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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
OSI Layers The OSI model shows how the hardware and software function together in order to
enable communication between the computers. The OSI model is basically a framework of how the
device operate on the network. Assume that user 'A' sends data to user 'B' through internet, the data
has to travel the network to reach user B computer. During the data transfer, the data has to navigate
through many intermediate nodes. To ensure the data transfer from user A to user B correctly and
securely, so we need protocols to guide these data. These group of protocols are called
communication model. OSI model is one of the communication model. Open System
Interconnection (OSI) is made up of 7 layers, each layer has their own unique functions and
protocols. Control is passed from one layer to another layer, start at application layer which is layer
7 to physical layer which is layer 1. The framework for the OSI model is design of network systems
that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The transport layer also able to specify a service address to identify the source or the destination
computer to specify the application that the request came from and where it is going to. In the
proposal situation, there will be many network application which is running on a computer
simultaneously, so there will be a mechanism which helps identify the application that needs to
receive the date. All incoming data are multiplexed at the transport layer and then sent to the bottom
layer. The data which is received from the bottom layer will then de–multiplexed at the transport
layer and be transported to the correct application by using the Port numbers. Port numbers are to
identify the original network of the application and the source so as the destination of the network
application on the receiving
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Internetwork Essay
An internetwork is a collection of individual internet networks that are connected by mediating
internet devices and the whole together functions a large network whilst each still maintains their
own individual internet component.
Internetworking generally works via high speed LANS (local area networks) that enable users
within one small confined area to exchange files and messages as well as shared resources such as
printers. Switched internetworkings are also popularly used today. Both LANs and switched
internetworking allow high bandwidth applications and high speeds for the various programs such
as video and so forth.
Internetworking's face a great deal of challenges for instance with reliability, connectivity, network
management and flexibility. Since the different internets work at different levels and likely
according to different programs, the challenge is in supporting all so that they work together whilst
allowing a high degree of security that would provide data protection and provide rapid and smooth
transmission of information. Internetworks must be constantly flexible to meet the changing needs
Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model
The Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model describes how information from a
software application on one computer moves through the Internet network to a softwork application
another computer.
The OSI model contains seven self–sufficient layers on which the operation and workings of the
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Im It Governance and Decision Rights
IM/IT GOVERNANCE DECISION RIGHTS Sheetara Brown Strayer University Abstract IM/IT
governance and decision rights consist of helping the organization make a wise business decision
more accurately and in a timelier manner. IM/IT operations help expand information technology to
be used effectively that helps support the strategic priorities of the organization. In addition, high
priorities are a result in strategic IM/IT planning. To address chapter 3 in a more detail explanation I
will explain and discuss these following questions: Give five different examples of simple systems
and include the input(s), conversion process, and output(s)? Ensure that there is some feedback
between your examples. Why do closed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, open systems perspective views an organization as an entity in which they take inputs
from these environment which they transform them and release there outputs. Find examples of the
use of cybernetic systems in healthcare, other than the examples provided. Cybernetic systems are
systems set up to do different things, which are computer based systems where data is inputted to be
performed. The difference between non cybernetic systems with healthcare and with is, non
cybernetic systems are all manual work being done for example, all results and lab work on a patient
is being writing up by nurse, doctor to test all results as for dealing with cybernetic systems in
healthcare everything is computer base where your data can be submitted to the computer and it can
break down lab reports, and other data the physician/doctor patients information concerning their
health. Another example is the breakdown process of how the cybernetic process system works
within the patient care. How the process work is the patient perform a history and physical
examination and customizes orders from an evidence–based order set. Then the nurse sets not assign
and customizes a clinical pathway and therapeutic goal which is figuring out a way of which is the
best approach to figure out the best care for its patient, so pretty much finding the best care for its
patients. Next the nurse will
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Bluetooth – Wireless Modus Operandi . Osi – Open System
Bluetooth – Wireless Modus operandi OSI – Open System Interconnection Reference Model (OSI
Reference Model or OSI Model) is a reference show for how applications can convey over a system.
A reference model may be reasonably priced system for comprehension connections. The motivation
behind the OSI reference model is to guide sellers and designers that the processed correspondence
things and programming programs they create can interoperate, and to encourage clear correlations
among specialized devices. Define the purposes of the lower layers of the Open System Interconnect
(OSI model that are executed in Bluetooth hardware. The seven Open System Interconnection layers
are: Layer 7 Application – this can be the layer at that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Internet Protocol is the system network layer for the web. Layer 2 Data Link – this layer sets up the
connections over the physical system, putting parcels into the systems outlines. This layer has 2
sub–layers, the Logical Link management Layer and therefore the Media Access management
Layer. Ethernet is the principal information linkage layer being use. Layer 1 Physical Layer – this
layer passes on the bit stream through the system at the electrical, optical or radio level. It gives the
equipment method for sending and accepting information on a transporter arrange. Associate these
functions with the functions of the upper layers of Bluetooth software. The upper or main 3 layers in
the OSI Model (Application, Presentation, and Session Layers) are consolidated into a solitary layer
just in the TCP/IP display in the Applications layer. There are some OSI convention applications that
consolidate the 3 layers, for instance, X400, there's not associate degree expressed necessity for the
TCP/IP convention stack to execute a watchful structure over the Transport Layer. The Session layer
relates to the Telnet virtual terminal utility that's a chunk of content based mostly conventions like
SMTP and HTTP TCP/IP demonstrate Application Layer conventions. It likewise relates to the TCP
and UDP port list framework that's a chunk of the
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Purpose Of An OSI Model
What is the purpose of an OSI model? The purpose of an OSI model is a standard that was created
for networks to share information. This standard governs the way information is transmitted over
different networks. The model also sets guidelines to those in the manufacturing industry that create
and develop software and hardware that are all compatible with each other.
This paper will discuss and describe the 7 layers of the Open System Interconnection model (OSI
model) and the layers of the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol model (TCP/IP model),
and explain the similarities and differences of each model.
The 7 layers of the OSI model consist of: The Application layer (layer 7), The Presentation layer
(layer 6), The Session ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Transport layer
Transport layers exist in both TCP/IP and OSI model. Even though both models have Transport
layers they differ. The TCP/IP model consist of two standard transport protocols: Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP uses a reliable data–stream
protocol which is connected oriented and UDP uses a unreliable data–stream protocol which is
connectionless oriented.
The Internet layer
The Internet layer is a group of protocols and specifications that are used to transport packets from
the host across a network, the host specified by a network address (IP address)
The Link layer
The lower level layer of the TCP/IP model, this layer is used by a suite of protocols for the
"Internet". This is used to connect hosts or nodes to a network. This layer is compared to the "Data
Link" layer and "Physical " layer of the OSI model.
TCP/IP Application Layer VS OSI Application, Presentation and Session layer.
The similarities in both models are comparable but different at the same time. All though they exist
in both, the approach each uses to construct applications is different. In the OSI model the
Application layer, Presentation layer and Session layer correspond to the Application layer of the
TCP/IP model. They somewhat do the same job but use different protocols, TCP/IP uses: FTP,
SMTP, TELNET, DNS and SNMP where the OSI model uses: FTAM, VT, MHS,
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Regulatory Style Of The Regulator
Also, the actual structure will certainly establish the proper lawful rank of the regulator along with
the result how the organization's lawful standing up is wearing it 's functions and also operates. This
lawful rank of the regulatory specialist would depend on the actual country's politics and also lawful
devices. Essential factors have to be addressed to produce a prosperous regulatory specialist.
After the regulator's mandate and also skills are already proven, it is very important establish the
actual regulator's institutional style, along with it 's relationship with all the govt, business, along
with the general public. This institutional style of the regulator will certainly affect the actual design
of the regulator, as well as it 's leadership and also supervision corporation and its particular
organizational and also management set ups. Also, the actual prosperous supervision of an regulator
along with the powerful work out regarding it 's operates will certainly be affected by the actual
management design of the regulator, such as it 's staffing course of action along with the honorable
carryout regarding it 's employees. Entire, it is crucial how the organizational and also institutional
structure supplies many measure of regulator freedom, visibility and also responsibility.
Principal aim regarding unbiased government bodies
Shielding user likes and dislikes and also thinking of user problems;
Ø Supervisory the actual prominent agent to counteract these people
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Evolution of TCPIP and The Internet Essay
The Evolution of TCPIP and The Internet The Evolution of TCP/IP (and the Internet)
While the TCP/IP protocols and the Internet are different, their evolution are most definitely
parallel. This section will discuss some of the history.
Prior to the 1960s, what little computer communication existed comprised simple text and binary
data, carried by the most common telecommunications network technology of the day; namely,
circuit switching, the technology of the telephone networks for nearly a hundred years. Because
most data traffic transmissions occur during a very short period of time, circuit switching results in
highly inefficient use of network resources. In 1962, Paul Baran, of the Rand Corporation, described
a robust, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The original ARPANET gave life to a number of protocols that were new to packet switching. One
of the most lasting results of the ARPANET was the development of a user–network protocol that
has become the standard interface between users and packet switched networks; namely, ITU–T
(formerly CCITT) Recommendation X.25. This "standard" interface encouraged BBN to start
Telenet, a commercial packet–switched data service, in 1974; after much renaming, Telenet is now a
part of Sprint's X.25 service.
The initial host–to–host communications protocol introduced in the ARPANET was called the
Network Control Protocol (NCP). Over time, however, NCP proved to be incapable of keeping up
with the growing network traffic load. In 1974, a new, more robust suite of communications
protocols was proposed and implemented throughout the ARPANET, based upon the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). TCP and IP were originally envisioned
functionally as a single protocol, thus the protocol suite, which actually refers to a large collection of
protocols and applications, is usually referred to simply as TCP/IP. The original versions of both
TCP and IP that are in common use today were written in September 1981, although both have had
several modifications applied to them (in addition, the IP version 6, or IPv6, specification was
released in December 1995). In 1983, the DoD mandated that all of their computer systems would
use the TCP/IP protocol suite for
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Criminal Justice Organization. Among The Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Organization Among the criminal justice organizations, there are numerous
criminal justice professional associations that assist law enforcement with policies, standards,
analysis, and training and education. The Department of Homeland Security has a mission to secure
the nation from any threat it may face ("Homeland Security", n.d.). The Department of Homeland
Security duties are wide–ranging and their goal is to keep America safe.
The Structure of the Department of Homeland Security The organizational structure of the
Department of Homeland Security consists of over 240,000 employees in jobs that range from
aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility
inspector ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the Department of Homeland Security, all information is only given on a need to know basis.
The open system leaves the door open for better communication. The open system focuses on the
organization and the external possibilities while the closed focuses on internal possibilities when
problems occur. The open system is influenced by the environment, which also causes weaknesses
in the structure since every day there is change. Environmental changes cause organizational
changes. The close system in an organization shows organized structure and order, however, lack
structural mobility ("Open Versus Closed Systems," n.d.).
The recommended changes to improve the structure of the Department of Homeland Security would
be to be part open system and closed system. The Department of Homeland Security can make
certain departments of the organization closed to keep information internal and open certain
departments have better communication.
Manager Versus Leadership
Although the terms "management" and "leadership" are often confused as in meaning the same there
is a distinction between the words. The distinction between the words is that people manage things
and lead people (Collins, 2017).
James Ingles, a fellow student, through classes at Franklin University and reading posts the
information obtained
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Compare System Thinking And Learning Organization . System
Compare System Thinking and Learning Organization System thinking is having the ability and
critical thinking skill to create a well develop system. According to Arnold (2015) System thinking
is based on interacting or interdependent within a group or whole (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. 670).
The interacting and interdependent depends on the characteristics of interconnections which is how
the characteristics relate to each other and the feedback that it gets from each other. This is a very
important part to determine system thinking, behavior as well as its function and purpose (Arnold &
Wade, 2015). The system test can closely examines according to Arnold (2015) notes elements,
interconnection, goals and function (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. ... Show more content on
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3. A Sympathetic system structure– this is where system structure is used in order to understand and
recognizing how the system behavior and its interconnections along with feedback on system
structure. 4. The types of stocks, flows, and variables– stock is part of the system resources, flows
the change in the different levels, variables consist of part of the system that is changeable and can
affect the stocks and flows (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. 677). 5. Recognizing and understanding the
non–linear relationships– this is part of the Hopper & Stave element which bring out the stocks,
flows and variables that refers to non–linear nature. 6. Accepting dynamic behavior– the dynamic
behavior is broken down in stocks, flows, and variables this part of the dynamic behavior system. It
also brings to light emergent behavior that clearly explains the dynamic behavior and its
interconnection to the feedback loops that can identify the non–linear relationship to dynamic
behavior. 7. Decreasing the complexity of modeling systems conceptually– this model stems from
Hopper & Steve by using the conceptual models it gives leaders the ability to look at the different
part of the system in order to view the current system in a different way to decrease the level of
complexity. 8. Describing the system on different scales– it understands and recognizing
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Health Level Seven Mission Statement
The Health Level Seven (HL7) organization is a global American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) accredited organization dedicated to standards development. At quarterly meetings,
volunteers from around the world gather to create and improve documentation that outlines how
clinical information will be shared between disparate healthcare provider applications. When
developing healthcare application interfaces to exchange patient data, HL7 standards are the go–to
specifications to ensure that exchange. "HL7 empowers global health data interoperability by
developing standards and enabling their adoption and implementation", is the HL7 International
organization's mission statement according to their website (n.d.). "Level seven" is a reference
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Bridging Between Routing And Routing
Bridging versus routing
"Routing control protocol is essential in order to dynamically determine the topology of the network
and to detect failing links. Bridging control protocols may be used similarly in smaller networks or
may be used in combination with routing." Higginson & Shand (1997). Bridge and routers are
applied in computer networking as they both connect two or more interrelated Local Area Networks
(LAN) therefore creating an extension of the Local Area Network or a Wide Area Network. Bridges
operates on MAC layer addresses and at the data link layer of the Open System Interconnection
(OSI) model whereas routers operate on the network control layer – third layer of the OSI model.
Since routers do not have the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On occasions where a protocol appears as unrecognizable by the router, the packet is just dropped.
Non–routable protocols don't define any recognized network information in the data packet. Routers
are usually included as part of a network switch and can be located on any gateway which includes
any point of presence on the internet. Being connected on two or more networks, it sends
information packet between terminals based on the current status of the network in which it is
connected to.
Bridges connect network of similar protocols thus allowing communication between them. They
operate on the second (data link) layer of the open system interconnection (OSI) model. The data
link layer frames messages for transmission, establishes and error free communication path, ensures
sequence of transmitted data, manages access on channel use and check integrity of received
While routers transmit only the relevant and required data packet to the end destination as required
in the LAN, each bridge builds an internal list of addresses of all the terminals attached to the
network so as to allow for communication. Every packet is checked against the internal list of the
bridge and the information is forwarded if the opposite segment has the destination address or if the
bridge doesn't have the address logged.
Routers have the ability to allow hosts that aren't practically on the same logical network, to be
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment
Unit I Assignment: Open System Interconnection Reference Model
As we all know, the growth of computer networks continues to rapidly grow. The digital revolution
has changed the way we work and communicate almost beyond recognition. Provided that,
foreseeing the changes and potential compatibility problems, in the mid nineteen eighties, the
international standard organization (ISO) developed a networking reference model to standardize
how network systems communicate with each other. It is a logical model for how network systems
are supposed to communicate with each other. It breaks down the different components of the
network communication and puts them into layers which reduce complexity. This reference model
consists of seven layers: Application Layer, Presentation Layer, Session Layer, Transport Layer,
Network Layer, Data Link Layer, and the Physical Layer. Each layer provides a service to the layer
above it in the protocol specification and then communicates with the same layer's software or
hardware on other computers. It's important to realize, that these layers are separated into 2 sets:
Transportation Set (Laters 1– 4) and Application Set (Layers 5 – 7). More importantly, the OSI
model is 7 logical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Application layer within the OSI reference model is where the application and the user
communicates. In other words, the application layer is the ending of data that is transferred in visual
form to the user. This layer provides the interface between the applications we use to communicate
and the underlying network over which our messages are transmitted. The Application Layer
functions are to provide the interface for application–specific protocols commonly used such as
HyperText Transfer (HTTP), file transfer (FTP), Simple mail transfer (SMTP), Internet message
Access (IMAP),
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The System Development Life Cycle Framework
Prior to Zachman, organizations often introduced information systems technology in direct response
to a perceived need by the organization such as the automation of a particular job function (Bernard,
2011). As Bernard notes, this became increasingly problematic as organizations evolved as did their
need for integration and communication between their system implementations. Systems developed
to meet business requirements on a case by case basis often using proprietary vendor products which
eventually led to heterogeneous collection of disharmonious systems (Bernard, 2011). Zachman
Framework Compared to the System Development Life Cycle Framework The most common
approach to developing a system during the time Zachman created his framework was the System
Development Life Cycle Framework (SDLC) (Collins, 2008, February). SDLC is typically divided
into five phases which are planning, analysis, detailed system design, implementation, and
maintenance (Coronel & Morris, 2015). Each of these phases is intended as a gate which must be
passed through before proceeding to the next (Coronel & Morris, 2015). With this structure in mind,
it should be clear that while it may be possible to revisit the planning phase during the analysis
phase, the converse would certainly not be possible. Consequently, this emphasizes perhaps the key
and fundamental difference between the two approaches. Even a cursory glimpse at the initial
Zachman (1987) framework would not reveal a series of
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Evolution Of The Internet Of Things
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a
large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to selected
subsets of data for the development of a plethora of digital services. Building a general architecture
for the IoT is hence a very complex task, mainly because of the extremely large variety of devices,
link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. As a result, huge
volumes of data are being generated, and that data is being processed into useful actions that can
"command and control" things to make our lives much easier and safer–and to reduce our impact on
the environment. In this paper we will discuss the vision ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
IoT is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes beyond
machine–to– machine (M2M) communications and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and
applications. The interconnection of these embedded devices (including smart objects), is expected
to usher in automation in nearly all fields, while also enabling advanced applications like a smart
grid, and expanding to areas such as smart cities. "Things", in the IoT sense, can refer to
a wide variety of devices such as heart monitoring implants, biochip transponders on farm animals,
cameras streaming live feeds of wild animals in coastal waters, automobiles with built–in sensors,
DNA analysis devices for environmental/food/pathogen monitoring, or field operation devices that
assist firefighters in search and rescue operations. An urban IoT, indeed, may bring a number of
benefits in the management and optimization of traditional public services, such as transport and
parking, lighting, surveillance and maintenance of public areas, preservation of cultural heritage,
garbage collection, celebrity of hospitals, and school. IoT is also expected to generate large amounts
of data from diverse locations, with the consequent necessity for quick aggregation of the data, and
an increase in the need to index, store, and process such data more effectively.
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Traumatic Human Development In The Movie Boyz N The Hood
The movie Boyz N the Hood is an illustration of how a group of early adolescents' lives was
affected negatively due to the environment they lived in. These adolescents lived in an environment
where drugs, gangs, and shootings were the center of their community. Living in a predominantly
African American community these adolescents were faced with many misfortunes. Ricky one of
the adolescent characters I have decided to evaluate for this particular paper was faced with
adversity. Ricky as a character displayed the effects of understanding the traumatic human
development and normal human development. Traumatic human development is when one is open
to danger and violence. One can be open to traumatic development directly or indirectly on a
centered foundation. Ricky environment exposed him negativity. A majority of the negativity that
Ricky is exposed to is gun violence, gangs, drugs and other negativity as well. Due to his
environment being looked down upon and him being an African American male from a certain area
of Los Angeles town he was viewed upon negatively by society. For instance, a scene from the
movie dictates Tre and Ricky is pulled over by cops. The cops, one African American the main cop
posed Tre and Ricky as a threat to society. Being harassed by the cop made Tre and Ricky feel as
though they had no place in of belonging in that part of Los Angeles town. By Ricky being an
African American male it was difficult enough for him to be successful in his environment. Ricky
was not as fortunate to have the resources he needed. He was limited to many resources but, his
limitation did not interfere with him having normal development. The theories that can mainly be
relative to this movie, as well as the character Ricky, are person–in–environment, systems theory,
and cultural theory (Newman and Newman 2012). The first theory that can be associated with
character Ricky is the person–in–environment theory. Person in environment theory had some
effects on Ricky. Ricky's environment consisted of drugs, gangs, and even murders. His
environment did not shape who Ricky was. His environment was his motivation to escape. Unlike
his brother Doughboy whom had gotten comfortable in the environment of his
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Plain View/ Open Fields Case Study Essay
Roel R. Garcia
Plain View / Open Fields Case Study
Axia College University of Phoenix
Scott Smith
September 14, 2008
Today a high percentage of the arrests done by law enforcement are from seized evidence that was
in plain view and does not come under the Fourth Amendment. The plain view doctrine states that
items that are within the sight of a police officer who is legally in a place from which the view is
made may properly be seized without a warrant as long as such items are immediately recognizable
as subject to seizure (Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice 2004). In other instances police can also
seize evidence that is in open fields. The open fields doctrine holds that items in open fields are not
protected ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The officer walked over to the wall and was able to see two juveniles in a fistfight. Their clothes
were ripped, their eyes swollen, and their faces were bleeding. The officer entered the property
through an open gate and broke up the fight. The officer observed several plastic baggies containing
a white powdery substance on a patio table. The officer called the boys' parents walking towards the
patio's screen door. A woman, dressed in a nightgown exited the house and immediately started
explaining the baggies on the table. The officer then arrested the woman for possession of narcotics.
After the backyard was secured the other officer continued to the location where the purse was
drooped. As he retrieved the purse the officer observed marihuana cigarettes among its spilled
contents. The officer seized the evidence and arrested the purse's owner.
The scenario is self explanatory and covers in my opinion both doctrines in at list one of the
situations. When the officers were walking back to recover the purse one of the officers heard
screaming. He approached the area where the screams were coming from and observed a crime
being committed in his presence which was fight between two juveniles. The first requirement of the
plain view doctrine was covered because he was legally inside the property due to the fight. Just as
he went inside the property he observed the baggies containing a white powdery substance, which
made him aware of
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Importance Of End Systems
In today's society networking is pivotal structure in the way information is transferred and received
between people. In the business world we need to send information to people to at fast rates to meet
user satisfaction. Imagine places like wall street that is the mecca of business that constantly send
information back and forth to get the right information to keep investor aware or up to date on a
forever changing stock market. Picture one the biggest libraries in america the library of congress in
washington dc that has network structure to accommodate millions of people that commute and use
resources such online biography and web capabilities every day. For system like this to exist we
depend on a common network layer that is used all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the second and third layer of osi model it is called data link and network link. Data link is
packaging data into frames and transmitting those frames on the network and performing the error
detection correction by uniquely identifying the network devices with an address, and handling the
flow control. Data link layer has two sub layer which is called media access control which is know
as the computer unique identifier to which the network is assigned The mac address comes with a 48
bit address that is assign to it devices network interface card/.Second sub layer is llc which stand for
logic link control, which is know as the multiplex functions that is process of over media access
control To provide a means of exchanging data between end users across a MAC–controlled link or
a collection of LANs interconnected by MAC–level bridges. Layer 3 switching is another example
of fragment–free switching. Up to now, this discussion has concentrated on switching and bridging
at the data link layer Layer 2 of the Open System Interconnection OSI model. When bridge
technology was first developed, it was not practical to build wire–speed bridges with large numbers
of high–speed ports because of the manufacturing cost involved. With improved technology, many
functions previously implemented in software were moved into the hardware, increasing
performance and
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Organization Structure and Inter-Organizational...
22 The Icfai Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. IV, No. 4, 2007
© 2007 The Icfai University Press. All Rights Reserved.
Organization Structure and Inter–Organizational Dependency:
The Environmental Imperative
Contingency theory and Systems theory are the two dominant theories that bring out the link
between organization structure and the environment. Systems theory has evolved over time and
undergone several transitions.
This study tries to provide a more meaningful understanding about closed and open systems by
linking with the object–observer model from physics. Additionally, the paper gives a finer view of
the implications of the environment on the organization. It also captures several other areas like the
role of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Organizational environment is not dealt as it is not a part of the external environment.
Open vs. Closed Systems
The whole idea of systems theory was under question in embracing the open systems view which
was diametrically against the traditional closed system view. The traditional closed system relied on
the concept of internal efficiency and stability and the organization theorists downplayed the role of
the environment. It was the open systems view which brought the role of environment to the
forefront. Open and closed system were held across a continuum and partially open and partially
closed system gained prominence. A typology of object systems is given in Table 2.
It is noteworthy that a super imposition of object systems as such into systems theory of
organization is not genuine. The observational phase of science consists of at least an observer and
an object. The behavior of all the objects are contextual and one who looks into the dynamics
associated with the behavior of an object in a particular setting is defined as an observer by the
object systems. However, different observers decode the same behavior in different ways. The same
theory argues that process is any activity that involves change which is measured by duration,
succession and co–existence. Thus, only open and closed systems are of importance and were
considered for the study of organizations. The other two quadrants were between the two
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Design Of An Integrated Circuit
1.1 Overview
Nowadays it is impossible to imagine any device where microelectronics is not present, from
personal computers through home appliances, modern society relies on the performance of
integrated circuits. It is so, that microelectronics advent has opened doors to new horizons where
integrated circuits have played an important role from the very beginning of their creation since the
late 1950s, when Jack St. Clair Kilby, a Texas Instruments Engineer, decided to change the future,
conceiving the first integrated circuit, where the components, passive as well as active, were placed
over a piece of semi–conductive material (Germanium piece) that was half the size of a paper clip.
The success of this element (called chip due to its small size) containing a few transistors, resistors,
and capacitors, led to the Physics Nobel Prize for its inventor in 2000.
The design of an integrated circuit involves a development plan, where its functional characteristics
and performance will define the elaboration of the logic circuit diagram. Once the diagram is
finished, a series of simulations are executed to test the operation of the designed circuit; if no issues
are encountered, a massive production plan is implemented.
This manufacturing process has allowed the miniaturization of most of the devices used daily,
translating to lower production costs. The typical manufacturing process involves the
interconnection of the integrated circuit chips to the
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Similarities Between Globalization And The 19th Century...
Colonialism, the policy and practice of a power in extending control over weaker peoples or areas,
was very prevalent in nineteenth century and promoted the connection of different parts of the
world. Likewise, globalization also connects and integrates different parts of the world, but it is
somehow differentiated from colonialism. The essay mainly talks about some differences and
similarities between 19th century colonialism and 21st century globalization by examining war and
conquest versus peace, violent revolutions versus trade and how both demonstrate trends of
First of all, colonialism in 19th century involved occupation and slavery, while globalization
promoted integration and peace. In nineteenth century, Britain colonized ... Show more content on
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Both colonialism and globalization improve the interconnection and development of countries in
spite of the inequality caused by them. Because of the British colonists in Africa, the incomes of
most African countries increased steadily during this period, from the year of 1885 (Robinson, J. and
Heldring, L. 2013). There was certain statistics showing the development of countries that were
colonized, but experts pointed out that harm triggered by colonialism should never be ignored.
Besides, the colonialism in 19th century promotes the interconnection between colonists and
colonies because colonies were ruled by colonists, so they had the same laws, regulations, culture,
and economic system. In East – Africa, the British protectorate had influenced effectively. The
railway, hospitals, schools, and telegraph appeared in East – Africa, and new food like maize and
sweet potatoes made Africans diet more nourishing (Rashid, N. 2014). The most significant
development of globalization is technology. Advanced technologies provide us more open source
materials, more efficient way of health care, more accessible education materials, and a free area to
communicate with people in different countries. The Internet Revolution and Web 2.0 have
improved the social networking and communication (Hrynyshyn, D. 2002). Because of the
development of technology, every country in this
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Importance Of Computer Literacy
By definition, computer literacy is "basic, nontechnical knowledge about computers and how to use
them; familiarity and experience with computers, software, and computer systems." ("Computer
literacy | Define Computer literacy at Dictionary.com," n.d.) Computer literacy is when an
individual is familiar enough with a computer to be able to use it without help or needing extensive
knowledge. Someone who is computer literate is able to use a computer, navigate folders and sub
folders, run programs, install and uninstall computer software, and general knowledge of how it
Computer algorithms and its significance
Computer algorithms are significant in that without them, a computer would not function. A
computer algorithm is a set of instructions which tells the computer how to do something, and in
return, we are given an output of some sort. A computer algorithm can be defined as "a procedure
for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of
steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly". ("Algorithm | Definition of
Algorithm by Merriam–Webster," n.d.) Essentially, an algorithm is a set of instructions which are
laid out step by step, in order for the computer to process the information and preform a task.
Technologies that have contributed to the exponential growth of the Internet and the World Wide
Web (WWW)
There are two technologies that come to mind when I think of what helped grow the
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Essay on Telecommunications Act of 1996
The Telecommunications Act of 1996
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 can be termed as a major overhaul of the communications law
in the past sixty–two years. The main aim of this Act is to enable any communications firm to enter
the market and compete against one another based on fair and just practices ("The
Telecommunications Act 1996," The Federal Communications Commission). This Act has the
potential to radically change the lives of the people in a number of different ways. For instance it has
affected the telephone services both local and long distance, cable programming and other video
services, broadcast services and services provided to schools. The Federal Communications
Commission has actively endorsed this Act and has worked ... Show more content on
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Additional provisions include those giving families control of the television programming that
comes into their homes through the use of "V–Chip" technology, and prevent undue
concentration in television and radio ownership so that a diversity of voices and viewpoints can
continue to flourish, through modified ownership limits ("Telecommunications Act of 1996,"
Federal Communication Commission).
The response in the telecommunications market, soon after the Act was passed, was tremendous. For
one thing four of the seven Bell Regional Holding companies announced mergers (as recommended
and encouraged by the Act). Bell Atlantic acquired NYNEX, and SBC acquired Pacific Telesis. As
time went by more and more companies falling in the jurisdiction of the Bell regional companies
began to announce proposed mergers and followed them through. It is important to note here that
some of the mergers were among Bell companies and local carriers e.g. Bell Atlantic and GTE, SBC
and Ameritech (pending) and AT&T and the video cable giant TCI. Some of these changes of
course are a direct result of the changes in the regulatory practices mentioned in the Act of 1996.
The rest of them can only be called a preparation of sorts for the competitive market environment to
come in the near future if the Act of 1996 is fully realized by that time. This will not only increase
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Cyberwarfare Defense Report For Western Interconnection...
Cyberwarfare Defense Report for Western Interconnection Power Grid
Pallavi Mule
Western Governors University
To: Chief Information Officer, Department of Defense
From: Cybersecurity Analyst, Red Cell 637 Defense.
Subject: Task 2 Cyber Defense Report
A1. Reconnaissance
The Initial phase in cyberattack is reconnaissance. In reconnaissance phase, attackers gather
information about target's vulnerabilities which can be exploited further.
Reconnaissance are of two types:
1. Active Reconnaissance
Active reconnaissance is the information collection process in which attacker gains access to the
target system and performs port scans or check ways to go around the firewalls and routers. Since in
an active reconnaissance attacker must enter or probe the target's network, there is a possibility that
target might get information about attacker like attacker's IP address. (Mike Chapple, 2014)
2. Passive Reconnaissance
Passive reconnaissance is the process of information collection in which attacker is in passive mode
and target will not know about attacker. It generally involves research about target by using open
source information gathering tools like Google. (Czumak,2014)
In Western power grid attack, APT was well organized. They used both active and passive
reconnaissance methods to gather information. We have found the traces of attackers IP in the
network logs provided by Intelligence services. This tells us that attackers had used Active
Reconnaissance to get network
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Australia 's Interconnection With England
Australia 's interconnection with England
By Clement Wong
School Report – 9 March, 2015
Australian – British relations are one of the closest international relationships in existence, marked
by culture, institutions and language, Australia have a few interconnection with England by military,
tourism, migration, economic, sports, culture, science and engineer. Firstly, Globalisation is acting
an important role between Australia and England, however what is globalisation? Globalization is
the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively
increased trade and cultural exchange. Globalization has increased the production of goods and
Tourism is one of the major interconnection between Australia and England. Tourism is
Industry The City of London has been funding for the development of resources in Australia since
the old days The oil industry in Australia started with Commonwealth Oil Refineries, a collaboration
between the Australian government and the Anglo–Persian Oil Company (later BP). Ties are strong
in the media industry; Rupert Murdoch 's involvement in British newspapers and BSkyB is
mentioned above, but Fremantle Media has gone the other way to acquire and merge Crackerjack
Productions with the creators of Neighbors.
Anglo–Australian companies have become some of the biggest multinational mining companies
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Finding Fish : A Memoir By Antwone Fisher
Introduction This is a paper about the book Finding Fish: A Memoir, which was written by Antwone
Fisher. By necessity given the nature of the book, the main character will be examined at length.
Through careful examination of the main character a deeper understanding of the book can be
reached. After the examination, a number of theoretical perspectives will be applied to the main
character, as well as an explanation of how these perspectives can be used to evaluate Antwone in
order to understand him better. The perspectives that will be used will be the strengths, systems,
conflict, humanistic, and psychodynamic perspectives. Following the connection of the perspectives
to Antwone, an explanation of why social workers use theories and ... Show more content on
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Over the course of his eleven years in the navy Antwone gained a sense of self–esteem, learned how
to be more vocal, addressed the anger that his early life had built up inside him, and ultimately fell
in love for the first time. He then spent a few years as a security guard before writing a screenplay
and publishing his book.
Application of Perspectives In this section, some theoretical perspectives that are often used in
social work are going to be applied to Antwone. The perspectives that will be applied will be the
strengths, systems, conflict, humanistic, and psychodynamic perspectives. After their application,
the perspectives will then be used to assess and evaluate Antwone. It is through this application,
assessment, and evaluation that a deeper understanding of the main character as well as the
perspectives can be reached.
Strengths Perspective Overview "The strengths perspective embraces the principle that all clients
possess them. Strengths can be the client's willingness to accept help, the client's positive attitude,
their ability to overcome hardships in the past..." (Arnold, 2008, p. 1) In the strengths perspective,
the strengths of a person to resist the stressor and problem areas in their lives are what the focus is
on. (Hutchinson, 2016, p. 111) What this means is that it is assumed that regardless of who the
person is or what they have done, they have strengths that can help them
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Social Medi A Functional Analysis Approach
In today's society where social media has become an increasingly popular form of communication
for organizations to interact with its public, Amy Reitz, Senior Market Insights Manager at Hewlett–
Packard wrote her article Social Media's Function in Organization: a Functional Analysis Approach
while she was an assistant Professor at the University of Northern Colorado. Amy claims that
"organizations can function better with an open systems approach to public relations by employing
social media, allowing for a greater chance at survival than organizations that function as a closed
system (Reitz, 2012, p.41, para.1)." Author Amy Reitz took several theories into consideration in the
development of this paper, but ultimately decided that a functional analysis approach best described
that organizations would benefit better as an open system with help from using social media. The
main claim the author tries to convey is, "organizations can function better with an open systems
approach to public relations by employing social media, allowing for a greater chance at survival
than organizations that function as a closed system (Reitz, 2012, p.41, para.1)." The article's main
goal is to suggest that organizations will function better by using social media, which will ultimately
help the organization function better as an open system. The author supports this by taking into
consideration four functions in which social media will help the system of an organization. These
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Essay on Cyber Attacks on the Government’s Transportation...
Breaches and Security Implications by Penetration of the Western Interconnection's
Traffic Control System and its Effects on Modern Day Life
Year after year, a number of films are released involving computer hacking of some sort along with
cyber–villainy. As entertaining as they are, the validity of these possibilities is not explored. Many
of these films center revolve around a chaotic vehicle–related scene where a form of the
government's transportation grid is compromised. The breach typically involves traffic control. As
the stoplights and streetlights are in a state known as gridlock, external hackers usually make the
situation as unruly as humanely plausible. However, the very nature of this unfortunate scenario can
only be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This includes the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona,
Colorado, Wyoming,
Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Texas. The Western Interconnection is connected to the
Eastern Interconnection via six direct current transmission facilities. The WECC has offices in the
following cities: Salt Lake, Utah; Vancouver, Washington; and Loveland, Colorado. The
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) employs eight other branches of electric
reliability councils (NERC).
Currently, the level of security regarding the Western Interconnection networks is depleting, as in it
is becoming ever more susceptible to external hackers. The vulnerable nature of all the United States
electric power grids brought the attention of the White House a couple years ago. The potential of
these cyber–attacks on this vital infrastructure has led to a suspicion of Chinese hackers behind the
job. At the time, it was assumed that the U.S. Congress and
government regulators would pressure all the electric utilities to increase security ten–fold and be
ready to evade all computer intrusions. A single breach would inevitably lead to chaos striking the
entire nation. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano expressed concerns about the
power grid's high vulnerability to
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Principle of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of...
The potential benefits of electrical energy supplied to a number of consumers from a common
generating system were recognized shortly after the development of the 'dynamo', commonly known
as the generator. The first public power station was put into service in 1882 in London (Holborn).
Soon a number of other public supplies for electricity followed in other developed countries. The
early systems produced direct current at low–voltage, but their service was limited to highly
localized areas and was used mainly for electric lighting. The limitations of d.c. transmission at low
voltage became readily apparent. By 1890 the art in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The secondary distribution system contains overhead lines or underground cables supplying the
consumers directly (houses, light industry, shops, etc.) by single– or three–phase power. Separate,
dedicated primary feeders supply industrial customers requiring several megawatts of power. The
sub transmission system directly supplies large factories consuming over 50 MW.
Primary Distribution System
The most frequently used voltages and wiring in the primary distribution system are listed in Table
1. Primary distribution, in low load density areas, is a radial system. This is economical but yields
low reliability. In large cities, where the load density is very high, a primary cable network is used.
The distribution substations are interconnected by the feeders (lines or cables). Circuit breakers
(CBs) are installed at both ends of the feeder for short–circuit protection. The loads are connected
directly to the feeders through fuses. The connection is similar to the one–line diagram of the high–
voltage network shown in Fig. 1. The high cost of the network limits its application. A more
economical and fairly reliable arrangement is the loop connection, when the main feeder is supplied
from two independent distribution substations. These stations share the load. The problem with this
connection is the circulating current that occurs when the two supply station voltages are different.
The loop arrangement
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Computer Networking, The Transport Layer Of The Internet...
In computer networking, the transport layer is a conceptual division of methods in the layered
architecture of protocols in the network stack in the Internet Protocol Suite and the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI). The protocols of the layer provide host–to–host communication services for
applications. It provides services such as connection–oriented data stream support, reliability, flow
control, and multiplexing.
1.1 Protocols:
This list shows some protocols that are commonly placed in the transport layers of the Internet
protocol suite, the OSI protocol suite, NetWare 's IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, and Fibre Channel.
ATP, AppleTalk Transaction Protocol
CUDP, Cyclic UDP
DCCP, Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
FCP, Fibre Channel Protocol
IL, IL Protocol
MPTCP, Multipath TCP
RDP, Reliable Datagram Protocol
RUDP, Reliable User Datagram Protocol
SCTP, Stream Control Transmission Protocol
SPX, Sequenced Packet Exchange
SST, Structured Stream Transport
TCP, Transmission Control Protocol
UDP, User Datagram Protocol
µTP, Micro Transport Protocol
1.2 Comparison of OSI transport protocols
ISO/IEC 8073/ITU–T Recommendation X.224, "Information Technology – Open Systems
Interconnection – Protocol for providing the connection–mode transport service", defines five
classes of connection–mode transport protocols designated class 0 (TP0) to class 4 (TP4). Class 0
contains no error recovery, and was designed for use on network layers that provide
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
There are four contemporary approaches to management: sociotechnical systems theory, quantitative
management, organizational behavior, and systems theory.
The sociotechnical systems theory was first proven to the U.S. to be effective by the Japanese in the
late 1980s, and it expresses that management should focus on making sure that they have well
trained employees with the right tools and knowledge for the job. In this sense, the employees can
put their heads together and produce innovative products in a productive manner, creating business
success. However, quantitative management takes tides a different direction. It suggests that to be a
successful business, you must use statistics and a form of visual modeling to influence ... Show
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Lastly, there's the own business's internal environment it has to worry about. How well can it handle
holding its organizations culture, while the managers and employees continue to effectively turn
resources into profits. All of the approaches to management are relevant to the three environments.
Most certainly with its internal environment, which includes the managers and employees.
Organizational behavior immediately addresses to resolving its internal environment's issues by
taking management to a psychological level to increase productivity. Taken positive attitudes to a
different level.
However all companies must be aware of these three environments in order to be successful.
Therefore, all four approaches to management needs to understand and flow with the changes in the
environments. Systems theory is one contemporary approach that immediately takes these
contingencies into consideration with its form of managing. Therefore success in the environments
is achievable by that form of management, yet there are still economic factors that can affect all
businesses. The market system is like a circuit board, when a business is introduces it becomes an
open system, or, on a circuit board, a closed circuit. Let's say the business's goal is to produce donuts
for people to enjoy. In this case there would be an open gap on the circuit board, or an open market
for donuts, and when the part was
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
What Does Anthropology Mean To Me
Anthropology and what it means was very interesting to me but the thing that spoke out to me is
holistic perspective. This is "a fundamental principle of anthropology, that the various parts of our
human culture and biology must be viewed in the broadest possible context in order to understand
their interconnections and interdependence". This means we must have an open mind when studying
anthropology and see the world with a new pair of eyes; not those, which only know our own
culture. In a way anthropologist are scientists performing experiments and have no personal say in
what is the correct outcome of that experiment. Therefore anthropologist are seeking to understand
how humans interact and their belief system; as opposed to trying to
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Osi Model And Open Systems Interconnection Model
There are seven layers in the OSI Model, only four in the TCP/IP model. This is because TCP/IP
assumes that applications will take care of everything beyond the Transport layer. The TCP/IP
model also combines the OSI 's Physical and Data Link layers together into the Network Access
Layer. Internet Protocol is not concerned about the hardware underneath, as long as the computer
can send IP packets over the connection. I. INTRODUCTION TCP/IP was developed during the
1960s as part of the Department of Defense's (DoD) Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
effort to build a nationwide packet data network. It was first used in UNIX–based computers in
universities and government installations. Today, it is the main protocol used in all Internet
operations. On the other hand, the Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI Model) is a
conceptual model that characterizes the internal functions of a communication system by separating
it into multiple abstract layers. The model is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection project
at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). II. OSI MODEL An open system is a set
of protocols that allow any two different systems to communicate regardless of their underlying
structure. The purpose of OSI model is to show how to facilitate communication between different
systems without requiring changes to the logic of the underlying hardware and software. The OSI
model isn 't a protocol: it is a model for understanding and designing
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Osi And Open Systems Interconnection
The OSI, Open Systems Interconnection, model was first introduced in 1984 and was design to be a
model and teaching tool to help better understand the rules of networking that systems must undergo
to communicate. The OSI model consist of seven hierarchical layers that defines the path that data
must travel. These layers are: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and
Application. The first and lowest level of the model is the Physical layer. The physical layer consists
of the basic networking hardware transmission technologies of a network (Osi–model.com). Here
you could find specifications for telecommunication like types of wired cables such as; copper,
optical, or coaxial. In this layer, you would configure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The third layer of the OSI model is the network layer and is where the routers and layer 3 switches
would be. This layer is responsible for controlling subnets and deciding which path the data should
take based on certain conditions. This layer is also responsible for IP (internet protocol) addresses,
this includes both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Packets in this layer identify where the traffic originated
(source IP address) and where it is going (destination IP address) (Gibson 166). In short, the OSI
layer three network layer is responsible for connections, host addressing, and message forwarding.
Protocols that operate on this layer are IPsec and ICMP. Layer four of the OSI model consist of the
transport layer. In this layer, the protocols in this layer provide a host–to–host communication
servers for applications (osi–model.com). Within the layer four transport layer, we have TCP
(transmission control protocol) and UDP (user datagram protocol) protocols. TCP is a more reliable
protocol in ways of guaranteeing the delivery of the IP traffic. With TCP, you have a three–way
handshake in place, meaning that when you send a segment you should receive an
acknowledgement that the segment was received. If it was not received, then you could resend.
When using UDP, guarantee delivery of packets is not the main concern. The main advantage of
UDP is that
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Open Systems
Why Open Systems Theory?: The open systems approach has been chosen to study the above issues
because it has been commended for its potential usefulness in "synthesizing and analyzing
complexity" (Simon, 1969) in "live" organizations. Comprehension of a system cannot be achieved
without a constant study of the forces that impinge upon it (Katz and Kahn, 1966). Leavitt, Pinfield
and Webb (1974) also recommended an open– systems approach for studying contemporary
organizations which now exist in a fast–changing and turbulent environment. Ramstrom (1974)
propounds increased emphasis on systems thinking to comprehend the increased interdependencies
between the system and its environment, and between the various parts of the system. Classical ...
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its causal texture – the area of interdependencies that belong within the environment itself. In terms
of Emery & Trist, L22 relations which they labelled as "turbulent field," i.e., the "interdependencies
within the environment itself" comprise the "causal texture" of the field. Turbulence is characterized
by complexity as well as rapidity of change in causal interconnections in the environment. Table 1
[The Environment–Organization Interaction Matrix] Developing on the work of Emery and Trist,
Terreberry (1968) concluded that an increasing number of organizational systems find themselves in
environments of the fourth type [characterized by L22 processes]. She described turbulent situation
as one in which the accelerating rate and complexity of interactive effects exceeds the capacities of
prediction of the organizational systems which make up the environment and hence, these systems
tend to lose control of the compounding consequences of their actions. Terreberry's turbulent
environment parallels "dynamic– complex" environment of Duncan (1972),
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Vulnerabilities And Cyber Kill Chain
A. ICS Vulnerabilities and Cyber Kill Chain
1. Reconnaissance – Summarize plausible active gathering, passive gathering, and active
reconnaissance techniques that the adversary could have executed to gain intelligence on the target
in the scenario.
Reconnaissance is the act of collecting background research necessary to identify and select targets.
(1) Cyber reconnaissance is an important stage of a well–organized cyber–attack, and is also one of
the most time–consuming activities. This phase can exploit the information gathered about the
target's weaknesses. The type of information the hacker is looking for is how to actually get in:
firewall ports that are open, network hosts, services that are running. Critical information that should
be obtained during the reconnaissance phase include network information, host information, security
policies, and human information.
"Active reconnaissance is a type of computer attack in which an intruder engages with the targeted
system to gather information about vulnerabilities." (2) This type of information gathering involves
doing something on the target network, which could potentially be tracked back to you. The idea of
this phase is to gather IP addresses, subnet masks, network topologies, user names, operating
systems, firewalls, password requirements and change frequency.
Passive reconnaissance is focused more around public information and not engaging with the
targeted systems. "Typical passive reconnaissance can include
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
Open System Interconnection Model Essay
Open System Interconnection Model OSI is short for Open System Interconnection, which is an ISO
standard for worldwide communications that defines a networking framework for implementing
protocols in seven layers. History and Reasoning for… –––––––––––––––––––––––––– The early
development of networks was disorganised. And by the early 80's there was a great increase in the
number and size of networks. Companies started to realise how useful networks could be and started
to add and expand networks as quickly as new network technologies were introduced. But by the
mid 80's the companies start to experience problems as it was found that it was difficult to exchange
information ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It gave creators of networks a set of standards that ensured greater compatibility among various
network technologies produced by companies around the world. The OSI reference model has
become the primary model for network communications and is considered the best tool available for
teaching people about sending and receiving data on a network. The 7 Layers Of the OSI
––––––––––––––––––––––– The OSI reference model is a framework that is used to understand
how information travels throughout a network. This model explains how packets travel through the
various layers to another device on a network, even if the sender and destination have different types
of network media. In the OSI reference model, there are seven numbered layers, each of which
illustrates a particular network function. Layer 7 is the Application Layer…This layer supports
application and end–user processes. Layer 6 is the Presentation Layer…This layer provides
independence from differences in data (e.g., encryption) by translating from application to network
format, and vice versa. Layer 5 is the Session Layer…This layer establishes, manages and
terminates connections between applications. Layer 4 is the Transport Layer…This layer provides
transparent transfer of data between systems, or hosts, and is responsible for end–to–end error
recovery and
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Communication Structure Of A Geographically...
The purpose of the research article (article) is to explore three specific topics regarding the
communication structure of a geographically distributed software development team: the observable
behavior of the organization in reference to Conway's law, difficulties encountered by
geographically distributed teams, and potential solutions for these difficulties. Conway's law
suggests that the resulting product of an organization will take on characteristics of the
organization's communication systems. This would suggest that a large geographically segregated
team, which faces communication barriers as a result, would produce a product reflective of the
The article states that geographically distributed teams will face difficulty in the exchange of
information. Teams must use a common language, with agreed upon attributes. These types of teams
develop software systems individually, which must then work together. This would require great
coordination through effective communication. The article makes the point that Conway's law
dictates that teams coordinate their efforts, while Frederick Brooks suggests that this is not so easy
to achieve. Advancement in communication technologies has helped to tackle some of the
communication barriers that distributed teams face. The article justifies the study by stating that
existing research is not clear on the benefits of applying Conway's law to this specific situation.
In order to address this knowledge gap, a study was
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The Network Of Public Relations
In a way, theories are the backbone of Public Relations. There are many different functions of PR,
and most, if not all of them are involving appealing to or interacting with and organizations publics.
Be it employees, customers, or any other stakeholders, theories can be referenced applied to learn
now about your publics and help achieve your goals. Northern Kentucky University as an
organization attempting to begin a major transitional phase. The university is trying to attract new
students, while ensuring the success of current students, all the while attempting to change the
school's image as a small local school, to a big state university. A Public Relations practitioner can
apply theories to the situation as NKU attempts to maintain ... Show more content on
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Bring more in and keeping the ones we have to longer durations. Assuming the role as a PR
practitioner behind this plan and focusing so much on students and the internal environment at NKU
three theories relevant are Systems Theory, Social Exchange Theory, and Social Learning Theory.
Systems Theory presents the idea that all organizations and their "parts" are systems that exist in
relation to each other, and that the attitudes and actions of the different parts of the system affect not
only the other parts of the organization (or system), but the system as a whole as well. Systems
Theory presents two types of systems, open and closed. An open system reacts, listens to, and
embraces its publics, both internal and external, while a closed system doesn't acknowledge their
publics in decision making. A closed system takes note of past decisions and mainly examines the
past in decision making, not it's publics. When applied to my position at NKU as the practitioner, it
is important for me to keep in mind the importance of being an open system. For example, when
trying to attract new students it's beyond important to know what these potential students are
looking for in a college. NKU is not in the position to make decision based solely on past decision
and the history of the school because these potential students are not interested in
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
7 Layers Of The OSI Model
The European Union
The European Union is committed to a challenging renewable energy goal of at least 27% of final
energy consumption by renewable sources by 2030. While this goal is in part motivated by
environmentally concerns, with commitments to climate change in mind, it is also politically
motivated. Europe energy needs are currently heavily dependent on natural gas, which is mostly
imported from Russia. This arrangement puts Europe in danger from Russian blockades and
political pressure. The crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 renewed tensions between
Brussels and Moscow. EU Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger has stated that a 30%
energy reduction would prove a useful tool in ensuring European energy security. While there are
plentiful opportunities for varied sources of renewable energy generation across Europe, issues arise
in supplying this energy to the end consumer. The electrical transmission system has the difficult
challenge of matching the current supply to the demand of the system by matching deficiencies in
one area of production with abundances in another. In Europe this transmission system is comprised
of multiple national transmission operators in a large central network with some additional mostly
isolated networks. Increasing interconnection between these networks should result in increased
efficiencies and robustness of the overall system. Additionally, the rise of electrically powered
vehicles (EVs) will shift the considerable energy demand that is
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7 Layers Of The OSI Model

  • 1. 7 Layers Of The OSI Model OSI Layers The OSI model shows how the hardware and software function together in order to enable communication between the computers. The OSI model is basically a framework of how the device operate on the network. Assume that user 'A' sends data to user 'B' through internet, the data has to travel the network to reach user B computer. During the data transfer, the data has to navigate through many intermediate nodes. To ensure the data transfer from user A to user B correctly and securely, so we need protocols to guide these data. These group of protocols are called communication model. OSI model is one of the communication model. Open System Interconnection (OSI) is made up of 7 layers, each layer has their own unique functions and protocols. Control is passed from one layer to another layer, start at application layer which is layer 7 to physical layer which is layer 1. The framework for the OSI model is design of network systems that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The transport layer also able to specify a service address to identify the source or the destination computer to specify the application that the request came from and where it is going to. In the proposal situation, there will be many network application which is running on a computer simultaneously, so there will be a mechanism which helps identify the application that needs to receive the date. All incoming data are multiplexed at the transport layer and then sent to the bottom layer. The data which is received from the bottom layer will then de–multiplexed at the transport layer and be transported to the correct application by using the Port numbers. Port numbers are to identify the original network of the application and the source so as the destination of the network application on the receiving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 17. The Purpose Of An OSI Model What is the purpose of an OSI model? The purpose of an OSI model is a standard that was created for networks to share information. This standard governs the way information is transmitted over different networks. The model also sets guidelines to those in the manufacturing industry that create and develop software and hardware that are all compatible with each other. This paper will discuss and describe the 7 layers of the Open System Interconnection model (OSI model) and the layers of the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol model (TCP/IP model), and explain the similarities and differences of each model. The 7 layers of the OSI model consist of: The Application layer (layer 7), The Presentation layer (layer 6), The Session ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Transport layer Transport layers exist in both TCP/IP and OSI model. Even though both models have Transport layers they differ. The TCP/IP model consist of two standard transport protocols: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP uses a reliable data–stream protocol which is connected oriented and UDP uses a unreliable data–stream protocol which is connectionless oriented. The Internet layer The Internet layer is a group of protocols and specifications that are used to transport packets from the host across a network, the host specified by a network address (IP address) The Link layer The lower level layer of the TCP/IP model, this layer is used by a suite of protocols for the "Internet". This is used to connect hosts or nodes to a network. This layer is compared to the "Data Link" layer and "Physical " layer of the OSI model. TCP/IP Application Layer VS OSI Application, Presentation and Session layer. The similarities in both models are comparable but different at the same time. All though they exist in both, the approach each uses to construct applications is different. In the OSI model the Application layer, Presentation layer and Session layer correspond to the Application layer of the TCP/IP model. They somewhat do the same job but use different protocols, TCP/IP uses: FTP, SMTP, TELNET, DNS and SNMP where the OSI model uses: FTAM, VT, MHS, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 25. The Evolution of TCPIP and The Internet Essay The Evolution of TCPIP and The Internet The Evolution of TCP/IP (and the Internet) While the TCP/IP protocols and the Internet are different, their evolution are most definitely parallel. This section will discuss some of the history. Prior to the 1960s, what little computer communication existed comprised simple text and binary data, carried by the most common telecommunications network technology of the day; namely, circuit switching, the technology of the telephone networks for nearly a hundred years. Because most data traffic transmissions occur during a very short period of time, circuit switching results in highly inefficient use of network resources. In 1962, Paul Baran, of the Rand Corporation, described a robust, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The original ARPANET gave life to a number of protocols that were new to packet switching. One of the most lasting results of the ARPANET was the development of a user–network protocol that has become the standard interface between users and packet switched networks; namely, ITU–T (formerly CCITT) Recommendation X.25. This "standard" interface encouraged BBN to start Telenet, a commercial packet–switched data service, in 1974; after much renaming, Telenet is now a part of Sprint's X.25 service. The initial host–to–host communications protocol introduced in the ARPANET was called the Network Control Protocol (NCP). Over time, however, NCP proved to be incapable of keeping up with the growing network traffic load. In 1974, a new, more robust suite of communications protocols was proposed and implemented throughout the ARPANET, based upon the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). TCP and IP were originally envisioned functionally as a single protocol, thus the protocol suite, which actually refers to a large collection of protocols and applications, is usually referred to simply as TCP/IP. The original versions of both TCP and IP that are in common use today were written in September 1981, although both have had several modifications applied to them (in addition, the IP version 6, or IPv6, specification was released in December 1995). In 1983, the DoD mandated that all of their computer systems would use the TCP/IP protocol suite for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Criminal Justice Organization. Among The Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Organization Among the criminal justice organizations, there are numerous criminal justice professional associations that assist law enforcement with policies, standards, analysis, and training and education. The Department of Homeland Security has a mission to secure the nation from any threat it may face ("Homeland Security", n.d.). The Department of Homeland Security duties are wide–ranging and their goal is to keep America safe. The Structure of the Department of Homeland Security The organizational structure of the Department of Homeland Security consists of over 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Department of Homeland Security, all information is only given on a need to know basis. The open system leaves the door open for better communication. The open system focuses on the organization and the external possibilities while the closed focuses on internal possibilities when problems occur. The open system is influenced by the environment, which also causes weaknesses in the structure since every day there is change. Environmental changes cause organizational changes. The close system in an organization shows organized structure and order, however, lack structural mobility ("Open Versus Closed Systems," n.d.). The recommended changes to improve the structure of the Department of Homeland Security would be to be part open system and closed system. The Department of Homeland Security can make certain departments of the organization closed to keep information internal and open certain departments have better communication. Manager Versus Leadership Although the terms "management" and "leadership" are often confused as in meaning the same there is a distinction between the words. The distinction between the words is that people manage things and lead people (Collins, 2017). James Ingles, a fellow student, through classes at Franklin University and reading posts the information obtained ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Compare System Thinking And Learning Organization . System Compare System Thinking and Learning Organization System thinking is having the ability and critical thinking skill to create a well develop system. According to Arnold (2015) System thinking is based on interacting or interdependent within a group or whole (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. 670). The interacting and interdependent depends on the characteristics of interconnections which is how the characteristics relate to each other and the feedback that it gets from each other. This is a very important part to determine system thinking, behavior as well as its function and purpose (Arnold & Wade, 2015). The system test can closely examines according to Arnold (2015) notes elements, interconnection, goals and function (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. A Sympathetic system structure– this is where system structure is used in order to understand and recognizing how the system behavior and its interconnections along with feedback on system structure. 4. The types of stocks, flows, and variables– stock is part of the system resources, flows the change in the different levels, variables consist of part of the system that is changeable and can affect the stocks and flows (Arnold & Wade, 2015, p. 677). 5. Recognizing and understanding the non–linear relationships– this is part of the Hopper & Stave element which bring out the stocks, flows and variables that refers to non–linear nature. 6. Accepting dynamic behavior– the dynamic behavior is broken down in stocks, flows, and variables this part of the dynamic behavior system. It also brings to light emergent behavior that clearly explains the dynamic behavior and its interconnection to the feedback loops that can identify the non–linear relationship to dynamic behavior. 7. Decreasing the complexity of modeling systems conceptually– this model stems from Hopper & Steve by using the conceptual models it gives leaders the ability to look at the different part of the system in order to view the current system in a different way to decrease the level of complexity. 8. Describing the system on different scales– it understands and recognizing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Health Level Seven Mission Statement The Health Level Seven (HL7) organization is a global American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited organization dedicated to standards development. At quarterly meetings, volunteers from around the world gather to create and improve documentation that outlines how clinical information will be shared between disparate healthcare provider applications. When developing healthcare application interfaces to exchange patient data, HL7 standards are the go–to specifications to ensure that exchange. "HL7 empowers global health data interoperability by developing standards and enabling their adoption and implementation", is the HL7 International organization's mission statement according to their website (n.d.). "Level seven" is a reference ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Bridging Between Routing And Routing Bridging versus routing Introduction "Routing control protocol is essential in order to dynamically determine the topology of the network and to detect failing links. Bridging control protocols may be used similarly in smaller networks or may be used in combination with routing." Higginson & Shand (1997). Bridge and routers are applied in computer networking as they both connect two or more interrelated Local Area Networks (LAN) therefore creating an extension of the Local Area Network or a Wide Area Network. Bridges operates on MAC layer addresses and at the data link layer of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model whereas routers operate on the network control layer – third layer of the OSI model. Since routers do not have the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On occasions where a protocol appears as unrecognizable by the router, the packet is just dropped. Non–routable protocols don't define any recognized network information in the data packet. Routers are usually included as part of a network switch and can be located on any gateway which includes any point of presence on the internet. Being connected on two or more networks, it sends information packet between terminals based on the current status of the network in which it is connected to. Bridges connect network of similar protocols thus allowing communication between them. They operate on the second (data link) layer of the open system interconnection (OSI) model. The data link layer frames messages for transmission, establishes and error free communication path, ensures sequence of transmitted data, manages access on channel use and check integrity of received messages. While routers transmit only the relevant and required data packet to the end destination as required in the LAN, each bridge builds an internal list of addresses of all the terminals attached to the network so as to allow for communication. Every packet is checked against the internal list of the bridge and the information is forwarded if the opposite segment has the destination address or if the bridge doesn't have the address logged. Routers have the ability to allow hosts that aren't practically on the same logical network, to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment Unit I Assignment: Open System Interconnection Reference Model As we all know, the growth of computer networks continues to rapidly grow. The digital revolution has changed the way we work and communicate almost beyond recognition. Provided that, foreseeing the changes and potential compatibility problems, in the mid nineteen eighties, the international standard organization (ISO) developed a networking reference model to standardize how network systems communicate with each other. It is a logical model for how network systems are supposed to communicate with each other. It breaks down the different components of the network communication and puts them into layers which reduce complexity. This reference model consists of seven layers: Application Layer, Presentation Layer, Session Layer, Transport Layer, Network Layer, Data Link Layer, and the Physical Layer. Each layer provides a service to the layer above it in the protocol specification and then communicates with the same layer's software or hardware on other computers. It's important to realize, that these layers are separated into 2 sets: Transportation Set (Laters 1– 4) and Application Set (Layers 5 – 7). More importantly, the OSI model is 7 logical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Application layer within the OSI reference model is where the application and the user communicates. In other words, the application layer is the ending of data that is transferred in visual form to the user. This layer provides the interface between the applications we use to communicate and the underlying network over which our messages are transmitted. The Application Layer functions are to provide the interface for application–specific protocols commonly used such as HyperText Transfer (HTTP), file transfer (FTP), Simple mail transfer (SMTP), Internet message Access (IMAP), ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The System Development Life Cycle Framework Prior to Zachman, organizations often introduced information systems technology in direct response to a perceived need by the organization such as the automation of a particular job function (Bernard, 2011). As Bernard notes, this became increasingly problematic as organizations evolved as did their need for integration and communication between their system implementations. Systems developed to meet business requirements on a case by case basis often using proprietary vendor products which eventually led to heterogeneous collection of disharmonious systems (Bernard, 2011). Zachman Framework Compared to the System Development Life Cycle Framework The most common approach to developing a system during the time Zachman created his framework was the System Development Life Cycle Framework (SDLC) (Collins, 2008, February). SDLC is typically divided into five phases which are planning, analysis, detailed system design, implementation, and maintenance (Coronel & Morris, 2015). Each of these phases is intended as a gate which must be passed through before proceeding to the next (Coronel & Morris, 2015). With this structure in mind, it should be clear that while it may be possible to revisit the planning phase during the analysis phase, the converse would certainly not be possible. Consequently, this emphasizes perhaps the key and fundamental difference between the two approaches. Even a cursory glimpse at the initial Zachman (1987) framework would not reveal a series of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Evolution Of The Internet Of Things Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to selected subsets of data for the development of a plethora of digital services. Building a general architecture for the IoT is hence a very complex task, mainly because of the extremely large variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. As a result, huge volumes of data are being generated, and that data is being processed into useful actions that can "command and control" things to make our lives much easier and safer–and to reduce our impact on the environment. In this paper we will discuss the vision ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... IoT is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes beyond machine–to– machine (M2M) communications and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications. The interconnection of these embedded devices (including smart objects), is expected to usher in automation in nearly all fields, while also enabling advanced applications like a smart grid, and expanding to areas such as smart cities. "Things", in the IoT sense, can refer to a wide variety of devices such as heart monitoring implants, biochip transponders on farm animals, cameras streaming live feeds of wild animals in coastal waters, automobiles with built–in sensors, DNA analysis devices for environmental/food/pathogen monitoring, or field operation devices that assist firefighters in search and rescue operations. An urban IoT, indeed, may bring a number of benefits in the management and optimization of traditional public services, such as transport and parking, lighting, surveillance and maintenance of public areas, preservation of cultural heritage, garbage collection, celebrity of hospitals, and school. IoT is also expected to generate large amounts of data from diverse locations, with the consequent necessity for quick aggregation of the data, and an increase in the need to index, store, and process such data more effectively. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Traumatic Human Development In The Movie Boyz N The Hood The movie Boyz N the Hood is an illustration of how a group of early adolescents' lives was affected negatively due to the environment they lived in. These adolescents lived in an environment where drugs, gangs, and shootings were the center of their community. Living in a predominantly African American community these adolescents were faced with many misfortunes. Ricky one of the adolescent characters I have decided to evaluate for this particular paper was faced with adversity. Ricky as a character displayed the effects of understanding the traumatic human development and normal human development. Traumatic human development is when one is open to danger and violence. One can be open to traumatic development directly or indirectly on a centered foundation. Ricky environment exposed him negativity. A majority of the negativity that Ricky is exposed to is gun violence, gangs, drugs and other negativity as well. Due to his environment being looked down upon and him being an African American male from a certain area of Los Angeles town he was viewed upon negatively by society. For instance, a scene from the movie dictates Tre and Ricky is pulled over by cops. The cops, one African American the main cop posed Tre and Ricky as a threat to society. Being harassed by the cop made Tre and Ricky feel as though they had no place in of belonging in that part of Los Angeles town. By Ricky being an African American male it was difficult enough for him to be successful in his environment. Ricky was not as fortunate to have the resources he needed. He was limited to many resources but, his limitation did not interfere with him having normal development. The theories that can mainly be relative to this movie, as well as the character Ricky, are person–in–environment, systems theory, and cultural theory (Newman and Newman 2012). The first theory that can be associated with character Ricky is the person–in–environment theory. Person in environment theory had some effects on Ricky. Ricky's environment consisted of drugs, gangs, and even murders. His environment did not shape who Ricky was. His environment was his motivation to escape. Unlike his brother Doughboy whom had gotten comfortable in the environment of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Plain View/ Open Fields Case Study Essay Roel R. Garcia Plain View / Open Fields Case Study Axia College University of Phoenix Scott Smith September 14, 2008 Today a high percentage of the arrests done by law enforcement are from seized evidence that was in plain view and does not come under the Fourth Amendment. The plain view doctrine states that items that are within the sight of a police officer who is legally in a place from which the view is made may properly be seized without a warrant as long as such items are immediately recognizable as subject to seizure (Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice 2004). In other instances police can also seize evidence that is in open fields. The open fields doctrine holds that items in open fields are not protected ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The officer walked over to the wall and was able to see two juveniles in a fistfight. Their clothes were ripped, their eyes swollen, and their faces were bleeding. The officer entered the property through an open gate and broke up the fight. The officer observed several plastic baggies containing a white powdery substance on a patio table. The officer called the boys' parents walking towards the patio's screen door. A woman, dressed in a nightgown exited the house and immediately started explaining the baggies on the table. The officer then arrested the woman for possession of narcotics. After the backyard was secured the other officer continued to the location where the purse was drooped. As he retrieved the purse the officer observed marihuana cigarettes among its spilled contents. The officer seized the evidence and arrested the purse's owner. The scenario is self explanatory and covers in my opinion both doctrines in at list one of the situations. When the officers were walking back to recover the purse one of the officers heard screaming. He approached the area where the screams were coming from and observed a crime being committed in his presence which was fight between two juveniles. The first requirement of the plain view doctrine was covered because he was legally inside the property due to the fight. Just as he went inside the property he observed the baggies containing a white powdery substance, which made him aware of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. The Importance Of End Systems In today's society networking is pivotal structure in the way information is transferred and received between people. In the business world we need to send information to people to at fast rates to meet user satisfaction. Imagine places like wall street that is the mecca of business that constantly send information back and forth to get the right information to keep investor aware or up to date on a forever changing stock market. Picture one the biggest libraries in america the library of congress in washington dc that has network structure to accommodate millions of people that commute and use resources such online biography and web capabilities every day. For system like this to exist we depend on a common network layer that is used all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the second and third layer of osi model it is called data link and network link. Data link is packaging data into frames and transmitting those frames on the network and performing the error detection correction by uniquely identifying the network devices with an address, and handling the flow control. Data link layer has two sub layer which is called media access control which is know as the computer unique identifier to which the network is assigned The mac address comes with a 48 bit address that is assign to it devices network interface card/.Second sub layer is llc which stand for logic link control, which is know as the multiplex functions that is process of over media access control To provide a means of exchanging data between end users across a MAC–controlled link or a collection of LANs interconnected by MAC–level bridges. Layer 3 switching is another example of fragment–free switching. Up to now, this discussion has concentrated on switching and bridging at the data link layer Layer 2 of the Open System Interconnection OSI model. When bridge technology was first developed, it was not practical to build wire–speed bridges with large numbers of high–speed ports because of the manufacturing cost involved. With improved technology, many functions previously implemented in software were moved into the hardware, increasing performance and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Organization Structure and Inter-Organizational... 22 The Icfai Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. IV, No. 4, 2007 © 2007 The Icfai University Press. All Rights Reserved. Organization Structure and Inter–Organizational Dependency: The Environmental Imperative Contingency theory and Systems theory are the two dominant theories that bring out the link between organization structure and the environment. Systems theory has evolved over time and undergone several transitions. This study tries to provide a more meaningful understanding about closed and open systems by linking with the object–observer model from physics. Additionally, the paper gives a finer view of the implications of the environment on the organization. It also captures several other areas like the role of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Organizational environment is not dealt as it is not a part of the external environment. Open vs. Closed Systems The whole idea of systems theory was under question in embracing the open systems view which was diametrically against the traditional closed system view. The traditional closed system relied on the concept of internal efficiency and stability and the organization theorists downplayed the role of the environment. It was the open systems view which brought the role of environment to the forefront. Open and closed system were held across a continuum and partially open and partially closed system gained prominence. A typology of object systems is given in Table 2. It is noteworthy that a super imposition of object systems as such into systems theory of organization is not genuine. The observational phase of science consists of at least an observer and an object. The behavior of all the objects are contextual and one who looks into the dynamics associated with the behavior of an object in a particular setting is defined as an observer by the object systems. However, different observers decode the same behavior in different ways. The same theory argues that process is any activity that involves change which is measured by duration, succession and co–existence. Thus, only open and closed systems are of importance and were considered for the study of organizations. The other two quadrants were between the two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. Design Of An Integrated Circuit CHAPTER 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Nowadays it is impossible to imagine any device where microelectronics is not present, from personal computers through home appliances, modern society relies on the performance of integrated circuits. It is so, that microelectronics advent has opened doors to new horizons where integrated circuits have played an important role from the very beginning of their creation since the late 1950s, when Jack St. Clair Kilby, a Texas Instruments Engineer, decided to change the future, conceiving the first integrated circuit, where the components, passive as well as active, were placed over a piece of semi–conductive material (Germanium piece) that was half the size of a paper clip. The success of this element (called chip due to its small size) containing a few transistors, resistors, and capacitors, led to the Physics Nobel Prize for its inventor in 2000. The design of an integrated circuit involves a development plan, where its functional characteristics and performance will define the elaboration of the logic circuit diagram. Once the diagram is finished, a series of simulations are executed to test the operation of the designed circuit; if no issues are encountered, a massive production plan is implemented. This manufacturing process has allowed the miniaturization of most of the devices used daily, translating to lower production costs. The typical manufacturing process involves the interconnection of the integrated circuit chips to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 77. Similarities Between Globalization And The 19th Century... Colonialism, the policy and practice of a power in extending control over weaker peoples or areas, was very prevalent in nineteenth century and promoted the connection of different parts of the world. Likewise, globalization also connects and integrates different parts of the world, but it is somehow differentiated from colonialism. The essay mainly talks about some differences and similarities between 19th century colonialism and 21st century globalization by examining war and conquest versus peace, violent revolutions versus trade and how both demonstrate trends of interconnection. First of all, colonialism in 19th century involved occupation and slavery, while globalization promoted integration and peace. In nineteenth century, Britain colonized ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both colonialism and globalization improve the interconnection and development of countries in spite of the inequality caused by them. Because of the British colonists in Africa, the incomes of most African countries increased steadily during this period, from the year of 1885 (Robinson, J. and Heldring, L. 2013). There was certain statistics showing the development of countries that were colonized, but experts pointed out that harm triggered by colonialism should never be ignored. Besides, the colonialism in 19th century promotes the interconnection between colonists and colonies because colonies were ruled by colonists, so they had the same laws, regulations, culture, and economic system. In East – Africa, the British protectorate had influenced effectively. The railway, hospitals, schools, and telegraph appeared in East – Africa, and new food like maize and sweet potatoes made Africans diet more nourishing (Rashid, N. 2014). The most significant development of globalization is technology. Advanced technologies provide us more open source materials, more efficient way of health care, more accessible education materials, and a free area to communicate with people in different countries. The Internet Revolution and Web 2.0 have improved the social networking and communication (Hrynyshyn, D. 2002). Because of the development of technology, every country in this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 81. The Importance Of Computer Literacy By definition, computer literacy is "basic, nontechnical knowledge about computers and how to use them; familiarity and experience with computers, software, and computer systems." ("Computer literacy | Define Computer literacy at Dictionary.com," n.d.) Computer literacy is when an individual is familiar enough with a computer to be able to use it without help or needing extensive knowledge. Someone who is computer literate is able to use a computer, navigate folders and sub folders, run programs, install and uninstall computer software, and general knowledge of how it operates. Computer algorithms and its significance Computer algorithms are significant in that without them, a computer would not function. A computer algorithm is a set of instructions which tells the computer how to do something, and in return, we are given an output of some sort. A computer algorithm can be defined as "a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation; broadly". ("Algorithm | Definition of Algorithm by Merriam–Webster," n.d.) Essentially, an algorithm is a set of instructions which are laid out step by step, in order for the computer to process the information and preform a task. Technologies that have contributed to the exponential growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) There are two technologies that come to mind when I think of what helped grow the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 85. Essay on Telecommunications Act of 1996 The Telecommunications Act of 1996 The Telecommunications Act of 1996 can be termed as a major overhaul of the communications law in the past sixty–two years. The main aim of this Act is to enable any communications firm to enter the market and compete against one another based on fair and just practices ("The Telecommunications Act 1996," The Federal Communications Commission). This Act has the potential to radically change the lives of the people in a number of different ways. For instance it has affected the telephone services both local and long distance, cable programming and other video services, broadcast services and services provided to schools. The Federal Communications Commission has actively endorsed this Act and has worked ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additional provisions include those giving families control of the television programming that comes into their homes through the use of "V–Chip" technology, and prevent undue concentration in television and radio ownership so that a diversity of voices and viewpoints can continue to flourish, through modified ownership limits ("Telecommunications Act of 1996," Federal Communication Commission). The response in the telecommunications market, soon after the Act was passed, was tremendous. For one thing four of the seven Bell Regional Holding companies announced mergers (as recommended and encouraged by the Act). Bell Atlantic acquired NYNEX, and SBC acquired Pacific Telesis. As time went by more and more companies falling in the jurisdiction of the Bell regional companies began to announce proposed mergers and followed them through. It is important to note here that some of the mergers were among Bell companies and local carriers e.g. Bell Atlantic and GTE, SBC and Ameritech (pending) and AT&T and the video cable giant TCI. Some of these changes of course are a direct result of the changes in the regulatory practices mentioned in the Act of 1996. The rest of them can only be called a preparation of sorts for the competitive market environment to come in the near future if the Act of 1996 is fully realized by that time. This will not only increase ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 89. Cyberwarfare Defense Report For Western Interconnection... Cyberwarfare Defense Report for Western Interconnection Power Grid Pallavi Mule Western Governors University To: Chief Information Officer, Department of Defense From: Cybersecurity Analyst, Red Cell 637 Defense. Subject: Task 2 Cyber Defense Report A1. Reconnaissance The Initial phase in cyberattack is reconnaissance. In reconnaissance phase, attackers gather information about target's vulnerabilities which can be exploited further. Reconnaissance are of two types: 1. Active Reconnaissance Active reconnaissance is the information collection process in which attacker gains access to the target system and performs port scans or check ways to go around the firewalls and routers. Since in an active reconnaissance attacker must enter or probe the target's network, there is a possibility that target might get information about attacker like attacker's IP address. (Mike Chapple, 2014) 2. Passive Reconnaissance Passive reconnaissance is the process of information collection in which attacker is in passive mode and target will not know about attacker. It generally involves research about target by using open source information gathering tools like Google. (Czumak,2014) In Western power grid attack, APT was well organized. They used both active and passive reconnaissance methods to gather information. We have found the traces of attackers IP in the network logs provided by Intelligence services. This tells us that attackers had used Active Reconnaissance to get network ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 93. Australia 's Interconnection With England Australia 's interconnection with England By Clement Wong School Report – 9 March, 2015 Introduction Australian – British relations are one of the closest international relationships in existence, marked by culture, institutions and language, Australia have a few interconnection with England by military, tourism, migration, economic, sports, culture, science and engineer. Firstly, Globalisation is acting an important role between Australia and England, however what is globalisation? Globalization is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. Globalization has increased the production of goods and services. Tourism Tourism is one of the major interconnection between Australia and England. Tourism is Industry The City of London has been funding for the development of resources in Australia since the old days The oil industry in Australia started with Commonwealth Oil Refineries, a collaboration between the Australian government and the Anglo–Persian Oil Company (later BP). Ties are strong in the media industry; Rupert Murdoch 's involvement in British newspapers and BSkyB is mentioned above, but Fremantle Media has gone the other way to acquire and merge Crackerjack Productions with the creators of Neighbors. Anglo–Australian companies have become some of the biggest multinational mining companies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 97. Finding Fish : A Memoir By Antwone Fisher Introduction This is a paper about the book Finding Fish: A Memoir, which was written by Antwone Fisher. By necessity given the nature of the book, the main character will be examined at length. Through careful examination of the main character a deeper understanding of the book can be reached. After the examination, a number of theoretical perspectives will be applied to the main character, as well as an explanation of how these perspectives can be used to evaluate Antwone in order to understand him better. The perspectives that will be used will be the strengths, systems, conflict, humanistic, and psychodynamic perspectives. Following the connection of the perspectives to Antwone, an explanation of why social workers use theories and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over the course of his eleven years in the navy Antwone gained a sense of self–esteem, learned how to be more vocal, addressed the anger that his early life had built up inside him, and ultimately fell in love for the first time. He then spent a few years as a security guard before writing a screenplay and publishing his book. Application of Perspectives In this section, some theoretical perspectives that are often used in social work are going to be applied to Antwone. The perspectives that will be applied will be the strengths, systems, conflict, humanistic, and psychodynamic perspectives. After their application, the perspectives will then be used to assess and evaluate Antwone. It is through this application, assessment, and evaluation that a deeper understanding of the main character as well as the perspectives can be reached. Strengths Perspective Overview "The strengths perspective embraces the principle that all clients possess them. Strengths can be the client's willingness to accept help, the client's positive attitude, their ability to overcome hardships in the past..." (Arnold, 2008, p. 1) In the strengths perspective, the strengths of a person to resist the stressor and problem areas in their lives are what the focus is on. (Hutchinson, 2016, p. 111) What this means is that it is assumed that regardless of who the person is or what they have done, they have strengths that can help them ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 101. Social Medi A Functional Analysis Approach In today's society where social media has become an increasingly popular form of communication for organizations to interact with its public, Amy Reitz, Senior Market Insights Manager at Hewlett– Packard wrote her article Social Media's Function in Organization: a Functional Analysis Approach while she was an assistant Professor at the University of Northern Colorado. Amy claims that "organizations can function better with an open systems approach to public relations by employing social media, allowing for a greater chance at survival than organizations that function as a closed system (Reitz, 2012, p.41, para.1)." Author Amy Reitz took several theories into consideration in the development of this paper, but ultimately decided that a functional analysis approach best described that organizations would benefit better as an open system with help from using social media. The main claim the author tries to convey is, "organizations can function better with an open systems approach to public relations by employing social media, allowing for a greater chance at survival than organizations that function as a closed system (Reitz, 2012, p.41, para.1)." The article's main goal is to suggest that organizations will function better by using social media, which will ultimately help the organization function better as an open system. The author supports this by taking into consideration four functions in which social media will help the system of an organization. These include: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 105. Essay on Cyber Attacks on the Government’s Transportation... Breaches and Security Implications by Penetration of the Western Interconnection's Traffic Control System and its Effects on Modern Day Life Year after year, a number of films are released involving computer hacking of some sort along with cyber–villainy. As entertaining as they are, the validity of these possibilities is not explored. Many of these films center revolve around a chaotic vehicle–related scene where a form of the government's transportation grid is compromised. The breach typically involves traffic control. As the stoplights and streetlights are in a state known as gridlock, external hackers usually make the situation as unruly as humanely plausible. However, the very nature of this unfortunate scenario can only be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This includes the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Texas. The Western Interconnection is connected to the Eastern Interconnection via six direct current transmission facilities. The WECC has offices in the following cities: Salt Lake, Utah; Vancouver, Washington; and Loveland, Colorado. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) employs eight other branches of electric reliability councils (NERC). Currently, the level of security regarding the Western Interconnection networks is depleting, as in it is becoming ever more susceptible to external hackers. The vulnerable nature of all the United States electric power grids brought the attention of the White House a couple years ago. The potential of these cyber–attacks on this vital infrastructure has led to a suspicion of Chinese hackers behind the job. At the time, it was assumed that the U.S. Congress and 3 government regulators would pressure all the electric utilities to increase security ten–fold and be ready to evade all computer intrusions. A single breach would inevitably lead to chaos striking the entire nation. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano expressed concerns about the power grid's high vulnerability to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 109. Principle of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of... PRINCIPLE OF GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF HIGH AC VOLTAGES INTRODUCTION The potential benefits of electrical energy supplied to a number of consumers from a common generating system were recognized shortly after the development of the 'dynamo', commonly known as the generator. The first public power station was put into service in 1882 in London (Holborn). Soon a number of other public supplies for electricity followed in other developed countries. The early systems produced direct current at low–voltage, but their service was limited to highly localized areas and was used mainly for electric lighting. The limitations of d.c. transmission at low voltage became readily apparent. By 1890 the art in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The secondary distribution system contains overhead lines or underground cables supplying the consumers directly (houses, light industry, shops, etc.) by single– or three–phase power. Separate, dedicated primary feeders supply industrial customers requiring several megawatts of power. The sub transmission system directly supplies large factories consuming over 50 MW. Primary Distribution System The most frequently used voltages and wiring in the primary distribution system are listed in Table 1. Primary distribution, in low load density areas, is a radial system. This is economical but yields low reliability. In large cities, where the load density is very high, a primary cable network is used. The distribution substations are interconnected by the feeders (lines or cables). Circuit breakers (CBs) are installed at both ends of the feeder for short–circuit protection. The loads are connected directly to the feeders through fuses. The connection is similar to the one–line diagram of the high– voltage network shown in Fig. 1. The high cost of the network limits its application. A more economical and fairly reliable arrangement is the loop connection, when the main feeder is supplied from two independent distribution substations. These stations share the load. The problem with this connection is the circulating current that occurs when the two supply station voltages are different. The loop arrangement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 113. Computer Networking, The Transport Layer Of The Internet... In computer networking, the transport layer is a conceptual division of methods in the layered architecture of protocols in the network stack in the Internet Protocol Suite and the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). The protocols of the layer provide host–to–host communication services for applications. It provides services such as connection–oriented data stream support, reliability, flow control, and multiplexing. 1.1 Protocols: This list shows some protocols that are commonly placed in the transport layers of the Internet protocol suite, the OSI protocol suite, NetWare 's IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, and Fibre Channel. ATP, AppleTalk Transaction Protocol CUDP, Cyclic UDP DCCP, Datagram Congestion Control Protocol FCP, Fibre Channel Protocol IL, IL Protocol MPTCP, Multipath TCP RDP, Reliable Datagram Protocol RUDP, Reliable User Datagram Protocol SCTP, Stream Control Transmission Protocol SPX, Sequenced Packet Exchange SST, Structured Stream Transport TCP, Transmission Control Protocol UDP, User Datagram Protocol UDP–Lite µTP, Micro Transport Protocol 1.2 Comparison of OSI transport protocols ISO/IEC 8073/ITU–T Recommendation X.224, "Information Technology – Open Systems Interconnection – Protocol for providing the connection–mode transport service", defines five classes of connection–mode transport protocols designated class 0 (TP0) to class 4 (TP4). Class 0 contains no error recovery, and was designed for use on network layers that provide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 117. Something There are four contemporary approaches to management: sociotechnical systems theory, quantitative management, organizational behavior, and systems theory. The sociotechnical systems theory was first proven to the U.S. to be effective by the Japanese in the late 1980s, and it expresses that management should focus on making sure that they have well trained employees with the right tools and knowledge for the job. In this sense, the employees can put their heads together and produce innovative products in a productive manner, creating business success. However, quantitative management takes tides a different direction. It suggests that to be a successful business, you must use statistics and a form of visual modeling to influence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lastly, there's the own business's internal environment it has to worry about. How well can it handle holding its organizations culture, while the managers and employees continue to effectively turn resources into profits. All of the approaches to management are relevant to the three environments. Most certainly with its internal environment, which includes the managers and employees. Organizational behavior immediately addresses to resolving its internal environment's issues by taking management to a psychological level to increase productivity. Taken positive attitudes to a different level. However all companies must be aware of these three environments in order to be successful. Therefore, all four approaches to management needs to understand and flow with the changes in the environments. Systems theory is one contemporary approach that immediately takes these contingencies into consideration with its form of managing. Therefore success in the environments is achievable by that form of management, yet there are still economic factors that can affect all businesses. The market system is like a circuit board, when a business is introduces it becomes an open system, or, on a circuit board, a closed circuit. Let's say the business's goal is to produce donuts for people to enjoy. In this case there would be an open gap on the circuit board, or an open market for donuts, and when the part was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 121. What Does Anthropology Mean To Me Anthropology and what it means was very interesting to me but the thing that spoke out to me is holistic perspective. This is "a fundamental principle of anthropology, that the various parts of our human culture and biology must be viewed in the broadest possible context in order to understand their interconnections and interdependence". This means we must have an open mind when studying anthropology and see the world with a new pair of eyes; not those, which only know our own culture. In a way anthropologist are scientists performing experiments and have no personal say in what is the correct outcome of that experiment. Therefore anthropologist are seeking to understand how humans interact and their belief system; as opposed to trying to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 125. Osi Model And Open Systems Interconnection Model There are seven layers in the OSI Model, only four in the TCP/IP model. This is because TCP/IP assumes that applications will take care of everything beyond the Transport layer. The TCP/IP model also combines the OSI 's Physical and Data Link layers together into the Network Access Layer. Internet Protocol is not concerned about the hardware underneath, as long as the computer can send IP packets over the connection. I. INTRODUCTION TCP/IP was developed during the 1960s as part of the Department of Defense's (DoD) Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) effort to build a nationwide packet data network. It was first used in UNIX–based computers in universities and government installations. Today, it is the main protocol used in all Internet operations. On the other hand, the Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI Model) is a conceptual model that characterizes the internal functions of a communication system by separating it into multiple abstract layers. The model is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection project at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). II. OSI MODEL An open system is a set of protocols that allow any two different systems to communicate regardless of their underlying structure. The purpose of OSI model is to show how to facilitate communication between different systems without requiring changes to the logic of the underlying hardware and software. The OSI model isn 't a protocol: it is a model for understanding and designing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 129. The Osi And Open Systems Interconnection The OSI, Open Systems Interconnection, model was first introduced in 1984 and was design to be a model and teaching tool to help better understand the rules of networking that systems must undergo to communicate. The OSI model consist of seven hierarchical layers that defines the path that data must travel. These layers are: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application. The first and lowest level of the model is the Physical layer. The physical layer consists of the basic networking hardware transmission technologies of a network (Osi–model.com). Here you could find specifications for telecommunication like types of wired cables such as; copper, optical, or coaxial. In this layer, you would configure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The third layer of the OSI model is the network layer and is where the routers and layer 3 switches would be. This layer is responsible for controlling subnets and deciding which path the data should take based on certain conditions. This layer is also responsible for IP (internet protocol) addresses, this includes both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Packets in this layer identify where the traffic originated (source IP address) and where it is going (destination IP address) (Gibson 166). In short, the OSI layer three network layer is responsible for connections, host addressing, and message forwarding. Protocols that operate on this layer are IPsec and ICMP. Layer four of the OSI model consist of the transport layer. In this layer, the protocols in this layer provide a host–to–host communication servers for applications (osi–model.com). Within the layer four transport layer, we have TCP (transmission control protocol) and UDP (user datagram protocol) protocols. TCP is a more reliable protocol in ways of guaranteeing the delivery of the IP traffic. With TCP, you have a three–way handshake in place, meaning that when you send a segment you should receive an acknowledgement that the segment was received. If it was not received, then you could resend. When using UDP, guarantee delivery of packets is not the main concern. The main advantage of UDP is that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 133. Open Systems Why Open Systems Theory?: The open systems approach has been chosen to study the above issues because it has been commended for its potential usefulness in "synthesizing and analyzing complexity" (Simon, 1969) in "live" organizations. Comprehension of a system cannot be achieved without a constant study of the forces that impinge upon it (Katz and Kahn, 1966). Leavitt, Pinfield and Webb (1974) also recommended an open– systems approach for studying contemporary organizations which now exist in a fast–changing and turbulent environment. Ramstrom (1974) propounds increased emphasis on systems thinking to comprehend the increased interdependencies between the system and its environment, and between the various parts of the system. Classical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... its causal texture – the area of interdependencies that belong within the environment itself. In terms of Emery & Trist, L22 relations which they labelled as "turbulent field," i.e., the "interdependencies within the environment itself" comprise the "causal texture" of the field. Turbulence is characterized by complexity as well as rapidity of change in causal interconnections in the environment. Table 1 [The Environment–Organization Interaction Matrix] Developing on the work of Emery and Trist, Terreberry (1968) concluded that an increasing number of organizational systems find themselves in environments of the fourth type [characterized by L22 processes]. She described turbulent situation as one in which the accelerating rate and complexity of interactive effects exceeds the capacities of prediction of the organizational systems which make up the environment and hence, these systems tend to lose control of the compounding consequences of their actions. Terreberry's turbulent environment parallels "dynamic– complex" environment of Duncan (1972), ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 137. The Vulnerabilities And Cyber Kill Chain A. ICS Vulnerabilities and Cyber Kill Chain 1. Reconnaissance – Summarize plausible active gathering, passive gathering, and active reconnaissance techniques that the adversary could have executed to gain intelligence on the target in the scenario. Reconnaissance is the act of collecting background research necessary to identify and select targets. (1) Cyber reconnaissance is an important stage of a well–organized cyber–attack, and is also one of the most time–consuming activities. This phase can exploit the information gathered about the target's weaknesses. The type of information the hacker is looking for is how to actually get in: firewall ports that are open, network hosts, services that are running. Critical information that should be obtained during the reconnaissance phase include network information, host information, security policies, and human information. "Active reconnaissance is a type of computer attack in which an intruder engages with the targeted system to gather information about vulnerabilities." (2) This type of information gathering involves doing something on the target network, which could potentially be tracked back to you. The idea of this phase is to gather IP addresses, subnet masks, network topologies, user names, operating systems, firewalls, password requirements and change frequency. Passive reconnaissance is focused more around public information and not engaging with the targeted systems. "Typical passive reconnaissance can include ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 141. Open System Interconnection Model Essay Open System Interconnection Model OSI is short for Open System Interconnection, which is an ISO standard for worldwide communications that defines a networking framework for implementing protocols in seven layers. History and Reasoning for… –––––––––––––––––––––––––– The early development of networks was disorganised. And by the early 80's there was a great increase in the number and size of networks. Companies started to realise how useful networks could be and started to add and expand networks as quickly as new network technologies were introduced. But by the mid 80's the companies start to experience problems as it was found that it was difficult to exchange information ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It gave creators of networks a set of standards that ensured greater compatibility among various network technologies produced by companies around the world. The OSI reference model has become the primary model for network communications and is considered the best tool available for teaching people about sending and receiving data on a network. The 7 Layers Of the OSI ––––––––––––––––––––––– The OSI reference model is a framework that is used to understand how information travels throughout a network. This model explains how packets travel through the various layers to another device on a network, even if the sender and destination have different types of network media. In the OSI reference model, there are seven numbered layers, each of which illustrates a particular network function. Layer 7 is the Application Layer…This layer supports application and end–user processes. Layer 6 is the Presentation Layer…This layer provides independence from differences in data (e.g., encryption) by translating from application to network format, and vice versa. Layer 5 is the Session Layer…This layer establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications. Layer 4 is the Transport Layer…This layer provides transparent transfer of data between systems, or hosts, and is responsible for end–to–end error recovery and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 145. The Communication Structure Of A Geographically... The purpose of the research article (article) is to explore three specific topics regarding the communication structure of a geographically distributed software development team: the observable behavior of the organization in reference to Conway's law, difficulties encountered by geographically distributed teams, and potential solutions for these difficulties. Conway's law suggests that the resulting product of an organization will take on characteristics of the organization's communication systems. This would suggest that a large geographically segregated team, which faces communication barriers as a result, would produce a product reflective of the barriers. The article states that geographically distributed teams will face difficulty in the exchange of information. Teams must use a common language, with agreed upon attributes. These types of teams develop software systems individually, which must then work together. This would require great coordination through effective communication. The article makes the point that Conway's law dictates that teams coordinate their efforts, while Frederick Brooks suggests that this is not so easy to achieve. Advancement in communication technologies has helped to tackle some of the communication barriers that distributed teams face. The article justifies the study by stating that existing research is not clear on the benefits of applying Conway's law to this specific situation. In order to address this knowledge gap, a study was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 149. The Network Of Public Relations In a way, theories are the backbone of Public Relations. There are many different functions of PR, and most, if not all of them are involving appealing to or interacting with and organizations publics. Be it employees, customers, or any other stakeholders, theories can be referenced applied to learn now about your publics and help achieve your goals. Northern Kentucky University as an organization attempting to begin a major transitional phase. The university is trying to attract new students, while ensuring the success of current students, all the while attempting to change the school's image as a small local school, to a big state university. A Public Relations practitioner can apply theories to the situation as NKU attempts to maintain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bring more in and keeping the ones we have to longer durations. Assuming the role as a PR practitioner behind this plan and focusing so much on students and the internal environment at NKU three theories relevant are Systems Theory, Social Exchange Theory, and Social Learning Theory. Systems Theory presents the idea that all organizations and their "parts" are systems that exist in relation to each other, and that the attitudes and actions of the different parts of the system affect not only the other parts of the organization (or system), but the system as a whole as well. Systems Theory presents two types of systems, open and closed. An open system reacts, listens to, and embraces its publics, both internal and external, while a closed system doesn't acknowledge their publics in decision making. A closed system takes note of past decisions and mainly examines the past in decision making, not it's publics. When applied to my position at NKU as the practitioner, it is important for me to keep in mind the importance of being an open system. For example, when trying to attract new students it's beyond important to know what these potential students are looking for in a college. NKU is not in the position to make decision based solely on past decision and the history of the school because these potential students are not interested in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 153. The European Union The European Union is committed to a challenging renewable energy goal of at least 27% of final energy consumption by renewable sources by 2030. While this goal is in part motivated by environmentally concerns, with commitments to climate change in mind, it is also politically motivated. Europe energy needs are currently heavily dependent on natural gas, which is mostly imported from Russia. This arrangement puts Europe in danger from Russian blockades and political pressure. The crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 renewed tensions between Brussels and Moscow. EU Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger has stated that a 30% energy reduction would prove a useful tool in ensuring European energy security. While there are plentiful opportunities for varied sources of renewable energy generation across Europe, issues arise in supplying this energy to the end consumer. The electrical transmission system has the difficult challenge of matching the current supply to the demand of the system by matching deficiencies in one area of production with abundances in another. In Europe this transmission system is comprised of multiple national transmission operators in a large central network with some additional mostly isolated networks. Increasing interconnection between these networks should result in increased efficiencies and robustness of the overall system. Additionally, the rise of electrically powered vehicles (EVs) will shift the considerable energy demand that is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...