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7 Keys for Creating
a Safety Culture
By Judy Agnew
Senior Vice President, Safety Solutions
© 2013 2
In the Field
• The topic of creating or
supporting a safety culture
comes up without fail
• Most often, there is a varied
understanding of what
leaders and employees
need to do to ingrain a
safety culture into the fabric
of their organization
© 2013 3
What is Safety Culture?
Safety Culture:
• A set of core values and behaviors that emphasize
safety as an overriding priority
• Expressed through what is said and done—
through behavior
• Unique to an organization but include one or more
of the seven keys to an effective safety culture
Key #1: Hazard Identification and Remediation
The entire workforce relentlessly
pursues the identification and
remediation of hazards.
Correcting hazards as quickly as
possible and maintaining good
communications around hazards will not
only create a safer workplace, it will
improve your employees’ engagement.
Frontline employees who believe
management takes care of hazards are
more willing to participate fully in safety
4ADI Aubrey Daniels International

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1) Achieving zero incidents is possible through developing a strong safety culture where safety is the top priority and responsibility of all employees and managers. This requires clear communication from top management about the need for culture change. 2) A safety culture focuses on eliminating the root causes of incidents rather than just reactions. It views safety as an integral part of business operations and empowers employees to take responsibility for safety. 3) Key elements of an effective safety culture include management commitment, well-defined safety policies and goals, employee training, hazard analysis, and recognizing employees for safe behaviors. With the right systems and commitment from all levels, any organization can achieve an incident-free work environment.

Safety Culture : An Overview
Safety Culture : An OverviewSafety Culture : An Overview
Safety Culture : An Overview

This document discusses safety culture and how to measure and improve it. It defines safety culture as how people think, believe, intend and behave regarding safety. Developing a strong safety culture can sustain safe behaviors because people want it and believe in it. There are four pillars to measure safety culture: technical capability, management infrastructure, people mindset, and leadership. Methods to measure include document review, interviews, surveys, and observations. Measuring safety culture identifies areas for improvement and encourages continuous progress. The document outlines four options to improve safety culture: conducting a safety culture survey, a full diagnostic, a cultural improvement program, and ensuring sustainability of gains.

safety improvementsafety culturesafety
Leadership and safety culture
Leadership and safety cultureLeadership and safety culture
Leadership and safety culture

This document discusses leadership and safety culture. It begins by outlining the objectives of exploring concepts of leadership and how they can be applied to workplace health and safety. It then discusses what leadership is not, such as power, status, authority, or management. True leadership shapes culture and influences performance outcomes. As a safety leader, visible commitment and leadership in the field are keys to achieving safety success. The document provides tools for safety leaders, including understanding behavior using the ABC model, influencing others positively through RAS questions, and leading effective toolbox talks. It emphasizes that safety leaders must lead by example, recognize workers, and inspire others to behave safely.

safety cultureleadershipleadership development for safety professionals
Employees at all levels are equally
comfortable stopping each other when
at-risk behavior is observed and
reinforcing each other when safe
behavior is observed.
While good constructive feedback is
important for improvement, positive
reinforcement for safe behavior is
essential for building safe habits. The
more actively involved all levels of the
organization are in delivering positive
reinforcement for behaviors consistent
with the desired culture, the stronger
the culture will be.
Key #2: Recognize Safe Behavior
5ADI Aubrey Daniels International
No one is blamed for near misses or
Instead, systemic causes are pursued.
Often when people engage in at-risk
behaviors that lead to incidents, there
are organizational systems and
practices that inadvertently encourage
those at-risk practices. It is important to
uncover those and establish
accountability for making the changes
to the systems and practices that
encourage safe behavior.
Key #3: Avoid the Blame Game
6ADI Aubrey Daniels International
The fear of discipline which drives
under-reporting and stifles involvement
must be driven out of the culture.
Discipline has a place, but most safety
issues can be effectively dealt with
without discipline, which has side
effects that work against building a
culture of safety. When discipline is
used disproportionately in relation to
positive consequences it leads to lower
morale, reduced trust, lower
productivity, less teamwork and lack of
engagement. Equally disturbing is that it
suppresses reporting incidents which
cripples the organizations ability to
learn from mistakes and become more
Key #4: Use Positive Consequences
ADI Aubrey Daniels International
The workforce is characterized by good
relationships at all levels.
Trust is an essential component for an
effective safety culture. As noted
above, mistakes and errors, while
unfortunate, provide invaluable
learning. Employees who have good
working relationships with management
are more likely to speak openly and
honestly about what is working, what is
not and what still needs to
change. They are also more engaged in
other aspects of safety.
Key #5: Build Trust and Relationships
8ADI Aubrey Daniels International

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This document provides an overview of behavior-based safety. It defines key concepts like activators, behaviors, and consequences using the ABC model of behavior change. Unsafe behaviors, not incidents or injuries, are identified as the root cause of 96% of injuries. The power of consequences on behaviors is emphasized, with positive reinforcement being the most effective at increasing safe behaviors. A behavior-based safety program involves pinpointing critical behaviors, communicating expectations, conducting observations to provide feedback, and using data to reinforce safe behaviors and correct unsafe ones. The goal is to measure and modify behaviors to drive cultural and accident rate improvements over time.

A safety champion program engagement and empowerment of frontline staff to pr...
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A safety champion program engagement and empowerment of frontline staff to pr...

The document describes a Safety Champion Program established at Henry Ford Health System (HFHS) to promote a culture of safety through engaging and empowering frontline staff. The program trains multidisciplinary employees as Safety Champions to act as voices and faces of safety on their units. Safety Champions complete core training courses and then work to identify safety issues, improve communication and processes, and share best practices. Evaluation found units with Safety Champions showed significantly greater improvements in safety culture survey scores than those without. A variety of unit-based projects initiated by Safety Champions helped reduce safety issues like injuries. The program has been successful, with over 350 Safety Champions participating, and is credited with positively impacting HFHS' culture of safety.

nursingeducationsafety champion
Safety is part of how work is done.
It is not treated as something separate
to be discussed during a weekly safety
meeting or only at shift change. Safety
should be part of every conversation
and considered in every decision.
9ADI Aubrey Daniels International
Key #6: Build Safety into Daily Processes
Successes are celebrated along the
Pride shouldn’t be focused solely on a
company’s safety record, but also in
what is being done every day, all day to
achieve that record.
10ADI Aubrey Daniels International
Key #7: Celebrate Success Often
The Power of Positive Reinforcement
Understand and use the science of behavior analysis
and these 7 keys to creating a safety culture.
Using targeted positive reinforcement of desired
behaviors leads to rapid change and the effects
multiply quickly as all employees begin to not only
display desired cultural behaviors, but to reinforce
those behaviors in others.
Visit AubreyDaniels.com for more on safety leadership,
behavior-based safety and related workplace topics.
11© 2013
Judy Agnew, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President, Safety Solutions
Judy Agnew is a recognized thought
leader in the field of behavior-based safety,
safety leadership, and performance
management. As an expert consultant,
Judy partners with clients to create
behavior-based interventions that use
positive, practical approaches grounded in
the science of behavior and engineered to
ensure long-term sustainability. She has
presented at major safety conferences,
including the American Society of Safety
Engineers, National Safety Council and
Behavioral Safety Now. Judy is the
author of two highly regarded safety books,
Removing Obstacles to Safety (with Gail
Snyder) and Safe by Accident? Take the
Luck out of Safety: Leadership Practices
that Build a Sustainable Safety Culture
(with Aubrey Daniels).
© 2013 12

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Behavior-based safety is a process that helps employees choose safe behaviors over unsafe ones through observation and feedback. It involves observing employees' behaviors, providing feedback on safe and unsafe behaviors, analyzing the data to measure improvements in safety over time, setting improvement goals, and reinforcing safe behaviors and goal attainment. When implemented successfully, it can result in increased efficiency, productivity, morale and profitability.

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3344 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1050
Atlanta, Georgia 30326

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➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Satta matka Dpboss kalyan Result Indian Matka matka boss otg
Kalyan Satta Matka Guessing Dp boss..143
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Satta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart result

7 Keys for Creating A Safety Culture

  • 1. 7 Keys for Creating a Safety Culture By Judy Agnew Senior Vice President, Safety Solutions
  • 2. © 2013 2 In the Field • The topic of creating or supporting a safety culture comes up without fail • Most often, there is a varied understanding of what leaders and employees need to do to ingrain a safety culture into the fabric of their organization
  • 3. © 2013 3 What is Safety Culture? Safety Culture: • A set of core values and behaviors that emphasize safety as an overriding priority • Expressed through what is said and done— through behavior • Unique to an organization but include one or more of the seven keys to an effective safety culture
  • 4. Key #1: Hazard Identification and Remediation The entire workforce relentlessly pursues the identification and remediation of hazards. Correcting hazards as quickly as possible and maintaining good communications around hazards will not only create a safer workplace, it will improve your employees’ engagement. Frontline employees who believe management takes care of hazards are more willing to participate fully in safety initiatives. 4ADI Aubrey Daniels International
  • 5. Employees at all levels are equally comfortable stopping each other when at-risk behavior is observed and reinforcing each other when safe behavior is observed. While good constructive feedback is important for improvement, positive reinforcement for safe behavior is essential for building safe habits. The more actively involved all levels of the organization are in delivering positive reinforcement for behaviors consistent with the desired culture, the stronger the culture will be. Key #2: Recognize Safe Behavior 5ADI Aubrey Daniels International
  • 6. No one is blamed for near misses or incidents. Instead, systemic causes are pursued. Often when people engage in at-risk behaviors that lead to incidents, there are organizational systems and practices that inadvertently encourage those at-risk practices. It is important to uncover those and establish accountability for making the changes to the systems and practices that encourage safe behavior. Key #3: Avoid the Blame Game 6ADI Aubrey Daniels International
  • 7. The fear of discipline which drives under-reporting and stifles involvement must be driven out of the culture. Discipline has a place, but most safety issues can be effectively dealt with without discipline, which has side effects that work against building a culture of safety. When discipline is used disproportionately in relation to positive consequences it leads to lower morale, reduced trust, lower productivity, less teamwork and lack of engagement. Equally disturbing is that it suppresses reporting incidents which cripples the organizations ability to learn from mistakes and become more proactive. 7 Key #4: Use Positive Consequences ADI Aubrey Daniels International
  • 8. The workforce is characterized by good relationships at all levels. Trust is an essential component for an effective safety culture. As noted above, mistakes and errors, while unfortunate, provide invaluable learning. Employees who have good working relationships with management are more likely to speak openly and honestly about what is working, what is not and what still needs to change. They are also more engaged in other aspects of safety. Key #5: Build Trust and Relationships 8ADI Aubrey Daniels International
  • 9. Safety is part of how work is done. It is not treated as something separate to be discussed during a weekly safety meeting or only at shift change. Safety should be part of every conversation and considered in every decision. 9ADI Aubrey Daniels International Key #6: Build Safety into Daily Processes
  • 10. Successes are celebrated along the way. Pride shouldn’t be focused solely on a company’s safety record, but also in what is being done every day, all day to achieve that record. 10ADI Aubrey Daniels International Key #7: Celebrate Success Often
  • 11. The Power of Positive Reinforcement Understand and use the science of behavior analysis and these 7 keys to creating a safety culture. Using targeted positive reinforcement of desired behaviors leads to rapid change and the effects multiply quickly as all employees begin to not only display desired cultural behaviors, but to reinforce those behaviors in others. Visit AubreyDaniels.com for more on safety leadership, behavior-based safety and related workplace topics. 11© 2013
  • 12. Judy Agnew, Ph.D. Senior Vice President, Safety Solutions Judy Agnew is a recognized thought leader in the field of behavior-based safety, safety leadership, and performance management. As an expert consultant, Judy partners with clients to create behavior-based interventions that use positive, practical approaches grounded in the science of behavior and engineered to ensure long-term sustainability. She has presented at major safety conferences, including the American Society of Safety Engineers, National Safety Council and Behavioral Safety Now. Judy is the author of two highly regarded safety books, Removing Obstacles to Safety (with Gail Snyder) and Safe by Accident? Take the Luck out of Safety: Leadership Practices that Build a Sustainable Safety Culture (with Aubrey Daniels). © 2013 12
  • 13. 3344 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1050 Atlanta, Georgia 30326 www.aubreydaniels.com