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A Work Culture that Works:
The Diversity Advantage
• Creating an inspiring, engaging, and
productive workplace is a crucial
problem for organizations worldwide
– and a strategic goal.
• After all, employee experience is the
foundation for product innovation,
customer experience, and ultimately,
customer satisfaction.
• While efforts to increase engagement
through seminars, events, etc., are
ongoing, one aspect deserves special
attention: diversity and inclusion.
What’s The Difference?
• Diversity in this context refers to the
backgrounds of the people who work
for you, whereas inclusion refers to
their ability to meaningfully
contribute to your organization.
• The millennial generation is more
diverse than any generation before,
and when it comes to work
opportunities, they prioritize places
that prioritize them.
What’s The Advantage?
• Having a diverse workspace isn’t just
good for your employees and work
culture – it also boosts your revenue!
• Employees who feel like they truly
belong will be more loyal to your
company – thereby ensuring that you
retain top talent.
• Inclusivity means employees will be
able to share ideas and voice
opinions, thereby fueling innovation
and creativity!
• The outcome? Cutting-edge products
and services, and marketing that
resonates across segments.
• Benefits:
• Diverse teams have 19% higher revenue.
• Diverse teams outperformed decisions
made by individuals 87% of the time.
What Can You Do?
• In order to spearhead change, you need
to first become aware of where your
organization stands. Send out
anonymous surveys to assess their
Ask Your Employees
• Diversity training events and seminars
help make everyone aware of cultural
differences and nuances to improve
communication between employees.
• Follow up with a feedback survey
to understand its effectiveness and learn
what needs changing (or where
additional emphasis may be needed).
Organize Training
• The unwritten rules you make and the
behavior of your organizational leaders
create the guidelines your employees
will follow.
• Set the tone by acknowledging festivals
from all cultures and respecting cultural
• This is a great way to promote
awareness, create a stronger bond
among teams, and build an organization
where diversity is not only welcomed, but
• The biggest advantageof employee
diversity is learning about and
understanding various cultures and
backgrounds, thus bringing a new
Mix the Teams
• By mixing teams – or at least involving
employees from different backgrounds
to lend their perspective – you can
inspire creativity in thought and
• You have a diverse workforce, and you’re
encouraging inclusion across teams. But
do your employees feel the same way? Is
there a disconnect between your efforts
and the outcome?
Enable Easy
• Make it easy for people to let you know
about problems without fear of
• And most importantly, if something
comes to light, always remember to
follow up — show employees that their
voice matters.
• Visualize the path ahead while also
making it easier to celebrate
important milestones.
Assess Progress
• Send out key metric surveys, measure
the difference in employee engagement
over time, and plot your growth to
evaluate the effectiveness of different
Final Thoughts
• An organization that values the
diversity of its employees' voices and
listens to varying perspectives can
identify new market segments (and
effectively market to them).
• A culture that uplifts everyone will
boost innovation and completely
transform the atmosphere as
employees work together with the
bigger picture in mind.
• So, find out how your employees feel
about your current diversity and
inclusiveness efforts with surveys that
reveal their sentiments.
Want more?
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A Work Culture That Works: The Diversity Advantage

  • 1. A Work Culture that Works: The Diversity Advantage
  • 2. • Creating an inspiring, engaging, and productive workplace is a crucial problem for organizations worldwide – and a strategic goal. 2
  • 3. • After all, employee experience is the foundation for product innovation, customer experience, and ultimately, customer satisfaction. 3
  • 4. • While efforts to increase engagement through seminars, events, etc., are ongoing, one aspect deserves special attention: diversity and inclusion. 4
  • 6. • Diversity in this context refers to the backgrounds of the people who work for you, whereas inclusion refers to their ability to meaningfully contribute to your organization. 6
  • 7. • The millennial generation is more diverse than any generation before, and when it comes to work opportunities, they prioritize places that prioritize them. 7
  • 9. • Having a diverse workspace isn’t just good for your employees and work culture – it also boosts your revenue! 9
  • 10. • Employees who feel like they truly belong will be more loyal to your company – thereby ensuring that you retain top talent. 10
  • 11. 11 • Inclusivity means employees will be able to share ideas and voice opinions, thereby fueling innovation and creativity! • The outcome? Cutting-edge products and services, and marketing that resonates across segments.
  • 12. • Benefits: • Diverse teams have 19% higher revenue. • Diverse teams outperformed decisions made by individuals 87% of the time. 12
  • 14. www.SoGoSurvey.com 14 • In order to spearhead change, you need to first become aware of where your organization stands. Send out anonymous surveys to assess their sentiments. Ask Your Employees
  • 15. www.SoGoSurvey.com 15 • Diversity training events and seminars help make everyone aware of cultural differences and nuances to improve communication between employees. • Follow up with a feedback survey to understand its effectiveness and learn what needs changing (or where additional emphasis may be needed). Organize Training Programs
  • 16. www.SoGoSurvey.com 16 • The unwritten rules you make and the behavior of your organizational leaders create the guidelines your employees will follow. • Set the tone by acknowledging festivals from all cultures and respecting cultural holidays. Celebrating Diversity
  • 17. • This is a great way to promote awareness, create a stronger bond among teams, and build an organization where diversity is not only welcomed, but celebrated! 17
  • 18. www.SoGoSurvey.com 18 • The biggest advantageof employee diversity is learning about and understanding various cultures and backgrounds, thus bringing a new perspective. Mix the Teams
  • 19. • By mixing teams – or at least involving employees from different backgrounds to lend their perspective – you can inspire creativity in thought and innovation. 19
  • 20. www.SoGoSurvey.com 20 • You have a diverse workforce, and you’re encouraging inclusion across teams. But do your employees feel the same way? Is there a disconnect between your efforts and the outcome? Enable Easy Feedback
  • 21. • Make it easy for people to let you know about problems without fear of backlash. • And most importantly, if something comes to light, always remember to follow up — show employees that their voice matters. 21
  • 22. www.SoGoSurvey.com 22 • Visualize the path ahead while also making it easier to celebrate important milestones. Assess Progress
  • 23. • Send out key metric surveys, measure the difference in employee engagement over time, and plot your growth to evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies. 23
  • 25. • An organization that values the diversity of its employees' voices and listens to varying perspectives can identify new market segments (and effectively market to them). 25
  • 26. • A culture that uplifts everyone will boost innovation and completely transform the atmosphere as employees work together with the bigger picture in mind. 26
  • 27. • So, find out how your employees feel about your current diversity and inclusiveness efforts with surveys that reveal their sentiments. 27
  • 28. Want more? Binge watch… Read the full blog… Like some podcasts!
  • 29. Have we met socially?