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A Tale ofA Tale of
Contemporary SoftwareContemporary Software
UNSW Guest LectureUNSW Guest Lecture
March 2015
About MeAbout Me
Comp Science Bachelor UNSW
Applied Finance PostGrad at Macquarie Uni
IBM, Sun, Accenture, BGI/BlackRock, Macquarie Group
Now innovating and opinionating at Trunk Platform
yunspace yunzhilin yunspace.com
My opinions does not reflect the view of the company
Shout out if you have questions or need a break
Case StudiesCase Studies
Market EfficiencyMarket Efficiency
We live in a market
Stock prices reflect and adjust to all public information
Little room for arbitrage or outrageous profit
Information Efficiency also applies to business & competition:
What you try to do, others are already doing/copying
Your customers are very likely to know more than you​​
You need to process information fast, but also relevant
Semi-Strong Efficiency
becomes Key Differentiatorbecomes Key Differentiator
Superior technology gives competitive advantage:
Exploiting Market Anomalies such as Momentum trading
Arbitraging tiny inefficiencies: Quantitive, Frequency trading.
Destroying information asymmetry and "experts": RPdata
Disrupting established markets: Uber, Tesla
Providing better UX for boring things: CBA, Simple.com
All we need is good software ...
Every CompanyEvery Company MUST beMUST be
Software CompanySoftware Company
The era of separating traditional industries and technology
industries is over—and those who fail to adapt right now will
soon find themselves obsolete.
- Forbes 2011Now Every Company is A Software Company
Offshoring and underinvestment in core technology is
solution is not cost cutting, but more effective technology
"tech refresh" is primitive idea, should always refresh
CIO are supposed to be visionary leaders, not accountants
Conway's LawConway's Law
organizations which design systems ... are constrained to
produce designs which are copies of the
communication structures of these organizations
Melvin Conway - 1968
- Sarah Novotny (NGinx)Don't Forget Conway's Law
Good Software Design starts off with Orgnisational Design
Siloed SystemSiloed System
Information and Capabilities lost in translation between silos
Prefered SystemPrefered System
Lead to architecture based around business capabilities
Software Systems must ConnectSoftware Systems must Connect
Information are rarely stored in a single place,
but integration of systems is hard:
Any two applications are different
Application changes are inevitable
Networks are unreliable and slow
, Gregor HohpeEnterprise Integration Patterns
Technology can differentiate in a competitive world.
Challenge is to process information more efficiently
But building good software is hard:
Traditional siloed teams hinder collaboration
Integrating applications is painful
Aladdin PlatformAladdin Platform
25Million lines of code
One stop shop for risk & portfolios
Central DB, no integration needed
20,000 users, 30,000 portfolios
1000+ developers, built over 20 yrs
single point of failure
death by stored procedures
slow change cycle (legacy)
siloed development team
thick client
Built around 1994. Iconic Monolithic, OS for traders
Tightly Coupled SystemsTightly Coupled Systems
= Useless but Deadly Change Review Meetings= Useless but Deadly Change Review Meetings
Legacy monoliths tend to be defensive, "keep the lights on"
Lack of tests -> unknown risks -> afraid to make changes
Making changes is equivalent to "chucking a Prince Oberyn"
BGI Global MesssagingBGI Global Messsaging
Publish / Subscribe
Real time, high speed
Across 3 time zones
Canonical Data + Enrichment
Decoupled end services
custom 3rd party messaging
ESB potential point of failure
Data is Publisher driven
Cross functional stops at ESB
Bottleneck shift to ESB
$$$ internal & external work
Tragedy of the commons
Enterprise Service Bus
ETFCash FixedEquities
Custodians SWIFT
early 2000s, Traditional SOA, quite ahead of its time:
ESB promises:ESB promises:
That's a lot! Concerned about Separation of Concerns?
Scaling the ESBScaling the ESB
One size fits all: Every on the Bus gets same treatment.
Looser coupling and independent scaling would be nice
ESB in RealityESB in Reality
Monoliths and tight coupling are bad
ESBs isn't perfect, but stepping in right direction
40 years of Service Evolution40 years of Service Evolution
- PWC Technology Forecast 2014
Microservices: The resurgence of SOA principles and an alternative to the monolith
Change ManagementChange Management
- PWC Technology Forecast 2014
Microservices: The resurgence of SOA principles and an alternative to the monolith
What are MicroServicesWhat are MicroServices
NetFlix, Amazon, realestate.com.au, Tyro, Atlassian
Similar to traditional SOA, except no more ESB
Consumer driven contracts instead of Canonical Data
Fault tolerant and independently scalable
Activity Based Working
Cross Functional DeliveryCross Functional Delivery
UI/UX Design
Front End
Back End
Split into Self Organised Teams around Capabilities
Cross functional collaboration deliver Capabilities
Decoupled and scalable Capabilities collectively
form Microservices Architecture (MSA)
(optional homework)(optional homework)
Test Driven DevelopmentTest Driven Development
How do you know when you broke something?
you don't, so write tests!
There is no such thing as untestable code @CodaHale
Highly recommend Uncle Bob's book:
Clean Code
The Clean Coder
Find out more at:
Write Clean CodeWrite Clean Code
Twelve Factor AppTwelve Factor App
By Heroku:
Some opinionated points that apply to University work:
One Code base - use git: github/bitbucket
Config - use environment variables
Dependencies - use gradle to avoid death by xml:
repositories {
maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/trunkplatfo
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.trunkplatform', name: 'servi
"streetNumber": "80",
"streetName": "Clarence",
"suburb": "Sydney"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soap:Body xmlns:p="http://www.platmasphere.com/createProperty.xsd">
PUT /hostname/properties/<definitions name="PropertyService"
<!-- not including model schemas -->
<message name="CreatePropertyRequest">
<part name="body" element="CreatePropertyRquestModel"/>
<message name="GetPropertyResponse">
<part name="body" element="CreatePropertyResponseModel"/>
<portType name="Properties_Port">
<operation name="CraeteProperty">
<input message="CreatePropertyRequest"/>
<output message="CreatePropertyResponse"/>
<fault message="CreatePropertyFault"/>
<binding name="CreateProeprtySoapBinding"
<soap:binding style="document"
<operation name="CreateProperty">
Managed to avoid death by XML again!
is notis not
Remote Proc Calls over HTTP:
POST /api/getUserById/{id}
POST /api/createUser/
POST /api/updateUser/{id}
POST /api/delUserById/{id}
Resource oriented, http verbs:
GET /api/user/{id}
POST /api/user
DELETE /api/user/{id}
PUT /api/user/{id}
REST Verbs Reference:
REST in JavaREST in Java
1. Java API for Restful Services:
2. Implemented by Jersey:
3. Made even more awesome by:
Dropwizard makes it easy to do the right thing,
allowing you to concentrate on the essential
complexity of a problem rather than the plumbing
ThoughtWorks Technology Radar
Getting Started:
Sample Project with Heroku support:
Our Dropwizard-Turbo LazyBones Template:
For manual testing: https://www.getpostman.com/
Who needs WSDL when you have Interactive Docs
I'll be talking some more at:
- Microservices Meetup 1st AprilDropwizard and Friends
Startup focusing on Real Estate
Old industry, new ideas
We are very Contemporary
Self Organised
And we use Microservices
We are Hiring!We are Hiring!

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A Tale of Contemporary Software

  • 1. A Tale ofA Tale of Contemporary SoftwareContemporary Software UNSW Guest LectureUNSW Guest Lecture March 2015
  • 2. About MeAbout Me Comp Science Bachelor UNSW Applied Finance PostGrad at Macquarie Uni IBM, Sun, Accenture, BGI/BlackRock, Macquarie Group Now innovating and opinionating at Trunk Platform yunspace yunzhilin yunspace.com My opinions does not reflect the view of the company Shout out if you have questions or need a break
  • 5. Market EfficiencyMarket Efficiency We live in a market Stock prices reflect and adjust to all public information Little room for arbitrage or outrageous profit Information Efficiency also applies to business & competition: What you try to do, others are already doing/copying Your customers are very likely to know more than you​​ You need to process information fast, but also relevant Semi-Strong Efficiency
  • 6. TechnologyTechnology becomes Key Differentiatorbecomes Key Differentiator Superior technology gives competitive advantage: Exploiting Market Anomalies such as Momentum trading Arbitraging tiny inefficiencies: Quantitive, Frequency trading. Destroying information asymmetry and "experts": RPdata Disrupting established markets: Uber, Tesla Providing better UX for boring things: CBA, Simple.com All we need is good software ...
  • 7. Every CompanyEvery Company MUST beMUST be Software CompanySoftware Company The era of separating traditional industries and technology industries is over—and those who fail to adapt right now will soon find themselves obsolete. - Forbes 2011Now Every Company is A Software Company Offshoring and underinvestment in core technology is detrimental solution is not cost cutting, but more effective technology "tech refresh" is primitive idea, should always refresh CIO are supposed to be visionary leaders, not accountants
  • 8. Conway's LawConway's Law organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations Melvin Conway - 1968 - Sarah Novotny (NGinx)Don't Forget Conway's Law MelvinConway.com Good Software Design starts off with Orgnisational Design
  • 9. Siloed SystemSiloed System Information and Capabilities lost in translation between silos
  • 10. Prefered SystemPrefered System Lead to architecture based around business capabilities
  • 11. Software Systems must ConnectSoftware Systems must Connect Information are rarely stored in a single place, but integration of systems is hard: Any two applications are different Application changes are inevitable Networks are unreliable and slow , Gregor HohpeEnterprise Integration Patterns
  • 12. ConclusionConclusion Technology can differentiate in a competitive world. Challenge is to process information more efficiently But building good software is hard: Traditional siloed teams hinder collaboration Integrating applications is painful
  • 14. Aladdin PlatformAladdin Platform 25Million lines of code One stop shop for risk & portfolios Central DB, no integration needed 20,000 users, 30,000 portfolios 1000+ developers, built over 20 yrs single point of failure death by stored procedures slow change cycle (legacy) siloed development team thick client Built around 1994. Iconic Monolithic, OS for traders
  • 15. Tightly Coupled SystemsTightly Coupled Systems = Useless but Deadly Change Review Meetings= Useless but Deadly Change Review Meetings Legacy monoliths tend to be defensive, "keep the lights on" Lack of tests -> unknown risks -> afraid to make changes Making changes is equivalent to "chucking a Prince Oberyn"
  • 16. BGI Global MesssagingBGI Global Messsaging Publish / Subscribe Real time, high speed Across 3 time zones Canonical Data + Enrichment Decoupled end services custom 3rd party messaging ESB potential point of failure Data is Publisher driven Cross functional stops at ESB Bottleneck shift to ESB $$$ internal & external work Tragedy of the commons Enterprise Service Bus ETFCash FixedEquities Custodians SWIFT Counter Party early 2000s, Traditional SOA, quite ahead of its time:
  • 17. ESB promises:ESB promises: That's a lot! Concerned about Separation of Concerns?
  • 18. Scaling the ESBScaling the ESB One size fits all: Every on the Bus gets same treatment. Looser coupling and independent scaling would be nice
  • 19. ESB in RealityESB in Reality
  • 20. ConclusionConclusion Monoliths and tight coupling are bad ESBs isn't perfect, but stepping in right direction
  • 22. 40 years of Service Evolution40 years of Service Evolution - PWC Technology Forecast 2014 Microservices: The resurgence of SOA principles and an alternative to the monolith
  • 23. Change ManagementChange Management - PWC Technology Forecast 2014 Microservices: The resurgence of SOA principles and an alternative to the monolith
  • 24. What are MicroServicesWhat are MicroServices NetFlix, Amazon, realestate.com.au, Tyro, Atlassian http://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html Similar to traditional SOA, except no more ESB Consumer driven contracts instead of Canonical Data Fault tolerant and independently scalable
  • 27. Cross Functional DeliveryCross Functional Delivery Business UI/UX Design Front End Dev Back End Dev Infrastructure/ DevOps
  • 28. ConclusionConclusion Split into Self Organised Teams around Capabilities Cross functional collaboration deliver Capabilities Decoupled and scalable Capabilities collectively form Microservices Architecture (MSA)
  • 30. Test Driven DevelopmentTest Driven Development How do you know when you broke something? you don't, so write tests! There is no such thing as untestable code @CodaHale
  • 31. Highly recommend Uncle Bob's book: Clean Code The Clean Coder Find out more at: cleancoder.com cleancoders.com Write Clean CodeWrite Clean Code
  • 32. Twelve Factor AppTwelve Factor App By Heroku: Some opinionated points that apply to University work: One Code base - use git: github/bitbucket Config - use environment variables Dependencies - use gradle to avoid death by xml: 12factor.net repositories { jcenter() maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/trunkplatfo } } dependencies { compile group: 'com.trunkplatform', name: 'servi } <repositories> <repository> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> <id>bintray-trunkplatform</id> <name>bintray</name> <url>http://dl.bintray.com/trunkplatform/osworkflow</url> </repository> </repositories> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.trunkplatform.opensymphony</groupId> <artifactId>service</artifactId> <version>3.1.4</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> </dependencies>
  • 33. Use REST, no WSDL/SOAPUse REST, no WSDL/SOAP { "streetNumber": "80", "streetName": "Clarence", "suburb": "Sydney" } <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope" soap:encodingStyle="http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-encoding"> <soap:Body xmlns:p="http://www.platmasphere.com/createProperty.xsd"> <p:CreateProperty> <m:Property> <m:streetNumber>80</m:streetNumber> <m:streetName>Clarence</m:streetName> PUT /hostname/properties/<definitions name="PropertyService" targetNamespace="http://namespaces.snowboard-info.com" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> <!-- not including model schemas --> <message name="CreatePropertyRequest"> <part name="body" element="CreatePropertyRquestModel"/> </message> <message name="GetPropertyResponse"> <part name="body" element="CreatePropertyResponseModel"/> </message> <portType name="Properties_Port"> <operation name="CraeteProperty"> <input message="CreatePropertyRequest"/> <output message="CreatePropertyResponse"/> <fault message="CreatePropertyFault"/> </operation> </portType> <binding name="CreateProeprtySoapBinding" type="GreatePropertytType"> <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/> <operation name="CreateProperty"> <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.platmasphere.com/CreateProperty"/> <input> Managed to avoid death by XML again!
  • 34. Good RESTGood REST is notis not Remote Proc Calls over HTTP: POST /api/getUserById/{id} POST /api/createUser/ POST /api/updateUser/{id} POST /api/delUserById/{id} isis Resource oriented, http verbs: GET /api/user/{id} POST /api/user DELETE /api/user/{id} PUT /api/user/{id} REST Verbs Reference: http://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/httpmethods.html
  • 35. REST in JavaREST in Java 1. Java API for Restful Services: 2. Implemented by Jersey: 3. Made even more awesome by: https://jax-rs-spec.java.net/ https://jersey.java.net/ http://dropwizard.io/ ++ == PROFITPROFIT
  • 36. Dropwizard.ioDropwizard.io Dropwizard makes it easy to do the right thing, allowing you to concentrate on the essential complexity of a problem rather than the plumbing ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Getting Started: Sample Project with Heroku support: Our Dropwizard-Turbo LazyBones Template: http://www.dropwizard.io/getting-started.html https://github.com/Trunkplatform/dropwizard-petstore https://github.com/Trunkplatform/lazy-bones-dropwizard-turbo
  • 37. PostManPostMan For manual testing: https://www.getpostman.com/
  • 38. Swagger.ioSwagger.io Who needs WSDL when you have Interactive Docs
  • 39. Questions?Questions? I'll be talking some more at: - Microservices Meetup 1st AprilDropwizard and Friends www.trunkplatform.com Startup focusing on Real Estate Old industry, new ideas We are very Contemporary Self Organised And we use Microservices We are Hiring!We are Hiring!