1. Here is where your
presentation begins
2. Entre los análisis que propone, trata de comprender el
pensamiento boliviano, su origen e identidad. Sin embargo,
dada la complejidad y dificultad de este tema, reflexiona a partir
de la cultura y la historia, lo místico y simbólico.Francovich
considera que el pensamiento boliviano debe continuar
evolucionando a partir de una conciencia de su historia, su
cultura, su misticismo, porque de ello depende su desarrollo
como sociedad.
Guillermo Franvovich
3. La historia de la filosofía en Bolivia no es un tema sencillo de abordar
debido a que pueden existir diferentes criterios dispersos para organizar el
desarrollo de la filosofía en Bolivia y, por otro lado, la filosofía en Bolivia
se ha desarrollado a partir de personajes que no necesariamente se
autoidentificaron como filósofos.
4. Filósofos destacados
en la historia de la
filosofía en Bolivia
• Alcides Arguedas
• Franz Tamayo
• Jaime Mendoza
• René Zavaleta Mercado
• Mariano Baptista Gumucio
• Fausto Reinaga
5. Luis Tapia y el Estado
Plurinacional de Bolivia
Luis Tapia Mealla es un filósofo, escritor y destacado investigador boliviano.
Es reconocido por su trabajo en el campo de la filosofía, sociología y la
antropología. Gran parte de la construcción de su pensamiento retoma la
propuesta de René Zavaleta Mercado, filósofo y sociólogo boliviano que
aborda el problema de lo nacional-popular en la sociedad boliviana.
Uno de los motivos por los que es considerado un filósofo importante en la
actualidad es la relevancia y pertinencia que tiene su pensamiento respecto
de problemáticas actuales como la construcción del Estado Plurinacional.
6. El Estado Plurinacional
El concepto de lo Plurinacional surge como una alternativa al concepto
de Nación que pretendió uniformar bajo una sola identidad a todas las
identidades individuales y colectivas que conviven en este territorio
que políticamente conocemos como Bolivia. Desde la fundación de la
República, la forma de organización del Estado y sus leyes generaron
diferentes mecanismos que ahondaron en la exclusión, racismo,
pobreza y violencia. Por ejemplo, la primera Constitución Política del
Estado de 1826 no consideraba como ciudadanos a los indígenas, lo
cual les privaba de derechos como la educación o la participación
7. Entre sus aportes se encuentra la descolonización, como una vía para
construir pensamiento propio a partir de una realidad e identidad propia.
Su pensamiento propone una crítica a la modernidad desde una
perspectiva no europea, desde el contexto Latinoamericano. Considera
importante desafiar las visiones eurocéntricas de la historia, repensar los
fundamentos de la ciencia y la filosofía y desarrollar nuevas formas de
pensar que vayan más allá de las limitaciones de la modernidad
Juan José Bautista Segales
y su pensamiento sobre la
descolonización (1958-2021)
8. Dezcolonizacion
En América Latina, la descolonización implica un proceso de liberación de la subjetividad
colonizada, es decir, de la visión de la realidad impuesta durante siglos de
colonización. Este proceso implica comenzar a pensar desde la identidad e historia
propia y producir conocimientos y culturas propias. En este marco, la
descolonización es cuestionar y desafiar los modelos y formas de pensamiento que
pretenden imponerse por la fuerza, como una manera de sostener y reproducir el
orden y la dominación. La descolonización no significa negar todo e ir en contra de
todo, sino rechazar y cuestionar aquello que pretende imponerse a través de un
argumento de superioridad. Frases como: “así siempre se ha hecho”, o “lo que yo
digo, se cumple”, son pequeñas expresiones de colonización y neocolonización.
9. Look into my eyes
You can enter a subtitle here if
you need it
10. This activity will build your student’s
trust and they will connect with
each other. It goes like this: they
have to be set in pairs and then
stare at the eyes of their partner for
a whole minute. They might not like
it at first, but it will be very enriching
for their relationships.
Look into my eyes
11. This activity will build your student’s trust and they
will connect with each other. It goes like this: they
have to be set in pairs and then stare at the eyes
of their partner for a whole minute. They might
not like it at first, but it will be very enriching for
their relationships.
Look into my eyes
15. Take a chair
Take one student and sit them
facing away from the rest of their
Close your eyes
This student has to close their
eyes and the rest must stand
behind them
Say “Hi!”
Now, the students say “Greetings,
your majesty” imitating different
Who said it?
After that, the student in the chair
must guess who the speakers
Greetings, your majesty
17. Rock, paper, scissors tag
Two teams!
For this game, you need a lot
of room: your students must
run freely! First, establish a
base for each team.
The teams choose rock,
paper or scissors and will
play against each other at
your signal.
The winners will chase the
opponent team and try to tag
them while the losers run
back to their base.
19. Instructions
Two teams
Ask your students to form
two teams
Write the first word
on board
The players in the 'hot
seats' can't see it
They swap seats
with another
All the words must have
been used
Prepare a list of
five words
That your class has
recently learned
It is a fantastic idea
Tell the players the total
number of words
22. Birthday line up
With this activity you’ll foster
communication between students. They
have to line up depending on their
birthdays: the younger come first, then
the older. This might take a while.
The goal is for them to communicate and
develop number sense. They need to
figure out who comes after who only by
asking the person next to them. It’ll be
24. Birthday line up
John Smith Susan Bones
Carolina Moore
Jenna Doe
Timmy Jimmy
Jessica Moore
Thomas Doe
Jenna Bones
25. Birthday line up
John Smith
Leonor Miller
Marie Patterson
Carolina Moore
Marc Williams
John Johnson
26. Birthday line up
Carolina Moore
Susan Bones
Thomas Doe
Jenna Bones
Jenna Doe
Jessica Moore
Jessica Moore
Timmy Jimmy
28. Let’s write!
Fill the Gap
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one in the
Solar System. This planet's name
has nothing to do with the liquid
Make two groups
Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet from the Sun. It’s
terribly hot, even hotter than
Mercury, and its atmosphere is
extremely poisonous
01 02
32. Let's travel!
Describe the picture to your team. When you
have guessed the monument, put it in its place
on the map!
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Mars is actually a
very cold place
Jupiter is the biggest
It’s the farthest
planet from the Sun
51. Games Team 1 Team 2
Look into my eyes 10pt 5pt
Greetings, Your Majesty 20pt 3pt
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag 3pt 2pt
Birthday Line Up 5pt 20pt
Let’s travel! 3pt 2pt
Quick quiz 20pt 10pt
TOTAL 61pt 42pt
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Desktop Software
57. Our Team
Sarah Doe
You can speak a bit about
this person here
John Smith
You can speak a bit about
this person here
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template was created by Slidesgo,
including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.
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63. Alternative Premium Resources
Here’s an assortment of alternatives
resources within the same style of this
● Schoolbag with books scattered
stationery desk
● Back school during covid
● Close up girl writing
● Children classroom raising
● Girl with books class
● Hand drawn bullet journal
● Sketches school elements
● Hand drawn back school pattern
collection I
● Hand drawn back school pattern
collection II
● Hand drawn back school pattern
collection III
● Hand drawn back school
64. Resources
Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our other websites:
● Kids and teacher wearing medical masks during pandemic
● Back to school pattern collection
● Hand drawn scrapbook kit with ribbons and stickers
● Hand drawn travel landmarks labels
● Back to school instagram stories
65. Premium Resources
Did you like the resources on this
template? Get them for free at our
other websites:
● Smiley teacher standing
● Senior male professor glasses
holding notebook standing
against blackboard
● African kid learning class
● Teacher holding book child
having virtual course
● Close up woman feeding cow
● Hand drawn back school pattern
collection I
● Hand drawn back school pattern
collection II
● Bullet journal elements pastel
● Hand drawn bullet journal
● Notepad cute shapes bullet
journal template
● Back to school
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Task 1
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Task 1
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83. Add the title here
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2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
“Despite being red,
Mars is actually a
very cold place”
“Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
“Neptune is the
planet from the Sun”
“Saturn is a gas
giant and has
several rings”
“Venus has a
beautiful name and
is the second planet”
Premium infographics
84. “Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
75% “Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
“Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
“Mercury is closest
planet to the Sun
and the smallest”
Premium infographics