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The Taximan’s Story
                         By: Catherine Lim
                         A Singaporean Short Story
                        For College (World Literature)

          Trip to
        Singapore Author Story
Game                                Plot   Characters   Setting   Theme   Conflict

Designed by: Friend Hayzer S. Gregorio, John Paulo G. Ibay, Jonna Rose G. Jallores,
                                and Miso C. Kim
•   There are two (2) categories: Elements of Short Story and
•   In each category, there are five (5) types of question with
    corresponding number of points.
Multiple Choice
True or False
The Big
3. The game master will let one (1) group at a time to choose a
    category and the points which they want to earn.
4. The game master will read the question and then the groups
    will answer that question by blackening/shading the circle of
    their choice (if the question is Multiple Choice) or by simply
    writing their answer in the answer sheet.
5. The groups will be given a maximum time of 5 seconds to
    answer the question.
6. The game master will ask some group’s answer. After that, he
    will reveal the answer to the given question.
7. If the group answered the question correctly they will gain
    corresponding points to that question.
8. At the end of the game, the group who earned the highest
    points among the others is declared as the winner.
Elements of Short Story
This category is about the basic elements of short story
This category is about the location, important dates, national symbols,
                 and famous landmarks of Singapore
Elements of Short Story                    Singapore

         100              Trial Question     100
         200                                 200
         300                                 300
         400                                 400
         500                                 500
Trial (Multiple Choice)
     Which is the currency of
            Singapore?     5
C.Dollar                    3
D. Baht                     1
                       Time is up!
E. Pound

Which country is to the north of
E.Philippines              5
F.Indonesia                4
                      Time is up!
200 (TRUE or FALSE)

Singapore means “Garden City”.

             FALSE                               5
    The name Singapore is derived from the word
 “Singapura” or “Lion City” as legend has it when a
Sumatran prince sighted a beast that looked like a lion
when he first set foot on the island in the 14 century.

                                          Time is up!

What is the capital of Singapore?


                         Time is up!

Enumerate the four (4) official
  languages of Singapore.

  Malay, English, Chinese
  Malay English         4
   (Mandarin), and Tamil
   (Mandarin)           3
                   Time is up!
500 (The BIG Question)
 Which is the symbolism of the
 crescent on Singapore’s Flag?
C.Growth of a young country   • red for brotherhood and
D.Islam                       • white for purity and virtue.
                              •crescent moon represents a

E.Hinduism                    young nation4 the rise.

                              •five stars stand for

F.Judaism                     Singapore's ideals of
                              democracy, peace, progress,
                              justice and equality.
                                  Time is up!
  What element is known as ‘the series of
             related events’?
C. Episodes
D. Chapters
E. Scenes                          5
D. Plot                            4
                              Time is up!
200 (TRUE or FALSE)

Only people can be characters in a story.

                              Time is up!
If I told you: This short story takes place in a
   jungle on a mysterious island sometime in
 the 1930s/1940s involving a strange hunter. I
            would be using what term?
 HINT: seven letters, think of time and place
                    SETTING              4
                                    Time is up!

What are the six basic elements of the short
           story? Give only four.

 Characters, Setting, Plot, Point of View
 Characters Setting Plot           5
            Conflict, Theme
            Conflict               4
                             Time is up!
500 (The BIG Question)

It is the main idea or author’s opinion about
   life expressed in a piece of literature.
                   THEME             4
                                Time is up!
The angle in which the story is told.

C.Climax                             5
D.Point of View                      3
E.Screenplay                         1
                                Time is up!
This is the plot device whereby a seemingly
  inextricable problem is suddenly and
  abruptly solved with the unexpected
  intervention of some new character,
  ability, or object.                5
A. Shoulder angel                    2
B. Deus ex machina             Time is up!
C. Mystery
This is where the events in the story
 become complicated and the conflict in the
              story is revealed

C.Rising Action

D.Falling Action

These are the techniques use to create and
            develop characters.



Is a contrast between what is expected and
      what is actually happens or exists.



These are words and phrases that appeal to
  the senses and that writers use to create
         pictures in reader’s minds.

A. Imagery

B. Conflict

C. Point of View
It is the opposition of forces which ties one
      incident to another and makes the plot

C.Red herring


E.Deus ex machina
These are hints and clues provided by the
   author that permit the reader to predict
    what might happen later in the story.


D.Rising Action

It is the angle of the narrator where he can
    move from character to character, event,
         to event, having free access to te
    thoughts, feelings, and motivations of his
    characters and he introduces information
             where when he chooses.



This is the final outcome or untangling of
              events in the story.


D.Red herring

E.Deus ex machina
A taximan's story
A taximan's story
Marina Bay Sands


                    Sri Mariamman Temple


                     Singaporean Foods
Universal Studios
A taximan's story
A taximan's story
A taximan's story
A taximan's story
A taximan's story
Chicken Rice         Carrot cake (chai tow kuay)

Wonton or Wantan mee        Chili Crab
Figure 1: The lion head



•and excellence.
Figure 2: Vanda Miss Joaquim

• Singapore’s quest for progress

• and excellence in all aspects
Figure 3: Singaporean Flag

• red for brotherhood and equality;
• white for purity and virtue.
•crescent moon represents a young nation on the rise.
•five stars stand for Singapore's ideals of democracy, peace,
progress, justice and equality.
•   Real name: Catherine Lim Poh Imm
•   Born: 1942 in Penang, Malaysia

•   writer of nine collections of short stories,
    five novels and a poetry book

•   won national and regional book prizes for her
    literary contributions.

•   best known for her collection of short stories
    Little Ironies: Short Stories of Singapore and
    Or Else, The Lightning God and
    Other Stories.
•   Teacher, St. Andrew’s School, St. Patrick’s School
•   Teacher, Catholic Junior College
•   Project director, Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore,
    Ministry of Education

•   Administrator, Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore, Ministry
    of Education

•   Specialist lecturer in Socio-linguistics and Literature, SEAMEO
    Regional Language Centre (RELC)
    Columnist, The Straits Times
•   Jan 1992 – : full-time professional writer
•first book, published in 1978 (36 years
•the one that launched her on the road to
•17 short stories are about ordinary men
and women living their ordinary lives, often
with a determination that is no less than
extraordinary—the woman desperate to
have a male child to appease her tradition-
bound husband
•the young student who jumps to her
death after her poor exam results
• the knowledgeable Singlish-speaking taxi
driver who makes extra money looking out
for male tourists to take them to the city’s
The Taximan’s Story
            Story By Catherine Lim
   “Little Ironies” – Stories Of Singapore
Take me to National University of Singapore, please
make it fast coz I got a meeting to attend and I need
                 to be there on time.

      Very good, Madam. Sure I will take you there

   In plenty good time for your meeting, Madam.
     This way better, less traffic, less car jams.

 Half hour should make it, Madam, so not to worry.
Have you been taxi man for a long time?

                      What did you say, Madam?

             I said have you been taxi man for a long time?

        Ha, ha, Yes, yes, I’ve been taxi man for 20 years now, Madam.

      A long time ago, Singapore not like this—so crowded, so busy.

Last time, more peaceful, not so much taxi men or so much cars and buses.
Oh, you must been working so hard!

        Yes Madam, I can make a living. So, so. What do?

      I must work hard if wants to success in Singapore.

People like us, no read, no write, we must sweat to earn money

                    for wife and children.
Do you have a big family?

            Yes, Madam, quite big family—eight
        children, six sons, and two daughters.
     Big family! Haha! No good, Madam. In those
    days where got Family Planning in Singapore?

      People born many, many children, every year,
               one child is no good at all.

       Two children, three children, enough, stop.
               Our government say stop!
Lucky for me, all my children big now. Four of my sons working—one

A businessman, two clerks, a teacher in Primary School, one in National Service

                           one still schooling.

    My eldest daughter, she is twenty plus, stay at home, help the mother.
Is your daughter already married?

No, not married yet – very shy, and her health not so good, but a
                       good, obedient girl.

           My other girl—Oh, Madam! Very hard for
       father when daughter is no good and go against
                         her parents.

            Very sad like punishment from God.
Today, young people not like us when we
         are young. We obey. Our parents say
               don’t do this, we never do.

      Otherwise, the cane. My father cane me, I was
      big enough to be married, and still got caning.

    My father he was very strict, and that is good thing for
      parents to be strict. If not, young boys and girls
become very useless. Do not want to study, but run away, and
      go to night clubs and take drugs and make love.

                You agree with me, Madam?
Yes! I absolutely agree with you.

Today, young people they are very trouble to their parents.
  Madam, you see this young girl over there, outside the
        coffee house? See what I mean, Madam?

  They are only schoolboys and schoolgirls, but they act as
    big shots, spending money, smoking, wearing latest
                 fashion, and making love.

Yes, that’s true. Even though you’re just a taxi man you are
     aware about the behavior of the teenagers today.

        Ah, madam, I know! I know! As taxi man, I
              know them and their habits.
Madam, you are a teacher, you say?

You know or not that young schoolgirls, fifteen, sixteen year old,
they go to school in the morning in their uniforms and then after
school, they don’t go home, they have clothes in their schoolbag,
  and they go to public lavatory or hotel and change into these
          clothes, and they put make-up on their face.

                   Their parents never know.

They tell their Mom go school meeting, got sports and games, this,
        that, but they really come out and play the fool. .
Ah, Madam, I see you surprise but I know, I know all their tricks a lot

   As I take them in my taxi. They usual is wait in bowling alley

     or coffee house or hotel, and they walk up, and friend, the

European and American tourists, and this is how they make fun and

                          also extra money.
Madam, you believe or not when I tell you
         how much money they got? I say! Last
        night, Madam, this young girl, very pretty
          and make-up and wear sexy dress,

She told me take her to orchid mansions--this place famous,
Madam, fourth floor flat--and she open her purse to pay me,
and I say! All American notes--ten dollar notes all, and she
            pull one out and say keep change!
                As she has no time already
Madam, I tell you this, every month, I got more money
from these young girls and their American and European
boyfriends in my taxi, more than I get from other people
 who bargain and say don't want go by meter and wait
              even for ten cents change.

  Phui!!Some of them really make me mad. But these
young girls and their boyfriends don't bargain, they just
pay, pay, and they make love in taxi so much they don't
 know if you go round and round and charge them by
I tell you, Madam, some of them don't care how much
  they spend on taxi. It is like this: after 1 a.m. taxi fare
double, and I prefer working this time, because naturally,
                    much more money.

I go and wait outside Elroy Hotel or Tung Court or Orchid
 Mansions, and such enough, Madam, will have plenty

  Last Saturday, Madam, no joking, on one day alone I
make nearly one hundred and fifty dollars! Some of it for
  services. Some of tourists don't know where, so I tell
   them and take them there, and that's extra money.
You surely know a lot of things.

     Ah Madam,if I tell you all,no end to the story.

   But I will tell you this, Madam. If you have young
 daughter and she say Mummy I got meeting today in
school and will not come home, you must not say, Yes,
yes, but you must go and ask her where and why and
who, and you find out. Today young people not to trust,
        like young people in many years ago.
Why are you telling this?

     Oh, Madam, I tell you because I myself have a
daughter--oh, Madam, a daughter I love very much, and
             she is so good and study hard.

And I see her report cards and her teacher write ‘Good
work‘ and 'Excellent‘ so on, so on. Oh, Madam, she my
favorite child, and I ask her what she want to be after left
         school, and she says go to University.
None of my other children could go to
University, but this one, she is very smart and
intelligent--no boasting, Madam--her teachers
write 'Good‘ and 'Excellent', and so on, so on,
             in her report cards.

She study at home, and help the mother, but
 sometimes a little lazy, and she say teacher
  want her to go back to school to do extra
  work, extra coaching, in her weak subject,
           which is math, Madam.
So I let her stay back in school and day after day she come
home in evening, then she do her studies and go to sleep.

Then one day, oh Madam, it make me so angry even now--
 one day, I in my taxi driving, driving along and hey! I see a
  girl looking like my Lay Choo, with other girls and some
 Europeans outside a coffee-house but I think, it cannot be
Lay Choo, how can, Lay Choo is in school, and this girl is all
dressed up and make-up, and very bold in her behavior, and
              this is not like my daughter at all.
Then they go inside the coffee-house, and my heart is very,
very--how you describe it, Madam, My heart is very 'susah hati‘
  and I say to myself, I will watch that Lay Choo and see her
 monkey tricks. The very next day she is there again I stop my
                taxi, Madam, and I am so angry.

    I rush up to this wicked daughter and I catch her by the
 shoulders and neck, and slap her and she scream, but I don't
care. Then I drag her to my taxi and drive all the way home, and
at home I thrash the stupid food and I beat her and slap her till
like hell. My wife and some neighbors they pull me away, and I
      think if they not pull me away, I sure to kill that girl.
I lock her up in her room for three days,and I ashamed to tell
her teacher,so I just tell the teacher that Lay Choo is sick,so
please to excuse her.Oh,Madam,how you feel in my place?
 Make herself so cheap,when her father drive taxi all day to
               save money for her University.
Is everything between you and your daughter okay now?

                      What is it, Madam?

I said is everything between you and your daughter okay now?

 Yes,yes,everything okay now, thank you.She cannot leave
    the house except to go to school, and I tell her mother
     always check, check in everything she do, and her
            friends--what sort of people they are...
Can you wait for me until my meeting is done?

 What, Madam? Oh, so sorry,Madam,cannot wait for you to
   finish your meeting. Must go off, please to excuse me.

 In a hurry, Madam. Must go off to Hotel Elroy--there plenty
people to pick up. So very sorry, Madam, and thank you very

            Oh, that’s ok. Here’s the payment.

          Thank you for sharing your story to me.
My youngest daughter have a similar behavior

     Similar like the other schoolgirls that act like gangsters

Since you’re a teacher, did you know something strange about the girls

After school time, they don’t really go home but they go to hotels

                    and other places for sure
If you have a daughter, don’t accept her trust

          But you only do that when she wants to go out

         Just like my naughty daughter who really got caught

For that, I scolded her so loud that I don’t even care so I just shout
•   A taxi driver rides with a female teacher passenger.
•   He talks about the changes in Singapore.
•   He talks about his family.
•   He talks about his observations about youth and prostitution.
•   He talks about his problem with his daughter
•   The passenger got off he taxi and the taxi driver went to Hotel Elory
Taxi Driver
Lay Choo
Place - Singapore
Main setting – Inside the Taxi
A taximan's story
A taximan's story
•   How young people of Singapore have grown to be bold and
    reckless; as compared to the youth’s
    of the ‘old’ Singapore.

•   Differences of the ‘old’ (taximan’s generation) and current (Lay
    Choo’s generation) Singapore
•   How making a living in Singapore has overcome the need to stand
    up for our own beliefs and
    make a stand to whatever opposes us.
Man vs. Man
Man vs. Society
• Taxi drivers and vehicles
• Hotel Elory, Tung Court,
  Orchid Mansions
• Taxi
• Money
• Young people observed in the story
Jonna Rose Jallores   John Paulo Ibay       Miso C. Kim   Friend Gregorio
       as                   as                  as              As
    Lay Choo          The Taximan             Madam          Himself

                           Based on Original Story by
                              CATHERINE LIM

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A taximan's story

  • 1. The Taximan’s Story By: Catherine Lim A Singaporean Short Story For College (World Literature) Trip to Singapore Author Story Game Plot Characters Setting Theme Conflict Designed by: Friend Hayzer S. Gregorio, John Paulo G. Ibay, Jonna Rose G. Jallores, and Miso C. Kim
  • 2. There are two (2) categories: Elements of Short Story and Singapore. • In each category, there are five (5) types of question with corresponding number of points.
  • 8. 3. The game master will let one (1) group at a time to choose a category and the points which they want to earn. 4. The game master will read the question and then the groups will answer that question by blackening/shading the circle of their choice (if the question is Multiple Choice) or by simply writing their answer in the answer sheet. 5. The groups will be given a maximum time of 5 seconds to answer the question. 6. The game master will ask some group’s answer. After that, he will reveal the answer to the given question.
  • 9. 7. If the group answered the question correctly they will gain corresponding points to that question. 8. At the end of the game, the group who earned the highest points among the others is declared as the winner.
  • 10. Elements of Short Story This category is about the basic elements of short story
  • 11. Singapore This category is about the location, important dates, national symbols, and famous landmarks of Singapore
  • 12. Elements of Short Story Singapore 100 Trial Question 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 500
  • 13. Trial (Multiple Choice) Which is the currency of Singapore? 5 4 C.Dollar 3 2 D. Baht 1 Time is up! E. Pound F.Peso
  • 14. 100 (MULTIPLE CHOICE) Which country is to the north of Singapore? C.Australia D.Malaysia E.Philippines 5 F.Indonesia 4 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 15. 200 (TRUE or FALSE) Singapore means “Garden City”. FALSE 5 The name Singapore is derived from the word 4 “Singapura” or “Lion City” as legend has it when a 3 Sumatran prince sighted a beast that looked like a lion 2 when he first set foot on the island in the 14 century. th 1 Time is up!
  • 16. 300 (IDENTIFICATION) What is the capital of Singapore? SINGAPORE 5 4 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 17. 400 (ENUMERATION) Enumerate the four (4) official languages of Singapore. 5 Malay, English, Chinese Malay English 4 (Mandarin), and Tamil (Mandarin) 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 18. 500 (The BIG Question) Which is the symbolism of the crescent on Singapore’s Flag? C.Growth of a young country • red for brotherhood and equality; D.Islam • white for purity and virtue. 5 •crescent moon represents a E.Hinduism young nation4 the rise. on 3 •five stars stand for F.Judaism Singapore's ideals of 2 democracy, peace, progress, 1 justice and equality. Time is up!
  • 19. 100 (MULTIPLE CHOICE) What element is known as ‘the series of related events’? C. Episodes D. Chapters E. Scenes 5 D. Plot 4 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 20. 200 (TRUE or FALSE) Only people can be characters in a story. FALSE 5 4 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 21. 300 (IDENTIFICATION) If I told you: This short story takes place in a jungle on a mysterious island sometime in the 1930s/1940s involving a strange hunter. I would be using what term? HINT: seven letters, think of time and place 5 SETTING 4 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 22. 400 (ENUMERATION) What are the six basic elements of the short story? Give only four. Characters, Setting, Plot, Point of View Characters Setting Plot 5 Conflict, Theme Conflict 4 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 23. 500 (The BIG Question) IDENTIFICATION It is the main idea or author’s opinion about life expressed in a piece of literature. 5 THEME 4 3 2 1 Time is up!
  • 24. The angle in which the story is told. C.Climax 5 4 D.Point of View 3 2 E.Screenplay 1 Time is up!
  • 25. This is the plot device whereby a seemingly inextricable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the unexpected intervention of some new character, ability, or object. 5 4 3 A. Shoulder angel 2 1 B. Deus ex machina Time is up! C. Mystery
  • 26. This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed C.Rising Action D.Falling Action E.Climax
  • 27. These are the techniques use to create and develop characters. C.Protagonist D.Antagonist E.Characterization
  • 28. Is a contrast between what is expected and what is actually happens or exists. C.Imagery D.Irony E.Foreshadowing
  • 29. These are words and phrases that appeal to the senses and that writers use to create pictures in reader’s minds. A. Imagery B. Conflict C. Point of View
  • 30. It is the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and makes the plot move. C.Red herring D.Conflict E.Deus ex machina
  • 31. These are hints and clues provided by the author that permit the reader to predict what might happen later in the story. C.Foreshadowing D.Rising Action E.Scaffolding
  • 32. It is the angle of the narrator where he can move from character to character, event, to event, having free access to te thoughts, feelings, and motivations of his characters and he introduces information where when he chooses. C.Exposition D.Omniscient E.Denouement
  • 33. This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story. C.Denouement D.Red herring E.Deus ex machina
  • 36. Marina Bay Sands Merlion Sri Mariamman Temple Singapore Flyer Singaporean Foods Universal Studios Singapore
  • 42. Chicken Rice Carrot cake (chai tow kuay) Wonton or Wantan mee Chili Crab
  • 43. Figure 1: The lion head •courage, •strength •and excellence.
  • 44. Figure 2: Vanda Miss Joaquim • Singapore’s quest for progress • and excellence in all aspects
  • 45. Figure 3: Singaporean Flag • red for brotherhood and equality; • white for purity and virtue. •crescent moon represents a young nation on the rise. •five stars stand for Singapore's ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.
  • 46. Real name: Catherine Lim Poh Imm • Born: 1942 in Penang, Malaysia • writer of nine collections of short stories, five novels and a poetry book • won national and regional book prizes for her literary contributions. • best known for her collection of short stories Little Ironies: Short Stories of Singapore and Or Else, The Lightning God and Other Stories.
  • 47. Teacher, St. Andrew’s School, St. Patrick’s School • Teacher, Catholic Junior College • Project director, Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore, Ministry of Education • Administrator, Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore, Ministry of Education • Specialist lecturer in Socio-linguistics and Literature, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre (RELC) Columnist, The Straits Times • Jan 1992 – : full-time professional writer
  • 48. •first book, published in 1978 (36 years old) •the one that launched her on the road to authorhood. •17 short stories are about ordinary men and women living their ordinary lives, often with a determination that is no less than extraordinary—the woman desperate to have a male child to appease her tradition- bound husband •the young student who jumps to her death after her poor exam results • the knowledgeable Singlish-speaking taxi driver who makes extra money looking out for male tourists to take them to the city’s brothels.
  • 49. The Taximan’s Story Story By Catherine Lim “Little Ironies” – Stories Of Singapore
  • 50. Take me to National University of Singapore, please make it fast coz I got a meeting to attend and I need to be there on time. Very good, Madam. Sure I will take you there In plenty good time for your meeting, Madam. This way better, less traffic, less car jams. Half hour should make it, Madam, so not to worry.
  • 51. Have you been taxi man for a long time? What did you say, Madam? I said have you been taxi man for a long time? Ha, ha, Yes, yes, I’ve been taxi man for 20 years now, Madam. A long time ago, Singapore not like this—so crowded, so busy. Last time, more peaceful, not so much taxi men or so much cars and buses.
  • 52. Oh, you must been working so hard! Yes Madam, I can make a living. So, so. What do? I must work hard if wants to success in Singapore. People like us, no read, no write, we must sweat to earn money for wife and children.
  • 53. Do you have a big family? Yes, Madam, quite big family—eight children, six sons, and two daughters. Big family! Haha! No good, Madam. In those days where got Family Planning in Singapore? People born many, many children, every year, one child is no good at all. Two children, three children, enough, stop. Our government say stop!
  • 54. Lucky for me, all my children big now. Four of my sons working—one A businessman, two clerks, a teacher in Primary School, one in National Service one still schooling. My eldest daughter, she is twenty plus, stay at home, help the mother.
  • 55. Is your daughter already married? No, not married yet – very shy, and her health not so good, but a good, obedient girl. My other girl—Oh, Madam! Very hard for father when daughter is no good and go against her parents. Very sad like punishment from God.
  • 56. Today, young people not like us when we are young. We obey. Our parents say don’t do this, we never do. Otherwise, the cane. My father cane me, I was big enough to be married, and still got caning. My father he was very strict, and that is good thing for parents to be strict. If not, young boys and girls become very useless. Do not want to study, but run away, and go to night clubs and take drugs and make love. You agree with me, Madam?
  • 57. Yes! I absolutely agree with you. Today, young people they are very trouble to their parents. Madam, you see this young girl over there, outside the coffee house? See what I mean, Madam? Yes . They are only schoolboys and schoolgirls, but they act as big shots, spending money, smoking, wearing latest fashion, and making love. Yes, that’s true. Even though you’re just a taxi man you are aware about the behavior of the teenagers today. Ah, madam, I know! I know! As taxi man, I know them and their habits.
  • 58. Madam, you are a teacher, you say? Yes . You know or not that young schoolgirls, fifteen, sixteen year old, they go to school in the morning in their uniforms and then after school, they don’t go home, they have clothes in their schoolbag, and they go to public lavatory or hotel and change into these clothes, and they put make-up on their face. Their parents never know. They tell their Mom go school meeting, got sports and games, this, that, but they really come out and play the fool. .
  • 59. Ah, Madam, I see you surprise but I know, I know all their tricks a lot As I take them in my taxi. They usual is wait in bowling alley or coffee house or hotel, and they walk up, and friend, the European and American tourists, and this is how they make fun and also extra money.
  • 60. Madam, you believe or not when I tell you how much money they got? I say! Last night, Madam, this young girl, very pretty and make-up and wear sexy dress, She told me take her to orchid mansions--this place famous, Madam, fourth floor flat--and she open her purse to pay me, and I say! All American notes--ten dollar notes all, and she pull one out and say keep change! As she has no time already
  • 61. Madam, I tell you this, every month, I got more money from these young girls and their American and European boyfriends in my taxi, more than I get from other people who bargain and say don't want go by meter and wait even for ten cents change. Phui!!Some of them really make me mad. But these young girls and their boyfriends don't bargain, they just pay, pay, and they make love in taxi so much they don't know if you go round and round and charge them by meter!
  • 62. I tell you, Madam, some of them don't care how much they spend on taxi. It is like this: after 1 a.m. taxi fare double, and I prefer working this time, because naturally, much more money. I go and wait outside Elroy Hotel or Tung Court or Orchid Mansions, and such enough, Madam, will have plenty business. Last Saturday, Madam, no joking, on one day alone I make nearly one hundred and fifty dollars! Some of it for services. Some of tourists don't know where, so I tell them and take them there, and that's extra money.
  • 63. You surely know a lot of things. Ah Madam,if I tell you all,no end to the story. But I will tell you this, Madam. If you have young daughter and she say Mummy I got meeting today in school and will not come home, you must not say, Yes, yes, but you must go and ask her where and why and who, and you find out. Today young people not to trust, like young people in many years ago.
  • 64. Why are you telling this? Oh, Madam, I tell you because I myself have a daughter--oh, Madam, a daughter I love very much, and she is so good and study hard. And I see her report cards and her teacher write ‘Good work‘ and 'Excellent‘ so on, so on. Oh, Madam, she my favorite child, and I ask her what she want to be after left school, and she says go to University.
  • 65. None of my other children could go to University, but this one, she is very smart and intelligent--no boasting, Madam--her teachers write 'Good‘ and 'Excellent', and so on, so on, in her report cards. She study at home, and help the mother, but sometimes a little lazy, and she say teacher want her to go back to school to do extra work, extra coaching, in her weak subject, which is math, Madam.
  • 66. So I let her stay back in school and day after day she come home in evening, then she do her studies and go to sleep. Then one day, oh Madam, it make me so angry even now-- one day, I in my taxi driving, driving along and hey! I see a girl looking like my Lay Choo, with other girls and some Europeans outside a coffee-house but I think, it cannot be Lay Choo, how can, Lay Choo is in school, and this girl is all dressed up and make-up, and very bold in her behavior, and this is not like my daughter at all.
  • 67. Then they go inside the coffee-house, and my heart is very, very--how you describe it, Madam, My heart is very 'susah hati‘ and I say to myself, I will watch that Lay Choo and see her monkey tricks. The very next day she is there again I stop my taxi, Madam, and I am so angry. I rush up to this wicked daughter and I catch her by the shoulders and neck, and slap her and she scream, but I don't care. Then I drag her to my taxi and drive all the way home, and at home I thrash the stupid food and I beat her and slap her till like hell. My wife and some neighbors they pull me away, and I think if they not pull me away, I sure to kill that girl.
  • 68. I lock her up in her room for three days,and I ashamed to tell her teacher,so I just tell the teacher that Lay Choo is sick,so please to excuse her.Oh,Madam,how you feel in my place? Make herself so cheap,when her father drive taxi all day to save money for her University.
  • 69. Is everything between you and your daughter okay now? What is it, Madam? I said is everything between you and your daughter okay now? Yes,yes,everything okay now, thank you.She cannot leave the house except to go to school, and I tell her mother always check, check in everything she do, and her friends--what sort of people they are...
  • 70. Can you wait for me until my meeting is done? What, Madam? Oh, so sorry,Madam,cannot wait for you to finish your meeting. Must go off, please to excuse me. In a hurry, Madam. Must go off to Hotel Elroy--there plenty people to pick up. So very sorry, Madam, and thank you very much. Oh, that’s ok. Here’s the payment. Thank you for sharing your story to me.
  • 71. My youngest daughter have a similar behavior Similar like the other schoolgirls that act like gangsters Since you’re a teacher, did you know something strange about the girls After school time, they don’t really go home but they go to hotels and other places for sure
  • 72. If you have a daughter, don’t accept her trust But you only do that when she wants to go out Just like my naughty daughter who really got caught For that, I scolded her so loud that I don’t even care so I just shout
  • 73. A taxi driver rides with a female teacher passenger. • He talks about the changes in Singapore. • He talks about his family. • He talks about his observations about youth and prostitution. • He talks about his problem with his daughter • The passenger got off he taxi and the taxi driver went to Hotel Elory hurriedly
  • 78. Main setting – Inside the Taxi
  • 83. How young people of Singapore have grown to be bold and reckless; as compared to the youth’s of the ‘old’ Singapore. • Differences of the ‘old’ (taximan’s generation) and current (Lay Choo’s generation) Singapore • How making a living in Singapore has overcome the need to stand up for our own beliefs and make a stand to whatever opposes us.
  • 86. • Taxi drivers and vehicles • Hotel Elory, Tung Court, Orchid Mansions • Taxi • Money • Young people observed in the story
  • 87. Jonna Rose Jallores John Paulo Ibay Miso C. Kim Friend Gregorio as as as As Lay Choo The Taximan Madam Himself Based on Original Story by CATHERINE LIM