
2017_ver 1.0
European Union (EU)
The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive (http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-
directive) establishes a set of binding measures to help the EU reach its 20% energy efficiency target by 2020.
Under the Directive, all EU countries are required to use energy more efficiently at all stages of the energy chain
from its production to its final consumption.
Additional sources of information about EU guidance and assessments include:
• European Defence Agency (EDA). “Military Green 2013 Climate, Environmental and Energy Security – From
Strategy to Action Report from Workshop Series 6 – 7 June and 13 June 2013.” See
• “EDA installs energy management equipment at EUTM Mali camp,” https://eda.europa.eu/info-hub/press-
• European External Action Service (EEAS). European Union Military Concept on Environmental Protection
and Energy Efficiency for EU-led military operations. EEAS (14 September 2012)
• Righi, M. EUFOR Feasibility Study. Internal document. EUFOR: Butmir, Sarajevo, 2008, p. 8
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
• NATO’s Energy Security Center of Excellence (ENSEC COE), http://www.enseccoe.org/en/home.html
• NATO’s Library Guide on Energy Security, http://www.natolibguides.info/energysecurity
• NATO’s Energy Security Strategic Awareness Course, http://www.enseccoe.org/en/news/the-first-energy-
• NATO’s Smart Energy Team (SENT) final report, http://www.natolibguides.info/ld.php?content_id=18110194
NATO (continued)
• NATO Wales Summit Declaration, http://www.nato.int/cps/ic/natohq/official_texts_112964.htm (September
• NATO Chicago Summit Declaration,
http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_87593.htm?selectedLocale=en (May 2012)
• NATO Military Principles and Policies for Environmental Protection (EP), MC469/1 (14 October 2011)
• NATO Strategic Concept of 2010. ”Active Engagement, Modern Defence” (para 15),
United Nations (UN)
• United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Guidelines for Energy Savings (2015)
• United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Greening the Blue Helmets - Environment, Natural
Resources and UN Peacekeeping Operations. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP, May 2012
• ”On the Establishment of MINUSMA.” S/RES/2100 (April 2013)
• UNEP. Assessment of Energy, Water and Waste Reduction Options for the Proposed AMISOM HQ Camp in
Mogadishu, Somalia and the Support Base in Mombasa (2010)
• UN DPKO/DFS. Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (2009)
• Moving Towards a Climate Neutral UN: The UN System’s Footprint and Efforts to Reduce It (2009 edition)
• Liljedahl, B., M. Rydbo, E. Martinsson, and A. Waleij. Energy Efficient UN-Camp - Repayment on Additional
Investment. FOI-SH—0078-SE. Umeå, Sweden: Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), 2009
• Waleij, Annica, Daniel Westerlund, and Birgitta Liljedahl. Experiences of Solar Energy Technologies during
Field Conditions. FOI-R-4204-SE. Stockholm, Sweden: FOI, 2015
• Waleij, A. and J. Hedström. ”A Life Cycle Perspective on Camps- Complex Issues Handled Holistically.” FOI
MEMO 4935 (2014)
• Waleij, A., K.D. Mattson, J. Berggren, J. Hedström, and B. Liljedahl. “Holistic Camp Planning to Address the
Cumulative Environmental Footprint from Military and Civilian Actors Operating in the Same Area.”
Proceedings from the European Conference of Defence and the Environment 2013. Helsinki: 2013-05-20 -
2013-05-21, s.23-28
• Waleij, A., M. Östensson, D. Harriman, and C. Edlund. Greening Peace Operations - Policy and Practice.
FOI-R--3112—SE. Stockholm, Sweden: FOI, 2011
United States
• Newell B. and E. B. Shields. USMC Expeditionary Energy Office Report on Expeditionary Energy Data
Collection within Regional Command Southwest, Afghanistan. USMC Expeditionary Energy Office:
September 2012
• U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Saver. Tips on Saving Money & Energy at Home. Washington, DC:
DOE, 2009.
• U.S. Energy Information Administration, AEO2014 Early Release Overview.
• Bhandari, Binayak, Kyung-Tae Lee, Gil-Yong Lee, Young-Man Cho, and Sung-Hoon Ahn. “Optimization of
Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Systems: A Review.” International Journal of Precision Engineering and
Manufacturing – Green Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2015), pp. 99-112 at p. 99
• Cassolato et al. ”Operational Energy: A Multi-Faceted Government Approach.” NATO EnvSec CoE Energy
Security: Operational Highlights, No. 6 (2014)
• Franceski et al. “Off-grid Solar PV Power for Humanitarian Action: From Emergency Communications to
Refugee Camp Micro-grids,” Procedia Engineering, Volume 78 (2014), pp. 229–235
• Green Defence Framework, http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles//C/2/0/%7BC20727DA-FDA3-4002-BB25-
• International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). White Paper: Microgrids for Disaster Preparedness and
Recovery with Electricity Continuity Plans and Systems (2014)
• Irradiation mapping can be found, for example, at http://solargis.info/ or
• Nazira, R., H.D. Laksonoa, E.P. Waldia, E. Ekaputrab, and P Coveriaa. “Renewable Energy Sources
Optimization: A Micro-Grid Model Design,” Energy Procedia 52 (2014), pp. 316 – 327

More Related Content


  • 3. 3 • Understand the importance of energy in the planning and execution of military operations and training • Raise awareness for all personnel about the impact that energy has on the mission and how behavioral changes can reduce energy requirements • Be familiar with planning considerations for the energy management components • Provide practical guidance for improving energy efficiency Objectives 2017_ver 1.0
  • 4. 4 • Discuss objectives and definitions of energy considerations • Describe the significance of energy in operations • Identify planning considerations for optimal energy management • Provide examples of energy use in specific military operations • Present options for energy production, storage and distribution • Discuss energy efficiency practices Overview 2017_ver 1.0
  • 5. 5 • Operational energy: the energy required for training, moving and sustaining military forces and weapons platforms for military operations • Energy efficiency: Using less energy to provide the same service • Renewable energy: energy generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat • Energy management: a balanced combination of energy awareness, behavioral practices and technology to systematically achieve energy efficiency for optimal military operations. Definitions 2017_ver 1.0
  • 6. 6 • All personnel have the responsibility to be good stewards of energy. They should be aware of their energy use and modify their behavior to reduce their energy consumption • The operational planner and camp planner have the primary responsibility for energy management and should coordinate with the safety, logistics and engineer staff • The commander is responsible for designating a specific energy manager, likely within the engineer staff, and authorizing him to coordinate with all other staff as necessary • The environmental officer is responsible for assisting the energy manager in identifying environmental impacts from energy practices and technologies and potential mitigation of those impacts Responsibilities 2017_ver 1.0
  • 7. 7 • Two thirds of the fuel that a conventional diesel generator burns is blown out as heat. Only one third is converted into electricity. • In a typical military camp, 60-70% of fuel is used to produce electricity to heat/cool water or air. • Advanced technology and higher standards of living in camps have led to increased energy demand. • Depending on what role a soldier has, he may carry multiple types of batteries with at total weight of 4-12 kg (plus reserves). • Examples from Afghanistan:  For each gallon of fuel, up to 4 gallons were consumed for transport.  Fully burdened cost of fuel can be over 90€ per liter.  On average there has been one casualty for every 24 fuel resupply convoys. Energy Facts 2017_ver 1.0
  • 8. 8 Benefits of Good Energy Management • Increases operational effectiveness and mission accomplishment • Reduces life cycle costs • Reduces logistical footprint (“More tooth, less tail”) • Optimizes resource use (time, manpower, money) • Enhances force protection • Saves lives • Reduces the need for resupply convoys • Increases operational resilience • Provides energy security • Enables risk mitigation • Reduces negative environmental impact Energy Demand Operational Effectiveness 2017_ver 1.0
  • 9. 9 Return on Investment for an Energy Efficient Camp 2017_ver 1.0
  • 11. 11 Operational Energy Management Planning • Planning stage/pre-deployment: this is when the decisions are made that will determine how energy efficient the operation will be • Develop an energy management plan which includes:  Energy use profile (baseline assessment of energy needs): where, how much, timing  Energy production and distribution (energy budget/target, energy usage)  Resources needed and possible alternative energy sources and configurations  Responsible personnel  Monitoring plan for energy use Mission essential Storage Accomo- dation Needs power 365/24/7 Can do up to 2 days without power Can do longer without power Planners should identify and prioritize which energy requirements are essential for the mission. 2017_ver 1.0
  • 12. 12 Duration of Operation Photo credits: SwAF, and FOI 2017_ver 1.0 Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term • Use natural lighting as much as possible • Choose energy-efficient appliances where possible (e.g., fluorescent lights) • Develop personnel awareness about energy saving • Establish micro grids for load balance and off peak power use (thus minimizing fuel needs) • Plan and establish thermally insulated buildings only, where possible, with eco-efficient materiel (i.e., cellulose insulation) • Plan and establish resource-saving installations • Consider waste- to-energy conversion systems • Plan and establish alternative, renewable energy resources and waste-to-energy converters. • Use newest techniques for efficient air-conditioning (i.e. heat-pumps). • Establish a benefit system for successful energy/resources saving. • Consider waste-to-energy conversion systems Resources Environmental Requirements Time (Minimum Environmental Standards) Developed Base Camp Bare Base
  • 13. 13 Operational Energy Management Planning • Raise Awareness • Train personnel on energy management requirements, behavior practices and responsibilities • Coordinate with other functions as needed to ensure safe procedures and protocols • Implement plan and monitor performance of energy systems • Implement corrective actions or reset energy usage goals • Maintain documentation Responsibility for energy use management and energy best management practices may evolve as the camp matures from initial to sustained operations Energy awareness Energy conser- vation Energy efficiency 2017_ver 1.0
  • 14. 14 Additional Planning Considerations • Duration of the mission affects the feasibility of renewable energy source options • More mature camps may have higher energy demands to enhance quality of life • Host nation considerations:  Energy use of the base camp should not exceed or strain the host nation infrastructure  In areas with little or no energy resources, personnel should be conscious of the perception of excess energy usage Photo credit: UNHCR Photo credit: Swedish FOI 2017_ver 1.0
  • 15. 15 Additional Planning Considerations • Feasibility of common renewable resources:  Solar radiation  Geothermal  Sustainable wind speeds  Biomass availability • Dependency on external fuel supply • High CO2-emissions • Self-sustainment in energy supply • Low CO2-emissions Picture credits: http://solargis.info/ 2017_ver 1.0
  • 16. 16 • Use energy efficient equipment – LED lightening – Low-flow shower heads – Microgrids for integrated power sources • Energy conservation – Seal leaks – Use natural lighting – Shading – Directional siting of structures • Behavioral change – Limited shower durations – Turning off lights, computers – Eliminating unnecessary idling of vehicles – Economic driving, e.g. no fast starts or sudden stops Examples of Energy Reduction Practices 2017_ver 1.0
  • 17. 17 Related Energy Planning Aspects Fuel Storage Capacity Force Protection Spill and Releases Air Quality Noise Photo credits: Swedish FOI 2017_ver 1.0
  • 19. 19 Infrastructure & Equipment • Lights, computers, alarms, medical, etc. • Air heating and cooling • Appliances (e.g., kitchen, laundry) • Waste-water collection, treatment and disposal • Solid waste collection, disposal/ incineration Utilities • Water extraction, treatment and distribution • Water heating • Refrigeration Transportation • Aviation • Vehicles and ground equipment maintenance General Use of Energy in Operations 2017_ver 1.0
  • 20. 20 • General Example: Command Post Exercise (CPX) ENERGEX, 2012 - NATO ENSEC COE (Lithuania) • Energy Demand Challenges: Camp Nobel, Mali - Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) • Seasonal Variations in Energy Usage: Camp Northern Lights, Afghanistan – SwAF • Real-Time Energy Monitoring: Operation Nanook 2012, Inuvik, Canada – Canadian Armed Forces Examples of Energy Usage 2017_ver 1.0
  • 21. 21 Example of Energy Consumption in Conventional Camp End use Size (Kwh) Hours Run Energy (Kwh) Co2 (T) Notes % from all energy Lighting (external) 208 1 825 999 546 249 6 % Lighting (internal) 61 7 300 1 168 000 292 7.5 % Cooling 333 7 300 6 387 500 1597 41 % Hot Water 180 3 650 1 815 395 454 11.5 % Small Power (Accommodation) 158 7 300 3 028 008 760 19.5 % Small Power (Office) 82 7 300 1 959 474 490 12.5 % Catering 16 Various 155 449 39 1 % Ventilation (fans) 0 0 0 0 Assumed natural ventilation Transport NA NA NA NA Outside scope Total 1046 34 675 15 520 371 3 880 Note: Facts from SWE CAMP Northern Lights MEZ AFGH 2013, 550 PAX 2017_ver 1.0
  • 22. 22 Main Consumers of Fuel Power production 77% Heaters 12% Transportation 5% Incinerator 3% Other uses 3% Activity Fuel consumption liters (l) / month Power production: Accommodation Offices HQ Kitchen, mess-hall Communication Recreation Others (total 90 000) 36 000 11 700 8 100 7 600 4 500 4 500 17 600 Heaters 14 000 Transportation 5 500 Incinerator 3 000 Other users 3 900 Total 116 400 2017_ver 1.0 CPX ENERGEX 2012 - NATO
  • 23. 23 Offices, HQ & communication - 27 % Accommodations - 40% Other; medical, sanitary, laundry, workshops etc. - 20 % Welfare - 5 % Kitchen & mess hall - 8 % 2017_ver 1.0 CPX ENERGEX 2012 - NATO
  • 24. 24 Camp Nobel, Mali - Swedish Armed Forces Energy Demand Challenges • High consumption of diesel for operations • Periodic lack of fuel for operations due to high consumption and limited fuel supply • Poor fuel quality resulted in poor local air quality and equipment efficiency • Some older equipment required more fuel than newer equipment would have required • No alternative energy sources installed (per December 2015) Picture credits: FOI (Swedish research agency) Note: SWE Camp Nobel Mali (Timbuktu) 2014, made for 250 Pax. 2017_ver 1.0
  • 25. 25 Camp Northern Lights, Afghanistan, 2011-2012 Swedish Armed Forces Seasonal variations for energy usage throughout one year in Afghanistan During the 2011-2012, 25 air-conditioning units and kitchen facilities consumed 24% of all electrical energy at the camp (550 Pax) the entire year. Week 2017_ver 1.0
  • 26. 26 Real-Time Energy Monitoring Operation NANOOK 2012, Canada Refrigeration 14% 2017_ver 1.0
  • 28. 28 Potential Energy Sources and Technologies Sources: • Biomass • Biogas • Natural gas • Wind • Solar • Solid waste • Host-nation infrastructure Photo credit: Canadian Forces Photo credit: Swedish FOI 2017_ver 1.0 Technologies: • Generators • Photovoltaic Cells • Solar thermal heating • Wind turbines • Micro-hydro installations • Waste to energy • Micro grid • Hybrid systems
  • 29. 29 • Advantages Well-known, reliable concept Low upfront capital cost • Disadvantages High operating costs High maintenance requirements High logistics burden Ineffective Noisy Spill risks • Limitations Fuel availability Fuel quality Duration Suitability Index Short Medium Long Savings up to 30% - 50% possible due to demand-controlled power generation/ variable generators Photo credit: Swedish FOI 2017_ver 1.0 Energy Production Fuel-Powered Generators
  • 30. 30 Energy Production Photovoltaic Cells/Solar Thermal • Advantages  Low operating cost  Low maintenance requirements  Low logistical burden  Several possible applications • Disadvantages  High upfront capital cost  Low energy production per unit area  Vulnerable to attack  Maximum benefit requires battery storage • Limitations  Lack of sunlight (latitude, hill slope, orientation, shading, etc.)  Requires secondary power source Duration Suitability Index Short Medium Long Photo credits: EDA, FOI, and Franceski et al 2014 2017_ver 1.0
  • 31. 31  Right-sized PV system + designed distribution system replaced spot generators  Significant fuel savings, increased reliability and power capability  Removed transportation challenges of moving fuel to a remote location  Enhanced operational capability by removing risk of power shortfall or system failure OE Activities Niamey  Replaced spot generators with properly sized and distributed system  Reduced total load  Improved redundant power capability  265K litres of fuel & 1.7€M in savings! 35KW Solar panel in Chad • Repurposed system from Afghanistan • Included automatic transfer switch for backup generator when sunlight is not adequate “We are fuel independent at our base in Chad through Solar Power panels” – LTC Lockridge JAN 15 site report Energy Production Photovoltaic Application in Africa Source: USAFRICOM 2017_ver 1.0
  • 32. 32 Energy Production Wind • Advantages Low operating cost Low logistics burden • Disadvantages High upfront capital cost May disturb mission-essential equipment (radar, aircraft) Vulnerable to attack Maximum benefit requires battery storage Noise • Limitations Access to sufficient wind Requires secondary power source Duration Suitability Index Short Medium Long Photo credit: Canadian Forces Picture credit: Swedish FOI 2017_ver 1.0
  • 33. 33 Wind Diesel Generators Waste to Energy Solar Energy Storage System Biogas Energy Distribution Hybrid Systems and Micro-Grids 2017_ver 1.0
  • 35. 35 Energy Efficiency A Holistic Approach in Practice MAXIMUM ENERGY EFFICIENCY IS A THREE-PRONGED APPROACH Behavioral change Energy efficient technologies Energy Conservation 2017_ver 1.0
  • 36. 36 • Facility planning and building zoning • Natural shading, window coatings • Lighting (internal, external, natural lightning) • LED or occupancy sensors • Heat transfer technologies, heat pumps, hot water • Air tightness, insulation, ventilation • Variable speed electric motor drives • Solar for thermal and electrical use, insulated hot water systems, water- efficient systems Energy Efficiency Facilities Canadian Armed Forces (aka, ”Awesome Henry”) 2017_ver 1.0
  • 37. 37 UNINSULATED INTERIORS • Common spaces • Assembly areas • Equipment storage / dressing rooms • Passages connecting the zones COVERED EXTERIORS • Parts of the accommodation areas • Storages EXTERIORS • Recreational facilities in accommodation areas INSULATED INTERIORS • Sleeping quarters • Office spaces • Briefing / meeting rooms • Sanitary facilities • Drying rooms • Common spaces in harsh environments • Saunas Energy Efficiency Zoning by Use 2017_ver 1.0
  • 38. 38 Energy Efficiency Passive Cooling Methods 2017_ver 1.0
  • 39. 39 • Thorough air sealing substantially increases the energy efficiency of structures • Air infiltrates in and out through every hole and crack • About 30% of air leaks through openings in ceilings, walls and floors Energy Efficiency Air Sealing 2017_ver 1.0
  • 40. 40 Energy Efficiency Efficient Use of Heaters and Air Conditioners • Use centrally regulated systems and programmable thermostats • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent loss of conditioned air • Perform preventative maintenance on schedule • Reduce heating and air conditioning in spaces that are only used for short periods • Shut down heating and air conditioning systems when not required 2017_ver 1.0
  • 41. 41 • Skilled operation and maintenance staff for power production and distribution • Efficient use of motorized equipment (reduce or eliminate unnecessary idling) • Metering of main consumption points and centralized monitoring of energy use Energy Efficiency Use and Behavior 2017_ver 1.0
  • 42. 42 • Use power management settings on computers and turn off lights when not needed • Eliminate unnecessary vehicle use • Ensure dishwashing and laundry machines are full before being operated • Take shorter showers • Use natural lightning when possible • Turn off the tap when brushing teeth or shaving Energy Efficiency Conservation Actions Photo credit: Swedish FOI Conserving resources conserves energy! 2017_ver 1.0
  • 43. 43 • Energy efficiency is a tactical issue for the commander and planning staff • Energy conservation saves money and lives • Environmental and energy issues need to be integrated early in the planning process • There’s no ”right answer”…each situation requires its own solution Conclusion and Key-Take Aways 2017_ver 1.0
  • 45. 45 Document Source Energy mentions Policy MC469/1 (14 Oct. ‘11) - NATO Military Principles and Policies for Environmental Protection (EP) No mention Doctrine AJEPP 4/ STANAG 7141 Joint NATO EP Doctrine during NATO-led Military Activities Multiple mentions …Ensure careful use of energy sources/ supplies… …energy efficiency/conservation awareness/responsibilities… Procedures/ Instructions AJEPP 5 /STANAG 2510 Joint NATO Waste Management No mention AJEPP 6/STANAG 6500 NATO Compound Environmental File No mention AJEPP 1 /STANAG 2581 EP Standards and Norms for Military Camps Annex F. Energy AJEPP 2 /STANAG 2582 Best EP Practices for Military Camps Annex F - Infrastructure Planning and Energy Conservation AJEPP 5 /STANAG 2583 EMS in NATO Operations Multiple mentions ..Sources of energy … energy efficiency … AJEPP 7 /STANAG 2594 Best EP Practices for Military Training Areas Multiple mentions …energy dissipation… energy depletion… energy intense… Energy in NATO Environmental Policy / Doctrine 2017_ver 1.0
  • 46. 46 • NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence (ENSEC COE), Lithuania • NATO Smart Energy Team • NATO Library Guide on Energy Security Other NATO Energy Activities http://www.natolibguides.info/smartenergy 2017_ver 1.0
  • 47. 47 • Energy conservation • Amounts and type of energy required for the camp sites • Investigation of possible use of renewable energy sources • UN climate neutrality • Changing behavior! Recommended Actions:  Install wind-driven ventilators  Install visible thermometers & hygrometers to monitor temperature & humidity  Choose energy-efficient appliances & lighting  Use renewable energy devices for water heating and electrical appliances where affordable/practical  Promote Eco driving The mission “will take measures to ensure that the use of energy is optimized by the mission with the aim to minimize the mission’s greenhouse-gas emissions while ensuring enough power for proper functioning.” UN DPKO/DFS Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (2009), para 37 UN Peacekeeping and Energy 2017_ver 1.0
  • 48. References European Union (EU) The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive (http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency- directive) establishes a set of binding measures to help the EU reach its 20% energy efficiency target by 2020. Under the Directive, all EU countries are required to use energy more efficiently at all stages of the energy chain from its production to its final consumption. Additional sources of information about EU guidance and assessments include: • European Defence Agency (EDA). “Military Green 2013 Climate, Environmental and Energy Security – From Strategy to Action Report from Workshop Series 6 – 7 June and 13 June 2013.” See https://www.eda.europa.eu/what-we-do/activities/activities-search/european-armed-forces-go-green • “EDA installs energy management equipment at EUTM Mali camp,” https://eda.europa.eu/info-hub/press- centre/latest-news/2015/10/13/eda-installs-energy-management-equipment-at-eutm-mali-camp • European External Action Service (EEAS). European Union Military Concept on Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency for EU-led military operations. EEAS (14 September 2012) • Righi, M. EUFOR Feasibility Study. Internal document. EUFOR: Butmir, Sarajevo, 2008, p. 8 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) • NATO’s Energy Security Center of Excellence (ENSEC COE), http://www.enseccoe.org/en/home.html • NATO’s Library Guide on Energy Security, http://www.natolibguides.info/energysecurity • NATO’s Energy Security Strategic Awareness Course, http://www.enseccoe.org/en/news/the-first-energy- sw1c.html • NATO’s Smart Energy Team (SENT) final report, http://www.natolibguides.info/ld.php?content_id=18110194 (2015) 48
  • 49. References NATO (continued) • NATO Wales Summit Declaration, http://www.nato.int/cps/ic/natohq/official_texts_112964.htm (September 2014) • NATO Chicago Summit Declaration, http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_87593.htm?selectedLocale=en (May 2012) • NATO Military Principles and Policies for Environmental Protection (EP), MC469/1 (14 October 2011) • NATO Strategic Concept of 2010. ”Active Engagement, Modern Defence” (para 15), http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_82705.htm United Nations (UN) • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Guidelines for Energy Savings (2015) • United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Greening the Blue Helmets - Environment, Natural Resources and UN Peacekeeping Operations. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP, May 2012 • ”On the Establishment of MINUSMA.” S/RES/2100 (April 2013) http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/minusma/documents/mali%20_2100_E_.pdf • UNEP. Assessment of Energy, Water and Waste Reduction Options for the Proposed AMISOM HQ Camp in Mogadishu, Somalia and the Support Base in Mombasa (2010) • UN DPKO/DFS. Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (2009) • Moving Towards a Climate Neutral UN: The UN System’s Footprint and Efforts to Reduce It (2009 edition) http://www.greeningtheblue.org/sites/default/files/MovingTowardsAClimateNeutral%20UN.pdf 49
  • 50. References Sweden • Liljedahl, B., M. Rydbo, E. Martinsson, and A. Waleij. Energy Efficient UN-Camp - Repayment on Additional Investment. FOI-SH—0078-SE. Umeå, Sweden: Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), 2009 • Waleij, Annica, Daniel Westerlund, and Birgitta Liljedahl. Experiences of Solar Energy Technologies during Field Conditions. FOI-R-4204-SE. Stockholm, Sweden: FOI, 2015 • Waleij, A. and J. Hedström. ”A Life Cycle Perspective on Camps- Complex Issues Handled Holistically.” FOI MEMO 4935 (2014) • Waleij, A., K.D. Mattson, J. Berggren, J. Hedström, and B. Liljedahl. “Holistic Camp Planning to Address the Cumulative Environmental Footprint from Military and Civilian Actors Operating in the Same Area.” Proceedings from the European Conference of Defence and the Environment 2013. Helsinki: 2013-05-20 - 2013-05-21, s.23-28 • Waleij, A., M. Östensson, D. Harriman, and C. Edlund. Greening Peace Operations - Policy and Practice. FOI-R--3112—SE. Stockholm, Sweden: FOI, 2011 United States • Newell B. and E. B. Shields. USMC Expeditionary Energy Office Report on Expeditionary Energy Data Collection within Regional Command Southwest, Afghanistan. USMC Expeditionary Energy Office: September 2012 • U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Saver. Tips on Saving Money & Energy at Home. Washington, DC: DOE, 2009. • U.S. Energy Information Administration, AEO2014 Early Release Overview. http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/09/f18/61628_BK_EERE-EnergySavers_w150.pdf 50
  • 51. References Other • Bhandari, Binayak, Kyung-Tae Lee, Gil-Yong Lee, Young-Man Cho, and Sung-Hoon Ahn. “Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Systems: A Review.” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2015), pp. 99-112 at p. 99 • Cassolato et al. ”Operational Energy: A Multi-Faceted Government Approach.” NATO EnvSec CoE Energy Security: Operational Highlights, No. 6 (2014) • Franceski et al. “Off-grid Solar PV Power for Humanitarian Action: From Emergency Communications to Refugee Camp Micro-grids,” Procedia Engineering, Volume 78 (2014), pp. 229–235 • Green Defence Framework, http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles//C/2/0/%7BC20727DA-FDA3-4002-BB25- BE49FC1C2F47%7DLloyd%20Chubbs%20AC281-N(2013)0096- REV4%20of%202014_01_23%20GREEN%20DEFENCE.pdf • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). White Paper: Microgrids for Disaster Preparedness and Recovery with Electricity Continuity Plans and Systems (2014) • Irradiation mapping can be found, for example, at http://solargis.info/ or http://solargis.info/doc/_pics/freemaps/1000px/ghi/SolarGIS-Solar-map-World-map-en.png • Nazira, R., H.D. Laksonoa, E.P. Waldia, E. Ekaputrab, and P Coveriaa. “Renewable Energy Sources Optimization: A Micro-Grid Model Design,” Energy Procedia 52 (2014), pp. 316 – 327 51

Editor's Notes

  1. These lesson objectives emphasize the key points of this briefing.
  2. The presentation is organized into the sections identified on this slide.
  3. Source for definition of operational energy is from the 2016 US Department of Defense Operational Energy Strategy, page 3. Source of definition of energy efficiency: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which also notes that it is not the same as energy conservation. A similar definition by the International Energy Agency is ”a way of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption.” The definition for renewable energy is derived from the PennState Extension definition. Energy management is a balanced combination of energy awareness, behavioral practices and technology to achieve energy efficiency for optimal military operations. (unknown source) Energy management includes planning and operation of energy production and energy consumption units. Objectives are resource conservation, climate protection and cost savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. It is connected closely to environmental management, production management, logistics and other established business functions. Source – Wikipedia.
  4. Although all personnel have responsibilities for efficient use of energy resources, the greatest impact can come in the initial planning stages when decisions regarding camp layout and energy usage are being made. In contrast to the rest of the toolbox, energy management is not specifically an Environmental Officer’s responsibility. However it is still important for the EO to play a role in the Energy Management Program regarding potential impacts to the environment.
  5. Source for battery data: ArmyTechnology.com, 1 July 2014, citing Dr. Cynthia Lundgren from the US Army Research Laboratory. Source for examples from Afghanistan: http://www.natolibguides.info/smartenergy
  6. This slide describes why proper energy management is a mission enabler. It covers a number of benefits realized when energy demand is reduced. When considering costs, it is important to consider the entire life cycle from procurement through disposition (for example maintenance, transportation and personnel requirements). Image Source: Image courtesy of KROMKRATHOG at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
  7. Behavioral changes and low-tech/low cost solutions will have a quick return on investment (ROI). This is an example of a calculation for a camp in Timor. As indicated in this example, the ROI for higher technology solutions is realized within 2 to 3 years. So the anticipated duration of an operation will help to determine the optimal investment in energy-efficient systems and construction. Source: Swedish FOI (Defense Research Agency) and United Nations Environmental Programme (2012): Greening the Blue Helmets
  8. Mission accomplishment is a high priority when developing an energy management plan. Mission comes first! The plan starts with a baseline assessment of energy needs: identifying who needs energy, when they need it, and what will impact energy usage (seasonal, time of day). After identifying needs, an energy budget determining production and distribution requirements must be created with associated targets for energy usage. Once the requirements are determined, the resources necessary to fulfill the production and distribution needs must be identified. It is at this point the opportunities to determine the feasibility of alternative energy sources and configurations should be analyzed. During this analysis, factors to be considered should include: security situation, local conditions (capacity, host nation support, feasibility of using renewable resources, etc.), mission duration and scale, and logistics footprint. The plan should also include integration of sensors and a routine monitoring process. Further reading/references: NATO AJEPP 2 /STANAG 2582 Best EP Practices for Military Camps, Annex F.
  9. Energy issues are addressed in policy and doctrine documents such as: Further reading/references: NATO AJEPP 2 /STANAG 2582 Best EP Practices for Military Camps, Annex F. European External Action Service (EEAS), European Union Military Concept on Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency for EU-led Military Operations. EEAS: 14 September 2012. UN DPKO/DFS, Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (2009), para 37. United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), Greening the Blue Helmets - Environment, Natural Resources and UN Peacekeeping Operations. UNEP: Nairobi, Kenya, May 2012. UNEP, Assessment of Energy, Water and Waste Reduction Options for the Proposed AMISOM HQ Camp in Mogadishu, Somalia and the Support Base in Mombasa, Kenya. UNEP: 2010.
  10. Another important element of the plan is to raise awareness among all deployed personnel at the camp to help shape their behavior and familiarize them with standard operating procedures to reduce energy demand. Training for personnel directly involved with operation, maintenance and monitoring of equipment must be established and must include safety procedures and protocols. The plan should be implemented and monitored to determine any areas of concern, opportunities for improvement, or any changes in mission. Documentation must be maintained; this is especially important because of changeovers in personnel. Responsibility for energy use management and energy best management practices may evolve as the camp matures from initial to sustained operations. Further reading/references: NATO AJEPP 2 /STANAG 2582 Best EP Practices for Military Camps, Annex F.
  11. Expected mission duration will also affect the range of energy options applicable. Energy consumption is strongly related to ambient conditions such as climate and camp population. As the population in a camp increases, so does the need for energy to fuel additional functions such as morale and welfare needs. Lack of energy is a challenge in most developing countries and conflict regions. When using host nation power production infrastructure, it is important to consider how that use impacts the local community. In cases where the camp is generating its own power, if the deployed forces are using significantly greater energy than the local community, it may generate a negative view of the force’s presence. Upper Picture: Concept picture of a mature base camp. Lower Picture: Solar power lamp used so that children are able to do their homework at night, in IDP/refugee camps
  12. As camps mature, greater consideration may be given to the efficacy of using renewable resources to meet some energy requirements. These may include the types listed on the slide although this is not meant to be a comprehensive list. Prior to any deployment, planners should refer to the deployment area’s irradiation mapping to determine the feasibility of using solar/PV power. See for example http://solargis.info/ and http://solargis.info/doc/_pics/freemaps/1000px/ghi/SolarGIS-Solar-map-World-map-en.png Planners must coordinate with the engineer and logistics staffs to determine the optimal combination of renewal energy resources and fossil-based energy resources to meet mission requirements. The timeline depicted on the slide illustrates the possible transition and benefits in moving toward more renewable energy sources in order to lower CO2 emissions and logistics requirements. These actions will enhance mission resiliency.
  13. The slide lists a few examples of good energy practices.
  14. Energy is an integral part of camp operations and is also closely related to several other areas, such as POL storage Force protection Spill prevention and response Air quality in the vicinity of generators (locally) and carbon footprint (regionally and globally) Noise By reducing the need for diesel fueled generators, all of the above-mentioned considerations are addressed. Because of all the interdependencies present, it is important to take an integrated approach that considers all aspects.
  15. Energy use in operational conditions is more difficult to predict than in the civilian society. This slide lists a range of typical energy uses in an operation.
  16. This slide lists several examples of energy use during exercises and deployments. Each is addressed in more detail in the following slides.
  17. This slide shows results from a NATO Command Post Exercise (CPX) ENERGEX 2012, designed to analyze how different constraints of energy supply could affect the sustainability of military capabilities in an operational environment. Exercise participants were encouraged to apply creative thinking and look for innovative solutions concerning energy supply-related issues. The biggest consumer of energy (fuel) in winter time was main electricity generators. Main energy (fuel) users are written in decreasing consumption sequence The main electricity generators ≈ 90 000 liters (l) of F35 per month = 77.3% It was necessary to prevent water from freezing in storage. Heaters for Water tanks ≈ 14 000 l per month = 12% Transportation assets (LTU) ≈ 5500 l per month = 4.7% Incinerator (for waste incineration) ≈3 000 l per month = 2.6% Other users (transportation assets, ESKO including contractor transportation, engineering assets) ≈ 3 900 l per month = Total 116, 400 l Main electricity generators provide electricity for: Downlisted users (amount of fuel needed to produce electricity, l. per month.): Accommodation (≈ 36 000 l.); = 40%, Offices (≈ 11 700 l.); = 13%, HQ (TOC) (≈ 8 100 l.); = 9 %, Kitchen, mess-hall (≈ 7 600 l.); = 8,4 %, Communication equipment (≈ 4 500 l.); = 5 %, Recreation: welfare building, sport hall, sauna (≈ 4 500 l.); = 5 %, Others (medical, sanitary, laundry, etc.) ≈17 600 l.) = 19,6 % = Total: 90 000 l Reference/further reading Drawn from COL Romualdas PETKEVIČIUS, Director NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, NATO Command Post Exercise (CPX) ENERGEX, 2012, The Sustainable Military Compounds (Towards a Zero Footprint Compound) (Chatham, United Kingdom, 8 – 11 October 2012).
  18. The numbers included in this slide are a rough estimation of energy consumption within the camp based on figures from the NATO Command Post Exercise (CPX) ENERGEX, 2012. (see previous slide) These are NOT actual measured energy consumption at Camp Castor. Furthermore, these numbers DO NOT include other energy uses as described in ENERGEX (see previous slide), that is Transportation assets, Incinerator (for waste incineration), Other users (transportation assets, ESKO including contractor transportation, engineering assets) or any Heaters for Water tanks (to prevent water freezing in storage). Break down: Accommodations = 40% Recreation = welfare building, sport hall, sauna 5% Kitchen and mess-hall = 8.4% Administrative = Offices (≈ 11 700 l.) = 13% HQ (TOC) (≈ 8 100 l.) = 9% Communication equipment (≈ 4 500 l.) = 5% Other = medical, sanitary, laundry, etc. (3 900 l.) = 20%
  19. Camp Nobel is a camp composed primarily of tents for living and operating space. It is a multi-national camp but the challenges listed above were those experienced by the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF). Sufficient access to energy is a prerequisite for SwAF operations in Mali and elsewhere. The SwAF needs to increase its understanding of energy consumption and how to minimize the unnecessary waste of energy. In addition, the UN DPKO/DFS’ Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (2009) , para 37 demands that: the mission “will take measures to ensure that the use of energy is optimized by the mission with the aim to minimize the mission’s greenhouse-gas emissions while ensuring enough power for proper functioning.” Reference/further reading: UN DPKO/DFS, Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (2009), para 37                             
  20. In 2012, the Swedish Armed Forces assigned a student at the Royal Institute of Technology to assess the consumption of energy at Camp Northern Lights (CNL), Afghanistan. The slide shows a breakdown of the electricity consumption during certain weeks in 2011 and 2012. On average, the consumption was approximately 34 000 liters per week (approximately 75% of a fuel truck). The largest consumers were the kitchen facilities and the 25 air conditioning units, which alone accounted for 24.4% of the total consumption. Reference/further reading Johan Ihlis, Campers energi. Kartläggning och analys av energiförbrukningen i Camp Northern Lights. Kandidatexamensarbete KTH: Institutionen för hållbar utveckling. 2012.
  21. The concept of sustainability was demonstrated through equipment and energy monitoring including: Vehicle Wash System, Mobile Incinerator, Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), Mobile WastewaterTreatment Plant (WWTP), Variable Speed Generators. The data collected revealed a total camp consumption of 32,086 kWh for both diesel and propane for a week in August with an average camp population of 181 personnel (out of 320 possible). The monitoring also showed that 85% of the total amount of diesel delivered to the camp was used by the generator farm to produce electricity and domestic hot water heating. A peak electrical demand of 247 kW and a total energy consumption of 22,279 kWh were recorded. The largest electric load during the exercise went to provide space heating for soldier accommodations. This load represents 33% of the total electricity generated on site. The kitchen, food preparation and ablution as well as the refrigeration units took another 23%, while the Tactical Operations Centre and the offices required 19%. The vehicle fueling station, transport and Electric Mechanical Engineers (EME), vehicle washing station and Central Material Traffic Terminal (CMTT) required 12%. The remaining loads were for the Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) and sewage, which accounted for 9%, and a single ablution which required 4%. Reference/ further reading L. Chubbs, “Canadian Case Studies on Energy Efficiency During Operations,” NATO EnvSec CoE Energy Security: Operational Highlights, No. 6, 2014. Cassolato et al, “Operational Energy: A Multi-Faceted Government Approach,” NATO EnvSec CoE Energy Security: Operational Highlights, No. 7, 2014
  22. Currently, generators are the most common source of locally produced electricity in military operations. More broadly, trends favor renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power over non-renewables as they become more efficient and less expensive. The description on some of the following slides also includes a rough ”Duration Suitability Index,” which indicates what is more feasible in the short, medium, and long term. It’s important to note, however, that these descriptions present only a conceptual comparison and the actual feasibility will vary from operation to operation and with geographical location and season. Case-by-case return on investment calculations and proof of concept will need to be performed.
  23. Diesel generators are the most common way to support energy requirements at camps. Variable speed generators are better than standard generators because of their ability to manage the power output depending on power loads. Varying generator speed ensures more efficient fuel management that leads to fuel savings of 29% - 33%. Generators seldom operate at their full capacity. In locations where no local grid is available, operations must be energy self-sufficient. Hence, generators are typically oversized to meet peak power demand plus a contingency factor. For example, the US Marine Corps sums the peak power demand of all known systems and chooses a generator that will support the summed load at 80%. If all equipment loads were constant, then the problem of right-sizing generators would not be challenging. However, it has been found that the load in the field varies daily, weekly and seasonally. Although diesel generators are a reliable power source, the efficiency and reliability of generators decrease significantly when they are under-loaded. Generators running at low loads cause three major problems: 1) Poor fuel efficiency, 2) Increased maintenance, 3) Decreased lifespan of the system. One way to reduce this problem is to store energy, e.g. in batteries. The batteries increase the time the generators can be operated at peak power (peak performance). When the batteries are fully charged, the generators can be shut down and the batteries operate the systems until they are discharged to a certain level, at which point the generators reengage. This minimizes fuel consumption, prolongs the life time of the generators and decreases the need for generator maintenance. Further reading/references: B. Newell and E. B. Shields, USMC Expeditionary Energy Office Report on Expeditionary Energy Data Collection within Regional Command Southwest, Afghanistan. USMC Expeditionary Energy Office: September 2012.
  24. Falling prices for solar panels make solar power an increasingly attractive investment. Solar power should not be used as the sole source of power, however, as it is intermittent and requires energy storage systems (batteries). System performance degrades over time due to environmental effects on PV panels. Further reading/references: Annica Waleij, Daniel Westerlund, Birgitta Liljedahl, Experiences of Solar Energy Technologies during Field Conditions. FOI-R-4204-SE (Stockholm, Sweden: FOI, 2015). Franceski et al, “Off-grid Solar PV Power for Humanitarian Action: From Emergency Communications to Refugee Camp Micro-grids,” Procedia Engineering, Volume 78, 2014, pp. 229–235. “EDA installs energy management equipment at EUTM Mali camp,” https://eda.europa.eu/info-hub/press-centre/latest-news/2015/10/13/eda-installs-energy-management-equipment-at-eutm-mali-camp.
  25. 31
  26. Wind turbines may create localized background noise for radars or be vulnerable to attack and hence be unfavorable for military operations. Despite the challenges, a wind power feasibility study at the EUFOR Butmir camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina found that with acceptable winds (10.2 m per second), a 30-40 percent proportion, combined photovoltaic-wind power generation solution could save 70% in energy costs compared to 100% diesel generation. Possible adverse effects on local wildlife should also be considered. The Canadian Forces also use wind power for short-term, section-sized deployments in the Arctic. Feasibility hence must be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Further reading/references: M. Righi, EUFOR feasibility study. Internal document. (Butmir, Sarajevo: EUFOR, 2008), p. 8.
  27. Hybrid systems and micro-grids each make efficient use of the available power and reduce the need for peak power generation by managing the supply of power based on demand. Renewable energy systems may be less reliable than more conventional systems and thus require secondary or additional power sources. References/Further reading R. Nazira, H. D. Laksonoa, E. P. Waldia, E. Ekaputrab, P. Coveriaa, “Renewable Energy Sources Optimization: A Micro-Grid Model Design,” Energy Procedia 52 (2014 ), pp. 316 – 327. IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), White Paper: Microgrids for Disaster Preparedness and Recovery with Electricity Continuity Plans and Systems, 2014. Binayak Bhandari, Kyung-Tae Lee, Gil-Yong Lee, Young-Man Cho, and Sung-Hoon Ahn, “Optimization of Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Systems: A Review,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Janurary2015 ), pp. 99-112 /99.
  28. At least three different perspectives need to be kept in mind for an holistic approach! Examples of each approach are listed on slide 16.
  29. When using LED lighting, it is often recommended to not use occupancy sensors. Occupancy sensors may draw more power than the LED lights. Energy efficient light bulbs include halogen incandescent, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Such lights typically use about 25%-80% less energy than traditional bulbs and last 3-25 times longer. LED lighting is preferred over the other types due to lower energy requirements, smaller size, greater longevity, and fewer disposal concerns. Heat transfer technologies include using excess heating or cooling for space climate control, water, etc. References/Further reading US Department of Energy, Energy Saver. Tips on Saving Money & Energy at Home, 2009. UNDP, Guidelines for Energy Savings, 2015. U.S. Energy Information Administration, AEO2014 Early Release Overview. http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/09/f18/61628_BK_EERE-EnergySavers_w150.pdf
  30. “The properties of a space should match the function conducted in a space. For example, the sleeping quarters need to be cool enough for sleeping but equipment doesn't necessarily need to be stored in air conditioned space. To achieve this, spaces are divided into different zones. The spaces where people spend most of their time, sleeping or working, are to be insulated and cooled. However, the spaces that are visited only temporarily can be uninsulated. Common spaces, assembly areas, storages and passages are suitable to be placed in uninsulated space.” “The goal is to optimize the share of insulated interior space. By doing this, construction and transport costs can be lowered, construction time shortened and energy consumption reduced.” Reference Turkka Ehramaa, ”Sustainability of Semi-Permanent Buildings in International Operations.” Master’s thesis in architecture.
  31. A building’s orientation has a significant effect on passive cooling and heating. The sun typically shines from a lower angle from the east and west than it does from the south, so larger overhangs are required for shading on the east and west sides of buildings than on the south side. Reference Turkka Ehramaa, ”Sustainability of Semi-Permanent Buildings in International Operations.” Master’s thesis in architecture.
  32. Warm air leaking in during the summer (and in warm climates) and leaking out during the winter (and in cold climates) can waste a lot of energy. Reference/Further reading U.S. Energy Information Administration, AEO2014 Early Release Overview, http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/09/f18/61628_BK_EERE-EnergySavers_w150.pdf US Department of Energy, Energy Saver. Tips on Saving Money & Energy at Home, 2009, http://www.cees.ingersollrand.com/CEES_Documents/Energy_Saver_Tips.pdf
  33. Heating and air conditioning consume a significant portion of energy in the camp. Efficient use of heaters and air conditioners saves a significant amount of energy.
  34. Maintenance is very important to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency of equipment. Ensure that only qualified technicians or trained personnel perform maintenance. Metering, while not necessary, is ideal for understanding overall camp energy consumption and where efficiencies in the system can be made.
  35. In order to accelerate and streamline the processes of enabling and embedding energy efficiency in operations, it is necessary to change human behavior in a number of ways. Cultural changes, if properly designed and applied, can facilitate energy efficiency as a low-cost way of addressing energy security, environmental and economic challenges. It has been demonstrated that behavioral change can contribute to energy efficiency and improved environmental performance with multiple positive consequences. Brief personnel on the basics of energy use, such as turning off lights when not in use, closing doors, or water conservation. It is ideal to brief personnel before the deployment. During the deployment, consider posting information signs to remind personnel about energy efficiency actions. Remember: resource conservation is ALSO energy conservation. It takes energy to move resources to where you are! References/Further Reading NATO EnSecCoE Advanced Research Workshops on Enhancing Energy Efficiency in NATO through Behavior Change.
  36. The operational capability and capacity of the camp will be greatly affected by the planning and final implementation of the energy production and distribution systems.
  37. Energy issues in particular, are also covered by several of NATOs EP documents (i.e. policy, doctrine, procedures and instructions), shown on this slide
  38. The ENSEC COE is located in Vilnius, Lithuania. Its aim is to provide qualified and appropriate expert advice on questions related to operational energy security. Among other things, it arranges Advanced Research Workshops (ARWs) and an Energy Security Strategic Awareness Course. The first course was held in the fall of 2015. A special Science for Peace and Security funded activity was the “Smart Energy Team” (SENT), comprised of experts from Allied and partner countries. In 2013 - 2015, national and NATO documents were screened and various defence agencies were visited to identify practical energy efficient solutions. A Smart Energy Library Guide has been created and is maintained by NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division (ESCD). Further reading/references: NATOs Energy Security Center of Excellence (ENSEC COE) http://www.enseccoe.org/en/home.html Energy Security Strategic Awareness Course http://www.enseccoe.org/en/news/the-first-energy-sw1c.html NATO Smart Energy Team (SENT) final report http://www.natolibguides.info/ld.php?content_id=18110194 NATO Library Guide on Energy Security http://www.natolibguides.info/energysecurity
  39. Energy conservation and efficiency is a part of the UN DPKO/DFS’ Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (June 2009). In order to reduce the environmental and carbon footprint of UN peacekeeping, several mission are investing in renewable energy sources, and solar thermal heaters are available through UN systems contracts. Further reading/references: UN DPKO/DFS, Environmental Policy for UN Field Missions (2009), para 37. UNEP, Assessment of Energy, Water and Waste Reduction Options for the Proposed AMISOM HQ Camp in Mogadishu, Somalia and the Support Base in Mombasa (2010). United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), Greening the Blue Helmets - Environment, Natural Resources and UN Peacekeeping Operations (Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP, May 2012). B. Liljedahl, M. Rydbo, E. Martinsson, and A. Waleij, Energy Efficient UN-camp - Repayment on Additional Investment. FOI-SH--0078—SE (Umeå, Sweden: Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), 2009).