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drinking water supply will be depleted, our
Xeriscaping and the                              recreation areas jeopardized, and our natural     You don’t have to take
Utah Desert                                      habitats compromised.                             drastic measures like
                                                                                                   tearing out all of your
                                                 Other Reasons to Xeriscape                        existing plants in order to
What is Xeriscaping?                                                                               begin xeriscaping. Start
                                                 Saving water isn’t the only reason to             small.
Xeriscape is a word created by combining
                                                            Xeriscape. Other reasons
the Greek word “xeros” which means dry and                                                         • Consider removing a
                                                            include reducing storm water run
“scape” from the word “landscape”.                                                                   few feet of grass along
                                                            off preventing erosion and
                                                            decreasing the effects of soil           your driveway and
Xeriscaping is water-wise                                   expansion which causes                   sidewalk. Plant these areas with ground
landscaping.                                                pavement to crack.                       cover, small shrubs or perennials.

This practice of landscaping focuses on          Reducing Storm water run off                      • Or maybe replace a part of your sloping
using natural forces such as rainfall and                                                            lawn with a rock garden, rock wall or some
careful plant selection to create beautiful      If your property has even a mild to moderate        low-spreading evergreens.
sites that requires minimal maintenance.         slope it invites runoff. If you do not have the
Usually the plants chosen are native plants      necessary plants to hold it in place the runoff   Xeriscaping Helps Utah
or those that can survive in the local habitat   increases. Using mulches and other plants
with little intervention. With patience and      that require little water will decrease the
planning, this method can be a successful                                                          Remember with xeriscaping you will get the most
                                                 occurrence of run off by allowing the water       out of every gallon of water you apply to the
and worthwhile venture that is beneficial and    time to absorb into the soil. This also           landscape and that means you are helping to
compatible with the Utah habitat.                decreases erosion of the soil.                    save one of our most precious resources, Water!

                                                 Decreasing Soil Expansion

                                                 Soil expansion happens when soil expands
                                                 when it gets wet. This is also
                                                 known as soil swelling.
                                                 When the soil swells it can
                                                 cause cracking in pavement
                                                 and foundations. Xeriscaping
                                                 can help prevent this
                                                 because it requires little water thus             For                                    more
Why is water-wise gardening so                   preventing the soil from expanding and            information including lists of Utah native plants
important in Utah?                               cracking the pavement.                            and where to purchase them visit-

Most simply stated because Utah is a desert                                                        www.unps.org
As our population increases the demand for
drinking and irrigation water increases.                                                           www.hort.usu.edu
Water can not be created. If water
                                                 How to get Started
conservation is not practiced our future
For additional information on Storm Water Protection refer to
the following brochures:                                                       Spill Response
Erosion Control
Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application
                                                                                    Dial 911
                                                                                       -or-                                                    Xeriscaping
Household and Vehicle Maintenance                                       Environmental Health Division of the
Impervious Surfaces                                                      Weber/Morgan Health Department
Landscaping, Gardening, and Yard Maintenance                                     (801)591-7168
Paint and Household Hazardous Waste
                                                                                      State Of Utah
Pet Waste Water Quality                                                          Environmental Response
Utah and its Water, Why Conserve                                                            (801) 536-4123
Water Conservation Inside the Home
Water Conservation Outside the Home                                         Utah Division of Water Quality
                                                                                            (801) 538-6146

                                                                                   Used Oil Recyclers
                                                                             (for DIYers in Weber County)

                                                                           Weber County Transfer Station
For more information about the Weber County Storm water quality                 Auto Zone Stores
management program and additional pamphlets, contact:                       Checker Auto Parts Stores
                                                                             NAPA Auto Parts Stores                                            Getting the most out of
Weber County Storm Water Management                                              Pep Boys Stores
Dr. George S. Burbidge                                                                                                                         every gallon of water!
                                                                                 Little Tire & Lube
444-24th St. Ogden, UT 84401
Office (801)399-8677                                                                  Jiffy Lube
Fax (801)625-3699
                                                                        The preceding list is not all encompassing nor does it constitute an
                                                                           endorsement by Weber County of any particular company
Brochure created by Salt Lake County Engineering Division modified by
Weber County Storm water Management Division

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Xeriscaping and the Utah Desert - Weber County

  • 1. drinking water supply will be depleted, our Xeriscaping and the recreation areas jeopardized, and our natural You don’t have to take Utah Desert habitats compromised. drastic measures like tearing out all of your Other Reasons to Xeriscape existing plants in order to What is Xeriscaping? begin xeriscaping. Start Saving water isn’t the only reason to small. Xeriscape is a word created by combining Xeriscape. Other reasons the Greek word “xeros” which means dry and • Consider removing a include reducing storm water run “scape” from the word “landscape”. few feet of grass along off preventing erosion and decreasing the effects of soil your driveway and Xeriscaping is water-wise expansion which causes sidewalk. Plant these areas with ground landscaping. pavement to crack. cover, small shrubs or perennials. This practice of landscaping focuses on Reducing Storm water run off • Or maybe replace a part of your sloping using natural forces such as rainfall and lawn with a rock garden, rock wall or some careful plant selection to create beautiful If your property has even a mild to moderate low-spreading evergreens. sites that requires minimal maintenance. slope it invites runoff. If you do not have the Usually the plants chosen are native plants necessary plants to hold it in place the runoff Xeriscaping Helps Utah or those that can survive in the local habitat increases. Using mulches and other plants with little intervention. With patience and that require little water will decrease the planning, this method can be a successful Remember with xeriscaping you will get the most occurrence of run off by allowing the water out of every gallon of water you apply to the and worthwhile venture that is beneficial and time to absorb into the soil. This also landscape and that means you are helping to compatible with the Utah habitat. decreases erosion of the soil. save one of our most precious resources, Water! Decreasing Soil Expansion Soil expansion happens when soil expands when it gets wet. This is also known as soil swelling. When the soil swells it can cause cracking in pavement and foundations. Xeriscaping can help prevent this because it requires little water thus For more Why is water-wise gardening so preventing the soil from expanding and information including lists of Utah native plants important in Utah? cracking the pavement. and where to purchase them visit- Most simply stated because Utah is a desert www.unps.org www.slowtheflow.com As our population increases the demand for www.xeriscape.org drinking and irrigation water increases. www.hort.usu.edu Water can not be created. If water How to get Started conservation is not practiced our future
  • 2. For additional information on Storm Water Protection refer to the following brochures: Spill Response Erosion Control Fresh Concrete and Mortar Application Dial 911 -or- Xeriscaping Household and Vehicle Maintenance Environmental Health Division of the Impervious Surfaces Weber/Morgan Health Department Landscaping, Gardening, and Yard Maintenance (801)591-7168 Paint and Household Hazardous Waste State Of Utah Pet Waste Water Quality Environmental Response Utah and its Water, Why Conserve (801) 536-4123 Water Conservation Inside the Home Water Conservation Outside the Home Utah Division of Water Quality (801) 538-6146 Xeriscaping 1-800-458-0145 Used Oil Recyclers (for DIYers in Weber County) Weber County Transfer Station For more information about the Weber County Storm water quality Auto Zone Stores management program and additional pamphlets, contact: Checker Auto Parts Stores NAPA Auto Parts Stores Getting the most out of Weber County Storm Water Management Pep Boys Stores Dr. George S. Burbidge every gallon of water! Little Tire & Lube 444-24th St. Ogden, UT 84401 Office (801)399-8677 Jiffy Lube Fax (801)625-3699 www.co.weber.ut.us/stormwater. The preceding list is not all encompassing nor does it constitute an endorsement by Weber County of any particular company Brochure created by Salt Lake County Engineering Division modified by Weber County Storm water Management Division