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The Case for a Signal-Oriented Data
   Stream Management Systems
                     M. REZA RAHIMI,
                       SPRING 2010.
•   Introduction
•   Typical Application
•   Data and Programming Model
•   System Architecture
•   Optimizations
•   Conclusion
• There is a need for Data Management system that
  integrates high data rate sensor data and signal
  processing operations into single system.
• The WaveScope project aim to design an optimal
  event-stream signal processing systems.
• The project aims to:
   – Programming Language (WaveScript): In the
     category of Domain Specific Language.
   – High Performance execution engine.
   – The WaveScript program could be distributed
     over PCs and Sensors.
Sensor Data               Signal Processing

      WaveScript (Queries + User
       define functions(UDF))

      Execution Engine (scheduler
          and optimization)
Typical Application
• To understand better consider the following
• Biologist used the sensor network for study the
  behavior of Marmot.

• The Idea is to use audio sensors to study the
  behavior of Marmot.
• They want to gather information to answer the
  following queries:
• Query 1: Is there current activity
  (energy) in the frequency band
  corresponding to the marmot alarm
• Query 2: If so which direction is the call
  coming from? (use beam forming to
  enhance the signal quality).
• Query 3: Is the call that of male or
• Query 4: Where is the individual marmot
  located over time?
• …..
• The following workflow is for answering
  the first 3 queries?
                         Query 1

                                            Query 2

                                            Query 3
Data and Programming Model
• Data Types: Integer, float, characters,
  string, array, sets, SigSeg (signal
• SigSeg: Represents a window into a signal
  that are regularly spaced in time.
• It also contains information about
  sampling rates.
• SigSeg could be easily expanded to
  support multidimensional signals like
  image and video.
• Programming elements in query work flow:
  Class                           Examples
  POD (Plain Old Data Function)   Arithmetic, SigSeg Operations,
  Functions                       timebase operations, FFT/IFFT
  Subquery Constructors           profileDetect, Classify ,
                                  beamForm, Sync, Zip
  Fundamental Stream Operators    Iterate, union

• In the following we will consider the
  programming language through sample
fun profileDetect (S, scorefun, <winsize, step>, threshsettings)
      Window input stream, ensuring that we will hit each event according
                         to the event sample rate.
    wins = rewindow(S, winsize, step);

         Take a hanning window and convert to frequency domain.

    scores : Stream< float >
    scores = iterate(w in hanning(wins)) {
         Frequency Decomposition using FFT
                                                                            Query 1:
    freq = fft(w);
         Score each frequency-domain window
    emit (scorefun(freq)); };
         Associate each original window with its score, and merge them
    withscores : Stream<float, SigSeg<int16>>
    withscores = zip2(scores, wins);
          Find time-ranges where scores are above threshold. ThreshFilter
          returns <bool, starttime, endtime> tuples.
    return threshFilter(withscores, threshsettings)
The snapshot of the detected call <bool, time1,time2>

control = profileDetect (Ch0, marmotScore, <64,192>, <16.0, 0.999, 40, 2400,

           Use the control stream to extract actual data windows.

datawindows = sync4(control, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch4);                              Query 2

                              Beam forming.

beam<doa,enhanced> = beamform(datawindows, arrayGeometry);

                           Classifying Marmot.

marmots = classify(beam.enhanced, marmotClassifier);
return zip2(beam, marmots);
System Architecture
                  Syntax Check

                             Inline all query
                            plan(expand sub
   Preprocessor               query, POD,…)
                            Stream and Signal
                           Processing Optimizer
                             Query Plan in Low-
                            Level Language such
    Optimizer                       as C.

                                 Run Time Library

Query Plan: The final query
    plan is an imperative
  program corresponding to
 Aurora directed graph with
iterate, Union, and source as
       basic operators

Scheduler: It chooses which
  operator in query to run

 Memory Manager: due to
   limit in memory for
  embedded application,
memory manager manage the
 memory resource, caching,
   garbage collection,…
                                   But what does
                                timebase conversion
                                   graph mean?
•   Scheduler

•   Which operators in query to run next,
•   Tuple passing mechanism
•   Assiging threads
•   Compact memory footprint, Cache locality, Fairness,
    Scalability, High throuput tuple passing

•   Memory manegment

•   To scale high data rates, instead of passed by values,
    passed by reference with copy-on-write
•   Garbage collect : reference counting
•   Managing timing information corresponding to signal
    data is a common problem in signal processing
•   Signal processing operators typically process vectors of
    samples with sequence numbers, leaving the application
    developer to determine how to interpret those samples
•   WaveScope introduces the concept of a timebase, a
    dynamic data structure that represents and maintains a
    mapping between sample sequence numbers and time
•   Based on input from signal source drivers and other
    WaveScope components, the timebase manager
    maintains a conversion graph that denotes which
    conversions are possible.
•   In this graph, every node is a timebase, and an edge
    indicates the capability to convert from one timebase to
•   The graph may contain cycles as well as redundant paths.

•   Conversions may be composed along any path through the
    graph; when redundant paths exist, a weighted average of
    the results from each path may result in higher accuracy .

•   Node to node time conversion
Distributed Query Execution
• The query plan could be executed in a
  distributed fashion.

                                          Sensor Node

Query Stored Data
• In addition to handling streaming data, many
  WaveScope applications will need to query a pre-
  existing stored database, or historical data archived
  on secondary storage (e.g., disk or flash memory).
• Two special WaveScope library functions that will
  support archiving and querying stored data
       DiskArchive: which consumes tuples from its
   input stream and writes them to a named relational
   table on disk.
       DiskSource: which reads tuples from a named
   relational table on disk and feeds them upstream.
• Two category of optimization could be
• One in data stream optimization and the
  other is signal processing optimization.
• The database optimization techniques has
  been used for example merging adjacent
  iterate operators.
• For signal processing by using the relation
  between operators the optimization could
  be done as follows:
The Case for a Signal Oriented Data Stream Management System
• The paper talked about how optimally
  define query language that merges signal
  and stream processing concepts.
• We think several gap should be filled:
  – It considers the stream and signal
      procesing optimization but for special
      application that they considered
      (sensor networks) they should define
      Power-aware query optimizer.
 – The saving data is an issue in these
    applications. One of the main issues is
    handling these large amounts of data
    and retrieve them efficiently.
   • indexing

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The Case for a Signal Oriented Data Stream Management System

  • 1. The Case for a Signal-Oriented Data Stream Management Systems M. REZA RAHIMI, ADVANCES IN DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY, SPRING 2010.
  • 2. Outline • Introduction • Typical Application • Data and Programming Model • System Architecture • Optimizations • Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction • There is a need for Data Management system that integrates high data rate sensor data and signal processing operations into single system. • The WaveScope project aim to design an optimal event-stream signal processing systems. • The project aims to: – Programming Language (WaveScript): In the category of Domain Specific Language. – High Performance execution engine. – The WaveScript program could be distributed over PCs and Sensors.
  • 4. Sensor Data Signal Processing WaveScript (Queries + User define functions(UDF)) Execution Engine (scheduler and optimization)
  • 5. Typical Application • To understand better consider the following application: • Biologist used the sensor network for study the behavior of Marmot. • The Idea is to use audio sensors to study the behavior of Marmot. • They want to gather information to answer the following queries:
  • 6. • Query 1: Is there current activity (energy) in the frequency band corresponding to the marmot alarm call? • Query 2: If so which direction is the call coming from? (use beam forming to enhance the signal quality). • Query 3: Is the call that of male or female? • Query 4: Where is the individual marmot located over time? • …..
  • 7. • The following workflow is for answering the first 3 queries? Query 1 Query 2 Query 3
  • 8. Data and Programming Model • Data Types: Integer, float, characters, string, array, sets, SigSeg (signal segments). • SigSeg: Represents a window into a signal that are regularly spaced in time. • It also contains information about sampling rates. • SigSeg could be easily expanded to support multidimensional signals like image and video.
  • 9. • Programming elements in query work flow: Class Examples POD (Plain Old Data Function) Arithmetic, SigSeg Operations, Functions timebase operations, FFT/IFFT Subquery Constructors profileDetect, Classify , beamForm, Sync, Zip Fundamental Stream Operators Iterate, union • In the following we will consider the programming language through sample application.
  • 10. fun profileDetect (S, scorefun, <winsize, step>, threshsettings) Window input stream, ensuring that we will hit each event according to the event sample rate. wins = rewindow(S, winsize, step); Take a hanning window and convert to frequency domain. scores : Stream< float > scores = iterate(w in hanning(wins)) { Frequency Decomposition using FFT Query 1: freq = fft(w); Filtering Score each frequency-domain window emit (scorefun(freq)); }; Associate each original window with its score, and merge them together. withscores : Stream<float, SigSeg<int16>> withscores = zip2(scores, wins); Find time-ranges where scores are above threshold. ThreshFilter returns <bool, starttime, endtime> tuples. return threshFilter(withscores, threshsettings)
  • 11. The snapshot of the detected call <bool, time1,time2> control = profileDetect (Ch0, marmotScore, <64,192>, <16.0, 0.999, 40, 2400, 48000>); Use the control stream to extract actual data windows. datawindows = sync4(control, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch4); Query 2 Beam forming. beam<doa,enhanced> = beamform(datawindows, arrayGeometry); Classifying Marmot. marmots = classify(beam.enhanced, marmotClassifier); return zip2(beam, marmots);
  • 12. System Architecture Syntax Check Inline all query plan(expand sub Preprocessor query, POD,…) Stream and Signal Processing Optimizer Expander Query Plan in Low- Level Language such Optimizer as C. Run Time Library Compiler Runtime
  • 13. Query Plan: The final query plan is an imperative program corresponding to Aurora directed graph with iterate, Union, and source as basic operators Scheduler: It chooses which operator in query to run next. Memory Manager: due to limit in memory for embedded application, memory manager manage the memory resource, caching, garbage collection,… But what does timebase conversion graph mean?
  • 14. Scheduler • Which operators in query to run next, • Tuple passing mechanism • Assiging threads • Compact memory footprint, Cache locality, Fairness, Scalability, High throuput tuple passing • Memory manegment • To scale high data rates, instead of passed by values, passed by reference with copy-on-write • Garbage collect : reference counting
  • 15. Managing timing information corresponding to signal data is a common problem in signal processing applications. • Signal processing operators typically process vectors of samples with sequence numbers, leaving the application developer to determine how to interpret those samples temporally. • WaveScope introduces the concept of a timebase, a dynamic data structure that represents and maintains a mapping between sample sequence numbers and time units. • Based on input from signal source drivers and other WaveScope components, the timebase manager maintains a conversion graph that denotes which conversions are possible. • In this graph, every node is a timebase, and an edge indicates the capability to convert from one timebase to another.
  • 16. The graph may contain cycles as well as redundant paths. • Conversions may be composed along any path through the graph; when redundant paths exist, a weighted average of the results from each path may result in higher accuracy . • Node to node time conversion
  • 17. Distributed Query Execution • The query plan could be executed in a distributed fashion. Sensor Node PCs
  • 18. Query Stored Data • In addition to handling streaming data, many WaveScope applications will need to query a pre- existing stored database, or historical data archived on secondary storage (e.g., disk or flash memory). • Two special WaveScope library functions that will support archiving and querying stored data declaratively: DiskArchive: which consumes tuples from its input stream and writes them to a named relational table on disk. DiskSource: which reads tuples from a named relational table on disk and feeds them upstream.
  • 19. Optimizations • Two category of optimization could be done. • One in data stream optimization and the other is signal processing optimization. • The database optimization techniques has been used for example merging adjacent iterate operators. • For signal processing by using the relation between operators the optimization could be done as follows:
  • 21. Conclusion • The paper talked about how optimally define query language that merges signal and stream processing concepts. • We think several gap should be filled: – It considers the stream and signal procesing optimization but for special application that they considered (sensor networks) they should define Power-aware query optimizer.
  • 22. Conclusion – The saving data is an issue in these applications. One of the main issues is handling these large amounts of data and retrieve them efficiently. • indexing