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A Multi-Dimensional View
of the Digitally Engaged
Single-source methodology
harnessing insights of today’s
‘new’ consumer
Maria Domoslawska
VP, Global Strategy & Research
Research Now

Heather Dougherty
Director of Research
Experian Marketing Services


1. Who we are

2. Background and methodology

3. Context

4. Findings

5. Segments

6. Conclusions

Who we are…

Experian Hitwise
  Helping companies understand online consumer behavior

million internet users
                                   million online businesses

Research Now
Global leader in digital data collection and online sampling
   Largest online panel in the industry
     − Over 6.8 million panel members

     − Covering 38 countries

     − #1 in customer satisfaction
     − 5 years consecutively

   Over 1,200 research professionals dedicated
    to providing superior client service

   25 Offices Worldwide:
     − North America: Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
       Chicago, Seattle, Toronto …

     − EMEA: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Athens, Madrid…

     − Asia-Pacific: Sydney, Auckland, Shanghai, Singapore, New Delhi …

Research Now New Media Solutions
Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital
behavioral data collection to power your insights.

Research Now New Media Solutions
Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital
behavioral data collection to power your insights.

Research Now New Media Solutions
Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital
behavioral data collection to power your insights.

Research Now New Media Solutions
Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital
behavioral data collection to power your insights.

Research Now New Media Solutions
Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital
behavioral data collection to power your insights.


Daily Visits to Retail 500 (USA)
Cyber Monday is a peak day for online retail traffic

                   Black Friday
          Thanksgiving       Cyber Monday
                                              Historically the
                                              highest traffic in
                                              online retail
                                              category is
                                              during the week
                                              of and after

“Retailers are trying to lure shoppers             away
from the Internet, where they have increasingly been
shopping to avoid Black Friday madness, and                                                              back to the
The bait is technological tools              that will make
shopping a little more sane and give shoppers an edge over
their competition. Those with smartphones are expected to
get better planning tools, prices and parking spots.”

   Source: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/r/retail_stores_and_trade/black_friday/index.html   16
A single-source methodology
 The study: holiday shopping

                      Total Respondents = 5826
                                                    Mobile Survey &
Web-based Surveys        Web-behavioral Data                                   GPS Data
                                                    Behavioral Data

  Sample Size: 5826            Sample Size: 5826   Sample Behavioral: 1150   Store visits: 800

             Survey fielding                        Behavioral tracking
             Nov 19-21, 2012                          Nov 19-30, 2012

Background &

Our respondents

              18.3%                    19.1%
                          17.7%                                  16.7%


 18-24        25-34       35-44         45-54       55-64        65+

   20.9%               22.1%             17.7%       17.1%

  $25-49.9K           $50-74.9K        $75-99.9K   $100-149.9K   >$150K

Our respondents

   2.3%            10.1%                 28.7%                            37.1%                          21.7%

< High School   High School          Some College or                        College or                Graduate School
  Graduate       Graduate            Technical School               Technical School Graduate

                   $25-                      $50-             $75-             $100-
                   $49.9                     $74.9           $99.9K            $149.9
                 20.9% 27.2%22.1%                       22.9%               25.8%               13.4%
                                                            17.7%              17.7%
                                Less than            Once a month      2-3 times a month    More than 3 times
                              once a month                                                      a month

Demographic Differences between

    PC                     Mobile


      Older                 Younger
    More Male             More Female
   Less Affluent          More Affluent

Key Findings

Typical holiday shopping periods

                 Last Minute        After Christmas/Holiday Season
                        5%          1%
                                               Before Thanksgiving

                                                       Black Friday
                                                       (day after
      Early to                                         Thanksgiving)
mid-December                                                                       39% said that
                                                       14%                         they will shop
                                                                                   during the next
                                                                                   two weeks
                                                        Weekend after

                                 Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksgiving)
                 Q2. When do you typically do the majority of your holiday purchasing?

Preferred sales
                                      Black Friday sales only
                                      6%                          Cyber Monday sales only

                Don't know/
                                                                              Both Black Friday and Cyber
        Prefer not to answer                                                  Monday sales
                           2%                                                 29%

                                                                                                          70% will
  I don't care about these
 specific sales and I avoid                                                                               shop during
shopping during that time                                                                                 the next
                     28%                                                                                  week off- or

   I don't care about these specific sales,                   I don't know yet during which
       but I plan to shop during that time                    sale I will shop
                                            9%                15%
              Q3. Regarding the upcoming sales on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) and Cyber Monday (Monday
              after Thanksgiving), which of the following best describes your plans as of right now. I am planning to

Multi Channel Shopping


  46%                                                                          4%
         Q4. Which way do you plan to do your holiday shopping this year? (n= 5826)

Which way… And when exactly?
Black Friday shopping only holds its brick-and-mortar
reign, while only digital shopping is intended for Cyber
Monday in nearly the same proportion

              Q.4. Which way do you plan to do your holiday shopping this year? Please put
              approximate percent for each of the following : n=5826

Where was the traffic?


                                                      247     256                                                             254     245

                    Total # of Visits
                                                                              207                                     202
                                                                                              144     153     144

Store Visits GPS
 Sample = 800

                                              11/19   11/20   11/21   11/22   11/23   11/24   11/25   11/26   11/27   11/28   11/29   11/30

                   1000                                                                       921

                    Total # of Visits


                                                                                                      543     547
                                                                      456                                             475
                                                      281     279
Mobile Websites                                                                                                               204     223
Sample = 1150

                                              11/19   11/20   11/21   11/22   11/23   11/24   11/25   11/26   11/27   11/28   11/29   11/30
                          Total # of Visits

                                                               3789                    3885
                                               3389    3316                                                    3221    3098    2930    2710

 PC Websites
Sample = 5826

                                              11/19   11/20   11/21   11/22   11/23   11/24   11/25   11/26   11/27   11/28   11/29   11/30

Store Visits

Planned and actual store visits during the
 two weeks
 What respondents said and did ranked differently

                          Top 10 store visitation ranking
                          GPS Store visitation


                                    24% 23% 22% 22%
                                                    21% 21% 20%
                                                                        10% 10% 9%   8%               9%
1 2 15 7 0 11 3 16 5 10                                                                        3%

 Q8. Which of the following store locations are you planning to visit in the next few weeks? Please
 check all that apply. (n=5829)

Website Visits

Site Visit Plans for Holiday Shopping

                        Top 10 site visitation ranking
                        PC Site Visitation
76%                     Mobile Site Visitation


                                    25% 24%
                                              21% 20%
                                                        18% 17% 17% 16%
                                                                                12% 11%
1      4    5     2 13 14 3             18 6     11                                       8%
1      2    4     3 5 6 8               9 7      10                                               3%   2%

    Q7. Which of the following retail websites are you planning to visit in the next few weeks?
                              Please check all that apply (n=5829)

Big retailers continue to attract traffic on

         Higher site traffic on Cyber Monday

         Higher site traffic on Thanksgiving

How do consumers search when they shop?

                               Promotions 2%

      68% of the
    searches that                                         83% of the searches for a
        mention a               Types of                  retailer were navigational
                     Product                   Retailer
   product name                research-        58%
                                                          (e.g. Amazon, Walmart)
    were branded                 related                  9% of searches are for a
(e.g. iPad, Kindle             searches                   retailer mentioned Black
             Fire)                                        Friday or Cyber Monday

What does retailer research help with?
   More expensive items are the most researched
   between different retailers

 Compare prices online between different

I get information printed ads and flyers in
                                  my area

                   I ask friends and family

           I browse online without a plan                                                                 Retailer
 I got to the store and ask for help/ideas

           I look for specialty online blogs

  I use the mobile app of the retails store

                                  Q5. How often do you typically do the following starting your holiday
                                  shopping for a larger price item ($100 or more)? (n=5829)
When searching for products…
             …consumers will most likely
             visit department and apparel


                                                                   ….followed by
                                                                   more niche

           Q6. In the upcoming weeks, while looking for ideas/products/gifts, how likely
           are you to visit websites or physical store locations for the following
           categories? (n=5829)

Top 20 Apps Usage during Black Friday and
 Cyber Monday weeks

The Facebook app was used 11,004 hrs during the 12-day period (11/19-11/30) by 719
                user averaging to 1.275 hrs per day (76.5 minutes).
                                                                 Period: Nov 19-30, 2012.

The Shrewd Shopper Carries a Smartphone

A wide range of retailer apps
Focus to drive traffic back to stores

Retail Apps Installed
Respondents claimed they had their apps installed but
only a handful used them

Q9. Which of the following retail apps do you currently have installed on your phone? (n=5829)

At Walmart In-Store App Usage
Share of Time

                                    12.9%                       Retail


       Email                                                        15.3%

                8.4%             Phone/
                         Source: Passive data for 63 panelists, 69 hours of usage

Mosaic® USA Segments


Affluent HHs less interested in early sales
When do you typically do the majority of your holiday

                                                                                    Dec: Power
     Early Shoppers:                                                              Elite & Booming
   Flourishing Families                                                           with Confidence
     & Pastoral Pride

        Black Friday:
      Suburban Style &
        Family Union

             Thriving Boomers              Cyber Monday:
              & Middle-Class                 Promising
                Melting Pot                  Families &
                                          Young City Solos

          Q2. When do you typically do the majority of your holiday purchasing?

Income is a major driver of timing

                                          Prefers to shop later

                                          Shops holiday weekend

                                          Avoids busy shopping days

                                          Shops throughout holiday

                                          Early shoppers

Opportunities with Power Elite

   Highly affluent audience with significant discretionary spend

    Enjoys trying new products & technology, likes prestige & high
    value and is motivated by status and ‘premium offers’

Plans to shop, but uncertain of which sales
        Which of the following best describes your plans as of
        right now? Don't know but plan to shop


      Group F: Promising Families       Group H: Middle-class        Group L: Blue Sky Boomers
75                                                                   Lower & middle-class baby
      Young couples with children             Melting Pot
         in starter homes living      Mid-scale, middle-aged &       boomers-aged HHs living in
        child-centered lifestyles    established couples living in          small towns
                                      suburban & fringe homes

                 Q. Regarding the upcoming sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which of the
                 following best describes your plans as of right now?

Opportunities with Middle Class Melting Pot

    Active digital audience with money to spend
     Focus on the quality of your brand & product, provide
     rewards & service features and be cautious with the
     use of their personal info


Key takeaways

Technology         fuels new methodologies allowing
brands to get closer to consumers to better understand their mind
sets, aspirations and actual behaviors.

There is no average customer. Using behavioural
and research survey based data you can gain a true understanding
 who your customers are, where they are and
when they are likely to be there.

Key takeaways

 The   path to purchase        is undergoing an evolution in all
 aspects of customer experience. It is crucial for Brands to
 stay on top of trends to track emerging touch points.

Customer Satisfaction ≠ Customer Loyalty
Consumers are distracted and brands need to catch the limited
moments of opportunity to provide value and help manage their
Customer Experience.

Thanks you!

              Maria Domoslawska
              Research Now

              Heather Dougherty
              Experian Marketing Services


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A Multi-Dimensional View of the Digitally Engaged Consumer

  • 1. A Multi-Dimensional View of the Digitally Engaged Consumer Single-source methodology harnessing insights of today’s ‘new’ consumer
  • 2. Maria Domoslawska VP, Global Strategy & Research Research Now Heather Dougherty Director of Research Experian Marketing Services 2
  • 3. Agenda 1. Who we are 2. Background and methodology 3. Context 4. Findings 5. Segments 6. Conclusions 3
  • 5. Experian Hitwise Helping companies understand online consumer behavior 25 million internet users 1+ million online businesses 5
  • 6. Research Now Global leader in digital data collection and online sampling  Largest online panel in the industry − Over 6.8 million panel members − Covering 38 countries − #1 in customer satisfaction − 5 years consecutively  Over 1,200 research professionals dedicated to providing superior client service  25 Offices Worldwide: − North America: Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Toronto … − EMEA: London, Paris, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Athens, Madrid… − Asia-Pacific: Sydney, Auckland, Shanghai, Singapore, New Delhi … 6
  • 7. Research Now New Media Solutions Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital behavioral data collection to power your insights. 7
  • 8. Research Now New Media Solutions Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital behavioral data collection to power your insights. 8
  • 9. Research Now New Media Solutions Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital behavioral data collection to power your insights. 9
  • 10. Research Now New Media Solutions Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital behavioral data collection to power your insights. 10
  • 11. Research Now New Media Solutions Research Now is leading the way in social, mobile and digital behavioral data collection to power your insights. 11
  • 12. Context 12
  • 13. Daily Visits to Retail 500 (USA) Cyber Monday is a peak day for online retail traffic Black Friday Thanksgiving Cyber Monday Historically the highest traffic in online retail category is during the week of and after Thanksgiving 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. “Retailers are trying to lure shoppers away from the Internet, where they have increasingly been shopping to avoid Black Friday madness, and back to the stores. The bait is technological tools that will make shopping a little more sane and give shoppers an edge over their competition. Those with smartphones are expected to get better planning tools, prices and parking spots.” Source: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/r/retail_stores_and_trade/black_friday/index.html 16
  • 17. A single-source methodology The study: holiday shopping Total Respondents = 5826 Mobile Survey & Web-based Surveys Web-behavioral Data GPS Data Behavioral Data Sample Size: 5826 Sample Size: 5826 Sample Behavioral: 1150 Store visits: 800 Survey fielding Behavioral tracking Nov 19-21, 2012 Nov 19-30, 2012 17
  • 19. Our respondents 56.7% 43.3% 20.3% 18.3% 19.1% 17.7% 16.7% 6.2% 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 20.9% 22.1% 17.7% 17.1% 9.3% $25-49.9K $50-74.9K $75-99.9K $100-149.9K >$150K 19
  • 20. Our respondents 2.3% 10.1% 28.7% 37.1% 21.7% < High School High School Some College or College or Graduate School Graduate Graduate Technical School Technical School Graduate $25- $50- $75- $100- $49.9 $74.9 $99.9K $149.9 20.9% 27.2%22.1% 22.9% 25.8% 13.4% 17.7% 17.7% Less than Once a month 2-3 times a month More than 3 times once a month a month 20
  • 21. Demographic Differences between PC Mobile Vs. Older Younger More Male More Female Less Affluent More Affluent 21
  • 23. Typical holiday shopping periods Last Minute After Christmas/Holiday Season 5% 1% Before Thanksgiving 10% Black Friday (day after Early to Thanksgiving) mid-December 39% said that 14% they will shop 55% during the next two weeks Weekend after Thanksgiving 8% Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksgiving) 7% Q2. When do you typically do the majority of your holiday purchasing? 23
  • 24. Preferred sales Black Friday sales only 6% Cyber Monday sales only Don't know/ 11% Both Black Friday and Cyber Prefer not to answer Monday sales 2% 29% 70% will I don't care about these specific sales and I avoid shop during shopping during that time the next 28% week off- or online I don't care about these specific sales, I don't know yet during which but I plan to shop during that time sale I will shop 9% 15% Q3. Regarding the upcoming sales on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) and Cyber Monday (Monday after Thanksgiving), which of the following best describes your plans as of right now. I am planning to shop:(n=5829) 24
  • 25. Multi Channel Shopping Intent 50% 46% 4% Q4. Which way do you plan to do your holiday shopping this year? (n= 5826) 25
  • 26. Which way… And when exactly? Black Friday shopping only holds its brick-and-mortar reign, while only digital shopping is intended for Cyber Monday in nearly the same proportion Q.4. Which way do you plan to do your holiday shopping this year? Please put approximate percent for each of the following : n=5826 26
  • 27. Where was the traffic? 27
  • 28. Traffic 300 247 256 254 245 242 Total # of Visits 207 202 167 144 153 144 136 Store Visits GPS Sample = 800 0 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30 1000 921 745 Total # of Visits 701 543 547 456 475 376 281 279 Mobile Websites 204 223 Sample = 1150 0 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30 7000 5757 5404 Total # of Visits 4969 4593 3789 3885 3389 3316 3221 3098 2930 2710 PC Websites Sample = 5826 0 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30 28
  • 30. Planned and actual store visits during the two weeks What respondents said and did ranked differently Top 10 store visitation ranking 70% 64% GPS Store visitation 47% 41% 35% 33% 24% 23% 22% 22% 21% 21% 20% 18% 10% 10% 9% 8% 9% 7% 1 2 15 7 0 11 3 16 5 10 3% Q8. Which of the following store locations are you planning to visit in the next few weeks? Please check all that apply. (n=5829) 30
  • 32. Site Visit Plans for Holiday Shopping Top 10 site visitation ranking PC Site Visitation 76% Mobile Site Visitation 62% 57% 51% 35% 29% 25% 24% 21% 20% 18% 17% 17% 16% 14% 12% 11% 1 4 5 2 13 14 3 18 6 11 8% 1 2 4 3 5 6 8 9 7 10 3% 2% Q7. Which of the following retail websites are you planning to visit in the next few weeks? Please check all that apply (n=5829) 32
  • 33. Big retailers continue to attract traffic on Thanksgiving Higher site traffic on Cyber Monday Higher site traffic on Thanksgiving 33
  • 34. How do consumers search when they shop? Promotions 2% 68% of the searches that 83% of the searches for a mention a Types of retailer were navigational Product Retailer product name research- 58% (e.g. Amazon, Walmart) 40% were branded related 9% of searches are for a (e.g. iPad, Kindle searches retailer mentioned Black Fire) Friday or Cyber Monday 34
  • 35. What does retailer research help with? More expensive items are the most researched between different retailers Compare prices online between different retailers I get information printed ads and flyers in my area I ask friends and family I browse online without a plan Retailer 58% I got to the store and ask for help/ideas I look for specialty online blogs I use the mobile app of the retails store Q5. How often do you typically do the following starting your holiday shopping for a larger price item ($100 or more)? (n=5829) 35
  • 36. When searching for products… …consumers will most likely visit department and apparel stores… Product 40% ….followed by more niche product retailers Q6. In the upcoming weeks, while looking for ideas/products/gifts, how likely are you to visit websites or physical store locations for the following categories? (n=5829) 36
  • 38. Top 20 Apps Usage during Black Friday and Cyber Monday weeks The Facebook app was used 11,004 hrs during the 12-day period (11/19-11/30) by 719 user averaging to 1.275 hrs per day (76.5 minutes). Period: Nov 19-30, 2012. 38
  • 39. The Shrewd Shopper Carries a Smartphone 39
  • 40. A wide range of retailer apps Focus to drive traffic back to stores 40
  • 41. Retail Apps Installed Respondents claimed they had their apps installed but only a handful used them Q9. Which of the following retail apps do you currently have installed on your phone? (n=5829) 41
  • 42. At Walmart In-Store App Usage Share of Time Other 12.9% Retail Texting 0.8% 18.8% Music 6.7% Internet 8.2% Utilities Email 15.3% 9.3% Games Social 8.1% 8.4% Phone/ voicemail 11.5% 42 Source: Passive data for 63 panelists, 69 hours of usage
  • 43. Segments 43
  • 45. Affluent HHs less interested in early sales When do you typically do the majority of your holiday purchasing? Dec: Power Early Shoppers: Elite & Booming Flourishing Families with Confidence & Pastoral Pride Black Friday: Suburban Style & Family Union Weekend: Thriving Boomers Cyber Monday: & Middle-Class Promising Melting Pot Families & Young City Solos Q2. When do you typically do the majority of your holiday purchasing? 45
  • 46. Income is a major driver of timing Prefers to shop later Income Shops holiday weekend Avoids busy shopping days Shops throughout holiday Early shoppers 46
  • 47. Opportunities with Power Elite  Highly affluent audience with significant discretionary spend  Enjoys trying new products & technology, likes prestige & high value and is motivated by status and ‘premium offers’ 47
  • 48. Plans to shop, but uncertain of which sales Which of the following best describes your plans as of right now? Don't know but plan to shop 125 100 Group F: Promising Families Group H: Middle-class Group L: Blue Sky Boomers 75 Lower & middle-class baby Young couples with children Melting Pot in starter homes living Mid-scale, middle-aged & boomers-aged HHs living in child-centered lifestyles established couples living in small towns suburban & fringe homes 50 Q. Regarding the upcoming sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which of the following best describes your plans as of right now? 48
  • 49. Opportunities with Middle Class Melting Pot  Active digital audience with money to spend  Focus on the quality of your brand & product, provide rewards & service features and be cautious with the use of their personal info 49
  • 51. Key takeaways Technology fuels new methodologies allowing brands to get closer to consumers to better understand their mind sets, aspirations and actual behaviors. There is no average customer. Using behavioural and research survey based data you can gain a true understanding who your customers are, where they are and of when they are likely to be there. 51
  • 52. Key takeaways The path to purchase is undergoing an evolution in all aspects of customer experience. It is crucial for Brands to stay on top of trends to track emerging touch points. Customer Satisfaction ≠ Customer Loyalty Consumers are distracted and brands need to catch the limited moments of opportunity to provide value and help manage their Customer Experience. 52
  • 53. Thanks you! Maria Domoslawska MDomoslawska@researchnow.com Research Now Heather Dougherty Heather.Dougherty@experian.com Experian Marketing Services 53