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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 56
K. Vinod Babu1
, G. Ramachandra Reddy2
, Bala Krishna Nallagatla3
, Bibin Baby John4
, Suraj Gawande5
In this paper, a new adaptive transmit diversity selection (ATDS) scheme is proposed for future wireless communication system to
provide high spectral efficiency (SE) and good quality of service (QOS) .The ATDS scheme selects the space time block code (STBC)
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme for flat fading channel and it selects space frequency block code (SFBC)
OFDM scheme for frequency selective fading channel. The proposed scheme provides low average bit error rate (BER) and high
average SE by using the benefits of STBC-OFDM for flat fading channel and SFBC-OFDM for frequency selective fading channel.
The obtained simulation results validate this statement.
Keywords- ATDS, Channel Index (CI), STBC-OFDM, SFBC-OFDM
The growing need for high rate spectrally efficient transmission
has always forced researchers to come up with better
transmission schemes. The flat fading and frequency selective
fading caused by multipath effect is one major concern issue for
future wireless communication systems. While flat fading
causes signal deterioration and can be easily compensated, the
Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) caused by frequency selective
fading requires the need of complex equalizers at receiver side
[1,2]. Multicarrier systems like OFDM can completely mitigate
the effect of ISI using Cyclic Prefix (CP). This simple one tap
equalization has made OFDM the favorite scheme for many 4G
standards. It is used for various applications such as Digital
Video Broadcasting (DVB), Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)
and Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) services. It
can also be used for LTE, Wi-MAX based 4G systems [3].
Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) systems were originally
developed for flat fading channels. It offers spatial multiplexing
as well as diversity gains which provides higher data rate and
improved reliability respectively. In order to use the same
concept in frequency selective channels, OFDM was used along
with MIMO to convert the frequency selective channel to a
number of flat fading channels. Transmit diversity and receive
diversity are the two different diversities implemented in
MIMO-OFDM systems [4, 5]. Transmit diversity is attractive
for downlink purposes as more number of transmitting antennas
can be used in the Base Station (BS). Transmit Diversity needs
accurate channel information at the transmitter side it is not
practically possible. STBC and Space Time Trellis Codes
(STTC) are other transmit diversity schemes which work
without the channel information at the transmitter side. In
STTC, with the increase in number of states the complexity
increases exponentially [3].
But both STTC and STBC are ideal only for flat fading
channels. The major drawback of applying STBC for frequency
selective fading channel is that fading destroys the
orthogonality of STBC matrix. So it is preferred only for indoor
environment and low data rate applications. MIMO equalizers
are used with STBC systems for frequency selective fading
channels. This again increases the complexity of the system.
Hence a frequency diversity scheme, SFBC is employed for
MIMO-OFDM to overcome frequency selective fading [3, 6].
In this paper, an adaptive transmit diversity selection scheme
(ATDS) that uses the best of space diversity (MIMO), time
diversity (STBC), frequency diversity (SFBC) and OFDM is
proposed. Alamouti codes are used with STBC and SFBC to
increase diversity gain [2, 5]. The ATDS estimate the channel
condition at the receiver and determines whether it is flat fading
or frequency selective fading. The channel fading index (CI=0
for flat fading and CI=1 for frequency selective fading) is fed
back to the transmitter. This helps in reducing the amount of
feedback data and thus providing with better spectral efficiency.
The transmitter then uses time diversity scheme for flat fading
and frequency diversity scheme for frequency fading channels.
The rest of the paper is organized as followed. A brief
explanation of STBC is given in section II. SFBC OFDM is
discussed in section III. The proposed ATDS is explained in
section IV. Section V contains simulation results and Section
VI concludes the paper.
Space Time Block Code (STBC) is an efficient way to provide
time diversity. The use of STBC along with MIMO OFDM
offer simultaneous time and space diversity. The use of
Alamouti code ensures orthogonality of the STBC matrix. A
communication system with 2 transmitter antenna and 1


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 57
receiver antenna is considered and hence STBC 2X1 block is
considered [5].
The two OFDM symbols x1(n) and x2(n) are transmitted in two
different time periods and through two different antennas,
thereby providing both time and space diversity. For efficient
implementation of STBC with 2x1 systems, the channel should
be Quasi Static (QS) for two OFDM symbol periods [4]. The
signal received at the receiver during the first and second
symbol durations can be written as
Ts 1,1 1,2 Ts
1 2y (n) h x (n) h x (n) w (n)   (1)
2Ts 1,1 * 1,2 * 2Ts
2 1y (n) h x (n) h x (n) w (n)    (2)
Where n=0, 1, 2,…., L-1.
Stacking (1) and conjugate of (2) in matrix form, we get
Ts 1,1 1,2 Ts
2Ts * 1,2* 1,1* 2Ts *
x (n)y (n) h h w (n)
x (n)y (n) h h w (n)
      
       
       
Let the weight matrix S be given as
1,1 1,2
1,2* 1,1*
2 22 1,1 1,2
h h1
h h h
where h h h
 
  
 
 
The detection of the transmitted OFDM symbols at the receiver
can be done by the following procedure. Now multiplying (3)
with SH
on both sides,
h 0y (n) x (n) w (n)
0 h x (n)y (n) w (n)
     
              
1,1 1,2
Ts 2Ts
1,2 1,1
Ts 2Ts
h * h
y (n) y (n) y (n)
h h
h * h
y (n) y (n) y (n)
h h
 
 
1,1 1,2
Ts 2Ts *h * h
w (n) w (n) w (n)
h h
 
1,2 1,1
Ts 2Ts *h * h
w (n) w (n) w (n)
h h
  (6)
From (5)
 
 
y (n) h x (n) w (n)
y (n) h x (n) w (n)
 
 
The transmitted two OFDM symbols can be detected from (7)
with a simple Zero Forcing (ZF) equalization as
y (n)
x (n)
y (n)
x (n)
In STBC with 2 Transmitting antennas and 1 receiving antenna,
two OFDM symbols are transmitted in two OFDM symbol
periods. It is a Rate 1 system [5]. The STBC system is suitable
only for operation in flat fading channels. For frequency
selective channels, we go for SFBC system.
Space Frequency Block Codes (SFBC) can be considered as the
counterpart of STBC which when used with MIMO system
provide frequency diversity together with space diversity. As in
the case with STBC, we use Alamouti codes for the purpose of
orthogonality and consider the same communication system
with 2 transmitter antenna and 1 receiver antenna that make use
of 2X1 SFBC matrix which is given as[4,5]
Fig 1: STBC 2X1 system using Alamouti Codes


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 58
* *
X [2m] X [2m 1]
X [2m 1] X [2m]
 
    
m 0,1... 1
 
In (9), XI denote the M-QAM modulated symbols for the lth
OFDM symbol and is given as
I I I I IX [X [0],X [1],X [2].....X [L 1]]  (10)
The symbols coded in the first and second column of the matrix
(9) are transmitted through first and second transmitting
antennas respectively. The outputs obtained from each column
is given for separate IFFT blocks and two different OFDM
symbols are generated for the same set of L modulated symbols
which is given by,
   
   
j2 mnL 1
1,1 1,1 L
m 0
j2 mnL 1
1,2 1,2 L
m 0
x n X m e
x n X m e
where n 0,1.......L 1
 
 (11)
In  i,j
Ix n , the superscript i, j represents receiving and
transmitting antenna indexes respectively. The signal received
at the receiving antenna is given as
   1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1
I I I Iy [n] x n h [n] x n h [n] w [n]     (12)
where 1
Iw [n] is Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN).
h [n]and
h [n]are the fading channels corresponding to
first and second transmitting antennas respectively. After L
point FFT in the receiver,
   1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1
I I I IY [m] X m H [m] X m H [m] W [m]   (13)
Where m=0,1,…,L-1
The decoding of SFBC coded symbols in first two subcarriers is
explained below. The same procedure is carried out to detect
the symbols available in the rest of the subcarriers.
   
   
1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1
1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1
Y [0] X 0 H [0] X 0 H [0] W [0]
Y [1] X 1 H [1] X 1 H [1] W [1]
  
   (14)
As in the case with STBC, the quasi static condition must be
satisfied for SFBC also. Hence the channels for two
neighboring subcarriers are assumed to be constant [4].
1,1 1,1
1,2 1,2
H [0] H [1]
H [0] H [1]
Substituting (15) in (14)
   1 1,1 1,2 1
I I I IY [0] X 0 H [0] X 1 H [0] W [0]   (16)
   
* *1 1,1 1,2 1
I I I IY [1] X 1 H [0] X 0 H [0] W [1]    (17)
Stacking (16) and conjugate form of (17) in matrix form as
 
 
1 11,1 1,2
1 11,2 1,1
X 0Y [0] W [0]H [0] H [0]
X 1Y [1] W [1]H [0] H [0]  
     
      
     
Let the weight matrix S be given as
1,1 1,2
1,2 1,1
2 22 1,1 1,2
H [0] H [0]
H(0) H(0)
H [0] H [0]
H(0) H(0)
where H(0) H [0] H [0]
 
 
 
 
 
 
  
 
Multiplying both sides of (18) with SH
 
 
Y [0] H[0] X [0] W [0]
Y [1] H[0] X [1] W [1]
 
 
1,1 * 1,2
1 1
1,2 1,1
1 1
H [0] H [0]
Y [0] Y [0] Y [1]
H(0) H(0)
H [0] H [0]
Y [1] Y [0] Y [1]
H(0) H(0)
 
 
1,1 * 1,2
1 1
1,2 1,1
1 1
H [0] H [0]
W [0] W [0] W [1]
H(0) H(0)
H [0] H [0]
W [1] W [0] W [1]
H(0) H(0)
 
 
A simple zero forcing equalizer can be used to detect the
transmitted coded OFDM symbols from (20)
X [0]


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 59
X [1]
 (22)
The Adaptive transmit Diversity Selection (ATDS) adaptively
selects a diversity scheme based on the current channel
condition. The receiver estimates the channel and determines
whether it is flat fading or frequency fading. Based on this
information, the diversity scheme determination is done at the
receiver and the channel index (CI=0 for flat fading and CI=1
for frequency fading) is fed back to the transmitter side.
The ATDS block at the transmitter assigns the diversity scheme
using the received channel index (CI). For CI=0, the ATDS
assigns Path 0 that provide time and space diversity using
Alamouti STBC coding. The OFDM signals at the output of the
IFFT block undergoes STBC encoding (see section II) and is
transmitted through two transmitting antennas to obtain spatial
diversity. On the other hand, for CI=1, Path 1 is assigned which
give frequency diversity. The M-QAM modulated symbols are
SFBC encoded (section III) and then produce two separate
OFDM symbols that are transmitted through two transmitted
antennas just like Path 1 in order to achieve spatial diversity.
At the receiver side decoding is done in the same way based on
CI. The Diversity Determination block chooses the path in the
receiver side. Path 0 provides STBC decoding
Table 1: The Proposed ATDS Algorithm
Whereas Path 1 provides SFBC decoding. Unlike the
conventional diversity techniques which could follow both time
or frequency diversity, the ATDS adaptively selects the
diversity scheme and hence uses the full benefits time,
frequency and spatial diversity techniques and thus improves
the overall system performance.
Fig 2: ATDS block diagram
To test the performance of proposed ATDS scheme we take the
following parameters. The number of Subcarriers in one OFDM
symbol is 64 and Bandwidth (B) is assumed to be 5 MHz,
number of transmitting antennas (NT) are 2 and number of
receiving antenna (NR) is 1, the code rate (RC)is one and the
target BER is 10-4
. The performance of the proposed scheme is
evaluated for 100 channels and the average BER and SE results
are compared with the conventional system. The fading process
is assumed to be stationary and the channel is assumed to be
static during one OFDM block length.
The instantaneous BER of mth
subcarrier in Ith
OFDM symbol
with M-QAM is given as
2 21,1 1,2S
I b(m)
BER (m) 0.2exp ( H [m] H [m] )
2(2 1)
   
  
 
where , S S 0E N  and ES is the symbol energy at the
transmitter and N0/2 is the variance of Additive White
Gaussian Noise (AWGN), b(m) is the number of bits loaded on
the mth
subcarrier and 1,1 1,2
H [m],H [m] are the mth
sub channel
amplitudes of transmitter antennas to the receiver antenna[4].


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 60
L 1
m 0
  (24)
Where L represents the total number of subcarriers in one
OFDM symbol[3, 4].
The Average SE of the Ith
OFDM symbol is given as
L 1
m 0u g
SE b(m)(1 BER (m))
B(T T )
 
 (25)
Where uT is the useful symbol duration and gT is the guard
interval [4,5].
Fig 3 Average BER comparison of proposed scheme and
conventional STBC-OFDM over frequency selective fading
Fig 4 Average Spectral Efficiency comparison of Proposed
Scheme and Conventional STBC-OFDM over frequency
selective fading channel.
In the frequency selective fading channel multiple versions of
the faded transmitted signal delayed in time are received and it
induces inter symbol interference (ISI). A four tap channel is
considered for the analysis.
In Figure 3, the average BER values of the proposed scheme
and conventional STBC-OFDM system over frequency
selective fading channel are calculated with equation (24) by
varying the SNR values from 0 to 40dB. For the proposed
scheme (SFBC-OFDM) the average BER value at 0dB SNR is
but this BER value is achieved at 7dB SNR in case of
conventional STBC-OFDM, i.e., the proposed scheme gains
7dB over frequency selective fading channel.
Figure 4 shows the spectral efficiency comparison of proposed
scheme and conventional scheme over frequency selective
fading channel. The SE values are calculated by equation (25).
For the proposed scheme (SFBC-OFDM) the average SE value
at 12dB SNR is 4bits/Hz but in case of conventional STBC-
OFDM the value is 2bits/Hz. So the SFBC-OFDM over
frequency selective fading channel provides high SE compared
to the STBC-OFDM.
In flat fading channel the spectral characteristics of the
transmitted signal are maintained at the receiver but the strength
of the received signal varies with time due to fluctuations in the
gain of the channel caused by multipath and for analysis of this
a single tap channel is considered.
In Figure 5 the average BER values of the proposed scheme and
conventional SFBC-OFDM system over flat fading channel are
calculated with equation (24) by varying the SNR. For the
proposed scheme the average BER value at 0dB SNR is
0.07 10
 but this same BER value is achieved at 14dB SNR
in case of SFBC-OFDM, which implies that the proposed
scheme gains 14dB over flat fading channel.
Figure 6 shows the spectral efficiency comparison of proposed
scheme and conventional scheme over flat fading channel.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Proposed System (SFBC-OFDM)
Conventional System (STBC-OFDM)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Proposed System (SFBC-OFDM)
Conventional System (STBC-OFDM)


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 61
Fig 5 Average BER comparison of proposed scheme and
conventional SFBC-OFDM over flat fading channel
Fig 6 Average Spectral Efficiency comparison of Proposed
Scheme and Conventional SFBC-OFDM over flat fading
The SE values are calculated by equation (25). For the proposed
scheme (STBC-OFDM) the average SE value at 12dB SNR is
2bits/Hz but in case of conventional SFBC-OFDM the value is
1bits/Hz. So the STBC-OFDM over flat fading channel
provides high SE compared to the SFBC-OFDM. From the
results, it can be seen that the proposed ATDS scheme greatly
improves the performance of a system by selecting the
transmission scheme based on the present channel condition.
An adaptive transmit diversity selection (ATDS) scheme is
proposed in this paper. The proposed scheme greatly improves
the performance of a system in terms of Spectral Efficiency(SE)
and quality by using the benefits of STBC-OFDM for flat
fading channel and SFBC-OFDM for frequency selective
fading channel as compared to a conventional system where
either STBC-OFDM or SFBC-OFDM are used for both flat
fading and frequency selective fading channels. Simulation
results shows that in flat fading channel the proposed scheme
(using STBC-OFDM) gains 14dB SNR compared to SFBC-
OFDM system for getting
0.07 10
 BER and SE is 2bits/Hz
rather than 1bits/Hz for conventional system at 12dB SNR. In
frequency selective fading channel the proposed scheme gains
7dB SNR compared to STBC-OFDM for getting
BER and
SE is 4bits/Hz rather than 2bits/Hz for STBC-OFDM at 12dB
[1] Theodore S Rappaport, 2002, Wireless Communications
Principles and Practice, Pearson Education Inc, India.
[2] Ramjee Prasad, 2004, OFDM for Wireless
Communication Systems, Artech House, Inc. Boston,
[3] Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and
Chung G. Kang, MIMO-OFDM Wireless
Communications with Matlab, John Wiley & Sons Pvt.
Ltd, Asia, 2010.
[4] Mohammad Torabi, “Antenna selection for MIMO-
OFDM systems,” Signal Processing, vol. 88, 2008, pp.
[5] S.M. Alamouti, “A simple transmit diversity technique
for wireless communications,” IEEE Journal on Selected
Areas in Communication, vol. 16, no. 8, 1998, pp. 1451-
[6] Mohammad Torabi, “Adaptive modulation for space-
frequency block coded OFDM systems,” International
Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 62, no.
7, 2008, pp. 521-533.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Conventional System (SFBC-OFDM)
Proposed System (STBC-OFDM)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Conventional System (SFBC-OFDM)
Proposed System (STBC-OFDM)

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Adaptive transmit diversity selection (atds) based on stbc and sfbc fir 2 x1 mimo ofdm systems

  • 1. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 56 ADAPTIVE TRANSMIT DIVERSITY SELECTION (ATDS) BASED ON STBC AND SFBC FIR 2X1 MIMO OFDM SYSTEMS K. Vinod Babu1 , G. Ramachandra Reddy2 , Bala Krishna Nallagatla3 , Bibin Baby John4 , Suraj Gawande5 Abstract In this paper, a new adaptive transmit diversity selection (ATDS) scheme is proposed for future wireless communication system to provide high spectral efficiency (SE) and good quality of service (QOS) .The ATDS scheme selects the space time block code (STBC) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme for flat fading channel and it selects space frequency block code (SFBC) OFDM scheme for frequency selective fading channel. The proposed scheme provides low average bit error rate (BER) and high average SE by using the benefits of STBC-OFDM for flat fading channel and SFBC-OFDM for frequency selective fading channel. The obtained simulation results validate this statement. Keywords- ATDS, Channel Index (CI), STBC-OFDM, SFBC-OFDM ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION The growing need for high rate spectrally efficient transmission has always forced researchers to come up with better transmission schemes. The flat fading and frequency selective fading caused by multipath effect is one major concern issue for future wireless communication systems. While flat fading causes signal deterioration and can be easily compensated, the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) caused by frequency selective fading requires the need of complex equalizers at receiver side [1,2]. Multicarrier systems like OFDM can completely mitigate the effect of ISI using Cyclic Prefix (CP). This simple one tap equalization has made OFDM the favorite scheme for many 4G standards. It is used for various applications such as Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) services. It can also be used for LTE, Wi-MAX based 4G systems [3]. Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) systems were originally developed for flat fading channels. It offers spatial multiplexing as well as diversity gains which provides higher data rate and improved reliability respectively. In order to use the same concept in frequency selective channels, OFDM was used along with MIMO to convert the frequency selective channel to a number of flat fading channels. Transmit diversity and receive diversity are the two different diversities implemented in MIMO-OFDM systems [4, 5]. Transmit diversity is attractive for downlink purposes as more number of transmitting antennas can be used in the Base Station (BS). Transmit Diversity needs accurate channel information at the transmitter side it is not practically possible. STBC and Space Time Trellis Codes (STTC) are other transmit diversity schemes which work without the channel information at the transmitter side. In STTC, with the increase in number of states the complexity increases exponentially [3]. But both STTC and STBC are ideal only for flat fading channels. The major drawback of applying STBC for frequency selective fading channel is that fading destroys the orthogonality of STBC matrix. So it is preferred only for indoor environment and low data rate applications. MIMO equalizers are used with STBC systems for frequency selective fading channels. This again increases the complexity of the system. Hence a frequency diversity scheme, SFBC is employed for MIMO-OFDM to overcome frequency selective fading [3, 6]. In this paper, an adaptive transmit diversity selection scheme (ATDS) that uses the best of space diversity (MIMO), time diversity (STBC), frequency diversity (SFBC) and OFDM is proposed. Alamouti codes are used with STBC and SFBC to increase diversity gain [2, 5]. The ATDS estimate the channel condition at the receiver and determines whether it is flat fading or frequency selective fading. The channel fading index (CI=0 for flat fading and CI=1 for frequency selective fading) is fed back to the transmitter. This helps in reducing the amount of feedback data and thus providing with better spectral efficiency. The transmitter then uses time diversity scheme for flat fading and frequency diversity scheme for frequency fading channels. The rest of the paper is organized as followed. A brief explanation of STBC is given in section II. SFBC OFDM is discussed in section III. The proposed ATDS is explained in section IV. Section V contains simulation results and Section VI concludes the paper. 2. STBC OFDM Space Time Block Code (STBC) is an efficient way to provide time diversity. The use of STBC along with MIMO OFDM offer simultaneous time and space diversity. The use of Alamouti code ensures orthogonality of the STBC matrix. A communication system with 2 transmitter antenna and 1
  • 2. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 57 receiver antenna is considered and hence STBC 2X1 block is considered [5]. The two OFDM symbols x1(n) and x2(n) are transmitted in two different time periods and through two different antennas, thereby providing both time and space diversity. For efficient implementation of STBC with 2x1 systems, the channel should be Quasi Static (QS) for two OFDM symbol periods [4]. The signal received at the receiver during the first and second symbol durations can be written as Ts 1,1 1,2 Ts 1 2y (n) h x (n) h x (n) w (n)   (1) 2Ts 1,1 * 1,2 * 2Ts 2 1y (n) h x (n) h x (n) w (n)    (2) Where n=0, 1, 2,…., L-1. Stacking (1) and conjugate of (2) in matrix form, we get Ts 1,1 1,2 Ts 1 2Ts * 1,2* 1,1* 2Ts * 2 x (n)y (n) h h w (n) x (n)y (n) h h w (n)                        (3) Let the weight matrix S be given as 1,1 1,2 1,2* 1,1* 2 22 1,1 1,2 h h1 S h h h where h h h          (4) The detection of the transmitted OFDM symbols at the receiver can be done by the following procedure. Now multiplying (3) with SH on both sides,     1 2 11 22 h 0y (n) x (n) w (n) 0 h x (n)y (n) w (n)                      (5) Where   1,1 1,2 Ts 2Ts 1 1,2 1,1 Ts 2Ts 2 h * h y (n) y (n) y (n) h h h * h y (n) y (n) y (n) h h      1 1,1 1,2 Ts 2Ts *h * h w (n) w (n) w (n) h h    2 1,2 1,1 Ts 2Ts *h * h w (n) w (n) w (n) h h   (6) From (5)     111 222 y (n) h x (n) w (n) y (n) h x (n) w (n)     (7) The transmitted two OFDM symbols can be detected from (7) with a simple Zero Forcing (ZF) equalization as   1 1 2 2 y (n) x (n) h y (n) x (n) h   (8) In STBC with 2 Transmitting antennas and 1 receiving antenna, two OFDM symbols are transmitted in two OFDM symbol periods. It is a Rate 1 system [5]. The STBC system is suitable only for operation in flat fading channels. For frequency selective channels, we go for SFBC system. 3. SFBC OFDM Space Frequency Block Codes (SFBC) can be considered as the counterpart of STBC which when used with MIMO system provide frequency diversity together with space diversity. As in the case with STBC, we use Alamouti codes for the purpose of orthogonality and consider the same communication system with 2 transmitter antenna and 1 receiver antenna that make use of 2X1 SFBC matrix which is given as[4,5] Fig 1: STBC 2X1 system using Alamouti Codes
  • 3. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 58 I I * * I I X [2m] X [2m 1] D X [2m 1] X [2m]        (9) Where L m 0,1... 1 2   In (9), XI denote the M-QAM modulated symbols for the lth OFDM symbol and is given as T I I I I IX [X [0],X [1],X [2].....X [L 1]]  (10) The symbols coded in the first and second column of the matrix (9) are transmitted through first and second transmitting antennas respectively. The outputs obtained from each column is given for separate IFFT blocks and two different OFDM symbols are generated for the same set of L modulated symbols which is given by,         j2 mnL 1 1,1 1,1 L I I m 0 j2 mnL 1 1,2 1,2 L I I m 0 1 x n X m e L 1 x n X m e L where n 0,1.......L 1           (11) In  i,j Ix n , the superscript i, j represents receiving and transmitting antenna indexes respectively. The signal received at the receiving antenna is given as    1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1 I I I Iy [n] x n h [n] x n h [n] w [n]     (12) where 1 Iw [n] is Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). 1,1 h [n]and 1,2 h [n]are the fading channels corresponding to first and second transmitting antennas respectively. After L point FFT in the receiver,    1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1 I I I IY [m] X m H [m] X m H [m] W [m]   (13) Where m=0,1,…,L-1 The decoding of SFBC coded symbols in first two subcarriers is explained below. The same procedure is carried out to detect the symbols available in the rest of the subcarriers.         1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1 I I I I 1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 1 I I I I Y [0] X 0 H [0] X 0 H [0] W [0] Y [1] X 1 H [1] X 1 H [1] W [1]       (14) As in the case with STBC, the quasi static condition must be satisfied for SFBC also. Hence the channels for two neighboring subcarriers are assumed to be constant [4]. 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 H [0] H [1] H [0] H [1]   (15) Substituting (15) in (14)    1 1,1 1,2 1 I I I IY [0] X 0 H [0] X 1 H [0] W [0]   (16)     * *1 1,1 1,2 1 I I I IY [1] X 1 H [0] X 0 H [0] W [1]    (17) Stacking (16) and conjugate form of (17) in matrix form as     1 11,1 1,2 II I 1 11,2 1,1 II I X 0Y [0] W [0]H [0] H [0] X 1Y [1] W [1]H [0] H [0]                      (18) Let the weight matrix S be given as 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,1 2 22 1,1 1,2 H [0] H [0] H(0) H(0) S H [0] H [0] H(0) H(0) where H(0) H [0] H [0]                  (19) Multiplying both sides of (18) with SH ,     II I II I Y [0] H[0] X [0] W [0] Y [1] H[0] X [1] W [1]     (20) Where   1,1 * 1,2 1 1 I I I 1,2 1,1 1 1 I I I H [0] H [0] Y [0] Y [0] Y [1] H(0) H(0) H [0] H [0] Y [1] Y [0] Y [1] H(0) H(0)          1,1 * 1,2 1 1 I I I 1,2 1,1 1 1 I I I H [0] H [0] W [0] W [0] W [1] H(0) H(0) H [0] H [0] W [1] W [0] W [1] H(0) H(0)        (21) A simple zero forcing equalizer can be used to detect the transmitted coded OFDM symbols from (20)   I Y[0] X [0] H[0] 
  • 4. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 59   I Y[1] X [1] H[0]  (22) 4. ADAPTIVE TRANSMIT DIVERSITY SELECTION The Adaptive transmit Diversity Selection (ATDS) adaptively selects a diversity scheme based on the current channel condition. The receiver estimates the channel and determines whether it is flat fading or frequency fading. Based on this information, the diversity scheme determination is done at the receiver and the channel index (CI=0 for flat fading and CI=1 for frequency fading) is fed back to the transmitter side. The ATDS block at the transmitter assigns the diversity scheme using the received channel index (CI). For CI=0, the ATDS assigns Path 0 that provide time and space diversity using Alamouti STBC coding. The OFDM signals at the output of the IFFT block undergoes STBC encoding (see section II) and is transmitted through two transmitting antennas to obtain spatial diversity. On the other hand, for CI=1, Path 1 is assigned which give frequency diversity. The M-QAM modulated symbols are SFBC encoded (section III) and then produce two separate OFDM symbols that are transmitted through two transmitted antennas just like Path 1 in order to achieve spatial diversity. At the receiver side decoding is done in the same way based on CI. The Diversity Determination block chooses the path in the receiver side. Path 0 provides STBC decoding Table 1: The Proposed ATDS Algorithm Whereas Path 1 provides SFBC decoding. Unlike the conventional diversity techniques which could follow both time or frequency diversity, the ATDS adaptively selects the diversity scheme and hence uses the full benefits time, frequency and spatial diversity techniques and thus improves the overall system performance. Fig 2: ATDS block diagram 5. SIMULATION RESULTS To test the performance of proposed ATDS scheme we take the following parameters. The number of Subcarriers in one OFDM symbol is 64 and Bandwidth (B) is assumed to be 5 MHz, number of transmitting antennas (NT) are 2 and number of receiving antenna (NR) is 1, the code rate (RC)is one and the target BER is 10-4 . The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated for 100 channels and the average BER and SE results are compared with the conventional system. The fading process is assumed to be stationary and the channel is assumed to be static during one OFDM block length. The instantaneous BER of mth subcarrier in Ith OFDM symbol with M-QAM is given as 2 21,1 1,2S I b(m) 1.6 BER (m) 0.2exp ( H [m] H [m] ) 2(2 1)          (23) where , S S 0E N  and ES is the symbol energy at the transmitter and N0/2 is the variance of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), b(m) is the number of bits loaded on the mth subcarrier and 1,1 1,2 H [m],H [m] are the mth sub channel amplitudes of transmitter antennas to the receiver antenna[4].
  • 5. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 60 L 1 m 0 1 BER BER(m) L     (24) Where L represents the total number of subcarriers in one OFDM symbol[3, 4]. The Average SE of the Ith OFDM symbol is given as L 1 I I m 0u g 1 SE b(m)(1 BER (m)) B(T T )       (25) Where uT is the useful symbol duration and gT is the guard interval [4,5]. Fig 3 Average BER comparison of proposed scheme and conventional STBC-OFDM over frequency selective fading channel. Fig 4 Average Spectral Efficiency comparison of Proposed Scheme and Conventional STBC-OFDM over frequency selective fading channel. In the frequency selective fading channel multiple versions of the faded transmitted signal delayed in time are received and it induces inter symbol interference (ISI). A four tap channel is considered for the analysis. In Figure 3, the average BER values of the proposed scheme and conventional STBC-OFDM system over frequency selective fading channel are calculated with equation (24) by varying the SNR values from 0 to 40dB. For the proposed scheme (SFBC-OFDM) the average BER value at 0dB SNR is 3 10 but this BER value is achieved at 7dB SNR in case of conventional STBC-OFDM, i.e., the proposed scheme gains 7dB over frequency selective fading channel. Figure 4 shows the spectral efficiency comparison of proposed scheme and conventional scheme over frequency selective fading channel. The SE values are calculated by equation (25). For the proposed scheme (SFBC-OFDM) the average SE value at 12dB SNR is 4bits/Hz but in case of conventional STBC- OFDM the value is 2bits/Hz. So the SFBC-OFDM over frequency selective fading channel provides high SE compared to the STBC-OFDM. In flat fading channel the spectral characteristics of the transmitted signal are maintained at the receiver but the strength of the received signal varies with time due to fluctuations in the gain of the channel caused by multipath and for analysis of this a single tap channel is considered. In Figure 5 the average BER values of the proposed scheme and conventional SFBC-OFDM system over flat fading channel are calculated with equation (24) by varying the SNR. For the proposed scheme the average BER value at 0dB SNR is 3 0.07 10  but this same BER value is achieved at 14dB SNR in case of SFBC-OFDM, which implies that the proposed scheme gains 14dB over flat fading channel. Figure 6 shows the spectral efficiency comparison of proposed scheme and conventional scheme over flat fading channel. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 SNR(dB) AverageBER Proposed System (SFBC-OFDM) Conventional System (STBC-OFDM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 SNR(dB) AverageSpectralEfficieny(b/s/Hz) Proposed System (SFBC-OFDM) Conventional System (STBC-OFDM)
  • 6. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org 61 Fig 5 Average BER comparison of proposed scheme and conventional SFBC-OFDM over flat fading channel Fig 6 Average Spectral Efficiency comparison of Proposed Scheme and Conventional SFBC-OFDM over flat fading channel. The SE values are calculated by equation (25). For the proposed scheme (STBC-OFDM) the average SE value at 12dB SNR is 2bits/Hz but in case of conventional SFBC-OFDM the value is 1bits/Hz. So the STBC-OFDM over flat fading channel provides high SE compared to the SFBC-OFDM. From the results, it can be seen that the proposed ATDS scheme greatly improves the performance of a system by selecting the transmission scheme based on the present channel condition. 6. CONCLUSIONS An adaptive transmit diversity selection (ATDS) scheme is proposed in this paper. The proposed scheme greatly improves the performance of a system in terms of Spectral Efficiency(SE) and quality by using the benefits of STBC-OFDM for flat fading channel and SFBC-OFDM for frequency selective fading channel as compared to a conventional system where either STBC-OFDM or SFBC-OFDM are used for both flat fading and frequency selective fading channels. Simulation results shows that in flat fading channel the proposed scheme (using STBC-OFDM) gains 14dB SNR compared to SFBC- OFDM system for getting 3 0.07 10  BER and SE is 2bits/Hz rather than 1bits/Hz for conventional system at 12dB SNR. In frequency selective fading channel the proposed scheme gains 7dB SNR compared to STBC-OFDM for getting 3 10 BER and SE is 4bits/Hz rather than 2bits/Hz for STBC-OFDM at 12dB SNR. REFERENCES [1] Theodore S Rappaport, 2002, Wireless Communications Principles and Practice, Pearson Education Inc, India. [2] Ramjee Prasad, 2004, OFDM for Wireless Communication Systems, Artech House, Inc. Boston, London. [3] Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang, MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with Matlab, John Wiley & Sons Pvt. Ltd, Asia, 2010. [4] Mohammad Torabi, “Antenna selection for MIMO- OFDM systems,” Signal Processing, vol. 88, 2008, pp. 2431-2441. [5] S.M. Alamouti, “A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communications,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, vol. 16, no. 8, 1998, pp. 1451- 14558. [6] Mohammad Torabi, “Adaptive modulation for space- frequency block coded OFDM systems,” International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 62, no. 7, 2008, pp. 521-533. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 SNR(dB) AverageBER Conventional System (SFBC-OFDM) Proposed System (STBC-OFDM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 SNR(dB) AverageSpectralEfficieny(b/s/Hz) Conventional System (SFBC-OFDM) Proposed System (STBC-OFDM)