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Management and Leadership


Improved Learning
Interactive Course
Tony Lundy CMgr
I am your instructor and facilitator and hope to
deliver your course effectively to improve your
Knowledge and understanding. .


Working With Teams


32 8
Tony Lundy CMgr
Lundy Projects Ltd
March 2010




Identify factors affecting group dynamics
Lesson Objectives
The aims of this lesson is to:-
Determine the reason for forming
You may wish to take
notes but handouts will
be provided.
Identify the 5 stages of team development
Understand group dynamics
Identify the 9 team roles of a group
Determine factors of group dynamics that
affect the leader


• Groups are formed mainly for two reasons
- administration of individuals easier
- to get complex tasks done more effectively.
• The group is made up of individuals who have
Individual Needs which in turn require Team Needs
once they are formed.
• Different people bring different needs to a group and
this sometimes makes it difficult for the group to work
• The way a group works together is called
"Group Dynamics".
• Groups are formed mainly for two reasons
- administration of individuals easier
- to get complex tasks done more effectively.
• The group is made up of individuals who have
Individual Needs which in turn require Team Needs
once they are formed.
• Different people bring different needs to a group and
this sometimes makes it difficult for the group to work
• The way a group works together is called
"Group Dynamics".
Why form Groups?


• For a group to get things done it is important for it
to work well together.
• This means each of the individuals should have
different strengths and weaknesses to support the
various activities the group has to perform.
• This lesson describes the different roles people
can use when working in a team and the ideal
composition of a team.
• For a group to get things done it is important for it
to work well together.
• This means each of the individuals should have
different strengths and weaknesses to support the
various activities the group has to perform.
• This lesson describes the different roles people
can use when working in a team and the ideal
composition of a team.
Working together


A team which is brought together for
the first time will naturally not perform
as well as a similar group that have
been working together for some time.
A team which is brought together for
the first time will naturally not perform
as well as a similar group that have
been working together for some time.


• All team members go
through certain emotional
and team pressures when
a group is brought
together for the first time.
• The group will go through
five fairly predictable
stages as follows:
• All team members go
through certain emotional
and team pressures when
a group is brought
together for the first time.
• The group will go through
five fairly predictable
stages as follows:
• Forming.
• Storming.
• Norming.
• Performing.
• Mourning.
• Forming.
• Storming.
• Norming.
• Performing.
• Mourning.


 Truckman’s 4 stage team development model was
published in 1965
 His fifth stage “ adjourning” was added around 1975
 Truckman’s 4 stage team development model was
published in 1965
 His fifth stage “ adjourning” was added around 1975
Also known as
deforming or
Team Development Model


The time it takes to go through these phases will depend on
many factors such as:
• The size of the team.
• The common background and experiences shared by
the team members.
• The ability of the team Leader to pull the team
• The reason why the team has been formed.
• The motivation and willingness of the team to perform
and succeed
The time it takes to go through these phases will depend on
many factors such as:
• The size of the team.
• The common background and experiences shared by
the team members.
• The ability of the team Leader to pull the team
• The reason why the team has been formed.
• The motivation and willingness of the team to perform
and succeed


• When a team is forming its members
cautiously explore the boundaries of
acceptable behaviour
• They are assessing what they can get
away with in front of the other team
members and also testing the leader's
ability both formally and informally
• This is, therefore, a key phase for
leaders to firmly exert their authority,
encourage the team and set standards
• In this phase so much is going on within
the team that the team will accomplish
very little.


During the forming stage it is natural for the
team members to have the following
feeling and behaviours.
• Excitement, anticipation and optimism.
• Pride in being selected for the team or task.
• An initial tentative attachment to the team.
• Suspicion about the organisation or activities.
During the forming stage it is natural for the
team members to have the following
feeling and behaviours.
• Excitement, anticipation and optimism.
• Pride in being selected for the team or task.
• An initial tentative attachment to the team.
• Suspicion about the organisation or activities.


Adjourning• Storming is probably the most difficult
stage the team will go through.
• The team starts to worry about the lack
of achievement and begins to get
frustrated, accusational and over-excited.
• Individuals think they alone can succeed
and resist the need to work as a team.
• During this stage the leader must be
consistent, get to know the individuals
and relieve any internal conflicts.
• It is important that standards are
maintained, that a good example is
set and that the Individual Needs are


The following feelings and behaviours may occur
during this stage.
• Concern and uncertainty about how other team
members are doing things.
• Sharp changes in attitude to the team and its
progress and achievements.
• Arguing amongst team members.
• Defensiveness and the formation of sub-groups or
• Questioning the selection of the other team
• Perceived favouritism, tensions and jealousy
within the team.
The following feelings and behaviours may occur
during this stage.
• Concern and uncertainty about how other team
members are doing things.
• Sharp changes in attitude to the team and its
progress and achievements.
• Arguing amongst team members.
• Defensiveness and the formation of sub-groups or
• Questioning the selection of the other team
• Perceived favouritism, tensions and jealousy
within the team.


• The Norming stage is used to sort out
competing loyalties and responsibilities.
• The members begin to accept the team
ground rules.
• Emotional conflicts reduce as
relationships become less
competitive and more co-operative.
• Suddenly the group begins to realise
they can only succeed if they work
together and things then start to be
• The leader at this stage can give
encouragement and address the
Individual Needs of status, praise and
training as appropriate


The feelings and behaviour that may
appear at this stage are:
• An ability to criticise constructively
• An accepted membership of the
• Relief that things are working out.
• An attempt to avoid internal conflict.
• A sharing of individual problems.
The feelings and behaviour that may
appear at this stage are:
• An ability to criticise constructively
• An accepted membership of the
• Relief that things are working out.
• An attempt to avoid internal conflict.
• A sharing of individual problems.


• By now the team has settled its
internal relationships and knows
where it stands.
• They can start to achieve results
through knowing each other's
strengths and weaknesses and
getting the best from the team.
• At this stage the team just gets on
with the task and supports each
other as necessary.
• The leader can now address the
Task and Team Maintenance Needs


The type of feelings and behaviour that may exist at this
stage are:
• A better understanding of each other's abilities and
• Satisfaction at working well together.
• An awareness of one's own abilities and
a willingness to improve.
• An ability to sort out internal team
• A strong attachment to the team.
The type of feelings and behaviour that may exist at this
stage are:
• A better understanding of each other's abilities and
• Satisfaction at working well together.
• An awareness of one's own abilities and
a willingness to improve.
• An ability to sort out internal team
• A strong attachment to the team.


• No group or team lasts forever, if the task
is completed or the contract ends the
team must be disbanded.
• The group will want to keep the team in
place because so much has been
achieved together.
• This is only natural but the leader's job is
to recognize when the team is no longer
needed and to provide a ritual ending.
• It is important for the leader to give
constructive feedback to individuals
about their performance and contribution
to the team activities.
• This softens the blow by acknowledging
the Individuals Needs.


The type of feelings in this stage are:
• A sadness that good times have to
come to and end.
• The pledges of long term friendship.
• A promise to get together in some
way again.
The type of feelings in this stage are:
• A sadness that good times have to
come to and end.
• The pledges of long term friendship.
• A promise to get together in some
way again.


How Group Dynamics Affect The Leader
 All groups go through the stages of team
 How long it takes to get to the "Performing"
stage will depend on the leader, the team
members and the situation.
 Once a leader is aware of the stages of team
growth it is relatively easy to determine which
stage a group is going through.
 The leader should give the appropriate
support to the team in each stage
Team Members


Team Constitution
The shaper gets frustrated
if things aren't going in the
right direction. Shapers
can be intolerant of
indecisiveness and waffle.
They generally have a lot
of drive and self
but can be too task
orientated, forgetting the
social roles.
The innovator is an ideas person who looks for new solutions and can be very
intelligent and imaginative. Their imagination sometimes makes them wander off the
subject and they can need some control to keep them focussed. They can lose interest with
some long tasks. They may have problems in communicating their ideas to the rest of the team
The leader co-ordinates
the group in achieving its
task by using the
The leader performs all
the functions described so
far in this section


Team Constitution
The evaluator takes
nothing for granted, they
naturally evaluate what
they are told and what is
They are good at
reasoning and critical
thinking and act as the
groups conscience
stopping them making
stupid mistakes.
They can appear over
critical to the rest of the
team and sometimes a bit
boring because they are
always so practical.
The expert is the source of
all knowledge, they differ
from the Innovator in that
they deal with facts and
knowledge and not ideas.
The experts superior
knowledge can make
them unapproachable and
they are prone to shoot
down the Innovator's ideas
on principle
The Resource Investigator can't do everything themselves but always knows someone who
They make a point of making contacts and knowing how to get things done in the system.
They are naturally extrovert, inquisitive and able to see the possibilities of a given situation.
They can sometimes appear over-enthusiastic and a bit wearing to some of the team


Team Constitution
The Worker takes the
team's ideas and turns
them into practical
They are happy to watch
the group but do not always
contribute to the task until
given something specific to
do. They work
systematically and
efficiently to ensure tasks
are carried out.
They have high self-control
and self-discipline with
realism and common
They can be inflexible to
changes in the plan and
may accept new ideas.
The Completer is driven to meeting deadlines and standards. They show a permanent sense of urgency
and can appear to worry a lot.
They constantly assess progress and monitor the detail of the tasks for mistakes.
They can appear impatient and intolerant of others who seem to waste time.
The Team Worker likes to
keep the team together in
total harmony.
They are good
communicators and
supporters of ideas,
generally building team
A good listener, very
popular and flexible team
member. They can appear
indecisive because they
dislike conflict and
competition and don't wish
to offend anyone by
making a wrong decision.


The Ideal Team
Depends on task being
Depends on task being
performed Straight Forward TaskStraight Forward Task Problem SolvingProblem Solving
The ideal team
constitution will
depend on the task
being performed by
the team.
As a minimum the team
should contain:-
• Leader
• Thinker (Innovator or
• Doer- (Worker).
The ideal team
constitution will
depend on the task
being performed by
the team.
As a minimum the team
should contain:-
• Leader
• Thinker (Innovator or
• Doer- (Worker).
A straightforward and
repetitive task would
only need:-
• Leader
• Workers
• Completers
A straightforward and
repetitive task would
only need:-
• Leader
• Workers
• Completers
A task that
involves some problem
solving would need:-
Innovators to come up
with the ideas and
Evaluators to keep their
ideas practical.
A task that
involves some problem
solving would need:-
Innovators to come up
with the ideas and
Evaluators to keep their
ideas practical.
A large team for a complex task would require a Team Worker to help
keep everyone happy and a Resource Investigator to help make things happen
A large team for a complex task would require a Team Worker to help
keep everyone happy and a Resource Investigator to help make things happen


When groups are formed
the leader must be aware
of the growth stages of the
team and match
their leadership style to
the needs of the team.
All people are different
and bring a variety of
abilities to a team. A
Leader should be capable
recognising these abilities
and using them effectively
to achieve the teams
When a leader gets to know
the members of their team
they will, having gained some
experience, be able to
determine who fits which of
the ream roles.
This will allow them to
manage the team more
effectively by using people's
natural styles.
Getting to know the team
One challenge for the leader is
that their natural style may not be
that of a leader and they will have
to work more at performing that
As a leader you must understand
the strengths and
weaknessesof each member of
your group and not become
frustrated or annoyed with the way
they are.




Identify factors affecting group dynamics
Lesson Objectives
Did we achieve them:-
Determine the reason for forming
Identify the 5 stages of team development
Understand group dynamics
Identify the 9 team roles of a group
Determine factors of group dynamics that
affect the leader
Ensure your collect
your handouts


Tony Lundy CMgr



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8 Working With Teams

  • 2. 1 2 3 Improved Learning Interactive Course Assessment Tony Lundy CMgr FCMI, FInstLM, Tech IOSH I am your instructor and facilitator and hope to deliver your course effectively to improve your Knowledge and understanding. .
  • 4. DATE LESSONSLIDES 32 8 PRODUCED BY TRAINING CENTRE Tony Lundy CMgr Lundy Projects Ltd March 2010
  • 6. Identify factors affecting group dynamics 1 Lesson Objectives The aims of this lesson is to:- Determine the reason for forming groups 3 6 SCENE TIP You may wish to take notes but handouts will be provided. Identify the 5 stages of team development Understand group dynamics Identify the 9 team roles of a group 2 4 5 Determine factors of group dynamics that affect the leader
  • 7. IntroductionIntroduction • Groups are formed mainly for two reasons - administration of individuals easier - to get complex tasks done more effectively. • The group is made up of individuals who have Individual Needs which in turn require Team Needs once they are formed. • Different people bring different needs to a group and this sometimes makes it difficult for the group to work effectively. • The way a group works together is called "Group Dynamics". • Groups are formed mainly for two reasons - administration of individuals easier - to get complex tasks done more effectively. • The group is made up of individuals who have Individual Needs which in turn require Team Needs once they are formed. • Different people bring different needs to a group and this sometimes makes it difficult for the group to work effectively. • The way a group works together is called "Group Dynamics". SCENE Why form Groups? GROUPS
  • 8. IntroductionIntroduction • For a group to get things done it is important for it to work well together. • This means each of the individuals should have different strengths and weaknesses to support the various activities the group has to perform. • This lesson describes the different roles people can use when working in a team and the ideal composition of a team. • For a group to get things done it is important for it to work well together. • This means each of the individuals should have different strengths and weaknesses to support the various activities the group has to perform. • This lesson describes the different roles people can use when working in a team and the ideal composition of a team. Working together GROUPS
  • 9. A team which is brought together for the first time will naturally not perform as well as a similar group that have been working together for some time. A team which is brought together for the first time will naturally not perform as well as a similar group that have been working together for some time. GROUP DYNAMICSGROUP DYNAMICS
  • 10. • All team members go through certain emotional and team pressures when a group is brought together for the first time. • The group will go through five fairly predictable stages as follows: • All team members go through certain emotional and team pressures when a group is brought together for the first time. • The group will go through five fairly predictable stages as follows: GROUP DYNAMICSGROUP DYNAMICS STAGESSTAGES • Forming. • Storming. • Norming. • Performing. • Mourning. • Forming. • Storming. • Norming. • Performing. • Mourning.
  • 11. DR BRUCE TRUCKMANDR BRUCE TRUCKMAN  Truckman’s 4 stage team development model was published in 1965  His fifth stage “ adjourning” was added around 1975  Truckman’s 4 stage team development model was published in 1965  His fifth stage “ adjourning” was added around 1975 TEAMS FORMING STORMING NORMING PERFORMING ADJOURNING Also known as deforming or mourning Team Development Model
  • 12. The time it takes to go through these phases will depend on many factors such as: • The size of the team. • The common background and experiences shared by the team members. • The ability of the team Leader to pull the team together. • The reason why the team has been formed. • The motivation and willingness of the team to perform and succeed The time it takes to go through these phases will depend on many factors such as: • The size of the team. • The common background and experiences shared by the team members. • The ability of the team Leader to pull the team together. • The reason why the team has been formed. • The motivation and willingness of the team to perform and succeed GROUP DYNAMICSGROUP DYNAMICS
  • 13. Forming Storming Noming Performing Adjourning • When a team is forming its members cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable behaviour • They are assessing what they can get away with in front of the other team members and also testing the leader's ability both formally and informally • This is, therefore, a key phase for leaders to firmly exert their authority, encourage the team and set standards • In this phase so much is going on within the team that the team will accomplish very little.
  • 14. FormingForming During the forming stage it is natural for the team members to have the following feeling and behaviours. • Excitement, anticipation and optimism. • Pride in being selected for the team or task. • An initial tentative attachment to the team. • Suspicion about the organisation or activities. During the forming stage it is natural for the team members to have the following feeling and behaviours. • Excitement, anticipation and optimism. • Pride in being selected for the team or task. • An initial tentative attachment to the team. • Suspicion about the organisation or activities. SCENE GROUPS
  • 15. Storming Forming Noming Performing Adjourning• Storming is probably the most difficult stage the team will go through. • The team starts to worry about the lack of achievement and begins to get frustrated, accusational and over-excited. • Individuals think they alone can succeed and resist the need to work as a team. • During this stage the leader must be consistent, get to know the individuals and relieve any internal conflicts. • It is important that standards are maintained, that a good example is set and that the Individual Needs are identified
  • 16. StormingStorming The following feelings and behaviours may occur during this stage. • Concern and uncertainty about how other team members are doing things. • Sharp changes in attitude to the team and its progress and achievements. • Arguing amongst team members. • Defensiveness and the formation of sub-groups or cliques. • Questioning the selection of the other team members. • Perceived favouritism, tensions and jealousy within the team. The following feelings and behaviours may occur during this stage. • Concern and uncertainty about how other team members are doing things. • Sharp changes in attitude to the team and its progress and achievements. • Arguing amongst team members. • Defensiveness and the formation of sub-groups or cliques. • Questioning the selection of the other team members. • Perceived favouritism, tensions and jealousy within the team. SCENE GROUPS
  • 17. Norming Forming Storming Performing Adjourning • The Norming stage is used to sort out competing loyalties and responsibilities. • The members begin to accept the team ground rules. • Emotional conflicts reduce as relationships become less competitive and more co-operative. • Suddenly the group begins to realise they can only succeed if they work together and things then start to be achieved. • The leader at this stage can give encouragement and address the Individual Needs of status, praise and training as appropriate
  • 18. NormingNorming The feelings and behaviour that may appear at this stage are: • An ability to criticise constructively • An accepted membership of the team. • Relief that things are working out. • An attempt to avoid internal conflict. • A sharing of individual problems. The feelings and behaviour that may appear at this stage are: • An ability to criticise constructively • An accepted membership of the team. • Relief that things are working out. • An attempt to avoid internal conflict. • A sharing of individual problems. SCENE GROUPS
  • 19. Performing Forming Storming Norming Adjourning • By now the team has settled its internal relationships and knows where it stands. • They can start to achieve results through knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses and getting the best from the team. • At this stage the team just gets on with the task and supports each other as necessary. • The leader can now address the Task and Team Maintenance Needs
  • 20. PerformingPerforming The type of feelings and behaviour that may exist at this stage are: • A better understanding of each other's abilities and feelings. • Satisfaction at working well together. • An awareness of one's own abilities and a willingness to improve. • An ability to sort out internal team problems. • A strong attachment to the team. The type of feelings and behaviour that may exist at this stage are: • A better understanding of each other's abilities and feelings. • Satisfaction at working well together. • An awareness of one's own abilities and a willingness to improve. • An ability to sort out internal team problems. • A strong attachment to the team. SCENE GROUPS
  • 21. Adjourning Forming Storming Norming Performing • No group or team lasts forever, if the task is completed or the contract ends the team must be disbanded. • The group will want to keep the team in place because so much has been achieved together. • This is only natural but the leader's job is to recognize when the team is no longer needed and to provide a ritual ending. • It is important for the leader to give constructive feedback to individuals about their performance and contribution to the team activities. • This softens the blow by acknowledging the Individuals Needs.
  • 22. AdjourningAdjourning The type of feelings in this stage are: • A sadness that good times have to come to and end. • The pledges of long term friendship. • A promise to get together in some way again. The type of feelings in this stage are: • A sadness that good times have to come to and end. • The pledges of long term friendship. • A promise to get together in some way again. SCENE GROUPS
  • 23. How Group Dynamics Affect The Leader  All groups go through the stages of team growth.  How long it takes to get to the "Performing" stage will depend on the leader, the team members and the situation.  Once a leader is aware of the stages of team growth it is relatively easy to determine which stage a group is going through.  The leader should give the appropriate support to the team in each stage TIP Leader Team Members Situation
  • 24. Team Constitution The shaper gets frustrated if things aren't going in the right direction. Shapers can be intolerant of indecisiveness and waffle. They generally have a lot of drive and self confidence but can be too task orientated, forgetting the social roles. The innovator is an ideas person who looks for new solutions and can be very intelligent and imaginative. Their imagination sometimes makes them wander off the subject and they can need some control to keep them focussed. They can lose interest with some long tasks. They may have problems in communicating their ideas to the rest of the team The leader co-ordinates the group in achieving its task by using the resources effectively. The leader performs all the functions described so far in this section Team Members
  • 25. Team Constitution The evaluator takes nothing for granted, they naturally evaluate what they are told and what is happening. They are good at reasoning and critical thinking and act as the groups conscience stopping them making stupid mistakes. They can appear over critical to the rest of the team and sometimes a bit boring because they are always so practical. The expert is the source of all knowledge, they differ from the Innovator in that they deal with facts and knowledge and not ideas. The experts superior knowledge can make them unapproachable and they are prone to shoot down the Innovator's ideas on principle Team Members The Resource Investigator can't do everything themselves but always knows someone who can. They make a point of making contacts and knowing how to get things done in the system. They are naturally extrovert, inquisitive and able to see the possibilities of a given situation. They can sometimes appear over-enthusiastic and a bit wearing to some of the team members.
  • 26. Team Constitution The Worker takes the team's ideas and turns them into practical solutions. They are happy to watch the group but do not always contribute to the task until given something specific to do. They work systematically and efficiently to ensure tasks are carried out. They have high self-control and self-discipline with realism and common sense. They can be inflexible to changes in the plan and may accept new ideas. The Completer is driven to meeting deadlines and standards. They show a permanent sense of urgency and can appear to worry a lot. They constantly assess progress and monitor the detail of the tasks for mistakes. They can appear impatient and intolerant of others who seem to waste time. The Team Worker likes to keep the team together in total harmony. They are good communicators and supporters of ideas, generally building team spirit. A good listener, very popular and flexible team member. They can appear indecisive because they dislike conflict and competition and don't wish to offend anyone by making a wrong decision. Team Members
  • 27. The Ideal Team Depends on task being performed Depends on task being performed Straight Forward TaskStraight Forward Task Problem SolvingProblem Solving The ideal team constitution will depend on the task being performed by the team. As a minimum the team should contain:- • Leader • Thinker (Innovator or Evaluator) • Doer- (Worker). The ideal team constitution will depend on the task being performed by the team. As a minimum the team should contain:- • Leader • Thinker (Innovator or Evaluator) • Doer- (Worker). A straightforward and repetitive task would only need:- • Leader • Workers • Completers A straightforward and repetitive task would only need:- • Leader • Workers • Completers A task that involves some problem solving would need:- Innovators to come up with the ideas and Evaluators to keep their ideas practical. A task that involves some problem solving would need:- Innovators to come up with the ideas and Evaluators to keep their ideas practical. A large team for a complex task would require a Team Worker to help keep everyone happy and a Resource Investigator to help make things happen A large team for a complex task would require a Team Worker to help keep everyone happy and a Resource Investigator to help make things happen
  • 28. When groups are formed the leader must be aware of the growth stages of the team and match their leadership style to the needs of the team. All people are different and bring a variety of abilities to a team. A Leader should be capable of recognising these abilities and using them effectively to achieve the teams objectives. When a leader gets to know the members of their team they will, having gained some experience, be able to determine who fits which of the ream roles. This will allow them to manage the team more effectively by using people's natural styles. Getting to know the team NOTE One challenge for the leader is that their natural style may not be that of a leader and they will have to work more at performing that role. As a leader you must understand the strengths and weaknessesof each member of your group and not become frustrated or annoyed with the way they are.
  • 30. Identify factors affecting group dynamics 1 Lesson Objectives Did we achieve them:- Determine the reason for forming groups 3 6 SCENE TIP Identify the 5 stages of team development Understand group dynamics Identify the 9 team roles of a group 2 4 5 Determine factors of group dynamics that affect the leader Ensure your collect your handouts