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Abortion Pro Life Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Abortion Pro Life" can be a challenging task that requires a
delicate balance of presenting factual information, exploring ethical considerations, and
navigating the complexities of a deeply polarizing issue. Crafting a persuasive and well-
structured argument demands thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding
of both sides of the debate.
The difficulty arises from the emotional nature of the topic, as individuals often hold strong
personal beliefs and values related to abortion. It becomes essential to approach the subject with
sensitivity, acknowledging the diversity of opinions while maintaining a clear and coherent
stance. Striking the right tone is crucial to avoid alienating readers who may have differing
Moreover, addressing the historical, legal, and ethical aspects of abortion requires careful
consideration of the nuances involved. Writers need to engage with a broad range of sources,
from scientific studies and legal precedents to philosophical and ethical discussions. Navigating
through the plethora of information while staying focused on the key arguments and
counterarguments can be demanding.
Additionally, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the pro-
life perspective adds another layer of complexity. The essay must articulate a strong position
while providing evidence and logical reasoning to support the chosen stance.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Abortion Pro Life" demands a combination of
research, empathy, and analytical skills. Successfully navigating the intricacies of this contentious
issue requires a writer to carefully balance emotions and facts, present a well-structured
argument, and demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the broader context. Remember that a
thoughtful and well-reasoned essay has the potential to contribute to a constructive dialogue on
this sensitive subject.
For assistance with essays on various topics, including those related to abortion, you can explore
additional resources and writing services available on platforms like HelpWriting.net. They
offer a range of writing services that can provide support and guidance for your academic needs.
Abortion Pro Life Essay Abortion Pro Life Essay
Mmt Reflection
I am a first year student in the MLT program effective 2016, but this ended in
March 31, 2017 due to suspension by the college. I have accumulated many
accolades before entering the MLT program such as making the Dean s list and
being inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. I have had no disciplinary
record before entering this program. I have been at Central Piedmont Community
College for 3 years to be exact. I have had no disciplinary record from other schools
that I have matriculated at. With that being said, the MLT department at Central
Piedmont Community College has committed numerous violations on my behalf.
There is a paper trail that can validate this claim significantly. I will provide the
backdrop of everything, on Sunday,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And a student made a mistake on another student arm but his technique was not
overly scrutinize, when this year I made not mistakes on anybody arm. And my
friend was okay with sharing grades until the instructors made a huge deal out of it.
Additionally, I missed lab and lecture for urinalysis and this effected my lab practical
grade for urinalysis. The Associate Dean, charged with me indecent conduct but
later on I appeal the decision because the charge was misleading and I called Ferpa
for clarification. Asking for a student grade is not indecent, but this is consider a fact
and not opinion and my friend and I would not discuss grades since this has become a
problem with the instructors. And she stated: The instructors were making a big deal
out of it. I told the Associate Dean, this could effect future employment, phi theta
kappa and permanent record. On March 21st and 22nd the instructors was reading
private information that belong to me in front of other students. And making
inappropriate comments and during the lab exam in urinalysis I had to use a different
microscope and not the one I am use to using. And
The Treaty Of Versailles And Its Effect On The World War I
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty signed between Germany and the Allies which
consisted of Britain, France and America. The idea of the Treaty was to end World
War one and Germany would be too weak to start another war. This meant that there
would be peace throughout Europe for a long time but it was controversial at best.
It was signed in the Versailles palace which was large enough for hundreds of people
to be involved in the signing on 28th of June 1919. Germany had almost no say in
what was put into the treaty but they had no choice but to sign it otherwise they
would be invaded by the Allies. Its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German
boundaries and assigned liability for reparations ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Along with the reduction of men, Germany was not allowed tanks, submarines or
military aircraft and the navy could only have six battleships (Mr Hinds History;
what were the main Terms of the Versailles Treaty 2016). This was created so that
Germany would not have the force to declare war but still had the power to stop
communism from getting into Western Europe. Another aspect to the Treaty of
Versailleswere the economic terms. These terms stated that Germany had to pay 6.6
billion dollars back to the allies. Germany was not able to pay this amount of money
so they had to borrow money from nearby countries. This meant that Germany fell
into huge amounts of debt and lost their title for second most economically advanced
country in the world.
There were two more important Terms for The Treaty of Versailles, they were the
General terms and the territorial terms. There were three important general clauses
to the treaty. The first was that Germany had to take all responsibility for the war,
this was called the War Guilt Clause and it was the term that Germany was the most
upset about. The second was that Germany had to pay for all war damages which
was mostly to France and Belgium. The third was that a League of Nations was set up
to keep world peace and Germany was not allowed to join. There were also the
territorial terms of the treaty where Germany had to give up
A Comparison Of Japanese Colonialism InThe Man In The
The Man in the High Castle presents a colonized and divided the United States that
belongs to Germany, Japan, and a buffer zone. Philip Dick states that the Japanese
colonizers have a reflection of the western ideals and values. The Japanese mimicked
the American culture by developing an interest in talking English and improvement
of their social status. Japanese adopted the American culture and acquired American
historical objects while retaining their customs and attitudes. The Japanese occupying
the region transform San Francisco into a third world America. The High Castle
owned by the Japanese colonialists because of romantic notions it developed its own
attitudes, history, and culture. Childan develops American ideals but he ironically
condemns the Japanese for not understandingand appreciating the real meaning of
America. The paper argues against Childan perceptionon Japanese failing to
understand America because of lack of common ground.
Childan understands the American culture and history which he primarily uses his
arts and crafts. Childan makes American antiques and sells them in the High Castle
occupied by Japanese administrators. It is not ironic that the Japanese failed to
understand the real America. The Japanese understood the American customs because
they parasitized the American way of life. Childan prejudiced against America
because of his weak sense of history (Dick, 338). Childan personally fails to
understand about his country and the Japanese on the other hand ape the American
customs and history. As stated by Dick, Childan himself doesn t know about America
but the Japanese do because of developing an interest in the country (338). The
Japanese understands the version and uniqueness of America and not as how Childan
perceives their understanding.
Childan claims base on the colonization by Japanese who occupy the region and keep
the zone underdeveloped. However, the thinking that Japanese do not understand the
real America is bias. The Japanese use the effort and money to simulate the American
culture and historical objects (Dick, 335). The ability to imitate and simulate the
customs, attitude and culture of the Americans indicates that the Japanese understand
the real America.
American Contentment Definition
is beyond question that everyone is their own person; the American culture takes
great pride in illustrating individuality just to embrace this idea. Each physical
appearance to every human emotion is so unique that it takes years just to study one
person, and even then there is uncertainty in aspects of personality and feelings. So
why does society believe that every person need only one source of true happiness?
The term contentment, meaning a state of happiness and satisfaction, stems from the
Latin word contentus and came into use in late Middle English with the intent of
denoting the payment of a claim. Contentment is the goal of humanity, and most
think everyone s source of contentment is the same and that there is only one
common source... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We have the ability to choose what pleases us, that s what Thomas Jeffersonand many
other writers were fighting for in the writing of the Declaration of Independence. The
Declaration of Independence is a document that was adopted in 1776 that established
the United States as its own nation. The purpose of writing this document was to
inform the abusive King George as to why the colonies were leaving England.
Jefferson elaborates on the corruption of the King by listing his 27 accused abuses
throughout the document. These misdeeds included intruding on the right of the
colonists to have their own government, instating legislation without consent of the
colonies, and refusal to pass necessary laws. King George restricted the freedom to
pursue happiness and individuality, thus restricting true happiness. Jefferson also
made some very valid points in the Declaration including his famous words that
exclaim that all men are born with rights that cannot be denied, and among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . Everyone knows this quote, but how
many truly understand its meaning? Jefferson is saying that every human has the
natural right to live freely and that people have a right to hunt for their own bliss.
Somewhere in the time between then and now this very clear and distinct idea got
muddled. People now think that there is only one uniform source of happiness. The
undeniable truth of the matter is while many believe that the happiness of the human
race can only be gained by one true source, any amount of contentment can be
acquired depending simply on the preferences of an individual, being that every
person finds happiness from different
We Have A Game Battle
Danny. Danny! My teacher yelled. I woke up confused while everybody is staring
at me like hawks. I explained that I was day dreaming but she wasn t listening, so I
told myself Only 10 more minutes. Beep! The class rose and bolted out the
classroom door. The halls looked like a giant pack of buffalo herding down the halls,
when I was walking I saw my friends exit the main doors. My friends were waiting
for me out side. When I got outside they flocked up around me and were yelling Are
you going to playCall of Duty This weekend? You know we have a gamebattle right?
I was shocked about how fast they were talking but I said we have $600 to win.
When I arrived at my house I could feel the addiction kicking in; my Xbox was
pulling me into my room, I sat down turned on my controller and instantly focused.
For a couple days, my group would practice for the tournament. I was so focused
that I felt like I could make something move with my mind. We made call outs left
and right left... left... left! Hospital...Hospital! But this was just practice for the
real game. A little bit of time passed and my friends were talking about if we won
the game, but I told them not the jinx the game. The game was just a day away. Me
and my friends were getting ready for the game by more practice but this time if
they messed up they will have to do a something they re not going to like. After we
practiced my friends came over to my house so we could give each other advice and
just have an
Niccolo Machiavelli s Il Principe
After being exiled, Niccolo Machiavelli began to work on Il Principe . He wrote it
as a letter to Lorenzo de Medici providing him with the secret to becoming a good
ruler and perhaps earn him a position in the Medici government. He explains how
to acquire power, create a state, and maintain it. It serves as a guide for political
action based on lessons of history and his own personal experience as a civil
servant in the Florentine republic. What makes Il Principe unique is that the advice
that he offers often disregards all moral and ethical rules. When it comes to
choosing whether to possess good qualities or evil qualities, he supports the evil
over the good for the sake of political power. For example, he warns him to never let
the people
The Pros And Cons Of Purity s Chocolate Milk
As kids just about everybody enjoyed that sweet tasting drink, chocolate milk.
Today even adults enjoy the drink. Why do so many people of all ages appreciate
the taste? Probably because its chocolate and milk combined, so whats not to like!
Chocolate milk has been around since the early 1700s when it first saw the light of
day in Jamaica, but Purity s brand has been around since 1946 with its headquarters
being in Nashville Tennessee. The time between the 1700s to 2016 the taste has not
changed very much, but the products ingredients have changed. Although Purity s
chocolate milk is a tasty drink, the ingredients in the packaging as well as the milk
itself may raise suspicion, or concern, if one is following Michael Pollan s food rules
First,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some milks are packaged in cartons, others are packaged in plastic bottles. Plastic
bottles have been but on blast for years due to the research conducted that shows
that they are possibly harmful to our health. A few myths that surround plastic
bottles are that they are only harmful when they re warmed up, the plastic is only
harmful to small children, and you need to avoid only certain types of plastic
bottles (Smart Publications). None of these are true just about all plastic bottles
can be harmful, but usually are not. The label for what kind of bottle is being used
is engraved on the bottom of the bottle. The specific type of bottle that Purity uses
for their chocolate milk is #2 HDPE. This particular type of bottle has a few
ingredients most people have never heard of such as Resins made from ethylene
and propylene resins and have flame retardants added (Smart Publications). After
some research is done on ethylene one can find out Ethylene is a small hydrocarbon
gas. It is naturally occurring. Some fruit will produce ethylene as ripening begins
(WSU) Because this gas is naturally occurring and fruits produce it to help with the
ripening process, one shouldn t be concerned about ethylene anymore. Propylene, on
the other hand does raise some concern even after researching. According to
www.linde gas.com Propylene is similar to propane, and it has a double bond which
gives it a combustion advantage. This fuel gas
To Build A Fire Compare And Contrast Essay
The contrasts between young and old are very definitive. The contrast between the
two shows itself very prominently in To Build a Fire. Even though the old man at
Sulfur Creek tells the man not to go out alone, the man abandons the advice and
ventures out alone with his dog into the Yukon. The old man was right, the younger
man should have listened instead of being arrogant. He should have gone with
someone and kept himself safe. Even though it may not seem like it, the entire story
revolves around the man s decision to travel alone into the Yukonand simply discard
the old man s advice.
The man s decision to go out alone into the barren Yukon was an extremely important
decision, the decision he made would cost him his life in the end. I think ... Show
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The only way I wouldn t have done the same is if the weather had varied and
looked worse than it normally did. I think a few things that played a part in the
man s decision to go alone were, he is younger and stronger than the old man and
he is arrogant and thinks he is smarter. Another reason might be because they are
always in the weather and it never really varies, so as a result the man might think
that the weather is harmless to him. I think the reason I would do the same thing
as the younger man is because I have defied my elders advice in the past. I think
that many of the youth, including myself think that they know better than their
parents or any elders. For instance, just a couple years ago my dad and I were
spending the weekend with my aunt. She lives on a farm and my uncle and I were
riding ATV s, while earlier she had told me to slow down. Of course because I
thought I was fine and had it under control, I discarded her advice. After about
twenty minutes of riding around I had torn into a pasture and through an electric
fence, simply because I didn t listen to her. I regret not listening to her because I
ended up with some pretty nasty bruises and causes a couple hundred dollars worth
of damage. My experience in not listening to the wiser, older people was a mere
comparison to the younger man in the story, whereas he lost his life.
The man trekking across the Yukon is young
The Common Health Tradition Of Different Cultures Based
This paper examines the common health tradition of three different cultures based on
cultural heritage and how these families in America subscribe to these traditions and
practices. The necessary plan for health maintenance, protection and restoration will
be developed based on the health needs of these families. The findings will be based
on a heritage assessment of three different families within the New York area;
Guyanese, Indian (Sikh) and African (Nigerian).
Traditional medicine has a broad range of characteristics and elements of which
herbal medicine is an integral part. They are diverse health practicess, approaches,
applied knowledge and beliefs that incorporate plant, animal and or mineral based
medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises which are applied
singularly or in combination to maintain well being, as well as treat, diagnose or
prevent illness (Oreagba, 2011). Traditional medicine was practiced by all three
cultures that were assessed. It s a tradition for Guyanese to use herbal medicines
and treatments for home remedies before a visit to the doctor was attempted.
Several herbal medications are being used to treat diseases and injuries in Guyana
either because of lack of funds to consult a doctor or they believe that the home
remedy will work. A few of these herbal treatments are; galic and grapefruit used for
hypertension, aloe Osteoarthritis, arrow root cholesterol , clove for malaria, lemon
grass cold and fever, ginger
Ben And Jerry s
Ben and Jerry s
A Scoop Above the Rest Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield began a small ice cream
shop in Burlington, Vermont with a dollar and a dream. Well, actually a $5 dollar
correspondence course from Pennsylvania State University and $12,000 in start up
money. Never the less, the world renowned brand of Ben and Jerry s was born. Ben
and Jerry s, from its inception had a different outlook on the world. The marketing,
customer loyalty and social interest were reflective in the company s earliest
practices. The ice cream giant has gone on to set a socially responsible trajectory
that is a scoop above the rest. Ben and Jerry s have adopted a sustainable culture that
is pervasive throughout the organization. They use an assessment tool entitled the
Social Environmental Assessment Report (SEAR). The SEAR report is an
assessment of the practices of the ice cream company with a focus on product
sourcing, fair trade, community involvement and social issues. Their mission
statement is in part that we are, dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of
linked prosperity. Ben and Jerry s have clearly ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Like any business they have inputs (milk, flavors, cream, etc.), the process (labor
/manufacturing) and the output (ice cream, community engagement). Ben and
Jerry s certifies that all of its products are Fair Trade Certified. Fair Trade
Certification states that a product has been sourced using raw materials, labor and
processes that meet standards set by Fair Trade International. Fair Trade
International and FLO cert. In accordance with sustainable practices Ben and Jerry s
also sources its milk products from Caring Dairy farms. Ben and Jerry s has been
providing their farm farmer partners a practical framework for understanding,
evaluating, and improving the sustainability of their dairy operations. Ben and Jerry
also have taken a stance on obtaining the products from non GMO
Diamond Foods Accounting Scandal
Diamond Foods Accounting Scandal
Founded in 1912 as a walnut grower cooperative, Diamond Food s primary
business involved buying walnuts from local California growers, processing the
product, and reselling it. The San Francisco based company converted from a
cooperative to a public corporation in July of 2005, issuing its initial shares for $17.
By 2010, Diamond Foods (DMND) had expanded and acquired a number of snack
food companies including Kettle BrandВ® Chips and Pop SecretВ® popcorn and
was negotiating the acquisition of the Pringles brand from the Procter amp; Gamble
Company (Diamond Foods, 2014). The addition of the Pringles brand would make
Diamond the second largest global snack foods company behind PepsiCo, Inc., ...
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The details of how these costs were pulled apart and separated will be further
explained in the following section.
From the beginning Diamond had put a focus on the commodity walnut market. The
company had forged strong relationships with the growers of the nuts and held
pride in continuing the positive relationship throughout the future of the company.
So as the growers began to hand down larger costs, Diamond needed to find a way
to ensure that the growers got the full amount they were seeking in order to keep
ties strong and avoid the growers leaving Diamond for one of its competitors, while
also continue to meet the earnings per share (EPS) expectations. According to the
case filed by the SEC in 2014, In February 2010, Diamond CFO Neil instructed
members of the Finance Team to adjust the walnut costs to hit an EPS target for the
second quarter. Members of the Finance Team provided Neil with a walnut cost
estimate that would result in reported EPS that would be higher than the consensus
analyst of estimated $0.47 per share for the quarter (SEC, 2014). However, the
growers were not satisfied with this method of determining prices and threatened to
leave Diamond if full costs were not received. Neil determined a way to close the gap
through continuity or momentum payments. This technique allowed Diamond to pay
the full amount that the growers were giving, but separated the costs out. Diamond
only the portion on the financial
Caring For Pregnant Women With Autoimmune Diseases
Caring For Pregnant Women with Autoimmune Diseases
Having an autoimmune disease while pregnant increases the risk of the pregnancy on
the mother and fetus. Ironically, most autoimmune diseases predominantly affect
women (Goebel, 2015). To make the problem worse, most of the data available on
safe treatments for these diseases during pregnancy comes from animal data (since
trials on pregnant women are often considered immoral or too dangerous). These
medications, based primarily on animal studies, are generally not updated after they
are initially labeled as category A through X (safe during pregnancy to
contraindicated during pregnancy, respectively) as new evidence becomes available.
This poses a risk and presents a problem when trying to treat and intervene for
pregnant women with autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease, irritable bowel
disease, type one diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. When counseling these women
with regards to medication use during pregnancy, it is important to weigh the
potential adverse effects and risks of the medication with the potential risk of having
the disease left untreated. By researching common medications used to treat celiac
disease, irritable bowel disease, type one diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis (like
DMRDS, NSAIDS, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and insulin) and then individualizing
interventions and patient education in regards to that specific autoimmune disease
and pregnancy, we as nurses can better care for, treat, and
Cheating And College Basketball
Cheating and College Basketball
Everyone cheats, but what about the penalties that are given to the people who are
caught? People cheat on many things: school, sports, and, but not limited to,
relationships. But there are many ways to cheat in those multiple examples, like in
sports cheating can happen with: drugs, academic eligibility, or even through
recruiting. With all the sports the focus could be on, college basketball seems to
have the easiest examples of cheating. The people who cheat in college basketball
could even be the people your child or younger sibling look up to. What makes
college basketball coaches break the rules is it worth the penalty?
Roy Williams, the current college basketball coach at the University of North ... Show
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The FBI recorded another meeting that involved a former AAU basketball coach.
Schlabach also stated, FBI recorded and videotaped the meeting between former
AAU basketball coach Christian Dawkins, a Louisville assistant coach, and others as
they conspired to pay Bowen s family to ensure the star recruit signed with the
Cardinals, an Adidas sponsored team. Pitino obviously knew what was happening
between Bowen and Dawkins because it was his assistant doing the illegal recruiting,
and Pitino has repeatedly pinned other scandals on his assistants. Rick Pitino does not
like to own up to his actions, and he likes to make his assistants do illegal stuff for
him so he can keep his job.
Ed Martin, a Michigan University Booster, allegedly paid Chris Webber hundreds
of thousands of dollars to go to the University of Michigan. Webber refuses to
comment on what happened or even comment anything about the University of
Michigan. Jimmy King, one of the players who played with Webber, also known
as a member of the fab five , said, I would say that he does owe the university an
apology because it is a fractured relationship. He did not necessarily do anything
that he has to apologize for, but this is what I was taught: Sometimes you have to
apologize for things you did not even do to be the
Essay on William Allen White and the Farmer’s
William Allen White and the Farmer s Populist Movement
During the late 19th century in Kansas there was a movement among the general
population called the Farmer s Populist Movement. Today, Kansas is still by far a
Republican state, but during this time the Populist Party engaged the Republican
stronghold in a battle to win over the state, however, in the end the Republicans
pulled through. William Allen White, at this time, had become a well known man in
the journalism world and his political allegiance did not go unnoticed among either
those within the political arena or those observing. William Allen White, aside from
his personal political leanings towards the Republican side, was against the Populist
movement that was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Populism explains the rise of Populism in 1890 across Kansas as a response to the
frustrations of adapting crop selections and pest management routines to the sub
humid environment. Farmers raised hell in the fall of 1890, in part, because they
had not yet formed the farm management skills that could have prevented such a
collapse of operating income. If Populist voters were choked by monopoly power,
the party should have done significantly worse in those townships served by
several competing railroad lines; but if Populist voters were motivated by a
dispirited hunt for capital gains on land through nearness to railway improvements,
Populist candidates should have prospered as they moved farthest away from a rail
station. Therefore, if Populist voters were motivated simply by bitterness over the
fact that their township did not have a rail station then Populist candidates should
have done better in a township with no railway station at all. What was most
important was 1) whether a township had a railroad station and 2) how far the
average farmer had to travel to reach a railhead. The farmer s response to crop
failures, insect damage, and the realization that a township might never get a railway
station varied. Populism has become a movement precisely because of how the farm
families of the central West adapted to the sub humid agricultural conditions in hand
with how a band of colorful political
Lowe s Case Analysis
By comparing census data from the Toronto CMA and specific census tracts (e.g.
5350037) in Table 1, stores like Lowe s would be able to create a qualitative profile
of the market and explore in deep tentative sites for future stores. In fact, the
comparison and analysis of the following variables would allow Lowe s to
understand the type of market in the census tract with respect to Toronto. First, the
Toronto CMA presents an average of 2.8 persons per private household, which is
relatively higher compared to an average of 2.1 persons for the census tract
5350037. By analysing the market, an average of 2.1 people is more likely to require
a service focused on interior living spaces than outdoor home improvements, reducing
the demand and therefore
Role Of Stewardship Between Christian And Non-
An environmentalist is a person worships the environment and cares for nature more
than people. Christians and others share the common perception that environmental
ethics exist for how human beings should relate to the land, the free market
perceptive and the environmental perceptive. Humans share a relationship with all
creations of the earth. But as humans, they find themselves as having a role in the
created order which is they have a closer relationship with the creator who has
charged them with acting responsible within his creation. Even allowing a common
complaint of environmental activists is that Stewardship means that the earth was
made exclusively because of humanbeings that having dominion upper nature is the
same as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Christian voice is correcting them or proclaiming the biblical model of man s
relationship to nature which: is unique and superior to the dominant free market and
environmentalist models. . According to Gardner and Stern (1996), in that place are
exclusive approaches that have power to be implemented in companionships search
to defend the environment. One like approach may take a closer look at holy and
regarding duties beliefs and the effects of these beliefs on the environment. The
idea to create values and beliefs in environmental issues are important components
of having a safer and enjoyable world for its people and the world they live in.
Christian and non Christian, at hand, must see the environment and the
shortcoming of business by reason of a proper conversion to an act or purpose of
and preservation of the wealth the planet has to support life. Christians as the Bible
originate directing the eye to what has to be published by word force in reference to
human natures dependence and bounden duty to the nature and its resources. As
Christians we should do what ever it takes to make sure this earth glorify God. If we
are careless about science and economics not caring about how they work and what
they describe, creation s economy will suffer (Christians Research Institute).
So you can see that even supposing a common complaint of environmental activists is
that Stewardship means that the earth was made exclusively by
Access the Effects of the Spanish Settlement in Hispaniola...
For the first ten years of colonization, Hispaniola was the only colony in the
Caribbean where the Spanish settled. In the 16thcentury, Hispaniola was the centre
of the Spanish colonial system in the Caribbean. It was known as the Pearl of the
Caribbean. Just like in the other colonies, the Tainos thought that the Spaniards
were gods and welcomed them into their villages. Columbus believed that
Hispaniola had gold and forced the Tainos to work in the mines. Columbus also
made the Tainos pay the Spanish a tribute to satisfy both the Crown s and the settler
s greed for gold, and to obtain food for his settlement. It was easy to take control of
the Tainos as they assumed that if they pleased the gods that they would be richly
rewarded in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was the Spaniard s new way of controlling the Tainos. The local magistrate was in
charge of allocating labour for each conquistador. The imposition of tributes on the
Taino s can be argued to be the first form of slavery. The concept was that the
Tainos were forced to do low paid or unpaid labour for a certain number of weeks
or months each year on Spanish owned farms and mines. It is argued that the
repartimiento was the first form of slavery. Even though the Tainos were not stated
as owned, they were free in various respects and the work was alternating. The
needs of the Tainos were ignored and they were punished severely. Some of the
native communities that were located near to Spanish settlements also had to give
up a percentage of their people to work in agriculture, construction of houses and
streets and as part of the labour force. Columbus could not control this labour
system as the Tainos resisted against the system. Some of the Tainos escaped from
the repartimiento by leaving their communities and looked for wage labour
elsewhere. Other signed contracts (asientos) which lasted six months to a year and
required the workers to be paid a salary, provided living quarters and religious
services during the time. When NicolГЎs de Ovando became governor of Hispaniola
in 1502, he brought with him a stabilized labour system; the encomienda system. The
theory of this
Write An Essay On Becoming A Registered Nurse
Nursing is the protection and promotion of the development of health and abilities.
Nurses help prevent illnesses and injuries, facilitate healing, and advocate the care in
individuals, families, and communities. Becoming an registered nurse in the field of
your choice isn t an easy road, it requires a lot of classes, dedication, and studying.
Almost all schools offer nursing programs unless it s an engineering college that
focuses on only architecture and things as such. To get into an nursing school you
must have finished the prerequisites that the school you chose to requires. Firstly, you
ll need to have obtained a high schooldiploma or GED, preferably with good grades.
Some colleges will accept students with a GPA of 2.5, but others require over a 3.0
GPA. Obviously, the most popular and in demand colleges require the highest of the
highest GPAs. Also most schools intend to want you to have taken anatomy and
physiology, chemistry, microbiology, nutrition, and other courses related to nursing.
Going to college without the help of financial aid or scholarships will be pretty
costly. These are the typical costs of obtaining your RN degree but the prices... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A RN can provide services in the patient s home where the patient will be paying the
nurse for the services. The nursing care although must follow the state s nurse
practice act. Nurse practitioners have the authority to diagnose and treat; but a
medical collaborator/supervisor is needed in most states. To be able to this though a
higher education is required, preferably a form of masters in nursing. The
requirements although are different for every state. Esthetic nurses who specialize in
helping patients enhance their appearances provide cosmetic treatments ordered by a
physician. For this type of treatment the physician doesn t have to be on
Mgm And Corporate Social Responsibility
MGM and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) MGM Resorts International is a
gaming, hospitalist and entertainment company based out of Paradise, Nevada.
MGM was formally known as MGM Grand Inc. (1986 2000) and MGM Mirage
(2000 2010). Their 15 properties spread across America and China. Within the
company, the sense of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) runs deep in it s roots.
Their values break down into three sections, Diversity inclusion, Environmental
sustainability, Philanthropy and community engagement. MGM believes in a diverse
workforce, and has inclusion programs that creates acceptance of other races within
their workforce. In addition, they support events that represent diversity and supports
minorities. It s beliefs in Philanthropy and community engagement is explained by
how much they give back to the community, the military and the people of America.
MGM is recognized by the Las Vegas food bank, as well as the Nevada Military
Support Alliance. MGM although a hospitality and entertainment company has
methods to reduce water consumption and has introduced the switch to solar energy
to all their properties within Las Vegas. When the Las Vegas properties are combined
MGM consumes more water and engird then a small town, which was the reason for
their switch to solar energy and their method introduced to reduce water consumption.
MGM Resorts Community Engagement and Philanthropy MGM Resorts has been
nationally recognized for its community engagement and
The Influence of Ther Catholic Church on Iriish Social
Name: Aoife Dunne
Student No: 112732149
Class: BSW
I hereby declare that all the work is my own , when I have referred to the work and
ideas of others, I have referenced it accordingly.
Aoife Dunne
Essay 2013 Title: Discuss the influence of the Catholic Church on Irish Social Policy
This essay examines the influence of the Catholic Church on Irish Social Policy. This
essay will focus on the Church s role as a provider of charity. It seeks to address the
following questions: How does one define social policy? Why did strong ties exist
between The Catholic Church and the Irish State? Why did the Catholic Church
endorse the principle of subsidiarity? What key policies are evident of Catholic
influence? How does one define Social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The general attitude towards poverty was that it was self inflicted.
In 1845 47 one million people died as a result of the famine, yet the response of the
Irish government to the famine was minimal. The famine years witnessed the
workhouses become overcrowded centres of disease and destitution in March 1851,
250,611 people were paupers receiving poor relief in the workhouse
(Feriter,2004,p.52) .Voluntary groups such as the Quakers emerged nineteenth
century and established soup kitchens.
The Catholic Church took on a more significant role as a provider of social services
from the mid nineteenth century (Considine and Dukelow ,2009,p.15. The Church
strongly endorsed the principle of Subsidiarity, supporting the belief that areas
concerned with provision should be managed at local level, by various community
based groups.
The wording used in the papal encyclical Quadragesimo Anno in written by Pope
Pius X1 in1931 as cited by (Ibid) illustrates this endorsement. The language used in
the encyclical reflects the dominance and
Critical Thinking On Computers And Programming
Computers Programming I have selected and viewed the below TED lecture topic
for this project and demonstrated critical thinking in my written response. My
response specifically discusses how I think the content of the lecture may have an
impact on me and my future. Can we create new senses for humans? The TED I
viewed discussed how we may view a new marriage of technology to help further
improve and even replace our senses using specific technological developments. In
the TED Eagleman discusses how the visible world and light spectrum that we are
able to currently view with our eyes and the sound we are able to interpret is
actually one one trillionth of what is actually out there. This idea that there s so
much more to be able to see... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though a lot of our systems are digital there is still numerous bureaucratic red
tape that we must go through. Another problem is that all of our financial systems
are centralized which in turn makes us vulnerable to system failures and cyber
attacks. Enter the Blockchain this digital ledger can record anything of value
whether it be money, stocks, bonds, contracts any other kind of asset can be stored
digitally securely and privately and peer to peer which means it can t be hacked
since the information isn t stored in one central location. The blockchain is set to
change my life because soon the days of the banker being able to control our
finances. Now using the Blockchain we no longer need to go through a middleman
to conduct our business transactions we no longer need the banks or even the
government to verify identities and conduct record keeping. As a result many of the
large banks are also beginning to invest in this technology in order to streamline
their business and to cut costs and increase security which in turn is allowing the
consumer to save on banking and insurance fees. The block chain is set to change
my life because now I will be able to conduct my transactions securely and privately
and be able to conduct my transactions through peer to peer
Enlightenment Period effect on Latin America
Enlightenment period effect on the future of Latin America
Two political revolutions arose from the Enlightenment philosophy: the French
Revolution and the American Revolution. The motto of the French Revolution,
libertГ©, egalitГ©, fraternitГ©, captures of the ideas they were fighting for: liberty,
equality, and rights.1 News of this overthrowing of the government reached many
places, one of those being Latin America. During the colonial period, a great social
gap developed between the peninsulares (Spanish people born in
Spain) and criollos (Spanish people born in New Spain). Resentment was so great
that indians, criollos, and mestizos (a mix between Spanish and Indians) went past
their ethnic differences and united against ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He started rebuilding the new free states and dreamed of a unified league of Central
and South American nations. However, resentment of his authoritarian ways along
with fighting between states and personality conflicts caused his influence to
wane.вЃ· Yet again, the unbalanced mix of revolutionary ideas with the deeply
rooted colonial heritage caused the vision to fail.
Once Iturbide left, the Mexican Republic needed someone to take command. With
this, the
Supreme Executive Power led the Mexican people with the purpose of installing a
workable ex
Jose De San Martin (1778 1850). Jose De San Martin. University of Notre Dame.
Web. 08
Mar. 2012.
Research Paper
Martinez 5
ecutive power in Mexico as well as a Constitution.9 The task took a year, and after
that Mexico enjoyed many liberal presidents. Liberalist ideas were implemented again
in the Constitution of
1857 and the Laws of the Reform. With Benito Juarez s victory over Emperor
Maximiliano and his Conservative party in 1867, liberalism in Mexico proved to be
the victor. However, presidents started to stray from classic liberal ideas, and this can
be traced to Lucas Alaman, who, by
1830, had become a conservative. 10 Unfortunately, the Enlightenment period did not
only create ideas about freedom and equality. Auguste Comte, a French philosopher,
came up with a political philosophy called Positivism, which promoted order and
progress. This came at the cost of the need to
Barbiturates Research Paper
The classification of Phenobarbital is a depressant. A depressant can be called a
downer. These drugs come in tablets, capsules, and liquid form. A further
classification of phenobarbital is that it is a barbiturate. A barbiturate is a drug
used as a sedative or as a sleeping aid (Depressants). Even though depressants can be
helpful to patients who suffer from seizures, they can become an addiction and can
cause physical and physiological dependency. Addiction is the name of the state
when an individual is completely dependent on a drug and abuses it even when they
are aware that it is harmful. After the first couple of days of taking a barbiturate, a
person could feel tired and becomes uncoordinated. With daily use, the body becomes
accustomed... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Barbiturates, such as phenobarbital, easily dissolve in body fat. Therefore, they have
a fast access to the brain because they can quickly cross the blood brain barrier. Also,
because barbiturates dissolve into fat, they can accumulate and then try to re enter the
blood stream. Although the exact mechanisms, by which phenobarbital impacts the
brain are not fully known, it is thought that these types of drugs connect to sodium
channels found on neurons and then stops the flow of these ions. Sodium ions are
not able to cross the neuronal membrane because action potentials are not able to be
created (Neuroscience for Kids Barbiturate). Depressants can also impact the normal
breathing functions of the respiratory system negatively. most of these drugs act by
slowing down the respiratory system. Phenobarbital can also cause Inflamed airways
where the lungs are not able to clear contaminants out of the system and are a lot
more easily prone to pneumonia. At worst, barbiturates can also cause respiratory
failure (Health Effects of Barbiturates). Barbiturates impact the circulatory system
with either short term or long term effects.The risk of these drugs definitely increases
as use is continued, however symptoms such as heart attacks, can even occur after
the first time of consuming a drug. Also, an abnormal heart rate or an increased heart
rate can be a side effect of taking drugs. Another effect can be collapsed veins, this
The Intertidal Zone And The Air Land Ocean Interface
Berenice Yang Gonzalez
Intertidal Lab
The intertidal zone is characterized as the limited segment of domain which is found
at the air land ocean interface and lies between the tidemarks on all shorelines. From
the about dry high tide line down to the quite often wet low tide line, the intertidal
zone exists on rough shores, sandy shorelines, and mud pads. The Intertidal Zone
is a harsh environment. The class sample the intertidal zone by placing quadrats in
a standardized form and recorded all species who were in the quadrat. The Shannon
Index and Evenness were calculated in 4 transects in the mid zone. The Simpson s
Index and Richness were calculated in all three sections separately and all values
were compare to understand the dynamic of this community. Two species were
compare from the sample population to understand the relation of the zones and
niches. The sample was too small and many error were made for the sample to have
a relevant result.
The intertidal zone is a severe environment that has various stressors and forces which
act on organisms that are not found in strictly marine or terrestrial environments. This
environment is unique due to the constant fluctuating water levels which exposes
organisms to air and the forces of crashing surf that only animals and plants with
special adaptations are able to withstand. Despite all of these environmental
conditions, these species are able to survive and reproduce within extreme
Effects Of Sex Discrimination In Fairy Tales
Subtle sex discrimination, which is one of the forms of sex discrimination, is hidden
and not easy to noticed in our daily life since most people have internalized it as
natural and as something matters little. (Benokraitis, 1997) Startlingly, it is found
that subtle sex discrimination appears in fairy tale either. The story of prince and
princess deliver the hidden message of subtle sex discriminationunintentionally. It is
worth writing because the fairy tales could bring huge impacts on girls growth
stage and children may internalize the subtle sexist behaviour as normal or
acceptable. I have divided my essay into three parts. First, I would like to
summarize the sociology reading written by Benokraitis, How subtle sex
discrimination work . Second, I will take Snow White as... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Fairy tales play a significant role in shaping children s self image. Girls will dream
of becoming a princess after reading fairy tales. All the images of princess are
congruent with male s aesthetic standard. The princess in fairy tale is beautiful, slim,
and innocent with gorgeous dress and high heels. You will never see a girl
wearing jeans and sports shoes could be recognized as a Princess . It reflects one
of the subtle sex discrimination: subjective objectification, which is a form of
subtle sex discrimination that treats women as an object from the perspective of
men. (Benokraitis, 1997) As culture has granted men the right and privilege of
looking at women, women have been expected to accept the role of stimulators of
men s visual interest, with their bodies becoming objects that can be lined up,
compared and rated. (Benokraitis, 1997) The Snow White delivers the message that
girls should wear dress and have good appearance so that you will be jealous by
others, like Snow White is jealous by the wicked queen. Nonetheless, why princess
should wear dress and high heels? Why slim is the synonym of
Futuristic Rights In Blade Runner
Futuristic Rights Manmade beings were created as slaves for humanity. These beings
are called replicants. Blade Runner, a science fiction film set in the future, brings up a
question about the replicants humanity and their rights. As the replicants are able to
think as a human would and seem to feel emotions like a human, their rights are hard
to acknowledge. Created to fulfill the will of mankind, they only know a life without
choices and opinions. This causes them to have certain desires that seem very
humanistic in nature. All though they possess humanoid characteristics, replicants
have a shorter life span than humans. This drives the plot of the film as some
replicants hunt down their creators to try and make themselves more human while
others do not even realize they are replicants. Pris and Roy are a couple that works
together seeking their creators so that they do not have to die in the measly sum of
four bleak years. Rachael is a female replicant who does not know that she is a
replicant until Decker, a man in charge of hunting down and killing the replicants,
tells her that she is not human. Replicants should be allowed minimal human rights
due to their ability to think, feel, and reason as a human would.
With emotions acute to humanity, replicants grieve and feel compassion. Throughout
the movie, the replicants clearly show their feelings. The strongest among the
emotions portrayed by the replicants are fear, grief, and compassion. Fear is shown
while they
Task 3 Protein Synthesis
Task 3: Protein Synthesis:
Protein biosynthesis is the biochemical process, in which proteins are synthesized
from simple amino acids within several steps with the aid of information stored
within the sequence of DNA. DNA is located within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
contain sections known as genes which carry the genetic code required in order to
manufacture proteins. During the process of protein synthesis mRNA or as it is also
known messenger RNA is able to construct a complementary strand with the aid of
the strands either side of the DNA structure. Through doing this mRNA now holds a
copy of the genetic instructions required in order to produce protein molecules.
Throughout the DNA remains within the nucleus with mRNA on the other
ISIS Attack In The United States
The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham, commonly known as ISIS, has frightened
the whole world by committing attacks in the Middle East, Paris, and San
Bernardino, California. ISIS claims to be the legitimate ruler of all Muslims and it
operates the Muslim world. ISIS was able to expand as the result of local groups
conflicts with Western interests. Daniel Byman declares that local groups are
attracted to ISIS for genuine conviction. Particularly, young men believe that ISIS is
the defender and avenger of Sunnis worldwide. On the other hand, some groups join
ISIS for accessibility to financial and technical aid. While , ISIS grows beyond Iraq
and Syria, religious intolerance is created. The group delivers its religious beliefs by
barbarian acts, such as beheading and rape to intimidate their enemies and obtain
supporters.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, Byman stated that the United States and its allies should target
provincial command and control centers and locals who have personal
relationships with top ISIS leaders in Iraq and Syria to weak the terrorist group. As
ISIS spreads in the Middle East can be more difficult to fight, but with use of strong
war tactics, the United States and its allies can seek victory. The United States can
use effective strategies , such as targeting ISIS affiliates provinces and local
grievances in the news and on social media. Eventually, the integration of ISIS s
provinces in the Unites States strategies against it will cause serious
God And The Holy Spirit
God has revealed himself in many different ways throughout Christian faith.
Centuries ago, he gave Christians insights in ways they could understand and can
be used with common every day activities and chores. He has let the people see
him through his divine creations. Christians can see God at church weekly when he
comes through the priest. Another way to see God daily is when someone prays
and ask for his forgiveness, strength, and love. No one can see God, but he can be
seen through in his works when he sent the grace of the Holy Spiritto the world.
Christian faith is about trusting God, and God is with someone through the
satisfactory days and the deceitful days. His revelation relates to the theological
sources humanity can rely upon to know the truth.
God has shown bits and pieces of who he is through prophets, apostles, and Jesus.
God would reveal himself in ways each person could understand. This helped the
chosen people to describe God in the scriptures. Jesus talked in parables so his
followers and/or people who would be a by stander could comprehend what he was
preaching about. Today, God talks to Christians through the priest of the Catholic
Church during mass or any other Christian mass. God is also there during the
Eucharist when Catholics receive his body and blood.
So what is revelation as it pertains to God? It is how God reveals himself each and
every day. God reveals himself through the beauty of nature. God can show himself in
The Big Red Dog Research Paper
Clifford, The Big Red Dog, was in his room playing video games and he wrote about
the good things and the bad things about video games. Video games is the way to
play games only if you love to play video games. There is over a ton of games to
choose from, there are many gaming systems to choose from. But parents say the
games are the reason kids are failing school. If you are a person who likes to play
games, this is for you. Video games are a way to learn new things and to do things,
like listening to music and so on. In this writing we will talk about how video games
are. The first reason is how video gameare helpful. The second reason is how video
games can be bad for you. The last reason is how video games are fun and how you
will love... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People that play video games will miss a lot in life and if they don t use it right
they will not get through life. They will fail school and not get a good job and they
will not get a good education. They will not want to do thing in side all they will
be doing is playing video games too much and then they will get into trouble, Last
year, psychologists claimed that video game players who favor violent shoot em
up games are more likely to be aggressive and ferocious when offline, and
significantly more at risk of committing crimes (Wells 2). So there are some
reasons why they say they are bad for kids. But there is no reason for you to try out
the gaming live. Now if you don t like it then you don t have to get
How To Make A Meatloaf
I was placed in group three; we were tasked with preparing a meatloaf with three
fourths of a cup of the soy substitute, and a tofu peanut butter pudding. Starting with
the pudding, we gathered our ingredients: 16 oz. of tofu, 1 cup of peanut butter, Вѕ
cup of sugar, 2 Tbs. of milk, and 2 tsp. of vanilla. After the ingredients were
gathered, we placed the amounts given above into a blender and blended until it
formed a light custard. Once the pudding was thoroughly mixed, we scooped it into
custard cups and cooled it in the refrigerator, until time to serve. The second project
given was to prepare a meatloaf; the ingredients were provided: ground beef,
chopped onions, salt, pepper, barbeque sauce, an egg, textured soy protein, and a few
Delta Flight 191 (L-1011)
Everyday millions of people fly on airplanes. It is an easy and fast way of traveling
for work, vacations or to see family members. Statically air travel is safer than
traveling by car, airplanes have higher fatality accidents. The reasons airplanes
crash vary and can happen during takeoff, landing or during flight. August 1985
witnessed more passenger and crew deaths on commercial airlines than any other
month. [http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine 33931693.] On August 2, 1985,
Delta Flight 191 was making a routine trip from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Los
Angeles with a stopover in Dallas. The Lockheed L 1011, only six years old, was
piloted by Captain Edward Conner [Conner], Second Officer Nick Nassick and First
Officer Rudolph Price... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Federal Aviation Administration. For the eight years prior to the Delta crash, there
had been a fierce controversy within meteorology and aviation over Dr. Ted Fujita
s theory that an undiscovered atmospheric phenomena that he named a downburst
had caused a string of jetliners, starting in 1973, to crash. http:/
/www.mikesmithenterprisesblog.com/2010/08/25th anniversary of crash of delta
191.html At the time of the crash, Doppler Radar Systems were being tested in
Denver to track precipitation and detect wind changes. After the crash, pilots were
required to train to react to microbursts and quickly take evasive action. Since then,
weather forecasting and windshear detection also has improved. http:/
/www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/08/02/crash delta 191 30 years
since hell ripped open dallas/31024123/. Now all major airports have Doppler
Radars and NASA created an airborne wind shear detection system that s required
always onboard all commercial airplanes. Ground based low level wind shear alert
detection systems were installed at most major airports and Terminal Doppler
Weather Radar was installed at 44 high risk airports, including DFW. These two
systems generate wind shear alerts that are relayed from the air traffic control tower
to pilots in flight or preparing to take off. Additionally, improved training has led to a
Streetcar Named Desire
Tennessee Williams s famous play A Streetcar Named Desire centers around a
Southern Belle named Blanche Dubois living in an urban home with her younger
sister, Stella, and brother in law, Stanley where she has packed up all of her
belongings in one trunk. She is not accustomed to the modern, urban way of life, so
she sticks out like a sore thumb, and Stanley gives her a hard time in the process. He
is skeptical of her and disrespects her in many ways throughout the play including
rummaging through her belongings and criticizing her way of life. One night, Stella
and Blanche return home late to the men drinking and playing poker. Blanche meets
Mitch who she eventually admits she wants to be married to him. That night,
Blanche learns that Stanley... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Blanche attempts to convince Stella that it is not right for her to stay with a man
who hits her and acts like an animal. In the story, Blanche mentions things to Stella
like You re married to a madman! and He acts like an animal, has an animal s habits!
...There s even something sub human something not quite to the stage of humanity
yet! Yes, something ape like about him, like one of those pictures I ve seen in
anthropological studies, (Williams
New Opportunities And Safe Loan Standards For Home
As American as apple pie, home ownership is a quintessential part of many
American s dream. Making this dream a reality requires hard work, perseverance,
and an understanding of the housing market and loan options. It also requires a
confidence in the economy and job market that many people justifiably do not have
after a devastating housing crash. However, as our nation recovers from this crisis,
we look ahead to new opportunities and safe loanstandards for home ownership. Like
a boomerang, a Sarasota Herald Tribune article describes ...recession battered
[boomerang buyers] are reentering the home market in droves after years of renting,
nursing their credit and saving enough to buy again (Salman). Both boomerang
buyers and first time... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Understandably, these factors are affecting many potential new home buyers who
feel home ownership may be too risky and potential boomerang buyers who feel little
hope for owning again after foreclosure. What these potential buyers may not know
is that the housing market is rapidly gaining strength and security and home loans
are available to boomerang buyers in as little as twelve months. An article titled
Boomerang buyers could boost housing market not only states that people
reentering the housing market after a foreclosure or short sale are able to qualify
for loans, but they are necessary for the continued stability of the market. The
article also states that Under the Federal Housing Administration s (FHA) Back to
Work program, it will approve certain borrowers for a home loan just one year after
a foreclosure, short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure or
bankruptcy¬¬¬¬¬¬¬. This time period has been reduced from two or
three years for those individuals who lost their homes due to a job loss or other
qualifying financial hardship (Miller). For potential new buyers, it is a great time to
buy as interest rates are at a historic low. USA Today reports that buying a home is
44 percent cheaper in many major metro cities and with interest
Sand Bunkers
Sand how you are supposed to defeat it? The best point of a golf game is obstacles.
They are there for a reason and the it is to prevent the players from getting to their
target too soon. Somebody have to see their ball hit straight to a pond. Others find
their ball among tree leaves. However, people who find their ball in a sand bunkers
say that this is in no way less difficult than other cases. People who hit their ball to
water or trees may find their games end in bitter. They think hitting your ball in a
sand bunkers is somehow way better because you can still make a hit and save
your game. In fact, hitting a ball from sand ground is very difficult. Have you ever
seen your ball sink in sand and just some part of it show out. That is really a
nightmare. However, not matter what the unlucky situation you are in, you have to
find ways to work it out. Below is some tricks that help you go out of this
circumstance well. Work with your foot, body weight... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
You have to make a small twitch in the way you step your foot. When you step it
back to a position you may find it weird, you are in the right position. This sounds
funny but it make sure you keep your stance straight and strong. And in this
position, you can clearly see your ball and assure your hit to catch it and aim the
right direction. Next to this is to deal with your body weight. When you take
control of your body, you take control of how far the ball may go. Putting most of
your weight on one side which is left hand side is the key point. When you do this,
you have your left foot to support all your body and you are now able to swing the
club, dig into sand and hit out your
Economic Impacts Of The Cold War
The Cold War was a period of economic, political and military tension between the
United States of America (USA) and the Soviet Union (USSR) from the 1940s to
the late 80s after World War II . It was called the Cold War because there was no
large scale fighting directly between the two nations, which was probably due to the
differences in ideologies between USA and USSR, the distrust between two
countries, and actions in the Soviet zone of Germany had significant impacts on
these two countries. Undoubtedly, all of these views were about the Cold Warwas an
intense struggle for power between two nations.
In 1945, two superpowers emerged, the United States and the Soviet Union. USA was
a capitalist country which demanded democracy led by President ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Eventually, there was an Iron Curtain descends in Europe, which separated Europe
into eastern and western countries. The eastern sides were the Soviet s allies with
more dictatorship and communist countries.The western sides were the US s allies
with democratic capitalist countries. The USSR and the US didn t trade or negotiate
with each other, they became very unfriendly and their relationship turned out
extremely cold and filled with tension. At last, Stalin turned out refuse to
acknowledge the Declaration of Liberated Europe, and refuse to allow free elections.
Thus, these actions led to the creation of satellite nations in Eastern Europe. These
two countries created tension and distrust each other, most importantly, both sides
had access to lethality nuclear weapons. And all of these factors were the central
causes of the Cold War and lasted for almost half century.
To conclude, the distrust between two powerful countries led to Cold War, it had
comprehensive implications in the international affairs. It not only raised citizens fear
of war but also to against humanity. The unnecessary disbursement in the armament
production created a barrier against the progress of the world and slow down the
improvement in the living standards of the
American Kane Monologue
I have heard stories of a light so bright it could light up a world. A light so bright it
caused darkness to hide in the shadows, bringing life to a world known as earth.
On aged videos, with poor audio, there are the playbacks of streams flowing in
crooked banks. The water sparkles, catching the light and playing with the shine,
allowing glints and sparks. Ancient animals with black and white stripes, huge
mains, or long necks, ruled dry lands where the sun poured throughout. It s
beautiful, or it was beautiful. My parents were just children when the desolation
first began. My body longs to see this world in person, although we are told it s not
inhabitable. The overly polluted air is no longer breathable, animals died off, and
people were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kane Now every year we show you the progress our probes have made in scanning
our dear Earth he signals to the screen once more. Take a look the screen flickers
until the pixelated video is finally shown. Gasps echo throughout the crowed, my
hand is slightly squeezed from my mother, her tear filled eyes are strained on the
screen. Dust devils swirl up into the air as the prob looks down upon a desolated
landscape. I feel numb, every year my hopes rise, as I feed myself fantasies from
my parent s stories. Then each year they are destroyed with the heart wrenching
truth. The screen finishes again, showing course after course of earthly
destruction. I m so sorry to say that earth is still unlivable he looks down a
sorrowful anger expressed through him I m sorry He says again as he then
proceeds to walk off the stage. The woman who introduced him steps in quickly to
fill his place. Her blond hair cascading over her shoulder as she taps the mic. Okay,
to get this years round of shots proceed to building B. If you happen to have any
questions, proceed to building
Leaf By Niggle Summary
Mankind has always been fascinated by the afterlife. In light of this fascination, it
is no surprise that two Christian authors, both known for their fantasy literature,
wrote imaginative accounts of the metaphysical: Leaf by Niggle , by J.R.R.
Tolkien and The Great Divorce, written by C.S. Lewis. Although the works are
similar in their vivid imagery and creative imaginings, they are markedly different
in style and in the characters they use to develop their story. Both authors create two
distinct worlds that are somewhere between Heaven and Hell and both offer
beautifully descriptive accounts of these worlds. However, Tolkien s style is quiet
and meditative while Lewis writes with clarity and boldness. Tolkien limits his
examination to two main characters while Lewis studies many characters. In both
Leaf by Niggle , and The Great Divorce, the main characters spend time in two
contrasting worlds between Heaven and Hell. In each... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Tolkien s style is quiet and requires deliberation while Lewis pens his story with
obvious clarity. For example, it is never directly stated that Niggle has died. There
are hints that enable the reader to deduce what has happened, for example, a
Driver arrives to take Niggle away from his home and he questions what the Driver
is there for, The carriage was ordered long ago. It has come at last. . . You ll have to
go; but it s a bad way to start on your journey, leaving your jobs undone ( Leaf 107).
One is left to guess that death has come at last and poor Niggle is not ready. Lewis,
on the other hand clearly conveys that the Ghosts and Solid Ones have died. When
one of the ghosts is too ashamed to reveal herself, she exclaims, I d rather die
(Great, 60), and the Solid One responds, But you ve died already. There s no good
trying to go back to that (Great, 61). Lewis, unlike Tolkien, boldly pronounces his
characters unhappy state time and time
Time Stealers
By tracking my time for one week I discovered I have more time than I think. My
168 hour week was broken down into seven categories; maintenance, work,
education, family/friends, goof off, personal and group time. In viewing the total
hours spent in each category I see that I need to change my priorities.
The maintenance category consumes forty four percent of my time. I found many time
stealers that distract me from doing what I planned (Facebook, texting, phone). In
addition to time stealers, I found that I m easily distracted from one task to another.
An example would be while loading the dishwasher I notice a smudge on a kitchen
window, so I ll clean the window, well I can t just clean one kitchen window; I need
to clean them all. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The amount of time spent on education will fluctuate weekly due to the complexity
of the assignments. The percentage of time spent on education is acceptable, no
change is needed.
Currently zero time is spent in the group time category. Working full time and
going to school I do not have the energy to dedicate any time to participate in a
group. I spent six years as a volunteer at a local animal shelter socializing animals,
chairing fundraisers and being on the Board of Directors; due to burn out I decided
to resign. I enjoy volunteering and view it as an important part of one s life; I plan to
dedicate time to the group category after this semester.
Goof off time represents ten percent of my time. The main activities represented in
this category are surfing the internet and watching T.V. My return on investment for
watching T.V. is very high. I tend to watch documentaries and historical based
programs such as Victoria on PBS. Unfortunately I spend far too much time aimlessly
surfing the internet, the consequences of which is wasted time that could be better
spent in another category. To help me lower the amount of wasted time on the net, I
ve put a sticky note on my computer that reads, Time
5 20th Century Cult Leaders Analysis
As stated in Elizabeth Nix s 5 20th Century Cult Leaders the largest recorded non
natural disaster loss of U.S. civilian before 9/11 took place in the jungle of
Guyanese. Where Jim Jones the leader of an American cult named Peoples Temple
convinced his followers they would create a utopian community. However, what was
found in place of said community was harsh living conditions and punishment for
wavering faith. While back in America the concerned loved ones of the members
lobbied for investigation of the settlement, on November 17th their wishes were met.
What was meant to be a simple delegation one day turned into mass bloodshed the
next; gunmen set by Jones ambushed U.S. representative Leo Ryanand members who
wanted to defect. Those who... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However that wasn t always the idea associated with the term. Dr. Michael D.
Langone writes:
Historically, cult refers to a system of worship and more specifically to an
innovative religious system, as opposed to a sect, which is a breakaway group from
an established religion. During the past 30 years, however, cult has taken on a
pejorative connotation arising from disasters such as Jonestown and Waco, and
hundreds of media reports of individuals and families devastated by involvement in
Another commonly misused word among cult scenarios is mental. However, this
is not the case many are lead to believe that those involved in a religious cult suffer
from some sort of mental disorder what the underline cause typically is a simple
case of manipulation. What we don t realize is how susceptible to this method we
actually are. It s casual name, marketing. You see there is not specific criteria to
qualify someone to be likely to join a cult. We do not live in a world where
everything fits into little boxes and what outside those walls is irrelevant. Instead we
are very much affected by the indirect aspects of our environment. Everything has a
ripple effect and there are deciding factors as to what will be most relevant. This is
the method used by cult leaders. Like a math equation certain factors are plugged into
a formula; high stress, unassertiveness, gullibility, naГЇve idealism. In which any
singular form or combination can equal a sum we view as a cult. Dr. Langone
explains the three conflicting theories used to help simplify the complicated
variations that make up the deciding factors to join a religious
Separating Peace By Character In John Knowles A
Separating Peace Character By Character A Separate Peace is a novel based
around a group of high school boys in a private college preparatory school named
Devon. Most of Devon s students want, have, or search for peace throughout their
time at school. Upon return from summer break, each character searches for and
discovers their peace. The words separate and peace represent a variety of ideas in
Knowles novel, especially for Gene, Phineas, and Leper. I believe author John
Knowles chose this title to imply individuals may possess their own unique peace.
Each character in A Separate Peace naturally had their own peace and each chose
either to embrace their inner peace or to fight against it. The character Leper was a
quiet, odd man... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That would be Gene s odd peace appearing to have the need of being top dog and
having no rivalries, and being rid of anyone he could even have an inkling of
jealousy against. In the text he says, ... I couldn t help envying him (Finny) that a
little, which was perfectly normal. There was no harm in envying even your best
friend a little. This quote was when Finny did not get in trouble at the Master s Tea
for dressing against school code because he talked his way out of it. This was
when the rivalry between Gene and what he believed was Finny, but was really
only one sided (Finny had no thoughts pertaining to this) started. This is a very rare
peace. I hardly ever see where someone finds peace by envying and wanting major
personal competition with their close friends. The full picture of Gene s peace
included being top dog, doing the best in school, aiming for valedictorian, and
having no opposition from anyone else. Most inward peace hinges on upbeat
feelings, but Gene s character is different. His self peace came only after he had
gotten rid of the one person he was jealous of and was completely rid of any anger or
hatred. It is stated in the novel, My fury was gone, I felt it gone, dried up at the
source, withered and lifeless. Phineas had absorbed it and taken it with him, and I
was rid of it
The Origin Of Species By Georges Cuvier
Humanity is now able to view the world with the idea that everything is changing,
and many of those changes are for the worst. Thanks to the father of paleontology
Georges Cuvier, people on Earth begin to see that every animal that has lived on
Earth is still living. Scientists before Cuvier were under the perception that every
creature had a divine purpose on Earth and was just another cog in the machine that
made the Earth function. Cuvier, through the identification of fossils, was able to
identify different species by using small distinctions in their anatomy. With the
identification of many large animal bones around the world found, but no living
specimens found, Cuvier concluded that these animals must be especes perdues, or
lost species.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Humans themselves no longer follow natural selection or evolution. This is because
they have risen to the top of the world s hierarchy and does what no other organism
does, breaking the peace keeping laws. These law as discussed in Ishmael, are
followed by every organism on the planet except humans. The main parts that humans
break are that humans exterminate their competitor...(and) deny their competitors
access to food(Quinn 126). With humans eliminating their competition, it means that
with no natural predators and an advantage over its competition, humans are nearly
impossible to kill off. Most animals are either killed off by competition or by not
being able to adapt to their changing environment. Because the world has arguably
entered the geological age known as the Anthropocene, humans now have a greater
impact on the environment than it has on humans. With humans having such a great
impact on the Earth and humans being nearly impossible to kill off, what does this
mean for everything
Papa John s Research Paper
The three top pizza chains in America are Pizza Hut, Domino s and Papa John s.
The pizza business is very competitive. We are going to discuss the third largest
pizza company, which happens to be Papa John s. John Schnatter is the CEO of
Papa John s, he founded the company in 1985 and he own 30 percent of the
company s assets. Papa John s is different from the other pizzaplaces because they
pride themselves in using only fresh ingredients, by them using fresh ingredients this
gives their pizza the distinguished taste that the consumers crave. The fresh
ingredients are delivered two times a week is a part of the prideful quality center that
Papa John s has put in place to guarantee fresh quality ingredients. Another unique
difference in Papa
Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs
Kendall Smith Mrs. Payton 2: Lens 1st Draft 24 September 2014 Abraham
Maslow was an American philosopher who was born in the early 1990 s in
Brooklyn, New York. He was one of the leading theorists that promoted humanistic
psychology during his era. Maslow sought to understand what motivates and
inspires individuals. He theorized that individuals possess and hold a group of
motivation and incentive systems not related to plunder or insensible desires.
Maslow declared that people are motivated and provoked to attain certain needs.
When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fulfill the next one, and so on. The
earliest version of Maslow s hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs,
often viewed as hierarchical levels inside a pyramid. The five stage representation
can be separated into basic needs and growth needs. The deficiency or basic needs
are said to motivate and stimulate individuals when they are unmet and not fully
attained. Also, the desire to fulfill and accomplish such wants and needs will
become stronger the longer the duration they are denied. Once these needs have
been relatively satisfied, an individual may be capable of reaching the highest level
of the pyramid called self actualization. Maslow though that self actualization is a
state that exists when an individual is acting in harmony with his or her full
capabilities. In Cormac McCarthy s novel, The Road, we will examine the character
s physical journey towards self actualization on Maslow
Syco Music Industry Essay
Music industry sector
S yco Music is one of the most important and successful music companies in
Western Europe and more specifically in the UK, a subsidiary of Syco
Entertainment. It is a record label founded in 2002 by Simon Cowell, a British
music and television producer. This company signed with a variety of popular
artists, as it owns the right to do so with winners or finalists of the TV show X
Factor. The first office of SycoMusic was established in London and was highly
successful in the British music industry, being a very influential record label. It soon
expanded to Los Angeles where there are also some offices (Syco Music profile:
Pressparty, 2015). Actually, Syco Music is a record label founded in collaboration
with Sony Entertainment, which makes it a global entertainment production
company. The diversity of international artists that signed with the record label and
their success are what makes Syco Music very attractive for new artists looking for
representation (SYCO Music | Sony Music UK Labels, 2015). Syco Entertainment is
part of the private sector and is owned by Simon Cowell and Sony Music. Sir Phillip
Green, a close friend of Cowell s, is the company s advisor, together with Karren
Brady, television personality. Moreover, Tim Byrne is the Creative Director, David
Gray is Senior Vice President and A R, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
All of these artists sold millions of records and became highly successful. Most of
them were either finalists or winners or television contests such as X Factor or
Britain s Got Talent. For instance, the boyband One Direction became a
phenomenon worldwide, selling 19 million singles and 10 million albums, winning
two BRIT Awards and three MTV Music Awards. Syco Music s artists promote a
variety of music genres, ranging from R B to opera, pop, or country (SYCO MUSIC,
Contingency Planning And Its Effects On The Environment
Koslo Ford
Contingency Planning
4 17 16
Contingency Planning
The worldwide outage caused by the electromagnetic pulse due to the solar storm
would affect most of the operations that take place globally (Davis, 2003). Since
internationalization entails interdependence with other countries, it implies that the
world will be at a standstill. The economic processes, social and political activities
will stagnate. However, suppose the world becomes aware of the catastrophe,
governments and different social institutions in various countries would employ some
contingencies that will enable them to continue thriving. Various changes will occur
in the social life, and most of them would be inclined to the downside. For instance,
the health sector will be at mess because most hospitals use power in the modern
world, leading to the decline in the health services. The education sector is also not
an exception. The digitalization of learning systems in the civilized society made
learning easier. Since the systems use power, education will also be altered. Thus,
the outage will paralyze the learning activities globally. Davis (2003) argues that
the worldwide shortage of power will also cause unemployment to people who work
in power driven companies. Since they operate and rely on electricity and digitalized
communication systems, their production processes will stop, leading to their
closure, and cause people to who used to work there lose their jobs.
The deficiency in communication
The Goals Of Imperialism
Imperialism has increased peace and stability for various areas of the world
through limiting slavery, improving land distribution and promoting different
political systems. The first topic that I will be addressing is slavery. The goal of
imperialism was to help areas who seem uncivilized , and from the start of this
movement many people stated that they wanted to abolish slavery. Thomas Sowell
(an american economist) once explained, The anti slavery movement was
spearheaded by people who would today be called the religious right and its
organization was created by conservative businessmen. Moreover, what destroyed
slavery in the non Western world was Western imperialism
. Nothing could be more
jolting and discordant with the vision... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before imperialism, africa was very discombobulated and did not have real
boundaries. However, europeans were able to create boundary lines resulting in a
more peaceful and organized continent. In fact the Atlantic newspaper concludes, The
threats of destabilizing war, of coups and counter coups, have eased since the first
independent African leaders pledged to uphold European drawn borders . The final
aspect that i would like to address is political effects. Although imperialism did not
necessarily offer many political rights to citizens for much of the 19th century, it
acted as a blessing in disguise for future population, introducing nationalism and
democracy to africa and asia. It also brought political unity to india. As Norton college
explained, British efforts to unify India laid the foundation for Indians to create a
national identity, particularly when Indians were excluded from full citizenship in the
British system This exposure encouraged countries to fight for independence so they
could utilize these systems in the future. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson, created the
League of nations in an attempt to achieve world peace. Although it was not
successful, it inspired the creation of the modern United Nations, which has proven to
be helpful in the world today. As an author for UNconditional concludes, When I
look back however, I feel that the United Nations has played the most significant role
in those areas that are at the core of the Charter of
Descriptive Essay On Cigarillos
Cigarillos are a shameful comfort of mine. They are a sort of small cigar that is
typically flavored or infused. My father loved this type of cigar. I remember
distinctly the sweet, vanilla scent that came off his freshly lit Jose Gerner one night
in Key West. It was a smell that fascinated me. He sat back in the jacuzzi puffing on
his tiny cigarwith a Becks in his hand. The smell was subtle, yet sweet and not at all
a nuisance like typical cigar smoke. My mother occasionally smoked her own
cigarillos, her s even smaller than my fathers.
In Key West, we had rented a small house with some limited but decent backyard
space. Staying in our vacation house was my parents, sister, and aunt, and uncle. I use
the term aunt and uncle loosely here because they have no blood relation to anyone in
my family. They are the type of family friends who have been in your life more than
most of your actual family. They were and still are to this day, absolute nutcases. My
parents know how to have a good time, but Irene and Jimmy know how to party
harder than anyone even half their age.
From the moment we touched down in Key West my aunt and uncle had already
found a place to smoke a cigarette and found a bar where they could buy a drink. My
uncle typically would order a beer, and my aunt would order a bloody mary. He
was a funeral director, and she worked for a clothing catalog, although, I almost
never saw either of them working, even on weekdays. To be honest, they were very
Analysis Of Porter s Five Forces
Nowadays, organizations is facing rapid change to the business environment where it
becomes more complex than it were before. Indeed, these situation means that
businesses need to find strategy to analyzing the implications of these changes and
modifying the organizations reaction itself towards these situation. The strategies that
the organization will apply also require gaining a complete understanding of the
external environment of the organization. While understanding the macro
environment of the business is important, organization also need to have great
understanding of the competitors and the impact they will bring to the organization
(Dobbs, 2014). In 1979, Michael E. Porter, a Harvard Business Schoolstudent
introduced five key forces that determined the essential appeal of a business sector
in a long run (Schachter, 2012). Porter s Five Forces is a framework that analyzes
and identifies strategy of an industry, and also determines the weakness and strength
of an industry, where the activities of the competitors also involved. Porter s Five
Forces is cover understanding strategy of bargaining power of supplier, bargaining
power of buyer, competitive rivalry, threat of substitution, and lastly threat of new
entry. In addition, by having good understanding where the power rely on,
businesses may take advantage by gaining strength or improve the weakness and
evade taking wrong decision. Porter s Five Forces will help organizations to define
the market properly and
Discuss The Micro And Macro Environment Of Samsung
1.0 INTRODUCTION Samsung is a multinational Korean electronics company
engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing mobile communication and other
media devices, as well as related software, accessories and third party applications.
They are one of the most well known electronic brands in the world. According to
Mintel (2017), Samsung is still the world s number one smartphone vendor and along
with Apple they dominate the smartphone market with 66% of the market share.
Samsung currently operates in relatively 84 countries and have hired more than 320
million employees working for them. In the recent period, it has been focusing on
making products that help people lead a better and smarter lifestyle. On being
operational in the global market, Samsung has been subjected to various kinds of
pressure. Therefore, the focus of this report is show while formulating an
international strategy how Samsung should take both environment factors into
consideration that will shape their business approach. The analytical business tools
namely PESTLE and Porter Five Forces will be used to understand the micro and
macro environment drivers of Samsung s strategy. 2.0 PESTLE (Macro Environment)
This business tool is used as a strategy to explore the macro environment of Samsung
and identify how future trends in the political, economic, social, technological,
environmental and legal environments might have impacts on their organisation on a
global scale. 2.1 POLITICAL In the UK, in
The Perfect Body Image. The Horrific Things That Females
the perfect body image. The horrific things that females put themselves through to
lose weight is heartbreaking. Not only are bulimia sufferers suffering from
vomiting but they suffer from stomach cramps, bags under their eyes, and hair
loss. It has also been confirmed that celebrities have also experienced bulimia.
Females look up to these females just like they look up to females in the spotlight
for beauty standards, however these celebrities brush off the disease. Sacker
mentioned that celebrities appearing on talk shows make it sound as if getting over
an eating disorder is quick and easy, but the reality is very different (167). Binge
eating is like bulimia but without the vomiting. Binge eating is a disorder that comes
into effect... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, in the year 1996 to 1998 numbers for enhancement surgeries doubled. A
tremendous way to describe cosmetic surgery would be human flourishing or
artificial beauty. Bad news about cosmetic surgery is that it can become addicting.
Once, a female with self image concern lays money to cosmetic surgery, they will
continue to come back for more and more. People in the United States are spending
around 12 billion dollars on cosmetic surgeries. Celebrities and models fall under a
double standard when it comes to cosmetic surgeries because majority of them
undergo them, however they are promoting a beauty standard and stereotype that
comes off as being natural.
In order, to see a change in eating disorders, a decrease in plastic surgery numbers,
stereotypes, and this ideal beauty standard there are drastic changes that need to be
done. First, not everyone is born perfect and the reality of having a perfect body is
nonrealistic. Sacker defines perfectionism as a powerful, sometimes irrational, urge
to do everything exactly right is a personality trait that s common among people with
eating disorders (50). The media is promoting a beauty standard that comes across as
ideal/perfect/right, however nobody meets this perfection naturally. Thus, being said
females plant this seed of perfection in their brain due to the media. In order, for
results the media needs to start introducing plus size models, showing more
Impact Of Airplane On Society
Airplanes fly 50,000 80,000 times each day! They also fly more than millions of
times in a year! Some people think that airplanes are meaningless flying through
the sky, but airplanes have a long history and makes society a better place. In my
opinion the airplanes have the greatest impact on society. To begin with airplanes
has a long history of impacting society. The airplane was invented in 1903. In 1799
George Caley set forth of the concept for a modern airplane than later on built some
models of his own. Back in 1783 people like George worked on building airplanes
but at first the airplanes couldn t fly as the inventors wanted to but at once the very
first flying airplane in 1903 finally flew by the wright brothers. For example the
The Military Events of the Meiji Restoration Essay
In this investigation I will look at the major historical and military events of the
transition of the Edo period to the Meiji Period and the Meiji Restoration and look at
how they relate to the freedom of Japanese people.
Japan during the periods of 1600 1868 A.D. was a land of seclusion, military power
and oppression. This was known as the Edo period. This however was one of the most
peaceful times in Japan s history. This peace was established through the military
powers of the Tokugawa Shogunate. This peace brought with it no real individual
freedoms. The supposed ruler of Japan the emperor was known as a du jure emperor,
ruling by permission from the Tokugawa Shogunate. In 1868, the Tokugawa shogun
lost its power and the emperor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Black Ships (1853 56 A.D.)
During the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate, there was a policy in place that cut ties
with any other countries. This policy was known as the Seclusion Policy. This policy
limited the amount of trade with other countries. This policy was still in place during
the arrival of the Black Ships. The Black Ships were a series of American gunships
with the intent on establishing diplomatic and trade ties between Japan and the
United States of America. This was an invitation delivered from the president of the
United States, Millard Fillmore, through Commodore Matthew Perry. After Perry had
delivered the message from the president, the ships left and promised to return in one
year s time. This ultimatum intimidated Japan. This started a negotiation that ended
the Seclusion policy. The document known as the Harry Treaty, negotiated by the
first U.S. consul, Townsend Harris, gave special provisions over the other nations
and started to end the Seclusion Policy. This treaty leads to further oppression of the
Japanese but not by their own government but the Western world. This will be
discussed later.
The Fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1867 A.D.)
This series of events began to undermine the Shogunate. The Japanese people began
to have a foreign influence that was intimidating. This intimidation was crucial as the
people were scared of the American forces that also returned a year later. This left
Foolproof Tactics
Wow, that assembly was extremely interesting. I felt so inspired by their sleep
inducing speeches and extremely confident stutter. The people I m talking about,
is of course the idiots who think they can win the nomination for Board of
trustees(B.O.T). School politics are so easy to manipulate, for even the stupidest
people. Here are some foolproof tactics to win at school politics. Firstly and
probably most importantly, before I say this I must stress not to skip this step, is to
volunteer for the position. This might seem extremely for the average reader but it
is possible and armed with these foolproof tactics there is no way you could ever lose.
A key to success is a good appearance. A good appearance has very specific
circumstances. These ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
False promises are key to getting your audience to vote for you. Claim you want do
the best for everyone but in reality it is all about you winning. One great example
is to attempt to promise the ability for people to leave school during lunch. This is
excellent because it is what the people want but obviously there is no way the
republicans will let anything through the senate. The hype train is important for
people to win you would want the to be derailed. This can be done by focusing
upon the young and naive as the will are likely to believe whatever you say so add
a few hype men to their ranks and easy votes are gained.The plan would influence
them to want to vote for as it seems popular. Quantity not quality of vote matters. On
that note it is important you stand fresh and trendy, try something like this, check
my lit instagram for some fire photos or damn (somebody s name, don t actually say
somebody s name use the name of the person ur trying to target) back at it again with
the dank memes. This makes seem like an ordinary peasent but in reality they are
nothing to you.
Looking through these ideas I have seen a clear victor this year with his false
promises, riding the hype train with his fancy slogans and his fake
recommendations. For his trickery and underhand tactics he deserves an applause for
his ideas, I can still hear yes for
Abortion Pro Life Essay
Abortion Pro Life Essay

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Abortion Pro Life Essay

  • 1. Abortion Pro Life Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Abortion Pro Life" can be a challenging task that requires a delicate balance of presenting factual information, exploring ethical considerations, and navigating the complexities of a deeply polarizing issue. Crafting a persuasive and well- structured argument demands thorough research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of both sides of the debate. The difficulty arises from the emotional nature of the topic, as individuals often hold strong personal beliefs and values related to abortion. It becomes essential to approach the subject with sensitivity, acknowledging the diversity of opinions while maintaining a clear and coherent stance. Striking the right tone is crucial to avoid alienating readers who may have differing viewpoints. Moreover, addressing the historical, legal, and ethical aspects of abortion requires careful consideration of the nuances involved. Writers need to engage with a broad range of sources, from scientific studies and legal precedents to philosophical and ethical discussions. Navigating through the plethora of information while staying focused on the key arguments and counterarguments can be demanding. Additionally, constructing a compelling thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the pro- life perspective adds another layer of complexity. The essay must articulate a strong position while providing evidence and logical reasoning to support the chosen stance. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Abortion Pro Life" demands a combination of research, empathy, and analytical skills. Successfully navigating the intricacies of this contentious issue requires a writer to carefully balance emotions and facts, present a well-structured argument, and demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the broader context. Remember that a thoughtful and well-reasoned essay has the potential to contribute to a constructive dialogue on this sensitive subject. For assistance with essays on various topics, including those related to abortion, you can explore additional resources and writing services available on platforms like HelpWriting.net. They offer a range of writing services that can provide support and guidance for your academic needs. Abortion Pro Life Essay Abortion Pro Life Essay
  • 2. Mmt Reflection I am a first year student in the MLT program effective 2016, but this ended in March 31, 2017 due to suspension by the college. I have accumulated many accolades before entering the MLT program such as making the Dean s list and being inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. I have had no disciplinary record before entering this program. I have been at Central Piedmont Community College for 3 years to be exact. I have had no disciplinary record from other schools that I have matriculated at. With that being said, the MLT department at Central Piedmont Community College has committed numerous violations on my behalf. There is a paper trail that can validate this claim significantly. I will provide the backdrop of everything, on Sunday,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And a student made a mistake on another student arm but his technique was not overly scrutinize, when this year I made not mistakes on anybody arm. And my friend was okay with sharing grades until the instructors made a huge deal out of it. Additionally, I missed lab and lecture for urinalysis and this effected my lab practical grade for urinalysis. The Associate Dean, charged with me indecent conduct but later on I appeal the decision because the charge was misleading and I called Ferpa for clarification. Asking for a student grade is not indecent, but this is consider a fact and not opinion and my friend and I would not discuss grades since this has become a problem with the instructors. And she stated: The instructors were making a big deal out of it. I told the Associate Dean, this could effect future employment, phi theta kappa and permanent record. On March 21st and 22nd the instructors was reading private information that belong to me in front of other students. And making inappropriate comments and during the lab exam in urinalysis I had to use a different microscope and not the one I am use to using. And
  • 3. The Treaty Of Versailles And Its Effect On The World War I The Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty signed between Germany and the Allies which consisted of Britain, France and America. The idea of the Treaty was to end World War one and Germany would be too weak to start another war. This meant that there would be peace throughout Europe for a long time but it was controversial at best. It was signed in the Versailles palace which was large enough for hundreds of people to be involved in the signing on 28th of June 1919. Germany had almost no say in what was put into the treaty but they had no choice but to sign it otherwise they would be invaded by the Allies. Its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along with the reduction of men, Germany was not allowed tanks, submarines or military aircraft and the navy could only have six battleships (Mr Hinds History; what were the main Terms of the Versailles Treaty 2016). This was created so that Germany would not have the force to declare war but still had the power to stop communism from getting into Western Europe. Another aspect to the Treaty of Versailleswere the economic terms. These terms stated that Germany had to pay 6.6 billion dollars back to the allies. Germany was not able to pay this amount of money so they had to borrow money from nearby countries. This meant that Germany fell into huge amounts of debt and lost their title for second most economically advanced country in the world. There were two more important Terms for The Treaty of Versailles, they were the General terms and the territorial terms. There were three important general clauses to the treaty. The first was that Germany had to take all responsibility for the war, this was called the War Guilt Clause and it was the term that Germany was the most upset about. The second was that Germany had to pay for all war damages which was mostly to France and Belgium. The third was that a League of Nations was set up to keep world peace and Germany was not allowed to join. There were also the territorial terms of the treaty where Germany had to give up
  • 4. A Comparison Of Japanese Colonialism InThe Man In The High... The Man in the High Castle presents a colonized and divided the United States that belongs to Germany, Japan, and a buffer zone. Philip Dick states that the Japanese colonizers have a reflection of the western ideals and values. The Japanese mimicked the American culture by developing an interest in talking English and improvement of their social status. Japanese adopted the American culture and acquired American historical objects while retaining their customs and attitudes. The Japanese occupying the region transform San Francisco into a third world America. The High Castle owned by the Japanese colonialists because of romantic notions it developed its own attitudes, history, and culture. Childan develops American ideals but he ironically condemns the Japanese for not understandingand appreciating the real meaning of America. The paper argues against Childan perceptionon Japanese failing to understand America because of lack of common ground. Childan understands the American culture and history which he primarily uses his arts and crafts. Childan makes American antiques and sells them in the High Castle occupied by Japanese administrators. It is not ironic that the Japanese failed to understand the real America. The Japanese understood the American customs because they parasitized the American way of life. Childan prejudiced against America because of his weak sense of history (Dick, 338). Childan personally fails to understand about his country and the Japanese on the other hand ape the American customs and history. As stated by Dick, Childan himself doesn t know about America but the Japanese do because of developing an interest in the country (338). The Japanese understands the version and uniqueness of America and not as how Childan perceives their understanding. Childan claims base on the colonization by Japanese who occupy the region and keep the zone underdeveloped. However, the thinking that Japanese do not understand the real America is bias. The Japanese use the effort and money to simulate the American culture and historical objects (Dick, 335). The ability to imitate and simulate the customs, attitude and culture of the Americans indicates that the Japanese understand the real America.
  • 5. American Contentment Definition is beyond question that everyone is their own person; the American culture takes great pride in illustrating individuality just to embrace this idea. Each physical appearance to every human emotion is so unique that it takes years just to study one person, and even then there is uncertainty in aspects of personality and feelings. So why does society believe that every person need only one source of true happiness? The term contentment, meaning a state of happiness and satisfaction, stems from the Latin word contentus and came into use in late Middle English with the intent of denoting the payment of a claim. Contentment is the goal of humanity, and most think everyone s source of contentment is the same and that there is only one common source... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We have the ability to choose what pleases us, that s what Thomas Jeffersonand many other writers were fighting for in the writing of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is a document that was adopted in 1776 that established the United States as its own nation. The purpose of writing this document was to inform the abusive King George as to why the colonies were leaving England. Jefferson elaborates on the corruption of the King by listing his 27 accused abuses throughout the document. These misdeeds included intruding on the right of the colonists to have their own government, instating legislation without consent of the colonies, and refusal to pass necessary laws. King George restricted the freedom to pursue happiness and individuality, thus restricting true happiness. Jefferson also made some very valid points in the Declaration including his famous words that exclaim that all men are born with rights that cannot be denied, and among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . Everyone knows this quote, but how many truly understand its meaning? Jefferson is saying that every human has the natural right to live freely and that people have a right to hunt for their own bliss. Somewhere in the time between then and now this very clear and distinct idea got muddled. People now think that there is only one uniform source of happiness. The undeniable truth of the matter is while many believe that the happiness of the human race can only be gained by one true source, any amount of contentment can be acquired depending simply on the preferences of an individual, being that every person finds happiness from different
  • 6. We Have A Game Battle Danny. Danny! My teacher yelled. I woke up confused while everybody is staring at me like hawks. I explained that I was day dreaming but she wasn t listening, so I told myself Only 10 more minutes. Beep! The class rose and bolted out the classroom door. The halls looked like a giant pack of buffalo herding down the halls, when I was walking I saw my friends exit the main doors. My friends were waiting for me out side. When I got outside they flocked up around me and were yelling Are you going to playCall of Duty This weekend? You know we have a gamebattle right? I was shocked about how fast they were talking but I said we have $600 to win. When I arrived at my house I could feel the addiction kicking in; my Xbox was pulling me into my room, I sat down turned on my controller and instantly focused. For a couple days, my group would practice for the tournament. I was so focused that I felt like I could make something move with my mind. We made call outs left and right left... left... left! Hospital...Hospital! But this was just practice for the real game. A little bit of time passed and my friends were talking about if we won the game, but I told them not the jinx the game. The game was just a day away. Me and my friends were getting ready for the game by more practice but this time if they messed up they will have to do a something they re not going to like. After we practiced my friends came over to my house so we could give each other advice and just have an
  • 7. Niccolo Machiavelli s Il Principe After being exiled, Niccolo Machiavelli began to work on Il Principe . He wrote it as a letter to Lorenzo de Medici providing him with the secret to becoming a good ruler and perhaps earn him a position in the Medici government. He explains how to acquire power, create a state, and maintain it. It serves as a guide for political action based on lessons of history and his own personal experience as a civil servant in the Florentine republic. What makes Il Principe unique is that the advice that he offers often disregards all moral and ethical rules. When it comes to choosing whether to possess good qualities or evil qualities, he supports the evil over the good for the sake of political power. For example, he warns him to never let the people
  • 8. The Pros And Cons Of Purity s Chocolate Milk As kids just about everybody enjoyed that sweet tasting drink, chocolate milk. Today even adults enjoy the drink. Why do so many people of all ages appreciate the taste? Probably because its chocolate and milk combined, so whats not to like! Chocolate milk has been around since the early 1700s when it first saw the light of day in Jamaica, but Purity s brand has been around since 1946 with its headquarters being in Nashville Tennessee. The time between the 1700s to 2016 the taste has not changed very much, but the products ingredients have changed. Although Purity s chocolate milk is a tasty drink, the ingredients in the packaging as well as the milk itself may raise suspicion, or concern, if one is following Michael Pollan s food rules First,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some milks are packaged in cartons, others are packaged in plastic bottles. Plastic bottles have been but on blast for years due to the research conducted that shows that they are possibly harmful to our health. A few myths that surround plastic bottles are that they are only harmful when they re warmed up, the plastic is only harmful to small children, and you need to avoid only certain types of plastic bottles (Smart Publications). None of these are true just about all plastic bottles can be harmful, but usually are not. The label for what kind of bottle is being used is engraved on the bottom of the bottle. The specific type of bottle that Purity uses for their chocolate milk is #2 HDPE. This particular type of bottle has a few ingredients most people have never heard of such as Resins made from ethylene and propylene resins and have flame retardants added (Smart Publications). After some research is done on ethylene one can find out Ethylene is a small hydrocarbon gas. It is naturally occurring. Some fruit will produce ethylene as ripening begins (WSU) Because this gas is naturally occurring and fruits produce it to help with the ripening process, one shouldn t be concerned about ethylene anymore. Propylene, on the other hand does raise some concern even after researching. According to www.linde gas.com Propylene is similar to propane, and it has a double bond which gives it a combustion advantage. This fuel gas
  • 9. To Build A Fire Compare And Contrast Essay The contrasts between young and old are very definitive. The contrast between the two shows itself very prominently in To Build a Fire. Even though the old man at Sulfur Creek tells the man not to go out alone, the man abandons the advice and ventures out alone with his dog into the Yukon. The old man was right, the younger man should have listened instead of being arrogant. He should have gone with someone and kept himself safe. Even though it may not seem like it, the entire story revolves around the man s decision to travel alone into the Yukonand simply discard the old man s advice. The man s decision to go out alone into the barren Yukon was an extremely important decision, the decision he made would cost him his life in the end. I think ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The only way I wouldn t have done the same is if the weather had varied and looked worse than it normally did. I think a few things that played a part in the man s decision to go alone were, he is younger and stronger than the old man and he is arrogant and thinks he is smarter. Another reason might be because they are always in the weather and it never really varies, so as a result the man might think that the weather is harmless to him. I think the reason I would do the same thing as the younger man is because I have defied my elders advice in the past. I think that many of the youth, including myself think that they know better than their parents or any elders. For instance, just a couple years ago my dad and I were spending the weekend with my aunt. She lives on a farm and my uncle and I were riding ATV s, while earlier she had told me to slow down. Of course because I thought I was fine and had it under control, I discarded her advice. After about twenty minutes of riding around I had torn into a pasture and through an electric fence, simply because I didn t listen to her. I regret not listening to her because I ended up with some pretty nasty bruises and causes a couple hundred dollars worth of damage. My experience in not listening to the wiser, older people was a mere comparison to the younger man in the story, whereas he lost his life. The man trekking across the Yukon is young
  • 10. The Common Health Tradition Of Different Cultures Based On... This paper examines the common health tradition of three different cultures based on cultural heritage and how these families in America subscribe to these traditions and practices. The necessary plan for health maintenance, protection and restoration will be developed based on the health needs of these families. The findings will be based on a heritage assessment of three different families within the New York area; Guyanese, Indian (Sikh) and African (Nigerian). Traditional medicine has a broad range of characteristics and elements of which herbal medicine is an integral part. They are diverse health practicess, approaches, applied knowledge and beliefs that incorporate plant, animal and or mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises which are applied singularly or in combination to maintain well being, as well as treat, diagnose or prevent illness (Oreagba, 2011). Traditional medicine was practiced by all three cultures that were assessed. It s a tradition for Guyanese to use herbal medicines and treatments for home remedies before a visit to the doctor was attempted. Several herbal medications are being used to treat diseases and injuries in Guyana either because of lack of funds to consult a doctor or they believe that the home remedy will work. A few of these herbal treatments are; galic and grapefruit used for hypertension, aloe Osteoarthritis, arrow root cholesterol , clove for malaria, lemon grass cold and fever, ginger
  • 11. Ben And Jerry s Ben and Jerry s A Scoop Above the Rest Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield began a small ice cream shop in Burlington, Vermont with a dollar and a dream. Well, actually a $5 dollar correspondence course from Pennsylvania State University and $12,000 in start up money. Never the less, the world renowned brand of Ben and Jerry s was born. Ben and Jerry s, from its inception had a different outlook on the world. The marketing, customer loyalty and social interest were reflective in the company s earliest practices. The ice cream giant has gone on to set a socially responsible trajectory that is a scoop above the rest. Ben and Jerry s have adopted a sustainable culture that is pervasive throughout the organization. They use an assessment tool entitled the Social Environmental Assessment Report (SEAR). The SEAR report is an assessment of the practices of the ice cream company with a focus on product sourcing, fair trade, community involvement and social issues. Their mission statement is in part that we are, dedicated to a sustainable corporate concept of linked prosperity. Ben and Jerry s have clearly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like any business they have inputs (milk, flavors, cream, etc.), the process (labor /manufacturing) and the output (ice cream, community engagement). Ben and Jerry s certifies that all of its products are Fair Trade Certified. Fair Trade Certification states that a product has been sourced using raw materials, labor and processes that meet standards set by Fair Trade International. Fair Trade International and FLO cert. In accordance with sustainable practices Ben and Jerry s also sources its milk products from Caring Dairy farms. Ben and Jerry s has been providing their farm farmer partners a practical framework for understanding, evaluating, and improving the sustainability of their dairy operations. Ben and Jerry also have taken a stance on obtaining the products from non GMO
  • 12. Diamond Foods Accounting Scandal Diamond Foods Accounting Scandal BACKGROUND: Founded in 1912 as a walnut grower cooperative, Diamond Food s primary business involved buying walnuts from local California growers, processing the product, and reselling it. The San Francisco based company converted from a cooperative to a public corporation in July of 2005, issuing its initial shares for $17. By 2010, Diamond Foods (DMND) had expanded and acquired a number of snack food companies including Kettle BrandВ® Chips and Pop SecretВ® popcorn and was negotiating the acquisition of the Pringles brand from the Procter amp; Gamble Company (Diamond Foods, 2014). The addition of the Pringles brand would make Diamond the second largest global snack foods company behind PepsiCo, Inc., ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The details of how these costs were pulled apart and separated will be further explained in the following section. From the beginning Diamond had put a focus on the commodity walnut market. The company had forged strong relationships with the growers of the nuts and held pride in continuing the positive relationship throughout the future of the company. So as the growers began to hand down larger costs, Diamond needed to find a way to ensure that the growers got the full amount they were seeking in order to keep ties strong and avoid the growers leaving Diamond for one of its competitors, while also continue to meet the earnings per share (EPS) expectations. According to the case filed by the SEC in 2014, In February 2010, Diamond CFO Neil instructed members of the Finance Team to adjust the walnut costs to hit an EPS target for the second quarter. Members of the Finance Team provided Neil with a walnut cost estimate that would result in reported EPS that would be higher than the consensus analyst of estimated $0.47 per share for the quarter (SEC, 2014). However, the growers were not satisfied with this method of determining prices and threatened to leave Diamond if full costs were not received. Neil determined a way to close the gap through continuity or momentum payments. This technique allowed Diamond to pay the full amount that the growers were giving, but separated the costs out. Diamond only the portion on the financial
  • 13. Caring For Pregnant Women With Autoimmune Diseases Caring For Pregnant Women with Autoimmune Diseases Having an autoimmune disease while pregnant increases the risk of the pregnancy on the mother and fetus. Ironically, most autoimmune diseases predominantly affect women (Goebel, 2015). To make the problem worse, most of the data available on safe treatments for these diseases during pregnancy comes from animal data (since trials on pregnant women are often considered immoral or too dangerous). These medications, based primarily on animal studies, are generally not updated after they are initially labeled as category A through X (safe during pregnancy to contraindicated during pregnancy, respectively) as new evidence becomes available. This poses a risk and presents a problem when trying to treat and intervene for pregnant women with autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease, irritable bowel disease, type one diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. When counseling these women with regards to medication use during pregnancy, it is important to weigh the potential adverse effects and risks of the medication with the potential risk of having the disease left untreated. By researching common medications used to treat celiac disease, irritable bowel disease, type one diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis (like DMRDS, NSAIDS, corticosteroids, antibiotics, and insulin) and then individualizing interventions and patient education in regards to that specific autoimmune disease and pregnancy, we as nurses can better care for, treat, and
  • 14. Cheating And College Basketball Cheating and College Basketball Everyone cheats, but what about the penalties that are given to the people who are caught? People cheat on many things: school, sports, and, but not limited to, relationships. But there are many ways to cheat in those multiple examples, like in sports cheating can happen with: drugs, academic eligibility, or even through recruiting. With all the sports the focus could be on, college basketball seems to have the easiest examples of cheating. The people who cheat in college basketball could even be the people your child or younger sibling look up to. What makes college basketball coaches break the rules is it worth the penalty? Roy Williams, the current college basketball coach at the University of North ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The FBI recorded another meeting that involved a former AAU basketball coach. Schlabach also stated, FBI recorded and videotaped the meeting between former AAU basketball coach Christian Dawkins, a Louisville assistant coach, and others as they conspired to pay Bowen s family to ensure the star recruit signed with the Cardinals, an Adidas sponsored team. Pitino obviously knew what was happening between Bowen and Dawkins because it was his assistant doing the illegal recruiting, and Pitino has repeatedly pinned other scandals on his assistants. Rick Pitino does not like to own up to his actions, and he likes to make his assistants do illegal stuff for him so he can keep his job. Ed Martin, a Michigan University Booster, allegedly paid Chris Webber hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to the University of Michigan. Webber refuses to comment on what happened or even comment anything about the University of Michigan. Jimmy King, one of the players who played with Webber, also known as a member of the fab five , said, I would say that he does owe the university an apology because it is a fractured relationship. He did not necessarily do anything that he has to apologize for, but this is what I was taught: Sometimes you have to apologize for things you did not even do to be the
  • 15. Essay on William Allen White and the Farmer’s Populist... William Allen White and the Farmer s Populist Movement During the late 19th century in Kansas there was a movement among the general population called the Farmer s Populist Movement. Today, Kansas is still by far a Republican state, but during this time the Populist Party engaged the Republican stronghold in a battle to win over the state, however, in the end the Republicans pulled through. William Allen White, at this time, had become a well known man in the journalism world and his political allegiance did not go unnoticed among either those within the political arena or those observing. William Allen White, aside from his personal political leanings towards the Republican side, was against the Populist movement that was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Populism explains the rise of Populism in 1890 across Kansas as a response to the frustrations of adapting crop selections and pest management routines to the sub humid environment. Farmers raised hell in the fall of 1890, in part, because they had not yet formed the farm management skills that could have prevented such a collapse of operating income. If Populist voters were choked by monopoly power, the party should have done significantly worse in those townships served by several competing railroad lines; but if Populist voters were motivated by a dispirited hunt for capital gains on land through nearness to railway improvements, Populist candidates should have prospered as they moved farthest away from a rail station. Therefore, if Populist voters were motivated simply by bitterness over the fact that their township did not have a rail station then Populist candidates should have done better in a township with no railway station at all. What was most important was 1) whether a township had a railroad station and 2) how far the average farmer had to travel to reach a railhead. The farmer s response to crop failures, insect damage, and the realization that a township might never get a railway station varied. Populism has become a movement precisely because of how the farm families of the central West adapted to the sub humid agricultural conditions in hand with how a band of colorful political
  • 16. Lowe s Case Analysis By comparing census data from the Toronto CMA and specific census tracts (e.g. 5350037) in Table 1, stores like Lowe s would be able to create a qualitative profile of the market and explore in deep tentative sites for future stores. In fact, the comparison and analysis of the following variables would allow Lowe s to understand the type of market in the census tract with respect to Toronto. First, the Toronto CMA presents an average of 2.8 persons per private household, which is relatively higher compared to an average of 2.1 persons for the census tract 5350037. By analysing the market, an average of 2.1 people is more likely to require a service focused on interior living spaces than outdoor home improvements, reducing the demand and therefore
  • 17. Role Of Stewardship Between Christian And Non- Christian... An environmentalist is a person worships the environment and cares for nature more than people. Christians and others share the common perception that environmental ethics exist for how human beings should relate to the land, the free market perceptive and the environmental perceptive. Humans share a relationship with all creations of the earth. But as humans, they find themselves as having a role in the created order which is they have a closer relationship with the creator who has charged them with acting responsible within his creation. Even allowing a common complaint of environmental activists is that Stewardship means that the earth was made exclusively because of humanbeings that having dominion upper nature is the same as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Christian voice is correcting them or proclaiming the biblical model of man s relationship to nature which: is unique and superior to the dominant free market and environmentalist models. . According to Gardner and Stern (1996), in that place are exclusive approaches that have power to be implemented in companionships search to defend the environment. One like approach may take a closer look at holy and regarding duties beliefs and the effects of these beliefs on the environment. The idea to create values and beliefs in environmental issues are important components of having a safer and enjoyable world for its people and the world they live in. Christian and non Christian, at hand, must see the environment and the shortcoming of business by reason of a proper conversion to an act or purpose of and preservation of the wealth the planet has to support life. Christians as the Bible originate directing the eye to what has to be published by word force in reference to human natures dependence and bounden duty to the nature and its resources. As Christians we should do what ever it takes to make sure this earth glorify God. If we are careless about science and economics not caring about how they work and what they describe, creation s economy will suffer (Christians Research Institute). So you can see that even supposing a common complaint of environmental activists is that Stewardship means that the earth was made exclusively by
  • 18. Access the Effects of the Spanish Settlement in Hispaniola... For the first ten years of colonization, Hispaniola was the only colony in the Caribbean where the Spanish settled. In the 16thcentury, Hispaniola was the centre of the Spanish colonial system in the Caribbean. It was known as the Pearl of the Caribbean. Just like in the other colonies, the Tainos thought that the Spaniards were gods and welcomed them into their villages. Columbus believed that Hispaniola had gold and forced the Tainos to work in the mines. Columbus also made the Tainos pay the Spanish a tribute to satisfy both the Crown s and the settler s greed for gold, and to obtain food for his settlement. It was easy to take control of the Tainos as they assumed that if they pleased the gods that they would be richly rewarded in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was the Spaniard s new way of controlling the Tainos. The local magistrate was in charge of allocating labour for each conquistador. The imposition of tributes on the Taino s can be argued to be the first form of slavery. The concept was that the Tainos were forced to do low paid or unpaid labour for a certain number of weeks or months each year on Spanish owned farms and mines. It is argued that the repartimiento was the first form of slavery. Even though the Tainos were not stated as owned, they were free in various respects and the work was alternating. The needs of the Tainos were ignored and they were punished severely. Some of the native communities that were located near to Spanish settlements also had to give up a percentage of their people to work in agriculture, construction of houses and streets and as part of the labour force. Columbus could not control this labour system as the Tainos resisted against the system. Some of the Tainos escaped from the repartimiento by leaving their communities and looked for wage labour elsewhere. Other signed contracts (asientos) which lasted six months to a year and required the workers to be paid a salary, provided living quarters and religious services during the time. When NicolГЎs de Ovando became governor of Hispaniola in 1502, he brought with him a stabilized labour system; the encomienda system. The theory of this
  • 19. Write An Essay On Becoming A Registered Nurse Nursing is the protection and promotion of the development of health and abilities. Nurses help prevent illnesses and injuries, facilitate healing, and advocate the care in individuals, families, and communities. Becoming an registered nurse in the field of your choice isn t an easy road, it requires a lot of classes, dedication, and studying. Almost all schools offer nursing programs unless it s an engineering college that focuses on only architecture and things as such. To get into an nursing school you must have finished the prerequisites that the school you chose to requires. Firstly, you ll need to have obtained a high schooldiploma or GED, preferably with good grades. Some colleges will accept students with a GPA of 2.5, but others require over a 3.0 GPA. Obviously, the most popular and in demand colleges require the highest of the highest GPAs. Also most schools intend to want you to have taken anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, nutrition, and other courses related to nursing. Going to college without the help of financial aid or scholarships will be pretty costly. These are the typical costs of obtaining your RN degree but the prices... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A RN can provide services in the patient s home where the patient will be paying the nurse for the services. The nursing care although must follow the state s nurse practice act. Nurse practitioners have the authority to diagnose and treat; but a medical collaborator/supervisor is needed in most states. To be able to this though a higher education is required, preferably a form of masters in nursing. The requirements although are different for every state. Esthetic nurses who specialize in helping patients enhance their appearances provide cosmetic treatments ordered by a physician. For this type of treatment the physician doesn t have to be on
  • 20. Mgm And Corporate Social Responsibility MGM and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) MGM Resorts International is a gaming, hospitalist and entertainment company based out of Paradise, Nevada. MGM was formally known as MGM Grand Inc. (1986 2000) and MGM Mirage (2000 2010). Their 15 properties spread across America and China. Within the company, the sense of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) runs deep in it s roots. Their values break down into three sections, Diversity inclusion, Environmental sustainability, Philanthropy and community engagement. MGM believes in a diverse workforce, and has inclusion programs that creates acceptance of other races within their workforce. In addition, they support events that represent diversity and supports minorities. It s beliefs in Philanthropy and community engagement is explained by how much they give back to the community, the military and the people of America. MGM is recognized by the Las Vegas food bank, as well as the Nevada Military Support Alliance. MGM although a hospitality and entertainment company has methods to reduce water consumption and has introduced the switch to solar energy to all their properties within Las Vegas. When the Las Vegas properties are combined MGM consumes more water and engird then a small town, which was the reason for their switch to solar energy and their method introduced to reduce water consumption. MGM Resorts Community Engagement and Philanthropy MGM Resorts has been nationally recognized for its community engagement and
  • 21. The Influence of Ther Catholic Church on Iriish Social Policy Name: Aoife Dunne Student No: 112732149 Class: BSW I hereby declare that all the work is my own , when I have referred to the work and ideas of others, I have referenced it accordingly. Aoife Dunne Essay 2013 Title: Discuss the influence of the Catholic Church on Irish Social Policy This essay examines the influence of the Catholic Church on Irish Social Policy. This essay will focus on the Church s role as a provider of charity. It seeks to address the following questions: How does one define social policy? Why did strong ties exist between The Catholic Church and the Irish State? Why did the Catholic Church endorse the principle of subsidiarity? What key policies are evident of Catholic influence? How does one define Social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The general attitude towards poverty was that it was self inflicted. In 1845 47 one million people died as a result of the famine, yet the response of the Irish government to the famine was minimal. The famine years witnessed the workhouses become overcrowded centres of disease and destitution in March 1851, 250,611 people were paupers receiving poor relief in the workhouse (Feriter,2004,p.52) .Voluntary groups such as the Quakers emerged nineteenth century and established soup kitchens. The Catholic Church took on a more significant role as a provider of social services from the mid nineteenth century (Considine and Dukelow ,2009,p.15. The Church strongly endorsed the principle of Subsidiarity, supporting the belief that areas concerned with provision should be managed at local level, by various community based groups. The wording used in the papal encyclical Quadragesimo Anno in written by Pope Pius X1 in1931 as cited by (Ibid) illustrates this endorsement. The language used in the encyclical reflects the dominance and
  • 22. Critical Thinking On Computers And Programming Computers Programming I have selected and viewed the below TED lecture topic for this project and demonstrated critical thinking in my written response. My response specifically discusses how I think the content of the lecture may have an impact on me and my future. Can we create new senses for humans? The TED I viewed discussed how we may view a new marriage of technology to help further improve and even replace our senses using specific technological developments. In the TED Eagleman discusses how the visible world and light spectrum that we are able to currently view with our eyes and the sound we are able to interpret is actually one one trillionth of what is actually out there. This idea that there s so much more to be able to see... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though a lot of our systems are digital there is still numerous bureaucratic red tape that we must go through. Another problem is that all of our financial systems are centralized which in turn makes us vulnerable to system failures and cyber attacks. Enter the Blockchain this digital ledger can record anything of value whether it be money, stocks, bonds, contracts any other kind of asset can be stored digitally securely and privately and peer to peer which means it can t be hacked since the information isn t stored in one central location. The blockchain is set to change my life because soon the days of the banker being able to control our finances. Now using the Blockchain we no longer need to go through a middleman to conduct our business transactions we no longer need the banks or even the government to verify identities and conduct record keeping. As a result many of the large banks are also beginning to invest in this technology in order to streamline their business and to cut costs and increase security which in turn is allowing the consumer to save on banking and insurance fees. The block chain is set to change my life because now I will be able to conduct my transactions securely and privately and be able to conduct my transactions through peer to peer
  • 23. Enlightenment Period effect on Latin America Enlightenment period effect on the future of Latin America Two political revolutions arose from the Enlightenment philosophy: the French Revolution and the American Revolution. The motto of the French Revolution, libertГ©, egalitГ©, fraternitГ©, captures of the ideas they were fighting for: liberty, equality, and rights.1 News of this overthrowing of the government reached many places, one of those being Latin America. During the colonial period, a great social gap developed between the peninsulares (Spanish people born in Spain) and criollos (Spanish people born in New Spain). Resentment was so great that indians, criollos, and mestizos (a mix between Spanish and Indians) went past their ethnic differences and united against ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He started rebuilding the new free states and dreamed of a unified league of Central and South American nations. However, resentment of his authoritarian ways along with fighting between states and personality conflicts caused his influence to wane.вЃ· Yet again, the unbalanced mix of revolutionary ideas with the deeply rooted colonial heritage caused the vision to fail. Once Iturbide left, the Mexican Republic needed someone to take command. With this, the Supreme Executive Power led the Mexican people with the purpose of installing a workable ex 8 Jose De San Martin (1778 1850). Jose De San Martin. University of Notre Dame. Web. 08 Mar. 2012. . Research Paper Martinez 5 ecutive power in Mexico as well as a Constitution.9 The task took a year, and after that Mexico enjoyed many liberal presidents. Liberalist ideas were implemented again in the Constitution of 1857 and the Laws of the Reform. With Benito Juarez s victory over Emperor Maximiliano and his Conservative party in 1867, liberalism in Mexico proved to be the victor. However, presidents started to stray from classic liberal ideas, and this can be traced to Lucas Alaman, who, by 1830, had become a conservative. 10 Unfortunately, the Enlightenment period did not only create ideas about freedom and equality. Auguste Comte, a French philosopher, came up with a political philosophy called Positivism, which promoted order and progress. This came at the cost of the need to
  • 24. Barbiturates Research Paper The classification of Phenobarbital is a depressant. A depressant can be called a downer. These drugs come in tablets, capsules, and liquid form. A further classification of phenobarbital is that it is a barbiturate. A barbiturate is a drug used as a sedative or as a sleeping aid (Depressants). Even though depressants can be helpful to patients who suffer from seizures, they can become an addiction and can cause physical and physiological dependency. Addiction is the name of the state when an individual is completely dependent on a drug and abuses it even when they are aware that it is harmful. After the first couple of days of taking a barbiturate, a person could feel tired and becomes uncoordinated. With daily use, the body becomes accustomed... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barbiturates, such as phenobarbital, easily dissolve in body fat. Therefore, they have a fast access to the brain because they can quickly cross the blood brain barrier. Also, because barbiturates dissolve into fat, they can accumulate and then try to re enter the blood stream. Although the exact mechanisms, by which phenobarbital impacts the brain are not fully known, it is thought that these types of drugs connect to sodium channels found on neurons and then stops the flow of these ions. Sodium ions are not able to cross the neuronal membrane because action potentials are not able to be created (Neuroscience for Kids Barbiturate). Depressants can also impact the normal breathing functions of the respiratory system negatively. most of these drugs act by slowing down the respiratory system. Phenobarbital can also cause Inflamed airways where the lungs are not able to clear contaminants out of the system and are a lot more easily prone to pneumonia. At worst, barbiturates can also cause respiratory failure (Health Effects of Barbiturates). Barbiturates impact the circulatory system with either short term or long term effects.The risk of these drugs definitely increases as use is continued, however symptoms such as heart attacks, can even occur after the first time of consuming a drug. Also, an abnormal heart rate or an increased heart rate can be a side effect of taking drugs. Another effect can be collapsed veins, this
  • 25. The Intertidal Zone And The Air Land Ocean Interface And... Berenice Yang Gonzalez Intertidal Lab Abstract The intertidal zone is characterized as the limited segment of domain which is found at the air land ocean interface and lies between the tidemarks on all shorelines. From the about dry high tide line down to the quite often wet low tide line, the intertidal zone exists on rough shores, sandy shorelines, and mud pads. The Intertidal Zone is a harsh environment. The class sample the intertidal zone by placing quadrats in a standardized form and recorded all species who were in the quadrat. The Shannon Index and Evenness were calculated in 4 transects in the mid zone. The Simpson s Index and Richness were calculated in all three sections separately and all values were compare to understand the dynamic of this community. Two species were compare from the sample population to understand the relation of the zones and niches. The sample was too small and many error were made for the sample to have a relevant result. Introduction The intertidal zone is a severe environment that has various stressors and forces which act on organisms that are not found in strictly marine or terrestrial environments. This environment is unique due to the constant fluctuating water levels which exposes organisms to air and the forces of crashing surf that only animals and plants with special adaptations are able to withstand. Despite all of these environmental conditions, these species are able to survive and reproduce within extreme environments.
  • 26. Effects Of Sex Discrimination In Fairy Tales Subtle sex discrimination, which is one of the forms of sex discrimination, is hidden and not easy to noticed in our daily life since most people have internalized it as natural and as something matters little. (Benokraitis, 1997) Startlingly, it is found that subtle sex discrimination appears in fairy tale either. The story of prince and princess deliver the hidden message of subtle sex discriminationunintentionally. It is worth writing because the fairy tales could bring huge impacts on girls growth stage and children may internalize the subtle sexist behaviour as normal or acceptable. I have divided my essay into three parts. First, I would like to summarize the sociology reading written by Benokraitis, How subtle sex discrimination work . Second, I will take Snow White as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fairy tales play a significant role in shaping children s self image. Girls will dream of becoming a princess after reading fairy tales. All the images of princess are congruent with male s aesthetic standard. The princess in fairy tale is beautiful, slim, and innocent with gorgeous dress and high heels. You will never see a girl wearing jeans and sports shoes could be recognized as a Princess . It reflects one of the subtle sex discrimination: subjective objectification, which is a form of subtle sex discrimination that treats women as an object from the perspective of men. (Benokraitis, 1997) As culture has granted men the right and privilege of looking at women, women have been expected to accept the role of stimulators of men s visual interest, with their bodies becoming objects that can be lined up, compared and rated. (Benokraitis, 1997) The Snow White delivers the message that girls should wear dress and have good appearance so that you will be jealous by others, like Snow White is jealous by the wicked queen. Nonetheless, why princess should wear dress and high heels? Why slim is the synonym of
  • 27. Futuristic Rights In Blade Runner Futuristic Rights Manmade beings were created as slaves for humanity. These beings are called replicants. Blade Runner, a science fiction film set in the future, brings up a question about the replicants humanity and their rights. As the replicants are able to think as a human would and seem to feel emotions like a human, their rights are hard to acknowledge. Created to fulfill the will of mankind, they only know a life without choices and opinions. This causes them to have certain desires that seem very humanistic in nature. All though they possess humanoid characteristics, replicants have a shorter life span than humans. This drives the plot of the film as some replicants hunt down their creators to try and make themselves more human while others do not even realize they are replicants. Pris and Roy are a couple that works together seeking their creators so that they do not have to die in the measly sum of four bleak years. Rachael is a female replicant who does not know that she is a replicant until Decker, a man in charge of hunting down and killing the replicants, tells her that she is not human. Replicants should be allowed minimal human rights due to their ability to think, feel, and reason as a human would. With emotions acute to humanity, replicants grieve and feel compassion. Throughout the movie, the replicants clearly show their feelings. The strongest among the emotions portrayed by the replicants are fear, grief, and compassion. Fear is shown while they
  • 28. Task 3 Protein Synthesis Task 3: Protein Synthesis: Protein biosynthesis is the biochemical process, in which proteins are synthesized from simple amino acids within several steps with the aid of information stored within the sequence of DNA. DNA is located within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells contain sections known as genes which carry the genetic code required in order to manufacture proteins. During the process of protein synthesis mRNA or as it is also known messenger RNA is able to construct a complementary strand with the aid of the strands either side of the DNA structure. Through doing this mRNA now holds a copy of the genetic instructions required in order to produce protein molecules. Throughout the DNA remains within the nucleus with mRNA on the other
  • 29. ISIS Attack In The United States The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham, commonly known as ISIS, has frightened the whole world by committing attacks in the Middle East, Paris, and San Bernardino, California. ISIS claims to be the legitimate ruler of all Muslims and it operates the Muslim world. ISIS was able to expand as the result of local groups conflicts with Western interests. Daniel Byman declares that local groups are attracted to ISIS for genuine conviction. Particularly, young men believe that ISIS is the defender and avenger of Sunnis worldwide. On the other hand, some groups join ISIS for accessibility to financial and technical aid. While , ISIS grows beyond Iraq and Syria, religious intolerance is created. The group delivers its religious beliefs by barbarian acts, such as beheading and rape to intimidate their enemies and obtain supporters.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, Byman stated that the United States and its allies should target provincial command and control centers and locals who have personal relationships with top ISIS leaders in Iraq and Syria to weak the terrorist group. As ISIS spreads in the Middle East can be more difficult to fight, but with use of strong war tactics, the United States and its allies can seek victory. The United States can use effective strategies , such as targeting ISIS affiliates provinces and local grievances in the news and on social media. Eventually, the integration of ISIS s provinces in the Unites States strategies against it will cause serious
  • 30. God And The Holy Spirit God has revealed himself in many different ways throughout Christian faith. Centuries ago, he gave Christians insights in ways they could understand and can be used with common every day activities and chores. He has let the people see him through his divine creations. Christians can see God at church weekly when he comes through the priest. Another way to see God daily is when someone prays and ask for his forgiveness, strength, and love. No one can see God, but he can be seen through in his works when he sent the grace of the Holy Spiritto the world. Christian faith is about trusting God, and God is with someone through the satisfactory days and the deceitful days. His revelation relates to the theological sources humanity can rely upon to know the truth. God has shown bits and pieces of who he is through prophets, apostles, and Jesus. God would reveal himself in ways each person could understand. This helped the chosen people to describe God in the scriptures. Jesus talked in parables so his followers and/or people who would be a by stander could comprehend what he was preaching about. Today, God talks to Christians through the priest of the Catholic Church during mass or any other Christian mass. God is also there during the Eucharist when Catholics receive his body and blood. So what is revelation as it pertains to God? It is how God reveals himself each and every day. God reveals himself through the beauty of nature. God can show himself in a
  • 31. The Big Red Dog Research Paper Clifford, The Big Red Dog, was in his room playing video games and he wrote about the good things and the bad things about video games. Video games is the way to play games only if you love to play video games. There is over a ton of games to choose from, there are many gaming systems to choose from. But parents say the games are the reason kids are failing school. If you are a person who likes to play games, this is for you. Video games are a way to learn new things and to do things, like listening to music and so on. In this writing we will talk about how video games are. The first reason is how video gameare helpful. The second reason is how video games can be bad for you. The last reason is how video games are fun and how you will love... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People that play video games will miss a lot in life and if they don t use it right they will not get through life. They will fail school and not get a good job and they will not get a good education. They will not want to do thing in side all they will be doing is playing video games too much and then they will get into trouble, Last year, psychologists claimed that video game players who favor violent shoot em up games are more likely to be aggressive and ferocious when offline, and significantly more at risk of committing crimes (Wells 2). So there are some reasons why they say they are bad for kids. But there is no reason for you to try out the gaming live. Now if you don t like it then you don t have to get
  • 32. How To Make A Meatloaf I was placed in group three; we were tasked with preparing a meatloaf with three fourths of a cup of the soy substitute, and a tofu peanut butter pudding. Starting with the pudding, we gathered our ingredients: 16 oz. of tofu, 1 cup of peanut butter, Вѕ cup of sugar, 2 Tbs. of milk, and 2 tsp. of vanilla. After the ingredients were gathered, we placed the amounts given above into a blender and blended until it formed a light custard. Once the pudding was thoroughly mixed, we scooped it into custard cups and cooled it in the refrigerator, until time to serve. The second project given was to prepare a meatloaf; the ingredients were provided: ground beef, chopped onions, salt, pepper, barbeque sauce, an egg, textured soy protein, and a few mild
  • 33. Delta Flight 191 (L-1011) Everyday millions of people fly on airplanes. It is an easy and fast way of traveling for work, vacations or to see family members. Statically air travel is safer than traveling by car, airplanes have higher fatality accidents. The reasons airplanes crash vary and can happen during takeoff, landing or during flight. August 1985 witnessed more passenger and crew deaths on commercial airlines than any other month. [http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine 33931693.] On August 2, 1985, Delta Flight 191 was making a routine trip from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Los Angeles with a stopover in Dallas. The Lockheed L 1011, only six years old, was piloted by Captain Edward Conner [Conner], Second Officer Nick Nassick and First Officer Rudolph Price... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Federal Aviation Administration. For the eight years prior to the Delta crash, there had been a fierce controversy within meteorology and aviation over Dr. Ted Fujita s theory that an undiscovered atmospheric phenomena that he named a downburst had caused a string of jetliners, starting in 1973, to crash. http:/ /www.mikesmithenterprisesblog.com/2010/08/25th anniversary of crash of delta 191.html At the time of the crash, Doppler Radar Systems were being tested in Denver to track precipitation and detect wind changes. After the crash, pilots were required to train to react to microbursts and quickly take evasive action. Since then, weather forecasting and windshear detection also has improved. http:/ /www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/08/02/crash delta 191 30 years since hell ripped open dallas/31024123/. Now all major airports have Doppler Radars and NASA created an airborne wind shear detection system that s required always onboard all commercial airplanes. Ground based low level wind shear alert detection systems were installed at most major airports and Terminal Doppler Weather Radar was installed at 44 high risk airports, including DFW. These two systems generate wind shear alerts that are relayed from the air traffic control tower to pilots in flight or preparing to take off. Additionally, improved training has led to a preferable
  • 34. Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams s famous play A Streetcar Named Desire centers around a Southern Belle named Blanche Dubois living in an urban home with her younger sister, Stella, and brother in law, Stanley where she has packed up all of her belongings in one trunk. She is not accustomed to the modern, urban way of life, so she sticks out like a sore thumb, and Stanley gives her a hard time in the process. He is skeptical of her and disrespects her in many ways throughout the play including rummaging through her belongings and criticizing her way of life. One night, Stella and Blanche return home late to the men drinking and playing poker. Blanche meets Mitch who she eventually admits she wants to be married to him. That night, Blanche learns that Stanley... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Blanche attempts to convince Stella that it is not right for her to stay with a man who hits her and acts like an animal. In the story, Blanche mentions things to Stella like You re married to a madman! and He acts like an animal, has an animal s habits! ...There s even something sub human something not quite to the stage of humanity yet! Yes, something ape like about him, like one of those pictures I ve seen in anthropological studies, (Williams
  • 35. New Opportunities And Safe Loan Standards For Home Ownership As American as apple pie, home ownership is a quintessential part of many American s dream. Making this dream a reality requires hard work, perseverance, and an understanding of the housing market and loan options. It also requires a confidence in the economy and job market that many people justifiably do not have after a devastating housing crash. However, as our nation recovers from this crisis, we look ahead to new opportunities and safe loanstandards for home ownership. Like a boomerang, a Sarasota Herald Tribune article describes ...recession battered [boomerang buyers] are reentering the home market in droves after years of renting, nursing their credit and saving enough to buy again (Salman). Both boomerang buyers and first time... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Understandably, these factors are affecting many potential new home buyers who feel home ownership may be too risky and potential boomerang buyers who feel little hope for owning again after foreclosure. What these potential buyers may not know is that the housing market is rapidly gaining strength and security and home loans are available to boomerang buyers in as little as twelve months. An article titled Boomerang buyers could boost housing market not only states that people reentering the housing market after a foreclosure or short sale are able to qualify for loans, but they are necessary for the continued stability of the market. The article also states that Under the Federal Housing Administration s (FHA) Back to Work program, it will approve certain borrowers for a home loan just one year after a foreclosure, short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure or bankruptcy¬¬¬¬¬¬¬. This time period has been reduced from two or three years for those individuals who lost their homes due to a job loss or other qualifying financial hardship (Miller). For potential new buyers, it is a great time to buy as interest rates are at a historic low. USA Today reports that buying a home is 44 percent cheaper in many major metro cities and with interest
  • 36. Sand Bunkers Sand how you are supposed to defeat it? The best point of a golf game is obstacles. They are there for a reason and the it is to prevent the players from getting to their target too soon. Somebody have to see their ball hit straight to a pond. Others find their ball among tree leaves. However, people who find their ball in a sand bunkers say that this is in no way less difficult than other cases. People who hit their ball to water or trees may find their games end in bitter. They think hitting your ball in a sand bunkers is somehow way better because you can still make a hit and save your game. In fact, hitting a ball from sand ground is very difficult. Have you ever seen your ball sink in sand and just some part of it show out. That is really a nightmare. However, not matter what the unlucky situation you are in, you have to find ways to work it out. Below is some tricks that help you go out of this circumstance well. Work with your foot, body weight... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You have to make a small twitch in the way you step your foot. When you step it back to a position you may find it weird, you are in the right position. This sounds funny but it make sure you keep your stance straight and strong. And in this position, you can clearly see your ball and assure your hit to catch it and aim the right direction. Next to this is to deal with your body weight. When you take control of your body, you take control of how far the ball may go. Putting most of your weight on one side which is left hand side is the key point. When you do this, you have your left foot to support all your body and you are now able to swing the club, dig into sand and hit out your
  • 37. Economic Impacts Of The Cold War The Cold War was a period of economic, political and military tension between the United States of America (USA) and the Soviet Union (USSR) from the 1940s to the late 80s after World War II . It was called the Cold War because there was no large scale fighting directly between the two nations, which was probably due to the differences in ideologies between USA and USSR, the distrust between two countries, and actions in the Soviet zone of Germany had significant impacts on these two countries. Undoubtedly, all of these views were about the Cold Warwas an intense struggle for power between two nations. In 1945, two superpowers emerged, the United States and the Soviet Union. USA was a capitalist country which demanded democracy led by President ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Eventually, there was an Iron Curtain descends in Europe, which separated Europe into eastern and western countries. The eastern sides were the Soviet s allies with more dictatorship and communist countries.The western sides were the US s allies with democratic capitalist countries. The USSR and the US didn t trade or negotiate with each other, they became very unfriendly and their relationship turned out extremely cold and filled with tension. At last, Stalin turned out refuse to acknowledge the Declaration of Liberated Europe, and refuse to allow free elections. Thus, these actions led to the creation of satellite nations in Eastern Europe. These two countries created tension and distrust each other, most importantly, both sides had access to lethality nuclear weapons. And all of these factors were the central causes of the Cold War and lasted for almost half century. To conclude, the distrust between two powerful countries led to Cold War, it had comprehensive implications in the international affairs. It not only raised citizens fear of war but also to against humanity. The unnecessary disbursement in the armament production created a barrier against the progress of the world and slow down the improvement in the living standards of the
  • 38. American Kane Monologue I have heard stories of a light so bright it could light up a world. A light so bright it caused darkness to hide in the shadows, bringing life to a world known as earth. On aged videos, with poor audio, there are the playbacks of streams flowing in crooked banks. The water sparkles, catching the light and playing with the shine, allowing glints and sparks. Ancient animals with black and white stripes, huge mains, or long necks, ruled dry lands where the sun poured throughout. It s beautiful, or it was beautiful. My parents were just children when the desolation first began. My body longs to see this world in person, although we are told it s not inhabitable. The overly polluted air is no longer breathable, animals died off, and people were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kane Now every year we show you the progress our probes have made in scanning our dear Earth he signals to the screen once more. Take a look the screen flickers until the pixelated video is finally shown. Gasps echo throughout the crowed, my hand is slightly squeezed from my mother, her tear filled eyes are strained on the screen. Dust devils swirl up into the air as the prob looks down upon a desolated landscape. I feel numb, every year my hopes rise, as I feed myself fantasies from my parent s stories. Then each year they are destroyed with the heart wrenching truth. The screen finishes again, showing course after course of earthly destruction. I m so sorry to say that earth is still unlivable he looks down a sorrowful anger expressed through him I m sorry He says again as he then proceeds to walk off the stage. The woman who introduced him steps in quickly to fill his place. Her blond hair cascading over her shoulder as she taps the mic. Okay, to get this years round of shots proceed to building B. If you happen to have any questions, proceed to building
  • 39. Leaf By Niggle Summary Mankind has always been fascinated by the afterlife. In light of this fascination, it is no surprise that two Christian authors, both known for their fantasy literature, wrote imaginative accounts of the metaphysical: Leaf by Niggle , by J.R.R. Tolkien and The Great Divorce, written by C.S. Lewis. Although the works are similar in their vivid imagery and creative imaginings, they are markedly different in style and in the characters they use to develop their story. Both authors create two distinct worlds that are somewhere between Heaven and Hell and both offer beautifully descriptive accounts of these worlds. However, Tolkien s style is quiet and meditative while Lewis writes with clarity and boldness. Tolkien limits his examination to two main characters while Lewis studies many characters. In both Leaf by Niggle , and The Great Divorce, the main characters spend time in two contrasting worlds between Heaven and Hell. In each... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tolkien s style is quiet and requires deliberation while Lewis pens his story with obvious clarity. For example, it is never directly stated that Niggle has died. There are hints that enable the reader to deduce what has happened, for example, a Driver arrives to take Niggle away from his home and he questions what the Driver is there for, The carriage was ordered long ago. It has come at last. . . You ll have to go; but it s a bad way to start on your journey, leaving your jobs undone ( Leaf 107). One is left to guess that death has come at last and poor Niggle is not ready. Lewis, on the other hand clearly conveys that the Ghosts and Solid Ones have died. When one of the ghosts is too ashamed to reveal herself, she exclaims, I d rather die (Great, 60), and the Solid One responds, But you ve died already. There s no good trying to go back to that (Great, 61). Lewis, unlike Tolkien, boldly pronounces his characters unhappy state time and time
  • 40. Time Stealers By tracking my time for one week I discovered I have more time than I think. My 168 hour week was broken down into seven categories; maintenance, work, education, family/friends, goof off, personal and group time. In viewing the total hours spent in each category I see that I need to change my priorities. The maintenance category consumes forty four percent of my time. I found many time stealers that distract me from doing what I planned (Facebook, texting, phone). In addition to time stealers, I found that I m easily distracted from one task to another. An example would be while loading the dishwasher I notice a smudge on a kitchen window, so I ll clean the window, well I can t just clean one kitchen window; I need to clean them all. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The amount of time spent on education will fluctuate weekly due to the complexity of the assignments. The percentage of time spent on education is acceptable, no change is needed. Currently zero time is spent in the group time category. Working full time and going to school I do not have the energy to dedicate any time to participate in a group. I spent six years as a volunteer at a local animal shelter socializing animals, chairing fundraisers and being on the Board of Directors; due to burn out I decided to resign. I enjoy volunteering and view it as an important part of one s life; I plan to dedicate time to the group category after this semester. Goof off time represents ten percent of my time. The main activities represented in this category are surfing the internet and watching T.V. My return on investment for watching T.V. is very high. I tend to watch documentaries and historical based programs such as Victoria on PBS. Unfortunately I spend far too much time aimlessly surfing the internet, the consequences of which is wasted time that could be better spent in another category. To help me lower the amount of wasted time on the net, I ve put a sticky note on my computer that reads, Time
  • 41. 5 20th Century Cult Leaders Analysis As stated in Elizabeth Nix s 5 20th Century Cult Leaders the largest recorded non natural disaster loss of U.S. civilian before 9/11 took place in the jungle of Guyanese. Where Jim Jones the leader of an American cult named Peoples Temple convinced his followers they would create a utopian community. However, what was found in place of said community was harsh living conditions and punishment for wavering faith. While back in America the concerned loved ones of the members lobbied for investigation of the settlement, on November 17th their wishes were met. What was meant to be a simple delegation one day turned into mass bloodshed the next; gunmen set by Jones ambushed U.S. representative Leo Ryanand members who wanted to defect. Those who... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However that wasn t always the idea associated with the term. Dr. Michael D. Langone writes: Historically, cult refers to a system of worship and more specifically to an innovative religious system, as opposed to a sect, which is a breakaway group from an established religion. During the past 30 years, however, cult has taken on a pejorative connotation arising from disasters such as Jonestown and Waco, and hundreds of media reports of individuals and families devastated by involvement in cults. Another commonly misused word among cult scenarios is mental. However, this is not the case many are lead to believe that those involved in a religious cult suffer from some sort of mental disorder what the underline cause typically is a simple case of manipulation. What we don t realize is how susceptible to this method we actually are. It s casual name, marketing. You see there is not specific criteria to qualify someone to be likely to join a cult. We do not live in a world where everything fits into little boxes and what outside those walls is irrelevant. Instead we are very much affected by the indirect aspects of our environment. Everything has a ripple effect and there are deciding factors as to what will be most relevant. This is the method used by cult leaders. Like a math equation certain factors are plugged into a formula; high stress, unassertiveness, gullibility, naГЇve idealism. In which any singular form or combination can equal a sum we view as a cult. Dr. Langone explains the three conflicting theories used to help simplify the complicated variations that make up the deciding factors to join a religious
  • 42. Separating Peace By Character In John Knowles A Separate... Separating Peace Character By Character A Separate Peace is a novel based around a group of high school boys in a private college preparatory school named Devon. Most of Devon s students want, have, or search for peace throughout their time at school. Upon return from summer break, each character searches for and discovers their peace. The words separate and peace represent a variety of ideas in Knowles novel, especially for Gene, Phineas, and Leper. I believe author John Knowles chose this title to imply individuals may possess their own unique peace. Each character in A Separate Peace naturally had their own peace and each chose either to embrace their inner peace or to fight against it. The character Leper was a quiet, odd man... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That would be Gene s odd peace appearing to have the need of being top dog and having no rivalries, and being rid of anyone he could even have an inkling of jealousy against. In the text he says, ... I couldn t help envying him (Finny) that a little, which was perfectly normal. There was no harm in envying even your best friend a little. This quote was when Finny did not get in trouble at the Master s Tea for dressing against school code because he talked his way out of it. This was when the rivalry between Gene and what he believed was Finny, but was really only one sided (Finny had no thoughts pertaining to this) started. This is a very rare peace. I hardly ever see where someone finds peace by envying and wanting major personal competition with their close friends. The full picture of Gene s peace included being top dog, doing the best in school, aiming for valedictorian, and having no opposition from anyone else. Most inward peace hinges on upbeat feelings, but Gene s character is different. His self peace came only after he had gotten rid of the one person he was jealous of and was completely rid of any anger or hatred. It is stated in the novel, My fury was gone, I felt it gone, dried up at the source, withered and lifeless. Phineas had absorbed it and taken it with him, and I was rid of it
  • 43. The Origin Of Species By Georges Cuvier Humanity is now able to view the world with the idea that everything is changing, and many of those changes are for the worst. Thanks to the father of paleontology Georges Cuvier, people on Earth begin to see that every animal that has lived on Earth is still living. Scientists before Cuvier were under the perception that every creature had a divine purpose on Earth and was just another cog in the machine that made the Earth function. Cuvier, through the identification of fossils, was able to identify different species by using small distinctions in their anatomy. With the identification of many large animal bones around the world found, but no living specimens found, Cuvier concluded that these animals must be especes perdues, or lost species.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Humans themselves no longer follow natural selection or evolution. This is because they have risen to the top of the world s hierarchy and does what no other organism does, breaking the peace keeping laws. These law as discussed in Ishmael, are followed by every organism on the planet except humans. The main parts that humans break are that humans exterminate their competitor...(and) deny their competitors access to food(Quinn 126). With humans eliminating their competition, it means that with no natural predators and an advantage over its competition, humans are nearly impossible to kill off. Most animals are either killed off by competition or by not being able to adapt to their changing environment. Because the world has arguably entered the geological age known as the Anthropocene, humans now have a greater impact on the environment than it has on humans. With humans having such a great impact on the Earth and humans being nearly impossible to kill off, what does this mean for everything
  • 44. Papa John s Research Paper The three top pizza chains in America are Pizza Hut, Domino s and Papa John s. The pizza business is very competitive. We are going to discuss the third largest pizza company, which happens to be Papa John s. John Schnatter is the CEO of Papa John s, he founded the company in 1985 and he own 30 percent of the company s assets. Papa John s is different from the other pizzaplaces because they pride themselves in using only fresh ingredients, by them using fresh ingredients this gives their pizza the distinguished taste that the consumers crave. The fresh ingredients are delivered two times a week is a part of the prideful quality center that Papa John s has put in place to guarantee fresh quality ingredients. Another unique difference in Papa
  • 45. Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs Kendall Smith Mrs. Payton 2: Lens 1st Draft 24 September 2014 Abraham Maslow was an American philosopher who was born in the early 1990 s in Brooklyn, New York. He was one of the leading theorists that promoted humanistic psychology during his era. Maslow sought to understand what motivates and inspires individuals. He theorized that individuals possess and hold a group of motivation and incentive systems not related to plunder or insensible desires. Maslow declared that people are motivated and provoked to attain certain needs. When one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fulfill the next one, and so on. The earliest version of Maslow s hierarchy of needs includes five motivational needs, often viewed as hierarchical levels inside a pyramid. The five stage representation can be separated into basic needs and growth needs. The deficiency or basic needs are said to motivate and stimulate individuals when they are unmet and not fully attained. Also, the desire to fulfill and accomplish such wants and needs will become stronger the longer the duration they are denied. Once these needs have been relatively satisfied, an individual may be capable of reaching the highest level of the pyramid called self actualization. Maslow though that self actualization is a state that exists when an individual is acting in harmony with his or her full capabilities. In Cormac McCarthy s novel, The Road, we will examine the character s physical journey towards self actualization on Maslow
  • 46. Syco Music Industry Essay Music industry sector S yco Music is one of the most important and successful music companies in Western Europe and more specifically in the UK, a subsidiary of Syco Entertainment. It is a record label founded in 2002 by Simon Cowell, a British music and television producer. This company signed with a variety of popular artists, as it owns the right to do so with winners or finalists of the TV show X Factor. The first office of SycoMusic was established in London and was highly successful in the British music industry, being a very influential record label. It soon expanded to Los Angeles where there are also some offices (Syco Music profile: Pressparty, 2015). Actually, Syco Music is a record label founded in collaboration with Sony Entertainment, which makes it a global entertainment production company. The diversity of international artists that signed with the record label and their success are what makes Syco Music very attractive for new artists looking for representation (SYCO Music | Sony Music UK Labels, 2015). Syco Entertainment is part of the private sector and is owned by Simon Cowell and Sony Music. Sir Phillip Green, a close friend of Cowell s, is the company s advisor, together with Karren Brady, television personality. Moreover, Tim Byrne is the Creative Director, David Gray is Senior Vice President and A R, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All of these artists sold millions of records and became highly successful. Most of them were either finalists or winners or television contests such as X Factor or Britain s Got Talent. For instance, the boyband One Direction became a phenomenon worldwide, selling 19 million singles and 10 million albums, winning two BRIT Awards and three MTV Music Awards. Syco Music s artists promote a variety of music genres, ranging from R B to opera, pop, or country (SYCO MUSIC,
  • 47. Contingency Planning And Its Effects On The Environment Koslo Ford Contingency Planning 4 17 16 Contingency Planning The worldwide outage caused by the electromagnetic pulse due to the solar storm would affect most of the operations that take place globally (Davis, 2003). Since internationalization entails interdependence with other countries, it implies that the world will be at a standstill. The economic processes, social and political activities will stagnate. However, suppose the world becomes aware of the catastrophe, governments and different social institutions in various countries would employ some contingencies that will enable them to continue thriving. Various changes will occur in the social life, and most of them would be inclined to the downside. For instance, the health sector will be at mess because most hospitals use power in the modern world, leading to the decline in the health services. The education sector is also not an exception. The digitalization of learning systems in the civilized society made learning easier. Since the systems use power, education will also be altered. Thus, the outage will paralyze the learning activities globally. Davis (2003) argues that the worldwide shortage of power will also cause unemployment to people who work in power driven companies. Since they operate and rely on electricity and digitalized communication systems, their production processes will stop, leading to their closure, and cause people to who used to work there lose their jobs. The deficiency in communication
  • 48. The Goals Of Imperialism Imperialism has increased peace and stability for various areas of the world through limiting slavery, improving land distribution and promoting different political systems. The first topic that I will be addressing is slavery. The goal of imperialism was to help areas who seem uncivilized , and from the start of this movement many people stated that they wanted to abolish slavery. Thomas Sowell (an american economist) once explained, The anti slavery movement was spearheaded by people who would today be called the religious right and its organization was created by conservative businessmen. Moreover, what destroyed slavery in the non Western world was Western imperialism . Nothing could be more jolting and discordant with the vision... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before imperialism, africa was very discombobulated and did not have real boundaries. However, europeans were able to create boundary lines resulting in a more peaceful and organized continent. In fact the Atlantic newspaper concludes, The threats of destabilizing war, of coups and counter coups, have eased since the first independent African leaders pledged to uphold European drawn borders . The final aspect that i would like to address is political effects. Although imperialism did not necessarily offer many political rights to citizens for much of the 19th century, it acted as a blessing in disguise for future population, introducing nationalism and democracy to africa and asia. It also brought political unity to india. As Norton college explained, British efforts to unify India laid the foundation for Indians to create a national identity, particularly when Indians were excluded from full citizenship in the British system This exposure encouraged countries to fight for independence so they could utilize these systems in the future. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson, created the League of nations in an attempt to achieve world peace. Although it was not successful, it inspired the creation of the modern United Nations, which has proven to be helpful in the world today. As an author for UNconditional concludes, When I look back however, I feel that the United Nations has played the most significant role in those areas that are at the core of the Charter of
  • 49. Descriptive Essay On Cigarillos Cigarillos are a shameful comfort of mine. They are a sort of small cigar that is typically flavored or infused. My father loved this type of cigar. I remember distinctly the sweet, vanilla scent that came off his freshly lit Jose Gerner one night in Key West. It was a smell that fascinated me. He sat back in the jacuzzi puffing on his tiny cigarwith a Becks in his hand. The smell was subtle, yet sweet and not at all a nuisance like typical cigar smoke. My mother occasionally smoked her own cigarillos, her s even smaller than my fathers. In Key West, we had rented a small house with some limited but decent backyard space. Staying in our vacation house was my parents, sister, and aunt, and uncle. I use the term aunt and uncle loosely here because they have no blood relation to anyone in my family. They are the type of family friends who have been in your life more than most of your actual family. They were and still are to this day, absolute nutcases. My parents know how to have a good time, but Irene and Jimmy know how to party harder than anyone even half their age. From the moment we touched down in Key West my aunt and uncle had already found a place to smoke a cigarette and found a bar where they could buy a drink. My uncle typically would order a beer, and my aunt would order a bloody mary. He was a funeral director, and she worked for a clothing catalog, although, I almost never saw either of them working, even on weekdays. To be honest, they were very
  • 50. Analysis Of Porter s Five Forces Nowadays, organizations is facing rapid change to the business environment where it becomes more complex than it were before. Indeed, these situation means that businesses need to find strategy to analyzing the implications of these changes and modifying the organizations reaction itself towards these situation. The strategies that the organization will apply also require gaining a complete understanding of the external environment of the organization. While understanding the macro environment of the business is important, organization also need to have great understanding of the competitors and the impact they will bring to the organization (Dobbs, 2014). In 1979, Michael E. Porter, a Harvard Business Schoolstudent introduced five key forces that determined the essential appeal of a business sector in a long run (Schachter, 2012). Porter s Five Forces is a framework that analyzes and identifies strategy of an industry, and also determines the weakness and strength of an industry, where the activities of the competitors also involved. Porter s Five Forces is cover understanding strategy of bargaining power of supplier, bargaining power of buyer, competitive rivalry, threat of substitution, and lastly threat of new entry. In addition, by having good understanding where the power rely on, businesses may take advantage by gaining strength or improve the weakness and evade taking wrong decision. Porter s Five Forces will help organizations to define the market properly and
  • 51. Discuss The Micro And Macro Environment Of Samsung 1.0 INTRODUCTION Samsung is a multinational Korean electronics company engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing mobile communication and other media devices, as well as related software, accessories and third party applications. They are one of the most well known electronic brands in the world. According to Mintel (2017), Samsung is still the world s number one smartphone vendor and along with Apple they dominate the smartphone market with 66% of the market share. Samsung currently operates in relatively 84 countries and have hired more than 320 million employees working for them. In the recent period, it has been focusing on making products that help people lead a better and smarter lifestyle. On being operational in the global market, Samsung has been subjected to various kinds of pressure. Therefore, the focus of this report is show while formulating an international strategy how Samsung should take both environment factors into consideration that will shape their business approach. The analytical business tools namely PESTLE and Porter Five Forces will be used to understand the micro and macro environment drivers of Samsung s strategy. 2.0 PESTLE (Macro Environment) This business tool is used as a strategy to explore the macro environment of Samsung and identify how future trends in the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal environments might have impacts on their organisation on a global scale. 2.1 POLITICAL In the UK, in
  • 52. The Perfect Body Image. The Horrific Things That Females the perfect body image. The horrific things that females put themselves through to lose weight is heartbreaking. Not only are bulimia sufferers suffering from vomiting but they suffer from stomach cramps, bags under their eyes, and hair loss. It has also been confirmed that celebrities have also experienced bulimia. Females look up to these females just like they look up to females in the spotlight for beauty standards, however these celebrities brush off the disease. Sacker mentioned that celebrities appearing on talk shows make it sound as if getting over an eating disorder is quick and easy, but the reality is very different (167). Binge eating is like bulimia but without the vomiting. Binge eating is a disorder that comes into effect... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, in the year 1996 to 1998 numbers for enhancement surgeries doubled. A tremendous way to describe cosmetic surgery would be human flourishing or artificial beauty. Bad news about cosmetic surgery is that it can become addicting. Once, a female with self image concern lays money to cosmetic surgery, they will continue to come back for more and more. People in the United States are spending around 12 billion dollars on cosmetic surgeries. Celebrities and models fall under a double standard when it comes to cosmetic surgeries because majority of them undergo them, however they are promoting a beauty standard and stereotype that comes off as being natural. In order, to see a change in eating disorders, a decrease in plastic surgery numbers, stereotypes, and this ideal beauty standard there are drastic changes that need to be done. First, not everyone is born perfect and the reality of having a perfect body is nonrealistic. Sacker defines perfectionism as a powerful, sometimes irrational, urge to do everything exactly right is a personality trait that s common among people with eating disorders (50). The media is promoting a beauty standard that comes across as ideal/perfect/right, however nobody meets this perfection naturally. Thus, being said females plant this seed of perfection in their brain due to the media. In order, for results the media needs to start introducing plus size models, showing more
  • 53. Impact Of Airplane On Society Airplanes fly 50,000 80,000 times each day! They also fly more than millions of times in a year! Some people think that airplanes are meaningless flying through the sky, but airplanes have a long history and makes society a better place. In my opinion the airplanes have the greatest impact on society. To begin with airplanes has a long history of impacting society. The airplane was invented in 1903. In 1799 George Caley set forth of the concept for a modern airplane than later on built some models of his own. Back in 1783 people like George worked on building airplanes but at first the airplanes couldn t fly as the inventors wanted to but at once the very first flying airplane in 1903 finally flew by the wright brothers. For example the airplane
  • 54. The Military Events of the Meiji Restoration Essay In this investigation I will look at the major historical and military events of the transition of the Edo period to the Meiji Period and the Meiji Restoration and look at how they relate to the freedom of Japanese people. Japan during the periods of 1600 1868 A.D. was a land of seclusion, military power and oppression. This was known as the Edo period. This however was one of the most peaceful times in Japan s history. This peace was established through the military powers of the Tokugawa Shogunate. This peace brought with it no real individual freedoms. The supposed ruler of Japan the emperor was known as a du jure emperor, ruling by permission from the Tokugawa Shogunate. In 1868, the Tokugawa shogun lost its power and the emperor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Black Ships (1853 56 A.D.) During the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate, there was a policy in place that cut ties with any other countries. This policy was known as the Seclusion Policy. This policy limited the amount of trade with other countries. This policy was still in place during the arrival of the Black Ships. The Black Ships were a series of American gunships with the intent on establishing diplomatic and trade ties between Japan and the United States of America. This was an invitation delivered from the president of the United States, Millard Fillmore, through Commodore Matthew Perry. After Perry had delivered the message from the president, the ships left and promised to return in one year s time. This ultimatum intimidated Japan. This started a negotiation that ended the Seclusion policy. The document known as the Harry Treaty, negotiated by the first U.S. consul, Townsend Harris, gave special provisions over the other nations and started to end the Seclusion Policy. This treaty leads to further oppression of the Japanese but not by their own government but the Western world. This will be discussed later. The Fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1867 A.D.) This series of events began to undermine the Shogunate. The Japanese people began to have a foreign influence that was intimidating. This intimidation was crucial as the people were scared of the American forces that also returned a year later. This left
  • 55. Foolproof Tactics Wow, that assembly was extremely interesting. I felt so inspired by their sleep inducing speeches and extremely confident stutter. The people I m talking about, is of course the idiots who think they can win the nomination for Board of trustees(B.O.T). School politics are so easy to manipulate, for even the stupidest people. Here are some foolproof tactics to win at school politics. Firstly and probably most importantly, before I say this I must stress not to skip this step, is to volunteer for the position. This might seem extremely for the average reader but it is possible and armed with these foolproof tactics there is no way you could ever lose. A key to success is a good appearance. A good appearance has very specific circumstances. These ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... False promises are key to getting your audience to vote for you. Claim you want do the best for everyone but in reality it is all about you winning. One great example is to attempt to promise the ability for people to leave school during lunch. This is excellent because it is what the people want but obviously there is no way the republicans will let anything through the senate. The hype train is important for people to win you would want the to be derailed. This can be done by focusing upon the young and naive as the will are likely to believe whatever you say so add a few hype men to their ranks and easy votes are gained.The plan would influence them to want to vote for as it seems popular. Quantity not quality of vote matters. On that note it is important you stand fresh and trendy, try something like this, check my lit instagram for some fire photos or damn (somebody s name, don t actually say somebody s name use the name of the person ur trying to target) back at it again with the dank memes. This makes seem like an ordinary peasent but in reality they are nothing to you. Looking through these ideas I have seen a clear victor this year with his false promises, riding the hype train with his fancy slogans and his fake recommendations. For his trickery and underhand tactics he deserves an applause for his ideas, I can still hear yes for