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A Critique
Emilia Approach model which was found by Loris Malaguzzi. This model became associated with
mainstream educational practices in 1945 when the first parent–run preschool of the common people
opened in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy focused
on preschool and primary education. The destruction from the war, parents believed, necessitated a
new, quick approach to teaching their children. I enjoy the fact that this is a child –centered
educational program that features working with art. In the Reggio Emilia School, children are
viewed as powerful and capable. Children are validated as unique individuals ... Show more content
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Much of what occurs in the class reflects a constructivist approach to early education. Reggio
Emilia's approach does challenge some conceptions of teacher competence and developmentally
appropriate practice. Teachers in Reggio Emilia assert the importance of being confused as a
contributor to learning; thus a major teaching strategy is purposely to allow mistakes to happen, or
to begin a project with no clear sense of where it might end. Another characteristic that is counter to
the beliefs of many Western educators is the importance of the child's ability to negotiate in the peer
group. I think that one of the most challenging aspects of the Reggio Emilia approach is the
solicitation of multiple points of view regarding children's needs, interests, and abilities, and the
mutual faith in parents, teachers, and children to contribute in meaningful ways to the determination
of school
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy : Learn Anything Learn Everything
Educational Philosophy: Learn Anything...Learn Everything.
Kathleen Bateman
Dr. Zabloski
Learn anything... Learn everything. One of the biggest differences I noticed while teaching overseas
in Asia for seven years is that students in Asia don't get hung up on the "why" part of education as
much as American students do. While it is important for students to question and think critically
about a lesson and how it relates to their life, it can be damaging for them to automatically dismiss
any new knowledge that falls outside of their interest as irrelevant. I have heard older students
complain and ask, "Why do I have to know this? When will I ever use this in my life?" The
philosophy of Learn anything... Learn everything is a broad educational philosophy. The purpose in
the broadness of this statement is to express that all knowledge and learning is valuable. It is my
goal as an educator to spread a love and passion for knowledge to my students. I want my students
to open their minds and pursue life long learning on their own as well as to get out of the "practical
knowledge" mindset that inhibits creativity. Why put any constraints on learning when there is a
never–ending world of knowledge?
History has shown how leaders and governments have taken advantage of the uneducated
population. Early American education reformers such as Horace Mann realized the
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A Critique
My Personal Educational Philosophy Essay
Educational Philosophy Essay My personal educational philosophy is a combination of perennialism
and essentialism, which leaves me uniquely well–armed to teach my subject of choice: History.
History, viewed as a whole, is a monument to the achievements of Man. It is unchanging, though
new aspects may be found or brought to light, and it can be viewed from many angles, it is an
unchanging truth that what happened, has indeed happened. Through a thorough and guided
exploration of this subject, students can learn many of the essential skills they will need to succeed
later in life. My desire to teach and the development of my particular philosophy can be relatively
easily derived from my own, personal, history. My earliest memorable connection with the subject
that defines me came from semi–monthly trips to my great grandparents' home in Jacksonville, TX.
Every trip we would pass a large stone monument to Sam Houston, a man who was essential to the
development of the state of Texas. After enough questions about his life my parents took us on a trip
to San Antonio, Texas, where the Presidio San Antonio de Bexar sits– The Alamo. Here I began to
delve into military history, and the complexity of stories being written from both sides of the
trenches and firing lines. Reading those stories, and the experiences of the men in them, I realized
that they were experiencing feelings similar to ones that regular people experience on a daily basis:
anxiety, depression, self–doubt, and
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A Critique
Educational Philosophies
Educational Philosophies
Elizabeth Howell
Liberty University
What is the philosophy of education? It is a set of ideas and beliefs that guides teachers' actions and
provides a framework for thinking about educational issues. (Kauchak and Eggen, 197) Teachers use
philosophy everyday in their classrooms. From the time the first student enters their room until the
last student walks out, philosophy is affecting the way the teacher runs his/her classroom and how
they interact with their students. There are four different types of educational philosophies:
Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, and Social reconstuctionism. There are also five
classroom applications that help teachers decide which philosophies are used while they ... Show
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Lectures, questioning, practice and feedback are some of the teaching methods I would use in my
classroom. These follow the Essentialism philosophy. I believe that consistence in a classroom is
crucial but also you have to mix things up in order to keep the students attention and keep them
interested in the curriculum. On the other hand, learning should not be all fun and games. Students
will never take learning seriously if there is not seriousness implanted in their learning experience. It
is my opinion classroom learning environments should be highly structured with strong focuses on
academic work as well as essential knowledge and skills. As I stated before, a child should have just
as much academic knowledge as they do knowledge of how the world works around them. This
follows both Essentialism as well as Perennialism. Perennialism is an educational philosophy
suggesting that nature is constant and that schools should teach classic knowledge. (Kauchak and
Eggen, 201) Lastly, I feel that teachers should offer frequent objective and performance assessments
and feedback to their students. Students should be periodically assessed on their work and given
feedback and how they are doing. This is part of the essentialism philosophy. I believe that assessing
students and giving them feedback helps the students as well as their parents know, without
question, how the students in doing, what their level of
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy of John Dewey Essay
The Educational Philosophy of John Dewey John Dewey is known as leader of the progressive
movement in the history of the American education system and his book, Democracy and
Education: an introduction to the philosophy of education, could be used as a textbook to teach the
foundations of the movement. Discrediting all previous educational and philosophic approaches as
intellectually incomplete or inaccurate, Dewey first presents a new perspective on the nature of
knowledge, education, society and philosophy. One fundamental theme of Dewey's progressive
movement is that education is growth and that growth is, in and of itself, the objective. Rejecting
any notion of innate knowledge or of an ideal goal to strive for, the progressive ... Show more
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Societies can be, by definition, small associations of like minded individuals with narrow aims or
large nations with broad, diverse aims. Dewey offers two standards which can be applied to assess
the value of a society: How numerous and varied are the interests which are consciously shared?
How full and free is the interplay with other forms of association? By applying these two questions,
the natural conclusion of the ideal society is democratic, that is to say one that offers its citizens the
freedom of expression and communication. If a democracy represents an ideal society that presents
the maximum number of common interests and the maximum opportunities for association with
other societies, then it also represents the ideal society in its potential for growth. Any society with a
near limitless potential for growth must redefine the concept of knowledge in order to gain
efficiencies in its education system. Previous attempts at defining knowledge were flawed, in the
mind of the Progressivist, by directly stating or implying a division or duality that presents a barrier
to free intercourse of ideas. Examples of these dualities are that of different classes within a society
such as rich vs poor, noble vs lower class, ruler vs ruled or that of the physical vs metaphysical
worlds. Any duality serves to separate knowledge from action, a continuity which is proclaimed as
ideal. Any piece of
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy Statement
As a teacher, my philosophy of education focuses on the individual child and their educational
needs. I would like my students to feel comfortable, develop their communication skills, and build
positive character traits. Along with encouraging the children to grow in a positive way, I will treat
children equally for grading along with providing them with the skills they need in order to achieve
the most they can academically. Classroom Environment I strive for my classroom to be a place
where children feel comfortable. In the classroom children should feel comfortable enough to
express what is on their mind and how they are feeling when discussing different topics. I want to
create a space where every idea is valued. I will do this by doing ... Show more content on
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I believe that students learn best through experiences and hands–on activities. It is my job to show
the students what we are learning and why, so through my teaching, they should never question what
we are doing. I want my students to come into the classroom each day excited to learn because they
know that we are going to be doing something fun and exciting. Although they will be having fun,
they will be learning too because I will create lesson plans that are engaging and also very full of
content. I want the content and activities to be open in order for the children to make connections. In
order to begin a lesson and decide what activities I will do, I will provide a pretest in order to see
what the students already know and can do. The pretest will also serve as an intro into what the
students will be learning, so they know what we are going to learn and what is expected from them
by the end of the
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A Critique
Components Of An Educational Philosophy
A person's philosophy is defined as, "A theory or attitude held by a person that acts as a guiding
principle for behavior." If a person's philosophy shapes his or her actions, then it is vital for any
professional to have a good philosophy in their profession, so their actions follow suit. Therefore, it
is important for an educator to have a solid philosophy of education so that his or her teaching is
effective and right before God. Six important components of an educational philosophy are
metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, the nature of the learner, the school, and the teacher. However,
the foundation that holds up all six of these philosophical components in a strong christian
educational philosophy is God. In philosophy, metaphysics is the study of what is beyond the
physical realm. It questions being, knowing, causation, identity, etc. Genesis 1:2 tells us that, "The
earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the deep waters. And the spirit of God was
hovering over the waters" (New Living Translation). Before there was anything, there was God. God
is what is beyond the physical and he is the very essence of being. God describes himself to Moses
by saying, "I am who I am" in Exodus 3:14. Again, God is expressing himself here as the greatest
form of being. Nothing was, is, or will be in existence unless God is first. All of creation and human
kind lives and breathes between those two words, "I am." When it comes to metaphysics, God is the
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A Critique
The Educational Philosophy Of Education
Educational Philosophy Paper
1. What is the purpose of education?
The purpose of education is to gain knowledge about general and complex skills, for example
reading, writing, math, etc. Education gives students the necessary knowledge to function in today's
society. Education prepares children for their future. Education prepares students to be responsible
citizens, creative thinkers, and follow directions. The main purpose of education is to help develop
student's minds. Education helps give young people exposure to the world. Without education
people would not be able to function properly in society. The world would become an unsafe place
and there would be social chaos. Education is the foundation to an order society with each person
developed to his or her full potential.
2. Why do you teach? Why are you drawn to the rewards and challenges of teaching?
I believe that all children have the ability to learn and the right to a quality education. All youths,
regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and capabilities should have the opportunity to learn from
professional, well–informed teachers who are sophisticated and knowledgeable, both in their area of
expertise and life. Certainly, every child has different learning styles and aptitudes; however, by
having a personal relationship with every student, a teacher can give each an equal chance of
success. By recognizing every student 's potential and having separate, individual goals for each, a
teacher can accommodate
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A Critique
Essay about A New Educational Philosophy for Law...
Since the mid 1980's there has been a paradigm shift in law enforcement from the military policing
model to the community oriented policing model (Breci & Erickson, 1998; Pliant, 1998; Rosenbaum
& Yeh, 1994; Thayer & Reynolds, 1997; Varricchio, 1998). In the military model, police react to
events in the community (Thayer & Reynolds, 1997). Community problems filter up the chain of
command and solutions filter their way back down. Police respond when a crime is committed.
There is little contact with the members of the community until the crime has already happened.
Therefore, contact with the public tends to be through negative situations such as getting a ticket,
having a house searched, or bailing a friend or family member out of jail ... Show more content on
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There must be a commitment on the part of city leaders and police administration. A department
wide strategy must be in place to carry out the community oriented policing program. Finally, all
personnel in the department, including civilian employees, must be educated on the philosophy of
community policing.
Law enforcement's transition away from a militaristic tradition that presented an "us vs. them"
relationship with the community will be a difficult process. A shift in educational philosophy will be
required to make this transition. To effectively train today's law enforcement officers there must be a
move away from the Behaviorist philosophy of education in which the teacher feeds knowledge to a
dependant learner and then the learner is expected to reproduce the knowledge in some clearly
observable behavioral outcome (Ramirez, 1996; Elias & Merriam, 1995). To realistically educate all
personnel in the organization and make the transition, the educational philosophy of the department
should be compatible with the community policing approach.
Educational philosophies can be viewed along a continuum. Philosophical positions fall along this
continuum depending on how one views the importance of the individual and society and the
involvement of the learner in the education process.
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy Reflection
This is a contemporary theory of education which demands equity, fairness and social justice.
According to this theory, critical awareness requires recognition that the social status of an
individual, including educational and economic prospects and opportunities, is largely result from its
race, gender, and class so the critical theorists want to raise the consciousness of these people
dealing with education, knowledge, the school, and teaching and learning. Furthermore, they see the
curriculum into 2 parts: the official curriculum which requires teaching subjects and specific skills,
and the Hidden curriculum which imposes approved behaviors and attitudes on students through the
school environment. They believe that teachers should empower themselves, because they can
transform schools into democratic public spheres.
After reviewing these teaching philosophies and educational theories, many of them reflect my own
personal educational philosophy and my instructional practices and choice of classroom curriculum.
The four that I found the most appealing are: Realism, Pragmatism, existentialism and
progressivism. I find the combination of the three very complementary.
First, I disagree with idealists when they believe that knowledge is based on universal and eternal
truths but for me, it is facts, information, and skills acquired through education or experience.
Otherwise, I agree with concepts of idealism that education should be open to all students,
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy: Teaching, Philosophy, And Strategies
The main purpose of philosophy is to love for wisdom. The values and life experience are the most
crucial sources for the educational philosophy. Teaching plays an essential role in the growth and
learning. The most important aim of the educator is to create love of learning in the students and the
teacher must share his passion of learning with the students. There is a need for the individuals who
are strong and compassionate and who want to work with the children by providing them education
and training. In this modern era, it is essential for the students to get the education in order to
become successful. The individuals must become the best educator and must provide the education
to the children. This time a very competitive and strong ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The principles of effective pedagogy provide the teaching and learning to the students. It also
includes the actions and strategies that help the teachers in providing guidance. Component mapping
is the most essential part that helps the teachers in order to monitor the performance of the students.
The component mapping is focused about the issues of teaching and learning. It identified all the
issues and provides a solution to the teachers in order to make the continuous improvement in
teaching. The teachers must change the thinking pattern of the students and make their thinking
positive and problem solving. Deep thinking is different in different areas of learning. The problem
solving and reasoning in arts is different from the reasoning and problem solving in science and
history. The knowledge and thinking is different in different learning areas. The students can get the
best learning when the environment of learning becomes productive and supportive. The teachers
must provide the full support to the students related to the learning and develop capabilities in them
in order to make them perfect. When the teachers get the knowledge about the students, so that it
helps to create a positive relationship between the teacher and the students. The capabilities of the
students help the teacher to differentiate the students and the teacher know about each student for
their learning and skills. The education make the difference between the skilled and unskilled
individuals and it helps to promote the respect and value between the individuals (Schofield
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy Essay
Educational Philosophy
I have known my entire life that I would one day be a teacher. I have always been a leader. I have
always felt as if I should be the boss, the one in control. Just ask my parents. Then once I got the
opportunity to counsel summer camps and be the volunteer assistant coach for a basketball team. I
knew my hear and my dedication was with children. So I am pursuing an education profession. I
will be a teacher.
To educate is to teach or to instruct. I believe that definition is a bit vague. I will attempt to expand
upon that. I believe that to educate means to enrich or to further enrich the minds of all ages on
subjects pertinent to growth. Also, to teach is to give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sometimes a set curriculum can't even be followed in an included classroom. The teacher has to
work around the needs and knowledge of her students. At the same time, the teacher cannot lose
sight of her focus or curriculum.
I believe the overall purpose of a public education is to prepare children for a career and gradually
build up their confidence to fulfill life's expectations. Education is important for this very reason; it
should be a stepping stone. Every step taken leads further toward a better life and a successful
As a teacher, I hope to accomplish many things. First and foremost, I hope to show my students the
importance of an education. I will show my students the benefits from a successful education and
the repercussions of a lackadaisical one. I hope to gain my students trust and their faith. I hope the
children can see me as a confidant. I hope to instill a desire to learn inside the hearts of my students.
Let them be my guide in certain areas. As the years progress, I hope to personally accomplish a
feeling of satisfaction I want to be able to look back and have no regrets in my career decision. I
hope my students also walk away with a feeling of satisfaction, gratitude, and respect. I hop one day
a student can tell me that I am their favorite teacher. I hope the students walk away with the
knowledge that they need to continue their growth.
The methods of
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A Critique
Educational Leadership Philosophy Statement
I always thought I would be a teacher and I would make differences in lives and it would be the
greatest experience in the world for me, yet being a teacher wasn't enough, I had a need to expand
my education. I decided that perhaps I needed a new career, however, I felt certain education
remained my passion. I began to explore new areas of education and I realized I still want to be a
member of a classroom, a school and curriculum. I aspire to guide those leading our classrooms.
Being an Educational Leader is where I have chosen to land. Educational leadership will often bring
me back to the classroom, helping teachers, coaching students and planning curriculum. A master's
degree in Educational Leadership will deliver a fresh perspective
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy
Educational Philosophy
Writing my educational philosophy has required me to do an extensive amount of personal research
that has taken me on some wonderful, inward journeys over the past few months. Voyages through
my cognitive and behavioral personas from the beginning of my educational endeavor back in 1992
up until the present day. I have been digging diligently through my archives pulling out old papers I
composed regarding my initial views toward education. I have reflected on my days in the writing
center at George Mason University as a composition tutor. Plus, I evaluate myself in the classroom
now as I teach at the local community college as well as in the local junior high and high schools for
my student ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This type of instructional method, and its varying implementations, provides the opportunity for
each student to make a substantial contribution to his/her team. This contribution is where learning
occurs. I do realize that there is a large gap between research and practice, and I know that
cooperative learning is not a definite solution to my goals. What it provides is a means to a
continuous labor of love moving closer to this goal, not a means to an end. Therefore, as an ongoing
task, research will evolve as will my classroom practice. But, I do see some implementation rules
that appear to be steadfast and help form my thoughts on constructing my future cooperative
learning classroom.
Room preparation is the first rule. A classroom that I observed during a field placement assignment
for Concord College had five, round tables with five chairs at each along with a computer. The
round tables were organized in a horseshoe shape with the teacher's workstation located at the
opening of the "U". This was a great example of how a cooperative learning room must be set up to
enhance all forms of active interaction. The groups must be small and contain mixed abilities as well
as a combination of gender and ethnic diversity. Third, an award system must be established along
with a format for tracking improvement
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A Critique
Essay on An Educational Philosophy
An Educational Philosophy
If the best of us will be teachers and the rest something else, then I hope the best of us will also be
students. I believe we are all students and I expect I will learn as much from my students as they
will learn from me. I hope more than anything though, that my students will value the simple act of
obtaining knowledge more than worrying about getting every graded detail correct. If a student
cannot enjoy the learning process, they are not going to truly learn the subject content. There are
certainly distinct pieces of knowledge that all students need. Students may not always enjoy
absorbing these pieces of knowledge, but hopefully there will be individualized interests that make
the process easier. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were times during my high school years that I felt my main concern was to get an A, not
necessarily learn the subject matter. Many times the incredible emphasis on grades classically
trained me to dislike the educational process. Of course grades are a very effective way of charting
progress, but I think we need to reinforce the simple act of learning as much as possible.
As far as my own educational ethics are concerned, I will treat my students equally, without
discrimination. I believe everyone has an equal right to learn and I plan on teaching each student as
equally as possible. Although I will always maintain a very professional relationship with my
students, I hope they will also see me as someone who cares about their well–being.
My personal teaching method will be a mixture of progressivism and essentialism. As a science
teacher I think projects, cooperative learning, critical thinking and obviously scientific investigation
are essential for learning. Science is not effectively learned by reading only. It is a subject of
experimenting! Although I feel experimentation is very effective, I also believe that lecture,
recitation and discussion are very beneficial. I would also go on to say these are essential points
when teaching any subject. Students need a sense of uniformity in the classroom, but they also need
To me, a well–managed classroom is one where students
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A Critique
My Educational Statement, And My Philosophy Of Education
Introduction. " Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."–
Nelson Mandela. This is a very powerful aspect in our lives and we start learning and developing
skills from a very young age. In this assignment I am going to focus on John Dewey and his
philosophy Pragmatism as well as Jean Piaget and his philosophy Constructivism. This will give an
insight of how they see education and how they think it must be implemented. I will also touch on
other topics like why I want to be a teacher and what I base my thinking about education on. I will
talk about my philosophical framework as well because in this module I saw that teachers differ
from each other because they believe in different philosophies. Why I want to become a teacher. ...
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Children have so much potential I mean they are the future leaders, teachers, and doctors and so
much more. I want to be a teacher because I want to help them develop into the best they can be. I
want to be a teacher to make a difference in their lives no matter if it is big or small and I want to be
there for those who need love and care. On the news and in the newspapers I only read and hear
about the chaos in our schools. I want to be a part of a positive change in our schools and education
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A Critique
My Philosophy And Philosophy Of Personal Educational...
It is true that many educators do not know what their educational philosophy is. However it is
imperative for educators and future educators to know their personal educational philosophies so
that they can be accountable, explain how they teach, what they are doing and why. My personal
Educational philosophy is made up of four components; metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and
My educational Philosophy Metaphysics (reality) is a combination of realism and idealism, that the
mind, spirit, and body are connected and that they should and must work together. God is the father
of the universe. He created it for his spirit children who he loves and communicates with on a daily
basis. Individuals are spirit sons and daughters that God ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When students are encouraged to tutor their peers and younger students, their own learning is
enhanced. Going out into the community to learn about subjects coupled with reading about them in
books is a powerful learning tool as well. Once students are in the community and aware of what the
community needs, students should be encouraged to take some action or responsibility in planning
for a change. I am an advocate of behaviorism. Educators should discourage poor behaviors and
encourage appropriate behaviors as well as teach new behaviors. Students are capable and should be
involved in creating rules for the classroom. Education should encourage cooperation and teach
decision making skills. School should be a place of molding (without forcing) children into good
citizens that will contribute to the community in a positive way.
My Educational Philosophy consists of bits and pieces of many of the philosophies because most of
the philosophies included components I would not or could not include in my own. None of the
philosophies metaphysics matched my own, so I combined the metaphysics of realism and idealism
because Idealists believe that the spirit and mind are the only reality, where realists believe that the
body or matter is more real than the mind. I believe that the mind and spirit and body are a unit and
must work together for the common good. I think that the curriculum of
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A Critique
My Educational Philosophy Essay example
My Educational Philosophy
A teacher, according to Webster's New College Dictionary, is one who "imparts knowledge or skill."
In truth, however, the responsibilities of a teacher ascend far beyond this formal definition. For
many year teachers as a whole have guided and molded each generation, thus have guided and
molded the future. Being part of such a grandeur undertaking serves as ample motivation for
entering the education field. Teaching will give me the opportunity to take part in one of the
institutions that America prides herself on: public education. I will contribute to the goal of
providing everyone, even the most disadvantaged, with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and
better him or herself. I will help to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A classroom needs to be comfortable and pleasant. I would also like to use bulletin boards to help
make the students feel important and good about themselves. In the lower grades I will use students'
artwork as decorators for bulletin boards. In higher grades their artwork will be used or they will
even help to decorate the bulletin boards. Using the marine animal example again, I would hand out
pictures of different animals and have the children color or paint them for decorations. If class size
allows, I plan to have my students seated in a large semicircle, with my desk behind them.
Hopefully I will have the time to make frequent changes in the way the class is set up and in the
decorations throughout the school year in order to keep the students stimulated and interested.
Another important decision a teacher must deal with is that of the direction of their class. I plan to
use a non–authoritarian approach. I realize that this approach can only be used to a certain extent
since children need some degree of structure and order. But, I feel that an approach that is non–
authoritarian in nature allows more self–expression by students, as well as helping the teacher to
gain the respect, rather than the fear of the children. I want students to feel comfortable expressing
themselves and asking questions. Another advantage of this approach is that it can be used to
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A Critique
My Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education
Cultural and linguistic diversity is increasing in places all over the world at a remarkable rate. As the
world becomes connected through language, it has become increasingly important to build an
understanding and openness to different cultures and languages. Just as each student brings their
own background knowledge and talents to the classroom, each teacher brings their own experiences
that have shaped their philosophies of teaching. In a world filled with beautiful places to wander to,
experiencing new cultures and languages has become a love and passion of mine. Combined with
my devotion to the education field and my personal life experiences, a desire to teach in the TESOL
career field was one that came quite easily. My mother was ... Show more content on
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The second key element is to understand each student's diverse needs, goals, and desires. With an
understanding of a student's unique needs, I can implement a variety of teaching methods, such as
graphic organizers, sentence frames and realia, that can be used through different types of
instruction allowing for the success of the student to gain a meaningful and effective education. In
addition, by including different assessments, students can demonstrate their understanding of what
they have learned and whether they have met the content and language objectives. With varying
learning styles, cultures, languages, and learning needs, it is apparent that language instruction is not
a "one–size–fit–all" method. Another strong belief I have about teaching is that each student brings
their own prior knowledge to the classroom. Each student, regardless of language or culture, has
knowledge and skills to offer and develop in the classroom. It is important to encourage students to
share this knowledge to aid students in gaining confidence and value towards their experiences, as
well as, use their experiences when planning instruction to create interesting and worthwhile
lessons. Lastly, it is significant to engage in a constant self–reflection process to make changes to
instruction as new demands and needs are encountered. It is important to remain informed of current
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy Essay
Educational Philosophy
Teachers have the role of shaping students for tomorrow. They help them academically, personally,
and socially. I cannot think of any other career that would be as rewarding as teaching. A teacher has
the opportunity everyday to change a student's life. One of the reasons I want to become an educator
is because I want to have a positive influence on a student's life. I think in today's society it's crucial
for students to feel like they have a positive role model. I have seen what a large impact teachers
have made on their student's lives. That has made me to want to strive and do the same. Another
reason for choosing this profession is that I simply love working with children. I do not think ...
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It will honestly depend on which activity is at hand that the students are working on. I am a person
who thinks that change can be very beneficial to students. I plan on using all of the different types of
seat work such as rows, a group setting, and even a semi–circle arrangement and have the students
surrounding me. I think all of these will help the students in the classroom. A group setting is
important because students need to learn how to work with other people. Using this variety, the
students will not get bored with the classroom and how they are sitting. I also plan to frequently
change the students' work on the bulletin boards and the posters on the wall. This way the students
will not feel like they are in the "same" room the entire year, even if they really are.
My view on an educational philosophy is an eclectic one because I have many different ideas. I
think that my classroom teaching styles will be both traditional and facilitating. I like change;
therefore, I plan to change around the seating, work habits, and bulletin boards in my classroom.
The very first thing I plan to do in my classroom is to establish good control and procedures with the
students. I think this is of great importance because the students need to know where the teacher
stands. One of the things I plan on changing is the seating arrangements. My seating arrangement
will match the type of instructional activities in which the students are
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A Critique
Statement of Educational Philosophy Essay
Statement of Educational Philosophy
A person's philosophy of education is important because it affects the way that their classroom will
be run. To be a good teacher, a person should genuinely like the students and want to make a
difference in their lives, giving them the confidence to succeed. There are many things that go into
developing an educational philosophy: The nature of the students, the nature of knowledge, the
purpose of education, the method of education, and the curriculum.
I believe that every student is very different. Each student should be treated as an individual and not
be just grouped together without any personal identification of their own. Most children seem to
learn better by watching adults rather ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not only good for themselves, but for other people as well. Education should encourage students to
think for themselves because this is a skill that is used everyday. Another purpose of education is to
produce honest people that will respect others. Education is important because without it we would
be nowhere. There are many new things in the world that have come about by people gaining more
knowledge through education and putting it to new use. As a teacher I hope to accomplish many
things. I would like to inspire my students to be the best that they can. I want them to know that they
can do anything if they set their mind to it. I want my classroom to be a fun place to learn. I do not
want my students to dread coming to my class; I want them to enjoy my class as well as the whole
learning process. My students should leave my classroom with the confidence they need to survive
in the world today.
I think that the method of teaching varies from student to student. I think that the "Socratic method"
would work as a basic method in most cases. Dialogue, discussion, and debate seem to be very
effective in the classroom. I also agree with Rousseau in that the child should be happy and in an
environment that promotes the desire to learn. I agree with the pragmatic view that process is more
important than product. It is more important that a student understands something and is able to
progress than if they make an A. As
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A Critique
The Role Of Educational Technology And The Philosophy Of...
Technology Philosophy
The role of educational technology is of great importance because it upgrades the utilization of
technology to enhance instructional delivery and provide students, teachers, and administrators with
the competencies of software programs, Internet resources, and course management systems for
curriculum design and distance learning (Leomiti, 2017). Education has an immense impact on
human society. In fact, many believe a good education can secure a better future. Furthermore,
education is the best investment in the future, and in today's world, the role of education has become
even more vital. At the outset, John Dewey said, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob
our children of tomorrow." (2008). It means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As an educator, I believe students should be taught using websites, emails, creative computer
programs, PowerPoint, movies, etc. There are so many opportunities available for anyone out there,
the only thing to do is apply them and use those opportunities offers by technologies. In fact, on
YouTube URL, you can find almost anything on it such as; strategies to teach a content. For
example, if your teaching the location of each continent in the classroom instead of using maps on
the wall, you can actually make it fun and have students see each Continent and location using
YouTube. There are so many exciting ways to use technology in the classroom to engage students
and to confirm learning and I plan to utilize them in every way possible. Ahmad Alshahrani,
contended the importance of using technology in the classroom and benefits for example, delivering
the information to the student easily and enjoyably, providing a lot of sources of information, saving
time, and effort in the process of teaching and learning (2010).
Furthermore, technology in the classroom is not only necessary to engage students, but it is a basic
tool for the future. Every day our lives become more deeply rooted in technology. Hardly anything
is done on paper anymore. Most of people's resume, applications, homework's, assignments, test,
even letters are all done with technology. Technology has changed the status of
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A Critique
My Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Teaching...
My Teaching Philosophy Wk. 13
By, Julie Bernard EDPC603
My objective as a teacher is to make a difference in the lives of the student I teach. Similarly,
through teaching I will provide students with the necessary tools to become critical thinkers. As
critical thinkers, my students will be able to make reasoned judgements that are logical and well
thought out. My students will not just passively accept arguments and conclusions; my students will
be equipped to question arguments and conclusions. Additionally, as a critical thinker, my students
will be able to understand the logical connection between ideas. Also, through teaching I'm
equipping my students with the tools that will lead to greater chances of ... Show more content on
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Metacognitive strategies include a daily journal, this journal will help students monitor their own
thinking. Through this strategy, students will see what they did well and where improvements are
needed. Similarly, with the use of classroom discussions, students learn from each other. In addition,
teachers formatively assess through observation how well students understand new content and new
An equally significant aspect of teaching is assessment. The way I will assess my teaching is in a
summative Assessment. I will measure where the student is at the end of the term. I prefer
summative assessments because, I can evaluate student learning, knowledge, and proficiency at the
end of the course or a lesson unit. Likewise, I will ask myself these questions, what happen, what
went well and what can I adjust? However, I believe as a teacher, I will continue to grow and gain
knowledge of how people learn. Therefore, the techniques I practice today may differ tomorrow as I
gain a greater understanding of teaching.
My classroom management plan includes rules, these three rules are as followed. Firstly, Be kind to
each other. An example for this rule is to speak quietly, while someone's reading. Secondly, is keep
hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Thirdly, respect our classroom and the things within our
classroom. My role as a teacher is to create a warm, and happy environment, and to act as a model,
and mentor to my students.
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A Critique
Teaching Strategies Guided By Educational Philosophies
Preparing students to confront and overcome challenges they will encounter every day is the
purpose of teaching. Teachers touch the lives of students and influence how those students react to
obstacles they face during their lives. The educator has a responsibility to teach students beyond
mere subject matter. Teachers are also coaches, tutors, trainers, and students themselves. They must
equip students with problem solving skills, organization skills, communication skills, team work
skills, and educate them on the role of the individual in society. Educators are more than just
facilitators of information; they help shape the lives of citizens in ways they themselves may not
even comprehend. The purpose of teaching is to equip with students with the skills necessary to live
productive lives where they have the ability to achieve whatever goals they may have. Teachers
accomplish this through various teaching strategies guided by their educational philosophies. When
I think about the teacher I hope to become I am guided by two different educational philosophies,
liberal/traditional philosophy mixed with a behaviorist philosophy that was discussed in our TOSS
class. I feel the teacher must be an expert in the material who transmits the information and guides
the process. I also believe as Ivan Pavlov, and John B. Skinner believed that the instructor must
control the environment while also allowing the students to have influence upon it. I believe in
constant feedback while
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A Critique
Personal Statement Of Educational Goals And Philosophy
I believe each student deserves the right to feel safe and comfortable mentally, physically, and
emotionally in the school environment; especially in my own classroom.
I believe it is my responsibility to create a space where each and every student feels comfortable to
share their ideas, thoughts, and questions.
I believe in helping my students to develop a strong work ethic. I want to motivate students to take
ownership of their learning (Goal 9).
I believe good teachers are enthusiastic and capable of conveying their enthusiasm to students;
constantly look for ways of improving their teaching and trying to keep abreast of developments in
their subjects; and are sufficiently mindful and self–aware to be able to laugh at themselves.
I believe
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A Critique
My Educational Philosophy Essay
My Educational Philosophy
Plato/Socrates and Rousseau have become major philosophical approaches. All these opinions are
different compared to mine. Some are the same and some are different. I do agree with some of the
philosophers' points, but some I disagree with. My philosophical view relates to some of the
philosophers views.
First, Socrates (469–399 B.C.) view is on asking students repeatedly questions to make them rethink
what they believe. He wanted to help others find the truths that lie within their minds. His questions
dealt with the nature of love or the good. He wanted to help his students develop guides to a virtuous
life. I agree with this to a certain degree. Helping students develop a guide to a virtuous life is ...
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I do not have basic animal desires.
Plato also believes that everyone is born to be gold, silver, or copper. Gold is the best. However, you
have to have the trait to be in that category I do believe that everyone is born with certain special
traits. These special traits can be certain skill to do certain things. For example, to be professional
basketball player, you have to have skill to play pro basketball. Not just anyone can learn how to
play and become professional. Another example is becoming a manager at a big corporation. It takes
skill, but it also takes education. If you want to be something work at it. You can sometimes learn
how to do it if you focus hard enough.
Plato also states that one gets to know truth by dialog, reason, and trusting your senses. I agree with
this philosophy. You need to trust your senses to a certain degree. For example, if you are feeling
scared, something is more than likely going to happen. It usually does when I get that feeling. Trust
your senses and go for something that makes you feel more at ease.
The next major philosophical approach I would like to discuss is Jean–Jacques Rousseau (1712–
1718). Rousseau has numerous beliefs. I believe in most of his points. One idea he states is that
children differ from adults. Children cannot judge things, they have no real memory, they cannot
reason, but they are good imitators. He states that children develop through stages. He believed that
children need to learn only
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A Critique
My Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education
Philosophy of Education
My philosophy of education has changed over the years of teaching to what I belief today. My belief
of education is to focus on construct knowledge and personal experiences. As an educator, I try and
encourage students to discover principles themselves. Numerous scholars have described education
as being the key to a prosperous life. The most successful people are believed to be once behind a
desk in elementary schools as teachers instill knowledge in them. With a right learning attitude and
learning environment, students tend to strive for their education. As an educator, this is my
philosophy of education and how it shapes my development in my career concerning the K–12
The primary purpose of education ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, the method of teaching is also essential. As an educator, I would like to adopt practical
teaching skills and styles that the scholars would find easy to understand. Apart from this, I would
also seek to work hand in hand with the students and create a unique bond between them to enhance
competence and performance.
Moreover, students also play a significant role in education. For starters/educators, they should
demonstrate honesty and integrity in their academics. This is to mean that they should be disciplined
and adhere to every school rules. More so, it is their role to respect their teachers and should
complete their assignments in time. Also, they should work with each other as well as compete
favorably to achieve the institutions' set goals. Through education, students are in a position to make
right and responsible decisions as they would critically think about different matters. I think it is
important for students to build upon their education. Personally, I find confidence teaching to be my
area of expertise. It is consequent for students to build their confidence as they learn. Similarly,
teachers have the responsibility of ensuring their scholars can be able to stand in front of a crowd
and confidently speak out their minds (Sadker & Ziittleman, 2015). In my teachings, I ensure that
my students can freely face me and ask me questions in areas they find difficult to understand. Also,
I encourage debates and presentations on various topics and let
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A Critique
Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay
Educational Goals and Philosophy
Making a career choice can often be a tormenting decision, and many people choose a profession or
line of work that may not satisfy their creative abilities, but only pays the bills. I have known,
specifically since the first day I spent in kindergarten class, that my purpose is to teach, and for that
knowledge I am especially fortunate. The philosophies that I support have been part of my
educational beliefs and standards for the majority or my lifetime, and are qualities that, I feel, make
an effective and touching teacher.
My first opportunity to display my desire to teach was an experience that changed my life, and will
continue to shadow my teaching career, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As I observed in a ninth–grade English class, I found that there were several different types of
students. Several of the students were very eager to learn, attentive, and thoughtful. They raised their
hands, asked intelligent questions, and completed all assignments to the fullest of their potential. A
few other students were very outgoing and outspoken. They were eager to answer questions, but
they didn't put forth the effort required to master the subject. These students performed adequately
well; however, they progressed more slowly than did the more passionate students. Finally there was
the group of students who make learning more difficult for others by interrupting or disrupting the
classroom discussions. I believe implementing an effective classroom philosophy or philosophies
can successfully reach, to some extent, each of these types of students in a way that enables them to
grasp a specific topic and utilize it in their future educational endeavors.
I believe that English, among several other subjects, is an extremely essential subject in educating
our children. Students cannot progress to high school graduation, a college education, or a
successful business without obtaining enough knowledge of the English language to communicate
well with others. Therefore, I am a firm follower of
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A Critique
Pearson Custom Education, Five Educational Philosophies
In the book Pearson Custom Education, five educational philosophies are discussed and what each
one represents what a teaching and learning is distinctive to each other and some of them is easily
observable in nowadays moment when in contrast, some of them are rarely to be seen. The first
among the five philosophies is essentialism. It is a teacher centered philosophy which "puts little
stock in what students want in terms of what and how they learn" (Powell, 2015, p.71). There are
requirements for students such as: "[their] interests not important, [they] must be discipline; [and
their] hard work emphasized" (Powell, 2015, p.71). The mainly used method for teaching would be
"direct instruction, memorization, and proven methods" and such ... Show more content on
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Its curriculum is mostly based on life experience where knowledge is "obtained through
interactions, [and it is] constructed from what is seen, heard, [and] done" (Powell, 2015, p.73). It is
like when Rafe takes his students to field trips to give his students experiential learnings from real
life involvement.
The next student centered philosophy is social reconstructionism which is "to educate students in
ways that will help society move beyond all forms of discrimination to the benefit of everyone
worldwide. [Unlike from other philosophies], this philosophy addresses such topics as racial
equality, women's rights, sexism, environmental pollution, poverty, substance abuse, homophobia,
and AIDS" (Powell, 2015, p.74). In this philosophy, it wants students be actively involved and
engaged with social issues and teachers as who helps students feel the responsibility for humanity.
How Rafe's teaching assimilates with social reconstructionism is that Rafe also lets his students face
their own life issues during or outside of class and help them think and get to solutions by
themselves. However, Rafe does not force the responsibility for humanity or any other types of
social issue onto his students. He does make his students know that they will be the future who
could influence the world and what is around them, but no such obligatory is given throughout his
teaching. And last but not least, existentialism is the
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy Reflection
Rows of desks, students sitting up straight, raising hands to answer questions, cycling through a
PowerPoint presentation, writing notes on the board. This is the type of education that I experience
until I graduated high school. When I decided to go into teaching it was an easy decision for me to
want to not provide this type of experience to my students. Early in the education program, Bud
Stefanski posed us the question about our educational philosophy in the Foundations of Education
class. When answering that question, I was 100% progressivism in my education philosophy
students should only learn through hands–on experiences and not be forced to sit at a desk and
absorb information (Mirah, 2013). After gaining actual classroom ... Show more content on
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Corabi, personal communication, July 17, 2017). This is the first time that I considered curriculum
to be an agenda, which is set by somebody else and potentially somebody even outside of the
school. Teaching somebody else's agenda does not sound appealing even more so if that agenda is
not something you believe in. This made me begin to think that the educators should be the ones
who design the agenda and then find materials that suit the agenda they wish to create. However, it
was clear that this is not a common case as most agenda are set outside of the classroom. After
hearing about Gross and the triangle, my perspective became that if we cannot set our own agenda
then we need to find an agenda where the enduring understanding and essential questions align with
our belief in education.
Ronald Doll is the second individual who has influenced not only my philosophy on curriculum but
also my philosophy on all education. There were six movements that Doll outlines which any aspect
of education can fall into free choice theory, more theory, big buck theory, empowerment theory,
education in balance theory, and theory of reconstruction (J. Corabi, personal communication, July
18, 2017). The two movements outlined by Doll that impacted my perspective on curriculum
development is the big buck theory and education in balance theory. Doll's big
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A Critique
Personal Education Philosophy : Personal Philosophy Of...
Educational Philosophy
Remember: everyone in the classroom has a story that leads to misbehavior or defiance. 9 times out
of 10, the story behind the misbehavior won't make you angry. It will break your heart.
– Annette Breaux My educational philosophy stems from the belief that all people are capable of
learning and growing and that education is a powerful tool in helping students achieve both their
personal and professional goals. I am also a firm believer in trauma–informed schools and
education. My personal journey to becoming a classroom teacher and educator has been developed
from working with at–risk youth first in the context of experiential education and later in residential
therapeutic programs. Through all of these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I believe that for these students, school can be a place of hope, change, growth, and opportunity.
This means meeting the student and the student's family and community where they are at. I believe
that all families want what is best for their children and want them to be successful. I believe that
both the families and the students are doing the best they can at any given moment. Families often
need opportunities for support from outside agencies and support systems in order to allow them to
be the best they can be. Holistic or wrap–around services are essential.. A very basic example of this
philosophy is that a child can't learn if they are hungry so food should be provided. Students who
need it should have access to meals provided by the school. I am employed by an organization that
packs 300 backpacks of food that children who are risk of not having enough to eat over the
weekend can take home. If students need mental health services, access to those should be provided.
If families need support in getting medical care or safe housing, they should be able to access
resources to help them and schools can be the hub of those kinds of services for families in need. If
the ultimate goal of education is to help create contributing members of society, than some families
will need support along the way. School as a Tool for Building Self–Efficacy
I believe that all
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy : California Pacific University
Educational Philosophy Roxanne Serna Fresno Pacific University "Education in the life of present–
day knowledge and need calls for some spirited and creative innovations both in substance and the
purpose of current pedagogy" ~Anne Sullivan~ ⧝ Education will always be the primary source of
student's success in the workforce, community, nationwide and globally. Teachers carry the weight
of ensuring students are learning what is required to become productive members of society. As a
teacher, the success of my students is the most important goal. There are so many pedagogies,
philosophies, strategies, and materials teachers are able to use to be productive in the classroom.
Every teacher has their own preferred ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My philosophy of education is to ensure the dynamics of the classroom providing continued support
to ensure a positive learning environment, while providing instruction for all learners and to inspire
my students to be productive members of society. A classroom is where students spend their days,
Monday through Friday. I want to create a classroom that provides structure for my students.
Organization of the classroom will allow the students to have access to any and all instruction and
materials. According to Linsin, (2010), "A classroom management plan is a contract that you make
with your students that promises you will protect their rights to learn and enjoy school without
interference," (date). Creating classroom rules with the entire class gives students a sense of
empowerment, thus felling more at liberty to follow the rules "they" created. Often times when there
are too many rules in place students can feel overwhelmed with expectations "they" feel they may
not meet. In my classroom I do believe rules to follow are important, but believe that goals are far
more important for my students. When there are too many distractions in a class, students are less
likely to focus on what is being taught. Distractions cause behaviors in the classroom, limiting
classroom instruction. It is my goal to ensure that students are receiving and understanding each
lesson or topic. In order to provide this for my students, I will
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A Critique
Educational Leadership Philosophy
My philosophy of education is correlated to my vision of education and my role as an instructional
leader. Excellent administrators possess personal characteristics of exemplary leadership talent in
analysis of data, organizational constructs, leadership decisiveness, oral and written communication,
technological confidence, personal motivation and educational integrity within school systems.
Educational leadership is a vital position in which I persistently evaluate every decision I make on
behalf of students; what is the educational value? Will all students benefit? Is it fiscally responsible?
How do we sustain success? In order for students to be competitive locally, nationally and
internationally, I am committed to providing effective, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I contemplate the American dream; what does it really mean? How is it becoming increasingly
redefined? What is the role of education in the attainment process? Most of all, I reflect on my duty
to others as a citizen of the United States of America who is adept in educational leadership. I hold
myself accountable to helping families create an educational legacy of triumph, achieve the highest
levels of personal accomplishment and engage in continuous measures of raising the academic bar.
There are comprehensive issues that I would challenge in order to give students resilience bent
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy Statement Analysis
1. Four components are the most necessary in my mind.
To achieve what goals
As a teacher, what are the goals? The rest is educational philosophy statement should support the
goals I set, these goals should be achievable, and with teaching duties are related. On the other hand,
I should prove that I resigned to mediocrity, or simply pass some limited to the specific facts.
Of course I want teach the basic content of the course. But in addition, I should develop students'
critical thinking, and promote lifelong learning skills of the students obtained for students to
function effectively in the information economy to prepare, or the development of student problem–
solving strategy? I play what role in the students' professional orientation and ... Show more content
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Because goal is mainly aimed at students, then I are likely to use student learning outcomes to
reflect efforts, rather than teaching I how many chapters covering textbooks. Teaching evaluation for
teachers is a sensitive issue, but in large part because teachers do not make the own assessment
methods. Most of us are forced to use a standard evaluation form. But this does not prevent us to
develop more relevant to our specific aims and goals. Teachers develop the own evaluation methods,
usually get more relevant feedback. But in addition, they will usually get more positive feedback,
because they are asking the students to the most important aspects of the course for
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A Critique
Educational Philosophy Essay
Educational Philosophy
I did not spend my adolescent years contemplating what career I was going to choose and changing
my mind every other week; I have wanted to be a teacher my entire life. I do not know why I
originally made the decision, but, currently, I want to be a teacher so I can give back to the world.
Deciding what subject to teach took a little consideration, but I made the decision fairly easily. I
began comparing subjects I enjoyed and came up with math, psychology, and home economics.
After researching the job market, the choice to make was clear. This country is in need of math
teachers, and therefore, that is the path I have chosen. I plan to achieve my Bachelor's Degree here
at Concord, and then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is important is their prosperity in life. I want to teach my students how to apply learning the
distance formula to a real life situation. Essentialist teachers serve as confidants and moral leaders
for their students. I want my students to feel as if I am a trusted advisor and know that I will help
them in any circumstance. In my classroom, good behavior will be upheld at a high standard. Not
only will I expect good behavior from my students, but I will also serve as a role model to them both
inside and outside of the classroom. I do not feel as if students can respect teachers that have lousy
reputations in the community. In high school, I had several teachers of whom I looked up to with
moral respect. These teachers influenced my life in ways they will never know, and I cannot thank
them enough for all that they taught me about life. I hope I can have the same positive effect on my
students. Essentialists also believe that the teacher is an authority figure. Being a woman, this will
be important for me especially in my first years when I am only slightly older than my students and
the same size, physically. If the students do not portray me as an authority, I will not be capable of
maintaining control of my classroom. I want to provide a balanced view of myself for the students. I
want them to perceive me as someone they can count on, and at the same time, someone they
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A Critique
Educational Autobiography : Philosophy, Philosophy And...
Educational Autobiography:
My education was based on rules , norms , moral and civil obligations at very young age. These are
the mission, philosophy and foundation of Catholic's education that I grow up with. I can honestly
say that been educated under these principles that helped me to adopted an invaluable concept of
discipline and responsibility. I can be anything more than grateful to spend twelve years of my life
learning from outstanding teachers and Nuns. I enjoyed coming to school every singled day. I am
here writing these words and my memories come to life.
We have diversity in our school faculty , these teacher and Nuns mader our learning experiences
more interested. I remember having two different coach in my PE class, one was the coolest Sor.
Maria she was the coolest Nun ever, and Professor Rodrigo. We have religions teachers, in some
cases there were Nuns, but not always. Teacher that was qualified was able to teach religions as
well. We had a full curriculum , with all the subjects including , music, craft and art. These was
taught in almost all the grades. Like a mandatory skill that needed to be learned. I do remembers all
my years in school one more detailed than others. But, I remember all. My first grade and my high
school graduation, specially the last year, Whose doesn't ? The last year when was time to say
goodbye. High school graduation, where we all were Kings and Queens.
That year felt like never end, but at the same time, we
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A Critique
Essay on Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy
I can still remember coming home from school after an exciting day in the first grade. I would go
straight to my room, line all of my dolls up in the floor, and "teach" them everything I had learned
earlier that day. But of course, not every child who pretends to be a teacher in his or her early years
actually becomes a teacher. So although I enjoyed "teaching," I never really considered it as a choice
for my life–long career.
But the summer after ninth grade made me rethink my options. My best friend's dad was in charge
of a summer camp for underprivileged children. He needed some junior counselors for the week, so
we volunteered to help; we wouldn't mind ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the week progressed and friendships formed between everyone, I realized the importance of the
camp to all that were involved. To the counselors it was a learning experience, as well as a time to
appreciate all that we would usually take for granted; to the campers it was a time to learn and make
new friends, and for most of them, it would also serve as their only form of a summer vacation. So
although we were all exhausted by the end of the week, we had a great time.
After seeing the smiles that seemed almost permanent that week, I realized how important it is to
work with and help younger children. I also learned what it's like knowing that you've made a
difference in someone's life. I've been a counselor at that same camp for two more years since that
first summer, and it gets better every time. Even though it can be difficult and frustrating to work
with children sometimes, the reward that you, as well as the children, receive is well worth the
Deciding that I wanted to be a teacher didn't take much effort; deciding what kind of teacher I want
to be however, takes much more thought. There are numerous educational philosophies, most of
which can be traced back to one of four major perspectives: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and
existentialism. All of these philosophical systems have an impact on educational thought; however, I
find it hard to choose
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A Critique
My Philosophy : My Educational Philosophy
It was very challenging for me to write my educational philosophy due to the fact that I never really
thought about the kind of teacher I want to become. Though this was a challenging task, I am
grateful for the opportunity because figuring out what my philosophy is will help me to understand
what kind of teacher I want to be. Looking back at my learning and teaching experiences, I always
had strong beliefs in what I want my classroom to look like and how I would go about providing a
high quality education for the students I will encounter, but I never thought those beliefs were stem
from the different philosophies in education. In previous education classes, I read about the different
philosophies in education and I believe that the two philosophies that helped shaped my educational
beliefs are essentialism and progressivism.
I received most of my education in Jamaica, where teaching styles and practices mirrored that of an
essentialist classroom. Now, I do not agree wholeheartedly with the views of an essentialist,
especially the fact that the interests of the children are not taken into consideration, but there are
certain aspects of this philosophy I will model in my classroom. For instance, I am a strong believer
that students should be taught the basics in learning to read, write, speak and compute clearly and
logically. They should be taught hard work, respect for authority, and discipline. The reason why I
hold this belief dearly is because growing up in Jamaica,
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A Critique
Personal Educational Philosophy Paper
An educational philosophy refers to a set of beliefs which directly influences how children are
taught and educated. An educational philosophy can include, but are not limited to the following
components – Purpose, teacher's role, learning content and methods of teaching. According to
Sadker, Zittleman & Sadker (2012), every school and every teacher holds their own set of
educational philosophies. With the guidelines of Wheelock Education Standard and the NAEYC and
NAECS/SDE, early childhood educators will be able to formulate their individual educational
philosophies to improve and reflect on current practices, or for future teaching purposes. Therefore,
I will be reflecting on the role of assessment and integrating the formal documents mentioned above
into my personal Educational Philosophy, in order to further improve and plan ahead for future ...
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When schools collaborate and form partnerships with families, it allows them to work from different
angles to discuss and provide what is best for the children, contributing to the child's long–term
success. This point is linked with being culturally accepting, as mentioned above, as working with
families means recognising and accepting diversity, due to the diverse backgrounds of every family.
According to Puckett & Black (2008), the inclusion of family in early childhood education teachings
and assessment is crucial, to help programs improve their educational and developmental
interventions. Families should be respected and given the right to contribute ideas and to know the
results of a program evaluation, and curriculum goals should be shared with them as well. Open
communication and equal understanding helps the family to learn more about the child's lesson
content in school, to provide constructive feedback to each other, and allows the school to achieve
goals in a unified
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  • 15. The Educational Philosophy Of Education Educational Philosophy Paper 1. What is the purpose of education? The purpose of education is to gain knowledge about general and complex skills, for example reading, writing, math, etc. Education gives students the necessary knowledge to function in today's society. Education prepares children for their future. Education prepares students to be responsible citizens, creative thinkers, and follow directions. The main purpose of education is to help develop student's minds. Education helps give young people exposure to the world. Without education people would not be able to function properly in society. The world would become an unsafe place and there would be social chaos. Education is the foundation to an order society with each person developed to his or her full potential. 2. Why do you teach? Why are you drawn to the rewards and challenges of teaching? I believe that all children have the ability to learn and the right to a quality education. All youths, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and capabilities should have the opportunity to learn from professional, well–informed teachers who are sophisticated and knowledgeable, both in their area of expertise and life. Certainly, every child has different learning styles and aptitudes; however, by having a personal relationship with every student, a teacher can give each an equal chance of success. By recognizing every student 's potential and having separate, individual goals for each, a teacher can accommodate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay about A New Educational Philosophy for Law... Since the mid 1980's there has been a paradigm shift in law enforcement from the military policing model to the community oriented policing model (Breci & Erickson, 1998; Pliant, 1998; Rosenbaum & Yeh, 1994; Thayer & Reynolds, 1997; Varricchio, 1998). In the military model, police react to events in the community (Thayer & Reynolds, 1997). Community problems filter up the chain of command and solutions filter their way back down. Police respond when a crime is committed. There is little contact with the members of the community until the crime has already happened. Therefore, contact with the public tends to be through negative situations such as getting a ticket, having a house searched, or bailing a friend or family member out of jail ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There must be a commitment on the part of city leaders and police administration. A department wide strategy must be in place to carry out the community oriented policing program. Finally, all personnel in the department, including civilian employees, must be educated on the philosophy of community policing. Law enforcement's transition away from a militaristic tradition that presented an "us vs. them" relationship with the community will be a difficult process. A shift in educational philosophy will be required to make this transition. To effectively train today's law enforcement officers there must be a move away from the Behaviorist philosophy of education in which the teacher feeds knowledge to a dependant learner and then the learner is expected to reproduce the knowledge in some clearly observable behavioral outcome (Ramirez, 1996; Elias & Merriam, 1995). To realistically educate all personnel in the organization and make the transition, the educational philosophy of the department should be compatible with the community policing approach. Educational philosophies can be viewed along a continuum. Philosophical positions fall along this continuum depending on how one views the importance of the individual and society and the involvement of the learner in the education process. |––––––––––––––––––––––|–––––––––––––––––––|––––––––––––––––––|––––––––––––––––––| Radical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Educational Philosophy Reflection This is a contemporary theory of education which demands equity, fairness and social justice. According to this theory, critical awareness requires recognition that the social status of an individual, including educational and economic prospects and opportunities, is largely result from its race, gender, and class so the critical theorists want to raise the consciousness of these people dealing with education, knowledge, the school, and teaching and learning. Furthermore, they see the curriculum into 2 parts: the official curriculum which requires teaching subjects and specific skills, and the Hidden curriculum which imposes approved behaviors and attitudes on students through the school environment. They believe that teachers should empower themselves, because they can transform schools into democratic public spheres. Reflection: After reviewing these teaching philosophies and educational theories, many of them reflect my own personal educational philosophy and my instructional practices and choice of classroom curriculum. The four that I found the most appealing are: Realism, Pragmatism, existentialism and progressivism. I find the combination of the three very complementary. First, I disagree with idealists when they believe that knowledge is based on universal and eternal truths but for me, it is facts, information, and skills acquired through education or experience. Otherwise, I agree with concepts of idealism that education should be open to all students, technology ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Educational Philosophy: Teaching, Philosophy, And Strategies The main purpose of philosophy is to love for wisdom. The values and life experience are the most crucial sources for the educational philosophy. Teaching plays an essential role in the growth and learning. The most important aim of the educator is to create love of learning in the students and the teacher must share his passion of learning with the students. There is a need for the individuals who are strong and compassionate and who want to work with the children by providing them education and training. In this modern era, it is essential for the students to get the education in order to become successful. The individuals must become the best educator and must provide the education to the children. This time a very competitive and strong ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The principles of effective pedagogy provide the teaching and learning to the students. It also includes the actions and strategies that help the teachers in providing guidance. Component mapping is the most essential part that helps the teachers in order to monitor the performance of the students. The component mapping is focused about the issues of teaching and learning. It identified all the issues and provides a solution to the teachers in order to make the continuous improvement in teaching. The teachers must change the thinking pattern of the students and make their thinking positive and problem solving. Deep thinking is different in different areas of learning. The problem solving and reasoning in arts is different from the reasoning and problem solving in science and history. The knowledge and thinking is different in different learning areas. The students can get the best learning when the environment of learning becomes productive and supportive. The teachers must provide the full support to the students related to the learning and develop capabilities in them in order to make them perfect. When the teachers get the knowledge about the students, so that it helps to create a positive relationship between the teacher and the students. The capabilities of the students help the teacher to differentiate the students and the teacher know about each student for their learning and skills. The education make the difference between the skilled and unskilled individuals and it helps to promote the respect and value between the individuals (Schofield ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Educational Philosophy Essay Educational Philosophy I have known my entire life that I would one day be a teacher. I have always been a leader. I have always felt as if I should be the boss, the one in control. Just ask my parents. Then once I got the opportunity to counsel summer camps and be the volunteer assistant coach for a basketball team. I knew my hear and my dedication was with children. So I am pursuing an education profession. I will be a teacher. To educate is to teach or to instruct. I believe that definition is a bit vague. I will attempt to expand upon that. I believe that to educate means to enrich or to further enrich the minds of all ages on subjects pertinent to growth. Also, to teach is to give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sometimes a set curriculum can't even be followed in an included classroom. The teacher has to work around the needs and knowledge of her students. At the same time, the teacher cannot lose sight of her focus or curriculum. I believe the overall purpose of a public education is to prepare children for a career and gradually build up their confidence to fulfill life's expectations. Education is important for this very reason; it should be a stepping stone. Every step taken leads further toward a better life and a successful career. As a teacher, I hope to accomplish many things. First and foremost, I hope to show my students the importance of an education. I will show my students the benefits from a successful education and the repercussions of a lackadaisical one. I hope to gain my students trust and their faith. I hope the children can see me as a confidant. I hope to instill a desire to learn inside the hearts of my students. Let them be my guide in certain areas. As the years progress, I hope to personally accomplish a feeling of satisfaction I want to be able to look back and have no regrets in my career decision. I hope my students also walk away with a feeling of satisfaction, gratitude, and respect. I hop one day a student can tell me that I am their favorite teacher. I hope the students walk away with the knowledge that they need to continue their growth. The methods of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Educational Leadership Philosophy Statement I always thought I would be a teacher and I would make differences in lives and it would be the greatest experience in the world for me, yet being a teacher wasn't enough, I had a need to expand my education. I decided that perhaps I needed a new career, however, I felt certain education remained my passion. I began to explore new areas of education and I realized I still want to be a member of a classroom, a school and curriculum. I aspire to guide those leading our classrooms. Being an Educational Leader is where I have chosen to land. Educational leadership will often bring me back to the classroom, helping teachers, coaching students and planning curriculum. A master's degree in Educational Leadership will deliver a fresh perspective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Educational Philosophy Educational Philosophy Writing my educational philosophy has required me to do an extensive amount of personal research that has taken me on some wonderful, inward journeys over the past few months. Voyages through my cognitive and behavioral personas from the beginning of my educational endeavor back in 1992 up until the present day. I have been digging diligently through my archives pulling out old papers I composed regarding my initial views toward education. I have reflected on my days in the writing center at George Mason University as a composition tutor. Plus, I evaluate myself in the classroom now as I teach at the local community college as well as in the local junior high and high schools for my student ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This type of instructional method, and its varying implementations, provides the opportunity for each student to make a substantial contribution to his/her team. This contribution is where learning occurs. I do realize that there is a large gap between research and practice, and I know that cooperative learning is not a definite solution to my goals. What it provides is a means to a continuous labor of love moving closer to this goal, not a means to an end. Therefore, as an ongoing task, research will evolve as will my classroom practice. But, I do see some implementation rules that appear to be steadfast and help form my thoughts on constructing my future cooperative learning classroom. Room preparation is the first rule. A classroom that I observed during a field placement assignment for Concord College had five, round tables with five chairs at each along with a computer. The round tables were organized in a horseshoe shape with the teacher's workstation located at the opening of the "U". This was a great example of how a cooperative learning room must be set up to enhance all forms of active interaction. The groups must be small and contain mixed abilities as well as a combination of gender and ethnic diversity. Third, an award system must be established along with a format for tracking improvement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Essay on An Educational Philosophy An Educational Philosophy If the best of us will be teachers and the rest something else, then I hope the best of us will also be students. I believe we are all students and I expect I will learn as much from my students as they will learn from me. I hope more than anything though, that my students will value the simple act of obtaining knowledge more than worrying about getting every graded detail correct. If a student cannot enjoy the learning process, they are not going to truly learn the subject content. There are certainly distinct pieces of knowledge that all students need. Students may not always enjoy absorbing these pieces of knowledge, but hopefully there will be individualized interests that make the process easier. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were times during my high school years that I felt my main concern was to get an A, not necessarily learn the subject matter. Many times the incredible emphasis on grades classically trained me to dislike the educational process. Of course grades are a very effective way of charting progress, but I think we need to reinforce the simple act of learning as much as possible. As far as my own educational ethics are concerned, I will treat my students equally, without discrimination. I believe everyone has an equal right to learn and I plan on teaching each student as equally as possible. Although I will always maintain a very professional relationship with my students, I hope they will also see me as someone who cares about their well–being. My personal teaching method will be a mixture of progressivism and essentialism. As a science teacher I think projects, cooperative learning, critical thinking and obviously scientific investigation are essential for learning. Science is not effectively learned by reading only. It is a subject of experimenting! Although I feel experimentation is very effective, I also believe that lecture, recitation and discussion are very beneficial. I would also go on to say these are essential points when teaching any subject. Students need a sense of uniformity in the classroom, but they also need variety. To me, a well–managed classroom is one where students ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. My Educational Statement, And My Philosophy Of Education Introduction. " Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."– Nelson Mandela. This is a very powerful aspect in our lives and we start learning and developing skills from a very young age. In this assignment I am going to focus on John Dewey and his philosophy Pragmatism as well as Jean Piaget and his philosophy Constructivism. This will give an insight of how they see education and how they think it must be implemented. I will also touch on other topics like why I want to be a teacher and what I base my thinking about education on. I will talk about my philosophical framework as well because in this module I saw that teachers differ from each other because they believe in different philosophies. Why I want to become a teacher. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Children have so much potential I mean they are the future leaders, teachers, and doctors and so much more. I want to be a teacher because I want to help them develop into the best they can be. I want to be a teacher to make a difference in their lives no matter if it is big or small and I want to be there for those who need love and care. On the news and in the newspapers I only read and hear about the chaos in our schools. I want to be a part of a positive change in our schools and education ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. My Philosophy And Philosophy Of Personal Educational... It is true that many educators do not know what their educational philosophy is. However it is imperative for educators and future educators to know their personal educational philosophies so that they can be accountable, explain how they teach, what they are doing and why. My personal Educational philosophy is made up of four components; metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. My educational Philosophy Metaphysics (reality) is a combination of realism and idealism, that the mind, spirit, and body are connected and that they should and must work together. God is the father of the universe. He created it for his spirit children who he loves and communicates with on a daily basis. Individuals are spirit sons and daughters that God ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When students are encouraged to tutor their peers and younger students, their own learning is enhanced. Going out into the community to learn about subjects coupled with reading about them in books is a powerful learning tool as well. Once students are in the community and aware of what the community needs, students should be encouraged to take some action or responsibility in planning for a change. I am an advocate of behaviorism. Educators should discourage poor behaviors and encourage appropriate behaviors as well as teach new behaviors. Students are capable and should be involved in creating rules for the classroom. Education should encourage cooperation and teach decision making skills. School should be a place of molding (without forcing) children into good citizens that will contribute to the community in a positive way. My Educational Philosophy consists of bits and pieces of many of the philosophies because most of the philosophies included components I would not or could not include in my own. None of the philosophies metaphysics matched my own, so I combined the metaphysics of realism and idealism because Idealists believe that the spirit and mind are the only reality, where realists believe that the body or matter is more real than the mind. I believe that the mind and spirit and body are a unit and must work together for the common good. I think that the curriculum of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. My Educational Philosophy Essay example My Educational Philosophy A teacher, according to Webster's New College Dictionary, is one who "imparts knowledge or skill." In truth, however, the responsibilities of a teacher ascend far beyond this formal definition. For many year teachers as a whole have guided and molded each generation, thus have guided and molded the future. Being part of such a grandeur undertaking serves as ample motivation for entering the education field. Teaching will give me the opportunity to take part in one of the institutions that America prides herself on: public education. I will contribute to the goal of providing everyone, even the most disadvantaged, with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and better him or herself. I will help to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A classroom needs to be comfortable and pleasant. I would also like to use bulletin boards to help make the students feel important and good about themselves. In the lower grades I will use students' artwork as decorators for bulletin boards. In higher grades their artwork will be used or they will even help to decorate the bulletin boards. Using the marine animal example again, I would hand out pictures of different animals and have the children color or paint them for decorations. If class size allows, I plan to have my students seated in a large semicircle, with my desk behind them. Hopefully I will have the time to make frequent changes in the way the class is set up and in the decorations throughout the school year in order to keep the students stimulated and interested. Another important decision a teacher must deal with is that of the direction of their class. I plan to use a non–authoritarian approach. I realize that this approach can only be used to a certain extent since children need some degree of structure and order. But, I feel that an approach that is non– authoritarian in nature allows more self–expression by students, as well as helping the teacher to gain the respect, rather than the fear of the children. I want students to feel comfortable expressing themselves and asking questions. Another advantage of this approach is that it can be used to encourage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. My Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education Cultural and linguistic diversity is increasing in places all over the world at a remarkable rate. As the world becomes connected through language, it has become increasingly important to build an understanding and openness to different cultures and languages. Just as each student brings their own background knowledge and talents to the classroom, each teacher brings their own experiences that have shaped their philosophies of teaching. In a world filled with beautiful places to wander to, experiencing new cultures and languages has become a love and passion of mine. Combined with my devotion to the education field and my personal life experiences, a desire to teach in the TESOL career field was one that came quite easily. My mother was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The second key element is to understand each student's diverse needs, goals, and desires. With an understanding of a student's unique needs, I can implement a variety of teaching methods, such as graphic organizers, sentence frames and realia, that can be used through different types of instruction allowing for the success of the student to gain a meaningful and effective education. In addition, by including different assessments, students can demonstrate their understanding of what they have learned and whether they have met the content and language objectives. With varying learning styles, cultures, languages, and learning needs, it is apparent that language instruction is not a "one–size–fit–all" method. Another strong belief I have about teaching is that each student brings their own prior knowledge to the classroom. Each student, regardless of language or culture, has knowledge and skills to offer and develop in the classroom. It is important to encourage students to share this knowledge to aid students in gaining confidence and value towards their experiences, as well as, use their experiences when planning instruction to create interesting and worthwhile lessons. Lastly, it is significant to engage in a constant self–reflection process to make changes to instruction as new demands and needs are encountered. It is important to remain informed of current research ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Educational Philosophy Essay Educational Philosophy Teachers have the role of shaping students for tomorrow. They help them academically, personally, and socially. I cannot think of any other career that would be as rewarding as teaching. A teacher has the opportunity everyday to change a student's life. One of the reasons I want to become an educator is because I want to have a positive influence on a student's life. I think in today's society it's crucial for students to feel like they have a positive role model. I have seen what a large impact teachers have made on their student's lives. That has made me to want to strive and do the same. Another reason for choosing this profession is that I simply love working with children. I do not think ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It will honestly depend on which activity is at hand that the students are working on. I am a person who thinks that change can be very beneficial to students. I plan on using all of the different types of seat work such as rows, a group setting, and even a semi–circle arrangement and have the students surrounding me. I think all of these will help the students in the classroom. A group setting is important because students need to learn how to work with other people. Using this variety, the students will not get bored with the classroom and how they are sitting. I also plan to frequently change the students' work on the bulletin boards and the posters on the wall. This way the students will not feel like they are in the "same" room the entire year, even if they really are. My view on an educational philosophy is an eclectic one because I have many different ideas. I think that my classroom teaching styles will be both traditional and facilitating. I like change; therefore, I plan to change around the seating, work habits, and bulletin boards in my classroom. The very first thing I plan to do in my classroom is to establish good control and procedures with the students. I think this is of great importance because the students need to know where the teacher stands. One of the things I plan on changing is the seating arrangements. My seating arrangement will match the type of instructional activities in which the students are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Statement of Educational Philosophy Essay Statement of Educational Philosophy A person's philosophy of education is important because it affects the way that their classroom will be run. To be a good teacher, a person should genuinely like the students and want to make a difference in their lives, giving them the confidence to succeed. There are many things that go into developing an educational philosophy: The nature of the students, the nature of knowledge, the purpose of education, the method of education, and the curriculum. I believe that every student is very different. Each student should be treated as an individual and not be just grouped together without any personal identification of their own. Most children seem to learn better by watching adults rather ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not only good for themselves, but for other people as well. Education should encourage students to think for themselves because this is a skill that is used everyday. Another purpose of education is to produce honest people that will respect others. Education is important because without it we would be nowhere. There are many new things in the world that have come about by people gaining more knowledge through education and putting it to new use. As a teacher I hope to accomplish many things. I would like to inspire my students to be the best that they can. I want them to know that they can do anything if they set their mind to it. I want my classroom to be a fun place to learn. I do not want my students to dread coming to my class; I want them to enjoy my class as well as the whole learning process. My students should leave my classroom with the confidence they need to survive in the world today. I think that the method of teaching varies from student to student. I think that the "Socratic method" would work as a basic method in most cases. Dialogue, discussion, and debate seem to be very effective in the classroom. I also agree with Rousseau in that the child should be happy and in an environment that promotes the desire to learn. I agree with the pragmatic view that process is more important than product. It is more important that a student understands something and is able to progress than if they make an A. As ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Role Of Educational Technology And The Philosophy Of... Technology Philosophy The role of educational technology is of great importance because it upgrades the utilization of technology to enhance instructional delivery and provide students, teachers, and administrators with the competencies of software programs, Internet resources, and course management systems for curriculum design and distance learning (Leomiti, 2017). Education has an immense impact on human society. In fact, many believe a good education can secure a better future. Furthermore, education is the best investment in the future, and in today's world, the role of education has become even more vital. At the outset, John Dewey said, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow." (2008). It means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As an educator, I believe students should be taught using websites, emails, creative computer programs, PowerPoint, movies, etc. There are so many opportunities available for anyone out there, the only thing to do is apply them and use those opportunities offers by technologies. In fact, on YouTube URL, you can find almost anything on it such as; strategies to teach a content. For example, if your teaching the location of each continent in the classroom instead of using maps on the wall, you can actually make it fun and have students see each Continent and location using YouTube. There are so many exciting ways to use technology in the classroom to engage students and to confirm learning and I plan to utilize them in every way possible. Ahmad Alshahrani, contended the importance of using technology in the classroom and benefits for example, delivering the information to the student easily and enjoyably, providing a lot of sources of information, saving time, and effort in the process of teaching and learning (2010). Furthermore, technology in the classroom is not only necessary to engage students, but it is a basic tool for the future. Every day our lives become more deeply rooted in technology. Hardly anything is done on paper anymore. Most of people's resume, applications, homework's, assignments, test, even letters are all done with technology. Technology has changed the status of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. My Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Teaching... My Teaching Philosophy Wk. 13 By, Julie Bernard EDPC603 My objective as a teacher is to make a difference in the lives of the student I teach. Similarly, through teaching I will provide students with the necessary tools to become critical thinkers. As critical thinkers, my students will be able to make reasoned judgements that are logical and well thought out. My students will not just passively accept arguments and conclusions; my students will be equipped to question arguments and conclusions. Additionally, as a critical thinker, my students will be able to understand the logical connection between ideas. Also, through teaching I'm equipping my students with the tools that will lead to greater chances of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Metacognitive strategies include a daily journal, this journal will help students monitor their own thinking. Through this strategy, students will see what they did well and where improvements are needed. Similarly, with the use of classroom discussions, students learn from each other. In addition, teachers formatively assess through observation how well students understand new content and new concepts, An equally significant aspect of teaching is assessment. The way I will assess my teaching is in a summative Assessment. I will measure where the student is at the end of the term. I prefer summative assessments because, I can evaluate student learning, knowledge, and proficiency at the end of the course or a lesson unit. Likewise, I will ask myself these questions, what happen, what went well and what can I adjust? However, I believe as a teacher, I will continue to grow and gain knowledge of how people learn. Therefore, the techniques I practice today may differ tomorrow as I gain a greater understanding of teaching. My classroom management plan includes rules, these three rules are as followed. Firstly, Be kind to each other. An example for this rule is to speak quietly, while someone's reading. Secondly, is keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Thirdly, respect our classroom and the things within our classroom. My role as a teacher is to create a warm, and happy environment, and to act as a model, and mentor to my students. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Teaching Strategies Guided By Educational Philosophies Preparing students to confront and overcome challenges they will encounter every day is the purpose of teaching. Teachers touch the lives of students and influence how those students react to obstacles they face during their lives. The educator has a responsibility to teach students beyond mere subject matter. Teachers are also coaches, tutors, trainers, and students themselves. They must equip students with problem solving skills, organization skills, communication skills, team work skills, and educate them on the role of the individual in society. Educators are more than just facilitators of information; they help shape the lives of citizens in ways they themselves may not even comprehend. The purpose of teaching is to equip with students with the skills necessary to live productive lives where they have the ability to achieve whatever goals they may have. Teachers accomplish this through various teaching strategies guided by their educational philosophies. When I think about the teacher I hope to become I am guided by two different educational philosophies, liberal/traditional philosophy mixed with a behaviorist philosophy that was discussed in our TOSS class. I feel the teacher must be an expert in the material who transmits the information and guides the process. I also believe as Ivan Pavlov, and John B. Skinner believed that the instructor must control the environment while also allowing the students to have influence upon it. I believe in constant feedback while ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Personal Statement Of Educational Goals And Philosophy I believe each student deserves the right to feel safe and comfortable mentally, physically, and emotionally in the school environment; especially in my own classroom. I believe it is my responsibility to create a space where each and every student feels comfortable to share their ideas, thoughts, and questions. I believe in helping my students to develop a strong work ethic. I want to motivate students to take ownership of their learning (Goal 9). I believe good teachers are enthusiastic and capable of conveying their enthusiasm to students; constantly look for ways of improving their teaching and trying to keep abreast of developments in their subjects; and are sufficiently mindful and self–aware to be able to laugh at themselves. I believe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. My Educational Philosophy Essay My Educational Philosophy Plato/Socrates and Rousseau have become major philosophical approaches. All these opinions are different compared to mine. Some are the same and some are different. I do agree with some of the philosophers' points, but some I disagree with. My philosophical view relates to some of the philosophers views. First, Socrates (469–399 B.C.) view is on asking students repeatedly questions to make them rethink what they believe. He wanted to help others find the truths that lie within their minds. His questions dealt with the nature of love or the good. He wanted to help his students develop guides to a virtuous life. I agree with this to a certain degree. Helping students develop a guide to a virtuous life is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I do not have basic animal desires. Plato also believes that everyone is born to be gold, silver, or copper. Gold is the best. However, you have to have the trait to be in that category I do believe that everyone is born with certain special traits. These special traits can be certain skill to do certain things. For example, to be professional basketball player, you have to have skill to play pro basketball. Not just anyone can learn how to play and become professional. Another example is becoming a manager at a big corporation. It takes skill, but it also takes education. If you want to be something work at it. You can sometimes learn how to do it if you focus hard enough. Plato also states that one gets to know truth by dialog, reason, and trusting your senses. I agree with this philosophy. You need to trust your senses to a certain degree. For example, if you are feeling scared, something is more than likely going to happen. It usually does when I get that feeling. Trust your senses and go for something that makes you feel more at ease. The next major philosophical approach I would like to discuss is Jean–Jacques Rousseau (1712– 1718). Rousseau has numerous beliefs. I believe in most of his points. One idea he states is that children differ from adults. Children cannot judge things, they have no real memory, they cannot reason, but they are good imitators. He states that children develop through stages. He believed that children need to learn only ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. My Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education has changed over the years of teaching to what I belief today. My belief of education is to focus on construct knowledge and personal experiences. As an educator, I try and encourage students to discover principles themselves. Numerous scholars have described education as being the key to a prosperous life. The most successful people are believed to be once behind a desk in elementary schools as teachers instill knowledge in them. With a right learning attitude and learning environment, students tend to strive for their education. As an educator, this is my philosophy of education and how it shapes my development in my career concerning the K–12 classroom. The primary purpose of education ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, the method of teaching is also essential. As an educator, I would like to adopt practical teaching skills and styles that the scholars would find easy to understand. Apart from this, I would also seek to work hand in hand with the students and create a unique bond between them to enhance competence and performance. Moreover, students also play a significant role in education. For starters/educators, they should demonstrate honesty and integrity in their academics. This is to mean that they should be disciplined and adhere to every school rules. More so, it is their role to respect their teachers and should complete their assignments in time. Also, they should work with each other as well as compete favorably to achieve the institutions' set goals. Through education, students are in a position to make right and responsible decisions as they would critically think about different matters. I think it is important for students to build upon their education. Personally, I find confidence teaching to be my area of expertise. It is consequent for students to build their confidence as they learn. Similarly, teachers have the responsibility of ensuring their scholars can be able to stand in front of a crowd and confidently speak out their minds (Sadker & Ziittleman, 2015). In my teachings, I ensure that my students can freely face me and ask me questions in areas they find difficult to understand. Also, I encourage debates and presentations on various topics and let ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay Educational Goals and Philosophy Making a career choice can often be a tormenting decision, and many people choose a profession or line of work that may not satisfy their creative abilities, but only pays the bills. I have known, specifically since the first day I spent in kindergarten class, that my purpose is to teach, and for that knowledge I am especially fortunate. The philosophies that I support have been part of my educational beliefs and standards for the majority or my lifetime, and are qualities that, I feel, make an effective and touching teacher. My first opportunity to display my desire to teach was an experience that changed my life, and will continue to shadow my teaching career, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As I observed in a ninth–grade English class, I found that there were several different types of students. Several of the students were very eager to learn, attentive, and thoughtful. They raised their hands, asked intelligent questions, and completed all assignments to the fullest of their potential. A few other students were very outgoing and outspoken. They were eager to answer questions, but they didn't put forth the effort required to master the subject. These students performed adequately well; however, they progressed more slowly than did the more passionate students. Finally there was the group of students who make learning more difficult for others by interrupting or disrupting the classroom discussions. I believe implementing an effective classroom philosophy or philosophies can successfully reach, to some extent, each of these types of students in a way that enables them to grasp a specific topic and utilize it in their future educational endeavors. I believe that English, among several other subjects, is an extremely essential subject in educating our children. Students cannot progress to high school graduation, a college education, or a successful business without obtaining enough knowledge of the English language to communicate well with others. Therefore, I am a firm follower of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Pearson Custom Education, Five Educational Philosophies In the book Pearson Custom Education, five educational philosophies are discussed and what each one represents what a teaching and learning is distinctive to each other and some of them is easily observable in nowadays moment when in contrast, some of them are rarely to be seen. The first among the five philosophies is essentialism. It is a teacher centered philosophy which "puts little stock in what students want in terms of what and how they learn" (Powell, 2015, p.71). There are requirements for students such as: "[their] interests not important, [they] must be discipline; [and their] hard work emphasized" (Powell, 2015, p.71). The mainly used method for teaching would be "direct instruction, memorization, and proven methods" and such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its curriculum is mostly based on life experience where knowledge is "obtained through interactions, [and it is] constructed from what is seen, heard, [and] done" (Powell, 2015, p.73). It is like when Rafe takes his students to field trips to give his students experiential learnings from real life involvement. The next student centered philosophy is social reconstructionism which is "to educate students in ways that will help society move beyond all forms of discrimination to the benefit of everyone worldwide. [Unlike from other philosophies], this philosophy addresses such topics as racial equality, women's rights, sexism, environmental pollution, poverty, substance abuse, homophobia, and AIDS" (Powell, 2015, p.74). In this philosophy, it wants students be actively involved and engaged with social issues and teachers as who helps students feel the responsibility for humanity. How Rafe's teaching assimilates with social reconstructionism is that Rafe also lets his students face their own life issues during or outside of class and help them think and get to solutions by themselves. However, Rafe does not force the responsibility for humanity or any other types of social issue onto his students. He does make his students know that they will be the future who could influence the world and what is around them, but no such obligatory is given throughout his teaching. And last but not least, existentialism is the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Educational Philosophy Reflection Rows of desks, students sitting up straight, raising hands to answer questions, cycling through a PowerPoint presentation, writing notes on the board. This is the type of education that I experience until I graduated high school. When I decided to go into teaching it was an easy decision for me to want to not provide this type of experience to my students. Early in the education program, Bud Stefanski posed us the question about our educational philosophy in the Foundations of Education class. When answering that question, I was 100% progressivism in my education philosophy students should only learn through hands–on experiences and not be forced to sit at a desk and absorb information (Mirah, 2013). After gaining actual classroom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Corabi, personal communication, July 17, 2017). This is the first time that I considered curriculum to be an agenda, which is set by somebody else and potentially somebody even outside of the school. Teaching somebody else's agenda does not sound appealing even more so if that agenda is not something you believe in. This made me begin to think that the educators should be the ones who design the agenda and then find materials that suit the agenda they wish to create. However, it was clear that this is not a common case as most agenda are set outside of the classroom. After hearing about Gross and the triangle, my perspective became that if we cannot set our own agenda then we need to find an agenda where the enduring understanding and essential questions align with our belief in education. Ronald Doll is the second individual who has influenced not only my philosophy on curriculum but also my philosophy on all education. There were six movements that Doll outlines which any aspect of education can fall into free choice theory, more theory, big buck theory, empowerment theory, education in balance theory, and theory of reconstruction (J. Corabi, personal communication, July 18, 2017). The two movements outlined by Doll that impacted my perspective on curriculum development is the big buck theory and education in balance theory. Doll's big ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Personal Education Philosophy : Personal Philosophy Of... Educational Philosophy Remember: everyone in the classroom has a story that leads to misbehavior or defiance. 9 times out of 10, the story behind the misbehavior won't make you angry. It will break your heart. – Annette Breaux My educational philosophy stems from the belief that all people are capable of learning and growing and that education is a powerful tool in helping students achieve both their personal and professional goals. I am also a firm believer in trauma–informed schools and education. My personal journey to becoming a classroom teacher and educator has been developed from working with at–risk youth first in the context of experiential education and later in residential therapeutic programs. Through all of these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I believe that for these students, school can be a place of hope, change, growth, and opportunity. This means meeting the student and the student's family and community where they are at. I believe that all families want what is best for their children and want them to be successful. I believe that both the families and the students are doing the best they can at any given moment. Families often need opportunities for support from outside agencies and support systems in order to allow them to be the best they can be. Holistic or wrap–around services are essential.. A very basic example of this philosophy is that a child can't learn if they are hungry so food should be provided. Students who need it should have access to meals provided by the school. I am employed by an organization that packs 300 backpacks of food that children who are risk of not having enough to eat over the weekend can take home. If students need mental health services, access to those should be provided. If families need support in getting medical care or safe housing, they should be able to access resources to help them and schools can be the hub of those kinds of services for families in need. If the ultimate goal of education is to help create contributing members of society, than some families will need support along the way. School as a Tool for Building Self–Efficacy I believe that all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Educational Philosophy : California Pacific University Educational Philosophy Roxanne Serna Fresno Pacific University "Education in the life of present– day knowledge and need calls for some spirited and creative innovations both in substance and the purpose of current pedagogy" ~Anne Sullivan~ ⧝ Education will always be the primary source of student's success in the workforce, community, nationwide and globally. Teachers carry the weight of ensuring students are learning what is required to become productive members of society. As a teacher, the success of my students is the most important goal. There are so many pedagogies, philosophies, strategies, and materials teachers are able to use to be productive in the classroom. Every teacher has their own preferred ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My philosophy of education is to ensure the dynamics of the classroom providing continued support to ensure a positive learning environment, while providing instruction for all learners and to inspire my students to be productive members of society. A classroom is where students spend their days, Monday through Friday. I want to create a classroom that provides structure for my students. Organization of the classroom will allow the students to have access to any and all instruction and materials. According to Linsin, (2010), "A classroom management plan is a contract that you make with your students that promises you will protect their rights to learn and enjoy school without interference," (date). Creating classroom rules with the entire class gives students a sense of empowerment, thus felling more at liberty to follow the rules "they" created. Often times when there are too many rules in place students can feel overwhelmed with expectations "they" feel they may not meet. In my classroom I do believe rules to follow are important, but believe that goals are far more important for my students. When there are too many distractions in a class, students are less likely to focus on what is being taught. Distractions cause behaviors in the classroom, limiting classroom instruction. It is my goal to ensure that students are receiving and understanding each lesson or topic. In order to provide this for my students, I will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. Educational Leadership Philosophy My philosophy of education is correlated to my vision of education and my role as an instructional leader. Excellent administrators possess personal characteristics of exemplary leadership talent in analysis of data, organizational constructs, leadership decisiveness, oral and written communication, technological confidence, personal motivation and educational integrity within school systems. Educational leadership is a vital position in which I persistently evaluate every decision I make on behalf of students; what is the educational value? Will all students benefit? Is it fiscally responsible? How do we sustain success? In order for students to be competitive locally, nationally and internationally, I am committed to providing effective, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I contemplate the American dream; what does it really mean? How is it becoming increasingly redefined? What is the role of education in the attainment process? Most of all, I reflect on my duty to others as a citizen of the United States of America who is adept in educational leadership. I hold myself accountable to helping families create an educational legacy of triumph, achieve the highest levels of personal accomplishment and engage in continuous measures of raising the academic bar. There are comprehensive issues that I would challenge in order to give students resilience bent towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Educational Philosophy Statement Analysis 1. Four components are the most necessary in my mind. To achieve what goals As a teacher, what are the goals? The rest is educational philosophy statement should support the goals I set, these goals should be achievable, and with teaching duties are related. On the other hand, I should prove that I resigned to mediocrity, or simply pass some limited to the specific facts. Of course I want teach the basic content of the course. But in addition, I should develop students' critical thinking, and promote lifelong learning skills of the students obtained for students to function effectively in the information economy to prepare, or the development of student problem– solving strategy? I play what role in the students' professional orientation and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because goal is mainly aimed at students, then I are likely to use student learning outcomes to reflect efforts, rather than teaching I how many chapters covering textbooks. Teaching evaluation for teachers is a sensitive issue, but in large part because teachers do not make the own assessment methods. Most of us are forced to use a standard evaluation form. But this does not prevent us to develop more relevant to our specific aims and goals. Teachers develop the own evaluation methods, usually get more relevant feedback. But in addition, they will usually get more positive feedback, because they are asking the students to the most important aspects of the course for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Educational Philosophy Essay Educational Philosophy I did not spend my adolescent years contemplating what career I was going to choose and changing my mind every other week; I have wanted to be a teacher my entire life. I do not know why I originally made the decision, but, currently, I want to be a teacher so I can give back to the world. Deciding what subject to teach took a little consideration, but I made the decision fairly easily. I began comparing subjects I enjoyed and came up with math, psychology, and home economics. After researching the job market, the choice to make was clear. This country is in need of math teachers, and therefore, that is the path I have chosen. I plan to achieve my Bachelor's Degree here at Concord, and then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is important is their prosperity in life. I want to teach my students how to apply learning the distance formula to a real life situation. Essentialist teachers serve as confidants and moral leaders for their students. I want my students to feel as if I am a trusted advisor and know that I will help them in any circumstance. In my classroom, good behavior will be upheld at a high standard. Not only will I expect good behavior from my students, but I will also serve as a role model to them both inside and outside of the classroom. I do not feel as if students can respect teachers that have lousy reputations in the community. In high school, I had several teachers of whom I looked up to with moral respect. These teachers influenced my life in ways they will never know, and I cannot thank them enough for all that they taught me about life. I hope I can have the same positive effect on my students. Essentialists also believe that the teacher is an authority figure. Being a woman, this will be important for me especially in my first years when I am only slightly older than my students and the same size, physically. If the students do not portray me as an authority, I will not be capable of maintaining control of my classroom. I want to provide a balanced view of myself for the students. I want them to perceive me as someone they can count on, and at the same time, someone they respect. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 71. Educational Autobiography : Philosophy, Philosophy And... Educational Autobiography: My education was based on rules , norms , moral and civil obligations at very young age. These are the mission, philosophy and foundation of Catholic's education that I grow up with. I can honestly say that been educated under these principles that helped me to adopted an invaluable concept of discipline and responsibility. I can be anything more than grateful to spend twelve years of my life learning from outstanding teachers and Nuns. I enjoyed coming to school every singled day. I am here writing these words and my memories come to life. We have diversity in our school faculty , these teacher and Nuns mader our learning experiences more interested. I remember having two different coach in my PE class, one was the coolest Sor. Maria she was the coolest Nun ever, and Professor Rodrigo. We have religions teachers, in some cases there were Nuns, but not always. Teacher that was qualified was able to teach religions as well. We had a full curriculum , with all the subjects including , music, craft and art. These was taught in almost all the grades. Like a mandatory skill that needed to be learned. I do remembers all my years in school one more detailed than others. But, I remember all. My first grade and my high school graduation, specially the last year, Whose doesn't ? The last year when was time to say goodbye. High school graduation, where we all were Kings and Queens. That year felt like never end, but at the same time, we ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. Essay on Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy I can still remember coming home from school after an exciting day in the first grade. I would go straight to my room, line all of my dolls up in the floor, and "teach" them everything I had learned earlier that day. But of course, not every child who pretends to be a teacher in his or her early years actually becomes a teacher. So although I enjoyed "teaching," I never really considered it as a choice for my life–long career. But the summer after ninth grade made me rethink my options. My best friend's dad was in charge of a summer camp for underprivileged children. He needed some junior counselors for the week, so we volunteered to help; we wouldn't mind ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the week progressed and friendships formed between everyone, I realized the importance of the camp to all that were involved. To the counselors it was a learning experience, as well as a time to appreciate all that we would usually take for granted; to the campers it was a time to learn and make new friends, and for most of them, it would also serve as their only form of a summer vacation. So although we were all exhausted by the end of the week, we had a great time. After seeing the smiles that seemed almost permanent that week, I realized how important it is to work with and help younger children. I also learned what it's like knowing that you've made a difference in someone's life. I've been a counselor at that same camp for two more years since that first summer, and it gets better every time. Even though it can be difficult and frustrating to work with children sometimes, the reward that you, as well as the children, receive is well worth the effort. Deciding that I wanted to be a teacher didn't take much effort; deciding what kind of teacher I want to be however, takes much more thought. There are numerous educational philosophies, most of which can be traced back to one of four major perspectives: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. All of these philosophical systems have an impact on educational thought; however, I find it hard to choose ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 75. My Philosophy : My Educational Philosophy It was very challenging for me to write my educational philosophy due to the fact that I never really thought about the kind of teacher I want to become. Though this was a challenging task, I am grateful for the opportunity because figuring out what my philosophy is will help me to understand what kind of teacher I want to be. Looking back at my learning and teaching experiences, I always had strong beliefs in what I want my classroom to look like and how I would go about providing a high quality education for the students I will encounter, but I never thought those beliefs were stem from the different philosophies in education. In previous education classes, I read about the different philosophies in education and I believe that the two philosophies that helped shaped my educational beliefs are essentialism and progressivism. I received most of my education in Jamaica, where teaching styles and practices mirrored that of an essentialist classroom. Now, I do not agree wholeheartedly with the views of an essentialist, especially the fact that the interests of the children are not taken into consideration, but there are certain aspects of this philosophy I will model in my classroom. For instance, I am a strong believer that students should be taught the basics in learning to read, write, speak and compute clearly and logically. They should be taught hard work, respect for authority, and discipline. The reason why I hold this belief dearly is because growing up in Jamaica, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 77. Personal Educational Philosophy Paper An educational philosophy refers to a set of beliefs which directly influences how children are taught and educated. An educational philosophy can include, but are not limited to the following components – Purpose, teacher's role, learning content and methods of teaching. According to Sadker, Zittleman & Sadker (2012), every school and every teacher holds their own set of educational philosophies. With the guidelines of Wheelock Education Standard and the NAEYC and NAECS/SDE, early childhood educators will be able to formulate their individual educational philosophies to improve and reflect on current practices, or for future teaching purposes. Therefore, I will be reflecting on the role of assessment and integrating the formal documents mentioned above into my personal Educational Philosophy, in order to further improve and plan ahead for future ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When schools collaborate and form partnerships with families, it allows them to work from different angles to discuss and provide what is best for the children, contributing to the child's long–term success. This point is linked with being culturally accepting, as mentioned above, as working with families means recognising and accepting diversity, due to the diverse backgrounds of every family. According to Puckett & Black (2008), the inclusion of family in early childhood education teachings and assessment is crucial, to help programs improve their educational and developmental interventions. Families should be respected and given the right to contribute ideas and to know the results of a program evaluation, and curriculum goals should be shared with them as well. Open communication and equal understanding helps the family to learn more about the child's lesson content in school, to provide constructive feedback to each other, and allows the school to achieve goals in a unified ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...