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Project 1
June 16th, 2019
BGMT 364


The company is renowned for the delivery of the best natural
products. The demand for these products is not limited to the
US or Europe but is also high in China. Due to this, the
company has decided to expand its product in these regions.
Along with the expansion of their primary business, they have
also introduced a whole new product range for infants,
including an interest in pursuing an infant formula.
The external and internal factors of this new product line are
analyzed so that favorable/unfavorable conditions that the
company may face while introducing their new infant food line
are examined. The paper presents a comprehensive view of
SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, and Porter’s Five Forces
analysis. All these analyses are summed up into goals and
objectives that will be used in introducing this new product
PESTEL analysis:
Currently, the company is free from any political barriers as it
is successfully doing business in six countries. However,
expanding the business in China, which is known as the biggest
economy, can create a barrier for them. The changing
regulations related to food standards and market actions may be
a barrier for this new product line (Candela, 2019). The stability
of the government in China also questions the risk as a part of
the internationalization process. Also, the impending tariffs
imposed by President Trump could hurt Great Start’s business
in China. According to CNBC, “the Chinese authorities appear
to be making operations more difficult for some companies.”
(CNBC, May 2019) There has been decreased traffic and more
The economic factor is quite favorable for this new product if
they introduce it to new markets like China. However, the


changing inflation rate, income level of people, and economic
growth rate will affect the buying of these products. These are
the factors that influence the buying power of the population. If
these factors are under control, then there are many chances that
this product sale will outperform.
Furthermore, the changes in consumer budget give rise to cost-
conscious consumers. Here, the increase in prices of raw
material due to changes in the inflation rate also affect the
prices of products. A potentially concerning but advantageous
thing to note is China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative.
According to the Council of Foreign Relations, the new Silk
Road would stretch from East Asia to Europe. “Some analysts
see the project as an unsettling extension of China’s rising
power.” (CFR, 2019) This Silk Road could make shipping our
products more cost-effective, considering Great Start has
locations in Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands but
considering the tariffs that affect American businesses in China
could be potentially damaging.
The social factors are favorable for the company because the
consumer attitude has changed as they prefer healthier products
for their family, and this product promises to deliver a healthy
life for their infants. This product is available for everyone
regardless of the difference in cultural settings. Under the social
factors, it is essential to understand consumer behavior so that a
personal approach to marketing can be ensured. Thus, the
consumers view the firm as an agency that empowers their
wider external environment.
The technology environment is supportive of the company
because the incorporation of the research and development
department within the company helps them develop products
that are demanded by consumers. Also, the markets where the
company operates are renowned for their technological impact
on the world. Therefore, this technological advancement is
supportive of the business operation of developing an infant


food line.
The environmental concerns are high-level all over the world
due to the high rate of global warming (Candela, 2019). So the
company always tries to incorporate sustainable environmental
practices that provide the least damage to the environment.
Furthermore, the Eco-sustainable commitments of the company
towards India and Brazil, where these natural pharmaceutical
ingredients are produced, promotes the company’s commitment
towards the triple bottom line.
The company must develop this new product as per the legal
acts of supplements similar to what the company is already
doing. All the companies who manufacture this supplement
product are free from any lawsuit due to their strong adherence
to these laws. The company is already in this product line and
knows all the legal implications related to this new infant
product line; therefore, the legal factors are also comfortable
for this new product line.
SWOT Analysis:
Strength according to Lumen Candela “internal characteristics
of the business that give it an advantage over competitors.”
(Lumen Candale, 2019)
The current strengths of the company are listed below:
1. Competitive advantage is the greatest strength of the
company that outstands them against others. The longevity of
Great Start has made it a well-known brand which gives the
company a competitive advantage over their competition. This
competitive edge is the reason for their immense growth. It is


the strength of the company because they continuously focus on
improving the health of people and try to solve their health
issues with natural products. They are not focusing on only one
age group but presented a diversified range of products for
people of different age groups.
2. Great Start Nutrition also focused on customer need, and as
per the requirement and demand of customers, they innovate
new products that help them in curing their various health
3. Great Start Nutrition’s product range is not limited to
medicine protein bars, vitamins, and food supplements, and
other items are manufactured. Hence, their whole product range
provides quality products for people.
4. These natural and better-tasting products differentiate them
from others. This is the reason why they are popular among
5. Now, they are targeting infants and introducing a whole
new range of infant product line that is purely made from
natural products. In their current competition hardly any who
offers such a variety of natural infant products. This opening
will give them a leg up against the current competition.
6. Moreover, the research and development department of the
company is their greatest strength. Due to extensive research,
they can introduce new products.
1. Currently, the gross sales of the company are $45 billion,
but their substantial investment in technology and raw material
makes the investment cost high. This will automatically lead to
high prices of products. Under the financial crises, or high
inflation in China and low economic growth, the buying power
of consumers is less. Thus, the customers will not be able to


buy these high priced products. Therefore, after carefully
analyzing the financial condition of the company and future
economic perspective, they should invest in research and
2. As the company is operating in different countries and
nutritional standards of each country are different,
manufacturing a product as per each market’s dietary rules is
difficult. Following China’s strict tariffs and business,
regulations can make operating and generating revenue
3. The company is in intense competition with many
multinationals like Nature’s Bounty, whose products are
penetrating the market due to effective marketing strategies.
The company has no marketing plan that will introduce its new
product to the market. Thus, marketing is the weakest point of
the company on which they have to work.
4. Static sales in the domestic market are also a weakness
because if their sales are not increasing in the local market and
the management of the company fails to increase sales; then it is
difficult for them to promote sales in other countries.
There are a lot of opportunities for the company that they can
explore. Some of the opportunities are listed below:
1. The decisive external factor of the company is favorable for
growth or expansion that they can use to overcome their
2. They can incorporate more technology and apply advanced
research techniques in the manufacturing of natural
supplements. Through innovative research techniques, they can
explore more natural ingredients that they can add in their


3. New ideas and innovation lead to the development of new
products, like the infant product line. This allows them to keep
their existing customers and grow with more customers as well.
4. The expansion of the business into China is an excellent
opportunity for them where they can take advantage of these
economically strong markets.
5. The world’s population is increasing day by day, as is
consumer interest in natural products due to health
consciousness. This allows them to serve this highly populated
6. As all the competitors are manufacturing infant products
from processed food, this is the only company producing natural
infant products. Thus, it allows them to meet the needs of most
of the people and increase their sale.
The external and internal threats that the company face is
summarized in the following points:
1. The intense competition and presence of multinationals in
more markets are the main threats as the company is in direct
competition with them.
2. The buyer has greater power due to the presence of more
choices and country loyalty. They might opt for a Chinese brand
or something local vs. Great Start nutrition.
3. Due to the change in economic condition, there is a change in
prices due to which the price of raw material varies. This
variability leads to a change in the price of the product.
Sometimes, this rapid change in price disturbs the profit of the


company. Hence the CSR initiatives of the company are
4. The dynamics in the external environment affects the
decision making of the company and also heightens the
5. Rapid technological change and rapid advancement drive
innovation-related challenges within the company.
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:
Threats of new entrants:
There is no legal barrier applied to the new entrant. Hence, the
threat of new entrants is high because of great innovation and
new ways of doing business make way for opportunities to enter
this industry. Due to globalization, the door for new companies
all over the world is open so that they can invest in this
industry. Competition is created due to the new value
proposition to customers, lower pricing strategy, and reducing
cost, which is some of the strategies that new entrants applied
for penetration into this market. As the company has operated
for more than 50 years, they know how to tackle these
challenges. Practical barriers are also adopted by the company
to safeguard its competitive edge.
Bargaining power of suppliers.
There are several suppliers of the company from which they buy
the product. Some raw material they also imported from
different parts of the world, as there are limited suppliers of raw
material. Hence, Great Start is in a dominant position that
decreases the profit margins of the company. These suppliers
use their negotiation power to charge high prices from the
companies. Therefore, the cost of raw material is high. These
suppliers impact the overall profitability of the company.


Bargaining power of buyers.
Buyers always want to purchase the best products at a low
price, and they always demand a lot. It affects the profitability
of the company in the long run. Due to the presence of
competitors, the company cannot charge their own desired
prices, but they have to set the prices as per the prices of their
competitors. The extent to which the customers are more
powerful, the greater will be their bargaining power. Hence,
they have a higher ability to seek offers and discounts. Due to
the growing tension in China, buyers may consider buying from
local Chinese brands. (CNBC, 2019)
The threat of substitute product:
The industry profitability suffers when the new products and
services meet a similar customer need in different ways
(Candela, 2019). For example, infant products are already
offered by competitors. Therefore, the threat of substitution is
high. However, it is also a fact that competitors made their
product from processed food, and Great Start made their product
from natural ingredients. This is the difference between the
substitute products and company products. This differentiation
between the two available products brings the graph of the high
threat of substitute to normal because of the natural ingredients
that are used in the infant product line.
Rivalry among the existing companies:
Rivalry among the existing companies is present, but this
rivalry is not so intense as to put the prices of products down in
the overall industry, so the whole industry suffers. This intense
competition does not toll over the long term profitability of the
organization. Great Start doesn’t need to worry about their
competition due to differentiation. According to Lumen
Candela, differentiation is creating a unique service or product
and is strongly associated with an organization’s brand. Great
Start Nutrition will be breaking into the infant formula and will
have a competitive edge against their current competition.
(Lumen Candela, n.d.)


Goals and Objectives;
Goal 1:
Offers healthier and tastier choices for infants.
• The company aims to launch such food and beverages for
infants that are made from natural products. These products are
primarily for mothers-to-be, new mothers, and infants, as well
as children.
• The company aims to reduce sugar, saturated fat, and
sodium from these new products.
• These new infant products are enriched with vegetables,
grains, luxurious fiber, nuts, and seeds that are added in
beverages and foods.
• The company’s main objective to simplify the ingredients
list that is used in new product range and no artificial flavor and
color is added in it.
• These products are made under micronutrients fortification.
Most often, the products that are for infants are not healthier
due to the integration of artificial ingredients. The taste of these
products is also unpleasant for the infants, causing them to
resist. Hence, the goal of the company is to introduce such a
product range for infants that are healthier and tasty.
Goal 2:
Inspire people to live a healthy life and feed their infants and
themselves with nutritional products.
• The main objective of the company is to explain and apply
the nutritional information on the packaging at points of sale.
• Proper guidance on portions of products is given.
• Healthy cooking, lifestyle, and eating for infants are also
promoted through marketing efforts.
• Empower the parents to foster healthy eating for their
• The company aims to provide breastfeeding substitute
products for those infants who cannot have this. Nevertheless,


the company supports the ideals behind breastfeeding first.
• Promotes a healthier food option for infants through a wide
range of natural products.
Nutritional products are s need for every one of us. Not only do
adults need it, but it is imperative for infants as well. Therefore,
the company aims to provide nutritional products that inspire
and promote a healthy lifestyle. The same goal is promoted in
the set objective of the company that they intend to achieve
through this infant product line.
Goal 3:
Shares build and apply nutritional knowledge for strong growth
of infants.
• The company aims to deliver complete knowledge to new
• Knowledge is aimed to be delivered to mothers within the
first 1000 days of infancy
• The company promotes healthy products and ensures that
these products are made from natural ingredients. It also
provides personalized nutrition, as well.
However, merely providing a healthy nutritional product to
customers is not enough. The goal of the company is to share,
build, and apply the nutritional knowledge for the better
development of infants that are required in their first 1000 days
of life. Through this goal, the company aims to provide
complete knowledge about nutrition to mothers, so that they can
know the importance of this infant diet for their children.
Goal 4:
Makes infant formula that is affordable and accessible.
• The company aims to take collective action and also address
nutritional gaps.
• Deliver such product that reduces the deficiency level.
• Launching an organic version of products as per the age of
the infant.
The price range of infant products is always high because of


artificial products used in manufacturing, but the goal of the
company is to make it accessible and affordable for everyone.
Therefore, they aim to deliver this product range at affordable
prices. Through this product, the nutritional gaps and deficiency
are appropriately addressed.
Step 6: Competitive Analysis
In the vitamin and food supplements industry, the three major
competitors of the company are Amway, Pfizer, and Treerly
Nature’s Bounty. The products of Amway include snacks and
multivitamins. For example, their Double X supplements feature
superfood organic beet powder, and superfood organic matcha
powder is in its premium products. Treely Nature’s Bounty is a
corporation that manufactures gummies, herbs, and
multivitamins for different needs and age groups.
The strengths of Nature’s Bounty are its worldwide presence
and high demand, along with affordable prices. These features
make their multivitamins prominent. The target market of
Nature’s Bounty is not the developed countries, but in
underdeveloped countries where their products are equally
famous and demand is also high.
From the competitor analysis, it is analyzed that although the
three companies are the leading competitors and their products
are present all over the world, the products of Great Start
Nutrition for infants outperform them. This is due to the natural
ingredients that make their product more prominent among
others. In competitors’ products, different vitamins and
supplements are added that gives an artificial flavor, but the
products of Great Start Nutrition are 100% original, with no
synthetic supplements or color added. Therefore, this infant
formula will be better for the company that makes this product
and as famous as their other products. Due to workshops run by
divisions, consumer preferences are known and can be used for
current and future projects.


Candela, L. (2019, 1 1). Internal Inputs to Strategy. Retrieved
from lumenlearning.com:
Candela, L. (2019, 1 1). External Inputs to Strategy. Retrieved
from lumenlearning.com:
Chengevelyn. (2019, May 22). American businesses in China:
Tariffs are hurting us. Retrieved June 15, 2019, from
China's Massive Belt and Road Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved June
15, 2019, from https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/chinas-
Great Start Nutrition Company Profile
The assessment projects for this class will examine different
facets of the leadership of
Great Start Nutrition, Inc. You will be exploring leadership
within Great Start Nutrition
Company Profile with the driving question of “what skills does


a Great Start Nutrition
leader need to lead the company now and in the future?”
Barney Pfife was a young apprentice working for Andrew
Griffith, owner of a small
apothecary shop in Yonkers, New York. During his
apprenticeship, Pfife created a
general energy elixir that was based on a home remedy of his
mother’s back in England.
The elixir was produced specifically for many of Griffith’s
special customers. Made of
all natural ingredients the elixir provided B12 and other
vitamins to promote a
healthy immune system. The energy boost was noticeable after
only a week’s use.
The reputation of the elixir grew.
In 1922, Pfife took over Griffith’s apothecary shop renaming
the business, Pfife’s
Apothecary. At that time, Pfife decided to bottle his elixir and
sell the formula to
everyone rather than selected customers. Pfife also gave bottles
of the elixir to local
peddlers who sold the product along with their wares receiving
a commission on each
bottle sold. By 1929, the product was well known in Sherrill,
New York. Encouraged
by the success in Yonkers Pfife decided to branch out to New
York City.
In 1932, Pfife built a small manufacturing plant near the store
where he mixed and
bottled the elixir for sale. By 1934, Pfife expanded sales by


putting the elixir in a quarter of
the apothecary shops in New York City. Sales were booming
and customers inquired
about other products that Pfife’s had.
In 1936, Pfife started a new product called Rest Assured,
another of his mother’s recipes.
This product offered relief from night sweats and anxiety
caused by menopausal
symptoms or nerves. When this product proved a “secret
success” with the ladies, Pfife
decided to bring his mother, Clara, from England, and put her to
work making new natural
products. With his mother’s help, Pfife grew the business into a
small but successful
manufacturer of natural products.
The name of the company was changed to Pfife’s Elixirs and
Remedies. The
business continued to grow and with his mother’s death in 1938
the company had a gross
revenue of $210,000 a year. The depression took a toll on
company profits but people
wanted a boosts to their health and were able to afford Pfife’s
products as opposed
to the medicine offered by doctors and hospitals. During World
War II the company
supplied the troops with a natural caffeine (Wake Up) product
that would keep soldiers
awake for long periods of time and heighten their mental
alertness. Government
contracts derived from Wake UP boosted the revenue of the
company considerably and
ushered in a new wave of interest of natural products.
By 1950 Pfife turned over the reins of the daily operations of


the business to his children
but remained on the Board of his family owned company. By
this time, the company had
expanded its manufacturing plants and sales nationally to
include Dearborn, Michigan,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, Plainfield, Illinois and Jacksonville,
Florida. The revenue of the
company was now close to $3 million.
In the 1960’s the social climate in America had changed and
pharmaceutical companies
took on greater importance in the treatment of people’s health.
The discovery of new
drugs and better health care shifted the confidence in the
American perspective away
from natural products to traditional western medicine. Although
the counter culture of
America still supported natural supplements, popularity for
Pfife’s products waned.
In 1965, Barney’s granddaughter, Beatrice, took over the
Research and Development
Department (R&D) after receiving a degree in chemistry from
Harvard. She had been
trained as a child by her grandmother, Barney’s mother, and
knew how the recipes should
look. However, she had new ideas and with the approach of the
1970’s, was ready to
join the “Anjolie perfume commercial” lifestyle depiction of a
70’s women that “they could
bring home the bacon and fry it up too.”
Due to the downturn in sales by 1970, the company turned to


other countries for its sales
base. Starting in Belgium and other European countries where
natural products are
highly credible, Pfife began to license the sale of the company’s
products to local
manufacturers. Name recognition grew and by the 1980’s the
company was grossing over
4 million dollars in gross sales. The company moved operations
and manufactured
o v e r s e a s t o t h e Netherlands. Barney Pfife died in 1982
shortly after seeing his
first grandchild, Warren Pfife, take over the President’s positon
of the company.
Studying the trends in the 1990’s about the resurgence of
natural health products Warren
decided it was time for Pfife’s to focus on the new interest in
homeopathic and natural
products especially at home in America where sales were static.
In 1996, Warren Pfife,
wanting to get a sleeker and more modern feel to the company’s
products changed the
company name and logo. No longer was Pfife’s a mom and pop
operation but an
international business. Pfife’s Elixirs and Remedies was now
Great Start Nutrition
Company. While the products would continue to show the old
Pfife logo, for name
recognition the new logo would take prominence on the
By 2000 the company was grossing about 1 billion in sales with
an increase in market
share. By 2012, Great Start Nutrition had a 20% market share
of the supplement
business with approximately $25 billion in sales. The company


is now interested in
expanding into infant formula.
Currently sales for the company are at $32 billion. Warren Pfife
is still President and
CEO. The stock is still held by the family and all senior
management positions are held
by family members.
Current Company Vision: To help consumers achieve the
healthiest life possible way.
Current Mission: Our products ensure healthy living and
healthy people.
Current Fact Sheet
World Headquarters Yonkers, NY
President Warren Pfife
2018 Employees 42,500 in 7 countries worldwide


United States
Dearborn, MI; Santa Fe, NM; Plainfield, IL:
Jacksonville, FL
Asia Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
South and Central America Valparaiso, Chile
Canada Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Europe Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland
Product Lines
Protein and Fitness: Personal Care: Vitamins and Food
Supplements; Infant Formula (pending)
Major Competitors
Protein and Fitness: Vitamin Shoppe
Personal Care: Sanofi, Colgate-Palmolive, Alberto-
Vitamins and Food Supplements: Amway; Pfizer,
Treerly Nature’s Bounty, Caribbean Lines
Current Business Philosophy


Great Start Nutrition has determined its long-term planning
pattern should be no
longer than three years. Three years seems more flexible than
the seven year
planning pattern previously used as change in the business
climate has made it
imperative to be more flexible. Gaining a competitive edge and
the need for
innovation are the main focus for the next three years along
with the company’s
commitment to socially responsible. The company has a strong
image for producing
natural products and has a strong connection to the community.
Protection of
suppliers and control over product quality is critical to doing
Current Growth Plans
Business and Sales
Great Start Nutrition is looking to expand and is exploring the
opening of a new
manufacturing, sales, and distribution facility in the next year.
Currently, products are
sold throughout the US and the European division but there is a
great demand for its
current product in Malaysia and China. It was decided by
senior leadership to explore a
potential manufacturing and sales presence in these areas, which
would potentially


increase sales and would fall under the control of a new
Executive Director. As in keeping
with the all-natural products, the company wants to bring a
greener footprint to its new
facility going beyond what many competitors have in place.
This is an opportunity to gain
market share while introducing a new product line. This effort
would provide an excellent
test case for new products that would position Great Start
Nutrition as a leaders in
innovative infant products.
Product Development
The company has recently expanded and is now interested in
pursuing infant formula.
Current Eco Sustainability Commitments
Currently, Great Start Nutrition has commitments to build
housing for several
communities in New Zealand and India where natural
pharmaceutical ingredients are
Innovation and Adaptability
Changes to organizational structure and organizational culture
are being planned to
introduce more collaborative decision making as well as shared
resources and
communication. This emphasis is to encourage the exchange of
ideas, create an
environment that fosters new ideas and makes change easier to


initiatives. Great Start Nutrition is concerned that the stateside
organization is driving
the overseas divisions and that new ideas stem from cultural
differences between
employees. Customer innovation workshops run by the various
divisions have
highlighted that R&D in Europe and Vietnam see differences in
consumer preferences
from US consumer preferences, and there is a push to
incorporate this knowledge across
current and future facilities. It is believed that US controlled
resources are ignoring these
product preferences and is impeding overseas sales. Corporate
leaders are interested
in addressing any cultural gap that exist.
Current Corporate Culture
Pfife’s new image has made the c o m p a n y less cohesive
since the business owners
seek to be people builders who cultivate the next generation
rather than power players
who dominates every aspect of the business. Still the family
leaders are committed to
keeping the family history as a symbol for the company. It is
believed that the family’s
cultural connection gives support to collaborative decision
making something the
Company has been successful in promoting throughout the
organization. It is also seen
by the owners that their family and employees makes up the
company’s customers.
The family wants to encourage a customer centric culture, one
that allows employees


to see everything through the perspective of the customer and to
make decisions
with the customer’s view always paramount. Furthermore, there
would be a
companywide accountability to the customer in all departments.
The owner wants a
workforce that gives an extraordinary customer experience in
every product it makes.
Current Organizational Structure
This company has a geographic divisional structure. However,
within each division is a
functional structure with production and sales at the hub. R&D,
HR, IT and Finance have
small staff in each division whose primary job it is to liaison
with headquarters to implement
decisions made by the division.
Heading all the divisions is the President and CEO, Warren
Pfife. Housed
at headquarters is the R&D, HR, IT, and Finance Divisions


9Project 1June 16th, 2019BGMT 364.docx

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9Project 1June 16th, 2019BGMT 364.docx

  • 1. 9 Project 1 June 16th, 2019 BGMT 364
  • 2. Introduction: The company is renowned for the delivery of the best natural products. The demand for these products is not limited to the US or Europe but is also high in China. Due to this, the company has decided to expand its product in these regions. Along with the expansion of their primary business, they have also introduced a whole new product range for infants, including an interest in pursuing an infant formula. The external and internal factors of this new product line are analyzed so that favorable/unfavorable conditions that the company may face while introducing their new infant food line are examined. The paper presents a comprehensive view of SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, and Porter’s Five Forces analysis. All these analyses are summed up into goals and objectives that will be used in introducing this new product line. PESTEL analysis: Political Currently, the company is free from any political barriers as it is successfully doing business in six countries. However, expanding the business in China, which is known as the biggest economy, can create a barrier for them. The changing regulations related to food standards and market actions may be a barrier for this new product line (Candela, 2019). The stability of the government in China also questions the risk as a part of the internationalization process. Also, the impending tariffs imposed by President Trump could hurt Great Start’s business in China. According to CNBC, “the Chinese authorities appear to be making operations more difficult for some companies.” (CNBC, May 2019) There has been decreased traffic and more inspections. Economic: The economic factor is quite favorable for this new product if they introduce it to new markets like China. However, the
  • 3. changing inflation rate, income level of people, and economic growth rate will affect the buying of these products. These are the factors that influence the buying power of the population. If these factors are under control, then there are many chances that this product sale will outperform. Furthermore, the changes in consumer budget give rise to cost- conscious consumers. Here, the increase in prices of raw material due to changes in the inflation rate also affect the prices of products. A potentially concerning but advantageous thing to note is China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative. According to the Council of Foreign Relations, the new Silk Road would stretch from East Asia to Europe. “Some analysts see the project as an unsettling extension of China’s rising power.” (CFR, 2019) This Silk Road could make shipping our products more cost-effective, considering Great Start has locations in Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands but considering the tariffs that affect American businesses in China could be potentially damaging. Social: The social factors are favorable for the company because the consumer attitude has changed as they prefer healthier products for their family, and this product promises to deliver a healthy life for their infants. This product is available for everyone regardless of the difference in cultural settings. Under the social factors, it is essential to understand consumer behavior so that a personal approach to marketing can be ensured. Thus, the consumers view the firm as an agency that empowers their wider external environment. Technological: The technology environment is supportive of the company because the incorporation of the research and development department within the company helps them develop products that are demanded by consumers. Also, the markets where the company operates are renowned for their technological impact on the world. Therefore, this technological advancement is supportive of the business operation of developing an infant
  • 4. food line. Environmental: The environmental concerns are high-level all over the world due to the high rate of global warming (Candela, 2019). So the company always tries to incorporate sustainable environmental practices that provide the least damage to the environment. Furthermore, the Eco-sustainable commitments of the company towards India and Brazil, where these natural pharmaceutical ingredients are produced, promotes the company’s commitment towards the triple bottom line. Legal: The company must develop this new product as per the legal acts of supplements similar to what the company is already doing. All the companies who manufacture this supplement product are free from any lawsuit due to their strong adherence to these laws. The company is already in this product line and knows all the legal implications related to this new infant product line; therefore, the legal factors are also comfortable for this new product line. SWOT Analysis: Strength Strength according to Lumen Candela “internal characteristics of the business that give it an advantage over competitors.” (Lumen Candale, 2019) The current strengths of the company are listed below: 1. Competitive advantage is the greatest strength of the company that outstands them against others. The longevity of Great Start has made it a well-known brand which gives the company a competitive advantage over their competition. This competitive edge is the reason for their immense growth. It is
  • 5. the strength of the company because they continuously focus on improving the health of people and try to solve their health issues with natural products. They are not focusing on only one age group but presented a diversified range of products for people of different age groups. 2. Great Start Nutrition also focused on customer need, and as per the requirement and demand of customers, they innovate new products that help them in curing their various health issues. 3. Great Start Nutrition’s product range is not limited to medicine protein bars, vitamins, and food supplements, and other items are manufactured. Hence, their whole product range provides quality products for people. 4. These natural and better-tasting products differentiate them from others. This is the reason why they are popular among consumers. 5. Now, they are targeting infants and introducing a whole new range of infant product line that is purely made from natural products. In their current competition hardly any who offers such a variety of natural infant products. This opening will give them a leg up against the current competition. 6. Moreover, the research and development department of the company is their greatest strength. Due to extensive research, they can introduce new products. Weakness 1. Currently, the gross sales of the company are $45 billion, but their substantial investment in technology and raw material makes the investment cost high. This will automatically lead to high prices of products. Under the financial crises, or high inflation in China and low economic growth, the buying power of consumers is less. Thus, the customers will not be able to
  • 6. buy these high priced products. Therefore, after carefully analyzing the financial condition of the company and future economic perspective, they should invest in research and development. 2. As the company is operating in different countries and nutritional standards of each country are different, manufacturing a product as per each market’s dietary rules is difficult. Following China’s strict tariffs and business, regulations can make operating and generating revenue difficult. 3. The company is in intense competition with many multinationals like Nature’s Bounty, whose products are penetrating the market due to effective marketing strategies. The company has no marketing plan that will introduce its new product to the market. Thus, marketing is the weakest point of the company on which they have to work. 4. Static sales in the domestic market are also a weakness because if their sales are not increasing in the local market and the management of the company fails to increase sales; then it is difficult for them to promote sales in other countries. Opportunities There are a lot of opportunities for the company that they can explore. Some of the opportunities are listed below: 1. The decisive external factor of the company is favorable for growth or expansion that they can use to overcome their weaknesses. 2. They can incorporate more technology and apply advanced research techniques in the manufacturing of natural supplements. Through innovative research techniques, they can explore more natural ingredients that they can add in their products.
  • 7. 3. New ideas and innovation lead to the development of new products, like the infant product line. This allows them to keep their existing customers and grow with more customers as well. 4. The expansion of the business into China is an excellent opportunity for them where they can take advantage of these economically strong markets. 5. The world’s population is increasing day by day, as is consumer interest in natural products due to health consciousness. This allows them to serve this highly populated market. 6. As all the competitors are manufacturing infant products from processed food, this is the only company producing natural infant products. Thus, it allows them to meet the needs of most of the people and increase their sale. Threats The external and internal threats that the company face is summarized in the following points: 1. The intense competition and presence of multinationals in more markets are the main threats as the company is in direct competition with them. 2. The buyer has greater power due to the presence of more choices and country loyalty. They might opt for a Chinese brand or something local vs. Great Start nutrition. 3. Due to the change in economic condition, there is a change in prices due to which the price of raw material varies. This variability leads to a change in the price of the product. Sometimes, this rapid change in price disturbs the profit of the
  • 8. company. Hence the CSR initiatives of the company are disturbed. 4. The dynamics in the external environment affects the decision making of the company and also heightens the competition. 5. Rapid technological change and rapid advancement drive innovation-related challenges within the company. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis: Threats of new entrants: There is no legal barrier applied to the new entrant. Hence, the threat of new entrants is high because of great innovation and new ways of doing business make way for opportunities to enter this industry. Due to globalization, the door for new companies all over the world is open so that they can invest in this industry. Competition is created due to the new value proposition to customers, lower pricing strategy, and reducing cost, which is some of the strategies that new entrants applied for penetration into this market. As the company has operated for more than 50 years, they know how to tackle these challenges. Practical barriers are also adopted by the company to safeguard its competitive edge. Bargaining power of suppliers. There are several suppliers of the company from which they buy the product. Some raw material they also imported from different parts of the world, as there are limited suppliers of raw material. Hence, Great Start is in a dominant position that decreases the profit margins of the company. These suppliers use their negotiation power to charge high prices from the companies. Therefore, the cost of raw material is high. These suppliers impact the overall profitability of the company.
  • 9. Bargaining power of buyers. Buyers always want to purchase the best products at a low price, and they always demand a lot. It affects the profitability of the company in the long run. Due to the presence of competitors, the company cannot charge their own desired prices, but they have to set the prices as per the prices of their competitors. The extent to which the customers are more powerful, the greater will be their bargaining power. Hence, they have a higher ability to seek offers and discounts. Due to the growing tension in China, buyers may consider buying from local Chinese brands. (CNBC, 2019) The threat of substitute product: The industry profitability suffers when the new products and services meet a similar customer need in different ways (Candela, 2019). For example, infant products are already offered by competitors. Therefore, the threat of substitution is high. However, it is also a fact that competitors made their product from processed food, and Great Start made their product from natural ingredients. This is the difference between the substitute products and company products. This differentiation between the two available products brings the graph of the high threat of substitute to normal because of the natural ingredients that are used in the infant product line. Rivalry among the existing companies: Rivalry among the existing companies is present, but this rivalry is not so intense as to put the prices of products down in the overall industry, so the whole industry suffers. This intense competition does not toll over the long term profitability of the organization. Great Start doesn’t need to worry about their competition due to differentiation. According to Lumen Candela, differentiation is creating a unique service or product and is strongly associated with an organization’s brand. Great Start Nutrition will be breaking into the infant formula and will have a competitive edge against their current competition. (Lumen Candela, n.d.)
  • 10. Goals and Objectives; Goal 1: Offers healthier and tastier choices for infants. Objectives: • The company aims to launch such food and beverages for infants that are made from natural products. These products are primarily for mothers-to-be, new mothers, and infants, as well as children. • The company aims to reduce sugar, saturated fat, and sodium from these new products. • These new infant products are enriched with vegetables, grains, luxurious fiber, nuts, and seeds that are added in beverages and foods. • The company’s main objective to simplify the ingredients list that is used in new product range and no artificial flavor and color is added in it. • These products are made under micronutrients fortification. Most often, the products that are for infants are not healthier due to the integration of artificial ingredients. The taste of these products is also unpleasant for the infants, causing them to resist. Hence, the goal of the company is to introduce such a product range for infants that are healthier and tasty. Goal 2: Inspire people to live a healthy life and feed their infants and themselves with nutritional products. Objective: • The main objective of the company is to explain and apply the nutritional information on the packaging at points of sale. • Proper guidance on portions of products is given. • Healthy cooking, lifestyle, and eating for infants are also promoted through marketing efforts. • Empower the parents to foster healthy eating for their infants. • The company aims to provide breastfeeding substitute products for those infants who cannot have this. Nevertheless,
  • 11. the company supports the ideals behind breastfeeding first. • Promotes a healthier food option for infants through a wide range of natural products. Nutritional products are s need for every one of us. Not only do adults need it, but it is imperative for infants as well. Therefore, the company aims to provide nutritional products that inspire and promote a healthy lifestyle. The same goal is promoted in the set objective of the company that they intend to achieve through this infant product line. Goal 3: Shares build and apply nutritional knowledge for strong growth of infants. Objectives: • The company aims to deliver complete knowledge to new mothers. • Knowledge is aimed to be delivered to mothers within the first 1000 days of infancy • The company promotes healthy products and ensures that these products are made from natural ingredients. It also provides personalized nutrition, as well. However, merely providing a healthy nutritional product to customers is not enough. The goal of the company is to share, build, and apply the nutritional knowledge for the better development of infants that are required in their first 1000 days of life. Through this goal, the company aims to provide complete knowledge about nutrition to mothers, so that they can know the importance of this infant diet for their children. Goal 4: Makes infant formula that is affordable and accessible. Objectives: • The company aims to take collective action and also address nutritional gaps. • Deliver such product that reduces the deficiency level. • Launching an organic version of products as per the age of the infant. The price range of infant products is always high because of
  • 12. artificial products used in manufacturing, but the goal of the company is to make it accessible and affordable for everyone. Therefore, they aim to deliver this product range at affordable prices. Through this product, the nutritional gaps and deficiency are appropriately addressed. Step 6: Competitive Analysis In the vitamin and food supplements industry, the three major competitors of the company are Amway, Pfizer, and Treerly Nature’s Bounty. The products of Amway include snacks and multivitamins. For example, their Double X supplements feature superfood organic beet powder, and superfood organic matcha powder is in its premium products. Treely Nature’s Bounty is a corporation that manufactures gummies, herbs, and multivitamins for different needs and age groups. The strengths of Nature’s Bounty are its worldwide presence and high demand, along with affordable prices. These features make their multivitamins prominent. The target market of Nature’s Bounty is not the developed countries, but in underdeveloped countries where their products are equally famous and demand is also high. From the competitor analysis, it is analyzed that although the three companies are the leading competitors and their products are present all over the world, the products of Great Start Nutrition for infants outperform them. This is due to the natural ingredients that make their product more prominent among others. In competitors’ products, different vitamins and supplements are added that gives an artificial flavor, but the products of Great Start Nutrition are 100% original, with no synthetic supplements or color added. Therefore, this infant formula will be better for the company that makes this product and as famous as their other products. Due to workshops run by divisions, consumer preferences are known and can be used for current and future projects.
  • 13. References Candela, L. (2019, 1 1). Internal Inputs to Strategy. Retrieved from lumenlearning.com: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless- management/chapter/internal-inputs-to-strategy/ Candela, L. (2019, 1 1). External Inputs to Strategy. Retrieved from lumenlearning.com: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless- management/chapter/external-inputs-to-strategy/ Chengevelyn. (2019, May 22). American businesses in China: Tariffs are hurting us. Retrieved June 15, 2019, from https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/22/trump-tariff-increases- hurting-us-businesses-in-china-survey-says.html China's Massive Belt and Road Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2019, from https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/chinas- massive-belt-and-road-initiative Great Start Nutrition Company Profile Welcome! The assessment projects for this class will examine different facets of the leadership of Great Start Nutrition, Inc. You will be exploring leadership within Great Start Nutrition Company Profile with the driving question of “what skills does
  • 14. a Great Start Nutrition leader need to lead the company now and in the future?” History Barney Pfife was a young apprentice working for Andrew Griffith, owner of a small apothecary shop in Yonkers, New York. During his apprenticeship, Pfife created a general energy elixir that was based on a home remedy of his mother’s back in England. The elixir was produced specifically for many of Griffith’s special customers. Made of all natural ingredients the elixir provided B12 and other vitamins to promote a healthy immune system. The energy boost was noticeable after only a week’s use. The reputation of the elixir grew. In 1922, Pfife took over Griffith’s apothecary shop renaming the business, Pfife’s Apothecary. At that time, Pfife decided to bottle his elixir and sell the formula to everyone rather than selected customers. Pfife also gave bottles of the elixir to local peddlers who sold the product along with their wares receiving a commission on each bottle sold. By 1929, the product was well known in Sherrill, New York. Encouraged by the success in Yonkers Pfife decided to branch out to New York City. In 1932, Pfife built a small manufacturing plant near the store where he mixed and bottled the elixir for sale. By 1934, Pfife expanded sales by
  • 15. putting the elixir in a quarter of the apothecary shops in New York City. Sales were booming and customers inquired about other products that Pfife’s had. In 1936, Pfife started a new product called Rest Assured, another of his mother’s recipes. This product offered relief from night sweats and anxiety caused by menopausal symptoms or nerves. When this product proved a “secret success” with the ladies, Pfife decided to bring his mother, Clara, from England, and put her to work making new natural products. With his mother’s help, Pfife grew the business into a small but successful manufacturer of natural products. The name of the company was changed to Pfife’s Elixirs and Remedies. The business continued to grow and with his mother’s death in 1938 the company had a gross revenue of $210,000 a year. The depression took a toll on company profits but people wanted a boosts to their health and were able to afford Pfife’s products as opposed to the medicine offered by doctors and hospitals. During World War II the company supplied the troops with a natural caffeine (Wake Up) product that would keep soldiers awake for long periods of time and heighten their mental alertness. Government contracts derived from Wake UP boosted the revenue of the company considerably and ushered in a new wave of interest of natural products. By 1950 Pfife turned over the reins of the daily operations of
  • 16. the business to his children but remained on the Board of his family owned company. By this time, the company had expanded its manufacturing plants and sales nationally to include Dearborn, Michigan, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Plainfield, Illinois and Jacksonville, Florida. The revenue of the company was now close to $3 million. In the 1960’s the social climate in America had changed and pharmaceutical companies took on greater importance in the treatment of people’s health. The discovery of new drugs and better health care shifted the confidence in the American perspective away from natural products to traditional western medicine. Although the counter culture of America still supported natural supplements, popularity for Pfife’s products waned. In 1965, Barney’s granddaughter, Beatrice, took over the Research and Development Department (R&D) after receiving a degree in chemistry from Harvard. She had been trained as a child by her grandmother, Barney’s mother, and knew how the recipes should look. However, she had new ideas and with the approach of the 1970’s, was ready to join the “Anjolie perfume commercial” lifestyle depiction of a 70’s women that “they could bring home the bacon and fry it up too.” Due to the downturn in sales by 1970, the company turned to
  • 17. other countries for its sales base. Starting in Belgium and other European countries where natural products are highly credible, Pfife began to license the sale of the company’s products to local manufacturers. Name recognition grew and by the 1980’s the company was grossing over 4 million dollars in gross sales. The company moved operations and manufactured o v e r s e a s t o t h e Netherlands. Barney Pfife died in 1982 shortly after seeing his first grandchild, Warren Pfife, take over the President’s positon of the company. Studying the trends in the 1990’s about the resurgence of natural health products Warren decided it was time for Pfife’s to focus on the new interest in homeopathic and natural products especially at home in America where sales were static. In 1996, Warren Pfife, wanting to get a sleeker and more modern feel to the company’s products changed the company name and logo. No longer was Pfife’s a mom and pop operation but an international business. Pfife’s Elixirs and Remedies was now Great Start Nutrition Company. While the products would continue to show the old Pfife logo, for name recognition the new logo would take prominence on the packaging. By 2000 the company was grossing about 1 billion in sales with an increase in market share. By 2012, Great Start Nutrition had a 20% market share of the supplement business with approximately $25 billion in sales. The company
  • 18. is now interested in expanding into infant formula. . Currently sales for the company are at $32 billion. Warren Pfife is still President and CEO. The stock is still held by the family and all senior management positions are held by family members. Current Company Vision: To help consumers achieve the healthiest life possible way. Current Mission: Our products ensure healthy living and healthy people. Current Fact Sheet World Headquarters Yonkers, NY President Warren Pfife 2018 Employees 42,500 in 7 countries worldwide MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS
  • 19. United States Dearborn, MI; Santa Fe, NM; Plainfield, IL: Jacksonville, FL Asia Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam South and Central America Valparaiso, Chile Canada Quebec City, Quebec, Canada Europe Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland Product Lines Protein and Fitness: Personal Care: Vitamins and Food Supplements; Infant Formula (pending) Major Competitors Protein and Fitness: Vitamin Shoppe Personal Care: Sanofi, Colgate-Palmolive, Alberto- Culver Vitamins and Food Supplements: Amway; Pfizer, Treerly Nature’s Bounty, Caribbean Lines Current Business Philosophy
  • 20. Great Start Nutrition has determined its long-term planning pattern should be no longer than three years. Three years seems more flexible than the seven year planning pattern previously used as change in the business climate has made it imperative to be more flexible. Gaining a competitive edge and the need for innovation are the main focus for the next three years along with the company’s commitment to socially responsible. The company has a strong image for producing natural products and has a strong connection to the community. Protection of suppliers and control over product quality is critical to doing business. Current Growth Plans Business and Sales Great Start Nutrition is looking to expand and is exploring the opening of a new manufacturing, sales, and distribution facility in the next year. Currently, products are sold throughout the US and the European division but there is a great demand for its current product in Malaysia and China. It was decided by senior leadership to explore a potential manufacturing and sales presence in these areas, which would potentially
  • 21. increase sales and would fall under the control of a new Executive Director. As in keeping with the all-natural products, the company wants to bring a greener footprint to its new facility going beyond what many competitors have in place. This is an opportunity to gain market share while introducing a new product line. This effort would provide an excellent test case for new products that would position Great Start Nutrition as a leaders in innovative infant products. Product Development The company has recently expanded and is now interested in pursuing infant formula. Current Eco Sustainability Commitments Currently, Great Start Nutrition has commitments to build housing for several communities in New Zealand and India where natural pharmaceutical ingredients are produced. Innovation and Adaptability Changes to organizational structure and organizational culture are being planned to introduce more collaborative decision making as well as shared resources and communication. This emphasis is to encourage the exchange of ideas, create an environment that fosters new ideas and makes change easier to
  • 22. implementation initiatives. Great Start Nutrition is concerned that the stateside organization is driving the overseas divisions and that new ideas stem from cultural differences between employees. Customer innovation workshops run by the various divisions have highlighted that R&D in Europe and Vietnam see differences in consumer preferences from US consumer preferences, and there is a push to incorporate this knowledge across current and future facilities. It is believed that US controlled resources are ignoring these product preferences and is impeding overseas sales. Corporate leaders are interested in addressing any cultural gap that exist. Current Corporate Culture Pfife’s new image has made the c o m p a n y less cohesive since the business owners seek to be people builders who cultivate the next generation rather than power players who dominates every aspect of the business. Still the family leaders are committed to keeping the family history as a symbol for the company. It is believed that the family’s cultural connection gives support to collaborative decision making something the Company has been successful in promoting throughout the organization. It is also seen by the owners that their family and employees makes up the company’s customers. The family wants to encourage a customer centric culture, one that allows employees
  • 23. to see everything through the perspective of the customer and to make decisions with the customer’s view always paramount. Furthermore, there would be a companywide accountability to the customer in all departments. The owner wants a workforce that gives an extraordinary customer experience in every product it makes. Current Organizational Structure This company has a geographic divisional structure. However, within each division is a functional structure with production and sales at the hub. R&D, HR, IT and Finance have small staff in each division whose primary job it is to liaison with headquarters to implement decisions made by the division. Heading all the divisions is the President and CEO, Warren Pfife. Housed at headquarters is the R&D, HR, IT, and Finance Divisions