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APRIL 2012                      S         E        P        .                  2AIESEC ALUMNI INTERNATIONAL & AIESEC INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                          0        1       0

                       AIESEC ALUMNI NEWSLETTER
                                                                  APRIL 2012

                                                                                          Dear Alumni,
Dear fellow alumni,                         benefit alumni, student AIESEC, and
                                            everything AIESECers believe in.
                                                                                          I’m excited to write to you
On a personal level, AAIM ’12 in
                                                                                          today, because of a couple
Hungary was transformational, rather        We have some refinements to make, in
like condensing our student AIESEC          close consultation with AI, with national
experience into a few days of sparkling     associations, and with alumni-at-large,
                                                                                          First and foremost, I would like
celebratory dinners, intense work           but we’re shifting from analysis to
                                                                                          to share some thoughts on the
sessions, and dynamic interactions with     action, from committees to capabilities,
                                                                                          success of the Alumni
AIESECers into the early morning            and from debate to delivery. We can do
                                                                                          meeting in Hungary this past
hours.                                      this. With your help, we will get it
On an organizational level, it was
                                                                                          It was a truly transformational
transformational because the “AIESEC        We are all indebted to the outgoing EB
                                                                                          meeting, consolidating the past and starting up the
Alumni of the World Unite” Working          members for their very significant
                                                                                          future, which I personally, along with my entire
Group received formal support for its       contributions to the alumni reform effort.
                                                                                          team, believe has a great potential to become a
proposals to unleash AIESEC’s global
                                                                                          reality very soon.
alumni potential. Following months of       We are especially grateful for the
work with alumni, with AAI and with AI,     tireless efforts of outgoing AAI
                                                                                          On behalf of AIESEC International I would like to
during which alumni completed               President Victor Loewenstein who has
                                                                                          congratulate the new Board of AAI and wish them
hundreds of surveys and visited the         contributed so much to our movement
                                                                                          all the best for the up coming year. AIESEC
group’s blog more than 15,000 times,        over so many years of dedicated
                                                                                          International is looking forward to closely
we engaged in a spirited 3-hour             service, and who has promised to stay
                                                                                          collaborating with the Board and alumni in general.
discussion about our future.                involved. Thank you, Victor.
                                                                                          On another note, at the same Congress we elected
The many participants included former       On behalf of AAI’s new Executive
                                                                                          the new President of AIESEC International for the
PAIs, distinguished national and            Board, thank you all for your support
                                                                                          term 2012-2013. I’m happy and honored to
international alumni leaders, founders      and engagement. Please stay tuned,
                                                                                          introduce to you Florent Meiyi from Mainland (of)
of AAI, and Jean Choplin, a founder of      and please stay
                                                                                          China as the new President of AIESEC
AIESEC. By the end of this discussion,      in touch. We
the participants gave their strong          have a great
support for the proposals, and later that   future ahead of
                                                                                          This month of February has been absolute
day, AAI’s General Assembly supported       us.
                                                                                          successful for both the alumni network
with conviction a motion endorsing
                                                                                          t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a s w e l l a s f o r A I E S E C ’s
them and calling for their
                                                                                          transformation toward 2015 and we are looking
implementation.                             AIESECly
                                                                                          forward to having more events which can bring us
                                                                                          closer together to what we envision to be the new
As a result, AAI’s new Executive
Board is dedicated to putting these         David Epstein
proposals into place, and on AAI’s 25th     President AAI
                                                                                          On behalf of AIESEC International
anniversary, we are one step closer to
                                                                                          Tetiana Mykhailiuk
creating a truly global network that will
                                                                                          President AI

Become a member of AAI
AAI is being transformed into a modern body of global interactive member networking, information synergies
and cooperation with AIESEC, and broad internet-based access to events, programs and services driven by
the interests of its members. We invite all former student AIESEC members to join AAI by clicking here
From Feb. 16th to 19th an AAI Meeting and Congress took place in Hungary,
beginning in Budapest and ending in Tapolca. 150 alumni attended all or part of
the events, stemming from 34 countries. A great success for which the
Hungarian OC should be gratefully thanked! For all the details of the
programme, photos and the entirely report of the conference please click here

AIESEC Alumni Award
                                            One of the highlights of the recently held
                                            AAIM in Hungary was the Alumni Award,
                                            which was launched for the first time and which acknowledged exceptional and successful
                                            work performed by an AIESEC student entity towards its local or national alumni population.

                                            The first winner of this Prize – sponsored by PwC – was the MC of AIESEC In Kenya whose
                                            achievement was to have successfully rallied its alumni community in the organization,
                                            implementation and finance of the recently held International Congress of AIESEC.

                                            To achieve this challenging goal, students and alumni worked closely together so as to
                                            host in Nairobi nearly one thousand students from almost one hundred countries. The event
                                            will be long remembered, and Kenya can be proud to have shown the world how effective
                                            and hospitable the country and its people are thanks to the multigenerational collaboration
                                            between students and alumni espousing common objectives.

Through this Alumni Award AAI underlines the fact that while of different ages, cultures and backgrounds, we are all proud to be “one
and the same” and consistently supportive of AIESEC student initiatives.

The elected AAI Executive Board
During our AAI Congress in Tapolca, Hungary on Saturday, February
18th, AAI members elected a new Executive Board that includes (left to
right in the photo) Andrew Rowe, Bernd M. Thomas, David Epstein,
Lionel Simons, Hiro Kinashi and Sudeep Malhotra.
The EB subsequently named David Epstein as President and Bernd M.
Thomas as Vice President. Their initial areas of focus are as follows:

• Andrew Rowe (signature programs);
• Bernd M. Thomas (policy coordination, including preparations for
  Moscow’12, and liaison with AIESEC SG, AI and legal counsel);
• David Epstein (oversight of joint effort with AI on next generation
  website/networking, newsletter and social media; communications)
• Lionel Simons (sponsorships and finance);
• Hiro Kinashi (alumni and network database); and
• Sudeep Malhotra (membership).

                                          Refining our mission statement and branding
Two of the “10 Steps” in the global alumni reform effort are core identity issues, namely, “Who are we?” (elevated branding that enhances our
emotional appeal) and “Why are we here?” (an aspirational mission statement).

Though the reform proposal was approved in Hungary, we agreed to seek more input from alumni and NAAs on the mission statement and
branding proposals in order to “tweak” them if need be. For more information, visit a separate blog that has been set up for this purpose here:

                First Thursdays global initiative                            To find out which cities are already participating and to get more
                                                                             information, visit the First Thursdays Facebook page and click the
 Imagine that no matter where on earth you may be, you can join              events button. If there is no event in your city yet, we encourage you
 fellow alumni AIESECers on the same day to network, to have fun,            to organize one let us
 and to have impact.                                                         know about it on the
                                                                             Facebook page. We
 Already today, alumni meet on regular basis in a number of cities           will be happy to help
 around the world, and we know that many more would participate if           and promote it for
 they knew when and where to go. During a brainstorming session at           you.
 AAIM 2012 in Hungary, we discussed an idea to elevate these
 meetings into a global program, and “AIESEC Alumni First                    We would like to thank
 Thursdays” appeared on the horizon.                                         alumni leaders Peter
                                                                             Mandl and Fabian
 We are as many as one million strong, and our potential “to the             Tschan who launched
 power of AIESEC” is huge! Let us unleash this potential together            the Facebook page for
 on the First Thursday of every month in as many cities worldwide as         this initiative and have
 we can. We invite YOU to get engaged in this global effort in your          built strong momentum.
 city every First Thursday of each month!
                                                                             Now let us build on their great work and move on it together!
 Every AIESECer is welcome to join us… alumni, students, trainees
 and our corporate partners.
                                                                                                                    AIESEC ALUMNI NEWSLETTER
S    E     Q   U   ALUMNI NEWS
                                                                     O I   A        C    L   U    B

Prime Minister Monti’s support and our collective alumni potential

We are all immensely proud to learn that Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has taken
time from his pressing governing duties to write a letter of support to Luca Torosani,
Secretary General of AIESEC Alumni Italia.

Prime Minister Monti wrote: “Never before, have the institutional objectives of AIESEC to
help the younger generation and promote professional success been so important for the
social and economic environment. Personally, I do remember with special affection and
joy and a bit of nostalgia my time as an AIESEC member as a university student. I wish
you all the very best for your future endeavours and activities of the Association.” Read
the full endorsement at the AAI Transformation project blog, here:

                                                         ALUMNI EVENTS CALENDAR

MAY                                                                          JUL
• May 5-6: AIESEC Alumni Italy alumni weekend                                • July 7th in Tokyo:
  Salice Terme close to Milan, Italy www.aiesecalumni.it                       "50th Anniversary of AIESEC in Japan"
                                                                               Contact person: Mr. Hiro Kinashi Email: hiro.kinashi@gmail.com
• May 19th & 20th in Shanghai, China:
  "10th Anniversary of AIESEC in Mainland of China"                          • July 13th - 15th in Seoul, Korea:
  Contact person: Ms. Elyn Hu Jiangchuan Email:                                "4th AIESEC Alumni Asia Pacific Conference - in commemoration
  hujiangchuan.aiesec@gmail.com                                                of 50th Anniversary of AIESEC in Korea and Asia Pacific"
                                                                               Website URL: http://aapc2012.com/2012/
                                                                               Contact person: Ms. Sooyeon Jin Email: soojin12@gmail.com
                                                                             • July 28th in Singapore:
                                                                               "40th Anniversary of AIESEC in Singapore"
• June 15th in Hong Kong:                                                      Website: click here
  "45th Anniversary Dinner of AIESEC in Hong Kong"
                                                                               Contact person: Gavin Ng Email: gavinng@pacific.net.ph
  Contact person: Mr. Ivan Chiu Email: ivanchiu60@gmail.com
• June 28-30 in Berlin: 60th Anniversary of AIESEC in Germany
  www.aiesec-alumni.de                                                       August 21-28 in Moscow, Russia: AIESEC Alumni International
  contact person: Susanne.pfeuffer@aiesec-alumni.de                          Meeting: www.ic2012.ru

                                  AIESEC ALUMNI International Meeting 2012 Russia

        Following the very successful AAIM in Hungary this past February, AAI is calling for a second Meeting in
      August to coincide with the AIESEC’s International Congress (IC). The venue is to be in the legendary city of
                                        Moscow and the dates are as follows:

                              Pre-AAIM Moscow Study Tour from Tuesday 21 to Wednesday 22

                                           AAIMeeting from Thursday 23 to Sunday 26

                            Post-AAIM St. Petersburg Study Tour from Monday 27 to Tuesday 28

          For more details of Agenda, Programme, Pricing and Registration please visit: http://ic2012.ru/aaim
                                    More information in the next AAI newsletters.

 3	                                                                   AIESEC ALUMNI Newsletter produced in partnership with RUBICA www.rubica.net

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AAI AI Newsletter April 2012

  • 1. APRIL 2012 S E P . 2AIESEC ALUMNI INTERNATIONAL & AIESEC INTERNATIONAL 0 1 0 AIESEC ALUMNI NEWSLETTER APRIL 2012 Dear Alumni, Dear fellow alumni, benefit alumni, student AIESEC, and everything AIESECers believe in. I’m excited to write to you On a personal level, AAIM ’12 in today, because of a couple Hungary was transformational, rather We have some refinements to make, in reasons. like condensing our student AIESEC close consultation with AI, with national experience into a few days of sparkling associations, and with alumni-at-large, First and foremost, I would like celebratory dinners, intense work but we’re shifting from analysis to to share some thoughts on the sessions, and dynamic interactions with action, from committees to capabilities, success of the Alumni AIESECers into the early morning and from debate to delivery. We can do meeting in Hungary this past hours. this. With your help, we will get it February. done. On an organizational level, it was It was a truly transformational transformational because the “AIESEC We are all indebted to the outgoing EB meeting, consolidating the past and starting up the Alumni of the World Unite” Working members for their very significant future, which I personally, along with my entire Group received formal support for its contributions to the alumni reform effort. team, believe has a great potential to become a proposals to unleash AIESEC’s global reality very soon. alumni potential. Following months of We are especially grateful for the work with alumni, with AAI and with AI, tireless efforts of outgoing AAI On behalf of AIESEC International I would like to during which alumni completed President Victor Loewenstein who has congratulate the new Board of AAI and wish them hundreds of surveys and visited the contributed so much to our movement all the best for the up coming year. AIESEC group’s blog more than 15,000 times, over so many years of dedicated International is looking forward to closely we engaged in a spirited 3-hour service, and who has promised to stay collaborating with the Board and alumni in general. discussion about our future. involved. Thank you, Victor. On another note, at the same Congress we elected The many participants included former On behalf of AAI’s new Executive the new President of AIESEC International for the PAIs, distinguished national and Board, thank you all for your support term 2012-2013. I’m happy and honored to international alumni leaders, founders and engagement. Please stay tuned, introduce to you Florent Meiyi from Mainland (of) of AAI, and Jean Choplin, a founder of and please stay China as the new President of AIESEC AIESEC. By the end of this discussion, in touch. We International. the participants gave their strong have a great support for the proposals, and later that future ahead of This month of February has been absolute day, AAI’s General Assembly supported us. successful for both the alumni network with conviction a motion endorsing t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a s w e l l a s f o r A I E S E C ’s them and calling for their transformation toward 2015 and we are looking implementation. AIESECly forward to having more events which can bring us yours, closer together to what we envision to be the new As a result, AAI’s new Executive organization. Board is dedicated to putting these David Epstein proposals into place, and on AAI’s 25th President AAI On behalf of AIESEC International anniversary, we are one step closer to Tetiana Mykhailiuk creating a truly global network that will President AI Become a member of AAI AAI is being transformed into a modern body of global interactive member networking, information synergies and cooperation with AIESEC, and broad internet-based access to events, programs and services driven by the interests of its members. We invite all former student AIESEC members to join AAI by clicking here
  • 2. AIESEC ALUMNI INTERNATIONAL NEWS From Feb. 16th to 19th an AAI Meeting and Congress took place in Hungary, beginning in Budapest and ending in Tapolca. 150 alumni attended all or part of the events, stemming from 34 countries. A great success for which the Hungarian OC should be gratefully thanked! For all the details of the programme, photos and the entirely report of the conference please click here AIESEC Alumni Award One of the highlights of the recently held AAIM in Hungary was the Alumni Award, which was launched for the first time and which acknowledged exceptional and successful work performed by an AIESEC student entity towards its local or national alumni population. The first winner of this Prize – sponsored by PwC – was the MC of AIESEC In Kenya whose achievement was to have successfully rallied its alumni community in the organization, implementation and finance of the recently held International Congress of AIESEC. To achieve this challenging goal, students and alumni worked closely together so as to host in Nairobi nearly one thousand students from almost one hundred countries. The event will be long remembered, and Kenya can be proud to have shown the world how effective and hospitable the country and its people are thanks to the multigenerational collaboration between students and alumni espousing common objectives. Through this Alumni Award AAI underlines the fact that while of different ages, cultures and backgrounds, we are all proud to be “one and the same” and consistently supportive of AIESEC student initiatives. The elected AAI Executive Board During our AAI Congress in Tapolca, Hungary on Saturday, February 18th, AAI members elected a new Executive Board that includes (left to right in the photo) Andrew Rowe, Bernd M. Thomas, David Epstein, Lionel Simons, Hiro Kinashi and Sudeep Malhotra. The EB subsequently named David Epstein as President and Bernd M. Thomas as Vice President. Their initial areas of focus are as follows: • Andrew Rowe (signature programs); • Bernd M. Thomas (policy coordination, including preparations for Moscow’12, and liaison with AIESEC SG, AI and legal counsel); • David Epstein (oversight of joint effort with AI on next generation website/networking, newsletter and social media; communications) • Lionel Simons (sponsorships and finance); • Hiro Kinashi (alumni and network database); and • Sudeep Malhotra (membership). Refining our mission statement and branding Two of the “10 Steps” in the global alumni reform effort are core identity issues, namely, “Who are we?” (elevated branding that enhances our emotional appeal) and “Why are we here?” (an aspirational mission statement). Though the reform proposal was approved in Hungary, we agreed to seek more input from alumni and NAAs on the mission statement and branding proposals in order to “tweak” them if need be. For more information, visit a separate blog that has been set up for this purpose here: http://aiesecalumniidentity.wordpress.com/ First Thursdays global initiative To find out which cities are already participating and to get more information, visit the First Thursdays Facebook page and click the Imagine that no matter where on earth you may be, you can join events button. If there is no event in your city yet, we encourage you fellow alumni AIESECers on the same day to network, to have fun, to organize one let us and to have impact. know about it on the Facebook page. We Already today, alumni meet on regular basis in a number of cities will be happy to help around the world, and we know that many more would participate if and promote it for they knew when and where to go. During a brainstorming session at you. AAIM 2012 in Hungary, we discussed an idea to elevate these meetings into a global program, and “AIESEC Alumni First We would like to thank Thursdays” appeared on the horizon. alumni leaders Peter Mandl and Fabian We are as many as one million strong, and our potential “to the Tschan who launched power of AIESEC” is huge! Let us unleash this potential together the Facebook page for on the First Thursday of every month in as many cities worldwide as this initiative and have we can. We invite YOU to get engaged in this global effort in your built strong momentum. city every First Thursday of each month! Now let us build on their great work and move on it together! Every AIESECer is welcome to join us… alumni, students, trainees and our corporate partners. 2 AIESEC ALUMNI NEWSLETTER
  • 3. S E Q U ALUMNI NEWS O I A C L U B Prime Minister Monti’s support and our collective alumni potential We are all immensely proud to learn that Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has taken time from his pressing governing duties to write a letter of support to Luca Torosani, Secretary General of AIESEC Alumni Italia. Prime Minister Monti wrote: “Never before, have the institutional objectives of AIESEC to help the younger generation and promote professional success been so important for the social and economic environment. Personally, I do remember with special affection and joy and a bit of nostalgia my time as an AIESEC member as a university student. I wish you all the very best for your future endeavours and activities of the Association.” Read the full endorsement at the AAI Transformation project blog, here: http://aiesecalumniunite.org/ ALUMNI EVENTS CALENDAR MAY JUL • May 5-6: AIESEC Alumni Italy alumni weekend • July 7th in Tokyo: Salice Terme close to Milan, Italy www.aiesecalumni.it "50th Anniversary of AIESEC in Japan" Contact person: Mr. Hiro Kinashi Email: hiro.kinashi@gmail.com • May 19th & 20th in Shanghai, China: "10th Anniversary of AIESEC in Mainland of China" • July 13th - 15th in Seoul, Korea: Contact person: Ms. Elyn Hu Jiangchuan Email: "4th AIESEC Alumni Asia Pacific Conference - in commemoration hujiangchuan.aiesec@gmail.com of 50th Anniversary of AIESEC in Korea and Asia Pacific" Website URL: http://aapc2012.com/2012/ Contact person: Ms. Sooyeon Jin Email: soojin12@gmail.com JUN • July 28th in Singapore: "40th Anniversary of AIESEC in Singapore" • June 15th in Hong Kong: Website: click here "45th Anniversary Dinner of AIESEC in Hong Kong" Contact person: Gavin Ng Email: gavinng@pacific.net.ph www.aaahk.com Contact person: Mr. Ivan Chiu Email: ivanchiu60@gmail.com AUG • June 28-30 in Berlin: 60th Anniversary of AIESEC in Germany www.aiesec-alumni.de August 21-28 in Moscow, Russia: AIESEC Alumni International contact person: Susanne.pfeuffer@aiesec-alumni.de Meeting: www.ic2012.ru AIESEC ALUMNI International Meeting 2012 Russia d Following the very successful AAIM in Hungary this past February, AAI is calling for a second Meeting in August to coincide with the AIESEC’s International Congress (IC). The venue is to be in the legendary city of Moscow and the dates are as follows: Pre-AAIM Moscow Study Tour from Tuesday 21 to Wednesday 22 AAIMeeting from Thursday 23 to Sunday 26 Post-AAIM St. Petersburg Study Tour from Monday 27 to Tuesday 28 For more details of Agenda, Programme, Pricing and Registration please visit: http://ic2012.ru/aaim More information in the next AAI newsletters. 3 AIESEC ALUMNI Newsletter produced in partnership with RUBICA www.rubica.net