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I was born in Dominican
Republic. My parents also are from
D.R,(Dominican Republic). I went
visiting this summer and I met all my
family that I haven't seen in six
years. I stayed over there for one
month. I went to the beautiful
beaches they have over there and I
even ate foods I never ate in my life.
I met my best friend
when I was 9 years old, we have
been known each other for 5
years. We are together every
single day and do everything
together. Both of our parents talk
a lot and hang out all the time
also. We live right next to each
other, and sleep over each others
houses all the time. We treat
each other like we are sisters.
My godparents
                                  and I.

           I have a very big family. I can’t even
count how many I have because I have so
many. My family lives all over the place, some
live in the US and some live in Dominican
Republic. I have a very loving and caring
family, they are wonderful people who anyone
would be lucky to have. Two of my
grandparents from my mom side died but both
from my dad’s side are still living and love me
very much. I have four sisters and two
brothers. My dad left me when I was three and
he lives in Dominican Republic now.

                                                    My aunt, uncle, cousin
                                                    and grandparents.
Maria (My mom)
          My beautiful mom is the best
mom in the whole wide world. I love her
with all my heart. She has given me
everything I've ever asked for. She is a very
nice and sweet woman that cares a lot
about her family and that would do
anything for them. I look very much like my
mom we are like twins. My mom and I do
everything together and we tell each other
everything we trust each other a lot.
My favorite aunt is the best aunt anyone can have.
She is 22 years old and lives in Dominican Republic. I met
her when I was just 3 years old at first I really didn’t like her
because I thought she was mean and ugly. But now I love
her to death and I think she is beautiful. A lot of people say
we look alike and I also think we look alike.
     I love my nephews so much, I would do
 anything for them. I have three nephews, one
of them is 8 months the other one is 3 years old
 and the oldest one is 8 years old. They are my
   whole world I spent my whole day with all
  three of them. I always love to babysit them
  because they are so funny and playful. They
  are all boys and I love the fact that they are
because I wouldn’t imagine any other nephews
                   than them

         Texting is my life I text
everyday of my life. I could not
imagine myself Without a phone
because all I do is text. When I first
started texting I was 10 years old
and that’s when I got my first
phone. Everywhere I go I need to
have my phone because I love to
text people and if I don’t have my
phone I get so bored.
         My iPhone I love it! I don’t know what I’d
do without it but it’s the best phone ever. I have
the iPhone 4s and it can do anything! It can even
talk to me and answers all my question. When I
first got my phone 5 months ago I was so happy
because I could do anything with it. My IPhone is
my life.
I love my grandparents with
all my heart. They are the nicest
people I've ever met. I met them
last summer when I went to
Dominican Republic I was so happy
to see them and they were so happy
to see me. Both of them been
together for 45 years that’s a very
long time. They are very old now but
I hope I get to see them again next
time I go to Dominican Republic.

          My parents are the best parents ever . I love them
so much. My parents are divorced but I still love them
equally. I live with my beautiful mother and I see my dad
ever other week. My dad lives in New York with his wife so I
don’t get to see him a lot. They are the nicest parents ever
they spoil me with everything I want and give me all the
love they have.
`           I love Christmas so much. Its my favorite holiday not only because
you get presents but because you get to spend the day with your family. I love
everything about Christmas the presents, food, music, movies. For Christmas
my family come overs and we do a whole lot, we eat, dance, laugh, act silly
and crazy. Also when its midnight we all open are presents and pray for the
great Christmas we had. I hope that I will have plenty of more Christmases
with my family to come.
Me and my best friends at lunch.

                       My best friends are the best
            friends I could ever ask for. We do
            everything together and I trust them
            with everything. We have are ups and
Me and      downs but at the end we work
my best     everything out. When we are
friend at   together we are the loudest people
the mall.   ever and we are so crazy. We laugh
            so much and are so silly. I don’t know
            what id do without them.
When I was 1 year old I came to Leominster. I really
didn’t like it when I got older I thought it was really boring. I
never left my house, I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t like the
food. But I know I’m used to it. I made so many friends over
here that I would never want to live. I love my school and
where I live, I know everything around here and I love my
family that lives out here too.
Ruthmari is
                             my 18 year old sister.
                             My sister and I do
                             everything together.
                             My sister is beautiful
                             and looks a lot like
                             me. She works at
                             Subway and
                             sometimes I go and
Ruth & I watching a movie.   help her. When we
                             were younger we had
                             a lot of insiders but
                             now we don’t talk as
                             much because she is
                             always working. She's
                             such a great sister.
  Ruth & I before going to   And I hope I will
  bed.                       always have her right
                             by my side.
My hair I love it
so much. I am
obsessed with my hair.
Its just so long and
smooth, I can do
anything I want with it.
Sometimes I curl and
most of the time I
straighten it. I have
very thick hair but its
very long and soft. I do
my hair very day and I
touch it all the time. I
cant go no where with
messy hair. My hair is
my life.
         Jennifer is my best friend. I've known her since 6th
grade and we become closer every year. I trust her a lot and
we tell each other everything and gossip a lot. We talk
everyday and text all the time. On Friday’s we hang out at
the mall or we go to the movies together. When we are
together we are so silly and crazy. People must think we are
crazy because we are so loud and weird together. I love
Jennifer so much and I hope I will always have her as a best
I go to Sky View middle school in Leominster. I've been
going to this school since 6th grade so that’s three years. When I
first got to this school I hated it but then when I got to 7th grade I
started to like it and figured it wasn’t that bad. The teachers at
sky view aren't mean they are really nice and like to help a lot.
This will be my last year in sky view because next year I will be a
freshman in Leominster high school, so I hope I have a great last
year in sky view.
Xtra things
            I do a whole lot of things in
 my life, but one of the things I like to
 do is take pictures . I love taking
 pictures, I do it all the time. It doesn’t
 matter where I am or with who I am
 with, if I look good I will take a picture.
            I also love to sing, I sing in the
 shower, in the kitchen when I am
 washing dishes I sing everywhere.
         There's a lot of quotes that I like and
understand, but there's one that is just so perfect and
true. And I think everyone should follow this quote. I
bet this quote gives so much hope too many people. I
say this quote myself many times when people are
lazy and tired and even sad about something.

         I am very unique I like to do different things than
other people and I don’t like to follow people around. I am
weird, crazy, funny, laughable, and can be serious at times. Its
very hard to get me mad but very easy to make me smile,
happy, and laugh. I bring joy to a lot of people. I love making
people happy and laugh.

          The deep blue cold ocean I love and hate
so much. Its so cold and nice and I love the waves,
but the creatures and fish that are deep down
there just give me the chills and it makes me not
want to go in the sea. I love swimming but I hate
feeling the fishes touching my feet and the salty
water going in my mouth. I love touching the sand
but I hate when it burns my feet and I find crabs.
I've been to Hampton beach several times and I
love it.
The zipper ride is my favorite ride ever. Its so
fun and scary at the same time. Everything I
go to six flags that’s the first ride I go on. I
loose my voice by the time I get off. Most
people throw up but I never do I can go 10
times and ill be fine. The ride makes you
very dizzy but its so fun. I like going on the
ride with someone because its so much
scarier if you go on by your self.

Those are the seats you sit on when your on the ride.
That is me on the right, Yuliana in the middle and Ana on the right.

                                         Yuliana is one of my friends.
                                I met last year, she is very pretty and
                                nice. She has beautiful dark brown
                                hair and she’s kind of short. She
                                loves to dance and make jokes, she
                                is very funny and helpful. I don’t
                                have any classes together but we
                                have been in the same homeroom
                                since last year. She dresses very nice
                                and we also have ccd class together
                                and we go to the same church. I love
                                her so much and hope we continue
                                being close friends.

           Kindergarten must have been
  the best first year of school I ever
  had. I had a lot of fun and I had
  friends. We could do so much we
  even got to take naps in the
  afternoon and we got to play with
  cars and dolls. In that grade I met
  one of my best friends Ana. Now we
  are together in 8th grade. I can say
  that I loved kindergarten so much.
Wittle baby

         My baby is the cutest thing ever I love
him to death. His name is Nico Rodriguez and
he is my 8 month old nephew. He was born
way to soon that he had to be in the hospital
for six months and now he uses an oxygen tank
everywhere he goes to help him breath. But
soon he will better, I am so happy I have him in
my life and that I can spend so much time with
There's a lot of things that are special
to me but I'm going to give you a sneak peak of
the most important ones. One of them is my
iPhone my iPhone is my world I don’t even
know what id do without it. I use it all the time
everywhere I go its so helpful. Another thing is
my friends and family they also mean the world
to me. I love them to death and I also love
spending time with each and everyone of
them. I don’t even know what id do with out
those few things in my life.

             Very special

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  • 1. I was born in Dominican Republic. My parents also are from D.R,(Dominican Republic). I went visiting this summer and I met all my family that I haven't seen in six years. I stayed over there for one month. I went to the beautiful beaches they have over there and I even ate foods I never ate in my life.
  • 2. I met my best friend when I was 9 years old, we have been known each other for 5 years. We are together every single day and do everything together. Both of our parents talk a lot and hang out all the time also. We live right next to each other, and sleep over each others houses all the time. We treat each other like we are sisters.
  • 3. My godparents and I. I have a very big family. I can’t even count how many I have because I have so many. My family lives all over the place, some live in the US and some live in Dominican Republic. I have a very loving and caring family, they are wonderful people who anyone would be lucky to have. Two of my grandparents from my mom side died but both from my dad’s side are still living and love me very much. I have four sisters and two brothers. My dad left me when I was three and he lives in Dominican Republic now. My aunt, uncle, cousin and grandparents.
  • 4. Maria (My mom) My beautiful mom is the best mom in the whole wide world. I love her with all my heart. She has given me everything I've ever asked for. She is a very nice and sweet woman that cares a lot about her family and that would do anything for them. I look very much like my mom we are like twins. My mom and I do everything together and we tell each other everything we trust each other a lot.
  • 5. My favorite aunt is the best aunt anyone can have. She is 22 years old and lives in Dominican Republic. I met her when I was just 3 years old at first I really didn’t like her because I thought she was mean and ugly. But now I love her to death and I think she is beautiful. A lot of people say we look alike and I also think we look alike.
  • 6. Nephews I love my nephews so much, I would do anything for them. I have three nephews, one of them is 8 months the other one is 3 years old and the oldest one is 8 years old. They are my whole world I spent my whole day with all three of them. I always love to babysit them because they are so funny and playful. They are all boys and I love the fact that they are because I wouldn’t imagine any other nephews than them
  • 7. Texting Texting is my life I text everyday of my life. I could not imagine myself Without a phone because all I do is text. When I first started texting I was 10 years old and that’s when I got my first phone. Everywhere I go I need to have my phone because I love to text people and if I don’t have my phone I get so bored.
  • 8. IPhone My iPhone I love it! I don’t know what I’d do without it but it’s the best phone ever. I have the iPhone 4s and it can do anything! It can even talk to me and answers all my question. When I first got my phone 5 months ago I was so happy because I could do anything with it. My IPhone is my life.
  • 9. I love my grandparents with all my heart. They are the nicest people I've ever met. I met them last summer when I went to Dominican Republic I was so happy to see them and they were so happy to see me. Both of them been together for 45 years that’s a very long time. They are very old now but I hope I get to see them again next time I go to Dominican Republic.
  • 10. Parents My parents are the best parents ever . I love them so much. My parents are divorced but I still love them equally. I live with my beautiful mother and I see my dad ever other week. My dad lives in New York with his wife so I don’t get to see him a lot. They are the nicest parents ever they spoil me with everything I want and give me all the love they have.
  • 11. ` I love Christmas so much. Its my favorite holiday not only because you get presents but because you get to spend the day with your family. I love everything about Christmas the presents, food, music, movies. For Christmas my family come overs and we do a whole lot, we eat, dance, laugh, act silly and crazy. Also when its midnight we all open are presents and pray for the great Christmas we had. I hope that I will have plenty of more Christmases with my family to come.
  • 12. Me and my best friends at lunch. My best friends are the best friends I could ever ask for. We do everything together and I trust them with everything. We have are ups and Me and downs but at the end we work my best everything out. When we are friend at together we are the loudest people the mall. ever and we are so crazy. We laugh so much and are so silly. I don’t know what id do without them.
  • 13. When I was 1 year old I came to Leominster. I really didn’t like it when I got older I thought it was really boring. I never left my house, I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t like the food. But I know I’m used to it. I made so many friends over here that I would never want to live. I love my school and where I live, I know everything around here and I love my family that lives out here too.
  • 14. Ruthmari is my 18 year old sister. My sister and I do everything together. My sister is beautiful and looks a lot like me. She works at Subway and sometimes I go and Ruth & I watching a movie. help her. When we were younger we had a lot of insiders but now we don’t talk as much because she is always working. She's such a great sister. Ruth & I before going to And I hope I will bed. always have her right by my side.
  • 15. My hair I love it so much. I am obsessed with my hair. Its just so long and smooth, I can do anything I want with it. Sometimes I curl and most of the time I straighten it. I have very thick hair but its very long and soft. I do my hair very day and I touch it all the time. I cant go no where with messy hair. My hair is my life.
  • 16. Jennifer Jennifer is my best friend. I've known her since 6th grade and we become closer every year. I trust her a lot and we tell each other everything and gossip a lot. We talk everyday and text all the time. On Friday’s we hang out at the mall or we go to the movies together. When we are together we are so silly and crazy. People must think we are crazy because we are so loud and weird together. I love Jennifer so much and I hope I will always have her as a best friend.
  • 17. I go to Sky View middle school in Leominster. I've been going to this school since 6th grade so that’s three years. When I first got to this school I hated it but then when I got to 7th grade I started to like it and figured it wasn’t that bad. The teachers at sky view aren't mean they are really nice and like to help a lot. This will be my last year in sky view because next year I will be a freshman in Leominster high school, so I hope I have a great last year in sky view.
  • 18. Xtra things I do a whole lot of things in my life, but one of the things I like to do is take pictures . I love taking pictures, I do it all the time. It doesn’t matter where I am or with who I am with, if I look good I will take a picture. I also love to sing, I sing in the shower, in the kitchen when I am washing dishes I sing everywhere.
  • 19. Quote There's a lot of quotes that I like and understand, but there's one that is just so perfect and true. And I think everyone should follow this quote. I bet this quote gives so much hope too many people. I say this quote myself many times when people are lazy and tired and even sad about something.
  • 20. Unique I am very unique I like to do different things than other people and I don’t like to follow people around. I am weird, crazy, funny, laughable, and can be serious at times. Its very hard to get me mad but very easy to make me smile, happy, and laugh. I bring joy to a lot of people. I love making people happy and laugh.
  • 21. Ocean The deep blue cold ocean I love and hate so much. Its so cold and nice and I love the waves, but the creatures and fish that are deep down there just give me the chills and it makes me not want to go in the sea. I love swimming but I hate feeling the fishes touching my feet and the salty water going in my mouth. I love touching the sand but I hate when it burns my feet and I find crabs. I've been to Hampton beach several times and I love it.
  • 22. The zipper ride is my favorite ride ever. Its so fun and scary at the same time. Everything I go to six flags that’s the first ride I go on. I loose my voice by the time I get off. Most people throw up but I never do I can go 10 times and ill be fine. The ride makes you very dizzy but its so fun. I like going on the ride with someone because its so much scarier if you go on by your self. Those are the seats you sit on when your on the ride.
  • 23. Yuliana That is me on the right, Yuliana in the middle and Ana on the right. Yuliana is one of my friends. I met last year, she is very pretty and nice. She has beautiful dark brown hair and she’s kind of short. She loves to dance and make jokes, she is very funny and helpful. I don’t have any classes together but we have been in the same homeroom since last year. She dresses very nice and we also have ccd class together and we go to the same church. I love her so much and hope we continue being close friends.
  • 24. Kindergarten Kindergarten must have been the best first year of school I ever had. I had a lot of fun and I had friends. We could do so much we even got to take naps in the afternoon and we got to play with cars and dolls. In that grade I met one of my best friends Ana. Now we are together in 8th grade. I can say that I loved kindergarten so much.
  • 25. Wittle baby My baby is the cutest thing ever I love him to death. His name is Nico Rodriguez and he is my 8 month old nephew. He was born way to soon that he had to be in the hospital for six months and now he uses an oxygen tank everywhere he goes to help him breath. But soon he will better, I am so happy I have him in my life and that I can spend so much time with him.
  • 26. There's a lot of things that are special to me but I'm going to give you a sneak peak of the most important ones. One of them is my iPhone my iPhone is my world I don’t even know what id do without it. I use it all the time everywhere I go its so helpful. Another thing is my friends and family they also mean the world to me. I love them to death and I also love spending time with each and everyone of them. I don’t even know what id do with out those few things in my life. Very special