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Act Essay Example
Writing an essay on the topic of "Act Essay Example" can be a challenging task that requires a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and the ability to articulate thoughts
coherently. The complexity arises from the need to analyze and interpret examples from the ACT,
a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. Crafting a
compelling essay involves delving into the nuances of the examples provided, evaluating their
relevance, and illustrating how they align with the overall theme.
One of the challenges lies in effectively incorporating the necessary details without losing sight
of the essay's structure and coherence. Balancing the introduction, body paragraphs, and
conclusion while seamlessly integrating examples can be demanding. Additionally, addressing
the prompt, which may require critical analysis or argumentation, adds another layer of difficulty.
It necessitates a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to express thoughts
clearly and persuasively.
Furthermore, writing an essay on this topic requires a thorough grasp of grammar, syntax, and
vocabulary to ensure the delivery of a polished and professional piece. Striking the right tone
and maintaining a consistent writing style throughout the essay is crucial for capturing the
reader's attention and conveying ideas effectively.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Act Essay Example" demands a combination of
analytical skills, writing proficiency, and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. It
is a task that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and the ability to synthesize
information cohesively. If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, it's worth
considering seeking assistance. Similar essays and a variety of writing services can be explored on
HelpWriting.net, providing a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their academic
Act Essay Example Act Essay Example
Scrubby Flatwood Background
Sandhill occurs in the uplands on crests and ridges of gently rolling topography.
Sandhill is characterized by an open overstory of widely spaced longleaf pine (Pinus
palustris), sparse understory of fire suppressed deciduous scrub oaks and a diverse
groundcover of grasses, forbs and low growing shrubs. Soil is deep, excessively
drained, marine deposited sand of the Lakeland series. Rapid permeability allows for
expeditious aquifer recharge with little to no runoff, however, nutrients are easily
leached, hence soils are generally infertile. In order to maintain open structure, this
xeric upland habitat requires frequent (3 to 5 years), low intensity, growing season
Species include a canopy of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ... Show more content on
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Grasses, rushes and sedges include: wiregrass (Aristida stricta), muhly (Muhlengergia
expansa), toothache grass (Ctenium aromaticum), longleaved threeawn (Aristida
palustris), beaksedge (Rhynchospora spp.) and nutrush (Scleria spp.). Common forbs
include yellow eyed grass (Xyris spp.), foxtail club moss (Lycopodiella
alopecuroides) and pipewort (Eriocaulon spp.) along with insectivorous pitcher plants
(Sarracenia spp.), sundews (Drosera spp.) butterworts (Pinguicula spp.) and
bladderworts (Utricularia
By Thomas Chatterton Williams s Poem, As Black
In his essay, As Black as We Wish to be, author Thomas Chatterton Williams tries to
paint a picture of a world where the sight of interracial families was still considered
an oddity and shows how, over the decades, society has slowly became more
acceptable towards the idea. He begins the essay briefly discussing the ignorance of
people during the late 1980 s while also elaborating what hardships African
Americans have dealt with over the past century. He explains that even with the
progression of interracial families and equality of African Americans, a new problem
has now risen for interracial children of the future. While either being multiracial,
African American, or White, what do they decide to identify themselves as? This is
the major question that arises throughout Williams s argument. While Williams s
supports his argument with unreliable environmental evidence, as well with other
statistical evidence. His argument is weakened by an abundance of facts,
disorganization, and an excessive use of diluted information.
Williams introduces his argument by briefly explaining the ignorance he has dealt
with while growing up as an interracial child. Even though he grew up in a time
period of unequal rights, he acknowledges in his argument that nowadays Some of
35 percent of Americans say that a member of their immediate family or a close
relative is currently married to someone of a different race. (Par 3). While this
argument is completely hearsay and very broad, it does
Amy Tan s The Joyluck Club Essay
Even though people do not read books anymore, stories still travel amongst people.
Whether these stories are anecdotes between friends, or historical lessons from
parent to child, stories pass around like a ball in a game of catch. However, not
many stories possess aspects that allow them to hold the title of interesting . The
novel The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, is about a group of eight girls who tell the
story of their life from their own perspectives and how the events they encountered in
the past developed their characters, making their diverse behaviors and actions
understandable. They explain the misfortune and sadness in their life, and how never
giving up and moving forward blessed their lives with luck and joy. However, what...
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The reason that this story is powerful, however, is because Rose changes. When
Ted tells her that he wants to have a divorce, she sulks for a few days, but then
realizes her problem. Calling him over, she gives him the divorce papers, his name
still there, but lacking hers. His shock was appropriate, since the viewers too felt
the same surprise. The story takes a powerful turn, as Rose felt nothing, no fear,
no anger (219). She no longer feared disappointing him and being different from
him. She developed from the little girl who would listen to others, into an adult
who made her own decisions. She finally learned, like her mother, how to swim
against the tide. The development of Rose s character aids the story into being
powerful, but there was also another aspect that makes this true. Moreover, Rose s
story is powerful because it holds misfortune that makes the reader upset. Powerful
stories do more than just develop characters; they make the reader understand the
character. They make the reader agonize over the pounds of misfortune piling onto
a character s back, forcing them to carry excess burdens. The two main hardships
that burden Rose are the death of her younger brother and her divorce. Going to the
beach with her family, her mother assigns the task of watching over her youngest
sibling, Bing. At first, she does a good job of doing so, teasing him in the process,
adding the sweet comic relief that gives the reader time to laugh and
Exerpose Of Statement Of Purpose For Computer Science
Statement of Purpose The desire of knowledge increases ever with the acquisition
of it. Laurence Sterne I still remember my joy as a six year old when the first
computer arrived at my school. We were to stand in a line and type in our names
into it. The sense of satisfaction for having done it without any flaws was
unbelievable. It is at that point the computer bug bit me. Right from my childhood, I
have always been an inquisitive person, a voracious reader who has raised the
question Why does this happen? With this desire to learn and after an eventful
journey, I wish to pursue my graduate studies in Computer Science with a
concentration on Machine Learning at University of Texas at Austin. Having taken
Computer Science as a high school elective and after securing a good rank in the
highly competitive All India Engineering Entrance Exam (AIEEE), I joined National
Institute of Technology, Rourkela to complete my undergraduate studies majoring in
Computer Science. The disciplined and in depth systematic course at NIT Rourkela
has provided me with a solid ground in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I was a regular participant in Olympiads and other competition in my school days,
was even awarded the NTSE grant by the Indian Government. I participated and
won prizes in several activities like Linux Troubleshooting, Computer Science
Paper Presentation, etc. organized in the campus during under graduation. Being
an active member of the Robotics Club at the institute, I was involved in several
projects being implemented by the club. I was also bestowed with the
responsibilities of organising several events for the club as well as teaching and
guiding the newly inducted freshmen in the club. These experiences have imbibed
the spirit of leadership and teamwork in me. Being part of the National Service
Scheme (NSS) at NIT and CSR group at SAP I took part in community services and
Love And Love In Othello
C.H Herford defines love as a passion, kindling heart, brain, and sense alike in natural
and happy proportions...and which commonly occurs at first sight and once for all .
When one truly loves someone or something, he or she is attracted to their/its entirety
and not just one single attribute. However, in William Shakespeares play, Othello, the
passage from Act 1, ii, lines 129 170 exhibits a relationship, that raises doubts on
whether Othello and Desdemona s marriage is based on true love, or the attraction
towards singular materialistic qualities. Shakespeare s clever manipulation of
language makes it evident that Desdemona is in fact attracted to Othello s stories and
Othello to her compassion towards his misfortunes rather than each... Show more
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By making it clear that she has the need to listen to all of Othello s stories, and the
representation of Othello s stories as inanimate and tangible objects make it
evident and easy to answer that Othello s materialistic qualities play a major part in
the wooing of Desdemona, without which, they might not have fallen in love.
Othello even states that she [Desdemona] loved me for the dangers I had passed
and I loved her that she did pity them (I,iii,168 169) vindicating that their love for
each other was wholly based on singular characteristics, which served to be attractive
only for a short time, (as Othello ends up easily believing the lies about Desdemona
and forgets his love for her, ultimately taking her
Animal Rights Should Not Be Banned
Animal Rights
There she sits in her favorite restaurant at her favorite steak house ordering her
most favorite meal, steak. It s hunting season and he has been waiting all year to
go deer hunting with his father and he just can t wait. The 8 year old girl goes to
the doctor sick and discovers she has diabetes. In order to live, she has to inject
herself with insulin everyday for the rest of her life. If animal rights is a law then we
wouldn t have the luxury of any of these things. Although animals deserve welfare to
protect them, animals should not be allowed to have rights because they are essential
to medical research, nutrition, and if we didn t consume and use animals there would
be an over abundance of them.
Laws Animals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The law passed by the United States in 1966 places strict laws on animal testing as
well. These laws are important for keeping our animals safe and they are very
strongly enforced. There is also a human welfare act that puts special protections on
animals such as cats and dogs.
Medical advances Although animals should never be allowed for cosmetic
research, using them for medical research and advances is essential. The medical
advances that have been made because of animal testing are mind blowing. Without
animal testing, medicine would not exist. Animal testing has helped us discover
many treatments to cancer, infections, vaccines for viruses and surgeries.The
reason for successful organ transplants in humans are because it was tested out on
animals first. For example vaccines have been discovered for smallpox, and polio.
In 1980 smallpox was eradicated forever. The deadly disease diabetes kills 29.1
million people a year. Without help of dogs and fish for the invention of insulin, the
number of deaths would be a lot higher than they are now. Animals are helping
scientists better understand uncured diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, and typhus.
Hopefully soon these diseases will have a cure but without
The War And The Spanish Civil War
Both conflicts show that civil war was not the limit of the atrocities people were
willing to commit in order to stop the influence of opposing ideologies. In both the
Cold War and the Spanish Civil War the most significant air operations were
carried in order to stop the spread of Communism. One of the factors that prompted
the U.S. into dropping the atomic bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima was to stop
the war in Japan as soon as possible. Many of Truman s advisers, such as James F.
Byrnes supported this rationale in order to prevent the entry of the Soviet Unioninto
the war in Japan and thereby diminish Soviet influence in East Asia. Similarly, the
Germans carried the bombing of Guernica in order to stop the influence of
Communism in the north of Spain. While giving testimony during the Nuremberg
trials Herman Göring explained that he had urged [Hitler] to give support under all
circumstances [to Franco] in order to prevent the further spread of communism in
that theater and, secondly, to test [his] young Luftwaffe at this opportunity. What is
significant about both instances is not the fact that military action was taken against
the enemy, but that the main targets were civilians. The bombing of Guernica
showed that as it was the case in Japan, Communism was regarded as such an
existential threat that the possibility of the civilian population joining the communist
side already was reason enough for their deaths.
Another parallelism between the Spanish Civil Warand
The Smithsonian Museums
The purpose of museums is to serve the public in the fields of education and research.
The pinnacle of museum structure, for this country, is the Smithsonian, with its
headquarters located in Washington D.C. (Smithsonian). My future career goal is to
get a curator position within one of the nineteen museums that fall under the
Smithsonian jurisdiction (Smithsonian). Though I will be happy working in many
other museums across this country I decided to choose the Smithsonian because it is
the Official National Museumfor the United States. All other United Stated museums
base their business structure on the standard the Smithsonian sets. What is right and
wrong in museums culture in the United States can be molded from the Smithsonian.
The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The curator has a lot to deal with so there is a structure of positional power so that
one person is not completely overwhelmed. The structure of the museum field
follows the positions form the top being the main director, directors in specific
fields then curators. After the curators, there is no longer a hierarchy to follow but
a branching of different disciplines, like: exhibition designer, conservator,
development, and accounting (Lancaster, A., Houdyshell, A. 2019). With all these
different people being involved, a curator would benefit from knowing the
Relational Leadership Model. The ethical and empowering parts of the RLM
section are important to be able to draw different people together to work as a
cohesive team (Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., McMahon, T. R, 2013). Every position
has its own possibility for leadership. One of the most propionate leaders in the
field of Museum curation is Franz Boaz. He started changing the mindset from
ethnographic anthropology to a more culturally bases idea (this removed a former
white biases based racism). For other leaders there is every one down the line is
able to put their own input in to the curation of a project. Dr. Francesca Marini
discussed how her interns are designing the layout and researching the information
for new exhibits with minimal oversee from her. She makes sure they stay on tract
but besides that, the interns have free range to develop their exhibit. Marini explains
that this happens in all museums even up to the Smithsonian level because there is
always more to do then there are people to get it done. She says that the world of
museums would not function well without the help of interns and
Darfur Celebrities
Since the creation of old media sources, like T.V. and radio, countries across the
globe have used technology to document important events. However, the continuous
portrayal of negative conflicts broadcasted by news stations often cause people to
change the channel. Traditional forms of media cause this lack of empathy because
of the absence of strong leadership and motivational involvement. In contrast, new
media is designed to be interactive, impelling users to be involved. Celebrities can
use their influence on social media to connect their followers to conflicts they believe
need the world s support. As a result, users feel they should support their favorite
actors and athletes by spreading the word through posts, hashtags, and videos.... Show
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If there is a strong leader, new media can gather groups together to protest conflicts,
raise money, and hold meetings with governments. It can connect people
internationally, giving humanity the ability to communicate to others about the
importance of a particular conflict. The more people helping to bring peace and
prevent future crises, the easier it will be to end the conflict. [R]eal leverage for
human rights and peace will come when the people who benefit from war will pay
a price for the damage they caused (Trussel 1). Youtube videos can be used to
leverage peace because they raise awareness. They can be shared instantly, not
only on Youtube itself, but on other social media sites, therefore expanding the
window of viewers. They show firsthand evidence of conflicts. Facebook is the
perfect medium to form humanitarian groups, protest, and connect the world to
crises. It can be a tool for peacebuilding by using hashtags like Team Darfur to
gather individuals to discussions pertaining to the Darfur Crisis. Creating pages to
raise money for a crisis or to discuss ways to bring humanitarian groups into areas
of conflict is another method that can be used. Clearly, no matter what the conflict
is, new media can be used by everyone to raise awareness about crises and to
influence the world to help build peace and prevent future
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Fear
How does the author, John Boyne, of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas explore the
notion of fear in the novel? Refer to social context
John Boyne s historical fable, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, is an optimistic
narration of World War Two set in the Out With concentration camp. In the
background of the war, the story details the life of male protagonist Bruno, who
befriends the unlikeliest of strangers in his attempt to adjust to life at Out With. In
Boyne s portrayal of this dictatorship, the characters go through life controlled by
the notion of fear, only escaping its grasp through the most dramatic of
circumstances. The didactic text paints a picture of how we don t have a choice
when we are being controlled by our fear (p.8). Thus, ... Show more content on
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During chapter two, Boyne characterises Bruno s fear through the use of dialogue
where Bruno froze, unable to move for a moment (p.17). By implementing this
somewhat clichГ©d metaphor, Boyne paints a vivid picture of the fear Bruno feels
after betraying social etiquette. Bruno knows what he did was wrong, and later
awaits to be called into Father s office to be punished. Boyne introduces the setting
of Father s office as being Out of Bounds At All Times And No Exceptions (p.44).
From Boyne s introduction of the office with capitalisation, Boyne emphasises to the
audience that Bruno views the office as Out of Bounds , suggesting deep set fear
towards Father as Bruno has a negative connotation towards Father s office. This
relationship built on the basis of fear is similar in substance to the relationship
between Father and the Fury. Boyne briefly explores this relationship during a
literary flashback. The dialogue where Father states how he has no choice
demonstrates to the reader how, like Bruno, Father was afraid of the repercussions
which would occur by going against the rules set in place by the Fury. This is the
basis of the tactic used by hijackers asking for ransom money, they instil fear in their
victims to ensure that they will obey as Father obeys the Fury by moving to Out
With. Consequently, from his character development, Boyne
Chelow Kebab History
The Persian Empire fell in the year 330 BCE due to the invasion of Alexander III of
Macedon (Metropolitan Museum of Art). During this the Greeks controlled the
Persian lands, this was known as the Seleucid dynasty. After the Seleucid dynasty
there were many dynasties that controlled Persia. During the year 633 654 AD
Muslims started attacking the Sassanid Empire and took back control of Iran, this was
known as the Muslim conquest or the Arab conquest of Iran. Modern day Iran is
divided into 31 provinces (Statoids). These 31 provinces are combined into 5 regions
of Iran. These 5 regions are Tehran (middle northern region), Esfahan (middle
southern region), Tabriz (northwest region), Kermanshah (western region), and
Mashhad (eastern region).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This dish is often referred to as the original Iranian national dish besides the true
national dish Chelow kebab. This dish is an herb stew with many herbal mixtures
combined with Persian polo rice. Persian polo rice is basmati rice that is cooked in
a seasoned broth often mixed with onions and spices. This gives the rice a brown
color completely different from the rice styles of Chelow. Ghormeh is originally a
Turkish word; this dish is from the region of Tabriz, which is next to turkey.
Ghormeh in Turkish means stewed and sabzi means Persian herbs. The Turkish
people used Persian herbs to create this dish and the Persians loved the stew so
they adopted this dish from Turkey. Ghormeh sabzi s herbal ingredients are a
mixture of parsley, green onions, coriander, and dried fenugreek leaves. The dish is
cooked with kidney beans and turmeric seasoned lamb or beef all served with polo or
tah dig (crusted saffron seasoned
Ernie In The Book A Crush By Cynthia Rylant
Happiness cannot be traveled to owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is
the spiritual experience is living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. This
quote shows how Ernie in the book A Crush by Cynthia Rylant he may have has
happiness but then It got taken when his mother died. Secondly, after his mother
died he got put in a group home to meet new people and know the outside world.
Another main topic when he went to breakfast with his new friend Jack at big
boys cafe and he met a beautiful women named Dolores. When he met Dolores he
was so stunned on how beautiful. When Ernie s mother died he didn t know what
to do. Ernie cried for nearly a month. Then he dried his tears, and learned how to
bake. (70) This shows how he went through many changes when his mother died.
The first way is how he didn t know to much when he was on the couch eating nutter
butters and then he became a very intelligent. Ernie found out he shouldn t of had
dwelled on the past and should live in the present. Secondly he really didn t know
what to do without his mom but then he adapted and realized he can live on his own.
This is how Ernie changed when his mother died.... Show more content on
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On page 74 it says by summer Ernie and Jack were best friends. This shows how
Ernie became more social and he has evolved since his mother s death. Jake would
always take Ernie to the big boys cafe where they would eat and catch up on what
has happened during their days. Ernie started to become a very good friends of Jack
and they would always go to big boys and that s where he met this beautiful women
Chemotherapy Persuasive Speech
Cancer is a challenging and fatal disease which can strike at any minute. The typical
treatment for the illness includes radiation and chemotherapy, however both
treatments have terrible side effects which are frequently the primary cause of death
in cancer patients. Thankfully, the illness has been dealt with naturally for centuries,
so there are many alternative treatments that can assist.
Today we re going to speak about soursop (graviola), a tropical fruit with
extraordinary anti cancer properties that may be a feasible cure for cancer. Inning
accordance with research studies, the fruit works much better than chemotherapy and
is abundant in vital minerals and vitamins that will enhance your body immune system
and enhance your overall health. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thanks to the amazing medicinal homes, the soursop fruit can treat many illness. It
is a natural solution against rheumatism and skin problems, and its relaxing effects
can be of fantastic assistance against stress and anxiety and anxiety. The fruit can
likewise combat cancer, and according to some researchers, it may be the holy grail
of cancer treatments. Here are the top health advantages of the graviola
Greek God Apollo Research Paper
Greek God Apollo Research Paper I guess darkness serves a purpose: to show us
that there is redemption through chaos. I believe in that. I think that s the basis of
Greek mythology , Brendan Fraser once said about the idea of all Greek Gods and
myths. The people of ancient Greece would look up to various gods, depending on
what they were seeking. Apollos name translates to strength , as he displayed this trait
throughout his lifetime and had to be emotionally and physically stronger at times for
the people of Ancient Greece. Apollo was a man of trust who excelled and supported
all of the fine arts of the Greek civilization such as music, art, and poetry (God
Apollo). One of the most underestimated traits of Apollo was his healing powers, in
which he helped out many Greeks in desperate times, like the Trojan War
(Cartwright). The Greek God Apollo was the most influential among Greek people
because of his recognition for music, the truth, and healing powers. Apollo was born
on the Greek island of Delios, from his parents Zeusand Leto (Regula). Zeus was the
god of the Olympians who also controlled lightning and thunder, and Leto was the
goddess of motherhood (Atsma). Apollo was a god who had a clear idea of what
was right from wrong and lived with the idea of that the Greek society could live
under peace and harmony and follows the laws that were put into motion, especially
after the Trojan War (The Story of Apollo). Apollo demonstrated importance to the
people of
Ned Kelly Heroes
Ned Kelly was a very famous Australian Bushranger who was well known for his
courage and bravery. The character of Ned Kelly is considered as either a
murderous villain or the Robin Hood of Australia. Ned Kelly is more commonly
portrayed as the Robin Hood of Australia for people in the modern society, after
considering his heritage on Australia during his life. There are many
interpretations of Ned Kelly s life and character, which help people make
judgements whether he is a murderous villain or a hero. Such interpretations
include the film Ned Kelly (2003) as well as the documentary Australia is still
divided over Ned Kelly . Throughout the film Ned Kelly, the main scenes which
show the character of Ned Kelly as The Robin Hood are such... Show more content on
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The main reason he robs the bank is so he could give money to the less wealthy
people who are in need. To support this idea, a high camera angle is used to show
Ned Kelly s expression and his personality, as well as his desperation for helping
people. Ned Kelly can go to any extent to achieve his mission. This also highlights
a quality, which helps him gain the title of the Robin Hood of Australia. Props are
used in this scene to help emphasize his point and his mission. The props used in
this scene are guns and are used to indicate how serious Ned Kelly is for
completing his mission and to describe what extent he can reach to gain success.
Furthermore, a medium shot of Steve, who is a member of the Kelly Gang, steals
a watch of one of the townspeople. The medium shot displays a greater focus on
emotion and status of him. The main purpose of this medium shot is to incorporate
the setting, the characters and personalities of members of the Kelly Gang. Ned
Kelly establishes leadership in the Kelly gang, as his actions and personal qualities
lead him to his personal journey of success after achieving what he wanted. Ned
Kelly takes action against injustice and produces his own title of being represented as
Analysis Of Resilience Theory
The American Psychological Association (2014) defines resilience as the process
of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant
sources of stress. (American Psychological Association, 2014, pg.1) Resilience
Theory uses the definition of resilience in the context of the lives of clients by
explaining although people may face adversity in their lives it is still possible to
overcome that adversity to achieve success and personal gains. Resilience Theory
describes how clients use protective factors to assist in a self righting process over
the life course to fare well in the face of adversity. (Hutchison, 2015, pg.9)
Some strengths of the theory would be it can be applied to all populations ... Show
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Organizations gain experience, resources, and influence. The systematic character
of oppression becomes clearer. Social forces join together, work through
differences. (Smith, 2013) Steve s life was infiltrated by people and organizations
actively engaged in networking to effectively provide the means and resources to
provide Steve a better life as Steve is now the Divisional Vice President and Chief
Diversity Officer for Walgreens and a proud husband and father of three children.
This life story is a true testament to Social Justice at its best.
Diversity is about the recognition and celebration of the differences that exist in our
society. Diversity is the strength of our social structure. Diversity is about
acknowledging and tolerating those who are different, even though those differences
may make us uncomfortable. Diversity is about recognizing barriers that prevent
access to our social systems and building a broader community infrastructure.
Diversity challenges us at the personal level to broaden our assumptions about
whether differences make someone less than us. At the interpersonal level, diversity
challenges us. (Yee,
Carboniferous Research Paper
The carboniferous period lasted from about 359.2 to 299 million years ago, during
the Paleozoic era. The name carboniferous came from the large amounts of carbon
bearing coal that was formed during the period. Several major biological,
geological, and climatic events occurred at this time. The amniote egg allowed
further exploitation for certain tetrapods. It enabled ancestors of birds, mammals,
and reptiles to lay their eggs on land without fear of being dehydrated. The
carboniferous period was divided into two major subdivisions, the Mississippian
and the Pennsylvanian. The Mississippian was the early half and the Pennsylvanian
being the last half. Climatically there was a trend towards mild temperatures The
beginning of the carboniferous generall had more tropical and humid climates than
exists today. The plant fossils form the carboniferous period resemble that they
lived in tropical and mildly temperature areas today. This climate may have been a
result of the large expanse of ocean that covered the surface of the globe, except a
localized section. The early part of the period was warm but the... Show more content
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Life of the carboniferous period was sizable and luxuriant. It included ferns, fernlike
trees, giant horsetails, club mosses, or lycopods, seed ferns, and cardaites. Plants in
the Mississippian were creating lots of oxygen in earths atmosphere. Plants started to
develop bark during this time. Land animals included primitive amphibians, reptiles,
spiders, millipedes, land snails, scorpions, enormous dragon flies, and more than 800
different types of cockroaches. The inland waters included fishes, clams, and many
crustaceans. The Mississippian animals had tetrapods, many grow in the high
humidity and oxygen. Sea life animals included sharks and corals which were
The History of Poliomyelitis Better Known as Polio
The disease poliomyelitis is more commonly known by its alternative name polio.
The history of this disease dates back into prehistory, but major polio epidemics
were not known before the twentieth century. The first clinical description of this
disease was provided by a British physician named Michael Underwood, in which
he described the disease as debility of the lower extremities. In the 1880s major
epidemics started to occur in Europe, then made its way soon after into the United
States. The first report of multiple cases was recorded in 1843 and described an
outbreak that happened in Louisiana in 1841. The next large outbreak was in Boston
in 1893 where there were 26 cases of poliomyelitis. The following year was the first
recognized epidemic in the United States which occurred in Vermont with 132 total
cases, including 18 deaths. By 1907 there were approximately 2,500 cases of polio
reported in New York City alone. By 1910, epidemics of polio were regular events
throughout the developed world, mostly in cities during the warmer months. In
1916 there were over 27,000 cases including more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in
the United States, with more than 2,000 deaths occurring in New York City alone.
Poliomyelitis hit its peak in the 1940s and 1950s; it paralyzed or killed more than
half a million people per year.
The etiology of poliomyelitis is infection with the poliovirus, which is spread through
direct person to person contact, contact with infected mucus or
Literature Review On International Business
Literature Review Each year, many companies resort to or consider expanding
abroad. Sensing a need for guidance, a number of authors have written and expressed
their opinion on what it takes to succeed when expanding a business overseas. Lists
of suggestions and tips on how to deal with issues such as cultureas well as the laws
in target countries have been made available to businesses. The following research
articles were reviewed to obtain some knowledge of the factors that need to be
considered when expanding a businessinternationally. The issues examined involve
culture, foreign laws regulation, political risks, as well as market structure and
competition. Based on this literature review, we were able to give profound advice on
whether the company should actually consider expanding the business to Europe.
Communication and Cultural barriers Communication with individuals from different
cultures can be challenging. Therefore, developing proficiency in cross cultural
communication skills is essential for businesses looking to expand abroad. Cebuc and
Oisif (2008) stress on how communication is important in the business world, since it
s a means of establishing relationships with suppliers, partners and even the
customers. The writers recommend that expanding businesses to try and adapt to the
business styles of the overseas country. For instance in some northern European
countries, the natives are more straight forward and prefer to not waste time talking
Rites Of Passage In African Religion
Along with many other rituals African and Native American religions share, Rites
of passage are a fundamental ceremony of transition that marks an important stage
in someone s life such as birth, puberty, marriage, and death. It can even signify a
change in status for someone in their society. During rites of passage experiences,
the person comes out of the experience with a new and empowering story. Their
story and experience should help them take responsibility for their future decisions
and put them on the right path. A rite of passage is supposed to help the people find
out who they are and the kind of life they want to build based the experience they
have. Their story that they created from their experience should help them connect...
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The Cherokees believed that certain foods affected the baby. The pregnant women
avoided foods that they believed would harm the baby or cause unwanted physical
characteristics such as deformities. Expectant parents would participate in rituals to
guarantee a safe delivery, such as daily washing of hands and feet and employing
medicine men to perform rituals that would make deliveries easier. A woman in
labor would either stand, kneel, or sit, but she never give birth lying down. No one
bothered to catch the baby and it would fall onto leaves placed beneath the mother.
Later in life when puberty hits the children would take vision quests; which were
talked about before. Once the child contacts the spirit world and guides them to
their right path then they go back to their village and tell their tale. When someone
in the Native american religion reaches deaths door the death ritual starts. They
celebrated death because they knew it was an end to their time on Earth, but the
start of new life in the Spirit World. The journey to the spirit world, they believed to
be long. After life rituals were performed to ensure that the deceased would not
continued to roam the earth as a spirit, but make their journey to the spirit world.
Various tribes honored the dead in many ways such as by giving them food and gifts
to ensure their safe journey to the after life. Knowing that both African and Native
American religions have rituals and
Life Of Pi Where During Pi s Journey
Discoveries referring to people and places can lead an individual to new values and
understandings but also ramifications. These discoveries being on a large or small
scale can lead to positive outcomes such as new understandings and values or
negative outcomes being ramification or consequences brought from a discovery. This
is evident in Ang Lee s film Life of Piwhere during Pi s journey and hardships lead to
his new understandingof faith contrasted to his discovery to survive on his journey,
seen through his relationship with Richard Parker and his belief that animals have
souls, lead to vast ramifications. Similarly, in Julian Barnes short story Marriage
Lines the return to the Island bring new understandings of his past memories... Show
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Pi s understanding of faith is further developed in the face of adversity during his
time stranded in the pacific. This is conveyed through Lee s use of magic realism
in the daybreak scene, where through Lee use of the wide shot of the horizon
meeting the ocean, emphasising the hue colours of orange which contrast s to Pi s
message about God and placing his faith in him, God I give myself to you. I am
your vessel. Whatever comes I want to know. Show me . Through Pi s actions of
losing hope in the message in the bottle, emphasised in Lee s close up camera work
and stagnated water, but also in the rational world, he demonstrates his discovery of
religion and faith being tested, linking back to the quote of the older Pi. Pi s ultimate
test of faith is demonstrated through the Storm and the Carnivorous Island both
considered forces of nature where Pi s faith and submission to his faith are tested
through both situations appearing to be less violent and dangerous in nature than
they truly are. Lee demonstrates this new understanding by again using the
experienced older Pi narrating the lessons learned in adversity, If I hadn t discovered
the tooth, I would have been lost, alone forever. Even when God seemed to abandon
me he was watching... . This final step ultimately displays how Pi found new
understanding to his faith through the experiences on his journey. Therefore, through
Pi s journey leads him to the discovery of the new understanding
Latent Defect Essay
Mike Christensen
December 10, 2009
CM 385: Section 1
Final Paper
How Can A Contractor Avoid Liability for Defective Work?
Every contract created produces a margin of risk and a platform for success.
Depending on how one manages the risk assumed, one may either excel and shine
in the glory of success or drown and disappear in the raging waters of error.
Nevertheless, to become great one must take that step of faith into the flailing wind.
As said by Leo F. Buscalglia, The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing,
is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply
cannot learn... and grow... and live. (Buscalglia, 2009) The contractor who is bound to
the owner must understand the risk ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Binghamton Housing Authority. It was six years after the completion of the
Saratoga Terrace apartment complex when a child fell off the back porch stoop and
received severe injuries. The parents of the child claimed that the contractor and
owner were responsible due to their negligence in constructing the stoop without a
protective railing. The court referenced back to the Campo v. Schofield case, which
states, We have not yet reached the state where a manufacturer is under the duty of
making a machine accident proof or foolproof. The court also noted that the
complex had been used without accident for six years and that it did not conceal any
dangers or defective work that would not have been found by a reasonable
inspection. The outcome of the case proved that the pleading did not contain any
allegation of a defect, and that the liability rested upon the parents of the child.
Consequently, the phrase Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) protects the contractor
from future claims as long as the defective work existed at the time of inspection and
could have reasonably been identified. Nevertheless, a contractor must also
understand that if the defective work is classified as a latent defect, the risk and
liability associated with this defect may be transferred back to the contractor.
Therefore, a contractor must understand what a latent
Legal Differences And The Legal Types Of A Business...
Identify and describe the legal categories of a business organization contrasting tax
related advantages and disadvantages. There are three main forms of business
organizations that are commonly known globally; they include; Sole
Proprietorship, Partnership as well as Corporation. Looking at the Sole
proprietorship, it is conventionally known as a business run by one person who is
also the owner. This means that the owner has 100% control over the business.
This form of business organization is easy to establish since it needs very few legal
requirements. There is also no need of having partners or shareholders and the taxes
paid in this business organization is only on the income generated. That means that
after paying the taxes, all remaining profits remains with the owner. Disadvantages
of this structure include less share of expertise since the owner is the only partner.
The owner also has unlimited liability for the debts and any malpractices which also
includes bearing all maintenance costs (Beyer et al. 2010). For the partnership, it
involves more than one player who is also involved in the business structure. The
partners share all costs and profits after entering into an agreement that intends to
share any commercial interests. The partners also contribute funds to start and
operate the business as the starting capital. This means that there is a pool of
experience and resources by the two and the partners share the taxes. The
disadvantages of this form of
The Glass Menagerie Betrayal
Betrayal can be seen in the very start of The Glass Menagerie when the main
character Tom tells us that his father has left them. At the beginning of the book
Tom tells us that, he gave up his job with the telephone company and skipped the
light fantastic out of town (5) Tom wanted to leave but he didn t want to be just like
his father. Also something was holding him back, his mother and his sister Laura.
They depended on Tom for money since he was the only one that was working. He
was the one who was providing for the familynow. Since his father left them he was
the one left in charge. His mother doesn t make any money. She has a job but she
doesn t make much. She sells magazine off of a telephone which does not go well
most of the times.
A Life Worth Ending Short Story Analysis
Critical Analysis: A Life Worth Ending
Within the article A Life Worth Ending Michael Wolff recounts the events of his ill
mother at her final stage of life. Along with his own battle with a flawed healthcare
system. Wolff Brilliantly intertwines literary elements with the use of characterization
and his first point of view to tell his story.
In his use of characterization, he descriptively talks about the different states his
mother undergoes in her illness and the surrounding events and emotions elicited by
her continuous downfall, readers experience a feeling of sympathy for Wolff in his
circumstance. This also brings light and support to his obscure, perhaps unethical,
reasoning that his mother s life, along with those who find ... Show more content on
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Additionally, she became a marketing executive to more than one pharmaceutical
company, then retired as marketing head Of an company and still managed to make
dinner for Wolff s familyonce a week and watch over his three children (209). Wolff
then brings the readers back to reality of what is left of his mother now in her
illness who for the past eighteen months, has not been able to walk, talk, or to
address her most minimal needs (206). Readers grasp [he extreme change in Wolff
s mother s State, and understand the struggle he faces everyday when he says, She
is not who she was; do not force her to endure because of what she once was (20B).
In using characterization on his mother, he enables the readers to connect and
sympathize with him in his efforts to care for his mother who is in an advanced
stage of terminal breakdown (206). Readers understand what Wolff wants
acknowledged; that is the creation of a new, ever growing biological status
described as a no exit state that is nearly as remote from life as death, but which,
unlike death, requires vast service and resources as he witnesses for himself through
the care of his mother (207).
First person point of view is active in every aspect of the essay, as Wolff writes from
his very own experience and incorporates his and opinions as the issue he works to
inform the readers on apply to him. Having the
Frontal Lobe Case Study
The frontal lobe in the human brain is involved in motor function, problem solving,
spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgement, impulse control, and social
and sexual behavior (Neuroskills,, n.d.) The frontal lobes are extremely vulnerable to
injury due to their location at the front of the cranium and their large size. MRI
studies have shown that the frontal area is the most common region of injury
following mild to moderate traumatic braininjury (Levin et al., 1987).
The case follows Jenny, a 17 year old that was struck on the right side of her
forehead by a softball, rendering her unconscious for nearly an hour. A brain MRI
revealed encephalomalacia in the right area of the frontal lobe. In the following weeks
post injury, Jenny ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jenny s parents could expect to see hyperactive in her, to be disinhibited as
manifested by speech release, confabulation, lability, and a host of impulsive
disturbances which may wax and wane in severity due to the left frontal lobe
acting unopposed from the right frontal lobe (Joseph, 2000) due to the sustained
injury from the softball. Jenny also may issues involving behavioral spontaneity.
Kolb Milner (1981) found that individual with frontal damage displayed fewer
spontaneous facial movements, spoke fewer words (left frontal lesions) or speak
excessively (right frontal lesions). One of the most common effects of frontal lobe
damage that Jenny may exhibit is the drastic change in social behavior. Left frontal
damage usually manifests as pseudodepression and right frontal damage as
pseudopsychopathic (Blumer and Benson, 1975). Since Jenny sustained damage to
the right side of her frontal lobe, she will be more likely to exhibit symptoms of
pseudopsychopathic behaviors. Jenny may also have issues with interpreting
feedback from the environment as well which includes Perseverating on a response
(Milner, 1964), risk taking, and non compliance with rules (Miller, 1985),
MГјller-Lyer Illusion Lab Report
This study examines if an increase in fin angle reduces the magnitude of the MГјller
Lyer Illusion. 50 Undergraduate students from Penn State University, including 26
females and 24 males between the age of 19 and 26 volunteered for this study. The
experiment is conducted through Online Psychology Laboratory, where participants
use computer mouses to match the adjustable lines to the lines with fins across 11
different fin angles. The results of the experiment confirm there is a negative linear
relationship between fin angle and the average adjustment error indicating a decrease
in the magnitude of the MГјller Lyer Illusion.
Illusions are important psychological phenomenon which demonstrates how
sensation does not always equate perception as other factors complicate our
interpretations of sensory information. There are many types of illusion including
optical, aural and auditory. The MГјller Lyer illusion is a classic example of optical
illusion introduced by psychologist Franz Carl MГјller Lyer. (Kazdin, 2000). It
involves lines with fins attached at the ends pointing in different directions. The
orientation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The independent variable here is fin angle which varies from 15 degrees to 165
degrees in 15 degree intervals. On the other hand, the dependent variable in this
experiment is the adjustment error which is computed by subtracting the length of
the adjustable line from the length of the line with fins. A positive difference implies
an underestimation of the length of lines with fins while the reverse is also true.
Therefore, the hypothesis of this study is that as fin angles increase, average
adjustment errors decreases in a linear manner, demonstrating an overall negative
Causes Of Sexual Harassment In Egypt
Documentaries concerning sexual harassment in Egypt are getting more serious each
day. The problem is age old, however not till lately the government and the media
started taking actions against this striking crime. Sexual harassment is present in
every society around the world, in every place in Egypt and it cost women an
immeasurable damage emotionally and physically. It terrorizes women holding them
back from their lives, work and duties, forcing them to measure the value of
opportunities against the risk to their safety. The way sexual harassmenthas created
fear in every basic life demand, women always trying to find a more secure path in
their lives by avoiding sexual harassment, which sometimes manipulate their actions
and decisions.
The largest majorities face sexual harassment in Egypt, it is a vital problem and
studies showed that almost every woman in Egypt had been subjected to it. This
problem is notable and can occur in many ways or forms. Not only sexual
harassment is constricted to offense inappropriate act against victims will , but it is
any violence that can occur to a woman in any platform or by anyway. Types of
violence on women are various, however they can all be placed under two headings:
physical sexual harassment and verbal sexual harassment. Nevertheless, The Egyptian
Criminal Code has divided crimes of sexual violence against women into two
categories a category which contains sexual harassment, and the other category which
contains FGM,
The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe
Were Montresor s action in The Cask of Amontillado justified? Is killing someone
justifiable? In Edgar Allen Poe s short story The Cask of Amontillado that question
is one that could be asked. The short story is about a man named Montresor and his
quest to get revenge on his foe Fourtando who has apparently insulted Montresor.
Around the time of the carnival season Montresor leaves his house to go find
Fourtando and get his revenge he tells none of his servants to leave his house, but
Montresor knows once that he has left the servants will leave and go to the
carnival. Montresor who is dressed in all black finds a intoxicated Fourtando who is
a professional wine taster, and then Montresor claims to have some Amontillado
wine but he is not sure whether is genuine or if it s a fraud. In order to intimidate
Fortunato and to lure him in, Montresor tells him he is going to get Luchresi another
wine taster in the area, but Fortunato tells him no thus Montresor plan comes together
and then he leads hims to the catacombs and chains Fortunato up where he leaves
him to die. In my opinion the first question should be what did Fortunato do that was
so bad for Montresor to want to and eventually killhim? Then the next question
would be was the killing justifiable? In my opinion the killing was not justifiable.
The reason the killing was not justifiable is because of the fact that nobody deserves
to die such a brutal death. Another reason why the killing
Phosphonium Saltss Reaction Lab Report
Synthesis of tetrakis (pyrrolidino) phosphonium tetrafluoroborate (Py4P1+BF4 ),
tetrakis (piperidino) phosphonium tetrafluoroborate (Pi4P1+BF4 ), and tetrakis
(morpholino) phosphonium tetrafluoroborate (Mo4P1+BF4 ).
Stoichiometric pyrrolidino, piperidino, and morpholino were reacted with PCl5 in
absolute CH2Cl2 or chlorobenzene at various temperatures. After the completion of
the reactions, NH4BF4/H2O was added at room temperature. The resulting products
were washed with solvents, and the white solids thus obtained were isolated by
filtration and dried in vacuum. The reactions with three phosphonium salts are
shown by Equations (2), (3), and (4). 1H NMR (Py4P1+BF4 , 400MHz, CDCl3, 30
В°C, TMS): Оґ = 1.94 ppm (m. 16H. NCH2CH2), 3.21 ppm (m, ... Show more
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The catalysts were mixed with a KBr salt pellet. FTIR spectra were generated from
32 scans in the wavenumber range 4000 400 cm 1 at a resolution of 4 cm 1.
2.4.2 NMR
1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra were recorded using a Bruker Biospin AG, Magnet
System 400 MHz/54 mm spectrometers at 25 В°C, using chloroform d (CDCl3) as
the solvent and trimethylsilane as the internal standard.
2.4.3 Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)
GPC Measurements were performed using a Waters 1515 Isocratic HPLC using
tetrahydrofuran (THF) as an eluent at 35 В°C, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The
polymers were dissolved in THF at a concentration of 6 mg/mL. The system was
calibrated using a series of monodisperse linear PPO standards with molecular
weights in the range 200 12000 g/mol.
2.4.4 Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS)
ESI MS Measurements were performed using a Micromass LCTTM Liquid
Chromatography/Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer equipped with a Waters 600
Liquid Chromatography System.
2.4.5 The degree of unsaturation (C=C)
The degree of unsaturation was calculated by 1H NMR. 1H NMR (PPO, 400 MHz,
CDCl3, TMS): Оґ = 1.12 ppm (m. CH3), 3.20 3.80 ppm (CH2, CH), 3.13 ppm
(CH2CHOH), 3.90 ppm (CH2CHOH), 5.14 ppm (CH2=CH CH2), 5.27 ppm
(CH2=CH CH2), 5.87 ppm (CH2=CH CH2) (Figure
Royal Enfield Case Study
Submitted towards partial evaluation of Operations Research course
Submitted by,
Roll No. 07
MBA, 1st Year
Centre for Management Studies,
NALSAR University of Law
October 2014
The top level management of Eicher Motors faced a very tough challenge with
respect to their motorcycle division Royal Enfield. Royal Enfield was making losses
and the company had only one chance to revive it. Modernising the motorcycles in
order to increase the customer base was what they wanted to do to revive Royal
Enfield, but the existing Royal Enfield customers preferred the original Royal
Enfield Bullet than a modernised Royal Enfield Bullet. Therefore, by modernising,
there was a risk that the company would lose its existing customers and the
probability of gaining new customers was less due to the modernised changes in the
traditional features of the motorcycle. The case shows how the company dealt with ...
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The factory at United Kingdom closed down in 1970 while the Indian plant
continued to manufacture the Bullet. Royal Enfield ventured into a collaboration
with Eicher group which manufactures tractors, commercial vehicles and automotive
gears in the year 1990 which was followed by a merger in the year 1994 and the
company was renamed as Royal Enfield Motors Limited. Royal Enfield kept
incorporating new technology on its motorcycles and it was the first motorcycle
manufacturer to comply with the stringent norms for emissions imposed by the
Government of India in the year 1996. It was also among the few companies to
obtain the Whole Vehicle Type Approval for meeting the European standards. Today,
Royal Enfield is considered to be the oldest motorcycle company in the world which
is still in production and Bullet which is the longest production run model in the
Juggling Motor Skill
To better understand learning, the research and experimentation was conducted by a
student. The purpose of this study was to examine a novice learner performing a
skill, in which improvement, retention, consistency, adaptability and stages of
learning would be tested. The individual chose juggling three beanbags for the skill to
be learned. The subject had to learn how to juggle three beanbags at once using both
hands. Practice was completed in one way to keep consistency; this included
throwing small beanbags standing up in the same room. Hypothesis of the
experimenter suggested greatest improvement of skill in the beginning to middle of
testing. Learning would be accomplished. An increase in practice time and ... Show
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Although the scores were very low, after the eight weeks, the number or score
increased dramatically with more practice. The dependent variables were the catches
and errors made.
Baseline session, no practice of skill prior to session, was first recorded to observe
students ability before practice. Juggling practice consisted of fifteen and thirty
minute daily practice sessions depending on learner s daily schedule. Eight hours of
practice were to be completed by end of motor learning experiment. Practice was
conducted in one certain way to better show the learning evidence. Standing in the
same room, facing the same way, closed doors and windows. After practice
completion of one full hour, student waited fifteen minutes before conducting a
performance session. Total of eight performance sessions were collected throughout
experiment. Retention session was tested five days after eighth performance session
to measure persistence of learning. Transfer session was also conducted to measure
adaptability of skill to other versions of skill.
Data from baseline, performance, retention, and transfer sessions was recorded on
paper by the learner, and then transferred into Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word
for further analysis. Results were put into a formula and answers were plotted on
graphs to observe student learner. Standard deviation was also calculated to observe
consistency of student learning.
[pic] [pic]
Swot Analysis Of Norfolk
Port Operations Naval Station Norfolk SWOT Analysis
Michael D. Scott
Excelsior College
Port Operations Naval Station Norfolk SWOT Analysis
Naval Station Norfolk is home to over 150 vessels with frequent visits from ships
throughout the world. Port Operations is one of many departments onboard Naval
Station Norfolk, and its mission is to provide service and support to more than 150
ships in the US Atlantic fleet (CNIC, n.d.). Naval Station Norfolk recently celebrated
its 100 year anniversary. Although the base is quite seasoned, its commitment to
excellence has never wavered. In 1908, the first bill sent to Congress for the
construction of Naval Station Norfolk failed to find its way through the halls of
Washington (KГјrsener, 2010). In fact, it was not until 1917, after the start of World
War II, that a bill was approved to begin constructing the world s largest naval station
(KГјrsener, 2010). The ability to provide support to numerous afloat assets requires
the involvement on many activities at the naval station. Naval Station Norfolk
supports more than ten primary mission functions while providing a number of other
services such as a medical and dental treatment facility designed to meet the needs of
thousands of service members in the Hampton Roads area. Additionally, the naval
base routinely hosts personnel for the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Army, and Air
Fundamental Differences Between Strong Mayor And...
Discuss the fundamental differences between weak mayor, strong mayor and
council manager forms of government. In the United States of America, there are
two forms of government that most cities adhere to, Mayor Council and Council
Manager. However, there is a third form of government that a smaller few adhere
to call the commission. Moreover, approximately 59% of the cities in the United
States utilize the Council Manager form of government; conversely 33% utilize
the Mayor Council form of government, which means the remaining 8% more than
likely utilize the commission form of government. Council Manager Government
In the State of Texas, the Council Manager form of government is preferred by all
of the major cities, except for Houston who prefer the Mayor Council form of
government. Under the Council Manager form of government, the voters are at
the top of the hierarchical structure. In this capacity, the voters elect a small City
Council, including a mayor, who is the presiding officer over the City Council.
Although the Mayor is symbolically the Head of State , he or she is not the head
of government. The Mayor and City Council have the authority to appoint four of
the city s government officials: the City Manager, the City Attorney, the City
Clerk and the Municipal Judge (some cities elect this position). Moreover,
although weak in this form of government, the Mayor has a vote on many issues
impacting the city; however, lacks any type of veto authority (except in a few
cities), which means that laws are passed by on a majority rule voting system of
the total City Council Members, meaning all City Council Members must vote in
order to pass a law. Most importantly, the Mayor and City Council primary role lies
in the establishment of a strategic vision for the city. Once this is accomplished, the
Mayor and the City Council are responsible for generating a strong mission
statement that aligns with a set of clear goals, resulting in effective government
policy guidance for execution by the City Manager to run the city. Collectively, the
Mayor and City Council hire the City Manager who has full management authority,
to execute the Mayor s and City Council s vision for the city. However, a City
Emotional Child Abuse Essay
Emotional child abuse involves putting a child in very stressful and
psychologically damaging situations. Emotional abuse involves coercive,
demeaning, or very distant behavior by a parent or caretaker that interferes with a
child s normal mental or social development. Harm to the child may or may not be
intended. Emotional abuse may consist of actions that hurt a child s well being or
failure to meet a child s emotional needs. Such actions or neglect on the part of a
caretaker can cause serious and lasting emotional, mental, or behavioral problems in
a child. This can affect the child s ability to engage in normal social experiences and
develop as a healthy adult. A child who is physically abused, sexually abused, or
neglected is often emotionally... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Making the child feel alone in the world.
Putting unreasonable standards or demands on a child.
Frightening, bullying, or verbally assaulting a child.
Emotional child abuse occurs at every social, economic, and educational level. It
occurs in all ethnic, cultural, and religious groups. Abuse often occurs over a long
period of time. Emotional child abuse may be more likely to occur in the following
After an unplanned or difficult pregnancy, rape, or incest.
During stressful periods. This includes a family crisis, conflict between parents,
unemployment, or a family death.
If a child is born prematurely or has a serious illness or disability.
If the caretaker is dealing with stress from low income, substance abuse, long term
health and mental health problems, or crowded living conditions.
If the caretaker was a victim of abuse during childhood.
If the caretaker lacks social support and is socially isolated.
Caretakers may lack parenting skills and understanding of children s needs. They
may make unreasonable demands or hold unrealistic expectations of what the child
can do. They may be very critical of the child.
Gordon House Blackstone House
Gordon House was originally called Blackstone House and could accommodate up
to 30 guests. The builder, Alfred Winter, cut a road through to Blackstone Lake in
the 1890s to make the muskellunge more accessible. Mr. Winter was the local
postmaster till the railway was put in by Lake Joseph to Parry Sound. Later he
renamed it Gordon House after his admiration of the famous General Gordon who
was killed in 1885 in Khartoum.
The following are excerpts from many write ups on fishing, especially for muskie, on
Blackstone Lake, before the lake was too civilized and fished. Years are boldfaced for
The first documented case of fishing on Blackstone Lake occurs before even the
first settler arrived or the lake surveyed. It is a brief letter ... Show more content on
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On inquiry at a cabin we learned he had found a boat and passed down the lake and
would meet us at the portage, so we pushed on as it was a matter of importance to
reach the carry very soon, as the fast increasing darkness would make it impossible to
find the trail in the woods. Arrived at the portage we hastened over, leaving all that
could not be carried at one trip to be returned for in the morning, and found M.
coming across Portage Lake to meet us, accompanied by a sturdy settler whom he
had found living on the shore of Blackstone Lake. The addition to our force
enabled us to get all the camp traps over to the shore of Portage Lake. This lake is a
beautiful oval sheet of water half a mile in greatest diameter, with high and densely
forest covered banks, and lays between Otter and Blackstone
Natural Light Is A Clear Mental Intuition
Natural light can encompass multiple facets of meaning. Natural light was threaded
among Descartes s extensive argument, but it was evident to me that natural light was
not simply his clear mental intuition, but his fundamental component that is his faith.
Descartes attempts to utilize this natural light to argue the existence of the most
supremely perfect and infinite being that is God. This idea of God, according to him,
has existence because it is innate.
The natural light is a clear mental intuition, it is innate. It can be explained as
something that is known with certainty, which requires no factual, physical evidence,
but merely a sensation of being true to oneself. It may be something that is accepted
solely by the one who ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Descartes depicts the natural light as the guide responsible for the clarity and
disctiness in which he examines every thought of the thinking thing. This guide
provides him with the steps that lead him to the conclusion that he indeed is a
thinking thing and that God exists. This light manifests itself within him, leaving him
with clear and distinct thoughts which he cannot doubt in any way because these
ideas or thoughts ring true to him and thus are true. He explains, When I say Nature
taught me to think this , all I mean is that a spontaneous impulse leads me to believe
it, not that its truth has been revealed to me by some natural light...Whatever is
revealed to me by some natural light cannot in any way be open to doubt (82). This
natural light is something that is known with certainty, it is accepted without dispute.
It is evident he holds the natural light to a high standard, as he believes that there
cannot be another faculty both as trustworthy as the natural light and also capable of
showing me that such things are not true (82). Descartes s faith is strong willed and
deeply embedded within him. He responds to his critics by stating that those who
doubt his argument have a dim natural light that they do not clearly see the
perfection that is the being of God. This light and this ability to perceive this, is not
present in all, as he states
The Importance Of Environmental Science
Throughout the modern era, people were becoming more aware of the importance of
a clean, healthy environment. As the environmentalist movement began and more
research was being done within environmental science, the public became increasing
involved in the science. Environmental science and the public, throughout the modern
era, were connected in a unique way, in that the public is not often practicing
environmental science, but using it as a mode of promoting environmental justice
and fueling the environmentalismmovement, as demonstrated by increase of public
interest after the publication of Silent Springs, the environmental justice and
NIMBYism movements, and the change in the public from consumers to advocates.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the public was not extremely interested in
environmental sciences, as they did not fully understand their implications to
everyday life. This lack of initial interest can be seen in many types of sciences
when they are started out, such as the study of biology. Scientists like Gregor
Mendel who were serious scientists in their respective fields were generally ignored
by the public, but with Darwin s Origin of the Species, the issue of heredity was
more directly applied to the general public, making people more interested in the
field. Just as Origin of the Species sparked public interest, Rachel Carson s Silent
Springs peaked public interest in environmental science and began the
environmentalism movement. Books like Silent
Elements Of Macbeth And The Fall Of Man
The Fall of Man
The ancient Greek notion of tragedy concerned the fall of a great man, such as a
king, from a position of superiority to a position of humility on account of his
ambitious pride, or hubris. To the Greeks, such arrogance in human behavior was
punishable by terrible vengeance. The tragic hero was to be pitied in his fallen plight
but not necessarily forgiven: Greek tragedy frequently has a bleak outcome. Christian
drama, on the other hand, always offers a ray of hope; hence, Macbeth ends with the
coronation of Malcolm, a new leader who exhibits all the correct virtues for a king.
Macbeth exhibits elements that reflect the greatest Christian tragedy of all: the Fall
of Man. In the Genesis story, it is the weakness of Adam, persuaded by his wife
(who has in turn been seduced by the devil) which leads him to the proud assumption
that he can play God. But both stories offer room for hope: Christ will come to save
mankind precisely because mankind has made the wrong choice through his own free
will. In Christian terms, although Macbeth has acted tyrannically, criminally, and
sinfully, he is not entirely beyond redemption in heaven.
Fortune, Fate, and Free Will
Fortune is another word for chance. The ancient view of human affairs frequently
referred to the Wheel of Fortune, according to which human life was something of a
lottery. One could rise to the top of the wheel and enjoy the benefits of superiority,
but only for a while. With an unpredictable swing up
Costco Business Model
Q1. What is Costco s business model? Is the company s business model appealing?
Why or why not? Costco s business model is concentrated on generating high
purchase levels and fast inventory gross revenue by extending members low rates on
a controlled assortment of nationwide name brands and top quality private label
goods in a wide ranging assortment. Costco s attentive in the low cost approach is
focused on a limited purchase sector and out striving competitors by devising low
down prices, consequently remaining proficient enough to achieve a niche consumers
at a lower price. Costco s business model is interesting because they are proficient
enough to persistently promote to a niche market. By propounding the finest products
feasible at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their affiliates are offered a controlled assortment of nationwide brand names in
addition to choosing private label goods in a widespread of commodities. Costco
merges its fast inventory revenue with the functioning competences to track the
business lucratively at a substantial lower gross margin. Moreover, Costco gains
benefits of its great sales capacity and fast inventory turnover to gain the advantages
of timely sum rebates from merchandise wholesalers due to the extraordinary deals
and fast inventory turnover. This allows Costco to produce an abundant of cash in
their account. The pricing strategy of Costco is the central factor that reinforce the
low price business strategy which is to improve the limitations on brand named
merchandise which is at 14%. Which allows their members to bargain at such a low
value. Costco has the prominent status amongst consumers as the number one
merchant of mutable merchandise and low prices. Costco s economical benefit is
positioned upon its aptitude to purchase in massive wholesale, consolidate, and sell in
Minnesota Medical Science Program Analysis
It s my pleasure to be a student of University of Minnesota Medical Laboratory
Science program, my knowledge of medical laboratory science program was
limited before I started this program as I am progressing in taking classes I am
more knowledgeable about what should be expected of medical laboratory
professionals. Specifically, from this course what I learned on the issues like health
care ethics, patient s right and confidentiality, health care system in the USA, and
above all how to work with the people from different cultural background is
overwhelming. There are so many topics I will remember for the rest of my
professional life if I should pick just two, cultural competency and patients right and
confidentiality topics were life changing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As I will progress in this program it s my belief to be well equipped with the
knowledge how to analyze diagnostic testing of blood, hematology, immunology,
urine and microbiology tests, at the same time expecting my knowledge how to
use the biomedical instrument used in diagnostic testing will be improved. As of
right now my I believe this course prepared me mentally, psychologically and
emotionally as well, how to be a better medical professional by broadened my
understanding of self care in medical professional which thought me that under any
circumstances we must meet the physical and emotional need of our patients.
Despite gaining so many knowledge about health care system, ethics, and scope of
practice, as student, there is a long road to go to understand about how diagnostic
test analyzed in the laboratory. Overall this course changed my perspective about
the importance of patients rights and confidentiality, professionalism, medical
ethics, and self care. My knowledge is so limited that in regards to those topics
before taking this class, for instance, I used to think self care as looking after
yourself but after taking this class my understanding of self care was wrong. As a
medical professional, the priority should be always the physical,
Dallas Mavericks Case Summary
The case The Dallas Mavericks has provided an insight on the importance of
objective performance evaluation methodology which is based on evidence based
judgment and decision making . And definitely, I believe it is worth to make as the
evaluation has encapsulated relative performance appraisal which focused on
evaluating individual contribution in the team performance. Two dignitaries, Mark
Cuban and Professor of decision science, Wayne Winston meet to restructure and
reengineer the performance evaluation which has focused on scientific empirical
model called Plus/Minus index. As per (Button, 2017), the objective performance
evaluation method is reliable as well as fair. The subjective method of decision
making are profoundly based... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In doing so he can pay half the amount less to the player who has owned 5 games in
compare to those that has owned 7 games. In financial and economic terms, owner
could be efficient with his money. The appraisal process has incorporated an
integrative approach, a mechanism to scrutinize efficiency as well as effectiveness
of the player s performance. The efficiency underweights the value added by the
individual player in team performance and effectiveness evaluates the final result,
i.e. overall team performance. Hence, I utterly align with the objective performance
appraisal method incorporated in the The Dallas Mavericks , saying it has created
win win situation for both the players and the owner but I believe, nevertheless,
subjective approach should not be neglected and hybrid approach. i.e. subjective as
well as objective should be used with cautions. A mix of both gives a blend of
qualitative as well as quantitative result and will help to come across the limitation of
mathematical process.
Firstamerica Bank
Conflict on a Trading Floor
The case describes the ethical dilemma occurred in FirstAmerica Bank. The sales
department of the bank was preparing a 700 mln. USD loan contract for one of the
bank s former client: Poseidon Cruise Lines. Poseidon intended to order a large
cruise ship for their fleet to a French shipyard, which required a contract to be
signed for five years and in French francs. This in turn raised concerns in Poseidon
management, related to the possible economic costs/losses related to dollar franc
exchange transaction risks, since the cash flow of Poseidon was in dollars.
The contract elaboration was assigned to Linda, one of the top salespersons of the
FirstAmerica bank and the author of article, as an assistant to ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The economic dimension of the dilemma was that he feels responsible for his job
duties and wants to ensure good economic indicators for the bank, as well as they
both will receive significant bonuses based on the volume of contract. The ethical
aspect of the dilemma was that the author didn t like lying and values honesty and
has a fear of negative consequences.
The alternatives that the author has are as follows: a) follow Linda and keep silence,
b) speak with Linda, but state the problem in terms of consequences, c) refuse to
collaborate with Linda, d) inform Poseidon on the problems, and e) inform higher
level of management.
By following Linda and keeping silence the author can satisfy his prudential and
economic concerns but feel remorse and personal discrepancies in terms of personal
ethics. Talking to Linda and stating the problem in terms of consequences can
produce positive impact for all dimensions of the problem if she agrees and
negative impact for all dimensions if she disagrees. By refusing to collaborate with
Linda, the author will satisfy his ethical concerns, but is risking losing his job and
sacrificing prudential and economic concerns. By informing Poseidon on deception
the outcomes could be the same as with previous alternative, as well as can face legal
concerns in terms of information secrecy. Informing higher level of management will
produce a positive impact if the management agrees with the arguments, or will
What Did David ( Mickey ) Marcus, The First General Of
The focus of this investigation will be To what extent did David (Mickey) Marcus,
the first general of the Israeli Army, affect the creation of the state of Israel? .
David Marcus graduated at the top of his class at West Point and was a honored
American solider during World War II. He saw the devastation that this war had
caused, first hand when freeing several concentration camps after the war had just
ended. Being a Jew but never in touch with his religious side, he didn t know what to
do to help the cause. He saw this mass migration of Jewswith no place to go and
wanted to help. He secretly went to Israeli under a fake name and risked his life
every day by taking charge of the Israeli rag tag army and made it into a force to be
reckoned with. He was a very important figure in Israeli history and many believe that
without him, the state of Israelwould have never been created. That being said, there
are few sources about him that encompass his story as a whole although many
mention him as a greater part of Israeli history.
Berkman, Ted. Cast a Giant Shadow: The Story of Mickey Marcus Who Died to
save Jerusalem. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962. Print.
Cast a Giant Shadow is a biography written exclusively about David Marcus by his
close friend. David had a lot of input into the creation of the work although it was
written by Ted Berkman. It is the first piece found that encompassed the entire story
of his life and everything he did in his career. It has value

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  • 1. Act Essay Example Writing an essay on the topic of "Act Essay Example" can be a challenging task that requires a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and the ability to articulate thoughts coherently. The complexity arises from the need to analyze and interpret examples from the ACT, a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. Crafting a compelling essay involves delving into the nuances of the examples provided, evaluating their relevance, and illustrating how they align with the overall theme. One of the challenges lies in effectively incorporating the necessary details without losing sight of the essay's structure and coherence. Balancing the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion while seamlessly integrating examples can be demanding. Additionally, addressing the prompt, which may require critical analysis or argumentation, adds another layer of difficulty. It necessitates a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to express thoughts clearly and persuasively. Furthermore, writing an essay on this topic requires a thorough grasp of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary to ensure the delivery of a polished and professional piece. Striking the right tone and maintaining a consistent writing style throughout the essay is crucial for capturing the reader's attention and conveying ideas effectively. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "Act Essay Example" demands a combination of analytical skills, writing proficiency, and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. It is a task that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and the ability to synthesize information cohesively. If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, it's worth considering seeking assistance. Similar essays and a variety of writing services can be explored on HelpWriting.net, providing a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their academic writing. Act Essay Example Act Essay Example
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  • 9. The Smithsonian Museums The purpose of museums is to serve the public in the fields of education and research. The pinnacle of museum structure, for this country, is the Smithsonian, with its headquarters located in Washington D.C. (Smithsonian). My future career goal is to get a curator position within one of the nineteen museums that fall under the Smithsonian jurisdiction (Smithsonian). Though I will be happy working in many other museums across this country I decided to choose the Smithsonian because it is the Official National Museumfor the United States. All other United Stated museums base their business structure on the standard the Smithsonian sets. What is right and wrong in museums culture in the United States can be molded from the Smithsonian. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The curator has a lot to deal with so there is a structure of positional power so that one person is not completely overwhelmed. The structure of the museum field follows the positions form the top being the main director, directors in specific fields then curators. After the curators, there is no longer a hierarchy to follow but a branching of different disciplines, like: exhibition designer, conservator, development, and accounting (Lancaster, A., Houdyshell, A. 2019). With all these different people being involved, a curator would benefit from knowing the Relational Leadership Model. The ethical and empowering parts of the RLM section are important to be able to draw different people together to work as a cohesive team (Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., McMahon, T. R, 2013). Every position has its own possibility for leadership. One of the most propionate leaders in the field of Museum curation is Franz Boaz. He started changing the mindset from ethnographic anthropology to a more culturally bases idea (this removed a former white biases based racism). For other leaders there is every one down the line is able to put their own input in to the curation of a project. Dr. Francesca Marini discussed how her interns are designing the layout and researching the information for new exhibits with minimal oversee from her. She makes sure they stay on tract but besides that, the interns have free range to develop their exhibit. Marini explains that this happens in all museums even up to the Smithsonian level because there is always more to do then there are people to get it done. She says that the world of museums would not function well without the help of interns and
  • 10. Darfur Celebrities Since the creation of old media sources, like T.V. and radio, countries across the globe have used technology to document important events. However, the continuous portrayal of negative conflicts broadcasted by news stations often cause people to change the channel. Traditional forms of media cause this lack of empathy because of the absence of strong leadership and motivational involvement. In contrast, new media is designed to be interactive, impelling users to be involved. Celebrities can use their influence on social media to connect their followers to conflicts they believe need the world s support. As a result, users feel they should support their favorite actors and athletes by spreading the word through posts, hashtags, and videos.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If there is a strong leader, new media can gather groups together to protest conflicts, raise money, and hold meetings with governments. It can connect people internationally, giving humanity the ability to communicate to others about the importance of a particular conflict. The more people helping to bring peace and prevent future crises, the easier it will be to end the conflict. [R]eal leverage for human rights and peace will come when the people who benefit from war will pay a price for the damage they caused (Trussel 1). Youtube videos can be used to leverage peace because they raise awareness. They can be shared instantly, not only on Youtube itself, but on other social media sites, therefore expanding the window of viewers. They show firsthand evidence of conflicts. Facebook is the perfect medium to form humanitarian groups, protest, and connect the world to crises. It can be a tool for peacebuilding by using hashtags like Team Darfur to gather individuals to discussions pertaining to the Darfur Crisis. Creating pages to raise money for a crisis or to discuss ways to bring humanitarian groups into areas of conflict is another method that can be used. Clearly, no matter what the conflict is, new media can be used by everyone to raise awareness about crises and to influence the world to help build peace and prevent future
  • 11. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas Fear How does the author, John Boyne, of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas explore the notion of fear in the novel? Refer to social context John Boyne s historical fable, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, is an optimistic narration of World War Two set in the Out With concentration camp. In the background of the war, the story details the life of male protagonist Bruno, who befriends the unlikeliest of strangers in his attempt to adjust to life at Out With. In Boyne s portrayal of this dictatorship, the characters go through life controlled by the notion of fear, only escaping its grasp through the most dramatic of circumstances. The didactic text paints a picture of how we don t have a choice when we are being controlled by our fear (p.8). Thus, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During chapter two, Boyne characterises Bruno s fear through the use of dialogue where Bruno froze, unable to move for a moment (p.17). By implementing this somewhat clichГ©d metaphor, Boyne paints a vivid picture of the fear Bruno feels after betraying social etiquette. Bruno knows what he did was wrong, and later awaits to be called into Father s office to be punished. Boyne introduces the setting of Father s office as being Out of Bounds At All Times And No Exceptions (p.44). From Boyne s introduction of the office with capitalisation, Boyne emphasises to the audience that Bruno views the office as Out of Bounds , suggesting deep set fear towards Father as Bruno has a negative connotation towards Father s office. This relationship built on the basis of fear is similar in substance to the relationship between Father and the Fury. Boyne briefly explores this relationship during a literary flashback. The dialogue where Father states how he has no choice demonstrates to the reader how, like Bruno, Father was afraid of the repercussions which would occur by going against the rules set in place by the Fury. This is the basis of the tactic used by hijackers asking for ransom money, they instil fear in their victims to ensure that they will obey as Father obeys the Fury by moving to Out With. Consequently, from his character development, Boyne
  • 12. Chelow Kebab History The Persian Empire fell in the year 330 BCE due to the invasion of Alexander III of Macedon (Metropolitan Museum of Art). During this the Greeks controlled the Persian lands, this was known as the Seleucid dynasty. After the Seleucid dynasty there were many dynasties that controlled Persia. During the year 633 654 AD Muslims started attacking the Sassanid Empire and took back control of Iran, this was known as the Muslim conquest or the Arab conquest of Iran. Modern day Iran is divided into 31 provinces (Statoids). These 31 provinces are combined into 5 regions of Iran. These 5 regions are Tehran (middle northern region), Esfahan (middle southern region), Tabriz (northwest region), Kermanshah (western region), and Mashhad (eastern region).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This dish is often referred to as the original Iranian national dish besides the true national dish Chelow kebab. This dish is an herb stew with many herbal mixtures combined with Persian polo rice. Persian polo rice is basmati rice that is cooked in a seasoned broth often mixed with onions and spices. This gives the rice a brown color completely different from the rice styles of Chelow. Ghormeh is originally a Turkish word; this dish is from the region of Tabriz, which is next to turkey. Ghormeh in Turkish means stewed and sabzi means Persian herbs. The Turkish people used Persian herbs to create this dish and the Persians loved the stew so they adopted this dish from Turkey. Ghormeh sabzi s herbal ingredients are a mixture of parsley, green onions, coriander, and dried fenugreek leaves. The dish is cooked with kidney beans and turmeric seasoned lamb or beef all served with polo or tah dig (crusted saffron seasoned
  • 13. Ernie In The Book A Crush By Cynthia Rylant Happiness cannot be traveled to owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience is living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. This quote shows how Ernie in the book A Crush by Cynthia Rylant he may have has happiness but then It got taken when his mother died. Secondly, after his mother died he got put in a group home to meet new people and know the outside world. Another main topic when he went to breakfast with his new friend Jack at big boys cafe and he met a beautiful women named Dolores. When he met Dolores he was so stunned on how beautiful. When Ernie s mother died he didn t know what to do. Ernie cried for nearly a month. Then he dried his tears, and learned how to bake. (70) This shows how he went through many changes when his mother died. The first way is how he didn t know to much when he was on the couch eating nutter butters and then he became a very intelligent. Ernie found out he shouldn t of had dwelled on the past and should live in the present. Secondly he really didn t know what to do without his mom but then he adapted and realized he can live on his own. This is how Ernie changed when his mother died.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On page 74 it says by summer Ernie and Jack were best friends. This shows how Ernie became more social and he has evolved since his mother s death. Jake would always take Ernie to the big boys cafe where they would eat and catch up on what has happened during their days. Ernie started to become a very good friends of Jack and they would always go to big boys and that s where he met this beautiful women named
  • 14. Chemotherapy Persuasive Speech Cancer is a challenging and fatal disease which can strike at any minute. The typical treatment for the illness includes radiation and chemotherapy, however both treatments have terrible side effects which are frequently the primary cause of death in cancer patients. Thankfully, the illness has been dealt with naturally for centuries, so there are many alternative treatments that can assist. Today we re going to speak about soursop (graviola), a tropical fruit with extraordinary anti cancer properties that may be a feasible cure for cancer. Inning accordance with research studies, the fruit works much better than chemotherapy and is abundant in vital minerals and vitamins that will enhance your body immune system and enhance your overall health. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thanks to the amazing medicinal homes, the soursop fruit can treat many illness. It is a natural solution against rheumatism and skin problems, and its relaxing effects can be of fantastic assistance against stress and anxiety and anxiety. The fruit can likewise combat cancer, and according to some researchers, it may be the holy grail of cancer treatments. Here are the top health advantages of the graviola
  • 15. Greek God Apollo Research Paper Greek God Apollo Research Paper I guess darkness serves a purpose: to show us that there is redemption through chaos. I believe in that. I think that s the basis of Greek mythology , Brendan Fraser once said about the idea of all Greek Gods and myths. The people of ancient Greece would look up to various gods, depending on what they were seeking. Apollos name translates to strength , as he displayed this trait throughout his lifetime and had to be emotionally and physically stronger at times for the people of Ancient Greece. Apollo was a man of trust who excelled and supported all of the fine arts of the Greek civilization such as music, art, and poetry (God Apollo). One of the most underestimated traits of Apollo was his healing powers, in which he helped out many Greeks in desperate times, like the Trojan War (Cartwright). The Greek God Apollo was the most influential among Greek people because of his recognition for music, the truth, and healing powers. Apollo was born on the Greek island of Delios, from his parents Zeusand Leto (Regula). Zeus was the god of the Olympians who also controlled lightning and thunder, and Leto was the goddess of motherhood (Atsma). Apollo was a god who had a clear idea of what was right from wrong and lived with the idea of that the Greek society could live under peace and harmony and follows the laws that were put into motion, especially after the Trojan War (The Story of Apollo). Apollo demonstrated importance to the people of
  • 16. Ned Kelly Heroes Ned Kelly was a very famous Australian Bushranger who was well known for his courage and bravery. The character of Ned Kelly is considered as either a murderous villain or the Robin Hood of Australia. Ned Kelly is more commonly portrayed as the Robin Hood of Australia for people in the modern society, after considering his heritage on Australia during his life. There are many interpretations of Ned Kelly s life and character, which help people make judgements whether he is a murderous villain or a hero. Such interpretations include the film Ned Kelly (2003) as well as the documentary Australia is still divided over Ned Kelly . Throughout the film Ned Kelly, the main scenes which show the character of Ned Kelly as The Robin Hood are such... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main reason he robs the bank is so he could give money to the less wealthy people who are in need. To support this idea, a high camera angle is used to show Ned Kelly s expression and his personality, as well as his desperation for helping people. Ned Kelly can go to any extent to achieve his mission. This also highlights a quality, which helps him gain the title of the Robin Hood of Australia. Props are used in this scene to help emphasize his point and his mission. The props used in this scene are guns and are used to indicate how serious Ned Kelly is for completing his mission and to describe what extent he can reach to gain success. Furthermore, a medium shot of Steve, who is a member of the Kelly Gang, steals a watch of one of the townspeople. The medium shot displays a greater focus on emotion and status of him. The main purpose of this medium shot is to incorporate the setting, the characters and personalities of members of the Kelly Gang. Ned Kelly establishes leadership in the Kelly gang, as his actions and personal qualities lead him to his personal journey of success after achieving what he wanted. Ned Kelly takes action against injustice and produces his own title of being represented as Robin
  • 17. Analysis Of Resilience Theory Introduction The American Psychological Association (2014) defines resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress. (American Psychological Association, 2014, pg.1) Resilience Theory uses the definition of resilience in the context of the lives of clients by explaining although people may face adversity in their lives it is still possible to overcome that adversity to achieve success and personal gains. Resilience Theory describes how clients use protective factors to assist in a self righting process over the life course to fare well in the face of adversity. (Hutchison, 2015, pg.9) Some strengths of the theory would be it can be applied to all populations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Organizations gain experience, resources, and influence. The systematic character of oppression becomes clearer. Social forces join together, work through differences. (Smith, 2013) Steve s life was infiltrated by people and organizations actively engaged in networking to effectively provide the means and resources to provide Steve a better life as Steve is now the Divisional Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer for Walgreens and a proud husband and father of three children. This life story is a true testament to Social Justice at its best. Diversity is about the recognition and celebration of the differences that exist in our society. Diversity is the strength of our social structure. Diversity is about acknowledging and tolerating those who are different, even though those differences may make us uncomfortable. Diversity is about recognizing barriers that prevent access to our social systems and building a broader community infrastructure. Diversity challenges us at the personal level to broaden our assumptions about whether differences make someone less than us. At the interpersonal level, diversity challenges us. (Yee,
  • 18. Carboniferous Research Paper The carboniferous period lasted from about 359.2 to 299 million years ago, during the Paleozoic era. The name carboniferous came from the large amounts of carbon bearing coal that was formed during the period. Several major biological, geological, and climatic events occurred at this time. The amniote egg allowed further exploitation for certain tetrapods. It enabled ancestors of birds, mammals, and reptiles to lay their eggs on land without fear of being dehydrated. The carboniferous period was divided into two major subdivisions, the Mississippian and the Pennsylvanian. The Mississippian was the early half and the Pennsylvanian being the last half. Climatically there was a trend towards mild temperatures The beginning of the carboniferous generall had more tropical and humid climates than exists today. The plant fossils form the carboniferous period resemble that they lived in tropical and mildly temperature areas today. This climate may have been a result of the large expanse of ocean that covered the surface of the globe, except a localized section. The early part of the period was warm but the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Life of the carboniferous period was sizable and luxuriant. It included ferns, fernlike trees, giant horsetails, club mosses, or lycopods, seed ferns, and cardaites. Plants in the Mississippian were creating lots of oxygen in earths atmosphere. Plants started to develop bark during this time. Land animals included primitive amphibians, reptiles, spiders, millipedes, land snails, scorpions, enormous dragon flies, and more than 800 different types of cockroaches. The inland waters included fishes, clams, and many crustaceans. The Mississippian animals had tetrapods, many grow in the high humidity and oxygen. Sea life animals included sharks and corals which were
  • 19. The History of Poliomyelitis Better Known as Polio The disease poliomyelitis is more commonly known by its alternative name polio. The history of this disease dates back into prehistory, but major polio epidemics were not known before the twentieth century. The first clinical description of this disease was provided by a British physician named Michael Underwood, in which he described the disease as debility of the lower extremities. In the 1880s major epidemics started to occur in Europe, then made its way soon after into the United States. The first report of multiple cases was recorded in 1843 and described an outbreak that happened in Louisiana in 1841. The next large outbreak was in Boston in 1893 where there were 26 cases of poliomyelitis. The following year was the first recognized epidemic in the United States which occurred in Vermont with 132 total cases, including 18 deaths. By 1907 there were approximately 2,500 cases of polio reported in New York City alone. By 1910, epidemics of polio were regular events throughout the developed world, mostly in cities during the warmer months. In 1916 there were over 27,000 cases including more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in the United States, with more than 2,000 deaths occurring in New York City alone. Poliomyelitis hit its peak in the 1940s and 1950s; it paralyzed or killed more than half a million people per year. The etiology of poliomyelitis is infection with the poliovirus, which is spread through direct person to person contact, contact with infected mucus or
  • 20. Literature Review On International Business Literature Review Each year, many companies resort to or consider expanding abroad. Sensing a need for guidance, a number of authors have written and expressed their opinion on what it takes to succeed when expanding a business overseas. Lists of suggestions and tips on how to deal with issues such as cultureas well as the laws in target countries have been made available to businesses. The following research articles were reviewed to obtain some knowledge of the factors that need to be considered when expanding a businessinternationally. The issues examined involve culture, foreign laws regulation, political risks, as well as market structure and competition. Based on this literature review, we were able to give profound advice on whether the company should actually consider expanding the business to Europe. Communication and Cultural barriers Communication with individuals from different cultures can be challenging. Therefore, developing proficiency in cross cultural communication skills is essential for businesses looking to expand abroad. Cebuc and Oisif (2008) stress on how communication is important in the business world, since it s a means of establishing relationships with suppliers, partners and even the customers. The writers recommend that expanding businesses to try and adapt to the business styles of the overseas country. For instance in some northern European countries, the natives are more straight forward and prefer to not waste time talking about
  • 21. Rites Of Passage In African Religion Along with many other rituals African and Native American religions share, Rites of passage are a fundamental ceremony of transition that marks an important stage in someone s life such as birth, puberty, marriage, and death. It can even signify a change in status for someone in their society. During rites of passage experiences, the person comes out of the experience with a new and empowering story. Their story and experience should help them take responsibility for their future decisions and put them on the right path. A rite of passage is supposed to help the people find out who they are and the kind of life they want to build based the experience they have. Their story that they created from their experience should help them connect... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Cherokees believed that certain foods affected the baby. The pregnant women avoided foods that they believed would harm the baby or cause unwanted physical characteristics such as deformities. Expectant parents would participate in rituals to guarantee a safe delivery, such as daily washing of hands and feet and employing medicine men to perform rituals that would make deliveries easier. A woman in labor would either stand, kneel, or sit, but she never give birth lying down. No one bothered to catch the baby and it would fall onto leaves placed beneath the mother. Later in life when puberty hits the children would take vision quests; which were talked about before. Once the child contacts the spirit world and guides them to their right path then they go back to their village and tell their tale. When someone in the Native american religion reaches deaths door the death ritual starts. They celebrated death because they knew it was an end to their time on Earth, but the start of new life in the Spirit World. The journey to the spirit world, they believed to be long. After life rituals were performed to ensure that the deceased would not continued to roam the earth as a spirit, but make their journey to the spirit world. Various tribes honored the dead in many ways such as by giving them food and gifts to ensure their safe journey to the after life. Knowing that both African and Native American religions have rituals and
  • 22. Life Of Pi Where During Pi s Journey Discoveries referring to people and places can lead an individual to new values and understandings but also ramifications. These discoveries being on a large or small scale can lead to positive outcomes such as new understandings and values or negative outcomes being ramification or consequences brought from a discovery. This is evident in Ang Lee s film Life of Piwhere during Pi s journey and hardships lead to his new understandingof faith contrasted to his discovery to survive on his journey, seen through his relationship with Richard Parker and his belief that animals have souls, lead to vast ramifications. Similarly, in Julian Barnes short story Marriage Lines the return to the Island bring new understandings of his past memories... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pi s understanding of faith is further developed in the face of adversity during his time stranded in the pacific. This is conveyed through Lee s use of magic realism in the daybreak scene, where through Lee use of the wide shot of the horizon meeting the ocean, emphasising the hue colours of orange which contrast s to Pi s message about God and placing his faith in him, God I give myself to you. I am your vessel. Whatever comes I want to know. Show me . Through Pi s actions of losing hope in the message in the bottle, emphasised in Lee s close up camera work and stagnated water, but also in the rational world, he demonstrates his discovery of religion and faith being tested, linking back to the quote of the older Pi. Pi s ultimate test of faith is demonstrated through the Storm and the Carnivorous Island both considered forces of nature where Pi s faith and submission to his faith are tested through both situations appearing to be less violent and dangerous in nature than they truly are. Lee demonstrates this new understanding by again using the experienced older Pi narrating the lessons learned in adversity, If I hadn t discovered the tooth, I would have been lost, alone forever. Even when God seemed to abandon me he was watching... . This final step ultimately displays how Pi found new understanding to his faith through the experiences on his journey. Therefore, through Pi s journey leads him to the discovery of the new understanding
  • 23. Latent Defect Essay Mike Christensen December 10, 2009 CM 385: Section 1 Final Paper How Can A Contractor Avoid Liability for Defective Work? Every contract created produces a margin of risk and a platform for success. Depending on how one manages the risk assumed, one may either excel and shine in the glory of success or drown and disappear in the raging waters of error. Nevertheless, to become great one must take that step of faith into the flailing wind. As said by Leo F. Buscalglia, The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn... and grow... and live. (Buscalglia, 2009) The contractor who is bound to the owner must understand the risk ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Binghamton Housing Authority. It was six years after the completion of the Saratoga Terrace apartment complex when a child fell off the back porch stoop and received severe injuries. The parents of the child claimed that the contractor and owner were responsible due to their negligence in constructing the stoop without a protective railing. The court referenced back to the Campo v. Schofield case, which states, We have not yet reached the state where a manufacturer is under the duty of making a machine accident proof or foolproof. The court also noted that the complex had been used without accident for six years and that it did not conceal any dangers or defective work that would not have been found by a reasonable inspection. The outcome of the case proved that the pleading did not contain any allegation of a defect, and that the liability rested upon the parents of the child. Consequently, the phrase Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) protects the contractor from future claims as long as the defective work existed at the time of inspection and could have reasonably been identified. Nevertheless, a contractor must also understand that if the defective work is classified as a latent defect, the risk and liability associated with this defect may be transferred back to the contractor. Therefore, a contractor must understand what a latent
  • 24. Legal Differences And The Legal Types Of A Business... Identify and describe the legal categories of a business organization contrasting tax related advantages and disadvantages. There are three main forms of business organizations that are commonly known globally; they include; Sole Proprietorship, Partnership as well as Corporation. Looking at the Sole proprietorship, it is conventionally known as a business run by one person who is also the owner. This means that the owner has 100% control over the business. This form of business organization is easy to establish since it needs very few legal requirements. There is also no need of having partners or shareholders and the taxes paid in this business organization is only on the income generated. That means that after paying the taxes, all remaining profits remains with the owner. Disadvantages of this structure include less share of expertise since the owner is the only partner. The owner also has unlimited liability for the debts and any malpractices which also includes bearing all maintenance costs (Beyer et al. 2010). For the partnership, it involves more than one player who is also involved in the business structure. The partners share all costs and profits after entering into an agreement that intends to share any commercial interests. The partners also contribute funds to start and operate the business as the starting capital. This means that there is a pool of experience and resources by the two and the partners share the taxes. The disadvantages of this form of
  • 25. The Glass Menagerie Betrayal Betrayal can be seen in the very start of The Glass Menagerie when the main character Tom tells us that his father has left them. At the beginning of the book Tom tells us that, he gave up his job with the telephone company and skipped the light fantastic out of town (5) Tom wanted to leave but he didn t want to be just like his father. Also something was holding him back, his mother and his sister Laura. They depended on Tom for money since he was the only one that was working. He was the one who was providing for the familynow. Since his father left them he was the one left in charge. His mother doesn t make any money. She has a job but she doesn t make much. She sells magazine off of a telephone which does not go well most of the times.
  • 26. A Life Worth Ending Short Story Analysis Critical Analysis: A Life Worth Ending Within the article A Life Worth Ending Michael Wolff recounts the events of his ill mother at her final stage of life. Along with his own battle with a flawed healthcare system. Wolff Brilliantly intertwines literary elements with the use of characterization and his first point of view to tell his story. In his use of characterization, he descriptively talks about the different states his mother undergoes in her illness and the surrounding events and emotions elicited by her continuous downfall, readers experience a feeling of sympathy for Wolff in his circumstance. This also brings light and support to his obscure, perhaps unethical, reasoning that his mother s life, along with those who find ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, she became a marketing executive to more than one pharmaceutical company, then retired as marketing head Of an company and still managed to make dinner for Wolff s familyonce a week and watch over his three children (209). Wolff then brings the readers back to reality of what is left of his mother now in her illness who for the past eighteen months, has not been able to walk, talk, or to address her most minimal needs (206). Readers grasp [he extreme change in Wolff s mother s State, and understand the struggle he faces everyday when he says, She is not who she was; do not force her to endure because of what she once was (20B). In using characterization on his mother, he enables the readers to connect and sympathize with him in his efforts to care for his mother who is in an advanced stage of terminal breakdown (206). Readers understand what Wolff wants acknowledged; that is the creation of a new, ever growing biological status described as a no exit state that is nearly as remote from life as death, but which, unlike death, requires vast service and resources as he witnesses for himself through the care of his mother (207). First person point of view is active in every aspect of the essay, as Wolff writes from his very own experience and incorporates his and opinions as the issue he works to inform the readers on apply to him. Having the
  • 27. Frontal Lobe Case Study The frontal lobe in the human brain is involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgement, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior (Neuroskills,, n.d.) The frontal lobes are extremely vulnerable to injury due to their location at the front of the cranium and their large size. MRI studies have shown that the frontal area is the most common region of injury following mild to moderate traumatic braininjury (Levin et al., 1987). The case follows Jenny, a 17 year old that was struck on the right side of her forehead by a softball, rendering her unconscious for nearly an hour. A brain MRI revealed encephalomalacia in the right area of the frontal lobe. In the following weeks post injury, Jenny ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jenny s parents could expect to see hyperactive in her, to be disinhibited as manifested by speech release, confabulation, lability, and a host of impulsive disturbances which may wax and wane in severity due to the left frontal lobe acting unopposed from the right frontal lobe (Joseph, 2000) due to the sustained injury from the softball. Jenny also may issues involving behavioral spontaneity. Kolb Milner (1981) found that individual with frontal damage displayed fewer spontaneous facial movements, spoke fewer words (left frontal lesions) or speak excessively (right frontal lesions). One of the most common effects of frontal lobe damage that Jenny may exhibit is the drastic change in social behavior. Left frontal damage usually manifests as pseudodepression and right frontal damage as pseudopsychopathic (Blumer and Benson, 1975). Since Jenny sustained damage to the right side of her frontal lobe, she will be more likely to exhibit symptoms of pseudopsychopathic behaviors. Jenny may also have issues with interpreting feedback from the environment as well which includes Perseverating on a response (Milner, 1964), risk taking, and non compliance with rules (Miller, 1985),
  • 28. MГјller-Lyer Illusion Lab Report This study examines if an increase in fin angle reduces the magnitude of the MГјller Lyer Illusion. 50 Undergraduate students from Penn State University, including 26 females and 24 males between the age of 19 and 26 volunteered for this study. The experiment is conducted through Online Psychology Laboratory, where participants use computer mouses to match the adjustable lines to the lines with fins across 11 different fin angles. The results of the experiment confirm there is a negative linear relationship between fin angle and the average adjustment error indicating a decrease in the magnitude of the MГјller Lyer Illusion. Illusions are important psychological phenomenon which demonstrates how sensation does not always equate perception as other factors complicate our interpretations of sensory information. There are many types of illusion including optical, aural and auditory. The MГјller Lyer illusion is a classic example of optical illusion introduced by psychologist Franz Carl MГјller Lyer. (Kazdin, 2000). It involves lines with fins attached at the ends pointing in different directions. The orientation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The independent variable here is fin angle which varies from 15 degrees to 165 degrees in 15 degree intervals. On the other hand, the dependent variable in this experiment is the adjustment error which is computed by subtracting the length of the adjustable line from the length of the line with fins. A positive difference implies an underestimation of the length of lines with fins while the reverse is also true. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study is that as fin angles increase, average adjustment errors decreases in a linear manner, demonstrating an overall negative linear
  • 29. Causes Of Sexual Harassment In Egypt Documentaries concerning sexual harassment in Egypt are getting more serious each day. The problem is age old, however not till lately the government and the media started taking actions against this striking crime. Sexual harassment is present in every society around the world, in every place in Egypt and it cost women an immeasurable damage emotionally and physically. It terrorizes women holding them back from their lives, work and duties, forcing them to measure the value of opportunities against the risk to their safety. The way sexual harassmenthas created fear in every basic life demand, women always trying to find a more secure path in their lives by avoiding sexual harassment, which sometimes manipulate their actions and decisions. The largest majorities face sexual harassment in Egypt, it is a vital problem and studies showed that almost every woman in Egypt had been subjected to it. This problem is notable and can occur in many ways or forms. Not only sexual harassment is constricted to offense inappropriate act against victims will , but it is any violence that can occur to a woman in any platform or by anyway. Types of violence on women are various, however they can all be placed under two headings: physical sexual harassment and verbal sexual harassment. Nevertheless, The Egyptian Criminal Code has divided crimes of sexual violence against women into two categories a category which contains sexual harassment, and the other category which contains FGM,
  • 30. The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe Were Montresor s action in The Cask of Amontillado justified? Is killing someone justifiable? In Edgar Allen Poe s short story The Cask of Amontillado that question is one that could be asked. The short story is about a man named Montresor and his quest to get revenge on his foe Fourtando who has apparently insulted Montresor. Around the time of the carnival season Montresor leaves his house to go find Fourtando and get his revenge he tells none of his servants to leave his house, but Montresor knows once that he has left the servants will leave and go to the carnival. Montresor who is dressed in all black finds a intoxicated Fourtando who is a professional wine taster, and then Montresor claims to have some Amontillado wine but he is not sure whether is genuine or if it s a fraud. In order to intimidate Fortunato and to lure him in, Montresor tells him he is going to get Luchresi another wine taster in the area, but Fortunato tells him no thus Montresor plan comes together and then he leads hims to the catacombs and chains Fortunato up where he leaves him to die. In my opinion the first question should be what did Fortunato do that was so bad for Montresor to want to and eventually killhim? Then the next question would be was the killing justifiable? In my opinion the killing was not justifiable. The reason the killing was not justifiable is because of the fact that nobody deserves to die such a brutal death. Another reason why the killing
  • 31. Phosphonium Saltss Reaction Lab Report Synthesis of tetrakis (pyrrolidino) phosphonium tetrafluoroborate (Py4P1+BF4 ), tetrakis (piperidino) phosphonium tetrafluoroborate (Pi4P1+BF4 ), and tetrakis (morpholino) phosphonium tetrafluoroborate (Mo4P1+BF4 ). Stoichiometric pyrrolidino, piperidino, and morpholino were reacted with PCl5 in absolute CH2Cl2 or chlorobenzene at various temperatures. After the completion of the reactions, NH4BF4/H2O was added at room temperature. The resulting products were washed with solvents, and the white solids thus obtained were isolated by filtration and dried in vacuum. The reactions with three phosphonium salts are shown by Equations (2), (3), and (4). 1H NMR (Py4P1+BF4 , 400MHz, CDCl3, 30 В°C, TMS): Оґ = 1.94 ppm (m. 16H. NCH2CH2), 3.21 ppm (m, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The catalysts were mixed with a KBr salt pellet. FTIR spectra were generated from 32 scans in the wavenumber range 4000 400 cm 1 at a resolution of 4 cm 1. 2.4.2 NMR 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra were recorded using a Bruker Biospin AG, Magnet System 400 MHz/54 mm spectrometers at 25 В°C, using chloroform d (CDCl3) as the solvent and trimethylsilane as the internal standard. 2.4.3 Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) GPC Measurements were performed using a Waters 1515 Isocratic HPLC using tetrahydrofuran (THF) as an eluent at 35 В°C, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The polymers were dissolved in THF at a concentration of 6 mg/mL. The system was calibrated using a series of monodisperse linear PPO standards with molecular weights in the range 200 12000 g/mol. 2.4.4 Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) ESI MS Measurements were performed using a Micromass LCTTM Liquid Chromatography/Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer equipped with a Waters 600 Liquid Chromatography System. 2.4.5 The degree of unsaturation (C=C) The degree of unsaturation was calculated by 1H NMR. 1H NMR (PPO, 400 MHz, CDCl3, TMS): Оґ = 1.12 ppm (m. CH3), 3.20 3.80 ppm (CH2, CH), 3.13 ppm (CH2CHOH), 3.90 ppm (CH2CHOH), 5.14 ppm (CH2=CH CH2), 5.27 ppm (CH2=CH CH2), 5.87 ppm (CH2=CH CH2) (Figure
  • 32. Royal Enfield Case Study CHALLENGES FACED BY EICHER MOTORS IN REVIVING ROYAL ENFIELD BULLET Submitted towards partial evaluation of Operations Research course Submitted by, GOUTHAM RAMDAS Roll No. 07 MBA, 1st Year Centre for Management Studies, NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad October 2014 ABSTRACT The top level management of Eicher Motors faced a very tough challenge with respect to their motorcycle division Royal Enfield. Royal Enfield was making losses and the company had only one chance to revive it. Modernising the motorcycles in order to increase the customer base was what they wanted to do to revive Royal Enfield, but the existing Royal Enfield customers preferred the original Royal Enfield Bullet than a modernised Royal Enfield Bullet. Therefore, by modernising, there was a risk that the company would lose its existing customers and the probability of gaining new customers was less due to the modernised changes in the traditional features of the motorcycle. The case shows how the company dealt with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The factory at United Kingdom closed down in 1970 while the Indian plant continued to manufacture the Bullet. Royal Enfield ventured into a collaboration with Eicher group which manufactures tractors, commercial vehicles and automotive gears in the year 1990 which was followed by a merger in the year 1994 and the company was renamed as Royal Enfield Motors Limited. Royal Enfield kept incorporating new technology on its motorcycles and it was the first motorcycle manufacturer to comply with the stringent norms for emissions imposed by the Government of India in the year 1996. It was also among the few companies to obtain the Whole Vehicle Type Approval for meeting the European standards. Today, Royal Enfield is considered to be the oldest motorcycle company in the world which is still in production and Bullet which is the longest production run model in the
  • 33. Juggling Motor Skill Introduction To better understand learning, the research and experimentation was conducted by a student. The purpose of this study was to examine a novice learner performing a skill, in which improvement, retention, consistency, adaptability and stages of learning would be tested. The individual chose juggling three beanbags for the skill to be learned. The subject had to learn how to juggle three beanbags at once using both hands. Practice was completed in one way to keep consistency; this included throwing small beanbags standing up in the same room. Hypothesis of the experimenter suggested greatest improvement of skill in the beginning to middle of testing. Learning would be accomplished. An increase in practice time and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the scores were very low, after the eight weeks, the number or score increased dramatically with more practice. The dependent variables were the catches and errors made. Baseline session, no practice of skill prior to session, was first recorded to observe students ability before practice. Juggling practice consisted of fifteen and thirty minute daily practice sessions depending on learner s daily schedule. Eight hours of practice were to be completed by end of motor learning experiment. Practice was conducted in one certain way to better show the learning evidence. Standing in the same room, facing the same way, closed doors and windows. After practice completion of one full hour, student waited fifteen minutes before conducting a performance session. Total of eight performance sessions were collected throughout experiment. Retention session was tested five days after eighth performance session to measure persistence of learning. Transfer session was also conducted to measure adaptability of skill to other versions of skill. Data from baseline, performance, retention, and transfer sessions was recorded on paper by the learner, and then transferred into Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word for further analysis. Results were put into a formula and answers were plotted on graphs to observe student learner. Standard deviation was also calculated to observe consistency of student learning. Results [pic] [pic] [pic][pic] [pic][pic] [pic][pic]
  • 34. Swot Analysis Of Norfolk PORT OPERATIONS NAVAL STATION NORFOLK ANALYSIS4 PORT OPERATIONS NAVAL STATION NORFOLK ANALYSIS1 Port Operations Naval Station Norfolk SWOT Analysis Michael D. Scott Excelsior College Port Operations Naval Station Norfolk SWOT Analysis Naval Station Norfolk is home to over 150 vessels with frequent visits from ships throughout the world. Port Operations is one of many departments onboard Naval Station Norfolk, and its mission is to provide service and support to more than 150 ships in the US Atlantic fleet (CNIC, n.d.). Naval Station Norfolk recently celebrated its 100 year anniversary. Although the base is quite seasoned, its commitment to excellence has never wavered. In 1908, the first bill sent to Congress for the construction of Naval Station Norfolk failed to find its way through the halls of Washington (KГјrsener, 2010). In fact, it was not until 1917, after the start of World War II, that a bill was approved to begin constructing the world s largest naval station (KГјrsener, 2010). The ability to provide support to numerous afloat assets requires the involvement on many activities at the naval station. Naval Station Norfolk supports more than ten primary mission functions while providing a number of other services such as a medical and dental treatment facility designed to meet the needs of thousands of service members in the Hampton Roads area. Additionally, the naval base routinely hosts personnel for the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Army, and Air Force
  • 35. Fundamental Differences Between Strong Mayor And... Discuss the fundamental differences between weak mayor, strong mayor and council manager forms of government. In the United States of America, there are two forms of government that most cities adhere to, Mayor Council and Council Manager. However, there is a third form of government that a smaller few adhere to call the commission. Moreover, approximately 59% of the cities in the United States utilize the Council Manager form of government; conversely 33% utilize the Mayor Council form of government, which means the remaining 8% more than likely utilize the commission form of government. Council Manager Government In the State of Texas, the Council Manager form of government is preferred by all of the major cities, except for Houston who prefer the Mayor Council form of government. Under the Council Manager form of government, the voters are at the top of the hierarchical structure. In this capacity, the voters elect a small City Council, including a mayor, who is the presiding officer over the City Council. Although the Mayor is symbolically the Head of State , he or she is not the head of government. The Mayor and City Council have the authority to appoint four of the city s government officials: the City Manager, the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Municipal Judge (some cities elect this position). Moreover, although weak in this form of government, the Mayor has a vote on many issues impacting the city; however, lacks any type of veto authority (except in a few cities), which means that laws are passed by on a majority rule voting system of the total City Council Members, meaning all City Council Members must vote in order to pass a law. Most importantly, the Mayor and City Council primary role lies in the establishment of a strategic vision for the city. Once this is accomplished, the Mayor and the City Council are responsible for generating a strong mission statement that aligns with a set of clear goals, resulting in effective government policy guidance for execution by the City Manager to run the city. Collectively, the Mayor and City Council hire the City Manager who has full management authority, to execute the Mayor s and City Council s vision for the city. However, a City
  • 36. Emotional Child Abuse Essay Emotional child abuse involves putting a child in very stressful and psychologically damaging situations. Emotional abuse involves coercive, demeaning, or very distant behavior by a parent or caretaker that interferes with a child s normal mental or social development. Harm to the child may or may not be intended. Emotional abuse may consist of actions that hurt a child s well being or failure to meet a child s emotional needs. Such actions or neglect on the part of a caretaker can cause serious and lasting emotional, mental, or behavioral problems in a child. This can affect the child s ability to engage in normal social experiences and develop as a healthy adult. A child who is physically abused, sexually abused, or neglected is often emotionally... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Making the child feel alone in the world. Putting unreasonable standards or demands on a child. Frightening, bullying, or verbally assaulting a child. CAUSES Emotional child abuse occurs at every social, economic, and educational level. It occurs in all ethnic, cultural, and religious groups. Abuse often occurs over a long period of time. Emotional child abuse may be more likely to occur in the following situations: After an unplanned or difficult pregnancy, rape, or incest. During stressful periods. This includes a family crisis, conflict between parents, unemployment, or a family death. If a child is born prematurely or has a serious illness or disability. If the caretaker is dealing with stress from low income, substance abuse, long term health and mental health problems, or crowded living conditions. If the caretaker was a victim of abuse during childhood. If the caretaker lacks social support and is socially isolated. Caretakers may lack parenting skills and understanding of children s needs. They may make unreasonable demands or hold unrealistic expectations of what the child can do. They may be very critical of the child. WARNING
  • 37. Gordon House Blackstone House Gordon House was originally called Blackstone House and could accommodate up to 30 guests. The builder, Alfred Winter, cut a road through to Blackstone Lake in the 1890s to make the muskellunge more accessible. Mr. Winter was the local postmaster till the railway was put in by Lake Joseph to Parry Sound. Later he renamed it Gordon House after his admiration of the famous General Gordon who was killed in 1885 in Khartoum. The following are excerpts from many write ups on fishing, especially for muskie, on Blackstone Lake, before the lake was too civilized and fished. Years are boldfaced for convenience. The first documented case of fishing on Blackstone Lake occurs before even the first settler arrived or the lake surveyed. It is a brief letter ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On inquiry at a cabin we learned he had found a boat and passed down the lake and would meet us at the portage, so we pushed on as it was a matter of importance to reach the carry very soon, as the fast increasing darkness would make it impossible to find the trail in the woods. Arrived at the portage we hastened over, leaving all that could not be carried at one trip to be returned for in the morning, and found M. coming across Portage Lake to meet us, accompanied by a sturdy settler whom he had found living on the shore of Blackstone Lake. The addition to our force enabled us to get all the camp traps over to the shore of Portage Lake. This lake is a beautiful oval sheet of water half a mile in greatest diameter, with high and densely forest covered banks, and lays between Otter and Blackstone
  • 38. Natural Light Is A Clear Mental Intuition Natural light can encompass multiple facets of meaning. Natural light was threaded among Descartes s extensive argument, but it was evident to me that natural light was not simply his clear mental intuition, but his fundamental component that is his faith. Descartes attempts to utilize this natural light to argue the existence of the most supremely perfect and infinite being that is God. This idea of God, according to him, has existence because it is innate. The natural light is a clear mental intuition, it is innate. It can be explained as something that is known with certainty, which requires no factual, physical evidence, but merely a sensation of being true to oneself. It may be something that is accepted solely by the one who ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Descartes depicts the natural light as the guide responsible for the clarity and disctiness in which he examines every thought of the thinking thing. This guide provides him with the steps that lead him to the conclusion that he indeed is a thinking thing and that God exists. This light manifests itself within him, leaving him with clear and distinct thoughts which he cannot doubt in any way because these ideas or thoughts ring true to him and thus are true. He explains, When I say Nature taught me to think this , all I mean is that a spontaneous impulse leads me to believe it, not that its truth has been revealed to me by some natural light...Whatever is revealed to me by some natural light cannot in any way be open to doubt (82). This natural light is something that is known with certainty, it is accepted without dispute. It is evident he holds the natural light to a high standard, as he believes that there cannot be another faculty both as trustworthy as the natural light and also capable of showing me that such things are not true (82). Descartes s faith is strong willed and deeply embedded within him. He responds to his critics by stating that those who doubt his argument have a dim natural light that they do not clearly see the perfection that is the being of God. This light and this ability to perceive this, is not present in all, as he states
  • 39. The Importance Of Environmental Science Throughout the modern era, people were becoming more aware of the importance of a clean, healthy environment. As the environmentalist movement began and more research was being done within environmental science, the public became increasing involved in the science. Environmental science and the public, throughout the modern era, were connected in a unique way, in that the public is not often practicing environmental science, but using it as a mode of promoting environmental justice and fueling the environmentalismmovement, as demonstrated by increase of public interest after the publication of Silent Springs, the environmental justice and NIMBYism movements, and the change in the public from consumers to advocates. At the beginning of the 20th century, the public was not extremely interested in environmental sciences, as they did not fully understand their implications to everyday life. This lack of initial interest can be seen in many types of sciences when they are started out, such as the study of biology. Scientists like Gregor Mendel who were serious scientists in their respective fields were generally ignored by the public, but with Darwin s Origin of the Species, the issue of heredity was more directly applied to the general public, making people more interested in the field. Just as Origin of the Species sparked public interest, Rachel Carson s Silent Springs peaked public interest in environmental science and began the environmentalism movement. Books like Silent
  • 40. Elements Of Macbeth And The Fall Of Man The Fall of Man The ancient Greek notion of tragedy concerned the fall of a great man, such as a king, from a position of superiority to a position of humility on account of his ambitious pride, or hubris. To the Greeks, such arrogance in human behavior was punishable by terrible vengeance. The tragic hero was to be pitied in his fallen plight but not necessarily forgiven: Greek tragedy frequently has a bleak outcome. Christian drama, on the other hand, always offers a ray of hope; hence, Macbeth ends with the coronation of Malcolm, a new leader who exhibits all the correct virtues for a king. Macbeth exhibits elements that reflect the greatest Christian tragedy of all: the Fall of Man. In the Genesis story, it is the weakness of Adam, persuaded by his wife (who has in turn been seduced by the devil) which leads him to the proud assumption that he can play God. But both stories offer room for hope: Christ will come to save mankind precisely because mankind has made the wrong choice through his own free will. In Christian terms, although Macbeth has acted tyrannically, criminally, and sinfully, he is not entirely beyond redemption in heaven. Fortune, Fate, and Free Will Fortune is another word for chance. The ancient view of human affairs frequently referred to the Wheel of Fortune, according to which human life was something of a lottery. One could rise to the top of the wheel and enjoy the benefits of superiority, but only for a while. With an unpredictable swing up
  • 41. Costco Business Model Q1. What is Costco s business model? Is the company s business model appealing? Why or why not? Costco s business model is concentrated on generating high purchase levels and fast inventory gross revenue by extending members low rates on a controlled assortment of nationwide name brands and top quality private label goods in a wide ranging assortment. Costco s attentive in the low cost approach is focused on a limited purchase sector and out striving competitors by devising low down prices, consequently remaining proficient enough to achieve a niche consumers at a lower price. Costco s business model is interesting because they are proficient enough to persistently promote to a niche market. By propounding the finest products feasible at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their affiliates are offered a controlled assortment of nationwide brand names in addition to choosing private label goods in a widespread of commodities. Costco merges its fast inventory revenue with the functioning competences to track the business lucratively at a substantial lower gross margin. Moreover, Costco gains benefits of its great sales capacity and fast inventory turnover to gain the advantages of timely sum rebates from merchandise wholesalers due to the extraordinary deals and fast inventory turnover. This allows Costco to produce an abundant of cash in their account. The pricing strategy of Costco is the central factor that reinforce the low price business strategy which is to improve the limitations on brand named merchandise which is at 14%. Which allows their members to bargain at such a low value. Costco has the prominent status amongst consumers as the number one merchant of mutable merchandise and low prices. Costco s economical benefit is positioned upon its aptitude to purchase in massive wholesale, consolidate, and sell in its
  • 42. Minnesota Medical Science Program Analysis It s my pleasure to be a student of University of Minnesota Medical Laboratory Science program, my knowledge of medical laboratory science program was limited before I started this program as I am progressing in taking classes I am more knowledgeable about what should be expected of medical laboratory professionals. Specifically, from this course what I learned on the issues like health care ethics, patient s right and confidentiality, health care system in the USA, and above all how to work with the people from different cultural background is overwhelming. There are so many topics I will remember for the rest of my professional life if I should pick just two, cultural competency and patients right and confidentiality topics were life changing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As I will progress in this program it s my belief to be well equipped with the knowledge how to analyze diagnostic testing of blood, hematology, immunology, urine and microbiology tests, at the same time expecting my knowledge how to use the biomedical instrument used in diagnostic testing will be improved. As of right now my I believe this course prepared me mentally, psychologically and emotionally as well, how to be a better medical professional by broadened my understanding of self care in medical professional which thought me that under any circumstances we must meet the physical and emotional need of our patients. Despite gaining so many knowledge about health care system, ethics, and scope of practice, as student, there is a long road to go to understand about how diagnostic test analyzed in the laboratory. Overall this course changed my perspective about the importance of patients rights and confidentiality, professionalism, medical ethics, and self care. My knowledge is so limited that in regards to those topics before taking this class, for instance, I used to think self care as looking after yourself but after taking this class my understanding of self care was wrong. As a medical professional, the priority should be always the physical,
  • 43. Dallas Mavericks Case Summary The case The Dallas Mavericks has provided an insight on the importance of objective performance evaluation methodology which is based on evidence based judgment and decision making . And definitely, I believe it is worth to make as the evaluation has encapsulated relative performance appraisal which focused on evaluating individual contribution in the team performance. Two dignitaries, Mark Cuban and Professor of decision science, Wayne Winston meet to restructure and reengineer the performance evaluation which has focused on scientific empirical model called Plus/Minus index. As per (Button, 2017), the objective performance evaluation method is reliable as well as fair. The subjective method of decision making are profoundly based... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In doing so he can pay half the amount less to the player who has owned 5 games in compare to those that has owned 7 games. In financial and economic terms, owner could be efficient with his money. The appraisal process has incorporated an integrative approach, a mechanism to scrutinize efficiency as well as effectiveness of the player s performance. The efficiency underweights the value added by the individual player in team performance and effectiveness evaluates the final result, i.e. overall team performance. Hence, I utterly align with the objective performance appraisal method incorporated in the The Dallas Mavericks , saying it has created win win situation for both the players and the owner but I believe, nevertheless, subjective approach should not be neglected and hybrid approach. i.e. subjective as well as objective should be used with cautions. A mix of both gives a blend of qualitative as well as quantitative result and will help to come across the limitation of mathematical process.
  • 44. Firstamerica Bank Conflict on a Trading Floor The case describes the ethical dilemma occurred in FirstAmerica Bank. The sales department of the bank was preparing a 700 mln. USD loan contract for one of the bank s former client: Poseidon Cruise Lines. Poseidon intended to order a large cruise ship for their fleet to a French shipyard, which required a contract to be signed for five years and in French francs. This in turn raised concerns in Poseidon management, related to the possible economic costs/losses related to dollar franc exchange transaction risks, since the cash flow of Poseidon was in dollars. The contract elaboration was assigned to Linda, one of the top salespersons of the FirstAmerica bank and the author of article, as an assistant to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The economic dimension of the dilemma was that he feels responsible for his job duties and wants to ensure good economic indicators for the bank, as well as they both will receive significant bonuses based on the volume of contract. The ethical aspect of the dilemma was that the author didn t like lying and values honesty and has a fear of negative consequences. The alternatives that the author has are as follows: a) follow Linda and keep silence, b) speak with Linda, but state the problem in terms of consequences, c) refuse to collaborate with Linda, d) inform Poseidon on the problems, and e) inform higher level of management. By following Linda and keeping silence the author can satisfy his prudential and economic concerns but feel remorse and personal discrepancies in terms of personal ethics. Talking to Linda and stating the problem in terms of consequences can produce positive impact for all dimensions of the problem if she agrees and negative impact for all dimensions if she disagrees. By refusing to collaborate with Linda, the author will satisfy his ethical concerns, but is risking losing his job and sacrificing prudential and economic concerns. By informing Poseidon on deception the outcomes could be the same as with previous alternative, as well as can face legal concerns in terms of information secrecy. Informing higher level of management will produce a positive impact if the management agrees with the arguments, or will produce
  • 45. What Did David ( Mickey ) Marcus, The First General Of The... The focus of this investigation will be To what extent did David (Mickey) Marcus, the first general of the Israeli Army, affect the creation of the state of Israel? . David Marcus graduated at the top of his class at West Point and was a honored American solider during World War II. He saw the devastation that this war had caused, first hand when freeing several concentration camps after the war had just ended. Being a Jew but never in touch with his religious side, he didn t know what to do to help the cause. He saw this mass migration of Jewswith no place to go and wanted to help. He secretly went to Israeli under a fake name and risked his life every day by taking charge of the Israeli rag tag army and made it into a force to be reckoned with. He was a very important figure in Israeli history and many believe that without him, the state of Israelwould have never been created. That being said, there are few sources about him that encompass his story as a whole although many mention him as a greater part of Israeli history. Berkman, Ted. Cast a Giant Shadow: The Story of Mickey Marcus Who Died to save Jerusalem. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962. Print. Cast a Giant Shadow is a biography written exclusively about David Marcus by his close friend. David had a lot of input into the creation of the work although it was written by Ted Berkman. It is the first piece found that encompassed the entire story of his life and everything he did in his career. It has value