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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 404
A Review of _Urban Water Networks Management Using GIS
Dr.Roopa.D1, Dr.Satish K2, Dr.Harish.V3
1Professor Dept of Civil Engineering Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Chikkabanavara Bangalore Karnataka
2 Associate professor Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Chikkabanavara Bangalore Karnataka India
3 professor Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Chikkabanavara Bangalore Karnataka India
Abstract - Use of computer technology is common in the
construction since the 90’s .Geographical Information
System is a very useful technology in any data driven
industry. The present paper reviews on the application and
management of water works through GIS.
GIS Data can be categorized as spatial and non-spatial data,
which can be stored, manipulated, analyzed and displayed
with multiple users which can help in comprehensive
solutions in a systematic way. GIS application is very
common in construction industry, construction safety, flood
studies, pipeline management which includes water works
and severage.Project management through GIS is different
from GIS based projects, the review briefs about the
difference between the two. The pipe network management
includes planning, designing, and management of the
network, the planning is done using Remote sensing,
the budget and objectives of the project. Thedesigningofthe
network is done in GIS or separate application environment.
The final step is the operations and management of the
network which is in
Key Words - GIS, project, construction management,
flood analysis,waterworks,spatial data, and non-spatial
data, and spatial analysis, hydraulic simulation. Pipe
network optimization
Use of computer technology is common in the construction
since the 90’s .Geographical Information System is a very
useful technology in any data driven industry. The present
world’s economy is driven by data analyticsandinformation
.Data visualization, data storage and manipulation of data,
development of applications areall theimportantfeaturesof
GIS,[Technol. Manag 2001] which otherwise becomes
complicated by using different applications for different
purposes, example, in the construction industry, different
applications like CPM for scheduling, 2D CAD for drawing.
Water gems for designing, Etc.
GIS Data can be categorized as spatial and Non spatial data,
which can be stored , manipulated , analyzed and displayed
with multiple users which can help in comprehensive
solutions in a systematic way,
The GIS technology has basically 3 data models to represent
the real world entities i.e. the point, line and polygon. These
data are either collected from field survey / generated by
using remote sensing satellite images by method of
digitization. [Abdulla. 2014]This data can be represented on
projection system with suitable geographical references.
Each of the real world entities are stored in separate layers
called shape files/Geodatabases in the form of point, line or
polygon. The information related to these layers are stored
in the attribute table of the shape file. The technology can
conduct different analysis to obtain certain real world
solution. These are called as spatial analysis. The inbuilt
tools in the GIS application can modify different data into
real world information.
2. Applications of Gis in planning and
Construction and management
Application of GIS is wide in city / campus planning, flood
modelling and construction management etc. Especially in
city planning, campus planning and safety management. By
adhering to 3D modelling of a city, it becomes easy to
visualize the city / campus and understand the space
constraints in the area. The 3D tools in the GIS system are
used to simulate the functions of the buildings [Abdulla.
2014].Apart from automation technology and Radar, GIS
technology finds application in safety management.
Construction activity management, water supply, electrical
and sewage management etc.
Flood modelling is another important aspect where the
runoff volumes are established using the rainfall data
obtained from GPRS based telemetric rain gauges. The time
series rainfall data is input into the hydraulic simulation
model to obtain the flood hydrographs and the output is
linked to GIS for analysis and visualization purpose. GIS is
very useful tool for flood hazard mapping, Flood zonation,
Flood indexing and 3D analysis [Dr.Roopa.D. 2018]
Several research have been done on safety management in
construction industry. Sensor technology like GPS (Global
positioning system), RFID, can give real time information
which can predict accidents. Modelling technology like BIM,
3D, 4D, virtual reality are used for safety management.[V.K.
Bansal (2011)].GIS applied in construction safety
management plays a key role in integrating the project
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 405
activities and identification of accidental/ emergency spots
during the construction activities geographically. The GIS
based navigation can be visualized in 3D to demonstrate the
project planning, construction schedule and identify the
accident zones and also the activities involving risks and
CPM method provides features of scheduling activities
related to time basically splits the different activities based
on start and end time. The schedule is basically associated
with the drawings and its different components like the
beam, column, walls, footing foundation etc. the actual start
and end of the execution ofthesecomponentsiscalculatedin
the CPM (Critical path method) say V.K Bansal
Following the design drawings and executing at the
construction site leads to lot of gaps and improper
monitoring of the whole activity. Several advancements in
the technology has given way to 4D CAD, which is excellent
in visualizing the conflicts between scheduling, evaluate
alternative construction methods. These methods though
advanced, it is not very user friendly and customizable.
The application of the Gis technology in construction
industry is in all crucial phases of the project i.e. during the
feasibility study, planning design phase and also the
construction Phase, shortlisting of the contractors,suppliers
prequalification etc. [MohamedN.Jeljeli,etal 1993.]. The site
suitability study can be done using high resolution satellite
imageries to decide on the site. The location of the site and
the nearest path to reach the site, planning of the
transportation of the materials, man power can be done
using GIS technology. The estimation of the earth work and
project costing can be done using the 3D tools in GIS.
Especially for the high way alignment, utility network, rail
network etc. It finds its application in the construction
management where the progress monitoring, material and
man power movement needs to be planned.
3. GIS project management.
Fig: 1 Components of GIS Project
GIS based project management is about managing computer
application, implementation, client/ stake holder, and also
the project teams [Dr. Zakaria Yehia et al 2021]. Project can
be defined as a continuous tasks being performed to find
solution/ outcome to a problem identified by the client/
stake holder. It includes defining a problem or a hypothesis,
Planning and execution of several activities exclusively or
parallel in a given period of timeinvolvingskilledmanpower
and technology. The results of project is tangible outcometo
help the organization or society.
When a project is initiated by an organization it includes
several departments like technical, HR, Quality etc. This is
mainly to divide the roles and achieve maximum
optimization of the project works. A Gis project will havethe
several components as shown in the Fig: 1 several projects
can use GIS for Project management like monitoring and
management of Utility services, Construction management
etc. A GIS based project is different from project
management using GIS. A GIS project is about using the
technology in the defined project in order to achieve a
solution or an outcome. A GIS based project management is
about including all the schedule and activities of a project in
a GIS system and using spatial tools to manage the project.
Example: using GIS tool to monitor the progress of pipe
laying work at a project site. The following process is
involved in managing the project Fig: 2
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 406
Fig: 2 Project management using GIS technology
The above process clearly explains how GIS can be used for
managing a pipeline laying work process and helps in
decision making .A successful project involves in complete
understanding of the problem, and a good strategy to
achieve the objectives of the project with required
manpower and time.
4. GIS for Urban utility water management
The applications of GIS tools in urban water management is
reviewed in this paper It is the most useful and upcoming
applications of GIS based systems, The GIS based tools are
widely used for Planning, operations and management of
utility network.. Urban water networks includes both water
supply and sewerage networks. Urban water networks
management includes, the planning, designing, execution at
the site and once pipe networksarelayer,theoperationsand
management of the whole network. The complexityinurban
water management is; it involves large networks running
across the municipal boundaries and different teams are
working at different phases of the network. The usage of GIS
shall provide a good visualization of the network and helps
in the entire network management. The GIS tools are mainly
used to plan the layout of the network, initially after the
reconnaissance survey. The large network has to be laid on
varying topography. Network layout can be planned using
high resolution satellite images. Digital elevation model
(DEM) is used to establish the alignment and calculate the
earth work quantities using the 3D tools in GIS. Once the
design of the alignment is completed the hydraulic design of
the pipe network is carried out. Various computing models
are used to design the network to arrive at the suitable pipe
size based on the availability and distance of the water
availability at the source. The modelled pipe network isthen
linked to GIS with all the design attributes of the pipe layout.
The design parameters include the length, diameter,
direction of flow, number of nodes, junctions, elevation etc.
These are the critical information of water works which can
be used for further operation and maintenance of the whole
system during the laying and functioning of the water
management system.
5. GIS based network management system
5.1. GIS based Pipe network Data model
A typical pipe network system has the following feature
entities 1) Reservoir (Source) 2) Pipe network 3) Pump
system 4) Junction 5) Valve 6) Storage tank Fig:.3 These
feature entities have their specific attribute information
which are very basic for pipe network modelling.
5.2. Generation / creation of the Pipe network data
The network data is scientifically designed based on the
water supply source available and the quantity of water to
be distributed. The alignment of the network depends on
topography of the area and the source to storage and supply
distances. GIS helps in planning of the source and the
distribution system. Then the alignment is planned using
satellite image and the design entities are added during the
design of the pipelines during the modelling of the network.
The designing of a good data model involves in having the
correct and the necessary information about the network.
The data model should be finalized before the pipe network
analysis. [Pablo 2020]. During the simulation ofthenetwork
the useful informationisretainedandanyinformation which
does add value to the decision making task is removed.
Fig: 3 Elements of water supply network
5.3. GIS data creation and topological Validation
Pipe network data is created using GIS technology, either
open source or proprietary software’s. According to Pablo
Fernández Moniz. All, GIS software’s should include smart
capabilities to ease the complex geoprocessing. The
digitization procedure should have sufficient flexibilities to
make useful changes. As data creation is one of the crucial
steps in the pipe network management. All edits should
happen during the design phase. Usually the edit database
does all the changes and the production database shall not
be disturbed. The production database gets updated
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 407
frequently. The network design of a sample network is as
shown in the Fig: 4
Fig: 4 Map showing Sample pipe line network in GIS
Source: Abdulla Al-Rawabdeh GIS-based solution for urban
water management GIS-based solution for urban water
The process of pipe network data creation is shown below
Fig: 5
Fig: 5. Process of data generation in GIS
Topological validations are essential for pipe network
modelling/ simulations. The input into the designmodel has
to be clear of errors. This process begins after the editing of
the network is completed with all additional and is ready to
input into the simulation model. The validation of network
data introduces robustness and integrity in the data. The
process of validation involves adding some topological rules
to the network data while digitization.
According to Pablo Fernández Moniz ET. Al some of the
simple topological validation for a network data includes 1)
2 lines must not overlap 2) pipe ends must always be
connected 3) no two polygons must overlap etc. Once the
data digitization is complete, the validation process in done
by running through the restriction which are predefined in
the data model. The restrictions can be Topological or non-
topological. The details of restrictions for a pipe network
data is as shown in Fig 6 [vijay l kanti, ET al.2004]
Fig: 6. Restrictions and Validations of pipe network data in
Source: Water International A GIS-based solution for urban
water management: Pablo Fernández Moniz
6. Hydraulic modelling using GIS
Many models are available in the market for hydraulic
modelling, it can be open source or proprietary software for
eg: QGIS based on Post gre SQL Arc Gis using SQL etc. Pablo
Fernández et al.2020]. hydraulic modelling software’s like
integrated with GIS.[ J. YOO*,]March 2005] GIS software’s
help in storing the complex spatial data of the pipe networks
such as pipe diameter, number of valves, number junctions,
manholes, direction of water/sewerage flow etc. The
development of the hydraulic modelling software have been
improving to cope up with the complex issues pertaining to
data quality, interoperability etc.[ Pablo Fernandez et
al.2020].The Role of the network simulation model is to
analyze the network for itsflowparameterslikethepressure,
velocity and direction. In a case study of Chetouane water
distribution network in Algeria, EPANET was used for the
hydraulic simulation where all the line networks in .DXF
format were converted in the EPANET. Additional pipe
network parameters like location of the tanks, pumps,valves
nodes, junctions, manholes etc. were manually added using
the features in the EPANET Fig:7.Simulations were
performed to arrive at consumption profile at each network.
Pressure distribution, and the velocity distribution at the
each of the networks. The advantage of such GIS based
applications is, the Analysis and the visualization happens in
the same environment. Also back ground image data of the
specificstudy area helps in understandingthesiteconditions
in a scientific way. Also 3D simulations can be used to show
the profile and the flow variations of the network.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 408
Fig: 7 pipe network information system of EPANET
Source: Che´rifa Abdelbaki :Appl water Sci:Managementofa
water distribution network by coupling GIS and hydraulic
modeling: a case study of Chetouane in Algeria
7. GIS integration with other applications
For effective pipe network management many drafting and
design applications are coupled with GIS .for example CAD
with GIS, EPANET with GIS, SWMM with GIS etc. [Che´rifa
Abdelbaki et al.2016]. These applications can be used for
identification of the best network routing, shortest path,
optimised network alignment etc.
The CAD applications are used generate pipe network
drawings, these files are in .DXF formatand now thesecanbe
migrated to GIS environment in the form of shapefile format.
Once the details of the network are in GIS, the attribute
information is added to it. Checked for topology and the
process follows as shown in Fig; 6.
In Applications like EPANET thedetailsofnetworkimporting
along with its characteristics can be done by the inbuilt
operations within the EPANET [s (Ho et al. 2010)]. There are
different layers of the pipe network which are stored
differently in the form of point, line and polygon. Several
spatialanalysis and queriescanperformedinGIS.Basicallyto
identify the best route, identify the network which are
malfunctioning. To identify the age of the pipe network etc.
[Ahmad M. Salah et al. 2011]
8. GIS based pipe alignment optimization
The present paper has discussed several applications and
usage of GIS in water network management system. Another
important and challenging application is optimization of a
network. Automated optimization is a better option than
manual route optimization and GIS applications can handle
this more easily. [Ahmad M. Salah et al. 2011], however for
major pipelines, the best knowledgefromthefiledexpertand
stake holderscanvalueaddfordecisionmaking.Thenetwork
Analyst tools in Arc GIS is the best option. Also Hierarchical
best identification of the optimized routes. Which helps
decision making says Ahmad M. Salah et al. 2011]
9. GIS based Operations and maintenance of the
pipe networks
Once the pipe network is laid and fully functional with all
connections between sources to distribution iscompletedby
the execution contractor. The last and continuous process is
operation and maintenance of the whole system. In reality
the whole of this work is outsourced by the municipalities in
urban areas to contractors who basically use technology to
maintain their works.
GIS technology once again isa very useful tool which helpsin
this process. The main tasks of the maintenance team is to
continuously monitor the networks. Usually the entire
network right from source to distribution is divided into
several zones and then handed over todifferentteamsforthe
same. One of the well-known technology in the operations
and maintenance of the pipe network is SCADA system
(Supervisory control and Data acquisition).Whichisasensor
based system this can be linked to GIS for monitoring of the
network. The pipe network isconnected with different types
of sensors which constantly give information about the
network parameters like flow, velocity, pressure and other
variations. The SCADA system is linked to a GIS system,
where all the details of the network can be visualized. The
sensors constantly send information which can be visualized
in the GIS interface, this will indicate the problematic
variations in pressure and velocity. It also indicates the
breakdown of pipes. All these information’s are critical
aspects of operation and maintenance. The SCADA
technology thus saves time and energy to identify the
defective lines.
GIS based urban water works management has detailed
about the concepts of GIS technology and use of this
technology for project management for various applications
of GIS, The process of GIS base project management
highlights about the different steps in the project .the
different sectors where GIS is widely used are construction
management, flood studies, construction safety and water
works management. The present paper widely reviews the
GIS application in water works management. This mainly
involves in planning, designing, construction and
maintenance of the pipe networks. Remote sensing
technology is used for planning and data generation of the
pipe network. During the data generation three kinds of data
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 409
model i.e. Line, Point and Polygon is used to create the
is generated the design parameters of the network are
obtained from RS and other hydraulic modelling software’s
like SWMM and EPANET. Hydraulic design of the network is
either done in separate environment or linked to GIS. The
paper also discuss about the optimized routing using
algorithms which will result in efficient networks. Lastly the
paper throwslightonhowtheoperationsandmaintenanceof
the network is done during the functioning of the network.
Several research has been carried out on the hydraulic
modelling and application integration in GIS. The future
scopeof the water worksmanagementisthequantificationof
water losses in the pipe network. It is very difficulttoidentify
the leakages in the pipe network which is below the ground.
Extensive research needs to be done in the pipe network
management right from laying of the network to operation
and management. It is very challenging task to determinethe
age of the pipe networks. As most of the networks are not
mapped and no data on the pipe network is available. GIS
plays a very important role in the mapping and database
management of the network data. There needs to be lot of
research done on the same.
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A Review of _Urban Water Networks Management Using GIS

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 404 A Review of _Urban Water Networks Management Using GIS Dr.Roopa.D1, Dr.Satish K2, Dr.Harish.V3 1Professor Dept of Civil Engineering Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Chikkabanavara Bangalore Karnataka India 2 Associate professor Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Chikkabanavara Bangalore Karnataka India 3 professor Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Chikkabanavara Bangalore Karnataka India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract - Use of computer technology is common in the construction since the 90’s .Geographical Information System is a very useful technology in any data driven industry. The present paper reviews on the application and management of water works through GIS. GIS Data can be categorized as spatial and non-spatial data, which can be stored, manipulated, analyzed and displayed with multiple users which can help in comprehensive solutions in a systematic way. GIS application is very common in construction industry, construction safety, flood studies, pipeline management which includes water works and severage.Project management through GIS is different from GIS based projects, the review briefs about the difference between the two. The pipe network management includes planning, designing, and management of the network, the planning is done using Remote sensing, photogrammetrydroneorfieldsurveymethoddependingon the budget and objectives of the project. Thedesigningofthe network is done in GIS or separate application environment. The final step is the operations and management of the network which is in Key Words - GIS, project, construction management, flood analysis,waterworks,spatial data, and non-spatial data, and spatial analysis, hydraulic simulation. Pipe network optimization 1. INTRODUCTION Use of computer technology is common in the construction since the 90’s .Geographical Information System is a very useful technology in any data driven industry. The present world’s economy is driven by data analyticsandinformation .Data visualization, data storage and manipulation of data, development of applications areall theimportantfeaturesof GIS,[Technol. Manag 2001] which otherwise becomes complicated by using different applications for different purposes, example, in the construction industry, different applications like CPM for scheduling, 2D CAD for drawing. Water gems for designing, Etc. GIS Data can be categorized as spatial and Non spatial data, which can be stored , manipulated , analyzed and displayed with multiple users which can help in comprehensive solutions in a systematic way, The GIS technology has basically 3 data models to represent the real world entities i.e. the point, line and polygon. These data are either collected from field survey / generated by using remote sensing satellite images by method of digitization. [Abdulla. 2014]This data can be represented on projection system with suitable geographical references. Each of the real world entities are stored in separate layers called shape files/Geodatabases in the form of point, line or polygon. The information related to these layers are stored in the attribute table of the shape file. The technology can conduct different analysis to obtain certain real world solution. These are called as spatial analysis. The inbuilt tools in the GIS application can modify different data into real world information. 2. Applications of Gis in planning and Construction and management Application of GIS is wide in city / campus planning, flood modelling and construction management etc. Especially in city planning, campus planning and safety management. By adhering to 3D modelling of a city, it becomes easy to visualize the city / campus and understand the space constraints in the area. The 3D tools in the GIS system are used to simulate the functions of the buildings [Abdulla. 2014].Apart from automation technology and Radar, GIS technology finds application in safety management. Construction activity management, water supply, electrical and sewage management etc. Flood modelling is another important aspect where the runoff volumes are established using the rainfall data obtained from GPRS based telemetric rain gauges. The time series rainfall data is input into the hydraulic simulation model to obtain the flood hydrographs and the output is linked to GIS for analysis and visualization purpose. GIS is very useful tool for flood hazard mapping, Flood zonation, Flood indexing and 3D analysis [Dr.Roopa.D. 2018] Several research have been done on safety management in construction industry. Sensor technology like GPS (Global positioning system), RFID, can give real time information which can predict accidents. Modelling technology like BIM, 3D, 4D, virtual reality are used for safety management.[V.K. Bansal (2011)].GIS applied in construction safety management plays a key role in integrating the project
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 405 activities and identification of accidental/ emergency spots during the construction activities geographically. The GIS based navigation can be visualized in 3D to demonstrate the project planning, construction schedule and identify the accident zones and also the activities involving risks and accidents. CPM method provides features of scheduling activities related to time basically splits the different activities based on start and end time. The schedule is basically associated with the drawings and its different components like the beam, column, walls, footing foundation etc. the actual start and end of the execution ofthesecomponentsiscalculatedin the CPM (Critical path method) say V.K Bansal Following the design drawings and executing at the construction site leads to lot of gaps and improper monitoring of the whole activity. Several advancements in the technology has given way to 4D CAD, which is excellent in visualizing the conflicts between scheduling, evaluate alternative construction methods. These methods though advanced, it is not very user friendly and customizable. The application of the Gis technology in construction industry is in all crucial phases of the project i.e. during the feasibility study, planning design phase and also the construction Phase, shortlisting of the contractors,suppliers prequalification etc. [MohamedN.Jeljeli,etal 1993.]. The site suitability study can be done using high resolution satellite imageries to decide on the site. The location of the site and the nearest path to reach the site, planning of the transportation of the materials, man power can be done using GIS technology. The estimation of the earth work and project costing can be done using the 3D tools in GIS. Especially for the high way alignment, utility network, rail network etc. It finds its application in the construction management where the progress monitoring, material and man power movement needs to be planned. 3. GIS project management. Fig: 1 Components of GIS Project GIS based project management is about managing computer application, implementation, client/ stake holder, and also the project teams [Dr. Zakaria Yehia et al 2021]. Project can be defined as a continuous tasks being performed to find solution/ outcome to a problem identified by the client/ stake holder. It includes defining a problem or a hypothesis, Planning and execution of several activities exclusively or parallel in a given period of timeinvolvingskilledmanpower and technology. The results of project is tangible outcometo help the organization or society. When a project is initiated by an organization it includes several departments like technical, HR, Quality etc. This is mainly to divide the roles and achieve maximum optimization of the project works. A Gis project will havethe several components as shown in the Fig: 1 several projects can use GIS for Project management like monitoring and management of Utility services, Construction management etc. A GIS based project is different from project management using GIS. A GIS project is about using the technology in the defined project in order to achieve a solution or an outcome. A GIS based project management is about including all the schedule and activities of a project in a GIS system and using spatial tools to manage the project. Example: using GIS tool to monitor the progress of pipe laying work at a project site. The following process is involved in managing the project Fig: 2
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 406 Fig: 2 Project management using GIS technology The above process clearly explains how GIS can be used for managing a pipeline laying work process and helps in decision making .A successful project involves in complete understanding of the problem, and a good strategy to achieve the objectives of the project with required manpower and time. 4. GIS for Urban utility water management The applications of GIS tools in urban water management is reviewed in this paper It is the most useful and upcoming applications of GIS based systems, The GIS based tools are widely used for Planning, operations and management of utility network.. Urban water networks includes both water supply and sewerage networks. Urban water networks management includes, the planning, designing, execution at the site and once pipe networksarelayer,theoperationsand management of the whole network. The complexityinurban water management is; it involves large networks running across the municipal boundaries and different teams are working at different phases of the network. The usage of GIS shall provide a good visualization of the network and helps in the entire network management. The GIS tools are mainly used to plan the layout of the network, initially after the reconnaissance survey. The large network has to be laid on varying topography. Network layout can be planned using high resolution satellite images. Digital elevation model (DEM) is used to establish the alignment and calculate the earth work quantities using the 3D tools in GIS. Once the design of the alignment is completed the hydraulic design of the pipe network is carried out. Various computing models are used to design the network to arrive at the suitable pipe size based on the availability and distance of the water availability at the source. The modelled pipe network isthen linked to GIS with all the design attributes of the pipe layout. The design parameters include the length, diameter, direction of flow, number of nodes, junctions, elevation etc. These are the critical information of water works which can be used for further operation and maintenance of the whole system during the laying and functioning of the water management system. 5. GIS based network management system 5.1. GIS based Pipe network Data model A typical pipe network system has the following feature entities 1) Reservoir (Source) 2) Pipe network 3) Pump system 4) Junction 5) Valve 6) Storage tank Fig:.3 These feature entities have their specific attribute information which are very basic for pipe network modelling. 5.2. Generation / creation of the Pipe network data The network data is scientifically designed based on the water supply source available and the quantity of water to be distributed. The alignment of the network depends on topography of the area and the source to storage and supply distances. GIS helps in planning of the source and the distribution system. Then the alignment is planned using satellite image and the design entities are added during the design of the pipelines during the modelling of the network. The designing of a good data model involves in having the correct and the necessary information about the network. The data model should be finalized before the pipe network analysis. [Pablo 2020]. During the simulation ofthenetwork the useful informationisretainedandanyinformation which does add value to the decision making task is removed. Fig: 3 Elements of water supply network 5.3. GIS data creation and topological Validation Pipe network data is created using GIS technology, either open source or proprietary software’s. According to Pablo Fernández Moniz. All, GIS software’s should include smart capabilities to ease the complex geoprocessing. The digitization procedure should have sufficient flexibilities to make useful changes. As data creation is one of the crucial steps in the pipe network management. All edits should happen during the design phase. Usually the edit database does all the changes and the production database shall not be disturbed. The production database gets updated
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 407 frequently. The network design of a sample network is as shown in the Fig: 4 Fig: 4 Map showing Sample pipe line network in GIS Source: Abdulla Al-Rawabdeh GIS-based solution for urban water management GIS-based solution for urban water management The process of pipe network data creation is shown below Fig: 5 Fig: 5. Process of data generation in GIS Topological validations are essential for pipe network modelling/ simulations. The input into the designmodel has to be clear of errors. This process begins after the editing of the network is completed with all additional and is ready to input into the simulation model. The validation of network data introduces robustness and integrity in the data. The process of validation involves adding some topological rules to the network data while digitization. According to Pablo Fernández Moniz ET. Al some of the simple topological validation for a network data includes 1) 2 lines must not overlap 2) pipe ends must always be connected 3) no two polygons must overlap etc. Once the data digitization is complete, the validation process in done by running through the restriction which are predefined in the data model. The restrictions can be Topological or non- topological. The details of restrictions for a pipe network data is as shown in Fig 6 [vijay l kanti, ET al.2004] Fig: 6. Restrictions and Validations of pipe network data in GIS Source: Water International A GIS-based solution for urban water management: Pablo Fernández Moniz 6. Hydraulic modelling using GIS Many models are available in the market for hydraulic modelling, it can be open source or proprietary software for eg: QGIS based on Post gre SQL Arc Gis using SQL etc. Pablo Fernández et al.2020]. hydraulic modelling software’s like EPA SWMM, EPANET, HEC RAS, HEC GeoRAS etc. can be integrated with GIS.[ J. YOO*,]March 2005] GIS software’s help in storing the complex spatial data of the pipe networks such as pipe diameter, number of valves, number junctions, manholes, direction of water/sewerage flow etc. The development of the hydraulic modelling software have been improving to cope up with the complex issues pertaining to data quality, interoperability etc.[ Pablo Fernandez et al.2020].The Role of the network simulation model is to analyze the network for itsflowparameterslikethepressure, velocity and direction. In a case study of Chetouane water distribution network in Algeria, EPANET was used for the hydraulic simulation where all the line networks in .DXF format were converted in the EPANET. Additional pipe network parameters like location of the tanks, pumps,valves nodes, junctions, manholes etc. were manually added using the features in the EPANET Fig:7.Simulations were performed to arrive at consumption profile at each network. Pressure distribution, and the velocity distribution at the each of the networks. The advantage of such GIS based applications is, the Analysis and the visualization happens in the same environment. Also back ground image data of the specificstudy area helps in understandingthesiteconditions in a scientific way. Also 3D simulations can be used to show the profile and the flow variations of the network.
  • 5. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 408 Fig: 7 pipe network information system of EPANET Source: Che´rifa Abdelbaki :Appl water Sci:Managementofa water distribution network by coupling GIS and hydraulic modeling: a case study of Chetouane in Algeria 7. GIS integration with other applications For effective pipe network management many drafting and design applications are coupled with GIS .for example CAD with GIS, EPANET with GIS, SWMM with GIS etc. [Che´rifa Abdelbaki et al.2016]. These applications can be used for identification of the best network routing, shortest path, optimised network alignment etc. The CAD applications are used generate pipe network drawings, these files are in .DXF formatand now thesecanbe migrated to GIS environment in the form of shapefile format. Once the details of the network are in GIS, the attribute information is added to it. Checked for topology and the process follows as shown in Fig; 6. In Applications like EPANET thedetailsofnetworkimporting along with its characteristics can be done by the inbuilt operations within the EPANET [s (Ho et al. 2010)]. There are different layers of the pipe network which are stored differently in the form of point, line and polygon. Several spatialanalysis and queriescanperformedinGIS.Basicallyto identify the best route, identify the network which are malfunctioning. To identify the age of the pipe network etc. [Ahmad M. Salah et al. 2011] 8. GIS based pipe alignment optimization The present paper has discussed several applications and usage of GIS in water network management system. Another important and challenging application is optimization of a network. Automated optimization is a better option than manual route optimization and GIS applications can handle this more easily. [Ahmad M. Salah et al. 2011], however for major pipelines, the best knowledgefromthefiledexpertand stake holderscanvalueaddfordecisionmaking.Thenetwork Analyst tools in Arc GIS is the best option. Also Hierarchical BestRoutealgorithmwhicharemodelbasedalgorithmsgives best identification of the optimized routes. Which helps decision making says Ahmad M. Salah et al. 2011] 9. GIS based Operations and maintenance of the pipe networks Once the pipe network is laid and fully functional with all connections between sources to distribution iscompletedby the execution contractor. The last and continuous process is operation and maintenance of the whole system. In reality the whole of this work is outsourced by the municipalities in urban areas to contractors who basically use technology to maintain their works. GIS technology once again isa very useful tool which helpsin this process. The main tasks of the maintenance team is to continuously monitor the networks. Usually the entire network right from source to distribution is divided into several zones and then handed over todifferentteamsforthe same. One of the well-known technology in the operations and maintenance of the pipe network is SCADA system (Supervisory control and Data acquisition).Whichisasensor based system this can be linked to GIS for monitoring of the network. The pipe network isconnected with different types of sensors which constantly give information about the network parameters like flow, velocity, pressure and other variations. The SCADA system is linked to a GIS system, where all the details of the network can be visualized. The sensors constantly send information which can be visualized in the GIS interface, this will indicate the problematic variations in pressure and velocity. It also indicates the breakdown of pipes. All these information’s are critical aspects of operation and maintenance. The SCADA technology thus saves time and energy to identify the defective lines. 10. CONCLUSIONS GIS based urban water works management has detailed about the concepts of GIS technology and use of this technology for project management for various applications of GIS, The process of GIS base project management highlights about the different steps in the project .the different sectors where GIS is widely used are construction management, flood studies, construction safety and water works management. The present paper widely reviews the GIS application in water works management. This mainly involves in planning, designing, construction and maintenance of the pipe networks. Remote sensing technology is used for planning and data generation of the pipe network. During the data generation three kinds of data
  • 6. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 03 | Mar 2023 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2023, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 409 model i.e. Line, Point and Polygon is used to create the networkwithsuitabletopologyvalidations.Oncethenetwork is generated the design parameters of the network are obtained from RS and other hydraulic modelling software’s like SWMM and EPANET. Hydraulic design of the network is either done in separate environment or linked to GIS. The paper also discuss about the optimized routing using algorithms which will result in efficient networks. Lastly the paper throwslightonhowtheoperationsandmaintenanceof the network is done during the functioning of the network. Several research has been carried out on the hydraulic modelling and application integration in GIS. The future scopeof the water worksmanagementisthequantificationof water losses in the pipe network. It is very difficulttoidentify the leakages in the pipe network which is below the ground. Extensive research needs to be done in the pipe network management right from laying of the network to operation and management. It is very challenging task to determinethe age of the pipe networks. As most of the networks are not mapped and no data on the pipe network is available. GIS plays a very important role in the mapping and database management of the network data. There needs to be lot of research done on the same. REFERENCES [1] Abdulla Al-Rawabdeh , Nadhir Al-Ansari , Hussain Attya and Sven Knutsson Jan. 2014 “GIS Applications for Building 3D Campus, Utilities and Implementation Mapping Aspects for University Planning Purposes” Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, , Volume 8, No. 1 (Serial No. 74), pp. 19-28 ISSN 1934-7359, USA [2] Ahmad M. Salah, P.E, Gisp, Denis Atwood, February 2011 “Pipeline AlignmentOptimization:AutomatedGIS- Based Approach” journal of pipeline systems engineering and practice. [3] A.M. Shehata, N.A. Koshak, “Using 3D GIS to Assess Environmental HazardsinBuiltEnvironmental”,Journal of Al Alzhar University, EngineeringSector,Cairo,Egypt, 2006. [4] Che´rifa Abdelbaki , Mohamed Mouaˆd Benchaib , Salim Benziada , Hace`ne Mahmoudi ,Mattheus Goosen” Management of a water distribution network by coupling GIS and hydraulic modelling: a case study of Chetouane in Algeria ”Journal of water science [5] Dr. Zakaria Yehia Ahmed Thebes “GIS Project Management” [6] Dr.Roopa.”Urban flooding feasible structural measure and solutions for Bangalore vrishabhavathi valley region” 2018,. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(10), pp. 1473–1480 [7] Mohamed N. Jeljeli, ~ Jeffrey S. Russell, Associate Member,. Guy Meyer, Member, ASCE, and Alan P. Vonderohe, 2020 “Implementation of virtue campus “International Water Resources Association [8] Pablo Fernández Moniz , Jaisiel Santana Almeida , Agustín Trujillo Pino & José Pablo Suárez Rivero “A GIS- based solution for urban water management” Water International ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage [9] PostgreSQL.(2017).Continuous archiving. PostgreSQL. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/sta tic/continuous-archiving.html [10] J. YOO, “GIS-based simulation of urban sewerage flow” Urban Water Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2005, 1 – 12 [11] Y. Ma, J. Ruan, “The design and implementation of campus information systems basedonGIS,”J.EastChina Inst. Technol. (Natural Science) 9 (3) (2009) 90-96. [12] vijay l kanti, mohammed Najafi, Ahmmed habiban 2004 “ Role of GIS in Pipeline Industry” Copyright ASCE [13] V.K. Bansal International Journal ofProjectManagement 29 (2011) 66–77], “Potential Application Areas of GISin Preconstruction” Planning Associate Member, ASCE J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 1993.119:72-86]