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Cautionary Tales:
FrankenLibraries or Librarytopia?
Stephen Abram, MLS
Calgary, AB– May 13, 2016
Every Day in every way libraries are
throwing pebbles
What business are you in?
What Public Libraries Say They Mean - Missions
The Role of Questions
Books, eBooks
Nouns can be warehoused
and ‘cut’
Tell a story
Action verbs imply dynamism and
Strategy and Direction Planning
Who are you?
What are you?
Black & White
These are Millennials
My son: Zachary
The disruptions that were predicted . . .
Can everyone source their force?
Can we contribute to everyone’s self-actualization?
Print was complicated too
It’s simple really, shift happens, gedoverit
• Learners & Communities will continue to be diverse in the extreme –
especially on learning styles
• A foot in both camps for many, many years to come: digital and physical
• Content is already be dominated by non-text (gamification, 3D, graphics,
numeric, visual, music, video, audio, etc.)
• Search will explode with more options and one-step, one box search is
for dummies not professionally educated folks
• The single purpose anchored device is already dead as a target
• Devices will focus on social, collaboration, sharing, learning, multimedia,
creation and successful library strategies must align with that
• Librarians will need to focus primarily on transformational librarianship
and strategic alignment with curriculum
• Systems, E-Learning, collections and metadata will go to the cloud
• Watch Blockchain, Drones, Toys, iBeacons, for hints
Library Megatrends
It doesn’t take a genius to see that librarian skills
and competencies applied to the trends and issues
in our communities can help in very strategic ways
– social, economic, creative, and discovery impacts.
Public Libraries
• Are you a librarian or an educator?
• Are you a support or mission-critical?
• Your business is community impact and learning
(they’re different)
• Your new competitors are non-traditional
• Renewed advocacy has moved from apple pie to
influencing and selling the value and impact of
• Library staff competencies need a plateau upgrade –
consultation, relationship, influence, educating . . .
Deer in headlamps slide here.
Libraries core skill is not
delivering information
Libraries improve the
quality of the question
and the user experience
Learning Libraries are about
building life competencies
Library Magic
What are your magic tricks?
Failure to Reward Risk
Digital risk has raised the bar on risk taking in library land.
Librarianship Culture
Avoiding the triple diseases of:
1. Conflict avoidance
2. Passive resistance
3. Risk aversion
The Complex Value Proposition
Are you locked into an old library mindset?
A Verb . . . an Experience, enlivened for an audience
A Noun . . . A foundation but not sufficient with professional animation
Grocery Stores
Cookbooks, Chefs . . .
Cookbooks, Chefs . . .
Library Land
What changes, disruptions
and shifts are already in
the environment?
What does way out mean?
• Normal means that enough libraries have adopted and are learning by
doing that the adoption curve is well launched.
What does way out mean?
• This stuff is ‘normal’ now.
▫ Makerspaces
▫ Print and Digital Publishing on demand
▫ Wide Social Media use for engagement and marketing
Are libraries … ?
The Flavours of Makerspaces
• http://oedb.org/ilibrarian/4-flavors-makerspaces/
• FabLabs
• Hackerspaces
• TechShops
• Makerspaces
• Bakerspaces
• Writing Labs – Poetry Slams, Lyrics, NaNoWriMo
• Art Shows: ArtSpaces
• Music: PerformanceSpaces
1. Some ideas
2. Some Ideas
• Internet of Things
• What is a thing?
• How does this
impact library land?
3. Some ideas
• Truly disrupting the BOOK codex
• Are we at phase one of digital books where we merely create a digital
version of the Gutenberg Codex?
• 3 dimensional text, type, leading, spines, ears and feet.
• Audio, video,
• Interactivity with the server, community, other readers, classmates…
• Create your own path…
• Add yourself into the story – fan readers versus fan fiction…
4. Some Ideas
• Beacons
• NFC killed the QR Star!
5. Some Ideas
• Big Data, Little Data
• Insights from Aggregated and Anonymized Data Patterns
• Very few libraries have truly BIG data but many of our vendors do.
• Can this be the end of handcrafted book choices? Newspapers? POV
periodicals? Albums? Scholarly festschrifts?
Snapchat and their Plans
At launch, Snapchat is
working with ten media
partners, including CNN,
ESPN, and National
Geographic. These
companies will release a
new edition of Discover
content every 24 hours,
featuring both videos and
articles hand picked by
their staffers. The goal for
these media companies, of
course, is to hook a new,
younger audience that
doesn’t often connect with
traditional media.
6. Some ideas
• Marketing Disruption
• Instagram
• Facebook
• 20 Ways to Make People Fall in Love With Your Instagram: A Guide
for Libraries and Other Cultural Institutions
• http://www.nypl.org/blog/2014/12/23/20-ways-make-people-fall-
• And more on Stephen’s Lighthouse
7. Some ideas
• Payment Systems
• Selling and Charging and Leading
• Square, PayPal,
• Debit cards as library card
8. Some ideas
• Truly Local
9. Some ideas
• Pop-Ups
• And Mobile-aided presence
Trend: Pop Up Retail Stores
Mobile Maker
When you’re doing it right you . . .
• If all users are ubiquitously connected with
broadband, have downloading skills for books
and movies, own smartphones, whither
• What about the ‘digital divide’?
• If the school system (K-12 and HigherEd)
changes radically …?
• What if all music, audiobooks, and video
moved to streaming formats by 2018?
• What if the DVD and CD go the way of vinyl,
VHS, and cassettes?
• What if all books are digital?
• What if book services move to a subscription
model of unlimited use for $7/month?
• What about next generation e-books?
• What if all books are ‘beyond text’?
• The NextGen Textbook…
• Can we support books with embedded video,
adaptive technologies, audio, updating,
software tools, assessments, web-links, etc.
• Ask ourselves about archiving and
preservation – the record
• Are you positioned at the lesson level?
• Could your library support all curricula and
distance education?
• Have you catalogued the learning
opportunities on the web? (Khan Academy,
Coursera, Udacity, edX, MIT, Harvard, MOOCs,
YouTube, Learn4All (ed2go), …)
E-Learning Free, fee, hybrid
Khan Academy
Coursera, Udacity, EdX
Learn4Life, Ed2Go, Lynda.com, etc.
• Could your library support real e-learning
• Is EVERY staff member fluent in your LMS and the
needs of supporting hybrid or total distance
• By the way – nearly all learning is distance
learning from the perspective of the library and
• Could your library support any kind of mobile
device? (mCobiss)
• Are you fully ready to deliver, agnostically to
desktops, laptops, tablets, phablets,
smartphones, televisions, appliances, at a
much higher level?
• Are you prepared for new forms of content?
• Real multimedia? 3D objects and databases?
Holographics? Enhanced media?
• Embedded assessment and tracking tools?
• Can you be ready for makerspaces, creative
spaces, writing labs, business and start-up
incubators, etc.
• Can you publish for your community?
• What kinds of learning spaces are needed in
the future?
• Can you support real learning spaces,
community meeting spaces, performance
spaces, maker spaces, real advisory spaces,
true relationship, collaboration, and
consultation management . . .? In a virtual
• Makerspaces
• Writing Labs
• Poetry and short story contests
• Cooking
• Music
• Robotics, Lego, ….
• Crafts, knitting, sewing clubs
• Photography and art
• What if everything was in the cloud?
(software, databases, metadata, content . . .)
• What would you do with those system skills
on staff?
• What if all metadata and content discovery is
freely available using open APIs through the
OCLC WorldShare vault and the Digital Public
Library of America / Europeana vault of open
and free metadata?
• What if search immersive resource discovery
becomes as ubiquitous as search engines?
• Can they find as well as search?
• Are your training sessions hitting 100% of
• Are they aligned with workflow or
• Discovery
• Search – known item retrieval
• Topical or Subject Search
• Research
• Immersive Learning
• Assembly
• Two step discovery: discover, searching, finding,
• The pressure is ON for librarians to scale up their
information fluency training initiatives
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Double a penny every day for a month =
Over $1 billion in just 30 days
Next generation content linking architecture
It’s not about library to library but library in the broader content
eco-system (and it’s not about text first)
Living our values needs structure in the digital world . . .
Some Thoughts on Libraries, Ethics, and Privacy
Gary Price
A Drone's Eye View of Toronto Reference Library
Flying a Drone around The NY Public Library - YouTube
McMaster U
As we know it . . .
• What does your experience portal look like?
• What are your top questions?
• Pathfinder - - LibGuides - Portals
• What are the outcome domains?
• Can you do it all ALONE?
• What would it look like if you cooperated?
• Consortia, Cooperatives, … national, regional,
global – buying groups or real foundational
And what would you sacrifice?
The Library as Sandbox
Focus and Understand on the Whole Experience
Up Your Game
• Know your local community demographics i.e. Teachers &
Librarians vs. Students vs. admin
• Focus on needs assessment and social assessments
• Prioritize: Love all, Serve all, Save the World means nothing
gets done
• Focus on scalability and grand cooperation
• Look for partnerships that add value
Up Your Game
• Align with Collections – every collection must be justified by
• Craft leads to industrial strength
• Force strategic investment budgeting
• Look for partnerships that add value and priority setting
• Don’t go it alone. Focus on large scale sustainable programs
• Connect to the longer process not just events
• e.g, Forest of Reading or TD Summer Reading Program
• Virtual and in-person - in the Library and reaching out with partners
• SCALE: eLearning and Surveys – e.g. citation methods
Up Your Game
• Align with Collections – But add virtual experiences
• Start being Mobile in the extreme
• Look for partnerships that add value
• Focus on relationship management / liaisons
• Ensure the program delivery person is embedded including
• What are your top learning or research domains? Start there.
• Don’t go it alone. Build scalability and sustainability.
• Look for replicability – look for commonalities
The new
bibliography and
Up Your Game
• Learn the LMS system – everyone
• Learn copyright and licensing rights
• Learn developmental, genome, IQ, and learning styles research
• Relationship management, team building
• Advocacy and influence and research support
• MOOCs and eLearning
Up Your Game
• Learn how to reach and teach online
• Teach how to learn online – MOOCs and e-learning
• Teach how to research online
• Everyone in academic libraries should be focused on
teaching/researching first, then library
• Learn more systems than one!
• Be obsessive about consultation, recommendations and advice
• Social alignment rules and use the tools
Up Your Game
• Start to understand the real issues with e-books
• Study e-textbooks
• Study Learning Objects
• Balance content with interface
• Focus on learner not librarian behaviours
Up Your Game
• Learn consulting and relationship management practices
• Understand the research goals
• Understand Pedagogy in the context of student experiences
and educational goals
• Understand human development and age/stage(teens)
• Know where your programs are heading
• Consider deep partnerships
• Consider coaches, peer, and tutoring partnerships
Up Your Game
• The strong ‘library’ brand – adding dimension
• Personal branding – Who are your stars? Promote them.
• Program branding
• OMG – fix your signage
• Take risks for attention (AIDA)
• Embed your brand beyond the library walls and virtually
Up Your Game
• Grow collections investments in strategic areas (for example
economic impact, jobs, early years, hobbies, political alignment,
homework, research agenda …)
• Develop hybrid strategies that are consistent for digital and print
and programs
• Be obsessive about recommendations and advice and added value
• Integrate virtual and physical – hybridize
• Don’t fear off-site cooperation
• CURATE – real curation not assembly
Up Your Game
• Move the ILS to the Cloud
• Linked Data models – OCLC WorldShare, Europeana, DPLA, etc.
• Fix the ‘repository problem’
• Look at TCO and look at all costs incurred and not just hard
• Review opportunity costs in soft costs
Up Your Game
• Dog, Star, Cow, Problem Child/The Unknown?
• Reduce investment in successes
• Increase investments in the future
• Set priorities
• ‘Park’ some stuff temporarily
Is your library ready to support a
world of unlimited content, multiple
formats, massive access, and
consumer expectations of MORE?
With Effort, Vision,
Embracing Change
Change is….
Find Your
Do you like change?
Does it matter?
What are the risks of not changing?
We can’t control change…
We can control our attitude towards change…
Change can be difficult
and ambiguous
Personal change
precedes organizational
I can learn and I can
change and I can do it
What can you do to deal with
Accept that change
is an attitude
Create a personal vision
In the context of your team
Focus on what you can do…
……not what you can’t do
velop a perspective of
Create a willingness to learn & develop
Learn to love ambiguity
Support Aspiration
Be Creative and Attract
Being More Open to Change
‘New’ Library Cultures
Support Your Team
Too Much Respect for Tradition
While Neglecting to Curate the Future
Are there any of these in your library?
The Black
Sucking the life out of initiative(s)?
Being More Open Experimentation,
Pilots and Innovation
Being More Open to Risk
Being Open to Ambiguity
to Social
Being Comfortable with Speed
Letting Go of Control
Be Inspirational
Honest to G*d – Let’s
Encourage Some Fun!
Tell Your Story:
Until lions learn to write their own story,
the story will always be from the perspective
of the hunter not the hunted.
Don’t study the issue to death.
Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA
Consultant, Dysart & Jones/Lighthouse Partners
CEO, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries
Cel: 416-669-4855
Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog
Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr: Stephen Abram
LinkedIn / Plaxo: Stephen Abram
Twitter: @sabram
SlideShare: StephenAbram1

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  • 1. Cautionary Tales: FrankenLibraries or Librarytopia? Stephen Abram, MLS Calgary, AB– May 13, 2016
  • 2. Every Day in every way libraries are throwing pebbles
  • 4. What Public Libraries Say They Mean - Missions
  • 5. The Role of Questions
  • 6. Books, eBooks Magazines Websites Buildings Rooms Desks Stations Programs Nouns can be warehoused and ‘cut’ Serve Answer Engage Link Entertain Tell a story Teach Create Do Action verbs imply dynamism and impact
  • 7. YOU
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 20. 20
  • 30. The disruptions that were predicted . . . 30
  • 31. 31
  • 33. Can everyone source their force? Can we contribute to everyone’s self-actualization? 33
  • 35. It’s simple really, shift happens, gedoverit • Learners & Communities will continue to be diverse in the extreme – especially on learning styles • A foot in both camps for many, many years to come: digital and physical • Content is already be dominated by non-text (gamification, 3D, graphics, numeric, visual, music, video, audio, etc.) • Search will explode with more options and one-step, one box search is for dummies not professionally educated folks • The single purpose anchored device is already dead as a target • Devices will focus on social, collaboration, sharing, learning, multimedia, creation and successful library strategies must align with that • Librarians will need to focus primarily on transformational librarianship and strategic alignment with curriculum • Systems, E-Learning, collections and metadata will go to the cloud massively • Watch Blockchain, Drones, Toys, iBeacons, for hints
  • 36. Library Megatrends It doesn’t take a genius to see that librarian skills and competencies applied to the trends and issues in our communities can help in very strategic ways – social, economic, creative, and discovery impacts.
  • 37. Public Libraries • Are you a librarian or an educator? • Are you a support or mission-critical? • Your business is community impact and learning (they’re different) • Your new competitors are non-traditional • Renewed advocacy has moved from apple pie to influencing and selling the value and impact of libraries • Library staff competencies need a plateau upgrade – consultation, relationship, influence, educating . . .
  • 41. Deer in headlamps slide here.
  • 43. Libraries core skill is not delivering information Libraries improve the quality of the question and the user experience Learning Libraries are about building life competencies
  • 44. Library Magic What are your magic tricks?
  • 47. Digital risk has raised the bar on risk taking in library land.
  • 48. Librarianship Culture Avoiding the triple diseases of: 1. Conflict avoidance 2. Passive resistance 3. Risk aversion
  • 50. Are you locked into an old library mindset?
  • 51. A Verb . . . an Experience, enlivened for an audience
  • 52. A Noun . . . A foundation but not sufficient with professional animation
  • 56. Meals
  • 58. Library Land What changes, disruptions and shifts are already in the environment?
  • 59. What does way out mean? • Normal means that enough libraries have adopted and are learning by doing that the adoption curve is well launched.
  • 61. What does way out mean? • This stuff is ‘normal’ now. ▫ Makerspaces ▫ Print and Digital Publishing on demand ▫ Wide Social Media use for engagement and marketing
  • 63. The Flavours of Makerspaces • http://oedb.org/ilibrarian/4-flavors-makerspaces/ • FabLabs • Hackerspaces • TechShops • Makerspaces • Bakerspaces • Writing Labs – Poetry Slams, Lyrics, NaNoWriMo • Art Shows: ArtSpaces • Music: PerformanceSpaces
  • 64. 1. Some ideas • ONE ILS http://www.goscl.com/scl-working-to-create-unified-digital-platform-for-all-libraries/
  • 65. 2. Some Ideas • Internet of Things • What is a thing? • How does this impact library land?
  • 66. 3. Some ideas • Truly disrupting the BOOK codex • Are we at phase one of digital books where we merely create a digital version of the Gutenberg Codex? • 3 dimensional text, type, leading, spines, ears and feet. • Audio, video, • Interactivity with the server, community, other readers, classmates… • Create your own path… • Add yourself into the story – fan readers versus fan fiction…
  • 67. 4. Some Ideas • Beacons • NFC killed the QR Star!
  • 69. 5. Some Ideas • Big Data, Little Data • Insights from Aggregated and Anonymized Data Patterns • Very few libraries have truly BIG data but many of our vendors do. • Can this be the end of handcrafted book choices? Newspapers? POV periodicals? Albums? Scholarly festschrifts?
  • 70. Snapchat and their Plans At launch, Snapchat is working with ten media partners, including CNN, ESPN, and National Geographic. These companies will release a new edition of Discover content every 24 hours, featuring both videos and articles hand picked by their staffers. The goal for these media companies, of course, is to hook a new, younger audience that doesn’t often connect with traditional media. http://www.niemanlab.org/2015/01/snapchats-new-discover-feature-could-be-a-significant-moment-in-the-evolution-of-mobile-news/
  • 71. 6. Some ideas • Marketing Disruption • Instagram • Facebook • 20 Ways to Make People Fall in Love With Your Instagram: A Guide for Libraries and Other Cultural Institutions • http://www.nypl.org/blog/2014/12/23/20-ways-make-people-fall- love-your-instagram-guide-libraries-and-other-cultural • And more on Stephen’s Lighthouse
  • 72. 7. Some ideas • Payment Systems • Selling and Charging and Leading • Square, PayPal, • Debit cards as library card
  • 73. 8. Some ideas • Truly Local • GPS GIS
  • 74. 9. Some ideas • Pop-Ups • And Mobile-aided presence
  • 75. Trend: Pop Up Retail Stores
  • 85. When you’re doing it right you . . .
  • 86. • If all users are ubiquitously connected with broadband, have downloading skills for books and movies, own smartphones, whither libraries? • What about the ‘digital divide’? • If the school system (K-12 and HigherEd) changes radically …?
  • 87. • What if all music, audiobooks, and video moved to streaming formats by 2018? • What if the DVD and CD go the way of vinyl, VHS, and cassettes?
  • 88. • What if all books are digital? • What if book services move to a subscription model of unlimited use for $7/month? • What about next generation e-books?
  • 89. • What if all books are ‘beyond text’? • The NextGen Textbook… • Can we support books with embedded video, adaptive technologies, audio, updating, software tools, assessments, web-links, etc. • Ask ourselves about archiving and preservation – the record
  • 90. • Are you positioned at the lesson level? • Could your library support all curricula and distance education? • Have you catalogued the learning opportunities on the web? (Khan Academy, Coursera, Udacity, edX, MIT, Harvard, MOOCs, YouTube, Learn4All (ed2go), …)
  • 91. E-Learning Free, fee, hybrid Khan Academy Coursera, Udacity, EdX Learn4Life, Ed2Go, Lynda.com, etc.
  • 92. • Could your library support real e-learning • Is EVERY staff member fluent in your LMS and the needs of supporting hybrid or total distance learning? • By the way – nearly all learning is distance learning from the perspective of the library and user.
  • 93. • Could your library support any kind of mobile device? (mCobiss) • Are you fully ready to deliver, agnostically to desktops, laptops, tablets, phablets, smartphones, televisions, appliances, at a much higher level?
  • 94. • Are you prepared for new forms of content? • Real multimedia? 3D objects and databases? Holographics? Enhanced media? • Embedded assessment and tracking tools? • Can you be ready for makerspaces, creative spaces, writing labs, business and start-up incubators, etc. • Can you publish for your community?
  • 95. • What kinds of learning spaces are needed in the future? • Can you support real learning spaces, community meeting spaces, performance spaces, maker spaces, real advisory spaces, true relationship, collaboration, and consultation management . . .? In a virtual space?
  • 96. • Makerspaces • Writing Labs • Poetry and short story contests • Cooking • Music • Robotics, Lego, …. • Crafts, knitting, sewing clubs • Photography and art
  • 97. • What if everything was in the cloud? (software, databases, metadata, content . . .) • What would you do with those system skills on staff? • What if all metadata and content discovery is freely available using open APIs through the OCLC WorldShare vault and the Digital Public Library of America / Europeana vault of open and free metadata?
  • 98. • What if search immersive resource discovery becomes as ubiquitous as search engines? • Can they find as well as search? • Are your training sessions hitting 100% of students? • Are they aligned with workflow or transactions?
  • 99. Definitions • Discovery • Search – known item retrieval • Topical or Subject Search • Research • Immersive Learning • Assembly • Two step discovery: discover, searching, finding, use • The pressure is ON for librarians to scale up their information fluency training initiatives
  • 101. - 200,000,000 400,000,000 600,000,000 800,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,200,000,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Series1 Double a penny every day for a month = Over $1 billion in just 30 days
  • 102. Next generation content linking architecture It’s not about library to library but library in the broader content eco-system (and it’s not about text first)
  • 103. Living our values needs structure in the digital world . . . Some Thoughts on Libraries, Ethics, and Privacy Gary Price http://www.slideshare.net/GaryPrice_infoDOCKET/gary- price-cnispring14bbbpptx
  • 104. A Drone's Eye View of Toronto Reference Library https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYALiE-Lwhc Flying a Drone around The NY Public Library - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9FMlv5a_FI
  • 105. THE INTERNET OF THINGS PLAN TO MAKE LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS AWESOMER: ARE CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS THE ENVIRONMENT IBEACON HAS BEEN WAITING FOR? http://www.fastcompany.com/3040451/elasticity/the-internet-of- things-plan-to-make-libraries-and-museums-awesomer
  • 107. As we know it . . .
  • 108. • What does your experience portal look like? • What are your top questions? • Pathfinder - - LibGuides - Portals • What are the outcome domains?
  • 109. • Can you do it all ALONE? • What would it look like if you cooperated? • Consortia, Cooperatives, … national, regional, global – buying groups or real foundational infrastructure
  • 110. And what would you sacrifice?
  • 111. The Library as Sandbox
  • 112. Focus and Understand on the Whole Experience
  • 113. Up Your Game • Know your local community demographics i.e. Teachers & Librarians vs. Students vs. admin • Focus on needs assessment and social assessments • Prioritize: Love all, Serve all, Save the World means nothing gets done • Focus on scalability and grand cooperation • Look for partnerships that add value
  • 114. Up Your Game • Align with Collections – every collection must be justified by programs • Craft leads to industrial strength • Force strategic investment budgeting • Look for partnerships that add value and priority setting • Don’t go it alone. Focus on large scale sustainable programs • Connect to the longer process not just events • e.g, Forest of Reading or TD Summer Reading Program • Virtual and in-person - in the Library and reaching out with partners • SCALE: eLearning and Surveys – e.g. citation methods
  • 115. Up Your Game • Align with Collections – But add virtual experiences • Start being Mobile in the extreme • Look for partnerships that add value • Focus on relationship management / liaisons • Ensure the program delivery person is embedded including librarians • What are your top learning or research domains? Start there. • Don’t go it alone. Build scalability and sustainability. • Look for replicability – look for commonalities
  • 116. The new bibliography and collection development Ask Us, KNOWLEDGE PORTALS KNOWLEDGE, LEARNING, INFORMATION & RESEARCH COMMONS
  • 117. Up Your Game • Learn the LMS system – everyone • Learn copyright and licensing rights • Learn developmental, genome, IQ, and learning styles research • Relationship management, team building • Advocacy and influence and research support • MOOCs and eLearning
  • 118. Up Your Game • Learn how to reach and teach online • Teach how to learn online – MOOCs and e-learning • Teach how to research online • Everyone in academic libraries should be focused on teaching/researching first, then library • Learn more systems than one! • Be obsessive about consultation, recommendations and advice • Social alignment rules and use the tools
  • 119. Up Your Game • Start to understand the real issues with e-books • Study e-textbooks • Study Learning Objects • Balance content with interface • Focus on learner not librarian behaviours
  • 120. Up Your Game • Learn consulting and relationship management practices • Understand the research goals • Understand Pedagogy in the context of student experiences and educational goals • Understand human development and age/stage(teens) • Know where your programs are heading • Consider deep partnerships • Consider coaches, peer, and tutoring partnerships
  • 121. Up Your Game • The strong ‘library’ brand – adding dimension • Personal branding – Who are your stars? Promote them. • Program branding • OMG – fix your signage • Take risks for attention (AIDA) • Embed your brand beyond the library walls and virtually
  • 122. Up Your Game • Grow collections investments in strategic areas (for example economic impact, jobs, early years, hobbies, political alignment, homework, research agenda …) • Develop hybrid strategies that are consistent for digital and print and programs • Be obsessive about recommendations and advice and added value • Integrate virtual and physical – hybridize • Don’t fear off-site cooperation • CURATE – real curation not assembly
  • 123. Up Your Game • Move the ILS to the Cloud • Linked Data models – OCLC WorldShare, Europeana, DPLA, etc. • Fix the ‘repository problem’ • Look at TCO and look at all costs incurred and not just hard costs • Review opportunity costs in soft costs
  • 124. Up Your Game • Dog, Star, Cow, Problem Child/The Unknown? • Reduce investment in successes • Increase investments in the future • Set priorities • ‘Park’ some stuff temporarily
  • 126. 126
  • 128. Is your library ready to support a world of unlimited content, multiple formats, massive access, and consumer expectations of MORE? Yes? No? With Effort, Vision, Leadership? Never?
  • 131. Global
  • 137. Do you like change? Does it matter?
  • 138. What are the risks of not changing?
  • 139. We can’t control change… We can control our attitude towards change…
  • 140. Deny
  • 141. Resist
  • 142. React
  • 144. Commit
  • 145. Change can be difficult and ambiguous
  • 150. I can learn and I can change and I can do it quickly.
  • 151. What can you do to deal with change?
  • 152. Accept that change is an attitude
  • 153. Create a personal vision In the context of your team
  • 154. Focus on what you can do… ……not what you can’t do Strengths
  • 155. velop a perspective of portunity
  • 156. Create a willingness to learn & develop
  • 157. Learn to love ambiguity
  • 159. Be Creative and Attract
  • 160. Being More Open to Change
  • 163. Too Much Respect for Tradition While Neglecting to Curate the Future
  • 164. Are there any of these in your library? The Black Hole Sucking the life out of initiative(s)?
  • 165. Being More Open Experimentation, Pilots and Innovation
  • 166. Being More Open to Risk
  • 167. Being Open to Ambiguity
  • 170. Letting Go of Control
  • 172. Honest to G*d – Let’s Encourage Some Fun!
  • 173. Tell Your Story: Until lions learn to write their own story, the story will always be from the perspective of the hunter not the hunted.
  • 175. Don’t study the issue to death.
  • 178. 178
  • 179. 179
  • 181. Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLA Consultant, Dysart & Jones/Lighthouse Partners CEO, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries Cel: 416-669-4855 stephen.abram@gmail.com Stephen’s Lighthouse Blog http://stephenslighthouse.com Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr: Stephen Abram LinkedIn / Plaxo: Stephen Abram Twitter: @sabram SlideShare: StephenAbram1