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A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas
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A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas
Ruhl Pride And Prejudice
Sarah Ruhl s Eurydice presents a modern interpretation and extension of the classic Greek myth of
Orpheus and Eurydice while employing an untraditional and unique structure. There are in turn
several interconnected structural choices that are purposely done and have significant implications
on the play s meaning. For instance, Ruhl meticulously and shrewdly contrasts significant climactic
moments with trivial arguments and discussions. This is done in order to enhance the contrast
between the mythic and mundane elements of the play, allow the characters to avoid emotion, and
establish an untraditional structure that fails to move towards a climactic event. Yet the very fact
that Ruhl makes a conscious decision to avoid a clear climactic scene... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The central question in the play seems to be whether Eurydice will achieve love by overcoming her
differences with Orpheus and abandoning her father. While Ruhl s downplay of climactic moments
using mundane conversation renders it difficult to determine a single climactic moment, the scene
that answers this significant question is when Orpheus turns around and looks at Eurydice. Thus,
this is the central climactic
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United States Colonial Rule of Puerto Rico Essay
United States Colonial Rule of Puerto Rico
When the United States invaded the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico (Guanica and Ponce), a
majority of Puerto Ricans welcomed the Americans and enabled their invasion. They cooperated
and aided the American expulsion of Spaniards. However, it is obvious by the consequences that
the end result of U.S. invasion and rule was not what Puerto Ricans had welcomed in July of 1898.
Puerto Ricans wished an end to autocratic rule and concentration of wealth, things they did not
know would continue under American rule. The Americans were regarded as change and chance for
progress, even though they retained the fear of not knowing U.S. intentions.
In the political arena at the beginning of United ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I think this attitude gave a forewarning to a similar autocratic government much like that during
Spanish rule. Even the system of legislation reminded me of the Spanish system, with the viceroy
of Spain electing governors and other officials in Puerto Rico, when he was completely removed
from Puerto Rico and unaware of the situation there. TrГas Monge includes how in testifying before
Congress on the report, Judge H.G. Curtis, a member of the Commission, stated that the President
himself should legislate for Puerto Rico, at the recommendation of the Governor to be appointed
by him. (p. 37) This is an immediate instance where actions are not proceeding as Puerto Ricans
thought they would. But it was only a first sign.
On April 12, 1900 McKinley signed the Foraker Act. Foraker first presented the bill in January
of 1900 which would create a civil government for Puerto Rico. After debates and compromise,
the bill was signed in April of that same year. There were four major provisions of the bill. First
was a Governor appointed by the President of the U.S., to a four year term, who was removable
by the President. Second was the Executive Council composed of 6 departments headed by
people appointed by the President, yet again. Next was the Legislative Assembly of 35 members
elected for two years who had to write and read either English or Spanish and were subject to taxes.
Finally, there
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Masculinity In Shakespeare s Time
Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain. And you gain it by winning
small battles with honor (Mailer, n.d). This quote by Norman Mailer faultlessly describes
masculinity in a way that should be considered and reflected on by the majority of people in our
society today. Masculinity may be difficult to understand, but as humans, we have the access and
ability to discover and examine all the possible meanings of masculinityby different scholars,
academics, peers and even through theatre to discover the true meaning of such ideologies we
choose to identify ourselves with. William Shakespeare is an extremely perceptive and suggestive
author who is rich in his writing. Although Shakespeare s writing is not solely a dialogue on
women s studies, it does nonetheless share and consists of issues in women s studies and gender
ideology. Not only does Shakespeare reflect, he occasionally supports the English Renaissance
stereotypes of men and women and the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, when reflecting upon the character Orsino, one may begin to question this. A significant
attribute that exemplified masculinity was the Renaissance Beard. Sexual differences and
appearances in the early modern period have differed significantly in society s matters of these
distinctions today. In the Renaissance period, facial hair often granted masculinity as the beard
made the man (Fisher, 2009). The array of male features and prosthetic body parts such as the
genitals can definitely distinguish the differences between male and female, however, in the
Renaissance period, something as simple as the growth of a beard will signify manhood. Therefore,
it is obvious that masculinity can be presented through a combination of
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Journal Article Risk Assessment
Journal Article Summary Article Reference Mendes Santos, L. C., Mograbi, D., Spenciere, B.,
Charchat Fichman, H. (2015). Specific algorithm method of scoring the Clock Drawing Test
applied in cognitively normal elderly. Dementia Neuropsychologia, 9(2), 128 135. doi:10.1590
/1980 57642015DN92000007 Purpose of the study The purpose of the current study was to
evaluate the representation of each elderly individual on the CDT scale and also to analyze the
inter rater dependability using the CDT scale which was scored based on using a unique and
particular algorithm method which was adapted by Sunderland (1989). Hypothesis This study
hypothesized that an algorithm which was used for scoring on the CDT scale. To prove whether
their hypothesis... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were 6 independent examiners that took part in the scoring on the CDT scale, each took
part in scoring 30 participants to help evaluate the inter rater reliability of each individual.
Procedure Utilized All participants were required to complete the same procedure of cognitive
screening tests. The tests were applied in a specific sequence that being: [1] the MMSE, [2] the
Memory Test, [3] the Verbal Fluency test, [4] the CDT, [5] and The Lawton Instrumental
Activities of Daily Living. Aside from completing the cognitive and functional evaluations, each
individual was required to complete the Geriatric Depression Scale as well. Summary of Results
The results of the current study showed that no meaningful correlation was found among the
school and CDT or the age and the CDT, a Pearson s correlation was used to rate the relationship
of each elderly individual which included schooling, age and the MMSE also including the CDT
scores. They found a significant positive correlation among the MMSE and the CDT. The
investigation, which included inter rater dependability of the CDT which was scored by using the
criteria and were used based on Sunderland (1989). This displayed that the mean was in the range
of 5.06 and 5.96. Here there was a significant positive correlation that was found together among the
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Peter Singer Analysis
Poverty and hunger is a common social issue that affects a large percentage of the world
population, and has troubled nations all over the world for thousands of years. It s an issue that
we can experience every day without realizing it. We might see a commercial asking for donations
on television, or a homeless woman asking for money to feed her son at the bus stop, or in the
news when they talk about children dying of starvation.
Now, this issue brings out a particular question; are we obligated to donate and help those in
need? Do we have a moral obligation to do so? Or is helping those in need morally optional? Peter
Singer and Jan Narveson both discuss this issue, yet both have very different opinions. Peter in one
hand, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He believes helping those in need, and giving donation, is completely optional. Opposed to Peter
s belief, Jan indicated that there is a distinction from not preventing something bad from
happening, than actually making it happen. For example, If I was to lock you in a room and let
you starve to death, I have consiensly murder you. But if someone else was to do the same thing
to you, you would have died of starvation. The outcome was not intended by my actions. If was to
know that you were starving, I might feel pity for you and would want to help you, or pehaps I
would feel indifferent to what you are going thought, either way, my previous activities did not
cause your outcome, therefore I may choose if I want to help you or not. Jan also indicates that
there is a difference between justice and charity. Justice are those actions that we are enforced to
do. Charity is not. Charity is voluntarily wanting to help and benefit those less fortunate. It is
sometimes morally allowed to force someone to fulfill their justice duties, but it is not morally
allowed to force someone to be charitable. Charity is something you do because you want to, and
perhaps there is emotion behind that action. If we force people to be charitable, it will no longer be
charity, but
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Write An Argumentative Essay On Pythons
Once an invasive species arrives, it s just about impossible to get rid of it Sean Hanna. In America,
there are thousands of invasive species including the pythons; pythons are extremely dangerous, and
are known for their elusiveness. Invasive species also include: starlings, asian carps, wild pigs, and
Medflies. Although these invasive species are terrorizing America s magnificent and beautiful
nature, there are possibilities to eliminate their population.
Invasive species are annihilating the population of native species. One example of an invasive
species is the python. These creatures are invading Florida and decreasing the population of other
species; they may reach New York in 2100. Pythons are extremely elusive, so it s hard to catch
them. Another example of an invasive species are the starling birds; these birds can roost in hordes
up to 1 million. Starling birds are lethal because of their droppings which cause diseases.
Additionally, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Specifically, exotic snakes have been banned from being imported to Florida. Secondly,
Floridians are organizing hunts to control the population of pythons. So far, a starling bird
solution is not found; experts have tried all sorts of strategies to deal with starlings, including
itching powder, electrical wires, poison, and fireworks (9). The medfly is another example of an
invasive specie, but this pest is difficult to handle, so the medflies are being monitored.
Additionally, if a medfly approaches a home or farm, a quarantine group comes in to stop it from
contaminating and spreading. In Texas, they allow hunters to kill wild pigs all year around; meat is
then delivered and eaten at restaurants as exotic meat. Carps are a huge food source in Asia;
experts hope that Americans rely on them as a food source. So far their plan has failed. It is
possible to slow the progression of invasive
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Walter Mitty Comparison
The short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber share similarities to the romantic
comedy The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the movie, but they also contain many differences.* The
short story tells a tale of a man escape reality whilst the movie displays the man daydreaming to
enhance reality. Similarly, Walter Mitty in both stories is a man that daydreams to a big extent. His
daydreams always involve women as the root cause. In the short story, Walter attempts to daydream
fun things to escape the terrible situation between him and his wife and the movie depicts him
daydreaming to fantasize a life with himself and his crush. To compare, both Walters daydream have
the same cause, but the content and meaning is entirely
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D1 Evaluate the Distribution Systems in Delivering Goods...
D1 Evaluate the distribution systems in delivering goods and services for a selected organisation
This assignment will be discussing about when I was working as a logistics manager for
Morrisons and we will be talking about how Morrisons distribution system works and evaluating
the system. Morrisons market share as of August 2013 was 11.3%, making it the smallest of the
Big Four supermarkets, behind Tesco (30.1%), Sainsbury s (16.6%) and Asda (16.4%), but ahead
of the fifth place Co operative Group, which had a share of 4.4% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki
/Morrisons. There is currently 569 stores across the UK and this means that the distribution system
must be effective and be able to deliver goods to the Morrisons stores in time. ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Morrisons Logistics manager will also have to ensure that they have the products in stock when
they need it so they don t run out of the products and this way they can replenish the stock before
its completely finished because when stock is finished even for a small time it means that
customers aren t happy and result in moving to other brands which are Morrisons competitors.
For example customers wanted pineapples in Morrisons then the logistics manager will need to
be able to respond to this demand quickly in order to satisfy the customer, even if the product isn
t available to the logistics manager they must be able to pull few strings in order to keep their
customers happy and returning to them therefore logistics managers need to be able to keep up
with consumers demands. If consumers demand a lot of apples then the logistics manager needs
to be able to find a big supply in order to meet consumers demands to keep their consumers happy
as apples are available all year around which means that they need to find sustainable sources and
Morrisons has also teamed up with Eddie Stobart who transport goods at a very quick speed and
this is needed by logistics managers in order to meet demands in time before the consumers no
longer want the product.
Tesco also have a contract with logistics company Eddie Stobart so that they can transport goods
from the manufacturers to the warehouses quickly and from the
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The influence of Individual Visit Scheme Essay
Academic Year 2013/2014
MGMT4160 42121
Selected topics in Management
Group project
The influence of Individual Visit Scheme in Hong Kong and Macau
The Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) began on 28 July 2003. This scheme allows Mainland resident
visit Hong Kong or Macau on an individual basis. Before the scheme, China resident must travel
to Hong Kong or Macau with a business visa or group tours. In general, as long as people is in the
scope of cities, it can take the simple visa (Special licensing) procedure going to Hong Kong or
Macao, people can stay at most a week in the period. From now, 49 Mainland China cities resident
can use individual traveler visit Hong Kong and Macao. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The imbalance of industrial structure, the high earning of gambling industry in Macau drives other
industries manpower flow to the gambling industry that other industry s manpower is shortage, the
small and medium enterprises difficult to maintain their living.
Second the Parallel Traders problems increase the demand of household items especially for baby
milk powder that affects the local residents demand which caused the Hong Kong government
enacted the limit of milk powder.
Parallel Traders lead to influence on the surrounding environment and the rent increased, especially
Sheung Shui and Tai Po of Hong Kong those boundary areas.
Serious traffic congestion, both Macau and Hong Kong are facing many vehicles and many
Mainland visitors crowd in street and Macau s street restricted by terrain, narrow and circuitous.
More and more casino s construction projects started many vehicles, tour bus and free shuttle bus
come into use pushing the pressure on the traffic.
Crime increased, Hong Kong and Macau has increased many crimes due to open for Individual
visit scheme especially for Mainland. The visitors breached the law most of them was sneaked to
Hong Kong or Macau but after the scheme the criminals was through the boarder gate openly came
to Hong Kong or Macau.
The cases of
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Short Story Merlin Run By Ernest Hemingway
Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear.
Merlin run. He said inaudibly. Causing them both to book it. Merlin surprisingly wasn t that slow.
Almost keeping up with the Pendragon. The sorceress used magic to shift in front of them. The
three stood there waiting for someone to attack.
Do you really want to do this? Merlin asked.
Do you really want to kill him? You know the future kingdom he shall create. And people like you
are just making it harder for me to get him there. Arthur was confused. What was happening? Why
was Merlin talking to her like he owned Arthur?
I am positive I want to do this. She snickered.
Why? Killing Arthur will only make the magic laws worse.
Who said I was killing Arthur? She shook her head. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You did nothing bad. I promise you. What did Arthur say to make the small child panic? Did he not
want to leave Gaius?
Then why am I going to Camelot? Mommy said that when people like me go to Camelot they die.
I don t want to die. Is the mean king going to kill me. Arthur was shocked. People like him? Die?
The mean king?
Merlin. You aren t here to die. Arthur brought you here to Gaius started to explain to him but
stopped when he saw the boy shaking. Gaius hugged the boy as he started to cry. Arthur looked at
Gaius and Gaius just gave him a look that said You do something!
Merlin? Can you come here? Arthur asked softly. Merlin looked up at Arthur and slowly walked
over still sniffling.
Merlin, I promise you that no one will hurt you while you re staying with me. Okay? Merlin looked
up at him and slowly nodded. Then he tackled Arthur in a hug and continued trembling.
Come on let s go see my dad. I m sure he would love to meet you. Arthur knew his father wouldn t
like to meet him.
Arthur walked to the throne room with an awestruck Merlin.
Father? Arthur entered the room to see Uther pacing the room, thinking. Uther s head shot up with
annoyance when he heard his name but smiled when he realized it was
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Afghanistan War Research Paper
The war in Afghanistan has a complex history that goes back decades before the start of the
fighting. The conflict started in 1978 when the Peoples Party came to power in Afghanistan, they
ruled over the people with an iron fist. The Mujahideen stood up to the government and the Sour
Revolution began. When the Soviet Union entered into Afghanistanto support the government we
became afraid that communism would take over the country, and we sent supplies to the
Mujahideen to aid them in their fight. The United Stateswas fighting a proxy war with the Soviet
Union, meaning that we were not fighting their troops with ours, but were aiding opposite sides of
an existing fight. The Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1988 and 1989, and the warlords that were
part of the Mujahideen take over and rule parts of the country. The... Show more content on
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Saddam Hussein became the leader of Iraq in 1979, and his regime was very brutal and ruled
with an iron fist. Add about Iraq Iran war. In 1990 Iraq invaded the small neighboring country
Kuwait because Saddam said that it was part of Iraq even though it is not. That started the
Persian Gulf War. We then sent troops to Saudi Arabia to protect it from an invasion from Iraq
for its oil. It only took four days to take back control of Kuwait s capital from the Iraq troops, and
that ended the war. In YEAR the United Nations sent inspectors into Iraq because there was
suspicion that they were making Weapons of Mass Destruction, or WMDs, and giving them to
terrorist. They did not find anything and in 1997 Iraq kicked the U.N. inspectors out, and the
United States became suspicious that they did have WMDs and did not want them to be found. In
2003 the United States launched a preemptive attack on Iraq without any actual evidence that they
had WMDs. Saddam Hussein was captured and killed in 2006. The Iraq war had many similarities
and differences to the Afghanistan
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Analyzing Online For Issues About Body Image
When researching online for issues about body image, one can definitely find articles
concerning young women. Of course, when hearing about body image issues, one can only
think of anorexia, obesity, and low self esteem. However, a body image problem is not just an
issue affecting young women; it s actually an issue that is also affecting young men. Over time, a
growing number of young men have been showing issues with their body image. This is mainly
due to the way media portrays men in television shows, movies, and advertisements. Because of
this, it leads to low self esteem, peer pressure, and over exercising among young men. Low self
esteem can be caused by having the feeling of being inferior to everyone and always having the
mindset... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This makes a young man think that he isn t good enough for the standards that the media puts
out. The expectations that the media puts out about men become adopted into society s
expectations. A personal trainer did an experiment where he gained seventy pounds of weight
and tried losing it all. He wanted to know how his clients felt whenever he helped trained them to
lose weight. This meant he had to change his lifestyle and eating habits to a way an unhealthy
person is. I m doing this as an experiment! I used to be a fit guy, not the fat guy, Manning wanted
to turn around and explain. I m a lot more self conscious now. There was a total lack of
confidence in the way I felt in public because I wasn t the fit guy anymore. (Strickland). He had
noticed how everyone looked at him and the food he ate, and had a disgusted look on their face.
According to Drew Manning, it was an emotional struggle for him when doing the experiment.
Another way a young man s self esteem can be lowered is by being bullied about body weight or
depression. Bullying and depression would usually happen mostly in a young man s teenage years.
Peers may look at a certain individual and tease them for their body weight. It can be that the
individual is skinny or fat that the teasing starts to happen. When bullied, this can cause the certain
individual to fall into depression which lowers the self esteem more. This can cause the
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Education Reform
Throughout history, reforms look differently based on the motivations of the reformers ( Education
Reform, n.d.). Educational reform consists of changes that are made in public education (
Education Reform, n.d.). Education reform involves any and all changes in the way a school or
schooldistrict functions, from teaching methods and any administrative processes. Educational
reform is used as an ancillary for needed economic changes in the United States ( Education
Reform, n.d.). Education reformers want to have curriculum standards tied to testscores ( Education
Reform, n.d.). Many reformers have focused on changing society by reforming education on more
humanistic, scientific, and even democratic philosophies ( Education Reform, ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
If the funding is not available then the reform becomes a burden as opposed to an aid (Chen,
2015). The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) estimated that the
program would cost $7 billion dollars over a seven year period in order for all states to develop
and implement the testing programs outlined in the NCLB Act (Chen, 2015). However, the
NCLB budget only authorized $400 million dollars to go towards helping the states design and
implement the tests which meant the schools would be responsible for more than $6 billion
dollars (Chen, 2015). A second disadvantage is that schools began to focus on reading and math
(Chen, 2015). Students were not provided with a well rounded education (Chen, 2015). Some
schools cut back on science and art in order to focus on English and math (Chen, 2015). Some
teachers voiced that education is not really improving (Chen, 2015). They believe that other
subjects were sacrificed in order for schools to have proficiency in the subject areas that were being
tested (Chen, 2015).
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was the largest showing of irresponsibility from policymakers
(Rothstein, 2008). The implementation of NCLB narrowed the curriculum and has caused more
harm than good to the student population (Rothstein, 2008). Since the implementation of NCLB
school systems have focused on reading and math, while neglecting art,
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Ancient Greek And Ancient Theater In Ancient Greece
Theater in Ancient Greece Back in ancient greece plays started out as a tribute honoring greece
gods, a god named Dionysia. Theater back then was very different from how it is for us today.
Back then only three people were allowed to perform onstage as time went on more silent acting
parts were being allowed. The limit of performers at a time was a real bummer for those looking
to be more involved in theater. Chous was becoming a lot more popular at the time because
people were looking for an alternative to somehow be involved in theater anyway they can.
Audiences and stadiums were so big at the time that in order to see an actor s face the masks that
the actors wore were very drastic. Mask making was a very clever art of its own because not only
were they well designed and exaggerated, but they were also made in such a way that the masks
actually projected the voice of the actors so people in the stadium could hear them. Now
although this helped much the stadiums were also cleverly constructed to project the actors voice
as well as gestures, also made very exaggerated so people could see. Medieval Time Plays In
medieval times plays were very different from today s standard play anyone can go see. There were
also different kinds of plays performed much like genres called today. There were different kinds
of these genres one being Mystery plays these were played specifically off of bible scripture. They
were pretty clever on the fact that they ended the play at a
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British Loyalists Research Paper
During the War of Independence, British loyalists were threatened badly by American. British
loyalists supported the idea of John Lock that people should have natural rights and government
power should be limited. Loyalists prefer to have a peaceful protest to avoid the violant act that
can raise tyranny. They protest the Brituish government act such as the Stamp Act and the
Coercive Acts. However, they also believed that if the American gains their independence from
British, they will lost the economic benefits from commerce of British. Loyalists consist of people
from different social strata. American colonists seized British loyalists properties, and British
loyalists who were refused to give up will be forced to exile from America. Some
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The First Repeated Word Is Child
The next repeated word is child. Paul was explaining being a child not only physical appearance
but also the spiritually. When a person is mentally and/or physically as a child, the person is not
able to connect to God. They are not able to understand what God is trying to communicate, and
God is known to communicate through different ways. This is shown by Paul used of Greek word,
nepios, which means infant. He was comparing them to infants in their spiritual maturity and love.
However, he continues to say as he grows his relationship to God he becomes less like an infant.
Therefore, if a person does not pay close attention to what God is saying, the person may lose the
meaning and the message of God. Therefore, when Paul said that he has been able to understand
God he has left his childish ways of thinking, acting, and speaking. Now that he is a man, he
knows that his responsibility is different from those of a child. Now he is responsible to stand up
and defend the word of God.
Is not and does not are also repetition. Paul wanted to make his statement as clear as possible of
what love should look like and should feel like. Not many people do not understand what love is
or feels; for this reason, Paul explained that love should not have a negative feeling. That love
should not bring people down, rather love should be of support. He explains that a person should
not feel successful from the failure of the other person; or that a person should not irritate another
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A Research On The Kansas State University Housing
Intro As I graduated high school, I always had the desire to up my career. So, my next step is to
go to college. A week later, I started to think how am I going to live on my own? Where will I
stay at, for my existing 4 years or maybe years? So, I did my research on the Kansas State
University housing homepage. As I am looking through my options, I was interested in the
Kramer complex s. My mom told me is it safe, healthy, and in good living conditions to live there?
When I kept scrolling down it showed how it will have safety and good healthconditions throughout
the complex. According to the Kansas State Universityhousing and dining home page, 020 Forming
a Committee, Every College must have an active safety committee. This must be a goal of each
Dean. If the Dean desires, departments within a College may also have safety committees. The
University Environmental Health Safety Committee recommends that large departments or
departments with high hazards have a safety committee. . By me reading this, I had very high
expectations for having very healthy environment within the housing departments. When I made a
decision to choose as students Kansas State students feels weird and uncomfortable living away
from home and have no choice to live on campus, students have to rely on K States promise for
students live safe and healthy regulated housing for the amount for money you payed for. Goodnow
Hall. Goodnow is a coeducational hall located in the Kramer Community on the west
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Casey Blackwell. Spc 1608. Professor Workman. 7 February
Casey Blackwell
SPC 1608
Professor Workman
7 February 2017
Walt Disney
I.Open With Impact
A.A creative person famously stated It all started with a mouse. You may be thinking that you know
who this mouse is, but not too fast. Yes, it is Mickey Mouse, but who was the brilliant man that
created this happy little creature?
II.Thesis Statement
A.Walt Disney has made a significant impact to the entertainment industry with his cartoons,
movies, and theme parks.
III.Connect With Audience
A.Walt Disney created an empire that has played a role in each of our lives. Whether it impacted
our childhood or still impacts our lives today.
A.Now how did Walt Disney create Mickey? In order to answer these... Show more content on
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first animated movie ever created in the year 1937.
2.The movie was a huge success and was recorded to make about 8 million dollars with its first
C.Pinocchio ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. )
1.Pinocchio was Walt Disney Studios second animated movie to be released 1940.
2.Pinocchio had a unique storyline and hit songs that became very popular.
3.However, the successful of Pinocchio was not as grand as Walt wished for.
D.Following the creation of these first few movies, Disney Studios began producing many more
box office hits.
E.Pixar ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. )
1.In 2006, Disney Studios purchased Pixar films.
2.Pixar is known for its kid friendly animated movies.
3.Some of examples of Pixar movies include Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, The
Incredibles, and many more of our childhood favorites.
F.Marvel ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. )
1.The purchase of Marvel for Disney Studios was a huge success.
2.Marvel is an incredible company that specializes in making unique high energy action films.
3.A limited number of the many Marvel movies include The Avengers, Captain America, Thor.
G.Lucas Films ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. )
1.Just recently in 2012, Disney acquired Lucas Films.
2.This purchase gave Disney a huge share of the movie market.
3.Lucas Film movies that we all know and love are Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
H.Each year Disney
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Physical Conflicts In Jeannette s The Glass Castle
In the book, The Glass Castle, the Walls encounter many interior and exterior conflicts. The
children learned how to fend for themselves because their parents were not suitable for that job.
Jeannette and Brian, two of the Walls children, took responsibility for themselves and their
siblings. Jeannette retold this true story from her point of view. The characters struggles did not
end in one place. The Walls were constantly on the move because their living situations were
always temporary. They switched from their car to a familyhouse in Welch. Once the kids became
older, some of them decided to move to New York City to skyrocket their careers. Weaved into
all of this chaos, were a few underlying themes. The reader was taken on the children s journey
and witnessed them blossom. They had to mature quickly because their parents stripped them
from their childhood. This was difficult and a lot of pressure for these young kids. They had to
persevere which in turn made them stronger individuals. The rich characters, surplus of settings,
and easily comprehensible themes made this a successful novel. The variation of characters help
the reader keep interest. Although this book is from a first person point of view, it is easy to
comprehend the emotions and visualize the events occurring. The feeling of the book would
change completely if the array of characters were not included. Each Wall child has a significant
part in Jeanette s story. Jeannette is a
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American Pie Rhetorical Devices
Media has been a vital element to American entertainment since its commencement. This
entertainment comes in all varieties, whether it is film, commercials, music or general
consumer ads. Either way, they are all used to engage or encourage the reader or viewer to feel a
certain way. Music has always been a catalyst for human beings since the first caveman started
tapping his feet in a rhythmic pattern. Music can be used to express any feeling a person can
have about any subject they might think about. It can be used to describe the ideals of an era or
time frame; just look at music over the last one hundred plus years. No matter what, there is
usually always some sort of symbolism or deeper meaning that the songwriter is trying to get to
the listener. It s no debate that the music we listen to today is most definitely not the music the
generation our grandparents or even our parents listened to. The song American Pie by Don
McLean, which released in 1971, is one of the most analyzed songs in American pop culture
history (Shuck). Standing as a story all on its own, a simple analysis of the lyrics reveals allusions
and metaphors in abundance. Analyzing these allusions and metaphors exposes many rhetorical
devices used by McLean.
A cultural revolution all in its own, the 1960 s saw the rise and fall of many great civil rights
leaders. John F. Kennedy, along with his brother, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., who
were all paramount in the fight for civil rights, a
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Examples Of Greed In Huckleberry Finn
Michelle Callahan November 5, 2014 ENGL 2328 6001 8W2 Violence and greed are two
themes that run rampant through all of Huckleberry Finn, driving the story along. Just when
you begin to think things have calmed down, something else happens to bring the themes back
into the picture and shatter the false sense of peace achieved by the slow float down the river.
The characters are impelled to continue living dangerously, despite the many other options
available to them, to try and improve their station in life. The violence and greed both come in
early on, and it s no surprise that the two are wrapped up together in a profound way. Huck s
dad, Pap, comes back into the picture, and the readers quickly find out that Huck has been
abused many times in the past. Huck recalls how his father hasn t been seen in a year and Huck
was just fine with that as Pap used to always whale [Huck] when he was sober and could get his
hands on [Huck] and Huck would have to hide out in the woods to get away from his father
(Twain 113). This skill ends up serving Huck well later, when he has to hide from many other
men who are representations of his father. Pap comes out of hiding, only because he heard that
his son had come into a large sum of money and he wants it for his own. He tells Huck that he
hain t heard nothing but about [Huck] bein rich. [Pap] heard about it away down the river too. That
s why [he] come, back to town. Pap wants the money so badly, that
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Social Inequality And Stereotyping Cultures From Political...
EDUC1708 Research EssayDue: 25 August 2014
By: Kody Williamson (s4350274)
Tutor: Dr Joy Kennedy
Youdell (2012) argues that the singular and one off multicultural events reproduce majority
/minority, Same/Other relations in their display of minoritises cultures for the appreciation of or
consumption by the majority. (p 153) This essay will look into the argument of how the one off
multicultural events can be seen as racist, fostering social inequality and stereotyping cultures from
political power. It will also outline how educators with the right strategies and planning can foster
valuable cultural experiences and cultivate socio equality with their students and their school
Multicultural education is the term ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Reynolds, 2012) The schools that are hosting these singular multicultural days do have intent to
inform students of diverse cultures, yet instead are accentuating the already existing social and
cultural hierarchies. (Gorski, 2008)
The way and how to teach multiculturalism in the classroom is a sensitive topic between the many
parties involved. Since multicultural education is primarily a set of beliefs and philosophies
(Neito, 1994), it is a very powerful issue especially from socio political perspectives. Wright
(2007) argues that multiculturalism has no pre given destiny nationally or globally, but is
continually being renewed and re contested by political policy actors from their dominating point
of view. The power of the corporate elite demonstrates their need for social in equality through
globalization, for the cheap labor from the poorest countries that accelerate their economic growth.
This cycle is what Chosudovsky (2003) calls the Globalisation of Poverty .
The educational policies in place illustrate this globalisation of poverty when we look at the
legislations and those who write them. In the US, the educational policy is firmly under the thumbs
of these corporate elites in the form of the Business Roundtable, the public education system itself
is becoming a vehicle for socialising citizens into good compliance and complicity. (Chomsky,
2003; Gabbard, 2003)
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Example Of The Lemon Case
The Lemon Case Yazan Deiry Schiller International University Introduction An offer, according
to business law, is an expression that an individual is willing to enter into a contract, provided
specific terms are adhered to and as soon as it is accepted it ultimately becomes binding by the
person with whom this offer has been addressed to (Riches Allen, 2013). To form an agreement,
there has to be an offer by a party, an exchange of thought or consideration (an item of value), and
an acceptance by the other party. The individual that proposes the agreement terms makes the
offer, and is referred to as the offeror within the contract or agreement law while the individual to
whom the proposal or offer is made is called the offeree (Llewellyn, 2013). This case study
describes a situation where an individual owned a new cell phone that gave him a lot of trouble.
One day it stopped doing what it was supposed to and the owner yelled out to a neighbor that he
would sell... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hurd, a lawyer accepted to purchase a law office from another lawyer, whereby the offeror who
was selling the law office exaggerated the representations regarding what he was earning due to the
value of the practice (Friedmann, 2003). However, the lawyer who purchased the office noted that
the practice was not worthy and that the seller had created false representations, hence; he sued for
the contract s rescission. The court granted the lawyer a rescission of the contract on the grounds
that the man was influenced to enter into a contract by means of false representation. Furthermore,
the representations made by seller were false (Friedmann, 2003). In this regard, the person who was
making the offer of the lemon misrepresented the facts in that he was not selling a lemon, but a cell
phone. The owner of the phone carelessly announced the offer without much regard as to the
consequences and as such, the neighbor was induced into entering into the
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A Man s Best Friend
A Man s Best Friend
One day I was playing soccer with my friend and his dog outside of his house. All of a sudden his
dog ran inside. I asked my friend what was the matter, why did he he just run inside? My friend
explained to me that his dog is able to sense when bad weather is going to come. I told him it doesn
t look like bad weather is coming though, the sun is still out. He then responded by saying you ll
see; his instinct is never wrong. Nevertheless, later that day it did thunderstorm. My story of the
dog s instinct being superior to my intellect is similar to Jack London s short story, To Build a Fire.
In this story London contrasts the two characters in the story the unnamed man and his dog. These
two character foils ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He thinks that Those old timers were rather womanish [and that] ... Any man who was a man could
travel alone, (113). The unnamed man s biggest mistake is underestimating the force of nature and
as he steps out into unimaginable weather conditions, it is clear he is unprepared. In fact, he carried
nothing but the lunch wrapped in the handkerchief. He was surprised, however, at the cold. It
certainly was cold, he concluded, as he rubbed his numb nose and cheekbones with his mitted hand.
He was a warm whiskered man but the hair on his face did not protect the high cheekbones and the
eager nose that thrust itself aggressively into the frosty air (108). This quotation demonstrates that
he was unprepared and underestimated this journey. He should have carefully considered all factors
relating to under packing, underdressing, and the issue of possible frostbite/death, and he shouldn t
have underestimated the fact that he cannot control natures conditions such as negative fifty degree
weather. On the other hand, the dog from the very start is hesitant to accompany the man on his
journey. The animal was depressed by the tremendous cold. It knew that it was no time for
travelling. Its instinct told it a truer tale than was told to the man by the man s judgment. (108).
As the story continues, London contrasts the man and his dog throughout the story. It is basically a
man s knowledge versus a dog s instinct. Of course the dog has better
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Galeries Lafayette
Galeries Lafayette to Hong Kong in 2013/2014
After having the valuable experience of working the last in class assignment about Harvey
Nichols (HN), as I felt I should have known more about Harvey Nichols, I visited their store in
Pacific Place to see feel what it is I spent several times in checking their website for more details.
Now I feel I understand more about why HN open its 2nd bigger flagship store in Hong Kong
why HN is at Pacific Place, after I have seen that so many visiting mainland Chinese who carried
with big suitcases were shopping big qty amount of luxury goods at HN in HK, after I have found
that HN is owned by Dickson Poon (through Dickson Concepts), a HK based business man, by who
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Limited HK (ITHK) |
|Ownership |Monlin Family 100% own |a company listed on HK Stock Exchange, chaired |
| |Ginette MOULIN, Chairwoman |controlled by Sham Kar Wai |
|Business |Department store, supermarket, watch retails, finical, |fashion retail business across HK,
China Arabia, Asia, |
| |traveling in France |France, Germany, Saudi |
| | GL is somewhat of a fashion institution in France GEO of|The company positions itself as the
fashion icon in the |
| |Dept. Stores division of GL France |market targeting those customers who are looking for |
| |(GL reflects the best of French international |taste, style and uniqueness. |
| |Creativity, ..., dedicated to Luxury fashions, well known | |
| |brands buyers favorites, ... invites shoppers to discover | |
| |the latest from top designers as well as talented young ) | |
|Brands |has 3500 brands all level of
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Mechanical Techniques In Stephen King s On Writing
Stephen King s book On Writing is a book like I ve never read before, the book is set up in a way
that I would not have thought it to be. Part one and Part Two are set up to be like a memoir
illustrating the life of king before his big break as an author and an accident that almost killed him
and ended his writingcareer. Part three of the book tells on the mechanics of writing, all of the little
pieces and details that make a writing piece into masterpiece. King not only entwines his life into
the art that he has taken up, he educates us on how to become better writers ourselves. Main
mechanical techniques that king brings are: Adverbs, symbolism, and grammar. King makes it
known that using too many adverbs in a person s literacy piece
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Psychological Characters In Angela Duckworth s Grit
One may wonder, what indeed makes one successful and what has an effect on our psychological
traits? Angela Duckworth, in her non fiction book Grit, attempts to answer this question by making
the claim that grit, talent, and all other psychological traits relevant to success in life are influenced
by genes and also by experience .(82). Duckworth supports her claim through the use of anecdotal
stories and researchreferencing studies conducted by researchers. One example Duckworth uses
includes the Flynn Effect, (83) attributed to Jim Flynn. He analyzed IQ scores and its rapid
growth through the decades to explain how it is socially multiplied. In general, Duckworth
attempts to convince the audience that the characteristics making up a person come from one s
genes as well as personal experiences. I am in agreement with Duckworth s claim, because I have
found multiple sources of evidence that supports it. Also, her claim is the only logical explanation
for our developing psychological traits and its effect towards success. First we must explore the
Flynn Effect and what it means to us as a society.
People as a whole advance over time because of the world around us and the The Flynn effect is a
sound example of that. I believe in this Flynn Effect because Jim Flynn makes logical sense out of
the rapidly increasing IQ scores. Duckworth introduces the the Flynn Effect in Grit (83), named
after Jim Flynn referring to exponentially increasing IQ scores over the past century.
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Japanese Imperialism Dbq Essay
Chloe Chan AP World II Period 4 1/9/18 2010 DBQ During this time period, both India and
Japan faced a new situation: the new imperialism of Europe. India was unable to defend
themselves, thus leading to them becoming a colony of Britain. Japan however, selectively
borrowed from the Europeans after proving themselves to be equals of the once superior
Europeans. Despite having such contrasting fates, both India and Japan had similarities in the
miserable work conditions for peasants. But because India was a colony while Japan was a
country, India data was recorded by British officials and Japanese data was record by Japanese
officials. Another difference was the source of labor for textile production. India had mostly men
workers whereas Japan... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since India was a colony of the British, India data was recorded by British officials while
Japanese was record by Japanese officials for it was a self governing country. Document 1
showed a data chart about the production of cotton yarn and cloth in India. (doc 1) However,
this data was not gathered by Indian authorities but by the British. This is similar to document 9
which consists of the report on the cotton mills in India, Calcutta. This report was by the British
Royal Commission of Labor. In this report, there is information about what was going on with
the workers: where they came from, where they lived and their wages. The workers were
peasants who lived in small huts near the factory and were paid low wages. (doc 9) Instead of an
Indian official reporting the status of the mill, it was a British worker. This is because India was a
colony meaning it was under British authority. The British held all the power and made all the
important decisions. The Indians were only their slaves and only existed to make money for
Britain. This greatly contrasts with document 2 which is a data chart about the production of cotton
yarn in Japan put together by the Japanese Imperial Cabinet Bureau of Statistics. (doc 2) This
shows how the Japanese government controlled the economy. This is because Japan was a self
governing country. It was able to show the Europeans that they are a
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Types Of Operating Conditions Of Start Ups
4.3.2 Environment
After examining the types of operating conditions of start ups, this part will talk about how
environmental factors affecting other three categories. Both start ups and incumbents have to face
the challenges in terms of environmental factors. Comparing with start ups, incumbents have more
experience and resources to deal with the uncertainty about changing environment. Under the
environmental category, there are two subcategories including market and political aspect.
Market trend. There are many factors of market would influence other three categories. First is the
market trend which implies the potential industries or markets in the future. The market trends have
great impacts on decision making process of investors. All investors are seeking for higher
potential start ups with lower failure rate. They believe that start ups which are following trends
would have lower risk and higher growth potential. Three of investors suggested:
Our investment depends on the market trend. For example, we used to pay attention on entertaining
start ups. Later on we identified the opportunities of B2B start ups, then we turn the sights towards
B2B firms. Market comes in waves, and we move according to the market trend.
The primary consideration is the potential of industry....Since more Chinese people are concerned
about their health issues, we predict that sports and health industries would have great growing
potential in the future. Also, we thought second hand
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How Far Has the Importance of Nelson Mandela in the Ending...
How far has the importance of Nelson Mandela in the ending of apartheid been exaggerated? It can
be argued that the importance of Nelson Mandela in the ending of apartheid has been greatly
exaggerated. Apartheid ended due to a combination of long term and short term events. The ANC
represented the main opposition of apartheid while protests and rebellions caught the attention of
the world, international sanctions put pressure on the south African government and something had
to be done before their economy completely fell apart. De Klerk shocked the country when he took
the first step towards abolishing apartheid although, the spark of light and face of rebellion,
Mandela, provided the inspiration to make the end of apartheid possible.... Show more content on
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There was considerable labour unrest and strikes were common. There were also occasional
bomb attacks. On the 21st march, in Langa, Cape town. a mass march to langa police station
was organised. The plan was to surrender themselves guilty of not carrying their passes, and as
there were so many of them the police could not arrest them all. At this time an identical plan
was created in sharpville and turned into what would be known as the sharpville massacre. Due
to the event in sharpville the march was called off and a ban was placed on gatherings. However
later that day protestors gathered again. The police ordered the protesters to disperse and baton
charged them and the protestors retaliated with stones. Langa was very tense that night as angry
protestors barricaded the streets and looted policemen s homes. The death toll by the end of the
day in Langa was three, shot and killed by white policemen. The sharpville massacre and the langa
shootings had a great impact on apartheid, the damage done was costly and the government had
become ungovernable. Violence caused the protests to be a major factor in the end of apartheid
because it was so costly. The South African government was already in bad shape and could not
deal with the ungovernable public. Also the violence caught the attention of international relations,
and frankly, they were appalled. Another factor believed to be more
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The High School Football Team
it. He played left tackle for his high school football team. He became a standout guard and began
to gain a lot of local attention from the area around. By his senior season Chad was one of the
best left guards in the state. Chad explained to us at this point all the pressure set in. At this
moment, he felt as though all his moves he made were being watched and had no room for any
type of error. Chad told us as a kid he wanted to enjoy his young life without being observed
twenty four seven. Chad began to feel overwhelmed by the pressure, it had started to get to him.
He later fell off the map of the college recruiting and decided to attend an alternative choice close
to home. Later we moved into talking about Chad s first year as a... Show more content on
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Next, Chad told us his favorite subject in school was history . In high school he struggled with
being on the football team, also trying to become a educator and began to make things more
difficult. Growing up he felt like he had to be a type of perfectionist. Everything he tried at had
to be done the right way. I seen everything I do as a competition. I want to be better than the
person across from me and rewarded for my effort Chad said. Chad explained how his heart felt
like it s missing a piece from not finishing his football career. In his free time he still stays active
by participating in intramural sports such as basketball, hockey, soccer, and golf. We asked
Chad now that he s not busy what does he do with his free time. He explained he plans on
spending time and going on vacations with family. One of the places he always wanted to visit
was his family s birthplace of Germany . Chad had always wanted to go back and learn about
where he came from However, Chad seemed most interested in the culture and living style of this
historic place. We asked him about prior knowledge he knew about his family s birthplace but
knew not to much. It was not just something he wanted to do for a hobby. He felt like the only
way he would be able to discover himself is to see where it started. Although everything he wanted
to experience was not personal, Chad had also shared some dream vacation destinations. One of
these places Chad wanted
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America Has Too Much Gun Control Essay
When a person hears the word gun, he or she usually associates the purposes and uses of a gun
with crime related issues and plots of terrorism because of modern culture. They are used for that
purpose by some people, but those people do not represent all aspects of the relationship of
firearms to society. In the United States, many laws have been passed in order to regulate the use of
guns by certain individuals, along with the establishment of associations that specialize in the usage
and handling of firearms. With the regulation of firearms passed by the government, guns has
become an integral part of modern society, attributing atrocities such as homicide with them, but
also providing a portable means of protection. The addition... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Under the United States Constitution, Article V, Amendment II, all people have the right to
bear arms, allowing them to own a gun and use it, but the government believes some types of
guns, such as automatic rifles, should not be accessible to people, violating the Constitution (
Gun Control ). On February 28, 1994, the Brady Bill was passed by congress to add more
conditions on firearms by establishing a five day waiting period to people purchasing a handgun
in order to give enough time for a licensed dealer to conduct a background check on the customer
(Agresti). Not only do customers have to wait additional days in order to receive their handguns
for protection, but they are evaluated by a stranger to see if they are competent enough to do as
much as even own a gun. Associations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) have been
established in order to comply with government concerns of firearms by creating licenses for
gun owners and teaching proper use of firearms. As of March 17, 2010, the National Rifle
Association of America, Institute for Legal Action has released news that House Bill 453
(HB453) and House Bill 542 (HB542) were released and have added the possibility of allowing
the storage of firearms in specialized car compartments and increasing voting registration for
people with hunting licenses or permits in order to promote pro gun usage in society respectively.
Gun control is a major
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River 7 Rh Case Study
1. Introduction Flood mitigation and management has been analysed within the Pickering Beck
catchment and River Seven catchment. The introduction of the slowing the flow scheme
provides a new approach to flood management, the authorisation and construction of several
natural measures aim to reduce the frequency of future floods in Pickering. Within this report,
the effectiveness and geomorphic impact of each measure will be discussed, in addition to an
attempt to determine the longevity of each measure by means of fieldwork and other literature.
2. Implementation of Measures 2.1 Large Woody Debris dams (LWD) A large woody debris
dam (LWD) is a framework composed of logs and branches that bestride the water channel and
are secured in place by wiring and wedging the logs to posts or stumps along the bankside. The
purpose of construction of such dams in Pickering is to restrict and slow... Show more content on
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However, unless LWD is obstructing more than 10% of the cross sectional area of a river it will
not have an impact on water levels (Trayer, 2000).The 104 dams surveyed and modelled within
the Pickering Beck catchment were estimated to provide a total of 1,020 m3 storage for a 1 in
25 year flood on the provision that there was sufficient porosity in order to prevent overflow
during higher frequency events. The flood storage potential carries on developing for lesser
frequency flood events for most dams but at a very slow pace. This reflects their swamping at
increasingly higher flows (Forestry Commission, 2015). Storage capacities are predicted to largely
rise with increasing flood flows as a result of more water being forced onto the
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My Experience Of Homecoming
Homecoming The first time I went back home after coming to college was a rollercoaster of
emotions. After arriving home I was embraced with open arms by my mom and dad. This was
the first time I had seen them since being dropped off at college and I suddenly realized how
much I missed them. I called every so often but being in my own home being able to talk and
with them was something I hadn t ever experienced. All of my worries about homework and
future exams were gone and I got to enjoy the company of my parents. At the beginning of
college I constantly felt like I couldn t be myself. Coming home these feelings vanished because
I was surrounded by those who loved me. After spending a few hours catching up, I went to
reconnect with my high school friends. Seeing them I was flooded with nostalgia because these
were the guys I had spent my life getting to know. We sat around a campfire and talked all about
our college experiences each with a different story. It felt surreal because even in this short time
I could tell everyone had changed. We all were more mature and in the little time we had grown
slightly apart. This was hard to admit but we all could tell. Throughout the campfire we shared
stories and laughed at our experiences during our first few months of college. Being back with
friends was different because every so often we would text or snapchat our friends from college.
You could tell we all appreciated being back but we had made a new home at our colleges.
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The Roles of Rituals in Guests of the Sheik by Elizabeth...
Every Culture has a set of rituals that they partake in, that are often constructed over a long period
of time. Simple Actions, and special moments contain so much meaning and make everlasting
memories. All rituals despite the locations they originate from, or the location they are carried out
in contain the same components, they are repetitive, symbolic, remind a certain group of people
about their values and beliefs, and these rituals commemorate a significant moment. For example
christians commemorate the birth of christ by attending mass, and many other cultures celebrate
this moment in many different ways that have in depth symbolic meaning. In the book Guests of
the Sheik by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea rituals play a major role. Fernea s husband Bob is an
anthropologist studying the occupants of a small village named El Nahra and their culture. Fernea
has documented her experiences, and adventures, and her perspective of the many rituals that the
townspeople participate in such as, Ramadan, Muharram, weddings, and pilgrimages. In Muslim
culture pilgrimages are immensely important and can even lead to an elevated status. Such as the
pilgrimage to Mecca. Fernea is able to participate in a pilgrimage to Karbala with a couple of the
towns women she had befriended. The Pilgrimage to Karbala is a symbolic, and cultural ritualin the
aspect that it is reenacted every year, and is full of symbolic meaning, commemorates an important
occasion and reminds a culture about their
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The Army Campaign Plan
the most important and why? Give an example of something that the Army could do to enhance
capabilities in that domain. The most important imperative of four in the Army Campaign Plan is
develop leaders to meet the challenges of the 21st century because in the future leaders will deal a
tough realistic environment and must be willing to adapt to the mission, threat or operational
environment. We must train soldiers and leaders to ensure they are prepared to accomplish the
mission across the range of military operations while operating in complex environments against
determined, adaptive enemy organizations . This is the eighth of twenty Army Warfighting
Challenges enduring first order problems, the solutions to which will improve current and future
force combat effectiveness. These challenges are reviewed and updated as needed to remain
applicable for the future force. Although the exact challenges in the future are unknown, based
on increase in cyber security intrusions, the spread of disease and terrorism on the home front, it
can only be assumed that these type of actions will increase. In this case future leaders must be
trained to deal with these occurrences. To do so changes must occur not only in training but also
in policy. It does the US Army a disservice if policies are not implemented to address the above
challenges. In the JCIDS process, the role of concepts in developing capabilities include turning
visions into a more detailed description of the
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Ryan Lochte s Gas Station Scandal
Case Analysis: Lochtegate
Ryan Lochte s gas station scandal in Brazil during Olympics
Alycia Ikegami The Olympics is a worldwide event when countries all over the world come together
and celebrate culture, sportsmanship and athleticism. It is an opportunity for people to come
together, whether at the venue or at home, it is a celebration full of excitement. During this time,
swimmer Ryan Lochte, along with three other swimmers, were involved in an incident at a local
gas station in Rio de Janeiro. It was reported on Sunday Aug 14, 2016, US Olympian Ryan Lochte
and three other swimmers claimed they were robbed at gunpoint. The swimmers had stopped at the
gas station to use the bathroom when the incident occurred. Lochte was the first of the group to
speak publicly on the incident. When the story first came out, Lochte had told NBC News Billy
Bush that a gun was pointed at his head. This was only the beginning of the public relations crisis
case. Three days later, Lochte, returned to the United States and continued to stick to his story
while being interviewed by the Today Show s Matt Lauer. In the mean time, two of the swimmers
were pulled off a plane. The passports of the other swimmers were being held while they were
being questioned, not being able to leave the country. Four days after the initial incident, Rio police
announced that Lochte had lied about what had happened at the gas station. The real story behind
this incident is that the men had
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Symbolism In In The Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez
Rafael Trujillo s dictatorship lasted for nearly 30 years. His reign brought destruction and death
to many people living in the Dominican Republic as well as its neighbor Haiti. In the Time of the
Butterflies by Julia Alvarez depicts the story of the mirabal sisters who were living during the time
of Trujillo s regime. The Mirabal sisterswere women who tried to fight against Trujillo s evil ways
and ended up being murdered because of his thirst for power. Trujillo s reign began in the 1930 s
and ended in the early 1960 s. The story s setting takes place in the Dominican Republicduring the
1950 s and follows the transition of the Mirabal sisters from young girls to powerful females.
Symbolism is found in every chapter of the novel Alvarez... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In the very beginning of the novel Alvarez simply uses the blowing of wind to symbolise
something more than just wind. Alvarez writes a chill goes through her the future is now
beginning ... she doesn t want to be the only one left to tell their story in this scene the wind
blowing gives Dede a chill about her future (10). This foreshadows her future which is that she
will be the only member of her family that survives the untimely death of her sisters. However, at
times the descriptions of rain are very profound in Alvarez s novel. Right after this description of
Dede being afraid to be the only one left to tell their story it begins to rain. Now as ig drops of
rain had started though the night is as clear as the sound of a bell this scene foreshadows Dede s
future of being the sole survivor to become true as time passed on (10). The rain symbolises a
mysterious and frightening scenario which for Dede is being the only one who will live to tell
their story. Furthermore, Alvarez describes a scenario which involves whether to symbolize
PAtria s coming of age. Patria describes how she could see outside the window the brilliant red
flames lit in every tree and beyond some threatening thunderclouds (47). This quote is a strong
symbol of Patria becoming a woman and being faced with the decision of being a parent one day
or joining the church and becoming a nun. Earlier in the scene
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Summary Of Why The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted By...
Hierarchical organizations, like high risk activism, allow individuals to obtain strong ties.
Malcolm Gladwell argues in his essay Why the Revolution will not be Tweeted , that technology
cannot be used for high risk activism because it is not disciplined enough to be used for strong
bonds; however, technology can be used for low risk activism. He speaks about people having
thousands of friends on Facebook, but those online friends are not the real friends who will hold
strong ties. Without discipline, movements would not be considered high risk activism because
strong hierarchy is consists of moments without violence. In the story Return to Hayneville ,
Gregory Orr explains the civil right movement that he cooperated with was a civil rights group for
racially integrated delegates at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He realized that to be part of a hierarchical group, one must fight back, but not physically. Orr
learned from his experience strong ties are found from hierarchy movements and high activism.
Gladwell explains technology cannot be used for high activism because it does not contain the
bases of hierarchy, meanwhile throughout Orr s experience strong ties were formed without the
use of technology. Hierarchical organizations allow witnesses to express their passion by setting
clear goals with the use of strong ties. Organized and disciplined activism allow witnessed
individuals fight back mentally to achieve their set goals, whereas low risk activism prevents us
from setting goals. As Orr suffered at the barn, he discovered the high risk activisms and strong
ties within the barns, ... that for every martyr whose life was resolved into a meaningful death,
there were hundreds of others who were merely beaten, terrorized humiliated. Even as I sank into
depression and broader in the shifting heat of that jail barn, I was learning in the shifting head of
that jail/barn, I was learning that I wanted to live (233). Orr suffered from beating and humiliation,
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Benefits Of The GI Bill Of Rights
During the WWII public sentiment grew to help World War II veterans return to civilian life.
Most veterans had served for a long duration. Millions of American service members had served
for four years or more. Some 671,8l7 men and women had been wounded, and 405,399 had been
killed. Hundreds of thousands of dependents were left in need. Congress responded in 1944 with
the Servicemen s Readjustment Act, the GI Bill of Rights. President Roosevelt signed the bill,
which dramatically transformed the concept of veteran s benefits, into law on June 22. There
were three key provisions. The first benefit provided up to four years of education or training. The
education package included the payment of up to $500 a school year for tuition, fees, books
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Hamlets Oedipus Complex Essays
Various works of literature contain characters who embody the elements of the classic Oedipus
Complex, that of a son with an undue and unhealthy attachment to his mother. D.H Lawrence
amp;#8217;s Sons and Lovers, along with other early modernist works, shows how a son
amp;#8217;s bond to his mother can lead to that character amp;#8217;s major downfall. Even
earlier than works of the late 19th Centurydoes the Oedipus Complex appear, in this case, William
Shakespeare amp;#8217;s Hamlet. Shakespeare amp;#8217;s play about the Prince of Denmark
shows the beginning of an OedipalComplex, with Hamlet amp;#8217;s jealousy of his uncle
Claudius for marrying his mother Gertrude and the rage that Hamlet amp;#8217;s emulation causes.
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He furthers his reasoning behind the marriage causing the depression, claiming that the union can
do no good amp;#8220;But break [his] heart ; (1.2.159).
Hamlet amp;#8217;s explains his rage in the first act of the play, but it is not until scene 4 of the
third act that we see the full view of his Oedipus Complex. Here, Gertrude is joined by Hamlet in
a bedroom moments after Polonius, the Queen amp;#8217;s counselor, advises her to warn Hamlet
that amp;#8220;his pranks have been too broad to bear with ; (3.4.2). Hamlet, upon killing
Polonius, compares his amp;#8220;bloody ; act to that of amp;#8220;kill[ing] a king, and
marry[ing] with his brother, ; blatantly expressing his mortification and disapproval with Gertrude
amp;#8217;s marriage to Claudius(3.4.29). He then begins to berate his mother, but with many
sexual references:
amp;#8220;That blurs the grace and blush of modesty,
Calls virtue hypocrite, takes off the rose
From the fair forehead of an innocent love
And sets a blister there, makes marriage vows
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Argument Paper On Gun Control
Position Paper on Gun Control
While Americans were contemplating gun control proposals in the wake of mass shootings at a
Colorado School, another gunman massacred 50 people in a club in Orlando. This incident brought
heated political exchanges between President Obama and Trump, the Republican presidential
candidate. It is estimated that in 2015 alone, there were more than 351 mass shootings in the United
States. This is a worrying trend that should be reversed as soon as possible. Surprisingly, the trend
has divided Americans into two groups. On one extreme end, there are those Americans who
believe that the government should enforce gun control. On the other end, some Americans insist
that stricter gun controls will not help in the fight against killings. In this light, this paper will try to
provide a detailed analysis of the gun control debate while highlighting the various points made by
the proponents and opponents of the gun control. The essay posits that gun control is
The debate on gun control revolves around how the laws to be implemented will affect the
acquisition of guns by the criminals as well as law abiding citizens. Gun control proponents are of
the opinion that in the absence of gun control laws, criminals will acquire guns too easily. In the
same vein, if all citizens are armed, criminals will have a greater incentive to acquire guns. Hence,
there will be too many guns in circulation and crime cases will increase. Contrastingly, gun
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Examples Of Evil In Cormac Mccarthy The Road
Riley Braun, Caleb Godard, Hannah Jonesia, Garrett Leeson
Miss Burton
Pre AP English 2
September 9, 2015
Necessary Evil
Words That Give Direction: Support, Refute, Qualify
Important Words: Support, Belief support: experienced father, naive/innocent boy belief: state in
Thesis: In Cormac McCarthy s The Road, the idea that someone cannot experience goodness before
they discover evil is strengthened by the dynamic between the cautious father and the naive and
innocent nature of the boy.
Paragraph 1: father s struggle with morality
CD1: fell back instantly and lay with blood bubbling from a hole in his head,
CD2: the boy crying and looking back at the nude and slatlike creature standing there in the road
and shivering and hugging himself
Paragraph 2: boy s compassion
CD1: carrying the fire
CD2: I don t want the gun.
The idea that evil may be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the man faces choosing lesser evils in order to survive, he compliments the goodness found
in his son, who instead of basing his actions off his own survival, he bases them off his innocent
desire to be and do good, as he asks his father on several occasions after partaking in questionable
acts if they are still carrying the fire. While his father is preoccupied with survival, he is focused
on helping those survivors he sees around him in a naive hope to be the good guy. At one point,
his father thinks death is right around the corner and tells his son to take the gun, but his son
refuses saying, I don t want the gun, (70.5 6). The boy only associates the gun with its ability to
take life away, excluding the protection it gives him and his father, which in his eyes makes the
gun a symbol of evil and destruction; something he wishes to be separate from. However, the boy
takes the gun anyways, finally realizing that its evil is necessary in order to survive, so that he
may continue to carry the fire of the good
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Describe the different roles in a business buying center....
A.Describe the different roles in a business buying center. Then outline which individuals might
play those roles in the process of buying food for a school cafeteria.
Buying centers have numerous of roles of participation in the purchasing decision process. There
are users who are the people who actually use the goods and services. Their role in the consumer
decision making are very important. The user may help to facilitate the purchase actions by
requesting specific products and they made aid in the development of a specific product s
specifications. A prime example of this is Office Depot whose customers have influence the
purchase of office equipment. A user has the buying power to change the market direction of a
business. Because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There would be no export expense of coffee beans and the general office of Starbucks in Mexico
could purchase direct from the growers in Mexico to cut cost. The presence of Starbucks would
promote domestic business and will also provide more jobs within that country. Because
Starbucks have most of its coffee beans exported from Latin American as a marketer I would
look into building a grow and processing plant for the production of coffee beans within the
country of Mexico. It would be great for Starbucks to expand more into the coffee market and
promote as well as produce a better product for the world s consumption.
Market growth is important for an expanding company like Starbucks. Farm land and a
processing plant with provide a great deal of economic stability for the country of Mexico and its
people. New jobs would be available and training of different jobs position would now be required.
An expansion of Starbucks would also develop a social cultural relationship with Starbucks and the
newly employed Mexican Starbucks employees. Not only would Starbucks improve the economic
status of the people who would be employed by the company. A plan should be implemented to
offer better healthcare and educational benefits to establish help to move forward for the struggles
that directly affect the Mexican communities while politicizing youth, in the hope that their
commitment to fundamental social change will
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Information Literacy Standards
The paper Information literacy standards for student learning is all about student learning standards
they go in detail about each type of standards and the indictor for each type of learning standards.
Within the paper they discuss the nine standards of information literacy standards, allow with
talking about the nine standards for student learningthey include a few indicator for each standards
so that a teacher may know if they are hitting on the standards and also better able to tell if there
students are also getting the standard they are trying to teach. Information LiteracyStandards for
Student Learning provides a conceptual framework and broad guidelines for describing the
information literate student. The standards consist of
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The Challenges In The Case Of Tata Motors
Ratan Tata initiated and proposed to produce and deliver a passenger car at the Annual General
Meeting but his ideas were taken immaterial by industry experts at that point of time. His strong
determination and vision helped to complete Indica s project successfully.
Tata Motors faced many challenges in the process of moving to produce passenger cars from
producing commercial vehicles. They are as follows:
The industry benchmark for entry level cars was Maruti 800. Tata Motorswithout compromising
with quality have to develop a car with more spacious and cheaper than Maruti 800.
The degree of competition was very high. Fiat India had launched Uno, Hyundai had launched
Santro, Daewoo Motor had launched Matiz in small cars segment due to ... Show more content on
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Getting the license from the collaborator for manufacturing.
Outsourcing 80 % of the value of Indica from 200 odd vendors. As if the Tata Motors would
produced the products of their own it would incur high cost and difficult to compete in the market.
After the materials outsourced were received it were assembled.
Forming new alliances in order to save resources as well as reduce cost of manufacturing. Due to
formation of new alliances the lead time for manufacturing were also reduced as most of the
materials were outsourced.
Just in Time approach Tata Motors had maintained the inventory levels. They applied just in time
inventory. It helped to keep inventory levels low which reduces the costs too.
Tata group also invested in companies like TACO, this is an example of overcoming the
The trusted supplier were whom the authority was given for manufacturing parts of the car.
Improvement programme was also organised which consisted of 13 steps. To know how the
product was performing. Regular check on the materials purchased from the suppliers were done to
ensure good
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Unit 4 Assignment 4 Prosopagnosia
PSYC 4210 Assignment 4 Prosopagnosia
There are several different types of psychological and neurological phenomena that individuals live
with every day. One of most interesting conditions that many individuals might not be aware of is
prosopagnosia or face blindness. Prosopagnosia is the inability to recognize and distinguish faces.
For example, individuals with this condition could have difficulty recognizing their child s, spouse
s, parent s, or friend s face. Many individuals with prosopagnosia will rely on other features to
distinguish between other people, such as hair style or color, voices, or posture. As discussed in
Chapter 3, prosopagnosia is thought to affect the Fusiform Face Area.
Having Prosopagnosia can pose a variety of different
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Observed From The Standpoint Within Western Culture, It
Observed from the standpoint within Western Culture, it can be a challenge to fully step out of the
context of it to gain an outside perspective. Nevertheless, it appears as a necessary aspect to
question what is culture and what is not, to therefore get a clearer understanding of what we are as
humans. Western Culturecan arguably be considered one of the most influential cultures to the rest
of the world, and is embedded deeply in the globalization movement of the world. It is not a
surprise to find an English book or a McDonald s in Thailand, Nigeria, or Israel. Western Culture
has spread its roots to nearly all corners of the world, bringing with it the ideals of the industrial
revolution, capitalism, along with many other notions.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Buddhist community also shares many beliefs including the Four Nobel Truths, the Eight Fold
Path, the Law of Karma, and the Middle Way. American Buddhist is a constantly growing
community that encompasses people from many paths. It is stated, [f]or rough comparative
purposes, it is probably safe to say that the number of Buddhists in America constitutes somewhere
between 0.5percent and 1.5 percent of the total population (Gregory 237). This minute demographic
is largely influenced by Thailand, which is where the temple I attend, Wat Florida Dhammaram, is
founded by. This is not the only culture that affects the American Buddhist community; it is truly a
cocktail of different influences, including Western Culture. Rightfully, it is expressed, [w]hat often
gets overlooked in discussions of American Buddhism is that it is developing within a larger global
context... (Gregory 249). Buddhism is evolving in many different countries, and recently has began
to become integrated in Western countries through the globalization of the world and particularly
through information available via electronics.
Frequently when attempting Wat Florida Dhammaram, I reflect on what living in a country like
Thailand would be like. I often consider how the culture would be different in other places also like
Colombia. These two countries can mistakenly be observed through eyes obscured by
ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is accurately
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Food Politics
The ways in which the food system is failing us are numerous. It is failing some in quantity, while
failing others in quality. The only members of the food system that are not being exploited are the
corporate food producers, and that is because they are the exploiters in this equation. Just like the
schoolyard that we are all familiar with, there are two groups on the foodsystem playground; the
bullied and the bullies. In comparison to the schoolyard example, the bullies are in the minority,
consisting here of transnational corporations and other large organizations with one goal in mind:
profit maximization. In the majority are the bullied, consisting of not only the lowly consumers
such as you and I, but also small farms and even... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is following two decades of economic liberalization, allowing Agri TNCs to develop
enormously in size, power and influence.
Bayer, Monsanto and DuPont are a few of the better known agri transnational corporations, the key
players in this globalization and domination game (ETC Group 2008). In total, there are six large
agro chemical manufacturers that control nearly 75% of the global pesticide market, [and] are also
seed industry giants. thus creating an oligopoly (ETC Group 2008).
A small collection of large companies produces the majority of goods, giving consumers the ability
to choose the best of the worst. This allows the corporations belonging to the oligopoly to
collaborate on price, both at a consumer and employee level, protecting their profit margins by
continually oppressing the consumers and workers into either accepting the offered price, or
receiving nothing.
Farmers are often bound by lengthy contracts to buy farm inputs from, and sell a specified crop, to
the same corporation. This translates into farmers being held at ransom at every step of production.
They are exceedingly dependent on a corporate package while denying communities control over
their own food and future. The package consists of high cost inputs including synthetic fertilizers,
chemical pesticides and unsustainable genetically modified seeds that do not germinate as easily,
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The Importance of Social Networking
Social Networking
Andrea Whitfield
Ashford State University
INF 103 March 15, 2010
In today s society knowledge, having technical skills and access to information technologies, is
becoming very important for people who have become open mind and supportive with social
connections. Although resources and opportunities may be available, one may not necessarily
be aware of their existence, or even have direct access to them. In those cases, getting to know
people from different backgrounds, grades of expertise, and social levels turns out to be essential
or can be negative from all areas of networking. For instance, who among us has never needed a
letter of recommendation in order to get a job, or had to rely on a referral in ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Badoo has an estimated 124 million users, a truly global operation, the site is managed and run
from London, and most of its users are based in Latin America, Spain, Italy and France.(Connell,
2009) The list continues with Bebo at 117 million users bought by AOL. LinkedIn has 115
million users and is a business based social network. Orkut, 100 million users is another Google
owned site; Orkut is very popular in India and Brazil. MySpace with 50million users once
dominated the social networking market, but declined steadily from 2008. Social networking is
growing stead vastly and will continue to grow with the advance of technology.(Connell,2009)
Social networking is a place where the sense of popularity is known and the more friends you
have on your face book the more popular you seem to become, but is this good or bad? How
many of your friends on face book do you actually know when you see them out and about and how
many of them do you interact with? Many people have taken to adding anyone they think they have
something in common with on face book for one reason or another. Just because they added them
does not mean they will ever communicate with them.
The bad part of all this has to do with status and in a society where people want to be more than
just that person we have come to want more friends on face book. Twitter is the same way but can
be ugly as many people and their favorite stars to
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Contemporary Benefits of the European Union
Stability, security, and prosperity are qualities every individual desires, yet achieving such
conditions may be a struggle in certain parts of the world. In Europe where two world wars have
erupted, multiple wars/battles have broken out between countries, and where the Black Plague
swept through; causalities are high and resentment is established in some cultures. Yet the continent
is beautiful everlasting landscape from the green rolling hills of Ireland to the snow capped
mountains of the Alps, every country has its beauty. A group of nations desired to keep European
states safe and preserved, so they established the European Union(EU). Objectives of the European
Union is to have respect for liberty, democracy, human rights,... Show more content on
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The EU U.S. are aware of the effects these issues cause directly and indirectly, and so together they
try to guide countries to democracy. In Afghanistan the EU U.S. have given vital help to the
government and people and are committed to freedom and human rights. However, between the
two government systems they do have contrasting views on the death penalty and trading. The
Transatlantic relationship encompasses crisis management, education, and research, along with
spurring entrepreneurial activity by extracting talents from both markets. The EU and U.S. wish to
spark interest in the foreign partnership so they establish competitions and conferences to build
understand of the other partner s market and government. This robust relationship is essential for
both markets to function, but is crucial for the world economy to function properly. The Euro, the
second most used international currency, second most traded currency, and is in a third of foreign
transactions, and amazingly the euro was developed in 1999. The euro was created by the EU s
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in response to creating a unity between the EU Member
States. The EMU has three main stages it passed through to achieve the single market for the EU.
First stage was to establish the single market, second came the European Monetary Institute, and the
final stage was
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Wait Till Next Year Summary Essays
Wait Till Next Year, by Doris Kearns Goodwin, is a personal memoire of Goodwin s life growing
up in Rockville Centre, New York during the 1950s. Goodwin talks about multiple members of her
family, including her father, Michael, her mother, Helen, her two sisters, Charlotte and Jeanne, and
her best friend while growing up, Eileen. The memoire includes many memories of how she and
her familywere affected during the atomic bomb and McCarthyism. Also in her story, she highlights
the good and bad things about growing up as a suburban child. Goodwin has great memories about
her neighborhood. She had many memories of her school, church, and time spent with her favorite
team, the Dodgers, which were all positive. She said, Our street...was... Show more content on
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Many of the people in the community liked the Dodgers as well, but there were some who liked
teams from the Yankees to the Giants. Even though there were different team choices throughout
the community, baseball was a thing everyone enjoyed. Goodwin remembers most where the events
within the community with the people she was surrounded by. Goodwin s memories of the 1950s
were very positive, however the family life made growing up somewhat negative. During most
of Goodwin s life, her mother suffered from different illnesses that would cause problems in the
household. Most of the time, her mother, Helen, was too sick to have company over, which was
very stereotypical during that time. When television came around, the family would host
gatherings. When Helen was asked if she could have more gatherings Helen would reply, but I
simply can t do it. Even now, I am so exhausted just from having everyone here that I ve got to lie
down for a little while (Goodwin 122). Goodwin s sister, Jeanne, took many roles that Helen
could not because Helen was so sick. Goodwin stated that, For as long as I can remember, she
was a surrogate mother, looking out for me, taking care of me when my mother was sick
(Goodwin 37). Goodwin would recall many stories of Jeanne doing tasks that their mother would
do. This made her Goodwin feel embarrassed, which is where the negative
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  • 4. Masculinity In Shakespeare s Time Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain. And you gain it by winning small battles with honor (Mailer, n.d). This quote by Norman Mailer faultlessly describes masculinity in a way that should be considered and reflected on by the majority of people in our society today. Masculinity may be difficult to understand, but as humans, we have the access and ability to discover and examine all the possible meanings of masculinityby different scholars, academics, peers and even through theatre to discover the true meaning of such ideologies we choose to identify ourselves with. William Shakespeare is an extremely perceptive and suggestive author who is rich in his writing. Although Shakespeare s writing is not solely a dialogue on women s studies, it does nonetheless share and consists of issues in women s studies and gender ideology. Not only does Shakespeare reflect, he occasionally supports the English Renaissance stereotypes of men and women and the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, when reflecting upon the character Orsino, one may begin to question this. A significant attribute that exemplified masculinity was the Renaissance Beard. Sexual differences and appearances in the early modern period have differed significantly in society s matters of these distinctions today. In the Renaissance period, facial hair often granted masculinity as the beard made the man (Fisher, 2009). The array of male features and prosthetic body parts such as the genitals can definitely distinguish the differences between male and female, however, in the Renaissance period, something as simple as the growth of a beard will signify manhood. Therefore, it is obvious that masculinity can be presented through a combination of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Journal Article Risk Assessment Journal Article Summary Article Reference Mendes Santos, L. C., Mograbi, D., Spenciere, B., Charchat Fichman, H. (2015). Specific algorithm method of scoring the Clock Drawing Test applied in cognitively normal elderly. Dementia Neuropsychologia, 9(2), 128 135. doi:10.1590 /1980 57642015DN92000007 Purpose of the study The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the representation of each elderly individual on the CDT scale and also to analyze the inter rater dependability using the CDT scale which was scored based on using a unique and particular algorithm method which was adapted by Sunderland (1989). Hypothesis This study hypothesized that an algorithm which was used for scoring on the CDT scale. To prove whether their hypothesis... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were 6 independent examiners that took part in the scoring on the CDT scale, each took part in scoring 30 participants to help evaluate the inter rater reliability of each individual. Procedure Utilized All participants were required to complete the same procedure of cognitive screening tests. The tests were applied in a specific sequence that being: [1] the MMSE, [2] the Memory Test, [3] the Verbal Fluency test, [4] the CDT, [5] and The Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. Aside from completing the cognitive and functional evaluations, each individual was required to complete the Geriatric Depression Scale as well. Summary of Results The results of the current study showed that no meaningful correlation was found among the school and CDT or the age and the CDT, a Pearson s correlation was used to rate the relationship of each elderly individual which included schooling, age and the MMSE also including the CDT scores. They found a significant positive correlation among the MMSE and the CDT. The investigation, which included inter rater dependability of the CDT which was scored by using the criteria and were used based on Sunderland (1989). This displayed that the mean was in the range of 5.06 and 5.96. Here there was a significant positive correlation that was found together among the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Peter Singer Analysis Poverty and hunger is a common social issue that affects a large percentage of the world population, and has troubled nations all over the world for thousands of years. It s an issue that we can experience every day without realizing it. We might see a commercial asking for donations on television, or a homeless woman asking for money to feed her son at the bus stop, or in the news when they talk about children dying of starvation. Now, this issue brings out a particular question; are we obligated to donate and help those in need? Do we have a moral obligation to do so? Or is helping those in need morally optional? Peter Singer and Jan Narveson both discuss this issue, yet both have very different opinions. Peter in one hand, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He believes helping those in need, and giving donation, is completely optional. Opposed to Peter s belief, Jan indicated that there is a distinction from not preventing something bad from happening, than actually making it happen. For example, If I was to lock you in a room and let you starve to death, I have consiensly murder you. But if someone else was to do the same thing to you, you would have died of starvation. The outcome was not intended by my actions. If was to know that you were starving, I might feel pity for you and would want to help you, or pehaps I would feel indifferent to what you are going thought, either way, my previous activities did not cause your outcome, therefore I may choose if I want to help you or not. Jan also indicates that there is a difference between justice and charity. Justice are those actions that we are enforced to do. Charity is not. Charity is voluntarily wanting to help and benefit those less fortunate. It is sometimes morally allowed to force someone to fulfill their justice duties, but it is not morally allowed to force someone to be charitable. Charity is something you do because you want to, and perhaps there is emotion behind that action. If we force people to be charitable, it will no longer be charity, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Write An Argumentative Essay On Pythons Once an invasive species arrives, it s just about impossible to get rid of it Sean Hanna. In America, there are thousands of invasive species including the pythons; pythons are extremely dangerous, and are known for their elusiveness. Invasive species also include: starlings, asian carps, wild pigs, and Medflies. Although these invasive species are terrorizing America s magnificent and beautiful nature, there are possibilities to eliminate their population. Invasive species are annihilating the population of native species. One example of an invasive species is the python. These creatures are invading Florida and decreasing the population of other species; they may reach New York in 2100. Pythons are extremely elusive, so it s hard to catch them. Another example of an invasive species are the starling birds; these birds can roost in hordes up to 1 million. Starling birds are lethal because of their droppings which cause diseases. Additionally, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Specifically, exotic snakes have been banned from being imported to Florida. Secondly, Floridians are organizing hunts to control the population of pythons. So far, a starling bird solution is not found; experts have tried all sorts of strategies to deal with starlings, including itching powder, electrical wires, poison, and fireworks (9). The medfly is another example of an invasive specie, but this pest is difficult to handle, so the medflies are being monitored. Additionally, if a medfly approaches a home or farm, a quarantine group comes in to stop it from contaminating and spreading. In Texas, they allow hunters to kill wild pigs all year around; meat is then delivered and eaten at restaurants as exotic meat. Carps are a huge food source in Asia; experts hope that Americans rely on them as a food source. So far their plan has failed. It is possible to slow the progression of invasive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Walter Mitty Comparison The short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber share similarities to the romantic comedy The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, the movie, but they also contain many differences.* The short story tells a tale of a man escape reality whilst the movie displays the man daydreaming to enhance reality. Similarly, Walter Mitty in both stories is a man that daydreams to a big extent. His daydreams always involve women as the root cause. In the short story, Walter attempts to daydream fun things to escape the terrible situation between him and his wife and the movie depicts him daydreaming to fantasize a life with himself and his crush. To compare, both Walters daydream have the same cause, but the content and meaning is entirely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. D1 Evaluate the Distribution Systems in Delivering Goods... D1 Evaluate the distribution systems in delivering goods and services for a selected organisation This assignment will be discussing about when I was working as a logistics manager for Morrisons and we will be talking about how Morrisons distribution system works and evaluating the system. Morrisons market share as of August 2013 was 11.3%, making it the smallest of the Big Four supermarkets, behind Tesco (30.1%), Sainsbury s (16.6%) and Asda (16.4%), but ahead of the fifth place Co operative Group, which had a share of 4.4% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Morrisons. There is currently 569 stores across the UK and this means that the distribution system must be effective and be able to deliver goods to the Morrisons stores in time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Morrisons Logistics manager will also have to ensure that they have the products in stock when they need it so they don t run out of the products and this way they can replenish the stock before its completely finished because when stock is finished even for a small time it means that customers aren t happy and result in moving to other brands which are Morrisons competitors. For example customers wanted pineapples in Morrisons then the logistics manager will need to be able to respond to this demand quickly in order to satisfy the customer, even if the product isn t available to the logistics manager they must be able to pull few strings in order to keep their customers happy and returning to them therefore logistics managers need to be able to keep up with consumers demands. If consumers demand a lot of apples then the logistics manager needs to be able to find a big supply in order to meet consumers demands to keep their consumers happy as apples are available all year around which means that they need to find sustainable sources and suppliers. Morrisons has also teamed up with Eddie Stobart who transport goods at a very quick speed and this is needed by logistics managers in order to meet demands in time before the consumers no longer want the product. Tesco also have a contract with logistics company Eddie Stobart so that they can transport goods from the manufacturers to the warehouses quickly and from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The influence of Individual Visit Scheme Essay Academic Year 2013/2014 MGMT4160 42121 Selected topics in Management Group project Title: The influence of Individual Visit Scheme in Hong Kong and Macau Background The Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) began on 28 July 2003. This scheme allows Mainland resident visit Hong Kong or Macau on an individual basis. Before the scheme, China resident must travel to Hong Kong or Macau with a business visa or group tours. In general, as long as people is in the scope of cities, it can take the simple visa (Special licensing) procedure going to Hong Kong or Macao, people can stay at most a week in the period. From now, 49 Mainland China cities resident can use individual traveler visit Hong Kong and Macao. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The imbalance of industrial structure, the high earning of gambling industry in Macau drives other industries manpower flow to the gambling industry that other industry s manpower is shortage, the small and medium enterprises difficult to maintain their living. Second the Parallel Traders problems increase the demand of household items especially for baby milk powder that affects the local residents demand which caused the Hong Kong government enacted the limit of milk powder. Parallel Traders lead to influence on the surrounding environment and the rent increased, especially Sheung Shui and Tai Po of Hong Kong those boundary areas. Serious traffic congestion, both Macau and Hong Kong are facing many vehicles and many Mainland visitors crowd in street and Macau s street restricted by terrain, narrow and circuitous. More and more casino s construction projects started many vehicles, tour bus and free shuttle bus come into use pushing the pressure on the traffic. Crime increased, Hong Kong and Macau has increased many crimes due to open for Individual visit scheme especially for Mainland. The visitors breached the law most of them was sneaked to Hong Kong or Macau but after the scheme the criminals was through the boarder gate openly came to Hong Kong or Macau. The cases of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Short Story Merlin Run By Ernest Hemingway Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. Merlin run. He said inaudibly. Causing them both to book it. Merlin surprisingly wasn t that slow. Almost keeping up with the Pendragon. The sorceress used magic to shift in front of them. The three stood there waiting for someone to attack. Do you really want to do this? Merlin asked. Do you really want to kill him? You know the future kingdom he shall create. And people like you are just making it harder for me to get him there. Arthur was confused. What was happening? Why was Merlin talking to her like he owned Arthur? I am positive I want to do this. She snickered. Why? Killing Arthur will only make the magic laws worse. Who said I was killing Arthur? She shook her head. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You did nothing bad. I promise you. What did Arthur say to make the small child panic? Did he not want to leave Gaius? Then why am I going to Camelot? Mommy said that when people like me go to Camelot they die. I don t want to die. Is the mean king going to kill me. Arthur was shocked. People like him? Die? The mean king? Merlin. You aren t here to die. Arthur brought you here to Gaius started to explain to him but stopped when he saw the boy shaking. Gaius hugged the boy as he started to cry. Arthur looked at Gaius and Gaius just gave him a look that said You do something! Merlin? Can you come here? Arthur asked softly. Merlin looked up at Arthur and slowly walked over still sniffling. Merlin, I promise you that no one will hurt you while you re staying with me. Okay? Merlin looked up at him and slowly nodded. Then he tackled Arthur in a hug and continued trembling. Come on let s go see my dad. I m sure he would love to meet you. Arthur knew his father wouldn t like to meet him. Arthur walked to the throne room with an awestruck Merlin. Father? Arthur entered the room to see Uther pacing the room, thinking. Uther s head shot up with annoyance when he heard his name but smiled when he realized it was
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  • 13. Afghanistan War Research Paper The war in Afghanistan has a complex history that goes back decades before the start of the fighting. The conflict started in 1978 when the Peoples Party came to power in Afghanistan, they ruled over the people with an iron fist. The Mujahideen stood up to the government and the Sour Revolution began. When the Soviet Union entered into Afghanistanto support the government we became afraid that communism would take over the country, and we sent supplies to the Mujahideen to aid them in their fight. The United Stateswas fighting a proxy war with the Soviet Union, meaning that we were not fighting their troops with ours, but were aiding opposite sides of an existing fight. The Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1988 and 1989, and the warlords that were part of the Mujahideen take over and rule parts of the country. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Saddam Hussein became the leader of Iraq in 1979, and his regime was very brutal and ruled with an iron fist. Add about Iraq Iran war. In 1990 Iraq invaded the small neighboring country Kuwait because Saddam said that it was part of Iraq even though it is not. That started the Persian Gulf War. We then sent troops to Saudi Arabia to protect it from an invasion from Iraq for its oil. It only took four days to take back control of Kuwait s capital from the Iraq troops, and that ended the war. In YEAR the United Nations sent inspectors into Iraq because there was suspicion that they were making Weapons of Mass Destruction, or WMDs, and giving them to terrorist. They did not find anything and in 1997 Iraq kicked the U.N. inspectors out, and the United States became suspicious that they did have WMDs and did not want them to be found. In 2003 the United States launched a preemptive attack on Iraq without any actual evidence that they had WMDs. Saddam Hussein was captured and killed in 2006. The Iraq war had many similarities and differences to the Afghanistan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Analyzing Online For Issues About Body Image When researching online for issues about body image, one can definitely find articles concerning young women. Of course, when hearing about body image issues, one can only think of anorexia, obesity, and low self esteem. However, a body image problem is not just an issue affecting young women; it s actually an issue that is also affecting young men. Over time, a growing number of young men have been showing issues with their body image. This is mainly due to the way media portrays men in television shows, movies, and advertisements. Because of this, it leads to low self esteem, peer pressure, and over exercising among young men. Low self esteem can be caused by having the feeling of being inferior to everyone and always having the mindset... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This makes a young man think that he isn t good enough for the standards that the media puts out. The expectations that the media puts out about men become adopted into society s expectations. A personal trainer did an experiment where he gained seventy pounds of weight and tried losing it all. He wanted to know how his clients felt whenever he helped trained them to lose weight. This meant he had to change his lifestyle and eating habits to a way an unhealthy person is. I m doing this as an experiment! I used to be a fit guy, not the fat guy, Manning wanted to turn around and explain. I m a lot more self conscious now. There was a total lack of confidence in the way I felt in public because I wasn t the fit guy anymore. (Strickland). He had noticed how everyone looked at him and the food he ate, and had a disgusted look on their face. According to Drew Manning, it was an emotional struggle for him when doing the experiment. Another way a young man s self esteem can be lowered is by being bullied about body weight or depression. Bullying and depression would usually happen mostly in a young man s teenage years. Peers may look at a certain individual and tease them for their body weight. It can be that the individual is skinny or fat that the teasing starts to happen. When bullied, this can cause the certain individual to fall into depression which lowers the self esteem more. This can cause the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Education Reform Throughout history, reforms look differently based on the motivations of the reformers ( Education Reform, n.d.). Educational reform consists of changes that are made in public education ( Education Reform, n.d.). Education reform involves any and all changes in the way a school or schooldistrict functions, from teaching methods and any administrative processes. Educational reform is used as an ancillary for needed economic changes in the United States ( Education Reform, n.d.). Education reformers want to have curriculum standards tied to testscores ( Education Reform, n.d.). Many reformers have focused on changing society by reforming education on more humanistic, scientific, and even democratic philosophies ( Education Reform, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If the funding is not available then the reform becomes a burden as opposed to an aid (Chen, 2015). The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) estimated that the program would cost $7 billion dollars over a seven year period in order for all states to develop and implement the testing programs outlined in the NCLB Act (Chen, 2015). However, the NCLB budget only authorized $400 million dollars to go towards helping the states design and implement the tests which meant the schools would be responsible for more than $6 billion dollars (Chen, 2015). A second disadvantage is that schools began to focus on reading and math (Chen, 2015). Students were not provided with a well rounded education (Chen, 2015). Some schools cut back on science and art in order to focus on English and math (Chen, 2015). Some teachers voiced that education is not really improving (Chen, 2015). They believe that other subjects were sacrificed in order for schools to have proficiency in the subject areas that were being tested (Chen, 2015). No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was the largest showing of irresponsibility from policymakers (Rothstein, 2008). The implementation of NCLB narrowed the curriculum and has caused more harm than good to the student population (Rothstein, 2008). Since the implementation of NCLB school systems have focused on reading and math, while neglecting art, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Ancient Greek And Ancient Theater In Ancient Greece Theater in Ancient Greece Back in ancient greece plays started out as a tribute honoring greece gods, a god named Dionysia. Theater back then was very different from how it is for us today. Back then only three people were allowed to perform onstage as time went on more silent acting parts were being allowed. The limit of performers at a time was a real bummer for those looking to be more involved in theater. Chous was becoming a lot more popular at the time because people were looking for an alternative to somehow be involved in theater anyway they can. Audiences and stadiums were so big at the time that in order to see an actor s face the masks that the actors wore were very drastic. Mask making was a very clever art of its own because not only were they well designed and exaggerated, but they were also made in such a way that the masks actually projected the voice of the actors so people in the stadium could hear them. Now although this helped much the stadiums were also cleverly constructed to project the actors voice as well as gestures, also made very exaggerated so people could see. Medieval Time Plays In medieval times plays were very different from today s standard play anyone can go see. There were also different kinds of plays performed much like genres called today. There were different kinds of these genres one being Mystery plays these were played specifically off of bible scripture. They were pretty clever on the fact that they ended the play at a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. British Loyalists Research Paper During the War of Independence, British loyalists were threatened badly by American. British loyalists supported the idea of John Lock that people should have natural rights and government power should be limited. Loyalists prefer to have a peaceful protest to avoid the violant act that can raise tyranny. They protest the Brituish government act such as the Stamp Act and the Coercive Acts. However, they also believed that if the American gains their independence from British, they will lost the economic benefits from commerce of British. Loyalists consist of people from different social strata. American colonists seized British loyalists properties, and British loyalists who were refused to give up will be forced to exile from America. Some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The First Repeated Word Is Child The next repeated word is child. Paul was explaining being a child not only physical appearance but also the spiritually. When a person is mentally and/or physically as a child, the person is not able to connect to God. They are not able to understand what God is trying to communicate, and God is known to communicate through different ways. This is shown by Paul used of Greek word, nepios, which means infant. He was comparing them to infants in their spiritual maturity and love. However, he continues to say as he grows his relationship to God he becomes less like an infant. Therefore, if a person does not pay close attention to what God is saying, the person may lose the meaning and the message of God. Therefore, when Paul said that he has been able to understand God he has left his childish ways of thinking, acting, and speaking. Now that he is a man, he knows that his responsibility is different from those of a child. Now he is responsible to stand up and defend the word of God. Is not and does not are also repetition. Paul wanted to make his statement as clear as possible of what love should look like and should feel like. Not many people do not understand what love is or feels; for this reason, Paul explained that love should not have a negative feeling. That love should not bring people down, rather love should be of support. He explains that a person should not feel successful from the failure of the other person; or that a person should not irritate another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. A Research On The Kansas State University Housing Intro As I graduated high school, I always had the desire to up my career. So, my next step is to go to college. A week later, I started to think how am I going to live on my own? Where will I stay at, for my existing 4 years or maybe years? So, I did my research on the Kansas State University housing homepage. As I am looking through my options, I was interested in the Kramer complex s. My mom told me is it safe, healthy, and in good living conditions to live there? When I kept scrolling down it showed how it will have safety and good healthconditions throughout the complex. According to the Kansas State Universityhousing and dining home page, 020 Forming a Committee, Every College must have an active safety committee. This must be a goal of each Dean. If the Dean desires, departments within a College may also have safety committees. The University Environmental Health Safety Committee recommends that large departments or departments with high hazards have a safety committee. . By me reading this, I had very high expectations for having very healthy environment within the housing departments. When I made a decision to choose as students Kansas State students feels weird and uncomfortable living away from home and have no choice to live on campus, students have to rely on K States promise for students live safe and healthy regulated housing for the amount for money you payed for. Goodnow Hall. Goodnow is a coeducational hall located in the Kramer Community on the west ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Casey Blackwell. Spc 1608. Professor Workman. 7 February Casey Blackwell SPC 1608 Professor Workman 7 February 2017 Walt Disney Introduction I.Open With Impact A.A creative person famously stated It all started with a mouse. You may be thinking that you know who this mouse is, but not too fast. Yes, it is Mickey Mouse, but who was the brilliant man that created this happy little creature? II.Thesis Statement A.Walt Disney has made a significant impact to the entertainment industry with his cartoons, movies, and theme parks. III.Connect With Audience A.Walt Disney created an empire that has played a role in each of our lives. Whether it impacted our childhood or still impacts our lives today. IV.Preview/Transition A.Now how did Walt Disney create Mickey? In order to answer these... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first animated movie ever created in the year 1937. 2.The movie was a huge success and was recorded to make about 8 million dollars with its first release. C.Pinocchio ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. ) 1.Pinocchio was Walt Disney Studios second animated movie to be released 1940. 2.Pinocchio had a unique storyline and hit songs that became very popular. 3.However, the successful of Pinocchio was not as grand as Walt wished for. D.Following the creation of these first few movies, Disney Studios began producing many more box office hits. E.Pixar ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. ) 1.In 2006, Disney Studios purchased Pixar films. 2.Pixar is known for its kid friendly animated movies. 3.Some of examples of Pixar movies include Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and many more of our childhood favorites. F.Marvel ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. ) 1.The purchase of Marvel for Disney Studios was a huge success. 2.Marvel is an incredible company that specializes in making unique high energy action films. 3.A limited number of the many Marvel movies include The Avengers, Captain America, Thor. G.Lucas Films ( Walt Disney Animation Studios. ) 1.Just recently in 2012, Disney acquired Lucas Films. 2.This purchase gave Disney a huge share of the movie market. 3.Lucas Film movies that we all know and love are Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
  • 21. H.Each year Disney ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Physical Conflicts In Jeannette s The Glass Castle In the book, The Glass Castle, the Walls encounter many interior and exterior conflicts. The children learned how to fend for themselves because their parents were not suitable for that job. Jeannette and Brian, two of the Walls children, took responsibility for themselves and their siblings. Jeannette retold this true story from her point of view. The characters struggles did not end in one place. The Walls were constantly on the move because their living situations were always temporary. They switched from their car to a familyhouse in Welch. Once the kids became older, some of them decided to move to New York City to skyrocket their careers. Weaved into all of this chaos, were a few underlying themes. The reader was taken on the children s journey and witnessed them blossom. They had to mature quickly because their parents stripped them from their childhood. This was difficult and a lot of pressure for these young kids. They had to persevere which in turn made them stronger individuals. The rich characters, surplus of settings, and easily comprehensible themes made this a successful novel. The variation of characters help the reader keep interest. Although this book is from a first person point of view, it is easy to comprehend the emotions and visualize the events occurring. The feeling of the book would change completely if the array of characters were not included. Each Wall child has a significant part in Jeanette s story. Jeannette is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. American Pie Rhetorical Devices Media has been a vital element to American entertainment since its commencement. This entertainment comes in all varieties, whether it is film, commercials, music or general consumer ads. Either way, they are all used to engage or encourage the reader or viewer to feel a certain way. Music has always been a catalyst for human beings since the first caveman started tapping his feet in a rhythmic pattern. Music can be used to express any feeling a person can have about any subject they might think about. It can be used to describe the ideals of an era or time frame; just look at music over the last one hundred plus years. No matter what, there is usually always some sort of symbolism or deeper meaning that the songwriter is trying to get to the listener. It s no debate that the music we listen to today is most definitely not the music the generation our grandparents or even our parents listened to. The song American Pie by Don McLean, which released in 1971, is one of the most analyzed songs in American pop culture history (Shuck). Standing as a story all on its own, a simple analysis of the lyrics reveals allusions and metaphors in abundance. Analyzing these allusions and metaphors exposes many rhetorical devices used by McLean. A cultural revolution all in its own, the 1960 s saw the rise and fall of many great civil rights leaders. John F. Kennedy, along with his brother, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., who were all paramount in the fight for civil rights, a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Examples Of Greed In Huckleberry Finn Michelle Callahan November 5, 2014 ENGL 2328 6001 8W2 Violence and greed are two themes that run rampant through all of Huckleberry Finn, driving the story along. Just when you begin to think things have calmed down, something else happens to bring the themes back into the picture and shatter the false sense of peace achieved by the slow float down the river. The characters are impelled to continue living dangerously, despite the many other options available to them, to try and improve their station in life. The violence and greed both come in early on, and it s no surprise that the two are wrapped up together in a profound way. Huck s dad, Pap, comes back into the picture, and the readers quickly find out that Huck has been abused many times in the past. Huck recalls how his father hasn t been seen in a year and Huck was just fine with that as Pap used to always whale [Huck] when he was sober and could get his hands on [Huck] and Huck would have to hide out in the woods to get away from his father (Twain 113). This skill ends up serving Huck well later, when he has to hide from many other men who are representations of his father. Pap comes out of hiding, only because he heard that his son had come into a large sum of money and he wants it for his own. He tells Huck that he hain t heard nothing but about [Huck] bein rich. [Pap] heard about it away down the river too. That s why [he] come, back to town. Pap wants the money so badly, that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Social Inequality And Stereotyping Cultures From Political... EDUC1708 Research EssayDue: 25 August 2014 By: Kody Williamson (s4350274) Tutor: Dr Joy Kennedy Youdell (2012) argues that the singular and one off multicultural events reproduce majority /minority, Same/Other relations in their display of minoritises cultures for the appreciation of or consumption by the majority. (p 153) This essay will look into the argument of how the one off multicultural events can be seen as racist, fostering social inequality and stereotyping cultures from political power. It will also outline how educators with the right strategies and planning can foster valuable cultural experiences and cultivate socio equality with their students and their school communities. Multicultural education is the term ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Reynolds, 2012) The schools that are hosting these singular multicultural days do have intent to inform students of diverse cultures, yet instead are accentuating the already existing social and cultural hierarchies. (Gorski, 2008) The way and how to teach multiculturalism in the classroom is a sensitive topic between the many parties involved. Since multicultural education is primarily a set of beliefs and philosophies (Neito, 1994), it is a very powerful issue especially from socio political perspectives. Wright (2007) argues that multiculturalism has no pre given destiny nationally or globally, but is continually being renewed and re contested by political policy actors from their dominating point of view. The power of the corporate elite demonstrates their need for social in equality through globalization, for the cheap labor from the poorest countries that accelerate their economic growth. This cycle is what Chosudovsky (2003) calls the Globalisation of Poverty . The educational policies in place illustrate this globalisation of poverty when we look at the legislations and those who write them. In the US, the educational policy is firmly under the thumbs of these corporate elites in the form of the Business Roundtable, the public education system itself is becoming a vehicle for socialising citizens into good compliance and complicity. (Chomsky, 2003; Gabbard, 2003) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Example Of The Lemon Case The Lemon Case Yazan Deiry Schiller International University Introduction An offer, according to business law, is an expression that an individual is willing to enter into a contract, provided specific terms are adhered to and as soon as it is accepted it ultimately becomes binding by the person with whom this offer has been addressed to (Riches Allen, 2013). To form an agreement, there has to be an offer by a party, an exchange of thought or consideration (an item of value), and an acceptance by the other party. The individual that proposes the agreement terms makes the offer, and is referred to as the offeror within the contract or agreement law while the individual to whom the proposal or offer is made is called the offeree (Llewellyn, 2013). This case study describes a situation where an individual owned a new cell phone that gave him a lot of trouble. One day it stopped doing what it was supposed to and the owner yelled out to a neighbor that he would sell... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hurd, a lawyer accepted to purchase a law office from another lawyer, whereby the offeror who was selling the law office exaggerated the representations regarding what he was earning due to the value of the practice (Friedmann, 2003). However, the lawyer who purchased the office noted that the practice was not worthy and that the seller had created false representations, hence; he sued for the contract s rescission. The court granted the lawyer a rescission of the contract on the grounds that the man was influenced to enter into a contract by means of false representation. Furthermore, the representations made by seller were false (Friedmann, 2003). In this regard, the person who was making the offer of the lemon misrepresented the facts in that he was not selling a lemon, but a cell phone. The owner of the phone carelessly announced the offer without much regard as to the consequences and as such, the neighbor was induced into entering into the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. A Man s Best Friend A Man s Best Friend One day I was playing soccer with my friend and his dog outside of his house. All of a sudden his dog ran inside. I asked my friend what was the matter, why did he he just run inside? My friend explained to me that his dog is able to sense when bad weather is going to come. I told him it doesn t look like bad weather is coming though, the sun is still out. He then responded by saying you ll see; his instinct is never wrong. Nevertheless, later that day it did thunderstorm. My story of the dog s instinct being superior to my intellect is similar to Jack London s short story, To Build a Fire. In this story London contrasts the two characters in the story the unnamed man and his dog. These two character foils ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He thinks that Those old timers were rather womanish [and that] ... Any man who was a man could travel alone, (113). The unnamed man s biggest mistake is underestimating the force of nature and as he steps out into unimaginable weather conditions, it is clear he is unprepared. In fact, he carried nothing but the lunch wrapped in the handkerchief. He was surprised, however, at the cold. It certainly was cold, he concluded, as he rubbed his numb nose and cheekbones with his mitted hand. He was a warm whiskered man but the hair on his face did not protect the high cheekbones and the eager nose that thrust itself aggressively into the frosty air (108). This quotation demonstrates that he was unprepared and underestimated this journey. He should have carefully considered all factors relating to under packing, underdressing, and the issue of possible frostbite/death, and he shouldn t have underestimated the fact that he cannot control natures conditions such as negative fifty degree weather. On the other hand, the dog from the very start is hesitant to accompany the man on his journey. The animal was depressed by the tremendous cold. It knew that it was no time for travelling. Its instinct told it a truer tale than was told to the man by the man s judgment. (108). As the story continues, London contrasts the man and his dog throughout the story. It is basically a man s knowledge versus a dog s instinct. Of course the dog has better ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Galeries Lafayette Galeries Lafayette to Hong Kong in 2013/2014 Background After having the valuable experience of working the last in class assignment about Harvey Nichols (HN), as I felt I should have known more about Harvey Nichols, I visited their store in Pacific Place to see feel what it is I spent several times in checking their website for more details. Now I feel I understand more about why HN open its 2nd bigger flagship store in Hong Kong why HN is at Pacific Place, after I have seen that so many visiting mainland Chinese who carried with big suitcases were shopping big qty amount of luxury goods at HN in HK, after I have found that HN is owned by Dickson Poon (through Dickson Concepts), a HK based business man, by who the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Limited HK (ITHK) | |Ownership |Monlin Family 100% own |a company listed on HK Stock Exchange, chaired | | |Ginette MOULIN, Chairwoman |controlled by Sham Kar Wai | |Business |Department store, supermarket, watch retails, finical, |fashion retail business across HK, China Arabia, Asia, | | |traveling in France |France, Germany, Saudi | | | GL is somewhat of a fashion institution in France GEO of|The company positions itself as the fashion icon in the | | |Dept. Stores division of GL France |market targeting those customers who are looking for | | |(GL reflects the best of French international |taste, style and uniqueness. | | |Creativity, ..., dedicated to Luxury fashions, well known | | | |brands buyers favorites, ... invites shoppers to discover | | | |the latest from top designers as well as talented young ) | | |Brands |has 3500 brands all level of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Mechanical Techniques In Stephen King s On Writing Stephen King s book On Writing is a book like I ve never read before, the book is set up in a way that I would not have thought it to be. Part one and Part Two are set up to be like a memoir illustrating the life of king before his big break as an author and an accident that almost killed him and ended his writingcareer. Part three of the book tells on the mechanics of writing, all of the little pieces and details that make a writing piece into masterpiece. King not only entwines his life into the art that he has taken up, he educates us on how to become better writers ourselves. Main mechanical techniques that king brings are: Adverbs, symbolism, and grammar. King makes it known that using too many adverbs in a person s literacy piece ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Psychological Characters In Angela Duckworth s Grit One may wonder, what indeed makes one successful and what has an effect on our psychological traits? Angela Duckworth, in her non fiction book Grit, attempts to answer this question by making the claim that grit, talent, and all other psychological traits relevant to success in life are influenced by genes and also by experience .(82). Duckworth supports her claim through the use of anecdotal stories and researchreferencing studies conducted by researchers. One example Duckworth uses includes the Flynn Effect, (83) attributed to Jim Flynn. He analyzed IQ scores and its rapid growth through the decades to explain how it is socially multiplied. In general, Duckworth attempts to convince the audience that the characteristics making up a person come from one s genes as well as personal experiences. I am in agreement with Duckworth s claim, because I have found multiple sources of evidence that supports it. Also, her claim is the only logical explanation for our developing psychological traits and its effect towards success. First we must explore the Flynn Effect and what it means to us as a society. People as a whole advance over time because of the world around us and the The Flynn effect is a sound example of that. I believe in this Flynn Effect because Jim Flynn makes logical sense out of the rapidly increasing IQ scores. Duckworth introduces the the Flynn Effect in Grit (83), named after Jim Flynn referring to exponentially increasing IQ scores over the past century. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Japanese Imperialism Dbq Essay Chloe Chan AP World II Period 4 1/9/18 2010 DBQ During this time period, both India and Japan faced a new situation: the new imperialism of Europe. India was unable to defend themselves, thus leading to them becoming a colony of Britain. Japan however, selectively borrowed from the Europeans after proving themselves to be equals of the once superior Europeans. Despite having such contrasting fates, both India and Japan had similarities in the miserable work conditions for peasants. But because India was a colony while Japan was a country, India data was recorded by British officials and Japanese data was record by Japanese officials. Another difference was the source of labor for textile production. India had mostly men workers whereas Japan... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since India was a colony of the British, India data was recorded by British officials while Japanese was record by Japanese officials for it was a self governing country. Document 1 showed a data chart about the production of cotton yarn and cloth in India. (doc 1) However, this data was not gathered by Indian authorities but by the British. This is similar to document 9 which consists of the report on the cotton mills in India, Calcutta. This report was by the British Royal Commission of Labor. In this report, there is information about what was going on with the workers: where they came from, where they lived and their wages. The workers were peasants who lived in small huts near the factory and were paid low wages. (doc 9) Instead of an Indian official reporting the status of the mill, it was a British worker. This is because India was a colony meaning it was under British authority. The British held all the power and made all the important decisions. The Indians were only their slaves and only existed to make money for Britain. This greatly contrasts with document 2 which is a data chart about the production of cotton yarn in Japan put together by the Japanese Imperial Cabinet Bureau of Statistics. (doc 2) This shows how the Japanese government controlled the economy. This is because Japan was a self governing country. It was able to show the Europeans that they are a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Types Of Operating Conditions Of Start Ups 4.3.2 Environment After examining the types of operating conditions of start ups, this part will talk about how environmental factors affecting other three categories. Both start ups and incumbents have to face the challenges in terms of environmental factors. Comparing with start ups, incumbents have more experience and resources to deal with the uncertainty about changing environment. Under the environmental category, there are two subcategories including market and political aspect. Market trend. There are many factors of market would influence other three categories. First is the market trend which implies the potential industries or markets in the future. The market trends have great impacts on decision making process of investors. All investors are seeking for higher potential start ups with lower failure rate. They believe that start ups which are following trends would have lower risk and higher growth potential. Three of investors suggested: Our investment depends on the market trend. For example, we used to pay attention on entertaining start ups. Later on we identified the opportunities of B2B start ups, then we turn the sights towards B2B firms. Market comes in waves, and we move according to the market trend. The primary consideration is the potential of industry....Since more Chinese people are concerned about their health issues, we predict that sports and health industries would have great growing potential in the future. Also, we thought second hand ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How Far Has the Importance of Nelson Mandela in the Ending... How far has the importance of Nelson Mandela in the ending of apartheid been exaggerated? It can be argued that the importance of Nelson Mandela in the ending of apartheid has been greatly exaggerated. Apartheid ended due to a combination of long term and short term events. The ANC represented the main opposition of apartheid while protests and rebellions caught the attention of the world, international sanctions put pressure on the south African government and something had to be done before their economy completely fell apart. De Klerk shocked the country when he took the first step towards abolishing apartheid although, the spark of light and face of rebellion, Mandela, provided the inspiration to make the end of apartheid possible.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There was considerable labour unrest and strikes were common. There were also occasional bomb attacks. On the 21st march, in Langa, Cape town. a mass march to langa police station was organised. The plan was to surrender themselves guilty of not carrying their passes, and as there were so many of them the police could not arrest them all. At this time an identical plan was created in sharpville and turned into what would be known as the sharpville massacre. Due to the event in sharpville the march was called off and a ban was placed on gatherings. However later that day protestors gathered again. The police ordered the protesters to disperse and baton charged them and the protestors retaliated with stones. Langa was very tense that night as angry protestors barricaded the streets and looted policemen s homes. The death toll by the end of the day in Langa was three, shot and killed by white policemen. The sharpville massacre and the langa shootings had a great impact on apartheid, the damage done was costly and the government had become ungovernable. Violence caused the protests to be a major factor in the end of apartheid because it was so costly. The South African government was already in bad shape and could not deal with the ungovernable public. Also the violence caught the attention of international relations, and frankly, they were appalled. Another factor believed to be more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The High School Football Team it. He played left tackle for his high school football team. He became a standout guard and began to gain a lot of local attention from the area around. By his senior season Chad was one of the best left guards in the state. Chad explained to us at this point all the pressure set in. At this moment, he felt as though all his moves he made were being watched and had no room for any type of error. Chad told us as a kid he wanted to enjoy his young life without being observed twenty four seven. Chad began to feel overwhelmed by the pressure, it had started to get to him. He later fell off the map of the college recruiting and decided to attend an alternative choice close to home. Later we moved into talking about Chad s first year as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Next, Chad told us his favorite subject in school was history . In high school he struggled with being on the football team, also trying to become a educator and began to make things more difficult. Growing up he felt like he had to be a type of perfectionist. Everything he tried at had to be done the right way. I seen everything I do as a competition. I want to be better than the person across from me and rewarded for my effort Chad said. Chad explained how his heart felt like it s missing a piece from not finishing his football career. In his free time he still stays active by participating in intramural sports such as basketball, hockey, soccer, and golf. We asked Chad now that he s not busy what does he do with his free time. He explained he plans on spending time and going on vacations with family. One of the places he always wanted to visit was his family s birthplace of Germany . Chad had always wanted to go back and learn about where he came from However, Chad seemed most interested in the culture and living style of this historic place. We asked him about prior knowledge he knew about his family s birthplace but knew not to much. It was not just something he wanted to do for a hobby. He felt like the only way he would be able to discover himself is to see where it started. Although everything he wanted to experience was not personal, Chad had also shared some dream vacation destinations. One of these places Chad wanted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. America Has Too Much Gun Control Essay When a person hears the word gun, he or she usually associates the purposes and uses of a gun with crime related issues and plots of terrorism because of modern culture. They are used for that purpose by some people, but those people do not represent all aspects of the relationship of firearms to society. In the United States, many laws have been passed in order to regulate the use of guns by certain individuals, along with the establishment of associations that specialize in the usage and handling of firearms. With the regulation of firearms passed by the government, guns has become an integral part of modern society, attributing atrocities such as homicide with them, but also providing a portable means of protection. The addition... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Under the United States Constitution, Article V, Amendment II, all people have the right to bear arms, allowing them to own a gun and use it, but the government believes some types of guns, such as automatic rifles, should not be accessible to people, violating the Constitution ( Gun Control ). On February 28, 1994, the Brady Bill was passed by congress to add more conditions on firearms by establishing a five day waiting period to people purchasing a handgun in order to give enough time for a licensed dealer to conduct a background check on the customer (Agresti). Not only do customers have to wait additional days in order to receive their handguns for protection, but they are evaluated by a stranger to see if they are competent enough to do as much as even own a gun. Associations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) have been established in order to comply with government concerns of firearms by creating licenses for gun owners and teaching proper use of firearms. As of March 17, 2010, the National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legal Action has released news that House Bill 453 (HB453) and House Bill 542 (HB542) were released and have added the possibility of allowing the storage of firearms in specialized car compartments and increasing voting registration for people with hunting licenses or permits in order to promote pro gun usage in society respectively. Gun control is a major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. River 7 Rh Case Study 1. Introduction Flood mitigation and management has been analysed within the Pickering Beck catchment and River Seven catchment. The introduction of the slowing the flow scheme provides a new approach to flood management, the authorisation and construction of several natural measures aim to reduce the frequency of future floods in Pickering. Within this report, the effectiveness and geomorphic impact of each measure will be discussed, in addition to an attempt to determine the longevity of each measure by means of fieldwork and other literature. 2. Implementation of Measures 2.1 Large Woody Debris dams (LWD) A large woody debris dam (LWD) is a framework composed of logs and branches that bestride the water channel and are secured in place by wiring and wedging the logs to posts or stumps along the bankside. The purpose of construction of such dams in Pickering is to restrict and slow... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, unless LWD is obstructing more than 10% of the cross sectional area of a river it will not have an impact on water levels (Trayer, 2000).The 104 dams surveyed and modelled within the Pickering Beck catchment were estimated to provide a total of 1,020 m3 storage for a 1 in 25 year flood on the provision that there was sufficient porosity in order to prevent overflow during higher frequency events. The flood storage potential carries on developing for lesser frequency flood events for most dams but at a very slow pace. This reflects their swamping at increasingly higher flows (Forestry Commission, 2015). Storage capacities are predicted to largely rise with increasing flood flows as a result of more water being forced onto the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. My Experience Of Homecoming Homecoming The first time I went back home after coming to college was a rollercoaster of emotions. After arriving home I was embraced with open arms by my mom and dad. This was the first time I had seen them since being dropped off at college and I suddenly realized how much I missed them. I called every so often but being in my own home being able to talk and with them was something I hadn t ever experienced. All of my worries about homework and future exams were gone and I got to enjoy the company of my parents. At the beginning of college I constantly felt like I couldn t be myself. Coming home these feelings vanished because I was surrounded by those who loved me. After spending a few hours catching up, I went to reconnect with my high school friends. Seeing them I was flooded with nostalgia because these were the guys I had spent my life getting to know. We sat around a campfire and talked all about our college experiences each with a different story. It felt surreal because even in this short time I could tell everyone had changed. We all were more mature and in the little time we had grown slightly apart. This was hard to admit but we all could tell. Throughout the campfire we shared stories and laughed at our experiences during our first few months of college. Being back with friends was different because every so often we would text or snapchat our friends from college. You could tell we all appreciated being back but we had made a new home at our colleges. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Roles of Rituals in Guests of the Sheik by Elizabeth... Every Culture has a set of rituals that they partake in, that are often constructed over a long period of time. Simple Actions, and special moments contain so much meaning and make everlasting memories. All rituals despite the locations they originate from, or the location they are carried out in contain the same components, they are repetitive, symbolic, remind a certain group of people about their values and beliefs, and these rituals commemorate a significant moment. For example christians commemorate the birth of christ by attending mass, and many other cultures celebrate this moment in many different ways that have in depth symbolic meaning. In the book Guests of the Sheik by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea rituals play a major role. Fernea s husband Bob is an anthropologist studying the occupants of a small village named El Nahra and their culture. Fernea has documented her experiences, and adventures, and her perspective of the many rituals that the townspeople participate in such as, Ramadan, Muharram, weddings, and pilgrimages. In Muslim culture pilgrimages are immensely important and can even lead to an elevated status. Such as the pilgrimage to Mecca. Fernea is able to participate in a pilgrimage to Karbala with a couple of the towns women she had befriended. The Pilgrimage to Karbala is a symbolic, and cultural ritualin the aspect that it is reenacted every year, and is full of symbolic meaning, commemorates an important occasion and reminds a culture about their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Army Campaign Plan the most important and why? Give an example of something that the Army could do to enhance capabilities in that domain. The most important imperative of four in the Army Campaign Plan is develop leaders to meet the challenges of the 21st century because in the future leaders will deal a tough realistic environment and must be willing to adapt to the mission, threat or operational environment. We must train soldiers and leaders to ensure they are prepared to accomplish the mission across the range of military operations while operating in complex environments against determined, adaptive enemy organizations . This is the eighth of twenty Army Warfighting Challenges enduring first order problems, the solutions to which will improve current and future force combat effectiveness. These challenges are reviewed and updated as needed to remain applicable for the future force. Although the exact challenges in the future are unknown, based on increase in cyber security intrusions, the spread of disease and terrorism on the home front, it can only be assumed that these type of actions will increase. In this case future leaders must be trained to deal with these occurrences. To do so changes must occur not only in training but also in policy. It does the US Army a disservice if policies are not implemented to address the above challenges. In the JCIDS process, the role of concepts in developing capabilities include turning visions into a more detailed description of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Ryan Lochte s Gas Station Scandal Case Analysis: Lochtegate Ryan Lochte s gas station scandal in Brazil during Olympics Alycia Ikegami The Olympics is a worldwide event when countries all over the world come together and celebrate culture, sportsmanship and athleticism. It is an opportunity for people to come together, whether at the venue or at home, it is a celebration full of excitement. During this time, swimmer Ryan Lochte, along with three other swimmers, were involved in an incident at a local gas station in Rio de Janeiro. It was reported on Sunday Aug 14, 2016, US Olympian Ryan Lochte and three other swimmers claimed they were robbed at gunpoint. The swimmers had stopped at the gas station to use the bathroom when the incident occurred. Lochte was the first of the group to speak publicly on the incident. When the story first came out, Lochte had told NBC News Billy Bush that a gun was pointed at his head. This was only the beginning of the public relations crisis case. Three days later, Lochte, returned to the United States and continued to stick to his story while being interviewed by the Today Show s Matt Lauer. In the mean time, two of the swimmers were pulled off a plane. The passports of the other swimmers were being held while they were being questioned, not being able to leave the country. Four days after the initial incident, Rio police announced that Lochte had lied about what had happened at the gas station. The real story behind this incident is that the men had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Symbolism In In The Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez Rafael Trujillo s dictatorship lasted for nearly 30 years. His reign brought destruction and death to many people living in the Dominican Republic as well as its neighbor Haiti. In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez depicts the story of the mirabal sisters who were living during the time of Trujillo s regime. The Mirabal sisterswere women who tried to fight against Trujillo s evil ways and ended up being murdered because of his thirst for power. Trujillo s reign began in the 1930 s and ended in the early 1960 s. The story s setting takes place in the Dominican Republicduring the 1950 s and follows the transition of the Mirabal sisters from young girls to powerful females. Symbolism is found in every chapter of the novel Alvarez... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the very beginning of the novel Alvarez simply uses the blowing of wind to symbolise something more than just wind. Alvarez writes a chill goes through her the future is now beginning ... she doesn t want to be the only one left to tell their story in this scene the wind blowing gives Dede a chill about her future (10). This foreshadows her future which is that she will be the only member of her family that survives the untimely death of her sisters. However, at times the descriptions of rain are very profound in Alvarez s novel. Right after this description of Dede being afraid to be the only one left to tell their story it begins to rain. Now as ig drops of rain had started though the night is as clear as the sound of a bell this scene foreshadows Dede s future of being the sole survivor to become true as time passed on (10). The rain symbolises a mysterious and frightening scenario which for Dede is being the only one who will live to tell their story. Furthermore, Alvarez describes a scenario which involves whether to symbolize PAtria s coming of age. Patria describes how she could see outside the window the brilliant red flames lit in every tree and beyond some threatening thunderclouds (47). This quote is a strong symbol of Patria becoming a woman and being faced with the decision of being a parent one day or joining the church and becoming a nun. Earlier in the scene ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Summary Of Why The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted By... Hierarchical organizations, like high risk activism, allow individuals to obtain strong ties. Malcolm Gladwell argues in his essay Why the Revolution will not be Tweeted , that technology cannot be used for high risk activism because it is not disciplined enough to be used for strong bonds; however, technology can be used for low risk activism. He speaks about people having thousands of friends on Facebook, but those online friends are not the real friends who will hold strong ties. Without discipline, movements would not be considered high risk activism because strong hierarchy is consists of moments without violence. In the story Return to Hayneville , Gregory Orr explains the civil right movement that he cooperated with was a civil rights group for racially integrated delegates at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He realized that to be part of a hierarchical group, one must fight back, but not physically. Orr learned from his experience strong ties are found from hierarchy movements and high activism. Gladwell explains technology cannot be used for high activism because it does not contain the bases of hierarchy, meanwhile throughout Orr s experience strong ties were formed without the use of technology. Hierarchical organizations allow witnesses to express their passion by setting clear goals with the use of strong ties. Organized and disciplined activism allow witnessed individuals fight back mentally to achieve their set goals, whereas low risk activism prevents us from setting goals. As Orr suffered at the barn, he discovered the high risk activisms and strong ties within the barns, ... that for every martyr whose life was resolved into a meaningful death, there were hundreds of others who were merely beaten, terrorized humiliated. Even as I sank into depression and broader in the shifting heat of that jail barn, I was learning in the shifting head of that jail/barn, I was learning that I wanted to live (233). Orr suffered from beating and humiliation, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Benefits Of The GI Bill Of Rights During the WWII public sentiment grew to help World War II veterans return to civilian life. Most veterans had served for a long duration. Millions of American service members had served for four years or more. Some 671,8l7 men and women had been wounded, and 405,399 had been killed. Hundreds of thousands of dependents were left in need. Congress responded in 1944 with the Servicemen s Readjustment Act, the GI Bill of Rights. President Roosevelt signed the bill, which dramatically transformed the concept of veteran s benefits, into law on June 22. There were three key provisions. The first benefit provided up to four years of education or training. The education package included the payment of up to $500 a school year for tuition, fees, books ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Hamlets Oedipus Complex Essays Various works of literature contain characters who embody the elements of the classic Oedipus Complex, that of a son with an undue and unhealthy attachment to his mother. D.H Lawrence amp;#8217;s Sons and Lovers, along with other early modernist works, shows how a son amp;#8217;s bond to his mother can lead to that character amp;#8217;s major downfall. Even earlier than works of the late 19th Centurydoes the Oedipus Complex appear, in this case, William Shakespeare amp;#8217;s Hamlet. Shakespeare amp;#8217;s play about the Prince of Denmark shows the beginning of an OedipalComplex, with Hamlet amp;#8217;s jealousy of his uncle Claudius for marrying his mother Gertrude and the rage that Hamlet amp;#8217;s emulation causes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He furthers his reasoning behind the marriage causing the depression, claiming that the union can do no good amp;#8220;But break [his] heart ; (1.2.159). Hamlet amp;#8217;s explains his rage in the first act of the play, but it is not until scene 4 of the third act that we see the full view of his Oedipus Complex. Here, Gertrude is joined by Hamlet in a bedroom moments after Polonius, the Queen amp;#8217;s counselor, advises her to warn Hamlet that amp;#8220;his pranks have been too broad to bear with ; (3.4.2). Hamlet, upon killing Polonius, compares his amp;#8220;bloody ; act to that of amp;#8220;kill[ing] a king, and marry[ing] with his brother, ; blatantly expressing his mortification and disapproval with Gertrude amp;#8217;s marriage to Claudius(3.4.29). He then begins to berate his mother, but with many sexual references: amp;#8220;That blurs the grace and blush of modesty, Calls virtue hypocrite, takes off the rose From the fair forehead of an innocent love And sets a blister there, makes marriage vows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Argument Paper On Gun Control Position Paper on Gun Control While Americans were contemplating gun control proposals in the wake of mass shootings at a Colorado School, another gunman massacred 50 people in a club in Orlando. This incident brought heated political exchanges between President Obama and Trump, the Republican presidential candidate. It is estimated that in 2015 alone, there were more than 351 mass shootings in the United States. This is a worrying trend that should be reversed as soon as possible. Surprisingly, the trend has divided Americans into two groups. On one extreme end, there are those Americans who believe that the government should enforce gun control. On the other end, some Americans insist that stricter gun controls will not help in the fight against killings. In this light, this paper will try to provide a detailed analysis of the gun control debate while highlighting the various points made by the proponents and opponents of the gun control. The essay posits that gun control is counterproductive. The debate on gun control revolves around how the laws to be implemented will affect the acquisition of guns by the criminals as well as law abiding citizens. Gun control proponents are of the opinion that in the absence of gun control laws, criminals will acquire guns too easily. In the same vein, if all citizens are armed, criminals will have a greater incentive to acquire guns. Hence, there will be too many guns in circulation and crime cases will increase. Contrastingly, gun ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Examples Of Evil In Cormac Mccarthy The Road Riley Braun, Caleb Godard, Hannah Jonesia, Garrett Leeson Miss Burton Pre AP English 2 September 9, 2015 Necessary Evil Words That Give Direction: Support, Refute, Qualify Important Words: Support, Belief support: experienced father, naive/innocent boy belief: state in thesis Thesis: In Cormac McCarthy s The Road, the idea that someone cannot experience goodness before they discover evil is strengthened by the dynamic between the cautious father and the naive and innocent nature of the boy. Paragraph 1: father s struggle with morality CD1: fell back instantly and lay with blood bubbling from a hole in his head, CD2: the boy crying and looking back at the nude and slatlike creature standing there in the road and shivering and hugging himself Paragraph 2: boy s compassion CD1: carrying the fire CD2: I don t want the gun. The idea that evil may be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the man faces choosing lesser evils in order to survive, he compliments the goodness found in his son, who instead of basing his actions off his own survival, he bases them off his innocent desire to be and do good, as he asks his father on several occasions after partaking in questionable acts if they are still carrying the fire. While his father is preoccupied with survival, he is focused on helping those survivors he sees around him in a naive hope to be the good guy. At one point, his father thinks death is right around the corner and tells his son to take the gun, but his son refuses saying, I don t want the gun, (70.5 6). The boy only associates the gun with its ability to take life away, excluding the protection it gives him and his father, which in his eyes makes the gun a symbol of evil and destruction; something he wishes to be separate from. However, the boy takes the gun anyways, finally realizing that its evil is necessary in order to survive, so that he may continue to carry the fire of the good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Describe the different roles in a business buying center.... A.Describe the different roles in a business buying center. Then outline which individuals might play those roles in the process of buying food for a school cafeteria. Buying centers have numerous of roles of participation in the purchasing decision process. There are users who are the people who actually use the goods and services. Their role in the consumer decision making are very important. The user may help to facilitate the purchase actions by requesting specific products and they made aid in the development of a specific product s specifications. A prime example of this is Office Depot whose customers have influence the purchase of office equipment. A user has the buying power to change the market direction of a business. Because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There would be no export expense of coffee beans and the general office of Starbucks in Mexico could purchase direct from the growers in Mexico to cut cost. The presence of Starbucks would promote domestic business and will also provide more jobs within that country. Because Starbucks have most of its coffee beans exported from Latin American as a marketer I would look into building a grow and processing plant for the production of coffee beans within the country of Mexico. It would be great for Starbucks to expand more into the coffee market and promote as well as produce a better product for the world s consumption. Market growth is important for an expanding company like Starbucks. Farm land and a processing plant with provide a great deal of economic stability for the country of Mexico and its people. New jobs would be available and training of different jobs position would now be required. An expansion of Starbucks would also develop a social cultural relationship with Starbucks and the newly employed Mexican Starbucks employees. Not only would Starbucks improve the economic status of the people who would be employed by the company. A plan should be implemented to offer better healthcare and educational benefits to establish help to move forward for the struggles that directly affect the Mexican communities while politicizing youth, in the hope that their commitment to fundamental social change will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Information Literacy Standards The paper Information literacy standards for student learning is all about student learning standards they go in detail about each type of standards and the indictor for each type of learning standards. Within the paper they discuss the nine standards of information literacy standards, allow with talking about the nine standards for student learningthey include a few indicator for each standards so that a teacher may know if they are hitting on the standards and also better able to tell if there students are also getting the standard they are trying to teach. Information LiteracyStandards for Student Learning provides a conceptual framework and broad guidelines for describing the information literate student. The standards consist of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Challenges In The Case Of Tata Motors Ratan Tata initiated and proposed to produce and deliver a passenger car at the Annual General Meeting but his ideas were taken immaterial by industry experts at that point of time. His strong determination and vision helped to complete Indica s project successfully. Tata Motors faced many challenges in the process of moving to produce passenger cars from producing commercial vehicles. They are as follows: The industry benchmark for entry level cars was Maruti 800. Tata Motorswithout compromising with quality have to develop a car with more spacious and cheaper than Maruti 800. The degree of competition was very high. Fiat India had launched Uno, Hyundai had launched Santro, Daewoo Motor had launched Matiz in small cars segment due to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Getting the license from the collaborator for manufacturing. Outsourcing 80 % of the value of Indica from 200 odd vendors. As if the Tata Motors would produced the products of their own it would incur high cost and difficult to compete in the market. After the materials outsourced were received it were assembled. Forming new alliances in order to save resources as well as reduce cost of manufacturing. Due to formation of new alliances the lead time for manufacturing were also reduced as most of the materials were outsourced. Just in Time approach Tata Motors had maintained the inventory levels. They applied just in time inventory. It helped to keep inventory levels low which reduces the costs too. Tata group also invested in companies like TACO, this is an example of overcoming the competition. The trusted supplier were whom the authority was given for manufacturing parts of the car. Improvement programme was also organised which consisted of 13 steps. To know how the product was performing. Regular check on the materials purchased from the suppliers were done to ensure good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Unit 4 Assignment 4 Prosopagnosia PSYC 4210 Assignment 4 Prosopagnosia There are several different types of psychological and neurological phenomena that individuals live with every day. One of most interesting conditions that many individuals might not be aware of is prosopagnosia or face blindness. Prosopagnosia is the inability to recognize and distinguish faces. For example, individuals with this condition could have difficulty recognizing their child s, spouse s, parent s, or friend s face. Many individuals with prosopagnosia will rely on other features to distinguish between other people, such as hair style or color, voices, or posture. As discussed in Chapter 3, prosopagnosia is thought to affect the Fusiform Face Area. Having Prosopagnosia can pose a variety of different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Observed From The Standpoint Within Western Culture, It Observed from the standpoint within Western Culture, it can be a challenge to fully step out of the context of it to gain an outside perspective. Nevertheless, it appears as a necessary aspect to question what is culture and what is not, to therefore get a clearer understanding of what we are as humans. Western Culturecan arguably be considered one of the most influential cultures to the rest of the world, and is embedded deeply in the globalization movement of the world. It is not a surprise to find an English book or a McDonald s in Thailand, Nigeria, or Israel. Western Culture has spread its roots to nearly all corners of the world, bringing with it the ideals of the industrial revolution, capitalism, along with many other notions.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Buddhist community also shares many beliefs including the Four Nobel Truths, the Eight Fold Path, the Law of Karma, and the Middle Way. American Buddhist is a constantly growing community that encompasses people from many paths. It is stated, [f]or rough comparative purposes, it is probably safe to say that the number of Buddhists in America constitutes somewhere between 0.5percent and 1.5 percent of the total population (Gregory 237). This minute demographic is largely influenced by Thailand, which is where the temple I attend, Wat Florida Dhammaram, is founded by. This is not the only culture that affects the American Buddhist community; it is truly a cocktail of different influences, including Western Culture. Rightfully, it is expressed, [w]hat often gets overlooked in discussions of American Buddhism is that it is developing within a larger global context... (Gregory 249). Buddhism is evolving in many different countries, and recently has began to become integrated in Western countries through the globalization of the world and particularly through information available via electronics. Frequently when attempting Wat Florida Dhammaram, I reflect on what living in a country like Thailand would be like. I often consider how the culture would be different in other places also like Colombia. These two countries can mistakenly be observed through eyes obscured by ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is accurately ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Food Politics The ways in which the food system is failing us are numerous. It is failing some in quantity, while failing others in quality. The only members of the food system that are not being exploited are the corporate food producers, and that is because they are the exploiters in this equation. Just like the schoolyard that we are all familiar with, there are two groups on the foodsystem playground; the bullied and the bullies. In comparison to the schoolyard example, the bullies are in the minority, consisting here of transnational corporations and other large organizations with one goal in mind: profit maximization. In the majority are the bullied, consisting of not only the lowly consumers such as you and I, but also small farms and even... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is following two decades of economic liberalization, allowing Agri TNCs to develop enormously in size, power and influence. Bayer, Monsanto and DuPont are a few of the better known agri transnational corporations, the key players in this globalization and domination game (ETC Group 2008). In total, there are six large agro chemical manufacturers that control nearly 75% of the global pesticide market, [and] are also seed industry giants. thus creating an oligopoly (ETC Group 2008). A small collection of large companies produces the majority of goods, giving consumers the ability to choose the best of the worst. This allows the corporations belonging to the oligopoly to collaborate on price, both at a consumer and employee level, protecting their profit margins by continually oppressing the consumers and workers into either accepting the offered price, or receiving nothing. Farmers are often bound by lengthy contracts to buy farm inputs from, and sell a specified crop, to the same corporation. This translates into farmers being held at ransom at every step of production. They are exceedingly dependent on a corporate package while denying communities control over their own food and future. The package consists of high cost inputs including synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and unsustainable genetically modified seeds that do not germinate as easily, ensuring ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Importance of Social Networking Social Networking Andrea Whitfield Ashford State University INF 103 March 15, 2010 In today s society knowledge, having technical skills and access to information technologies, is becoming very important for people who have become open mind and supportive with social connections. Although resources and opportunities may be available, one may not necessarily be aware of their existence, or even have direct access to them. In those cases, getting to know people from different backgrounds, grades of expertise, and social levels turns out to be essential or can be negative from all areas of networking. For instance, who among us has never needed a letter of recommendation in order to get a job, or had to rely on a referral in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Badoo has an estimated 124 million users, a truly global operation, the site is managed and run from London, and most of its users are based in Latin America, Spain, Italy and France.(Connell, 2009) The list continues with Bebo at 117 million users bought by AOL. LinkedIn has 115 million users and is a business based social network. Orkut, 100 million users is another Google owned site; Orkut is very popular in India and Brazil. MySpace with 50million users once dominated the social networking market, but declined steadily from 2008. Social networking is growing stead vastly and will continue to grow with the advance of technology.(Connell,2009) Social networking is a place where the sense of popularity is known and the more friends you have on your face book the more popular you seem to become, but is this good or bad? How many of your friends on face book do you actually know when you see them out and about and how many of them do you interact with? Many people have taken to adding anyone they think they have something in common with on face book for one reason or another. Just because they added them does not mean they will ever communicate with them. The bad part of all this has to do with status and in a society where people want to be more than just that person we have come to want more friends on face book. Twitter is the same way but can be ugly as many people and their favorite stars to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Contemporary Benefits of the European Union Stability, security, and prosperity are qualities every individual desires, yet achieving such conditions may be a struggle in certain parts of the world. In Europe where two world wars have erupted, multiple wars/battles have broken out between countries, and where the Black Plague swept through; causalities are high and resentment is established in some cultures. Yet the continent is beautiful everlasting landscape from the green rolling hills of Ireland to the snow capped mountains of the Alps, every country has its beauty. A group of nations desired to keep European states safe and preserved, so they established the European Union(EU). Objectives of the European Union is to have respect for liberty, democracy, human rights,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The EU U.S. are aware of the effects these issues cause directly and indirectly, and so together they try to guide countries to democracy. In Afghanistan the EU U.S. have given vital help to the government and people and are committed to freedom and human rights. However, between the two government systems they do have contrasting views on the death penalty and trading. The Transatlantic relationship encompasses crisis management, education, and research, along with spurring entrepreneurial activity by extracting talents from both markets. The EU and U.S. wish to spark interest in the foreign partnership so they establish competitions and conferences to build understand of the other partner s market and government. This robust relationship is essential for both markets to function, but is crucial for the world economy to function properly. The Euro, the second most used international currency, second most traded currency, and is in a third of foreign transactions, and amazingly the euro was developed in 1999. The euro was created by the EU s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in response to creating a unity between the EU Member States. The EMU has three main stages it passed through to achieve the single market for the EU. First stage was to establish the single market, second came the European Monetary Institute, and the final stage was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Wait Till Next Year Summary Essays Wait Till Next Year, by Doris Kearns Goodwin, is a personal memoire of Goodwin s life growing up in Rockville Centre, New York during the 1950s. Goodwin talks about multiple members of her family, including her father, Michael, her mother, Helen, her two sisters, Charlotte and Jeanne, and her best friend while growing up, Eileen. The memoire includes many memories of how she and her familywere affected during the atomic bomb and McCarthyism. Also in her story, she highlights the good and bad things about growing up as a suburban child. Goodwin has great memories about her neighborhood. She had many memories of her school, church, and time spent with her favorite team, the Dodgers, which were all positive. She said, Our street...was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many of the people in the community liked the Dodgers as well, but there were some who liked teams from the Yankees to the Giants. Even though there were different team choices throughout the community, baseball was a thing everyone enjoyed. Goodwin remembers most where the events within the community with the people she was surrounded by. Goodwin s memories of the 1950s were very positive, however the family life made growing up somewhat negative. During most of Goodwin s life, her mother suffered from different illnesses that would cause problems in the household. Most of the time, her mother, Helen, was too sick to have company over, which was very stereotypical during that time. When television came around, the family would host gatherings. When Helen was asked if she could have more gatherings Helen would reply, but I simply can t do it. Even now, I am so exhausted just from having everyone here that I ve got to lie down for a little while (Goodwin 122). Goodwin s sister, Jeanne, took many roles that Helen could not because Helen was so sick. Goodwin stated that, For as long as I can remember, she was a surrogate mother, looking out for me, taking care of me when my mother was sick (Goodwin 37). Goodwin would recall many stories of Jeanne doing tasks that their mother would do. This made her Goodwin feel embarrassed, which is where the negative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...