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9 Best Images Of Free Valentine
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9 Best Images Of Free Valentine Printable Note P 9 Best Images Of Free Valentine Printable Note P
Essay on Cicero
Born Marcus Tullius Cicero in Arpinum (Italy) in 106 BC, he became a writer, statesman, orator and
philosopher. He loved politics and he wrote only when he could not participate in government. He had
a motto which he constantly strived for: to always be the best and over top the rest. Cicero had a high
political career in Rome for that time as winning elections were almost always exclusively controlled
by a group of wealthy aristocratic families.
Cicero s family was not one of them. Lacking this advantage there were essentially only two career
options open to him; a military career, he was no soldier and hated war, or a career in law. He prepared
for this by studying jurisprudence, rhetoric and philosophy. Then he began ... Show more content on
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This trial included a propose of a law which was applied immediately. It stated that anyone who killed
a Roman citizen without trial would be striped of their citizenship and forced to exile. This began
attacks and riots on Cicero who fled the city. Cicero was now forbidden to live within 500 miles of
Italy. As now he could now participate in any politics he had time to study philosophy. But after a year
and a half the political conditions changed and he was allowed to return to Rome. He owed his return
to Rome to the Triumvirate for ending his exile and for not killing him. He paid them off over the next
eight years as a lawyer.
During this time he continued his studies in Philosophy. Between 55 51BC he created some of his
most famous pieces of writing; On the Orator, On the Republic, and On the Laws.
In 49BC the Triumvirate collapsed with the death of another Roman senator, Crassus. This raised the
question if Rome would become a republic or an empire or weather Pompey or Caesar would be
Emperor. Cicero believed it would make little difference as it would be a disaster in either case. But
Caesar won the civil war and became the first Roman emperor in 47BC and Cicero was forced to stay
out of politics, and again used this time to write the rest of his philosophical papers.
In the Ides of March in 44BC Caesar was murdered
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Factors Affecting Access For Complementary Therapies
Factors Affecting Access to Complementary Therapies
There are many reasons why individuals may not be using complementary therapies, even though they
may benefit from using them. I am going to highlight some of these factors and explain how each
might be a barrier to accessing complementary therapies.
Knowledge and lack of knowledge can have a major influence on whether individuals use
complementary therapies. For example; people may have heard negative stories about certain
therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy or massage. This negativity may implement fear of using
these therapies. Lack of knowledge may also case negative feelings, for example; individuals may
have never heard of certain therapies before that are now available in their local area. Some might
know about the therapy, but do not understand the benefits of using it.
In some cases, individuals may want to use a complementary therapy but may not know where
therapists are located. For example; if an elderly person did not have the internet, they would not be
able to search for clinics online. Thus, unless they already knew where to go, they would not know
how to find it, hence they could not access the service.
Lack of provision:
If there are not many places for complementary therapies in the area, it may be difficult to get an
appointment with a therapist due to high demand. This can cause service users to become frustrated
and impatient when they try to make an appointment.
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Participatory Sensing And The New Era Of Technology
After reading and gathering information about this article participatory sensing, my first initial thought
was what is participatory sensing? Participatory sensing is an approach to data collection and
interpretation in which individuals, acting alone or in groups, use their personal mobile devices and
web services to systematically explore interesting aspects of their worlds ranging from health to
culture. There are many authentic forms of participatory sensing, but one in particular is the article
written by Katie Shilton. As Shilton expresses the use of participatory sensing through forms of
privacy, mobile phone, and ubiquitous data collection. Based on these forms of technology about
participatory sensing, how would it improve our lives and our communities, but at what cost, we are
willing to have our privacy be out there in many databases? As we move into the new era of
technology, the thought of our personal information being place into database collection have many
concerns, but few are left untold about the truth of their information. The database is derive from
many information like mobile phone as they are used to analyze the research behind the use of mobile
phones communication. The use of mobile phones is used to collect data for personal or social projects
for the mobile and urban coverage. Moreover, Participatory sensing is meant to enable and encourage
anyone to gather and investigate previously invisible data. An example, through the mobile phone
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The International Trade Agreement With Costa Rica,...
Introduction On August 2004, the United States signed the Central America Free Trade Agreement
with Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. CAFTA
is the first free trade agreement of its kind given that it is between the United States and smaller
developing countries. The agreement encourages economic cooperation among these nations resulting
in a stronger regional integration and contributing to greater stability. Beginning with a brief overview
about the history of CAFTA, in this paper I will discuss the main issues being debated on CAFTA and
analyze the effect it will have on US industries, specifically on sugar, textiles, and agriculture, as well
as the benefits to the Central American countries involved in the agreement. CAFTA Historically, the
United States has established free trade agreements with each of the countries in the agreement. These
agreements, as well as CAFTA, are currently active. The US government policy had originally granted
these countries relative open access to US markets, as well as protection of their own markets with the
use of tariffs and other trade barriers. These were implemented specifically to restrict US access to
their markets. Then, CAFTA changed the trend by eliminating tariffs, opening markets, reducing
barriers to goods and services, and promoting transparency through regulatory practices, while
supporting environmental protections (7). Moreover, it promotes investment between these
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The Horse Dealer s Daughter Analysis
Last Thursday, as we were out at a restaurant eating dinner we discussed D.H. Lawrence s short story
The Horse Dealer s Daughter. We talked about Mabel and her family s past and their present
situations. Surprisingly, you mention to me that you did not understand why Mabel attempts suicide.
This statement shocked me since I could think of multiple reasons that led Mabel to attempt suicide.
Throughout the short story Lawrence gave clues and reasons to why she attempts suicide. Mabel
attempts suicide for the following reasons: To feel closer to her mother, bankruptcy after her father s
death, and because she feels unloved.
One reason Mabel attempts suicide is to feel close to her mother and be with her again. Once her
mother had died, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lawrence explains Mabel s thoughts on how having money made her feel secure and happy. Also,
how no longer having money she no longer feels secure as follows:
For months, Mabel had been [sic]servantless in the big house, keeping the home together in penury for
her ineffectual brothers. She had kept house for ten years. But previously, it was with unstinted means.
Then, however brutal and coarse everything was, the sense of money had kept her proud, confident.
The men might be fouled mouthed, the women in the kitchen might have bad reputations, her brothers
might have illegitimate children. But so long as there was money, the girl felt herself established, and
brutally proud, reserved. (Lawrence 4)
The earlier quote shows how money and housekeeping has kept Mabel satisfied with her life. Now
that her father has died Mabel and her family has gone bankrupt and will lose their money and their
home. Lawrence notes, Now he was dead and everything was gone to the dogs, there was nothing but
debt and threatening (4). Furthermore, Mabel has lost everything that makes her feel secure,
established, proud, happy, and confident. Yes, indeed, Mabel attempts suicide because her family s
bankruptcy caused her unhappiness.
Once Mabel s mother had died Mabel began to feel unloved. In effect of her mother s passing her
father remarried, causing the loving relationship between her and her father to disappear.
Consequently, leaving Mabel feeling alone and unloved by her
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Ibsen vs. Tolstoy
Christina Block
Readings in the Humanities
Professor Tovey Van Aulen
March 23, 2010
Societal Influences in 19th Century Europe During the Victorian Era, living in the middle class, many
people were strongly influenced by society, especially in Europe. People felt that they needed to look
perfect in the public eye and everything they did had to be something that society would approve of,
otherwise it was out of the question. Henrik Ibsen uses the main characters of Nora and Torvald, in his
play, A Doll s House just as Leo Tolstoy uses the main characters of Ivan and Praskovya, in his novel,
The Death of Ivan Ilyich, to convey what it was like to live in a middle class society in nineteenth
century Europe. By showing that society ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nora and Torvold had a nanny for the children, and Ivan and Praskovya had a butler and pantry boy
who became very important to Ivan in the weeks of his life. Gender played an enormous role in
shaping Nora, Torvald, Ivan, and Praskovya s identities. Society had very clear views of what a man
should be and what a woman should be. The men were to be the providers for the family, they had to
have a respectable job and take care of all the family s financial needs. The women were to stay at
home and tend to her husbands and children s needs, whatever they may be. Nora and Torvald were
the perfect example of this. Nora stayed home with the children and the nanny and decorated the
house and made everything comfortable for everyone while Torvold worked at the bank. When Nora
took the loan out from the bank she had to hide it from everyone because that was a very disrespectful
thing to do in society s eyes at that time, which is why when Torvold found out he was infuriated.
When Torvold realized that if anyone found out their reputation would be destroyed and everything he
worked hard for would be gone because it would have seemed that they have stepped out of their
gender roles and gone against society, he said to her, Now you have destroyed all my happiness. You
have ruined all my future. (Ibsen 77).
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How Competitive Advantage Is Enhances Through Customer...
Core Competencies These entail organization proficiencies in efficient resource allocation and
effective coordination to generate competitive edge difficult to duplicate. Lenovo did so by integrating
resource based view strategy with diverse production skills and access to emerging markets to drive its
initial success. The strategic capabilities that pushed Lenovo include association with values of
distinctive innovation and management capabilities (Johnson et al, 2008, p. 102). a) Value These entail
the benefits perceived by customer and Lenovo provide through low cost, innovation and comparable
quality with competitors. Lenovo competes based on low price, as it can produce with a lower cost
structure by leveraging on the components suppliers in China giving quality that is comparable to
multinational competitors (Xie White, 2004, p. 412). Competitive advantage is enhances through
customer support excellences, high quality and low cost innovation. Innovation summary is provided:
Table 5: Summary of Lenovo s product features innovation (Xie White, 2004, p. 412) b) Rarity Rarity
can be in the form of a tangible or intangible resource. It is likely to be short lived if attributes are not
maintained (Johnson et al, 2008, p. 102). Lenovo achieved rarity through its brand name and
intellectual property from IBM PC division (Callahan, 2005). Such made Lenovo IBM co branding a
powerful combination. c) Inimitable The inimitable strategic capabilities are durable and unique
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Prevalence of Obesity in Children Introduced in the...
Prevalence of Obesity in Children Introduced in the Elementary School Prevalence of obesity in the
children introduced in Elementary School is an article published by Journal of Nursing discussing
childhood obesity in elementary schools. Obesity is defined as excessive accumulation of body fat
(deWit O Neill, 2014). The article is based on studies performed in Brazilian communities. Topics of
the different studies consisted of private school setting, lower income families in different locations,
different child age groups and socioeconomic differences. The first study consisted of children in
private school settings. The obesity rate in the public school was 11.3% and 27.0% in girls and 13.0%
in boys (Rocha, 2013). The middle and high socioeconomic status of the children was not a factor to
why the children would or would not be overweight (Rocha, 2013). It would be assumed that because
children of higher socioeconomic status who would see a pediatrician on a regular basis would not be
overweight. The second study was performed on kindergarten students. Weight for the age and height
was used in this study. It was decided that females showed higher concentration to males (Rocha,
2013). The third study was conducted on students from ages of six to nine. This study had the lowest
rate of obesity 3.6% (Rocha, 2013). The founding of this study weighed more on the aspect to what
mother or parent was feeding this population of the study (Rocha2013). The children
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4 A View Model
Article 1 summary
This article is mainly describing about the architecture of software intensive systems by using
multiples of concurrent views, which is allows to study about the various stakeholders , end
users,developers,system engineering, project managers,etc.., and to handle indusully functional and
non function requirements.
Mainly software architecture deals with the design and implementation of high level structure in
software.It is the result of combination of many architectural elements in some well chose from to
satisfy the functionality requirements and non functional requirements like
reliability,scalability,portability,and avalibility.
It is very difficult to represent the architecture in the set of boxes and arrows which shown on these
diagrams.So as the remedy,author has proposed the description of a software architecture using several
concurrent views,each one address one particular set of concerns.
A View model is in system engineering or software engineering is a framework which defines
coherent set of views to be used in construction of software architecture
Philippine kruchten designed the 4+1 view model which describes the architecture of software
intensive systems using multiple ,concurrent views.The four view model are
logical,development,process and physical.In addition to this selected scenarios are used to describes
the serving as plus one view.use case view has a special significance, it effectively redundant ,deals
with high
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Cathedral There are many themes in the short story Cathedral, some of them include the Cathedral
itself and the difference between looking at something and really seeing something. Throughout the
short story you see how people have different personalities and see how fast a person can change. The
Cathedral and the audiotapes mean much more to both main characters than just an object or a
In the beginning of the story the narrator is completely disgusted at the thought of a blind man being
in his house because of all the false things he s heard about people who can t see. Peoples perceptions
change rapidly once they get to know someone, and in this case when the narrator got to know Robert
the blind man, he realized that he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This short story helps make people understand that there is always more to the world than you know
and there is always more to learn. Imagine if a complete stranger came into your life and changed all
your views on the world and had you rethink the way you ve been living your entire life. You, too,
would want to keep your eyes closed.
This theme is important because people go their entire lives looking but not really seeing. In the
beginning of the story, the blind man asks to see the wife s face, (blind peoples) sense of touch is no
keener than the average person s, but the more frequent use of touch enables them to more quickly and
efficiently analyze the things they touch (Bowles). As humans, we overlook the small things and
concentrate on the big and in doing so, we fail to realize that the little things are sometimes the hugely
important factors in life. This can also go along with not judging people right away; do not judge a
book by it s cover. Nowhere in the story does it describe how the narrator felt after the blind man drew
a Cathedral with him, but you can tell by the words he used that he had never felt more alive. He felt
like he was in an empty world and opening his eyes would only remind him of the nothingness he s
been living. The narrator says many things that makes it obvious that he is fully capable or looking but
that he does not see any solution to fixing his life. He is leading a boring life he hates with no
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Symbolism In Anton Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard
In Anton Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard, the plot follows the Ranyevskaya family trying to cope with
the inevitable auction of their beloved orchard and home. Throughout the play, it is evident that the
Ranyevskaya s mourn, not only the loss of their orchard, but also the loss of a part of themselves. The
cherry orchard in Chekhov s work is really a symbol of the Ranyevskaya s past, and each time they
refuse to accept that the orchard will be cut down is another moment they spend living in the past. The
play commences with the return of Liubov Ranyevskaya from Paris, and it is already clear that Liubov
has lost all of her money the family is in dire need of financial assistance. Despite this, she still looks
to her home and cherry orchard as though they will always be there for her, money or no. Lopakhin
begins to encourage them to sell: Lopakhin: ...All you ve got to do is clear out the old cherry orchard,
plus that land down by the river, and subdivide! ...I swear that ll bring you in twenty five thousand a
year, maybe more. Liubov: ...Cut down the cherry orchard? My dear man, you don t understand! Our
cherry orchard is a landmark! It s famous for miles around! Gayev: ...Our cherry orchard is mentioned
in the encyclopedia! Lopakhin: We have to think of something to do and then do it. Otherwise the
cherry orchard will be sold at auction on August twenty second, this house and all the land with it
(Chekhov 399).
In the middle of this serious discussion while
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Kipley Company Payroll Register (Continuing Payroll...
Caution: See round rules in Excel Instructions before calculating OT for salaried employees. Enter the
appropriate numbers/formulas in the shaded (gray) cells. An asterisk (*) will appear to the right of an
incorrect answer. Continuing Payroll Problem A KIPLEY COMPANY, INC. PAYROLL REGISTER
FOR PERIOD ENDING January 8, 20 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
M 3 40 $515.00 1.25 $19.32 24.15 $539.15 22.64 7.82 12.00 16.55 0.43 16.17 40.00 0.85 1.65 318
$421.04 $539.15 $539.15 $539.15 $539.15 32 Robey, Glenda B. M 6 40 $392.31 0 $0.00 $392.31
16.48 5.69 12.04 0.31 11.77 50.00 0.85 1.65 319 $293.52 $392.31 $392.31 $392.31 $392.31 33
Schork, Thomas K. S 1 40 $542.31 0 $0.00 $542.31 22.78 7.86 47.00 16.65 0.43 16.27 60.00 1.65 320
$369.67 $542.31 $542.31 $542.31 $542.31 51 Hardy, Barbara T. M 5 40 $348.46 4 $13.07 52.28
$400.74 16.83 5.81 12.30 0.32 12.02 30.00 0.85 1.65 321 $320.96 $400.74 $400.74 $400.74 $400.74
99 Kipley, Carson C. M 7 40 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 42.00 14.50 26.00 30.70 0.80 30.00
80.00 0.85 1.65 322 $773.50 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Totals $4,397.83 234.57
$4,632.40 194.57 67.17 156.00 142.21 3.69 138.96 440.00 6.80 16.50 $3,466.50 $4,632.40 $4,632.40
$4,632.40 $4,632.40
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Iron Jawed Angels
Title: Summary, Reaction, and Analysis Paper #1: Iron Jawed Angels Iron Jawed Angels is a story of
two women fighting for women s rights. They led the struggle for the passage of the 19th amendment
to the constitution which gave women the right to vote. These two women along with others
petitioned, campaigned, and picketed to publicize the issue. After being arrested for traffic violations a
group of women spent time in Occoquan Workhouse. Here they went on a hunger strike to protest
being imprisoned for demanding equal voting rights. After not eating the prisoners had to be force fed,
here they earned the nickname iron jawed angels. This became a headline in the news and ultimately
forced Woodrow Wilson, the president, to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By women achieving more freedom and rights their views, their opinions, and ideas can be expressed.
It is more acceptable for women to in general have an opinion after the 19th amendment was passed.
Iron Jawed Angels, an inspirational story that withholds perhaps one of the most important movements
in time. Until I viewed this movie I did not fully comprehend the depths of the struggles of the woman
s suffrage movement. This movie contains a powerful message about what women can do using their
rights and skills in organizational leadership. Determination which one woman carried, and many
supported allowed a national change to take place. Before watching this movie I had heard of Susan B.
Anthony, but never of Alice Paul or the other suffragists. I also never realized how hard it was for a
woman to get ready; we take our pre bought makeup for much granted. The parade that takes place is
an extremely important event. It shows the many different types of women and how far they ve come.
It also shows how many people were interested in the topic that no one showed up to the see Woodrow
Wilson, because everyone was at the parade. Not alone his lack of knowledge of the subject, since he
himself did not attend. It shows the intense anger that people felt against this issue, and how the
government failed to offer protection during the parade; that men were
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Why Money Can t Buy Happiness And Hustvedt s My Mother
Happiness False Promises The articles for the week, Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness and
Hustvedt s My Mother, offer perspectives on happiness informed by theories of evolutionary
psychology. Shermer and Hustvedt examine what it means to be happy and how our brains can fool us
into believing we enjoy something when we actually don t. These readings come at a crucial pinnacle
in the semester for me when introspection is often ignored. While other classes seem to be on the
downward slope to finals, I feel I haven t quite summited this writing course. There is obviously a
purpose to the flood of open ended reflections and fast paced deadlines between articles. If the goal
has to been to break a writer down, then it has undoubtedly been achieved. Instead of the demands of
the class sharpening my pen and fine tuning my words, I m starting to see my words as a jumbled
mess of incoherent thoughts. My papers have become an alphabet soup I try to arrange to convey my
thoughts and link the themes I see. But the more I write, the less letters there are to choose from. I ve
desperately wanted to learn how to improve my writing, but the more I learn the more I realize the
affliction I have with the process entirely. The two chapters this week have revealed less about the
process of good writing for me, but more on my own affliction with writing and its affects on my
aspirational career as a social scientist. Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness shows that
emotions are
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Global Financial Crisis of 2008 in the Movie, How We Got Here
The global financial crisis of 2008 has caused millions of people to lose their homes, jobs and savings,
and it nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. It resulted in the threat of total collapse of large
financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets
around the world. On top of that, the housing market was damaged, causing in evictions, foreclosures
and prolonged unemployment.
There were many factors directly and indirectly caused the Great recession. The crisis resulted from a
combination of complex factors, including easy credit conditions during the period between 2002
2008 that encouraged high risk lending and borrowing practices without assessing default risk;
international trade imbalances; real estate bubbles that have burst; fiscal policy choices; and
approaches used by nations to bail out troubled banking industries and private bondholders, assuming
private debt burdens or socializing losses (Lewis 2011).
Inside Job is divided into five main segments who, what, when, why and how.
The first part of the movie was How we got here? . The movie brings the viewers back to the past in
the 1930s when US had a strong financial system. The regular banks were local businesses and they
were prohibited from misusing depositor s money. The investment banks were private partnerships,
and thus risky investments were not made. Under the regime of president Ronald Reagan, the
American financial sector was
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Nietzsche s Philosophy On The Priestly Figure
Friedrich Nietzsche puts forth the image of the priestly figure in what seems to be a positive and
negative manner. Priests are the greatest haters in the world but they are also the most intelligent
(p.17). Nietzsche s position, according to me, seems ambivalent due to the context in which he refers
to them is altering. There is no clear light in which the priestly figure is shown to be inherently
positive or negative. In this paper, I will bring in his claims, explicate Nietzsche s standpoint on the
priestly figure and how they are ambiguous as they are not thoroughly positive or negative. To begin
with, Nietzsche was a relentless critic of morality and questioned the concept of good and bad.
Similarly, he proposed a question on whether the self is an affirmation of good or negation of evil. He
establishes that good/evil and good/bad come from two distinct origins, where the two good s
radically oppose each other. For Nietzsche, this is what seems like the slave morality, which says that
evil equates to what is good and the master morality that equates bad to good. Slave morality proposes
that if you are evil then I am good while the master morality says if I am good, then you bad. This is
essentially who the priest is. They are those who feel powerless in situations where there is physical
power present. A venomous hatred is then manifested for the powerful as they are supposed to be
spiritually powerful people. This also lies in ressentiment of the weak that
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Access Management Project
Access Management had been noted as a major milestone in security and technology. Many systems
such as Paxton Access Inc., Identiv, and Quantum Secure had sought to innovate and improve how
access management is used when individuals are allowed access to secured infrastructures. The
purpose of this project was to outline how Physical Access can be used to gain access to buildings and
facilities using Paxton Access Inc.
The ICAM (Identity, Credentialing, and Access Management) lab supported the advancement of
access management to allow logical and physical access to many organizations (FCIOC FEA,2011).
For this project, the lab was led by students, faculty, and supported with products such as Paxton
Access Inc. and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Organizations emphasized the use of physical security to help enable the use of physical access
controls. It was reported that physical security became difficult to manage due to technology
becoming complex every day (Hutter,2016). It was indicated that organization often over looked
physical security until after a serious event had occurred. Per Hutter, physical security threats were
either internal or external. Employees were considered external threats when they gain access to
unobserved areas and were considered internal threats when their knowledge was utilized.
Organizations were noted to implement the use of physical security through locked doors, access
control systems (i.e. Paxton Access Inc, Identiv), alarm systems and many other important applicable
Physical Access Controls
Physical Access Control enabled control entry into buildings, parking lots, and many other protected
areas. For example, many organization demonstrated the use of physical access when employees used
programmed security cards. Security cards used in organization for access were noted to but known as
smart cards (David Solomon, 2014, p 154).
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Gases During The Holocaust
A huge number of people were killed in gas chambers during the Holocaust. The gas they used during
the Holocaust was called Zyklon B. It was packed into pipes that would spray out of showers. Usually
women and children were gassed and they were not told it was going to happen. Many people would
be crowded into a room with many showerheads in it, being told they would be able to wash off.
However, when the doors would close, the gas would begin to pour out of them into the air. Zyklon B
reacts with the air, so everyone was killed after only a short amount of time in the gassing chambers. It
is really sad that all these people were murdered in such brutal ways during the Holocaust. I drew a
girl, curled up against a wall in a gassing chamber
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The Stranger
After only a few days of trial, the jury in The Stranger declares that the main character, Meursault, is
to be executed by guillotine in the town square. The trial and its verdict are one of the important parts
of the novel, as Albert Camus uses them as a metaphor to summarize the two main tenets of
absurdism. Camus uses the trial and persecution of Meursault to express his belief that the justice
system is flawed because of his absurdist ideals that truth does not exist, and human life is precious. In
order to reform the justice system, Albert Camus believes that capital punishment needs to be
The trial portrays the absurdist ideal that absolute truth does not exist. This ideal destroys the very
purpose of the trial, which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All the facts the prosecutor presents are valid and true, though unrelated to his case. From the
prosecutor s point of view, Meursault is a monster, a man without morals (96). Even Meursault agrees
that what he was saying was plausible (99). The reader, who knows all of Meursault s thoughts, knows
how absurd the prosecution s accusations are. Throughout the trial, Camus explains that perception
means everything, and there is no absolute truth.
The conviction of Meursault represents another main point of absurdism, that life is precious. It only
takes forty five minutes for an entire jury to unanimously decide to send Meursault to the guillotine,
which is unreasonable. Camus is trying to point this out as one of society s wrongdoings. The
prosecutor s argument had appealed to the jury s emotions and society s standards rather than reason.
If the jury had not felt the emotions that were supposed to influence their decision, the prosecutor s
argument would have seemed completely irrational. In a rational world, Meursault s emotions
regarding his mother or her funeral would not have influenced his verdict. Meursault commits a crime
against an Arab, while Raymond, who had also done so earlier in the book, did not get into any
trouble. He would still be found guilty, but only for the crime he committed. This would have
definitely lightened his sentence; however, Meursault is sentenced to death. Camus proves the court s
hypocrisy and shows how human
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Leibniz Rationalism
Rationalism is the principle that maintains that through reason alone we can gain at least some
positive knowledge of the world. The three major rationalists, Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza and
Gottfried Welhelm Leibniz, used this idea in order to defy skepticism and expose the true nature of
reality. However, each philosopher is frequently in disagreement. The idea for God , and what
constitutes substance, matter and reality are the four key structural beliefs that aid each rationalist in
the forming of their arguments. Yet, it is these four concepts and the arguments behind them that cause
the inconsistency found in rationalism. The idea that reason can provide positive solutions to the
various questions put forth is made doubtful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So, relatedly, the monad must not only exhibit properties, but contain within itself virtually or
potentially all the properties it will exhibit in the future, and also contain the trace of all the properties
it did exhibit in the past. In Leibniz s extraordinary phrase, found frequently in his later work, the
monad is pregnant with the future and laden with the past (Monadology, p22). All these properties are
folded up within the monad, and they unfold when and as they have sufficient reason to do so.
(Monadology p61) The network of explanation is indivisible to divide it would either leave some
predicates without a sufficient reason, or merely separate two substances that never belonged together
in the first place. Correspondingly, the monad is one, simple and indivisible.
Everything we perceive around us, which is a unified being, must be a single monad. Everything else
is a composite of many monads. My coffee cup, for example, is made of many monads (an infinite
number, actually). In everyday life, we tend to call it a single thing only because the monads all act
together. My soul, however, and the soul of every other living thing, is a single monad which controls
a composite body. Leibniz thus says that at least for living things we must posit substantial forms, as
the principle of the unity of certain living composites. My
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Just Kidding Course Analysis
The course continued on for a few minutes staying in the woods and on some technical terrain and the
next thing that caught my eye was another sign that said Just Kidding , which clearly was a response
to the previous sign that said we were half way through the course. Just a few hundred feet away was
the mile two marker, which clearly meant we were not at the half way point yet. The course continued
on in the woods and then exited back on to pavement and a short time after was the next obstacles,
that I am going to call a series of three about six foot high step ladders to go up and back down. After
this obstacle came another brief trail sprint and up next was another angled wall (with a rope) obstacle
to climb up and over and then it was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Overall Feelings and Event Rating:
The course was about five miles and a total of twenty five obstacles and a nice trail run with
challenging obstacles. The race director clearly likes walls and angled wall climbing obstacles as the
course had a bunch of them throughout, but all the obstacles were well built and the course was well
thought out.
The volunteers/staff were awesome all day and some even thanked racers for showing up, the bling is
nice, as just mentioned above, the course all though somewhat repetitive with wall obstacles was a fun
challenge so I am going to rate the event 4.8 out of 5 stars.
My one suggestion for the next race would be to add some other type of challenging and safe
obstacles like slackline obstacles that can be setup fast and anywhere on the
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Characteristics Of Human Service Professionals
Human service professionals are described as careers in which people help others who may be
struggling such as working in a nursery or working at a halfway home. These people dedicate their
lives to helping others and trying to better the world. The Human Services profession is one which
promotes improved service delivery systems by addressing not only the quality of direct services, but
also by seeking to improve accessibility, accountability, and coordination among professionals and
agencies in service delivery. In this essay I will list three qualities that I think every human service
professional should have and decide who meets these qualities and should join our task force.
Empathy is something that every human service professional should have. It s easy to feel bad for
someone you re working with, but to put yourself in someone s shoes is a bit more difficult and should
be a trait every human service professional has. Patients usually don t want to be pitied or just told a
simple sorry. Studies show that people react better when the professional shows that they truly
understand and makes them feel less alone. Being empathetic means not putting yourself above the
person no matter how different your situations are. An empathetic professional will not make the
patient feel as if their situation is so horrible and no one could ever understand. Instead they will talk
to the patient as if it was just a casual conversation and really try and understand how they re feeling
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Nacogdoches Case Study
The city of Nacogdoches is currently covered with _% (planning to meet with Dr. Unger) paving and
parking. Large amounts of dark pavement and asphalt cover increases the urban heat island effect,
physical stress of residents, and storm water runoff into roads. Currently, there are no requirements for
the commercial districts to uphold the Nacogdoches garden capital of Texas name, or provide shaded
parking. Businesses are required only to install and maintain street trees, as described in, Article VI,
Section 118 430 of the Nacogdoches Code of Ordinances. Through utilization of the recently drafted
Development Standards Section Ordinance, effects of open parking lots can begin to be mitigated. The
draft DSS Ordinance requires emerging businesses
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Detective Investigation Research Paper
If a detective showed up in my novel he/she would be investigating the deaths of two teenage girls,
who mysteriously disappeared after holding a séance. The detective would investigate primary
suspects, or anyone who seemed to have part in the murders. As any detective would, the investigator
would be obligated to investigate since two homicides occurred in the book. It is a part of the detective
s job to find out exactly why lives are taken, and how. The investigator called on the Sara Martin, and
Roberta Campion case would try to piece together who wanted two young girls dead, and why. He/she
would probably start by getting alibis from the other participants involved in the séance that left two
citizens dead. He/she would piece together ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It would also be recommended that the detective found out as much as possible about the lives of the
girls, and anything about them that could have caused either their death, or possibly someone to want
to harm them. It wouldn t be helpful to the detective if he didn t know anything specific about the girls
or who they were affiliated with before they disappeared. The detective would have to visit the crime
scene and watch for anybody who began to act suspiciously. He/she also would be in charge of
patrolling assigned areas, obtain warrants and write detailed reports about what has been occurring
before and after the murders. The detectives in this novel would specifically keep an eye on the victim
s friends, possible boyfriends, or anyone close to them.
He/she would be very interested in Sara Martin s sister, Lauren who was also targeted as having
something to do with the murders.
He/she would know that Lauren was harvesting information about the séance and would keep her
labeled as a possible suspect. The detective would know that Lauren knew more than what she lead
on, which could either make or break the
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Rhetorical Analysis Of The Gettysburg Address
In a time in which the United States was facing one of its greatest crises, the President at the time,
Abraham Lincoln, delivered a speech that became one of his most famous addresses of all time. His
speech carried two primary purposes; reunification and remembrance. The structure of the address was
to remind people of the past, get them to reflect on present events, and get them thinking about the
future. He filled his words with emotion, asking the people to take the sacrifices of brave men to heart.
Abraham Lincoln s desire for the reunification of the country could not have been expressed more
clearly, and emotionally than during his Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address was a short
piece of work that carried powerful words throughout its entire structure. In the beginning, President
Lincoln started his address with those ever famous words, Four score and seven years ago... While
these words are famous, it is the rest of the opening ...our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a
new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal
(Lincoln) that carries the powerful message. He uses this opening to remind those in attendance about
the beginnings of their nation and their government. He then moves on to speak about the present,
speaking to the fact that the nation is currently at war with itself. Doing this stacks on the first point,
moving his audience to focus on the present issues. Finally Abraham Lincoln goes
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Middle Ages Research Paper
The history of the modern world stems from the middle Ages. The middle ages were actually a bridge
connecting the classical and modern world. The middle Ages might not have been magnificent, but
rather the period of itself was a prime establishment of the modern world s newly discovered
dependability, a restoration of the law and teachings from the classical era, a reinvestment and change
in the church, and an antecedent to the golden age. The scientific and technological advances,
religious changes, and the amendments to government, helped transition the Middle Ages into the
Modern Era.
The boom of Christianity and the formation of Germanic kingdoms brought an end to the ancient
world and resurrected the middle Ages. Throughout the Early Middle ... Show more content on
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The idea of the king and his kingdom were bound by to a higher law became a vital element during
the modern age. The Christians promoted this theory which influence Western Civilization. The
commandment love thy neighbor has impacted modern reform movements in ways Philosophers
would ve never imagined.
Feudalism was the largest component in the transition from the middle Ages to the Modern Era. It
allowed the townspeople to feel secure that they were being treated equally. The idea of Feudalism
stated law should not be imposed by an absolute monarch, but that the kings and his people should be
bound by the law and if it is violated, the lords have the power to resist the monarch. This led to the
emergence of the English parliament, which stated the King had to consult Parliament before making
any decisions that could affect government or the well being of the people.
Religion was the most important component of the middle Ages, while technology and science led the
Modern Era. The middle Ages believed Religion set the standards from every day life. Philosophers
believed in order to understand anything, it was necessary to have a relationship with God. The
Modern world finds it unbelievable anyone could ever disagree with science due to politics,
economics, religions, or laws. Science and Religion somewhat confused the people during the Modern
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Participant Participation In Psychology
All participants in this study will be drawn from older adult populations, defined as individuals above
the age of 59. Participants will be drawn from two pools. The first participant pool will be drawn from
a list of older adults that have agreed to participate in psychology research. This pool largely consists
of older adults located in Greenville, SC, with significant amounts of the population being drawn from
the Woodlands, an older adult community, and OLLI, a continuing education program for older adults.
This pool will be acquired with the consent of Dr. Michelle Horhota. The second participant pool will
be drawn from Otterbein, another older adult community located in Lebanon, OH. Otterbein is a
similar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first section will gather informed consent from the participants.
Demographic Questions
This section will ask participants for basic demographic questions such their gender, age, level of
education, and race/ethnicity. Then the section will ask more specific questions, asking them to
describe their place of residence with a number of options and how long they have lived in that place
of residence.
Interpersonal Measures
This section will gather data on participant s interpersonal measures, including ostracism, self esteem,
loneliness, and depression.
Bullying Victimization and Perpetration
This section will begin by providing Kowalski and Giumetti s (2016, p.160) definition of bullying. It
will then ask the frequency of which participants have been the victim, perpetrator or witness of
bullying of an older adult in the last 12 months. The last question on the page will ask participants to
recall with detail the incident they remember most clearly in which they experienced, perpetrated, or
witnessed bullying involving an older adult.
Bullying Across Lifetime
This section includes only one question. This question asks, by means of a checklist and the
instructions select all that apply for participants to list the age at which they were the victim of
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Iris Marion Young s Birdcage
Iris Marion Young in her famous birdcage metaphor depicts how a system of laws, institutions, and
practices function as a system in order to restrict the social freedom of minorities (Alexander 184).
Drawing from examples in certain sociology novels, I will exhibit how the wires of the birdcage work
together to subordinate minorities to the bottom of a racial hierarchy. Furthermore, I will demonstrate
why individuals like Dr. Gregorry McGriff feel like they need to go through life at 55 MPH.
In the 1980s millions of people in inner city communities, predominantly minorities were left
unemployed due to deindustrialization and the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs. As explained in the
New Jim Crow The decline in legitimate opportunities among ... Show more content on
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Women in the inner cities were forced to join the workforce in order to fill the financial void left by
the absent men of the communities (Collins and Mayer 27). However, unlike the factory jobs that paid
a living wage and provided benefits to its employees, these service sector jobs were under the terms of
the solitary wage bargain (Class Lecture 1/19/16). Under these new terms, the women in these jobs
were assumed to be ideal workers, meaning that they were given rigid schedules and paid minimum
wage with no benefits. Unfortunately, these low income women had children to take care of and
families to support on their own, so they often sought out public assistance to make ends meet.
However, the welfare to work reform can be considered another wire in the birdcage because it left
many poor minorities lacking the assistance they desperately needed. Its goal to reduce caseloads
afforded caseworkers the ability to discriminate among needy women based on race (Collins and
Mayer 60). Additionally, as Alexander explains, the reformed welfare program barred individuals with
drug related felony convictions from receiving federally funded assistance, (157). So, when the
African American men were out of prison, they couldn t receive Welfare to help support their children
or families. This policy, alongside others, serves to keep minorities in an inferior racial
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Nonprofit Ethical Issues
As a leader, one has legal and ethical responsibility. Both nonprofits and public organizations have
ethical and legal practices that need to be managed. Many unethical issues in these institutions
continue to plague the industry leading to fraud and financial abuse. This paper analyzes the various
legal and ethical problems and the how to address them. The first legal issues are enormous salaries
and perks. The staffs of these organizations earn exorbitant salaries even though most of them are
underfunded (Corey et al., 2014). Also, accountability has been a problem for these groups. These
issues will be addressed by coming up with policies that control the actions of the institution s leaders.
Another ethical concern of these organizations
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Flexible Racial Identity
Racial identity and flexibility may be interpreted in a variety of ways. However, in reality they go
hand in hand. Racial identity is defined as a sense of collective identity based on one s perception that
he or she shares a common heritage with a specific racial group. On the other hand, racial identity can
be considered as flexible or easily modified. Racial identity and flexibility intertwine because without
each other, self identifying would not be possible. In Hua Hsu s essay, The End of White America? he
argues in support of racial identity and flexibility complementing one another. This specifically shows
that as society further evolves from being ignorant of race and culture, the closer mankind gets to
eradicating the idea of a dominant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Understanding the concept of racial identity and flexibility is imperative in order to see the gray areas
of life that help avoid the hardships that humans like McBride encountered. But sometimes different
minorities and white Americans tend to believe that by clinging on to the dominant race one may
move ahead. Not only does this promote racial supremacy, but clinging on to the idea of a dominant
race also promotes anti miscegenation. Racial supremacy is the belief that race is responsible for the
differences in human character and that a specific race is superior to others. This belief alone is bad,
however, paired with anti miscegenation which is a law from McBride s time period that prohibits
interracial relations or marriage, it has a synergistic effect which can be seen throughout his
experiences growing up as a black Jewish boy with a white mother. In the 1960s it was bad enough
being an African American because of the amount of judgment that was received for one s skin tone,
but even worse because of those who believed in white supremacy. Naturally, McBride has many
questions for his mother in regards to his identity and who he belongs to or should classify himself
with. This, in turn, causes a gap between McBride and his mother. A clear example can be seen when
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Theme Of Poverty In Harry Potter
One of the most prominent examples of this issues is poverty. Multiple characters are portrayed in the
series as living in poverty, from the Weasley family to Remus Lupin. But this poverty is created due to
a limitation of magic creating a scarcity of resources such as food and other goods. As Rowling said in
an interview Something that you conjure out of thin air will not last. (World Exclusive) If we posit a
world where magic is limitless, families like the Weasleys would not exist. Limitless magic would
mean that anything could be conjured permanently, so there would be no such thing as a scarce
resource. Anthony Giddens suggests that one definition of a post scarcity society is the one given by
Marx, where there is abundance for everyone. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though magic has allowed wizards to expand their lifespans, they are still limited by the threat of
death. There are limited forms of immortality avaliable for wizards, but usually these come at a
horrible cost. In the first book, it is revealed that drinking unicorn blood allows the drinker to stay
alive even if they are almost dead (SS, 258). But the cost of that is that the drinker is cursed from there
on out because they murdered an innocent and pure being to gain that power. Similarly, Horcruxes are
items that contain a fragment of the creator soul which can anchor them to life, but can only be created
though an act of murder. In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Professor Slughorn says that
Horcruxes are created By an act of evil the supreme act of evil. By committing murder. Killing rips
the soul apart. (HBP, 498). Throughout the series it is clear that the books focus on the murder of
innocents as the ultimate crime. This negative view of the pursuit of immortality and the attack on
murder is in alignment with the dominant social order today. It goes without saying that murder is bad,
but this is under the assumption that death is permanent. If anyone who was killed could immediately
be brought back to life using magic, then death would lose a significant bit of meaning. Rather than
being lost forever, the person would merely be
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Racial Profiling Is A Bad Idea
Gabbi Rodriguez
Expository Per; 6
12 December 2014
In a 2002 article, Angela A Davis argues how racial profiling is a bad idea because racial profiling
does more harm than good and people don t realize it. Statistics are very reliable such as; The
Department of Health and Human Services reports that 77% of monthly drug users are white. We can t
say that Caucasian people aren t ever racially profiled but you just don t see or hear it often. This
proves that Caucasians can do the same crimes as an African American or Hispanic person can. Racial
Profiling is when a police officer or people focus on a certain race or look and they judge those people
I think that racial profiling should be justified but only for certain types of laws. It should be justified
because it s a precaution and it helps to keep people safe. But I also think that it shouldn t be justified
because people never should be judged by their looks, color of their skin, religion or personal beliefs
because if the person is black or Arab/Muslim, it shouldn t define who they are and it doesn t make
them a bad person. A white man can do the same exact crime as a Black, Hispanic, Muslim or an
Asian man can. There s a story of an African American actress named Daniele Watts, she got arrested
for kissing her white boyfriend in his car. The cops thought that she was a prostitute because she is
black and they had to question her boyfriend, Brian Lucas, if Daniele was actually his girlfriend. In an
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The Concept of the Messiah within Judasim and the...
This paper will compare the concept of the Messiah within Judaism and the development of the
messianic tradition within Christianity. Consideration will be given to Judaic thought on how this
religion understands the concept of the Messiah. Defining how throughout history it shaped the
foundation of this religion to distinguish its own individual identity. Analysis will focus on the
abstraction of the Messiah and how Jewish believers interpret the coming of the Mashiach in
connection with the prophecy of Isaiah. Discussing how eschatology is understood in this religion
compared to Christianity, and how different Jewish groups define the Messiah prophecy from early
history up until the modern day era. The paper will also discuss the ... Show more content on
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Moses was a great prophet and he received the 613 commandments from God at Mount Sinai these
laws created the foundation the Jewish law. Moses led the people to the Promised Land in which he
died. Houses, alters where built and
many settled in this land. It was at this time Palestine was under conflict and the only chance of the
survival was to come under a single ruler, Saul .Savage, (1996:35) Defeat came and Saul killed
himself. It was at this time King David came to power. In the scripture his inspiration and loyalty is
renowned. David was a devout worshipper of Yahweh and was guided through priestly oracles and
cult prophets Green, (1973:125) he brought peace to Jerusalem and established this country as a
religious united nation. Many others conquered Israel and until Judah rose to be patriarch of Judah in
which Antonine Marcus Aurelius consolidated relations and the Jewish Law was formulated known as
the Mishna it contained codes, ethics and rules to be followed and formed the basis of the Talmud. It
was at this time prophets such Elijah whose work was carried on by, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah,
Jeremiah and Ezekiel were concerned for moral standards and proclaimed the need for true worship,
justice and Righteousness needed to prevail, the prophets bonded the relationship of absolute faith in
which Judaism was saved, without the prophets Christianity would never have being established. After
so much conflict and exile the Jewish people
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Star Spangled Banner Analysis
Meaning in music is derived from parenthetical analysis of several technical aspects including lyrics,
form, historical context, emotional content, and personal connection. A hermeneutical approach to the
Star Spangled Banner can yield only interpretational results. Therefore, we must examine the more
concrete details of the work, and how the music relates to the meaning of the protests as stated by
Colin Kaepernick in August of 2016.
At the time of Key s penned lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner, musical literacy in the United States
was quite low. The majority of American s could not read music, and most secular music was passed
on through an oral tradition. As a result, the most popular form of music publications was in the form
of broadsides or single sheet (typically half or quarter sheet) set of parodied lyrics set to canonized
folk tunes. By printing lyrics only with no musical notation, publishers were able to save paper and
ink, and amateur musicians were not required to learn new music for each set of lyrics. This practice
of minimalism lead to the birth of the first truely American musical art form: the parody. Dating back
to the Revolutionary War, countless sets of lyrics were composed as parodies set to the melodies of
famous war time folksongs such as Chester or Yankee Doodle. Francis Scott Key s lyrics to the Star
Spangled Banner were no exception as he chose to set his lyrics as a parody to The Anacreontic
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Two Experiences Of Erikson s Theory Of Personality...
Developmental psychology is the study of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur
throughout an individual s lifespan (Weiten, 2015). These changes are influenced by the environment,
therefore shaping an individual s personality, cognition and social functioning (Narvaez Gleason,
2012). This essay will identify and discuss two experiences that complement two stages of Erikson s
Theory of Personality Development (Fleming, 2004) namely: industry versus inferiority and identity
versus role confusion. It will discuss the authoritative style in the parenting theory and the secure
attachment style from the theory of attachment. An analysis of the author s own personal experiences
will be discussed by relying on the facts of each theory. It will address strengths and weaknesses
regarding Erikson s Theory, relevant to the author s developmental process, living in South Africa.
Starting school is a profound experience for the author. The introduction of school is relatable to
Erikson s fourth stage: industry versus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Secure attachment, recognized by Mary Ainsworth, is well structured (Narvaez Gleason, 2012). It
provides infants with self starting tools needed to cope with stressful circumstances and encourage
adaptive plans for coping (Narvaez Gleason, 2012). The author believes that secure attachment is
prominent in the home. Authoritative parenting style is similar to secure attachment as both parents
give support and affection to the author. The constant affection imposes a close relationship between
the parents and the author because it is a space where there is no judgement and the author is capable
of implementing trust and honesty. Secure attachment has helped the author s self control, dealing
with stressful situations such as coping with bullying from the skin disorder. The author has become
more independent and knows what coping mechanisms to
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Meaning Mishaps and the Nature of Art Essay
Have you ever been confused about the purpose or meaning behind a certain piece of art? In my
opinion, art is viewed many different ways. The artist will create a piece of art with a certain intended
meaning, but it will most likely not be viewed in that way. When a spectator views a piece of art, they
take into account their past experiences, and since everyone has gone through different things, their
interpretations are different, as you can imagine. The nature of art is created when the artist intends
one thing, but the spectator sees the art differently; and therefore changes the meaning when they
spread their personal opinions.
Pop culture has always played a very strong role in society. However, with all the advancements and
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Even though most of them have a Facebook too, they don t approve of them for their teens. They hear
scary stories that have to do with Facebook, and most mainly fear that their teens aren t going to be
safe. However, another major problem is that they are putting their friends before responsibilities. This
may cause outrage in some parents. They may seem strict, but really, they are just looking out for what
they think is best. This is why most parents are strongly Anti Facebook. In the end, it all comes down
to one major group that contributes to the ideas of both views, and this is society in itself. Basically
everywhere you look; there is something that, in some way or another, has to do with Facebook.
Whether it is advertising or a kidnapping, it s always seen differently when discussed with the two
different groups. Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook. When he first created Facebook, it was
used at his college as a mini way to communicate. It later spread to neighboring colleges. Now, it is
one of the most popular forms of communication today. He definitely didn t create Facebook to be
used as a source to target people, or as an excuse to get out of responsibilities. He really didn t want
any of this to happen, but because it does, people automatically blame him. This is totally the opposite
effect that he intended. [Facebook s] whole theory is that people have real connections in
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The House on Mango Street and Esperanza’s Relationship...
Throughout the course of Mango Street, Esperanza s relationship towards her house change. As time
passes her feelings about the house itself change and the emotional impact of the house of her changes
as well. Esperanza s house on Mango Street symbolizes her Mexican culture. For so long she has
wanted to leave it. She envisions a different type of life than what she is used to moving from house to
house. this house is going to be different / my life is going to be different . One can look at all the
things she envisions the trappings of the good life such as the running water, the garden etc. as
symbols for the new life. In the beginning of the story Esperana is told that her new house on Mango
Street will be the answer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This new house lacks these improvements. It is no different from her previous homes.
Esperanza is forever marked by the house and neighborhood she lives in. She wants to be like other
kids who are allowed to eat their lunch at school instead of having to go home everyday. These
students live father from the school than she does. Esperanza assumes these children live in better
houses and neighborhoods. She is embarrassed by her house and angry that she must be identified by
it. As said by Sister Superior, I bet I can see your house from my window. Which one? Come here.
Which one is your house? The sister points to an ugly row of houses in the general direction of
Esperanzas address. Esperanza comes to accept her house as part of her. During the course of the book
she learns, you can t leave your culture, your roots. She observes and experiences growth. She
matures. She develops opinions about dress and dating. She becomes more aware about the behaviors
of people around her she develops her sense of right and wrong. In the end, when she writes that she
will leave but come back for some . she shows that she has become more comfortable with who she is.
She does not reject her culture entirely there are aspects of it that she embraces. She will always return
to the
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Lee Ward Case Summary
Case 9.12 describes the actions of Lee Ward at a work conference. Lee Ward was not liked by many
colleagues and spent much of his time finding ways to cause problems for them. He was a jealous man
and felt that it was necessary to embarrass his co workers. While at a conference, he found himself in
a position that allowed him to take photographs of a group outing. His excuse was that the photos
would be used for the company s newsletter. He was also taking personal photos of a female co
worker named Janice without anyone s knowledge. Janice found out about the photos a while after
they were taken. Lee Ward personally admitted to taking them when running into Janice, who was at a
show with her boyfriend, Errol. Janice was uncomfortable, but ... Show more content on
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He has the freedom of expression, allowing him to photograph whatever he wishes. However, he is
not allowed to infringe on another s right to privacy or violate any trespassing laws. In case 9.12 he
violated neither law. The right to privacy refers to a person s personal information being made known
(Gerdelman, 2014). Ward s photography did not infringe on Janice s personal matters. The
photographs were taken on public property, so no trespassing laws were violated. It also appears that
Lee Ward s motives did not benefit anyone. The photographs were merely taken out of the personal
enjoyment of making someone uncomfortable. No good could come out of taking the photographs.
Lee Ward s actions were for personal gain and his intentions were not good in nature. This allows us
to conclude that his decision to take the photographs was unethical. Janice broke no rules in the case.
She also did nothing to solve the issue at hand. She made the decision to drop the problem because of
her fear that there would be repercussions. She knew more about Ward than Errol did and felt that if
either of them did anything, it would result in Ward acting out again. Ultimately causing even more
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The Is A Severe Disorder
Prosopagnosia is a severe disorder which the person cannot recognize recognizable people from the
face. Prosopagnosia is also known as face blindness. Face blindness is a recognized disorder; it can
vary from person to person and situation to situation. It is not an issue with vision or absent
mindedness. People with prosopagnosia have trouble with physical recognition. Recognition and
memory are different. Memory is the thoughts, opinions and past experiences that is in our mind. The
face is the key to accessing the memory of the person. We may forget someone here and there, but that
s not a big deal. People with prosopagnosia forget often and could even forget their family. While
some people have a very selective impairment that only influences the recognition of faces, others find
have the disorder that extends to the recognition of other stimuli, such as objects, cars, or animals.
Many people also report deficits in other aspects of face processing, such as judging age or gender,
recognizing certain emotional expressions, or following the direction of a person s eye gaze. Finally, a
substantial proportion of prosopagnosics reports navigational difficulties. (Sarah Bate 2015)
The sensation is the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent
stimulus energies from our environment. Perception is the process or organizing and interpreting
sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events. Organisms
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Pursuing A Music Career Essay
I m sure every young musician has had the thought of pursuing a music career at one time or another.
Most up us grow up being told that if you follow your passion in life you will in one way or another
become properous in what you do. But follwing your passion can be hard infact (Rowe;) suggests that
following your passion isn t always the best way to have a sucessful career Many talented musicians
are being encourged by there peers to pursue a music career, while their parents or family members
might be pulling them in the opposite direction to be come a dotor, buniness man or other high class
profession. There really isn t one right way of pursuing a music career. Some respected musicians to
enter this conversation(Hess; Normand;) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In fact this is probably the number one thing that dicourages musiccians when they are first starting
out. All of us have heard about bands making a huge profit off a record deal that they singed with.
Unforunately this is not the case for most of us. Pretty much all recording company have a contract of
some sort. As little as 14% of those rolaities actual make it back to the artist (Yeh;). Even after all
those deductions the artist still owes a recording fee which takes more away forom that 14% leaving a
vey little profit to be made. Cohen thinks you can avoid the major record labels by recording your own
music, but even indie music has had struggles recently. A well know indie musician Cat Power who
had a top selling album in 2013 recently had to drop out of the sence because aof going brankrupt. It s
no shock to learn that musicians lead financially precarious lives, but the thought of an artist as big as
Cat Power going broke is particularly disheartening (Wagner). Tomkiel argues against this in that is
not impossible to make a good living in music you just have to really know the industry inside and out
and figure out ways of doing things that have a different approach from what others are doing.
Following our passion in life is something we all strive to accomplish. Whether it be sports, music,
teaching, or whatever our heart desires. We come to a time in life
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  • 10. 4 A View Model Article 1 summary This article is mainly describing about the architecture of software intensive systems by using multiples of concurrent views, which is allows to study about the various stakeholders , end users,developers,system engineering, project managers,etc.., and to handle indusully functional and non function requirements. Mainly software architecture deals with the design and implementation of high level structure in software.It is the result of combination of many architectural elements in some well chose from to satisfy the functionality requirements and non functional requirements like reliability,scalability,portability,and avalibility. It is very difficult to represent the architecture in the set of boxes and arrows which shown on these diagrams.So as the remedy,author has proposed the description of a software architecture using several concurrent views,each one address one particular set of concerns. A View model is in system engineering or software engineering is a framework which defines coherent set of views to be used in construction of software architecture Philippine kruchten designed the 4+1 view model which describes the architecture of software intensive systems using multiple ,concurrent views.The four view model are logical,development,process and physical.In addition to this selected scenarios are used to describes the serving as plus one view.use case view has a special significance, it effectively redundant ,deals with high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Cathedral Cathedral There are many themes in the short story Cathedral, some of them include the Cathedral itself and the difference between looking at something and really seeing something. Throughout the short story you see how people have different personalities and see how fast a person can change. The Cathedral and the audiotapes mean much more to both main characters than just an object or a building. In the beginning of the story the narrator is completely disgusted at the thought of a blind man being in his house because of all the false things he s heard about people who can t see. Peoples perceptions change rapidly once they get to know someone, and in this case when the narrator got to know Robert the blind man, he realized that he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This short story helps make people understand that there is always more to the world than you know and there is always more to learn. Imagine if a complete stranger came into your life and changed all your views on the world and had you rethink the way you ve been living your entire life. You, too, would want to keep your eyes closed. This theme is important because people go their entire lives looking but not really seeing. In the beginning of the story, the blind man asks to see the wife s face, (blind peoples) sense of touch is no keener than the average person s, but the more frequent use of touch enables them to more quickly and efficiently analyze the things they touch (Bowles). As humans, we overlook the small things and concentrate on the big and in doing so, we fail to realize that the little things are sometimes the hugely important factors in life. This can also go along with not judging people right away; do not judge a book by it s cover. Nowhere in the story does it describe how the narrator felt after the blind man drew a Cathedral with him, but you can tell by the words he used that he had never felt more alive. He felt like he was in an empty world and opening his eyes would only remind him of the nothingness he s been living. The narrator says many things that makes it obvious that he is fully capable or looking but that he does not see any solution to fixing his life. He is leading a boring life he hates with no communication ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Symbolism In Anton Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard In Anton Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard, the plot follows the Ranyevskaya family trying to cope with the inevitable auction of their beloved orchard and home. Throughout the play, it is evident that the Ranyevskaya s mourn, not only the loss of their orchard, but also the loss of a part of themselves. The cherry orchard in Chekhov s work is really a symbol of the Ranyevskaya s past, and each time they refuse to accept that the orchard will be cut down is another moment they spend living in the past. The play commences with the return of Liubov Ranyevskaya from Paris, and it is already clear that Liubov has lost all of her money the family is in dire need of financial assistance. Despite this, she still looks to her home and cherry orchard as though they will always be there for her, money or no. Lopakhin begins to encourage them to sell: Lopakhin: ...All you ve got to do is clear out the old cherry orchard, plus that land down by the river, and subdivide! ...I swear that ll bring you in twenty five thousand a year, maybe more. Liubov: ...Cut down the cherry orchard? My dear man, you don t understand! Our cherry orchard is a landmark! It s famous for miles around! Gayev: ...Our cherry orchard is mentioned in the encyclopedia! Lopakhin: We have to think of something to do and then do it. Otherwise the cherry orchard will be sold at auction on August twenty second, this house and all the land with it (Chekhov 399). In the middle of this serious discussion while ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Kipley Company Payroll Register (Continuing Payroll... Caution: See round rules in Excel Instructions before calculating OT for salaried employees. Enter the appropriate numbers/formulas in the shaded (gray) cells. An asterisk (*) will appear to the right of an incorrect answer. Continuing Payroll Problem A KIPLEY COMPANY, INC. PAYROLL REGISTER FOR PERIOD ENDING January 8, 20 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... M 3 40 $515.00 1.25 $19.32 24.15 $539.15 22.64 7.82 12.00 16.55 0.43 16.17 40.00 0.85 1.65 318 $421.04 $539.15 $539.15 $539.15 $539.15 32 Robey, Glenda B. M 6 40 $392.31 0 $0.00 $392.31 16.48 5.69 12.04 0.31 11.77 50.00 0.85 1.65 319 $293.52 $392.31 $392.31 $392.31 $392.31 33 Schork, Thomas K. S 1 40 $542.31 0 $0.00 $542.31 22.78 7.86 47.00 16.65 0.43 16.27 60.00 1.65 320 $369.67 $542.31 $542.31 $542.31 $542.31 51 Hardy, Barbara T. M 5 40 $348.46 4 $13.07 52.28 $400.74 16.83 5.81 12.30 0.32 12.02 30.00 0.85 1.65 321 $320.96 $400.74 $400.74 $400.74 $400.74 99 Kipley, Carson C. M 7 40 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 42.00 14.50 26.00 30.70 0.80 30.00 80.00 0.85 1.65 322 $773.50 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Totals $4,397.83 234.57 $4,632.40 194.57 67.17 156.00 142.21 3.69 138.96 440.00 6.80 16.50 $3,466.50 $4,632.40 $4,632.40 $4,632.40 $4,632.40 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Iron Jawed Angels Title: Summary, Reaction, and Analysis Paper #1: Iron Jawed Angels Iron Jawed Angels is a story of two women fighting for women s rights. They led the struggle for the passage of the 19th amendment to the constitution which gave women the right to vote. These two women along with others petitioned, campaigned, and picketed to publicize the issue. After being arrested for traffic violations a group of women spent time in Occoquan Workhouse. Here they went on a hunger strike to protest being imprisoned for demanding equal voting rights. After not eating the prisoners had to be force fed, here they earned the nickname iron jawed angels. This became a headline in the news and ultimately forced Woodrow Wilson, the president, to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By women achieving more freedom and rights their views, their opinions, and ideas can be expressed. It is more acceptable for women to in general have an opinion after the 19th amendment was passed. Iron Jawed Angels, an inspirational story that withholds perhaps one of the most important movements in time. Until I viewed this movie I did not fully comprehend the depths of the struggles of the woman s suffrage movement. This movie contains a powerful message about what women can do using their rights and skills in organizational leadership. Determination which one woman carried, and many supported allowed a national change to take place. Before watching this movie I had heard of Susan B. Anthony, but never of Alice Paul or the other suffragists. I also never realized how hard it was for a woman to get ready; we take our pre bought makeup for much granted. The parade that takes place is an extremely important event. It shows the many different types of women and how far they ve come. It also shows how many people were interested in the topic that no one showed up to the see Woodrow Wilson, because everyone was at the parade. Not alone his lack of knowledge of the subject, since he himself did not attend. It shows the intense anger that people felt against this issue, and how the government failed to offer protection during the parade; that men were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Why Money Can t Buy Happiness And Hustvedt s My Mother Happiness False Promises The articles for the week, Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness and Hustvedt s My Mother, offer perspectives on happiness informed by theories of evolutionary psychology. Shermer and Hustvedt examine what it means to be happy and how our brains can fool us into believing we enjoy something when we actually don t. These readings come at a crucial pinnacle in the semester for me when introspection is often ignored. While other classes seem to be on the downward slope to finals, I feel I haven t quite summited this writing course. There is obviously a purpose to the flood of open ended reflections and fast paced deadlines between articles. If the goal has to been to break a writer down, then it has undoubtedly been achieved. Instead of the demands of the class sharpening my pen and fine tuning my words, I m starting to see my words as a jumbled mess of incoherent thoughts. My papers have become an alphabet soup I try to arrange to convey my thoughts and link the themes I see. But the more I write, the less letters there are to choose from. I ve desperately wanted to learn how to improve my writing, but the more I learn the more I realize the affliction I have with the process entirely. The two chapters this week have revealed less about the process of good writing for me, but more on my own affliction with writing and its affects on my aspirational career as a social scientist. Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness shows that emotions are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Global Financial Crisis of 2008 in the Movie, How We Got Here The global financial crisis of 2008 has caused millions of people to lose their homes, jobs and savings, and it nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. It resulted in the threat of total collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. On top of that, the housing market was damaged, causing in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. There were many factors directly and indirectly caused the Great recession. The crisis resulted from a combination of complex factors, including easy credit conditions during the period between 2002 2008 that encouraged high risk lending and borrowing practices without assessing default risk; international trade imbalances; real estate bubbles that have burst; fiscal policy choices; and approaches used by nations to bail out troubled banking industries and private bondholders, assuming private debt burdens or socializing losses (Lewis 2011). Inside Job is divided into five main segments who, what, when, why and how. The first part of the movie was How we got here? . The movie brings the viewers back to the past in the 1930s when US had a strong financial system. The regular banks were local businesses and they were prohibited from misusing depositor s money. The investment banks were private partnerships, and thus risky investments were not made. Under the regime of president Ronald Reagan, the American financial sector was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Nietzsche s Philosophy On The Priestly Figure Friedrich Nietzsche puts forth the image of the priestly figure in what seems to be a positive and negative manner. Priests are the greatest haters in the world but they are also the most intelligent (p.17). Nietzsche s position, according to me, seems ambivalent due to the context in which he refers to them is altering. There is no clear light in which the priestly figure is shown to be inherently positive or negative. In this paper, I will bring in his claims, explicate Nietzsche s standpoint on the priestly figure and how they are ambiguous as they are not thoroughly positive or negative. To begin with, Nietzsche was a relentless critic of morality and questioned the concept of good and bad. Similarly, he proposed a question on whether the self is an affirmation of good or negation of evil. He establishes that good/evil and good/bad come from two distinct origins, where the two good s radically oppose each other. For Nietzsche, this is what seems like the slave morality, which says that evil equates to what is good and the master morality that equates bad to good. Slave morality proposes that if you are evil then I am good while the master morality says if I am good, then you bad. This is essentially who the priest is. They are those who feel powerless in situations where there is physical power present. A venomous hatred is then manifested for the powerful as they are supposed to be spiritually powerful people. This also lies in ressentiment of the weak that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Access Management Project Introduction Access Management had been noted as a major milestone in security and technology. Many systems such as Paxton Access Inc., Identiv, and Quantum Secure had sought to innovate and improve how access management is used when individuals are allowed access to secured infrastructures. The purpose of this project was to outline how Physical Access can be used to gain access to buildings and facilities using Paxton Access Inc. Background The ICAM (Identity, Credentialing, and Access Management) lab supported the advancement of access management to allow logical and physical access to many organizations (FCIOC FEA,2011). For this project, the lab was led by students, faculty, and supported with products such as Paxton Access Inc. and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Organizations emphasized the use of physical security to help enable the use of physical access controls. It was reported that physical security became difficult to manage due to technology becoming complex every day (Hutter,2016). It was indicated that organization often over looked physical security until after a serious event had occurred. Per Hutter, physical security threats were either internal or external. Employees were considered external threats when they gain access to unobserved areas and were considered internal threats when their knowledge was utilized. Organizations were noted to implement the use of physical security through locked doors, access control systems (i.e. Paxton Access Inc, Identiv), alarm systems and many other important applicable measures. Physical Access Controls Physical Access Control enabled control entry into buildings, parking lots, and many other protected areas. For example, many organization demonstrated the use of physical access when employees used programmed security cards. Security cards used in organization for access were noted to but known as smart cards (David Solomon, 2014, p 154). Current ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Gases During The Holocaust A huge number of people were killed in gas chambers during the Holocaust. The gas they used during the Holocaust was called Zyklon B. It was packed into pipes that would spray out of showers. Usually women and children were gassed and they were not told it was going to happen. Many people would be crowded into a room with many showerheads in it, being told they would be able to wash off. However, when the doors would close, the gas would begin to pour out of them into the air. Zyklon B reacts with the air, so everyone was killed after only a short amount of time in the gassing chambers. It is really sad that all these people were murdered in such brutal ways during the Holocaust. I drew a girl, curled up against a wall in a gassing chamber ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Stranger After only a few days of trial, the jury in The Stranger declares that the main character, Meursault, is to be executed by guillotine in the town square. The trial and its verdict are one of the important parts of the novel, as Albert Camus uses them as a metaphor to summarize the two main tenets of absurdism. Camus uses the trial and persecution of Meursault to express his belief that the justice system is flawed because of his absurdist ideals that truth does not exist, and human life is precious. In order to reform the justice system, Albert Camus believes that capital punishment needs to be abolished. The trial portrays the absurdist ideal that absolute truth does not exist. This ideal destroys the very purpose of the trial, which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All the facts the prosecutor presents are valid and true, though unrelated to his case. From the prosecutor s point of view, Meursault is a monster, a man without morals (96). Even Meursault agrees that what he was saying was plausible (99). The reader, who knows all of Meursault s thoughts, knows how absurd the prosecution s accusations are. Throughout the trial, Camus explains that perception means everything, and there is no absolute truth. The conviction of Meursault represents another main point of absurdism, that life is precious. It only takes forty five minutes for an entire jury to unanimously decide to send Meursault to the guillotine, which is unreasonable. Camus is trying to point this out as one of society s wrongdoings. The prosecutor s argument had appealed to the jury s emotions and society s standards rather than reason. If the jury had not felt the emotions that were supposed to influence their decision, the prosecutor s argument would have seemed completely irrational. In a rational world, Meursault s emotions regarding his mother or her funeral would not have influenced his verdict. Meursault commits a crime against an Arab, while Raymond, who had also done so earlier in the book, did not get into any trouble. He would still be found guilty, but only for the crime he committed. This would have definitely lightened his sentence; however, Meursault is sentenced to death. Camus proves the court s hypocrisy and shows how human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Leibniz Rationalism Rationalism is the principle that maintains that through reason alone we can gain at least some positive knowledge of the world. The three major rationalists, Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza and Gottfried Welhelm Leibniz, used this idea in order to defy skepticism and expose the true nature of reality. However, each philosopher is frequently in disagreement. The idea for God , and what constitutes substance, matter and reality are the four key structural beliefs that aid each rationalist in the forming of their arguments. Yet, it is these four concepts and the arguments behind them that cause the inconsistency found in rationalism. The idea that reason can provide positive solutions to the various questions put forth is made doubtful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, relatedly, the monad must not only exhibit properties, but contain within itself virtually or potentially all the properties it will exhibit in the future, and also contain the trace of all the properties it did exhibit in the past. In Leibniz s extraordinary phrase, found frequently in his later work, the monad is pregnant with the future and laden with the past (Monadology, p22). All these properties are folded up within the monad, and they unfold when and as they have sufficient reason to do so. (Monadology p61) The network of explanation is indivisible to divide it would either leave some predicates without a sufficient reason, or merely separate two substances that never belonged together in the first place. Correspondingly, the monad is one, simple and indivisible. Everything we perceive around us, which is a unified being, must be a single monad. Everything else is a composite of many monads. My coffee cup, for example, is made of many monads (an infinite number, actually). In everyday life, we tend to call it a single thing only because the monads all act together. My soul, however, and the soul of every other living thing, is a single monad which controls a composite body. Leibniz thus says that at least for living things we must posit substantial forms, as the principle of the unity of certain living composites. My ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Just Kidding Course Analysis The course continued on for a few minutes staying in the woods and on some technical terrain and the next thing that caught my eye was another sign that said Just Kidding , which clearly was a response to the previous sign that said we were half way through the course. Just a few hundred feet away was the mile two marker, which clearly meant we were not at the half way point yet. The course continued on in the woods and then exited back on to pavement and a short time after was the next obstacles, that I am going to call a series of three about six foot high step ladders to go up and back down. After this obstacle came another brief trail sprint and up next was another angled wall (with a rope) obstacle to climb up and over and then it was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overall Feelings and Event Rating: The course was about five miles and a total of twenty five obstacles and a nice trail run with challenging obstacles. The race director clearly likes walls and angled wall climbing obstacles as the course had a bunch of them throughout, but all the obstacles were well built and the course was well thought out. The volunteers/staff were awesome all day and some even thanked racers for showing up, the bling is nice, as just mentioned above, the course all though somewhat repetitive with wall obstacles was a fun challenge so I am going to rate the event 4.8 out of 5 stars. My one suggestion for the next race would be to add some other type of challenging and safe obstacles like slackline obstacles that can be setup fast and anywhere on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Characteristics Of Human Service Professionals Human service professionals are described as careers in which people help others who may be struggling such as working in a nursery or working at a halfway home. These people dedicate their lives to helping others and trying to better the world. The Human Services profession is one which promotes improved service delivery systems by addressing not only the quality of direct services, but also by seeking to improve accessibility, accountability, and coordination among professionals and agencies in service delivery. In this essay I will list three qualities that I think every human service professional should have and decide who meets these qualities and should join our task force. Empathy is something that every human service professional should have. It s easy to feel bad for someone you re working with, but to put yourself in someone s shoes is a bit more difficult and should be a trait every human service professional has. Patients usually don t want to be pitied or just told a simple sorry. Studies show that people react better when the professional shows that they truly understand and makes them feel less alone. Being empathetic means not putting yourself above the person no matter how different your situations are. An empathetic professional will not make the patient feel as if their situation is so horrible and no one could ever understand. Instead they will talk to the patient as if it was just a casual conversation and really try and understand how they re feeling ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Nacogdoches Case Study The city of Nacogdoches is currently covered with _% (planning to meet with Dr. Unger) paving and parking. Large amounts of dark pavement and asphalt cover increases the urban heat island effect, physical stress of residents, and storm water runoff into roads. Currently, there are no requirements for the commercial districts to uphold the Nacogdoches garden capital of Texas name, or provide shaded parking. Businesses are required only to install and maintain street trees, as described in, Article VI, Section 118 430 of the Nacogdoches Code of Ordinances. Through utilization of the recently drafted Development Standards Section Ordinance, effects of open parking lots can begin to be mitigated. The draft DSS Ordinance requires emerging businesses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Detective Investigation Research Paper If a detective showed up in my novel he/she would be investigating the deaths of two teenage girls, who mysteriously disappeared after holding a séance. The detective would investigate primary suspects, or anyone who seemed to have part in the murders. As any detective would, the investigator would be obligated to investigate since two homicides occurred in the book. It is a part of the detective s job to find out exactly why lives are taken, and how. The investigator called on the Sara Martin, and Roberta Campion case would try to piece together who wanted two young girls dead, and why. He/she would probably start by getting alibis from the other participants involved in the séance that left two citizens dead. He/she would piece together ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It would also be recommended that the detective found out as much as possible about the lives of the girls, and anything about them that could have caused either their death, or possibly someone to want to harm them. It wouldn t be helpful to the detective if he didn t know anything specific about the girls or who they were affiliated with before they disappeared. The detective would have to visit the crime scene and watch for anybody who began to act suspiciously. He/she also would be in charge of patrolling assigned areas, obtain warrants and write detailed reports about what has been occurring before and after the murders. The detectives in this novel would specifically keep an eye on the victim s friends, possible boyfriends, or anyone close to them. He/she would be very interested in Sara Martin s sister, Lauren who was also targeted as having something to do with the murders. He/she would know that Lauren was harvesting information about the séance and would keep her labeled as a possible suspect. The detective would know that Lauren knew more than what she lead on, which could either make or break the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Gettysburg Address In a time in which the United States was facing one of its greatest crises, the President at the time, Abraham Lincoln, delivered a speech that became one of his most famous addresses of all time. His speech carried two primary purposes; reunification and remembrance. The structure of the address was to remind people of the past, get them to reflect on present events, and get them thinking about the future. He filled his words with emotion, asking the people to take the sacrifices of brave men to heart. Abraham Lincoln s desire for the reunification of the country could not have been expressed more clearly, and emotionally than during his Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address was a short piece of work that carried powerful words throughout its entire structure. In the beginning, President Lincoln started his address with those ever famous words, Four score and seven years ago... While these words are famous, it is the rest of the opening ...our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal (Lincoln) that carries the powerful message. He uses this opening to remind those in attendance about the beginnings of their nation and their government. He then moves on to speak about the present, speaking to the fact that the nation is currently at war with itself. Doing this stacks on the first point, moving his audience to focus on the present issues. Finally Abraham Lincoln goes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Middle Ages Research Paper The history of the modern world stems from the middle Ages. The middle ages were actually a bridge connecting the classical and modern world. The middle Ages might not have been magnificent, but rather the period of itself was a prime establishment of the modern world s newly discovered dependability, a restoration of the law and teachings from the classical era, a reinvestment and change in the church, and an antecedent to the golden age. The scientific and technological advances, religious changes, and the amendments to government, helped transition the Middle Ages into the Modern Era. The boom of Christianity and the formation of Germanic kingdoms brought an end to the ancient world and resurrected the middle Ages. Throughout the Early Middle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The idea of the king and his kingdom were bound by to a higher law became a vital element during the modern age. The Christians promoted this theory which influence Western Civilization. The commandment love thy neighbor has impacted modern reform movements in ways Philosophers would ve never imagined. Feudalism was the largest component in the transition from the middle Ages to the Modern Era. It allowed the townspeople to feel secure that they were being treated equally. The idea of Feudalism stated law should not be imposed by an absolute monarch, but that the kings and his people should be bound by the law and if it is violated, the lords have the power to resist the monarch. This led to the emergence of the English parliament, which stated the King had to consult Parliament before making any decisions that could affect government or the well being of the people. Religion was the most important component of the middle Ages, while technology and science led the Modern Era. The middle Ages believed Religion set the standards from every day life. Philosophers believed in order to understand anything, it was necessary to have a relationship with God. The Modern world finds it unbelievable anyone could ever disagree with science due to politics, economics, religions, or laws. Science and Religion somewhat confused the people during the Modern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Participant Participation In Psychology Method Participants All participants in this study will be drawn from older adult populations, defined as individuals above the age of 59. Participants will be drawn from two pools. The first participant pool will be drawn from a list of older adults that have agreed to participate in psychology research. This pool largely consists of older adults located in Greenville, SC, with significant amounts of the population being drawn from the Woodlands, an older adult community, and OLLI, a continuing education program for older adults. This pool will be acquired with the consent of Dr. Michelle Horhota. The second participant pool will be drawn from Otterbein, another older adult community located in Lebanon, OH. Otterbein is a similar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first section will gather informed consent from the participants. Demographic Questions This section will ask participants for basic demographic questions such their gender, age, level of education, and race/ethnicity. Then the section will ask more specific questions, asking them to describe their place of residence with a number of options and how long they have lived in that place of residence. Interpersonal Measures This section will gather data on participant s interpersonal measures, including ostracism, self esteem, loneliness, and depression. Bullying Victimization and Perpetration This section will begin by providing Kowalski and Giumetti s (2016, p.160) definition of bullying. It will then ask the frequency of which participants have been the victim, perpetrator or witness of bullying of an older adult in the last 12 months. The last question on the page will ask participants to recall with detail the incident they remember most clearly in which they experienced, perpetrated, or witnessed bullying involving an older adult. Bullying Across Lifetime This section includes only one question. This question asks, by means of a checklist and the instructions select all that apply for participants to list the age at which they were the victim of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Iris Marion Young s Birdcage Iris Marion Young in her famous birdcage metaphor depicts how a system of laws, institutions, and practices function as a system in order to restrict the social freedom of minorities (Alexander 184). Drawing from examples in certain sociology novels, I will exhibit how the wires of the birdcage work together to subordinate minorities to the bottom of a racial hierarchy. Furthermore, I will demonstrate why individuals like Dr. Gregorry McGriff feel like they need to go through life at 55 MPH. In the 1980s millions of people in inner city communities, predominantly minorities were left unemployed due to deindustrialization and the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs. As explained in the New Jim Crow The decline in legitimate opportunities among ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Women in the inner cities were forced to join the workforce in order to fill the financial void left by the absent men of the communities (Collins and Mayer 27). However, unlike the factory jobs that paid a living wage and provided benefits to its employees, these service sector jobs were under the terms of the solitary wage bargain (Class Lecture 1/19/16). Under these new terms, the women in these jobs were assumed to be ideal workers, meaning that they were given rigid schedules and paid minimum wage with no benefits. Unfortunately, these low income women had children to take care of and families to support on their own, so they often sought out public assistance to make ends meet. However, the welfare to work reform can be considered another wire in the birdcage because it left many poor minorities lacking the assistance they desperately needed. Its goal to reduce caseloads afforded caseworkers the ability to discriminate among needy women based on race (Collins and Mayer 60). Additionally, as Alexander explains, the reformed welfare program barred individuals with drug related felony convictions from receiving federally funded assistance, (157). So, when the African American men were out of prison, they couldn t receive Welfare to help support their children or families. This policy, alongside others, serves to keep minorities in an inferior racial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Nonprofit Ethical Issues As a leader, one has legal and ethical responsibility. Both nonprofits and public organizations have ethical and legal practices that need to be managed. Many unethical issues in these institutions continue to plague the industry leading to fraud and financial abuse. This paper analyzes the various legal and ethical problems and the how to address them. The first legal issues are enormous salaries and perks. The staffs of these organizations earn exorbitant salaries even though most of them are underfunded (Corey et al., 2014). Also, accountability has been a problem for these groups. These issues will be addressed by coming up with policies that control the actions of the institution s leaders. Another ethical concern of these organizations ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Flexible Racial Identity Racial identity and flexibility may be interpreted in a variety of ways. However, in reality they go hand in hand. Racial identity is defined as a sense of collective identity based on one s perception that he or she shares a common heritage with a specific racial group. On the other hand, racial identity can be considered as flexible or easily modified. Racial identity and flexibility intertwine because without each other, self identifying would not be possible. In Hua Hsu s essay, The End of White America? he argues in support of racial identity and flexibility complementing one another. This specifically shows that as society further evolves from being ignorant of race and culture, the closer mankind gets to eradicating the idea of a dominant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Understanding the concept of racial identity and flexibility is imperative in order to see the gray areas of life that help avoid the hardships that humans like McBride encountered. But sometimes different minorities and white Americans tend to believe that by clinging on to the dominant race one may move ahead. Not only does this promote racial supremacy, but clinging on to the idea of a dominant race also promotes anti miscegenation. Racial supremacy is the belief that race is responsible for the differences in human character and that a specific race is superior to others. This belief alone is bad, however, paired with anti miscegenation which is a law from McBride s time period that prohibits interracial relations or marriage, it has a synergistic effect which can be seen throughout his experiences growing up as a black Jewish boy with a white mother. In the 1960s it was bad enough being an African American because of the amount of judgment that was received for one s skin tone, but even worse because of those who believed in white supremacy. Naturally, McBride has many questions for his mother in regards to his identity and who he belongs to or should classify himself with. This, in turn, causes a gap between McBride and his mother. A clear example can be seen when McBride ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Theme Of Poverty In Harry Potter One of the most prominent examples of this issues is poverty. Multiple characters are portrayed in the series as living in poverty, from the Weasley family to Remus Lupin. But this poverty is created due to a limitation of magic creating a scarcity of resources such as food and other goods. As Rowling said in an interview Something that you conjure out of thin air will not last. (World Exclusive) If we posit a world where magic is limitless, families like the Weasleys would not exist. Limitless magic would mean that anything could be conjured permanently, so there would be no such thing as a scarce resource. Anthony Giddens suggests that one definition of a post scarcity society is the one given by Marx, where there is abundance for everyone. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though magic has allowed wizards to expand their lifespans, they are still limited by the threat of death. There are limited forms of immortality avaliable for wizards, but usually these come at a horrible cost. In the first book, it is revealed that drinking unicorn blood allows the drinker to stay alive even if they are almost dead (SS, 258). But the cost of that is that the drinker is cursed from there on out because they murdered an innocent and pure being to gain that power. Similarly, Horcruxes are items that contain a fragment of the creator soul which can anchor them to life, but can only be created though an act of murder. In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Professor Slughorn says that Horcruxes are created By an act of evil the supreme act of evil. By committing murder. Killing rips the soul apart. (HBP, 498). Throughout the series it is clear that the books focus on the murder of innocents as the ultimate crime. This negative view of the pursuit of immortality and the attack on murder is in alignment with the dominant social order today. It goes without saying that murder is bad, but this is under the assumption that death is permanent. If anyone who was killed could immediately be brought back to life using magic, then death would lose a significant bit of meaning. Rather than being lost forever, the person would merely be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Racial Profiling Is A Bad Idea Gabbi Rodriguez Barber Expository Per; 6 12 December 2014 In a 2002 article, Angela A Davis argues how racial profiling is a bad idea because racial profiling does more harm than good and people don t realize it. Statistics are very reliable such as; The Department of Health and Human Services reports that 77% of monthly drug users are white. We can t say that Caucasian people aren t ever racially profiled but you just don t see or hear it often. This proves that Caucasians can do the same crimes as an African American or Hispanic person can. Racial Profiling is when a police officer or people focus on a certain race or look and they judge those people I think that racial profiling should be justified but only for certain types of laws. It should be justified because it s a precaution and it helps to keep people safe. But I also think that it shouldn t be justified because people never should be judged by their looks, color of their skin, religion or personal beliefs because if the person is black or Arab/Muslim, it shouldn t define who they are and it doesn t make them a bad person. A white man can do the same exact crime as a Black, Hispanic, Muslim or an Asian man can. There s a story of an African American actress named Daniele Watts, she got arrested for kissing her white boyfriend in his car. The cops thought that she was a prostitute because she is black and they had to question her boyfriend, Brian Lucas, if Daniele was actually his girlfriend. In an interview ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Concept of the Messiah within Judasim and the... This paper will compare the concept of the Messiah within Judaism and the development of the messianic tradition within Christianity. Consideration will be given to Judaic thought on how this religion understands the concept of the Messiah. Defining how throughout history it shaped the foundation of this religion to distinguish its own individual identity. Analysis will focus on the abstraction of the Messiah and how Jewish believers interpret the coming of the Mashiach in connection with the prophecy of Isaiah. Discussing how eschatology is understood in this religion compared to Christianity, and how different Jewish groups define the Messiah prophecy from early history up until the modern day era. The paper will also discuss the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moses was a great prophet and he received the 613 commandments from God at Mount Sinai these laws created the foundation the Jewish law. Moses led the people to the Promised Land in which he died. Houses, alters where built and many settled in this land. It was at this time Palestine was under conflict and the only chance of the survival was to come under a single ruler, Saul .Savage, (1996:35) Defeat came and Saul killed himself. It was at this time King David came to power. In the scripture his inspiration and loyalty is renowned. David was a devout worshipper of Yahweh and was guided through priestly oracles and cult prophets Green, (1973:125) he brought peace to Jerusalem and established this country as a religious united nation. Many others conquered Israel and until Judah rose to be patriarch of Judah in which Antonine Marcus Aurelius consolidated relations and the Jewish Law was formulated known as the Mishna it contained codes, ethics and rules to be followed and formed the basis of the Talmud. It was at this time prophets such Elijah whose work was carried on by, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel were concerned for moral standards and proclaimed the need for true worship, justice and Righteousness needed to prevail, the prophets bonded the relationship of absolute faith in which Judaism was saved, without the prophets Christianity would never have being established. After so much conflict and exile the Jewish people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Star Spangled Banner Analysis MUSICAL MEANING IN THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER Meaning in music is derived from parenthetical analysis of several technical aspects including lyrics, form, historical context, emotional content, and personal connection. A hermeneutical approach to the Star Spangled Banner can yield only interpretational results. Therefore, we must examine the more concrete details of the work, and how the music relates to the meaning of the protests as stated by Colin Kaepernick in August of 2016. At the time of Key s penned lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner, musical literacy in the United States was quite low. The majority of American s could not read music, and most secular music was passed on through an oral tradition. As a result, the most popular form of music publications was in the form of broadsides or single sheet (typically half or quarter sheet) set of parodied lyrics set to canonized folk tunes. By printing lyrics only with no musical notation, publishers were able to save paper and ink, and amateur musicians were not required to learn new music for each set of lyrics. This practice of minimalism lead to the birth of the first truely American musical art form: the parody. Dating back to the Revolutionary War, countless sets of lyrics were composed as parodies set to the melodies of famous war time folksongs such as Chester or Yankee Doodle. Francis Scott Key s lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner were no exception as he chose to set his lyrics as a parody to The Anacreontic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Two Experiences Of Erikson s Theory Of Personality... Developmental psychology is the study of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur throughout an individual s lifespan (Weiten, 2015). These changes are influenced by the environment, therefore shaping an individual s personality, cognition and social functioning (Narvaez Gleason, 2012). This essay will identify and discuss two experiences that complement two stages of Erikson s Theory of Personality Development (Fleming, 2004) namely: industry versus inferiority and identity versus role confusion. It will discuss the authoritative style in the parenting theory and the secure attachment style from the theory of attachment. An analysis of the author s own personal experiences will be discussed by relying on the facts of each theory. It will address strengths and weaknesses regarding Erikson s Theory, relevant to the author s developmental process, living in South Africa. Starting school is a profound experience for the author. The introduction of school is relatable to Erikson s fourth stage: industry versus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Secure attachment, recognized by Mary Ainsworth, is well structured (Narvaez Gleason, 2012). It provides infants with self starting tools needed to cope with stressful circumstances and encourage adaptive plans for coping (Narvaez Gleason, 2012). The author believes that secure attachment is prominent in the home. Authoritative parenting style is similar to secure attachment as both parents give support and affection to the author. The constant affection imposes a close relationship between the parents and the author because it is a space where there is no judgement and the author is capable of implementing trust and honesty. Secure attachment has helped the author s self control, dealing with stressful situations such as coping with bullying from the skin disorder. The author has become more independent and knows what coping mechanisms to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Meaning Mishaps and the Nature of Art Essay Have you ever been confused about the purpose or meaning behind a certain piece of art? In my opinion, art is viewed many different ways. The artist will create a piece of art with a certain intended meaning, but it will most likely not be viewed in that way. When a spectator views a piece of art, they take into account their past experiences, and since everyone has gone through different things, their interpretations are different, as you can imagine. The nature of art is created when the artist intends one thing, but the spectator sees the art differently; and therefore changes the meaning when they spread their personal opinions. Pop culture has always played a very strong role in society. However, with all the advancements and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though most of them have a Facebook too, they don t approve of them for their teens. They hear scary stories that have to do with Facebook, and most mainly fear that their teens aren t going to be safe. However, another major problem is that they are putting their friends before responsibilities. This may cause outrage in some parents. They may seem strict, but really, they are just looking out for what they think is best. This is why most parents are strongly Anti Facebook. In the end, it all comes down to one major group that contributes to the ideas of both views, and this is society in itself. Basically everywhere you look; there is something that, in some way or another, has to do with Facebook. Whether it is advertising or a kidnapping, it s always seen differently when discussed with the two different groups. Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook. When he first created Facebook, it was used at his college as a mini way to communicate. It later spread to neighboring colleges. Now, it is one of the most popular forms of communication today. He definitely didn t create Facebook to be used as a source to target people, or as an excuse to get out of responsibilities. He really didn t want any of this to happen, but because it does, people automatically blame him. This is totally the opposite effect that he intended. [Facebook s] whole theory is that people have real connections in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The House on Mango Street and Esperanza’s Relationship... Throughout the course of Mango Street, Esperanza s relationship towards her house change. As time passes her feelings about the house itself change and the emotional impact of the house of her changes as well. Esperanza s house on Mango Street symbolizes her Mexican culture. For so long she has wanted to leave it. She envisions a different type of life than what she is used to moving from house to house. this house is going to be different / my life is going to be different . One can look at all the things she envisions the trappings of the good life such as the running water, the garden etc. as symbols for the new life. In the beginning of the story Esperana is told that her new house on Mango Street will be the answer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This new house lacks these improvements. It is no different from her previous homes. Esperanza is forever marked by the house and neighborhood she lives in. She wants to be like other kids who are allowed to eat their lunch at school instead of having to go home everyday. These students live father from the school than she does. Esperanza assumes these children live in better houses and neighborhoods. She is embarrassed by her house and angry that she must be identified by it. As said by Sister Superior, I bet I can see your house from my window. Which one? Come here. Which one is your house? The sister points to an ugly row of houses in the general direction of Esperanzas address. Esperanza comes to accept her house as part of her. During the course of the book she learns, you can t leave your culture, your roots. She observes and experiences growth. She matures. She develops opinions about dress and dating. She becomes more aware about the behaviors of people around her she develops her sense of right and wrong. In the end, when she writes that she will leave but come back for some . she shows that she has become more comfortable with who she is. She does not reject her culture entirely there are aspects of it that she embraces. She will always return to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Lee Ward Case Summary Case 9.12 describes the actions of Lee Ward at a work conference. Lee Ward was not liked by many colleagues and spent much of his time finding ways to cause problems for them. He was a jealous man and felt that it was necessary to embarrass his co workers. While at a conference, he found himself in a position that allowed him to take photographs of a group outing. His excuse was that the photos would be used for the company s newsletter. He was also taking personal photos of a female co worker named Janice without anyone s knowledge. Janice found out about the photos a while after they were taken. Lee Ward personally admitted to taking them when running into Janice, who was at a show with her boyfriend, Errol. Janice was uncomfortable, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He has the freedom of expression, allowing him to photograph whatever he wishes. However, he is not allowed to infringe on another s right to privacy or violate any trespassing laws. In case 9.12 he violated neither law. The right to privacy refers to a person s personal information being made known (Gerdelman, 2014). Ward s photography did not infringe on Janice s personal matters. The photographs were taken on public property, so no trespassing laws were violated. It also appears that Lee Ward s motives did not benefit anyone. The photographs were merely taken out of the personal enjoyment of making someone uncomfortable. No good could come out of taking the photographs. Lee Ward s actions were for personal gain and his intentions were not good in nature. This allows us to conclude that his decision to take the photographs was unethical. Janice broke no rules in the case. She also did nothing to solve the issue at hand. She made the decision to drop the problem because of her fear that there would be repercussions. She knew more about Ward than Errol did and felt that if either of them did anything, it would result in Ward acting out again. Ultimately causing even more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Is A Severe Disorder Prosopagnosia is a severe disorder which the person cannot recognize recognizable people from the face. Prosopagnosia is also known as face blindness. Face blindness is a recognized disorder; it can vary from person to person and situation to situation. It is not an issue with vision or absent mindedness. People with prosopagnosia have trouble with physical recognition. Recognition and memory are different. Memory is the thoughts, opinions and past experiences that is in our mind. The face is the key to accessing the memory of the person. We may forget someone here and there, but that s not a big deal. People with prosopagnosia forget often and could even forget their family. While some people have a very selective impairment that only influences the recognition of faces, others find have the disorder that extends to the recognition of other stimuli, such as objects, cars, or animals. Many people also report deficits in other aspects of face processing, such as judging age or gender, recognizing certain emotional expressions, or following the direction of a person s eye gaze. Finally, a substantial proportion of prosopagnosics reports navigational difficulties. (Sarah Bate 2015) The sensation is the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment. Perception is the process or organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events. Organisms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Pursuing A Music Career Essay I m sure every young musician has had the thought of pursuing a music career at one time or another. Most up us grow up being told that if you follow your passion in life you will in one way or another become properous in what you do. But follwing your passion can be hard infact (Rowe;) suggests that following your passion isn t always the best way to have a sucessful career Many talented musicians are being encourged by there peers to pursue a music career, while their parents or family members might be pulling them in the opposite direction to be come a dotor, buniness man or other high class profession. There really isn t one right way of pursuing a music career. Some respected musicians to enter this conversation(Hess; Normand;) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact this is probably the number one thing that dicourages musiccians when they are first starting out. All of us have heard about bands making a huge profit off a record deal that they singed with. Unforunately this is not the case for most of us. Pretty much all recording company have a contract of some sort. As little as 14% of those rolaities actual make it back to the artist (Yeh;). Even after all those deductions the artist still owes a recording fee which takes more away forom that 14% leaving a vey little profit to be made. Cohen thinks you can avoid the major record labels by recording your own music, but even indie music has had struggles recently. A well know indie musician Cat Power who had a top selling album in 2013 recently had to drop out of the sence because aof going brankrupt. It s no shock to learn that musicians lead financially precarious lives, but the thought of an artist as big as Cat Power going broke is particularly disheartening (Wagner). Tomkiel argues against this in that is not impossible to make a good living in music you just have to really know the industry inside and out and figure out ways of doing things that have a different approach from what others are doing. Following our passion in life is something we all strive to accomplish. Whether it be sports, music, teaching, or whatever our heart desires. We come to a time in life ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...