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Fundraising mapping
Workshop on follow-up drought activities in the region
Bucharest, 22 April 2015
Sabina Bokal, GWP CEE
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20152/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Criteria for making programme choices
Next call / Basis for call
Call procedure
Cash flow
Own contribution / overheads
Cofinancing rate
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20153/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Funding programmes
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20154/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
• LIFE – demonstration and pilot projects; best practice projects,
awareness and dissemination projects, research activities are strictly
• H2020 – solution-oriented, bottom-up, not-prescriptive research and
innovation topics;
• TRANSNATIONAL – if you want to develop something in common with
more states at different scales; to strengthening the institutional
capacity of the public sector, cross-sectoral and multi-level joint
solutions for a wider area
Some simple facts
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20155/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
• LIFE should be used as a catalyst;
• LIFE should promote implementation and integration of environment
and climate objectives in other policies and Member State practice,
including mainstreaming;
• emphasis will also be placed on better governance;
• specific link to EU priorities: resource efficiency, biodiversity loss and
climate adaptation and mitigation;
• demonstration and pilot projects; best practice projects; awareness and
dissemination projects;
• research activities are strictly limited;
• budget: €3.4 billion
1. LIFE Programme (2014-2020)
Demonstrating innovative environmental solutions
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20156/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Water, floods and droughts
• Natural Water Retention
• tools for flood and drought
risk management
• water saving measures
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20157/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
• Traditional projects: best practice, innovation and demonstration projects, as well
as dissemination/information projects and governance projects (similar to LIFE+) (2-
5 years)
• Integrated projects: projects aiming at the implementation on a large territorial
scale plans and strategies required by EU legislation in the areas of nature, water,
waste (6-10 years);
• Technical assistance: sub-programme for Environment, not for Climate Action;
provide financial support to help applicants prepare integrated projects;
• Preparatory projects: projects identified by the Commission to support specific
needs for the implementation and development of EU environmental or climate
policy and legislation;
• Capacity building projects: financial support to the activities required to build the
capacity of Member States with a view to enabling their more effective
participation in LIFE
LIFE - types of projects
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20158/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Next call / Basis for call
Publication of call: 1 June 2015; deadline: 15 September 2015; starting date of the project will be mid July 2016
Basis is a multiannual work programme 2014-2017
Call procedure
Normal procedure: one step; 4 months between call launch and deadline
E-submission Formal check  Short listing  Subsidy contract  start of a project – mid July 2016
Cash flow
Option 1: 70 % pre-financing
Option 2: 30 % first pre-financing, 40 % second pre-financing
Other options upon request
Own contribution / overheads
40% of the total budget or less (own staff eligible as own contribution)
Overhead costs: up to 7% of total eligible direct costs
Public bodies, private commercial organizations, private non-commercial organization (also NGOs); actions must
exclusively take place within the territory of the EU member state; no min of partners
Cofinancing rate
Co-financing – 60% or more
Up to 35% of the total budget
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20159/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
LIFE – current status
• LIFE multiannual work programme for 2014-2017 has been adopted
by a Commission and approved in March 2014;
• 6 February 2015 Call for proposals for LIFE Grants under both sub-
programmes (for Environment and for Climate Action) - June 2015 –
October 2015;
• Traditional Projects, Preparatory Projects, Technical Assistance
Projects, Integrated Projects and NGO Framework Partnerships –call –
1 June 2015
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201510/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
• the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever
with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years
(2014 to 2020);
• solution-oriented, bottom-up, not-prescriptive research
and innovation topics;
• innovative actions – focused on pilot projects, prototypes,
demonstration and market application;
• the focus is in innovation, delivering economic growth
faster and delivering solutions to end users that are often
governmental agencies.
2. HORIZON 2020
Applied research and innovation projects
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201511/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Excellent Science Societal challenges Industrial Leadership
Health, demographic change and wellbeing
Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and
inland water research and the Bioeconomy
Secure, clean and efficient energy
Smart, green and integrated transport
Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
Secure societies
 60% of the overall Horizon 2020 budget should be related to sustainable
 over 35% of the budget climate-related expenditure
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201512/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Next call / Basis for call
Since December 2013 - various calls (10 December 2014 – 21 April 2015; next call – Oct/Nov 2015)
Biannual work programme
Call procedure
One and two stage applications possible
Negotiation phase
Cash flow
Easy cash-flow management
First installment after signature of subsidy contract
Auditing during project implementation
Own contribution / overheads
own staff is eligible
Good overhead solutions: mostly 25% of the total direct eligible costs
Networks (10+ recommended), min 3 legal entities from 3 EU member states
Cofinancing rate
70% (demonstration) up to 100%; total budget: 3-8 min EUR
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201513/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
3. European Territorial Co-operation
Three programme types:
• interregional cooperation
• transnational
• cross-border
2007 - 2013 2014 - 2020
5.600 million Euro 6.627 million Euro
1.800 million Euro 1.822 million Euro
445 million Eur 500 million Euro
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201514/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
INTERREG EUROPE – themes / actions
Research &
SME competitiveness Low-carbon
Environment &
resource efficiency
2 actions
Policy Learning
Interregional Cooperation
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201515/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Exchange and pooling of regional policies and solutions
• 28 member states + Norway and Switzerland
• to help European regions to design and
implement regional policies and programmes
more effectively
• geographical coverage should go much
beyond cross-border or transnational
cooperation programmes
• direct involvement of authorities responsible
for the policy instruments addressed by the
project is necessary
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201516/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Next call / Basis for call
Opening: mid June 2015; Closing: mid July 2015 (EUR 107.5 million)
Call text: http://www.interreg4c.eu/interregeurope/callforproposals/ (for interregional projects)
Call procedure
One stage application  two-step assessment procedure (eligibility and quality assessment)
Cash flow
First expenditure  Audit  Reimbursement
Own contribution / overheads
25% of the total budget or less / flat rate of 15% of the staff costs
• National, regional or local public authorities; Institutions governed by public law (e.g. regional development
agencies, business support organizations, universities); Private non-profit bodies;
• from at least three countries, between 5 and 10 recommended)
Cofinancing rate
Public bodies and bodies governed by public law – 85 %
Private non-profit bodies – 75%
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201517/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
3.2. Transnational co-operation programmes
• stimulating implementation of strategic projects, the goal of which is the
improvement of relevant policies leading to future improvements in the real
• Overcoming borders - helps better address similar threats and promote more
balanced development;
• Reducing disparities between regions, reinforcing cohesion and encouraging
optimal economic development;
• strengthening the institutional capacity of the public sector;
• cross-sectoral and multi-level joint solutions in a wider area
Joint strategies & action plans Transnationalmethodologies
Joint management systems Preparation of transnational
investmentsPilot/demo activities
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201518/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Changes in transnational European
Territorial Cooperation Programmes
South East Europe (SEE)
Three new 2014-2020 transnational Programmes
Adriatic Ionian
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201519/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
• Danube programme matches exactly the
territory of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
• Major emphasis on water
Four thematic priority axes:
1. Innovative and socially responsible Danube region;
2. Environment and culture responsible Danube region;
3. Better connected and energy responsible Danube region;
4. Well-governed Danube region
• EUR 202,3 million from the ERDF and EUR 19,8 million from IPA II
• Current status: operational programme not yet confirmed by EC – by
mid 2015; Secretariat in Budapest
1) Danube Transnational Programme
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201520/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201521/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
START = 1st call - 18.07.2014 to 17.09.2014
• to “kickstart project development in the Danube Region and to facilitate the financing of
transnational projects”
• to develop and implement their project ideas
• min 10.000 eur / max 40.000 eur (partner contribution 10%)
• Max 3 partners
• until the end of 2016, 2 calls
Seed money/ project development fund facility
This instrument is providing support to all project developers in
the thematic fields of the Strategy
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201522/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Next call / Basis for call
Before Summer 2015
Operational programme (draft: http://www.southeast-europe.net/en/about_see/danubeprogramme/)
Call procedure
two stage procedure expected; no negotiation phase
Cash flow
First expenditure  Audit  Reimbursement (6 months)
Own contribution / overheads
National cofinancing – min 15 %
own staff is eligible
Overheads: 7 % (flat rate) or up to 20 % on a basis of real costs
Partners from a minimum of three partner states, at least one a member state (LP)
Cofinancing rate
85 %, 75%
Danube Transnational Programme
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201523/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
• Adriatic-Ionian Programme matches exactly the
territory of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian
Region (EUSAIR)
Current status:
• last quarter 2014: Submission of the Adriatic-Ionian
• end 2014/Beginning 2015: Approval of the Adriatic-
Ionian OP
• First quarter 2015: Joint Secretariat team selection;
Programme launch even
• Second/third quarter 2015: launch of the 1st call for
2) Adriatic Ionian Transnational Programme - ADRION
Albania (entire country)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (entire country)
Croatia (entire country)
Greece (entire country)
Italy (part)
Montenegro (entire country)
Serbia (entire country)
Slovenia (entire country)
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201524/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
ADRION in a nutshell
Overall goal:
To promote sustainable economic and social prosperity of the
Adriatic and Ionian region through growth and jobs creation, by
improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity
while at the same time preserving the environment and ensuring
healthy and balanced marine and coastal ecosystems.
EU available funds: EUR 83,5 million (ERDF) and EUR 15,7 million (IPA II)
• EU co-financing rate: up to 85%;
• Seat of the implementing bodies (MA, CA, AA, JS): Bologna – Emilia- Romagna
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201525/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
ADRION priorities
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201526/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
• 1st draft of Operational Programme prepared; confirmed mid
• Budget: EUR 28.330,108
• co-financing rate of 85%
• Joint Secretariat will be located in Thessaloniki, Greece
• two thematic priority axes:
3) Balkan-Mediterranean Programme
Entrepreneurship and innovation
• maintain biodiversity and natural ecosystems by
strengthening networking and management of
protected areas,
• introduce innovative technologies for efficient
management of the waste sector, the soil and the
water sector;
• develop skills for better environmental management
and increase governance capacities.
Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus
Albania, FYROM
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201527/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
Cooperating to make Central European cities and regions a better place to live and work
Entire country: Austria, Croatia,
the Czech Republic, Hungary,
Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia
Part of the country: Germany,
• budget: EUR 246 million (EUR 89 million – on environment)
• supports three types of activities: Policy support; Practical
implementation; Capitalization
• max 85 % co-financining
• 1st call: 13 February 2015 – 13 April 2015 (two step procedure)
• partnership: at least three financing partners; from at least
three countries; with at least two of the partners located in the
programme area; public bodies, private institutions,
international organizations
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201528/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
1st call results
• 620 light applications for transnational
funding received in the first step of the call
• new projects expected to be co-funded as of
early 2016 with around 80 million Euros (40-
60 projects)
• 2nd call in Spring 2016
Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201529/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
5) MED programme
Entire country: Croatia,
Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina,
Montenegro, Slovenia,
Greece, Malta, Cyprus,
Part of the country: France ,
Italy, Portugal, Spain
• Budget: ERDF - EUR 224 million; IPA funds: EUR
9 Million
• Co financing – 85%
• Kick of event: Marseilles; 22-23rd June 2015
• June 2015 - launch of the first call
• focus on synergies mechanisms, thematic
communities and clusters; on performance and
measurable results
• enhanced participation of private sector (SMEs)
and civil society
PA 2: Fostering low carbon strategies
and energy efficiency in specific MED
territories: cities, islands and remote
PA 3: Protecting and promoting
Mediterranean natural and cultural

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9 fundraising mapping bokal

  • 1. www.gwpcee.org Fundraising mapping Workshop on follow-up drought activities in the region Bucharest, 22 April 2015 Sabina Bokal, GWP CEE
  • 2. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20152/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Criteria for making programme choices Next call / Basis for call Call procedure Cash flow Own contribution / overheads Partnership Cofinancing rate
  • 3. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20153/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Funding programmes European territorial cooperation LIFE HORIZON2020 Interregional cooperation Transnational cooperation
  • 4. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20154/ 45 www.gwpcee.org • LIFE – demonstration and pilot projects; best practice projects, awareness and dissemination projects, research activities are strictly limited • H2020 – solution-oriented, bottom-up, not-prescriptive research and innovation topics; • TRANSNATIONAL – if you want to develop something in common with more states at different scales; to strengthening the institutional capacity of the public sector, cross-sectoral and multi-level joint solutions for a wider area Some simple facts
  • 5. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20155/ 45 www.gwpcee.org • LIFE should be used as a catalyst; • LIFE should promote implementation and integration of environment and climate objectives in other policies and Member State practice, including mainstreaming; • emphasis will also be placed on better governance; • specific link to EU priorities: resource efficiency, biodiversity loss and climate adaptation and mitigation; • demonstration and pilot projects; best practice projects; awareness and dissemination projects; • research activities are strictly limited; • budget: €3.4 billion 1. LIFE Programme (2014-2020) Demonstrating innovative environmental solutions
  • 6. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20156/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Water, floods and droughts • Natural Water Retention Measures • tools for flood and drought risk management • water saving measures
  • 7. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20157/ 45 www.gwpcee.org • Traditional projects: best practice, innovation and demonstration projects, as well as dissemination/information projects and governance projects (similar to LIFE+) (2- 5 years) • Integrated projects: projects aiming at the implementation on a large territorial scale plans and strategies required by EU legislation in the areas of nature, water, waste (6-10 years); • Technical assistance: sub-programme for Environment, not for Climate Action; provide financial support to help applicants prepare integrated projects; • Preparatory projects: projects identified by the Commission to support specific needs for the implementation and development of EU environmental or climate policy and legislation; • Capacity building projects: financial support to the activities required to build the capacity of Member States with a view to enabling their more effective participation in LIFE LIFE - types of projects
  • 8. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20158/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Next call / Basis for call Publication of call: 1 June 2015; deadline: 15 September 2015; starting date of the project will be mid July 2016 Basis is a multiannual work programme 2014-2017 Call procedure Normal procedure: one step; 4 months between call launch and deadline E-submission Formal check  Short listing  Subsidy contract  start of a project – mid July 2016 Cash flow Option 1: 70 % pre-financing Option 2: 30 % first pre-financing, 40 % second pre-financing Other options upon request Own contribution / overheads 40% of the total budget or less (own staff eligible as own contribution) Overhead costs: up to 7% of total eligible direct costs Partnership Public bodies, private commercial organizations, private non-commercial organization (also NGOs); actions must exclusively take place within the territory of the EU member state; no min of partners Cofinancing rate Co-financing – 60% or more Subcontracting Up to 35% of the total budget
  • 9. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 20159/ 45 www.gwpcee.org LIFE – current status • LIFE multiannual work programme for 2014-2017 has been adopted by a Commission and approved in March 2014; • 6 February 2015 Call for proposals for LIFE Grants under both sub- programmes (for Environment and for Climate Action) - June 2015 – October 2015; • Traditional Projects, Preparatory Projects, Technical Assistance Projects, Integrated Projects and NGO Framework Partnerships –call – 1 June 2015
  • 10. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201510/ 45 www.gwpcee.org • the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020); • solution-oriented, bottom-up, not-prescriptive research and innovation topics; • innovative actions – focused on pilot projects, prototypes, demonstration and market application; • the focus is in innovation, delivering economic growth faster and delivering solutions to end users that are often governmental agencies. 2. HORIZON 2020 Applied research and innovation projects
  • 11. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201511/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Excellent Science Societal challenges Industrial Leadership Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the Bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies  60% of the overall Horizon 2020 budget should be related to sustainable development  over 35% of the budget climate-related expenditure
  • 12. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201512/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Next call / Basis for call Since December 2013 - various calls (10 December 2014 – 21 April 2015; next call – Oct/Nov 2015) Biannual work programme Call procedure One and two stage applications possible Negotiation phase Cash flow Easy cash-flow management First installment after signature of subsidy contract Auditing during project implementation Own contribution / overheads own staff is eligible Good overhead solutions: mostly 25% of the total direct eligible costs Partnership Networks (10+ recommended), min 3 legal entities from 3 EU member states Cofinancing rate 70% (demonstration) up to 100%; total budget: 3-8 min EUR
  • 13. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201513/ 45 www.gwpcee.org 3. European Territorial Co-operation Three programme types: • interregional cooperation • transnational • cross-border 2007 - 2013 2014 - 2020 Cross-border cooperation 5.600 million Euro 6.627 million Euro Transnational cooperation 1.800 million Euro 1.822 million Euro Interregional cooperation 445 million Eur 500 million Euro
  • 14. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201514/ 45 www.gwpcee.org INTERREG EUROPE – themes / actions Research & innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Environment & resource efficiency 2 actions Policy Learning Platforms Interregional Cooperation Projects
  • 15. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201515/ 45 www.gwpcee.org INTERREG EUROPE Exchange and pooling of regional policies and solutions • 28 member states + Norway and Switzerland • to help European regions to design and implement regional policies and programmes more effectively • geographical coverage should go much beyond cross-border or transnational cooperation programmes • direct involvement of authorities responsible for the policy instruments addressed by the project is necessary
  • 16. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201516/ 45 www.gwpcee.org INTERREG EUROPE Next call / Basis for call Opening: mid June 2015; Closing: mid July 2015 (EUR 107.5 million) Call text: http://www.interreg4c.eu/interregeurope/callforproposals/ (for interregional projects) Call procedure One stage application  two-step assessment procedure (eligibility and quality assessment) Cash flow First expenditure  Audit  Reimbursement Own contribution / overheads 25% of the total budget or less / flat rate of 15% of the staff costs Partnership • National, regional or local public authorities; Institutions governed by public law (e.g. regional development agencies, business support organizations, universities); Private non-profit bodies; • from at least three countries, between 5 and 10 recommended) Cofinancing rate Public bodies and bodies governed by public law – 85 % Private non-profit bodies – 75%
  • 17. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201517/ 45 www.gwpcee.org 3.2. Transnational co-operation programmes • stimulating implementation of strategic projects, the goal of which is the improvement of relevant policies leading to future improvements in the real environment; • Overcoming borders - helps better address similar threats and promote more balanced development; • Reducing disparities between regions, reinforcing cohesion and encouraging optimal economic development; • strengthening the institutional capacity of the public sector; • cross-sectoral and multi-level joint solutions in a wider area Joint strategies & action plans Transnationalmethodologies Joint management systems Preparation of transnational investmentsPilot/demo activities
  • 18. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201518/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Changes in transnational European Territorial Cooperation Programmes 2007-2013 South East Europe (SEE) Three new 2014-2020 transnational Programmes Adriatic Ionian Programme Danube Transnational Programme Balkan- Mediterranean Programme
  • 19. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201519/ 45 www.gwpcee.org • Danube programme matches exactly the territory of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region • Major emphasis on water Four thematic priority axes: 1. Innovative and socially responsible Danube region; 2. Environment and culture responsible Danube region; 3. Better connected and energy responsible Danube region; 4. Well-governed Danube region • EUR 202,3 million from the ERDF and EUR 19,8 million from IPA II • Current status: operational programme not yet confirmed by EC – by mid 2015; Secretariat in Budapest 1) Danube Transnational Programme
  • 20. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201520/ 45 www.gwpcee.org
  • 21. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201521/ 45 www.gwpcee.org START = 1st call - 18.07.2014 to 17.09.2014 • to “kickstart project development in the Danube Region and to facilitate the financing of transnational projects” • to develop and implement their project ideas • min 10.000 eur / max 40.000 eur (partner contribution 10%) • Max 3 partners • until the end of 2016, 2 calls Seed money/ project development fund facility This instrument is providing support to all project developers in the thematic fields of the Strategy
  • 22. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201522/ 45 www.gwpcee.org Next call / Basis for call Before Summer 2015 Operational programme (draft: http://www.southeast-europe.net/en/about_see/danubeprogramme/) Call procedure two stage procedure expected; no negotiation phase Cash flow First expenditure  Audit  Reimbursement (6 months) Own contribution / overheads National cofinancing – min 15 % own staff is eligible Overheads: 7 % (flat rate) or up to 20 % on a basis of real costs Partnership Partners from a minimum of three partner states, at least one a member state (LP) Cofinancing rate 85 %, 75% Danube Transnational Programme
  • 23. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201523/ 45 www.gwpcee.org • Adriatic-Ionian Programme matches exactly the territory of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) Current status: • last quarter 2014: Submission of the Adriatic-Ionian OP • end 2014/Beginning 2015: Approval of the Adriatic- Ionian OP • First quarter 2015: Joint Secretariat team selection; Programme launch even • Second/third quarter 2015: launch of the 1st call for proposals 2) Adriatic Ionian Transnational Programme - ADRION ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES: Albania (entire country) Bosnia and Herzegovina (entire country) Croatia (entire country) Greece (entire country) Italy (part) Montenegro (entire country) Serbia (entire country) Slovenia (entire country)
  • 24. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201524/ 45 www.gwpcee.org ADRION in a nutshell Overall goal: To promote sustainable economic and social prosperity of the Adriatic and Ionian region through growth and jobs creation, by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity while at the same time preserving the environment and ensuring healthy and balanced marine and coastal ecosystems. EU available funds: EUR 83,5 million (ERDF) and EUR 15,7 million (IPA II) • EU co-financing rate: up to 85%; • Seat of the implementing bodies (MA, CA, AA, JS): Bologna – Emilia- Romagna Region
  • 25. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201525/ 45 www.gwpcee.org ADRION priorities
  • 26. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201526/ 45 www.gwpcee.org • 1st draft of Operational Programme prepared; confirmed mid 2015 • Budget: EUR 28.330,108 • co-financing rate of 85% • Joint Secretariat will be located in Thessaloniki, Greece • two thematic priority axes: 3) Balkan-Mediterranean Programme Entrepreneurship and innovation Environment • maintain biodiversity and natural ecosystems by strengthening networking and management of protected areas, • introduce innovative technologies for efficient management of the waste sector, the soil and the water sector; • develop skills for better environmental management and increase governance capacities. Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus Albania, FYROM
  • 27. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201527/ 45 www.gwpcee.org 4) CENTRAL EUROPE Cooperating to make Central European cities and regions a better place to live and work Entire country: Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia Part of the country: Germany, Italy • budget: EUR 246 million (EUR 89 million – on environment) • supports three types of activities: Policy support; Practical implementation; Capitalization • max 85 % co-financining • 1st call: 13 February 2015 – 13 April 2015 (two step procedure) • partnership: at least three financing partners; from at least three countries; with at least two of the partners located in the programme area; public bodies, private institutions, international organizations
  • 28. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201528/ 45 www.gwpcee.org 1st call results • 620 light applications for transnational funding received in the first step of the call • new projects expected to be co-funded as of early 2016 with around 80 million Euros (40- 60 projects) • 2nd call in Spring 2016
  • 29. Fundraising mapping & IDMP CEE follow up opportunitiesApril 201529/ 45 www.gwpcee.org 5) MED programme Entire country: Croatia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Part of the country: France , Italy, Portugal, Spain • Budget: ERDF - EUR 224 million; IPA funds: EUR 9 Million • Co financing – 85% • Kick of event: Marseilles; 22-23rd June 2015 • June 2015 - launch of the first call • focus on synergies mechanisms, thematic communities and clusters; on performance and measurable results • enhanced participation of private sector (SMEs) and civil society PA 2: Fostering low carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and remote areas PA 3: Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources

Editor's Notes

  1. Beside content
  2. Link for the work programme: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014D0203&from=EN