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{e* Cv
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Ex
Time: 3 hrs.
logistic curve.
c. Write note on'hnaccounted for".
2 a. Distinguish between infiltration gallery and infiltration well.
b. What are intake tower? Differentiate between dry and wet intake tower with
c. Find the capacity required for a pumping station for the following data:
Population to be served - 2 lakh
Daily demand of water - 135 Lpcd
Water level in the river - RL 120 m
Pumping hour - 24 hours a day
To pumped to treatment plant of RL 140 m. The dia of rising main if 90 cm, which gives
losses due to friction of 2 m. The efficiency of pump and motor can be taken of 70o/o and,
90% respectively. (06 Marks)
3 a. Differentiate between grab sample, composite sample and integrated sample with reference
to water,sampling. (06 Marks)
b. Writp note on water born diseases and their control. 108 Marks)
A sample of water is tested for coliform organization by the MPN method with the
, following observations. Determine MPN per 100 ml by using Thomas equation.
Size of portion m.[ Number of positive Number of negative
10.000 4 I
1.00 4 1
0.1 2 .J
0.01 0 5
(06 Marks)
a. with the help of diagtam, explain cascade aerator. (06 Marks)
b. What is optimum dosage of a coagulant? Explain how it is determined in the lab. (06 Marks)
c. Design a rectangular sedimentation tank to treat2.4 million letters of row water per day. The
detention period may be assumed to be 3 hrs.
Note: Answer any FfWfull questions, selecting
utleast TWO questions from each part.
I a. State the objectives of a water supply scheme. Explain how these objectives are achieved.
(06 Marks)
b. The census record of the city show populations as following :
Present - 1,15,000
Before one decade - 78,000
Before two decade - 35,000
Workout the probable population after one decade, Saturation population and the equation of
Engineering - I
Max. Marks:100.
(10 Marks)
(04 Marks)
(06 Marks)
neat sketches.
(08 Marks)
=rt'oo ll
.= a.t
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i1 x
-i 6i
I of2
(08 Marks)
Explain the theory of water filtration.
Explain the operating trebles in filter unit.
(08 Marks)
(05 Mar.ks)
(20 Marks)
Define five flow sand filter beds from the following data for the water works of a towrl of
population 75,000, per capita demand: 135 Lpcd. Rate filtration: 210 Llfulmz. AsSume
S-u*: 1.5 Q Avg, out five units, one is to kept as standby. (07 Marks)
a. What is meant by disinfection in water treatment? Give the requirements of an ideal
(08 Marks)disinfectant.
b. Explain reverse osmosis process of softening of water. ,','" (06 Marks)
c. Water to be disinfected by using bleaching powder having chlorine demand of 2.3 mglL and
residual chlorine and 0.2 mglL.If the daily need of water is 5r x '706
Ltlday and available
chlorine of bleaching powder is 25o/o. Find the amount of bldaching powder required per
day. (06 Marks)
a. Explain the use of activated carbon in water treatment, stating its advantages. (08 Marks)
b. What do you understand by fluoridation and defluoridation of drinking water and their
significance? '. (04 Marks)
c. For the water supply of a small town with pQphlation of 50,000. It is proposed to construct a
distribution reservoir. The potter of draw off is as follows :
7 - Am- 8 Am -30% of the day supply
8 - Am - 5 Pm - 40% of the day supply
5 - Pm - 7 Pm - 25% of the day supply
7 -Pm - 7 Am - 5o/o of the day supply.
The pumping is to be done as a constant rate of 8 hrs per day from 8 am to 4 pm. Assume
water requirements of 135 Lpcd. (08 Marks)
Write short notes on :
a. Fire hydrants
b. Air valve
c. Nomograms
d. Break point chlorination.
2 of2
Time: 4 hrs.
Max. Marks:1O0
'i::' "
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examirit .20151Jan.2016
Design and Drawing of RG Structures
.= 6l
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trt {r . :j
50 '.;- at -",
..{* C.l
Note: L. Answer TWOfull questionsfrom Part-A
and ONEfull questionfrom Part-&.
2. Use of 15:456-2000 and SP-76 is permitted.
3. Missing data may be suitably assumed.
Draw plan of a two way slab with corners held down condition for the following data:
Thickness of slab : 120 mm
Reinforcement in middle strip:
Parallel to shorter edge: # 10 mm @ 150 mm c/c
Parallel to longer span: # 8 mm @ 175 ** *ft"* "
Reinforcement in edge strip:
Parallelto shorter edge: # 8 @ 100 c/c
Parallel to longer span: # 8 @ 150 c/c
Corner Reinforcement:
# 8 @ 100 c/c provided as aoxesh over a grid of 800 mm x 800 mm
Prepare a bar bending schq$gle. (20 Marks)
Draw to a suitapl$..3tale the sectional elevation of a flight of stairs showing the
reinforcemenl dffis for the following data prepar e abar bending schedule:
Number of steps in each flight : l2
Tread: aOO**
Risel.q'I50 mm
S,taif-Ilall: 5.5 m x 2.5 m
*ffiickness of waist slab: 180 mm
*r Width of stair: 1200 mm
Main bars : 7 numbers 12 mm dia
Distribution steel: dia 8 mm@250 clc
Landing beam :230 x 300 mm
Floor height: 3.6 m
The stair spans between the landing beam
concrete grade and steel: M20 and Fe415
Effective cover to reinforcement :20 mm
I of2
(20 Marks)
3 Draw to a suitable scale the plan and sectional elevation
fo llo wing requirement :
Size of column:230 x 600 mm
Reinforcement in column : 6 - 20 b
Lateralties: 60 @230 clc
Size of footing: 1.75 m x 2.0 m
Reinforcement in footing:
Long bars: 10 - 100
Short bars: 13 - 100
Thickness of footing at the face of the column: 1000 mm
Thickness atthe edge:250 mm
Concrete grade : l|i425
Steel : Fe 41 5
Prepare a bar bending schedule.
soil: 150 kN/m2. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
Design slab and beam type combined footing.
Draw to a suitable scale.
i) Longitudinal section of footing
ii) Cross sections gf footing.
of column and footing for the
b* --*_ {E
a' -'l:.
t.{'*:r- '
(20 Marks)
: i;t-j'
4 Design a combined footing for two columnsffiize 300 x 300 mm and 400 x 400 mm
subjected 500 kN and 700 kN respectively. The centre to centre spacing between columns is
3.5 m. The width of the footing is.restricted to 1.5 m. Take safe bearing capacity of
(35 Marks)
(25 Marks)
:,, -i

5 Design a cantilever retaining wall to retain an earth embankment with a horrzorfi,al top 4m
high above grrund level. The density of earth is 18 kN/m3 and its angle of repose is 30o. The
embankment is horizontal at top. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2. The
coefficient of friction between soil and concrete is 0.5. Adopt M20 Grade concrete and Fe
415 grade steel. (40 Marks)
Draw to a suitable scale.
i) Cross section of retaining wall.
ir) Longitudinal section.
iii) Sectional plan of top and bottom showing details of reinforcement in base slab.
(20 Marks)
2 of2
USN 10cv63
Max. Marks:1
(12 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(12 Marks)
{Y:".ror S/Jan. 2ot6Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Exa
Transportation Engineering - ll
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part.
Time:3 hrs.
PART _ A h',,'r
Describe the role played by rail transport in growth and development of a courrtry. (08 Marks)
Compare advantages and disadvantages of air transport with rail transport at least
priority wise any three? (12 Marks)
Draw aneat sketch of double line B.G. track and mention various components. (08 Marks)
With neat sketch, explain what is coning of wheels what are advantages of coning of wheels.
Describe the functions of sleepers, fastenings and fixtures.
What is the purpose of designing alignment of aaele? Derive the equation for the
,*'o*. ,41",
What are the objectives of providing,'transition curve? Draw neat sketch of Bernoulli's
lemniscate on Fraud's cubic parabqJa Bnd spiral transition curves. (12 Marks)
Calculate all the necessary elemonts required to set out a 1 in8'/z turnout, taking off from a
staight B.G. track with its curqg s&trting from the toe of the switch ie tangential to the gauge
face of the outer main rail g$,,passes thorough theoretical nose of crossing ie. TNC. Given
heel divergence d: 11-3#W- (08 Marks)
5 a. List and explain;aireraft characteristics which affect the planning and design of airports.
(10 Marks)
suitable site for airport in view of criteria
(10 Marks)
optimum airport capacity. Mention various factors affecting airport capacity and
with neat sketch. (10 Marks)
is wind rose diagram? Explain any one method of constructing wind rose diagram.
(10 Marks)
a. Explain the principle adopted in design of taxiway connecting runway. And different
runway orientation explain with neat sketch. (10 Marks)
b. If the cross - wind component is more than25 kmph, how runway capacrty can be enhanced
by adopting holding apron near exit taxiway draw a neat sketch and explain. (10 Marks)
8 a. With the help ofneat sketch, explain the transfer of centre - line from surface to tunnel.
(08 Marks)
b. Explain the classification of harbours or dock based on function or pu{pose. (06 Marks)
c. What is fender or tetapods adopted in design ofbreak water or dolphins? (06 Marks)
Time: 3 hrs.
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2015 llan.20l6
Geotechnical Engineering - ll
y': t)
>' (+_
* ai
Max. Marks:100
Note: . Answer any FIW full questionsn selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part.
2. Assume missing data if any.
State the objectives of soil exploration programme. (06 Marks)
Indicate with neat sketches, selection of number and depth of boring for various civil
engineering projects. (08 Marks)
List the methods used for controlling ground water du.ring eicavation and explain the
electro - osmosis method. (06 Marks)
Distinguish between Boussinesq's and Westergaard's theories of stress distribution.
(06 Marks)
Explain the basis of construction of Newmark's chart and discuss how it is used. (0f Marks)
A circular area on the ground surface 6m in diameter carries a uniformly distributed load of
150kN/m2. Calculate the vertical stress at depths of 3m, 6m, 9m and l2m. Also plot the
variation of stress with depth
What is Flownet? Explain their properties and uses.
Calculate the antioipated seepage, if the length of the dam is 150m.
Explain active and passive earth pressure, with the help of neat sketches.
What is Phreatic line? Describe the Casagrande's method to locate the phreatic line in a
homogenous earth dam with ahortzontal filter at its toe. (08 Marks)
c. For a homogeneous earth dam 32m height and 2m free board, a flow net was constructed
with four flow channels. The number of potential drops was 20. The dam has a horizontal
fitter at the base near the toe. The coefficient of permeability of the soil is 3 x 10-6 cmls.
b. With neat sketch, explain Rebhann's graphical method of finding active earth pressure on a
retaining wall. (06 Marks)
c. A'r' tilining wall with a smooth vertical back is 6m high and retains cohesionless soil with a
:bu'lk unit weight of 18kN/m3 and $
: 300. The top of the soil is level with the top of the wall
and is horizontal. If the soil surface carries a uniformly distributed load of 5kN/m2.
Determine using Rankine's theory, the total active earth thrust and draw the active earth
pressure distribution diagram. (08 Marks)
a. List out the causes of slope failure and explain with neat sketches type of failure of finite
slopes. (06 Marks)
b. Explain friction circle method of stability analysis of slopes. (08 Marks)
c. A canal having side slope 1:1 is proposed to be constructed in a cohesive soil to a depth of
lOmbelow the ground surface. Thb soilproperties are S,: 150, C,: 10kN/m2 , e: 1.0 and
G : 2.65. Determine the factor of safety with respect to cohesion against failure of bank
slopes. i) When canal runs full, if S, : 0.08 ii) When sudden drawdown of water takes
place in the ganal, if Sn: 0.127.
I of2
(06 Marks)
Discuss the effect of ground water table on bearing capacity of soil.
a. Explain the following terms with formulae : i) Immediate settlement
consolidation settlement iii) Differential settlement. :
sand is 20kN/m3.
Explain the factors influencing selection o,f depth of foundation.
(06 Marks)
iD Primary
(06 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(06 Marks)
Explain ttrre following :
D Corrections to SPT 'N'value.
ii) Use of plate load test results to calculate bearing capacity of soils. (08 Marks)
A circular footing rests on a pure clay with qu:270 kN/m2 at a depth of i.8m. Determine
the diameter of the footpg if it has to transmit a load of 720 kN. Assume the bulk unit
weight of soil as 18kN/m' and the factor of safety as 3. (06 Marks)
Determine the immediate settlement of a footing 3m x 3m restin$ dir a sandy soil with
Es :45,000kN/# and p:0.3. Footing carries a load of 2000kN. Assume I,: 0.82.
(04 Marks)
A compressible clay layer 2m thick underlies a thick sand bed which carries a footing
2m x 3rn with an allowable soil pressure of 250kN lrrf d a depth of 1.0m. Determine the
consolidation settlement due to compressible clay layer loeated at a depth of 10m below the
ground surface. The ground table is located at the ground leve1. The properties of clay layer
?re rsal: 19kN/m3 , WL: 50oh , Natural water content :35% , G : 2.72 anddensity of
b. Mention the situations where pile foundation is necessary and explain the classification of
piles based on function. (06 Marks)
c. Proportion a rectangular combifiUdtboting supporting two columns 400mm x 400mm and
300mm x 300mm in sections carrying loads of 750kN and 400kN respectively spaced at
4.5m ClC. Assume the offset of the footing edge from lighter column face as 0.35m and
allowable bearing pressrire'of soil as 150kN/m2. (08 Marks)
2 of2
Sixth Sexnester B.E. Degree e,c.2015/Jan"2015
Hydraulic Structures & Ir Design DrawinE
Time: 4 hrs. Max. klarks: tr00
Note: 7. Answer any TWOfall questionstrtys* Fart,-A
and any ONE questionfrom Part-&"
2. Assume uny missing dutu suitably.
({}4 h{anks)
(04 Marks)
{86 Marks}
{09 Marks)
{25 N,Iarks)
(20 Marks)
(15 h{arks}
(i{} h4arks)
ci -J
Explain different storage zones of a reservoir.
Define the terrns density currents and economic height of a dam.
Explain difTerent types of earthen dams with neat sketches.
Explain the causes for failure of earthen dam.
Hard soil is available at 118.5 m.
Draw to a suitable scale:
(1) Half plan at top & half at foundation.
(i, Half elevation & half longitudinal section
(iii) Cross-section along the canal.
1 ofZ
A prcposed reservoir has capacity of 500 ha-m. The catchment area is 125 km2 & the annual
stream floiv averages t20 mm of runoff. If the annual sediment productir:n is
0.03 ha-m/krn2, what is the probable life of the reservoir before its capacity is recluced to
10% of its initial capacity by sedimentation? The relationship between trap eff,rciency (q%)
and capacity inflow ratio Cll is as follows: (S7 Marks)
2 a. Define Gravity dam with a neat sketch. Explain the various forces acting on GravitS, ciam.
(E8 Ptrarks)
b. Detennine the maximum & minimum vertical stresses to which the foundation of the dam
will be subjected from the following data:
TotaX cver turning rnoment about toe, XM": i.2x106 kN-m
Total resisting rnoment about toe, IM, :2.5x106 kN-m
Total vertical force about toe EV : 6x 104 kN
Base width of the dam: 55 m
Strope of d/s face : 0.8 : 1
Also calculate the maximurn principal stress at the toe. Neglect tail water depth. {07 }{arks)
clr 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7
no 43 60 74 80 87 93 95 96 97
n a canal droo (Notch t tor the tollowrn iculars
Particulars U/s Canal d/s canal
Fu11 supplv discharse 10 m'is 10m/s
Bed level +120.0 m +1 18.0 m
Full Suoolv level +121.5 m +tr 19.5 m
Bed width 8.0 m 8.0 n-r
Top ievel of embankment +122.5 m +120.5 m
Top width of embankment 2.4 m 2.0 m
Side stropes 1 I (Cut) 1.5 : i (F'i11)
Averaqe Ground Ievel 120.5 m 120.5 m
5 Design details of a canal regulator is as follows:n al oI a cana NAS
Farticula.rs U/s d/s
Fuil supptrv disclaarrqe lB.0 m-ls 15.0 rn'/s
Bed width 12m 12m
Fuil Suppl,y leven +12.0 rn +12.0 m
ToCI Bank ne."re1 +13.0 m + 13.0 n'r
Bed level +10 rn +10.0 m
Top width of bank 2.0 m 2.0 m
Side slopes 2:1 2:l
Bligh's coefficient : C : 10
General Ground Level at the site +12.0 m
Good soitr for fou.r"ulation is available at * 9.0 m
Splayed wingwalls are to be provided.
Design the Vent way, Gates, Apron & Protection works (2S Marks)
Drarry to suitable scale, the following views:
(0 Half trongitudinal section & half longitudinal elevation. (2s Marks)
(ii) Hal1'plan at top & half at foundation. (15 Marks)
(ii, Sectional elevation through regulator vent. (I0 Marks)
2 of2
SiNth Sernesten B.E. Degree Examination, Dec"20tr 5/Jan.20X6
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Max. Marks:100
.l c.t
'j-: !
?. c,
L;r <
Time: 3 hrs.
b. Mith a neat sketch, explain construction and working of Biogas plant.
Note: l.,Answer uny FIVE full questions, selecting
atlesst TWO qaestions from eacle purt
2" Draw nest sketches wherever neeessary,,
Discuss the significance of protected water supply for a Rural commu.nity. (ls Marks)
List the drinking water quality standards as per IS * 10500 - 2012 mtd discuss the effeet of'
parameters if they exceed the limit proposed by Indian standards. (t0 i'IarErs)
List different water treatment rnethods used to treat the water for rural supply system and
explain Nalagonda method for defluoridation of water. (1i) Marks)
List the different types of pumps used in water supply system and explain any one in detail.
(trO itarks)
Disor.iss the concept of Eco - sanitation and water are the olbjectives of Eco - sanitation or a
R.ural community to maintain a hygienic sun'oundings. (10 Marks)
With a neat sketch, expiain Two pit iatrine Aqua Privy and Septic tank. (10 Marks)
Discuss the operation and significance of Rain water harvesting for an efficient use of water
in a Rural community. (10 Marks)
What are the ditferent composting methods used to dispose reflise in Rural communif?
(10 S{arks)
What are Communicable diseases? Explain different precautions to be taken for prer,,ention
of same. (10 Marks)
Explain different methods used for Refuse collection in a rural courrnunity. (10 Nxarks)
What are the different disposal methods used to dispose refuse in nrran coramunity?
(tr0 'tarks)
{tr0 Marks}
Explain signiflrcance of milk sanitation for a wealthy growtll of niral community. (Iii Marks)
What is Fasteurization of rniik and what are different qriality control fileasures to ensure
(10 Marks)good quaiity milk.
With a neat sketch, explain life cycle of mosquito and list the diffbrernt problerns caused hy
mosquito in a Rural community. (10 N{arks)
List the control rneasures to be taken by household to rninimize the adverse eff,:ct of
ntosquito in Rural cornmunity. (trO Marks)

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6th Semester (Dec-2015; Jan-2016) Civil Engineering Question Paper

  • 1. {e* Cv USN Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Ex Environmental Time: 3 hrs. logistic curve. c. Write note on'hnaccounted for". 2 a. Distinguish between infiltration gallery and infiltration well. b. What are intake tower? Differentiate between dry and wet intake tower with c. Find the capacity required for a pumping station for the following data: Population to be served - 2 lakh Daily demand of water - 135 Lpcd Water level in the river - RL 120 m Pumping hour - 24 hours a day To pumped to treatment plant of RL 140 m. The dia of rising main if 90 cm, which gives losses due to friction of 2 m. The efficiency of pump and motor can be taken of 70o/o and, 90% respectively. (06 Marks) 3 a. Differentiate between grab sample, composite sample and integrated sample with reference to water,sampling. (06 Marks) b. Writp note on water born diseases and their control. 108 Marks) A sample of water is tested for coliform organization by the MPN method with the , following observations. Determine MPN per 100 ml by using Thomas equation. Size of portion m.[ Number of positive Number of negative 10.000 4 I 1.00 4 1 0.1 2 .J 0.01 0 5 (06 Marks) a. with the help of diagtam, explain cascade aerator. (06 Marks) b. What is optimum dosage of a coagulant? Explain how it is determined in the lab. (06 Marks) c. Design a rectangular sedimentation tank to treat2.4 million letters of row water per day. The detention period may be assumed to be 3 hrs. Note: Answer any FfWfull questions, selecting utleast TWO questions from each part. I a. State the objectives of a water supply scheme. Explain how these objectives are achieved. (06 Marks) b. The census record of the city show populations as following : Present - 1,15,000 Before one decade - 78,000 Before two decade - 35,000 Workout the probable population after one decade, Saturation population and the equation of Engineering - I 10cv61 Max. Marks:100. (10 Marks) (04 Marks) (06 Marks) neat sketches. (08 Marks) oo o !v a () !) d= T>-Y- (,e =rt'oo ll doo .= a.t (d* E?T oidil a2 oX oO 50tr(ocd -o5 >e,6 6i 'Od , o-) o{= i1 x oj 9Eat) tsO =9 >': troo =9=o lr< -i 6i () o z P o I of2 (08 Marks)
  • 2. 5a. b. c. PART - B Explain the theory of water filtration. Explain the operating trebles in filter unit. 10cv61 (08 Marks) (05 Mar.ks) (20 Marks) Define five flow sand filter beds from the following data for the water works of a towrl of population 75,000, per capita demand: 135 Lpcd. Rate filtration: 210 Llfulmz. AsSume S-u*: 1.5 Q Avg, out five units, one is to kept as standby. (07 Marks) a. What is meant by disinfection in water treatment? Give the requirements of an ideal (08 Marks)disinfectant. b. Explain reverse osmosis process of softening of water. ,','" (06 Marks) c. Water to be disinfected by using bleaching powder having chlorine demand of 2.3 mglL and residual chlorine and 0.2 mglL.If the daily need of water is 5r x '706 Ltlday and available chlorine of bleaching powder is 25o/o. Find the amount of bldaching powder required per day. (06 Marks) a. Explain the use of activated carbon in water treatment, stating its advantages. (08 Marks) b. What do you understand by fluoridation and defluoridation of drinking water and their significance? '. (04 Marks) c. For the water supply of a small town with pQphlation of 50,000. It is proposed to construct a distribution reservoir. The potter of draw off is as follows : 7 - Am- 8 Am -30% of the day supply 8 - Am - 5 Pm - 40% of the day supply 5 - Pm - 7 Pm - 25% of the day supply 7 -Pm - 7 Am - 5o/o of the day supply. The pumping is to be done as a constant rate of 8 hrs per day from 8 am to 4 pm. Assume water requirements of 135 Lpcd. (08 Marks) Write short notes on : a. Fire hydrants b. Air valve c. Nomograms d. Break point chlorination. *aa*{< 2 of2
  • 3. USN Time: 4 hrs. LOCY62 Max. Marks:1O0 :j 'i::' " .l Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examirit .20151Jan.2016 Design and Drawing of RG Structures oo odk d 6 d (D{ EI0) r EP Q.;- -y- EA =ro'ooll coo .= 6l (n!+ o= otr-.dc) e5 EE 3S OO oot t!: >! -6 El ) -hts 6r xctro. o-i o= toalE lrO IE>!= ooe trb0.ad'i o= . trt {r . :j 50 '.;- at -", l,r( ..{* C.l ; o z 6 ! Note: L. Answer TWOfull questionsfrom Part-A and ONEfull questionfrom Part-&. 2. Use of 15:456-2000 and SP-76 is permitted. 3. Missing data may be suitably assumed. PART _ A Draw plan of a two way slab with corners held down condition for the following data: Roomdimension:5mx4m Thickness of slab : 120 mm Reinforcement in middle strip: Parallel to shorter edge: # 10 mm @ 150 mm c/c Parallel to longer span: # 8 mm @ 175 ** *ft"* " Reinforcement in edge strip: Parallelto shorter edge: # 8 @ 100 c/c Parallel to longer span: # 8 @ 150 c/c Corner Reinforcement: # 8 @ 100 c/c provided as aoxesh over a grid of 800 mm x 800 mm Prepare a bar bending schq$gle. (20 Marks) *,r...,,,'- Draw to a suitapl$..3tale the sectional elevation of a flight of stairs showing the reinforcemenl dffis for the following data prepar e abar bending schedule: Number of steps in each flight : l2 Tread: aOO** Risel.q'I50 mm S,taif-Ilall: 5.5 m x 2.5 m *ffiickness of waist slab: 180 mm *r Width of stair: 1200 mm Main bars : 7 numbers 12 mm dia Distribution steel: dia 8 mm@250 clc Landing beam :230 x 300 mm Floor height: 3.6 m The stair spans between the landing beam concrete grade and steel: M20 and Fe415 Effective cover to reinforcement :20 mm I of2 (20 Marks)
  • 4. 3 Draw to a suitable scale the plan and sectional elevation fo llo wing requirement : Size of column:230 x 600 mm Reinforcement in column : 6 - 20 b Lateralties: 60 @230 clc Size of footing: 1.75 m x 2.0 m Reinforcement in footing: Long bars: 10 - 100 Short bars: 13 - 100 Thickness of footing at the face of the column: 1000 mm Thickness atthe edge:250 mm Concrete grade : l|i425 Steel : Fe 41 5 Prepare a bar bending schedule. soil: 150 kN/m2. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Design slab and beam type combined footing. Draw to a suitable scale. i) Longitudinal section of footing ii) Cross sections gf footing. 10cv62 of column and footing for the *-s# b* --*_ {E a' -'l:. t.{'*:r- ' !n& d1@ ;U-*/ (20 Marks) : i;t-j' PART_B- 4 Design a combined footing for two columnsffiize 300 x 300 mm and 400 x 400 mm subjected 500 kN and 700 kN respectively. The centre to centre spacing between columns is 3.5 m. The width of the footing is.restricted to 1.5 m. Take safe bearing capacity of (35 Marks) (25 Marks) 'q&.jr *si'u :,, -i ".' 5 Design a cantilever retaining wall to retain an earth embankment with a horrzorfi,al top 4m high above grrund level. The density of earth is 18 kN/m3 and its angle of repose is 30o. The embankment is horizontal at top. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2. The coefficient of friction between soil and concrete is 0.5. Adopt M20 Grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. (40 Marks) Draw to a suitable scale. i) Cross section of retaining wall. ir) Longitudinal section. iii) Sectional plan of top and bottom showing details of reinforcement in base slab. (20 Marks) *rkrk{<* 2 of2
  • 5. .*ri USN 10cv63 Max. Marks:1 (12 Marks) (08 Marks) theoretical (12 Marks) {Y:".ror S/Jan. 2ot6Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Exa Transportation Engineering - ll Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part. Time:3 hrs. la. b. 2a. b. 3a. h. 4a. b. 1l PART _ A h',,'r Describe the role played by rail transport in growth and development of a courrtry. (08 Marks) Compare advantages and disadvantages of air transport with rail transport at least priority wise any three? (12 Marks) Draw aneat sketch of double line B.G. track and mention various components. (08 Marks) With neat sketch, explain what is coning of wheels what are advantages of coning of wheels. Describe the functions of sleepers, fastenings and fixtures. What is the purpose of designing alignment of aaele? Derive the equation for the ,*'o*. ,41", What are the objectives of providing,'transition curve? Draw neat sketch of Bernoulli's lemniscate on Fraud's cubic parabqJa Bnd spiral transition curves. (12 Marks) Calculate all the necessary elemonts required to set out a 1 in8'/z turnout, taking off from a staight B.G. track with its curqg s&trting from the toe of the switch ie tangential to the gauge face of the outer main rail g$,,passes thorough theoretical nose of crossing ie. TNC. Given heel divergence d: 11-3#W- (08 Marks) "' *_fu.#' PART - B 5 a. List and explain;aireraft characteristics which affect the planning and design of airports. (10 Marks) suitable site for airport in view of criteria (10 Marks) optimum airport capacity. Mention various factors affecting airport capacity and with neat sketch. (10 Marks) is wind rose diagram? Explain any one method of constructing wind rose diagram. (10 Marks) ,i:.i a. Explain the principle adopted in design of taxiway connecting runway. And different runway orientation explain with neat sketch. (10 Marks) b. If the cross - wind component is more than25 kmph, how runway capacrty can be enhanced by adopting holding apron near exit taxiway draw a neat sketch and explain. (10 Marks) 8 a. With the help ofneat sketch, explain the transfer of centre - line from surface to tunnel. (08 Marks) b. Explain the classification of harbours or dock based on function or pu{pose. (06 Marks) c. What is fender or tetapods adopted in design ofbreak water or dolphins? (06 Marks) d.iiil:$ " *{(,F:f:&
  • 6. USN Time: 3 hrs. c. 2a. b. 10cv64 (08 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2015 llan.20l6 Geotechnical Engineering - ll o L o o () oX -.o 50 .=N *50 otraO ?.a a;; U() 0oi cx 'o(€ -?o op b-x oj y': t) otE !o >' (+_ co0 o= o.B F> =oY! LJ< * ai a) z d o la. b. Max. Marks:100 Note: . Answer any FIW full questionsn selecting atleast TWO questions from each part. 2. Assume missing data if any. PART. A State the objectives of soil exploration programme. (06 Marks) Indicate with neat sketches, selection of number and depth of boring for various civil engineering projects. (08 Marks) List the methods used for controlling ground water du.ring eicavation and explain the electro - osmosis method. (06 Marks) Distinguish between Boussinesq's and Westergaard's theories of stress distribution. (06 Marks) Explain the basis of construction of Newmark's chart and discuss how it is used. (0f Marks) A circular area on the ground surface 6m in diameter carries a uniformly distributed load of 150kN/m2. Calculate the vertical stress at depths of 3m, 6m, 9m and l2m. Also plot the 3a. b. variation of stress with depth What is Flownet? Explain their properties and uses. Calculate the antioipated seepage, if the length of the dam is 150m. Explain active and passive earth pressure, with the help of neat sketches. What is Phreatic line? Describe the Casagrande's method to locate the phreatic line in a homogenous earth dam with ahortzontal filter at its toe. (08 Marks) c. For a homogeneous earth dam 32m height and 2m free board, a flow net was constructed with four flow channels. The number of potential drops was 20. The dam has a horizontal fitter at the base near the toe. The coefficient of permeability of the soil is 3 x 10-6 cmls. 4a. b. With neat sketch, explain Rebhann's graphical method of finding active earth pressure on a retaining wall. (06 Marks) c. A'r' tilining wall with a smooth vertical back is 6m high and retains cohesionless soil with a :bu'lk unit weight of 18kN/m3 and $ : 300. The top of the soil is level with the top of the wall and is horizontal. If the soil surface carries a uniformly distributed load of 5kN/m2. Determine using Rankine's theory, the total active earth thrust and draw the active earth pressure distribution diagram. (08 Marks) PART - B a. List out the causes of slope failure and explain with neat sketches type of failure of finite slopes. (06 Marks) b. Explain friction circle method of stability analysis of slopes. (08 Marks) c. A canal having side slope 1:1 is proposed to be constructed in a cohesive soil to a depth of lOmbelow the ground surface. Thb soilproperties are S,: 150, C,: 10kN/m2 , e: 1.0 and G : 2.65. Determine the factor of safety with respect to cohesion against failure of bank slopes. i) When canal runs full, if S, : 0.08 ii) When sudden drawdown of water takes place in the ganal, if Sn: 0.127. I of2 (06 Marks)
  • 7. 6a. b. Discuss the effect of ground water table on bearing capacity of soil. a. Explain the following terms with formulae : i) Immediate settlement consolidation settlement iii) Differential settlement. : b. sand is 20kN/m3. Explain the factors influencing selection o,f depth of foundation. 10cv64 (06 Marks) iD Primary (06 Marks) (10 Marks) (06 Marks) c. Explain ttrre following : D Corrections to SPT 'N'value. ii) Use of plate load test results to calculate bearing capacity of soils. (08 Marks) A circular footing rests on a pure clay with qu:270 kN/m2 at a depth of i.8m. Determine the diameter of the footpg if it has to transmit a load of 720 kN. Assume the bulk unit weight of soil as 18kN/m' and the factor of safety as 3. (06 Marks) Determine the immediate settlement of a footing 3m x 3m restin$ dir a sandy soil with Es :45,000kN/# and p:0.3. Footing carries a load of 2000kN. Assume I,: 0.82. (04 Marks) A compressible clay layer 2m thick underlies a thick sand bed which carries a footing 2m x 3rn with an allowable soil pressure of 250kN lrrf d a depth of 1.0m. Determine the consolidation settlement due to compressible clay layer loeated at a depth of 10m below the ground surface. The ground table is located at the ground leve1. The properties of clay layer ?re rsal: 19kN/m3 , WL: 50oh , Natural water content :35% , G : 2.72 anddensity of 8a. b. Mention the situations where pile foundation is necessary and explain the classification of piles based on function. (06 Marks) c. Proportion a rectangular combifiUdtboting supporting two columns 400mm x 400mm and 300mm x 300mm in sections carrying loads of 750kN and 400kN respectively spaced at 4.5m ClC. Assume the offset of the footing edge from lighter column face as 0.35m and allowable bearing pressrire'of soil as 150kN/m2. (08 Marks) 2 of2
  • 8. USN Sixth Sexnester B.E. Degree e,c.2015/Jan"2015 Hydraulic Structures & Ir Design DrawinE Time: 4 hrs. Max. klarks: tr00 Note: 7. Answer any TWOfall questionstrtys* Fart,-A and any ONE questionfrom Part-&" 2. Assume uny missing dutu suitably. PART _ A t0cv65 ({}4 h{anks) (04 Marks) {86 Marks} {09 Marks) {25 N,Iarks) (20 Marks) (15 h{arks} (i{} h4arks) o O ? L cd a 'oC) a.) ! ox ci -J =. FO =!F.t o> aX oO fiL 'a OE c.- "1 .Y a:o 4LE $l >aL *^c (J= F> =o9L O O< o z q3 o i la. L Explain different storage zones of a reservoir. Define the terrns density currents and economic height of a dam. Explain difTerent types of earthen dams with neat sketches. Explain the causes for failure of earthen dam. Hard soil is available at 118.5 m. Draw to a suitable scale: (1) Half plan at top & half at foundation. (i, Half elevation & half longitudinal section (iii) Cross-section along the canal. 1 ofZ A prcposed reservoir has capacity of 500 ha-m. The catchment area is 125 km2 & the annual stream floiv averages t20 mm of runoff. If the annual sediment productir:n is 0.03 ha-m/krn2, what is the probable life of the reservoir before its capacity is recluced to 10% of its initial capacity by sedimentation? The relationship between trap eff,rciency (q%) and capacity inflow ratio Cll is as follows: (S7 Marks) 2 a. Define Gravity dam with a neat sketch. Explain the various forces acting on GravitS, ciam. (E8 Ptrarks) b. Detennine the maximum & minimum vertical stresses to which the foundation of the dam will be subjected from the following data: TotaX cver turning rnoment about toe, XM": i.2x106 kN-m Total resisting rnoment about toe, IM, :2.5x106 kN-m Total vertical force about toe EV : 6x 104 kN Base width of the dam: 55 m Strope of d/s face : 0.8 : 1 Also calculate the maximurn principal stress at the toe. Neglect tail water depth. {07 }{arks) 3a. b. clr 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 no 43 60 74 80 87 93 95 96 97 PART _ B n a canal droo (Notch t tor the tollowrn iculars Particulars U/s Canal d/s canal Fu11 supplv discharse 10 m'is 10m/s Bed level +120.0 m +1 18.0 m Full Suoolv level +121.5 m +tr 19.5 m Bed width 8.0 m 8.0 n-r Top ievel of embankment +122.5 m +120.5 m Top width of embankment 2.4 m 2.0 m Side stropes 1 I (Cut) 1.5 : i (F'i11) Averaqe Ground Ievel 120.5 m 120.5 m
  • 9. a0cv6s 5 Design details of a canal regulator is as follows:n al oI a cana NAS Farticula.rs U/s d/s Fuil supptrv disclaarrqe lB.0 m-ls 15.0 rn'/s Bed width 12m 12m Fuil Suppl,y leven +12.0 rn +12.0 m ToCI Bank ne."re1 +13.0 m + 13.0 n'r Bed level +10 rn +10.0 m Top width of bank 2.0 m 2.0 m Side slopes 2:1 2:l Bligh's coefficient : C : 10 General Ground Level at the site +12.0 m Good soitr for fou.r"ulation is available at * 9.0 m Splayed wingwalls are to be provided. Design the Vent way, Gates, Apron & Protection works (2S Marks) Drarry to suitable scale, the following views: (0 Half trongitudinal section & half longitudinal elevation. (2s Marks) (ii) Hal1'plan at top & half at foundation. (15 Marks) (ii, Sectional elevation through regulator vent. (I0 Marks) *{<{<t{< 2 of2
  • 10. re t/ 1SCV566 USN SiNth Sernesten B.E. Degree Examination, Dec"20tr 5/Jan.20X6 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Max. Marks:100 0 o * 1 d 0 d O ! !((] -l .l c.t cf 'j-: ! ?. c, oO a0c e36 'a: tO =c) orJ ;6 9E !o 5.: goo '-a-6= =d e>^ L;r < *an o o a. E 1a. b. Time: 3 hrs. b. Mith a neat sketch, explain construction and working of Biogas plant. Note: l.,Answer uny FIVE full questions, selecting atlesst TWO qaestions from eacle purt 2" Draw nest sketches wherever neeessary,, PART _ A Discuss the significance of protected water supply for a Rural commu.nity. (ls Marks) List the drinking water quality standards as per IS * 10500 - 2012 mtd discuss the effeet of' parameters if they exceed the limit proposed by Indian standards. (t0 i'IarErs) List different water treatment rnethods used to treat the water for rural supply system and explain Nalagonda method for defluoridation of water. (1i) Marks) List the different types of pumps used in water supply system and explain any one in detail. (trO itarks) Disor.iss the concept of Eco - sanitation and water are the olbjectives of Eco - sanitation or a R.ural community to maintain a hygienic sun'oundings. (10 Marks) With a neat sketch, expiain Two pit iatrine Aqua Privy and Septic tank. (10 Marks) Discuss the operation and significance of Rain water harvesting for an efficient use of water in a Rural community. (10 Marks) What are the ditferent composting methods used to dispose reflise in Rural communif? (10 S{arks) PART _ B What are Communicable diseases? Explain different precautions to be taken for prer,,ention of same. (10 Marks) Explain different methods used for Refuse collection in a rural courrnunity. (10 Nxarks) What are the different disposal methods used to dispose refuse in nrran coramunity? (tr0 'tarks) {tr0 Marks} Explain signiflrcance of milk sanitation for a wealthy growtll of niral community. (Iii Marks) What is Fasteurization of rniik and what are different qriality control fileasures to ensure (10 Marks)good quaiity milk. With a neat sketch, explain life cycle of mosquito and list the diffbrernt problerns caused hy mosquito in a Rural community. (10 N{arks) List the control rneasures to be taken by household to rninimize the adverse eff,:ct of ntosquito in Rural cornmunity. (trO Marks) d,. b. h a. b. 4. n_ a. ta. b. b.