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www.tjprc.org editor@tjprc.org
International Journal of Textile and
Fashion Technology (IJTFT)
ISSN(P): 2250-2378; ISSN(E): 2319-4510
Vol. 4, Issue 5, Oct 2014, 37-42
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.
Associate Professor, Department of Home Science, Mother Teresa Womens University,
Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India
Research Scholar, Department of Textiles, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of
Textiles & Management, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
The need for effective apparel waste management is motivated by the increasing cost and decreasing availability
of landfill space and the dwindling of natural resources. The aim of this study was to identify the current solid waste
disposal and recycling practices of the apparel industry in South Africa and to determine their attitude and willingness
towards recycling, their perception of the feasibility thereof, barriers to recycling and marketing strategies that would be
appropriate for products made from recycled materials.
The most important barriers to recycling are lack of equipment and technology, lack of material to recycle and
lack of consumer awareness. It is concluded that consumer awareness and knowledge regarding recycled apparel products
should be developed in order to ensure a market and that apparel manufacturers should be encouraged to recycle more
extensively, in order to ensure that resources will not be exhausted unnecessarily and the environment will be preserved
KEYWORDS: Clothing, Recycled Materials, Textiles, Garment Industry
This the human control of the collection, treatment and disposal of different wastes. This is in order to reduce the
negative impacts waste has on environment and society. Waste is directly linked to the human development, both
technologically and socially. Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying
the rate of consumption of natural resources. All waste materials, whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall
within the remit of waste management or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management.
Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for
residential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in
metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities, while management for non-hazardous
commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international
Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9594
Fabric Store
Fabric storehouse is the actua
Beside storage the fabric store departme
is sourced from outside into the fabric st
Wastes in the Cutting Room
Wastes in the cutting room ca
Bundling Room
The inspection is not 100%, so
Production Floor
The loaders load the lines with
find the piece defective at any stage and
Dyeing and Washing
The wastages happen when eith
The printing on the garment d
correct place on the garment or the num
This may include measurement
• Motion
• Delay/Waiting
Index C
Figure 1
tual area where the fabric for production is receive o
ment is also responsible for the inspection of the goods r
c store should be inspected for the defects.
can come from several sources including marker utiliz
some defective pieces go undetected and reach the stage
ith the bundles which pass on the line according to the
nd dispose it off there and then only.
either the pieces are lost or misplaced during the transpor
t does not match the standard while in the case of emb
mber of threads used is less and desired effect is not obt
ent/fit defect, trims defect or pressing.
S. Kavitha & G. Manimekalai
x Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
e or dispatched for processing.
s receive by it. The fabric which
tilization, cutting waste and roll
ge of production.
the operation. The operator may
mbroidery, it may not be on the
A Study on Waste Disposal Management in Garment Industry 39
www.tjprc.org editor@tjprc.org
• Conveyance (moving thing around)
• Correction
• Over processing
• Inventory
• Overproduction
• Knowledge disconnection underutilization of resources
Reuse is today mainly limited by economic conditions with low cost of virgin textile and fast changing fashion.
There are however opportunities in that second hand may be a fashion in itself and that the informal second hand market is
to a large extent working without any specific policy instruments.
Figure 2
Much of the textiles collected by charity organizations are not of a sufficient quality to be sold and reused on the
market. This is to some extent solved by exports to less demanding markets outside but also leads to incineration.
Figure 3
Economic & Social
The labour cost of repairing a garment is often higher than the purchase of a new garment. The extreme case is
when it is actually cheaper to buy a new garment rather than to have it professionally cleaned.
Technical, Legal: Design both for Reuse and Recycling
Design of new textiles can be differentiated depending on what the textile should be used for. If it is a short lived
garment either due to fashion or its inherent nature it should preferably be made of a standardized material which is
suitable for recycling. If it is a high quality garment which will be used for many years a more complex fabric may be used
in technical.
40 S. Kavitha & G. Manimekalai
Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9594 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
• Finish in time Minimum
• Changes in original design
• Least make break/rework
• Keep check on Labor and Material costs
• Avoid rework due to bad quality
• Optimize usage of materials
• Enhance labor productivity through skill training
• Efficient Management Information System (MIS) for timely decision making.
The unusable parts and extremely shredded clothes are recycled into waste cotton. Mattress, pillows, cushions,
seat stuffing and padding in cars, public buses and rickshaws are usually done with these recycled clothes and processed
cotton. Even bandages are being reproduced with leftover white cotton fabrics. While buttons, zippers, elastic fastener,
hangers and plastic bags are resold to mini garment accessory sellers. Buttons, zipper, elastics fasteners are mostly
purchased by local tailors, said an accessory seller.
• Reduces the need for landfill space.
• Textiles present particular problems in landfill as synthetic (man-made fibres) products will not decompose, while
woollen garments do decompose and produce methane, which contributes to global warming.
• Reduces pressure on virgin resources.
• Aids the balance of payments as we import fewer materials for our needs. Results in less pollution and energy
savings, as fibers do not be transported from abroad.
• Benefits of reclaiming fiber Savings on energy consumption when processing, as items do not need to be re-dyed
or scoured.
• Less effluent, as unlike raw wool, it does not have to be thoroughly washed using large volumes of water.
Reduction of demand for dyes and fixing agents and the problems caused by their use and manufacture.
Garment waste is not a large waste stream by weight or volume but has a significant environmental impact
connected to the production of garments. When this project started very little was known both about actual consumption
and of the connected environmental impact. Since then, a number of studies, workshops and seminars have been performed
and the knowledge in this area is increasing rapidly.
A Study on Waste Disposal Management in Garment Industry 41
www.tjprc.org editor@tjprc.org
Industrial recycling needs to be large scale and the textile flows are according to the recycling companies too
small for an efficient recycling process. More research is needed to find optimal recycling methods.
1. Britwistle, G. and Moore C.M. (2007) Fashion clothing – where does it all end up? International Journal of
Retail & Distribution Management.
2. DEFRA (2007) Waste strategy for England (2007) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
3. DEPA (1997) Environmental Assessment of Textiles. Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
4. Morley, N, Slater, S, Russel, S, Tipper, M, Ward, G. D. 2006. Recycling of low grade clothing waste. Oakdene
Hollins Ltd, Salvation Army Trading Company Ltd, Nonwovens Innovation and Research Institute Ltd.
5. Tyler, David J, Blackwell Scientific Publications Professional Books, Cambridge, Materials Management in
Clothing Production MA: 1991.

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  • 1. www.tjprc.org editor@tjprc.org International Journal of Textile and Fashion Technology (IJTFT) ISSN(P): 2250-2378; ISSN(E): 2319-4510 Vol. 4, Issue 5, Oct 2014, 37-42 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. A STUDY ON WASTE DISPOSAL MANAGEMENT IN GARMENT INDUSTRY S. KAVITHA1 & G. MANIMEKALAI2 1 Associate Professor, Department of Home Science, Mother Teresa Womens University, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India 2 Research Scholar, Department of Textiles, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textiles & Management, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT The need for effective apparel waste management is motivated by the increasing cost and decreasing availability of landfill space and the dwindling of natural resources. The aim of this study was to identify the current solid waste disposal and recycling practices of the apparel industry in South Africa and to determine their attitude and willingness towards recycling, their perception of the feasibility thereof, barriers to recycling and marketing strategies that would be appropriate for products made from recycled materials. The most important barriers to recycling are lack of equipment and technology, lack of material to recycle and lack of consumer awareness. It is concluded that consumer awareness and knowledge regarding recycled apparel products should be developed in order to ensure a market and that apparel manufacturers should be encouraged to recycle more extensively, in order to ensure that resources will not be exhausted unnecessarily and the environment will be preserved optimally. KEYWORDS: Clothing, Recycled Materials, Textiles, Garment Industry INTRODUCTION This the human control of the collection, treatment and disposal of different wastes. This is in order to reduce the negative impacts waste has on environment and society. Waste is directly linked to the human development, both technologically and socially. Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. All waste materials, whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management. Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international authorities.
  • 2. 38 Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9594 CONCEPT OF WASTE MANAG VARIOUS STAGES OF WASTAG Fabric Store Fabric storehouse is the actua Beside storage the fabric store departme is sourced from outside into the fabric st Wastes in the Cutting Room Wastes in the cutting room ca remnants. Bundling Room The inspection is not 100%, so Production Floor The loaders load the lines with find the piece defective at any stage and Dyeing and Washing The wastages happen when eith Printing/Embroidery The printing on the garment d correct place on the garment or the num Finishing This may include measurement MAIN CAUSES OF WASTAGE I • Motion • Delay/Waiting Index C GEMENT Figure 1 AGE MANAGEMENT IN GARMENT INDUST tual area where the fabric for production is receive o ment is also responsible for the inspection of the goods r c store should be inspected for the defects. can come from several sources including marker utiliz some defective pieces go undetected and reach the stage ith the bundles which pass on the line according to the nd dispose it off there and then only. either the pieces are lost or misplaced during the transpor t does not match the standard while in the case of emb mber of threads used is less and desired effect is not obt ent/fit defect, trims defect or pressing. E IN GARMENT INDUSTRY S. Kavitha & G. Manimekalai x Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0 STRY e or dispatched for processing. s receive by it. The fabric which tilization, cutting waste and roll ge of production. the operation. The operator may portation. mbroidery, it may not be on the obtained.
  • 3. A Study on Waste Disposal Management in Garment Industry 39 www.tjprc.org editor@tjprc.org • Conveyance (moving thing around) • Correction • Over processing • Inventory • Overproduction • Knowledge disconnection underutilization of resources IMPROVEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT OF GARMENT INDUSTRY Reuse is today mainly limited by economic conditions with low cost of virgin textile and fast changing fashion. There are however opportunities in that second hand may be a fashion in itself and that the informal second hand market is to a large extent working without any specific policy instruments. Figure 2 Much of the textiles collected by charity organizations are not of a sufficient quality to be sold and reused on the market. This is to some extent solved by exports to less demanding markets outside but also leads to incineration. Figure 3 Economic & Social The labour cost of repairing a garment is often higher than the purchase of a new garment. The extreme case is when it is actually cheaper to buy a new garment rather than to have it professionally cleaned. Technical, Legal: Design both for Reuse and Recycling Design of new textiles can be differentiated depending on what the textile should be used for. If it is a short lived garment either due to fashion or its inherent nature it should preferably be made of a standardized material which is suitable for recycling. If it is a high quality garment which will be used for many years a more complex fabric may be used in technical.
  • 4. 40 S. Kavitha & G. Manimekalai Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9594 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0 MEASURES TO CONTROL COST LOST IN WASTAGE • Finish in time Minimum • Changes in original design • Least make break/rework • Keep check on Labor and Material costs • Avoid rework due to bad quality • Optimize usage of materials • Enhance labor productivity through skill training • Efficient Management Information System (MIS) for timely decision making. USE OF GARMENT WASTE The unusable parts and extremely shredded clothes are recycled into waste cotton. Mattress, pillows, cushions, seat stuffing and padding in cars, public buses and rickshaws are usually done with these recycled clothes and processed cotton. Even bandages are being reproduced with leftover white cotton fabrics. While buttons, zippers, elastic fastener, hangers and plastic bags are resold to mini garment accessory sellers. Buttons, zipper, elastics fasteners are mostly purchased by local tailors, said an accessory seller. ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF GARMENT RECYCLING • Reduces the need for landfill space. • Textiles present particular problems in landfill as synthetic (man-made fibres) products will not decompose, while woollen garments do decompose and produce methane, which contributes to global warming. • Reduces pressure on virgin resources. • Aids the balance of payments as we import fewer materials for our needs. Results in less pollution and energy savings, as fibers do not be transported from abroad. • Benefits of reclaiming fiber Savings on energy consumption when processing, as items do not need to be re-dyed or scoured. • Less effluent, as unlike raw wool, it does not have to be thoroughly washed using large volumes of water. Reduction of demand for dyes and fixing agents and the problems caused by their use and manufacture. CONCLUSIONS Garment waste is not a large waste stream by weight or volume but has a significant environmental impact connected to the production of garments. When this project started very little was known both about actual consumption and of the connected environmental impact. Since then, a number of studies, workshops and seminars have been performed and the knowledge in this area is increasing rapidly.
  • 5. A Study on Waste Disposal Management in Garment Industry 41 www.tjprc.org editor@tjprc.org Industrial recycling needs to be large scale and the textile flows are according to the recycling companies too small for an efficient recycling process. More research is needed to find optimal recycling methods. REFERENCES 1. Britwistle, G. and Moore C.M. (2007) Fashion clothing – where does it all end up? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 2. DEFRA (2007) Waste strategy for England (2007) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. http://www.defra.gov.uka 3. DEPA (1997) Environmental Assessment of Textiles. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 4. Morley, N, Slater, S, Russel, S, Tipper, M, Ward, G. D. 2006. Recycling of low grade clothing waste. Oakdene Hollins Ltd, Salvation Army Trading Company Ltd, Nonwovens Innovation and Research Institute Ltd. 5. Tyler, David J, Blackwell Scientific Publications Professional Books, Cambridge, Materials Management in Clothing Production MA: 1991.