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Abusing “Accepted Risk” With
3rd-Party Command and Control
Justin Warner
Jon Perez


Justin Warner - @sixdub
■ Computer Science grad from USAF
Academy & former USAF Cyber Guy
■ Former: Red Team Lead w/ Adaptive Threat
■ Current: Principal Security Engineer at
■ Co-founder of PowerShell Empire and
contributor on numerous open-source
■ BlackHat USA Instructor in 2015 & 2016


Jon Perez (JP)
■ Army Veteran and part-time grad student
■ Former: Army Cyber Ops Specialist
■ Current: Security Research Engineer at
IronNet Cybersecurity
■ First time conference presenter (be kind)
■ True tinkerer who spends his free time
diving head first into malware and
malicious network flows


■ We are not data scientists
■ We are not mathematicians
■ We are not all-knowing
■ We are amateurs/n00bs
■ We have not seen your networks
• Although we have seen many like it
■ We are not the first people to
research these techniques


Hold Up...
What is this about?!


Who Are The Adversaries?


Methods of Infrastructure
■Utilize paid services
• Digital ocean, AWS, Azure, etc
■Utilize bare metal
• Buy dedicated servers around the world
■Utilize previously compromised
• Hack people to hack other people
■Utilize 3rd parties
• Utilize techniques to bend traffic in
“legitimate” ways


Break… It… Down
“Accepted Risk” of allowing various services
■ Organizations are constantly fighting the battle
of risk vs reward
• Workplace culture and satisfaction
■ Do the technical controls match policy rules?
■ Some services are considered productive vs
traditional social media
Let me illustrate this for you…


When Did This Become Okay?
Network Security Team


Break… It… Down...
“3rd Party C2”
■ The use of neutral services as a means of
• Uses API or programmatic interaction
■ Useful throughout the killchain


Put It Together
“Social media and storage services are a must
for my standard users and marketing team”
(Reward > Risk) ∴ Adversaries Abuse


Real World Case
Lessons from “the field”


Case Study #1: APT 29 & Twitter+Github+Stego


Case Study #2: Icoscript Malware & Yahoo Mail
Decrypts “script” from .ico file
IE COM Object
Yahoo Mail Account
Check Inbox
Send Email
Uses Script To Command
Fake User Interaction


Case Study #3: CloudAtlas & CloudMe
Webdav Connection
Implant Activities
Encrypted C2 & Exfil
Victim Folders


Case Study #4: Random Phish & Google Forms
System Survey w/ WMI & Environment


Threat Replication
… and how we can do it!


What is Adversary Emulation?
■A type of red teaming that focuses on
the emulation of a specific adversaries
• Utilize intel to model the adversary
• Highly realistic tools
• Attempt to behave as they have before
• Works against networks and products
■Some weaknesses to this approach
• Risk of handcuffing the red team
• Easy to study tools, hard to emulate
tactics/techniques (lack of real intel)


Existing Tools
■ Surprise… we are not the only ones
doing this:
• GCat - Shell over gmail
• Empire 2.0 - Able to do custom C2 modules
including 3rd party apps
• DropSmack - C2 over Dropbox sync folder
• Instegogram - C2 over Instagram with stego
■ We are using our POCs to prove a point
• Not weaponized
• More time should be spent with realistic IOAs
(known unknowns) rather than threat data feeds


You: Justin/Jon… I can stop your POCs… I
block PowerShell!
Me: Can you block all C exes? How about
legit signed C++ exes? How about .dll
files? How about py2exe? Can you do so
without impacting business? If so, we
should talk.
I know you can defeat my POCs.




CloudMe WebDav C2


Google Mail COM Object C2


Google Sheets C2


Dropbox API C2


Twitter COM C2


Detecting Threats


“I can’t possibly capture that amount of data…”
“How will we be able to parse and process the data quick
“I don’t even know where all of my endpoints are let alone am
I able to collect from them”
“All I end up with is a giant collection of telemetry, what is that
useful for… what do we go look for?”
“99/100 times, I spend hours looking at false positives”
I didn’t say this was easy…


If User Can Do It, So Can APT
I didn’t say this was easy…


Define “Normal”
I didn’t say this was easy…


What You Need To Find Evil
■Wide swath of data with a statistically
significant sample size
• Ongoing collection is helpful
■Collaborative data is helpful (host/net)
• Hunting is easier with a full picture
• SSL terminating might give more info but…
■Ability to rapidly ingest, parse, and
analyze data to prevent relevant


Information Process
Context Enrichment
Intel Information
Raw Data


Examples of Data Sources (Not All Inclusive)
• PCAP / Span off of core switch and egress
• DNS logs or passive DNS
• Netflow
• Proxy logs
• Internal Threat Intel (Sandbox Detonation)
■Endpoint (eventing is best)
• Process listing events
• Network connection events
• DNS lookup events
• Service add/removal events
• Program install / uninstall events


Data Enrichment Sources
■ Data helps you draw a picture but does not turn it
into a movie
• Enriching the data makes it significantly more useful
■ Any question you would normally ask about an
indicator… someone else has probably thought of
it! (Enrich)
• Free Sources of Info
• Internal Info
■ If not, try to calculate or look up the information
yourself (correlate / contextualize)


Indicator of Compromise (IOC) vs Attack (IOA)
IOC - Evidence or artifact on a computer
that indicates that the system/network has
been compromised [breached]
Has been focused on data aka IP address, hash, C2
domain, etc
IOA - Series of actions or events that
indicates malicious action is ongoing
Usually chains together data points into an analytic
that indicates progression in the kill chain


Endpoint Based: Binary Signature Heuristics w/DNS
■Signature hygiene has significantly
increased through the years
■Should unsigned code be reaching out
to the internet? Can we detect on it?


Network Based: Timestamp Analysis & Beaconing
■Assuming you have an analytic to
determine periodicity
■Establish a baseline for nodes in the


Network Based: API Token & Host Pairing
■SSL termination is a risk/reward
• Lets just assume you do SSL termination and
collect metadata or PCAP


Endpoint Based: Network & Process Correlation
■Next-Gen EDR “X” usually has
eventing capability (or you can use
event logs)
• ETW is a great built-in capability for defensive
teams to collect eventing data from
Should powershell.exe be reaching out to Dropbox API?


Network Based: Flow Abnormalities


So What?


Wrapping Up
■Threat actors are creative and will find
ways to use your weaknesses
■3rd party services make for quick and
easy C2 or exfiltration vectors
■Detecting the use of 3rd party services
for C2 is difficult
• Requires foundational network collection
• Attacker activity will often come in a series of
behaviors to create a pattern
• Need to look for anomalous activity


Feel free to reach out with questions
or share ideas…
Off to the beach…


Case Study 1: https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/848-DID-242/images/rpt-
Case Study 2:
Case Study 3: https://threatpost.com/red-october-attackers-return-with-
Case Study 4: @JohnLaTwC (and the real authors)
Slide Template: slidecarnival.com

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  • 1. Abusing “Accepted Risk” With 3rd-Party Command and Control (C2) Justin Warner Jon Perez
  • 2. $whoami Justin Warner - @sixdub ■ Computer Science grad from USAF Academy & former USAF Cyber Guy ■ Former: Red Team Lead w/ Adaptive Threat Div ■ Current: Principal Security Engineer at ICEBRG ■ Co-founder of PowerShell Empire and contributor on numerous open-source projects ■ BlackHat USA Instructor in 2015 & 2016
  • 3. $whoami Jon Perez (JP) ■ Army Veteran and part-time grad student ■ Former: Army Cyber Ops Specialist ■ Current: Security Research Engineer at IronNet Cybersecurity ■ First time conference presenter (be kind) ■ True tinkerer who spends his free time diving head first into malware and malicious network flows
  • 4. Disclaimer ■ We are not data scientists ■ We are not mathematicians ■ We are not all-knowing ■ We are amateurs/n00bs ■ We have not seen your networks • Although we have seen many like it ■ We are not the first people to research these techniques
  • 5. Hold Up... What is this about?!
  • 6. Who Are The Adversaries?
  • 7. Methods of Infrastructure ■Utilize paid services • Digital ocean, AWS, Azure, etc ■Utilize bare metal • Buy dedicated servers around the world ■Utilize previously compromised infrastructure • Hack people to hack other people ■Utilize 3rd parties • Utilize techniques to bend traffic in “legitimate” ways
  • 8. Break… It… Down “Accepted Risk” of allowing various services ■ Organizations are constantly fighting the battle of risk vs reward • Workplace culture and satisfaction ■ Do the technical controls match policy rules? ■ Some services are considered productive vs traditional social media Let me illustrate this for you…
  • 9. When Did This Become Okay? CTO CIO CISO Network Security Team
  • 10. Break… It… Down... “3rd Party C2” ■ The use of neutral services as a means of C2 • Uses API or programmatic interaction ■ Useful throughout the killchain
  • 11. Put It Together “Social media and storage services are a must for my standard users and marketing team” (Reward > Risk) ∴ Adversaries Abuse Services
  • 12. Real World Case Studies Lessons from “the field”
  • 13. Case Study #1: APT 29 & Twitter+Github+Stego git.io/vHegd #viper098 exfil.ps1
  • 14. Case Study #2: Icoscript Malware & Yahoo Mail djiwdE@FHU #DJwd3i2jdi3 2dm23idm3i2 Decrypts “script” from .ico file IE COM Object Yahoo Mail Account Check Inbox For Commands Send Email w/Exfil Uses Script To Command Fake User Interaction
  • 15. Case Study #3: CloudAtlas & CloudMe Webdav Connection Implant Activities webdav.cloudme.com<Username>CloudDrive Encrypted C2 & Exfil Victim Folders
  • 16. Case Study #4: Random Phish & Google Forms System Survey w/ WMI & Environment Win32_Processor Win32_OperatingSystem ENV Variables: USERNAME, COMPUTERNAME, USERDOMAIN 1 2 3
  • 17. Threat Replication … and how we can do it!
  • 18. What is Adversary Emulation? ■A type of red teaming that focuses on the emulation of a specific adversaries • Utilize intel to model the adversary • Highly realistic tools • Attempt to behave as they have before • Works against networks and products ■Some weaknesses to this approach • Risk of handcuffing the red team • Easy to study tools, hard to emulate tactics/techniques (lack of real intel)
  • 19. Existing Tools ■ Surprise… we are not the only ones doing this: • GCat - Shell over gmail • Empire 2.0 - Able to do custom C2 modules including 3rd party apps • DropSmack - C2 over Dropbox sync folder • Instegogram - C2 over Instagram with stego ■ We are using our POCs to prove a point • Not weaponized • More time should be spent with realistic IOAs (known unknowns) rather than threat data feeds
  • 20. “ You: Justin/Jon… I can stop your POCs… I block PowerShell! Me: Can you block all C exes? How about legit signed C++ exes? How about .dll files? How about py2exe? Can you do so without impacting business? If so, we should talk. I know you can defeat my POCs.
  • 23. Google Mail COM Object C2
  • 28. “ “I can’t possibly capture that amount of data…” “How will we be able to parse and process the data quick enough?” “I don’t even know where all of my endpoints are let alone am I able to collect from them” “All I end up with is a giant collection of telemetry, what is that useful for… what do we go look for?” “99/100 times, I spend hours looking at false positives” I didn’t say this was easy…
  • 29. If User Can Do It, So Can APT I didn’t say this was easy…
  • 30. Define “Normal” I didn’t say this was easy…
  • 31. What You Need To Find Evil ■Wide swath of data with a statistically significant sample size • Ongoing collection is helpful ■Collaborative data is helpful (host/net) • Hunting is easier with a full picture • SSL terminating might give more info but… privacy ■Ability to rapidly ingest, parse, and analyze data to prevent relevant information
  • 32. Information Process Context Enrichment Intel Information Intel Raw Data
  • 33. Examples of Data Sources (Not All Inclusive) ■Network • PCAP / Span off of core switch and egress • DNS logs or passive DNS • Netflow • Proxy logs • Internal Threat Intel (Sandbox Detonation) ■Endpoint (eventing is best) • Process listing events • Network connection events • DNS lookup events • Service add/removal events • Program install / uninstall events
  • 34. Data Enrichment Sources ■ Data helps you draw a picture but does not turn it into a movie • Enriching the data makes it significantly more useful ■ Any question you would normally ask about an indicator… someone else has probably thought of it! (Enrich) • REST APIs • Free Sources of Info • Internal Info ■ If not, try to calculate or look up the information yourself (correlate / contextualize)
  • 35. Indicator of Compromise (IOC) vs Attack (IOA) IOC - Evidence or artifact on a computer that indicates that the system/network has been compromised [breached] Has been focused on data aka IP address, hash, C2 domain, etc IOA - Series of actions or events that indicates malicious action is ongoing Usually chains together data points into an analytic that indicates progression in the kill chain
  • 36. Endpoint Based: Binary Signature Heuristics w/DNS ■Signature hygiene has significantly increased through the years ■Should unsigned code be reaching out to the internet? Can we detect on it?
  • 37. Network Based: Timestamp Analysis & Beaconing ■Assuming you have an analytic to determine periodicity ■Establish a baseline for nodes in the environment
  • 38. Network Based: API Token & Host Pairing ■SSL termination is a risk/reward tradeoff • Lets just assume you do SSL termination and collect metadata or PCAP
  • 39. Endpoint Based: Network & Process Correlation ■Next-Gen EDR “X” usually has eventing capability (or you can use event logs) • ETW is a great built-in capability for defensive teams to collect eventing data from environment! Should powershell.exe be reaching out to Dropbox API?
  • 40. Network Based: Flow Abnormalities
  • 42. Wrapping Up ■Threat actors are creative and will find ways to use your weaknesses ■3rd party services make for quick and easy C2 or exfiltration vectors ■Detecting the use of 3rd party services for C2 is difficult • Requires foundational network collection • Attacker activity will often come in a series of behaviors to create a pattern • Need to look for anomalous activity
  • 43. THANKS! Feel free to reach out with questions or share ideas… justin@sixdub.net johnny.nohandle@gmail.com Off to the beach…
  • 44. CREDITS Case Study 1: https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/848-DID-242/images/rpt- apt29-hammertoss.pdf Case Study 2: https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2014/08/icoscript-using- webmail-control-malware Case Study 3: https://threatpost.com/red-october-attackers-return-with- cloudatlas-apt-campaign/109806/ Case Study 4: @JohnLaTwC (and the real authors) Slide Template: slidecarnival.com