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Good Practice in Undergraduate Education: Supporting Effective Learning Biggio Center Staff Auburn University [email_address] Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning
Presentation Goals To Provide an Overview to Effective Teaching & Learning To Approach Teaching & Learning from a Research Based Perspective To Suggest Teaching & Learning Strategies Based on Principles of Good Practice
Getting to know you… (1) My current role is: Academic Content Tutor (I am still in college myself) Academic Aide (I have a college degree) Academic Advisor Other academic professional Random visitor
Getting to know you… (2) How long have you been tutoring/advising etc.? First year One to three years More than three years
“ Fish is Fish” by  Leo Lionni A parable for how people learn
Fish & tadpole (who looks like fish) are friends
Tadpole Frog Cause for concern
“ Frog is Frog” and “Fish is Fish” and that is that!
the frog leaves the pond  and is gone for a while…
Frog returns : “I have seen wonderful things!”
“ Birds – they have feathers, wings, they fly…”
“ Cows – black/white, chew cud, have horns…”
“ People – walk on 2 legs, wear clothes…”
View inside students’ mind Do you know what picture they are building from your teaching? Are they  learning  what you are  teaching ? Actively  engage  your students so you can also  gauge  how much they are retaining How you  present  information & how your students  assimilate  that information Do these match? How do you assess student learning?
Finally… One day, the fish was curious about life on the land He jumped to the shore but then he could not breathe… Luckily, his friend the frog came by and put him back in the water Frog: “What are you doing? You will die on land - fish is fish and you must stay in the water!” - The End -
The Seven Principles Chickering, A.W., & Gamson, Z.F. 1987.  Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education .  American Association of Higher Education Bulletin.
Basic Assumptions Faculty/Staff knowledge of  learning  is critical  We need to understand how our students learn Without this knowledge we run the risk of being inefficient, ineffective and possibly counterproductive Faculty/Staff knowledge of  learners  is critical We need to understand what our students bring to the learning situation  Research-based principles can be applied by  ALL  faculty/staff to improve teaching and learning College teaching is  complex  and  difficult Faculty/staff must figure out how these general principles apply to their own work, disciplines, courses, and students
Good Practice In Undergraduate Education Encourages Student - Instructor Contact Develops and Encourages Cooperation Among Students Encourages Active Learning  Gives Prompt Feedback Emphasizes Time on Task Communicates High Expectations  Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
In your group, complete the following chart with  your thoughts  based on the titles of the Principles. Activity: Your Turn
Name of the Principle: _____________________________________ What does it mean? Why is it important? How would you apply this idea? What are 5 things you could do?
Good Practice In  Undergraduate Education… Encourages Student - Instructor Contact Develops and Encourages Cooperation Among Students Encourages Active Learning  Gives Prompt Feedback Emphasizes Time on Task Communicates High Expectations  Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
Principle 1: Good Practice Encourages  Student-Instructor Contact “ Student-faculty interaction has significant positive correlation with every academic attainment outcome” Alexander Astin 05:11 PM
Student-Instructor Contact Improves Student Motivation  Reduces Attrition and Improves Retention Enhances Intellectual Commitment Breaks Cycle of Anonymity
Where should you sit in class? Professor A B C D E Whiteboard Front of class Rear of class
Applications to Teaching Provide students a workplace that encourages individual and group interaction Attend student activities / Advise clubs Be accessible: Utilize email, computer conferencing Maintain office hours & campus presence Evenings? Create undergraduate teaching & research experiences
Principle 2: Good Practice Encourages Cooperation Among Students “ All for one and one for all” Alexandre Dumas 05:11 PM
Directions Each person write down as many company logos as possible (30 seconds)
Directions Add up and record the number on logos you remembered individually Form a team of __, integrate individual lists to come up with one team list  Count up the total number of logos for your team (this is your team score) Calculate the individual average Compare individual average with team score Which is greater and why?
Encourage Cooperation Among Students Good Learning is Collaborative and Social Collaborative Learning Increases Involvement in Learning Improves Understanding and Thinking Is More Effective than Individualistic or Competitive Learning
“ The best answer to the question,  ‘What is the most effective method of teaching?’ is that it depends on the goal, the student, the content, and the teacher.  The next best answer is,  students teaching other students .”  Dr. Wilbert McKeachie
Factual Question Traxoline is a new form of zionter.  It is montillated in Ceristanna.  The Ceristannians gristerlate large amounts of fevon and then bracter it to quasel traxoline.  Traxoline may well be one of our most lukized snezlaus in the future because of our zionter lescelidge. Based on this information, how is traxoline quaselled? A.  Via gristerlation B.  Via bracteration C.  Via lukization D.  Via montillation (Duncan, 2005)
What Do Employers Want? Group Skills: Teamwork Ability to Learn Communication Skills Computation Skills Adaptability: Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Personal Management Skills Leadership Skills
Who would you want on your team? A B Teamwork
Who would you want on your team? A B Leadership Skills Tom Brady Vince Young
Applications to Teaching Encourage the use of: cooperative and collaborative learning group projects Problem Based Learning Form study groups and learning teams Utilize email, Web-meeting tools Use “engaged” lecture format Use “A-T-A” approach
Principle 3: Good Practice Encourages Active Learning “ What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I understand” Chinese Proverb “ Learning is not a spectator sport” Chickering & Gamson 05:12 PM
“… it’s certainly great for our young guys to be able to get enough reps, not just watching the tempo, but doing the tempo. If you watch it, it’s one thing, if you do it, it’s another.” Coach Gene Chizik, August 2009
Encourage Active Learning Students Must Do Something to Learn  Students Are Active Constructors, Transformers of Their Own Knowledge Action Leads to Meaningfulness
If they walk it, and walk it, they will remember…
Eric Mazur Peer Instruction video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBYrKPoVFwg
The American College Teacher:  National Norms (HERI, 2008)
Applications to Teaching Incorporate discussion, experiments, problem solving Utilize aspects of Groups, Projects, Case Studies, Problem Based Learning, Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw  Minimize lecturing Utilize email, clicker technologies, discussion boards, Web 2.0 (blogs, Facebook etc.) Consider computer simulation, virtual reality, games Provide incomplete lecture notes Require, collect, grade, return homework Require note taking, journaling
Principle 4: Good Practice Gives Prompt Feedback “ Supposing is good, but finding out is better” Mark Twain 05:12 PM
Give ( and Get ) Prompt Feedback Helps Students Assess Competencies Provides Frequent Opportunities to Perform Focuses Learning Activities Also Helps Improve Teaching
Survey the class How is this workshop going so far? Pretty well – I am learning new things Its fine – I am just here to fulfill an obligation I am a little confused – have questions I am so confused I don’t even have questions I am asleep and not answering…zzzz
Feedback is crucial to success
Effectiveness of Feedback Synthesis of over 500 meta-analyses found that of the 100+ factors influencing educational achievement  feedback  fell in the top 5 to 10 highest influences Hattie (1999)
Applications to Teaching Don’t assume students understand  Provide feedback early and often  Assess Frequently
“ Jim’s Ideal” Testing Plan 1 Course Intro (Quiz on Syllabus) 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5  Comprehensive Exam 6 Quiz 7 Quiz 8 Quiz 9 Quiz 10  Comprehensive Exam 11 Quiz 12 Quiz 13 Quiz 14 Quiz 15  Comprehensive Exam
Applications to Teaching Utilize email (Blackboard) to send grades, comments, feedback Have students assess own progress and needs  Encourage the use of reflective techniques (i.e., learning journals, self-assessment inventories, critical incident reports) Incorporate peer feedback mechanisms Use “Classroom Assessment Techniques” (i.e., One-Minute Paper, Brookfield’s Critical Incident Questionnaire) Use rubrics Use mid-semester feedback (SGIF)
Feedback on Teaching:  Mid-Semester Feedback Small Group Instructional Feedback ( SGIF ) is one form of mid-semester feedback that is designed to channel student perceptions into opportunities for instructional improvement
From Checking for Understanding, King Features Syndicate. I SAID I TAUGHT HIM.  I DIDN’T SAY HE LEARNED IT
Mid-Semester Feedback SGIF asks 3 questions: What is going well in this class so far to assist your learning? What suggestions do you have to improve your learning? What other comments do you have?
Feedback on Teaching Most Effective When… Information is gathered from multiple sources (including self) Sources of feedback are credible, knowledgeable and well intended Mediated by a consultant
Feedback Is Most Effective When… The person delivering the feedback exhibits Empathy Respect Specificity Genuineness Self-disclosure Confrontation Immediacy Concreteness
Principle 5: Good Practice Emphasizes Time on Task “ Time is something we never seem to have enough of; but when you think about it, we have all there is” James Groccia 05:12 PM
Emphasize Time on Task Time + Effort = Learning Organize Course and Plan Efficiently Establish Clear and Realistic Course Schedule Help Students Develop Good Time Management Skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se8Xncrpn24  (Time Management Fairy)
Key Research Findings  Learning increases  when teachers focus their questions on content that is most important, not what they think will be most interesting to students.  (Alexander, Kulikowich, & Schulze, 1994; Risner, Nicholson, & Webb, 1994)   Advance organizers , including graphic ones, help students learn new concepts and vocabulary  (Stone, 1983).  Presenting information graphically as well as symbolically in an advance organizer reinforces vocabulary learning and supports reading skills.  (Brookbank Grover, Kullberg, & Strawser, 1999; Moore & Readence 1984).
Justin:  When I’m learning concepts for a test, I like to put things in my own words, so that they make sense to me. Dave:  But putting things in your own words doesn't help you learn. The textbook was written by people who know the stuff really well. You should learn things the way the textbook presents them. I agree almost entirely with Justin.  Although I agree more with Justin, I think Dave makes some good points. I agree (or disagree) equally with Justin and Dave. Although I agree more with Dave, I think Justin makes some good points. I agree almost entirely with Dave.
Applications to Teaching Provide time management & lecture note taking tips Provide outline of activities at beginning of each class (“ Advance Organizers ”) Build in preview and review time into class (Knowledge that is applied immediately is better learned) Teach students to make use of teams to divide up work Learning does not occur by surprise!
50 = [5+50+5] Allocate 5 minutes BEFORE class to mentally prepare – review notes, check the syllabus, locate the chapter in the textbook, review graded hw 50 minute lecture/class Allocate 5 minutes AFTER class to summarize the experience Make sure your notes are complete (work w/group?) Fill out an index card:  One thing I learned today was:  One thing I am still unclear about is:
Activity : Your Turn Based on what you have learned so far  create a Graphic Organizer for the (first 5)  “Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.”
Principle 6: Good Practice Communicates High Expectations “ People tend to perform to the level expected of them” 05:12 PM
Teacher expectations and Student Performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YIwlajUpfY
Communicate High Expectations Expect More and You Will Likely Get It Becomes Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Encourage Extra Effort Set High, Yet Reachable Standards
Academic Motivation via Athletic Terminology “ Yes, I Can” “ If I have the will to do it, I can do it” “ If you don’t have high hopes, you will be average” “ Don’t tell me how rough the waters are; just bring in the ship” “ Don’t give up, keep pushing” Doug Collins, Professor of Psychology and Academic Counselor for Student Athletes, University of Findlay (Ohio)
Applications to Teaching Communicate your expectations early and often Assess what students expect of themselves Tell students what they can expect from you Successful academic experiences early to build confidence Have successful former students talk to new students Provide success role models and mentors
Principle 7: Good Practice Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning “ Difference is not a qualitative variable” James Groccia 05:12 PM
Respect Diverse Talents and  Ways of Learning There Are Many Paths to Learning Students have Different Talents and Experiences http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqQ56IBNeJw   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I39LPOYfE5c   (British suit-guy)
Applications to Teaching Use varied teaching methods (visual, auditory, sensory, examples, diagrams, small groups, electronic) Assess your learning style—we teach according to how  we , not our students, learn best Expect conflict in group problem solving due to cognitive diversity  Encourage   formation   of support groups
Jess and Mia are working on a physics homework assignment  together... Jess : O.K., we just got problem #1. I think we should go on to problem #2. Mia : No, wait. I think we should try to figure out why the thing takes so long to reach the ground. Jess : Mia, we know it’s the right answer from the back of the book, so what are you worried about? If we didn’t understand it, we wouldn’t have gotten the right answer. Mia : No, I think it’s possible to get the right answer without really understanding what it means. I agree almost entirely with Jess.  I agree more with Jess, but I think Mia makes some good points. I agree (or disagree) equally with Mia and Jess. I agree more with Mia, but I think Jess makes  some good points. I agree almost entirely with Mia.
The Millennial Student Exposed to a world of instantaneous communication with no boundaries of distance or time
Millennials Heavily programmed activities by parents, guardians,  teachers, coaches, organizations
A Student Athlete’s Schedule Fall semester, 13 credit hours 6:00 AM start time Workout  Morning classes Afternoon practice Watching video of track meets Weight room Training room Evening Study (9pm until falling asleep) Jessica Gall, Indiana University, Track & Field Eating, Resting, Socializing?
Helping Students: From Failure to Recovery Help them accept it Help them see failure as a learning opportunity Explain “failure” as a transition stage Failure is what you cannot do  yet Getting it wrong is an effective step to “get it right” Those who fail work together to figure out  how to succeed You  are not a failure, you  failed to perform a task  Race, Phil and Sally  Brown.  500 Tips for Tutors
Summary:  Good Practice In Undergraduate Education Encourages Student - Instructor Contact Encourages Cooperation Among Students Encourages Active Learning  Gives Prompt Feedback Emphasizes Time on Task Communicates High Expectations  Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
James Groccia:  [email_address] S. Raj Chaudhury:  [email_address] Stacey Nickson:  [email_address]

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7 Principles Of Good Practice

  • 1. Good Practice in Undergraduate Education: Supporting Effective Learning Biggio Center Staff Auburn University [email_address] Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning
  • 2. Presentation Goals To Provide an Overview to Effective Teaching & Learning To Approach Teaching & Learning from a Research Based Perspective To Suggest Teaching & Learning Strategies Based on Principles of Good Practice
  • 3. Getting to know you… (1) My current role is: Academic Content Tutor (I am still in college myself) Academic Aide (I have a college degree) Academic Advisor Other academic professional Random visitor
  • 4. Getting to know you… (2) How long have you been tutoring/advising etc.? First year One to three years More than three years
  • 5. “ Fish is Fish” by Leo Lionni A parable for how people learn
  • 6. Fish & tadpole (who looks like fish) are friends
  • 7. Tadpole Frog Cause for concern
  • 8. “ Frog is Frog” and “Fish is Fish” and that is that!
  • 9. the frog leaves the pond and is gone for a while…
  • 10. Frog returns : “I have seen wonderful things!”
  • 11. “ Birds – they have feathers, wings, they fly…”
  • 12. “ Cows – black/white, chew cud, have horns…”
  • 13. “ People – walk on 2 legs, wear clothes…”
  • 14. View inside students’ mind Do you know what picture they are building from your teaching? Are they learning what you are teaching ? Actively engage your students so you can also gauge how much they are retaining How you present information & how your students assimilate that information Do these match? How do you assess student learning?
  • 15. Finally… One day, the fish was curious about life on the land He jumped to the shore but then he could not breathe… Luckily, his friend the frog came by and put him back in the water Frog: “What are you doing? You will die on land - fish is fish and you must stay in the water!” - The End -
  • 16. The Seven Principles Chickering, A.W., & Gamson, Z.F. 1987. Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education . American Association of Higher Education Bulletin.
  • 17. Basic Assumptions Faculty/Staff knowledge of learning is critical We need to understand how our students learn Without this knowledge we run the risk of being inefficient, ineffective and possibly counterproductive Faculty/Staff knowledge of learners is critical We need to understand what our students bring to the learning situation Research-based principles can be applied by ALL faculty/staff to improve teaching and learning College teaching is complex and difficult Faculty/staff must figure out how these general principles apply to their own work, disciplines, courses, and students
  • 18.  
  • 19.  
  • 20. Good Practice In Undergraduate Education Encourages Student - Instructor Contact Develops and Encourages Cooperation Among Students Encourages Active Learning Gives Prompt Feedback Emphasizes Time on Task Communicates High Expectations Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
  • 21. In your group, complete the following chart with your thoughts based on the titles of the Principles. Activity: Your Turn
  • 22. Name of the Principle: _____________________________________ What does it mean? Why is it important? How would you apply this idea? What are 5 things you could do?
  • 23. Good Practice In Undergraduate Education… Encourages Student - Instructor Contact Develops and Encourages Cooperation Among Students Encourages Active Learning Gives Prompt Feedback Emphasizes Time on Task Communicates High Expectations Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
  • 24. Principle 1: Good Practice Encourages Student-Instructor Contact “ Student-faculty interaction has significant positive correlation with every academic attainment outcome” Alexander Astin 05:11 PM
  • 25. Student-Instructor Contact Improves Student Motivation Reduces Attrition and Improves Retention Enhances Intellectual Commitment Breaks Cycle of Anonymity
  • 26. Where should you sit in class? Professor A B C D E Whiteboard Front of class Rear of class
  • 27. Applications to Teaching Provide students a workplace that encourages individual and group interaction Attend student activities / Advise clubs Be accessible: Utilize email, computer conferencing Maintain office hours & campus presence Evenings? Create undergraduate teaching & research experiences
  • 28. Principle 2: Good Practice Encourages Cooperation Among Students “ All for one and one for all” Alexandre Dumas 05:11 PM
  • 29.  
  • 30. Directions Each person write down as many company logos as possible (30 seconds)
  • 31. Directions Add up and record the number on logos you remembered individually Form a team of __, integrate individual lists to come up with one team list Count up the total number of logos for your team (this is your team score) Calculate the individual average Compare individual average with team score Which is greater and why?
  • 32. Encourage Cooperation Among Students Good Learning is Collaborative and Social Collaborative Learning Increases Involvement in Learning Improves Understanding and Thinking Is More Effective than Individualistic or Competitive Learning
  • 33. “ The best answer to the question, ‘What is the most effective method of teaching?’ is that it depends on the goal, the student, the content, and the teacher. The next best answer is, students teaching other students .” Dr. Wilbert McKeachie
  • 34. Factual Question Traxoline is a new form of zionter. It is montillated in Ceristanna. The Ceristannians gristerlate large amounts of fevon and then bracter it to quasel traxoline. Traxoline may well be one of our most lukized snezlaus in the future because of our zionter lescelidge. Based on this information, how is traxoline quaselled? A. Via gristerlation B. Via bracteration C. Via lukization D. Via montillation (Duncan, 2005)
  • 35. What Do Employers Want? Group Skills: Teamwork Ability to Learn Communication Skills Computation Skills Adaptability: Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Personal Management Skills Leadership Skills
  • 36. Who would you want on your team? A B Teamwork
  • 37. Who would you want on your team? A B Leadership Skills Tom Brady Vince Young
  • 38. Applications to Teaching Encourage the use of: cooperative and collaborative learning group projects Problem Based Learning Form study groups and learning teams Utilize email, Web-meeting tools Use “engaged” lecture format Use “A-T-A” approach
  • 39.  
  • 40. Principle 3: Good Practice Encourages Active Learning “ What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I understand” Chinese Proverb “ Learning is not a spectator sport” Chickering & Gamson 05:12 PM
  • 41. “… it’s certainly great for our young guys to be able to get enough reps, not just watching the tempo, but doing the tempo. If you watch it, it’s one thing, if you do it, it’s another.” Coach Gene Chizik, August 2009
  • 42. Encourage Active Learning Students Must Do Something to Learn Students Are Active Constructors, Transformers of Their Own Knowledge Action Leads to Meaningfulness
  • 43. If they walk it, and walk it, they will remember…
  • 44. Eric Mazur Peer Instruction video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBYrKPoVFwg
  • 45. The American College Teacher: National Norms (HERI, 2008)
  • 46. Applications to Teaching Incorporate discussion, experiments, problem solving Utilize aspects of Groups, Projects, Case Studies, Problem Based Learning, Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw Minimize lecturing Utilize email, clicker technologies, discussion boards, Web 2.0 (blogs, Facebook etc.) Consider computer simulation, virtual reality, games Provide incomplete lecture notes Require, collect, grade, return homework Require note taking, journaling
  • 47. Principle 4: Good Practice Gives Prompt Feedback “ Supposing is good, but finding out is better” Mark Twain 05:12 PM
  • 48.  
  • 49. Give ( and Get ) Prompt Feedback Helps Students Assess Competencies Provides Frequent Opportunities to Perform Focuses Learning Activities Also Helps Improve Teaching
  • 50. Survey the class How is this workshop going so far? Pretty well – I am learning new things Its fine – I am just here to fulfill an obligation I am a little confused – have questions I am so confused I don’t even have questions I am asleep and not answering…zzzz
  • 51. Feedback is crucial to success
  • 52. Effectiveness of Feedback Synthesis of over 500 meta-analyses found that of the 100+ factors influencing educational achievement feedback fell in the top 5 to 10 highest influences Hattie (1999)
  • 53. Applications to Teaching Don’t assume students understand Provide feedback early and often Assess Frequently
  • 54. “ Jim’s Ideal” Testing Plan 1 Course Intro (Quiz on Syllabus) 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Comprehensive Exam 6 Quiz 7 Quiz 8 Quiz 9 Quiz 10 Comprehensive Exam 11 Quiz 12 Quiz 13 Quiz 14 Quiz 15 Comprehensive Exam
  • 55. Applications to Teaching Utilize email (Blackboard) to send grades, comments, feedback Have students assess own progress and needs Encourage the use of reflective techniques (i.e., learning journals, self-assessment inventories, critical incident reports) Incorporate peer feedback mechanisms Use “Classroom Assessment Techniques” (i.e., One-Minute Paper, Brookfield’s Critical Incident Questionnaire) Use rubrics Use mid-semester feedback (SGIF)
  • 56. Feedback on Teaching: Mid-Semester Feedback Small Group Instructional Feedback ( SGIF ) is one form of mid-semester feedback that is designed to channel student perceptions into opportunities for instructional improvement
  • 59. From Checking for Understanding, King Features Syndicate. I SAID I TAUGHT HIM. I DIDN’T SAY HE LEARNED IT
  • 60. Mid-Semester Feedback SGIF asks 3 questions: What is going well in this class so far to assist your learning? What suggestions do you have to improve your learning? What other comments do you have?
  • 61. Feedback on Teaching Most Effective When… Information is gathered from multiple sources (including self) Sources of feedback are credible, knowledgeable and well intended Mediated by a consultant
  • 62. Feedback Is Most Effective When… The person delivering the feedback exhibits Empathy Respect Specificity Genuineness Self-disclosure Confrontation Immediacy Concreteness
  • 63. Principle 5: Good Practice Emphasizes Time on Task “ Time is something we never seem to have enough of; but when you think about it, we have all there is” James Groccia 05:12 PM
  • 64.  
  • 65. Emphasize Time on Task Time + Effort = Learning Organize Course and Plan Efficiently Establish Clear and Realistic Course Schedule Help Students Develop Good Time Management Skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se8Xncrpn24 (Time Management Fairy)
  • 66. Key Research Findings Learning increases when teachers focus their questions on content that is most important, not what they think will be most interesting to students. (Alexander, Kulikowich, & Schulze, 1994; Risner, Nicholson, & Webb, 1994) Advance organizers , including graphic ones, help students learn new concepts and vocabulary (Stone, 1983). Presenting information graphically as well as symbolically in an advance organizer reinforces vocabulary learning and supports reading skills. (Brookbank Grover, Kullberg, & Strawser, 1999; Moore & Readence 1984).
  • 67. Justin: When I’m learning concepts for a test, I like to put things in my own words, so that they make sense to me. Dave: But putting things in your own words doesn't help you learn. The textbook was written by people who know the stuff really well. You should learn things the way the textbook presents them. I agree almost entirely with Justin. Although I agree more with Justin, I think Dave makes some good points. I agree (or disagree) equally with Justin and Dave. Although I agree more with Dave, I think Justin makes some good points. I agree almost entirely with Dave.
  • 68. Applications to Teaching Provide time management & lecture note taking tips Provide outline of activities at beginning of each class (“ Advance Organizers ”) Build in preview and review time into class (Knowledge that is applied immediately is better learned) Teach students to make use of teams to divide up work Learning does not occur by surprise!
  • 69. 50 = [5+50+5] Allocate 5 minutes BEFORE class to mentally prepare – review notes, check the syllabus, locate the chapter in the textbook, review graded hw 50 minute lecture/class Allocate 5 minutes AFTER class to summarize the experience Make sure your notes are complete (work w/group?) Fill out an index card: One thing I learned today was: One thing I am still unclear about is:
  • 70.  
  • 71. Activity : Your Turn Based on what you have learned so far create a Graphic Organizer for the (first 5) “Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.”
  • 72. Principle 6: Good Practice Communicates High Expectations “ People tend to perform to the level expected of them” 05:12 PM
  • 73. Teacher expectations and Student Performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YIwlajUpfY
  • 74. Communicate High Expectations Expect More and You Will Likely Get It Becomes Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Encourage Extra Effort Set High, Yet Reachable Standards
  • 75. Academic Motivation via Athletic Terminology “ Yes, I Can” “ If I have the will to do it, I can do it” “ If you don’t have high hopes, you will be average” “ Don’t tell me how rough the waters are; just bring in the ship” “ Don’t give up, keep pushing” Doug Collins, Professor of Psychology and Academic Counselor for Student Athletes, University of Findlay (Ohio)
  • 76.  
  • 77. Applications to Teaching Communicate your expectations early and often Assess what students expect of themselves Tell students what they can expect from you Successful academic experiences early to build confidence Have successful former students talk to new students Provide success role models and mentors
  • 78. Principle 7: Good Practice Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning “ Difference is not a qualitative variable” James Groccia 05:12 PM
  • 79.  
  • 80. Respect Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning There Are Many Paths to Learning Students have Different Talents and Experiences http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqQ56IBNeJw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I39LPOYfE5c (British suit-guy)
  • 81. Applications to Teaching Use varied teaching methods (visual, auditory, sensory, examples, diagrams, small groups, electronic) Assess your learning style—we teach according to how we , not our students, learn best Expect conflict in group problem solving due to cognitive diversity Encourage formation of support groups
  • 82. Jess and Mia are working on a physics homework assignment together... Jess : O.K., we just got problem #1. I think we should go on to problem #2. Mia : No, wait. I think we should try to figure out why the thing takes so long to reach the ground. Jess : Mia, we know it’s the right answer from the back of the book, so what are you worried about? If we didn’t understand it, we wouldn’t have gotten the right answer. Mia : No, I think it’s possible to get the right answer without really understanding what it means. I agree almost entirely with Jess. I agree more with Jess, but I think Mia makes some good points. I agree (or disagree) equally with Mia and Jess. I agree more with Mia, but I think Jess makes some good points. I agree almost entirely with Mia.
  • 83. The Millennial Student Exposed to a world of instantaneous communication with no boundaries of distance or time
  • 84. Millennials Heavily programmed activities by parents, guardians, teachers, coaches, organizations
  • 85.  
  • 86. A Student Athlete’s Schedule Fall semester, 13 credit hours 6:00 AM start time Workout Morning classes Afternoon practice Watching video of track meets Weight room Training room Evening Study (9pm until falling asleep) Jessica Gall, Indiana University, Track & Field Eating, Resting, Socializing?
  • 87. Helping Students: From Failure to Recovery Help them accept it Help them see failure as a learning opportunity Explain “failure” as a transition stage Failure is what you cannot do yet Getting it wrong is an effective step to “get it right” Those who fail work together to figure out how to succeed You are not a failure, you failed to perform a task Race, Phil and Sally Brown. 500 Tips for Tutors
  • 88. Summary: Good Practice In Undergraduate Education Encourages Student - Instructor Contact Encourages Cooperation Among Students Encourages Active Learning Gives Prompt Feedback Emphasizes Time on Task Communicates High Expectations Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
  • 89.  
  • 90. James Groccia: [email_address] S. Raj Chaudhury: [email_address] Stacey Nickson: [email_address]

Editor's Notes

  1. Leo Lionni is a well known author of children’s books.
  2. They live in a pond and play in the weeds – having a good time (look they are smiling at each other)
  3. Tadpole becomes a Frog (undergoes a transformation) but the fish just becomes a bigger fish.
  4. They don’t like this change that has occurred because there is nothing in there conceptual framework to account for this. So they have to take it on faith without understanding the cause.
  5. His friend the fish was wondering “I wonder where he is and what he is doing?” Then the frog returns and is very excited to tell his friend the fish all the wonderful things he has seen.
  6. Frog says:”I have seen things called birds ….”
  7. Frog says:”I have seen things called cows….”
  8. Frog says:”I have seen things called people….”
  9. This goes to the point that sometimes even if we want the real hands-on experience with a phenomenon, it is not possible. We all have limitations. IF we want to study Mars, it can only be through remote spacecraft that send us data.