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A Comprehensive Guide On Writin A Comprehensive Guide On Writin
Mother Tongue Essay
Not all people who speak the English language speak it the same way. It is very uncommon to find
two people that speak the exact same English because there are so many different forms of the
language. This is the argument that Amy Tan makes in her story, Mother Tongue . Tan uses pathos to
portray to her audience how through her experiences with her mother and the Chinese language she
came to realize who she wanted to be and how she wanted to write.
In Mother Tongue , Tan discusses the many ways in which the language that she was taught affected
her life. Throughout the story, she describes her relationship with her mother, who speaks broken
English, and how her perception of language has changed due to her mother. Whenever Tan was ...
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Amy Tan also felt that standardized tests could not accurately determine a person s intelligence. She
effectively makes her argument by using rhetorical devices such as, I wanted to capture what language
ability tests could never reveal: her intent, her passion, her imagery, the rhythms of her speech and the
nature of her thoughts (Tan 768). When she said that standard tests cannot determine a person s true
intelligence, she was trying to say how people have different ways of thinking and different types of
intelligence, and yet these standard tests only can measure a certain type of intelligence; therefore it
really is kind of unfair, for lack of a better term.
Overall, the main idea of Tan s story is to stress that just because someone cannot speak English to
perfection does not in any way make them less intelligent than someone who is born in this country
and understands and speaks English fluently. Tan has judged and has been judged by her language,
and has seen her mother disrespected because of how she speaks but these experiences have shaped
her whole outlook on life. Through her essay, Tan wanted to send a powerful message of how we
ought to view people by their beautiful side and not by their shortcomings. Everyone has a message to
say, it may be different from yours and it might be grammatically incorrect but it does not make the
message wrong, it just makes it
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Rolling Wheels Case Study
Rolling wheels
The whole industry of cars being advertized to the public by toys, games, shows and so on, have
always had this target to consumers (parents) to buy these toys most specifically to their male kids and
young adult. This matter gives a social idea that male children had to interact with manly like toys that
gave the children there gender role of being a male begging or stating the stage of what your suppose
to like as you grow up because of your sex. Respectively being a child, seeing a toy car was something
you naturally approached to and were not told nothing if you played with it unless you for some
chance tried to play with a doll or play house and were told not to by a parent. There response for
restricting you to these other toys was most likely because that s for girls to play I never wondered
why there was such restrictions between girl and boy toys; I just knew I had to stick to cars. In my
case I may have gotten a response like this in my childhood one day after school playing with the
apartment neighbors, girl from school, on the stairwell playing with her toy horse and doll when my
mother came out and told me not to play with that to instead bring one of my toys out to play. Toy cars
have been in throughout my whole life and have inspired me to pursue a career on what I have come
to love most which all started with a toy car I got as a present as a child.
The first most significant toy car I got as a child was a new bright remote 1:6
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Home Schooling Persuasive Essay
Ballard. Eastern. Male. Manual. All of these are public schools right here in Louisville, with varsity
sport teams. If someone lives in Ballard s district, they can go to Ballard and play football, if a person
lives in Easterns district they can still transfer to Ballard and play football, but what if this person was
homeschooled, then what? This child should still have the same opportunities to play sports at a
varsity level with the high school of their choosing even if they don t attend that school. Being
homeschooled should not take away the opportunities given through high school athletics for various
reasons but especially since parents of homeschooled kids pay the same taxes as kids who attend
public school. Home schooled kids also need the exposure to the social skills one would learn through
team settings. Also there are various reasons why one maybe home schooled; such as religious reasons
and denying participation because of religion is illegal. Let s be honest here, without allowing home
schooled kids to play high school sports, there is no Tim Tebow, or any more Tim Tebows of the
world. Longman (2012) says in his article that Virginia is looking to be the next state to allow home
schooled kids the opportunity to play varsity sports, joining 25 other states who currently allow it.
Longman (2012), interviewed Patrick Foss, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Being home schooled has its perks and one of the big disadvantages being the discrimination from
high school athletics. But it is believed that home schooled kids should get the same opportunities in
these sports because their parents pay the same taxes, the skills you learn and gain from team setting
are priceless and for some kids religion is what keeps them out of a traditional classroom. Sports
should be an inclusive event, especially during the time leading up to the prime of some athletes
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Literary Analysis On 1984 By George Orwell
Felics Sparks Madden LA Period 2 1 / 21 / 2016 Written Task 2 (SL) 1984 by George Orwell,
published in 1948. Orwell uses the dystopian genre to conceive an exemplification of life in the future
based on conformity, dependence of technology, and the absolute control of the state over the people,
their rights, and their history. The dystopian genre has been classified to have constraints upon the
structure of the storyline; variations of such plots come through in different ideas, but all adhere to:
conformity, surveillance / invasion of privacy, a terrible / unnamable past which lead to the dystopia s
creation, a futuristic setting, lack of rights / freedom / expression for the people, and a distinct
segregation of the higher and lower classes.How ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Orwell uses the dystopian genre to conceive an exemplification of life in the future based on
conformity, dependence of technology, and the absolute control of the state over the people, their
rights, and their history. The dystopian genre has been classified to have constraints upon the structure
of the storyline; variations of such plots come through in different ideas, but all adhere to: conformity,
surveillance / invasion of privacy, a terrible / unnamable past which lead to the dystopia s creation, a
futuristic setting, lack of rights / freedom / expression for the people, and a distinct segregation of the
higher and lower classes.How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a
particular genre, and for what purpose? Also use examples from the text to support my ideas and what
they re supposed to be
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Importance Of Small Business
This is great information, what caught my attention was the fact that small business gives equal
opportunity to women and minorities. That is an important factor and that is also one thing that I feel
is key in why small businesses are so important. Upon doing research I learned that small businesses
paid almost fifty percent of the U.S. payroll and this payroll was towards individuals who may not
have been qualified for jobs at larger corporation. The US economy is made up of various types of
people from different walks of life and I feel it is important that all individuals should have an
opportunity for employment so that we can provide for our families and small business help this
become possible.
Small businesses are important to the U.S economy for multiple reasons. According to the U.S Small
Business Administration, small businesses represents for 99.7 percent of all employer firms, have
generated sixty four percent of new jobs and paid forty four percent of the total united states payroll
(Brown, 2017) . Small business is an important role not just in the US economy, but they also play a
major role in the growth of the individual community that they are located in. Small businesses give
citizens of the community an opportunity for employment by offering jobs that the individuals may
not have to have degrees or accolades to qualify for unlike jobs in larger corporations. Although small
business is very important to the economy and the community, often times small
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Essay on Jocasta in Oedipus the King
The Role of Jocasta in Oedipus the King
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he will receive the crown of life,
which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. (James 1:12) Such is the proclamation in the
Holy Bible, and so was the proclamation in ancient Greece. Since the founding of religion, the gods
have sought to test those with power. Jocasta was sent by Apollo to do just that: to test Oedipus the
king of Thebes faith and conviction.
Throughout the play, Jocasta tested the beliefs of those around her by feigning disbelief in the gods
herself. Though she put up this false front, she did keep her faith. At the beginning of the scene
wherein a messenger relayed word of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jocasta proceeds to plant doubts of the gods by telling Oedipus the story of the Delphian Oracle and
the circumstances surrounding Laius death. Again, after Polybus death, she excitedly tells Oedipus
that his prophecy was obviously untrue, though it wasn t, and by doing so she attempts to hint that the
oracles and thus the gods are false. By planting this doubt in Oedipus mind, the gods are able to test
his faith, and his ruling power, through Jocasta a test which he fails until it is too late.
Why, then, would Jocasta be forced to perform such a dubious task for the gods? It is because she tried
to avoid an earlier prophecy. By tying her child s feet together and casting him out, she attempted to
defeat the gods, and this of course angered them. Her punishment, then, was to test the beliefs of the
very child she cast out.
Oedipus Rex was Sophocles attempt to show the Greeks that they could not avoid the dealings of the
gods, or they may be forced to conspire against the very people they should love most. Jocasta was, in
this way, a victim. Though it was by her own doing that this penalty was cast upon her, it was not
something she was happy to do, which becomes apparent when she realizes the truth in her earlier
prophecy. It is at this moment that she becomes aware of her punishment, and in desperation kills
herself. Oedipus Rex is a true tragedy in the sense that fate and
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Differences And Characteristics Of Inductive Reasoning
Characteristics of Inductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning is not designed to produce mathematical certainty. Induction occurs when we
gather bits of specific information together and use our own knowledge and experience in order to
make an observation about what must be true. Inductive reasoning does not use syllogisms, but series
of observations, in order to reach a conclusion. Consider the following chains of observations:
Observation: John came to class late this morning.
Observation: John s hair was uncombed.
Prior experience: John is very fussy about his hair.
Conclusion: John overslept
The reasoning process here is directly opposite to that used in deductive syllogisms. Rather than
beginning with a general principle (People who comb their hair wake up on time), the chain of
evidence begins with an observation and then combines it with the strength of previous observations
in order to arrive at a conclusion.
The most basic kind of inductive reasoning is called generalization. You generalize whenever you
make a general statement (all salesmen are pushy) based on observations with specific members of
that group (the last three salesmen who came to my door were pushy). You also generalize when you
make an observation about a specific thing based on other specific things that belong to the same
group (my girlfriend s cousin Ed is a salesman, so he will probably be pushy.) When you use specific
observations as the basis of a general conclusion, you are said to be making an
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Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia Essay
General Description
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is slow progressing or chronic , cancer of the blood and bone
marrow. CLL is the second most common leukemia in adults and one of the four primary types of
leukemia. Certain risk factors have been identified including age, race, sex, family history of blood
and bone marrow cancers and chemical exposure. Most people diagnosed with CLL are white males
over the age of 60. Occurrence increases with age and a marked increase after 60. Herbicides,
insecticides and Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War have shown to increase the risk of developing
CLL. There are approximately 15,000 new cases diagnosed each year.
The cause of CLL is unknown at this time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The signs and symptoms are most likely caused by opportunistic infections due to the decreased white
blood cell count. Symptoms can include:
Painless swelling of the spleen or lymph nodes in neck, underarm, stomach or groin
Tiring easily
Shortness of breath
Pain/fullness between the ribs
Fever and infection
Unexplained weight loss
CLL is diagnosed with a physical exam, including a complete history, and blood bone marrow tests.
Many types of blood and bone marrow tests can be performed including:
Complete blood count Hematocrit, white blood cell count, platelet count and hemoglobin
Cytogenic analysis Microscopic examination of lymphocytes to look for structural changes or changes
in number of chromosomes.
Immunophenotyping Microscopic examination to determine if CLL is from B or T cells.
Bone marrow aspiration biopsy Removal of bone marrow, blood and small piece of bone from the hip
or breastbone. A pathologist will then review for abnormal cells.
It is extremely important to be treated by a hematologist or a Doctor experienced in treating CLL. Due
to slow progression, a patient in the early stages does not need immediate treatment and is usually
treated in a conservative manner. This will also help the patient avoid any treatment side effects.
About 1/3 of those diagnosed with CLL in the early stages will never need treatment. Treatment
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Refraction Lab
When light passes from the air into a different medium, like water, it is refracted. You can see this by
putting a pencil in a cup of water. The pencil appears to bend, but it isn t actually bent. Again, this is
because of refraction. Putting a pencil in a cup of sugar water would also cause refraction, but the
amount of light refracted would be different. This is because of the changes in density.
Refraction is the bending of light as it goes through a medium. Light waves travel very quickly and
can pass through transparent materials fairly easily, but the waves slow down while they are passing
through these materials. The light passing through a transparent material will bend depending on the
index of refraction. For example, when light waves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When light passes through two substances of different densities, the light is refracted. That is why
materials in water seem oddly placed or bent. The density of the water is different compared to the air
that the light goes through. The difference in densities also slows down the speed in which the light
rays travel through the medium, which causes the bending effect.
Snell s law is a formula that is used to describe the relationship between the angles of refraction and
incidence when talking about light waves passing through two different mediums. This is also known
as the calculation of what degree the light will bend. The degree to which light bends, or refracts,
depends on the incidence angle entering the second material as well as the speed at which the light
travels through the two materials.
An angle of incidence is the angle at which light enters a translucent or transparent material. This can
also be described as the angle between the ray of light and the normal vector of the surface of the
object it is coming into contact with. The normal vector would be a perpendicular vector from the
surface of an object. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This is because the law
of reflection states that the angle between the normal vector and the reflected ray, which is the angle of
reflection, is the same as the angle of
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Comparing Jackson Pollock And Chuck Close
This essay will compare and contrast the work of Jackson Pollock and Chuck Close, specifically the
Abstract Expressionist Number 1A of 1948 and the photorealist Self Portrait of 1991. I will explore
the similarities in the process of these two artists, despite their end result appearing to be poles apart.
Both artists are and were as obsessed with the process of making art as much as with the outcome.
Close and Pollock both employed highly inventive techniques and cultivated a signature style that is
instantly recognizable. Number 1A is an early realization of Pollock s distinctive approach to dripping
paint directly onto the canvas. This technique quickly became a statement on the aesthetic and
psychological power of large scale abstract painting. At five feet and eight inches by eight feet and 8
inches it is a massive piece that s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The energy of the painting is overwhelming. It is an intricate web of oil colors with black enamel. The
piece is mainly comprised of black and white, but as one tries to look into the painting subtle red pink
and light blue can be found. The many layers of overlapping webs of black and white seem to be a sort
of veil for whatever lies underneath. Making it challenging to interpret and look into the piece. No
place for the eye to settle and rest. There are no figures hidden within the drips. No hint of a
representational image. At first there is a sense or reckless abandon and a wild application of paint.
After closer examining it is clear Pollock s strokes are controlled, swift, assured, almost mechanical.
You can trace the movements of his arm as the drips of paint fell from sticks and paint brushes.
Ranging from puddles where paint gathered and then thinned into wisps of
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Essay about Impact of Sea Otters on Community Ecology
Introduction Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are marine mammals capable of spending their entire lives in
water. Being carnivorous in nature, they feed on sea urchins, crabs, fishes, mussels and clams. They
are referred to as keystone species due to their profound impact on marine ecology. The interaction
between sea otters, sea urchins and kelp forests has been studied as a model for the impact of predator
prey interactions on community ecology. Sea otters are keystone predators, whose presence has a far
reaching influence on the marine food web by affecting the populations of sea urchins, which
indirectly affects the populations of kelp ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, sea otters play an indirect, yet vital role in the preservation of kelp forests. This in turn
protects kelp forests and other macroalgae, which would have otherwise been depleted due to grazing
by sea urchins. Where sea otters abound so do lush kelp forests, and where sea otters are absent the
habitat is typically deforested by hyperabundant sea urchins (Soulé et al 1240). The significance of
this interaction can be wholly surmised only when the importance of kelp forests is understood. Kelp
forests are a source of food and habitat for dozens of other coastal species (Soulé et al 1240).
Innumerable coastal marine organisms thrive on kelp forests, enhancing biodiversity of the region.
Therefore, to maintain the diversity and richness of coastal marine ecology, sea otters should be
preserved, who indirectly lead to the preservation of kelps. Impact of sea otters on community ecology
The presence or absence of sea otters influences marine ecology at the community level. Studies have
shown that kelp forests enhance the underwater environment, providing a suitable habitat for fishes.
The declining kelp beds in California in the mid 1900 s propelled the Kelp Habitat Improvement
Project, whereby attempts were made to eliminate sea urchins that are
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Communism And The Czechoslovakia Revolution
The Czechoslovakia revolution mainly occurred because the communist government had many
conflicts with the citizens but before the revolution, when communism was just beginning, the citizens
wanted that type of government. On the contrary, during and after the revolution, the people of
Czechoslovakia favored a more democratic government where the power resides in the people, not
just rulers. The communist ways began in 1948 when Benes gave in to communist demands and
handed his cabinet over to the party (Communists 1) after many acts of protest that he could no longer
control. Many people fought to change their government in their country to go from a parliamentary
democracy to a communist government. They wanted to change their form of
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Reflection On What Expectations Did You Have Prior To The...
1. What expectations did you have prior to the service encounter?
For this service encounter, I was hoping, since I had an appointment that I wouldn t have to wait a
long time and that it wasn t crowd. In addition, I was expecting the employees to do their jobs and that
their attitudes were positive.
2. Briefly describe your encounter so that someone who was not there would know what happened.
Exactly, what did the employee/firm say or do? What did you say/do?
The moment I walked through the door I was in fond of this place. The feel of this establishment
oozed out quality service from being greeted by the receptionist to the decor, ambiance, set up, smell,
and cleanliness, I was in total awe. This was my first time here although I ve been hearing good things
about the company via word of mouth. It s been a minute since I ve had a manicure and pedicure and
it was definitely time to treat myself. When I made my appointment over the phone a week before, I
was shocked that I received a reminder text, two days before the actual appointment. On the day of, I
arrived a little early so the receptionist suggested that I sit in one the spa chairs and have a massage
while I waited and then offered me a bottle of water. As I sat there one of the technicians addressed
my by name, introduced herself as Kim, and then asked if I would like to get started on with the
pedicure. I was impressed when the technician unwrapped the instruments that she would be using to
give the pedicure
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Olaf s Transformation
There are many stories of Olaf told by the people from his village. There is a story about Olaf
defeating a dragon in face to face combat to protect his village or him racing down a mountain of lava.
But this is the story of how Olaf got his shield. Long time ago, Olaf was a simple shepherd, living in
the mountains above his village. He was very well known for being the kindest man anyone had ever
met. He always had a smile on his face. Tales about him say he could chop down trees with his bare
hands, and that strength was useful while helping others. Every time someone was in trouble, Olaf was
there to help. He ripped trees from the roots to stop river flow, to save drowning goats, and he put out
fires burning the village all on his own. He ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the villagers outside held their breath, the rock around the door crumbled. When the dust cleared
they saw Olaf, standing in a room full of treasure, with a weak but happy boy in his arms. But before
they could begin to celebrate, the ground began to rumble and shake. A giant troll roared from deep
within the vault. He had a giant club, about the size of a tree. The troll charged like a frantic bull. Olaf
wasn t worried, he stood his ground and put the little boy behind. The troll bashed Olaf with his club,
but Olaf did not shift from his position. The troll was big and strong, but he was no match for Olaf s
might. Olaf grabbed the club with one hand, and crushed it with the sheer force of his palm. He picked
up the troll and spun him around like a helicopter, before hurling him deep into the mountain. The troll
was defeated, and the boy was rescued. But then suddenly the ground began to rumble and shake once
again, had the troll returned? No, the vault, it was crumbling apart! As Olaf cut his way through the
mountain, he had weakened the structure, and now it was caving in. The ceiling began to decay, Olaf
covered the boy with his back. With no obvious way out, Olaf grabbed the ice covered door, and held
it up like a shield. Protecting them as the mountain top collapsed around
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Analysis of Pink Floyd s Song, Mother Essay
Analysis of Pink Floyd s Song, Mother
Had Sigmund Freud lived 40 more years (to the overripe old age of 123), he would have been
delighted to hear such a wonderful example of his life s psychoanlytic work embodied in the haunting
lyrics of Mother. Or had Oedipus lived a few millennium longer than his fictional death he would have
found an adversary in the youthful Pink, a young boy whose desire for maternal acceptance and love
is arguably equal to the greatest mother centered protagonists in the history of literature. Contrary to
the eye gouging antics of Oedipus or even the grandiose melodrama later in Floyd s album, Mother is
relatively low key and emotionally subtle. The music itself is interestingly split, though with few if
any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So why would the band choose to illustrate such a serious stage of personal development with the
nursery rhyme like style of the song s chorus? Before we get to that, the song s emotional and
psychological message must first be examined.
Similar to the music, the lyrics are as subtle as they are unsettling. Although the song takes a
seemingly forthright form of question and answer, the psychological implications behind the lyrics are
far from being simple and straightforward. Although the battling was over, the effects of World War II
were still extent in the years following the atrocious fight. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
by the atomic bomb as well as the deaths of millions of Holocaust victims and soldiers were all too
fresh in the global consciousness. Fears of nuclear warfare and continued fighting ran rampant through
the post war world, instilling a sense of uncertainty in the generations of and following the war. Such
fears are blatantly reflected by the first line of the song in which Pink asks his mother if they ll drop
the bomb, referring to the apprehension of enemy retaliation. However, this line, as well as the
majority of the lyrics, is open to a wide range of interpretation. Because of the psychological tendency
to group people into two main categories (those like us and those apart from us, or the Other) coupled
with the recent divisions of global powers in the war, one automatically assumes that the they Pink
refers to is the
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Jim Crow Essay
Fall 2010
Term Paper The Strange Career of Jim Crow by Van Woodward is based on the time period
surrounding the Civil Rights Movement. This book is an accurate account of events that occurred
during this time. It shows how the 1896 US Supreme Court Ruling affected blacks and the obstacles
they faced to overcome. This book shows how the rights of African Americans have evolved over
time. Van Woodward did an excellent job illustrating the events of history with The Strange Career of
Jim Crow and created a factual account of history that is still used in classrooms today. The historical
context in which this book was written surrounds the events that took place during the Civil Rights
Movement. There were several influential legal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
referred to this book by Van Woodward as the historical bible of the civil rights movement because it
spoke about the difficulties of race relations and brought attention to what blacks went through to get
to where they are today. Martin Luther King Jr. was a respected figure and had a dream for equality
among blacks and whites. King liked the message that this book provided. Van Woodward writes
striking incongruities appeared between the needs and moods of the black ghetto and the goals and
strategies of the civil rights crusade, as typified by the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., and
voiced in his lyrical dream (Van Woodward, 193). In 1896, the court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson ruled
that the states had the right to legally segregate public facilities. This court ruling fueled the fire of
Southerners in regards to race relations, leading to the Jim Crow laws. These laws went as far as to say
blacks could not cut a white person s hair, drink from the same water fountain as a white person, and
established a test for blacks to take prior to getting a ballot. The Strange Career of Jim Crow is a book
that opens reader s eyes to obstacles that black people faced during this period of time. Van Woodward
does an excellent job in this book illustrating history. He provides factual and vivid examples of the
racism that blacks faced in their fight for equality. It is obvious that this is a well written book in that it
is still being published
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Air Pollution In The Environment
A major public health challenge facing the people of Honduras is the issue of household air pollution
(HAP). HAP is a dangerous form of environmental health hazard, so much so that the World Health
Organization (WHO) has called it the most important global environmental health risk today . HAP is
air pollution that is produced inside the home due to cooking, lightening, and heating needs and is
typically the result of burning biomass fuels such as wood or coal, which produces products of
incomplete combustion such as carbon monoxide and particulate matter (PM). Behaviors such as
smoking indoors also contribute to poor indoor air quality. The worldwide impact of HAP is massive,
with the WHO estimating that a total of 4.3 million deaths were linked to HAP in 2012. Honduras is
part of this global burden of disease, as over half of Honduras s population cooks with biomass,
placing thousands at risk. The overall trend in health ailments in Honduras is one of epidemiological
transition. Essentially, Honduras is currently seeing a rise in noncommunicable diseases (NCD) while
the burden of infectious disease persists. HAP is contributing to this rise in NCD. People in Honduras
between 30 and 70 years old have a 16% chance of dying from the four main NCDS, which include
cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic respiratory diseases. HAP has been found to
contribute to all of these areas of NCD, excluding diabetes. In Honduras, cardiovascular disease and
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Barbarianism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy
In all cultures, there are people struggling for survival. Some are starving, some are living in sheer
poverty, some are thrown into slavery and some just cannot get their footing; but in all of these
situations there seems to be a common theme that presents itself over and over again. Many of these
people become so desperate to live they will give up their morals and give in to whatever they can to
get by. Occasionally, there is one person stronger than the rest, one able to hold onto their morals, one
that would rather die than give in to immorality. However, given certain circumstances; even these
people turn to pure barbarianism in order to survive. The Pulitzer Award Winning novel, The Road by
Cormac McCarthy, details the numerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While on the road, in a few flashback sequences, the fate of the boy s mother is revealed. Among the
flashbacks, there was a conversation between the man and his wife after the boy has been born. The
man entreats his wife not to commit suicide. She wishes to die by her own hand however, in order to
escape what she believes is her inevitable rape and her family s inevitable murder. She wishes that
their pistol had three bullets, not only two, so that she could spare her entire family from their
gruesome fate. Throughout the conversation, the man continues to beg her to reconsider her decision
or at least wait until the morning to say goodbye to their son. After her death, the man and the boy
pack up their camp, and the boy only says, She s gone, isn t she? (McCarthy 50). This sequence of
events reveals the mother s very dark nature because instead of being there for her son, like a devoted
parent, she chooses to leave this world out of pure fear of the post apocalyptic event. She even goes so
far as to question the existence of her husband and newborn; yet she does not even do a small good
deed as to tell her son goodbye. Instead, she chooses to burden her husband to be the sole proprietor
for their son; thus revealing her animalistic nature. In addition, in preparation for the catastrophe, the
dark nature of the boy s father is also evident through his decision to buy a gun in anticipation of the
worst possible scenario. Contrary to popular belief, he does
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Shinto Vs Buddhism Essay
Temple and shrine are both used interchangeably because many visitors to Japan can t tell the
difference. To point out, using these terms interchangeably is like saying a church and synagogue are
equivalent. In Japan, there are two major religions practiced by the Japanese people. A shrine is where
Shinto is practiced and Buddhism is practiced at a temple.
Both Shinto and Buddhism date back to thousands of years. Shinto, a spiritual principle, is an ancient
religion of Japan based on the belief that powerful deities called kami (gods) inhabit both heaven and
earth. According to mythology, various kanami were worshipped by their own individual clans. They
often built shrines dedicated to their chosen kami and utilized a shaman or diviner to ... Show more
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It gained wide acceptance in the following century when the nobility advocated it. Bukkyō, a
combination of two words, is the Japanese word for Buddhism. Butsu translates to Buddha and kyō
means doctrine.
In Japan, most people practice both faiths ambiguously as they are nearly parallel to one another.
Shinto primarily focuses on earthly matters, and shrines are often used to host weddings or pray for
good fortune. Whereas Buddhism is considered the religion of spiritual beliefs and practices. Temples
usually host funerals and are a place to pray for ancestors.
You are probably at a Shinto shrine if you cross the threshold of a torii gate, see a pair of guardians
(usually dogs or lions) sitting on each side of the entrance, and cleanse your mouth and hands at a
purification fountain before prayer. Shinto shrines have the suffix jingu , such as Ise Jingu.
The name of Buddhist temples use the suffix ji , such as Todaiji. You may find yourself at a Japanese
temple if you see an image of the Buddha, as this is always housed at a Buddhist temple. A large
incense burner is usually located at the front of the temple; it is believed that the smoke has healing
properties. On top of that, there is often a pagoda at a Buddhist
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My Favorite Vacation In The Philippines
The Philippines isn t a very common vacation spot for most people, but that makes Mindanao, the
Philippines so much better having experienced something most people haven t. There are many things
that people can t see going to places like Florida, but Mindanao has magnificent beaches and islands
not too far away. Mindanao has some important facts like many small islands make up just the one
island of Mindanao. The beaches near the islands of Hinatuan are gorgeous and very relaxing, taking
the crazy lives that were left behind while taking a vacation. The beaches are crystal clear as if they re
in a magical place. Mindanao has everything someone would want to see while going on vacation
mountains, beaches, and volcanoes just an all around paradise. The official language of the Philippines
is Filipino but the second language here is English. English is typically every country s second
language, what makes this place different about having English is the second language is that if they
are in college or have a degree they, phillipines will be able to speak fluent English. This is because
the college professors speak in English to teach. Everyone who lives in the Philippines is called
Filipinos, most of them have a religion of roman catholic and that s around eighty percent of the
population and five percent of the population is Muslim. The people who live in the Philippines have
beautiful places to see ( Ethnicity ). The Enchanted River,is located by the island of Hinatuan.
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Expiration Dates
The concept of event related sterility is one that required teamwork and cooperation in order to
convert existing policies into this new one. The idea of not using expiration dates was hard for some
but, when presented with the information and cost effectiveness it was difficult not to take a closer
look at how this new procedure could and would benefit health care facilities. Armed with new
policies and more training, health care workers were ready for the challenge of implementing this new
Introduction The sterilization process has been in use for a very long time. The use of expiration dates
gave, and still gives, a period in which items are sterile and may be put to use during a procedure. This
system works, but is costly and labor intensive. Although this process works, there is another way of
maintaining the sterility of items. Louis Pasteur proved it. Louis Pasteur sterilized flasks in 1863,
more than 130 years ago. These flasks, which are stored ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Approval had to be gained by showing the facility that it was going to benefit everyone involved and
that it was in compliance with state and local laws as well as with accrediting organizations. Some
examples of what had to be done are defining policy goals, development of a cost benefit analysis, a
rotation policy had to be in place, and new training programs had to be established. These, along with
a labeling policy and testing for quality assurance, helped to maintain the process.
Event related sterility is cost effective compared to the use of expiration dates since outdated
packaging material does not have to be removed and thrown away causing items to be rewrapped.
Also, since there are no expiration dates, expired items do not have to be pulled for reprocessing
which cuts down on time and labor. Personnel are able to focus on other things that require their
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Using Two Transmit Diversity Scheme
[1]S. M. Alamouti, describes a simple two branch transmit diversity scheme. Using two transmit
antenna and one receive antenna, the new transmit antenna provides the same diversity order as
maximal ratio receiver combining (MRRC) with one transmit and two receive antennas. The scheme
easily be generated to two transmit antenna and M receive antenna to provide a diversity order of 2M.
This scheme does not require any bandwidth expansion any feedback from the receiver to the
transmitter and its computation complexity is similar to MRRC. This also provide diversity
improvement to all the remote units in a wireless system, using two transmit antennas at the base
station instead of two receive antenna at all the remote terminals.
[2]Vahid Tarokh, proposed that data is encoded by a channel code and encoded data is split into n
streams that are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. The received signal at the each
receive antenna is a linear superposition of the n transmitted perturbed by noise. The code constructed
here provides the best trade off between data rate, diversity advantage, and trellis complexity.
Maximum likelihood decoding is achieved in a simple way through decoupling of the signal
transmitted from different antennas rather than joint detection and significant gain can be achieved by
using the increasing number of transmit chains with the very little decoding complexity.
[3]Vahid Tarokh et. al, proposed that uses the
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I Love Cheerleading Essay
The activity that I am really passionate about and love doing is cheerleading. When I am at cheer
practice all I hear at the beginning of practice are the slaps of palms of the athletes hands slapping
against their thigh and counting to at least 30 because we are doing pushups or sit ups. You can hear
people breathing hard or moaning about having to do more conditions. The counting of coaches is
heard loud and clear as they count out for our routine and the routine music blasting throughout the
building as you go through the routine. We have coaches yelling at others because they are not getting
it right, giving up or messing around. Practice is completely different than when we are at
competition. All you hear is talking, people practicing, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If luck isn t on your side at practices you taste blood, a shoe in your mouth and sometimes other body
parts. Blood is the worst part because you just have to keep going. At competitions if you get hurt you
have to pretend it didn t happen and keep going. It is a very dangerous sport and we will get hurt
throughout practice. There are days where we have practices for more than five hours, and those days
are very smelly. There s no doubt that we do a lot of physical activity, those days are very smelly. It
can get a little stinky, but we open the door so the smell goes away. Sometimes we tend to practice
outside, and you can smell the grass and I hate the smell of grass. On competition days we usually are
there early morning, and sometimes it smells like it just rained. I actually really love that smell
because to me it s a familiar smell a competitions and its homely. I love cheering; it is my happy place
and my stress reliever place. I love that there are different aspects of cheering which is mostly
physical. We stunt; we lift girls in the air and throw them in the air. You have to pick them up from
their feet so we touch their shoes and also when you catch them, you basically touch mostly every part
of their
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Essay on Cricket World Cup
Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Charter of the
Organisation of the Islamic Conference
‫ا‬ ‫‫ا‬
In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
We the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, determined: to acknowledge the
Conference of Kings, Heads of State and Government of the Member States convened in Rabat from 9
to 12 Rajab, 1389 H, corresponding to 22 to 25 September 1969, as well as the Conference of Foreign
Ministers held in Jeddah from 14 to 18 Muharram 1392 H corresponding to 29 February to 4 March
1972; to be guided by the noble Islamic values of unity and fraternity, and affirming the essentiality of
promoting and consolidating the unity and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
10. 11.
12. 13. 14.
To protect and defend the true image of Islam, to combat defamation of Islam and encourage dialogue
among civilisations and religions; To enhance and develop science and technology and encourage
research and cooperation among Member States in these fields; To promote and to protect human
rights and fundamental freedoms including the rights of women, children, youth, elderly and people
with special needs as well as the preservation of Islamic family values; To emphasize, protect and
promote the role of the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society; To safeguard the rights,
dignity and religious and cultural identity of Muslim communities and minorities in non Member
States; To promote and defend unified position on issues of common interest
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Hurricane Katrina Simulation
Hurricane Katrina was a devastating disaster that has affected many people in New Orleans as well as
the surrounding areas. It had a stunning death toll of 1300 people and damage over $100 billion (
Davlasheridze 94 ). The communication were taken down hours after Katrina because of the
unexpected fast winds and floods that broke down 3 million phone lines and 1,000 cellular towers in
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. ( Joch ). Because of the millions of phone lines that were
battered, contacting the government for help was difficult hours after hurricane Katrina. Not only that,
the people of New Orleans underestimated the power of Hurricane Katrina causing many to be
stranded with no food or water ( Narrator, The Storm ,PBS ). Before Hurricane Katrina, a simulation
called Hurricane Pam was created to prepare for a disaster like Katrina. It was the perfect model of
what happened in Katrina ( Maestri, The Storm ). The purpose of it was to prepare the people
(government) in what is needed during a real hurricane. Unfortunately, Before they could finish the
exercise, FEMA s funding for the simulation was cut before it was completed causing the simulation
to be canceled. The reason why Hurricane Pam was unsuccessful because Medical care for hurricane
victims was not yet finalized, communication systems were not addressed at all, and key
transportation decisions were left to be determined ( Narrator, The Storm , PBS ). If the simulation
were to be completed, the disaster of Hurricane Katrina could ve been solved with a prepared plan to
help many in New Orleans. Over the years of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA faced many criticisms. Not
only FEMA, but every level of government was roundly criticized ( Howellq ). Back in 9/11, They
acted fast and accordingly to the disaster. During hurricane Katrina, they were slow and had false
promises that the locals of New Orleans believed ( Maestri, The Storm , PBS ). Many people asked
FEMA for resources and help, but that turned down because they did not ask the right way ( Hale The
Storm , PBS). During an interview with one of FEMA s secretaries, Michael Brown , had claimed that
FEMA could not help Louisiana because they didn t tell them what they
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The Pros And Cons Of Intellectual Property
Intellectual property as is perceived globally has been in existence as long humankind. However, the
rights and laws pertaining to intellectual property have been recognised and afforded protection only
in recent years. This can be attributed to the global shift from the bygone industrial revolution to the
ongoing knowledge revolution. The developed nations of the world appraised that knowledge in its
various forms is what is more profitable in terms of trade and development leading to what is known
as the knowledge economy . Rapid advancements in technology and the requirement to stay ahead of
global competitors lead to intellectual property becoming a keystone to country, tying its survival in
global markets to the protection for intellectual property afforded by it. The several forms in which
intellectual property manifests itself had led to the introduction of copyrights, patents, trademarks, and
various other mechanisms by which protection is ensured.
The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), established by the WIPO Convention of 1967,
states that Intellectual Property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works;
and symbols, names, and images used in commerce .
This indicates that, as opposed to corporeal property, that consists of personal and real property which
may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other areas such as Traditional Knowledge, which have pre existed Intellectual Property rights, have
garnered increased interest due to the threat of exploitation in the commercial world. However, just as
there is evolution, limitations to these rights exist in the forms of social, economic, and moral
considerations; as well as governmental interference, other territorial limitations and temporal
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Analysis Of Doubt, A Parable By John Patrick Shanley
The novel Doubt; A Parable by John Patrick Shanley, creates doubts and mystery in readers minds that
have us turning the pages, curious of what will happen next. Doubt creates a lot of different opinions
and perspectives, and raises a lot of important discussions. You see that values play a big part in the
way that we think, and the way that we see others. It blocks our perspective on people, and makes
things seem very one sided, in order to live life to it s fullest potential you need to not just look at your
own beliefs but others as well. It creates doubt in readers minds whether or not Father Flynn is guilty
by showing us different sides of characters and making us feel uncertain about our beliefs. In the
novel, Shanley reveals the differences between the characters, of Sister Aloysius who is the stern
traditionalist, the complete opposite of Father Flynn who is a very fun, kind, and a progressive person.
Sister Aloysius thinks that Father Flynn s ways of living life are very strange and is appalled by his
habits, because she feels very nervous and threatened that Father Flynn will take over the church, and
tradition will leave the system. Sister Aloysius likes to have her own specific list of beliefs, and
traditions, so when she sees Father Flynn s long fingernails, and the amount of sugars he puts in his
tea, she becomes outraged, shocked, and appalled by the ways that he enjoys living his life. Sister
Aloysius says: Your fingernails. Father Flynn replies
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Summary Of Steve Ballmer s Adaptation To Seattle
There have been rumor that Steve Ballmer, former Microsoft CEO and now owner of the Los Angeles
Clippers wants to move the Clippers to Seattle. The NBA will likely to move a franchise to Seattle
within the two years. Geoff Baker explain what Ballmer thought on moving to Seattle and what his
plan are for the Clippers in his article Steve Ballmer on NBA in Seattle: not likely to happen within
next year or two years. Baker Explains what Ballmer said, he doesn t see Seattle landing an NBA
franchise within the next year or two years (2). Ballmer just brought the ownership of the Clippers two
years ago for $2 billion. Ballmer thinks that NHL team is most likely to move a franchise over to
Seattle before an NBA team will land an arena in Seattle.
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Pros And Cons Of No-Platforming
In Thomas Hobbes s famous work, The Leviathan he created his famous social contract theory , that
states individuals will need to give up some of their own personal autonomy to ensure the security of
the state. Looking at this social contract as a spectrum, with security on one end and liberty on the
other, one must find a balance between the two. In 2017 there are still on going debates where people
want their society to fall on that spectrum, some would rather have more liberty and others more
security. In 2016 the Free Speech Debate put out a video debating whether no platforming should be
practised at universities. No platforming can be defined a strategy that argues that certain peoples
should not be given a platform to speak in a certain social space due to their rhetoric constituting hate
speech . Both sides of the debate, the pro no platforming and the anti no platforming teams, gave great
points on how serious this issue is, and that there can be real life benefits and consequences on either
side of the debate.
Pro No Platforming The main argument of No Platforming is that there is an unfair power dynamic at
play. A platform gives speakers a medium to amplify their message without having to debate against
protestors; this unfair as it gives those already in power, that have the resources to platform, an
advantage in that they have a greater ability to get their point across, creating a cycle that perpetuates
the dominant group of societies message and
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Financial Analysis Of The Performance Of Burberry
In this assignment, I have chosen Burberry as the company to report. Burberry is one of the global
luxury brand leader with a long history. It operates in three regions, Asia Pacific, Europe , Middle
East, India and Africa (EMEIA) and Americas. I am interested in the firm s performance in recent
years. I am going to measure and analysis the performance of the corporate through Annual report
2015/16 and 2016/17 which published on 06 06 16 and 06 06 17 respectively.
According to the financial statement, during 2015 2017, Burberry were making profit in the three year
however the firm had a drop in the net profit constantly. In 2015, the profit for the year was 341.1m, it
was down by 7.77% to 314.6m in 2016 and it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2017, the firm had a higher percentage of cost of sales in term of revenue than 2016, the cost of
sales was 30.11% which was higher than 2016 for 0.21%, that means the firm s gross margin in 2017
(69.89%) will also lower than the gross margin in 2016 for 0.21%. Burberry had a higher net
operating expenses in 2017. The net operating expenses was 55.63% which was higher than 2016 for
1.56%, that also lower the operating margin, therefore the operating margin for the firm has decreased
from 16.02% to 14.26% ( 1.76%).
The 9.9m put option liability finance income in 2016 turn to 3.2m finance charge, so the net finance
income dropped for 88.19% to 0.5m. This lead to a 5% decline in profit before tax from 415.6m to
394.8m. Moreover for the profit for the year, Burberry had a drop of 8.55% to 287.7m from 314.6m.
The trend of the firm is decreasing in related to the three financial years. The reason of the decline can
be due to the increase of the geopolitical concern in the Middle East and Russia and Uncertainty in
Eurozone. These factors have any huge negative impact on the performance of the luxury sector.
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The Key Variables Of The Study Of Student Competency...
Procedure The key variables of the study, student competency proficiency, were based on ten core
competencies of EPAS (CSWE, 2012). Total 19 competencies were included in the survey, using a six
point Likert scale. Students were required to rate their competency proficiency on the scale from 1
(very little know) to 6 (substantial amount know) on Survey Monkey. Three assessments used a
uniform survey for three different times. Prior to the course, each student was required to complete the
first assessment. At the end of the course, students were invited to complete two assessments, the post
test and the retrospect test, which asked students to look back to the beginning of the course. Students
were explained that their participation in the assessments were voluntary, which focuses on helping
them assess their competencies from different time perspectives, as well as helping instructors
improve the course. The leading instructor and the teaching assistant, who conducted the study,
complied the rules of human subject protection approved by the University of South Carolina
Institutional Review Board. All data were transformed from Survey Monkey platform to SPSS files.
The teaching assistant cleaned the data sets, matched the data of pre test, post test, and retrospect test
using student IDs, and merged eligible data from six data sets of six classes into one data set. Totally
48 matched observations were used to analyze using paired t test. Paired t test were used to examine
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Government Regulation And Its Effect On Society Essay
The world is a complex and intricate machine, with many pieces to create a much larger thing.
Government and society are simply pieces of the same machine that depend on each other. Likewise,
government and society have the option to liberate or limit the activities of men and it is a necessary
occurrence of life. Government is dependent on society because social behaviors exists wherever there
are good or bad, proper or improper relationships between human beings. Humans install government
from their own belief that human behavior is self centered therefore society requires governing.
Likewise, government oversight is needed in the economy as well as in society. The appropriate role
of government in the economy is different from a typical liberal stance. Although the economy is an
ever changing machine that rises and falls due to no fault of its own some feel that government
regulation is needed. Without government regulation in the economy, free market trade could set the
bar for interest rates, trade tax, business monopolies, and currency value. ...the safety of the republic
lay in the autocratic strength of its government... this quote from Franklin Roosevelt s Commonwealth
Club Address displays how the main objective for a strong central government is to protect the people.
To further protect the people of the United States, the presences of a strong government in the
financial sector is crucial to prohibit the use of banks raising the interest rates to a level where
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United for One
In the book, Outcasts United, by St. John, my favorite chapter is actually the first one. Chapter one is
all about Luma, the soccer coach of the refugees. The reason chapter one is my favorite is because she
reminds me a lot of myself. Luma wants to part from her parents and stay in the United States of
America. Her choice came with the consequences of her parents and sister not communicating with
her again if she chooses to stay in the US. Her grandma would still communicate about the family
until she passes away in a later chapter. Another example of why this is my favorite is because I can
relate to tons of it. My dad no longer talks to me due to me moving out at too young of an age. I
moved to the city to be closer to work and school but in his eyes I was sinning. This is also why I
think I relate most to Luma. There are other reasons why I think that I relate to Luma. Throughout the
whole book, Luma never wants to give up. For example in chapter nine, Get Lost , when Luma knows
she has to find a new field for her fugees to play on. According to St John, on page 93, the YMCA
calls and lets Luma know they found a field for her. She never gave up on her high hopes. Luma
always wanted the best for her players. I am just like Luma, as I never give up on things. My number
one struggle I never give up on is my exercise. Luma has a great strength in her hopes. She honestly
doesn t care about anyone s negative opinions. It is crazy how much I think I relate to Luma. Just
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Mission Statement Analysis
Mission Statement and Code of Ethics For this assignment I choose to look at two companies I am
currently working for. I have been with these companies for a few years and I have worked in different
positions within the companies. I feel I have a sense of how they are managed and can compare my
experiences with them to their goals of the mission statements and code of ethics.
The Home Depot Mission Statement The first company is The Home Depot. After reading the mission
statement I feel that it fits the company. It points out clearly being in the home improvement business
and the main focuses are pleasing the customers, having the better price and more products than
competitors. Working in my store I have experienced management ... Show more content on
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Overall they were generalized. As an employee for the company I had not seen this until just recently
when the district manager brought them to our store so I read through it and signed a document
confirming I had. I do think we live these values each day through our working habits in the
workplace but I feel the company is slacking with giving the information or expectations of the code
to the employees. If the company doesn t provide the knowledge and training really necessary to work
by the company s code of ethics then what is the point of having one?
In conclusion The Home Depot mission statement and code of ethics were relatively good and the
company does walk the talk they are giving out. With Burger King the company s mission statement
follows their main goal but I feel they are slacking with the code of ethics and not exposing the
employees to it. Overall I think both companies are good places to work and I have enjoyed being
with them and feel I m doing my part to contribute to their goals.
The Home Depot s Mission Statement
The Home Depot is in the home improvement business and our goal is to provide the highest level of
service, the broadest selection of products and the most competitive prices. We are a values driven
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The Causes Of Lisa And American Anti-Intellectualism
When I was five, I tried to expose the fraud of Santa Claus to my kindergarten class. The teacher
asked us to say what we had asked him for for Christmas and I responded by saying, Nothing! He s
not real! When my peers questioned me on how I knew this, I informed them it was simply not
possible for a single man to fly around the world in one night. I had looked into it, I knew how many
hours were in a night, and there was simply no way. Despite my in depth research, my classmates
dismissed my conclusion, attributing the impossible feat to magic . They were mad I had tried to lie to
them and I was mad I was surrounded by narrow minded, santa loving idiots. Luckily, we were able to
move past the disagreement and were all best friends again by lunch. The underlying problem,
however, my classmates inability to accept the evidence, has not gone away. In his paper Lisa and
American Anti Intellectualism , psychology professor Dr. Aeon J. Skoble explains, the United States
has always had a love hate relationship with intellectuals. While professors and scientists garner a
certain level of respect in this country, there is also a significant amount of contempt held for those
who reside in the ivory tower of academia , presumably away from the practicalities of real life. This
shows a disturbing trend of anti intellectualism, or the opposition to intellectual pursuits and works
providing progressive and rational thought. The rise of anti intellectualism in the United
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Sharia Law And Islamic Law
Sharia, also called Sharia Law or Islamic Law, is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition,
and it is derived from the religious precepts of Islam. Despite of the fact that Sharia oppresses women
and restrict their human rights, a lot of Muslims still think of Sharia very positively. In order to know
why, one needs to know and understand the basic law concepts and go specifically into the
characteristics and factors or the Sharia Law. Before going onto the Sharia, one needs to know and
understand the law concepts. First, all societies and religions contain a legal system. Unless any law or
legal system, any organization would encounter conflicts and arguments. Second, law acts as system
of conflict resolution. Whenever ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sharia, also called Sharia Law or Islamic Law, is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition,
and it came from the religious precepts of Islam. Sharia is often portrayed as a medieval legal system
used by religious zealots to oppress women and deny human rights for Muslims and non Muslims
alike. (Esposito, 40) Islamic law in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, and the Taliban s
Afghanistan has required to restrict women s rights.
Regardless of this negative characteristic of Sharia, why do so many Muslims regard Sharia so
positively and think of it as central to their faith? One of the reasons is that Sharia has functioned as a
positive source of guidance, a law whose principles and values have provided a moral compass for
individuals and society. (Esposito, 41)
The reason they want Sharia so much is much easier to understand if one realizes that many Muslims
across the world concerns much about how modern secularism has challenged faith and family values.
Muslims see secularism as undermining personal and public morality, weakening marriage as an
institution, and leading to rampant divorce, sexual promiscuity, dysfunctional families, and alcohol
and drug abuse. (Esposito, 41)
Now we can go specifically into Sharia Law, which is the foundation of religious politics. There are
two categories of Sharia law that we can break down to. They are
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Description Of The s Exchange Principle
Introduction Locard s exchange principle states that every contact leaves a trace indicating that trace
evidence left by the perpetrator will always be found in the scene of crime (1). These trace evidence
include hair follicles, to sweat, to skin cells and footwear impression, etc. They are valuable
information that can incriminate a person and enable the law to carry out appropriate punishment. The
value of these evidence will however decrease if they are not treated or processed appropriately (2).
Footwear impressions are marks made by the outer surface of the sole of a footwear (outsole for
shoes) (3). These marks are distinctive patterns that belong to specific shoe types and manufacturers
(2,3). Therefore, an impression that found at a crime scene can be used to identify the shoe type and or
specific shoe. Footwear impression identification is based on matching random individual wear
characteristics formed on the shoe by its wearer during its life (2,3). Therefore, footwear impression
analysis can be proven difficult due to the large number of footwear outsole pattern designs (2,3).
These impressions form when the footwear is pressed on a surface and the outsole pattern is
transferred onto that surface (2, 3). Footwear impressions are classed into two main groups, two
dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D). The 3D prints are those that are found on substrates
such as snow or mud while 2D prints are those formed on floors or carpets (3). Useful
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The Artistic And Architectural Evidence For The Nubian...
Sam Morton
ART 2813
March 6, 2017
Describe the artistic and architectural evidence for the Nubian assimilation of Egyptian forms and
Nubians art and architecture is traced back hundreds of years. They urbanized one of the oldest and
utmost civilizations in their region until they lost their last empire years ago. Nubia was a land of
expected wealth and prosperity and Sudan had remained the main home of Nubians through their long
history, but many live in Egypt today. Nubian art impacted Egyptian Art through their past art and
architecture, one can see how glorious and influential these group of people were to the world.
Some art included the ba which was, in Egyptian portrayal, a sculpture of a small bird with a human
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These forms were perhaps used to satisfy the desire to fill the void with selected or mixed elements
that may have resulted in a kind of chaos or art. It can be distinguishing by the manner in which the
artist regulates the elements of his composition by reflecting all the elements of the design which are
used for functional and aesthetic purposes.
The Nubians were also remarkable in their architecture. Ancient constructions that appeared to be
palaces at their time are discovered throughout Northern Sudan. Archeologists excavated the land and
identified few dwellings that date back to the pre Kerma period. Remarkably large huts reaching seven
meters in diameter have been found and interpreted by some as residence of wealthy individuals. The
architectural materials, structures, and the presence of staircases in most of the palaces suggest that
they were mostly built of more than one floor. The majority of the palaces had a rectangular or square
plans with long corridors and narrow rectangular rooms. The temples of the Kushite Kingdom were
built of durable materials, such as red fired bricks and stories that helped them to endure the ravages
of time and nature. Temple columns were worked with extensive designs curved to shape lotus flowers
and the heads of gods Bes and Hathor. One known Egyptian temple is The temple of Ramses II, and
the temple of Nefertiti dedicated to Hathor, they stood for a very long time, until they had a
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Reflection Paper Kent State University
In the beginning of my endeavor at Kent State University, it was a hard adjustment for me at first but
now that I am involved in many activities I feel as if I found the place for me. At first it was hard for
me to leave my home and move in here to call it my new home, but I knew my roommate it made it
easier. When I came into this whole process of what people call a new start I at first thought I wouldn t
like my roommate because everyone says, don t room with someone you know so I came into it being
a little pessimistic and found all the flaws immediately about her and never focused on the good but
turns out, I love my roommate and we both got involved in many different activities together. We are
the same person and I wouldn t be happier ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Do not put your friends or hanging out with people over your academic studies, a few of my friends
did that and it did not end well for them. I would also tell the incoming freshman to make sure that
they love the major they are pursuing and if they don t it isn t a big deal to change it. Being a freshman
it is intimidating definitely seeing all of the older people with their life all figured out, but it will all
workout in the end and be worth it. I can personally say that my first semester of college did not end
the way that I planned on it going, but it s a lesson learned and I am fixing my mistakes and starting
fresh 2nd semester. A few of my goals that I would like to accomplish for next semester are to get a
3.5 gpa, to figure out the path and career I would like to go down, and to be successful with whatever I
do. I believe that these are all good goals because they all lead to success. Success to me is a big thing,
the way I can achieve my other two goals is by being successful, if I study hard, go to class and
complete all the tasks given to me then I will get good grades and be able to find the career that I want
to have when I am older and get on the right track. I believe that Kent State University has all the
supplies that I need to be successful in my life and I honestly could not be happier with the university
that I
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Muhammad Ali Hero
Muhammad Ali, a Hero for Many
Muhammad Ali, born as Cassius Marcellus Clay, is a hero for many people. Cassius lived in a time
where black people were considered inferior to white men. I remember one time when Cassius was
small, Mrs. Clay later recalled. We were downtown at a five and ten cents store. He wanted a drink of
water, and they wouldn t give him one because of his color. That really affected him. He didn t like
that at all, being a child and thirsty. He started crying, and I said, Come on; I ll take you someplace
and get you some water. But it really hurt him. (http://www.gilderlehrman.org/history by era/civil
rights movement/essays/importance muhammad ali) He became a role model for many generations
and for many people of all race, ages, and religions. Here are different ways he affected the world. ...
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However, Muhammad Ali never used them and therefore he was a role model for teens and other
athletes. He proved to them that you don t need those drugs to be a great athlete. The legend
performed incredibly well without having to harm himself, it all took hard work and determination. He
was the voice of youth no one has ever been ( ), he always speaks up for people which others never
did. The hero was described as brash, outspoken, and courageous (). Muhammad Ali became an idol
for many
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Hiro Hamada Character
It is alright to cry, Crying is a natural response to pain [...] I m not crying... Hiro Hamada defies the
typical gender role behaviors of what boys ought to do, be, or look like, Hiro Hamada does not project
aggressive posture, self confidence, a tough appearance (Devor 504) despite having enough
confidence to tell his brother Tadashi Hamada that he already knows everything. Tadashi Hamada
notes When are you going to do something with that big brain of yours (After the bot fight incident)
Hiro Hamada retorts What? Go to college like you? So people can tell me stuff I already know?
Tadashi Hamada retorts Unbelievable Hiro Hamada is a child prodigy, a teen genius Hiro Hamada is
different, he doesn t have a brother, doesn t have his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The success of Big Hero 6 is due in large part to it offering something newer and better to its viewers
a fairy tale for boys (the emotional healing story of a boy and his bot) that challenges assumptions of
gender. For the first half of the movie, Hiro Hamada is very much in line with how boys should be. He
takes the initiative, he does not cry, he is emotionally distant, and is not in the business of making
friends. It isn t until he opens up to the other characters and receives help from the magical helper
Baymax, that all of the action starts and he finally just lets go. Baymax is the helper character that is
essential to the development of the hero. Baymax is the person who has special knowledge, special
information, and special skills. (Seger 337) At that point forward, it is clear to see that Big Hero 6
projects its difference in it being a fairy tale for boys. According to the commercials we should all
crave difference and be unique individuals like the iPhone and iPod commercials. We are all driven to
difference as Thomas Frank states. This is one the ways in which advertisers and manufacturers appeal
to consumers, by positioning the product as being different. A product can be the hero, Hiro Hamada,
a product that is all about gender. A fairy tale for a girl, a fairy tale about girls, is conformity. It holds
that the paramount ailment of our society is
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What Is Edgar Hoover s Role In Criminal Justice
Named by Calvin Coolidge as the sixth director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover
quickly rose to greatness. In 1935, he was appointed by U. S. Attorney General Stone as the first
director of the newly conceived F.B.I. For the next 36 years he made all of the rules, declared war on
everything he disliked or that opposed his morals and personal beliefs from Bolshevik radicals to
Martin Luther King, he hindered the progress of the civil rights movement, and used force to eradicate
every suspected communist. While he brought about myriad investigative technology, including
fingerprints, wire tapping, and forensics labs that forever changed the criminal justice system, he also
used the F.B.I. to intimidate celebrities and public figures, harass political activists, and illegally
collect secret files of evidence and scandals against everyone. In truth, Hoover was a malicious and
hypocritical man; under the guise of protecting the American way, his motto was knowledge is power,
but after the Great Depression when the world changed, he didn t ... Show more content on
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Under the new Attorney General, Harlan F. Stone, Hoover is made director of the Justice Department s
Bureau of Investigation. He is introduced to Clyde Tolson, and takes his business card. Later, Hoover
interviews and hires Clyde. When the Lindbergh kidnapping captures national attention, President
Roosevelt asks the Bureau to investigate. Hoover employs several innovative techniques, including
the monitoring of registration numbers on ransom bills. When the monitored bills begin showing up in
New York City, the investigators find a filling station attendant who wrote down the license plate
number of the man who gave him the bill,which leads to the arrest, and eventual conviction, of Bruno
Hauptmann for the kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh s
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Cherokee American Tradition
Trading Our Traditions for Survival Understanding the Tsalagi or Cherokee society with the
responsibilities each gender plays, one must first start from the beginning. Inspired from the traditions,
the creation stories of the Cherokee or Tsalagi people, one can plainly see how each gender had their
role within the matrilineal based tribe. Our base for traditions and culture are taken from the stories
passed down. (Hiseley) The Cherokee tell various creation stories, usually depicted by the female sun.
The Cherokee legend of Sky Woman, creation of the world came into being when she fell out of
heaven or Galunlati onto a turtles back. After all was ready for Sky Woman, who landed on Turtle s
back, immediately from her body produced corn, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While retaining many of traditional customs, values, and beliefs, they selectively adopted some of the
ways of life of white Americans. ( Perdue.p30) The European Americans funded both men and
missionaries to both inhabit and indoctrinate Cherokees how to become civilized. There were gains in
acceptance to the white Americans ways of life, such as the learning of a written language by
Sequoyah around the early 1800s, but gains that propelled survival not existence. Cherokee clans
began to consume the poison that would ultimately become an end for their ancient traditions.
Intermarriage was a way of more intimately exposing Cherokees to white ideas and practices, thereby
resulting in more acculturation. (Purdue.p147) This new renaissance also came with a Trojan horse.
Education from missionaries started civil wars within the tribes clans, while their once maternal way
of governing was being up heaved and unraveled for more of a civilized way of life. Gender roles such
as farming and taking care of the house shifted to the man along with the power they once held. The
new council governing further diminished the tribes women s authority by forcing restricting voting
rights to adult males only in 1826. The male only ran white man government, was far different from
the traditional Cherokee governments, which
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John Swift s A Modest Proposal
In Jonathan Swift s satirical work, A Modest Proposal, the reader is presented with a horrible concept
using extremely effective language and logos; Swift uses strong speech, rational tone, and complex
grammar to convince readers that eating children will solve all the problems in 19th century Ireland.
Swift s overall goals in his pamphlet, however, is not to actually encourage eating babies, which is
why it is of satire, but is instead to raise awareness of Ireland s conditions for living, failing political
figures, and the tyranny brought by England. Swift states in his sub title, For Preventing the Children
of poor People in Ireland, from being a Burden to their Parents or Country; and for making them
beneficial to the Public ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The idea is so intense that it demonstrates the overall irony of the piece. It is also worth pointing out
that this line comes late in the essay. Swift lulls the reader into a false sense of trust by beginning with
descriptions of the position of the poor in Ireland. The reader may think at first that this is a serious
essay, making the point all the more loud when it eventually appears. The idea itself comes from a
very knowing American, which is a small attack on the Americas and American colonies. Rhetorically,
the first couple of quotes stated are the strongest in bringing attention to Ireland s issues. It s comical
in the fact that he uses such a horrible idea to raise the red flags in the minds of the Irish people. In an
earlier paragraph Swift writes, It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town, or
travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors crowded with beggars of the
female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags, ad importuning every passenger for an
alms (Swift par.1). This quote should be understood as a highlight to the poor living conditions of
Ireland. The quote is interesting because Swift does two things in it; he continues building his satire,
which is the world the reader will be thinking about, while nonchalantly hinting the underlining theme
of poor
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Child Labor Laws In the 1800 s
Child Labor Laws In The 1800 s Child Labor, once known as the practice of employing young
children in factories, now it s used as a term for the employment of minors in general, especially in
work that would interfere with their education or endanger their health. Throughout history and in all
cultures children would work in the fields with their parents, or in the marketplace and young girls in
the home until they were old enough to perform simple tasks. The use of child labor was not a
problem until the Factory System. The Factory System is a working arrangement where a number of
people cooperate to produce articles of consumption. Some form of Factory system has existed even
since ancient times. In the later part of the 18th century ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1918, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in a 5 4 decision, that the legislation was an unconstitutional
infringement on personal freedom. The following year, the Congress tried another strategy to establish
protection for child workers through taxation of employers. But in 1022 the Child Labor Tax Law, as
it was known, was ruled unconstitutional for being overly prohibitory and regulatory. In 1924, both
houses of Congress passed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, empowering Congress to limit,
regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons less than 18 years of age. Even though the reluctance of
state legislators to ratify the child labor amendment, legislative attempts to deal with the problem
nationally continued, notably during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The
National Industrial recovery Act, passed by Congress in 1933, established a minimum age of 16 for
workers in most industries. In hazardous industries a minimum age level of 18 was established. This
law contributed to a great decrease in the number of yond workers, but the Supreme Court ruled the
act unconstitutional in 1935. In the next year the Congress passed the Walsh Healey Act, which
prohibits firms producing goods under federal government contract from employing boys and girls
less than 16 years of age. The nest important legislation on the problem was the Fair Labor Standards
Act of 1938, better known as the Federal Wage and Hour Law. This
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Social Anxiety Disorder And Social Depression
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder it s an intense worry or fear of social situations that involve interactions with
others. It is categorized as a Phobia a persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or
activity. This leads to feelings of inadequacy, self consciousness, and depression. The person suffering
of social anxiety disorder may believe that all eyes are on them at all times, fear of being judge by
others, and have a strong fear of embarrassing themselves. Social anxiety is the third largest mental
health case issue in the world, and it can affect 10% of the population at any given time. Social
Anxiety disorder usually begins in childhood or adolescence. Is more prevalent among women than
Everyone can relate to feeling anxious before giving a presentation, but those with social anxiety
disorder experience an intense fear of being looked at closely and negatively evaluated by others in
social or performance situations. Some literally feel sick from fear in nonthreatening situations. Some
may become anxious during routine activities such as starting a conversation with a stranger,
participating in class, dating and attending parties. Physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder may
include blushing, profuse sweating, trembling, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath,
dizziness or lightheadedness, headaches and feeling of detachment and loss of self control.
Psychological symptoms of social anxiety disorder may include
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Big Fish Movie Analysis
The book Big Fish and its movie adaptation shows the importance of how different factors help to
improve the story. This book tells of the legendary stories of Edward Bloom, narrated by his son,
William. The tales of Edward Bloom seem fictitious and far too amusing to be real. His son is
determined to find the truth in his father s stories in order to understand who his father truly was
behind his fantastic stories. The movie does not fail in its interpretation of the novel, in fact the movie
could very well be even better. The addition of new scenes and the focus on Edward s love life help
the movie tell the story in it s own way, showcasing the brilliance of the art of cinematography.
Although the movie takes a different approach from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Motifs are described as a recurring theme that has symbolic significance. Motifs are a powerful
embellishment and provide movies with a traceable pattern or a significant meeting to look for later
on. Finally, motifs capture and emphasize the most important part of a movie or story. The motifs in
Big Fish consisted of the ring that Edward used to catch the fish, the Witch s eye that showed Edward
his death, the fish that Edward caught the day his son was born and the giant. An example of the
Giants significance in the movie Big Fish was when he stated, You think this town is too small for
you? This town is too small for my ambition. The giant in the small city of Ashton represents the big
fish in a little pond analogy and Edward Bloom s ambition. The witches eye that showed Edward
death was a fantastic motif because it portrayed his fearlessness. The eye is the symbol for himself,
and he realizes when he looks into the eye, death doesn t scare him. The witches eye also foreshadows
his future relationship with the witch. Lastly, the eye is a motif for the life he didn t have and it was
Edwards first meeting and encounter with appearance versus the reality of
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How Aristarchus Made A Large Jump From Terrestrial...
How Aristarchus made a large jump from terrestrial measurements of scale to the celestial is truly
impressive. Without any measures of the sizes of and distances to any celestial objects, Aristarchus
was able to measure both for the Moon. He was able to use something he knew about the Earth and a
bit of smart geometry to deduce the size of the Earth s shadow at the distance of the Moon. By
watching the Moon go through the Earth s shadow which is formally known as a lunar eclipse,
Aristarchus could determine the ratio between the size of the shadow at the distance to the Moon and
the size of the Moon.
Aristarchus knew that on average two times a year, the surface of the full Moon becomes dark for a
period ranging up to around two hours. It was reasoned that during these times, the Moon was passing
through the shadow cast by the Earth, known as a lunar eclipse. The eclipse would only occur during
the full Moon because that s the time when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the
Sun. Aristarchus realized that the longest lunar eclipses must occur when the Moon passes right
through the center of the Earth s shadow, and so that the angular size of the Earth s shadow could be
measured by noting the difference in the position of the Moon before and after the eclipse. He could
then compare this angular size to the angular size of the Moon to get the ratio between them. He used
the formula Now by using the formula.
The moon could fit into earth roughly
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Overtime Pay Violations
Table 1 demonstrates that there is substantial violation overtime pay with significant portion of 41% of
workers work overtime did not obtained any overtime compensation (Ye, Gindling Li, 2015). There is
approximately 29% workers (12% of all workers) who work overtime did not receive overtime pay.
While more than 40% workers (17% of all workers) earn less than 1.5 times hourly minimum wage,
likewise almost 70% of workers paid lower than legally required 1.5 times regular wage for overtime.
A legally mandated overtime wage are not received by high fraction of workers of all gender,
education and age. Apart from that, there are high proportion of employees in firms with owners from
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and foreign countries get their overtime
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  • 7. Essay on Jocasta in Oedipus the King The Role of Jocasta in Oedipus the King Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. (James 1:12) Such is the proclamation in the Holy Bible, and so was the proclamation in ancient Greece. Since the founding of religion, the gods have sought to test those with power. Jocasta was sent by Apollo to do just that: to test Oedipus the king of Thebes faith and conviction. Throughout the play, Jocasta tested the beliefs of those around her by feigning disbelief in the gods herself. Though she put up this false front, she did keep her faith. At the beginning of the scene wherein a messenger relayed word of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jocasta proceeds to plant doubts of the gods by telling Oedipus the story of the Delphian Oracle and the circumstances surrounding Laius death. Again, after Polybus death, she excitedly tells Oedipus that his prophecy was obviously untrue, though it wasn t, and by doing so she attempts to hint that the oracles and thus the gods are false. By planting this doubt in Oedipus mind, the gods are able to test his faith, and his ruling power, through Jocasta a test which he fails until it is too late. Why, then, would Jocasta be forced to perform such a dubious task for the gods? It is because she tried to avoid an earlier prophecy. By tying her child s feet together and casting him out, she attempted to defeat the gods, and this of course angered them. Her punishment, then, was to test the beliefs of the very child she cast out. Oedipus Rex was Sophocles attempt to show the Greeks that they could not avoid the dealings of the gods, or they may be forced to conspire against the very people they should love most. Jocasta was, in this way, a victim. Though it was by her own doing that this penalty was cast upon her, it was not something she was happy to do, which becomes apparent when she realizes the truth in her earlier prophecy. It is at this moment that she becomes aware of her punishment, and in desperation kills herself. Oedipus Rex is a true tragedy in the sense that fate and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Differences And Characteristics Of Inductive Reasoning Characteristics of Inductive Reasoning Inductive reasoning is not designed to produce mathematical certainty. Induction occurs when we gather bits of specific information together and use our own knowledge and experience in order to make an observation about what must be true. Inductive reasoning does not use syllogisms, but series of observations, in order to reach a conclusion. Consider the following chains of observations: Observation: John came to class late this morning. Observation: John s hair was uncombed. Prior experience: John is very fussy about his hair. Conclusion: John overslept The reasoning process here is directly opposite to that used in deductive syllogisms. Rather than beginning with a general principle (People who comb their hair wake up on time), the chain of evidence begins with an observation and then combines it with the strength of previous observations in order to arrive at a conclusion. The most basic kind of inductive reasoning is called generalization. You generalize whenever you make a general statement (all salesmen are pushy) based on observations with specific members of that group (the last three salesmen who came to my door were pushy). You also generalize when you make an observation about a specific thing based on other specific things that belong to the same group (my girlfriend s cousin Ed is a salesman, so he will probably be pushy.) When you use specific observations as the basis of a general conclusion, you are said to be making an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia Essay General Description Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is slow progressing or chronic , cancer of the blood and bone marrow. CLL is the second most common leukemia in adults and one of the four primary types of leukemia. Certain risk factors have been identified including age, race, sex, family history of blood and bone marrow cancers and chemical exposure. Most people diagnosed with CLL are white males over the age of 60. Occurrence increases with age and a marked increase after 60. Herbicides, insecticides and Agent Orange used in the Vietnam War have shown to increase the risk of developing CLL. There are approximately 15,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Pathophysiology The cause of CLL is unknown at this time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The signs and symptoms are most likely caused by opportunistic infections due to the decreased white blood cell count. Symptoms can include: Painless swelling of the spleen or lymph nodes in neck, underarm, stomach or groin Tiring easily Shortness of breath Pain/fullness between the ribs Fever and infection Unexplained weight loss CLL is diagnosed with a physical exam, including a complete history, and blood bone marrow tests. Many types of blood and bone marrow tests can be performed including: Complete blood count Hematocrit, white blood cell count, platelet count and hemoglobin concentration. Cytogenic analysis Microscopic examination of lymphocytes to look for structural changes or changes in number of chromosomes. Immunophenotyping Microscopic examination to determine if CLL is from B or T cells. Bone marrow aspiration biopsy Removal of bone marrow, blood and small piece of bone from the hip or breastbone. A pathologist will then review for abnormal cells. Treatment It is extremely important to be treated by a hematologist or a Doctor experienced in treating CLL. Due to slow progression, a patient in the early stages does not need immediate treatment and is usually treated in a conservative manner. This will also help the patient avoid any treatment side effects. About 1/3 of those diagnosed with CLL in the early stages will never need treatment. Treatment
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  • 11. Refraction Lab When light passes from the air into a different medium, like water, it is refracted. You can see this by putting a pencil in a cup of water. The pencil appears to bend, but it isn t actually bent. Again, this is because of refraction. Putting a pencil in a cup of sugar water would also cause refraction, but the amount of light refracted would be different. This is because of the changes in density. Refraction is the bending of light as it goes through a medium. Light waves travel very quickly and can pass through transparent materials fairly easily, but the waves slow down while they are passing through these materials. The light passing through a transparent material will bend depending on the index of refraction. For example, when light waves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When light passes through two substances of different densities, the light is refracted. That is why materials in water seem oddly placed or bent. The density of the water is different compared to the air that the light goes through. The difference in densities also slows down the speed in which the light rays travel through the medium, which causes the bending effect. Snell s law is a formula that is used to describe the relationship between the angles of refraction and incidence when talking about light waves passing through two different mediums. This is also known as the calculation of what degree the light will bend. The degree to which light bends, or refracts, depends on the incidence angle entering the second material as well as the speed at which the light travels through the two materials. An angle of incidence is the angle at which light enters a translucent or transparent material. This can also be described as the angle between the ray of light and the normal vector of the surface of the object it is coming into contact with. The normal vector would be a perpendicular vector from the surface of an object. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This is because the law of reflection states that the angle between the normal vector and the reflected ray, which is the angle of reflection, is the same as the angle of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Comparing Jackson Pollock And Chuck Close This essay will compare and contrast the work of Jackson Pollock and Chuck Close, specifically the Abstract Expressionist Number 1A of 1948 and the photorealist Self Portrait of 1991. I will explore the similarities in the process of these two artists, despite their end result appearing to be poles apart. Both artists are and were as obsessed with the process of making art as much as with the outcome. Close and Pollock both employed highly inventive techniques and cultivated a signature style that is instantly recognizable. Number 1A is an early realization of Pollock s distinctive approach to dripping paint directly onto the canvas. This technique quickly became a statement on the aesthetic and psychological power of large scale abstract painting. At five feet and eight inches by eight feet and 8 inches it is a massive piece that s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The energy of the painting is overwhelming. It is an intricate web of oil colors with black enamel. The piece is mainly comprised of black and white, but as one tries to look into the painting subtle red pink and light blue can be found. The many layers of overlapping webs of black and white seem to be a sort of veil for whatever lies underneath. Making it challenging to interpret and look into the piece. No place for the eye to settle and rest. There are no figures hidden within the drips. No hint of a representational image. At first there is a sense or reckless abandon and a wild application of paint. After closer examining it is clear Pollock s strokes are controlled, swift, assured, almost mechanical. You can trace the movements of his arm as the drips of paint fell from sticks and paint brushes. Ranging from puddles where paint gathered and then thinned into wisps of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Essay about Impact of Sea Otters on Community Ecology Introduction Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are marine mammals capable of spending their entire lives in water. Being carnivorous in nature, they feed on sea urchins, crabs, fishes, mussels and clams. They are referred to as keystone species due to their profound impact on marine ecology. The interaction between sea otters, sea urchins and kelp forests has been studied as a model for the impact of predator prey interactions on community ecology. Sea otters are keystone predators, whose presence has a far reaching influence on the marine food web by affecting the populations of sea urchins, which indirectly affects the populations of kelp ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, sea otters play an indirect, yet vital role in the preservation of kelp forests. This in turn protects kelp forests and other macroalgae, which would have otherwise been depleted due to grazing by sea urchins. Where sea otters abound so do lush kelp forests, and where sea otters are absent the habitat is typically deforested by hyperabundant sea urchins (Soulé et al 1240). The significance of this interaction can be wholly surmised only when the importance of kelp forests is understood. Kelp forests are a source of food and habitat for dozens of other coastal species (Soulé et al 1240). Innumerable coastal marine organisms thrive on kelp forests, enhancing biodiversity of the region. Therefore, to maintain the diversity and richness of coastal marine ecology, sea otters should be preserved, who indirectly lead to the preservation of kelps. Impact of sea otters on community ecology The presence or absence of sea otters influences marine ecology at the community level. Studies have shown that kelp forests enhance the underwater environment, providing a suitable habitat for fishes. The declining kelp beds in California in the mid 1900 s propelled the Kelp Habitat Improvement Project, whereby attempts were made to eliminate sea urchins that are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Communism And The Czechoslovakia Revolution The Czechoslovakia revolution mainly occurred because the communist government had many conflicts with the citizens but before the revolution, when communism was just beginning, the citizens wanted that type of government. On the contrary, during and after the revolution, the people of Czechoslovakia favored a more democratic government where the power resides in the people, not just rulers. The communist ways began in 1948 when Benes gave in to communist demands and handed his cabinet over to the party (Communists 1) after many acts of protest that he could no longer control. Many people fought to change their government in their country to go from a parliamentary democracy to a communist government. They wanted to change their form of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Reflection On What Expectations Did You Have Prior To The... 1. What expectations did you have prior to the service encounter? For this service encounter, I was hoping, since I had an appointment that I wouldn t have to wait a long time and that it wasn t crowd. In addition, I was expecting the employees to do their jobs and that their attitudes were positive. 2. Briefly describe your encounter so that someone who was not there would know what happened. Exactly, what did the employee/firm say or do? What did you say/do? The moment I walked through the door I was in fond of this place. The feel of this establishment oozed out quality service from being greeted by the receptionist to the decor, ambiance, set up, smell, and cleanliness, I was in total awe. This was my first time here although I ve been hearing good things about the company via word of mouth. It s been a minute since I ve had a manicure and pedicure and it was definitely time to treat myself. When I made my appointment over the phone a week before, I was shocked that I received a reminder text, two days before the actual appointment. On the day of, I arrived a little early so the receptionist suggested that I sit in one the spa chairs and have a massage while I waited and then offered me a bottle of water. As I sat there one of the technicians addressed my by name, introduced herself as Kim, and then asked if I would like to get started on with the pedicure. I was impressed when the technician unwrapped the instruments that she would be using to give the pedicure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Olaf s Transformation There are many stories of Olaf told by the people from his village. There is a story about Olaf defeating a dragon in face to face combat to protect his village or him racing down a mountain of lava. But this is the story of how Olaf got his shield. Long time ago, Olaf was a simple shepherd, living in the mountains above his village. He was very well known for being the kindest man anyone had ever met. He always had a smile on his face. Tales about him say he could chop down trees with his bare hands, and that strength was useful while helping others. Every time someone was in trouble, Olaf was there to help. He ripped trees from the roots to stop river flow, to save drowning goats, and he put out fires burning the village all on his own. He ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the villagers outside held their breath, the rock around the door crumbled. When the dust cleared they saw Olaf, standing in a room full of treasure, with a weak but happy boy in his arms. But before they could begin to celebrate, the ground began to rumble and shake. A giant troll roared from deep within the vault. He had a giant club, about the size of a tree. The troll charged like a frantic bull. Olaf wasn t worried, he stood his ground and put the little boy behind. The troll bashed Olaf with his club, but Olaf did not shift from his position. The troll was big and strong, but he was no match for Olaf s might. Olaf grabbed the club with one hand, and crushed it with the sheer force of his palm. He picked up the troll and spun him around like a helicopter, before hurling him deep into the mountain. The troll was defeated, and the boy was rescued. But then suddenly the ground began to rumble and shake once again, had the troll returned? No, the vault, it was crumbling apart! As Olaf cut his way through the mountain, he had weakened the structure, and now it was caving in. The ceiling began to decay, Olaf covered the boy with his back. With no obvious way out, Olaf grabbed the ice covered door, and held it up like a shield. Protecting them as the mountain top collapsed around ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Analysis of Pink Floyd s Song, Mother Essay Analysis of Pink Floyd s Song, Mother Had Sigmund Freud lived 40 more years (to the overripe old age of 123), he would have been delighted to hear such a wonderful example of his life s psychoanlytic work embodied in the haunting lyrics of Mother. Or had Oedipus lived a few millennium longer than his fictional death he would have found an adversary in the youthful Pink, a young boy whose desire for maternal acceptance and love is arguably equal to the greatest mother centered protagonists in the history of literature. Contrary to the eye gouging antics of Oedipus or even the grandiose melodrama later in Floyd s album, Mother is relatively low key and emotionally subtle. The music itself is interestingly split, though with few if any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So why would the band choose to illustrate such a serious stage of personal development with the nursery rhyme like style of the song s chorus? Before we get to that, the song s emotional and psychological message must first be examined. Similar to the music, the lyrics are as subtle as they are unsettling. Although the song takes a seemingly forthright form of question and answer, the psychological implications behind the lyrics are far from being simple and straightforward. Although the battling was over, the effects of World War II were still extent in the years following the atrocious fight. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the atomic bomb as well as the deaths of millions of Holocaust victims and soldiers were all too fresh in the global consciousness. Fears of nuclear warfare and continued fighting ran rampant through the post war world, instilling a sense of uncertainty in the generations of and following the war. Such fears are blatantly reflected by the first line of the song in which Pink asks his mother if they ll drop the bomb, referring to the apprehension of enemy retaliation. However, this line, as well as the majority of the lyrics, is open to a wide range of interpretation. Because of the psychological tendency to group people into two main categories (those like us and those apart from us, or the Other) coupled with the recent divisions of global powers in the war, one automatically assumes that the they Pink refers to is the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Jim Crow Essay Fall 2010 Term Paper The Strange Career of Jim Crow by Van Woodward is based on the time period surrounding the Civil Rights Movement. This book is an accurate account of events that occurred during this time. It shows how the 1896 US Supreme Court Ruling affected blacks and the obstacles they faced to overcome. This book shows how the rights of African Americans have evolved over time. Van Woodward did an excellent job illustrating the events of history with The Strange Career of Jim Crow and created a factual account of history that is still used in classrooms today. The historical context in which this book was written surrounds the events that took place during the Civil Rights Movement. There were several influential legal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... referred to this book by Van Woodward as the historical bible of the civil rights movement because it spoke about the difficulties of race relations and brought attention to what blacks went through to get to where they are today. Martin Luther King Jr. was a respected figure and had a dream for equality among blacks and whites. King liked the message that this book provided. Van Woodward writes striking incongruities appeared between the needs and moods of the black ghetto and the goals and strategies of the civil rights crusade, as typified by the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr., and voiced in his lyrical dream (Van Woodward, 193). In 1896, the court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson ruled that the states had the right to legally segregate public facilities. This court ruling fueled the fire of Southerners in regards to race relations, leading to the Jim Crow laws. These laws went as far as to say blacks could not cut a white person s hair, drink from the same water fountain as a white person, and established a test for blacks to take prior to getting a ballot. The Strange Career of Jim Crow is a book that opens reader s eyes to obstacles that black people faced during this period of time. Van Woodward does an excellent job in this book illustrating history. He provides factual and vivid examples of the racism that blacks faced in their fight for equality. It is obvious that this is a well written book in that it is still being published ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Air Pollution In The Environment A major public health challenge facing the people of Honduras is the issue of household air pollution (HAP). HAP is a dangerous form of environmental health hazard, so much so that the World Health Organization (WHO) has called it the most important global environmental health risk today . HAP is air pollution that is produced inside the home due to cooking, lightening, and heating needs and is typically the result of burning biomass fuels such as wood or coal, which produces products of incomplete combustion such as carbon monoxide and particulate matter (PM). Behaviors such as smoking indoors also contribute to poor indoor air quality. The worldwide impact of HAP is massive, with the WHO estimating that a total of 4.3 million deaths were linked to HAP in 2012. Honduras is part of this global burden of disease, as over half of Honduras s population cooks with biomass, placing thousands at risk. The overall trend in health ailments in Honduras is one of epidemiological transition. Essentially, Honduras is currently seeing a rise in noncommunicable diseases (NCD) while the burden of infectious disease persists. HAP is contributing to this rise in NCD. People in Honduras between 30 and 70 years old have a 16% chance of dying from the four main NCDS, which include cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic respiratory diseases. HAP has been found to contribute to all of these areas of NCD, excluding diabetes. In Honduras, cardiovascular disease and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Barbarianism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy In all cultures, there are people struggling for survival. Some are starving, some are living in sheer poverty, some are thrown into slavery and some just cannot get their footing; but in all of these situations there seems to be a common theme that presents itself over and over again. Many of these people become so desperate to live they will give up their morals and give in to whatever they can to get by. Occasionally, there is one person stronger than the rest, one able to hold onto their morals, one that would rather die than give in to immorality. However, given certain circumstances; even these people turn to pure barbarianism in order to survive. The Pulitzer Award Winning novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, details the numerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While on the road, in a few flashback sequences, the fate of the boy s mother is revealed. Among the flashbacks, there was a conversation between the man and his wife after the boy has been born. The man entreats his wife not to commit suicide. She wishes to die by her own hand however, in order to escape what she believes is her inevitable rape and her family s inevitable murder. She wishes that their pistol had three bullets, not only two, so that she could spare her entire family from their gruesome fate. Throughout the conversation, the man continues to beg her to reconsider her decision or at least wait until the morning to say goodbye to their son. After her death, the man and the boy pack up their camp, and the boy only says, She s gone, isn t she? (McCarthy 50). This sequence of events reveals the mother s very dark nature because instead of being there for her son, like a devoted parent, she chooses to leave this world out of pure fear of the post apocalyptic event. She even goes so far as to question the existence of her husband and newborn; yet she does not even do a small good deed as to tell her son goodbye. Instead, she chooses to burden her husband to be the sole proprietor for their son; thus revealing her animalistic nature. In addition, in preparation for the catastrophe, the dark nature of the boy s father is also evident through his decision to buy a gun in anticipation of the worst possible scenario. Contrary to popular belief, he does ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Shinto Vs Buddhism Essay Temple and shrine are both used interchangeably because many visitors to Japan can t tell the difference. To point out, using these terms interchangeably is like saying a church and synagogue are equivalent. In Japan, there are two major religions practiced by the Japanese people. A shrine is where Shinto is practiced and Buddhism is practiced at a temple. Both Shinto and Buddhism date back to thousands of years. Shinto, a spiritual principle, is an ancient religion of Japan based on the belief that powerful deities called kami (gods) inhabit both heaven and earth. According to mythology, various kanami were worshipped by their own individual clans. They often built shrines dedicated to their chosen kami and utilized a shaman or diviner to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It gained wide acceptance in the following century when the nobility advocated it. Bukkyō, a combination of two words, is the Japanese word for Buddhism. Butsu translates to Buddha and kyō means doctrine. In Japan, most people practice both faiths ambiguously as they are nearly parallel to one another. Shinto primarily focuses on earthly matters, and shrines are often used to host weddings or pray for good fortune. Whereas Buddhism is considered the religion of spiritual beliefs and practices. Temples usually host funerals and are a place to pray for ancestors. You are probably at a Shinto shrine if you cross the threshold of a torii gate, see a pair of guardians (usually dogs or lions) sitting on each side of the entrance, and cleanse your mouth and hands at a purification fountain before prayer. Shinto shrines have the suffix jingu , such as Ise Jingu. The name of Buddhist temples use the suffix ji , such as Todaiji. You may find yourself at a Japanese temple if you see an image of the Buddha, as this is always housed at a Buddhist temple. A large incense burner is usually located at the front of the temple; it is believed that the smoke has healing properties. On top of that, there is often a pagoda at a Buddhist ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. My Favorite Vacation In The Philippines The Philippines isn t a very common vacation spot for most people, but that makes Mindanao, the Philippines so much better having experienced something most people haven t. There are many things that people can t see going to places like Florida, but Mindanao has magnificent beaches and islands not too far away. Mindanao has some important facts like many small islands make up just the one island of Mindanao. The beaches near the islands of Hinatuan are gorgeous and very relaxing, taking the crazy lives that were left behind while taking a vacation. The beaches are crystal clear as if they re in a magical place. Mindanao has everything someone would want to see while going on vacation mountains, beaches, and volcanoes just an all around paradise. The official language of the Philippines is Filipino but the second language here is English. English is typically every country s second language, what makes this place different about having English is the second language is that if they are in college or have a degree they, phillipines will be able to speak fluent English. This is because the college professors speak in English to teach. Everyone who lives in the Philippines is called Filipinos, most of them have a religion of roman catholic and that s around eighty percent of the population and five percent of the population is Muslim. The people who live in the Philippines have beautiful places to see ( Ethnicity ). The Enchanted River,is located by the island of Hinatuan. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Expiration Dates The concept of event related sterility is one that required teamwork and cooperation in order to convert existing policies into this new one. The idea of not using expiration dates was hard for some but, when presented with the information and cost effectiveness it was difficult not to take a closer look at how this new procedure could and would benefit health care facilities. Armed with new policies and more training, health care workers were ready for the challenge of implementing this new idea. Introduction The sterilization process has been in use for a very long time. The use of expiration dates gave, and still gives, a period in which items are sterile and may be put to use during a procedure. This system works, but is costly and labor intensive. Although this process works, there is another way of maintaining the sterility of items. Louis Pasteur proved it. Louis Pasteur sterilized flasks in 1863, more than 130 years ago. These flasks, which are stored ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Approval had to be gained by showing the facility that it was going to benefit everyone involved and that it was in compliance with state and local laws as well as with accrediting organizations. Some examples of what had to be done are defining policy goals, development of a cost benefit analysis, a rotation policy had to be in place, and new training programs had to be established. These, along with a labeling policy and testing for quality assurance, helped to maintain the process. Benefits Event related sterility is cost effective compared to the use of expiration dates since outdated packaging material does not have to be removed and thrown away causing items to be rewrapped. Also, since there are no expiration dates, expired items do not have to be pulled for reprocessing which cuts down on time and labor. Personnel are able to focus on other things that require their attention. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Using Two Transmit Diversity Scheme 1.2 LITERATURE REVIEW [1]S. M. Alamouti, describes a simple two branch transmit diversity scheme. Using two transmit antenna and one receive antenna, the new transmit antenna provides the same diversity order as maximal ratio receiver combining (MRRC) with one transmit and two receive antennas. The scheme easily be generated to two transmit antenna and M receive antenna to provide a diversity order of 2M. This scheme does not require any bandwidth expansion any feedback from the receiver to the transmitter and its computation complexity is similar to MRRC. This also provide diversity improvement to all the remote units in a wireless system, using two transmit antennas at the base station instead of two receive antenna at all the remote terminals. [2]Vahid Tarokh, proposed that data is encoded by a channel code and encoded data is split into n streams that are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. The received signal at the each receive antenna is a linear superposition of the n transmitted perturbed by noise. The code constructed here provides the best trade off between data rate, diversity advantage, and trellis complexity. Maximum likelihood decoding is achieved in a simple way through decoupling of the signal transmitted from different antennas rather than joint detection and significant gain can be achieved by using the increasing number of transmit chains with the very little decoding complexity. [3]Vahid Tarokh et. al, proposed that uses the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. I Love Cheerleading Essay The activity that I am really passionate about and love doing is cheerleading. When I am at cheer practice all I hear at the beginning of practice are the slaps of palms of the athletes hands slapping against their thigh and counting to at least 30 because we are doing pushups or sit ups. You can hear people breathing hard or moaning about having to do more conditions. The counting of coaches is heard loud and clear as they count out for our routine and the routine music blasting throughout the building as you go through the routine. We have coaches yelling at others because they are not getting it right, giving up or messing around. Practice is completely different than when we are at competition. All you hear is talking, people practicing, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If luck isn t on your side at practices you taste blood, a shoe in your mouth and sometimes other body parts. Blood is the worst part because you just have to keep going. At competitions if you get hurt you have to pretend it didn t happen and keep going. It is a very dangerous sport and we will get hurt throughout practice. There are days where we have practices for more than five hours, and those days are very smelly. There s no doubt that we do a lot of physical activity, those days are very smelly. It can get a little stinky, but we open the door so the smell goes away. Sometimes we tend to practice outside, and you can smell the grass and I hate the smell of grass. On competition days we usually are there early morning, and sometimes it smells like it just rained. I actually really love that smell because to me it s a familiar smell a competitions and its homely. I love cheering; it is my happy place and my stress reliever place. I love that there are different aspects of cheering which is mostly physical. We stunt; we lift girls in the air and throw them in the air. You have to pick them up from their feet so we touch their shoes and also when you catch them, you basically touch mostly every part of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay on Cricket World Cup Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference 1 Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference ‫‫ا‬ ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫‫ا‬ ‬ In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful We the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, determined: to acknowledge the Conference of Kings, Heads of State and Government of the Member States convened in Rabat from 9 to 12 Rajab, 1389 H, corresponding to 22 to 25 September 1969, as well as the Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Jeddah from 14 to 18 Muharram 1392 H corresponding to 29 February to 4 March 1972; to be guided by the noble Islamic values of unity and fraternity, and affirming the essentiality of promoting and consolidating the unity and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 4 12. 13. 14.
  • 27. To protect and defend the true image of Islam, to combat defamation of Islam and encourage dialogue among civilisations and religions; To enhance and develop science and technology and encourage research and cooperation among Member States in these fields; To promote and to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms including the rights of women, children, youth, elderly and people with special needs as well as the preservation of Islamic family values; To emphasize, protect and promote the role of the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society; To safeguard the rights, dignity and religious and cultural identity of Muslim communities and minorities in non Member States; To promote and defend unified position on issues of common interest ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Hurricane Katrina Simulation Hurricane Katrina was a devastating disaster that has affected many people in New Orleans as well as the surrounding areas. It had a stunning death toll of 1300 people and damage over $100 billion ( Davlasheridze 94 ). The communication were taken down hours after Katrina because of the unexpected fast winds and floods that broke down 3 million phone lines and 1,000 cellular towers in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. ( Joch ). Because of the millions of phone lines that were battered, contacting the government for help was difficult hours after hurricane Katrina. Not only that, the people of New Orleans underestimated the power of Hurricane Katrina causing many to be stranded with no food or water ( Narrator, The Storm ,PBS ). Before Hurricane Katrina, a simulation called Hurricane Pam was created to prepare for a disaster like Katrina. It was the perfect model of what happened in Katrina ( Maestri, The Storm ). The purpose of it was to prepare the people (government) in what is needed during a real hurricane. Unfortunately, Before they could finish the exercise, FEMA s funding for the simulation was cut before it was completed causing the simulation to be canceled. The reason why Hurricane Pam was unsuccessful because Medical care for hurricane victims was not yet finalized, communication systems were not addressed at all, and key transportation decisions were left to be determined ( Narrator, The Storm , PBS ). If the simulation were to be completed, the disaster of Hurricane Katrina could ve been solved with a prepared plan to help many in New Orleans. Over the years of Hurricane Katrina, FEMA faced many criticisms. Not only FEMA, but every level of government was roundly criticized ( Howellq ). Back in 9/11, They acted fast and accordingly to the disaster. During hurricane Katrina, they were slow and had false promises that the locals of New Orleans believed ( Maestri, The Storm , PBS ). Many people asked FEMA for resources and help, but that turned down because they did not ask the right way ( Hale The Storm , PBS). During an interview with one of FEMA s secretaries, Michael Brown , had claimed that FEMA could not help Louisiana because they didn t tell them what they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Intellectual Property Intellectual property as is perceived globally has been in existence as long humankind. However, the rights and laws pertaining to intellectual property have been recognised and afforded protection only in recent years. This can be attributed to the global shift from the bygone industrial revolution to the ongoing knowledge revolution. The developed nations of the world appraised that knowledge in its various forms is what is more profitable in terms of trade and development leading to what is known as the knowledge economy . Rapid advancements in technology and the requirement to stay ahead of global competitors lead to intellectual property becoming a keystone to country, tying its survival in global markets to the protection for intellectual property afforded by it. The several forms in which intellectual property manifests itself had led to the introduction of copyrights, patents, trademarks, and various other mechanisms by which protection is ensured. The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), established by the WIPO Convention of 1967, states that Intellectual Property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce . This indicates that, as opposed to corporeal property, that consists of personal and real property which may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other areas such as Traditional Knowledge, which have pre existed Intellectual Property rights, have garnered increased interest due to the threat of exploitation in the commercial world. However, just as there is evolution, limitations to these rights exist in the forms of social, economic, and moral considerations; as well as governmental interference, other territorial limitations and temporal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Analysis Of Doubt, A Parable By John Patrick Shanley The novel Doubt; A Parable by John Patrick Shanley, creates doubts and mystery in readers minds that have us turning the pages, curious of what will happen next. Doubt creates a lot of different opinions and perspectives, and raises a lot of important discussions. You see that values play a big part in the way that we think, and the way that we see others. It blocks our perspective on people, and makes things seem very one sided, in order to live life to it s fullest potential you need to not just look at your own beliefs but others as well. It creates doubt in readers minds whether or not Father Flynn is guilty by showing us different sides of characters and making us feel uncertain about our beliefs. In the novel, Shanley reveals the differences between the characters, of Sister Aloysius who is the stern traditionalist, the complete opposite of Father Flynn who is a very fun, kind, and a progressive person. Sister Aloysius thinks that Father Flynn s ways of living life are very strange and is appalled by his habits, because she feels very nervous and threatened that Father Flynn will take over the church, and tradition will leave the system. Sister Aloysius likes to have her own specific list of beliefs, and traditions, so when she sees Father Flynn s long fingernails, and the amount of sugars he puts in his tea, she becomes outraged, shocked, and appalled by the ways that he enjoys living his life. Sister Aloysius says: Your fingernails. Father Flynn replies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Summary Of Steve Ballmer s Adaptation To Seattle There have been rumor that Steve Ballmer, former Microsoft CEO and now owner of the Los Angeles Clippers wants to move the Clippers to Seattle. The NBA will likely to move a franchise to Seattle within the two years. Geoff Baker explain what Ballmer thought on moving to Seattle and what his plan are for the Clippers in his article Steve Ballmer on NBA in Seattle: not likely to happen within next year or two years. Baker Explains what Ballmer said, he doesn t see Seattle landing an NBA franchise within the next year or two years (2). Ballmer just brought the ownership of the Clippers two years ago for $2 billion. Ballmer thinks that NHL team is most likely to move a franchise over to Seattle before an NBA team will land an arena in Seattle. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Pros And Cons Of No-Platforming In Thomas Hobbes s famous work, The Leviathan he created his famous social contract theory , that states individuals will need to give up some of their own personal autonomy to ensure the security of the state. Looking at this social contract as a spectrum, with security on one end and liberty on the other, one must find a balance between the two. In 2017 there are still on going debates where people want their society to fall on that spectrum, some would rather have more liberty and others more security. In 2016 the Free Speech Debate put out a video debating whether no platforming should be practised at universities. No platforming can be defined a strategy that argues that certain peoples should not be given a platform to speak in a certain social space due to their rhetoric constituting hate speech . Both sides of the debate, the pro no platforming and the anti no platforming teams, gave great points on how serious this issue is, and that there can be real life benefits and consequences on either side of the debate. Pro No Platforming The main argument of No Platforming is that there is an unfair power dynamic at play. A platform gives speakers a medium to amplify their message without having to debate against protestors; this unfair as it gives those already in power, that have the resources to platform, an advantage in that they have a greater ability to get their point across, creating a cycle that perpetuates the dominant group of societies message and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Financial Analysis Of The Performance Of Burberry Introduction In this assignment, I have chosen Burberry as the company to report. Burberry is one of the global luxury brand leader with a long history. It operates in three regions, Asia Pacific, Europe , Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA) and Americas. I am interested in the firm s performance in recent years. I am going to measure and analysis the performance of the corporate through Annual report 2015/16 and 2016/17 which published on 06 06 16 and 06 06 17 respectively. Overview According to the financial statement, during 2015 2017, Burberry were making profit in the three year however the firm had a drop in the net profit constantly. In 2015, the profit for the year was 341.1m, it was down by 7.77% to 314.6m in 2016 and it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2017, the firm had a higher percentage of cost of sales in term of revenue than 2016, the cost of sales was 30.11% which was higher than 2016 for 0.21%, that means the firm s gross margin in 2017 (69.89%) will also lower than the gross margin in 2016 for 0.21%. Burberry had a higher net operating expenses in 2017. The net operating expenses was 55.63% which was higher than 2016 for 1.56%, that also lower the operating margin, therefore the operating margin for the firm has decreased from 16.02% to 14.26% ( 1.76%). The 9.9m put option liability finance income in 2016 turn to 3.2m finance charge, so the net finance income dropped for 88.19% to 0.5m. This lead to a 5% decline in profit before tax from 415.6m to 394.8m. Moreover for the profit for the year, Burberry had a drop of 8.55% to 287.7m from 314.6m. The trend of the firm is decreasing in related to the three financial years. The reason of the decline can be due to the increase of the geopolitical concern in the Middle East and Russia and Uncertainty in Eurozone. These factors have any huge negative impact on the performance of the luxury sector. Financial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Key Variables Of The Study Of Student Competency... Procedure The key variables of the study, student competency proficiency, were based on ten core competencies of EPAS (CSWE, 2012). Total 19 competencies were included in the survey, using a six point Likert scale. Students were required to rate their competency proficiency on the scale from 1 (very little know) to 6 (substantial amount know) on Survey Monkey. Three assessments used a uniform survey for three different times. Prior to the course, each student was required to complete the first assessment. At the end of the course, students were invited to complete two assessments, the post test and the retrospect test, which asked students to look back to the beginning of the course. Students were explained that their participation in the assessments were voluntary, which focuses on helping them assess their competencies from different time perspectives, as well as helping instructors improve the course. The leading instructor and the teaching assistant, who conducted the study, complied the rules of human subject protection approved by the University of South Carolina Institutional Review Board. All data were transformed from Survey Monkey platform to SPSS files. The teaching assistant cleaned the data sets, matched the data of pre test, post test, and retrospect test using student IDs, and merged eligible data from six data sets of six classes into one data set. Totally 48 matched observations were used to analyze using paired t test. Paired t test were used to examine ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Government Regulation And Its Effect On Society Essay The world is a complex and intricate machine, with many pieces to create a much larger thing. Government and society are simply pieces of the same machine that depend on each other. Likewise, government and society have the option to liberate or limit the activities of men and it is a necessary occurrence of life. Government is dependent on society because social behaviors exists wherever there are good or bad, proper or improper relationships between human beings. Humans install government from their own belief that human behavior is self centered therefore society requires governing. Likewise, government oversight is needed in the economy as well as in society. The appropriate role of government in the economy is different from a typical liberal stance. Although the economy is an ever changing machine that rises and falls due to no fault of its own some feel that government regulation is needed. Without government regulation in the economy, free market trade could set the bar for interest rates, trade tax, business monopolies, and currency value. ...the safety of the republic lay in the autocratic strength of its government... this quote from Franklin Roosevelt s Commonwealth Club Address displays how the main objective for a strong central government is to protect the people. To further protect the people of the United States, the presences of a strong government in the financial sector is crucial to prohibit the use of banks raising the interest rates to a level where ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. United for One In the book, Outcasts United, by St. John, my favorite chapter is actually the first one. Chapter one is all about Luma, the soccer coach of the refugees. The reason chapter one is my favorite is because she reminds me a lot of myself. Luma wants to part from her parents and stay in the United States of America. Her choice came with the consequences of her parents and sister not communicating with her again if she chooses to stay in the US. Her grandma would still communicate about the family until she passes away in a later chapter. Another example of why this is my favorite is because I can relate to tons of it. My dad no longer talks to me due to me moving out at too young of an age. I moved to the city to be closer to work and school but in his eyes I was sinning. This is also why I think I relate most to Luma. There are other reasons why I think that I relate to Luma. Throughout the whole book, Luma never wants to give up. For example in chapter nine, Get Lost , when Luma knows she has to find a new field for her fugees to play on. According to St John, on page 93, the YMCA calls and lets Luma know they found a field for her. She never gave up on her high hopes. Luma always wanted the best for her players. I am just like Luma, as I never give up on things. My number one struggle I never give up on is my exercise. Luma has a great strength in her hopes. She honestly doesn t care about anyone s negative opinions. It is crazy how much I think I relate to Luma. Just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Mission Statement Analysis Mission Statement and Code of Ethics For this assignment I choose to look at two companies I am currently working for. I have been with these companies for a few years and I have worked in different positions within the companies. I feel I have a sense of how they are managed and can compare my experiences with them to their goals of the mission statements and code of ethics. The Home Depot Mission Statement The first company is The Home Depot. After reading the mission statement I feel that it fits the company. It points out clearly being in the home improvement business and the main focuses are pleasing the customers, having the better price and more products than competitors. Working in my store I have experienced management ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overall they were generalized. As an employee for the company I had not seen this until just recently when the district manager brought them to our store so I read through it and signed a document confirming I had. I do think we live these values each day through our working habits in the workplace but I feel the company is slacking with giving the information or expectations of the code to the employees. If the company doesn t provide the knowledge and training really necessary to work by the company s code of ethics then what is the point of having one? In conclusion The Home Depot mission statement and code of ethics were relatively good and the company does walk the talk they are giving out. With Burger King the company s mission statement follows their main goal but I feel they are slacking with the code of ethics and not exposing the employees to it. Overall I think both companies are good places to work and I have enjoyed being with them and feel I m doing my part to contribute to their goals. The Home Depot s Mission Statement The Home Depot is in the home improvement business and our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products and the most competitive prices. We are a values driven ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Causes Of Lisa And American Anti-Intellectualism When I was five, I tried to expose the fraud of Santa Claus to my kindergarten class. The teacher asked us to say what we had asked him for for Christmas and I responded by saying, Nothing! He s not real! When my peers questioned me on how I knew this, I informed them it was simply not possible for a single man to fly around the world in one night. I had looked into it, I knew how many hours were in a night, and there was simply no way. Despite my in depth research, my classmates dismissed my conclusion, attributing the impossible feat to magic . They were mad I had tried to lie to them and I was mad I was surrounded by narrow minded, santa loving idiots. Luckily, we were able to move past the disagreement and were all best friends again by lunch. The underlying problem, however, my classmates inability to accept the evidence, has not gone away. In his paper Lisa and American Anti Intellectualism , psychology professor Dr. Aeon J. Skoble explains, the United States has always had a love hate relationship with intellectuals. While professors and scientists garner a certain level of respect in this country, there is also a significant amount of contempt held for those who reside in the ivory tower of academia , presumably away from the practicalities of real life. This shows a disturbing trend of anti intellectualism, or the opposition to intellectual pursuits and works providing progressive and rational thought. The rise of anti intellectualism in the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Sharia Law And Islamic Law Sharia, also called Sharia Law or Islamic Law, is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition, and it is derived from the religious precepts of Islam. Despite of the fact that Sharia oppresses women and restrict their human rights, a lot of Muslims still think of Sharia very positively. In order to know why, one needs to know and understand the basic law concepts and go specifically into the characteristics and factors or the Sharia Law. Before going onto the Sharia, one needs to know and understand the law concepts. First, all societies and religions contain a legal system. Unless any law or legal system, any organization would encounter conflicts and arguments. Second, law acts as system of conflict resolution. Whenever ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sharia, also called Sharia Law or Islamic Law, is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition, and it came from the religious precepts of Islam. Sharia is often portrayed as a medieval legal system used by religious zealots to oppress women and deny human rights for Muslims and non Muslims alike. (Esposito, 40) Islamic law in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, and the Taliban s Afghanistan has required to restrict women s rights. Regardless of this negative characteristic of Sharia, why do so many Muslims regard Sharia so positively and think of it as central to their faith? One of the reasons is that Sharia has functioned as a positive source of guidance, a law whose principles and values have provided a moral compass for individuals and society. (Esposito, 41) The reason they want Sharia so much is much easier to understand if one realizes that many Muslims across the world concerns much about how modern secularism has challenged faith and family values. Muslims see secularism as undermining personal and public morality, weakening marriage as an institution, and leading to rampant divorce, sexual promiscuity, dysfunctional families, and alcohol and drug abuse. (Esposito, 41) Now we can go specifically into Sharia Law, which is the foundation of religious politics. There are two categories of Sharia law that we can break down to. They are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Description Of The s Exchange Principle Introduction Locard s exchange principle states that every contact leaves a trace indicating that trace evidence left by the perpetrator will always be found in the scene of crime (1). These trace evidence include hair follicles, to sweat, to skin cells and footwear impression, etc. They are valuable information that can incriminate a person and enable the law to carry out appropriate punishment. The value of these evidence will however decrease if they are not treated or processed appropriately (2). Footwear impressions are marks made by the outer surface of the sole of a footwear (outsole for shoes) (3). These marks are distinctive patterns that belong to specific shoe types and manufacturers (2,3). Therefore, an impression that found at a crime scene can be used to identify the shoe type and or specific shoe. Footwear impression identification is based on matching random individual wear characteristics formed on the shoe by its wearer during its life (2,3). Therefore, footwear impression analysis can be proven difficult due to the large number of footwear outsole pattern designs (2,3). These impressions form when the footwear is pressed on a surface and the outsole pattern is transferred onto that surface (2, 3). Footwear impressions are classed into two main groups, two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D). The 3D prints are those that are found on substrates such as snow or mud while 2D prints are those formed on floors or carpets (3). Useful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Artistic And Architectural Evidence For The Nubian... Sam Morton ART 2813 March 6, 2017 Describe the artistic and architectural evidence for the Nubian assimilation of Egyptian forms and ideas. Nubians art and architecture is traced back hundreds of years. They urbanized one of the oldest and utmost civilizations in their region until they lost their last empire years ago. Nubia was a land of expected wealth and prosperity and Sudan had remained the main home of Nubians through their long history, but many live in Egypt today. Nubian art impacted Egyptian Art through their past art and architecture, one can see how glorious and influential these group of people were to the world. Some art included the ba which was, in Egyptian portrayal, a sculpture of a small bird with a human head ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These forms were perhaps used to satisfy the desire to fill the void with selected or mixed elements that may have resulted in a kind of chaos or art. It can be distinguishing by the manner in which the artist regulates the elements of his composition by reflecting all the elements of the design which are used for functional and aesthetic purposes. The Nubians were also remarkable in their architecture. Ancient constructions that appeared to be palaces at their time are discovered throughout Northern Sudan. Archeologists excavated the land and identified few dwellings that date back to the pre Kerma period. Remarkably large huts reaching seven meters in diameter have been found and interpreted by some as residence of wealthy individuals. The architectural materials, structures, and the presence of staircases in most of the palaces suggest that they were mostly built of more than one floor. The majority of the palaces had a rectangular or square plans with long corridors and narrow rectangular rooms. The temples of the Kushite Kingdom were built of durable materials, such as red fired bricks and stories that helped them to endure the ravages of time and nature. Temple columns were worked with extensive designs curved to shape lotus flowers and the heads of gods Bes and Hathor. One known Egyptian temple is The temple of Ramses II, and the temple of Nefertiti dedicated to Hathor, they stood for a very long time, until they had a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Reflection Paper Kent State University In the beginning of my endeavor at Kent State University, it was a hard adjustment for me at first but now that I am involved in many activities I feel as if I found the place for me. At first it was hard for me to leave my home and move in here to call it my new home, but I knew my roommate it made it easier. When I came into this whole process of what people call a new start I at first thought I wouldn t like my roommate because everyone says, don t room with someone you know so I came into it being a little pessimistic and found all the flaws immediately about her and never focused on the good but turns out, I love my roommate and we both got involved in many different activities together. We are the same person and I wouldn t be happier ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Do not put your friends or hanging out with people over your academic studies, a few of my friends did that and it did not end well for them. I would also tell the incoming freshman to make sure that they love the major they are pursuing and if they don t it isn t a big deal to change it. Being a freshman it is intimidating definitely seeing all of the older people with their life all figured out, but it will all workout in the end and be worth it. I can personally say that my first semester of college did not end the way that I planned on it going, but it s a lesson learned and I am fixing my mistakes and starting fresh 2nd semester. A few of my goals that I would like to accomplish for next semester are to get a 3.5 gpa, to figure out the path and career I would like to go down, and to be successful with whatever I do. I believe that these are all good goals because they all lead to success. Success to me is a big thing, the way I can achieve my other two goals is by being successful, if I study hard, go to class and complete all the tasks given to me then I will get good grades and be able to find the career that I want to have when I am older and get on the right track. I believe that Kent State University has all the supplies that I need to be successful in my life and I honestly could not be happier with the university that I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Muhammad Ali Hero Muhammad Ali, a Hero for Many Muhammad Ali, born as Cassius Marcellus Clay, is a hero for many people. Cassius lived in a time where black people were considered inferior to white men. I remember one time when Cassius was small, Mrs. Clay later recalled. We were downtown at a five and ten cents store. He wanted a drink of water, and they wouldn t give him one because of his color. That really affected him. He didn t like that at all, being a child and thirsty. He started crying, and I said, Come on; I ll take you someplace and get you some water. But it really hurt him. (http://www.gilderlehrman.org/history by era/civil rights movement/essays/importance muhammad ali) He became a role model for many generations and for many people of all race, ages, and religions. Here are different ways he affected the world. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, Muhammad Ali never used them and therefore he was a role model for teens and other athletes. He proved to them that you don t need those drugs to be a great athlete. The legend performed incredibly well without having to harm himself, it all took hard work and determination. He was the voice of youth no one has ever been ( ), he always speaks up for people which others never did. The hero was described as brash, outspoken, and courageous (). Muhammad Ali became an idol for many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Hiro Hamada Character It is alright to cry, Crying is a natural response to pain [...] I m not crying... Hiro Hamada defies the typical gender role behaviors of what boys ought to do, be, or look like, Hiro Hamada does not project aggressive posture, self confidence, a tough appearance (Devor 504) despite having enough confidence to tell his brother Tadashi Hamada that he already knows everything. Tadashi Hamada notes When are you going to do something with that big brain of yours (After the bot fight incident) Hiro Hamada retorts What? Go to college like you? So people can tell me stuff I already know? Tadashi Hamada retorts Unbelievable Hiro Hamada is a child prodigy, a teen genius Hiro Hamada is different, he doesn t have a brother, doesn t have his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The success of Big Hero 6 is due in large part to it offering something newer and better to its viewers a fairy tale for boys (the emotional healing story of a boy and his bot) that challenges assumptions of gender. For the first half of the movie, Hiro Hamada is very much in line with how boys should be. He takes the initiative, he does not cry, he is emotionally distant, and is not in the business of making friends. It isn t until he opens up to the other characters and receives help from the magical helper Baymax, that all of the action starts and he finally just lets go. Baymax is the helper character that is essential to the development of the hero. Baymax is the person who has special knowledge, special information, and special skills. (Seger 337) At that point forward, it is clear to see that Big Hero 6 projects its difference in it being a fairy tale for boys. According to the commercials we should all crave difference and be unique individuals like the iPhone and iPod commercials. We are all driven to difference as Thomas Frank states. This is one the ways in which advertisers and manufacturers appeal to consumers, by positioning the product as being different. A product can be the hero, Hiro Hamada, a product that is all about gender. A fairy tale for a girl, a fairy tale about girls, is conformity. It holds that the paramount ailment of our society is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. What Is Edgar Hoover s Role In Criminal Justice Named by Calvin Coolidge as the sixth director of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover quickly rose to greatness. In 1935, he was appointed by U. S. Attorney General Stone as the first director of the newly conceived F.B.I. For the next 36 years he made all of the rules, declared war on everything he disliked or that opposed his morals and personal beliefs from Bolshevik radicals to Martin Luther King, he hindered the progress of the civil rights movement, and used force to eradicate every suspected communist. While he brought about myriad investigative technology, including fingerprints, wire tapping, and forensics labs that forever changed the criminal justice system, he also used the F.B.I. to intimidate celebrities and public figures, harass political activists, and illegally collect secret files of evidence and scandals against everyone. In truth, Hoover was a malicious and hypocritical man; under the guise of protecting the American way, his motto was knowledge is power, but after the Great Depression when the world changed, he didn t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Under the new Attorney General, Harlan F. Stone, Hoover is made director of the Justice Department s Bureau of Investigation. He is introduced to Clyde Tolson, and takes his business card. Later, Hoover interviews and hires Clyde. When the Lindbergh kidnapping captures national attention, President Roosevelt asks the Bureau to investigate. Hoover employs several innovative techniques, including the monitoring of registration numbers on ransom bills. When the monitored bills begin showing up in New York City, the investigators find a filling station attendant who wrote down the license plate number of the man who gave him the bill,which leads to the arrest, and eventual conviction, of Bruno Hauptmann for the kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Cherokee American Tradition Trading Our Traditions for Survival Understanding the Tsalagi or Cherokee society with the responsibilities each gender plays, one must first start from the beginning. Inspired from the traditions, the creation stories of the Cherokee or Tsalagi people, one can plainly see how each gender had their role within the matrilineal based tribe. Our base for traditions and culture are taken from the stories passed down. (Hiseley) The Cherokee tell various creation stories, usually depicted by the female sun. The Cherokee legend of Sky Woman, creation of the world came into being when she fell out of heaven or Galunlati onto a turtles back. After all was ready for Sky Woman, who landed on Turtle s back, immediately from her body produced corn, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While retaining many of traditional customs, values, and beliefs, they selectively adopted some of the ways of life of white Americans. ( Perdue.p30) The European Americans funded both men and missionaries to both inhabit and indoctrinate Cherokees how to become civilized. There were gains in acceptance to the white Americans ways of life, such as the learning of a written language by Sequoyah around the early 1800s, but gains that propelled survival not existence. Cherokee clans began to consume the poison that would ultimately become an end for their ancient traditions. Intermarriage was a way of more intimately exposing Cherokees to white ideas and practices, thereby resulting in more acculturation. (Purdue.p147) This new renaissance also came with a Trojan horse. Education from missionaries started civil wars within the tribes clans, while their once maternal way of governing was being up heaved and unraveled for more of a civilized way of life. Gender roles such as farming and taking care of the house shifted to the man along with the power they once held. The new council governing further diminished the tribes women s authority by forcing restricting voting rights to adult males only in 1826. The male only ran white man government, was far different from the traditional Cherokee governments, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. John Swift s A Modest Proposal In Jonathan Swift s satirical work, A Modest Proposal, the reader is presented with a horrible concept using extremely effective language and logos; Swift uses strong speech, rational tone, and complex grammar to convince readers that eating children will solve all the problems in 19th century Ireland. Swift s overall goals in his pamphlet, however, is not to actually encourage eating babies, which is why it is of satire, but is instead to raise awareness of Ireland s conditions for living, failing political figures, and the tyranny brought by England. Swift states in his sub title, For Preventing the Children of poor People in Ireland, from being a Burden to their Parents or Country; and for making them beneficial to the Public ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The idea is so intense that it demonstrates the overall irony of the piece. It is also worth pointing out that this line comes late in the essay. Swift lulls the reader into a false sense of trust by beginning with descriptions of the position of the poor in Ireland. The reader may think at first that this is a serious essay, making the point all the more loud when it eventually appears. The idea itself comes from a very knowing American, which is a small attack on the Americas and American colonies. Rhetorically, the first couple of quotes stated are the strongest in bringing attention to Ireland s issues. It s comical in the fact that he uses such a horrible idea to raise the red flags in the minds of the Irish people. In an earlier paragraph Swift writes, It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town, or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags, ad importuning every passenger for an alms (Swift par.1). This quote should be understood as a highlight to the poor living conditions of Ireland. The quote is interesting because Swift does two things in it; he continues building his satire, which is the world the reader will be thinking about, while nonchalantly hinting the underlining theme of poor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Child Labor Laws In the 1800 s Child Labor Laws In The 1800 s Child Labor, once known as the practice of employing young children in factories, now it s used as a term for the employment of minors in general, especially in work that would interfere with their education or endanger their health. Throughout history and in all cultures children would work in the fields with their parents, or in the marketplace and young girls in the home until they were old enough to perform simple tasks. The use of child labor was not a problem until the Factory System. The Factory System is a working arrangement where a number of people cooperate to produce articles of consumption. Some form of Factory system has existed even since ancient times. In the later part of the 18th century ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1918, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in a 5 4 decision, that the legislation was an unconstitutional infringement on personal freedom. The following year, the Congress tried another strategy to establish protection for child workers through taxation of employers. But in 1022 the Child Labor Tax Law, as it was known, was ruled unconstitutional for being overly prohibitory and regulatory. In 1924, both houses of Congress passed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, empowering Congress to limit, regulate, and prohibit the labor of persons less than 18 years of age. Even though the reluctance of state legislators to ratify the child labor amendment, legislative attempts to deal with the problem nationally continued, notably during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The National Industrial recovery Act, passed by Congress in 1933, established a minimum age of 16 for workers in most industries. In hazardous industries a minimum age level of 18 was established. This law contributed to a great decrease in the number of yond workers, but the Supreme Court ruled the act unconstitutional in 1935. In the next year the Congress passed the Walsh Healey Act, which prohibits firms producing goods under federal government contract from employing boys and girls less than 16 years of age. The nest important legislation on the problem was the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, better known as the Federal Wage and Hour Law. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Social Anxiety Disorder And Social Depression Social Anxiety Disorder Social anxiety disorder it s an intense worry or fear of social situations that involve interactions with others. It is categorized as a Phobia a persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. This leads to feelings of inadequacy, self consciousness, and depression. The person suffering of social anxiety disorder may believe that all eyes are on them at all times, fear of being judge by others, and have a strong fear of embarrassing themselves. Social anxiety is the third largest mental health case issue in the world, and it can affect 10% of the population at any given time. Social Anxiety disorder usually begins in childhood or adolescence. Is more prevalent among women than men. Everyone can relate to feeling anxious before giving a presentation, but those with social anxiety disorder experience an intense fear of being looked at closely and negatively evaluated by others in social or performance situations. Some literally feel sick from fear in nonthreatening situations. Some may become anxious during routine activities such as starting a conversation with a stranger, participating in class, dating and attending parties. Physical symptoms of social anxiety disorder may include blushing, profuse sweating, trembling, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath, dizziness or lightheadedness, headaches and feeling of detachment and loss of self control. Psychological symptoms of social anxiety disorder may include ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Big Fish Movie Analysis The book Big Fish and its movie adaptation shows the importance of how different factors help to improve the story. This book tells of the legendary stories of Edward Bloom, narrated by his son, William. The tales of Edward Bloom seem fictitious and far too amusing to be real. His son is determined to find the truth in his father s stories in order to understand who his father truly was behind his fantastic stories. The movie does not fail in its interpretation of the novel, in fact the movie could very well be even better. The addition of new scenes and the focus on Edward s love life help the movie tell the story in it s own way, showcasing the brilliance of the art of cinematography. Although the movie takes a different approach from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Motifs are described as a recurring theme that has symbolic significance. Motifs are a powerful embellishment and provide movies with a traceable pattern or a significant meeting to look for later on. Finally, motifs capture and emphasize the most important part of a movie or story. The motifs in Big Fish consisted of the ring that Edward used to catch the fish, the Witch s eye that showed Edward his death, the fish that Edward caught the day his son was born and the giant. An example of the Giants significance in the movie Big Fish was when he stated, You think this town is too small for you? This town is too small for my ambition. The giant in the small city of Ashton represents the big fish in a little pond analogy and Edward Bloom s ambition. The witches eye that showed Edward death was a fantastic motif because it portrayed his fearlessness. The eye is the symbol for himself, and he realizes when he looks into the eye, death doesn t scare him. The witches eye also foreshadows his future relationship with the witch. Lastly, the eye is a motif for the life he didn t have and it was Edwards first meeting and encounter with appearance versus the reality of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. How Aristarchus Made A Large Jump From Terrestrial... How Aristarchus made a large jump from terrestrial measurements of scale to the celestial is truly impressive. Without any measures of the sizes of and distances to any celestial objects, Aristarchus was able to measure both for the Moon. He was able to use something he knew about the Earth and a bit of smart geometry to deduce the size of the Earth s shadow at the distance of the Moon. By watching the Moon go through the Earth s shadow which is formally known as a lunar eclipse, Aristarchus could determine the ratio between the size of the shadow at the distance to the Moon and the size of the Moon. Aristarchus knew that on average two times a year, the surface of the full Moon becomes dark for a period ranging up to around two hours. It was reasoned that during these times, the Moon was passing through the shadow cast by the Earth, known as a lunar eclipse. The eclipse would only occur during the full Moon because that s the time when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. Aristarchus realized that the longest lunar eclipses must occur when the Moon passes right through the center of the Earth s shadow, and so that the angular size of the Earth s shadow could be measured by noting the difference in the position of the Moon before and after the eclipse. He could then compare this angular size to the angular size of the Moon to get the ratio between them. He used the formula Now by using the formula. The moon could fit into earth roughly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Overtime Pay Violations Table 1 demonstrates that there is substantial violation overtime pay with significant portion of 41% of workers work overtime did not obtained any overtime compensation (Ye, Gindling Li, 2015). There is approximately 29% workers (12% of all workers) who work overtime did not receive overtime pay. While more than 40% workers (17% of all workers) earn less than 1.5 times hourly minimum wage, likewise almost 70% of workers paid lower than legally required 1.5 times regular wage for overtime. A legally mandated overtime wage are not received by high fraction of workers of all gender, education and age. Apart from that, there are high proportion of employees in firms with owners from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and foreign countries get their overtime ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...