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Integrated joint sales & marketing channels
Connected – your gateway to a captive audience
                                           For over ten years Microsoft’s customer magazines have provided a unique channel to
                                                      access a targeted audience of technology buyers and influencers.

       hroughout this time Microsoft partners have reported    promote your solutions and services within three key vertical

T      a return on investment from their participation,        industries.
       measured not just by compelling lead generation
statistics, but also through improved brand awareness,         This positioning paper provides you with the information
customer loyalty and competitive advantage.                    that you will need to make an informed decision about
                                                               how you can leverage these valuable marketing tools to
Finance on Windows, Retailspeak and Prime are informative      maximum effect. For Microsoft partners these products                                    Brian Scott
and respected publications that provide an effective           offer an unrivalled return for your corporate sales and                                  VP WW Industry
opportunity for you to go-to-market alongside Microsoft to     marketing spend.                                                                         Microsoft Corporation

Customer magazines – our suite of Microsoft magazines          OnWindows.com – offers a single source of news,                 Partner Guides – acknowledged as one of the first points of
focuses on key verticals, giving customers in each industry    information and resources about Microsoft and Microsoft-        reference to find solutions and services from Microsoft
the knowledge and insight that will help them maximise the     partner technologies in the enterprise. For end-customers       partners, the guides are essential for technology decision
value of their investment in Microsoft and partner             already using Windows or those planning to do so, there is a    makers and influencers. Selecting the right IT solution is an
technologies.                                                  wealth of information about how Microsoft and its partners      exacting task. It’s crucial to choose the right supplier, so it
                                                               are helping businesses in industry.                             pays to tread carefully. Any time that can be saved in this
Each magazine offers incisive, expert commentary on the                                                                        process, assisting in the successful selection, can have a
issues that matter, helping customers understand how to        As the online home for the magazines and partner guides,        positive impact on the bottom line.
plan their IT strategy.                                        OnWindows has a unique community of users seeking
                                                               solutions and services to help them extend the return on        From a supplier’s perspective, a presence in the guide offers
All partners have an open invitation to use the magazines to   their investment in the Windows platform. For partners the      a fantastic opportunity to go to market alongside Microsoft
communicate company news, customer successes and               site provides a valuable channel to distribute product news,    and participate in a successful lead generation programme
thought leadership.                                            case studies and thought-leadership.                            by getting on to more long-lists.
Better together – integrated sales & marketing
                                        Microsoft’s customer magazines, OnWindows.com and the Partner Guides are proven sales and marketing tools fully integrated
                                           into global activities, providing Microsoft partners with an integrated channel to reach a captive and influential audience.
Unrestricted by the natural
page limitations of the
magazines, OnWindows was re-
                                    Industry teams                   Microsoft offices              Business teams                  Product groups                  Customer campaigns
launched in Q2 FY09 to provide
                                    Under the direct leadership      Engages with 88 worldwide      Access to industry knowledge    Associates with Microsoft       Collaborates with campaign
Microsoft customers with access
                                    of the industry teams, the       offices – the industry         and expertise is extended       groups for insight and          owners to align messaging
to a vast repository of Microsoft
                                    Website, magazines and           magazines are distributed to   through Microsoft teams,        messaging:                      and publish thought-
partner news, case studies and
                                                                                                                                    • Information Worker
                                    partner guides are integrated    senior decision makers and     including: CMG, customer                                        leadership:
resources. Connected to
                                                                                                                                    • Server and Tools              • Sales
                                    into the full sales and          influencers in each country    and partner account
Microsoft.com, the site provides
                                                                                                                                    • Client                        • Finance
                                    marketing mix, playing a key     and access local thought-      managers, analysts and
partners with an entry point to
                                                                                                                                    • Online Services               • Optimise & secure your
                                    role in Microsoft customer       leadership and content.        public relations.
a massive global audience.
                                                                                                                                    • Mobile and Embedded
                                    communications.                                                                                                                   core infrastructure
                                                                                                                                    • Microsoft Business            • Optimise your business
Industry magazines
                                                                                                                                      Solutions                       productivity infrastructure
The magazines were created as
                                                                                                                                                                    • Applications platform
a channel for partners to go to
market alongside Microsoft to
                                                                                                                                                                    • Security & reliability
promote and sell their
                                                                                                                                                                    • Business productivity
Windows-based solutions and
                                                                                                                                                                    • Customer acquisition &
services. They have evolved to
provide a unique point of
                                                                                                                                                                    • Business solutions (ISV)
access for partners to leverage
the broader audiences achieved
                                                                                      Partner ecosystem                                                             Microsoft events
through the full mix of sales
                                                                                                                                                                    The magazines are available
and marketing activity.
                                                                                                                                                                    to delegates at all major
                                                                                                                                                                    Microsoft events:
Industry partner guides
                                                                                                                                                                    • CEO Summit
With over 600,000 partners
                                                                                                                                                                    • CIO Summit
worldwide, the task of short-
                                                                                                                                                                    • Tech.Ed & IT Forum
listing and selecting the perfect
                                                                                                                                                                    • Global Account Summit
partner can be an exacting one
                                                                                                                                                                    • Convergence
for industry customers.
                                                                                                                                                                    • Enterprise Partner Summits
Developed to highlight key
                                                                                                                                                                    • Worldwide Partner
partners that provide industry
                                    www.Microsoft.com                                               Publishing Partners             Third party connections
specific solutions and services,
                                    With over 120 million users Microsoft.com is one of the top     Microsoft is proud to           Key third parties provide
the partner guides have
                                    three visited websites in the world. It draws content and       collaborate in the production   enhanced profile, credibility   Additional event presence:
become an increasingly useful
                                                                                                                                                                    • Briefing Center
                                    resources from the magazines and OnWindows.com to               of the magazines and partner    and reach:
method of reducing the time
                                                                                                                                    • Industry analysts
                                    extend the audience and impact of these resources to            guides with a number of key                                       presentations
associated with a successful
                                                                                                                                    • Industry associations         • Product launches
                                    deliver further value to participating partners. Reciprocal     partners who play a pivotal
market review.
                                                                                                                                    • Industry exhibitions          • National events
                                    links drives business and industry visitors to                  role across the entire
                                                                                                                                    • Industry conferences          • Microsoft & partner events
                                    OnWindows.com to complete the cycle.                            publishing process.
Engaging with industry decision makers
                        For ten years Microsoft’s customer magazines have been engaging with enterprise customers to share insights
                             and thought-leadership about the topics that are at the forefront of industry discussion and debate.

Alex Meek                             Dr Peter van Manen                         Phil Barratt                        Dilek Duman                       Kevin Turmore
IT Director, The Pier Group           MD, McLaren Electronic Systems             Group Telecommunications, L'Oreal   CIO, DenizBank                    MD, Unity Trust Bank
Spring 2008                           Summer 2007                                Spring 2006                         Spring 2007                       Winter 2006

Asgrimur Skarphedinsson               Piero Poccianti                            David Lester                        Pim Van Der Horst                 Russell Bower
CIO, Kaupthing Bank                   Head of IT, Monte dei Paschi di Siena      CIO, London Stock Exchange          CIO & Director of ICT, KAS Bank   IT Business Services Manager, Jewson
Summer 2007                           Spring 2008                                Spring 2006                         Autumn 2008                       Summer 2008

Roberto Scotti                        Uwe Tontsch                                Andreu Purroy                       Peter Baxter                      Jon Mitchell
CEO, Bolzoni Auramo Group,            Head of IT, Bosch and Siemens Hausgerate   IT Manager, La Caixa                Head of IT Services, Threshers    Senior Project Manager, Towergate
Autumn 2008                           Autumn 2007                                August 2007                         Spring 2005                       Summer 2008
Aligned – addressing the issues
                                                   The editorial direction and features of Microsoft’s customer magazines map directly on to Microsoft’s Customer Campaigns to
“Prime delivers keen insights on
 the business issues that are                           play a significant role in communicating thought-leadership and solutions to address current industry challenges.
 challenging our customers across
 the sector.”
                                                      Microsoft industry groups                      Microsoft Customer Campaigns                   Cross-company collaboration & support
                         Ruediger Dorn
   Managing Director, WW Pharmaceutical,

“Risk management, regulatory
 compliance and controls is a
 business imperative for our
 customers and a key theme for
 Finance on Windows.”
                      Sai Sireesh Pachava
 WW Director, Risk & Compliance Solutions,
                                                         Customer challenges                                                                         Microsoft’s three business divisions
“Retailspeak delivers the store
                                                                                                                                                     collaborate with the industry teams
 systems thought-leadership that
                                                                                                                                                     through six of the product groups in the
 our customers need.”
                                                                                                                                                     publication of the magazines. Their role is
                          David Dobson
                                                                                                                                                     to provide editorial strategy, direction and
          WW Industry Solutions Manager,
                                Microsoft                                                                                                            thought-leadership to ensure the content
                                                                                                                                                     meets the high standards that our readers
“These publications are a key
                                                                                                                                                     have come to expect.
 component of our go-to-market
 strategy with Microsoft to our
                                                           Editorial priorities
 shared customer base.”
                        Anne Greenwald
  European Business Development Director,
                          Dimension Data
                                             Jan         Feb            Mar       Apr          May              Jun    Jul          Aug              Sep            Oct           Nov               Dec

                                             • Business insight                    • E-commerce                         • Mobile retailing                           • Merchandise management
                                             • Enhanced marketing                  • Property management                • Achieving multi-channel success            • Guest experience
                                             • Keep customers coming back          • Back office and delivery           • In-room entertainment                      • Store systems

                                             • Risk analytics and reporting        • Advisor platform                   • Agent/broker services                      • Core banking round table
                                             • Branch front office                 • Customer performance & insight     • Regulatory compliance & control            • Customer knowledge
                                             • Mobile banking                      • Virtualisation                     • Payments                                   • Business intelligence

                                             • New product development             • Customer insight & engagement      • Supply chain strategies                    • Corporate control & compliance
                                             • Energising performance              • Sustainable operations             • Design collaboration                       • Factory of the future
                                             • Unified communications              • Driving SAP revenue and value      • Regulatory compliance                      • Performance management
Business value marketing – reasons to spend!
                                      Microsoft’s customer magazines and supporting website reaches a combined audience of hundreds of thousands of technology
Why participate?
                                             decision makers. The power and influence of this captive audience provides a compelling return on investment.
 1 High return on investment –
   regular partner feedback
   qualifies this claim

 2 Unique – Microsoft's customer
   magazines and associated
                                                                                                                       Brand awareness                     Customer loyalty
                                                                                                                       Decision makers and influencers     Existing customers are reassured
 3 Joint go-to-market –                                                                                                at every significant financial      that they made the right
   established as a channel for                                                                                        services organisation, retail and   purchasing decision when they
   partners and Microsoft to go-                                                                                       hospitality business and            see participating partner
   to-market together                                                                                                  manufacturing company get           coverage in Microsoft’s customer
                                                                                                                       Microsoft’s magazines. The          magazines, leading to customer
 4 Widely read – rigorously
                                                                                                                       resulting familiarity of partner    satisfaction and loyalty. These
   controlled circulation to
                                                                                                                       brands within this captive          benefits are extended in repeat
   Microsoft customers and
                                                                                                                       audience brings immeasurable        deals when opportunities to up-
                                                                                                                       benefits.                           sell and cross-sell are leveraged.
 5 Captive audience – eagerly
   awaited by an influential
   audience with high pass-on

 6 Large market – received by                                                                                                            Microsoft and partner
                                            Lead generation                     Competitive advantage
   every significant technology                                                                                                             joint marketing
                                            According to 86 per cent of         With over 600,000 active
   decision maker in each market            marketing directors, print          Microsoft partners, competition is
                                            advertising is still acknowledged   fierce. Microsoft’s customer
 7 Low price – low cost per
                                            as being the most effective         magazines provide the partners
   thousand , options to suit every
                                            method of generating new            looking for an edge with an
   size of budget
                                            business leads, understandable      opportunity to go-to-market
                                            as 96 per cent of board directors   alongside a trusted brand and
 8 Editorial profile –
                                            read customer magazines.            enjoy the inherent marketing
   opportunities to extend and
                                            Participation in Microsoft’s        benefits that result. This generates
   enhance your profile beyond
                                            customer magazines includes         a significant awareness and
   traditional advertising
                                            online presence to overcome         enquiry advantage over non-
 9 Production values – high                 any doubt.                          participating competitors.
   quality brand, essential reading

10 Shelf life – readers likely to
   retain, reuse and share                This partner model is differentiated positively for Microsoft, and it’s one that’s ultimately going to be
   throughout the year
                                          tested in the market: can we exceed, continue to exceed, beating customer expectations?
                                                                      Simon Witts, speaking at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2008
Finance on Windows
Finance on Windows is an established voice in today’s financial services arena, bringing the expert
 opinions of technology partners and industry analysts to a growing audience of decision makers

                                  or almost ten years, Finance on Windows has been the authority on the use

                             F    of Microsoft software in the EMEA financial services sector. The magazine
                                  covers a broad range of topics such as the evolution of financial services
                             delivery channels, core banking, the development of payments systems, the
                             insurance value chain and enterprise risk management and compliance. In
                             addition to our team of in-house journalists, experts from all areas of the industry
                             contribute to the editorial content of the magazine.

                             Finance on Windows lets Microsoft partners reach out to a targeted audience of
                             customers and prospects by joining in discussions of the issues that matter.
                                                                                                                                          Finance on Windows
                             Susan Hauser                                                                                                 Partner Guide
                             VP WW Financial Services Industry Group
                             Microsoft                                                                                                    An essential guide for financial
                                                                                                                                          services technology users in
                                                                                                                                          EMEA, this unique publication
                                                                                                                                          has been acknowledged as the
                           “As a Microsoft partner, Finance on                  Circulation analysis                                      first point of reference to find
                            Windows provided an excellent venue to
                                                                                                                                          Windows-based solutions and
                            promote our company and product and                 Geographical split            EMEA                  83%
                                                                                                                                          services from Microsoft partners.
                                                                                                              N&CA                  11%
                            build brand awareness internationally.”
                                                                                                              Apac                   4%
                                                         Mickey Goldwasser
                                                                                                              Latam                  2%
                                                                                                                                          In addition to a comprehensive
                                    VP, Product Marketing & Communications,
                                                          Open Solutions Inc.                                                             directory of partners, readers
                                                                                                                                          will also benefit from a series of
                           “A valuable, top class resource for
                                                                                                                                          thought-leadership articles
                            Microsoft partners to address the                   Vertical industry             Capital markets       21%
                                                                                                                                          analysing the most important
                            Microsoft customers community. We                                                 Insurance             28%
                                                                                                                                          challenges and solutions in the
                            greatly appreciate the professionalism                                            Retail banking        39%
                            and dedication of the team.”                                                                                  sector. They will also have access
                                                                                                              Technology            10%
                                                                                                              Other                  2%   to customer evidence explaining
                                                             Paolo Cattolico
                                                                                                                                          how solutions have been
                                         Marketing Information Management,
                                                                HP Software                                                               implemented and the benefits
                                                                                                                                          reaped by financial services
                                                                                Job description               CEO (or equivalent)    6%
                           “This unique targeted magazine reaches
                                                                                                              CIO                   18%
                            the audience we’re after. The high-quality
                                                                                                              COO/CFO                6%
                            publication helps us to bring our                                                 BDM                   48%
                                                                                                                                          From a supplier’s perspective, a
                            message across cost-effectively.”                                                 TDM                   19%
                                                                                                                                          presence in the guide offers a
                                                                                                              Other                  3%
                                                               John Powers
                                                                                                                                          fantastic opportunity to extend
                                                                                                                                          brand awareness and get onto
                                                       Digipede Technologies    Print run                  10,160 (2008 average)
                                                                                                                                          more shortlists.
With its eyes on the global manufacturing industry, Prime offers unrivalled opportunities to
   discuss the latest technologies, and to engage with existing and potential customers

                             rime has rapidly become the authoritative source on Microsoft software

                         P   and services for manufacturing. The magazine explores the key issues
                             facing firms in the manufacturing industry today; from product lifecycle
                         management and the supply chain, to plant floor visibility and lean
                         manufacturing. Prime also provides a round-up of industry news, case studies,
                         commentary, interviews and analysis.

                         Created as a channel for Microsoft and partners to collaborate and deliver a
                         compelling joint-sales proposition, Prime has achieved tremendous success and
                         sits at the core of our sales and marketing activity.
                                                                                                                                                            Prime Partner Guide
                         Charles Johnson
                                                                                                                                                            Manufacturing organisations of
                         WW Managing Director, Manufacturing
                         Microsoft                                                                                                                          every kind are increasingly
                                                                                                                                                            recognising that Windows and
                                                                                                                                                            other Microsoft software and
                                                                                                                                                            tools can give them the agility,
                        “Prime has a unique and cost effective               Circulation analysis                                                           scalability and expertise they
                         value proposition, giving us access to an
                                                                                                                                                            need to support growth and
                         influential audience and enabling us to             Geographical split          EMEA                                    66%
                                                                                                                                                            enable them to take advantage
                         articulate our own strengths in aligning                                        N&CA                                    19%
                                                                                                         Apac                                     9%
                         with Microsoft technology.”                                                                                                        of the many opportunities
                                                                                                         Latam                                    6%
                                                        Kathleen Regan                                                                                      emerging in the sector. A key
                                          Director of Strategic Alliances,
                                                                                                                                                            strength in this area is
                                    Wonderware Business Unit of Invensys
                                                                                                                                                            Microsoft’s ecosystem of
                        “Since 2003 our business has benefited                                                                                              solution providers, who apply
                                                                             Vertical industry           Automotive and Industrial 13%
                         from the marketing power that Microsoft’s                                                                                          the knowledge, support and
                                                                                                         Pharmacutical                            11%
                         customer magazines deliver. It’s easy to                                        High Tech                                27%       guidance that manufacturing
                         recommend these magazines to any                                                Oil and Gas                                7%
                                                                                                                                                            companies need to make sure
                         company that has a Microsoft-based                                              Utilities                                11%
                         solution or service, because they work.”                                                                                           they gain maximum benefit
                                                                                                         Consumer Goods                           18%
                                                                                                         Other*                                   13%
                                                      Matthes Derdack                                                                                       from their use of technology.
                                                                                                         *includes aerospace, chemicals, metal and mining
                                                      Managing Director,
                                                                                                                                                            The Prime Partner Guide
                                                                             Job description             CEO (or equivalent)                      4%
                        “Prime works for us on every level and                                                                                              provides a respected source of
                                                                                                         CIO                                     15%
                         also provides our customers with a clear                                                                                           information about a wide
                                                                                                         COO/CFO                                  5%
                         demonstration of the close relationship
                                                                                                                                                            selection of partners operating
                                                                                                         BDM                                     41%
                         that we have with Microsoft.”                                                   TDM                                     29%        worldwide. It has become a
                                                           Jan Larsson                                   Other                                    6%
                                                                                                                                                            valuable and informative
                                                EMEA Marketing Director,
                                                  Siemens PLM Software                                                                                      resource for our customers
                                                                             Print run              13,201 (2008 average)
                                                                                                                                                            around the globe.
Retailspeak provides an engaging and informative window on the retail and hospitality markets, with the latest news
            and opinions on how Microsoft and partner technologies are enabling this dynamic industry.

                                           etailspeak provides its readers with a quarterly digest of features,

                                     R     commentary and case studies focusing on the significant challenges faced
                                           by today’s retailer and hospitality business. Written by a well-informed
                                     team of journalists and with supporting contributions from a range of thought-
                                     leaders, an insightful and balanced view is assured. Microsoft’s popular and
                                     highly regarded customer magazine has won a captive and influential following.

                                     What makes Retailspeak so special for Microsoft is the way that this publication
                                     has been embraced by many of our key partners who continue to report great
                                     feedback about their participation.
                                                                                                                                                 Retailspeak Partner Guide
                                     Paula Paravecchio
                                                                                                                                                 From hotels to department
                                     EMEA Managing Director, Distribution & Services
                                     Microsoft                                                                                                   stores, the retail and hospitality
                                                                                                                                                 sectors face pressure to attract
                                                                                                                                                 and retain customers, increase
                                                                                                                                                 productivity, grow profits and
                                    “The benefits are clear and proven. For              Circulation analysis                                    streamline processes while
                                     us, the magazines are a main
                                                                                                                                                 justifying investment in
                                     cornerstone in our Microsoft-focused                Geographical split          EMEA                  76%
                                                                                                                                                 technology. The Retailspeak
                                     go-to-market strategy.”                                                         N&CA                  16%
                                                                                                                     Apac                   5%   Partner Guide provides a
                                                                 Andreas Rohnfelder
                                                                                                                     Latam                  3%
                                                Director Technology Partner CM SA TP
                                                                                                                                                 definitive collection of
                                                    Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH
                                                                                                                                                 companies working alongside
                                                                                                                                                 Microsoft in these sectors, and
                                    “Microsoft’s Retailspeak provides an ideal
                                     platform for us to communicate with our                                                                     showcases technology solutions
                                     target audience and share best practices.           Vertical industry           Food & drug           33%   and services on offer to our
                                     Our continued association is assured due                                        Mass merchandise      11%
                                                                                                                                                 mutual clients and prospects.
                                     to the quantifiable business benefits that                                      Speciality            27%
                                                                                                                     Hospitality           22%
                                     we achieve from this initiative.”
                                                                                                                     Other                  7%
                                                                                                                                                 For our valued retail and
                                                               Joachim Pinhammer
                                                           Marketing Director - Retail                                                           hospitality partners, I
                                                                     Wincor Nixdorf
                                                                                                                                                 wholeheartedly recommend that
                                    “The editors at Retailspeak have an                                                                          you ensure your company is
                                                                                         Job description             CEO (or equivalent)    7%
                                     unusually deep understanding of retail                                          CIO                   24%   listed in this publication – the
                                     and software – they put our unique                                              COO/CFO                6%
                                                                                                                                                 benefits are clearly articulated in
                                     solution in front of retailers and Dynamics                                     BDM                   37%
                                                                                                                                                 this information and more than
                                                                                                                     TDM                   21%
                                     Partners with stunning results for us.”
                                                                                                                     Other                  5%   justify the expenses associated
                                                                         Tom Keane
                                                                                                                                                 with each of the options
                                                             President & Co-Founder,
                                                                            NitroSell    Print run                10,080 (2008 average)          available to increase your profile.
     New product and service launches, customer successes, the latest thought-leadership and market insights are                                                   “Our PR and AR activity with
                                                                                                                                                                    partners in 2008, through these
          released every day by Microsoft partners. OnWindows.com is a great place to go to keep in touch.
                                                                                                                                                                    channels, was particularly
                                                                                                                                                                    successful and we look forward to
                                                                                                                                                                    working with you to emulate our
                                                                                                                                                                    achievements in 2009.”
                                                                             OnWindows.com is the centrepiece of our joint-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wendy Grover
                                                                             marketing suite of products. Originally conceived in 2003
                                                                                                                                                                    WW Director, Industry Press & Analyst Relations
                                                                             and relaunched in Q2 FY09, site traffic is growing daily as                                                                 Microsoft
                                                                             word spreads. For our partners, this resource provides an
                                                                             easy opportunity to go to market alongside Microsoft to
                                                                             showcase solutions and services to a captive audience.

                                                                             Your proactive engagement with this site will reap returns
                                                                             – while you might not observe the initial gains of getting
                                                                             a story placed, a white paper uploaded or your partner
                                                                             page updated, an ongoing effort is a wise investment of
                                                                             sales and marketing time.

                                                                             Brian Scott
                                                                             VP WW Industry
                                                                                                                                                                    Online Partner Guide
                                                                                                                                                                    The OnWindows.com partner
                                                                                                                                                                    guide today comprises over 600
                                                                                                                                                                    partner microsites. These
                                                                                                                                                                    dynamic microsites provide
                                                                                                                                                                    visitors with contact details,
                                                                                                        Demographics and statistics
                                                                                                                                                                    corporate and industry-specific
                                                Engaging with                                           Traffic source                Search engines       64%
                                                                                                                                                                    overviews of participating
                                                                                                                                      Direct traffic       27%
                                               OnWindows.com                                                                                                        partners. The partner sites are
                                                                                                                                      Referring sites       9%
                                                                                                                                                                    enhanced by drawing partner
News                    Resources                 Partner Directory      E-mail Newsletter                                                                          specific news, case studies and
                                                                                                                                                                    resources from the main site.
Make sure that the editors of the three           Submit an entry form for your free                    Regional demographic          EMEA                 56%
                                                                                                                                                                    Entry level participation is
magazines are on your press and PR                microsite and then work with your Tudor                                             N&CA                 32%
mailing lists and highlight any stories that      Rose partner manager to maintain this                                                                             currently free of charge – with
                                                                                                                                      Latam                 4%
                                                                                                                                      Apac                  8%
you’d particularly like to get published on       dynamic addition to your existing online                                                                          only a little time and effort
the site.                                         presence. All of your news and resources
                                                                                                                                                                    required to quickly join a
                                                  published on OnWindows.com are tagged
                                                                                                                                                                    growing number of partners
      Send in case studies, white papers, video   to your microsite to keep it current.
                                                                                                                                                                    who are already benefiting from
      presentations and any other appropriate
                                                                                                                                      Unique visitors     15,662
         resources to extend the reach of your         Sign up to this monthly round-up of the                                                                      accessing a growing community
                                                                                                                                      Page views          28,873
     customer success stories, market research       most exciting news and resources featured                                                                      of end-user decision makers.
                                                                                                                                      Total visits        18,410
              and thought-leadership reports.         on OnWindows.com and look out for the
                                                                                                                                      Viewing time      00:02:22
                                                   top rated stories and resources that you may
                                                           have contributed during the month.
Get yourself noticed!
                                                 The opportunities to differentiate yourself and get noticed go way beyond those offered by traditional publications.
Participation options
                                                Go to market alongside Microsoft and other strategic partners and start to realise the benefits of participation today.
Home page banner         £900/mth
Home page button         £650/mth
Section page banner      £450/mth
Section page button      £200/mth

Publishing Partner         £8,950
Sponsor                    £3,600
Double page spread         £6,950
Full page colour           £4,250
Half page colour           £2,600
A4 single sheet insert     £3,250
Other inserts               £poa
Bellyband                  £3,750

Partner Guides
Publishing Partner         £2,500
Sponsor                    £1,250
Enhanced entry              £750
Extended entry              £250
Online entry                  free
                                                                                      Partners and
Series discounts are available for
multiple bookings.

Please email Paul Simpson on
to explore additional options to
promote your company through
these products.

                                                                                Common customers — Shared opportunity

                     “We’re in it together, and yet at the same time you’re always pushing us to do better, to bring our A-game, to really
                      have the technologies, the business plans, the partner programs that are going to allow you and us to succeed.”
                         Steve Ballmer, speaking at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2008
Proven solutions – quantifiable gains
     In 2008 over 2,500 Microsoft partners have been featured in the OnWindows branded customer collateral.                           “The return on investment that
Partners that have played a proactive role in extending their profile using these unique sales and marketing tools have                partners are recording speaks
                     realised a return on their investment that has exceeded their expectations.                                       volumes about the success of
                                                                                                                                       Retailspeak. These results, the
                                                                                                                                       business value to Microsoft and
                                                                                                                                       the positive feedback from our
                                                                                                                                       customers successfully completes
                    Predisys                                                             Dassault Systemes                             the triangle of expectation that
                    “We noticed an immediate rise                                        “Leveraging Microsoft’s                       we set for the magazine.”
                     in traffic to our Web site,                                          publication was a natural                                         Nina Groothuijzen
                     including companies that                                             move for us because Prime                        WW Marketing, Distribution & Services
                     would have been difficult to                                         has reach into all our
                     reach otherwise.”                                                    prospects and customers.”
                                                                                                                                      “The Prime Partner Guide provides
                                         Ari Pihlajavesi                                                       Isabelle de Cidrac
                                                                                                                                       an excellent source of information
                                       President & CEO,                                                        Marketing Director,
                                                                                                                                       about a wide selection of partners
                                                Predisys                                                        Dassault Systèmes
                                                                                                                                       operating worldwide.”
                                                                                                                                                              Charles Johnson
                                                                                                                                          Managing Director, WW Manufacturing,

                                                                                                                                      “If you are using Microsoft
                                                                                         “[Finance on Windows is] a
                    “We’ve been delighted to see
                                                                                                                                       technology and want to
                                                                                          highly respected publication
                     that the magazine has                                                                                             communicate to our customers I
                                                                                          that is thoroughly entrenched
                     enhanced our profile with                                                                                         urge you to use this magazine for
                                                                                          in one of our target markets.”
                     existing sales prospects.”                                                                                        your marketing purposes.”
                                                                                                                   Patrick Millard
                                      Nigel Stephenson                                                                                                         Andrew Longstaff
                                     Marketing Manager,                                                                                EMEA Financial Services Industry Marketing,
                                                                                                             Fiserv CBS Worldwide
                                                    K3                                                                                                                   Microsoft

                                                                                                                                      “By leveraging Microsoft's
                                                                                                                                       collaboration technologies,
                                                                                                                                       partners can continue to provide
                                                                                                                                       our customers with the most
                    LS Retail                                                                                                          innovative and powerful solutions.
                                                                                                                                       Engage with Prime to
                                                                                         “Retailspeak delivers on all
                    “The feedback we have had
                                                                                                                                       communicate how your solutions
                                                                                          levels, giving us an easy
                     from Microsoft, our partners
                                                                                                                                       are helping manufacturers
                                                                                          decision to make when
                     and our customers has all                                                                                         connect operational systems,
                                                                                          planning our annual sales and
                     been very positive.”                                                                                              helping the entire manufacturing
                                                                                          marketing spend.”                            organisation work and react.”
                                         Carsten Wolff
                                               Director,                                                          Rune Vatnamot                                    Günter Rester
                                               LS Retail                                                            VP Marketing,           Director Manufacturing PLM solutions,
                                                                                                                       Profitbase                          Microsoft Corporation
Further information
Paul Simpson, Publishing Director
Tel: +44 116 222 9914 Email: paul.simpson@tudor-rose.co.uk

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Integrated Joint Sales & Marketing

  • 1. Integrated joint sales & marketing channels
  • 2. Connected – your gateway to a captive audience For over ten years Microsoft’s customer magazines have provided a unique channel to access a targeted audience of technology buyers and influencers. hroughout this time Microsoft partners have reported promote your solutions and services within three key vertical T a return on investment from their participation, industries. measured not just by compelling lead generation statistics, but also through improved brand awareness, This positioning paper provides you with the information customer loyalty and competitive advantage. that you will need to make an informed decision about how you can leverage these valuable marketing tools to Finance on Windows, Retailspeak and Prime are informative maximum effect. For Microsoft partners these products Brian Scott and respected publications that provide an effective offer an unrivalled return for your corporate sales and VP WW Industry opportunity for you to go-to-market alongside Microsoft to marketing spend. Microsoft Corporation Customer magazines – our suite of Microsoft magazines OnWindows.com – offers a single source of news, Partner Guides – acknowledged as one of the first points of focuses on key verticals, giving customers in each industry information and resources about Microsoft and Microsoft- reference to find solutions and services from Microsoft the knowledge and insight that will help them maximise the partner technologies in the enterprise. For end-customers partners, the guides are essential for technology decision value of their investment in Microsoft and partner already using Windows or those planning to do so, there is a makers and influencers. Selecting the right IT solution is an technologies. wealth of information about how Microsoft and its partners exacting task. It’s crucial to choose the right supplier, so it are helping businesses in industry. pays to tread carefully. Any time that can be saved in this Each magazine offers incisive, expert commentary on the process, assisting in the successful selection, can have a issues that matter, helping customers understand how to As the online home for the magazines and partner guides, positive impact on the bottom line. plan their IT strategy. OnWindows has a unique community of users seeking solutions and services to help them extend the return on From a supplier’s perspective, a presence in the guide offers All partners have an open invitation to use the magazines to their investment in the Windows platform. For partners the a fantastic opportunity to go to market alongside Microsoft communicate company news, customer successes and site provides a valuable channel to distribute product news, and participate in a successful lead generation programme thought leadership. case studies and thought-leadership. by getting on to more long-lists.
  • 3. Better together – integrated sales & marketing Microsoft’s customer magazines, OnWindows.com and the Partner Guides are proven sales and marketing tools fully integrated www.OnWindows.com into global activities, providing Microsoft partners with an integrated channel to reach a captive and influential audience. Unrestricted by the natural page limitations of the magazines, OnWindows was re- Industry teams Microsoft offices Business teams Product groups Customer campaigns launched in Q2 FY09 to provide Under the direct leadership Engages with 88 worldwide Access to industry knowledge Associates with Microsoft Collaborates with campaign Microsoft customers with access of the industry teams, the offices – the industry and expertise is extended groups for insight and owners to align messaging to a vast repository of Microsoft Website, magazines and magazines are distributed to through Microsoft teams, messaging: and publish thought- partner news, case studies and • Information Worker partner guides are integrated senior decision makers and including: CMG, customer leadership: resources. Connected to • Server and Tools • Sales into the full sales and influencers in each country and partner account Microsoft.com, the site provides • Client • Finance marketing mix, playing a key and access local thought- managers, analysts and partners with an entry point to • Online Services • Optimise & secure your role in Microsoft customer leadership and content. public relations. a massive global audience. • Mobile and Embedded communications. core infrastructure • Microsoft Business • Optimise your business Industry magazines Solutions productivity infrastructure Customers The magazines were created as • Applications platform a channel for partners to go to optimisation market alongside Microsoft to • Security & reliability promote and sell their • Business productivity Windows-based solutions and • Customer acquisition & services. They have evolved to retention provide a unique point of • Business solutions (ISV) access for partners to leverage the broader audiences achieved Partner ecosystem Microsoft events through the full mix of sales The magazines are available and marketing activity. to delegates at all major Microsoft events: Industry partner guides • CEO Summit With over 600,000 partners • CIO Summit worldwide, the task of short- • Tech.Ed & IT Forum listing and selecting the perfect • Global Account Summit partner can be an exacting one • Convergence for industry customers. • Enterprise Partner Summits Developed to highlight key • Worldwide Partner partners that provide industry Conference www.Microsoft.com Publishing Partners Third party connections specific solutions and services, With over 120 million users Microsoft.com is one of the top Microsoft is proud to Key third parties provide the partner guides have three visited websites in the world. It draws content and collaborate in the production enhanced profile, credibility Additional event presence: become an increasingly useful • Briefing Center resources from the magazines and OnWindows.com to of the magazines and partner and reach: method of reducing the time • Industry analysts extend the audience and impact of these resources to guides with a number of key presentations associated with a successful • Industry associations • Product launches deliver further value to participating partners. Reciprocal partners who play a pivotal market review. • Industry exhibitions • National events links drives business and industry visitors to role across the entire • Industry conferences • Microsoft & partner events OnWindows.com to complete the cycle. publishing process.
  • 4. Engaging with industry decision makers For ten years Microsoft’s customer magazines have been engaging with enterprise customers to share insights and thought-leadership about the topics that are at the forefront of industry discussion and debate. Alex Meek Dr Peter van Manen Phil Barratt Dilek Duman Kevin Turmore IT Director, The Pier Group MD, McLaren Electronic Systems Group Telecommunications, L'Oreal CIO, DenizBank MD, Unity Trust Bank Spring 2008 Summer 2007 Spring 2006 Spring 2007 Winter 2006 Asgrimur Skarphedinsson Piero Poccianti David Lester Pim Van Der Horst Russell Bower CIO, Kaupthing Bank Head of IT, Monte dei Paschi di Siena CIO, London Stock Exchange CIO & Director of ICT, KAS Bank IT Business Services Manager, Jewson Summer 2007 Spring 2008 Spring 2006 Autumn 2008 Summer 2008 Roberto Scotti Uwe Tontsch Andreu Purroy Peter Baxter Jon Mitchell CEO, Bolzoni Auramo Group, Head of IT, Bosch and Siemens Hausgerate IT Manager, La Caixa Head of IT Services, Threshers Senior Project Manager, Towergate Autumn 2008 Autumn 2007 August 2007 Spring 2005 Summer 2008
  • 5. Aligned – addressing the issues The editorial direction and features of Microsoft’s customer magazines map directly on to Microsoft’s Customer Campaigns to “Prime delivers keen insights on the business issues that are play a significant role in communicating thought-leadership and solutions to address current industry challenges. challenging our customers across the sector.” Microsoft industry groups Microsoft Customer Campaigns Cross-company collaboration & support Ruediger Dorn Managing Director, WW Pharmaceutical, Microsoft “Risk management, regulatory compliance and controls is a business imperative for our customers and a key theme for Finance on Windows.” Sai Sireesh Pachava WW Director, Risk & Compliance Solutions, Microsoft Customer challenges Microsoft’s three business divisions “Retailspeak delivers the store collaborate with the industry teams systems thought-leadership that through six of the product groups in the our customers need.” publication of the magazines. Their role is David Dobson to provide editorial strategy, direction and WW Industry Solutions Manager, Microsoft thought-leadership to ensure the content meets the high standards that our readers “These publications are a key have come to expect. component of our go-to-market strategy with Microsoft to our Editorial priorities shared customer base.” Anne Greenwald European Business Development Director, Dimension Data Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec • Business insight • E-commerce • Mobile retailing • Merchandise management • Enhanced marketing • Property management • Achieving multi-channel success • Guest experience • Keep customers coming back • Back office and delivery • In-room entertainment • Store systems • Risk analytics and reporting • Advisor platform • Agent/broker services • Core banking round table • Branch front office • Customer performance & insight • Regulatory compliance & control • Customer knowledge • Mobile banking • Virtualisation • Payments • Business intelligence • New product development • Customer insight & engagement • Supply chain strategies • Corporate control & compliance • Energising performance • Sustainable operations • Design collaboration • Factory of the future • Unified communications • Driving SAP revenue and value • Regulatory compliance • Performance management
  • 6. Business value marketing – reasons to spend! Microsoft’s customer magazines and supporting website reaches a combined audience of hundreds of thousands of technology Why participate? decision makers. The power and influence of this captive audience provides a compelling return on investment. 1 High return on investment – regular partner feedback qualifies this claim 2 Unique – Microsoft's customer magazines and associated Brand awareness Customer loyalty media Decision makers and influencers Existing customers are reassured 3 Joint go-to-market – at every significant financial that they made the right established as a channel for services organisation, retail and purchasing decision when they partners and Microsoft to go- hospitality business and see participating partner to-market together manufacturing company get coverage in Microsoft’s customer Microsoft’s magazines. The magazines, leading to customer 4 Widely read – rigorously resulting familiarity of partner satisfaction and loyalty. These controlled circulation to brands within this captive benefits are extended in repeat Microsoft customers and audience brings immeasurable deals when opportunities to up- prospects benefits. sell and cross-sell are leveraged. 5 Captive audience – eagerly awaited by an influential audience with high pass-on stats 6 Large market – received by Microsoft and partner Lead generation Competitive advantage every significant technology joint marketing According to 86 per cent of With over 600,000 active decision maker in each market marketing directors, print Microsoft partners, competition is advertising is still acknowledged fierce. Microsoft’s customer 7 Low price – low cost per as being the most effective magazines provide the partners thousand , options to suit every method of generating new looking for an edge with an size of budget business leads, understandable opportunity to go-to-market as 96 per cent of board directors alongside a trusted brand and 8 Editorial profile – read customer magazines. enjoy the inherent marketing opportunities to extend and Participation in Microsoft’s benefits that result. This generates enhance your profile beyond customer magazines includes a significant awareness and traditional advertising online presence to overcome enquiry advantage over non- 9 Production values – high any doubt. participating competitors. quality brand, essential reading 10 Shelf life – readers likely to retain, reuse and share This partner model is differentiated positively for Microsoft, and it’s one that’s ultimately going to be throughout the year tested in the market: can we exceed, continue to exceed, beating customer expectations? Simon Witts, speaking at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2008
  • 7. Finance on Windows Finance on Windows is an established voice in today’s financial services arena, bringing the expert opinions of technology partners and industry analysts to a growing audience of decision makers or almost ten years, Finance on Windows has been the authority on the use F of Microsoft software in the EMEA financial services sector. The magazine covers a broad range of topics such as the evolution of financial services delivery channels, core banking, the development of payments systems, the insurance value chain and enterprise risk management and compliance. In addition to our team of in-house journalists, experts from all areas of the industry contribute to the editorial content of the magazine. Finance on Windows lets Microsoft partners reach out to a targeted audience of customers and prospects by joining in discussions of the issues that matter. Finance on Windows Susan Hauser Partner Guide VP WW Financial Services Industry Group Microsoft An essential guide for financial services technology users in EMEA, this unique publication has been acknowledged as the “As a Microsoft partner, Finance on Circulation analysis first point of reference to find Windows provided an excellent venue to Windows-based solutions and promote our company and product and Geographical split EMEA 83% services from Microsoft partners. N&CA 11% build brand awareness internationally.” Apac 4% Mickey Goldwasser Latam 2% In addition to a comprehensive VP, Product Marketing & Communications, Open Solutions Inc. directory of partners, readers will also benefit from a series of “A valuable, top class resource for thought-leadership articles Microsoft partners to address the Vertical industry Capital markets 21% analysing the most important Microsoft customers community. We Insurance 28% challenges and solutions in the greatly appreciate the professionalism Retail banking 39% and dedication of the team.” sector. They will also have access Technology 10% Other 2% to customer evidence explaining Paolo Cattolico how solutions have been Marketing Information Management, HP Software implemented and the benefits reaped by financial services Job description CEO (or equivalent) 6% “This unique targeted magazine reaches providers. CIO 18% the audience we’re after. The high-quality COO/CFO 6% publication helps us to bring our BDM 48% From a supplier’s perspective, a message across cost-effectively.” TDM 19% presence in the guide offers a Other 3% John Powers fantastic opportunity to extend President, brand awareness and get onto Digipede Technologies Print run 10,160 (2008 average) more shortlists.
  • 8. Prime With its eyes on the global manufacturing industry, Prime offers unrivalled opportunities to discuss the latest technologies, and to engage with existing and potential customers rime has rapidly become the authoritative source on Microsoft software P and services for manufacturing. The magazine explores the key issues facing firms in the manufacturing industry today; from product lifecycle management and the supply chain, to plant floor visibility and lean manufacturing. Prime also provides a round-up of industry news, case studies, commentary, interviews and analysis. Created as a channel for Microsoft and partners to collaborate and deliver a compelling joint-sales proposition, Prime has achieved tremendous success and sits at the core of our sales and marketing activity. Prime Partner Guide Charles Johnson Manufacturing organisations of WW Managing Director, Manufacturing Microsoft every kind are increasingly recognising that Windows and other Microsoft software and tools can give them the agility, “Prime has a unique and cost effective Circulation analysis scalability and expertise they value proposition, giving us access to an need to support growth and influential audience and enabling us to Geographical split EMEA 66% enable them to take advantage articulate our own strengths in aligning N&CA 19% Apac 9% with Microsoft technology.” of the many opportunities Latam 6% Kathleen Regan emerging in the sector. A key Director of Strategic Alliances, strength in this area is Wonderware Business Unit of Invensys Microsoft’s ecosystem of “Since 2003 our business has benefited solution providers, who apply Vertical industry Automotive and Industrial 13% from the marketing power that Microsoft’s the knowledge, support and Pharmacutical 11% customer magazines deliver. It’s easy to High Tech 27% guidance that manufacturing recommend these magazines to any Oil and Gas 7% companies need to make sure company that has a Microsoft-based Utilities 11% solution or service, because they work.” they gain maximum benefit Consumer Goods 18% Other* 13% Matthes Derdack from their use of technology. *includes aerospace, chemicals, metal and mining Managing Director, Derdack The Prime Partner Guide Job description CEO (or equivalent) 4% “Prime works for us on every level and provides a respected source of CIO 15% also provides our customers with a clear information about a wide COO/CFO 5% demonstration of the close relationship selection of partners operating BDM 41% that we have with Microsoft.” TDM 29% worldwide. It has become a Jan Larsson Other 6% valuable and informative EMEA Marketing Director, Siemens PLM Software resource for our customers Print run 13,201 (2008 average) around the globe.
  • 9. Retailspeak Retailspeak provides an engaging and informative window on the retail and hospitality markets, with the latest news and opinions on how Microsoft and partner technologies are enabling this dynamic industry. etailspeak provides its readers with a quarterly digest of features, R commentary and case studies focusing on the significant challenges faced by today’s retailer and hospitality business. Written by a well-informed team of journalists and with supporting contributions from a range of thought- leaders, an insightful and balanced view is assured. Microsoft’s popular and highly regarded customer magazine has won a captive and influential following. What makes Retailspeak so special for Microsoft is the way that this publication has been embraced by many of our key partners who continue to report great feedback about their participation. Retailspeak Partner Guide Paula Paravecchio From hotels to department EMEA Managing Director, Distribution & Services Microsoft stores, the retail and hospitality sectors face pressure to attract and retain customers, increase productivity, grow profits and “The benefits are clear and proven. For Circulation analysis streamline processes while us, the magazines are a main justifying investment in cornerstone in our Microsoft-focused Geographical split EMEA 76% technology. The Retailspeak go-to-market strategy.” N&CA 16% Apac 5% Partner Guide provides a Andreas Rohnfelder Latam 3% Director Technology Partner CM SA TP definitive collection of Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH companies working alongside Microsoft in these sectors, and “Microsoft’s Retailspeak provides an ideal platform for us to communicate with our showcases technology solutions target audience and share best practices. Vertical industry Food & drug 33% and services on offer to our Our continued association is assured due Mass merchandise 11% mutual clients and prospects. to the quantifiable business benefits that Speciality 27% Hospitality 22% we achieve from this initiative.” Other 7% For our valued retail and Joachim Pinhammer Marketing Director - Retail hospitality partners, I Wincor Nixdorf wholeheartedly recommend that “The editors at Retailspeak have an you ensure your company is Job description CEO (or equivalent) 7% unusually deep understanding of retail CIO 24% listed in this publication – the and software – they put our unique COO/CFO 6% benefits are clearly articulated in solution in front of retailers and Dynamics BDM 37% this information and more than TDM 21% Partners with stunning results for us.” Other 5% justify the expenses associated Tom Keane with each of the options President & Co-Founder, NitroSell Print run 10,080 (2008 average) available to increase your profile.
  • 10. OnWindows.com New product and service launches, customer successes, the latest thought-leadership and market insights are “Our PR and AR activity with partners in 2008, through these released every day by Microsoft partners. OnWindows.com is a great place to go to keep in touch. channels, was particularly successful and we look forward to working with you to emulate our achievements in 2009.” OnWindows.com is the centrepiece of our joint- Wendy Grover marketing suite of products. Originally conceived in 2003 WW Director, Industry Press & Analyst Relations and relaunched in Q2 FY09, site traffic is growing daily as Microsoft word spreads. For our partners, this resource provides an easy opportunity to go to market alongside Microsoft to showcase solutions and services to a captive audience. Your proactive engagement with this site will reap returns – while you might not observe the initial gains of getting a story placed, a white paper uploaded or your partner page updated, an ongoing effort is a wise investment of sales and marketing time. Brian Scott VP WW Industry Online Partner Guide Microsoft The OnWindows.com partner guide today comprises over 600 partner microsites. These dynamic microsites provide visitors with contact details, Demographics and statistics corporate and industry-specific Engaging with Traffic source Search engines 64% overviews of participating Direct traffic 27% OnWindows.com partners. The partner sites are Referring sites 9% enhanced by drawing partner News Resources Partner Directory E-mail Newsletter specific news, case studies and resources from the main site. Make sure that the editors of the three Submit an entry form for your free Regional demographic EMEA 56% Entry level participation is magazines are on your press and PR microsite and then work with your Tudor N&CA 32% mailing lists and highlight any stories that Rose partner manager to maintain this currently free of charge – with Latam 4% Apac 8% you’d particularly like to get published on dynamic addition to your existing online only a little time and effort the site. presence. All of your news and resources required to quickly join a published on OnWindows.com are tagged growing number of partners Send in case studies, white papers, video to your microsite to keep it current. who are already benefiting from Statistics presentations and any other appropriate Unique visitors 15,662 resources to extend the reach of your Sign up to this monthly round-up of the accessing a growing community Page views 28,873 customer success stories, market research most exciting news and resources featured of end-user decision makers. Total visits 18,410 and thought-leadership reports. on OnWindows.com and look out for the Viewing time 00:02:22 top rated stories and resources that you may have contributed during the month.
  • 11. Get yourself noticed! The opportunities to differentiate yourself and get noticed go way beyond those offered by traditional publications. Participation options Go to market alongside Microsoft and other strategic partners and start to realise the benefits of participation today. onWindows.com Home page banner £900/mth Home page button £650/mth Section page banner £450/mth Section page button £200/mth Magazines Publishing Partner £8,950 Sponsor £3,600 Double page spread £6,950 Full page colour £4,250 Half page colour £2,600 A4 single sheet insert £3,250 Other inserts £poa Bellyband £3,750 Partner Guides Publishing Partner £2,500 Sponsor £1,250 Enhanced entry £750 Extended entry £250 Online entry free Partners and Series discounts are available for multiple bookings. Please email Paul Simpson on paul.simpson@tudor-rose.co.uk to explore additional options to promote your company through these products. Common customers — Shared opportunity “We’re in it together, and yet at the same time you’re always pushing us to do better, to bring our A-game, to really have the technologies, the business plans, the partner programs that are going to allow you and us to succeed.” Steve Ballmer, speaking at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2008
  • 12. Proven solutions – quantifiable gains In 2008 over 2,500 Microsoft partners have been featured in the OnWindows branded customer collateral. “The return on investment that Partners that have played a proactive role in extending their profile using these unique sales and marketing tools have partners are recording speaks realised a return on their investment that has exceeded their expectations. volumes about the success of Retailspeak. These results, the business value to Microsoft and the positive feedback from our customers successfully completes Predisys Dassault Systemes the triangle of expectation that “We noticed an immediate rise “Leveraging Microsoft’s we set for the magazine.” in traffic to our Web site, publication was a natural Nina Groothuijzen including companies that move for us because Prime WW Marketing, Distribution & Services Microsoft would have been difficult to has reach into all our reach otherwise.” prospects and customers.” “The Prime Partner Guide provides Ari Pihlajavesi Isabelle de Cidrac an excellent source of information President & CEO, Marketing Director, about a wide selection of partners Predisys Dassault Systèmes operating worldwide.” Charles Johnson Managing Director, WW Manufacturing, Microsoft Fiserv K3 “If you are using Microsoft “[Finance on Windows is] a “We’ve been delighted to see technology and want to highly respected publication that the magazine has communicate to our customers I that is thoroughly entrenched enhanced our profile with urge you to use this magazine for in one of our target markets.” existing sales prospects.” your marketing purposes.” Patrick Millard Nigel Stephenson Andrew Longstaff Director, Marketing Manager, EMEA Financial Services Industry Marketing, Fiserv CBS Worldwide K3 Microsoft “By leveraging Microsoft's collaboration technologies, partners can continue to provide our customers with the most Profitbase LS Retail innovative and powerful solutions. Engage with Prime to “Retailspeak delivers on all “The feedback we have had communicate how your solutions levels, giving us an easy from Microsoft, our partners are helping manufacturers decision to make when and our customers has all connect operational systems, planning our annual sales and been very positive.” helping the entire manufacturing marketing spend.” organisation work and react.” Carsten Wolff Director, Rune Vatnamot Günter Rester LS Retail VP Marketing, Director Manufacturing PLM solutions, Profitbase Microsoft Corporation
  • 13. Further information Paul Simpson, Publishing Director Tel: +44 116 222 9914 Email: paul.simpson@tudor-rose.co.uk