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External Drivers of Change  – Exploring the Future of Media: Analysis of Virtual Worlds with Real Economies  -Technological aspects Prepared by: Cecilia Teljas  teljas@kth.se Nataliia Danylchenko   [email_address] hs.se Yunyun Han   [email_address] hs.se Ahmed Ranjha   [email_address] hs.se Adit Rahman [email_address] hs.se
Executive Summary Brief introduction to Virtual Worlds with Real Economies The PESTEL Analysis Tool, especially the technological viewpoint
Virtual Worlds with Real Economics Usually found in the form of online games:  Second Life Entropia Universe Habbo Hotel Possible to interact with virtual economies for "real" economic benefit Many MMORPGS (World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Warhamer Online, Final Fantasy XI, etc.) strictly prohibit buying products linked with the game, with real world cash Some virtual world developers officially sell virtual items and currency for real-world money The MMOG  There  has therebucks that sell for US dollars The currency in Second Life can be converted from Linden Dollars into US Dollars and vice versa Source:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_economy
The PESTEL Analysis Tool P olitical E conomical S ocial T echnological E nvironmental L egislative
The PESTEL Analysis Tool – Technological Technological aspects considered: Technology dependencies Research and Development Research funding Technology maturity and innovation potential Intellectual property and other legal issues  [1][2] [1]   http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_09.htm [2] http://www.businessballs.com/pestanalysisfreetemplate.htm
Technology Dependencies Virtual reality modelling languages High performance computers High speed processors – doubling every two years[3] Graphics capacity High speed internet 304M broadband subscribers – steadily increasing [4] Authoring tools for user-created contents (UCC) Ongoing R&D [3] Moore’s law,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore's_law [4] Renaud and Kane, Virtual World Industry Outlook 2008 - 2009
Technology maturity and innovation potential Yet to converge on a dominant technology - lot of room for exciting breakthroughs! Baseline graphics engines and physics engines continue to mature Larabee (Intel) to be released in 2009-2010 Graphical Processing Unit enbedded into processor architecture
Other Fields of R&D Graphic Standards COLLADA – method to create reusable object libraries Plug-in Technologies Flash, Java – to take advantage of existing installed base in Windows and Linux environment Interoperability and common language with adjecent systems Integration of web, voice and text Facebook and Flickr
Research Funding Over 1 Billion spent in 2007-2008 by venture community [4] Annual revenue to reach $6 Billion by 2012 [5] 46% per-year growth enjoyed by Linden in millions of hours used [4] [5] GigaOM, http://gigaom.com/2007/05/03/virtual-world-revenues-6-billion-by-2012/
What will happen in 2-3 years? Virtual Reality will redefine the whole internet experience  Everyone and everything will be in it! Consumer brands McDonalds has a world for Happy Meals Educators 18 of the top 20 own land in Second Life Governments Sweden has an embassy in Second Life Even sports! Wimbledon is already in!! The line between actual and virtual reality will grow thin
Intellectual Property and Other Laws Publisher control and in-game items Use of WowGlider bot in World of Warcraft Copyright of user-created content Right to virtual property

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  • 1. External Drivers of Change – Exploring the Future of Media: Analysis of Virtual Worlds with Real Economies -Technological aspects Prepared by: Cecilia Teljas teljas@kth.se Nataliia Danylchenko [email_address] hs.se Yunyun Han [email_address] hs.se Ahmed Ranjha [email_address] hs.se Adit Rahman [email_address] hs.se
  • 2. Executive Summary Brief introduction to Virtual Worlds with Real Economies The PESTEL Analysis Tool, especially the technological viewpoint
  • 3. Virtual Worlds with Real Economics Usually found in the form of online games: Second Life Entropia Universe Habbo Hotel Possible to interact with virtual economies for "real" economic benefit Many MMORPGS (World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Warhamer Online, Final Fantasy XI, etc.) strictly prohibit buying products linked with the game, with real world cash Some virtual world developers officially sell virtual items and currency for real-world money The MMOG There has therebucks that sell for US dollars The currency in Second Life can be converted from Linden Dollars into US Dollars and vice versa Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_economy
  • 4. The PESTEL Analysis Tool P olitical E conomical S ocial T echnological E nvironmental L egislative
  • 5. The PESTEL Analysis Tool – Technological Technological aspects considered: Technology dependencies Research and Development Research funding Technology maturity and innovation potential Intellectual property and other legal issues [1][2] [1] http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_09.htm [2] http://www.businessballs.com/pestanalysisfreetemplate.htm
  • 6. Technology Dependencies Virtual reality modelling languages High performance computers High speed processors – doubling every two years[3] Graphics capacity High speed internet 304M broadband subscribers – steadily increasing [4] Authoring tools for user-created contents (UCC) Ongoing R&D [3] Moore’s law, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore's_law [4] Renaud and Kane, Virtual World Industry Outlook 2008 - 2009
  • 7. Technology maturity and innovation potential Yet to converge on a dominant technology - lot of room for exciting breakthroughs! Baseline graphics engines and physics engines continue to mature Larabee (Intel) to be released in 2009-2010 Graphical Processing Unit enbedded into processor architecture
  • 8. Other Fields of R&D Graphic Standards COLLADA – method to create reusable object libraries Plug-in Technologies Flash, Java – to take advantage of existing installed base in Windows and Linux environment Interoperability and common language with adjecent systems Integration of web, voice and text Facebook and Flickr
  • 9. Research Funding Over 1 Billion spent in 2007-2008 by venture community [4] Annual revenue to reach $6 Billion by 2012 [5] 46% per-year growth enjoyed by Linden in millions of hours used [4] [5] GigaOM, http://gigaom.com/2007/05/03/virtual-world-revenues-6-billion-by-2012/
  • 10. What will happen in 2-3 years? Virtual Reality will redefine the whole internet experience Everyone and everything will be in it! Consumer brands McDonalds has a world for Happy Meals Educators 18 of the top 20 own land in Second Life Governments Sweden has an embassy in Second Life Even sports! Wimbledon is already in!! The line between actual and virtual reality will grow thin
  • 11. Intellectual Property and Other Laws Publisher control and in-game items Use of WowGlider bot in World of Warcraft Copyright of user-created content Right to virtual property