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Closing the biodiesel loop
                                                                                                           through recycling and
                                                                                                             renewable energy.

                                                                                                         By Richard Freudenberger

The Collaborative
                                                                                        staff photos
Biodiesel Project
P     roponents of biofuels have always
     maintained that sourcing energy
     from domestic renewables such
as plant biomass and bio-based wastes
reduces our dependence on imported
                                            Appstate Appropriate Technology

                                                For Jeremy Ferrell, a graduate stu-
                                            dent in the A-T Department at Appala-
                                            chian State University, biodiesel is far
                                                                                                       photovoltaics to run the pumps, light-
                                                                                                       ing, and system controls.

                                                                                                       How the System Works
petroleum, diversifies our energy base,     more than an academic topic of discus-
and offers cleaner end-use emissions.       sion. After completing his undergradu-                        The process begins with 80 gallons
One particular biofuel—liquid bio-          ate studies in1999, he went to work                        of waste vegetable oil collected each
diesel derived from soybeans, waste         for the U.S. Park Service, then served                     week from the ASU cafeteria. It’s a
cooking oil, or animal fats—has re-         a three-year stint in the Peace Corps,                     mixture of soy, peanut, and canola (a
ceived prominent national attention and     working with subsistence farmers in                        low-acid rapeseed oil) and comes to the
enough investment that the number of        Paraguay on agroforestry, apiary, and                      facility in five-gallon carboys.
commercial production facilities has        tilapia projects. Subsequent permacul-                        The containers are stowed in cov-
grown from 65 in mid-2006 to 145 in         ture studies in Brazil exposed him to                      ered storage outside a 280-square-foot
June of this year.                          farm-scale biofuels potential and laid                     greenhouse, where the initial processing
   But critics aren’t so convinced. Their   the groundwork for his ensuing interest                    begins. The first step is to empty the
concern is that biodiesel fuel is not       in renewable fuels back home.                              waste oil into the collection barrel, a
sustainable on a large scale. First, they       Ferrell and an interdisciplinary team                  55-gallon drum fitted with a 400-micron
question whether the energy invested        of ASU students began the biodiesel                        drumhead filter, recessed to capture
in growing, harvesting, and processing      project with the goal of “closing the                      solids and thwart spillage. From there,
soybean feedstocks will surpass or even     loop”—designing the entire production                      the strained oil is pumped into two
approach the energy available from the      facility to be self-contained and wholly                   120-gallon storage and settling tanks
finished product. Further, they hold        sustainable so that every by-product                       linked in series. Here, excess water can
that the by-products of manufacture—        either found a use within the system or                    be drawn off and the oil sent through a
glycerin and wash water from the fuel-      had marketable value outside of it. To                     30-micron filter before being moved
cleaning process—have limited value         carry this through to completion, they                     on through an insulated chase to a 120-
and are essentially contributing to the     had to develop a solar thermal hot water                   gallon processor tank in the adjacent
waste stream themselves.                    system for heat processing and rely on                     processing shed.

                                                                                                       BackHome Magazine Sept/Oct 2007       17


Collaborative Biodiesel Project

   The processor tank is one of several
purchased at a salvage yard. (Stainless
steel dairy equipment often finds its
way to auctions and scrap yards and
has proved ideal for biodiesel produc-
tion.) This tank is equipped with an
internal heat exchanger to heat the oil
and was modified by adding a lid to seal
the reactor chamber. This prevents the
escape of methoxide fumes and also
allows for methanol recovery through           fuel to the wash tanks, two vertically       A grid-tied PV system provides power for
vacuum distillation as part of the recy-       stacked stainless steel containers, each     pumps and lighting. Four solar thermal
cling process.                                 210 gallons capacity. There, a three-        panels on the processing shed at right
   To achieve the necessary reaction           stage water-washing procedure car-           heat the oil.
temperature of 130°F, a series of four         ried out over a period of several days
solar thermal collectors mounted on            removes remaining impurities (free           through the use of biological organisms
the processing shed—144 square feet            methanol, glycerin soaps, fatty acids,       such as wetland plants, algae, plankton,
of total surface—supply a superinsu-           etc.) that can lead to corrosion, sediment   and aquatic wildlife. Currently, a small
lated 30-gallon water tank in the lab          buildup, and injector blockage in a die-     wetland pond built just behind the
below. A 60-watt pump circulates the           sel engine. The washed biodiesel is then     polycarbonate glazing at the front of
water through the thermal system.              circulated through a perforated annular      the greenhouse contains water hyacinth
Individual valves control where in the         ring in the wash tank to evaporate out       and azolla, more commonly known as
process heat needs to be distributed by        the last traces of moisture from the fuel,   duckweed fern. Future plans include
feeding exchanger coils built into the         then the finished product is pumped one      the addition of cattails, mollusks, and
tanks. A backup hydronic oil-burner,           last time through a 5-micron filter and      possibly some water-loving trees such
operating on either biodiesel or clean         into a 55-gallon storage drum, where         as figs and willows.
vegetable oil, can be called into use          it’s hand-pumped into Ferrell’s 1985            Water from the lab sink and the
when needed.                                   Toyota diesel pickup or transported to       fuel-washing process is piped into two
   A smaller 35-gallon HDPE conical            the project’s Fuel Sampling Partners         350-gallon containers at the rear of the
mix tank next to the processor allows          to be used in various off-road applica-      structure. A single solar thermal panel
for safe and consistent blending of the        tions such as farm equipment and home        on top of the greenhouse preheats the
methyl alcohol and potassium hydrox-           heating.                                     water prior to introduction. The first
ide catalyst. Methanol from a 55-gallon            	                                        stage is the treatment of 120 gallons
drum is pumped into the methoxide              Reuse and Recycle                            with anaerobic bacteria to break down
tank through a stainless steel funnel that                                                  any solid material. Following that,
holds the potassium hydroxide (KOH)               None of this is unique for biodiesel      an open aerobic tank of 150 gallons
flakes. They dissolve in the filling           processing plants of this size. What         capacity further clarifies the water
process, and the resulting methoxide           makes the Appstate Collaborative             and removes objectionable odors. The
mix is transferred to the oil-filled pro-      Biodiesel Project distinctive is that the    final step is the wetland pond, where
cessor tank through a mixing tube to           team has consciously sought practical        the water is purified by the plants and
start the biodiesel reaction. The mixing       end-use applications for the by-products     eventually is returned to wash subse-
itself is carried out over one and a half      that habitually have been difficult to       quent batches of biodiesel. A 25-watt
hours using a stainless steel centrifugal      dispose of, mainly wastewater from the       pump on a scheduled timer circulates
pump, which is the most workable               washing cycle and glycerin from the          the water at a rate of 100 gallons, or
choice for a closed container system.          transesterification reaction.                about 10 percent, every hour.
   The liquid is then pumped into a               Wastewater is an issue especially in         Glycerin from the reaction process
120-gallon settling tank, where it’s           larger operations because the system         has always been a question, even for
kept for at least 48 hours to allow the        produces too much volume over time           home producers. Approximately 20
glycerin to separate from the biodiesel        to simply discard. To alleviate that, the    percent of the yield is a crude glycerin
fuel. Glycerin can be drawn off at both        ASU students have built an “ecological       composed of free fatty acids, glycerol,
the processor and settling stages. Eighty      machine” within the greenhouse to treat      excess methanol, and residual catalyst.
gallons of raw biodiesel will yield about      the spent water for reuse. The living        That’s 20 gallons of material for every
16 gallons of glycerin by-product.             machine is a micro-ecosystem designed        100 gallons of biodiesel made. Glycerin
   A third pump moves the biodiesel            to treat a specific volume of influent       soap has typically been a marketable

18                  www.BackHomeMagazine.com


end product, and the Appstate group has     fuel-quality monitoring with near in-         crop has left many in the agricultural
been successful in finding applications     frared spectroscopy, waste composting         community searching for viable market
not only for industrial cleaners but also   for CO2 and methane production, and           alternatives.
in composting operations and as fire-       expanded educational and outreach                In the meanwhile, the project is
starter briquettes, using wood chips as     programs.                                     moving forward and taking advantage
a substrate.                                   Members of the program have also           of the successes and interdisciplinary
   Part of the project’s “loop” includes    cast their eyes toward the area’s farmers     approach that has served it well thus far.
the use of renewable energy to run the      and its extension service in hopes that       Both the algae and composting research
various pumps. Ten 170-watt Sharp           the growth of biofuels may be an op-          may well prove viable additions to the
modules and a Sunny Boy inverter are        portunity for local growers to find new       ongoing biodiesel loop.
the key components in the grid-tied sys-    markets for feedstock material and oil-
tem, which provides lighting and power      seed by-products such as high-protein         For more information visit www.bio-
for the controls as well. Conveniently,     seed meal. The ongoing loss of tobacco        diesel.appstate.edu
the pump motors are not required to
operate simultaneously, so there’s no
large surge demand in the system, and
with one-inch line and no appreciable
elevation, no single pump is particularly
                                                             Western North Carolina
large.                                                       Renewable Energy Initiative
Where From Here?
                                                             2007 Workshop Schedule
   In 2006, the Appstate team exhib-                           4/21-22 Small Scale Wind Energy with Southwest Windpower
ited the project in Washington, D.C.,
as part of the Environmental Protec-                                   & WNCREI staff at Beech Mountain R&D site
tion Agency’s EP3 Student Design                               5/26-27 Microhydro with Don Harris and WNCREI staff
Competition for Sustainability. As
one of the winners of the competition,                                 at Appalachian State University
the team was awarded further funding                                6/2 Domestic Solar Water Heating Design & Construction
for continuing Phase 2 of the project,                                  with Fred Stewart at Appalachian State University
which includes continued research into
biodiesel feed stocks such as algae and                        6/22-23 Sustainable Community-Scale Biodiesel Production
alternate oilseed crops, reaction and                                  Workshop at Appalachian State University
A micro-ecosystem within the                                      8/29 PV and the National Electrical Code with John Wiles
greenhouse treats system waste-                                        at Appalachian State University
water using wetland plants.
                                                                  9/15 Active Solar Hydronic Space Heating with Fred Stewart
                                                                       at Appalachian State University
                                                               9/22-23 Small Scale Wind Energy Installation Workshop with
                                                                       Robert Preus of Abundant Renewable Energy
                                                                       at Beech Mountain R&D site
                                                             10/20–21 Small Scale Wind Energy with Southwest Windpower
                                                                      & WNCREI staff at Beech Mountain R&D site

                                                                         828-262-2933 • 828-262-7333

                                                                         Bachelors and Masters degree programs available

                                                                                          BackHome Magazine Sept/Oct 2007         19

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Closing The Biodiesel Loop Through Recycling and Renewable Energy

  • 1. Closing the biodiesel loop through recycling and renewable energy. By Richard Freudenberger The Collaborative staff photos Biodiesel Project P roponents of biofuels have always      maintained that sourcing energy      from domestic renewables such as plant biomass and bio-based wastes reduces our dependence on imported Appstate Appropriate Technology For Jeremy Ferrell, a graduate stu- dent in the A-T Department at Appala- chian State University, biodiesel is far photovoltaics to run the pumps, light- ing, and system controls. How the System Works petroleum, diversifies our energy base, more than an academic topic of discus- and offers cleaner end-use emissions. sion. After completing his undergradu- The process begins with 80 gallons One particular biofuel—liquid bio- ate studies in1999, he went to work of waste vegetable oil collected each diesel derived from soybeans, waste for the U.S. Park Service, then served week from the ASU cafeteria. It’s a cooking oil, or animal fats—has re- a three-year stint in the Peace Corps, mixture of soy, peanut, and canola (a ceived prominent national attention and working with subsistence farmers in low-acid rapeseed oil) and comes to the enough investment that the number of Paraguay on agroforestry, apiary, and facility in five-gallon carboys. commercial production facilities has tilapia projects. Subsequent permacul- The containers are stowed in cov- grown from 65 in mid-2006 to 145 in ture studies in Brazil exposed him to ered storage outside a 280-square-foot June of this year. farm-scale biofuels potential and laid greenhouse, where the initial processing But critics aren’t so convinced. Their the groundwork for his ensuing interest begins. The first step is to empty the concern is that biodiesel fuel is not in renewable fuels back home. waste oil into the collection barrel, a sustainable on a large scale. First, they Ferrell and an interdisciplinary team 55-gallon drum fitted with a 400-micron question whether the energy invested of ASU students began the biodiesel drumhead filter, recessed to capture in growing, harvesting, and processing project with the goal of “closing the solids and thwart spillage. From there, soybean feedstocks will surpass or even loop”—designing the entire production the strained oil is pumped into two approach the energy available from the facility to be self-contained and wholly 120-gallon storage and settling tanks finished product. Further, they hold sustainable so that every by-product linked in series. Here, excess water can that the by-products of manufacture— either found a use within the system or be drawn off and the oil sent through a glycerin and wash water from the fuel- had marketable value outside of it. To 30-micron filter before being moved cleaning process—have limited value carry this through to completion, they on through an insulated chase to a 120- and are essentially contributing to the had to develop a solar thermal hot water gallon processor tank in the adjacent waste stream themselves. system for heat processing and rely on processing shed. BackHome Magazine Sept/Oct 2007 17
  • 2. Collaborative Biodiesel Project The processor tank is one of several purchased at a salvage yard. (Stainless steel dairy equipment often finds its way to auctions and scrap yards and has proved ideal for biodiesel produc- tion.) This tank is equipped with an internal heat exchanger to heat the oil and was modified by adding a lid to seal the reactor chamber. This prevents the escape of methoxide fumes and also allows for methanol recovery through fuel to the wash tanks, two vertically A grid-tied PV system provides power for vacuum distillation as part of the recy- stacked stainless steel containers, each pumps and lighting. Four solar thermal cling process. 210 gallons capacity. There, a three- panels on the processing shed at right To achieve the necessary reaction stage water-washing procedure car- heat the oil. temperature of 130°F, a series of four ried out over a period of several days solar thermal collectors mounted on removes remaining impurities (free through the use of biological organisms the processing shed—144 square feet methanol, glycerin soaps, fatty acids, such as wetland plants, algae, plankton, of total surface—supply a superinsu- etc.) that can lead to corrosion, sediment and aquatic wildlife. Currently, a small lated 30-gallon water tank in the lab buildup, and injector blockage in a die- wetland pond built just behind the below. A 60-watt pump circulates the sel engine. The washed biodiesel is then polycarbonate glazing at the front of water through the thermal system. circulated through a perforated annular the greenhouse contains water hyacinth Individual valves control where in the ring in the wash tank to evaporate out and azolla, more commonly known as process heat needs to be distributed by the last traces of moisture from the fuel, duckweed fern. Future plans include feeding exchanger coils built into the then the finished product is pumped one the addition of cattails, mollusks, and tanks. A backup hydronic oil-burner, last time through a 5-micron filter and possibly some water-loving trees such operating on either biodiesel or clean into a 55-gallon storage drum, where as figs and willows. vegetable oil, can be called into use it’s hand-pumped into Ferrell’s 1985 Water from the lab sink and the when needed. Toyota diesel pickup or transported to fuel-washing process is piped into two A smaller 35-gallon HDPE conical the project’s Fuel Sampling Partners 350-gallon containers at the rear of the mix tank next to the processor allows to be used in various off-road applica- structure. A single solar thermal panel for safe and consistent blending of the tions such as farm equipment and home on top of the greenhouse preheats the methyl alcohol and potassium hydrox- heating. water prior to introduction. The first ide catalyst. Methanol from a 55-gallon stage is the treatment of 120 gallons drum is pumped into the methoxide Reuse and Recycle with anaerobic bacteria to break down tank through a stainless steel funnel that any solid material. Following that, holds the potassium hydroxide (KOH) None of this is unique for biodiesel an open aerobic tank of 150 gallons flakes. They dissolve in the filling processing plants of this size. What capacity further clarifies the water process, and the resulting methoxide makes the Appstate Collaborative and removes objectionable odors. The mix is transferred to the oil-filled pro- Biodiesel Project distinctive is that the final step is the wetland pond, where cessor tank through a mixing tube to team has consciously sought practical the water is purified by the plants and start the biodiesel reaction. The mixing end-use applications for the by-products eventually is returned to wash subse- itself is carried out over one and a half that habitually have been difficult to quent batches of biodiesel. A 25-watt hours using a stainless steel centrifugal dispose of, mainly wastewater from the pump on a scheduled timer circulates pump, which is the most workable washing cycle and glycerin from the the water at a rate of 100 gallons, or choice for a closed container system. transesterification reaction. about 10 percent, every hour. The liquid is then pumped into a Wastewater is an issue especially in Glycerin from the reaction process 120-gallon settling tank, where it’s larger operations because the system has always been a question, even for kept for at least 48 hours to allow the produces too much volume over time home producers. Approximately 20 glycerin to separate from the biodiesel to simply discard. To alleviate that, the percent of the yield is a crude glycerin fuel. Glycerin can be drawn off at both ASU students have built an “ecological composed of free fatty acids, glycerol, the processor and settling stages. Eighty machine” within the greenhouse to treat excess methanol, and residual catalyst. gallons of raw biodiesel will yield about the spent water for reuse. The living That’s 20 gallons of material for every 16 gallons of glycerin by-product. machine is a micro-ecosystem designed 100 gallons of biodiesel made. Glycerin A third pump moves the biodiesel to treat a specific volume of influent soap has typically been a marketable 18 www.BackHomeMagazine.com
  • 3. end product, and the Appstate group has fuel-quality monitoring with near in- crop has left many in the agricultural been successful in finding applications frared spectroscopy, waste composting community searching for viable market not only for industrial cleaners but also for CO2 and methane production, and alternatives. in composting operations and as fire- expanded educational and outreach In the meanwhile, the project is starter briquettes, using wood chips as programs. moving forward and taking advantage a substrate. Members of the program have also of the successes and interdisciplinary Part of the project’s “loop” includes cast their eyes toward the area’s farmers approach that has served it well thus far. the use of renewable energy to run the and its extension service in hopes that Both the algae and composting research various pumps. Ten 170-watt Sharp the growth of biofuels may be an op- may well prove viable additions to the modules and a Sunny Boy inverter are portunity for local growers to find new ongoing biodiesel loop. the key components in the grid-tied sys- markets for feedstock material and oil- tem, which provides lighting and power seed by-products such as high-protein For more information visit www.bio- for the controls as well. Conveniently, seed meal. The ongoing loss of tobacco diesel.appstate.edu the pump motors are not required to operate simultaneously, so there’s no large surge demand in the system, and with one-inch line and no appreciable elevation, no single pump is particularly Western North Carolina large. Renewable Energy Initiative Where From Here? 2007 Workshop Schedule In 2006, the Appstate team exhib- 4/21-22 Small Scale Wind Energy with Southwest Windpower ited the project in Washington, D.C., as part of the Environmental Protec- & WNCREI staff at Beech Mountain R&D site tion Agency’s EP3 Student Design 5/26-27 Microhydro with Don Harris and WNCREI staff Competition for Sustainability. As one of the winners of the competition, at Appalachian State University the team was awarded further funding 6/2 Domestic Solar Water Heating Design & Construction for continuing Phase 2 of the project, with Fred Stewart at Appalachian State University which includes continued research into biodiesel feed stocks such as algae and 6/22-23 Sustainable Community-Scale Biodiesel Production alternate oilseed crops, reaction and Workshop at Appalachian State University A micro-ecosystem within the 8/29 PV and the National Electrical Code with John Wiles greenhouse treats system waste- at Appalachian State University water using wetland plants. 9/15 Active Solar Hydronic Space Heating with Fred Stewart at Appalachian State University 9/22-23 Small Scale Wind Energy Installation Workshop with Robert Preus of Abundant Renewable Energy at Beech Mountain R&D site 10/20–21 Small Scale Wind Energy with Southwest Windpower & WNCREI staff at Beech Mountain R&D site www.wind.appstate.edu 828-262-2933 • 828-262-7333 Bachelors and Masters degree programs available BackHome Magazine Sept/Oct 2007 19